Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of Natural Rubber Latex Films Intended For Seedling Bag Application
Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of Natural Rubber Latex Films Intended For Seedling Bag Application
Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of Natural Rubber Latex Films Intended For Seedling Bag Application
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3 authors, including:
Roslim Ramli
University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
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All content following this page was uploaded by Roslim Ramli on 27 February 2018.
Natural rubber (NR) latex concentrate of the Hevea brasiliensis species is used to fabricate a
seedling bag using a typical latex dipping process. The latex film from the bag demonstrated
excellent physical properties such as strength and stiffness, to form the intended product.
Incorporating non rubber materials such as calcium carbonate, corn starch or fertilizer into
the bag, increased the stiffness of the latex film with reduction in its strength properties. Under
natural environmental conditions, the physical properties of the film started to show reduction
after two months buried in soil. Substantial reduction in weight of the films was due to NR
latex biodegradation expected to occur readily during the soil burial. The degradation of the
film surface was observed from FESEM micrographs as cracks and cavities at the degraded
area. The added non rubber material as filler, namely corn starch and fertilizer, further
amplified the biodegradation rate of the film, while ground calcium carbonate slowed down the
biodegradation process of the film. The study confirmed NR latex is a suitable alternate choice
to synthetic materials as seedling bag base material. The NR latex seedling bag is in fact an
environmentally friendly seedling bag which is able to retain the physical performance while in
use and able to self-decompose under soil burial.
Keywords: natural rubber latex; non rubber filler; environmental exposure, agricultural waste
Seedling bags or commonly known as plant root system is well protected in the bag
polybags are the plastic packaging used in during the growth period. Once the seedling
the agriculture industry, typically nurseries grows to the required size for planting, the
to hold young seedlings prior to planting. seedling bag is removed prior to placing
Depending on the size of plant to be produced, the young plant into the soil with minimum
the bags can be of different sizes and disruption to its root.
dimensions. The application of polybag
holding young seedling is to provide a better Polybags are generally made from plastic
soil environment during the early stages of materials and do not degrade easily. It is a well
planting. It is critical that the bagged young known fact that plastic materials are resistant
*Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysian Rubber Board, P.O.Box 10150, 50908 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
# Corresponding author (e-mail:
Journal of Rubber Research, Volume 15(4), 2012
to biodegradation and if dumped into soil, application of NR latex for seedling bags,
plastic materials stay in their original form having the adequate intact properties for
for a long period of time. Soil microbes are agricultural application. In other words, the
lacking appropriate enzymes to degrade plastic latex seedling bag is to retain its physical and
materials, due to the presence of only carbon mechanical properties as a plastic bag while
atoms in its main chain, with no hydrolysable in use and be able to biodegrade or self-
functional group. Therefore, introduction of decompose upon soil burial.
biodegradable natural rubber latex (NRL)
seedling bags as an alternative seedling bag
that can be decomposed directly in soil offers a MATERIAL AND METHODS
wastes. Film Preparation
Latex films made from NRL are The compounding ingredients used for
durable to a certain extent and can undergo film preparation in this study are listed in
biodegradation1–3. Like most common naturally Table 1. Vulcanising chemicals and fillers
occurring polymers, e.g. starches, gelatin, and were of industrial grades obtained commer-
cellulose, NRL is physically disintegrated cially. A coagulant solution was first prepared
through influence of environmental weather by dissolving calcium nitrate in water at 20
conditions (oxygen, sunlight, rain) and is weight percent.
chemically transformed into low molecular
weight oxidation products that can be The common laboratory NR latex dipping
bioassimilated by soil microorganisms upon technique4 for latex products was followed. A
disposal1. Traditional application of NR cleaned dried former (Figure 1) was dipped
latex is mainly in the making of single use into the coagulant solution for 15 s at room
medical gloves and condoms because of the temperature, dried in an air oven at 80ºC ±
property of NR latex film which is better 3ºC and then dipped into the compounded
compared to a similar film made from NR latex for 20 s at room temperature. The
synthetic material. This study, proposes the deposited latex film was then dried in an air
2,4-dioctylphenyl sulphide-6-methylphenol,
can be either calcium carbonate, corn starch, or a fertilizer (NPK) mixture
M.Y. Amir-Hashim et al.: Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of NR Latex Films
oven at 80ºC ± 3ºC for about 5 min for drying (TS), modulus (M300) and elongation at break
followed by rinsing in tap water for 5 minutes. (EB) of the films were determined according
The latex film was then heated at 110ºC ± 3ºC to ISO 37.
for 20 min to cure. Before stripping, the film
was coated with talc to prevent sticking. After For degradation effect on the surface of the
stripping, the film was stored under ambient film, test samples were cut and placed onto
temperature conditions. Figure 2 shows the the specimen stub with carbon double sided
flow diagram of film preparation. tape. The specimen was then prepared for
examination by evaporative coating with ultra-
thin layer of platinum under high vacuum.
Tests Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
(FESEM) was used in this study to visualise
For environmental conditioning, the NRL surface morphology of the latex film after
bags were filled with coarse sandy clay loam three months under exposure.
soil and left under an open field at the Rubber
Research Institute of Malaysia (RRIM) For the biodegradation study, test pieces
Experimental Station. Tensile properties of were placed in nylon mesh bags (38 µm pore
films were determined at a one month interval size) and then buried in clayey soil type in
during the study duration. Tensile strength the open field at RRIM Experimental Station.
Journal of Rubber Research, Volume 15(4), 2012
Samples were retrieved from the soil at a 1 composite of different physical properties.
month interval during the study duration, In all of these NR latex films intended for
washed in running water and dried prior to the seedling bag, tensile strength was strong
weighing. The residual weight was determined enough to hold the amount of soil expected
to evaluate rate of biodegradation of the of the size of the bag without breaking.
NR latex seedling bag. FESEM micrograph Comparing stiffness between these films, the
was used to visualise the degraded surface highest modulus value was demonstrated by
morphology of the film. A small test piece the film with 30 p.p.h.r. corn starch, whilst
was also cut from the sample and stained the highest elongation at break was
with Schiff’s reagent before observation demonstrated by the unfilled film (control).
of bacteria and fungus under a light Meanwhile, addition of calcium carbonate
microscope. and fertilizer eventually increased stiffness
and decreased elongation at break of the
film. The non rubber materials in this study
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION are convenient strength properties adjusters,
of which the strength of latex films reduced
The elasticity of NR latex was an advantage with the higher filled of these non rubber
enabling easier filling of soil than that of the materials. We know from our previous study5
tough plastics seedling bag. Figure 3 illustrates that non reinforcing fillers tend to agglomerate
the NR latex seedling bag containing a to form clusters within the latex films. These
complete plant system. The ability of NR non elastic clusters contribute to flaws in the
latex film to withstand its shape while holding latex by inducing stress points. It is thought
the soil and plant in nurseries and later to the that shape of the filler material and the
plantation can be adjusted by understanding manner each material interacted with the
physical properties of the NR latex film. rubber matrix within the latex film affected its
material properties. In this study, we noted that
As listed in Table 2, NR films can be between the different non rubber materials
formulated to have varying physical strength added as filler into the NR, the softer fertilizer
and stiffness. Compatible non elastic material combination than the two materials produced
mixed in the NR latex mixture formed NR latex the weakest NR latex film.
M.Y. Amir-Hashim et al.: Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of NR Latex Films
Parts per hundred rubber
Calcium carbonate Corn starch Fertilizer
0 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30
TS (MPa) 15 18.2 17.2 16.1 14.7 16.1 13.4 12.8 15.9 12.6 NA
Reduction in weight (%)
M300 (MPa) 1.06 1.13 1.16 1.24 1.21 1.41 1.87 1.11 1.09 NA
EB (%) 850 800 800 750 750 690 670 750 690 NA
1 2 3
Journal of Rubber Research, Volume 15(4), 2012
M.Y. Amir-Hashim et al.: Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of NR Latex Films
In the other study, we found that the NR The NR latex films from the latex mix
latex film was able to degrade under soil containing 20% fertilizer composition
burial condition. The biodegradation test degraded rapidly at a rate of 17.6 mg/
of these NR latex films in soil was followed wk, indicating 36% more severe than NR
using the method demonstrated by Ikram latex film without any filler. The interesting
et al.2,3. Reduction in weight of each trend that can be adapted to product
of the NR latex films was determined and application is that NR latex containing
graphed as percentage loss against burial calcium carbonate degraded lesser than
period in Figure 4. As expected, NRL films NR latex without any filler. Hence, the
started to lose their weight during soil burial. degrading rate of NR latex films can be
After one month in soil, NR latex films controlled to a certain extent by adding
lost between 8 to 15% of their original weight, different types of filler materials in
the percentage loss in weight increased NR latex. In other words, the rate of
linearly to about 13 to 20% after three months degradation of seedling bag films depend
burial. Thus, it is expected that at a rate of on the compounding ingredients and
about 5% in two months, the NRL films should additives used. Softer materials would
be almost 70% degraded in about a year. This lead to a rapid degradation of the films,
is an advantage for seedling bag application, probably due to plasticising effects and
as the root system can easily grow out of the rendered the latex films more suitable for any
degraded bag while the NRL bag degrades microorganism colonisation such as bacteria
naturally. and fungus.
Journal of Rubber Research, Volume 15(4), 2012
Reduction in weight (%)
Reduction in weight (%)
1 2 3
5 Period (months)
1 unfilled 10 p.p.h.r. corn2strach 20 p.p.h.r. corn strach 3
30 p.p.h.r. corn strach
Period (months)
10 p.p.h.r. CaCO 20 p.p.h.r. CaCO3
unfilled 10 p.p.h.r. corn strach 20 p.p.h.r. corn strach
30 p.p.h.r. CaCO3 10 p.p.h.r. fertilizer 20 p.p.h.r. fertilizer
30 p.p.h.r. corn strach 10 p.p.h.r. CaCO3 20 p.p.h.r. CaCO3
Based on 2 replications, sampled at 4, 8, 12 weeks after soil burial
Figure 5. The micrographs of degraded area of unfilled and filled NR latex films; A - Unfilled film,
B - Fertilizer loaded film, C - Calcium carbonate loaded film, D - Corn starch loaded film.
Figure 6. The visualisation microbial colonies on the biodegraded NR film using light microscope.
A - Bacteria; B - Fungus
M.Y. Amir-Hashim et al.: Physical Properties and Surface Morphology of NR Latex Films
. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..
Note: Samples in the top row are untreated samples, while those in the second row are samples
after one month of burial, the third row are samples after two months of burial and the bottom row are
samples after three months of burial.
The authors wish to thank the Director General
This study demonstrated that NR latex can of the Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) for
be an attractive alternative base material to permission to publish this paper. The authors
develop biodegradable materials in producing appreciate the assistance rendered by the
seedling bags for use in nurseries. The technical team of Hanipiah Basri, Abdul Yazid
bag can be buried together with the young Bakar and Suhaimi Mohamed.
plant, without accumulating waste. The
adequate strength property with a somewhat Date of receipt: December 2011
controlled degradation rate is possible with Date of acceptance: May 2012
Journal of Rubber Research, Volume 15(4), 2012