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RR2018 Baccaglini

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Of the 42nd Conference of the International Group

for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Editors: Ewa Bergqvist, Magnus Österholm,

Carina Granberg, and Lovisa Sumpter

Volume 2
Research Reports A – Haa
Proceedings of the 42nd Conference
of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Umeå, Sweden
July 3-8, 2018

Ewa Bergqvist
Magnus Österholm
Carina Granberg
Lovisa Sumpter

Volume 2
Research Reports A – Haa
Cite as:
Bergqvist, E., Österholm, M., Granberg, C., & Sumpter, L. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings
of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education (Vol. 2). Umeå, Sweden: PME.

Website: http://www.pme42.se

The proceedings are also available via http://www.igpme.org

Copyright © 2018 left to the authors

All rights reserved

ISSN: 0771-100X
ISBN (volume 2): 978-91-7601-903-0

Logo Design: Catarina Rudälv and Amanda Rudälv

Printed by CityPrint i Norr AB, Umeå
Anna Baccaglini-Frank*, Pietro Di Martino*, and Nathalie Sinclair**
* University of Pisa, Italy, ** Simon Fraser University, Canada

In this study, a set of activities on line symmetry in a Web Sketchpad environment,

published on the website of a Canadian university, were adapted by two Italian re-
searchers for 1st and 2nd grades with an Interactive White Board in the classroom. The
activities were proposed to a 2nd grade during two video-recorded lessons conducted
by one of the researchers. The videos were viewed by three teachers who then pro-
posed the same activities in their 1st and 2nd grade classes. The study was carried out
over a 6-month period. One of its aims, the main focus of this paper, was the following:
to study teachers’ implementation of the activities and to identify aspects of the study’s
teacher instructional improvement cycle that were most influential in their imple-
mentations of the technology-based activities.

As Crawford and Adler (1996) underline, there is little evidence that the knowledge
generated by researchers in mathematics education is embodied in the teaching prac-
tices in school. The gap between educational theory and teachers’ practice is a major
issue in the field of mathematics education (Jaworski, 1998; Mason, 1998). Surely a
critical issue concerns the difficulties related to the dissemination of research results in
the public domain: many scholars underline the insufficient dissemination of research
results for practitioners (Artigue, 2016) and the need for more two-way modes of
communication between researchers and practitioners (Venkat, 2016). But this is only
one side of the coin. Beyond the dissemination issue, there is also the issue of teachers’
interpretation and use of curriculum materials developed by researchers in mathe-
matics education. Indeed, teachers are decision makers, and their decisions are influ-
enced by factors such as knowledge, but also values, beliefs, emotions and previous
experiences (Malara & Zan, 2008). Teachers do not approach their professional
learning or curriculum materials as blank slates: they have a wide range of experiences,
wants, needs, worries affecting their interpretation and use of professional opportuni-
ties (Cuoco, 2001). It has been recognised that teachers act as interpreters and medi-
ators of curriculum materials (Remillard, 2005). This reflects a broader pattern in
which the unfolding of innovation in education is shaped by the sense making of the
agents involved (Spillane et al., 2002). Teachers typically select from and adapt cur-
riculum materials, incorporating these materials into wider systems of classroom
practice. Therefore, it is natural to expect adaptations to curriculum material developed
by researchers during a teachers’ implementation of that material. In the context of
technology integration, Ruthven (2009) has identified five structuring features of
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2018. In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.). Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2, pp. 99-106). Umeå, Sweden: PME.
Baccaglini-Frank, Di Martino, & Sinclair

classroom practice that shape the ways in which teachers adapt particular tools to their
classroom contexts. Moreover, Ruthven (2016) writes of interpretative flexibility to
refer to how technology is taken up to aligned with user concerns and adapted to the
situations in which use takes place. This opens the way to variation in modalities of use
between different user groups and between different settings for use, and to change in
these modalities over time. This may lead, in turn, to the product being redesigned,
launching a further cycle of adaptation. From a sociocultural perspective, “the con-
ceptualization of instruments [is] an activity distributed between designers and users”
(Rabardel & Waern, 2003, p. 643).
In our research, we aim to gain insight into teachers’ adaptation decisions by identi-
fying the particular structuring features come into play and which might be the de-
termining factors. Typically, the aims of specific didactical materials are explicit,
while the ways of instantiating such materials in the classroom are not. Therefore, in
this study, we wanted to flip this point of view, agreeing with the teachers on the
content of a set of activities, and then providing a video of an instantiation of the
technology-based activities by a researcher acting as teaching in a classroom. At no
point were the teachers asked to imitate the researcher. In other words, we designed a
teacher instructional improvement cycle in which, once the mathematical topic had
been chosen and discussed, and a set of technology-based tasks planned, we decided to
video-record a researcher as she instantiated the activities in a 2nd grade class. We saw
these videos as boundary objects (Star & Griesemer, 1989) useful to study the nature of
the teachers’ adaptations. We were especially interested in studying the impact of this
relatively uncommon design feature on the teachers’ implementation decisions. We
explicitly chose experienced teachers for two reasons: we conjectured that their con-
solidated teaching styles and identities would increase the likelihood that adaptations
would emerge, and that they would be more aware of their decisions and, therefore, it
would be easier for them to express and discuss them.
The mathematical content chosen was line symmetry, a topic with which many pri-
mary school teachers do not feel at ease, and that is considered difficult for students, as
well; it is typically taught for the first time in 1 st and 2nd grade (ages 6-8). We started
with a set of activities on line symmetry in Web Sketchpad, published on the Canadian
website http://www.sfu.ca/geometry4yl.html. The study was carried out over six
months; it involved three elementary school teachers and four classes (three 2nd grades
and one 1st grade) in three Italian elementary schools. The teachers’ experience was the
following: T1 – 20 years of experience and 16 teaching math; T2 – 23 years of expe-
rience and 21 teaching math; T3 – 35 years of experience and 25 teaching math. Three
researchers (the authors of the papers) were involved in the study: the third author had
designed the original digital activities and conducted classroom-based research using
them (see Ng & Sinclair, 2015); the other two authors – working at the same Italian
university – organized the implementation of the activities and attended the meetings
with the teachers. The phases of the study were: (1) Re-design of the lesson plans and
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Baccaglini-Frank, Di Martino, & Sinclair

interactive files on the site, a priori considerations on such activities; (2) Presentation
to the three teachers of the newly designed materials, explaining the changes made; (3)
Instantiation of the activities in a 2nd grade class by the first author; (4) T1, T2, T3
reception of the videos and completion of a questionnaire; (5) T1, T2, T3 carried out
the activities in their classes (T1 in a 1st grade, T2 and T3 in 2nd grades); these sessions
were video-recorded; (6) A posteriori analysis of the video-recordings by all three
researchers; and (7) Final questionnaire on how the lessons went, and meeting with the
Italian researchers.
In this paper, we report on the questionnaire data and the final meeting (phases 4 and
7). In particular, we discuss the role played by the video-recordings of the implemen-
tation of the activities in the teachers’ processes of decision-making when adapting and
implementing the materials. Indeed, the initial instantiation of the activities by a re-
searcher was a distinctive feature of this study.
The activities on line symmetry
The final version of the activities – after the adaptation developed by the Italian re-
searchers – made use of interactive files projected on an IWB. The files contained sets
of colored circles symmetrically arranged on two sides of a line that could be contin-
uously dragged on the screen: when a circle is dragged, its corresponding circle moves
so as to preserve symmetry. The line is also draggable.

1a 1b 1c

Figure 1a, 1b, 1c: screenshots from the interactive files used for the activities.
The activities consisted of the following five tasks, to be assigned over 3 class periods
(about 2.5h): (1) What do you see? What happens when you drag the circles? (Fig. 1a)
(2) Make predictions: describe all that will move before dragging to check. (3) In pairs,
one student tells the other what to do to reproduce a figure (Fig. 1b). (4) Draw a picture
of how the interactive file worked. (5) Which of the pictures can/can’t you make with
the file? Why? (see Fig. 1c). Tasks 4 and 5 were assigned to all students, at their desks,
with paper and pencil. Selected students’ answers for Task 5 were discussed by the
whole class, using the IWB.
We draw on both Ruthven’s (2009) framework to guide our analysis and on the notion
of boundary objects, each of which is described below.

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Baccaglini-Frank, Di Martino, & Sinclair

Structuring features of classroom practices

In his research analysing the ways in which teachers integrate (or not) digital techno-
logies, Ruthven has identified five structuring features of classroom practices that
teachers must often adapt in order to make effective use of the intended affordances of
these technologies: working environment (room location, physical layout, use of
IWB), resource system (complementing and connecting with existing resources), ac-
tivity structure (the action and interaction of participants), curriculum script (choosing
appropriate tasks, recognising difficulties), and time economy. If any of the structuring
features of a teacher’s existing classroom practice is challenged by a task and/or tool,
the teacher will adapt it, sometimes thereby shifting its intended use (by a researcher or
The videos as boundary objects
Star and Griesemer (1989) describe boundary objects as “scientific objects which both
inhabit several intersecting worlds […] and satisfy the informational requirements of
each of them” (p. 393). Boundary objects are “both plastic enough to adapt to local
needs and the constraints of the several parties employing them, yet robust enough to
maintain a common identity across sites” (p. 393). They can also “coordinate academic
and practitioner perspectives” (Venkat, 2016, p. 187). In the present study, various
objects played the role of boundary objects: the activities present on the website; their
modifications designed by the Italian researchers; and the videos of the researcher’s
lessons, that were passed to the teachers and discussed before teachers’ implementa-
tion of the lessons. All these objects lie at the intersection of different worlds and
communities, and have the potential of serving as vehicles to communicate and convey
meaning across different communities, even if different communities can define and
interpret them in different ways. The activities on the website were at the intersection
of the Canadian practices and the Italian ones; the Italian re-designed activities were at
the intersection of the researchers’ (ideal envisioned classroom and research influence
on practices) and teachers’ community (actual classrooms and everyday practices); the
videos were at the intersection between the single (real) classroom communities and
future, potential classrooms communities in which the activities would be realized
Question Q1 (What do you see as the major potentials and pitfalls of the activities?)
was assigned after the teachers had received only the activities, questions Q2 (What
difficulties do you foresee in implementing the activities in your classroom?), Q3
(Having seen the videos, which aspects will you try to replicate and which will you
change when teaching yourself?) and Q4 (Are there didactical choices or mathematical
considerations in the videos that you did not find clear?) were assigned after they had
also viewed the researcher’s videos, but still before the teachers’ implementations; Q5
(What similarities and differences did you notice in your implementations with respect
to that of the researcher?) was assigned after the teachers’ implementations.
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After receiving only the materials, the teachers (in their answers to Q1) identified a
number of potentials in them. These dealt with the resource system, the activity
structure and the curriculum script; specifically, the greater ease in working with
oblique lines of symmetry compared to previously used materials, and their beliefs –
founded in previous experiences – about children’s excitement and “surprise” in using
the IWB and “moving things around”. Interestingly, in their answers to Q2 the main
difficulties foreseen by the teachers, after viewing the videos, were only partially re-
lated to the pitfalls identified after having viewed only the activities; these had to do
with both activity structure and curriculum script. In terms of the former, the teachers
were concerned about keeping the children’s attention and silence for long periods of
time. All three teachers wrote that this kind of activity requires long periods of atten-
tion, and with large classes (23-29 children) it may be difficult to maintain silence and
concentration. Moreover, they wrote that all children would want to go to the IWB and
it would be hard to call them all. T2 also commented on the fact that maintaining si-
lence and order in the classroom would be even harder for her since she is not an
“external expert” (unlike the researcher).
In terms of curriculum script, the teachers were concerned about handling students’
presumed difficulties in responding to the “creative” drawing request. T2 expressed
worry in the prediction task, and T1 wrote: “A pitfall might be the absolute abstract-
ness of the material”. They also expressed concern about coordinating discussion about
the behaviour of the objects on the screen in a way that would facilitate understanding
without putting words in the students’ mouths. This was not in an issue in their usual
classroom practice, in which they would begin by giving students definitions of objects
and then tasks that used these objects. Indeed, speaking about difficulties related to
language, T3 wrote: “I think I will have trouble calling ‘the objects’ in particular the
line of symmetry and relationships between this and the balls (parallelism, perpen-
dicularity) with the names given by the students.” T2 wrote: “the ‘mental experiments’
will be maybe the most difficult part but also the most interesting. It will not be easy to
manage the lesson when they will have to come up with words to describe the
movements without me giving hints.” T3 added: “Also with so small and ‘ignorant’ [in
its etymological meaning] children with respect to the language of geometry, I could
have trouble using an ‘alternative’ language that is easy enough to understand.”
In response to Q3, the teachers also referred to activity structure and curriculum script
analysing critical features of the video. In particular, they appreciated the ideas of:
using ‘oral descriptions’ and words instead of gestures for Tasks 1 and 2; highlighting
the terminology used by the children and agreeing on their meanings; using arms and
hands to help indicate ‘parallel’ and ‘perpendicular’ and seeing if the students tilt their
heads to better perceive the line of symmetry. On the other hand, T2 and T3 mentioned
that in the researcher’s videos they noticed students’ difficulties in making up names
other that ‘rows’ and ‘columns’ to describe perpendicular and parallel alignments of
the circles with respect to the line of symmetry. This appeared to them as problematic
especially when the line was oblique, so they proposed to modify the activities by

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asking the students what they meant by ‘rows’ and ‘columns’. We note that this pro-
posed adaptation seems to be in keeping with the curriculum script modeled in the
video. In response to Q4, all teachers wrote that they appreciated the didactical choices
implemented by the researcher, and they found all mathematical considerations in the
videos clear. The only issues that T2 and T3 mentioned related to the resources system
in that they preferred to think of these activities as part of a longer sequence that “in-
tegrates also the body and manual skills, that is a laboratorial activity”.
Finally, after having implemented the activities, the teachers noticed many similarities
between what happened in their classes and in the researcher’s video. The teachers
primarily noticed aspects of curriculum script: difficulties in considering the distance
from the line of symmetry, usefulness of gestures with arms and hands to indicate
parallel and perpendicular alignments with respect to the line of symmetry, use of the
word ‘mirror’ to refer to the line of symmetry, difficulties in speaking “with respect to
the mirror”, use of arrows to indicate movement in the static drawings, and preference
for horizontal or vertical lines of symmetry. However, the teachers also noticed some
differences: In T2’s class the children preferred speaking of ‘axis’ when referring to
the line of symmetry; moreover, this class had an interesting discussion about whether
the line of symmetry was finite or infinite. In T1’s class (the 1 st grade) the children
seemed to take a longer time to realize they could move the line of symmetry. Finally,
T3 remarked, again, how she thought that the children in the researcher’s video were
more quiet and attentive than her students, which she believed, depended on the nov-
elty of a different teacher in the classroom.
While many outcomes and comments from the concluding meeting also fit well with
Ruthven’s framework, some were more difficult to interpret through such framework.
For example, T1 referred to the content safety that the videos provided: “It gave me
great peace of mind to work next to the researchers, because I knew that what I was
going to propose was mathematically sound, and I did not have to worry about appro-
priateness and depth of the mathematics I was teaching. I knew what properties were
important and what to aim for.”
This may be seen as being related to curriculum script, but it emerged because of our
novel design, in which the mathematical affordances of the tool use were made explicit
for the teachers. T2 also focused on the mathematical dimension of her imple-
mentation, saying that the activities helped her engage her students in mathematical
discussions: “With dynamic geometry, there was extra support for discussing proper-
ties of the line of symmetry, and I could point to the screen and describe properties of a
physical object that was coherent with the mathematics.”
The teachers’ critical analysis of the researcher’s instantiation of the technology-based
activities seemed to affect their opinion about potentials and limits of the activity and,
in particular, about students’ difficulties. This appears clearly comparing teachers’
answers to Q1 and to Q2. For example, in answering Q1 there was no mention of the
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language-related difficulties that, instead, appeared heavily in the answers to Q2. The
awareness of the delicate issue of how to speak of new mathematical objects and
properties characterized many of the teachers’ answers to the other questions, as well.
So, in a way, the videos planted a new awareness in the teachers, which lead to them
paying particular attention to their own words and gestures, as well as to those of their
students. This awareness seemed to elicit a new tension in the teachers: in the sense of
complex collection of opposing forces of wants, needs and self-assessments of own
capabilities that complicate the decision making processes of teachers (Liljedhal et al.,
2015). However, the videos also offered helpful suggestions to solve this tension,
which were noticed and appreciated by the teachers: how the researcher picked up on
students’ words and gestured, and how specific language and gestures were agreed
upon and used to facilitate discourse on line symmetry. Indeed, the teachers com-
mented on analogies and differences especially on these aspects of the curriculum
script. Overall the teachers seemed to appreciate what they saw in the researcher’s
videos, and decided to implement the activities, seemingly trying to reproduce the
activity structure and curriculum script with a very high degree of fidelity. They de-
cided to do this despite their concerns, for example, about the extreme abstractness of
the technology-based tasks (an aspect of the curriculum script), or the risky activity
structure. In this sense, the researcher’s videos seemed to allay the tensions. This may
in part be due to the fact that the researcher video was recorded in their school, with
students they were familiar with.
Finally, a comment on Ruthven’s structuring features. These have provided an in-
sightful tool for analyzing what teachers decided to adapt in order to make effective
use of the intended affordances of these technologies. However, some important issues
emerged in this study, which do not seem to be properly captured by this framework.
The first issue is that of the use of words and gestures in the classroom; this could be
seen as part of the curriculum script, or, possibly of the activity structure. But its nature
and the strength with which it emerged in this study suggests it should be considered a
new feature altogether. We conjecture that this feature may have emerged this strongly
in part because of the grade levels involved in the study (attention to words and ges-
tures may play a more major role in early elementary grades than in high school), and
in part because of the researcher’s video in which particular attention was paid to these
aspects of the activities. Also the reference to what we called content safety may be
specific to professional development cycles of primary school teachers.

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