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International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)

Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Using ADDIE Instructional Model Design in

the Creation of Learning Module on Purposive
Communication Course
Lowel B. de la Torre
PhD, Pagdugue, Dumangas, Iloilo, Philippines

Abstract: This study aimed to create a Learning Module in Purposive Communication course using the process
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation or ADDIE instructional model design and looked
into its acceptability based on the criteria on content, presentation or physical aspect, and instructional design.
Analysis was the first step in the creation of the module in which the evaluation of the context was made. This was
done through the analysis of the CMO 20, s. 2013, analysis of learners, teachers/faculty, learning condition,
existing instructional strategies, and Purposive Communication course content. In the data gathering, a survey-
questionnaire adapted from Munby’s Communication Needs Processor was utilized. The Design then emerged
after a thorough analysis of the result and it was ICARE Design and it was used as the framework of the module.
Data from the Analysis and Design phase was content analyzed and the result led to the development of the module
in the Development phase. The module was then validated though the use of researcher-made instructional
material evaluation instrument fully validated by experts. Implementation phase was done through the Pretest-
tryout-Post-test sequence. Evaluation phase then followed. The output of the module was evaluated in terms of
process and product. Process evaluation result showed a higher mean score in the Post-test after exposing the
students to the module. Moreover, module validation resulted to a Very Acceptable rating from the Jurors. In
addition, modular instruction was perceived advantageous and helpful by students and teachers, as revealed by the
thematic analysis of their perception on this method of instruction. Product evaluation, on its part, showed a
General Acceptability of the module according to the teacher/user with regard to the use of the product.
Keywords: ADDIE, Design, Development, Instructional Material, Instructional Model Design, Learning Module.

In order to enhance the Basic Education of the Philippines, a reform was made by the Department of Education. It was
made into flesh by virtue of Republic Act 10533 also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Thus, the K to
12 Program was implemented. This program extends the basic education from 10 years to 12 years, starting from Kinder
to Grade 12. This is for the ―purpose of giving students the opportunity to develop as productive and responsible citizens
equipped with the essential competencies, skills, and values for life-long learning and employment (R.A. 10533).
Along with the transition in the Basic Education is also the transition that will be happening in the tertiary level by the
academic year 2018-2019 or when the first batch of Grade 12 students graduate. For this reform in the system of
education in the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) made a corresponding preparation. Since
some of the subjects in college will be taught or had already been taught in Senior High School (Grade 11), CHED had
issued Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 2011 entitled Revised Guidelines in the Formulation of CHED Policies,
Standards, and Guidelines of Academic Programs, Amending CHED Special Order # 42, Series of 2003 Otherwise
Known as ―Guidelines for the Formulation of Policies and Standards of Academic Programs. Thus, the General
Education Courses and corresponding number of units were identified, namely: The Core Subject with 24 units;
Understanding the Self, Reading in Philosophy, The Contemporary World, Mathematics in the Modern World, Purposive
Communication, Ethics, Art Appreciation, and Science and Technology and Society; Electives with 9 units; and
Mandated Subject(s) with 3 units e.g. Life and Works of Rizal.

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Although some of these subjects have been already taught in college, the new ones were created to suit the needs and
competencies of the 21st century learners - the millennials, digital natives, technology dependents, and among others. In
terms of instructional materials, there were some available that can be used; however, they are mostly written by foreign
authors. They need to be simplified to fit the needs of diverse students in the classroom. This study pursues the direction
on the development of an instructional material and investigates its relevance and effectiveness.
Foreseeing the situation that will happen in the early school year 2018-2019, teachers will need instructional materials in
the subjects mentioned. To answer this need and to help ease the burden of the teachers and most of all, the incoming first
year college students, the researcher aims to create instructional materials in the form of modules to be used in the subject
Purposive Communication which is a three (3) unit subject in the GEC that focuses on writing, speaking, and presenting
to different audiences and for various purposes (CMO 20, 2013).
Theoretical Framework:
The creation of the instructional material is anchored on the theory of Student-centered Learning. The term student-
centered learning refers to a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and
academic-support strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural
backgrounds of individual students and groups of students. To accomplish this goal, schools, teachers, guidance
counselors, and other educational specialists may employ a wide variety of educational methods, from modifying
assignments and instructional strategies in the classroom to entirely redesigning the ways in which students are grouped
and taught in a school.
Student-centered Learning, also known as learner-centered education, broadly encompasses methods of teaching that shift
the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. Jones (2007) mentioned that in original usage, student-centered
learning aims to develop learner autonomy and independence by putting responsibility for the learning path in the hands
of students. Rogers (1983) discussed that Student-centered instruction focuses on skills and practices that enable lifelong-
learning and independent problem-solving. Hannafin & Hannafin (2010) explained that student-centered learning theory
and practice are based on the constructivist learning theory that emphasizes the learner's critical role in constructing
meaning from new information and prior experience.

Figure 1: Research and Development Design

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Statement of the Problem:

This study aimed to design, develop, and validate an instructional material using ADDIE Instructional Material Design
and looked into its acceptability based on the criteria on content, presentation or physical aspect, and instructional design.
Furthermore, the usefulness of the materials is ascertained through a pretest, tryout of a packet lesson, and post-test on
students. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. How did the following provide the context of the design and development of module: a. Analysis of CMO no. 20, s.
2013; b. Analysis of Learners Background, Teachers‘/Faculty Background, and Learning Condition; c. Analysis of
Existing Instructional Strategies; and d. Analysis of Purposive Communication Course Content?
2. What instructional model design was developed based on its contexts for Purposive Communication course?
3. How was the module developed based on the design?
4. What were the processes undertaken in the implementation of the developed Module?
5. What were the evaluation results in the implementation of the developed Module?

Research Design:
This study used the ADDIE Instructional Model Design. ADDIE stands for Analyze, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation. Originally, ADDIE was used as a framework in designing and developing educational
and training programs. Yet, in this study it was used as a framework in the development of a Module.
Research Participants:
The participants of this study were the thirty (30) Grade 12 General Academic Strand (GAS) students enrolled in the
second semester of the school year 2017-2018. They were conveniently selected by the researcher to undergo the tryout of
packet lesson in the Module on Communication for Work Purposes with duration of fifteen (15) hours. The same
participants were used in the data gathering for the Pretest and Post-test scores.

Data-Gathering Instrument:
In order to ascertain the acceptability of the Instructional Material developed and to determine its usability, the following
instruments were used in this study:
Learners’ needs and situation analysis survey questionnaire.
This survey instrument was adapted from John Munby‘s Communication Needs Processor (CNP) to determine the
Learners‘ Needs and Situation Analysis of the participants and their environment. Communication Needs Processor is an
ESP tool that presents highly detailed set of procedures for discovering target situation needs. The CNP consists of a
range of questions about key communication variables (topic, participants, medium, etc.) which can be used to identify
the target language needs of any group of learners. The researcher made a modification of this survey instrument and it
was validated by two experts in measurement and evaluation and one expert in language so that it would fit in to the
desired to the target situation needs of the participants;
Instructional material evaluation instrument.
It was designed for the purpose of validating the Module. This evaluation instrument was validated by three jurors in the
field of Test and Measurement and Language Instruction. The evaluation of the Module developed was scored in the
following aspects: (a) Content, (b) Presentation or Physical aspect; and, (c) Instructional Design. Each item is to be rated
Excellent, if all aspects of the instruction are very adequately covered and the quality of work is superior with the scale of
4.01-5.0; Very Acceptable, if the major aspects of the instruction are covered with above average standard with the scale
of 3.01-4.0; Acceptable, if the major aspects of the instruction are covered with minimum acceptability with the scale of
2.01-3.0; Moderately Acceptable, if the major aspects of instruction are hardly covered and instruction is of below
average quality with the scale of 1.01-2.0; and Barely Acceptable if the major aspects of the instruction is of unacceptable
quality with the scale of 0-1.0;

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

General pretest and post-test.

The same test was used in the pretest and post-test. This is a researcher-made questionnaire and multiple-choice
examination consisting of 40 items. However, 15-itemed multiple choice focused on the topic ―Communication for
Work Purposes‖ was given to the participants as a packet lesson tryout. The coverage of the Pretest and the Post-test was
limited only to the topics in the lesson mentioned. This instrument was item analyzed and thoroughly validated by the
jurors; and,
Learning module.
The learning module was the instructional material designed and developed by the researcher. It has gone through
analysis, validation, and evaluation. A packet lesson of the learning module was tried out to determine the usability and
applicability to the Grade 12 participants whom will be the users of the learning module in the school year 2018-2019.
Research Procedure:
In the amendment in the curriculum in the Basic Education brought by the K to 12 Program, it created a transitional
change in the higher education. Commission on Higher Education revised its guidelines especially in General Education
Curriculum (GEC) and created new subjects for the school year 2018-2019. As expected, there will be a need for
instructional materials in the new GEC. This is the very reason why this study is made. The researcher would like to
address this need by designing, developing, and validating an instructional material in one of the subjects to be created,
the Purposive Communication. The following analysis was made:
Since this study adopted the framework of ADDIE in the design, development and validation of the Module, the
procedure followed also the sequence and the step in each phase.
In the Analysis phase, the context of the Module was identified. This was done through the analysis of the CMO 20, s.
2013, Learners Background, Teachers/Faculty background, Learning Condition, Existing Instructional Strategies, and
Purposive Communication course content. The result of this data gathering led to the identification of the Instructional
Model as a design in the development of the Module.
During the Design phase, the design of the Module has been identified. Through content analysis the Instructional Model
was identified as 5E‘s Instructional Model. This design was used on how the lesson will be presented in the Module.
However, to personalize the Model, the researcher used the term, ICARE or Inspire, Cultivate, Analyze, Reach, and
Evaluate. New name might have been used but the same philosophy was applied in the localized model.
After the identification of the design, Development phase then followed. The Development of the Module began with
putting together the information gathered in the previous phases. When the Module was finished, it was validated by the
jurors. Comments and suggestions were integrated to the Module, then it was reproduced for implementation.
Next was the Implementation phase. This was the tryout of the Module to test its validity and usefulness on
students/participants. To determine the initial level of proficiency, a Pretest was given. The coverage of the examination
was just within the lesson to be implemented. The Module was then implemented to the students for individual and self-
paced learning. The lesson was focused on Communication for Work Purposes and the students were given fifteen (15)
hours to finish the lesson. After the given time, the results of activities and evaluation were then gathered. Post-test was
given to the students to measure the proficiency gained in the lesson of the Module. The content of the Post-test was the
same with the Pretest, but the number of items was disarranged. Perceptions of students and teachers were also gathered
in this phase using the survey questionnaire.
The last phase was the Evaluation. This refers to the output evaluation of the process and the product. Process evaluation
assessed the scores of the students/ participant in the Pretest and Post-test, while product evaluation measured the Jurors
score on the Module, Module Product Evaluation Survey, and the Perception of the students and teachers on the Module.
Data Analysis:
Content analysis was mainly utilized in the analysis of data in the development of the Module. Specifically, the data in
CMO No. 20, s. 2013 and result of the survey on Learners Background, Teachers/Faculty Background, Learning
Condition, Existing Instructional Strategies, and content of Purposive Communication course were taken into
consideration. The same method was also used in the analysis to determine the Instructional model of the Module.
Perceptions of teachers and students were also interpreted using thematic analysis as to the acceptability to the Module.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Mean scores were used in the evaluation of the Instructional Material according to its (a) content; (b) physical
aspect/presentation; and, (c) design. At the same time, Mean scores, standard deviation were also used in determining the
scores of the Pretest and Post-test of the participants.

1. The Context of the Design and Development of the Module:
The context of the design and development of the Module has come to fore as a result of looking into the following:
A. CHED memorandum order (CMO) 20, s. 2013.
To further the paradigm shift that is happening in the Higher Education Institutions due to the K to 12 transition, the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) revised the existing General Education Curriculum (GEC) in order to meet the
demands of the current needs of education. This revision was embodied in the CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) 20 s.
2013 which is entitled, General Education Curriculum: Holistic Understandings, Intellectual and Civic Competencies.
The new curriculum aims to expose undergraduate students to various domains of knowledge and ways of comprehending
social and natural realities, developing in the process, intellectual competencies and civic capabilities (CMO 20, 2013).
As a whole, CMO No. 20, s. 2013 was a response made by Commission on Higher Education to the implementation of
the K to 12 Curriculum in the Basic Education. This CMO contains the guidelines and provisions on the implementation
of the new GE Curriculum. In offering the new core courses, CHED envisioned learners to achieve Intellectual
Competencies, Personal and Civic Competencies, and Practical Responsibilities.
B. Learners’ and teachers’/faculty Background and learning condition.
Collectively, the learning environment according to students and teachers revealed a common decision. The learning
environment of the learners showed that students were exposed to instructional materials like textbooks and were used to
lecture method of instruction. Students would like to work on their lesson independently; hence, they preferred
individualized instruction. They did not like sitting and listening to the teachers most of the time and they recommend a
class that would focus on learners. Moreover, survey revealed that boring teaching strategies can be improved by
integrating technology in the lesson. It is also revealed that the lack of instructional materials can hinder the delivery of
learning in English.
C. Analysis of Existing Instructional Strategies
Therefore, a self-paced learning in form of modular instruction can be the most appropriate option for the
students/respondents of this study. Modular instruction is suited to all types of learners. The teacher will just identify the
learners, have the instructional materials prepared, and spend less time with the students for instruction and supervision.
The students will just take care of the rest in their own time and pace.
D. Purposive communication course content
In summary, Purposive Communication course is focused on developing the five skills in communication (listening,
speaking, reading, writing, and viewing). Students in this course are trained to converse intelligently on important
subjects, report on assignments or group reports, write and develop formal speeches, write minutes of meetings and
similar documents, write research papers, and make audio or web-based presentations. The purpose of these combined
activities is to enable students to practice strategies of communication with a clear purpose and audience in mind, guided
by the criteria of effective communication and the appropriate language.
2. Designing of the instructional model ICARE:
The result of the Phase 2: Design led into the selection of Bybee‘s 5E‘s Instructional Model as the most appropriate model
in the design of the Purposive Communication Course. However, in the further evaluation of the 5E‘s Model, it has led to
the emergence and creation of another Instructional Model similar to Bybee‘s, the ICARE or Inspire, Cultivate, Analyze,
Reach, and Evaluate. The following are the discussions of the similarity of the two models:
The first element is Inspire—serves as the motivation phase in the Module. This phase makes connections between past
and present learning experience. It also anticipates activities and focus students' thinking on the learning outcomes of
current activities. Students should become mentally engaged in the concept, process, or skill to be learned. In the same
way, Engagement stirs prior knowledge and engages the new concept through short activities that promote curiosity. They
both serve as the hook for the learners to stay curious and interested in the topic lesson.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

The next is Cultivate—provides opportunity for the learners to identify and develop concepts, processes, and skills.
During this phase, students actively explore their environment or manipulate materials to enrich their knowledge. In the
same manner, Exploration provides a common base of activities in which current concepts are identified and conceptual
change is facilitated. Both of them give learners the chance to explore the world of knowledge, cultivate prior learning,
and eventually learn from this opportunity.
The third phase is Analyze— helps students explain the concepts they have been exploring. Students become aware of the
cause the problems but can provide solutions to it. In this phase, students can logically express their understanding in
response to what is ask by the environment. Accordingly, Explanation provides opportunities to demonstrate conceptual
understanding, process skills, or behaviors. This phase also provides an opportunity for teachers to directly introduce a
concept, process, or skill to guide students toward a deeper understanding. Both Analyze and Explanation offer the
students to think critically and use knowledge on hand for solution.
The fourth phase is Reach—is the point when students extend their conceptual understanding and allow them to practice
skills and behaviors. In short, this is the application of what they have learned to a situation where it is needed. New
opportunities offer to them the chance to re-evaluate the concepts they have learned and modify them if necessary to suit a
specific context. In the same manner, Elaboration offers opportunity to expand understanding and skills through new
experiences to develop deeper and broader understanding and application. Simply, application of knowledge is what
Reach and Elaboration would like express in this phase.
And finally, Evaluate—is the culmination of the process. It is said that in learning, the process does not stop. In this
phase, learners are encouraged to assess their understanding and abilities in which teacher is able to evaluate if the
learning competencies have been met. Evaluation is also the same. The result of assessment of understanding and abilities
opens door to teachers to enhance and develop instructional efforts to the attainment of educational objectives.
3. Development of the Module Based on the Design:
In the Analysis Phase, the content of the Module in Purposive Communication Course was identified, while in the Design
Phase, ICARE was chosen as the Framework of the Module. These determined the criteria for the development of the
Module. This phase discusses the process in the development of the Module.
The topics and the competencies provided in this learning module were taken from the model syllabus provided by the
CHED. These topics and competencies were presented and divided in eight lessons.
Lesson 1 was focused on the topic Communication Processes, Principles, and Ethics; Lesson 2, Local and Global
Communication in Multicultural Settings; Lesson 3, Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language; Lesson 4,
Evaluating Messages and/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures; Lesson 5, Communication
Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology; Lesson 6, Communication for Various Purposes; Lesson 7,
Communication for Work Purposes; and, Lesson 8, Communication for Academic Purposes.
Each lesson has specific objective(s) and an intended time or duration to finish the lesson. Contents were arranged in
Inspire, that serves as a triggering part to stimulate students‘ interest; Cultivate, that worked as the exploration part for
students to acquire addition information about the topic lesson; Analyze, that serves as critic stage for students to
evaluation a situation/condition using the knowledge learned/acquired; Reach, as the application of learning stage, where
students extend and elaborate their learning to different environment; and, Evaluate that serves as the evaluation stage for
all the learning acquired, as well as served as room for re-learning.
The content of this Module is intended to be used for fifty four (54) hours or one-semester duration. In addition, the
Module contained selected activities covering all the five skills as required by the curriculum. The Module covered the
macro skills and activities of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. All of these skills were embedded with
practical applications to workplace environment and real-life situations.
The instructional material was reviewed by the jurors using the Instructional Material Evaluation Instrument. This
instrument was specifically designed by the researcher and it was fully validated by experts in language and test
For the validation of the learning module, a researcher-made Instructional Material Evaluation Instrument, fully validated
by three experts was utilized. The Instrument was divided in three parts: (1) Content; (2) Presentation or Physical Aspect,
and (3) Instructional Design. The Module validators made their scores in these three aspects. Each item in every part is to
be rated (5) as Excellent; (4) as Very Acceptable; (3) as Acceptable; (2) as Moderately Acceptable; and, (1) as Barely
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

After the evaluation from the jurors, scores were tabulated. Weighted means were analyzed, compared, and interpreted.
Also, comments and suggestions by the jurors were acknowledged and incorporated in the final draft of the module. Then,
production of the Module followed.
4. The Processes in the Implementation of the Module:
After the production of the module, it was tried out with the participants of the study. The implementation was started by
the giving of Pretest. It was given in order to determine the initial level of proficiency of the participants in Purposive
Communication course. It was conducted to the thirty (30) Grade 12 General Academic Strand (GAS) students during the
second semester of school year 2017-2018. The Pretest coverage was limited only to the topic provided in the try-out
lesson. This lesson was focused on Communication for Work Purposes, specifically in writing business letters such as
Letter Applying for Job, Resumé, Letter of Inquiry, Reply to Letter or Inquiry, Memorandum, Minutes of Meeting, and
learning skills in Job Interviews, and it has an intended time of fifteen (15) hours. An introduction to the lesson and
discussion of the contents, which lasted for 30 minutes, was made before the module was officially turned-over to the
participants. The implementation started December 4, 2017 to January 8, 2018. During the implementation, students were
encouraged to give feedback on the use of the Module. Responses to the activities and outputs were gathered after the end
of the class. At the end of the tryout, a Post-test was given in order to determine the level of proficiency gained after the
implementation of the lesson in the Module. At the same, survey question on participants‘ and teachers perception in the
use of module was administered.
5. The Evaluation Results in the Implementation of the Module:
The evaluation results of the module were categorized in terms of: (A) Process, which refers to the output in the Analysis,
Design, Development, and Implementation Process; and (B) Product, which evaluates the Module as Product output.
Process Evaluation
Analysis phase of this study, the sources of data were identified as the CMO 20 s. 2013, the intended learners and its
environment where the module should be used, Existing Instructional Strategies, and the Purposive Communication
Course syllabus. These sources of data can provide information such as, Competencies of the new GE Curriculum,
Learners needs and learning environment, the appropriate Instructional Strategy for the learners, and the content and
competencies of the Purposive Communication Course. In data gathering, activities made were Survey and Content
Design evaluation of the Process resulted from the activities done in the Analysis Phase. This phase analyzed the process
made in the design of the Module if an Instructional Model was considered in the design of the Module and if that Model
was identified.
In this study, Instructional Model was considered in the design of the Module. A Model or Framework served as a theory-
based guide in delivering the instruction effectively. This model was identified as ICARE, the acronym for Inspire,
Cultivate, Analyze, Reach, and Evaluate, in which each letter represents learning opportunities for the learners.
To validate the Module, three jurors were asked, and they were composed of the following: Two were experts in the
content. They were the regional trainers for the Purposive Communication subject; while, the other one was an expert in
curriculum and instructional design.
In general, the Module received a total Mean score of (4.03) and a Very Acceptable recommendation from the Jurors.
Specifically, Juror 1 scored Very Acceptable with a total Mean score of (4.05); Juror 2 scored Acceptable, with a total
Mean score of (3.23); Juror 3, scored Very Acceptable with a total Mean score of (4.83)
In the three criteria of rating, the Module received Very Acceptable or (4.05) total mean in the Content; Acceptable or
(3.86) in Presentation and Physical Appearance; and, Very Acceptable or (4.18) in the Instructional Design.
TABLE 1: Validators' Rating of the Learning Module

Mean Score Total Mean

Validator Descriptive Rating
Content Presentation Design Score
Validator 1 4.43 3.58 4.15 4.05 Very Acceptable
Validator 2 2.91 3.23 3.55 3.23 Acceptable
Validator 3 4.82 4.77 4.85 4.83 Very Acceptable
Total Mean Score 4.05 3.86 4.18 4.03 Very Acceptable

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

The Module was implemented to the Grade 12 students, school year 2017-2018. The implementation was the tryout of the
packet lesson in the topic Communication for Work Purposes. Before the lesson in the Module was used by students, the
Pretest was given to measure their initial level of proficiency in the Purposive Communication course. Then, after the
implementation of the tryout, the Post-test was administered to determine if there was improvement in the initial level of
proficiency on the said course.
It revealed that the level of proficiency of the participants in the Pretest was ―Moderate (M=9.33, SD=1.49). However, it
changed into ―High (M=12.36, SD=1.47) in the Post-test.

TABLE 2: Level of Proficiency of Participants in Purposive Communication

n M SD Descriptive Rating
Pretest 30 9.33 1.49 Moderate
Post-test 30 12.36 1.47 High
In addition, when students and teachers were asked about their perceptions on the use of modular method of instruction,
they gave different reactions. Generally, teachers were all optimistic about the use of modular instruction. For them, it
lightens their instructional work; hence, they can focus on other functions in research and extension. There were those
who totally agreed especially the students that modular method of instruction would be very beneficial. However, there
were those who totally disagreed to this method of instruction.
Product Evaluation
Product evaluation was to evaluate the product Module. It was conducted by a user and a faculty using the Evaluation of
Instructional Products: A Workable Checklist adapted from Mosley (1987). The aim of the checklist is to determine the
extent of requirement that this Module fulfils the acceptability in the criterion of the Content, Presentation or Physical
Aspect, and Instructional Design.
However, the interpretation of the evaluation was based only on the relevant criteria which focused on the Content,
Presentation or Physical Aspect, and Instructional Design. For the convenience in the analysis of the result of the product
evaluation, the fifteen categories were divided into subheadings of the aforementioned three categories. Under the
Instructional Design were Purpose, Objectives, Front End Analysis, Prerequisite Skills/Knowledge, Evaluation, and
Overall Design. While, Content focused on the category Content of the instrument. On the other hand, Presentation or
Physical Aspect covered the categories of Audience and Physical Appeal. Other categories were deemed not applicable;
hence, the inclusion of it in this discussion was not incorporated.
Under Instructional Design, Purpose got two (2) affirmative responses in the options that asked ―Is the goal clearly
stated? and ―Does the product accomplish what was intended?; Objectives received seven (7) or all yes when asked
about ―Is the goal clearly stated?, ―Are objectives sequenced in proper order?, ―Do objectives cover all aspects of the
content?, and ―Are objectives attainable by the learners?; Front End Analysis got two (2) yeses out of two questions:
―Is the product based on needs assessment? and ―Is there evidence of instructional analysis?; while, Prerequisite
Skills/Knowledge received split result of one (1) yes and one (1) no in the items ―Is there a prerequisite test of entry
level skills? and ―Is there a prerequisite test of entry level of knowledge?; Evaluation category that asked about the
methods of measuring the leaners performance, it got six (6) yeses and one (1) no, one (1) uncertain, and one (1) not
applicable remarks; and lastly, Overall Design that talked about the content presentation appropriateness of length, user‘s
manual, presence of glossary and bibliography, bias-free module and inclusion of distractors, the category received four
(4) yes responses and three (3) no responses.
Statistically, if we follow the formula A=Acceptability is equal to number of yes scores (nYes) over total number of yes
and no responses (NYesNo) or A=nYes/NYesNo the percentage score of Instructional Design had 82% of Acceptability.
The score generated here was just way of quantifying of the result of the Product evaluation of the Module and for the
clarity of the presentation of the result.
In the Content category, Content (category in the instrument) got six (6) yes responses and one (1) no out of seven (7)
entries. Content focused on questions, ―Does the content meet the stated goal and objective?; ―Is the content valid?;
―Is the subject matter content appropriately sequenced?; ―Is the content appropriate for the intended learners?; ―Is the
content sufficient in quantify to cover stated objectives adequately?; ―Is the content factually correct?; and ―Is the
information repeated?.

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

Again, if the data is to be interpreted using the previous formula, it yielded 86% of Acceptability.
Under Presentation or Physical Aspect, the instrument contained Audience and Physical Appeal. Audience category
received four (4) yes responses out of four on item questions, ―Is the intended audience specified?; ―Is the vocabulary
appropriates?; ―Is the reading level appropriate?; and, ―Is the content easily readable?. In the Physical Appeal category,
out of seven (7) items, one (1) received yes to the question, ―Does the product come attractively package? The rest of the
items had response of one (1) uncertain and five (5) not applicable.
If data is to be interpreted using the same formula mentioned, the Presentation or Physical Aspect had 100%

TABLE 3: Product Evaluation Result of the Module

Acceptability Acceptability
Yes No Uncertain Not applicable (A )
Purpose 2 100%
Objectives 4 100%
Front End Analysis 2 100%
Prerequisite Skills/Knowledge 1 1 50%
Evaluation 6 1 1 1 86%
Overall Design 4 3 57%
Instructional Design 82%
Content 6 1 86%
Content 86%
Audience 4 100%
Physical Appeal 1 1 5 100%
Presentation/Physical Aspect 100%

In view of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
As it was observed in this study, the design and development of the Module used the ADDIE Model. In short, the process
of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation was observed in creation of the Module.
One of the findings of this study showed that a significant difference was observed after the participants were immersed in
the developed Module. This is an indication that the process and procedure in the design and development of the learning
Module in Purposive Communication was followed accordingly.
It simply tells that in the development of Module it is important to analyze the context: the learners, learning environment
and other factors relating to the recipients. Next thing to consider is the planning of the process and content of the
Module. Also, Module production should undergo the process of validation to determine its physical and content validity.
In addition to this validation from the experts, it should also undergo a validation from the recipient through pilot testing.
Finally, evaluation should serve as the general evaluation of the process and product of the study.
The process mentioned is just an example of the design that this study utilized. This reveals that any instructional model
design process or procedure, if it is followed carefully, it will yield a positive result.
The development of Module is not easy and simple. It needs a careful study or research in order to achieve the desired
outcome. The processes and procedures should be meticulously observed and be based on historical and/or psychological
backgrounds of the eventual users who will benefit from the Module. In doing so, the users will see that the Module or
any instructional material designed and developed for them is significant in their learning experience as they can relate to
the lessons and activities that have been contextualized and localized for them.
Both student and teacher respondents of this study recognized that a student-centered learning environment,
individualized instruction, through a module, and the use of technology can be a great help in the learning and teaching
experience. This is an indication that both students and teachers are ready to embrace the demands of the 21st century
classrooms that focus more on students ‘processes and outputs, exhibiting their communicative, collaborative, creative,
critical thinking, cross-cultural understanding, and computing or ICT skills.

Page | 36
Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews ISSN 2348-697X (Online)
Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp: (28-37), Month: July - September 2018, Available at: www.researchpublish.com

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