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The Effect of Textbooks On Learning Outcome Viewed From Different Learning Motivation

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The effect of textbooks on learning outcome viewed from different learning


Conference Paper · January 2018

DOI: 10.2991/icei-17.2018.83


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Sukma perdana Prasetya

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 173
1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)

The Effect of Textbooks on Learning Outcome

Viewed from Different Learning Motivation
S. P. Prasetya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— This research aims to 1) examine the effect of the to learn coherently and systematically so that cumulatively
application of a textbook towards learning outcome, 2) examine able to master appropriate integrated learning outcome as a
the effect of learning motivation towards learning outcome, and whole. Milligan et al., (2017); Marinkovic & Eric (2014);
3) examine the interaction of textbooks and learning motivation Mohammadi & Abdi (2014) asserted that textbooks provide
towards learning outcome. This research is quasi-experimental teachers with guidance and related learning materials, such as
with 2 x 2 factorial design. It uses ANOVA analysis of two paths. workbooks and teacher guides, which are widely assumed to
The results showed: 1) there was a significant difference in be key inputs of ineffective schooling systems and that a
learning outcome between groups of students who studied with textbook is considered to be the means of achieving
manual and digital textbooks (Fcount = 6.815; p = 0.010), 2) there
educational aims.
was a significant difference in learning outcome between groups
of students who have high and low learning motivation (Fcount = In this study, developed textbook is a textbook on the
6,173; p = 0.03) and 3) there was an effect between textbooks and subject of Learning Media of Geography (LMG). The course
learning motivation interaction towards learning outcome of of Learning Media of Geography (LMG) is a compulsory
Learning Media of Geography (Fcount = 3,426; p =0.036). Thus, subject of pedagogical area that must be taken by students of
textbooks and learning motivation can improve learning outcome Geography Education in the fifth semester. LMG is essentially
and attractiveness. an integral part of the overall learning process. LMG becomes
a messenger (medium) in a variety of form that makes
Keywords- component; Textbook; Motivation; Learning;
learning geography becomes more attractive and clear so as to
improve knowledge, motivation to learn, and also help
I. INTRODUCTION improve the quality of presentation of educators.
The learning result is all the effects used as an indicator of The textbook developed in this study consists of two
the value of using learning strategies under different versions, namely manual or printed and digital or electronic
conditions. Learning outcome of learners is influenced by LMG textbooks. The existence of these two forms of this
learning strategies and characteristics of learners (Moore, textbook has a lot to develop in the market, even since 2006
2005). It is almost the same as proposed by Dick, Carey & Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education) has spread the Electronic
Carey (2001) that the learning outcome achieved by learners is School Book which can be accessed free of charge by the
influenced by; 1) strategy or method applied in learning, 2) community to improve the quality of education. On the other
created learning conditions, and 3) the interaction between side, the print version of the books turned out to survive in the
method and learning conditions. market, but there is no research investigating which is more
effective than the use both types. According to Joo et al.,
More details, Degeng (1997) stated that learning strategy (2017); Stone & Baker-Eveleth (2013) Electronic or digital
variables are classified into three types. First, organizing textbooks may have some alternatives that overcome the
strategy, this is organizing the contents of the selected field of limitations of traditional paper-based books in that digital
study for learning. Organizing activities refer to content textbooks provide diverse learning resources, learning support,
selection activities; create charts, formatting and so on. and customized curriculums by motivating learners and
Second, teaching strategy, i.e. a strategy to deliver message or enhancing collaboration and information sharing.
information to learners and receive or respond to the feedback
coming from learners. Third, management strategies, that is Another consideration is related to the characteristics
strategies to manage interactions between learners and of the target (Reigeluth, 2009). Available textbooks are often
learning variables (organizing strategies and teaching). not consistent with the character of learners. Some
characteristics of learners who need to be observed, among
Associated with the teaching strategy in the form of others; learning motivation, learning styles, intelligence level,
delivering messages, materials, and information, adequate level of creativity, intellectual development, and so on.
variety of learning resources are required, which could be a Therefore, educators must be careful in choosing textbooks
textbook. In the process of learning, the textbook is a very appropriate to the characteristics of learners. Consideration of
important source of learning. A textbook is all kinds of the latter is a textbook should be able to answer or solve
materials used to help teachers or instructors in carrying out problems or learning difficulties.
the teaching and learning activities. Textbooks allow learners

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 316
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 173

Regeluth & Merrill (1982) classify the learning condition Hypothesis testing is done by analyzing data of LMG
variable into three groups, namely; 1) the purpose and achievement test. After calculation techniques of analysis with
characteristics of subjects, 2) Obstacles and subject matter variance (ANOVA), two lines at a significance level of 0.05
catheters, and 3) the characteristics of learners. Thus, in the with SPSS obtained results presented in Table 1 below.
application of teaching strategy and material with textbooks it
is recommended to note the characteristics of learners. Among TABLE 1. SUMMARY CALCULATION RESULTS MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF
some of the characteristics of learners who have been selected VARIANCE TWO LINE
and is expected to affect the result of learning is the Type III Sum of Mean
motivation to learn. Source Squares df Square F Sig.

The purposes of this research are: 1). To explain the Corrected Model 1745.844a 5 349.169 5.327 .000
differences in learning outcome between students who use Intercept 694443.094 1 694443.094 1.059E4 .000
manual and digital LMG textbooks , 2). To explain the LMG Textbooks 446.720 1 446.720 6.815 .010
differences in learning outcome between students who have Motivation 809.225 2 404.613 6.173 .003
high and low learning motivation and 3). To explain the Textbooks *
interaction between the use of textbooks and learning 449.116 2 224.558 3.426 .036
motivation on learning outcome. Error 7472.523 68 65.548
II. METHOD Total 709348.000 73
corrected Total 9218.367 72
The method chosen in this study is a quasi-experimental a. R Squared = .189 (Adjusted R Squared = .154)
design with 2 x 2 factorial design, i.e. a study in which two or Specification F: Farithmetic Sig: significance
more variables are manipulated at the same time to study the
effects caused by interactions of several variables. The
independent variable was the implementation learning by 3.1.1 Differences between Groups of Students’ Learning
applying manual and digital textbook.Then the independent Outcome with Manual and Digital LMG Textbooks
variable attributes (moderator) is learning motivation of The calculation of LMG learning outcome data obtained
students who are classified into two learning motivation, i.e. the price of the Fcount = 6.815 with level 0,010 significance.
high and low learning motivation. While the dependent This suggests that the significance level α = 0.010 is below the
variable is the domain of cognitive learning outcome, as 0.05 (0.010 <0.05). Thus, H0 is rejected. This means that there
measured at the level of understanding relationship and the are significant differences between the students’ LMG
application skills that are classified in the taxonomy of learning outcome using manual and digital LMG textbooks.
learning Reigeluth (1999). By looking at the average learning outcome, it shows that the
average of students’ learning outcome using manual LMG
Subjects in this study were 73 students who took the course textbooks, i.e. 78.4, is greater than those using digital, i.e.
of learning Media of Geography in the fifth semester of the 74.3. It can be concluded that in general those studying using
2016/2017, Departement of Educational Geography, Faculty manual LMG textbooks achieve the learning outcome better.
of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), Universitas Negeri 3.1.2. Difference between Students’ Learning Outcome
Surabaya. To test the hypothesis of whether there is influence with High and Low Motivation
of textbook application on the learning outcome of LMG, the
influence of motivation to learn LMG on learning outcome, From the calculation result of learning outcome, material
and whether there were an effect of textbooks and learning prices obtained Fcount = 6,173 with a significance level of
motivation interaction towards learning outcome LMG, then 0.03. This suggests that the significance level α = 0.03 is
the data were analyzed with ANOVA two paths. below the 0.05 (0.03 <0.05). Thus, H0 is rejected. This means
that there are significant differences between the groups LMG
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION learning outcome of students who have high motivation (HM)
and low motivation (LM) in learning. By looking at the
3.1 Result average results, group of students who have high motivation
Hypothesis testing is done to test students’ learning obtain 79.19, higher than the average student results that have
outcome of LMG after using LMG manual and digital LMG a low learning motivation at 72.76 or ([HM= 79.19]> [ LM =
textbooks, and see the effect of high and low learning 72.76]). It can be concluded that students with high motivation
motivation variable and their interactions’ effect. This test was achieve better learning outcome than those with low
conducted to validate the hypothesis. The hypothesis proposed motivation.
that (1) There is a significant difference in learning outcome 3.1.3 The Effect of Interaction between Textbooks and
of LMG between students who carry manual and digital LMG Motivation towards LMG Learning Outcome
textbooks (2) There are significant differences in learning
outcome of LMG between students who have high and low From the calculation of LMG learning outcome, the effect
motivation in learning (3) There is a significant effect of LMG of the interaction between LMG textbooks and learning
textbooks and motivation interaction on learning outcome motivation of students on the learning outcome obtained the
LMG. price of F = 3,426 with significance level α = 0.036 which is
under a significance level of 0.05 (0.036 <0.05), thus H0 is

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 173

rejected. This means that there is an effect of the interaction students’ LMG learning outcomes predisposed by high and low
between LMG textbooks and learning motivation on students’ learning motivation. High learning motivation students get
learning outcome. better grades than low learning motivation students, in both
3.2 Discussion manual and digital LMG textbook; 3). there was an effect of
textbooks and learning motivation towards learning outcome of
Based on the research findings, it seems important to use LMG. The learning result is best for students who have high
textbooks in LMG. The results revealed that manual LMG motivation in learning and are taught by manual LMG
textbooks got superior learning outcome (average 78.4) textbooks. Thus, it can be said that the learning outcome of
compared to digital LMG textbooks (average 74.3). Excellent LMG is influenced by the type of textbooks and students’
LMG textbooks are made in accordance with the character of motivation in learning.
the LMG materials. Manual LMG textbooks give students an
opportunity to analyze the existing problems through learning
literacy activities. According to Bar-tosova et al. (2015), using
textbooks in teaching can improve learning outcome and REFERENCES
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