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Note: f. indicates figure; t. indicates table. Adsorption (Cont.)

competitive adsorption in bisolute systems,
Acanthamoeba, 2.13 13.6–13.8, 13.7f.
Acid addition, 11.50–11.51 competitive adsorption in natural waters,
Acinetobacter, 2.8 13.8–13.12, 13.8f.
Acrylamide, 2.34, 2.53 and desorption, 13.12–13.13
Activated alumina adsorption, 9.1, 9.2, 9.6–9.7. equilibrium, 13.2–13.13
See also Ion exchange equivalent background compound,
arsenic capacity, 9.51t., 9.52–9.54, 9.53f., 9.54f., 13.10–13.11, 13.10f.
9.55t. external (film) resistance to transport, 13.13
in arsenic removal, 9.49–9.57, 9.50f., 9.51t., Freundlich constants, 13.19, 13.20t.–13.23t.
9.53f., 9.54f., 9.55t., 9.56f. Freundlich equation, 13.2, 13.3, 13.9
arsenic removal from spent alumina regener- ideal adsorbed solution theory, 13.9, 13.10
ants, 9.57 and inorganic composition of water,
compared with ion exchange, 9.2, 9.3t., 9.26 13.5–13.6, 13.6f.
defluoridation system design, 9.44–9.45, 9.46t. internal (pore) transport, 13.13
fluoride breakthrough curves, 9.45–9.46, 9.46f. isotherms, 13.2, 13.5f., 13.6, 13.7f.
fluoride capacity, 9.46–9.48, 9.45t., 9.47f. Langmuir equation, 13.2, 13.3
fluoride removal, 9.44–9.48 mass transfer zone, 13.14–13.15, 13.15f.
future use, 9.3 and pH, 13.5
materials, 9.7 and pore size distribution, 13.4, 13.4f.
model, 9.7–9.8 rate-limiting step, 13.13
regeneration of arsenic-spent alumina, and surface area, 13.4
9.56–9.57, 9.56f. and surface chemistry, 13.4
regeneration of fluoride-spent columns, on synthetic resins, 13.74–13.76, 13.74f.
9.48–9.49 transport mechanisms, 13.13–13.14
selectivity sequence, 9.12–9.13 Advanced oxidation processes, 12.20
in selenium removal, 9.64, 9.65 advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t.
sensitivity to pH, 9.7 Aeration, 5.1. See also Air stripping; Gas trans-
system design for arsenic removal, 9.52 fer
zero point of charge, 9.7 diffused or bubble, 5.43–5.55, 5.43f., 5.44f.,
Activated silica, 6.43 5.46f.
Additives, 1.38–1.39 spray aerators, 5.61–5.66, 5.62f.
Adenoviruses, 2.9, 14.21 surface, 5.56–5.61, 5.56f., 5.57f., 5.58f.
Administrative Procedure Act, 1.17 Aerobic sporeformers, 2.18
Adsorbent resins, 13.74–13.76, 13.74f. Aeromonas, 2.8
Adsorption, 13.1–13.2. See also Activated alu- Aesthetic concerns, 2.2, 2.68
mina adsorption; Granular activated car- color, 2.70
bon; Powdered activated carbon as factor in treatment process selection,
adsorbates, 13.1 3.3–3.4
adsorbents, 13.1 hardness, 2.71
adsorption bond, 13.13 mineralization, 2.71
breakthrough concentration, 13.14–13.15 staining, 2.71–2.72
breakthrough curve, 13.15–13.16, 13.16f. taste and odor, 2.68–270
bulk solution transport, 13.13 turbidity, 2.70–2.71


Agar tests, 18.30 Ampholyte polymers, 6.40

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Reg- Analytical methods, 1.28
istry Anion exchange. See Ion exchange
Toxicological Profiles, 2.2 Anionic polyelectrolytes, 6.42
Air binding, 8.47 Anionic polymers, 6.40
Air stripping, 5.1. See also Aeration; Gas trans- Anions
fer; Packed towers associated with principal cations causing
gas stream temperature after heating, 5.40, hardness, 10.14t.
5.40f. summary of ion exchange processes for
low-profile air strippers, 5.17 removing, 9.84t.–9.85t.
off-gas control using adsorption, 5.36–5.43, Anodes, 17.3, 17.24
5.37f., 5.38f., 5.39t., 5.40f. Anodic current, 17.3
sieve tray columns, 5.17 Anodic reactions, 17.8
of volatile organic chemicals, 2.36 Anthracite coal, 8.2, 8.7, 8.17
Air-pressure testing, 11.26 Antiscalants, 11.51, 11.52t.
Air-scour AOPs. See Advanced oxidation processes
in backwash of rapid granular bed filters, Aquifer storage and recovery, 4.40
8.60–8.61, 8.60t. Aquifers. See also Aquifer storage and recov-
comparison of backwash water and air-scour ery; Groundwater; Wellfield management;
flow rates, 8.61–8.63, 8.62t. Wellhead protection; Wells
delivery systems, 8.61 cooperative management, 4.28–4.29
Alachlor, 2.49 effects of carbonate aquifers, 4.12, 4.13f.
Aldicarb, 2.49 protection programs, 4.32–4.34, 4.34t.
Aldicarb sulfone, 2.49 representative water quality from different
Aldicarb sulfoxide, 2.49 types, 4.12, 4.15t.
Algae, 2.13–2.14, 4.54 sole-source designation, 4.33
blue-green, 2.13 U.S. and Canada, 4.3f.–4.8f.
removal by dissolved air flotation with filtra- variation in water quality parameters in one
tion, 3.17, 3.18f., 3.21–3.22 area (Michigan), 4.12, 41.6t.
and taste and odor problems, 4.50 Arrhenius equation, 12.7–12.8
Alkalinity Arsenic, 2.23, 3.9
adjustment in corrosion control, 17.86–17.88 breakthrough curves in alumina adsorption,
and buffer intensity, 17.39–17.40, 17.41t. 9.50, 9.50f.
and corrosion, 17.36–17.38, 17.37f. breakthrough curves in ion exchange,
and distribution system water quality, 3.12 9.58–9.59, 9.58f.
Alternative filtration processes, 8.4–8.5 capacity of alumina, 9.51t., 9.52–9.54, 9.53f.,
Alum, 6.2, 6.15, 6.43 9.54f., 9.55t.
acidulated, 6.23 concentration and ion exchange run length,
and aluminum hydrolysis products, 6.2 9.59
and powdered activated carbon, 13.64 downflow vs. upflow regeneration for arsenic-
sludge, 16.2, 16.3–16.4, 16.17–16.23, spent resins, 9.62
16.45–16.46 effect of sulfate on ion exchange run length,
Alum coagulation, 6.2, 6.15, 6.43 9.61, 9.61t.
in removal of humic substances, 10.53–10.55, leakage during exhaustion (ion exchange),
10.54t., 10.55t., 10.56f. 9.60–9.61
in virus removal, 10.55–10.56 oxidation of arsenite to arsenate, 9.50–9.52
Aluminum, 2.22–2.23, 6.1 regeneration of arsenic-spent alumina,
and corrosion, 17.46–17.47 9.56–9.57, 9.56f.
Aluminum hydroxide, 6.18, 6.19f., 6.20t. regeneration of arsenic-spent resins (ion
Alzheimer’s disease, 6.24 exchange), 9.61–9.62
American Institute of Professional Geologists, removal by activated alumina adsorption,
4.40 9.49–9.57, 9.50f., 9.51t., 9.53f., 9.54f., 9.55t.,
American Rule, 4.30 9.56f.
American Society for Testing and Materials, removal by ion exchange, 9.57–9.64
4.39, 4.39t. removal combined with nitrate removal (ion
Ames test, 2.21 exchange), 9.59, 9.60f., 9.60t.
Ammonia removal from spent alumina regenerants, 9.57
and corrosion, 17.44 resins for ion exchange removal, 9.59
reactions with chlorine (chloramine forma- reuse of spent arsenic regenerant, 9.62, 9.63f.
tion), 12.14–12.15, 14.9–14.15, 14.11f., system design for removal by alumina, 9.52
14.13f., 14.14t. Asbestos, 2.23–2.26
Ammonium silicofluoride, 15.12 ASR. See Aquifer storage and recovery

Assimilative capacity, 4.54 Bacteria (Cont.)

ASTM. See American Society for Testing and Helicobacter pylori, 2.7–2.8
Materials heterotrophic, 2.5
Astroviruses, 2.10 Klebsiella, 2.8
Asymmetric membranes, 11.9, 11.10f. Legionella, 2.1, 2.6–2.7
Atrazine, 2.49–2.50 Mai complex, 2.8
adsorption isotherms, 13.10, 13.10f., 13.11, mycobacteria, 18.12–18.13
13.12f. Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, 2.8
removal by granular activated carbon, opportunistic, 2.8
13.44–13.45, 13.44f., 13.45f. pigmented, 18.13
ATSDR. See Agency for Toxic Substances and Pseudomonas, 2.8
Disease Registry Salmonella, 2.3, 2.6, 14.21
Atterberg limit test, 16.9, 16.9f. Serratia, 2.8
Automation, 3.10 Shigella, 2.3, 2.6, 14.21
Available chlorine, 14.5, 14.6 total bacterial plate count, 1.3
Available head loss, 8.17 Vibrio chloerae, 2.7, 14.21
Yersinia enterocolitica, 2.6
Bacillus, 2.18 Bacteroides, 2.17
Back-diffusion constant, 11.54–11.55 Bag filters, 8.91
Backmixing, 14.28, 14.39, 14.47 Ballasted-floc systems. See Floc ballasting
and baffles, 14.39–14.40, 14.40f. Barium, 2.26
Backwashing removal by ion exchange, 9.21f., 9.35
air-scour delivery systems, 8.61 Basicity, 6.23
air-scour-assisted backwash, 8.60–8.61, 8.60t. BAT. See Best available technology
backwash water and air-scour flow rates, Batch thickeners, 16.17, 16.19–16.20, 16.19f.,
8.61–8.63, 8.62t. 16.21
expansion of filter bed during (rapid granular BDCM. See Bromodichloromethane
bed filtration), 8.63–8.65 Bellack, Ervin, 15.3
of GAC filter-adsorbers, 8.67 Benzene, 2.37
granular activated carbon, 8.23 Best available technology, 1.25, 1.27
gulf streaming, 8.66 Best management practices
intermixing of adjacent layers, 8.66–8.67 nonstructural, 4.60, 4.61t.
jet action, 8.66, 8.69, 8.70f. structural, 4.60, 4.61t.
methods for rapid granular bed filtration, Biologically activated carbon and bacterial
8.58–8.63, 8.59t. growth, 18.6–18.7
movement of gravel during, 8.69–8.71, 8.70f. Biowalls, 4.42
and mudballs, 8.68 Birth defects
rapid granular bed filtration, 8.17 and pesticides, 2.48
sand boils, 8.66, 8.69, 8.70f. BMP. See Best management practices
skimming during, 8.66 Body feed, 8.81
stratification during, 8.65–8.66 Boltzmann’s constant, 8.34
surface wash plus fluidized bed backwash, Boundary-layer turbulence, 7.8
8.59–8.60 Brass and bronze corrosion, 17.53–17.54
troughs, 8.63 Brines, 16.2
upflow wash with full fluidization, 8.58–8.59 Bromate, 2.59, 12.37, 12.42, 14.19, 14.19f.
wash water volume required (rapid granular and granular activated carbon, 13.36
bed filtration), 8.63 Bromide
water recovery and recycling, 8.67, 8.92 and DBP control by GAC, 13.39
Bacteria reactions with chlorine, 12.15–12.16
Acinetobacter, 2.8 reactions with ozone, 12.21–12.22, 14.19
actinomycetes, 18.14 Bromine, 2.54
aerobic, 2.5–2.6 health effects and DBPs, 2.58, 2.59
Aeromonas, 2.8 Bromodichloromethane, 1.7, 2.60–2.61
anaerobic, 2.6 Bromoform, 1.7, 2.61
antibiotic-resistant, 18.9–18.12 Brownfields programs, 4.42
autotrophic, 2.5 Brownian diffusion, 6.45, 8.34, 11.31, 11.32,
Campylobacter jejuni, 2.6 11.33
disinfectant-resistant, 18.14, 18.30 Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm equation,
in distribution systems, 18.8–18.16, 13.18
18.10t.–18.11t. Bubble aeration, 5.43–5.44
Escherichia coli, 1.3, 2.7 design equations, 5.44–5.48
Flavobacterium, 2.8 sample calculation, 5.48–5.54

Bubble aeration (Cont.) Carcinogens (Cont.)

sample ozone absorption problem, 5.54–5.55 three-category approach, 1.19–1.20, 1.20t.
schematic, 5.43f. weight-of-evidence criteria, 1.19, 1.20t.
schematic of single bubble, 5.44–5.45, 5.44f. Cartridge filters, 8.91
single-tank schematic, 5.44f. Cartridge microfiltration as pretreatment for
tanks-in-series configuration, 5.45–5.46, 5.46f. RO and NF, 11.51–11.53
Bubble-point testing, 11.27 Catalysis, 12.9–12.10, 12.11f.
Buffer intensity, 17.38–17.41, 17.39f., 17.40f., Cathodes, 17.3, 17.24
17.41t., 17.79, 17.80f. Cathodic current, 17.3–17.4
Bulk solution transport, 13.13 Cathodic protection, 17.8
Cathodic reactions, 17.8–17.9
CAA. See Clean Air Act Cationic polyelectrolytes, 6.41–6.42, 6.42f.
Cadmium, 2.1, 2.26–2.27 Cationic polymers, 6.40
Cake filtration, 8.2, 8.3 with hydrolyzable metal coagulants, 6.43
Calcium carbonate, 10.16, 10.17 Cations
equilibria, 10.9–10.11, 10.12t., 10.13f., 10.14f. principal cations causing hardness, 10.14t.
and powdered activated carbon, 13.65 summary of ion exchange processes for
precipitation and NOM removal, 10.47–10.49, removing, 9.82t.–9.83t.
10.48t., 10.49f., 10.51 Caustic soda, 10.40
scaling control in membrane processes, CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
11.48–11.51 vention
Calcium carbonate precipitation potential, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
17.75–17.78, 17.78f. 1.16
Calcium carbonate saturation, 17.71–17.79 CERCLA. See Comprehensive Environmental
Calcium fluoride (fluorspar), 15.12, 15.13 Response, Compensation and Liability Act
Calcium hypochlorite, 12.13, 14.5, 14.36 Chemical oxidation, 12.1–12.2. See also Chlo-
Caldwell-Lawrence diagrams, 10.23–10.27, rine and chlorination; Chlorine dioxide;
10.25f. Ozone and ozonation; Potassium perman-
Caliciviruses, 2.9 ganate
Camptonville, California, 3.24 advantages and disadvantages of major oxi-
Campylobacter jejuni, 2.6 dants, 12.45t.
Canada as aid to coagulation and flocculation, 12.28
drinking water standards, 1.39 Arrhenius equation, 12.7–12.8
Candy tanks, 7.3, 7.3f. catalysis, 12.9–12.10, 12.11f.
Capillary suction time test. See CST (capillary electrochemical potentials, 12.2–12.4, 12.3t.
suction time) test forward reaction rate constant, 12.7
Carbamates, 2.48 ionic reactions, 12.8–12.9, 12.9t.
Carbofuran, 2.50 mixed oxidants, 12.23–12.24
Carbon molecularity, 12.7
in microbial colonization, 18.20–18.21 oxidation state, 12.4
Carbon tetrachloride, 2.37 oxidation-reduction reactions, 12.4–12.6
activity, 13.18 radical reactions, 12.8–12.9, 12.10t.
Carbonate hardness, 10.15–10.16, 10.17 reaction kinetics, 12.6–12.8
Carbonate saturometer, 17.82–17.83 reaction pathways, 12.10–12.11
Carbonic acid equilibria, 10.8–10.9, 10.10f. standard half-cell potentials, 12.3t.
Carcinogenicity, 2.20–2.22 temperature dependence, 12.7–12.8
Carcinogens, 1.19 thermodynamic principles, 12.2–12.6
category III, 1.25 types of reactions, 12.8–12.9
drinking water equivalent level, 1.21–1.22, 1.23 uses, 12.1
known or probable (Category I), 1.20–1.21, Chemical precipitation, 10.1. See also Coagula-
1.25 tion; Hardness; Water softening
linearized multistage dose-response model, calcium carbonate equilibria, 10.9–10.11,
1.23, 1.23f. 10.12t., 10.13f., 10.14f.
lowest-observed-adverse-effect level carbonic acid equilibria, 10.8–10.9, 10.10f.
(LOAEL), 1.21 common-ion effect, 10.3–10.6
no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), coprecipitation, 10.52–10.53
1.21 equilibrium constant, 10.2–10.3
pesticides, 2.48 Le Châtelier’s principle, 10.3, 10.10
possible (Category II), 1.23–1.24, 1.25 magnesium hydroxide equilibria, 10.10–10.11,
reference dose (RfD), 1.21–1.22, 1.22f., 1.22t., 10.12t., 10.13f.
1.23 metal removal, 10.6–10.8

Chemical precipitation (Cont.) Chlorine and chlorination (Cont.)

process chemistry, 10.16–10.18 chlorine residual in distribution systems,
removal of humic substances, 10.53–10.55, 18.16–18.17, 18.35t., 18.17t., 18.36
10.54t., 10.55t., 10.56f., 10.57f. chlorine residual to control biological growth
removal of inorganic contaminants and heavy in treatment plants, 12.28
metals, 10.7f., 10.52–10.53, 10.52t. contact tank hydraulics, 14.39
residual concentration, 10.6–10.7, 10.7f. contact time, 14.37, 14.37t.
solubility equilibria, 10.2–10.6 and corrosion, 17.42
solubility product constants, 10.3, 10.4t.–10.5t. dechlorination, 14.17
theory, 10.1–10.13 demand, 14.16–14.17
Chemicals. See also Inorganic constituents; disinfection by-products, 12.30–12.36,
Organic constituents 12.31t.–12.34t., 12.35f., 12.39f.
carcinogenicity, 2.20–2.22 forms, 12.11–12.12
dose-response, 2.19 free available chlorine, 12.12, 14.6
genotoxicity, 2.20 gaseous, 12.13–12.14, 14.36
health effects, 2.18–2.22 and granular activated carbon, 13.34, 13.34t.
mutagenicity, 2.20, 2.21 halogenated DBPs, 12.1
oncogenicity, 2.20 health effects and DBPs, 2.55–2.56
teratogenicity, 2.20 high free chlorine residual and THM forma-
toxicity, 2.19 tion, 3.4
in treatment additives, linings, and coatings, history, 14.2
2.34, 2.53–2.54 hypochlorite ion, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f.
Chick’s law, 14.22, 14.23, 14.23f. hypochlorous acid, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f., 14.6,
Chick-Watson law, 14.22, 14.23, 14.27 14.7f., 14.32
Chitin, 6.42 increased dosage and chlorine residual, 14.10,
Chloral hydrate, 2.63–2.64 14.11f.
Chloramine and chloramination, 2.54 in iron and manganese removal, 3.19
advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t. liquid, 12.13–12.14
bacteria inactivation, 14.32 mode of inactivation, 14.32–14.33
breakpoint reaction, 14.10–14.15, 14.11f. molecular chlorine, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f.
chlorine reaction with ammonia, 14.9–14.15, monitoring and control, 14.48
14.11f., 14.13f., 14.14t. and pH, 14.6–14.7, 14.7f., 14.32
chlorine reactions with organic matter, points of application, 14.36, 14.37t.
14.15–14.16 postchlorination, 14.37
chlorine-to-nitrogen ratio, 12.41 prechlorination, 14.37
CT values for Giardia inactivation, 14.30, pros and cons, 14.48, 14.48t.
14.30t. reaction with ammonia (chloramine forma-
current practice, 14..38–14.39 tion), 12.14–12.15, 14.9–14.15, 14.11f.,
dichloramine-to-monochloramine ratio, 14.13f., 14.14t.
14.13, 14.13f. reactions with bromide, 12.15–12.16
disinfection by-products, 12.31t.–12.34t., reactions with organic compounds, 12.14
12.36–12.37 reactions with organic matter, 14.15–14.16
formation, 12.14–12.15 reactions with other inorganic compounds,
health effects and DBPs, 2.56–2.57 14.16, 14.16t.
history, 14.2 residuals for posttreatment protection, 14.35
U.S. utilities with long experience, 14.38, and SOCs, 12.27
14.38t. sodium hypochlorite, 12.13, 14.5–14.6, 14.36
Chlorate, 2.58, 12.16, 12.17–12.18 species, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f.
and granular activated carbon, 13.36 superchlorination/dechlorination, 14.38
Chloride terminal disinfection, 14.37
and corrosion, 17.43 total available chlorine, 14.10
effect on anion exchange run length for ura- total oxidants, 14.10
nium removal, 9.78–9.79, 9.78f. Chlorine dioxide, 2.54, 12.1, 12.16
and iron corrosion, 17.47 advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t.
Chlorine and chlorination, 1.3, 2.54, 12.1. See basic chemistry, 14.8–14.9
also Chloramine and chloramination chlorate formation, 12.16, 12.17–12.18
advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t. chlorite formation, 12.16, 12.17–12.18
available chlorine, 14.5, 14.6 CT values for Giardia inactivation, 14.30,
basic chemistry, 14.4–14.48 14.30t.
breakpoint reaction, 14.10–14.15, 14.11f. demand reactions, 14.18
calcium hypochlorite, 12.13, 14.5, 14.36 disinfection by-products, 12.31t.–12.34t., 12.37

Chlorine dioxide (Cont.) Coagulants (Cont.)

factors limiting use, 14.42–14.43 prehydrolyzed metal salts, 6.2, 6.16, 6.23
generation of, 12.16, 14.41–14.42 and rapid sand filtration, 6.2
and granular activated carbon, 13.36 and residuals, 6.3, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f.
health effects and DBPs, 2.57 silica, 6.2, 6.43
history, 14.2–14.3 simple metal salts, 6.22–6.23
in iron and manganese removal, 3.19, 12.17 sodium aluminate, 6.24
odor production, 12.26 surface charge neutralization, 6.16–6.17
and pH, 14.33 synthetic organic polymers, 6.2
pros and cons, 14.48, 14.48t. Coagulation, 3.10, 6.1–6.2. See also Conven-
and SOCs, 12.27, 12.28 tional treatment; Enhanced coagulation;
in taste and odor control, 12.17 Flocculation; Sedimentation
tendency not to produce halogenated DBPs, by alum in removal of humic substances,
12.17 10.53–10.55, 10.54t., 10.55t., 10.56f.
Chlorite, 2.57–2.58, 12.16, 12.17–12.18, 12.37 in color removal, 6.1
and granular activated carbon, 13.36 defined, 6.1, 6.2–6.3
3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-2(5H)-furanone. diagrams, 6.36, 6.37f.
See MX effect of temperature, 6.57–6.58
Chloroacetaldehyde, 2.63 electrokinetic measurements in monitoring
Chloroform, 1.5, 1.7, 2.60 and control, 6.58–6.61
Chlorophenols, 2.65 electrophoretic mobility, 6.30–6.32, 6.31f.,
Chloropicrin, 2.65 6.41–6.42, 6.42f., 6.58
Cholera, 1.2, 2.1, 14.1 electrophoretic mobility measurements in
Chromate monitoring and control, 6.58, 6.59–6.61, 6.60f.
concentration and anion exchange run and granular activated carbon, 13.32
length, 9.67 jar tests, 6.30–6.40
effect of resin matrix on removal (anion in NOM removal, 6.1, 6.3–6.6, 6.36–6.40,
exchange), 9.66, 9.67t. 6.37f., 6.38f., 6.39f.
regeneration of chromate-spent resin, oxidation as aid to coagulation and floccula-
9.66–9.67, 9.67t. tion, 12.28
removal by anion exchange, 9.65–9.68 and ozone, 6.44
removal from spent regenerant (anion particle removal, 6.6–6.8, 6.7f.
exchange), 9.67–9.68 of particulates with controlled pH and negli-
Chromium, 2.27 gible NOM, 6.30–6.32, 6.31f.
Chromogenic medium test, 18.29 and pH, 6.30
Churchill, H.V., 15.2 and sedimentation, 7.43
C-L diagrams. See Caldwell-Lawrence diagrams streaming current measurements in monitor-
Clean Air Act, 4.57 ing and control, 6.58–6.61, 6.59f., 6.60f.
Clean Water Act, 4.57 with variable alkalinity, presence of NOM,
Clostridium perfringens, 2.16 and metal hydroxide solubility, 6.32–6.36,
Coagulants, 6.15–6.16. See also Alum coagula- 6.33f., 6.34f.–6.35f.
tion; HMS coagulants; Polyelectrolyte water with low initial alkalinity, 6.36
coagulants Coarse-bed filtration
acidity, 6.25–6.27 compactness, 7.78
action, 6.27–6.30 comparison with DAF and sedimentation,
adsorption, 6.17 7.75–7.79, 7.76t.
alum, 6.2, 6.15, 6.43 COCODAF® dissolved-air flotation, 7.62, 7.63f.
aluminum, 6.1 Coliforms, 1.3
combinations, 6.43–6.44 in distribution systems, 18.9, 18.12t.,
destabilization mechanisms, 6.16–6.17 18.26–18.27, 18.30–18.31
double-layer compression, 6.16 as indicators, 2.15, 14.20–14.21
electrokinetic measurements in monitoring Coliphages, 2.16–2.17
and control, 6.58–6.61 Collision efficiency factor, 6.45
ferric iron salts, 6.1, 6.16 Color, 2.70
hydrolyzing metal salts, 6.17–6.22 and corrosion, 17.45, 17.47
impurities, 6.24–6.25 and iron corrosion, 17.47
interparticle bridging, 6.17 removal by coagulation, 6.1
metal salts plus additives, 6.23–6.24 removal by ion exchange, 9.68–9.74, 9.70f.,
metal salts plus strong acid, 6.23 9.71f., 9.72f.
and microfiltration, 6.2 removal by oxidation, 12.26–12.27
polyaluminum chloride, 6.2, 6.23 removal by water softening, 10.50, 10.51f.
polyiron chloride, 6.2, 6.23 and surface water, 4.50

Common-ion effect, 10.3–10.6 Corrosion (Cont.)

Community Water Supply Study, 1.4 and ammonia, 17.44
Compaction density, 16.13 anodes, 17.3, 17.24
Competitive adsorption anodic current, 17.3
in bisolute systems, 13.6–13.8, 13.7f. anodic reactions, 17.8
in natural waters, 13.8–13.12, 13.8f. of asbestos cement pipe, 17.58–17.60
Composite membranes, 11.9–11.10, 11.11f. assessment methods, 17.60–17.83
Comprehensive Environmental Response, of brass and bronze, 17.53–17.54
Compensation and Liability Act, 4.29, 4.41, and buffer intensity, 17.38–17.41, 17.39f.,
4.55, 4.57–4.58 17.40f., 17.41t., 17.79, 17.80f.
Computational fluid dynamics, 7.26, 7.79 calcium carbonate precipitation potential,
Concentrates, 16.2 17.75–17.78, 17.78f.
Concentration cell corrosion, 17.26 and calcium carbonate saturation,
Concentration-polarization 17.71–17.79
layer, 11.28, 11.30 carbonate saturometer, 17.82–17.83
and precipitative fouling, 11.31–11.32 cathodes, 17.3, 17.24
Concentration-time concept. See CT cathodic current, 17.3–17.4
Connections (corrosion electrochemistry), 17.3 cathodic protection, 17.8
Constant diffusivity design, 13.52 cathodic reactions, 17.8–17.9
Contact time, 11.4, 14.4, 14.37, 14.37t. of cement-mortar linings, 17.58–17.60
Contaminants. See also Carcinogens chemical analysis, 17.63, 17.94–17.95
candidate list, 1.15t.–1.16t. chemical factors affecting, 17.34–17.47, 17.35t.
current regulations, 1.31, 1.32t.–1.37t., 1.38t. chemical inhibitors, 17.89–17.90
microbial, 1.24–1.25 chemical treatment, 17.85–17.90
monitoring and analytical methods, 1.27–1.28 and chloride, 17.43
phases, 1.31 and chlorine, 17.42, 17.47
priorities and urgent threats, 1.16 and color, 17.45
regulation development, 1.13t.–1.14t. complaint logs and maps, 17.70–17.71
regulatory deadlines and procedures, concentration cell corrosion, 17.26
1.16–1.17 of concrete pipe, 17.58–17.60
removal as factor in treatment process selec- connections, 17.3
tion, 3.3–3.5, 3.6t.–3.7t. contour diagrams, 17.18f.
and residuals recyling, 16.40–16.41 control, 17.83–17.92
selection of, 1.12–1.14 control and distribution system microbial
Continuous flow thickeners, 16.17, 16.19–16.20, control, 18.35t., 18.36
16.18f., 16.22 of copper, 17.48–17.53, 17.49f., 17.52f., 17.93
Contour diagrams, 17.18f. and copper presence, 17.46
Conventional treatment, 3.15–3.16, 3.16f., 11.4 coupon weight-loss testing, 17.61
See also Coagulation; Flocculation; Sedi- crevice corrosion, 17.27
mentation cuprosolvency, 17.24
with pretreatment, 3.16 customer complaints, 17.69, 17.70t.
reduction of heterotrophic bacterial popula- dealloying, 17.27–17.28
tions, 18.6, 18.7t. differential oxygenation corrosion, 17.26
in removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, direct assessment methods, 17.60–17.69
8.5–8.6 disequilibrium index, 17.79–17.81
Copper, 2.27 and dissolved inorganic carbon, 17.36–17.38,
corrosion of, 17.48–17.53, 17.49f., 17.52f., 17.37f.
17.93 and dissolved oxygen, 17.41–17.42
and corrosion of galvanized steel piping, electrochemical rate measurements, 17.62
17.46 electrochemical reactions, 17.3–17.8, 17.5f.
solubility, 17.48–17.49, 17.49f. electrolyte solutions, 17.3
Coprecipitation, 10.52, 10.53 engineering considerations, 17.84–17.85
adsorption, 10.53 erosion corrosion, 17.9, 17.27
inclusion, 10.52 filtration analysis, 17.96
occlusion, 10.53 galvanic, 17.24–17.25
solid-solution formation, 10.53 galvanic series, 17.24–17.25, 17.25t.
Correlative rights doctrine, 4.29 of galvanized steel, 17.57–17.58
Corrosion, 17.1–17.3 graphitization, 17.28
and alkalinity, 17.36–17.38, 17.37f. half-cell reactions, 17.6–17.7
and alkalinity/DIC concentration adjustment, and hardness, 17.43
17.86–17.88 and heterogeneous buffer systems, 17.41
and aluminum, 17.46–17.47 and homogeneous buffer systems, 17.39

Corrosion (Cont.) Corrosion (Cont.)

human exposure evaluation, 17.93 of steel, 17.47–17.48
and hydrogen sulfide, 17.43–17.44 stray current corrosion, 17.30
immersion tests, 17.62–17.63 and sulfate, 17.43
immunity, 17.8 and total dissolved solids, 17.42–17.43
indices, 17.71–17.83 tuberculation, 17.26–17.27
indirect assessment methods, 17.69–17.83 types, 17.23–17.30
and infrared spectroscopy, 17.68–17.69 uniform, 17.24
and iron, 17.46 water sampling for control, 17.92–17.97,
of iron, 17.47–17.48 17.96t.
kinetics, 17.11 and water temperature, 17.31–17.34, 17.32f.,
Langelier Saturation Index, 17.71–17.79, 17.33f.
17.82 and water velocity, 17.30–17.31
Larson Ratio, 17.81 and x-ray diffraction, 17.66–17.68, 17.67f.,
of lead, 17.54–17.57, 17.93 17.68f., 17.69f.
linings, coatings, and paints for control, and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry,
17.91–17.92 17.65–17.66
loop system weight-loss testing, 17.61–17.62 and zinc, 17.46
and magnesium, 17.46 Coupling model, 11.56–11.57
and manganese, 17.46 Coupon weight-loss testing, 17.61
and manufacturing processes, 17.34 Crevice corrosion, 17.27
marble test, 17.82 Cryptosporidium, 2.1, 2.3, 2.11–2.12, 11.5,
mass balance equation, 17.12–17.13 14.1–14.2, 14.21–14.22
materials selection in control, 17.83–17.84 and backwash water recovery, 8.67
microbiologically influenced corrosion, and filtering-to-waste, 8.40–8.42
17.28–17.29 and filtration problems, 18.6
microscopic analysis, 17.63–17.65, 17.64f., Milwaukee outbreak, 1.10
17.65f. and multiple physical removal barriers, 3.5
and natural organic material, 17.45 as ovoid particles, 6.6
Nernst equation, 17.5–17.8 and rapid granular bed filtration, 8.24–8.25,
nonprotecting scale, 17.9 8.26t., 8.27t., 8.40–8.43
and orthophosphate, 17.44–17.45, 17.96–17.97 removal by granular bed and precoat filtra-
and oxygen control, 17.88–17.89 tion, 8.5–8.7
passivation, 17.8, 17.11f. removal by membrane processes, 11.22–11.26
and pH, 17.2, 17.9, 17.31–17.33, 17.32f., 17.33f., removal by slow sand filtration, 8.77
17.36, 17.47 and residuals recycling, 16.40
and pH adjustment, 17.85–17.86 in surface water, 4.49, 4.51, 4.56
physical characteristics of water affecting, treatment by multiple disinfectants,
17.30–17.34 14.47–14.48
physical inspection methods, 17.60–17.62 and watershed protection, 3.15
pitting corrosion, 17.25–17.26 CSF (coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration)
planned interval tests, 17.61 processes. See Conventional treatment
plumbosolvency, 17.24 CST (capillary suction time) test, 16.10–16.12,
and polyphosphates, 17.45–17.46 16.12f., 16.13t.
potential-pH diagrams (Pourbaix diagrams), CT, 11.4, 14.4
17.19–17.23, 17.20f., 17.21f., 17.22f., 17.23f. in regulation, 14.30–14.31, 14.30t., 14.31t.
problems caused, 17.2 Cuprosolvency, 17.24
properties of water distribution system mate- CWSS. See Community Water Supply Study
rials, 17.4t. Cyanazine, 2.50
protecting scale, 17.9 Cyanide, 14.19
rate measurements, 17.61–17.62 Cyanogen chloride, 2.65
Ryznar Saturation Index, 17.78–17.79 Cyclospora, 2.12
saturation index, 17.79–17.81
scales, 17.9–17.10, 17.10f., 17.11f. 2,4-D, 2.50–2.51
and scanning electron microscope analysis, Dacthal, 2.50
17.64–17.65, 17.64f., 17.65f. DAF. See Dissolved-air flotation
secondary effects of control measures, 17.91 Darcy-Weisbach equation, 8.12
selective leaching, 17.27–17.28 DBCM. See Dibromochloromethane
and silicates, 17.44 DCA. See Dichloroacetic acid
solubility diagrams, 17.12–17.18, 17.14f., D/DBP Rule, 2.55
17.15f., 17.16f., 17.17f. Dealloying, 17.27–17.28
statistical testing criteria, 17.94 Dean, H. T., 15.2

Decolorizing index, 13.18 Disinfection (Cont.)

Depth filtration, 8.2, 8.3, 8.32 Chick’s law, 14.22, 14.23, 14.23f.
pretreatment, 8.3–8.4 Chick-Watson law, 14.22, 14.23, 14.27
Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek the- contact time, 14.4
ory. See DLVO theory of colloid stability CT, 14.4, 14.23, 14.24f.
Desorption, 13.12–13.13 CT approach in regulation, 14.30–14.31,
Diatomaceous earth filtration, 3.10, 3.16–3.17, 14.30t., 14.31t.
8.85–8.86. See also Precoat filtration without filtration, 3.14–3.15
in removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, frequency factor, 14.27
8.5–8.6 and Groundwater Disinfection Rule, 14.4
Dibromochloromethane, 1.7, 2.61 inactivation curves, 14.24–14.25
DIC. See Dissolved inorganic carbon and indicators, 14.20–14.21
Dicamba, 2.50 kinetics, 14.22–14.30, 14.23f., 14.24f.
Dichloroacetaldehyde, 2.63 and microbial physiological state, 14.34–14.35
Dichloroacetic acid, 2.62 miscellaneous agents, 14.3–14.4
Dichlorobenzenes, 2.37 monitoring and control, 14.48–14.49
1,2-Dichloroethane, 2.37 multiple disinfectants, 14.47–14.48
1,1-Dichloroethylene, 2.44 predisinfection, 14.36
Dichloromethane, 2.44–2.45 preoxidation, 14.36
1,2-Dichloropropane, 2.51 primary, 14.36
Differential oxygenation corrosion, 17.26 pros and cons of major disinfectants, 14.48,
Differential settling, 6.46 14.48t.
Diffuse layers, 6.10, 6.11f., 6.12f., 6.13 secondary, 14.36
Diffused aeration. See Bubble aeration and solids association, 14.34
Dioxin, 2.52–2.53 and Surface Water Treatment Rule, 14.4
Direct additives, 1.38–1.39 and temperature, 14.27, 14.32
Direct filtration, 3.16–3.17, 3.17f., 8.4, 8.49–8.50 U.S. practice (survey), 14.1–14.2, 14.2t.
advantages, 8.50 Disinfection by-products, 2.55
appropriate source waters, 8.51–8.52 bromate, 2.59, 12.37, 12.42, 14.19, 14.19f.
disadvantages, 8.50 and bromide concentration, 12.43–12.44,
effluent turbidity, 8.53 12.43f.
filtration rates, 8.53 brominated, 12.37, 12.43
instrumentation, 8.50 of bromine, 2.58, 2.59
Los Angeles plant, 8.54 bromodichloromethane, 1.7, 2.60–2.61
with preozonation, 3.22–3.23 bromoform, 1.7, 2.61
pretreatment, 8.50–8.51, 8.52–8.53 chloral hydrate, 2.63–2.64
in removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, of chloramine, 2.56–2.57
8.5 chlorate, 2.58
for taste and odor episodes, 8.50–8.51 of chlorine, 2.55–2.56
Discrete particle settling, 7.5, 7.14, 7.14f. of chlorine dioxide, 2.57
boundary-layer turbulence, 7.8 chlorite, 2.57–2.58
drag force, 7.6–7.8, 7.7f. chloroacetaldehyde, 2.63
effect of particle shape, 7.8 chloroform, 1.5, 1.7, 2.60
and flocculation, 7.8–7.9 chlorophenols, 2.65
predicting settling efficiency, 7.11, 7.12f. chloropicrin, 2.65
Reynolds number, 7.7, 7.7f. control by minimizing organic precursors,
settlement in tanks, 7.9–7.11 12.44
settling velocity, 7.9–7.11, 7.10f., 7.12f. control by modifying disinfection,
terminal settling velocity, 7.6–7.8 12.44–12.46
Disequilibrium index, 17.79–17.81 control by removal of by-products, 12.46
Disinfectants, 2.54, 12.29–12.30. See also Chlo- cyanogen chloride, 2.65
rine and chlorination; Chlorine dioxide; dibromochloromethane, 1.7, 2.61
Chloramine and chloramination; Disinfec- dichloroacetaldehyde, 2.63
tion by-products; Ozone and ozonation dichloroacetic acid, 2.62
stability in distribution systems, 18.16–18.18, and disinfectant dose, 12.40–12.41, 12.40f.,
18.17t. 12.41f.
Disinfection, 14.1–14.2. See also Chloramine factors influencing formation, 12.38–12.44
and chloramination; Chlorine and chlorina- formaldehyde, 2.64
tion; Chlorine dioxide; Ozone and ozona- haloacetaldehydes, 2.63–2.64
tion; Ultraviolet light haloacetic acids, 2.34, 2.61–2.63
activation energy, 14.27 haloacetonitriles, 2.64–2.65
and backmixing, 14.28, 14.39–14.40, 14.40f. halogenated, 12.1, 12.35–12.36, 12.38–12.39

Disinfection by-products (Cont.) Dissolved-air flotation (Cont.)

haloketones, 2.64 heterogeneous flocculation-based model,
inorganic, 2.55–2.59 7.50–7.51
of iodine, 2.58 history, 7.47–7.48
list of, 12.31t.–12.34t. and hydraulic flocculation, 7.68–7.69, 7.68f.
MX, 2.65–2.66 microflotation, 7.48
organic, 2.59–2.66 models, 7.49–7.61
and organic carbon, 6.4 nomenclature, 7.80–7.81
of ozone, 2.59 numbers of plants, 7.48
and pH, 12.41–12.42 performance case studies, 7.72–7.75
precursor adsorption by PAC, 13.65–13.66 pressure flotation, 7.48
and precursor material, 12.42–12.43 quantity of air required, 7.69, 7.69f.
precursor removal by granular activated car- rapid start-up, 7.78
bon, 13.28–13.29, 13.29t., 13.39, 13.40f. rectangular tanks, 7.62
reaction schematic, 12.29f. recycle-flow pressure flotation, 7.48–7.49, 7.49f.
and reaction time, 12.38–12.39, 12.39f. schematic, 7.49f.
regulations, 14.4 separation zone, 7.49–7.50, 7.50f., 7.57–7.58
seasonal effects, 12.44 and solids loading, 7.77
and temperature, 12.42 source water and float, 7.71
trichloroacetaldehyde, 2.63–2.64 split-flow pressure flotation, 7.48
trichloroacetic acid, 2.62–2.63 theory, 7.49–7.61
trihalomethanes, 2.60–2.61 treatment of algal-bearing (high-alkalinity)
Disinfection By-Products Rule, 6.5–6.6, 6.5t., 11.6 stored water, 7.72–7.75, 7.73t., 7.74f.
Dispersed-air flotation, 7.48 treatment of colored (low-alkalinity) stored
Dissolved-air flotation water (case study), 7.72, 7.73t.
air dissolution and release, 7.55–7.56, 7.56f. treatment of lowland mineral-bearing (high-
air-release devices, 7.70 alkalinity) river water (case study), 7.72
air saturation systems, 7.63–7.64, 7.65f., 7.66f. treatment of low-turbidity, low-color waters,
air solids ratio and float, 7.71 7.75
attachment of bubbles (attachment mecha- types of tanks, 7.61–7.63, 7.61f., 7.63f., 7.64f.
nism), 7.49 vacuum flotation, 7.48
bubble volume and number concentration, of wastewater, 7.47
7.56–7.57 white water collector model, 7.51–7.55, 7.53t.
circular tanks, 7.61–7.62, 7.61f. Dissolved inorganic carbon
and coagulation, 7.64–7.66, 7.67f. adjustment in corrosion control, 17.86–17.88
COCODAF® design, 7.62, 7.63f. and buffer intensity, 17.40–17.41, 17.40f.
combined with filtration, 7.62–7.63, 7.64f., and corrosion, 17.36–17.38, 17.37f.
7.75, 7.78 Dissolved organic carbon, 6.4
compactness, 7.78 removal by ion exchange, 9.68–9.74, 9.70f.,
compared with sedimentation for treatment 9.71f., 9.72f.
process selection, 7.75–7.79, 7.76t. Dissolved oxygen
contact zone, 7.49–7.50, 7.50f. and corrosion, 17.41–17.42
costs, 7.77–7.78 Distribution system microbial control
countercurrent flotation, 7.62, 7.63f. actinomycetes, 18.14
degree of agitation, 7.67–7.68 additional precautions when good practice is
effect of bubble size, 7.54–7.55 not enough, 18.35–18.37, 18.35t.
effect of coagulation, 7.53–7.54 agar tests, 18.30
emerging technology, 7.79–7.80 antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 18.9–18.12
entrapment of bubbles, 7.49 and assimilable organic carbon, 18.21–18.24
examples, 7.58–7.61 bacteria profiles, 18.8–18.16, 18.10t.–18.11t.
factors influencing efficiency, 7.64–7.71 bacterial nutrients in microbial colonization,
and filtration for Cryptosporidium removal, 18.20, 18.35t., 18.37
3.5 bacterial test selection, 18.28–18.30
and filtration in algae removal, 3.17, 3.18f., and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon,
3.21–3.22 18.21–18.24
float and float removal, 7.70–7.71, 7.78–7.79 biofilm development in water supply storage,
and flocculation, 7.66 18.22–18.24
and flocculation time, 7.66–7.67, 7.68t. and bird excrement, 18.4
flotation mechanisms, 7.49 carbon in microbial colonization, 18.20–18.21
full-flow pressure flotation, 7.48 changing disinfectant type, 18.35t.,
growth of bubbles, 7.49 18.36–18.37

Distribution system microbial control (Cont.) DOC. See Dissolved organic carbon
chromogenic medium test, 18.29 Drag force, 7.6–7.8, 7.7f.
coliforms, 18.9, 18.12t., 18.26–18.27, Drinking Water and Health, 1.8
18.30–18.31 Drinking water equivalent level, 1.21–1.22, 1.23
compliance monitoring, 18.25 Drinking Water Priority List, 1.12
construction practices to avoid contamina- Driving force, 11.27
tion, 18.2–18.3 DuPont equation, 11.42
and corrosion control, 18.35t., 18.36 DWEL. See Drinking water equivalent level
designing for contamination reduction, DWPL. See Drinking Water Priority List
disinfectant-resistant bacteria, 18.14, 18.30 E. coli. See Escherichia coli
disinfectant stability and residual, EBC. See Equivalent background compound
18.16–18.18, 18.17t., 18.35t., 18.36 EBCT. See Empty-bed contact time
evaluating coliform occurrences, 18.32–18.34, ECH. See Epichlorohydrin
18.33t. ED. See Electrodialysis
fungi, 18.15–18.16, 18.15t. EDF. See Environmental Defense Fund
habitat characterizations, 18.18–18.19 EDR. See Electrodialysis reversal
heterotrophic plate count measurement, Edwards aquifer, 4.3, 4.8, 4.33
18.26, 18.31–18.32 Edwards Aquifer Authority, 4.33
membrane filter test, 18.29 Eh-pH diagrams. See Potential-pH diagrams
metal ions and salts in microbial colonization, Electrochemical potentials, 12.2–12.4, 12.3t.
18.20–18.21 Electrochemical rate measurements (corro-
microbial colonization factors, 18.18–18.24 sion), 17.62
monitoring, 18.2 Electrodialysis, 11.1, 11.3, 11.15
monitoring program, 18.24–18.37 cast membrane sheets, 11.16, 11.17f.
multiple-tube fermentation procedure, 18.29 cell, 11.15–11.16, 11.16f.
mycobacteria, 18.12–18.13 cell pairs, 11.16, 11.17f.
nitrogen in microbial colonization, limiting current density, 11.17
18.20–18.21 mass transport, 11.39–11.41
operational practices, 18.35t., 18.37 membrane stacks, 11.16–11.17, 11.18f.
organisms found in water supplies, modules, 11.16–11.17, 11.18f.
18.10t.–18.11t. passage of solute rather than solvent, 11.7
particles and microbial transport, 18.19 process diagram, 11.15, 11.16f.
passage of microorganisms in macroinverte- uses, 11.1
brates, 18.19 Electrodialysis reversal, 11.3
phosphorus in microbial colonization, arsenic removal, 11.5
18.20–18.21 process description, 11.17–11.19, 11.19f.
pigmented bacteria, 18.13 sulfate removal, 11.5
pipe construction and maintenance, 18.7–18.8 Electrolyte solutions, 17.3
pipe-joining materials, 18.3 Electrolytic flotation, 7.47, 7.48
presence/absence (P/A) test, 18.26–18.27 Electrophoretic mobility, 6.30–6.32, 6.31f.,
protective habitats in pipe networks, 18.22, 6.41–6.42, 6.42f.
18.23f. interpreting measurements, 6.59–6.61, 6.60f.
sample data interpretation, 18.30–18.32 measurements in monitoring and control of
sample site selection, 18.27–18.28 coagulation, 6.58
sampling and size of population served, Electrostatic stabilization, 6.8
18.25–18.26 electrical double layer, 6.10–6.14, 6.11f., 6.12f.
sampling frequency, 18.25–18.27 Gouy-Chapman model, 6.13
sanitary surveys, 18.26 origins of surface charge, 6.9–6.10, 6.10f.
and source water quality, 18.5 secondary minimum aggregation, 6.14
special monitoring, 18.25 EM. See Electrophoretic mobility
storage reservoir coverings, 18.4–18.5 Empire, Colorado, 3.24
storage reservoir linings, 18.3 Empty-bed contact time
total coliform test, 18.28–18.29 granular activated carbon, 13.25, 13.26
and treatment processes, 18.5–18.7 ion exchange, 9.26–9.28
turbidity monitoring, 18.19 Energy usage, 3.11–3.12
water temperature effects, 18.24, 18.35t., 18.37 English Rule, 4.30
Distribution systems Enhanced coagulation, 6.2
material properties and corrosion, 17.4t. and residuals, 6.3
water quality in, 3.12–3.13 Stage 1 Disinfection By-Products Rule,
DLVO theory of colloid stability, 6.8 6.5–6.6, 6.5t.

Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, 11.6 Filtration (Cont.)

Entamoeba histolytica, 2.11 combined with dissolved-air flotation,
Enteric viruses, 2.8–2.10 7.62–7.63, 7.64f., 7.75, 7.78
Enteroviruses, 2.9, 14.21 constant-rate filtration, 8.54–8.55
Environmental considerations depth filtration, 8.2, 8.3–8.4, 8.32
and treatment process selection, 3.11–3.12 and dissolved air flotation for Cryptosporid-
Environmental Defense Fund, 1.5, 1.7 ium removal, 3.5
Environmental Protection Agency. See U.S. early development, 1.2, 1.3
Environmental Protection Agency emerging technology, 8.91–8.92
EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection filter cycle, 8.2, 8.17
Agency filter run, 8.17
Epichlorohydrin, 2.34, 2.53–2.54 and flotation for algae or color treatment,
Epilimnion, 4.51 8.92
Equilibrium, 5.2–5.10, 5.2f., 5.3f., 5.4t., flow control systems, 8.54–8.58, 8.55f.
5.6t.–5.7t., 5.8t., 5.9t., 5.10t. granular bed, 8.2, 8.2f.
Equilibrium constant, 10.2–10.3 granular media and properties, 8.7–8.11
Equivalent background compound, 13.10–13.11, gravity filters, 8.2
13.10f. low-head continuous backwash filters,
Ergun equation, 8.12–8.13, 8.14 8.89–8.90
Erosion corrosion, 17.9, 17.27 mechanical control systems, 8.54
Escherichia coli, 1.3, 2.7, 11.5 nonmechanical control systems, 8.54, 8.57
in distribution systems, 18.30–18.31 pressure filters, 8.2
inactivation by free chlorine with chloramine, proportional-level declining rate control sys-
14.47 tems, 8.55, 8.57–8.58
as indicator, 2.15 proportional-level equal rate control systems,
Ethylbenzene, 2.44 8.56, 8.57–8.58
Ethylene dichloride, 2.37 proportional-level influent flow splitting con-
Ethylene thiourea, 2.51 trol systems, 8.55, 8.56, 8.57–8.58
ETU. See Ethylene thiourea regulatory requirements, 8.4–8.5, 8.4t.
European Union schmutzdecke, 8.3, 8.74, 8.75, 8.79
drinking water standards, 1.40 and sedimentation and flotation, 7.1
Exhaustion rate, 9.26–9.28 spent filter backwash water, 16.2, 16.7
External (film) resistance to transport, 13.13 as treatment barrier for protozoan cysts, 18.6
two-stage systems, 8.90–8.91
Fate and transport models, 4.62 variable-level declining rate control systems,
FBR/PAC/UF process. See Floc blanket reac- 8.55, 8.56–8.57
tor/PAC/UF process variable-level influent flow splitting control
FDA. See U.S. Food and Drug Administration systems, 8.55–8.56, 8.57
Fecal coliforms, 2.15, 14.20–14.21 waste disposal, 8.92
in distribution systems, 18.30–18.31 Finger structure, 11.9, 11.9f.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Flash mixing. See Rapid mixing
Act, 4.57 Flat-bottom clarifiers, 7.3, 7.4f., 7.5f.
Ferrate, 2.54 Flavobacterium, 2.8
Ferric hydroxide, 6.18, 6.19f., 6.20t. Floc ballasting, 7.31, 7.40–7.41, 7.40f., 7.79
Ferric iron salts, 6.1, 6.16 compactness, 7.78
Fick’s law, 5.12 Floc-blanket process, 7.3, 7.3f., 7.22–7.23
FIFRA. See Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and ballasted-floc systems, 7.40–7.41, 7.40f.
Rodenticide Act clarification mechanism, 7.23
Film theory model, 11.54–11.56 costs, 7.77–7.78
Filter elements, 8.81, 8.84, 8.85f. effective depth, 7.36
Filtration. See also Diatomaceous earth filtra- examples, 7.18, 7.19f., 7.38–7.39
tion; Direct filtration; Granular media fil- fine sand ballasting, 7.40, 7.40f.
ters; In-line filtration; Membrane flat-bottomed tanks, 7.39
processes; Precoat filtration; Pressure fil- hopper-bottomed tanks, 7.36–7.39
tration; Rapid granular bed filtration; inclined settling, 7.39–7.40
Rapid sand filtration; Slow sand filtration performance prediction, 7.23–7.24, 7.24f.
alternative filtration processes, 8.4–8.5 settled water quality as blanket depth
as alternative to sedimentation, 7.80 increases, 7.36, 7.37f.
avoidance of under SWTR, 3.14–3.15 sludge removal, 7.37–7.38, 7.78
bag filters, 8.91 and solids loading, 7.75–7.77
cake filtration, 8.2, 8.3 supernatant water depth and settled-water
cartridge filters, 8.91 quality, 7.36–7.37, 7.38f.

Floc-blanket process (Cont.) Fluoridation (Cont.)

tanks, 7.36–7.41 optimal fluoride levels, 15.2–15.3, 15.9, 15.10t.
and upflow velocity, 7.25–7.26, 7.25f. overfeed emergencies, 15.17
Floc-blanket reactor/PAC/UF process, potassium fluoride, 15.12, 15.13
13.66–13.67, 13.67f. prevalence in U.S., 15.5, 15.6f.
Flocculant settling, 7.5, 7.11–7.13 prevalence in world, 15.5
Flocculation, 3.10. See also Coagulation; Sedi- recent studies of public health benefits and
mentation risks, 15.4–15.5
Brownian diffusion, 6.45 relationship between dental caries, dental fluo-
collision efficiency factor, 6.45 rosis, and fluoride level, 15.8, 15.8f.
differential settling, 6.46 resistance to, 15.5–15.6
effect of temperature, 6.57–6.58 safety considerations, 15.17
floc density, 6.55 selection of systems, 15.13, 15.14
floc density and enmeshment by hydroxide sodium fluoride, 15.10, 15.11
precipitates, 6.55–6.56 sodium fluorosilicate, 15.10, 15.11–15.12
floc disaggregation, 6.52–6.54, 6.54f. and U.S. Public Health Service, 15.1, 15.2,
floc size, 6.54–6.55 15.3–15.4
G value concept, 6.47–6.48 Fluoride, 2.28, 15.1. See also Fluoridation
ideal continuous-flow reactors, 6.49–6.56, ammonium silicofluoride, 15.12
6.49f., 6.51t., 6.52f., 6.53f., 6.54f. breakthrough curves, 9.45–9.46, 9.46f.
kinetics in batch and plug flow reactors, calcium fluoride (fluorspar), 15.12, 15.13
6.48–6.49 capacity of alumina, 9.46–9.48, 9.45t., 9.47f.
orthokinetic, 6.45–6.46 chemical nature, 15.9–15.10
oxidation as aid to coagulation and floccula- chemicals, 15.10–15.13
tion, 12.28 content and dental caries, 15.2–15.3, 15.3f.
purpose of, 6.44 effect in body, 15.7–15.8
rapid mixing, 6.56–6.57 fluorosilicic acid, 15.10, 15.12
and sedimentation, 7.8–7.9, 7.13, 7.43–7.44 hydrofluoric acid, 15.12
Stokes’ law, 6.46, 7.7 magnesium silicofluoride, 15.12, 15.13
transport in laminar shear, 6.45–6.46 optimum concentration, 15.2–15.3, 15.9,
transport mechanisms, 6.44–6.48 15.10t.
turbulent flow, 6.47–6.48 potassium fluoride, 15.12, 15.13
turbulent transport, 6.46–6.47 regulations, 15.4
Flocculent polymers, 6.41 removal by activated alumina, 9.44–9.48,
and sedimentation, 7.44–7.45, 7.45f. 9.45f., 9.45t., 9.46t., 9.47f.
Florida aquifers, 4.3–4.8 safety considerations, 15.17
Flow-through curves, 7.27, 7.27f., 7.28t. shortages of chemicals, 15.10–15.11
Fluidization, 8.14 sodium fluoride, 15.10, 15.11
and head loss in granular media filters, 8.14, sodium fluorosilicate, 15.10, 15.11–15.12
8.15f. Fluorine, 15.9
point of incipient fluidization (minimum flu- Fluorosilicic acid, 15.10, 15.12
idization velocity), 8.14–8.16 Fluorspar, 15.12, 15.13
sedimentation, 7.16–7.18 Foam flotation, 7.48
Fluoridation, 15.1. See also Fluoride Formaldehyde, 2.64
alternative methods of supply, 15.6, 15.6t., 15.7t. Forward reaction rate constant, 12.7
ammonium silicofluoride, 15.12 Free available chlorine, 12.12, 14.6
calcium fluoride (fluorspar), 15.12, 15.13 Free chlorine
causes of dental caries, 15.7 and carbon reactions in GAC, 13.35
chemical and equipment selection example, CT values for Giardia inactivation, 14.30,
15.14–15.16 14.31t.
chemicals, 15.10–15.13 and trihalomethanes, 3.4
dental benefits, 15.8–15.9 Freundlich constants, 13.19, 13.20t.–13.23t.
dental fluorosis, 15.1–15.2 Freundlich equation, 13.2, 13.3, 13.9
engineering development, 15.3–15.4 Froth flotation, 7.47, 7.48
feed systems, 15.13–15.14 Froude number, 7.29–7.30
fluorosilicic acid, 15.10, 15.12 Full-flow pressure flotation, 7.48
history, 15.1–15.4 Fulvic acids, 6.3–6.4, 12.35
hydrofluoric acid, 15.12 Fungi, 2.14, 18.15–18.16, 18.15t.
injection point, 15.16–15.17 Fungicides, 2.49
magnesium silicofluoride, 15.12, 15.13
mottled enamel index, 15.2 G value concept, 6.47–6.48
1940s studies, 15.3 GAC. See Granular activated carbon

Galvanic corrosion, 17.24–17.25 Granular activated carbon (Cont.)

Galvanic series, 17.24–17.25, 17.25t. bromate-activated carbon reactions, 13.36
Galvanized steel corrosion, 17.57–17.58 bromide and DBP control, 13.39
Garnet, 8.7, 8.17 Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm equation,
Gas transfer, 5.1–5.2 13.18
equilibrium, 5.2–5.10, 5.2f., 5.3f., 5.4t., carbon tetrachloride activity, 13.18
5.6t.–5.7t., 5.8t., 5.9t., 5.10t. carbon usage rate, 13.56
Fick’s law, 5.12 carbonization, 13.16
Henry’s law, 5.2–5.10, 5.12, 5.18 chlorate-activated carbon reactions, 13.36
Henry’s law constant plots, 5.3f. and chlorine, 13.34, 13.34t.
Henry’s law constant temperature correction chlorine dioxide-activated carbon reactions,
factors, 5.8t. 13.36
Henry’s law constants for gases in water com- chlorite-activated carbon reactions, 13.36
pounds, 5.8t. column analysis, 13.55–13.61, 13.56f., 13.57f.,
Henry’s law constants for organic com- 13.58f., 13.59f., 13.60f., 13.61f.
pounds, 5.6t.–5.7t. combined chlorine-activated carbon reac-
Henry’s law unit conversions, 5.4t. tions, 13.35
mass transfer, 5.10–5.14, 5.11f., 5.14t. compared with powdered activated carbon,
parameters for calculating Henry’s law con- 13.2, 13.62
stant as a function of temperature, 5.9t. constant diffusivity design, 13.52
salting-out (Setschenow) coefficients, contact time, 13.25
5.8–5.10, 5.10t. contactors, 13.19–13.24, 13.24f.
General Accounting Office, 1.4–1.5 control of microbial growth, 13.30–13.31,
Genotoxicity, 2.20 13.30f.
Geosmin, 4.50, 12.26 DBP precursor removal, 13.28–13.29, 13.29t.,
Giardia lamblia, 1.8, 1.25, 2.1, 2.3, 2.10–2.11, 13.39, 13.40f.
14.1–14.2 decolorizing index, 13.18
and backwash water recovery, 8.67 and dissolved oxygen, 13.34
CT values, 14.30–14.31, 14.30t., 14.31t. empty-bed contact time, 13.25, 13.26
and filtering-to-waste, 8.40–8.42 following coagulation, 13.32
and filtration problems, 18.6 fouling and prevention, 13.34–13.35
as ovoid particles, 6.6 free chlorine-activated carbon reactions,
and rapid granular bed filtration, 8.24–8.25, 13.35
8.26t., 8.27t., 8.40–8.43 high-pressure minicolumn technique, 13.51
removal by granular bed and precoat filtra- homogeneous surface diffusion model,
tion, 8.5–8.7 13.61–13.62
removal by membrane processes, 11.22–11.26 and initial TOC concentration, 13.31, 13.31f.
removal by precoat filtration, 8.83 iodine number, 13.18
removal by slow sand filtration, 3.24, 8.75, isotherms in performance estimation,
8.76–8.77 13.47–13.51
and residuals recycling, 16.40 layer in slow sand filtration, 8.78–8.79
in surface water, 4.49, 4.51, 4.56 loading rate, 13.27
and SWTR, 11.4, 14.4, 14.21–14.22 mathematical models, 13.61–13.62
SWTR filtration requirements, 8.4–8.5, 8.4t. methylene blue number, 13.18
Giardia muris, 8.40 molasses number, 13.18
Gouy-Chapman model, 6.13 off-gas control, 5.36–5.41, 5.37f., 5.38f., 5.39t.,
Graetz-Leveque correlation, 11.31 5.40f.
Granular activated carbon, 1.7, 1.8, 1.25, 2.1, 8.7, parallel column analysis, 13.57–13.60, 13.57f.,
8.17. See also Powdered activated carbon 13.58f., 13.59f.
activation, 13.16–13.17 particle density wetted in watter, 13.18
adsorbates and performance estimation, particle hardness, 13.18
13.47–13.48, 13.48f. particle shape, 13.17
adsorption properties, 13.18–13.19 particle size, 13.17, 13.25
amount of use in U.S., 13.2 pesticide removal, 13.43–13.45, 13.44f., 13.45f.
apparent density, 13.18 and pH, 13.32, 13.32f., 13.33f.
atrazine removal, 13.44–13.45, 13.44f., 13.45f. phenol adsorption value, 13.18
backwashing, 8.67, 13.27 physical properties, 13.16–13.18
and bacterial growth, 18.6–18.7, 18.7t. pilot plant testing, 13.53–13.55, 13.55f.
bed density, backwashed and drained, 13.18 preloading effect, 13.56
bed depth, 13.25–13.26, 13.26f. preoxidation, 13.32, 13.33f.
BET surface area, 13.18–13.19 preozonation, 13.28, 13.29, 13.29t.,
biological activity, 13.27–13.30, 13.28f. 13.32–13.33, 13.33f.

Granular activated carbon (Cont.) Gravity filters (Cont.)

pressure exhaustion effect, 13.56 proportional-level declining rate control sys-
pretreatment, 13.31–13.35 tems, 8.55, 8.57–8.58
proportional diffusivity design, 13.52 proportional-level equal rate control systems,
pyrolysis, 13.16 8.56, 8.57–8.58
in rapid granular bed filtration, 8.22–8.23 proportional-level influent flow splitting con-
rapid small-scale column test, 13.51–13.53, trol systems, 8.55, 8.56, 8.57–8.58
13.52f. variable-level declining rate control systems,
reactivation by-products, 13.73 8.55, 8.56–8.57
reactivation effects, 13.72–13.73 variable-level influent flow splitting control
reactivation furnaces, 13.72 systems, 8.55–8.56, 8.57
reactivation process, 13.70–13.72 Gravity sludge thickeners, 16.17–16.24, 16.18f.,
removal of inorganic ions, 13.36 16.19f.
removal of polynuclear aromatic hydrocar- Greensand
bons, 13.45 in iron and manganese removal, 3.19
retrofitting, 3.9 Greenville (South Carolina) Water System,
selecting an activated carbon, 13.48–13.51 3.21–3.22
series column analysis, 13.60–13.61, 13.61f. Groundwater. See also Aquifer storage and
SOC removal, 13.43–13.45 recovery; Aquifers; Wellfield management;
source materials, 13.16 Wellhead protection; Wells
taste and odor removal, 13.36–13.38, 13.37f. American Rule, 4.30
and THMFP, 13.40, 13.41f. analytical models, 4.38
TOC removal, 13.38–13.39, 13.38t., 13.39f., and aquifer biogeochemistry, 4.12–4.16
13.40 aquifer regions and types in U.S. and Canada,
turbidity removal, 13.46–13.47 4.3f.–4.8f.
uniformity coefficient, 13.17 and bacteria, 4.16, 4.20t.
VOC removal, 13.41–13.43, 13.42t., 13.42f., biowalls, 4.42
13.43f. and brownfields programs, 4.42
water vapor isotherms, 5.38f. carbon system, 4.14–4.16, 4.18f.
Granular bed filtration, 8.2, 8.2f. See also Gran- chemical contaminants, 4.41
ular activated carbon; Rapid sand filtra- computer modeling of flow and solute trans-
tion; Slow sand filtration port, 4.37–4.39
Granular media filters, 3.10. See also Anthracite contamination containment, 4.42
coal; Garnet; Granular activated carbon; direct-push sampling method, 4.36
Ilmenite; Silica sand discharge of contaminants to surface water,
Darcy-Weisbach equation, 8.12 4.25–4.26
Ergun equation, 8.12–8.13, 8.14 effect of excessive withdrawal on quality,
expansion, 3.13 4.27
fixed-bed porosity, 8.10 effect of Fe and Mn oxidation on hydraulic
grain density (specific gravity), 8.9, 8.10t., 8.11 conductivity, 4.27
grain hardness, 8.9 effects of aquifer formation composition,
grain shape, 8.9 4.11–4.12
grain size and distribution, 8.8, 8.8f. English Rule, 4.30
grain sphericity, 8.9, 8.10t., 8.11 federal management, 4.29
head loss for fixed-bed flow, 8.11–8.14 human impacts, 4.16
head loss for fluidized bed, 8.14, 8.15f. and industrial agriculture, 4.26–4.27
Kozeny equation, 8.12 information needed for management deci-
loose-bed porosity, 8.10, 8.10t., 8.11 sions, 4.34–4.36, 4.35t.
media, 8.7 intervention values, 4.41, 4.42
media properties, 8.7–8.11 ion exchange processes, 3.20–3.21, 3.21f.
moving media, 8.92 iron and manganese removal, 3.19, 3.19f.
point of incipient fluidization (minimum flu- iron redox barriers, 4.42
idization velocity), 8.14–8.16 and land use controls, 4.25
Reynolds number, 8.12, 8.64 local management, 4.31–4.34
sieve analysis, 8.8, 8.8f., 8.10–8.11 microbially influenced activities, 4.14–4.16,
Graphitization, 17.28 4.18t.
Gravity filters, 8.2 mixed point and nonpoint source contamina-
comparison with pressure filters, 8.72–8.73 tion, 4.26–4.27
declining-rate control systems, 8.54 monitoring, 4.39–4.40, 4.39t.
equal-rate control systems, 8.54 natural environmental impacts, 4.11
mechanical control systems, 8.54 natural groundwater quality, 4.40
nonmechanical control systems, 8.54, 8.57 Netherlands 36-constituent list, 4.42

Groundwater (Cont.) Hardness (Cont.)

and nitrates, 4.11, 4.21–4.24, 4.24f., 4.25f., principal cations causing hardness and associ-
4.26f., 4.32 ated anions, 10.14t.
no treatment, 3.19 total hardness, 10.14
nonpoint chemical contamination, 4.21–4.26 variations in public acceptance, 10.14
numerical models, 4.38 HAV. See Hepatitis A
particle-path models, 4.38 Head
and pesticides, 4.11, 4.21–4.22, 4.22f., 4.23f., effect of negative head on rapid granular bed
4.24–4.26, 4.32 filtration, 8.47
point-source chemical contamination, 4.21 and treatment process selection, 3.9
precipitative lime softening, 3.20, 3.20f. Head loss
preventive management, 4.42–4.43 development in rapid granular bed filtration,
protection programs, 4.32–4.34, 4.34t. 8.47–8.49, 8.51f.
and radionuclides, 2.67 for a fluidized granular media filter bed, 8.14,
radon in, 4.12, 4.14f. 8.15f.
recharge rights, 4.30 for granular media filters with fixed-bed flow,
redox potential, 4.12–4.13, 4.17f., 4.16, 4.19f. 8.11–8.14
regional-scale management, 4.28–4.29, 4.29f. Health and Human Services, 1.16, 1.17
remediation and control of contaminated Heavy metals
groundwater, 4.40–4.42 removal by chemical precipitation and copre-
representative water quality from different cipitation, 10.7f., 10.52–10.53, 10.52t.
aquifer types, 4.12, 4.15t. Helicobacter pylori, 2.7–2.8
rural quality management, 4.10–4.11 Henry’s law, 5.2–5.10, 5.12, 5.18, 7.55
sample collection, 4.36–4.37, 4.37f. coefficient, 2.36
and settlement of arid regions, 4.3, 4.8–4.9 constant plots, 5.3f.
site specificity of quality conditions, 4.2–4.3 constant temperature correction factors, 5.8t.
solute transport modeling codes, 4.38–4.39 constants for gases in water compounds, 5.8t.
source quality, 4.1 constants for organic compounds, 5.6t.–5.7t.
state and provincial management, 4.29–4.30 parameters for calculating Henry’s law con-
and surface water, 4.1–4.2, 4.47, 4.48f. stant as a function of temperature, 5.9t.
target values, 4.41 salting-out (Setschenow) coefficients,
total coliforms, 4.10–4.11 5.8–5.10, 5.10t.
treatment disinfection only, 3.19 unit conversions, 5.4t.
treatment process selection, 3.18–3.21 Hepatitis A, 2.3, 2.8
tribal management, 4.30 Hepatitis E virus (HEV), 2.9–2.10
variation in water quality parameters in one Herbicides, 2.48–2.49
area (Michigan), 4.12, 41.6t. Heterogeneous buffer systems, 17.41
and viruses, 4.17–4.19, 4.20t. Heterotrophic bacteria, 2.15–2.16
Groundwater Disinfection Rule, 14.4, 4.19–4.20 Heterotrophic plate count measurement, 18.26,
Groundwater Foundation, 4.34 18.31–18.32
Groundwater Guardian program, 4.34 HEV. See Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
Gulf streaming, 8.66 HFF membranes. See Hollow fine fiber mem-
GWDR. See Groundwater Disinfection Rule branes
High-pressure minicolumn technique, 13.51
HAAs. See Haloacetic acids Hindered settling, 7.5, 7.14, 7.14f.
Hagen-Poiseuille equation, 11.41–11.42 compression point, 7.16
Half-cell reactions, 17.6–17.7 equations, 7.14–7.16
Haloacetaldehydes, 2.63–2.64 general equation, 7.14–7.15
Haloacetic acids, 2.34, 2.61–2.63 particle interaction, 7.13
from chlorination, 12.35 prediction of settling rate, 7.16, 7.17f.
and reaction time, 12.38–12.39 Richardson and Zaki equation, 7.15
Haloacetonitriles, 2.64–2.65 solids flux, 7.13–7.14, 7.14f.
Haloform reaction, 12.9–12.10, 12.11f. HMS coagulants, 6.17–6.22
Halogens, 12.8–12.9 acidity, 6.25–6.27, 6.25t.
Haloketones, 2.64 acidulated alum, 6.23
Hardness, 2.28, 2.71, 10.13–10.14 aluminum hydroxide, 6.18, 6.19f., 6.20t.
carbonate, 10.15–10.16 with cationic polymers, 6.43
classification scale, 10.14, 10.15t. ferric hydroxide, 6.18, 6.19f., 6.20t.
and corrosion, 17.43 hydrolysis, 6.17–6.18, 6.17f.
defined, 10.14 hydrolysis products, 6.17–6.22, 6.18f., 6.21f.,
distribution in U.S., 10.14, 10.15f. 6.22t.
noncarbonate, 10.15–10.16 impurities, 6.24–6.25

HMS coagulants (Cont.) other flow geometries, 7.21–7.22

jar tests, 6.30–6.40 rapid start-up, 7.78
metal salts plus additives, 6.23–6.24 tanks, 7.31–7.34, 7.33f., 7.34f., 7.35f.
metal salts plus strong acid, 6.23 Indicators, 14.20–14.21
Pathway E, 6.27f., 6.29–6.30 aerobic sporeformers, 2.18
Pathways A and B, 6.27–6.28, 6.27f. Bacillus, 2.18
Pathways C and D, 6.27f., 6.28–6.29 Bacteroides, 2.17
polyaluminum chloride, 6.23 Clostridium perfringens, 2.16
polyaluminum hydroxychloride, 6.23 coliphages, 2.16–2.17
polyiron chloride, 6.23 Escherichia coli, 2.15
prehydrolyzed metal salts, 6.23 fecal coliforms, 2.15, 14.20–14.21
reaction pathways, 6.27–6.30, 6.27f. heterotrophic bacteria, 2.15–2.16
simple metal salts, 6.22–6.23 microscopic particulate analysis, 2.18
sodium aluminate, 6.24 particle counts, 2.17
titration curves, 6.26–6.27, 6.26f., 6.33f. total coliforms, 2.15, 14.20–14.21
Hollow fine fiber membranes, 11.11–11.12, turbidity, 2.17–21.8
11.12f. Indirect additives, 1.39
Homogeneous buffer systems, 17.39 Industrial water
Homogeneous surface diffusion model, precoat filtration, 8.82
13.61–13.62 pressure filtration, 8.74
HPMC. See High-pressure minicolumn tech- Information Collection Rule, 11.6
nique Infrared spectroscopy of corrosion,
HSDM. See Homogeneous surface diffusion 17.68–17.69
model In-line filtration, 8.4, 8.49–8.50
Humic acids, 6.3–6.4, 12.26 Inorganic compounds, 11.5
Humic substances, 6.3–6.4, 12.26 Inorganic constituents, 2.22
removal by chemical precipitation, aluminum, 2.22–2.23
10.53–10.55, 10.54t., 10.55t., 10.56f., 10.57f. arsenic, 2.23
Hydrodynamic retardation, 6.9 asbestos, 2.23–2.26
Hydrofluoric acid, 15.12 barium, 2.26
Hydrogen ion-exchange softening, 9.35 cadmium, 2.26–2.27
Hydrogen peroxide, 2.54, 12.20 chromium, 2.27
Hydrogen sulfide, 2.70 copper, 2.27
and corrosion, 17.43–17.44 fluoride, 2.28
Hydrologic cycle, 4.47–4.48, 4.48f. hardness, 2.28
Hydrolysis, 6.17–6.18, 6.17f. iron, 2.29
basicity, 6.23 lead, 2.29
and DBPs, 12.41–12.42, 12.42t. manganese, 2.29–2.30
products, 6.17–6.22, 6.18f., 6.21f., 6.22t. mercury, 2.30
Hydrolyzing metal salt coagulants. See HMS molybdenum, 2.30–2.31
coagulants nickel, 2.31
Hydroxyl radical, 12.19–12.20, 12.21 nitrate, 2.31–2.32
Hyperfiltration, 11.10 nitrite, 2.31–2.32
Hypochlorite ion, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f. regulations and health advisories,
Hypochlorous acid, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f., 14.6, 2.24t.–2.25t.
14.7f., 14.32 removal by chemical precipitation and copre-
Hypolimnion, 4.51–4.54 cipitation, 10.7f., 10.52–10.53, 10.52t.
selenium, 2.32
IAST. See Ideal adsorbed solution theory sodium, 2.32–2.33
Ideal adsorbed solution theory, 13.9, 13.10 sulfate, 2.33
Ilmenite, 8.7, 8.17 zinc, 2.33
Immunity, 17.8 Inorganic solutes, 1.8
Inclined settling, 7.2–7.3, 7.2f., 7.18–7.20 Insecticides, 2.48
basic flow geometries, 7.19–7.21, 7.20f. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), 2.2
cocurrent settling, 7.20f., 7.21, 7.34 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
compactness, 7.78 Rule, 3.14
countercurrent settling, 7.20–7.21, 7.20f., Internal (pore) transport, 13.13
7.33–7.34, 7.34f. International Agency for Research on Cancer,
cross-flow settling, 7.20f., 7.21, 7.34, 7.35f. 1.19
example, 7.22 International Association of Hydrologists, 4.40
floc ballasting, 7.31 Interstate Quarantine Act, 1.3
with floc blankets, 7.39–7.40 IOCs. See Inorganic compounds

Iodine, 2.54 Ion exchange (Cont.)

health effects and DBPs, 2.58 nitrate-laden resin regeneration, 9.41–9.42,
Iodine number, 13.18 9.41f.
Ion exchange, 9.1–9.2. See also Activated alu- operating capacity, 9.26, 9.27t.
mina adsorption partial regeneration, 9.23–9.24
arsenic breakthrough curves, 9.58–9.59, 9.58f. perchlorate removal, 9.81–9.86
arsenic concentration and run length, 9.59 pH measurement as breakthrough detection,
arsenic leakage during exhaustion, 9.60–9.61 9.23
arsenic removal, 9.57–9.64 porosity, 9.4
barium removal, 9.21f., 9.35 process schematic, 9.4f.
bed regeneration, 9.1–9.2 pure ion exchange rates, 9.16–9.17
bed size, 9.26–9.28 quats, 9.8
binary, 9.18–9.19, 9.19f., 9.20f. radium removal, 9.35–9.37
breakthrough curves, 9.19–9.20, 9.19f., 9.20f. radium removal during softening, 9.36
breakthrough detection, 9.22–9.23 radium-contaminated brines, 9.37
brine disposal from softening plants, 9.34 regenerant reuse, 9.24–9.25
calcium-form resins for radium removal, regeneration of arsenic-spent resins,
9.36–9.37 9.61–9.62
capacity, 9.4 regeneration of chromate-spent resins,
chromate concentration and run length, 9.67 9.66–9.67, 9.67t.
chromate removal, 9.65–9.68 regeneration of uranium-spent resins,
chromate removal from spent regenerant, 9.79–9.81, 9.80f.
9.67–9.68 residuals, 16.41–16.42
cocurrent regeneration, 9.28 resin characteristics, 9.26, 9.27t.
color removal, 9.68–9.74, 9.70f., 9.71f., 9.72f. resin choice for nitrate removal, 9.40–9.41
columns in parallel, 9.25–9.26 resin matrix, 9.3–9.4
columns in series, 9.25, 9.25f. resin selection for perchlorate removal,
combined arsenic and nitrate removal, 9.59, 9.81–9.86
9.60f., 9.60t. resins for arsenic removal, 9.59
combined radium and uranium removal, reuse of spent arsenic regenerant, 9.62, 9.63f.
9.80–9.81 selectivity coefficients, 9.9–9.11
comparative rates of adsorption, 9.16–9.18 selectivity sequences, 9.11–9.13, 9.12t.
compared with alumina adsorption, 9.2, 9.3t., selenium removal, 9.65
9.26 service flow rate, 9.26–9.28
countercurrent regeneration, 9.28 single-column service cycle, 9.23, 9.24f.
crosslinking, 9.3–9.4, 9.4f. sodium ion-exchange softening, 9.29–9.34
demineralization (IXDM), 9.2–9.3 softening, 9.2
detecting nitrate breakthrough, 9.40 softening capacity, 9.26, 9.27t.
dissolved organic carbon removal, 9.68–9.74, special-purpose resins, 9.8–9.9, 9.9f., 9.10t.
9.70f., 9.71f., 9.72f. spent brine reuse, 9.28–9.29
downflow vs. upflow regeneration for arsenic- strong-acid cation exchangers, 9.5
spent resins, 9.62 strong-base anion exchange resins, 9.5–9.6
effect of pH and competing ions on uranium summary of processes for removing inorganic
removal, 9.76–9.79 anions, 9.84t.–9.85t.
effect of resin matrix on chromate removal, summary of processes for removing inorganic
9.66, 9.67t. cations, 9.82t.–9.83t.
effect of sulfate on arsenic run length, 9.61, and TOC removal, 9.8–9.9
9.61t. uranium removal, 9.74–9.81, 9.75f., 9.76f.,
empty-bed contact time, 9.26–9.28 9.78f., 9.80f.
exhaustion rate, 9.26–9.28 uses, 9.2
fixed-bed columns, 9.28 water quality effects on nitrate removal,
functionality, 9.4 9.38–9.40, 9.38f., 9.39f.
future use, 9.3 weak-acid cation resins, 9.5
in groundwater treatment, 3.20–3.21, 3.21f. weak-base anion exchange resins, 9.6
hydrogen ion-exchange softening, 9.35 zeolites, 9.2
isotherm plots, 9.13–9.16, 9.13f., 9.14f., 9.15t. Ionic reactions, 12.8–12.9, 12.9t.
multicolumn processes, 9.25–9.26 IRIS. See Integrated Risk Information System
multicomponent, 9.19–9.22, 9.21f.–9.22f. (IRIS)
nitrate brine disposal, denitrification, and Iron, 2.29
reuse, 9.42–9.43 control by chlorine dioxide, 12.17
nitrate removal, 9.37–9.43, 9.38f., 9.39f., 9.41f. and corrosion, 17.46

Iron (Cont.) Lime-soda ash softening (Cont.)

corrosion of, 17.47–17.48 with metal coagulants (flow diagrams), 10.40,
as impurity in HMS coagulants, 6.24 10.41f.
oxidation of, 12.24–12.25 radium in lime sludge, 16.16, 16.46–16.47
removal from groundwater, 3.19 reactions, 10.17
sludge, 16.2, 16.4 recarbonation, 10.27–10.34, 10.29f.
Iron bacteria, 2.5 in removal of humic substances, 10.53–10.55,
Iron redox barriers, 4.42 10.54t., 10.55t., 10.57f.
Irrigation, 4.9 residues, 10.44–10.46, 10.45t., 10.46f.
Isotherms single-stage lime process, 10.18, 10.19–10.20
adsorption, 13.2, 13.5f., 13.6, 13.7f. single-stage lime-soda ash process, 10.18,
atrazine adsorption, 13.10, 13.10f., 13.11, 10.21–10.22
13.12f. sludge, 16.2, 16.5, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f., 16.16,
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm equation, 16.46
13.18 split-treatment excess lime softening,
in GAC performance estimation, 13.47–13.51 10.34–10.38, 10.35f., 10.37f.
granular activated carbon, 5.38f. stoichiometric approach to dose calculations,
ion exchange, 9.13–9.16, 9.13f., 9.14f., 9.15t. 10.18–10.23
in virus removal, 10.55–10.56
Jar tests Limiting current density, 11.17
NOM removal, 6.36–6.40, 6.37f., 6.38f., 6.39f. Limiting salt, 11.47–11.50, 11.49t.
of particulates with controlled pH and negli- Linear solution diffusion model, 11.53–11.54,
gible NOM, 6.30–6.32, 6.31f. 11.53f., 11.55f.
with variable alkalinity, presence of NOM, Linearized multistage dose-response model,
and metal hydroxide solubility, 6.32–6.36, 1.23, 1.23f.
6.33f., 6.34f.–6.35f. Linton and Sherwood correlation, 11.31
water with low initial alkalinity, 6.36 LMM. See Linearized multistage dose-response
Jet action, 8.66, 8.69, 8.70f. model
LOAEL. See Lowest-observed-adverse-effect
Kedem-Katchalsky equation, 11.28 level (LOAEL)
Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer (New Jersey), London-van der Waals force, 6.8, 8.32
4.40–4.41 Loop system weight-loss testing, 17.61–17.62
Klebsiella, 2.8 Los Angeles (California) Department of Water
Kozeny equation, 8.12 and Power, 8.54
Lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
Laminar flow, 7.26 (LOAEL), 1.21
Laminar shear Low-head continuous backwash filters, 8.89–8.90
and G value concept, 6.47 LR. See Larson Ratio
transport in, 6.45–6.46 LSI. See Langelier Saturation Index
Langelier Saturation Index, 17.71–17.79, 17.82
Langmuir equation, 13.2, 13.3 Magnesium
Larson Ratio, 17.81 and corrosion, 17.46
Le Châtelier’s principle, 10.3, 10.10 Magnesium hydroxide, 10.16, 10.18, 10.28–10.29
Lead, 2.1, 2.29 equilibria, 10.10–10.11, 10.12t., 10.13f.
corrosion, 17.54–17.57, 17.93 precipitation and NOM removal, 10.47–10.49,
Lead and Copper Rule, 3.4, 11.5–11.6, 17.1 10.48t., 10.49f., 10.51
Lead Contamination Control Act, 1.9 Magnesium silicofluoride, 15.12, 15.13
Legionella, 2.1, 2.6–2.7, 11.5 Mai complex, 2.8
Lime softening, 3.20, 3.20f. Maier, Franz J., 15.3
and bacterial growth, 18.7t. Manganese, 2.29–2.30
Lime-soda ash softening control by chlorine dioxide, 12.17
Caldwell-Lawrence diagrams and dose calcu- and corrosion, 17.46
lations, 10.23–10.27 oxidation of, 12.24–12.25
chemical dose calculations, 10.18–10.27 removal from groundwater, 3.19
chemical requirements, 10.18 and residuals recycling, 16.41
color and THMFP removal, 10.50, 10.51f. Marble test, 17.82
excess lime process, 10.18, 10.20–10.21 Mass balance equation, 17.12–17.13
excess lime-soda ash process, 10.19, Mass transfer, 5.10–5.14, 5.11f., 5.14t.
10.22–10.23 coefficients, 11.8, 11.31
iron and aluminum enhancement, 10.50, in membrane processes, 11.27–11.31
10.50f., 10.51 zone (adsorption), 13.14–13.15, 13.15f.

Mass transport, 11.27, 11.53f. Membrane processes (Cont.)

Brownian diffusion, 11.31, 11.32, 11.33 classification by driving force, 11.14–11.15,
of colloids and particles, 11.32–11.34, 11.33f. 11.15t.
concentration-polarization and precipitative classification by geometry, 11.11–11.14
fouling, 11.31–11.32 classification by material, 11.8–11.11
concentration-polarization layer, 11.28, 11.30 composite membranes, 11.9–11.10, 11.11f.
electrodialysis, 11.39–11.41 concentrate stream, 11.43
and global rejection, 11.34 concentration-polarization and precipitative
and local rejection, 11.34–11.35 fouling, 11.31–11.32
and mechanical sieving, 11.35–11.36 concentration-polarization layer, 11.28, 11.30
osmotic pressure, 11.28 coupling model, 11.56–11.57
permeate flux, 11.28–11.30, 11.30f. in DBP control and removal, 11.6,
polarization factor, 11.30 11.21–11.22, 11.23t.
reverse osmosis, 11.36–11.37, 11.37f. design criteria, 11.42–11.66
and separation mechanisms, 11.34–11.35 disinfection posttreatment, 11.64–11.65
solute transport, 11.36–11.39, 11.37f. driving force, 11.27
temperature correction factors, 11.41–11.42 DuPont equation, 11.42
transmembrane pressure, 11.28, 11.29–11.30, feed stream, 11.43
11.30f. film chemical structure, 11.8
Maximum contaminant level goals, 1.9, film theory model, 11.54–11.56
1.11–1.12, 1.16–1.17 film thickness, 11.8
calculating, 1.22 finger structure, 11.9, 11.9f.
carcinogens, 1.19–1.24 fouling indexes, 11.43–11.46, 11.45f., 11.45t.
microbial contaminants, 1.24–1.25 global rejection, 11.34
regulatory basis, 1.25 Hagen-Poiseuille equation, 11.41–11.42
and risk assessment, 1.18, 1.18f. influence of dissolved solutes on membrane
and toxicology reviews, 1.18–1.19 electrokinetic properties, 11.19–11.21
Maximum contaminant levels, 1.6, 1.17, 1.26, limiting salt, 11.47–11.50, 11.49t.
3.3–3.4 linear solution diffusion model, 11.53–11.54,
costs and benefits, 1.26–1.27 11.53f., 11.55f.
and risk management, 1.18, 1.18f. local rejection, 11.34–11.35
McKay, Frederick S., 15.2 mass transfer coefficients, 11.8, 11.31
MCLGs. See Maximum contaminant level goals mass transport, 11.27–11.42, 11.53f.
MDLs. See Method detection limits mechanical sieving, 11.35–11.36
Mechanical dewatering, 16.31 membrane fouling, 11.21, 11.28
belt filter presses, 16.33–16.34, 16.33f. membrane integrity testing, 11.26–11.27,
centrifuges, 16.34–16.37, 16.35f., 16.36f. 11.26t.
filter presses, 16.37–16.38, 16.38f., 16.39f., membrane surface characterization tech-
16.40f. niques, 11.19,11.20t.
vacuum filtration, 16.31–16.33, 16.32f. modeling a linear array, 11.57–11.59, 11.58f.
Mechanical sieving, 11.35–11.36 modified fouling index, 11.44–11.45, 11.45f.
Mecoprop, 2.51 and molecular weight cutoff, 11.2, 11.7–11.8
Membrane filter test, 18.29 osmotic pressure, 11.28
Membrane filtration. See Membrane processes permeate flux, 11.28–11.30, 11.30f.
Membrane processes, 3.17–3.18, 8.92, 11.1–11.4. permeate stream, 11.43
See also Electrodialysis; Electrodialysis pesticide rejection, 11.8
reversal; Microfiltration; Nanofiltration; and pH, 11.20–11.21
Reverse osmosis; Ultrafiltration phase inversion membranes, 11.9–11.10
acid addition, 11.50–11.51 polarization factor, 11.30
advanced pretreatment, 11.46–11.47 polyamide membranes, 11.10
air-pressure testing, 11.26 pore size, 11.7
alkalinity recovery, 11.65–11.66 posttreatment, 11.64–11.66, 11.64t.
antiscalants, 11.51, 11.52t. pressure-driven, 11.4
array design example, 11.59–11.61, pretreatment, 11.46–11.53
11.62t.–11.63t. and regulatory environment, 11.4–11.6, 11.7t.
array-sizing models, 11.53–11.59 in removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidium,
asymmetric membranes, 11.9, 11.10f. 8.6, 11.22–11.26, 11.25f.
back-diffusion constant, 11.54–11.55 removal of SOCs and pesticides, 11.22,
Brownian diffusion, 11.31, 11.32, 11.33 11.24t.–11.25t.
bubble-point testing, 11.27 residuals (concentrates), 16.41–16.42, 16.42t.,
charge repulsion, 11.20–11.21 16.43t.
classification approaches, 11.6–11.19 scaling control, 11.47–11.51

Membrane processes (Cont.) Microfiltration (Cont.)

separation mechanisms, 11.34–11.35 mechanical sieving, 11.35–11.36
silt density index, 11.44 with PAC, 13.66
and size ranges of contaminants, 11.1–11.4, San Jose selection case study, 3.23
11.2f., 11.3t. transport of colloids and particles,
solute and solvent solubility, 11.8 11.32–11.34
solute transport, 11.36–11.39, 11.37f. uses, 11.1, 11.2
sonic sensor testing method, 11.27 Microflotation, 7.48
sponge structure, 11.9, 11.9f. Microorganisms, 1.8. See also Pathogens
substances potentially harmful to mem- removal by granular bed and precoat filtra-
branes, 11.46, 11.47f. tion, 8.5–8.7
symmetric membranes, 11.9 and waterborne diseases, 2.3, 2.5t.
temperature correction factors, 11.41–11.42 Microscopic particulate analysis, 2.18
terminology, 11.43t. Microspora, 2.12–2.13
theoretical normalized flux equation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
11.41–11.42 Cryptosporidium outbreak, 1.10
thin-film composite membranes, 11.10–11.11 Mineralization, 2.71
transmembrane pressure, 11.28, 11.29–11.30, Minimum fluidization velocity, 8.14–8.16
11.30f. Mixed oxidants, 12.23–12.24
transport of colloids and particles, Models and modeling
11.32–11.34, 11.33f. activated alumina adsorption, 9.7–9.8
two-stage system, 11.57–11.59, 11.58f. coupling model, 11.56–11.57
waste disposal, 11.66–11.67, 11.67t. fate and transport models, 4.62
in water softening, 10.56 film theory model, 11.54–11.56
and water wastage, 3.11 Gouy-Chapman model, 6.13
Mercury, 2.30 granular activated carbon, 13.61–13.62
Metal contamination, 4.49 groundwater flow and solute transport,
Metalimnion, 4.51–4.54 4.37–4.39
Method detection limits, 1.28 heterogeneous flocculation-based model
Methyl benzene, 2.45–2.46 (DAF), 7.50–7.51
Methyl chloroform, 2.46 homogeneous surface diffusion model,
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether. See MTBE 13.61–13.62
Methylene blue number, 13.18 linear arrays, 11.57–11.59, 11.58f.
Methylene chloride, 2.44–2.45 linear solution diffusion model, 11.53–11.54,
Metolachlor, 2.51 11.53f., 11.55f.
Metribuzin, 2.52 linearized multistage dose-response model,
Mexico 1.23, 1.23f.
drinking water standards, 1.39–1.40 membrane process array-sizing models,
MF. See Microfiltration 11.53–11.59
MFI. See Modified fouling index particle-path models, 4.38
MIB, 4.50, 12.26 precoat filtration, 8.89
initial concentration and adsorption capacity, rapid granular bed filtration, 8.33–8.38
13.8–13.9, 13.8f., 13.11, 13.11f. reservoir loading models, 4.62
MIC. See Microbiologically influenced corro- white water collector model (DAF),
sion 7.51–7.55, 7.53t.
Microbial contaminants, 1.24–1.25. See also Dis- Modified fouling index, 11.44–11.45, 11.45f.
tribution systems Modular treatment systems, 1.27, 3.13
and surface water, 4.49 Molasses number, 13.18
Microbiologically influenced corrosion, Molecular chlorine, 12.12–12.13, 12.12f.
17.28–17.29 Molecular weight cutoff, 11.2, 11.7–11.8
Microfiltration, 3.18f., 11.1, 11.3–11.4 Molecularity, 12.7
advantages and disadvantages, 3.17–3.18 Molybdenum, 2.30–2.31
cartridge microfiltration as pretreatment for Monitoring requirements, 1.27
RO and NF, 11.51–11.53 Monochloroethene, 2.46
and coagulants, 6.2 Monomers, 6.40
cost-effectiveness, 11.2 Moringa oleifera seed extract, 6.42
cross-flow operation, 11.14 MPA. See Microscopic particulate analysis
dead-end operation, 11.14 MTBE, 2.45
flow patterns (inside-out and outside-in), Mudballs, 8.68
11.13–11.14, 11.14f. Multiple-tube fermentation procedure, 18.29
Giardia and Cryptosporidium removal, Mutagenicity, 2.20, 2.21
11.22–11.26 MWC. See Molecular weight cutoff

MX, 2.65–2.66, 12.36 National Water Quality Assessment Program,

Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, 2.8 4.21
Natural groundwater quality, 4.40
Naegleria fowleri, 2.12 Natural organic material, 6.3–6.4
Nanofiltration, 11.1, 11.3 coagulation, 6.1
acid addition, 11.50–11.51 and corrosion, 17.45
advanced pretreatment, 11.46–11.47 and disinfection by-products, 6.4
antiscalants, 11.51, 11.52t. and enhanced coagulation, 6.5–6.6, 6.5t.
arsenic removal, 11.5 jar test of removal by coagulation, 6.36–6.40,
cartridge microfiltration as pretreatment, 6.37f., 6.38f., 6.39f.
11.51–11.53 and specific ultraviolet light absorbance, 6.4
concentration-polarization and precipitative and surface water, 4.49
fouling, 11.31–11.32 NAWQA. See National Water Quality Assess-
configurations, 11.11–11.13 ment Program
conventional system configuration, NDWAC. See National Drinking Water Advi-
11.42–11.43, 11.42f. sory Council
and corrosion, 11.5–11.6 Negative head, 8.47
DBP removal, 11.21–11.22, 11.23t. Nephelometers, 6.7
fouling indexes, 11.43–11.46, 11.45f., 11.45t. Nernst equation, 17.5–17.8
hollow fine fiber configurations, 11.11–11.12 New Orleans, Louisiana
influence of dissolved solutes on membrane water quality study, (1972), 1.4, 1.5
electrokinetic properties, 11.19–11.21 NF. See Nanofiltration
IOC rejection, 11.5 Nickel, 2.31
limiting salt, 11.47–11.50, 11.49t. Nitrate, 2.31–2.32
membrane films, 11.10 detecting breakthrough in ion exchange, 9.40
posttreatment, 11.64–11.66, 11.64t. disposal, denitrification, and reuse of brine,
pretreatment, 11.46–11.53 9.42–9.43, 9.44f.
scaling control, 11.47–11.51 effects of water quality on ion exchange
SOC rejection, 11.5 removal, 9.38–9.40, 9.38f., 9.39f.
spiral wound configurations, 11.11, and groundwater, 4.11, 4.21–4.24, 4.24f., 4.25f.,
11.12–11.13 4.26f., 4.32
substances potentially harmful to mem- regeneration of nitrate-laden ion exchange
branes, 11.46, 11.47f. resin, 9.41–9.42
sulfate removal, 11.5 removal by ion exchange, 9.37–9.43
TOC rejection, 11.6 Nitrifiers, 2.5
uses, 11.1 Nitrite, 2.31–2.32
National Academy of Sciences, 1.6, 1.8, 1.19 Nitrobacter, 2.5
drinking water series, 2.2 Nitrogen
National Drinking Water Advisory Council, in microbial colonization, 18.20–18.21
1.17 Nitrosomonas, 2.5
National Ground Water Association, 4.40 NOAEL. See No-observed-adverse-effect level
National Institutes of Health, 1.16 (NOAEL)
National Interim Primary Drinking Water Reg- NOM. See Natural organic material
ulations, 1.6–1.7, 17.72 NOMS. See National Organics Monitoring
history, 1.6t. Survey
National Organics Monitoring Survey, 1.7 Noncarbonate hardness, 10.15–10.16, 10.18,
National Organics Reconnaissance Survey, 1.5, 10.28–10.29
1.7 Nonionic polyelectrolytes, 6.42
National Pesticide Survey, 2.47 Nonionic polymers, 6.40
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sys- Nonmechanical dewatering, 16.24
tem, 4.57, 16.39, 16.42 dewatering lagoons, 16.27–16.28
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, freeze-thaw beds, 16.28–16.31, 16.30f.
1.9, 1.11–1.12, 1.16–1.17 residuals freezing bed, 16.29–16.31, 16.30f.
best available technology, 1.25, 1.27 sand drying beds, 16.24–16.27, 16.26f.
current regulations, 1.31, 1.32t.–1.37t., 1.38t. solar drying beds, 16.27
effective date and review, 1.30 Nonpoint impacts, 4.21–4.27, 4.48, 4.55–4.57
exemptions, 1.30 No-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), 1.21
variances, 1.30 NORS. See National Organics Reconnaissance
National Research Council, 1.8, 3.4 Survey
National Sanitation Foundation, 18.3 Norwalk virus, 2.3, 2.9
National Secondary Drinking Water Regula- NPDES. See National Pollutant Discharge
tions, 1.12 Elimination System

NPDWRs. See National Primary Drinking Ozone and ozonation (Cont.)

Water Regulations interaction with ultraviolet light to form
Nutrients hydrogen peroxide, 12.20
and surface water, 4.49, 4.51 in iron and manganese removal, 3.19
in MIB and geosmin control, 12.26
Ogallala aquifer, 4.4, 4.8, 4.28 mode of inactivation, 14.33
Oil and grease, 4.49 monitoring and control, 14.48–14.49
Oncogenicity, 2.20 as pretreatment for granular activated car-
Organic constituents, 2.34–2.35 bon, 13.28, 13.29, 13.29t., 13.32–13.33,
acrylamide, 2.34 13.33f.
distribution (Mississippi River), 2.34, 2.35f. as pretreatment for slow sand filtration, 8.78
epichlorohydrin, 2.34, 2.53–2.54 pros and cons, 14.48, 14.48t.
haloacetic acids, 2.34 purposes, 3.4–3.5
pesticides, 2.34 reaction kinetics, 12.20–12.21
polychlorinated biphenyls, 2.34 reaction pathways, 12.19–12.20, 12.19f.
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, 2.34, 2.54 reactions with bromide, 12.21–12.22
reactions with chlorine, 12.14 retrofitting, 3.9
regulations and health advisories, and SOCs, 12.27
2.38t.–2.43t. toxicity, 14.45
synthetic organic chemicals, 1.5, 1.7, 1.25, 2.34
and total organic carbon, 2.34–2.35, 23.6f. Packaged water systems, 1.27
and total organic halogen, 2.34 Packed towers
trihalomethanes, 2.34 applications, 5.14
volatile organic chemicals, 2.34, 2.35–2.47 cascade, 5.16
Organic solutes, 1.8 cocurrent, 5.16
Organophosphates, 2.48 countercurrent, 5.16, 5.17–5.18
Orthokinetic flocculation, 6.45–6.46 cross-flow, 5.16
Orthophosphate design equations, 5.17–5.21
and corrosion, 17.44–17.45 design procedure, 5.27–5.35
and microbial colonization in distribution determination of tower diameter, 5.24–5.26,
systems, 18.20–18.21 5.25f.
Osmotic pressure, 11.28 determining KLa, 5.21–5.24, 5.23t.
Oxamyl, 2.52 flooding and pressure drop, 5.24–5.26, 5.25f.
Oxidation HTU (height of transfer unit), 5.20–5.21
and powdered activated carbon, 13.65 impact of dissolved solids on performance,
Oxidation state, 12.4 5.35–5.36
Oxidation-reduction reactions, 12.4–12.6 minimum air-to-water ratio, 5.20
Ozone and ozonation, 2.54, 12.1 NTU (number of transfer units), 5.20–5.21,
advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t. 5.21f.
as aid to coagulation and flocculation, 12.28 operating line, 5.18, 5.19f.
auto-decomposition, 12.18–12.19 packing materials, 5.14, 5.16f., 5.17t.
basic chemistry, 14.9 schematics, 5.14, 5.15f., 5.18f.
and bromide, 14.19, 14.19f. PACl. See Polyaluminum chloride
and coagulation, 6.44 PAHs. See Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
contact time, 14.46 Particle counts, 2.17. See also Microscopic par-
contactor hydraulics, 14.46 ticulate analysis
contactors, 14.44–14.46, 14.45f. Particle-counting instruments, 6.8
CT values for Giardia inactivation, 14.30, and rapid granular bed filtration, 8.43
14.30t. Particles, 6.6
and cyanide, 14.19 colloidal, 6.6
decomposition kinetics, 14.18–14.19 counting, 6.6–6.7, 6.8
direct filtration with preozonation, 3.22–3.23 diffuse layers, 6.10, 6.11f., 6.12f., 6.13
disinfection by-products, 12.31t.–12.34t., dissolved, 6.6
12.37–12.38, 12.38f., 12.39 DLVO theory of colloid stability, 6.8
formation of biodegradable organic material, electrostatic stabilization, 6.8, 6.9–6.14
12.21, 12.38 Gouy-Chapman model, 6.13
generation, 12.18, 14.43 hydrodynamic retardation, 6.9
generators, 14.43–14.44, 14.43f., 14.44f. London-van der Waals force, 6.8
health effects and DBPs, 2.59 measuring concentration, 6.6–6.8
history, 14.3 and microbial transport, 18.19
hydroxyl radical, 12.19–12.20, 12.21 ovoid, 6.6
interaction with manganese, 12.25 particle interaction in hindered settling, 7.13

Particles (Cont.) Permeate flux, 11.28–11.30, 11.30f.

removal efficiency as a function of particle Pervaporation, 11.14
size in rapid granular bed filtration, Pesticides, 2.34, 2.47–2.49
8.35–8.37, 8.36f. alachlor, 2.49
repulsive and attractive forces, 6.8–6.9, 6.13 aldicarb, 2.49
secondary minimum aggregation, 6.14 aldicarb sulfone, 2.49
size, 6.6, 6.7f. aldicarb sulfoxide, 2.49
stability of suspensions, 6.8–6.9 atrazine, 2.49–2.50
steric stabilization, 6.8, 6.14–6.15, 6.14f., 6.15f. and birth defects, 2.48
suspended, 6.6 and cancer risk, 2.48
transport of colloids and particles in mem- carbamates, 2.48
brane processes, 11.32–11.34, 11.33f. carbofuran, 2.50
turbidity measurement, 6.6–6.8 chlorinated, 2.48
Particulate organic carbon, 6.4 cyanazine, 2.50
Particulates, 1.8, 8.1 2,4-D, 2.50–2.51
removal by precoat filtration, 8.83 dacthal, 2.50
Parvovirus, 14.21 dicamba, 2.50
Passivation, 17.8, 17.11f. 1,2-dichloropropane, 2.51
Pathogens, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5t. dioxin, 2.52–2.53
Acanthamoeba, 21.3 ethylene thiourea, 2.51
adenoviruses, 2.9, 14.21 exposure levels, 2.48
algae, 2.13–2.14 fungicides, 2.49
astroviruses, 2.10 and groundwater, 4.11, 4.21–4.22, 4.22f., 4.23f.,
bacteria, 2.4–2.8 4.24–4.26, 4.32
caliciviruses, 2.9 herbicides, 2.48–2.49
Campylobacter jejuni, 2.6 insecticides, 2.48
Cryptosporidium, 2.11–2.12, 14.1–14.2, mecoprop, 2.51
14.21–14.22 metolachlor, 2.51
Cyclospora, 2.12 metribuzin, 2.52
Entamoeba histolytica, 2.11 National Pesticide Survey, 2.47
enteroviruses, 2.9, 14.21 organophosphates, 2.48
Escherichia coli, 1.3, 2.7 oxamyl, 2.52
fungi, 2.14 picloram, 2.52
Giardia lamblia, 2.10–2.11, 14.1–14.2, prometon, 2.52
14.21–14.22 removal by granular activated carbon,
Helicobacter pylori, 2.7–2.8 13.43–13.45, 13.44f., 13.45f.
Hepatitis A, 2.8 removal by membrane processes, 11.22,
Hepatitis E virus (HEV), 2.9–2.10 11.24t.–11.25t.
indicators, 2.14–2.18, 14.20–14.21 simazine, 2.52
Legionella, 2.1, 2.6–2.7 2,3,7,8–TCDD, 2.52–2.53
Microspora, 2.12–2.13 Petrey, A. W., 15.2
Naegleria fowleri, 2.12 PF. See Polarization factor
Norwalk virus, 2.9 PF resin, 13.74–13.75, 13.76
opportunistic bacterial, 2.8 pH
parvovirus, 14.21 adjustment in corrosion control, 17.85–17.86
protozoa, 2.10–2.13 and adsorption, 13.5
reovirus, 14.21 and buffer intensity, 17.38–17.41
rotaviruses, 2.9, 14.21 and calcium carbonate equilibria, , 10.13f.
Salmonella, 2.3, 2.6, 14.21 and calcium carbonate saturation,
Shigella, 2.3, 2.6, 14.21 17.71–17.74
Toxoplasma, 2.13 and carbonic acid system, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10f.
Vibrio cholerae, 2.7, 14.21 and chlorination, 14.6–14.7, 14.7f., 14.32
viruses, 2.8–2.10 and chlorine dioxide, 14.33
Yersinia enterocolitica, 2.6 and corrosion, 17.2, 17.9, 17.31–17.33, 17.32f.,
PCE. See Perchloroethylene 17.33f., 17.36
Peclet number, 14.29 and disinfection by-products, 12.41–12.42
Pellet reactors, 10.38–10.39, 10.39f. and distribution system water quality, 3.12
Perchlorate effect of temperature, 17.31–17.33, 17.32f.,
removal by anion exchange, 9.81–9.86 17.33f.
Perchloroethylene, 2.45 effect on anion exchange of uranium,
Perlite, 8.7, 8.85–8.86. See also Precoat filtration 9.76–9.78

pH (Cont.) Polyelectrolyte coagulants (Cont.)

and electrostatic repulsion in membrane pro- Moringa oleifera seed extract, 6.42
cesses, 11.20–11.21 from natural organic compounds, 6.42
and granular activated carbon, 13.32, 13.32f., nonionic polyelectrolytes, 6.42
13.33f. nonionic polymers, 6.40
high level and THM formation, 3.4 polyacrylamide polymers, 6.42
and iron corrosion, 17.47 polymers, 6.40
and magnesium hydroxide equilibria, 10.13f. primary coagulant polymers, 6.41
of minimum solubility, 6.30 quaternary amines, 6.41
and powdered activated carbon, 13.65 restabilization, 6.41
and recarbonation in lime-soda ash softening, types of polyelectrolytes, 6.40
10.27–10.28 Polyelectrolytes
and residual metal concentration, 10.6–10.7 as aid to rapid granular bed filtration, 8.24,
and TOC removal by water softening, 10.48 8.25f.
and virus disinfection, 14.32 anionic, 6.42
Phase inversion membranes, 11.9–11.10 cationic, 6.41–6.42, 6.42f.
Phenol adsorption value, 13.18 nonionic, 6.42
Phenol-formaldehyde resin. See PF resin and sedimentation, 7.44–7.45, 7.45f.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Polyiron chloride, 6.2, 6.23
early water system, 1.2 Polymeric sludge, 16.2
Phosphates Polymers, 6.15, 6.40. See also Polyelectrolyte
and corrosion, 17.48, 17.96–17.97 coagulants; Synthetic organic polymers
PICl. See Polyiron chloride as aid to rapid granular bed filtration, 8.24
Picloram, 2.52 ampholyte, 6.40
Pipes and piping anionic, 6.40
construction and maintenance in microbial bridging, 6.8
control, 18.7–18.8 cationic, 6.40, 6.43
corrosion of asbestos cement and concrete configuration, 6.14, 6.14f.
pipe, 17.58–17.60 flocculent, 6.41
pipe-joining materials and microbial control, nonionic, 6.40
18.3 polyacrylamide, 6.42
protective habitats for biofilm, 18.22, 18.23f. primary coagulant, 6.41
Pitting corrosion, 17.25–17.26 sludge, 16.2
Planned interval tests (corrosion), 17.61 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, 2.34, 2.54
Plug flow, 7.26 removal by granular activated carbon, 13.45
reactors, 6.48–6.49 Polyphosphates
Plumbosolvency, 17.24 and corrosion, 17.45–17.46
POC. See Particulate organic carbon Potassium fluoride, 15.12, 15.13
POE. See Point-of-entry units Potassium permanganate, 2.54, 12.1, 12.22–12.23
Point impacts, 4.21, 4.26–4.27, 4.48, 4.54–4.55 advantages and disadvantages, 12.45t.
Point of incipient fluidization, 8.14–8.16 in iron and manganese removal, 3.19
Point-of-entry units, 1.27 in taste and odor control, 12.26
Point-of-use units, 1.27 Potential-pH diagrams, 17.19–17.23, 17.20f.,
Polarization factor, 11.30 17.21f., 17.22f., 17.23f.
Polyacrylamide polymers, 6.42 POU. See Point-of-use units
Polyaluminum chloride, 6.2, 6.23 Pourbaix diagrams. See Potential-pH diagrams
Polyamide membranes, 11.10 Powdered activated carbon. See also Granular
Polychlorinated biphenyls, 2.34 activated carbon
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. See Polynu- addition at intake, 13.64
clear aromatic hydrocarbons addition just before the filter, 13.65
Polyelectrolyte coagulants, 6.40 and alum, 13.64
ampholyte polymers, 6.40 and calcium carbonate, 13.65
anionic polyelectrolytes, 6.42 compared with GAC, 13.2, 13.62
anionic polymers, 6.40 and DBP precursors, 13.65–13.66
cationic polyelectrolytes, 6.41–6.42, 6.42f. dose estimation, 13.67–13.69, 13.68f.
cationic polymers, 6.40 floc-blanket reactor/PAC/UF process,
chitin, 6.42 13.66–13.67, 13.67f.
degree of usage, 6.40 with microfiltration, 13.66
flocculent polymers, 6.41 and oxidants, 13.65
impurities, 6.40–6.41 particle size and rate of adsorption of TCP,
monomers, 6.40 13.63–13.64, 13.64f.

Powdered activated carbon (Cont.) Proteus, 2.8

percentage of use in U.S., 13.1–13.2 Protozoa
and pH, 13.65 Acanthamoeba, 21.3
points of addition, 13.63–13.67, 13.63t. Cryptosporidium, 2.11–2.12, 14.1–14.2,
Roberts-Haberer process, 13.66 14.21–14.22
taste and odor removal, 13.69 Cyclospora, 2.12
THM removal, 13.69 defined, 2.10
THMFP removal, 13.69 Entamoeba histolytica, 2.11
TOC removal, 13.69–13.70 Giardia lamblia, 2.10–2.11, 14.1–14.2,
with ultrafiltration, 13.66, 13.66f. 14.21–14.22
VOC removal, 13.69 Microspora, 2.12–2.13
PQL. See Practical quantitation level Naegleria fowleri, 2.12
Practical quantitation level, 1.28 Toxoplasma, 2.13
Precoat filtration, 8.2, 8.3f., 8.81–8.82 See also Pseudomonas, 2.8
Diatomaceous earth filtration; Perlite Public Health Service. See U.S. Public Health
advantages and disadvantages; 8.83 Service
applications, 8.82
body feed, 8.81, 8.86–8.87 Quaternary amines, 6.41
effect of concentration of body feed,
8.87–8.88, 8.88f. Radical reactions, 12.8–12.9, 12.10t.
effect of filtration rate, 8.88–8.89, 8.88f. Radionuclides, 1.8, 2.66–2.68
filter elements, 8.81, 8.84, 8.85f. Radium
filter vessels, 8.84 brines, 9.37
filtration mechanism, 8.82 in lime sludge, 16.16, 16.46–16.47
grades of filter medium, 8.82 removal by water softening, 10.53, 10.53f.
of iron and manganese, 8.82 Radon
mathematical model, 8.89 in groundwater, 4.12, 4.14f.
media, 8.7, 8.85–8.86 Rapid granular bed filtration, 8.16–8.17. See
operation, 8.86–8.87 also Rapid sand filtration
plants, 8.82 air binding, 8.47
precoating, 8.82f., 8.86, 8.87f. air-scour-assisted backwash, 8.60–8.61, 8.60t.
pressure filter vessels, 8.84, 8.86f. air-scour delivery systems, 8.61
removal of Giardia, 8.83 attachment mechanisms, 8.32–8.33, 8.33f.
removal of particulates, 8.83 available head loss, 8.17
schematic, 8.82f. backwash, 8.17
septum, 8.81, 8.84 backwash troughs, 8.63
spent cake removal, 8.87, 8.92 backwash water and air-scour flow rates,
and Surface Water Treatment Rule, 8.81 8.61–8.63, 8.62t.
theory, 8.87–8.89 backwashing methods, 8.58–8.63, 8.59t.
vacuum filter vessels, 8.84 Boltzmann’s constant, 8.34
washing, 8.82 Brownian diffusion, 8.34
Predisinfection, 14.36 and continuous turbidity monitoring,
Prehydrolyzed metal salts, 6.2, 6.16 8.42–8.43, 8.43f., 8.44f., 8.45f.
Premix clarifiers, 7.35, 7.36 deep beds, 8.19, 8.20
Premix-recirculation clarifiers, 7.35–7.36, depth filtration, 8.32
7.35f. diffusion mechanism, 8.33–8.34
Preoxidation, 14.36 dirty filter media, 8.68–8.69
Presence/absence (P/A) test, 18.26–18.27 dual-media filters, 8.20–8.21, 8.22
Pressure filtration, 3.9, 8.2, 8.71–8.72 effluent quality pattern, 8.39–8.40, 8.40f.,
applications, 8.74 8.41f., 8.42f.
comparison with gravity filtration, 8.72–8.73 equivalent depth of filter media, 8.20
configuration, 8.72, 8.72f. expansion of filter bed during backwashing,
operation principles, 8.73 8.63–8.65
rate control, 8.73–8.74 fabricated self-supporting underdrain system,
and small water systems, 8.74 8.30
Pressure flotation, 7.48–7.49 false-floor underdrain with nozzles, 8.30,
Primary coagulant polymers, 6.41 8.31f.
Primary disinfection, 14.36 filter cycle, 8.17
Prior appropriation doctrine, 4.29 filter run, 8.17
Prometon, 2.52 filtering-to-waste, 8.40–8.42
Proportional diffusivity design, 13.52 filtration mechanisms, 8.32–8.33

Rapid granular bed filtration (Cont.) Rapid small-scale column test, 13.51–13.53,
filtration rates and water quality, 8.23–8.28, 13.52f.
8.23t., 8.24t. Rate-limiting step, 13.13
fundamental (microscopic) models, 8.33–8.37 RCRA. See Resource Conservation and Recov-
grain sizes, 8.18–8.19, 8.19t. ery Act
gross production per filter run, 8.28–8.29, Reaction kinetics, 12.6–12.8
8.29f. Reaction pathways, 12.10–12.11
head loss development, 8.47–8.49, 8.51f. Recarbonation
interception mechanism, 8.33–8.34 dose calculations, 10.29
intermixing of adjacent layers during back- example problems, 10.29–10.34
washing, 8.66–8.67 and pH, 10.27–10.28
manifold-lateral underdrain system, 8.30, process description, 10.28–10.29
8.30f. single-stage, 10.28, 10.29–10.31, 10.29f.,
media, 8.17–8.19 10.33–10.34
media configurations, 8.17, 8.18f. two-stage, 10.28–10.29, 10.29f., 10.31–10.33,
mineral deposits, 8.68, 8.69 10.32f.
models, 8.33–8.38 Recycle-flow pressure flotation, 7.48–7.49, 7.49f.
monomedium filters, 8.20, 8.22 Reference dose (RfD), 1.21–1.22, 1.22f., 1.23
movement of gravel during backwashing, and uncertainty factors, 1.22t.
8.69–8.71, 8.70f. Regulations, 1.1–1.2. See also Groundwater Dis-
mudballs, 8.68 infection Rule; National Interim Primary
negative head, 8.47 Drinking Water Regulations; National Pri-
and particle counters, 8.43 mary Drinking Water Regulations;
performance, 8.38–8.49 National Secondary Drinking Water Regu-
phenomenological (macroscopic) models, lations; Safe Drinking Water Act; Stan-
8.37–8.38 dards, Surface Water Treatment Rule; U.S.
with polymers, 8.24 Environmental Protection Agency
pretreatment, 8.17, 8.43–8.44, 8.46f., 8.47f. and treatment process selection, 3.9, 3.13
problems, 8.68–8.71 Reovirus, 14.21
rate increases of dirty filters, 8.44–8.46, 8.48f., Reservoir loading models, 4.62
8.49f. Residence time, 7.26–7.28, 7.27f.
removal efficiency as a function of particle Residual concentration (precipitation pro-
size, 8.35–8.37, 8.36f. cesses), 10.6–10.7, 10.7f.
restarting dirty filters, 8.46–8.47, 8.50f. Residual waste management, 3.11
run length, 8.24, 8.25f., 8.28 Residuals, 16.1–16.2. See also Sludge
sedimentation mechanism, 8.33–8.34 Atterberg limit test, 16.9, 16.9f.
single collector efficiency, 8.34–8.35 batch thickeners, 16.17, 16.19–16.20, 16.19f.,
skimming during backwashing, 8.66 16.21
Stokes’ law, 8.34 belt filter presses, 16.33–16.34, 16.33f.
stratification during backwashing, 8.65–8.66 beneficial use programs for solids,
support gravel, 8.30–8.32 16.42–16.49
surface wash plus fluidized bed backwash, brines, 16.2
8.59–8.60 calculating quantity generated, 16.2–16.7,
terminal head loss, 8.17 16.6f., 16.7f., 16.8f.
trajectory analysis, 8.35 centrifuges, 16.34–16.37, 16.35f., 16.36f.
transport mechanisms, 8.32, 8.33 coagulation, 6.3, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f.
triple-media filters, 8.21, 8.22 compaction density, 16.13
turbidity and particle count in removal of concentrates, 16.2
Giardia and Cryptosporidium, 8.24–8.25, and contaminants, 16.40–16.41
8.26t., 8.27t. continuous flow thickeners, 16.17,
underdrain failures, 8.71 16.19–16.20, 16.18f., 16.22
underdrain systems, 8.30–8.32 CST test, 16.10–16.12, 16.12f., 16.13t.
unit filter run volume, 8.28–8.29, 8.29f. dewatering lagoons, 16.27–16.28
upflow filters, 8.18 extraction tests, 16.14
upflow wash with full fluidization, 8.58–8.59 filter presses, 16.37–16.38, 16.38f., 16.39f.
use of granular activated carbon, 8.22–8.23 filterability constant, 16.11–16.12, 16.12f.
wash water volume required, 8.63 freeze-thaw beds, 16.28–16.31, 16.30f.
Rapid mixing, 6.56–6.57 gas-phase, 16.2
Rapid sand filtration, 8.2, 8.2f. See also Rapid gravity sludge thickeners, 16.17–16.24, 16.18f.,
granular bed filtration 16.19f.
coagulants, 6.2 ion exchange, 16.41–16.42

Residuals (Cont.) Reverse osmosis (Cont.)

in landfills, 16.47–16.49, 16.49f. scaling control, 11.47–11.51
leaching tests, 16.15–16.16, 16.15f. SOC rejection, 11.5
liquid-phase, 16.2 spiral wound configurations, 11.11,
mechanical dewatering, 16.31–16.39 11.12–11.13, 11.13f.
membrane processes, 16.41–16.42, 16.42t., sulfate removal, 11.5
16.43t. TOC rejection, 11.6
and National Pollutant Discharge Elimina- uses, 11.1
tion System, 16.39, 16.42 Reynolds number, 7.7, 7.7f., 7.15, 8.12, 8.64
nonmechanical dewatering, 16.24–16.31 RfD. See Reference dose (RfD)
radium in lime sludge, 16.16, 16.46–16.47 Richardson and Zaki equation, 7.15
recycling, 16.1–16.2, 16.39–16.41 Risk assessment, 1.18, 1.18f.
relationship between sludge volume and Risk management, 1.18, 1.18f.
solids concentration, 16.16–16.17 RO. See Reverse osmosis
residuals freezing bed, 16.29–16.31, 16.30f. Roberts-Haberer process, 13.66
sand drying beds, 16.24–16.27, 16.26f. Rotaviruses, 2.9, 14.21
settling test, 16.20–16.21, 16.20f., 16.21f. RSI. See Ryznar Saturation Index
shear strength, 16.13, 16.14f. RSSCT. See Rapid small-scale column test
solar drying beds, 16.27 Ryznar Saturation Index, 17.78–17.79
solid/liquid wastes, 16.7
solids flux curve, 16.20–16.21, 16.22, 16.22f. SAC exchangers. See Strong acid cation
spent filter backwash water, 16.2 exchange resins
SR test, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12, 16.12f., 16.13t. Safe Drinking Water Act, 1.1, 11.4
suspended solids concentration, 16.7–16.9 amendments, 1.8t.
thickening, 16.16–16.24 amendments (1977–1986), 1.8–1.9
total metal concentrations, 16.13–16.14, amendments (1996), 1.9–1.11, 1.13t.–1.14t.
16.15t. determination to regulate, 1.14–1.16,
toxicity characteristic leach procedure, 1.15t.–1.16t.
16.14–16.15 and disinfection, 14.4
TTF test, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12f., 16.13t. Drinking Water Priority List, 1.12
types, 16.2, 16.3t. Lead Contamination Control Act, 1.9
vacuum filtration, 16.31–16.33, 16.32f. measures by year (1975–1998), 1.10t.
waste management, 3.11 National Interim Primary Drinking Water
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 4.29, Regulations, 1.6–1.7, 1.6t.
4.41, 4.55, 4.57 origins and passage of, 1.4–1.6
Restabilization, 6.41 primary enforcement responsibility, 1.5
Reverse osmosis, 11.1, 11.3 public notification requirements, 1.29–1.30
acid addition, 11.50–11.51 recent regulation development, 1.13–1.14t.
advanced pretreatment, 11.46–11.47 regulation of IOCs, SOCs, and VOCs, 11.5
antiscalants, 11.51, 11.52t. related infrastructure costs, 1.10
arsenic removal, 11.5 reporting and recordkeeping requirements,
cartridge microfiltration as pretreatment 1.28–1.29
11.51–11.53 selection of contaminants, 1.12–1.14
concentration-polarization and precipitative source water protection, 4.57–4.58
fouling, 11.31–11.32 wellhead protection, 4.29
configurations, 11.11–11.13, 11.12f., 11.13f. Salmonella, 2.3, 2.6, 11.5, 14.21
conventional system configuration, microsome assay (Ames test), 2.21
11.42–11.43, 11.42f. Salting-out coefficients, 5.8–5.10, 5.10t.
and corrosion, 11.5–11.6 San Jose (California) Water Company, 3.23
DBP removal, 11.21–11.22, 11.23t. Sand, 8.17. See also Rapid granular bed filtra-
fouling indexes, 11.43–11.46, 11.45f., 11.45t. tion; Rapid sand filtration; Silica sand; Slow
hollow fine fiber configurations, 11.11–11.12, sand filtration
11.12f. Sand boils, 8.66, 8.69, 8.70f.
influence of dissolved solutes on membrane Sanitary surveys, 18.26
electrokinetic properties, 11.19–11.20 Saturation index, 17.79–17.81
IOC rejection, 11.5 SBA exchange resins. See Strong-base anion
limiting salt, 11.47–11.50, 11.49t. exchange resins
mass transport, 11.36–11.37, 11.37f. SCADA systems, 3.10
membrane films, 11.10 Scales, 17.9–17.10, 17.10f., 17.11f.
posttreatment, 11.64–11.66, 11.64t. nonprotecting, 17.9
pretreatment, 11.46–11.53 protecting, 17.9

Scaling control, 11.47 Sedimentation (Cont.)

acid addition, 11.50–11.51 residence time, 7.26–7.28, 7.27f.
antiscalants, 11.51, 11.52t. Reynolds number, 7.7, 7.7f., 7.15
limiting salt, 11.47–11.50, 11.49t. and seasonal water quality, 7.42–7.43
Scanning electron microscope analysis of corro- settlement in tanks, 7.9–7.11
sion, 17.64–17.65, 17.64f., 17.65f. settling (defined), 7.4–7.5
Schmutzdecke, 8.3, 8.74, 8.75, 8.79 settling of discrete particles (Type 1), 7.5,
Scotland, 1.2 7.6–7.13, 7.14, 7.14f.
SDI. See Silt density index settling regimes (Types 1–4), 7.5
SDVB resin, 13.74–13.75, 13.76 settling velocity, 7.9–7.11, 7.10f.
Secondary disinfection, 14.36 sludge removal, 7.78–7.79
Secondary minimum aggregation, 6.14 and solar radiation, 7.47
Sedimentation. See also Coagulation; Floccula- solids contact clarifiers, 7.34–7.36, 7.35f.
tion solids flux, 7.13–7.14, 7.14f.
ancient history, 7.1–7.2 and solids loading, 7.75–7.77
baffling, 7.42 subsidence, 7.5, 7.14, 7.14f.
boundary-layer turbulence, 7.8 surface loading, 7.41
candelabra flow distribution, 7.3, 7.4f. tank depth, 7.42
Candy tanks, 7.3, 7.3f. tank shape, 7.41–7.42
circular tanks, 7.30–7.31, 7.32f. tank size, 7.41
and coagulation, 7.43 terminal settling velocity, 7.6–7.8
compactness, 7.78 tracer tests, 7.27–7.28, 7.28t.
compared with dissolved-air flotation for types of tanks, 7.28–7.41
treatment process selection, 7.75–7.79, 7.76t. and wind effects, 7.46–7.47
compression point, 7.16 Selective leaching, 17.27–17.28
and computational fluid dynamics, 7.26, 7.79 Selenium, 2.32
costs, 7.77–7.78 activated alumina adsorption, 9.64, 9.65
drag force, 7.6–7.8, 7.7f. ion exchange, 9.65
effect of particle shape, 7.8 oxidation of selenite to selenate, 9.64–9.65
emerging technology, 7.79–7.80 SEM. See Scanning electron microscope analy-
filtration as alternative to, 7.80 sis of corrosion
flat-bottom clarifiers, 7.3, 7.4f., 7.5f. Septum, 8.81, 8.84
floc-blanket process, 7.3, 7.3f., 7.18, 7.19f., Serratia, 2.8
7.22–7.26, 7.24f., 7.25f., 7.36–7.41, 7.37f., Service flow rate, 9.26–9.28
7.38f., 7.40f. Setschenow coefficients, 5.8–5.10, 5.10t.
flocculant settling, 7.5, 7.11–7.13 Settling
and flocculation, 7.8–7.9, 7.13, 7.43–7.44 defined, 7.4–7.5
and flocculent aids, 7.44–7.45, 7.45f. regimes (Types 1–4), 7.5
flow-through curves, 7.27, 7.27f., 7.28t. test, 16.20–16.21, 16.20f., 16.21f.
fluidization, 7.16–7.18 velocity, 7.9–7.11, 7.10f.
and Froude number, 7.29–7.30 SFR. See Service flow rate
hindered settling, 7.5, 7.13–7.16, 7.14f. Shear strength, 16.13, 16.14f.
horizontal-flow tanks, 7.28–7.31, 7.29f., 7.31f., Sherwood number, 11.31
7.32f. Shigella, 2.3, 2.6, 14.21
inclined settling, 7.2–7.3, 7.2f., 7.18–7.22, SI. See Saturation index
7.20f., 7.31–7.34, 7.33f., 7.39–7.40 Sieve analysis, 8.8, 8.8f., 8.10–8.11
inlets and outlets, 7.42 Silica, 6.2
laminar flow, 7.26 activated, 6.43
modern innovations, 7.3, 7.4f. surface charge, 6.9–6.10, 6.10f.
multilayer tanks, 7.2 Silica sand, 8.7
multistory tanks, 7.30, 7.31f. Silicates
nomenclature, 7.80–7.81 and corrosion, 17.44, 17.96–17.97
number of tanks, 7.41 and iron corrosion, 17.47–17.48
particle interaction, 7.13 Silt density index, 11.44
plug flow, 7.26 Silver, 2.54
predicting settling efficiency, 7.11–7.13, 7.12f. Simazine, 2.52
premix clarifiers, 7.35, 7.36 Slow sand filtration, 3.16–3.17, 8.2
premix-recirculation clarifiers, 7.35–7.36, appropriate waters, 8.77–8.78
7.35f. available head loss, 8.79
and rapid start-up, 7.78 biological activity, 8.75, 8.76f.
rectangular tanks, 7.2, 7.28–7.30, 7.29f. cleaning, 8.79–8.80

Slow sand filtration (Cont.) Sodium, 2.32–2.33

description, 8.74 and surface water, 4.49–4.50
design criteria, 8.79 Sodium aluminate, 6.24
filtration mechanisms, 8.75 Sodium fluoride, 15.10, 15.11
filtration rates, 8.79 Sodium fluorosilicate, 15.10, 15.11–15.12
with GAC layer, 8.78–8.79 Sodium hypochlorite, 12.13, 14.5–14.6, 14.36
history, 8.74–8.75 Sodium ion-exchange softening, 9.29–9.30
of microorganisms, 8.75–8.77 design example, 9.30–9.34
performance, 8.76–8.77 Solid/liquid wastes, 16.7. See also Residuals
with preozonation, 8.78 Solids flux, 7.13–7.14, 7.14f.
pretreatment, 8.78–8.79 curve, 16.20–16.21, 16.22, 16.22f.
raking, 8.80 Solubility diagrams, 17.12–17.18, 17.14f., 17.15f.,
in removal of Cryptosporidium, 8.5–8.6, 8.77 17.16f., 17.17f.
in removal of Giardia, 3.24, 8.5–8.6, 8.75, Solubility equilibria, 10.2–10.6
8.76–8.77 Solubility product constants, 10.3, 10.4t.–10.5t.
resanding, 8.79, 8.80 Solutes, 1.8
sand sizes, 8.79 Solvents, 2.69, 2.69t.
schmutzdecke, 8.74, 8.75, 8.79 Sonic sensor method, 11.27
scraping, 8.79, 8.80 Source water. See also Groundwater; Surface
skimming, 8.80 water
and small water systems, 3.24, 8.80–8.81 acute quality impacts, 4.47
waste disposal, 8.92 alternatives, 3.2
Sludge, 3.11, 16.2. See also Residuals changes and treatment process selection, 3.9
alum, 16.2, 16.3–16.4, 16.17–16.23, 16.45–16.46 chronic quality impacts, 4.47
batch thickeners, 16.17, 16.19–16.20, 16.19f., fecal and total coliform limits, 3.14–3.15
16.21 identifying and characterizing, 4.58
compaction density, 16.13 identifying and characterizing potential
continuous flow thickeners, 16.17, impacts, 4.59
16.19–16.20, 16.18f., 16.22 intake vulnerability, 4.59–4.60
float removal in DAF, 7.70–7.71, 7.78 monitoring, 4.62
gravity sludge thickeners, 16.17–16.24, 16.18f., nonpoint impacts, 4.21–4.27, 4.48, 4.55–4.57
16.19f. point impacts, 4.21, 4.26–4.27, 4.48
iron, 16.2, 16.4 protection goals, 4.60
land application, 16.43, 16.45–16.47 protection program evaluation, 4.62
in landfills, 16.47–16.49, 16.49f. protection program implementation, 4.62
lime, 16.2, 16.5, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f., 16.16, protection programs, 4.58–4.62
16.46 protection strategies, 4.60–4.62, 4.61t.
macroproperties, 16.9 quality as factor in treatment process selec-
microproperties, 16.9 tion, 3.5
mixing with biosolids for land application and regulatory programs, 4.57–4.58
composting, 16.43, 16.45 treatment process selection for high-quality
particle size distribution, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f. sources, 3.16–3.17
polymeric, 16.2 Source Water Protection Program, 4.31, 4.32
relationship between volume and solids con- Southern Nevada Water System, 3.22–3.23
centration, 16.16–16.17 Specific resistance test. See SR (specific resis-
removal and treatment process selection, tance) test
7.78–7.79 Specific ultraviolet light absorbance, 6.4
removal in floc-blanket process, 7.37–7.38 Spent filter backwash water, 16.2, 16.7
settling test, 16.20–16.21, 16.20f., 16.21f. Spiral wound membranes, 11.11, 11.12–11.13,
shear strength, 16.13 11.13f.
solids flux curve, 16.20–16.21, 16.22, 16.22f. Split treatment, 10.34, 10.39
specific gravity, 16.9–16.10, 16.10f. Split-flow pressure flotation, 7.48
thickening, 16.16–16.24 Split-treatment excess lime softening,
in topsoil blending, 16.43, 16.44, 16.45f. 10.34–10.35
in turf farming, 16.43–16.44, 16.44f. example problem, 10.35–10.38, 10.37f.
Small water systems flow schematic, 10.35, 10.35f.
bag and cartridge filters, 8.91 Sponge structure, 11.9, 11.9f.
and pressure filtration, 8.74 Spray aerators, 5.61–5.62
and slow sand filtration, 3.24, 8.80–8.81 design equations, 5.62–5.64
Snow, John, 1.2 sample calculation, 5.64–5.66
SOCs. See Synthetic organic chemicals schematic, 5.62f.

SR (specific resistance) test, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12, Surface water

16.12f., 16.13t. agricultural impacts, 4.55–4.56
Stage 1 Disinfection By-Products Rule, 6.5–6.6, and climate, 4.50
6.5t. color, 4.50
Staining, 2.71–2.72, 4.50 deforestation, 4.54
Standard half-cell potentials, 12.3t. effect of wastewater discharges, 4.54–4.55
Standards. See also National Primary Drinking fate and transport models, 4.62
Water Regulations; Regulations; Safe and geology, 4.51
Drinking Water Act; U.S. Environmental and groundwater, 4.1–4.2, 4.47, 4.48f.
Protection Agency human impacts, 4.48, 4.54–4.57
Canada, 1.39 and hydrologic cycle, 4.47–4.48, 4.48f.
early development, 1.2 identifying and characterizing potential
early U.S. measures, 1.2–1.4 impacts, 4.59
European Union, 1.40 identifying and characterizing sources,
future trends, 1.40–1.41 4.58
international, 1.39–1.40 industrial discharges, 4.55
Mexico, 1.39–1.40 intake vulnerability, 4.59–4.60
U.S. measures by year (1975–1998), 1.10t. metal contamination, 4.49
World Health Organization, 1.40 microbial contaminants, 4.49
Steel corrosion, 17.47–17.48 and mining operations, 4.55
Steric stabilization, 6.8, 6.14–6.15, 6.14f., 6.15f. models, 4.62
Stokes’ law, 6.46, 7.7, 8.34 monitoring, 4.62
Stray current corrosion, 17.30 natural impacts, 4.48, 4.50–4.54
Streaming current detectors, 6.59f. natural organic matter, 4.49
interpreting measurements, 6.59–6.61, 6.60f. nonpoint impacts, 4.48, 4.55–4.57
in monitoring and control of coagulation, nutrients, 4.49, 4.51
6.58–6.59 oil and grease, 4.49
Strong-acid cation exchange resins, 9.5, 13.74f., point impacts, 4.48, 4.54–4.55
13.75 protection goals, 4.60
adsorption rates, 9.17 protection program evaluation, 4.62
properties, 9.27t. protection program implementation, 4.62
in radium removal, 9.36–9.38 protection strategies, 4.60–4.62, 4.61t.
selectivity sequences, 9.11–9.12 recreational impacts, 4.56–4.57
in sodium ion-exchange softening, regulatory programs, 4.57–4.58
9.29–9.30 reservoir loading models, 4.62
Strong-base anion exchange resins, 9.5–9.6, and saltwater intrusion, 4.54
13.74f., 13.75 sodium, 4.49–4.50
adsorption rates, 9.17 solids, 4.49
preference for sulfate over nitrate, 9.39 source water protection programs,
properties, 9.27t. 4.58–4.62
selectivity sequences, 9.12 staining, 4.50
Styrene divinylbenzene resin. See SDVB resin stream assimilative capacity, 4.54
Subsidence, 7.5, 7.14, 7.14f. synthetic organic chemicals, 4.50
Sulfate, 2.33 taste and odor, 4.50
and corrosion, 17.43 thermal stratification, 4.51–4.54
effect on anion exchange run length for ura- Total Maximum Daily Load, 4.54
nium removal, 9.78–9.79, 9.78f. total organic carbon, 4.49
and iron corrosion, 17.47 treatment process selection, 3.14–3.18
Sulfur bacteria, 2.5 turbidity, 4.49, 4.50
Superfund. See Comprehensive Environmental urban impacts, 4.56
Response, Compensation and Liability Act water quality parameters, 4.48–4.50,
Supervisory control and data acquisition sys- 4.52t.–4.53t.
tems. See SCADA systems and water softening, 10.39–10.40
Surface aeration, 5.56 and watershed characteristics, 4.50–4.51
brush type, 5.56 and wildfires, 4.54
design equations, 5.56–5.59 Surface Water Treatment Rule, 1.25. See also
sample calculation, 5.59–5.61 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treat-
schematic, 5.56f. ment Rule
single-tank schematic, 5.57 on disinfectant contact time, 11.4
tanks-in-series configuration, 5.57, 5.58f. and disinfection, 14.4
turbine type, 5.56 on enteric viruses, 11.4

Surface Water Treatment Rule (Cont.) Temperature (Cont.)

filtration log removals and turbidity require- and microbial growth in distribution systems,
ments, 8.4–8.5, 8.4t. 18.24, 18.35t., 18.37
on Giardia, 11.4 Ten State Standards, 3.15
on nonfiltration of surface waters, 3.14–3.15 Teratogenicity, 2.20
and precoat filtration, 8.81 Terminal head loss, 8.17
protozoan cyst/oocyst and virus removal Terminal settling velocity, 7.6–7.8
credits, 6.8 Tetrachloroethylene, 2.45
Suspended solids concentration, 16.7–16.9 Theoretical normalized flux equation,
SUVA. See specific ultraviolet light absorbance 11.41–11.42
SW membranes. See Spiral wound membranes Thermal stratification, 4.51–4.54
SWAP. See Source Water Protection Program Thermocline, 4.51
Swimming pools Thermodynamic principles, 12.2–12.6
precoat filtration, 8.82 Thin-film composite membranes, 11.10–11.11
pressure filtration, 8.74 THMFP. See Trihalomethane formation poten-
SWTR. See Surface Water Treatment Rule tial
Symmetric membranes, 11.9 THMs. See Trihalomethanes
Synthetic organic chemicals, 1.5, 1.7, 1.25, 2.34, Time to filter test. See TTF (time to filter) test
6.1, 11.5 Titration curves, 6.26–6.27, 6.26f., 6.33f.
oxidation of, 12.27–12.28 TMDL. See Total Maximum Daily Load
removal by granular activated carbon, TMP. See Transmembrane pressure
13.43–13.45 TOC. See Total organic carbon
removal by membrane processes, 11.22, Toluene, 2.45–2.46
11.24t.–11.25t. Total bacterial plate count, 1.3
and surface water, 4.50 Total Coliform Rule, 11.5
Synthetic organic polymers, 6.2 Total coliform test, 18.28–18.29
Total coliforms, 2.15, 14.20–14.21
Taste and odor groundwater, 4.10–4.11
control by chlorine dioxide, 12.17 Total dissolved solids
and decaying vegetation, 2.70 and corrosion, 17.42–17.43
destruction by oxidation, 12.25–12.26 and taste and odor, 2.68–269
and direct filtration, 8.50–8.51 Total hardness, 10.14
and metals, 2.68, 2.69 Total Maximum Daily Load, 4.54
and mixture of chloraminated and chlori- Total organic carbon, 2.34–2.35, 2.36f., 6.4–6.6
nated waters, 3.12–3.13 and chlorination DBPs, 2.60
odor thresholds of solvents, 2.69, 2.69t. removal by GAC, 13.38–13.39, 13.38t., 13.39f.,
removal by GAC, 13.36–13.38, 13.37f. 13.40
removal by PAC, 13.69 removal by PAC, 13.69–13.70
rotten egg odor (hydrogen sulfide), 2.70 removal by water softening, 10.47–10.51,
and surface water, 4.50 10.48t., 10.49f., 10.50f., 10.51f.
and total dissolved solids, 2.68–269 and surface water, 4.49
TCA. See Trichloroacetic acid and various filtration approaches, 3.10
2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2.52–2.53 Total organic halogen, 2.34
TCE. See Trichloroethylene Total trihalomethanes, 1.26
TCLP. See Toxicity characteristic leach proce- TOX. See Total organic halogen
dure Toxic Substances Control Act, 4.57
TCP. See Trichlorophenol Toxicity, 2.19
TDS. See Total dissolved solids Toxicity characteristic leach procedure,
Temperature 16.14–16.15
and buffer intensity, 17.39, 17.39f. Toxicological Profiles, 2.2
and chemical oxidation, 12.7–12.8 Toxicology reviews, 1.18–1.19
and coagulation, 6.57–6.58 Toxoplasma, 2.13
correction factors in membrane processes, Tracer tests, 7.27–7.28, 7.28t.
11.41–11.42 Trajectory analysis, 8.35
and corrosion, 17.31–17.34, 17.32f., 17.33f. Transmembrane pressure, 11.28, 11.29–11.30,
and disinfection, 14.27, 14.32 11.30f.
and disinfection by-products, 12.42 Transport in laminar shear, 6.45–6.46
effect on pH, 17.31–17.33, 17.32f., 17.33f. Transport mechanisms, 6.44–6.45
and flocculation, 6.57–6.58 Brownian diffusion, 6.45, 8.34, 11.31, 11.32,
gas stream temperature after heating in air 11.33
stripping, 5.40, 5.40f. collision efficiency factor, 6.45
and Henry’s law, 5.8t., 5.9t. differential settling, 6.46

Transport mechanisms (Cont.) Treatment process selection (Cont.)

G value concept, 6.47–6.48 and source water changes, 3.9
orthokinetic flocculation, 6.45–6.46 source water quality, 3.5
Stokes’ law, 6.46, 7.7, 8.34 surface water, 3.14–3.18
transport in laminar shear, 6.45–6.46 and system size, 3.10
turbulent flow, 6.47–6.48 utility capabilities, 3.10
turbulent transport, 6.46–6.47 water conservation as alternative to treating
Treasury Standards, 1.3 additional water, 3.3
Treatment plant residuals. See Residuals Treatment techniques, 1.25–1.26
Treatment process selection Trichloroacetaldehyde, 2.63–2.64
and aesthetic concerns, 3.3–3.4 Trichloroacetic acid, 2.62–2.63
alternative water sources, 3.2 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, 2.46
alternatives to treatment, 3.2–3.3 Trichloroethene, 2.46
and automation, 3.10 Trichloroethylene, 2.46
capital costs, 3.10–3.11 sample packed-tower aeration calculation,
case studies, 3.21–3.24 5.28–5.35
choosing among DAF, sedimentation, and Trichlorophenol, 13.63–13.64, 13.64f., 13.65
coarse-bed filtration, 7.75–7.79, 7.76t. Trihalomethane formation potential
and compactness, 7.78 and GAC, 13.40, 13.41f.
and contaminant removal, 3.3–3.5, 3.6t.–3.7t. and PAC, 13.69
conventional treatment, 3.15–3.16, 3.16f. removal by water softening, 10.50, 10.51f.
conventional treatment with pretreatment, 3.16 Trihalomethanes, 1.7, 1.26, 2.34, 2.60–2.61
cost considerations, 3.10–3.11 from chlorination, 12.35
costs of sedimentation and flotation, discovery of, 1.5, 12.30
7.77–7.78 haloform reaction, 12.9–12.10, 12.11f.
direct filtration (Southern Nevada case and high pH, 3.4
study), 3.22–3.23 and increased free chlorine residual, 3.4
disinfection with no filtration, 3.14–3.15, 3.19 precursors in surface water, 4.51
dissolved air flotation, 3.17, 3.18f. and reaction time, 12.38–12.39
dissolved air flotation with filtration removal by PAC, 13.69
(Greenville case study), 3.21–3.22 and residuals recycling, 16.41
distribution system water quality, 3.12–3.13 TSCA. See Toxic Substances Control Act
environmental compatibility, 3.11–3.12 TTF (time to filter) test, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12f.,
evaluation process, 3.13–3.14 16.13t.
existing conditions, 3.8–3.9 Tuberculation, 17.26–17.27
factors, 3.1–3.2, 3.3–3.13 Turbidimeters, 6.7
groundwater, 3.18–3.21 Turbidity, 6.7
for high-quality source waters, 3.16–3.17 aesthetic concerns, 2.70–2.71
hydraulic constraints, 3.9 continuous turbidity monitoring in rapid gran-
hypothetical examples, 3.14–3.21 ular bed filtration, 8.42–8.43, 8.43f., 8.44f.
between ion exchange and alumina adsorp- and distribution system microbial control,
tion, 9.2 18.19
ion exchange processes, 3.20–3.21, 3.21f. as indicator, 2.17–21.8
iron and manganese removal, 3.19 measurements, 6.7–6.8
and management attitudes, 3.10 removal by granular activated carbon,
membrane filtration, 3.17–3.18 13.46–13.47
microfiltration (San Jose case study), 3.23 and surface water, 4.49, 4.50
O&M costs, 3.10–3.11 Turbulent flow, 6.47–6.48
precipitative lime softening, 3.20, 3.20f. Turbulent transport, 6.46–6.47
process flexibility, 3.9 Two-stage filtration systems, 8.90–8.91
process reliability, 3.5–3.8 Typhoid, 1.2, 2.1, 14.1
process scale, 3.13
purchasing water as alternative, 3.2–3.3 UF. See Ultrafiltration
and rapid start-up, 7.78 Ultrafiltration, 11.1, 11.3
and regulatory requirements and changes, cost-effectiveness, 11.2
3.9, 3.13 cross-flow operation, 11.14
robustness, 3.8 dead-end operation, 11.14
site constraints, 3.8–3.9 flow patterns (inside-out and outside-in),
slow sand filtration (small system case stud- 11.13–11.14, 11.14f.
ies), 3.24 Giardia and Cryptosporidium removal,
and sludge removal, 7.78–7.79 11.22–11.26, 11.25f.
and solids loading, 7.75–7.77 mechanical sieving, 11.35–11.36

Ultrafiltration (Cont.) U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1.5

with PAC, 13.66–13.67, 13.66f., 13.67f. U.S. Forest Service, 4.58
transport of colloids and particles, U.S. Geological Survey, 4.58
11.32–11.34, 11.33f. U.S. Public Health Service, 1.3
uses, 11.1, 11.2 Bureau of Water Hygiene Community Water
Ultraviolet light, 2.54 Supply Study, 1.4
and backmixing, 14.47 and fluoridation, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3–15.4
configurations, 14.46 standards (1914–1969), 1.3–1.4
contact times, 14.47 U.S. Treasury Department, 1.3
demand equivalent, 14.19 USEPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection
history of use, 14.3 Agency
and hydraulics, 14.47 USFDA. See U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
incident light intensity, 14.32 tion
interaction with ozone to form hydrogen per- USPHS. See U.S. Public Health Service
oxide, 12.20 UV. See Ultraviolet light
mode of inactivation, 14.33–14.34, 14.34t.
monitoring and control, 14.49 Vacuum flotation, 7.48
production, 14.46 Van der Waals force. See London-van der Waals
pros and cons, 14.48, 14.48t. force
Uniform corrosion, 17.24 Vibrio cholerae, 2.7, 14.21
Upflow filters, 8.18 Vinyl chloride, 2.46
Uranium Vinylidene chloride, 2.44
chemistry and speciation, 9.74–9.75, 9.75f. Viruses
effect of pH on anion exchange, 9.76–9.79 adenoviruses, 2.9, 14.21
effects of uranium, sulfate, and chloride con- astroviruses, 2.10
centrations on anion exchange run length, caliciviruses, 2.9
9.78–9.79, 9.78f. defined, 2.8
regeneration of uranium-spent resins (anion enteric, 2.8–2.10, 11.4
exchange), 9.78–9.81, 9.80f. enteroviruses, 14.21
removal by anion exchange, 9.74–9.81, 9.75f., Hepatitis A, 2.8
9.76f., 9.78f., 9.80f. Hepatitis E virus (HEV), 2.9–2.10
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1.1, 1.7 Norwalk virus, 2.9
advisories, 1.31–1.38 parvovirus, 14.21
analytical methods, 1.28 pH and disinfection, 14.32
best available technology, 1.25, 1.27 removal by chemical precipitation,
D/DBP Rule, 2.55 10.55–10.56
determination to regulate, 1.14–1.16, reovirus, 14.21
1.15t.–1.16t. rotaviruses, 2.9, 14.21
Drinking Water Priority List, 1.12 and Surface Water Treatment Rule, 11.4
and fluoride, 15.4 SWTR filtration requirements, 8.4–8.5, 8.4t.
initial SDWA mission, 1.6 VOCs. See Volatile organic chemicals
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), 2.2 Volatile organic chemicals, 2.34, 2.35–2.36,
maximum contaminant level goals, 1.9, 11.5
1.11–1.12, 1.16–1.25 and air stripping, 2.36
maximum contaminant levels, 1.6, 1.17, 1.26 benzene, 2.37
monitoring requirements, 1.27 carbon tetrachloride, 2.37
National Organics Monitoring Survey, 1.7 dichlorobenzenes, 2.37
National Organics Reconnaissance Survey, 1,2-dichloroethane, 2.37
1.5, 1.7 1,1-dichloroethylene, 2.44
National Pesticide Survey, 2.47 1,2-dichloroethylenes, 2.44
National Primary Drinking Water Regula- dichloromethane, 2.44–2.45
tions, 1.9, 1.11–1.12, 1.16–1.17 ethylbenzene, 2.44
National Secondary Drinking Water Regula- ethylene dichloride, 2.37
tions, 1.12 and Henry’s Law coefficient, 2.36
public notification requirements, 1.29–1.30 methyl benzene, 2.45–2.46
reporting and recordkeeping requirements, methyl chloroform, 2.46
1.28–1.29 methylene chloride, 2.44–2.45
risk balancing, 1.26 monochloroethene, 2.46
selection of contaminants, 1.12–1.14 MTBE, 2.45
Stage 1 Disinfection By-Products Rule, off-gas control using adsorption, 5.36–5.43,
6.5–6.6, 6.5t. 5.37f., 5.38f., 5.39t., 5.40f.
treatment techniques, 1.25–1.26 perchloroethylene, 2.45

Volatile organic chemicals (Cont.) tosporidium; Escherichia coli; Giardia lam-

removal by GAC, 13.41–13.43, 13.42t., 13.42f., blia; Hepatitis A; Legionella; Norwalk
13.43f. virus; Pathogens; Salmonella; Shigella
removal by PAC, 13.69 early epidemics, 1.2, 21.
tetrachloroethylene, 2.45 and microorganisms (pathogens), 2.3, 2.5t.
toluene, 2.45–2.46 Milwaukee Cryptosporidium outbreak,
1,1,1-trichloroethane, 2.46 1.10
trichloroethene, 2.46 outbreaks, 2.2–2.3, 2.3f., 2.4t.
trichloroethylene, 2.46 Watersheds, 4.50–4.51
vinyl chloride, 2.46 characteristics, 4.50–4.51, 4.58–4.59
vinylidene chloride, 2.44 control, 3.15
xylenes, 2.47 identifying boundaries, 4.58
management references, 4.63
WAC exchange resins. See Weak-acid cation protection and Cryptosporidium, 3.15
exchange resins WBA exchange resins. See Weak-base anion
Wastewater, 3.11 exchange resins
effect on surface water, 4.54–4.55 Weak-acid cation exchange resins, 9.5, 13.74f.,
pressure filtration of, 8.74 13.75
surface aeration, 5.56 adsorption rates, 9.17–9.18, 9.17f., 91.8f.
treatment by dissolved-air flotation, 7.47 in barium removal, 9.35
treatment by upflow filters, 8.18 selectivity sequences, 9.11–9.12
Water conservation Weak-base anion exchange resins, 9.6, 13.74f.,
as alternative to treating additional water, 3.3 13.75
Water distribution systems. See Distribution adsorption rates, 9.17–9.18, 9.17f., 9.18f.
systems selectivity sequences, 9.12
Water farming, 4.9 Wellfield management, 4.31
Water quality and natural groundwater quality, 4.40
acute impacts, 4.47 Wellhead protection, 4.29, 4.31–4.32
aesthetic concerns, 2.2, 2.68–2.72, 3.3–3.4 areas, 4.31–4.32
chronic impacts, 4.47 planning, 4.31
in distribution systems, 3.12–3.13 Wells. See also Aquifer storage and recovery;
health concerns, 2.1–2.2 Aquifers; Groundwater; Wellfield manage-
nonpoint impacts, 4.21–4.27, 4.48, 4.55–4.57 ment; Wellhead protection
parameters, 4.48–4.50, 4.52t.–4.53t. abandoned, 4.32–4.33
point impacts, 4.21, 4.26–4.27, 4.48, 4.54–4.55 private, 4.9–4.10, 4.10f.
Water rights, 4.29 public, 4.11
Water softening. See also Lime-soda ash soften- WHPA. See Wellhead protection (areas)
ing; Pellet reactors; Split-treatment excess WHPP. See Wellhead protection (planning)
lime softening Woburn (Massachusetts) groundwater contami-
caustic soda vs. lime-soda ash, 10.40 nation, 4.41
chemical feeders and mixers, 10.44 World Health Organization
flocculation step, 10.41–10.42 drinking water standards, 1.40
future trends, 10.56–10.57
by membrane processes, 10.56 X-ray diffraction analysis of corrosion,
NOM removal, 10.47–10.51, 10.48t., 10.49f., 17.66–17.68, 17.67f., 17.68f., 17.69f.
10.50f., 10.51f. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry of corrosion,
process chemistry, 10.16–10.18 17.65-17.66
process sequence and design, 10.40–10.44 XRD. See X-ray diffraction analysis of corro-
rapid mixing step, 10.40–10.41 sion
residues, 10.44–10.46, 10.45t., 10.46f. XRF. See X-ray fluorescence spectrometry of
sedimentation step, 10.42–10.44, 10.42f., 10.43f. corrosion
and surface water, 10.39–10.40 Xylenes, 2.47
Water sources. See Source water
Water supply storage Yersinia enterocolitica, 2.6
biofilm development, 18.22–18.24
reservoir coverings and microbial control, Zeolites, 9.2
18.4–18.5 Zero point of charge, 9.7
reservoir linings and microbial control, 18.3 Zinc, 2.33
Water treatment plant residuals. See Residuals and corrosion, 17.46
Waterborne diseases, 11.4–11.5. See also Cryp- ZPC. See Zero point of charge

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