Soal Kimia
Soal Kimia
Soal Kimia
Pg A * / xMWA =
B (400 ) + ( torr) 500.0 xA. g Thus / 78.1128 xA =
implying ) ]. We
0.965, g mol–1
5. At 25 ̊C and 1 atm, a 0.5000 mol/kg solution of NaCl in water has partial molar volumes of
18.63 cm3/mol and 18.062 cm3/mol for the NaCl and water respectively. Find the volume at 25 ̊C
and 1 atm of a solution prepared by dissolving 0.2500 mol of NaCl in 0.5000 kg of water.
Break ( ̊C)
First halt ( ̊C)
Second halt ( ̊C) 0.00 1100 0.10 1060 700 0.20 1000 700 0.30 940 700 400 0.40 850 700 400
0.50 750 700 400 0.60 670 400 0.70 550 400 0.80 400 0.90 450 400 1.00 500
Using formula for partial molar volumes V = VA,m nA + VB,m n B = (18.63 cm3 mol–1
) ( 0.2500
mol) + (18.062 cm3 mol–1) (500 g / 18.015 g mol–1 ) = 505.96 cm3 . The mass of this solution is
(0.2500 mol) (58.443 g mol–1 ) + 500.0 g = 514.61 g, giving a density of 0.983 g cm3 . Note that
the water actually loses density as the sodium and chloride ions break up the hydrogen bonding
6. Would a liquid mixture of two optical isomers of CHFClBr be an ideal solution? Explain.
The condition for ideal solutions is for the two molecules to be so similar in size, shape and
molecular interactions that mixing A with B will give A-A interactions which are nearly
identical to A-B and B-B interactions. Normally this is not the case, but for systems like
Benzene-Toluene, the interactions are similar enough to call the solution nearly ideal. In the
case of optical isomers, the structures are merely mirror images of one another, thereby
having identical interactions, size and shape. The only way to separate these molecules is
using some sort of chiral separation scheme, since the interactions are so similar. Given this, I
would define this mixture as nearly perfectly ideal.
7. In which solution would water have a lower activity (A) 0.0300 m NaCl, (B) 0.0200 m MgCl2, or
(C) 0.0300 m MgO (assuming all are fully dissolved and none undergo ion pairing).
You can use the Davies equation to calculate the activity coefficients for each of these
solutions, or you can note that in all cases, the total number of ions in solution is identical.
Given that the activity of the solvent (water) is basically related to the vapor pressure of the
water, you can ask, which solution will bind water most tightly , preventing the molecules from
escaping the solution at the liquid/gas interface? Certainly the answer is the ions with the
highest charge (MgO) which will bind very strongly to the exiting water molecules, dragging
down the net activity of both the solute and the solvent. Thus answer (C) is the correct choice.