ARTS AND DESIGN - v4Final-K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes
ARTS AND DESIGN - v4Final-K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes
ARTS AND DESIGN - v4Final-K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes
Quarter / Semester Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
Standards Competencies
1st Sem The learner: The learner: 1. researches all Week 1 to Week 8
available musical AD_AEPMU12-Ia-1
develops awareness of synthesizes genres in the
local musical genres. information gathered community and
through immersion in chooses one to
a particular genre. specialize in
2. documents Week 9 to Week 12
observations of the AD_AEPMU12-Ib-h-2
chosen genre
3. organizes a Week 13 to Week 16
compilation of the AD_AEPMU12-Ii-j-3
2nd Sem develops awareness of synthesizes 1. Explores all ICT Week 1 to Week 4
ICT applications in the information gathered applications in AD_AEPMU12-Ia-1
music industry. through immersion in music that are
the musical production available in the
industry. community and
chooses one
2. documents Week 5 to Week 6
observations of the AD_AEPMU12-Ib-h-2
chosen application
3. organizes a Week 7 to Week 8
compilation of the AD_AEPMU12-Ii-j-3
2nd Sem demonstrates performs in 1. writes original Week 9 to Week 12
performance skills in community events and material or AD_AEPMU12-IIa-c-1
any of the following festivities and creates arranges existing
genres: indigenous, music incorporating musical material
folk, classical, pop, ICT. incorporating ICT
Grade Level: 11
Subject: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES 1 – Arts and Design Appreciation and Production
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner…
demonstrates explains the historical
appreciation of all context and cultural identifies various visual art and AD_ADP11-Ia-c-1
the visual art forms, traditions behind existing applied art forms, explains the
and the processes examples and pieces, local historical context, cultural
that enter into the and international; traditions, processes and
production of each; production of each through Week 1-2
documentation and cataloguing
(text and images in digital or print:
ex. Glossary of art/design
vocabulary in a journal or idea
QUARTER 1 book);
demonstrates explains the meaning and distinguishes basic materials, tools
appreciation of forms, significance of various and processes (including software AD_ADP11-Id-g-2
materials, techniques visual art, media art and and traditional practices) in the
Week 3-5
and meanings of applied art forms based on production of visual, media and
various visual and functions and uses through applied arts; and
applied art presentations (gallery style
expressions or multi media) with articulates the meanings and
supplementary texts/notes significance of various expressions Week 6-8 AD_ADP11-Ih-j-3
of visual and applied arts.
Grade Level: 11
Subject: Creative Industries II: Performing Arts
2nd Sem demonstrates basic skills in performs selected plays with correct Week 8 to Week AD_CIP11-IVa-d-4
group instrumental playing instruments rhythm, good 12
intonation and good
uses appropriate AD_CIP11-IVa-d-5
position and fingering
in playing simple pieces
executes basic stance, Week 14 AD_CIP11-IVf-2
forms, positions and
contextual meaning of
a dances
explains the life of the Week 15 AD_CIP11-IVg-3
choreographer, his
specific dance style, its
analyzes the AD_CIP11-IVg-6
characteristics of
dances: classical and
Filipino contemporary
dances with a partner Week 16 AD_CIP11-IVh-7
(friend pear family
member) to build
teamwork through
2nd Sem demonstrates knowledge of executes a dance records a video Week 17 AD_CIP11-IVi-8
dances learned in class lecture-demonstration performance together
in the community with explanation on
the specific dance form
2nd Sem demonstrates an examines the local, researches on the Week 18 AD_CIP11-IVj-1
understanding of the national and global situation of performing
application of performing arts landscape of arts-related industries
skills for local, national and performing arts- in their immediate
global demands and related industries locality and in the
opportunities through research. nation and global
understands the skills, AD_CIP11-IVj-2
resources, and
opportunities in
performing arts-related
presents a report AD_CIP11-IVj-3
either individually or as
a group on their
findings on the skills,
resources, and work
opportunities available
in performing arts-
related industries
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner…
demonstrates an synthesizes art found in creates a cultural map of his/her Week 1-4
understanding and his/her community community AD_DFI12-IIId-e-2
appreciation of traditional
and/or local art forms and understands his/her explains the concept of self in relation to Week 5
his/her role in their position/role as artist in culture and arts in the community and AD_DFI12-IIIg-4
sustainability the community nation
demonstrates identifies issues affecting discusses issues arising from the Week 6
understanding of present the different arts in the experience of culture mapping with AD_DFI12-III-Ih-i-5
issues regarding the arts in community peers
their community proposes possible ideas that could Week 7-8
address these issues related to culture AD_DFI12-IIIj-6
and arts in the community
demonstrates an executes a creative articulates the process of appropriation Week 1-3
understanding of local project that integrates and integration of traditional and/or AD_DFI12-IVa-c-1
traditions in the building traditional forms, local art forms into his/her own art work
of national identity processes, knowledge, or creates a work of art/performance Week 4-8
through the arts materials in their /creative event that addresses, tackles, AD_DFI12-IVd-j-2
disciplines or highlights local and national identity
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner…
demonstrates an evaluates the different identifies different elements
understanding of the different elements seen in everyday and principles of organization AD_EPA12-Ia-d-1
elements of art, how they are objects and their in the arts, its potential to
WEEK 1-3
seen in the everyday, and how meanings express one’s feelings and
they create meanings ideas, and to create meanings
in everyday objects
understands the different analyzes the elements and
QUARTER 1 elements and principles of principles of organization in AD_EPA12-Ie-j-2
organization in the arts and evaluates the different the arts (painting, print,
how they are applied to the elements and principles photography and other forms
various forms of art to of organization in art of two-dimensional art; WEEK 4-8
communicate ideas, create works sculpture, installation and
meaning, and elicit response other forms of three-
from the audience dimensional art; and
relates the elements and evaluates the different portrays Philippine folk arts,
principles of the different elements and principles of chants and myths through AD_EPA12-IIa-f-3
arts—applied to the literary organization in art works integrated artistic storytelling
WEEK 1-3
arts, cinema and visual arts— using digital tools (i.e. digital
as both individual and story, animation, short film,
QUARTER 2 integrated fields shadow play)
enhances a given story by
introducing embellishment AD_EPA12-IIa-f-4
and WEEK-4-5
improvisation as inspired by
other art forms
demonstrates the ability to manipulates the elements creates an art work that AD_EPA12-IIg-j-5
communicate feelings and and principles of applies the knowledge of their
ideas, and creates meanings organization in the arts in specialization
through the manipulation of order to communicate
WEEK 6-8
the elements and the ideas, express emotions,
principles of the arts in and create meanings
selected forms of creative
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner… The learner… The learner… WEEK 1 AD_LMA12-
demonstrates values towards makes a self-assessment 1. explains the Personnel
arts discipline and integrity checklist that measures Development Course on AD_LMA12-
personal strength and knowing the self as an Arts IIIa-2
weaknesses student, which exhibits
discipline (time, excellence, and AD_LMA12-
finance) and integrity, personal IIIa-3
strengths, weaknesses, and AD_LMA12-
challenges in terms of multiple IIIa-4
2nd SEM/
intelligences exercises in
relation to ARTS and other
demonstrates an recognizes the uniqueness 4. relates the art elements in WEEK 2 AD_LMA12-
understanding of the of each art elements: management (i.e. harmony, IIIb-10
principles of management harmony, balance, rhythm, balance, line, form, repetition, AD_LMA12-
using the elements of arts contrast and unity etc./Ed Morato’s) IIIb-11
c. group or organizations in
the creative industry value
chain as well as core and related
develops comprehensive documents the event 13. collects data for WEEK 4 AD_LMA12-0a-t-26
documentations of the arts following procedures documentation using the
event (appreciates content appropriate media to document
documentation, archiving and event
demonstrates an conducts /participates in 14. discusses creative processes WEEK 5 AD_LMA12-IIId-28
understanding and awareness opportunity-seeking and creativity-inducing
of applying the processes of processes and creativity- exercises in problem solving
"artistic creation" such as inducing exercises in through:
brainstorming, creative problem solving - unfreezing exercises
visualization, imagination - tableau exercises
- ideation and creating solutions
in the problem-solving exercises
15. demonstrates awareness WEEK 5 AD_LMA12-IIId-30
and appreciation of
"opportunity seeking"
processes for product
development, and the different
"opportunity seeking"
processes in problem solving
exercises, etc.
demonstrates an makes a proposal and 16. explains the ff: WEEK 5 AD_LMA12-IIId-32
understanding of project designs a concept for an arts a. the elements in a project
conceptualization by program/event; establishes proposal, including the AD_LMA12-IIIe-34
presenting a simple proposal the event’s objectives establishment of objectives
applying elements in planning b. the importance of project AD_LMA12-IIIe-35
the project proposal for the planning for arts organizations
performing arts, visual arts and c. the different stages of project
2nd SEM/
media art forms planning for the performing
arts, visual arts and media art
d. the key stages/ scheduled
time frame of proposed project
/arts event
demonstrates discipline in exhibits proficiency in basic 18. discusses/ explains the WEEK 6-7 AD_LMA12-IIIf-37
handling finances of self business communication following topics:
skills a. fiscal responsibility and AD_LMA12-IIIf-38
demonstrates an accountability
understanding of the creative b. discipline in handling finances AD_LMA12-IIIf-39
work environment as an of self: budgeting, savings
employee and/or as a c. management of funds and AD_LMA12-IIIf-40
freelance/ project-based accountability for the expenses
employee of the self AD_LMA12-IIIf-41
d. how to develop abilities to
maintain positive self-image AD_LMA12-IIIf-42
e. discipline in handling finances
of others: responsibility and AD_LMA12-IIIf-43
f. how to build and maintain AD_LMA12-IIIf-44
positive self-image and
relationships and work
g. how work contributes to
individuals and to the
demonstrates knowledge and 19. exhibits/demonstrates the WEEK 6-7 AD_LMA12-IIIf-45
understanding of basic following in the
business communication skills accomplishment of all these
2nd SEM/
assigned tasks in class:
demonstrates appreciation of a. efficiency in reviewing
the self as an employee in an builds collaborative/ business communications: job
organization teamwork application, resume writing for
demonstrates a deep decides on an appropriate 20. describes the different WEEK 6-7 AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-52
understanding and project type for the art project types
appreciation of the different event
types of projects of the
different performing arts, and
of visual, media art and design
21. discusses in groups the WEEK 6-7 AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-53
following topics:
a. different types of projects of AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-54
the various art forms to the type
of needs and availability of AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-55
b. the different types of projects
of the different performing,
visual, media art and design
c. relationship of the different
types of projects of the various
art forms to the type of needs
and availability of resources
demonstrates awareness and relates the different types 22. identifies the uniqueness of WEEK 8 AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-56
2nd SEM/ understanding of the different of projects of the various art the different cultural traditional
QUARTER 3 cultural traditional forms forms to the context of the forms
analyzes the different budget makes a project budget and 24. makes an expense-income WEEK 1 AD_LMA12-IIIg-j-68
items for different art forms an expense=income report financial report
for the art event
explores the creative work builds and maintains25. role-plays in class how WEEK 1 AD_LMA12-IVa-1
environment as an employee positive self-image and economic and social needs
and as a freelance/project relationships and work influence the nature and
hiree structure of work
demonstrates an applies technologies to 26. identifies the appropriate WEEK 2 AD_LMA12-IVa-2
understanding of the role of management processes technologies for certain
technology in managing the management processes (i.e. AD_LMA12-IVa-3
2ND SEM/ arts typography, graphic design),
QUARTER 4 and proper technological
applies the different types programs to be used in the art
of technological programs event
in managing the arts 27. exhibits awareness and WEEK 2 AD_LMA12-IVa-5
understanding of technology in
managing the arts:
a. web, internet, social
applies ICT program managing
the arts database, power point,
demonstrates an understands and analyzes 28. produces the following WEEK 2 AD_LMA12-IVb-d-6
understanding of the 4Ps of the 4Ps of Marketing through their outputs on
Marketing Marketing and Arts Events: AD_LMA12-IVb-d-7
a. the 4Ps of Marketing of an
demonstrates understanding determines the use of arts event AD_LMA12-IVb-d-8
and awareness different forms of
communication to promote AD_LMA12-IVb-d-9
the art event b. different communication
applying the different forms of forms to promote art events: AD_LMA12-IVb-d-10
communication to promote art writes a communications - print ads (flyers &invitations)
events proposal on how to - posters and tarpaulins AD_LMA12-IVb-d-11
demonstrates an promote and market the art - advertisements
understanding of the event:
communication process school level and community c. the different communication
(SMCR) based/level elements (SMCR)
d. application of the
appropriate communication
forms/org to promote the art
e. mapping of the available
communication forms/
organization in the area
f. how to explore the different
communication forms/orgs in
the area
demonstrates understanding develops marketing 29. writes a brief information to WEEK 3 AD_LMA12-IVb-d-12
and creativity in marketing messages using different promote and market the event
communication forms of technologies to
promote the art event
demonstrates awareness and makes an audience survey 30. identifies, explores the WEEK 3 AD_LMA12-IVb-d-13
understanding of audience design applying the basic different technologies to
demographics sales strategy promote the art event
develops awareness and determines ticket pricing 31. explains/discusses the WEEK 4-5 D_LMA12-IVb-d-14
understanding of the basic for the event following Marketing topics:
sales strategies a. basic audience analysis AD_LMA12-IVb-d-15
b. relationship of demographics
comprehends principles to audience behavior towards AD_LMA12-IVb-d-16
behind ticketing (budget art forms
income=expense report) c. identification of the different AD_LMA12-IVb-d-17
audience survey designs
d. the importance of conducting AD_LMA12-IVb-d-18
audience survey design
develops awareness and e. identification of the basic AD_LMA12-IVb-d-19
understanding of the basic sales strategies
laws governing arts and culture f. the appropriate ticket price AD_LMA12-IVe-20
for the particular event:
relates/ translates the laws - Fund Raisings AD_LMA12-IVe-21
on to practical applications - Arts for a Cause
g. complies to the laws—
performs basic application identification of (possible)
of certain laws: e.g Oplan violations in their communities
Bantay Sining/Kultura:. h. identification and reporting
identifying (possible) of (possible) violations in their
Basic standard deductions: SSS, violations of these laws communities of basic
Philhealth, etc such as sale of pirated constitutional rights:
DVDs, disrespect of cultural -- Freedom of Expression
treasures etc. -- Intellectual Property Rights WEEK 4-5
-- National Heritage Law
includes tax systems -- Indigenous People's Rights
(deductions) in the financial Law
transactions of the art event -- Basic Taxation Systems:
Income Tax, VAT, etc.
2ND SEM/ understands the self and develops a “self 33. Role-plays the following WEEK 6 AD_LMA12-IVe-23
QUARTER 4 his/her role in the creation of challenging” attitude topics in class:
the artistic product or service a. standards of excellence for AD_LMA12-IVe-24
translates leadership his/her creation
demonstrates an structures to managing an b. good personal work habits AD_ LMA12-IVe-25
understanding of leadership arts event c. understanding of leadership
structures and practices in the structures and practices in the AD_LMA12-IVe-26
community translates leadership by community
example to their own d. decision making skills AD_LMA12-IVe-27
leadership of their team/s e. recognizing artists,
managers/leaders in the school
and in the community
demonstrates understanding develops risk management 34. explains WEEK 6-8 AD_LMA12-IVf-i-28
and awareness of the tools (anticipates problems) /compares/contrasts the
importance of supervision, different management AD_LMA12-IVf-i-29
monitoring and anticipation styles/skills of an arts event in
consideration of the possible
awareness of the importance unforeseen
of supervision, monitoring and problems/situations that may
anticipation arise
demonstrates appreciation for evaluates the project 37. Role-play the following WEEK 6-8 AD_LMA12-IVj-36
analysis of project evaluation objectively and makes topics in Project Evaluation:
and criticism recommendations a. appreciation and nurturing of AD_LMA12-IVj-37
audience feedback
b. how to develop positive AD_LMA12-IVj-38
criticism skills for evaluation
(objective and subjective) AD_LMA12-IVj-39
c. demonstration of positive
attitude towards criticisms
d. self-challenging attitude to
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner…
identifies the parts of the body
involved in the AD_PPD12-Ia-c-1
WEEK 1-2
creation/performance of
different art forms
displays a knowledge of
identifies hazardous materials,
movements and habits
demonstrates an industry-related injuries and AD_PPD12-If-g-3
that help prevent injuries WEEK 3-4
understanding of how the their causes used in art
QUARTER 1 related to art forms
body functions in the creative production
work environment practices basic first-aid
measures according to hazards WEEK 5-6 AD_PPD12-Ii-j-5
during art production
shows knowledge of the develops proper personal
maintenance of physical hygiene regimen suitable for WEEK 7-8 AD_PPD12-Ih-4
and personal well-being the art form
applies safety and executes proper physical demonstrates different warm- AD_PPD12-IIa-b-1
QUARTER 2 professional practices in the exercises in a classroom ups and exercises for the WEEK 1-2
creative work environment setting performing arts to prevent
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner…
demonstrates an plans and organizes identifies the various
understanding of the range of pre-production departments as well as AD_PPA12-IIIa-1
processes, structures and processes by designs an organizational
functions in the field of designing a working structure in a theater
2nd SEM/ performing arts timetable, developing production
QUARTER 3 the working script, identifies the possible
conducting and careers associated with the AD_PPA12-IIIa-2
documenting performing arts field by
production meetings undergoing the process of a
and preliminary production