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Measurement A: Assignment

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4/10/2016 Measurement A


Dasun Ishara Mahabaduge

To do this assignment I wouldn’t be able to do this without Ms.K.Kavitha’s guidance and
support. I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to Ms. Kavitha and all the
responsible individuals that contributed to make us knowledgeable persons in this
Measurement A module.

Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 1

- NG/HNDQS/09/42 -



1. Demonstrating the different ways of using measurement and explain how the ......3

2. Assess the relationship between measurement & parties involved for a project.......5

3. Explain the terms........................................................................................................6

4. Different forms of BOQ and contract documents........................................................7

Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 2


1. Demonstrating the different ways of using
measurement and explain how the techniques differs according to situations on a
construction project.
Measurement is everywhere playing a vital role in our lives. We use different forms
of measurement throughout our daily lives, at home, at work and in other day to day
activities. For example when brewing a pot of coffee in the morning, both the water
and the coffee grounds must be measured to create a cup. On the drive to work or
school we also must consider the time if the day and associated traffic, the distance
to travel and he amount of gas in the tank of vehicle. In this way we are using
various measurement methods in our day to day
In a construction site measuring techniques will
different from above situations. We used
measurements for estimate things such as
materials, labour, plant, time in a construction
Purpose of the estimating to provide accurate
idea of the cost in a construction project.
Data required to measure for preparing an Estimate
 for
Measurements Plans, sections
buildings andand other relevant
preparation details of the work.
of BOQ 3
 Specifications indicating the exact nature and class of materials to be
 The rates at which the different items of work carried out.
Steps in preparation of an estimating
There are 3 main steps in the preparation of an estimate.
1) Taking off
In the first step measurements are taken off from the drawings and entered
on measurement sheet or dimension paper.
9mm 14mm 15mm 16mm 55mm 14mm 15mm 16mm 56mm

0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



14mm 15mm 16mm 55mm 14mm 15mm 16mm 54mm 9mm

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0


Column 0: Binding margin
Column 1: Time sing column
Column 2: Dimension column
Column 3: Square column (product of figures in column 1 and 2 are
Column 4: Description column
Measurements for buildings
For example in theand
casepreparation of BOQin superstructure, length,
of stone masonry 4
thickness and height of the walls above plinth level would be taken out from
the drawings and entered on the measurement sheet.
2) Squaring out
The second step consists of working out volumes, areas and casting up their
total in recognized unit.
3) Abstracting
In the last step all the items along with the net results obtained in the second
step are transferred from measurement sheets to specially rued sheets
having rate column ready for pricing.
The second and third steps above are known as working up. All calculations
in these 2 stages and very entry transferred should be checked to ensure
that no mathematical or copying error occurs.


2. Assess the relationship between measurement & parties involved for a project.

Relationship between measurement and consultant (Design)

As a consultant he has a responsibility to examine the project and complete it’s in a
best way.
In this task a consultant will need a pre prepared BOQ of appropriate measurements
to decide the necessary and suitable materials together with keeping a record of the
materials used for the construction.
Relationship between measurement and contractor (Production)
A contractor must completed the project according to client’s requirements. To do
this he will need a BOQ which has each and every details listed properly. Because
he will need to do this within the limits of client’s budget. And also allocate the sub-
contractors to allocate a provisional sum and to keep within his profit margin.
Relationship between measurement and Maintenance (Facilities management)
Measurement is also important for maintenance progress. Through a properly made
BOQ it can be easy to obtain details of the services and other things which are
necessary to maintained.
Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 5


3. Explain the terms

Prime Cost (PC)

The prime cost is the sum of the direct cost of materials and labour associated with
the production process. It is the direct cost of the inputs to a construction process. If
the prime cost can be lowered the process may become profitable.
Provisional sum
A provisional sum is usually estimated by the cost consultant. This is an amount of
money included in the contract sum to cover or materials or both the extent of which
cannot be specifically detailed when entering contract. Typically the builders will
include a PS for site work costs.
For example a building site may seem sandy and clean with minimal site works
required. However there may be large rocks or tree trunks concealed below the
surface which only emerge once site works commence causing a considerable cost

Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 6


4. Different forms of BOQ and contract documents.
Forms of BOQ
There are 2 types of BOQ
i. Firm bill of quantities
ii. Approximate bill of quantities
Firm bill of quantities (to obtain a lump sum
price for a fully designed project)
A firm bill of quantity can be prepared when
the design is complete. Firm bills of
quantities would provide a price at
tender stage, which would equal the
final cost. However, there will be
changes, and the bill of quantities provides
a good basis for cost control, since the direct
cost can be assessed with reference to the bill of
quantity rates. In general the firmer the bill of
quantities the better it is as a means of financial
control. for buildings and preparation of BOQ 7

Approximate bill of quantities (subject to re measurement as build)

Quantity Surveyors can produce approximate bills of quantities which are mainly
used when there is insufficient details to prepare firm bills of quantities or where the
client has decided that the time and cost of a firm bill of quantities is not warranted.
These types of contracts do not provide a lump-sum price, but instead tender price
totals (i.e. a quantified schedule of rates), since the quantities are subject to re-
measurement on completion by the quantity surveyor. In general these contracts are
usually subject to greater variation than lump sum contracts and therefore should
only be used where time is a limiting factor or where there is great uncertainty in
respect of certain elements, such as major excavations and earthworks.
It is important to note that the initial resource cost of approximate bills of quantities is
likely to be lower than firm bills of quantities, but the need for re-measurement
invariably results in an overall higher resource cost. Although the measured
quantities are approximate, the descriptions of work items should be correct in the
approximate bill of quantities.


Bills of Quantities that are required for a lump sum contract based on firm or
approximate quantities will normally be prepared by the employer's quantity
surveyor, whereas under a design and build contract, the employer's project team
will prepare the employer's requirements and the Bill of Quantities or quantified
schedules of work will be prepared by either the main contractor or, more likely, the
main contractor's work package contractors. In general the choice of who quantifies
building works is solely down to the employer's preference of contract strategy.

Forms of contract documents

Contract documentation is all documents which when combined form the basis of
the contract, including all pre tender, tender and contractual documentation.
Contract documentation will give sufficient information for the complete building
works and meet the services.
Contract documents include with following documents
 Contract – The binding document or agreement between two parties to carry
out thefor buildings
project. The and
of contract of
depend on the size and complexity of 8
the project.
 Contract conditions – Define the legal rights and obligations or the rules by
each party must comply
 Special contract conditions – Those are an extension of the general
conditions and apply specifically to the project.
 Bill of quantities – A list of materials, parts and labour and their costs that are
included in the contract. This document is helpful in valuing variations and
assists in the preparation of progress claims.
 Drawings – The Architectural and structural plan of the building.
 Specifications – Set out the technical requirements of the work. This will
describe the project and requirements for materials and workmanship.
 Other documents – Including technical and pricing schedule.

In a construction project pre stage procument process is use to decide the form of
contract. Most commonly used contracts are:
 Traditional lump sum contract
 Design and build contract
 Management building contract


The most suitable contract for this project is traditional lump sum. According to this
contract type parties who involved for this project will like to include following
 Agreement
 Conditions of contract
 Working drawings
 Bill of quantities
 Specifications
 Schedules of work

Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 9



Designing building wiki, 2016. prime cost in the construction contrats. [Online]
Available at:

Designing buildings wiki, 2016. Provisional sum. [Online]

Available at: http://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Provisional_sum

RICS, 2016. nrm2. 1st ed. westwood business park: RICS.

Measurements for buildings and preparation of BOQ 10


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