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Jali J@> 22>) ZO1D_20720 Lectuve (2) ——- Mievo Processor’s [ Introduction te Micro Oompa avol Micvs pfocessovJ What ieee Computed? ea P v0 Jvamable Machine that Inputs, Processes aaa in Povma tion, - Aw electvioni€ dle aledice Pov Storing anol Preeess ing. ohata 5 compubel 2 e &q cee needs To Vea an Tasivaction Colata) Bvom given femexlocation in Memovy | Bus width determines Marifnum Memory — Capacity or systen- &3 3230 has 16 bit. acldess bus given 64K Paless SPxce Poy mation . Contvo) onsl Simin in d- Plemevp- React [Write Signal. 2. Jater (ht Vequest . Ze clock signal. vile pnicvs ompateye clesiged te Ws of Appliaction, for Peocessiva) aA | Qi what vs Ve progra= —Lkis agenes\- pw pose, compare pregvens pr a wide vavietL acto. ! word Uchas & lonsice [anguaJ< $ Qui nang Je Glance or B- Maid Fane compute/ pe ninco pate] C3) what Sila fmm jes owed lic Pfevences sin ilovt pete la wine cowputer od price cowpate” ? Trve They ave ik lav in ales inged 40 palfovn genet! — pup alata processivy / pow, itis Simillayin Size bas Veduceal capabilities aealesst [235 Phan amie upon coupute? ? £20183 _ Mic com pub’ Qufwhat ave Pre Rous bubba piecks Pov a icv Com puts hav Sy stow ? Lorah (ra ; Inpat unit, output unit , micve processing Unit, onal memory Unit. Qs/ what 1s The hew/d of Mec called? Micro process 9 unit (MPU) Q'S) 8288 5 [6 - bit Mico Processow. 2018 The Memor ef a Pe Pavlitiones| in Prinar4 storage Ona Secondary. Stovage memovy, % Rom( Read Only Memes) 9 (RAM) Verd/ravite menevy HE Hoot (uvit) Boek (vid) goRK b-bd gosee Paces x Mires L Million Instructions / Se coud 5 3K Open systems \ts Mew hot the Sancti Ona Lit ace Wwrcthi Onn The The Po exPand, oy simply aceling bowl 5 int The system £20133 : Letwe@ NUm evical system __~errn—r—araeeer" ; « \9) J) Deemal (Bas " ocka\ (Asse 8) s) Bree ave vy) Uy ees desma (Rafe \) rr aa Deena — 3 Biravy aan: | 1009 cololo } \oas MAKE i 7 2 22) [s/s ? ‘3 r ay 2°42), a. loqg js Octel Teves wma 4o513)q = 24003)decmay — 2% ‘ qd 1 3 a % g (y 5 +(5#8') « (1#8) 4 (3X8) = * (goo st De G\\ ooo \o)\ oo \ ee (qo ADFJn > 461535) 5 1 oA D f 4 (loa Or) CID Hle ) + (18 #16) (ox 16) +0716) = 461525) S ° A oO fF (ol ss00 Lolo [lol we S> BCD C Binary cooled Oe cimal) 0). = © 000) Bed 5) 2 © bel)&0 93) = \eol ool) BcO @ Wocesso/ Lectuve @) + 8036/80 38 Mice bope/aee8 Jayn:tatio = Money Ratal¥s5 SPace ancl Date OYA i RAW xr | Rew. asawibs esp o Prox WG 65" Of is x ae Wise av x Sah Wy ee eX SY LG 5 an | FLA | tno gy pe a - Spee lens SSD ie aL Bsay Se Ge a she eee op al) up pote Mee SLAW ys Dos ows Er! aan z . be Koy ev fs % eens bc 2 ESN Wo Mp x es Rom ou PM Bow oi Ke + Kame 0 Wl Nw Mp4 x Ss % Bo3b K F236 haw simihav Micvearchitectave eee eine, i CATO) HS) ONS he 3G, 5 Uy Vel. el SHSM yal od “Che se «w a SoPtum’ Avelitectuve OR Boss /BoBS Me unit ey SYStem Bus (S.e) EMU B13 BB! op, GU ory eae ® wu p bie ooy 20} cure te 4) ba po, ACs.0 3 Qt sea dye 3) ERM Del er is SH op -Ey))s > ( PiPelinives- FetchS Qe pete A, : , We L 2 ot Ly 4- ger Tastuction From remevn ” go 4e% necessav A Datq 3- Sel uP AL UW @ Q/The BoB, BBG Mice PYecesseY Contams Twe unts. wht ave Th Contents ear Unrki? (grv) , &-¥) Sor YY OK (BI. Cow tends} |CE-4) # Segment vegistey i T _ e Gerla) veais o Lastrvuction Pointe% oO Pew Le yer * adloless gerevation . ALU ° K Bus cousvo] . Flags e Lastvuction Mere 4 ean yw re & Ow as : 2 Poff Requicnel 1 Detevinine "Instvuction © Pevation Tyee 9 stove Result g - Got Necessavg. iw Result Regist! Data 3 - Setup ALU © @ teh Ob d- Get Insivuction From mevmet 9 g- stove in Trstraction wiges’ ® @ -OVvee- Excathon wal ous Tare face Ons 7 ‘Redd vess: yenevation, | pwd bus contol 5 Vigbize ests Bbit 5) abt a Sreniadlyy 7 Slows. 4 Noe (mstnct toy —< %& Addition ye sabavaction x Multiplication x Pe vision *% compay 50M (asic opevation gle Bo 38 Ve bie \p bit are a it JG bit note Bo 88 eee (a eosat of fret pointy [6 bit \obie jasc orpore/ IF > iS) eat cd so fegute Db >ap+@D s D+ OD rE} L(G bit : Aly Genel Reyes Bix rs oe . EA ake CK Arfypee Rar! \J aR (EFF) DED - AOR DEAC)

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