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Q Chill
C 3000™

M l: WR
S s
S ce Maanual
Part Number: 8000-00024-00
Revision: 201303


803 MO
ER, NC 27529
P (919)
( 58
FAX (9
919) 582--9100
803 Morris Dr.
ner, NC 275
919 .582.9200
919 .582.9100

T entire tea
am at Morris e confidence you have placed
s & Associattes truly appreciates the
in us thro
ough your pu
urchase of our
o Quik Chill 3000™ wi th Touchscrreen Controll Panel. Forr over
60 years Morris has designed an
nd built the very
v best re
efrigeration e
equipment fo
or the deman
poultry in o improve itss products sso as to remain the industry’s
ndustry, and is constantlly working to
most relia
able provide
er. Insuring that our equ
uipment is m
made with su
uperior desig
gn, workman
safety, fu
unctionality and
a capacity
y, and trouble free opera
ation is a ma
atter of perso
onal pride fo
or our
entire em
mployee family.

W have a highly capable and expe

We erienced team
m of professsionals to w
work togetherr with
you to in
nsure that yo
ou are comp
pletely satisffied with you
ur new equipment. We
e understand
d that
our reputation for pe
erformance, reliability and
a the high
hest level off customer ccare is our most
valuable asset, and that we must earn it ev
very day. Iff for any rea
ason you arre not completely
satisfied with your equipment please let me
e or one of o
our represen
ntatives hea
ar from you. Our
y contact info
company ormation is listed above.


William F.
F Morris, III.

nt/Chief Exec
cutive Office

1 Introduction _____________________________________________ 1
1.1 Company History ______________________________________________________ 1
1.2 Mission Statement _____________________________________________________ 1

2 Safety __________________________________________________ 3
2.1 Important Safety Notice _________________________________________________ 3
2.2 Safety Notes and Labels ________________________________________________ 3
2.3 Important Note for Operation _____________________________________________ 4

3 Receipt and Installation ___________________________________ 5

3.1 Inspection ___________________________________________________________ 5
3.2 Description of the Quik Chill 3000™ _______________________________________ 5
3.3 Safety Tags and Labels _________________________________________________ 5
3.4 Control Panel Location _________________________________________________ 6
3.5 Inspections Prior to Initial Start-up _________________________________________ 8
3.6 Clean Stainless Steel Surfaces ___________________________________________ 8

4 Theory of Operation ______________________________________ 9

4.1 Basic Principle of Operation _____________________________________________ 9
4.2 Severe Temperature Service (if equipped) __________________________________ 9
4.3 Freeze Prevention _____________________________________________________ 9
4.4 High Pressure Relief ___________________________________________________ 9
4.5 PLC Based Temperature Controller____________________________________________ 10
4.6 Liquid Level _________________________________________________________ 10
4.7 Oil Return Valve _____________________________________________________ 10
4.8 Sensor Reading Error _________________________________________________ 10
4.9 Suction Bypass Valve (if equipped) _______________________________________ 10

5 Initial Start-up and Operation ______________________________ 11

5.1 Initial Start-up _______________________________________________________ 11
5.2 Starting and Stopping the Rechiller _______________________________________ 13

6 Control Interface ________________________________________ 15

6.1 Basics _____________________________________________________________ 15
6.2 Home Page _________________________________________________________ 16
6.3 System View ________________________________________________________ 17
6.4 Menu Page _________________________________________________________ 17
6.5 Alarms _____________________________________________________________ 20
6.6 Trends _____________________________________________________________ 20
6.7 Entering the IP Address ________________________________________________ 20
6.8 HMI Figures _________________________________________________________ 23

7 Cleaning and Maintenance ________________________________ 31

7.1 Cleaning Gas Injectors ________________________________________________ 31
7.2 Detergent and Sanitizer Requirements ____________________________________ 33
7.3 CIP (Clean In Place) __________________________________________________ 33
7.4 U-bend Reinstallation _________________________________________________ 35
7.5 Calibrating Thermistor _________________________________________________ 35
7.6 Calibrating Pressure Transducer _________________________________________ 35
7.7 Treating Stainless Steel Surfaces ________________________________________ 37
7.8 Service Interval ______________________________________________________ 38
7.9 Preventive Maintenance Tables _________________________________________ 39

8 Troubleshooting ________________________________________ 41
8.1 General Troubleshooting Tips ___________________________________________ 41
8.2 Symptom and Procedures ______________________________________________ 41

9 Drawings ______________________________________________ 45
9.1 Equipment Overview __________________________________________________ 45

Service Agreements ________________________________________ 47

Standard 1 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty ______________________ 49
Warranty Registration Form __________________________________ 51
Morris Equipment __________________________________________ 53
A/RF-50/60 Series
S Introdu

1 Intro
1.1 Co
ompany History
H direcctors for oveer twenty years, purchassed a
conttrolling intere
est in the co
ompany in
Morris & Associates,, Inc. began as Morris &
20033 to becomme President and CEO of
Gorrell in
i 1949. Founded by William F..
Morrris & Assocciates, Inc. and create
ed an
Morris, Jr.
J and C.R R. Farinholt in Raleigh,,
Empployee Stocck Ownersh hip Plan wwhere
N.C as a dealer/distrributor and contractor
c in
empployees ow wn the m majority of the
air conditioning, heating and refrigeration,
r ,
today, Morris
M & Asssociates, Inc
c. is one off
the mos st trusted names in th he industrial
refrigerattion industry
y. 1.2 Mission
n Stateme
Since itss creation, Morris
M & Ass sociates has s
 To be a refrige
remained d a compa any of “firsts”- first in n developmennt and manufactturing
refrigerattion technology fo
or poultryy company, utilizing our particular
processin ng and for icce making. The growth h nd manufactturing streng
business an gths.
of the pooultry industtry in the United States s
 To servicee the needss of custommers,
and arou und the worrld can be attributed
a in
n through innnovation, with the best
part to Morris & Associates
A innovations.. solutions b
brought abo out through
h our
The com mpany creatted the first continuous s people and our experie
line pou ultry chilling
g equipmen nt, the firstt
 To serve and be ssensitive to o the
efficient rechilling system,
s the first giblett personal livves and goaals of emplo
chilling system,
s the first high sppeed chillingg and their families, e encouraging and
system, and the firrst clean-in--place (CIP)) accommoda ating the
em when
systems,, among other grou undbreaking g possible.
achievem ments.  To provide for those less fortuna
ate in
A collatteral beneffit of the company’s s our commu eyond by striving
unity and be
ingenuityy in poultry processing was being g to give ten
n percent oof net profiits to
first with ice making g innovationns: the high h support God-centered o
volume ice makers that poultry y processors s  To strive tto be efficiient, responnsive,
need ha ave been adapted
a speecifically forr and profitab
ble in order to support tthese
other inddustries. Icee makers th hus became e goals and provide a fair return n for
an additional speciallization of th
he company,, shareholders.
and overr the years Morris
M has crreated some e  To strive too create soolutions for more
of the finest high volume ice equ uipment now w difficult cha
allenges in our chosen field
used fo or fish pro ocessing, th he produce e and to devvelop a repu utation for d
industry and
a especia ally among packaged ice e so.
retailers.  To build and sustain a work
Through the years s, the bus siness has s environmen nt that is on the w whole
d all in the family
f as Bill Morris, III,, fulfilling, enjoyable, and fun for
who hass been on th he company y’s board off employees and custom mers alike.

Introducttion WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series

2 Safety
2.1 Im
mportant Safety
S No
otice Be ssure to read d and followw the instrucctions
on a all special ttags and labels attache ed to
The information in this
t manual is intended d
valvves or other machine co omponents. They
for perssons with proper ele ectrical andd
provvide importaant informatioon necessary for
mechanic cal training. Attempting to repair orr
the ssafe operation of this eq
alter ma ajor equipm ment could d result in n
personal injury and property da amage. The e Rea
ad this entirre manual and be sure to
manufacturer cannott be responsible for the e unde
erstand the water rechiller’s operatio
ation of this
interpreta s information
n, nor will itt Plea
ase review the format below in T Table
assume any liability y in connecttion with its
s 2.1. This is hoow general safety advvisory
use. es will appea
note ar throughou
ut this manua

2.2 Sa
afety Note
es and La
Before operating,
o ad
djusting or servicing
s the
Quik Ch hill 3000™ ®, please e read this s
e 2.1: Generral Safety A
Advisory No

! DA
dicates an im
mmediate hazardous
h situation
s whhich, if not a
avoided, ma
ay result in
death or personal in

dicates a po
otentially ha
azardous siituation whiich, if not a
avoided, ma
ay result in
serious personal in

dicates a po
otentially ha
azardous siituation whiich, if not a
avoided, ma
ay result in
moderate personal injury or prroperty dam mage.

es recomme
endations forr best possib
ble operation
n of machine

Safety WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

Figure 2.2: Warning L abels

2.3 Im
mportant Note
N for
Only a qualified
q ele
ectrician sho
ould do any y
electricall work. Faailure to foollow these e
ons could result in equipmentt
damage, permanent injury or los ss of life.
Do not attempt to mo odify the Pro
er (PLC) beffore contactiing a Morris
and Associates
A technicall supportt
represenntative. One e change may affectt
several other
o settings

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Receip
pt and Installation

3 Re
eceipt and
a Ins
3.1 Ins
spection The Quik Chilll 3000™ has been fa actory
ed prior to shipme
teste ent to en nsure
After reeceiving your Morris Quik Chill
mecchanical and d electrical componentss are
3000™ remote
r wateer rechiller, inspect it forr
funcctioning prop
any visib
ble or hiddenn damage. If damage is s
found, note
n it in th
he shipping paperwork.. Thiss remote waater rechiller is equipped
d with
Immediately make a separa ate written n a HHuman Macchine Interfa ace (HMI) ttouch
request for
f inspection by the ship pping agent.. screeen control p
panel. The L LCD panel aallows
(Any repair work or alteratiion to the e the user to eassily monitor vvarious cycles of
machine without the permission of Morris & the rechiller durring operatio
on. The HMII also
Associatees, Inc. wiill void the e machine’s s ws changess to be m
allow made to ce ertain
warranty.) Please notify a Morris M sales s operrating variaables within n the rech hiller’s
represenntative. proggram.

3.2 De
n of the Quik
Q Chilll 3.3 Safety T
Tags and
d Labels
3000™ Be ssure to read and adhe ere to all sp
tagss and labe els attachedd to valve es or
The Quik Chill 3000™ is a re emote waterr
appllied to vario
ous areas of the macchine.
rechiller It has been designed fo or operation
Theyy provide
e importa
ant inform
once refrrigerant piping, electrica
al and waterr
neceessary for safe ope eration of this
connectio ons are madde.

The Quik Chill 30

000™ has be
een designe
ed to run att these leve

Wiring Diagram
D #:

Refrigerant Type:

Supply Voltage:

Control Voltage:

Max. Working
W Press

Max. Working
W Temp

Table 3.2: Custo omized Ope erating Leve els

(Contact a Morris
M representative for specific info

Receipt and
a Installation WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

3.4 Co
ontrol Pan
nel Locattion
Do not install Morris equipm ment control
panels in areas of o exposure e to directt
sunlight or extreme temperattures. Heatt
build-up from expo osure to thhe sun can n
cause pe ermanent da
amage or fa ailure of thee
HMI (Human Mac chine Interrface touch h
screen control
c pane
el) and interiior electrical
compone ents. Also, UV radiatioon from the e
sun dam mages HMI screens and reduces s
It is ne ecessary to o remove the plastic c
e film from HMI screenss
immediattely after installation and before e
operationn. Failure to
o do so couuld result in
permane ent damage tot the screen
Morris eqquipment co
ontrol panels
s should nott
Fig ure 3.4.2b: Lifting with
h Spreader B
be installed in area
as where te emperatures s
exceed 120
1 °F (50 °C C). Heat rela
ated failures
s (Front View
are not covered
c by warranty.
3.4.1 Supervision
on should be superv vised by a
Morris Certified
C Tec
chnician (MCT). Morris s
offers both superviised and full f turn-key
on. A MCT must
m be onsiite to ensuree
proper in nstallation as
a well as to validate e
3.4.2 Proper
P Liftin
ng Method

Fig ure 3.4.2c: Lifting with

h Spreader B
(Side View
1. Connect re echiller to lift
fting points
located onn each leg ass shown in
Figures 3.4 4.2a, b and c. Spreader
bars must be used to ensure strap ps or
cables do not contact the insulatio on
jacket (uniit exterior).
Figure 3.4.2a
a: Lifting Po

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Receip
pt and Installation

2. Lift rechiller. 3.4.5

5 Electrica
al Service
3. ound.
Move to the gro Run n the electtrical feed wires from m the
conttrol panel tto the pow wer junction box
NGER ! locaated on one e end of the e rechiller. The
Always check
c the weight
w of the
e unit and g on the rechiller has been
elecctrical wiring
verify the lifting dev
vice is of su
ufficient commpleted as much as possible. Field
capacityy. asse embled solenoids an nd controls will
3.4.3 Leveling
L requuire connectting by the purchaser. The
therrmostat conttrol circuits and compon nents
The rech
hiller is equipped with le
eveling tabs
are ffurnished annd should be e mounted b by the
on each end of the unit.
instaaller on thee end of the e rechiller. It is
Ensure th
he unit is lev
vel side to side
s and end
d nece essary to rrun the sen nsor wires in a
to end using a sightt or line leveel. Shim the
e sepa arate conduit from the oother high vooltage
s required an
frame as nd secure frame to floorr circuuits to preve
ent inductive interference
e and
or suppo
ort structure. malffunction of thhe sensors.
A knnockout is n not providedd in the elecctrical
pane el for the seervice entran
nce cable. CCable
shouuld be run into the pa anel through h the
es or bottom m only. A terminal strrip is
provvided inside the panel ass well as a m motor
startter for the w
water pump.
Elecctrical servicce to the rech
hiller must m
the eelectrical current requireements of the
F 3.4.3: Leveling Tabs
T unit and must fo ollow local an
nd national
3.4.4 Water
W Piping
g elecctric codes. EElectrical power
requuirements arre shown on the wiring
Run the circulating water
w lines between
b the
rechiller and the pro ocessing eq quipment. Iff diaggram inside tthe electricaal panel.
the proce essing equippment was furnished
f by
y 3.4.6
6 Refrigerrant Connec
Morris & Associates s, much of this piping g
All rrefrigeration piping possible was insttalled
was probably delive ered prefab bricated and
at thhe factory. The purcha aser will nee
ed to
only a minimum numbern of connections
run the necesssary piping to connecct the
need to be made du uring installaation. Leak
rech hiller into the
e plant refrigeration sysstem.
test all water
w piping after
a installattion.
Leakk test all re efrigeration lines prior to
o set-
If chlorin
ne is to be used
u for pro
All fiield refrigera
ation piping sshould be siized
water, thhe point of injection
i MUUST be
and installed acccording to e established ccodes
down stream of WR RC tubes an nd
and industry sta andards. Pipping materiaal
maximum PPM is to o be set at 50.
5 Any
shou uld be seleccted based o on industry
injectionn points beffore WRC le evels above
50 PPM will
w void the e equipmen nt warranty..

Receipt and
a Installation WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

3.5 Ins
s Prior to
o Initial impaact, welding g, and conttact with ca arbon
el tools and other ferrou us materials.. This
expoosure can le eave free iroon and carbo on on
3.5.1 In
nspect All
A Faste
eners forr the ssurface of sttainless stee
el which cann then
T oxid
dize and forrm surface rust. This iss not
Ensure all
a fasteners
s on the un
nit are tightt uncoommon and d can be trreated effecctively
before initial sta
art-up. Rettighten as s thro ugh passiivation witth citric acid.
necessarry. Passsivation is a processs that rem moves
bon and free e iron from tthe metal su urface
3.5.2 In
nspect Refrrigeration Piping
and allows oxidation of chro omium prese ent in
After insstalling field refrigerattion piping,, stain
nless steel to
o form a pro otective layerr.
open all isolation va alves that were
w closed
d Afteer installation
n of the unit is complete e, any
his operation
during th n and check k the entire
e stain nless steel componentts and surffaces
ant system forf leaks. whicch exhibit ru ust should b be treated w with a
NOTE: citricc acid product like CitriSurf® 77 Plus.
The Morrris rechiller is also equippped with an Scottch-Brite™ sstyle scouring pads ma ay be
cated near the bottom of the
oil pot loc used d to help rem
move more d deep seated d rust.
evaporattor to trap oill. A valve is provided att Plea ase refer to paragra aph 7.6 in the
the outlet of this deviice to allow draining.
d Main ntenance se ection for impportant direcctions
on pproperly trea ating stainlesss steel surfa
3.5.3 In
nspect Wate
er Piping
Check all water con
nnections an
nd pipes forr
possible leaks. Scootch-Brite™ style pads work well o
the vessel and frame, but caution mu
3.5.4 nspect Elec
In ctrical Wiring be u
used to enssure polishe
ed surfaces
s are
Check all electrical power connections to o not scratched.
make su ure they are e tight. Ma ake sure the
correct voltage
v is supplied
s to the chiller..
Check alla motors for f proper direction off Note:
rotation and
a all field interconneccting control Tho roughly clea
an stainless steel surface es
remooving grease, cutting lub
bricants, and d
wiring to make sure iti was installed correctly
shopp debris befo
ore scrubbinng with citric
accordingg to the wiring
w diagra
am shipped d acid
inside the
e control pan nel.
3.5.5 Clean
C and Sa
anitize Rechiller Whe en not exp posed to h harmful extternal
factoors such as impact, weld
ding, and co
It is the customer's responsibility to makee
with carbon ste eel tools an
nd other feerrous
sure the e unit is pro
operly clean
ned prior to
mate erials, stainless stee el will re emain
chilling water.
w See section 7 for cleaning
corrrosion free fo
or years.
Con es Parts Dept. to
ntact Morris & Associate
3.6 Clean Stain
nless Ste
eel purcchase Citri Surf 77 Plu
us. The Maaterial
Su Safeety Data Sheeet (MSDS) can be obta
The ins stallation process
p may subjectt from
m the manufa acturer.
s steel compponents and surfaces to

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Theory of O

4 Theory
T of
o Operration
4.1 Ba
asic Princ
ciple of Operation
O up occurs in the rechiller tubes, the
de-energize the liquid, gas,
conttroller will d
The mottorized sucttion pressurre regulatorr
and suction ssolenoids u until the p pump
(#6) is op
perated by the PLC (Pro
ogrammable e
presssure decre eases to within 5 psi (0.35
Logic Coontroller).
bar)) above norrmal. Likew wise, if the ppump
The PLC C monitors water
w outlet #1
# and waterr presssure decrea ases 10 psi (0.69 bar) b below
outlet #2
2 temperaturres. The colder of the e normmal pump p pressure, as when the p pump
two tempperatures will be used too control thee beco omes clogg ged, the co ontroller will de-
4-20 mA A output signal to the valve.
v Thiss enerrgize the reffrigeration so olenoids unttil the
output signal will vary from 4 to 20 mA,, pummp pressure e increases to within 5 psi
dependinng on how far open orr closed the e (0.3 5 bar) belo ow normal. This automatic
regulatorr should be. The moto orized valve e cycl ing of the reefrigeration by the conttroller
on the re
egulator is op
perated by thhis signal. prevvents the occcurrence off freeze-up. The
The con ntroller willl also monitor waterr high
h and low pre essure set p points, factorry set
e (antifreezee control). If the waterr typiccally at 60 (4.14 bar) a and 40 psi (2.76
e exceeds a pre-determined high orr bar)), must b be program mmed into the
low set point
p value, the controlller will shutt conttroller at the
e initial startt-up once noormal
down the
e control circ
cuit. pummp pressure is observed.
4.2 Seevere Tem
e Service
e 4.4
4 High Prressure R
(if equipped
d) Thiss rechiller iss equipped with an A4 4ADM
Severe Temperature
T e Service (STTS) protects
s mod dulating sucttion pressurre regulator. This
the rechiller from damage due e to thermal reguulator is furnnished with an internal high
expansio on. Hot water used to cle ean the heatt presssure relief that is facttory set to open
exchange er causes th hermal expa ansion of the
e wheen the evapo orator excee
eds 75 psig (5.17
metal; thhe tubes ins side the ves ssel expandd bar)).
as they absorb
a heatt from the CIP
C solution.. If h ot clean-up p water is run through h the
The she ell however receives no heat and d chill er while the ere is still liquid around d the
does nott expand. This stresses s the vessel loweer tubes, rrefrigerant p pressure in n the
and othe er critical meetal compon nents. In ourr evap porator can build high e enough to trrigger
STS design, as th he tubes expand,
e the
e the ssafety relief valves. Rath her than trig
gger a
bellows expand
e relie
eving stress on
o the shell.. releaase of refrig gerant into tthe environm ment,
Morris reemote waterr rechillers area the only y the suction va alve will op pen to ventt the
s commerc cially available thatt presssure to the e plant suctio on header. This
feature STS
S protectio on. will oonly work if the evapora ator is conne ected
to a central sstation com mpressor that is
4.3 Fre
eeze Prev
runnning at the time of the e event.
The Quik Chill 3000™ controlller monitors s Con nsequently, externally vented ssafety
the inlet water pressure from the pump to o valvves are still rrequired.
provide freeze-up
f protection. If the pump p
pressuree increases 10
1 psi (0.699 bar) abovee
normal pump
p pressu
ure, as wheen ice build--

Theory of
o Operation WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

4.5 PLC Based Te

e Controller liqui d level float switch (#5), mounted o
on the
floatt column of the sump, ccontrols the liquid
The Morrris water reechiller come es equippedd
leveel. The liqu uid level is factory sett and
with analog modules s. These modules read d
shou uld not req quire resettiing. The hand
signals from the remote temperature e
valvves (#23) sshould rema ain open d during
sensors (thermisto ors), one evaporatorr
normmal operatio on.
pressuree transduce er, and one waterr
pressuree transduce er. Rechille ers with 6 The high level ffloat switch is located aabove
parallel water
w circuitts will be eq
quipped with
h the sump and d de-energ gizes the liquid
an additiional water pressure tra ansducer onn enoid (#27) w
sole when the liqu uid rises too
o high
the outlet water headder. due to malfun nctions of the liquid feed
The PLC C will monittor the water pressuree
differential betweenn the inlet and outlett 4.7 Oil Return Valve
transducers and pro ovide a seco
ondary anti-- A co ontrol relay in the control panel o opens
freeze control when w the differential the oil return vvalve during g normal ch hilling
increases s above the setpoint. mod de. If the chiilling mode is interrupte
ed the
The therrmistors sen nse water temperature e relayy is de-enerrgized, closing the oil rreturn
leaving the
t rechillerr then send a signal to o valvve.
the PLC C. The PL LC will mo odulate the
motorized suction pressure
p reg
gulator from
4.8 Sensor Reading Error
open to o close. The suctio on pressure e Recchiller operattion will be iinterrupted in the
regulatorr controlss the amount
a off evennt of any sen
nsor reading g errors.
refrigerattion taking place
p in the rechiller.
4.9 Suction
n Bypass Valve (if
The wa ater pressure transduc cer sensess
water preessure throu
ugh the evaaporator and
acts as an
a anti-freeze
e control. The suction byp pass valve will remain open
untill the set pooint (minus the dead band
The evapporator trans
sducer monitors suction
settiing) is reached. The seet point must be
e in the evaporator.
1.5 °F greater than the ou utlet temperrature
RNING: set point. The e dead ban nd must be e set
ween 0.5 to 1.0 °F.
This con ntroller has been progrrammed by y
Morris & Associate es, Inc. to se
ense water Mod
dulating Valvve Malfunctiion Notice
temperrature and pressure
p at specified If the
e modulating g valve is clo
osed (0%) d
locationns, adjust thhe rate of re
efrigeration chill ing, the eva
aporator presssure shouldd rise
in the rechiller,
r and prevent frreeze-ups.
abovve 58.5 psi (4.03 bar) for Freon (R R-22)
This controller is factory se et. Only
qualified persoonnel should d make unitss, and 50 p psi (3.45 ba ar) for amm
adjustm ments. Chan nges to thesse settings (NH 3) units (fa actory set). If this hass not
that result in da
amage to th he water occu urred within 2 minutes, a pop-up sccreen
rechiiller could void
v your warranty!
w on tthe HMI (Mo odulating Va alve Malfuncction)
will appear and d repeat evvery 53 min nutes
4.6 Liq
quid Leve
el whil e condition eexists.
The liquid level in th
he sump will rise abovee
and fall below
b the sight glass (#
#10), as the
liquid fee
ed solenoid cycles on and off. The e

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Initial Start-u
up and Operration

5 Initial Start-u
up and Operattion
5.1 Initial Start-up open w when the eva aporator pressure
exceed ds 75 psig (55.17 bar). Th his step
5.1.1 In
nspections will test the function of this relie
1. Ensure
E electrrical power to
o the rechille
er mechanism.
s OFF.
7. If the re
elieve valve has not ope ened by
2. Make
M the follo
owing visuall inspectionss.
a. Inspect alla refrigerattion and wa ater the time evaporato or pressure rrises to
piping. All
A connectio ons should be 80 psig g (5.52 bar), check to ma ake sure
tight and made according to the sucction hand va alve is open n. Next,
drawings.. check tthe relief pre
essure settin ng on the
valve aas described d in the
b. Inspect electrical wiring. All wiires
manufa acturer’s bulletin. If the relief
should be nnected,
con the
pressure is too loww (less than 7 70 psig or
connectioons tight, and 1/60/120 volt
4.83 ba ar), evaporator freeze-up p can
service co
occur d during shut-ddown of the
5.1.2 Leak
L and Va
alve Checks
s evaporrator.
er to Figure 10.1)
1 8. Be suree the pressu ure gauge isolation
1. Ensure
E the re
echiller is offf, or in STOP
P valve (##1) is open and the gau uge is
m on the controller. functioning. You sshould be ab ble to hear
gas flowwing through the suction n
2. Close
C the pum
mp-out isola
ation hand
regulattor valve (#6 6) or by-passs
alve (#17) and hand sucction valve
regulattor if unit hass an externa
al by-pass
3. Open
O the hot gas hand valve (#20) too
9. Ensure e gas valve ((#20) and oill drain
et just enoug gh pressure into the vess sel
on valve (#17 7A) are both
h fully
o leak check k. Normally 5 to 10 psig
closed.. Open all re emaining haand
0.35 to 0.69 bar) is suffic
cient for the
valves including the field installled
nitial leak cheeck.
pump-o out isolation valve and ssuction
4. Using
U a sulfur stick, chec
ck for leaks. line hand valve. The manual o opening
e detected, increase the
5. Iff no leaks are e stem on all solenoiid valves and
pressure grad dually while still checking pressure regulatorss should be turned to
or leaks. Lea
fo ak checking up to 50 psig the AUUTOMATIC p position.
(33.45 bar) is sufficient.
s 10. Open tthe hand sucction valve (# #22) and,
6. Continue
C to allow
a the pre
essure to build pped, any ha
if equip and valve in the
nside the evaaporator to 757 - 80 psig suctionn by-pass line. All autommatic
5.17-5.52 ba ar). This rechhiller is valves (solenoid vaalves & presssure
equipped with h an A4ADM M modulating g regulattors) have m
manual openiing stems
uction press
su sure regulato or (#6). This that should be set in the autom matic
egulator is fu
urnished with h an internall positionn to ensure these valvess are
high pressure e relief that is
s factory sett to closed when the re echiller is OF
FF. Refer

Initial Sta
art-up and Operation
RF-50/60 Serries

o the valve bulletins
b for proper
p rotation 8 minutes after the e rechiller is turned
and position of
o these stem ms, as this off. At this time, ho
ot gas and ssuction
aries for eac
va ch type of vaalve. valves close. Newe er software rreleases
11. Start
S er circulator pump and
the wate he hot gas vvalve to rema
allow th ain on for
observe the water
w pressu
ure reading on
o 1 minute after the p pump-out va alve
he System View
th V screen. opens to facilitate lliquid removval.

12. Turn
T the rechhiller ON via the controlle
er.  Pump O
Out Solenoid Off Delay
P the Sta
art button onn the Home The pu ump-out sole enoid off dela
ay is
creen. The Start button n will turn factoryy set to remaain open for 222
green. minutes during the e shut-down
13. Adjust
A gh pressure gas regulato
the hig or proced dure. It is reccommended d to
#7) to supplyy 100 psig (6
6.90 bar) gas
s extend this time ass necessary to ensure
pressure to thhe injectors. the soleenoid remains open unttil the final
CIP rinnse cycle is ccomplete. T The
14. Partially
P close
e the hand expansion
amoun nt of time the
e pump out ssolenoid
alve to keepp the liquid solenoid from
remain ns open can be adjusted on the
short-cycling.. Note that closing
c the
control panel.
alve too muc
va ch can limit evaporator
apacity.  Water P
Pump Presssure Differen
15. Iff flow meter is available, the water flo
ow This is factory set aat 15 psi (1.003 bar)
(ggpm) should be establish hed and and is ffield adjusta
able for site sspecific
reecorded for future
f troubleshooting operatiing conditionns.
 High W
Water Pump Pressure
5.1.3 Sensor
S Calib
The Higgh Water Puump Pressurre will
The thermistors for water temperatture need to
o be adjusteed at initial sttart-up.
measurement and th he pressure transducers for This se
etting should
d be 10 PSI ((0.69 bar)
measurin ng suction and
a water pressures
p must
m mal water pump
above plant’s norm
be calibrrated. Instrructions for calibrating the pressure.
thermistoors are provided in section 7.4. 7
ons for ng
calibratin pressure  Low W
Water Pump P
transducers are prov vided in section 7.5 The Loow Water Pu ump Pressurre will
need to
o be adjusteed at initial sttart-up.
5.1.4 Adjusting
A Se
This se
etting should
d be 10 psi (0 0.69 bar)
Adjustme ents to settin de from the Set
ngs are mad below pplant’s norm
mal water pum mp
Points sccreen on th he HMI (seee section 6.1.4 pressure.
about en ntering or changing data and secttion
6.4.5 for more inform
mation on sett points).  perature
Outlet Water Temp
owing setting
The follo gs should be
b reviewed
d or e outlet temp
Set the perature as ddesired.
adjusted as necessaary before sta
art-up: Howevver, the PLC will not allow
w a set
point below 32.5 °F
F to be enterred.
 Pump
P Out So
olenoid On Delay
 High C
CIP Shutdow
T pump-ou ut solenoid on
o delay is
actory set at 8 minutes. This delay Morris recommend ds using hot water,
prevents the solenoid from opening for
f not excceeding 135°F (57 °C) d
during the

A/RF-50/60 Series
S up and Operration
Initial Start-u

C process. To preventt damage to supply line (p
th t rechiller will shut dow
he rechiller, the wn additional refrigeran
nt from
and activate the
t pump sh hutdown outp put entering the rechilller) and
if CIP water teemperature is above the e energizes the time dela ay relay.
seet point. Adjust temperaature as 3. After approoximately 8 minutes,
desired. The e set point va
alue cannot the time d delay relay will open
exxceed 135°F F (57 °C). the pum
mp out solenoid,
(indicated by “Pump ping Out”
5.2 Sta
arting and Stopping the under the CCycle Statuss: heading
echiller on the Hom me page) and d close all
other re
efrigerant solenoid
5.2.1 Starting
S the Rechiller valves.
1. e chiller with
Fill the h water.
2. t water circulation pu
Start the ump
and observe
o the water
w pressure
ng on the System View
readin V Freeeze-up can n occur if p
process watter flow
page. is stopped in the rechille er while
3. Return to the Ho ome page and
a reffrigeration s
still running
g. Ice build
d-up can
press the Startt button. This T caause immed diate rupturee of the eva
buttonn will start the unit. The
T tubbes causing g a refrigera
ant leak.
Start button will turn
t green and
the “RReady to Start”
S messaage
(undeer the Cycle
C Stattus:
heading) will change to NOTE E:
“Chilling.” Th
he pump out solenoid is factory set to remain
pen for 22 miinutes. It is recommend
op ded to
5.2.2 Stopping
S the
e Rechiller exttend this tim
me as necesssary to ensuure the
A the end off the shift, th
he water puump so lenoid remains open until the final C
CIP rinse
m continu
ue running until
u the clean- cyccle is compleete.
up crew is reeady to drainn and clean the
echiller. This will preve
re ent grease and
olids from drrying on the tube walls.
1. Pump p out the re efrigerant frrom
the reechiller beforre stopping the
water pump to en nsure the liqquid
erant is successffully
remov ved from the e rechiller prior
to the clean-up op peration, and d to
prevent possibble freeze-up
2. When n the fina al birds are
approoximately 75 5% through the
final stage chiller, press the
Stop button on th he Home pa age.
Press sing the Stop p button clos ses
the so olenoid valvve in the liqquid

Initial Sta
art-up and Operation WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
S erface
Control Inte

6 Contro
ol Interfface
6.1 Ba
asics mennu from w which the u user can ttouch
ons that will open lower level pagess.
6.1.1 Touch
T Scree
Mosst lower-levvel pages have a Re eturn
The Morris rechille er is equippped with a buttoon, found in the upper rright corner o
of the
Human Machine Interface
I (H
HMI) touch h scre
een. Touching this button will retu urn to
screen control panel. This LCD panel
p allowss the llast high-levvel page to b
be displayed.
you to easily
e monittor operation
n. The HMII
also allowws you to ch
hange certa
ain operatingg 6.1.3
3 Help
variabless associate ed with thet chilling
g Mosst of the pages on yo our HMI co ontrol
process. paneel have a Help button n indicated by a
The HMI control pan
nel uses a to
ouch screen n quesstion mark ((?) in the to
op right corn
ner of
to enter commands
c and
a changes s. Touch thee the sscreen. Tou
uching this button will pro
screen over
o the des
sired feature
e’s button to
o impoortant infoormation, definitions and
enter a command
c or change. sugggestions aboout the featu
ures found oon the
The HMI control pan nel will go da
ark after five
e pagee.
minutes if the screen
n has not be een touched..
Touch the screen to turn it back on. 6.1.4
4 Entering
g Data
On m many of the display scre eens, informmation
6.1.2 Navigation
is shhown in datta fields thatt are surrou unded
There arre many pa ages (somettimes calledd by a silver bo order with a 3-dimenssional
screens or windows)) that can bee viewed onn appe earance. T The contentts of data fields
the HMI. These pagesp are described
d in
n can be changed d by the user. To chang ge the
detail in following sections of this
t manual.. conttents of a d data field, to
ouch the field. A
Each page displays a collection of related d sma all keyboard or numericc keypad w will be
information about the rechiller and its s dispplayed on the screen n. Touch the
operatingg status. Paages are org
ganized in a charracters to b be entered in the data field
branching structure to allow thet user to
o follo
owed by the Enter (some etimes ENT)) key.
reach an ny page in a minimum m number off Use e the DEL ke ey to erase m mistaken en ntries.
steps. Do n not use the arrow keys. When usin ng the
The highhest level paages can bee reached inn nummeric keypad d, the new d digits appear in a
one stepp by touch hing the coorrespondingg wind dow at the toop of the keypad as the ey are
button onn the Navigation Bar att the bottom
m typeed. The new w entry doess not show up in
of the sc
creen. For instance, touching the e the ddata field un
ntil the Enterr key is touch
Home bu utton will ca
ause the Hoome page to o
5 Logging
g In
be displa
ayed. When n a high lev
vel screen is
d, the text in the co orrespondingg Somme pages in the display a are protecte
ed to
on button turrns green. The
T user can n prevvent unautho orized users from chang ging
tell the name of the t current screen by y data
a that could aaffect perforrmance. A u user
looking for
f the green text in the e navigation
n musst “log in” beffore navigatting to proteccted
bar. So ome high le evel screenss contain a pagees such as tthe Calibration page whe ere
senssor calibratio
on data is displayed and d

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

changed. If a user attempts

a to navigate
n to a 1
6.2.1 Set Language Prefe
d page witho
protected out logging in
n, the Log- Inforrmation on tthe HMI can n be displayyed in
In page will
w be displaayed to allow
w the user too Eng lish (the deefault langua age), Spanissh or
log in. Porttuguese (BR R). To selecct the approp priate
guage, press the corre esponding b button To log in
nearr the top, lefft corner on the Home p page.
Touch th he Log In button on the Home
H page..
Thesse buttons will be displayed as e either
This disp plays a Loggin pop-up screen.
s On
Engglish, Espa añol, or P Português. The
the Log gin pop-up screen, enter the 3
guage curre ently selectted will no ot be
character user ID in the Login da ata field and
played as an option.
enter thee 4 digit pass
s code in the
e pass code e
data field. Touch the Submiit button to o 6.2.2
2 Start an
nd Stop
complete e the login procedure. Refer to o  Start - This button sttarts automa atic
paragrap ph 6.1.4 for instructions on enteringg valve opperation for the rechiller
data. See Figure 6.1 1.5 (1) and Figure 6.1.55 system. The button turns green n
(2) in sec
ction 6.7. when it hhas been acctivated. To log out  Stop - Thhis button sttops chilling and
Touch Return
R or Home
H to re
eturn to the
e deactivaates all valvees for the recchiller
Home paage and thenn touch Log Off. system a after refrigerrant pump ou ut
has occu urred. The b button turns red
NOTE: when it hhas been acctivated.
To preveent unauthorized access to sensitive e
eatures, it is important to
control fe o log off 6.2.3
3 Page Information Displa
Home P ays
before le
eaving the HM MI control pa
Currrent Date a and Time – In English h, the
e is in the MM/DD/YY fo ormat. In Spa
NOTE: and Portuguese e the format is DD/MM/YYY.
The userr will automaatically be log
gged off
after five (5) minutes
s unless userr navigates Runn hours (hrss) are displa
ayed to the lleft of
to a proteected screen
n. the Date and Time field d. The time
reprresents cumulative operating hours since
the ssystem was installed.
A protectted screen will
w only rema ain open forr Cyccle Status in nformation iss displayed u
three (3) minutes afte
er which the
e display will the Date and Time field d indicating
g the
return to the Home page.
p currrent operatio onal status of the rechiller,
such h as Ready to Start (in green text),
or Pumping Out (red).
Chil ling (blue), o
Starting or
o stopping the
t rechiller does NOT The Suction Modulating g (Mod.) V Valve
require th
he user be lo
ogged in. posiition is indiccated benea
ath Cycle Sttatus.
Thiss is displayeed as a percentage of thhe full
6.2 Ho
ome Page
e open n position. F
For example
e, 100% indiccates
During start-up,
s the HMI contro
ol panel will fullyy open while 0% indicate
es fully close
display the
t Home page
p (see Figure 6.2 in
n Beloow this is thee Evaporatoor Pressure e.
section 6.7).
6 Thiss value is dissplayed as P
PSI in Englissh
and Spanish, BA AR in Portug

A/RF-50/60 Series
S erface
Control Inte

The currrent Inlet Teemperature (inlet waterr 6.3.3

3 Inlet Wa
ater Press
temperatture) and the colde est Outlett Presssure of wwater enterin
ng the rechiller.
Tempera ature (1 & 2) (Ou utlet Waterr (PS I in Englissh, BAR in Spanish and
Tempera ature) are displayed
d on
o the rightt Porttuguese.)
side of the
t screen below the Run Hours..
These vaalues are dis splayed in °F
F in English,, 6.3.4
4 Suction PSI (BAR)
°C in Spanish and a Portug
guese. The e Presssure in thhe suction line leavingg the
difference in these temperatures, ∆T, is s evap porator. Display shows gage presssure
displayedd directly beneath. (psigg or barg) – 0 psi (bar) repressents
atmo ospheric pre
essure. (Noote the presssure
6.2.4 Messages
M Box
transsducer meaasures absolute pressure
e, but
Special operating
o no
otes are dispplayed in the
e this is converte
ed to gage pressure foor the
Message es box at the
e center of th
he screen. dispplay.)
A few examples are; Pump is On
n, Pump Outt
5 %
Failed, Do
D Not Stop Pump.
Sho ows the dessired position of the Su uction
6.2.5 Log
L In Mod dulating Valvve – 0% is fu
ully closed, 1
The Log g In button located in the top rightt is fu
ully open.
corner off the screen
n is a specia al navigation
4 Menu P
button that
t display
ys the Login pop-up p
screen. See sectio on 6.1.5 Log gging In forr Presss the Men nu button on the navig gation
ons on this procedure. When you u bar to go to thee Menu page e (see Figurre 6.4
have log gged in, this
s button will disappearr in seection 6.7). This page presents bu uttons
and the Log Out bu utton will ap
ppear in topp that lead to morre detailed iinformation. The
right corner of the Home
H page e. See 6.1.22 top row of butto ons (optionss) do not re
Navigatioon for a descriptio on of the e the uuser to be lo
ogged in. On
n the bottom
m row,
navigatioon bar. the Set Pointss and Calilibration scrreens
requuire the usser to be logged in. Only
6.3 Sy
ystem Vie
ew supe ervisors cann enter the User Setup p and
Press the System View V button on the row w Ope eration screeens. If the user pressses a
of navigaation buttonns at the bo ottom of thee buttoon on the bottom row b before logginng in,
Home pa age to view w the curren nt operating
g the display will prompt the user with a pop
status of the rechilller. The Sy ystem View w up mmessage to llog in before
e allowing acccess
page (F Figure 6.3 in sectio on 6.7) is s to th
he desired sccreen.
unproteccted. It only displays
d info
ormation andd Fromm the Menu screen you can choose
e from
graphic representations of
o currentt the ffollowing scrreens:
compone ent states.
1 Event Log
6.3.1 Outlet
O Temp
p No. 1 & No
o. 2
Dispplays significcant system events that may
Tempera ature of thhe water leaving
l the
e have e an impact on the rechiller’s operattion
rechiller (°F in English, °C in Spanish
S and
d such h as Mod Va alve Malfuncction, Pump Out
Portugue ese). Interrrupt, and O
Outlet Temp C Cal Error. TThe 3
6.3.2 In
nlet Temp digitt user ID of tthe user loggged in at the
e time
of th
he event will be displaye ed as well ass the
ature of wate
er supplied to
o rechiller.
Run n Hours, Datte and Time when the evvent

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

s will appearr as
occurred. (The dates 6.4.5
5 Set Poin
MM/DD/Y YY in English and DD/MMM/YY in Thiss screen displays sevveral data fields
Spanish and Portuguuese.) conttaining inforrmation use
ed to protecct the
equiipment from m operating conditions that
6.4.2 Service
S Sche
coulld cause p poor performmance or even
The Serrvice Scheddule screen is a staticc dammage to the equipment. The data fields
screen that
t gives the operatorr a detailed
d in th
he Set Pt. co
olumn can bee changed b
by the
e for performing
p preventive
e userr when logged in. T The fields in
n the
ance. Actuual column ccannot be ch
6.4.3 Service
S Histo
ory The Pump Ou ut Solenoid
d On/Off D Delay
This screen displa ays documentation off valu
ues are sho own in minuutes (min.). High
services performed. Entries to this screen n and Low Waterr Pump Presssure values are
are made e when the Perform
P Serrvice icon iss disp
played as psi or barr. Outlet W Water
acknowle edged. This icon will apppear on the e Temmperature annd High CIP Pump Shutd down
Home pa age next to the About button
b when n valu
ues are in °F
F or °C.
a servic ce interval has bee en reached d To cchange a seet point, toucch the data field.
(internally determineed using RunR Hours).. A n umeric keyppad will dissplay. Ente er the
The operrator acknowwledges this by pressing g new
w value on the keypad d, and touch h the
the icon. A Log In pop-up
p will appear
a if the
e Ente
er key to tra
ansfer the n new value too the
operator is not alrea
ady logged in. If logged d Set Point scre een. See Figure 6.4..5 in
0 Day Preve
in, the 30 entive Mainteenance pop-- secttion 6.7.
up will appear
a disp
playing whatt preventive e
6 Calibrattion
maintena ance tasks should be performed..
The Con nfirm Servicces Completed button n Thiss screen disp plays data fie
elds used to
should pressed
p wheen all tasks have been n calibbrate sensorrs used by thhe control
complete ed. This cre
eates the entry
e on the e systtem. The usser can chan nge the value es in
Service History
H pagee. the Offset fieldss. The offsett is a quantitty
adde ed to the raww sensor reaading to corrrect
for ssmall errors in the sensoor. The Adju usted
ds show the sensor read ding after adding
the ooffset.

Cali brations caan be ma ade to sen nsors

Information displayed on this paage includes s meaasuring Inle et Water P Pressure, OOutlet
the Servvice Intervall number (aa sequential Watter Pressure e (if equipp
ped), Evapoorator
series off numbers geenerated intternally), the
e Presssure, Inlet Water Tem mp, Outlet W
User’s ID
D, Run Hours s, Date and Time. Tem
mp No. 1 and d Outlet Watter Temp No
o. 2.
6.4.4 Operator’s
O Manual
M To cchange an offset value e, touch the data
This option displayss an electro
onic copy off d. A numeric keypad will display. Enter
the owneer’s manuall. A row of navigationn the new value oon the keypa ad, and toucch the
buttons will
w appear on the rightt side of the
e Enteer key to traansfer the n
new value to o the
screen to
t allow th he user to easily findd Caliibration scrreen. See Figure 6.4.6 in
necessarry informatio
on. secttion 6.7.

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

6.4.7 User
U Setup top right corner to exit the
e screen att any
Displays the User Setup scree en where a e without savving changess.
superviso or can creaate, change e or deletee Operattion Log
(clear) lo
ogin ID’s and
d pass codess. The userr Thiss is the HMI’s intternal com mputer
must be logged in as s a superviso
or to access
s direcctory. The A drive acceesses the built-in
this featu
ure. CF card. The D DOCIMG su ubdirectory is the
The datta entry steps s for creating orr systtem’s service manual files and the
changingg ID’s are similar to o those forr PRO OJECT1 sub bdirectory ccontains the HMI
logging in
i as a use er. Refer too paragraph
h proggramming.
5.1.5 forr informatioon on logging in. See e 6.4.8 8.3 Self Chheck
Figure 6..4.7 in sectio
on 6.7. The Self-Checkk screen ccontains se everal
6.4.8 Operation
O utilitties to maintain the operration of the HMI.
Displays the Operattion menu. This screen n The Debug op ption provide
es several rrepair
gives the
e user acce ess to seveeral internal utilitties for the H
ns for the HMI.
H The usser must bee
The System allarm displa ay will show
w any
logged in as a sup pervisor to access thiss
menu. interrnal HMI sysstem errors.
Presss the Self c check icon tto display se
everal Set PLC Clo ock
utilitty options ffor diagnosing errors inn the
The Clo ock settingg should be in the e
Broadcas st mode. This
T allows the HMI too
control the time settting in the PLC. Presss  MMemory che eck
the box labeled Clock
C Setting
g. Continue
e  TTouch Paneel check
pressing until Broadc
cast appears s.  NNETWK unitt status disp
To enter or change thet date and d time, presss  DDisplay checck
anywhere e in the next box down, the e  II/O check
date/timee field, to dis
splay the ke
eypad at the e
The GOT start time option initiates tracking
bottom ofo the screen n. Press the appropriate e
of th g time. It displays
he HMI’s tottal operating
value on n the keypad d to enter that value inn
the ttime when tthis feature wwas initiated
d, the
the date//time field. Then
T press the forward d
currrent time, a al HMI run time.
and the tota
arrow ( ) to move the cursor to t the right..
Presss the close e (X) button
n in the top right
Use the back arrow ( ) to move e to the left..
cornner of any o of these scrreens to exitt and
ong value is entered, pre
If the wro ess the backk
retu rn to the pre
evious scree
arrow an nd re-enter thhe correct va
alue. When n
the date e and time e have bee en correctlyy
entered, press the Enter
E key. Prress Cancell
to exit the date/time box at any time withoutt
saving ch hanges.
The HMI internal ba attery voltag
ge status is
d below the date/time fie

Press OK to exit this screen with

w changes s
saved orr press the close (X) button
b in the

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

6.5 Ala
arms The min/max va alues are sh
hown under each
el as well a
labe as the currrent value b
Press thee Alarms button
b on the
e navigation
refe renced by th
he cursor. S
See Figure 6
6.6 in
bar to access a listt of recent alarms
a (see
secttion 6.7.
Figure 6.5
6 in sectio on 6.7) with the mostt
recent alarm
a appeaaring at the top. The e 6.6.1
1 atest Data
Load La
information includes the date and
a time the
e Whe en this buttton is pre essed, the most
alarm Occurred,
O name of the alarm m receent data from the sources listed in n the
(Comment), and Res set time. There is a row
w prevvious para agraph (6.66 Trends) are
of naviga
ation button
ns at the bo ottom of the
e retri eved and displayed on tthe graph.
2 Show Cursor, Hide
e Cursor
6.5.1 Cursor
C ON, Cursor
F The Show Cursor button n displays a red
By turnin
ng the cursoor on, a yellow highlightt oviding a re
vertiical line pro eference point in
is applie
ed to the first
f alarm in the list.. time
e on the grap ph for each parameter. Hide
ely, by turniing the currsor off, the
e Curs
rsor removess the cursorr line.
highlight is removed..
3 Cursor<
<, Cursor>
6.5.2 Cursor
C Up, Cursor
C Dow
wn Thesse buttons move the ccursor line to
o the
Moves thhe highlight up or down n the row off left or right on
n the graph
h in one se econd
alarms to
o chose a sp
pecific alarm. interrvals.
6.5.3 Reset
R 6.6.4
4 Graph<,, Graph>
e alarm was reset.
Displays the time the Thesse buttons move the g
graph forwa
ard or
backk one secon
6.5.4 Save
Saves thhe current lis
st of alarms
s to a file in
n 6.6.5
5 Page<, P
the Operration Log directory (see
e paragraph h Thesse buttons move the entire displayed This file ca
an only be viewed
v from
m grap
ph forward oor back a sp
pecific intervval in
the HMI. secoonds defined
d by the current zoom level.
Seee paragraph
6.6 Tre
6 n, Zoom Out
Zoom In
Displays recent operating historry (min. and
max. values) in a line graph format.
f The
e The interval (in seconds) be
eing displaye
ed on
following readings are displayed overr the graph can be change ed by using g the
specific time
t periods on the grap
ph: Zooom In or Zoo om Out butttons. The raanges
 Inlet Water
W Temp p varyy from two second, thrree second, five
 Outle et No. 1 Temmp (Outlet Water
W Temp) secoond and nin ne second in
ntervals, with the
 Outle et No. 2 Temmp (Outlet Water
W Temp) two second interval being g the maxiimum
zoom med in levvel and th he nine se econd
 Valve e Position (M
Modulating Valve)
interrval being the maximu um zoomed d out
 Evap p Press (Evaporator Presssure)
 Inlet Water
W Presss
6.7 Entering
g the IP A
Each parrameter is displayed
d witth a colored
line assoociated with color of its label on the
e Use
er must first log in befo
ore setting u
up or
side of th
he graph. nging the IP
chan P address.

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

1. Push
P the Ope eration buttoon on the
M page (rrefer to sectiion 6.4.8) to
access the Operation
O pagge.
2. On
O the Opera ation page, select
s the
S button.
b This will
w bring up
he Utility pag
3. From the Utiliity page, select the
C Settiing tab at the
e top of the

F igure 6.7.3:: Communiccation Setting

6. Touch th
he first GOT IP Address field.

F 6.7.1: Utility Scrreen
4. Then
T choose the Commu unication
setting button below in th
he main

gure 6.7.4: C
Communica ation Settin
ng –
Detail Scree

7. A cursorr will appear in the first b

7 box
of the GO
OT Addresss field. A keyypad
will appe
ear at the bo
ottom of the
screen. EEnter the IP address,
toggling to successivve boxes byy
using the
e arrow keyss.
e 6.7.2: Com
mmunication Screen
5. Touch
T the Eth
hernet field.

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

Figure 6.7.5: Detail Screen with Keypad

8. Push
P the OKK button at the bottom of
he screen wh hen finished.
T IP address entered will w appear
n the Etherneet field of the
C on Setting screen.
9. Push
P the X in
n the top righ ht corner of
he screen to close the window
w and
eturn to the Operation
O sc

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

6.8 HM
MI Figures
s shown on screen
s image
es are for re
eference onlyy. They mayy not apply to
o your rechilller.

F 6.1.5
5 (1): Log In Pop-up

Figure 6.1.5 (2): Lo

og In Pop-u
up with Keyboard

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

Figurre 6.2: Hom e Page

Figure 6.3: System V

View Page

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

e 6.4: Menu Page

Figure 6.4.1: Even

nt Log

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

Figure 6.4.2: Serv

vice Schedu

Figurre 6.4.3: Serrvice Historry

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

Figure 6..4.5: Set Po

oints Page

Figure 6.4.6: Calibra

ation Page

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

Fiigure 6.4.7: User Set-u

up Page

Figure 6.4.8
8: Operatio n Page

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Control Inte

Figurre 6.5: Alarm

ms Page

e 6.6: Trend
ds Page

Control Interface WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Cleaning a
and Mainten

7 Clea
aning an
nd Main
filler rod
d or equivallent into the e tee
and up tthrough the injector nozzzle to
Clean beefore startin
ng up a new w rechiller, push ou ut the debris blocking g the
and after every shifft thereafterr. flow. Th he nozzle ho ole is taperedd to a
slightly larger diam meter on the e exit
7.1 Cle
eaning Gas
G Injectors end of the nozzle b body, so enttering
A pluugged injecttor should be cleaned.. debris w will pass thro
ough more e easily.
Moree than one cleaning g may be e Sometim mes it will b be necessa ary to
necesssary during
g the early operation
o off use a h hammer to drive the d debris
the rechiller before the system is s past the e nozzle entrance. If the
oughly cleanned. Afterr which, no o debris cannot be re emoved this way,
er problem with injectors should d it will bee necessaryy to remove e the
occurr. nozzle b by inserting a 1/2” (1.27 7 cm)
wide flatt head screw wdriver or sppecial
7.1.1 WRC-50XX
W Models
made to ool up through the op pened
R the plug from th
he bottom off tee and unscrew the e injector no
he 1/2" (1.27
7 cm) pipe te
ee below the
e Clean th he nozzle h hole and replace
cllogged injec
ctor. the nozzzle.
nsert a 1/16
6” (0.16 cm
m) diameterr

Figurre 7.1.1: WR
RC-50XX Se
eries Nozzle

g and Mainte
enance WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

7.1.2 WRC-60XX
W Models
M eentrance. If the deebris canno ot be
rremoved in this manne er, then it w
will be
Remo ove the plug g from the bo ottom end off
nnecessary tto use a 1/8 8” (0.32 cm) drill
the 1/2"
1 (1.27 cm)
c pipe teee below the e
bbit on an e extended sh haft to cleaar the
ged injector. Insert a 3/32” (0.24 cm))
hhole. Connsult the m manufacture er for
diameeter filler rod or equivalent into the e
ddetails on to
ools and proccedure.
tee and up throug gh the injecttor nozzle to
push out the deb bris blocking the flow. In n Note:
somee instances, it may be necessary
n to
o Nozzzles for WR
RC-60XX models are nott
use a hammer to t drive the debris pastt remoovable.
the nozzlee

Figure 8.1.2: WRC-6


A/RF-50/60 Series
S Cleaning a
and Mainten

7.2 De
etergent and
a Sanittizer 7.3.1
1 CIP Pro
equirements TThe clean-u up process must not b begin
uuntil the re echiller hass completed d the
ning deterg gents and sanitizers,,
n pump-do own cycle (8
cted by the e customer, MUST be e
mminutes afte er the refrigeration is tu
comppatible with the
t following
g materials:
ooff). The rrecirculation pump musst run
7.2.1 Materials
M in MNT Poultrry Chiller dduring this tiime to preve
ent freeze-upps.
 Shell
S - 6001-TT6 Aluminum m 1
1. Follow shut-dowwn proceddures
 Paddles
P 6061 1-T6 Aluminum describe ed in section 5.
 Tracks
T 18-8 type
t 304 Staainless Steell 2
2. With the e water pu ump turned d off,
close th he valve in the suction n line
 Water
W rechille
er piping 18--8 Type 304
from the e bird chilleer and open n the
S Steeel valve in the suction line from the e CIP
 Chain
C & padd dle attachmeents Type tank.
304 Stainless s Steel and Aluminum
A 3. Fill the CIP tank w
3 with tap wate er no
7.2.2 Materials
M in the Waterr Chiller orr warmer than 75 °F (24 °C) and start
R pump. (DO NOT pump hot w water
through the rechiller immediately
 Tubing
T - Stain
nless Steel T304
T followingg refrigerated
d water.).
P Insid
de 4
4. Flush re echiller watter circuit ffor 5
 U-Bends
U - Sta
ainless Steeel T316 minutes by dumping g one tank oof tap
 U-Bend
U Gask ket - White EPDM
E water and allowing g it to return to
C #1023 chiller. C
Continuouslyy add tap w water
 U-Bend
U Gask ket Adhesivee - 3M to prevent cavitationn.
B EC-1300 5. Turn offf pump and close the rreturn
valve. OOpen CIP valve in CIP he eader
7.2.3 Materials
M in MAT Augerr Chillers that returns water too rechiller.
 Shell
S - 18-8 St.
S St'l. T304 4 6
6. Fill tan nk and tu urn on p pump.
 Auger
A - 18-8 St. St'l. T304 Continuo ously fill CIP tank with h tap
 Guards
G & Covers - 18-8 St.
S St'l. water to prevent pum mp cavitationn.
T 7
7. Circulate e water for 10 minutes,, turn
off pump p and open n CIP tank drain
 Outlet
O Wheel - 18-8 St. St'l.
S T304
 Hanger
H Beariings - Nylon
8. Fill the CCIP tank witth hot waterr. Hot
 Shaft
S Seals - Nitrile water e entering recchiller mustt not
7.3 CIP (Clean In Place)) exceed 1 135 F (57 C).
9. Add dete ergent and m mix thoroughhly.
10. Turn pum mp on.
The CIP procedure includes instructions s 11. Add fresh water a
1 as necessary to
for the prevention n of pump cavitation.. avoid pu ump cavitatioon.
Please read and
a follo
ow these
e 1
12. Let solu ution circulaate through h the
instructiions carefully to preve ent damagee system for the recomme ended
to the re
echiller unitt. Refer to the
t chart in
n amount of time for th he CIP deteergent
section 7.3.3
7 for pro
oper flow raates. used.

g and Mainte
enance WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

13. Wash
W cycle
es generallly do nott achievedd, perform in
nspections to
o suit
xceed 60 minutes depending on n plant and
d USDA guid delines.
detergent, wash
w tempeerature and
he amount of
o fat on the tubes.
t W
Thoorough rinsiing to eliminate all trac
RNING: of c
chlorine andd alkalinity m
must alway ys
Strictly follow
f CIP detergent
d follo
ow CIP. The e rinse wateer should bbe
manufac cturer’s/sup
pplier’s draiined immeddiately followwing rinse
recommendations for f detergen nt cyclle. This ens
sures prese ence of oxyygen
selectionn and, propper cleaningg and in tu
ubes, whichh is essentiaal to the
handling g procedure es for your conditions corrrosion resis
stance of sttainless steeel.
and for the
t care of T304
T and T316
stainlesss steels in the
t rechillerr.

14. Turn
T the pum
mp off. Open n CIP drain-- All in
nstallations are differentt and many
alve and dra
ain the CIP tank. rechhillers may nnot be able to o gravity dra ain
due to location o of pumps, piiping, CIP ta ank
15. Close
C drain valve
v and re
efill CIP tank
and rechiller. D Drain the rech hiller after ea
w clean tap p water.
use.. Open drain n valves in tthe inlet-hea ader
16. Open
O return valve from rechiller to
o to drrain rechillerr.
oor. Pump p one full CIP
C tank off
rinse water and drain tot chiller orr 7.3.2
2 Summary of CIP Prrocedure
17. Turn
T off pumpp before it cavitates andd me
ocedure Descriptio
cllose the retu
urn valve to the floor orr (Minu
chiller. Openn valve to retturn water to
1 Rinse 10
C tank.
18. Fill CIP tank and
a turn on pump. 2 W
Wash 20 - 60
19. Continually
C fill
f CIP tank
k with fresh
h 3 Rinse 15
rinse waterr to prev vent pump p
4 ( Optional) Sanitize 10
20. Circulate
C watter for 15 minutes,
m turn
n 5 Rinse 15
offf pump and open CIP P tank drainn
alve. 7.3.3
3 Approxiimate Pum
mp Flow R
21. An
A optional sanitizer
s rins
se cycle can
n Based o
on Pump Sizze
be added butt it must be followed by
y 20 H
HP Pump 400 GPM
M (1500 LPM
another 15-m
minute fresh water rinsee
25 H
HP Pump 450 GPM
M (1700 LPM
30 H
HP Pump 550 GPM
M (2100 LPM
22. Drain
D rinse water
w immediately.
40 H
HP Pump 650 GPM
M (2450 LPM
23. In
nspect several places in
n piping and
50 H
HP Pump 750 GPM
M (2850 LPM
open rechilleer unit if required too
check tubes and
a inspect cleanliness.. (GPM
M – Gallons per Minute; LPM – Liters per Minutte)
A satisfactory re
esults are

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Cleaning a
and Mainten

7.4 U--bend Re
einstallatiion tthe level of tthe ice. Ice should still b be
ttouching the e bottom of the cup.
When U-bends are being reins stalled afterr
 RRemove the e thermistor ffrom the watter
removal for cleanin ng or inspection it is s
lline. To do tthis, hold the e thermistor with
important that the 3/8”
3 brass nuts
n are nott
oone hand an nd loosen the gland nut on
over-tightened. Follo
ow these guuidelines forr
tthe holder fittting with the
e other hand d.
g the 3/8” bra
torqueing ass nuts.
SSlide the theermistor parttially out of tthe
Using thet figure below as s a visual hholder until tthe ball valve can be clo osed
referencee, place nuts s on posts, hand
h tight in
n wwithout pincching the the ermistor. Clo ose
the sequ uence show wn (from 1 to 4). Then n tthe ball valvve. Remove the thermisttor
snug eac ch nut in thee same sequence. Begin n ffrom the holder.
tighteningg to 20 ft/lbs
s, again usin
ng the same e  PPlace the en nd of the the ermistor into the
sequence e. This technique is similar to o iice bath so tthat the tip iss in the midd dle of
tighteningg lugs when changing a car tire. tthe ice.
 OOn the HMI,, find the Ca alibration pag ge
UTION: aand change the Offset vvalue (middle e
Do noot exceed th
he torque va
alue of 20 ccolumn) until the Adjuste ed Water
ft/lbs wh
hen tightening the 3/8” brass nuts
s TTemperature e (left colum
mn) reads 0.0 0°C.
on the U-bends. ((See paragrraph 6.4.6)
 RReplace the e thermistor iin the holderr on
tthe water linne. To do this, insert the e
tthermistor innto the holde er until it touches
he ball valve. Open the ball
tthe ball in th
vvalve. Slide e the thermisstor all the w way
iinto the holdder. Tighten the gland n nut on
tthe holder tigght enough to stop any

Do nnot use mete ers to calibra
ate thermisto
as th
hey are lesss accurate.

6 Calibra
ating Pres
The re are 3 pressure ttransducers that
ure 7.4: Torrqueing Seq
quence shou uld be ca alibrated moonthly. F
instrructions be
elow to ca alibrate presssure
7.5 Calibrating
g Thermis
stor transsducers:
The therrmistors shoould be calib
brated every y  CCalibrate pre
essure transsducer to
month. Follow
F instruc
ctions below
w to calibrate
e aatmosphericc pressure.
or:  CClose the tra
ansducer vaalve so the
 Prepa
are an ice ba
ath by filling a ½ liter ttransducer ccan be remooved.
cup with
w crushed d ice. Add water
w to ¾  DDisconnect tthe cable co
onnector from
m the
ttransducer aand remove transducer ffrom

g and Mainte
enance WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

the va alve. Then reconnect th he cable to

the trransducer
 On thhe HMI, find the Calibrattion page
and change
c the Offset
O value (middle
colummn) until the Adjusted Prressure (left
colummn) reads 0.0 psi. (See paragraph
 Disco onnect transducer from cable.
 Apply y new threadd tape to tran
threaads. Reinstaall transduceer in
transducer valve being sure that
t it is
fully tightened
t an
nd secure.
 Reco onnect transdducer cable..

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Cleaning a
and Mainten

2. Spray orr wipe the cittric acid solu
7.7 Trreating Sttainless Steel
S on the su
urface and aallow it to seet for
Suurfaces several m
minutes (thee longer it staays
It is not uncommon n for stainle
ess steel to
o urface the better it works).
on the su
show sig gns of rust if exposed d to impact,, 3
3. Rinse wiith water.
contact with
w carbon n steel tools
s and otherr
If sccrubbing is n
ferrous materials, or welding. These e
1. Clean ass directed ab bove.
external factors should be minimized
m to
2. Spray orr wipe the cittric acid soluution
prevent the need fo or any main ntenance off
on the su
urface and aallow it to se
et for
s steel surfac
stainless ces and commponents.
3-5 minuutes.
7.7.1 Passivation
P 3
3. Use a Sccotch-Brite™ ™ style pad tto
Treating with citric ac
cid will remo
ove free iron
n scrub su
urface. Exerccise caution with
and carbbon from the surface and d expose thee polished
d surfaces too ensure no
chromium m content too oxygen. Th he chromiumm scratchin
ng occurs.
will oxidiize and pas ssivation of the surfacee 4
4. Rinse wiith citric acid
d allowing it to
will occur. remain oon the surfacce until almo
Passivation is the prrocess which
h makes thee dry.
s steel surfa
stainless ace chemicaally passive
e 5
5. Rinse wiith water.
(resistant to corro osion). Oxidation, the e (Mu ltiple appliccations mayy be necesssary
reaction of chromiumm and nickeel to oxygen,, depeending on tthe extent o of the corrossion.)
forms an n oxide layyer which protects
p the
e The appearancce of the stainless steel
ng steel. ace should improve affter 24 hourrs as
the passivation process be egins causing the
Once rus st begins to develop, piitting occurs s
ace to repair itself.
making itt difficult to remove
r all of
o the carbonn
and free iron from the t surface allowing forr Caution:
further co
orrosion. Av void impact and contactt
Scootch-Brite™ style pads work well o
with carbbon steel to ools and otther ferrous s
the vessel and frame, but caution mu
s. Treat su urfaces with h citric acid
be u
used to enssure polishe
ed surfaces
s are
after anny welding or exposu ure to heatt
not scratched.
stress. Following
F theese principles will help
maintain a healthy stainless stteel surface e
for years. Note:
Tho roughly clea
an stainless steel surface es
7.7.2 Treatment
T with
w Citric Ac
cid remooving grease, cutting lub
bricants, and d
After insttallation and
d if necessa
ary later duee shopp debris befo
ore scrubbinng with citric
to the apppearance of o rust, the surface can n acid
be treateed with a citric acid product
p like
® 77 Plus.
1. Clean
C any gre
ease, cuttingg lubricant
and shop deb bris from the
e stainless
stteel surface..

g and Mainte
enance WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

a exposu ure to any
chem mical cleaning or disinnfection
WARRA ANTY. Residual drops of caustic,
acidic or
o organic mixtures
m tha
at are safe
for short
s expos sures can become
conce entrated if le
eft standingg and will
then attack stainless stteel.

Contact Morris & As ssociates Pa

arts Dept. to
purchasee Citri Surf 77 Plus. The
T Material
Safety Data Sheet (MMSDS) can be obtained d
from the manufactureer.

7.8 Se
ervice Inte
The rech hiller will indicate when a scheduled d
service interval ha as been reached
r by
displaying a Perform m Service icon
i on thee
Home pa age. See sections
s 6.4..2 and 6.4.3
for inform
mation on crreating serviice logs and d
viewing service
s histo

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Cleaning a
and Mainten

7.9 Pre
eventive Maintena
ance Tab

e 7.8.1: Dailly Preventiv
ve Maintena
ntative Main
ntenance Ite
em Desc

Pump Chec
ck for norma
al water presssure from p

Checck for norma

al suction prressures. Noote: Vessel
Suction Pressures
ssure may risse during liquid feed cyccle.

Chec ck for prope

er hot gas injector pressu
ure of appoxx. 100
Hot Gas Injector
psi (6.9 bar).

Checck for norma

al liquid feed
d action in th
he sump sigh
Liquid Fee

ck for water leaks at eacch pipe fitting on rechille
Pipe Fittin
air as neede

e 7.8.2: Wee
ekly Preventtive Mainten
ntative Main
ntenance Ite
em Desc

Checck for oil in tthe rechiller sump. Lubriicate the rolller and
Rechiller Sump
S ft on top of s uction regulator. Drain if needed.

ck for water leaks aroun
nd recirculato
or pump. Re
epair as
Recirculattor Pump
en for unusu al noise at w
water recircu
ulating pump
Repaair as neede

Table 7.8.3:
7 Month
hly Preventiive Mainten

ntative Main
ntenance Ite
em cription
ck calibratio n on inlet an
nd outlet watter thermisto
o check (should read 32 F or 0 C)
Use ice water to
ck for any lo
oose wiring cconnections inside pane
el box.
Panel Box
Make repairs as needed.
Checck calibratio n on suction
n and water pressure
ers trans
sducers. Sho ould read 0 psi (0 bar). A
Adjust as ne
with offset.
ase the wate
er recirculating pump mo
otor bearingss (2
Recirculatting Pump
shots each)

g and Mainte
enance WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Troublesho

8 Troubleshoo
8.1 Ge
eneral Tro
ooting Tip
ps packinng nut should d be tight en
nough to
preven penetration and loose
nt moisture p
A diggital volt-oh
hm meter is required to enoug gh to permit ssmooth stem m
propeerly troubles
shoot the co
ontroller (PLC
C). movem ment.
It sho
ould be cap pable of rea
ading volts DC
D  Checkk pressure re egulator rang ge. If
and milliamps.
m incorreect, range sp
pring must b be
Use the wiring diagram
m to aid in replacced.
troub  Checkk all system componentss for
properr operation.
Be sure
s all com
n cables and
sensoor wiring are
a properlly connecte
ed, 8..2.3 Proble
em: Incorre
ect Liquid S
Supply to
ding press sure and temperatu ure Evapo
8..2.3.1 Insuffficient liquid
N No ot enough liquid be eing fed into the
Make sure the refrige eration syste
em is evvaporator ccan be caused by tthe liquid
operatingg properly an nd ready to accept
a the olenoid not opening properly orr lack of
controller’s instructio
on, i.e. prope
er liquid feed
d addequate liqu
uid supply.
and prop per suction pressure
p ava
ailable at
8..2.3.2 Exce essive liquid
To oo much liquid being fe ed into the eevaporator
8.2 Sy
ymptom and
a Proce
edures caan be attribu uted to one of two thing gs. Either
he liquid leve el float is fa
ailing to tell the liquid
8.2.1 Symptom:
S No
N HMI Disp
play soolenoid to cclose or th he solenoid valve is
 Check
C incoming voltage (120
( V or 24
40 le aking or sstuck open allowing e excessive
V depending on geographic location)). liq
quid into the sump. If the e liquid level is above
8.2.2 Symptom:
S Valve
V Not Working;
W Not
N th
he normal op perating leve el (in some ccases) the
M evvaporator ma ay flood withh liquid up too the level
 Check
C for apppropriate voltage (120 V off the high level float swiitch before a problem
or 240 V depe ending on geographic is evident. Th he high leve el float switch (#2) will
ocation) bein ng supplied to t the 24 VA AC dee-energize tthe liquid so olenoid valve e (#27) to
trransformer in nside the valve motor prrevent additional liquid d from entering the
housing. evvaporator. Once the liquid level d drops the
 Check
C for outtput signal frrom PLC liq
quid solenoid d will open again. To d determine
m to moodulating vallve. (4 to 20 0
if the float level switch (#5 5) is the problem, first
reemove the m metal coverr on top of the level
 Check
C to mak ke sure valve e manual
open stem is in automatic c position. swwitch so tha at the switcch position is visible.
 Check
C to mak ke sure that all shut-off Th he switch le ever should be tilted ba ack away
va alves in refriigeration line
es are open.. froom the enclosing tube ffor the liquid d solenoid
 Check
C the caam and cam follower to
o open. Nexxt, loosen th he set screw w holding
alignment. There should be clearanc ce th
he clear swittch housing and slide tthe switch
between the cam c and folllower on botth upp off the mettal tube. Tiltt the switch assembly
onn its side until the magnet on the sw witch lever
 Check
C for sm
mooth actuatiing stem
coontacts the enclosing ttube inside the clear
m wiith cam rotattion. The

shooting WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

housing. The liquid d solenoid should

s be de-
d openss and clo oses. Adju ust hand
energized with the switch in th his position. If expannsion valvve if necessary.
liquid is still feeding into the ev
vaporator then Norma ally 3 to 4 turns open is desired.
the solen noid valve isi leaking and
a should be  Checkk injection g gas pressurre to unit.
Shouldd have 10 00 psig (6 6.89 bar)
disassem mbled and inspected. Upright the t
downsstream of ga as regulator.
switch ho ousing and the liquid so olenoid shou
uld  Checkk for oil being trapped inn rechiller.
energize. Reassem mble the swwitch assemb bly Unit h
has an oil evvacuation (d drain line).
after cheecking the vaalve action. The high lev
vel See drawing for lo ocation of drain.
switch op peration cann be checke ed in the sam
me  Checkk for clogge ed injectorss through
manner. the innjector line sight glasses. See
proceddure for ccleaning inje ectors in
8.2.4 Problem:
P Lo
ow Rechillerr Capacity section 7.1.
The problem
p maay be with either
e the loa
ad,  Checkk ammonia tto make surre it is not
er) side, or the
t refrigera
ant side of the
t contamminated.
em. 8..2.5 Symp
ptom: Rechiller will Nott Run Load (waterr) side:  If the rechiller is n
not running, check for
 Check
C water flow thro ough rechiller. alarmss on Quik Chill 3000™ panel.
M sure you have e the prop per Alarmss will be dissplayed in tthe alarm
amount of wa ater flowing through
t unit. banne er. Refer to ssection 6.5.
 Observe
O pump
p pre
essure and  If therre are no alaarms and the unit still
efrigeration solenoid actio
on. will nnot run, usse a volt meter to
R valves maym be de-d determmine where e the pro oblem is
energized du ue to pump p pressure or occurrring. With one lead on n wire #2
pressure diffeerential being out of range (neutra al) take thee other lead d starting
WRC-RA-60 027 only). with wwire #1 (refe er to wiring diagram),
and trace the control ccircuit to
 Check
C water temperature e entering and
determmine where the circuit is broken
eaving the reechiller.
and w what is causiing the unit to be off. Refrigerant side (water too warm) Repair problem an nd resume o operation.
 Check
C to see
e if plant suction pressu ure 8..2.6 Symp
ptom: Waterr Not Cold E
s above norm mal. Adjust tot Normal.
 Check
C posittion of mo otor cam on  Checkk calibration of thermisttors. The
suuction press sure regulattor. Low side controoller cannot ccontrol properly if it is
off cam should be positio oned over piilot not recceiving corre ect data.
sttem if rechiller is operatting above the
t  Checkk Alarm Hisstory to dettermine if
outlet temperrature setpoiint. there have been recent e excessive
 Check
C the modulating
m valve
v position alarmss. For exa ample, seve eral high
on chill statuus screen off controller. If water pressure alarms in the last hour
display show ws 0% then check the set s would indicate tha at the unit iss freezing.
points and offffsets in low inset and mod A highh liquid levell alarm could indicate
vaalve tasks. a malffunctioning ccontrol float switch or
liquid ssolenoid sticcking.
 Check
C on pressure. It should be
 Verify thermistorss have the e correct
approximately y 33-42 psig at 20-28 F
offsetss. Recalibratte if necessa ary. Refer
2.28-2.90 ba ar at -2.28 to -6.67 C)
to secction 7.4.
under modera ate load con
 Check
C the liquid level in the sum mp
using the sight glass. Liquid shou uld
rise and fall as the liquid soleno oid

F-50/60 Serie
es Troublesho

8.2.7 Ammonia
A Leaking
L Past
P Injecttor
Follow to
orque proced
1. Make
M sure threads are clean. Remov ve
any old thread-lock comp pound.
2. Saturate
S the fiber
f gasket with oil
3. Apply
A Loctite 242 (blue) to
t threads.
4. Tighten
T nut to
o 130 ft-lb to
5. Iff the joint lea
aks, increasee torque to
150 ft-lb. If joint continues s to leak,
reeplace gaske et and repeaat proceduree.

shooting WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

0/60 Serries Drawiings

9 Drawings
9.1 Equ
ent Overview

ngs WR
60 Seriess

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Se
ervice Agree

S Agreem

Protect Yo
our Inve

ase conta
act our Se
ervice Departmentt to find oout more about ou
pment speecific serrvice plan

Have your Morrris equip

pment mo
odel num
mber readdy so we c can be suure
to provide you
y with the service plan o
option tha
at is bestt for you.

all us at:

Service Agreement
A WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
S On
ne Year Warrranty

ndard 1 Year Manufa
M acturer’s Warrranty

We guarrantee all parts

p and materials
m of our manufa acture againnst defects in workman nship and
material for eighteenn (18) month hs from the date
d of shipm
ment or for ttwelve (12) months from m the date
of installlation, whichever occurrs first. We e will, at ouur option, re epair or repplace, f.o.b.. point of
manufacture, such parts returned d to us that examination action to be defective.
n discloses tto our satisfa
On partss furnished tot us but manufactured
m d by others, we will exttend the same warrantyy that we
receive from the man nufacturer th

No liability shall atta

ach Morris & Associate es for dama ages or delays caused d by defectss, beyond
making such
s repairs
s or furnishin
ng duplicate e parts, nor shall we be e liable for a
any defectivee material
repaired or replaced d without ourr consent, nor
n shall we be liable fo or damages caused by ccorrosion.
We expre essly exclud erant filters, moisture ind
de any refrige dicators, sig
ght glasses, refrigerant ccharge, oil
charge, fuses,
f heateers, maintennance, oiling g, operationn, examinatiion, and oth her labor orr services
beyond the standard Manufacturrer’s Warran nty above.

Standardd Procedure e will be to furnish repllacement pa

arts as requ
uested on a charge ba asis, f.o.b.
factory, with
w credit to
t be issued d after insp
pection and approval off parts or m
materials retturned for
adjustmeent, freight prepaid.

It is understood that advance approval

a will be obtaine eturning anyy material regardless
ed before re
whether it is in or outt of warranty

This warrranty will noot apply to any materia

al or part th
hereof that iss subject to
o accident, m
misuse or
unauthorrized alteration.

One Yea
ar Warranty WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
S Warrranty Registrration

Warrranty Registr
R ration F
PORTANT: ThisT warrantty registratio
on form mustt be completted and returned to Morris &
ociates, Inc. immediately
y following in
nstallation an
nd start-up o
of this unit in
n order to validate
warranty. The warranty is s NOT valid d until receip
pt of this fo orm.
o 1-919-582--9124 Attenttion: Service
Fax to e Dept.

Pre-start Inspection Lis

Ensurred chiller grad
de meets manu
ual specification
Ensurred all interlock
ks connected and
a working pro
ed pumps to en
nsure proper wa
ater movementt
Ensurred no leaks prresent on water or air lines
ected all electric
cal connections

y Registratio
on WRC-RA//RF-50/60 Series

A/RF-50/60 Series
Morris Equip

Morris Equipm
Since 19949 we hav ve manufac ctured the industrial prrocess refriggeration sysstems that keep
on lines running across s the country y and aroun nd the world
d. Thousand ds of Morriss and
Associatees machines are curren product, chilling water, making ice, and
ntly in service chilling p
g years of tro
ouble-free op
Every maachine we build
b is an in
nnovative so nd clean-in-place
olution; enerrgy efficient,, reliable, an
(CIP) capable. Digital controls and remote monitoring systems de ecrease dow wntime and help
maximizee production
n and quality


Drag Chillerrs
The Drag Chiller is a highly re egarded veteran of
the tturkey industtry. It is also very popular with
Augerr Chillers chickken productioon, especiallly with larger bird
Morris Au uger Tumble ers (MAT) are
a the mostt sizess. The Drag Chiller provvides a consiistent,
commonly y used systtems for chiilling poultry. high--moisture pro
oduct and is ccustomized too meet
MATs are e used in all a stages of chilling and
d yourr requirementss.
provide consistent
c te
emperatures and positive
output of birds to furthe
er processing.

H Duty Rocker Chiillers Jet Bird®
The Rock ker Chiller uses
u a mass saging rockerr This patented ssystem brea aks the mo old of
motion to
o create incrreased turbu ulence in the e tradi tional bacteerial manag gement sysstems.
water annd provide enhanced bacteriologica
b l Desiigned for instaallation on au
uger and drag
g versus stand
dard poultry pre-chillers.
p chille
ers, Jet Bird® is a staplle for the modern
poulttry processorr.

Morris Eq
quipment WRC-RA//RF-50/60 S

ade/Brine C
Auto orine & pH System
omated Chlo
Thesse fully-enclossed, insulated
d, in-line marinade
Automate ed control of chlorine leveels is now a chille
ers range in ccapacity from 3 to 39 tons and
reality. Eliminate the e need for one
o full-time-- provvide clean-in-pplace (CIP) ca
apable, out-of-the-
employee e with this proven system. way design.

Ingrredient Chiillers
FiinalKill® Fin
nishing Chiiller® Our in-line ingred
dient chillers are fully encllosed,
The patennted FinalKill®
® Finishing Chiller® serves
s insullated, and designed for eaasy CIP.
as the laast line of de efense against salmonellaa
before the
e product enterrs downstream
m processing.

W Chille
ers / Re-chilllers
We have a full line off process wa ater re-chillers
ranging in n size from 40 tons to 300 tons off
on. These PLC-controllled systems
refrigeratio s Cube™ Ice Makers
Tube C
maintain the water tempperature range within 0.2°F F Our Tube Cube™ ice makerss range in ca apacity
and provid de remote monitoring for ea
asy operations s
from 10 to 110 to ons per day. TThey are configured
for rremote refrige eration systems and packaged
ems that use e Freon® orr ammonia. T These
nless steel un nits are the most energyy- and
wateer-efficient ice makers currenntly in producttion.

A/RF-50/60 Series
Morris Equip


™ Ice Makers
The Nug gget™ ice maker sets the global
standard for package ed ice, fishing, and freshh
produce industries.
i With
W capacities
s from 10 too
150 tons per day, thes
se reliable ma
achines are in
service wo
m Designed P
Challlenge our tteam of dessign enginee ers to
ate the right application ffor you. We have
desiggned custom m solutions for a varie ety of
indusstries in overr 55 countriess. Our equipm
ment is
capaable of chilling anything g from watter to
proccess liquids and from viscous to solid
ce Master® Rakes and Bins
20 to 300 ton capacity rake bins pro
ovide sanitary
or Nugget™ ice and Tube
storage and delivery fo e PUMPS
Cube™ ice. Standa ard and cu ustom sized d
solutions ensure the proper fit f for yourr

gredient Pum
Ing mps
Custom Ic
ce Solution
The Pump Maste w pumps are ideal
er gentle flow
Our engineering team designs, builds, and d for m
moving produ uct from workk stations to other
installs all types of custom
c ice systems.
s Ourr proccess areas inn your facility. Sanitary va
custom eq quipment cann be found in a wide range
e chammbers ensurre consisten nt stroke w without
of applica
ations; from ice and proceessing plants
s distu
urbing the pro
to mobile units and indoor/outdoor ski
s slopes.


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