Oral Defense Rubrics
Oral Defense Rubrics
Oral Defense Rubrics
C A T E G O R I E S 1 2 3 4 5
1. The problem is concise and includes descriptor variables.
Scientific 2. The objectives are clear and relevant.
Thought and 3. The procedures are well-defined
4. The proposed solution is economically feasible.
5. The research has potential contribution/s and is of practical value.
6. The proposal shows creative ability in the approach to solving the problem.
Creativity and 7. The proposal presents an innovative design or idea.
Inventiveness 8. The proposal shows the intelligence and imagination of the researchers in
finding ways to undertake the project.
9. The background of the study provides adequate information.
10. The supporting literature and studies are related to the study at hand.
Thoroughness 11. The reference list is broad enough to support the study and is in correct
APA format.
12. The scope and limitations are acknowledged by the researchers.
13. The methodology contains effectively, quantifiably, concisely organized
Research Skills information that allows the experiment to be replicated.
14. The materials and equipment used are innovatively selected.
15. The discussion was delivered within 4 minutes.
16. The discussion was clear and thorough.
Oral 17. The discussion was aided by a PowerPoint presentation or AV material.
Presentation 18. The PPT or AV material presented was concise and visually pleasing.
19. The proponents were confident and showed enthusiasm.
20. The proponents were able to answer the questions raised by the judges.
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