Every Ton.: For Mining Applications
Every Ton.: For Mining Applications
Every Ton.: For Mining Applications
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Whether you are mining copper in the Andes or oil engIne type 60° Vee 18-CylInder
sand in Alberta, the Cummins QSK78 provides the ASpIrAtIon two-StAge turboChArged,
optimal combination of productivity and performance InterCooled And AfterCooled
in the world’s largest class of haul trucks. It dISplACement 4,735 Cu In 77.6 lIterS
incorporates the best features of our QSK Series bore And StroKe 6.69 In x 7.48 In 170 mm x 190 mm
engines, including advanced combustion technology oIl SyStem CApACIty 304 u.S. Qt 288 lIterS
and robust base engine components. Electronically CoolAnt CApACIty 236 u.S. Qt 224 lIterS
programmable parameters let you customize length 131 In 3327 mm
engine performance to match the equipment, the wIdth 65.5 In 1663 mm
environment and operator requirements. Plus, heIght 95.6 In 2429 mm
the QSK78 comes with standard features like dry weIght 23,810 lb 10,800 Kg
ELIMINATOR,™ CENTINEL™ and Prelub, which wet weIght 24,912 lb 11,300 Kg
help eliminate downtime for routine maintenance
and lengthen life-to-overhaul. Put that together with
exceptional fuel efficiency, and you have the lowest Features And Benefits.
cost per ton of any engine in its class.
■ One-piece cast-iron cylinder block designed to absorb
dynamic internal forces. Wide cylinder spacing allows
for multiple full-life overhauls.
■ Integrated fuel plumbing, metric flat-faced O-ring seals
for sensors and ports, and edge-molded gaskets
reduce the opportunity for fluid leakage.
■ Heavy-duty front gear train modified from the proven
QSK60 design has low gear loading and high fatigue
strength for dependable service.
■ Forged high-strength tensile steel crankshaft with
dual viscous dampers to reduce gear train wear and
tungsten counterweights to provide vibration damping
for long engine and equipment life.
■ High-pressure injection (HPI) fuel system provides
optimum combustion for low emissions and better
fuel economy. “Soft” injection start lowers combustion
■ Two-stage Holset® turbocharging from Cummins
A name You can trust. Every time. Everywhere.
Turbo Technologies delivers full power and
exceptional fuel efficiency at up to an industry- Cummins possesses a vast amount of knowledge in
leading 16,400 ft (5,000 meters) altitude without mine operations. We are ready to assist you with
derate. experienced and dedicated local mining business
leaders and high-horsepower-engine technical
■ Electronic control system allows users to tailor fuel
support – fully backed by the strength of Cummins
system calibrations to application requirements.
industry-leading technology and total support of top
■ CENSE™ provides continuous monitoring of engine management. When you buy a piece of equipment with
performance, cylinder-by-cylinder. Fault codes are a Cummins QSK78, you get more than just an engine.
logged and reported with operational data for quick You get:
and accurate diagnosis and repair.
■ Full life cycle support, with proven engineering
■ One-piece Ferrous Cast Ductile (FCD) iron pistons
expertise from engine commissioning through final
provide increased strength and durability to handle
increased cylinder pressures for longer
life-to-overhaul. ■ Immediate parts and service availability.
■ Dual piston-cooling nozzles per cylinder direct a ■ An established worldwide network with over 500
cooling stream of oil beneath each piston crown distributor facilities in nearly 190 countries, dedicated
and bowl rim for long life with increased reliability. and empowered to service your needs. Every hour,
every day.
■ Wiring is safely enclosed inside a foam-filled
extruded aluminum channel and is completely ■ The best warranty in the
sealed from the external environment to prevent business, which includes
chafing and corrosion damage. DIN-style full coverage for unlimited
connections have a locking feature that protects hours during the first
against pin-fretting damage. year, extending through
two years or 2,000 hours
■ CENTINEL continuous oil replacement system
(whichever comes first).
eliminates oil changes and extends oil filter life,
The base warranty also includes 3-year/10,000-hour
while maintaining the protective quality of engine
standard protection on major components. Extended
oil. Minimizes oil disposal costs, reduces downtime
warranties are available as well.
and increases productivity.
■ ELIMINATOR self-cleaning filtration system With the strength of Cummins at your side, your mine
comes standard and combines full-flow and can process more material with increased uptime
bypass filters with an oil-pressure-powered and greater productivity at a low cost per ton. Most
centrifuge. Stainless steel filter screens trap important, our worldwide presence and comprehensive
particles as small as 20 microns; centrifuge support make Cummins a proven, committed mining
removes particles as small as 2 microns. partner you can always depend on.
■ The Prelub system distributes oil to rifles and For more about the proven advantages of Cummins
friction surfaces and builds oil pressure before QSK78 and all our advanced technology for mining
cranking can occur, reducing engine wear and applications, see your local Cummins distributor.
greatly extending life-to-rebuild.
Cummins Inc.
Box 3005
Columbus, IN 47202-3005
Cummins Ltd