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Sheet1: Q P Description Max Score

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Q P Description Max Score

1 a All correct files submitted 1

1 b Commands work correctly 5

1 c Commands.bash 2

1 - Question total 8 0

2 a Demonstration of secure website 4

b Correct files submitted 1

2 c Message sequence diagram 3

2 d Bytes 0.5
2 d Hash algorithm 0.5
2 d Encryption algorithm 0.5
2 d Modulos 0.5
2 d TLS Encrypting 0.5
2 d Hashing MAC 0.5
2 d Key exchange 0.5
2 d Random bytes 0.5
2 e CA Self-signed 2

2 f Attack 1

2 - Question total 15 0

3 a RBAC table: format. 1.5

3 a RBAC table: design. The 1.5

mappings selected must be
reasonable for the scenario, with
3 b appropriate justification in the
MAC explanation. 1

3 c Password policy considers 1

relevant aspects of choosing new

Page 1
3 c Password policy considers 1
relevant aspects of updating
3 c Password policy is not too 1
inconvenient and not too insecure

3 - Question total 7 0

4 a Firewall rules 3

b Firewall location 1

4 c DMZ 2

4 - Question total 6 0

5 a Web proxy: how it works. Clear, 1

5 a Web proxy: security it provides 1
and limitations
5 b VPN vs proxy: benefits, 1
5 b VPN security and convenience 1
5 - Question total 4 0

- - Assignment sub-total 40 0

- - Files in wrong format e.g. zip or 0 0

many wrong names
- - Days late (part of) 0 0

- - Late penalty (2.5 per day) 0 0

- - Assignment total 40 0

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4
See openssl-log.txt file for automatic marking results

See openssl-log.txt file for automatic marking results

2: Commands included and mostly correct

1: 2 or 3 errors or 1 or 2 missing comments
0: Multiple errors or missing commands

4: Working perfectly
3: Working with minor issue
2: Not working properly
SeeMajor issue file for automatic marking results
0: Not demonstrated

3: All packets clearly shown

2: Minor formatting issues
1: Some mistakes or missing packets
0: Many mistakes or missing packets
8 Bytes
256 Bytes
Diffie Hellman or ECDHE or similar
28 Bytes
2: explanation clear and correct AND benefit clear and correct
1: explanation or benefit is not both clear and correct
0: neither clear and correct
1: correct, enough detail and clear
0: incorrect, or both missing details and unclear

1.5: Tablet structured correctly, containing correct values in the cells.

1: Structured but coorect value missing
0: Incorrect
1.5: The mappings selected reasonable for the scenario, with appropriate justification in
the explanation.
1: Reasonable but not clear
1: Incorrect
Levels and assignments are appropriate.
0: Incorrect

1: Correct
0: incorrect, unclear

Page 5
0:Incorrcet, unclear

1: Correct
0: incorrect, unclear0

3: All rules correct and no unnecessary rules

Deduct 1 mark for a incorrect rule, explanation, missing rule or unnecessary rule
Only consider explanation if rule is wrong

1: clear explanation and justification

0.5: either explanation or justification unclear
0: both unclear

2: clear explanation, pros and cons

1: either explanation or pros/cons unclear
0: both unclear

1: Clear and correct

0.5: Details missing
1: Incorrect
Clear and correct
0.5: Details missing
1: Incorrect
Clear and correct
0.5: Details missing
1: Incorrect
Clear and correct
0.5: Details missing
0: Incorrect

Page 6

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