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Powerlifting - USA - 2 - 2010 PDF

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– World Record Holder,
Team MuscleTech Iron Punisher

June 2010 » Volume 33 » Issue 8

Powerlifting USA ranks the Top 20 for
Teen, Women and Master lifters in the
squat, bench press, deadlift and total

Ron Fernando gets some face-time

with the “irrepressible, controversial,
still strong-as-hell at 75 years of age”
Ernie Frantz

Deric Stockton writes about the
importance of an Active Recovery
Program and how it can help
prevent and heal injuries

WITH FEATS OF STRENGTH THAT DEFY LOGIC, World Record Holder Matt “Kroc” Kroczaleski has
shown the world he’s the best at hauling huge amounts of iron. How has he done it? Intense training
sessions, proper nutrition and, without a doubt, Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series.

In a six-week study on 36 test subjects, the core ingredients in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series
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doesn’t want every advantage in jacking up max bench?

Matt Kroc is a World Record Holder and a seasoned veteran – he knows what works. That’s why
he’s on Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series. Get on it and feel the strength for yourself!

Subjects Taking the Core Ingredients in Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series

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Al Yearby benching in Israel (top), Each Maxed-Out Daily Serving Delivers 11 g of Leucine
Cheryl Anderson pulling some serious and 13 grams of Additional BCAAs!
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with an impressive squat (bottom)
courtesy David Kharif, Powerlifting
USA, and Butch Dunn AVAILABLE AT
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– comes with a FREE DL HELPER –

14 16
“...the most important people in the production
of this publication are the many hundreds of
lifters, fans, meet directors, advertisers, and
administrators who have made enormous
contributions to its success...through their own
love for the sport...this is their magazine.” Ivanko Plates =
22 24 PUBLISHER Mike Lambert
233.5 KG

ADMINISTRATOR Priscilla Ramirez

published monthly for $36.95 by Powerlifting
10 ARNOLD STRONGMAN CLASSIC Steve Downs USA Magazine Co., 2486 Ponderosa Dr. North,
Suite D-216, Camarillo, CA 93010. Periodicals
postage paid at Camarillo, CA, and additional
14 STARTIN’ OUT: BP VARIATIONS Doug Daniels mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to POWERLIFTING USA, P.O. Box 467,
16 HARDCORE GYM #97: W.A.R. HOUSE Rick Brewer Camarillo, California 93011.
22 DAVE HOFF INTERVIEW Curt Dennis Jr. USA addresses, 12 issues....................$36.95 USD
24 WESTSIDE BARBELL: DEADLIFT TRAINING Louie Simmons USA addresses, 24 issues....................$67.95 USD
First Class Mail, USA, 12 issues.........$60.00 USD
26 RAW UNITED NATIONALS Spero Tshontikidis Outside USA, Air Mail, 12 issues.......$96.00 USD
30 NASA NATURAL NATIONALS Rich Peters PHONE 1.800.448.7693 or 805.482.2378
FAX 805.987.4275
34 POWER HISTORY: WESTSIDE BARBELL CLUB Ron Fernando EMAIL info@powerliftingusa.com
Advertising rates available upon request
40 ALL TIME TOP 50: MEN 242 TOTAL Michael Soong
46 POWER NUTRITION Anthony Ricciuto © POWERLIFTING USA 2010. Reproduction of this magazine,
in whole or part, is prohibited without written consent. Opinions
58 ASK THE DOCTOR Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale expressed herein are those of the writer only, and may or may not
be in agreement with Powerlifting USA.

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as told to Powerlifting USA by Tom Eiseman

Come on down to Alex Campbell’s all-time. Mike Hedlesky pulled 804 at the Pro
extreme deadlifting show and see who takes DL meet at the Arnold this year and he lifts big
home the money! APT Night of the Living weights like they’re nothing. Allister Sheffield
Deadlift (NOTLD) is the wild and well run show has pulled in the mid 700 range at 198. Rich
in TN, on Saturday, October 23, 2010, to find Sadiv has pulled upper 600s as a master in
the top deadlifters in the world! If you think the 181 class. Hal Loyd is coming all the way
you can deadlift, you don’t want to miss this!!! from Alaska. Brent Howard, Sgt. Rock, came
The NOTLD is going into its 7th year!! close with 810 in February of this year and he
NOTLD is not sanctioned by any single always puts on quite a show. Brandon Cass,
federation so lifters from any affiliation can C4, is a ripped bodybuilder and strongman
participate. In this way we can find a unified that has pulled over 800 raw weighing 229.
champion AMONGST ALL FEDERATIONS, James “Pitbull” Searcy will be returning to the
ALL NATIONS AND ALL PLANETS! It takes NOTLD this year. He has deadlifted in the up-
place in late OCTOBER IN TENNESSEE! per 800 range raw and this time he’s training
The first year of the NOTLD there were ten with gear. Mike Nease who’s pulled 865 as a
competitors and a tremendous group of fans. master will be back! At the first NOTLD I at-
Every year it has grown and the competitions tended I saw him exceed the strongman record
have gotten closer and more fierce. This year pull from 18” with 1145 and do it with ease!
we are already honored with more talent than All the spots aren’t filled yet, but they soon
has ever congregated to a deadlift meet! This is will be! All of these guys are capable of win-
a professional meet and the cash prize so far is ning it all!!! In addition, there will be women
$1000, winner takes all! Go to the website for competing. Rhonda Clark has commited. She
regular updates on the show: www.nightofthe- is a master IPF champion powerlifter with a
livingdeadlift.blogspot.com great deadlift. She has recently pulled 440 at
We are excited to have Andy Bolton, the 165. Also, she has competed in the IPF Pro
Babe Ruth of deadlifting, on the APT NOTLD Deadlift Meet at the Arnold and she holds a
stage this year. He is the only human to dead- Pan-american record.
lift over 1000 pounds. He’s done 1003 and Lastly, I, Tom Eiseman, will be there. I
1008!!! He is to strength what Usain Bolt is to have won the last five in a row. Andy Bolton
speed. He is a spectacle and he and Chris Jen- issued a challenge to see who can pull the big-
kins are coming to Tennessee in late October gest deadlift in the world and what a turnout!!!
The Babe Ruth of Deadlifting – Andy Bolton to stake their claim to the prize money and the His challenge meet will be in May 2011. I
title of the Unified Best Deadlifter in the World. have issued a challenge too: let’s see who is
All are invited that have deadlifted 2.5 the best puller in the world by formula and
times their bodyweight and 600 or more in the now Mr. Bolton and Chris Jenkins are travel-
men’s division and 2 times their bodyweight ing over 3000 miles to stake their claim!!! Will
and 400 or more in the women’s. So if you you be there!?! I am returning for the sixth
think you can deadlift, you need to get there!!! time because, like all the lifters that have been
Also, you may never again get the chance to there know and if you show up you’ll find out,
lift on the same platform as the only 1000 lb. Mr. Campbell does it right! He draws a wild
plus deadlifter in the world and you may never enthusiastic crowd. He draws talent from all
get the chance to see so many of the strongest over. He creates an atmosphere to inspire all
deadlifters on the planet defy gravity. to do their best. He entertains with music and
In addition to Andy Bolton, as mentioned gets the crowd and lifters excited with his col-
above, is Chris Jenkins from Wales. He is a orful introductions and announcing! He started
tremendous powerlifter that is exceptionally all this to raise money for kids and he contin-
great at the deadlift. He has done 774 at 198 ues to do it with excellence! It’s an honor to be
in the deadlift! Here is the rest of the line up so on the stage with any and all of these amazing
far: Doc Holloway has come so close to win- people and before the wonderful people that
ning the three times he’s competed at NOTLD support this event.
that it’s ridiculous. He’s capable of mid 600s Travis Mash won the first show, Tee Mey-
at 148! Robert Herring, two time champion ers the second, I showed up for the next five
of the Pro DL meet at the Arnold has pulled and won. I pulled 800 at 181 lb. 24 years ago,
749 weighing 188! Jon Rock has totaled more but I’ll be 52 this year and you have to realize
than 10 times his bodyweight at 198 and I’m not as strong as I was—I am stronger! So
will pull 750 or more. Marcus Williams is a if you think you can deadlift, you don’t want to
multiple title holder and has deadlifted into the miss this one!!!
650 range at 148. Derek Wilcox, who gets so Meet the challenge, have fun and let’s
much stronger by the minute it’s hard to keep see who takes home the money! Here is the
Pulling machine, Tom Eiseman – Hawaii Record track, but be sure that he will be one of the website to keep updated: www.nightoftheliv-
Breakers in 1988 best! At 198 he has the 15th ranked squat of ingdeadlift.blogspot.com. «


as told to Powerlifting USA by Steve Downs, C.S.C.S. » photography by Jason Breeze

The 2010 MHP Arnold Strongman Classic dominated the

stage at the Arnold Expo in Columbus, Ohio, March 5–6, with
ten of the world’s best strength competitors going head-to-
head before a live crowd of nearly 40,000 people! All the big
names in strongman were on hand, including returning champ
Derek Poundstone, six-time winner Zydrunas Savickas, World’s
Strongest Man top contenders Phil Pfister, Brian Shaw and Travis
Ortmayer, plus powerlifting great Brian Siders, among others.
With some major changes on the table for the 2010 MHP
Arnold Strongman, the action was fierce from the first event.
The Apollon’s Wheel clean and press was moved up to a 459
lb. max weight, while heaviest Manhood Stone was a massive
533 lb. For the Circus Dumbbell one-arm clean and press, the
thick-handled dumbbell was increased from 202 lb. in 2009
to 228 this year. And the final event—which took place during
the Arnold Classic bodybuilding finals on Saturday night—saw
the Timber Carry poundage set at 1003 lb.—the heaviest ever
handled for this event.
Friday’s events consisted of the Apollon’s Wheel and Man-
Travis Ortmayer – 3rd place overall hood Stone lift over the bar. When the chalk dust cleared,
Poundstone had 17 points, Misha Koklyaev posted 16 and
Ortmayer had 15. Shaw was in fourth place with 14 points and
Savickas followed in fifth with 13.5.
Day two’s events began on Saturday at 1 P.M. on the Expo
stage with the Circus Dumbbell lift, an event that required
athletes to pull the gigantic thick-handled dumbbell made by
Sorinex from the floor with two hands to get it to their shoulder
and then heave it overhead using only one arm. Zydrunas
had the audience on its feet as he thrust the dumbbell upward
for the ninth time to claim the lead. But just moments later,
Poundstone locked out 10 repetitions with 30 seconds still left
on the clock.
Savickas pulled out all stops in the Tire Deadlift, pulling
1027 lb. and taking first place, while Brian Shaw managed
1021.5 and Derek Poundstone pulled 1016 lb. The Timber
Carry was held on Saturday evening at Veteran’s Memorial
Misha Koklyaev – won 2nd in Apollon’s Derek Poundstone locked out 10 Circus Coliseum. Competitors had to carry the mammoth frame as far
Wheel and 4th overall in the competition Dumbbell reps to take 1st place! up the steeply-angled, 40-foot ramp as they could. Phil Pfister
electrified the crowd as the first man ever to lug the frame all
the way to the top, doing so in 20.43 seconds. A short time
later, with a shot at second and perhaps even first on the line
(if Poundstone couldn’t finish the run), Zydrunas raced up the
ramp with the half-ton frame in 10.16 seconds.
But Poundstone was not to be denied. After deadlifting the
frame to see its weight, he picked it up and sprinted to the top
in an impossibly fast 9.28 seconds, thereby easily taking the
MHP Arnold Strongman Classic victory.
However, Derek wasn’t finished for the day. After accepting
his check from Gerard Dente, president of MHP, and receiv-
ing the massive Louis Cyr bronze trophy from Arnold himself,
Derek invited his girlfriend, Kristen, on stage to thank her for
her support. But once she was out there, he dropped to one
knee and proposed to her! What an amazing finish to a great
strongman event! «

Derek Poundstone – 45 Points Dave Ostlund – 22.5 Points
Zydrunas Savickas – 41 Points Phil Pfister – 20.5 Points
Travis Ortmayer – 37.5 Points Kostiantyn Ilin – 17 Points
Misha Koklyaev – 37 Points Nick Best – 13 Points
Zydrunas Savickas – took 1st place in the Tire Deadlift, pulling 1027 lb.!
Brian Shaw – 33 Points Brian Siders – 10 Points


GEST MAN—MHP strongman superstar dominated
the first World’s Strongest Man qualifier of 2010—a
prestigious event known as Giants Live—and came
away with a crushing victory. Giants Live was held in
Johannesburg, South Africa, on April 10–11th and a
dozen of the top strongmen clashed for one of three
shots at competing at the World’s Strongest Man later
this year.
Shaw won three of the six events contested,
BENCH—MHP bench press
wowing the crowd of over 25,000 fans who at-
superstars Joe Mazza and Al
tended the event. “The Mammoth” won the Keg
Davis crushed the competi-
Toss, African Stone Carry and the Atlas Stones on his
tion at the MHP Kings of
way to overall victory.
the Bench IV in Mesquite,
Brian will continue his preparation for the World’s
Texas, and came away with
Strongest Man by competing in the Mohegan Sun
raw records and big prizes.
Grand Prix on April 25th. Brian will face MHP
The competition, promoted
Strongman teammate Derek Poundstone—a two-time
by Sean Katterle, was held
winner of the Mohegan Sun—at this year’s competi-
in association with the NPC
Ronnie Coleman Classic on
“The Mammoth” is a longtime MHP supplement
Saturday, April 10th.
user who claims Up Your MASS weight gainer—with
Making the move to the
chocolate fudge brownie being his favorite flavor—is
raw (no equipment) division
key to keeping muscular weight on his massive 6’8”
at the Kings of the Bench
390 lb. frame. He also uses Dark Rage pre-training
meet, Mazza dominated the
and Dark Matter afterward for recovery. To keep his
lightweight division (175.9
joints strong, Brian takes Releve joint formula daily.
lb. & under). Weighing in
at 175.2 lb., the New Jersey
native pressed 450 (more MHP’s BCAA 3300 Powered by Twice the Leucine—MHP’s BCAA 3300 sets a new standard in strength-
than 2.5 times his weight) building sports supplementation by providing the most highly anabolic branched chain amino acid com-
to take the $1000 first place plex in a timed release formula. BCAA 3300 is the first and only supplement to deliver a highly anabolic
4:1:1 BCAA ratio, making it far superior to all other BCAA products that use a 2:1:1 ratio on the market.
prize. In the Strict Bench for
The newest scientific research reports that the amino acid leucine is the anabolic powerhouse due to its
Reps division, Mazza pushed major role in activating protein synthesis and simulating a higher rate of muscle growth and repair via the
out 16 repetitions with 315 mTOR anabolic pathway. This makes leucine the most critical BCAA for promoting overall protein synthesis
lb.—an amount equal to 1.8 for peak muscle building. BCAA 3300 utilizes a highly anabolic 4:1:1 branched chain amino acids ratio that
times his bodyweight! Joe contains four times the amount of the leucine to isoleucine and valine. The unique timed release delivery
has been the captain of Team system provides a steady supply of these key BCAAs for up to 12 hours. This allows for a continual supply
MHP since 2004. and maximum absorption and utilization of these critical aminos for superior strength and muscle building,
Fellow Team MHP anti-catabolic muscle protection, energy production and recovery over conventional BCAA formulas.
MHP’s BCAA 3300 is the most sophisticated, advanced anabolic BCAA formula available and is a must
squad member Big Al Davis
have for all serious powerlifters looking to up their poundages to record-setting levels! For more information
returned to defend his 2009 or to order, call 888-783-8844 or visit MHPstrong.com.
Kings of the Bench title and
he did not disappoint. The
296 pounder blasted up 635
lb. to win the heavyweight
category and a cool grand.
In the 405 lb. Bench for
Strict Reps contest, the Texas
Titan came back to pump
out a massive 19 reps to win
another $250 in cash and
a $250 gift certificate from
HouseofPain.com. Big Al
joined Team MHP in 2009.
The competition was
aired on a live videostream
on JustIn.TV, courtesy of
com. Edited replays of the
complete contest video will
be available on the Muscu-
larDevelopment.com website
very soon. Additional video
clips will also be posted on
HouseOfPain.com’s weight-
lifting blog and on YouTube.
Al Davis Joe Mazza
For any inquiries regarding these MHP press releases, contact Steve Downs, MHP Marketing Director, 973.785.9055, sdowns@maxperformance.com


as told to Powerlifting USA by Doug Daniels

When choosing assistance exercises for the

powerlifts, I suggest you choose ones that pro-
vide the highest positive transfer of strength to Matt “KROC” Kroczaleski
the targeted lift; and for this month we will deal WORLD-RECORD HOLDER: 220 CLASS
with the bench. The best way to accomplish MAX DEADLIFT: 810 LBS.
that is to choose exercises that are the most MAX SQUAT: 1,014 LBS.
similar to the bench yet still can provide differ-
ent stimuli to the muscle groups involved. The
cool thing is that this can be achieved by using
variations of the standard bench press and do
not require any equipment other than a normal
flat bench and a power bar. These variations
are the result of simply changing grip width on
the bar, elbow position, bar path or range of
The first variation of the bench entails
altering your grip width on the bar. Grip width

Test Subjects Instantly

variations emphasize different upper body
muscle groups for specific goals. A common
competition bench grip is slightly wider than
shoulder width. This width emphasizes the
pecs, delts and triceps equally, more or less. By
simply widening your grip, more emphasis is
shifted to the pecs and away from the triceps. The late Anthony Clark originally used a narrow grip to bench press his record poundages and
Before widening out too far all at once, I sug- then later converted to a reverse grip, yet another grip variation
gest widening your grip 1 inch on each side
every 2–3 weeks. This will allow your muscles to the body shifts the work away from the pecs the load equally to all the muscle groups while
and tendons to become accustomed to a wider and towards the delts and triceps. providing continuous tension.
grip and develop the required flexibility and
strength. Going too wide too quickly could result
The path of the bar can also be varied. Bar
path is defined as where the bar hits on the
Several of these variations can be combined
to tailor a bench workout that can fit whatever
in an injury such as a pull or strain, take your chest. During a normal bench, the bar would your goals are. For example, a lifter in need of
time and increase gradually. You may notice hit the chest near the nipple area, which is the more pec power would work wide grip benches
If you’re not on new naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series then you’re not
some pec soreness after the first few workouts
due to the new stress placed upon them. I sug-
position of best power and leverage. Varying
where the bar hits the chest enables different
parts of the pectorals to be stressed. The incline
with elbows out. For a final pump set, he would
do partials from the bottom using the same grip
and elbow position. For added variety, some
doing everything possible to instantly increase your strength. NEW Our Most Powerful
gest using a little less weight at first, as you may
not possess sufficient pectoral strength to use bench press is relied on to work the upper pecs, sets could be performed high or low on the
the same weights with the wider grip. Lower but similar results can be achieved by lower- chest. Triceps can be targeted by using close Want to smash a PB the next time you step into ingredient in naNO Vapor® Hardcore Pro Series
your weights by 20 percent from your normal ing the bar higher on the chest, toward the (shoulder) width benches, regular benches with your iron playground? Sure you do – it’s your increased strength by 18.3 percent on the chest
width grip bench. Before you know it, you will shoulders, during a regular bench press. As with elbows in and benching from one-half way up sole purpose every time you hit the weights. press compared to when using a placebo (5,254
surpass your old narrower grip poundage. By increasing grip width, don’t go too high on the to lockout. Then why wouldn’t you prime your mind and vs. 4,442 lbs. of total weight lifted). But there’s
adding more involvement from the larger and chest or heavy too quickly. Work into the weight One final recommendation on bench press body with the exact amount of a key ingredient more to this new training experience than just
potentially stronger pectorals, you now are us- gradually. Again, there may be some initial safety I have is to not use the thumbless or false
soreness due to the different stimulus on the grip. This grip was perhaps made famous in
shown in published scientific research to an instant increase in strength.
ing more available muscle power to bench than
relying on the smaller triceps to carry the load. pecs. I’ll repeat the warning of not going too the bodybuilding magazines of the 1970s. The increase strength on the very first dose? In a It’s a raging rush of energy that consumes
The flip side or narrowing your bench grip high on the chest. Some lifters lower the bar California bodybuilders believed they got a bet- third-party, double-blind, crossover, placebo- your every movement and harnesses
is another option. A narrower grip emphasizes to the neck, which, of course, can be danger- ter pump or feel with the thumbless grip. Please controlled study, 18 subjects taking a key razor-sharp mental focus. It’s also a nitric
your triceps while reducing involvement of the ous if they lose the lift. Always use a spotter leave this to those golden boys! Benching while oxide charged, blood-boiling experience that’s
pecs. Too many lifters use a grip that is too while doing any bench presses no matter what not having your thumb around the bar makes designed to amplify anabolic nutrient delivery
narrow, some even going as narrow as touch- variation. The reverse effect is gained when it more likely to fall out of your hand and on to IN CREASE RAW STRENG TH
& PERF ORMAN CE while you’re hitting the weights. It’s even
ing their hands together in the middle of the hitting the bar lower on the chest, more towards you. I would bet most of the injuries involving
bar—not a good idea. Any grip narrower than the waist. This variation targets the lower pecs, a dropped bar could have been prevented by formulated with two other key ingredients
shoulder width does not work the triceps any like decline benches. Neither of these varia- using a thumb grip. shown in research to build lean muscle faster
better than benching with a shoulder width. tions requires any special benches and can be The regular bench press is still your best than when using a placebo. In a controlled
Total Weight Lifted (lbs. x reps)
Second, this narrow of a grip can cause a lot of performed on a regular bench. choice for building power in the lift itself, but scientific study conducted at the University
pain on your wrists and shoulders. Lastly, you The last variation revolves around range by simply varying grip width, bar path, elbow of São Paulo, researchers separated the
have far less control of the bar and can easily of movement or in other words, limiting the position or range of movement, the regular
test subjects into two groups of 10. At the
lose it, risking injury. A shoulder width grip is a range of movement to less than a full bench bench can be tailored to fit your individual needs
win-win choice that provides maximum triceps press. Pressing from the chest to one-half to without requiring any extra costly equipment or end of just eight weeks, the test subjects
stimulus, greater comfort and safety. Oh yeah, two-thirds of the way up keeps tension on the gym space. Since all these variations are hybrids using key ingredients in naNO Vapor Hardcore
and you can use more weight. pecs and builds power off the chest. Pressing of the bench, the positive strength transfer to Pro Series gained dramatically more lean
Varying elbow position is the next bench from one-half to two-thirds of the way down to your competition bench will be high. As with muscle than the control subjects. Get on this
variation. Positioning your elbows out at right lockout switches the work to the triceps. The any assistance exercises, do not go overboard all-in-one pre-workout formula to take your
angles from the body shifts more work the pecs. logical final range variation is pressing through and perform too many extra sets. Sometimes lifts to the next level.
In a third-party, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled study,
Flip-siding again, positioning your elbows close the middle of the movement. This distributes choices can be too obvious and simple. « 18 subjects taking a key ingredient in naNO Vapor Hardcore Pro Series
increased strength on the chest press by 18.3% compared to when
using a placebo (5,254 vs. 4,442 lbs. of total weight lifted). Read label before use. © 2010. For more
information, visit MuscleTech.comSM.
public at first, due to the size, but we plan to in 2004 in Strongman. He then went on to and some Westside, with a twist. With the
expand and start selling memberships. Mean- compete at the Lightweight World’s Strongest knowledge between the three of us, we make
while, if you train strongman or powerlifting Man in Finland in 2004. it work very well. Thanks for the publicity
as told to Powerlifting USA by Rick Brewer of House of Pain » rick@houseofpain.com and are in town, you are more than welcome Rob Kolberer has been competing in Rick!
to come by and train. (Of course, you have to powerlifting for years and has competed on
figure out what state they are in first! RB) We the national and world level. In 2008, he The W.A.R. House
First of all, sorry about the missing article won’t tell you what state they are in. Not yet. etc.) We finally had enough, and in August have already had some guys from out-of-state won the bench only master’s division in the 2333 Lackland Road
last month. I was heading out-of-town to a We’ll find out how smart you are! The bible is of 2009, removed all of Willie’s strongman swing by to train. We are not well-known 308s—and was sick. Rob did not realize at XXXX, XX
powerlifting meet for HOUSE OF PAIN when the final word on everything, so I’ll let Andy equipment, and all of Rob’s powerlifting right now because we are pretty new, but we the time, but he was suffering from kidney 314.267.0896
the deadline arrived. Time was up, but now I’m Bible tell you about The W.A.R. House. equipment—such as the pro competition definitely welcome the hardcore powerlifter failure. That was his last contest to date, but
back! Two months ago we talked about Weight- My name is Andy Bible, and I have been bench, reverse hyper, kilo plates, chains, or strongman! There are no bodybuilders at he will be back. He is currently on dialysis Big thanks to Andy Bible for this W.A.R.
lifting Unlimited, in Winchester, VA. I hope volunteered by Willie Wessels to be the bands. I got us set up with an office space in a The W.A.R. House either. (We don’t have a and is awaiting a kidney transplant. Rob was House Gym info! Okay class, can you tell me
some of you went to their 20th BP meet! They “public relations guy” for our gym. I will give strip plazaabout two miles from Eagle Gym. pec deck, ab roller, or hip adducter. ALL of also forced to go out on disability as a police the city and state of this gym? If you get it right,
have a really cool gym—in a state with several youthebackground on it. We came up with the name “The W.A.R. our training is strictly power/explosive or can officer from the City of St. John (municipality you’ll get a Gold Star and we’ll look at another
good power gyms. But now, it’s time for new Willie, Rob Kolberer and myself were House,” which stands for Willie, Andy and be done with what we have in the facility.) in XXXX County). gym in the same new Iron-Power-State next
meat. I promised to tell you about a brand new members of Eagle Gym for well over a decade Rob (couldn’t name it RAW because some of I know you know who Willie Wessels is I am also a police officer in Overland, XX, month! If you guess wrong, we’ll feature a Hard-
state filled with hard-training monsters of the each. Willie obviously had numerous guys the guys use gear). Since the move, we have and what his accomplishments have been which is another muni in XXXX County. I core Gym from a different state before we take
strongest type! So far, none of you have been training strongman with him, and Rob and purchased a brand new monolift, dumb- in the past, but I’ll give you a recap. He is won the 2009 Chicago Summer Bash bench another look at this brave new frontier! Show
able to guess which state it is! So we’re going I basically lead the powerlifting group. We bells and a refrigerator (for the water and most proud of his 2403 total in 1997. That only in the 242s with a 601 second, and a me how smart you are!
to do things a little different this month. We’re were getting a little agitated with the way gatorade). Willie has also hosted a strong- was comprised of a 1004 squat, 661 bench just missed a 628, with a partially torn left Lift big, eat big, and sleep long. Be original
going to blind-fold you on this gym tour, and see Eagle gym was being run the past few years man show there already, which was insane! (670 was his best ever), and a 799 deadlift. shoulder. I also got the best overall lifter and respect the legally trademarked names of
if you can tell what state we are in! (music could not be loud anymore with hard You couldn’t move when you walked in the This total was a world record then, and he award (because Tommy Harrison Jr. and a other gyms and businesses (even if you live in
This month, we’re going to visit “The rock/metal playing, owner lost interest in our doors, it was so crowded. Granted, it’s not a weighed 236. He has won World’s twice, won couple other big cats bombed!). CT).
W.A.R. House” and see how they do things cause and people started to question the way big place, but the spectators and competitors Lightweight Amateur Nationals in Strongman Most of our powerlifting training is com- Can you name the city and state yet? Email
in the new state. I’ll give you a few clues, but I we train—like with reverse bands, chains, loved it. The gym is not exactly open for the twice, and won the Lightweight Pro Nationals prised of some methods used by B.I.G. Iron, me at rick@houseofpain.com.

Mike Wortham doing a seated press at The W.A.R. House Andy Bible benching off boards with the help of his W.A.R. House buddies (Andy Bible photos)

as told to Powerlifting USA by Judd Biasiotto, Ph.D.

A candid conversation with powerlifting’s

This is in response to Dr. Hatfield’s bashing of
dynamic demigod, Dr. Fred Hatfield, on the today’s lifting/lifters. With all due respect, you give
state of powerlifting, performance enhancing us, the next generation, NONE.
equipment, his powerlifting records and his
guarantee for future greatness in business I will talk only from personal experience. I began
and sports. playing tennis in 1979 with an old wooden racket.
I remember getting my first T-3000 (I think it was
called) metal framed racket with the little head, like
INTRODUCTION Jimmy Connors played with. There was an amazing
It’s hard not calling Hatfield the greatest improvement in my game once I got used to it!
strength athlete who ever walked the face of the Then the graphite generation came with oversized
earth. He is unequivocally the greatest squatter heads such as the Head Director and Prince rackets
who ever lived. His phenomenal career includes like Andre Agassi and Michael Chang were using
four World titles, over 100 world records, and in the late ‘80s to early ‘90s. Now, in the 21st
countless international championships. He century, the rackets are absolutely amazing! My
racket is a Wilson Hammer 6.2 Stretch System.
broke more than 30 world and national records
(Doesn’t sound too different from Inzer Extra High
in five different weight divisions, a feat never be- Performance Heavy Duty, ha ha.) Serena Williams
fore accomplished by any athlete in any sport. played with one of these—need I say more. I can
Arguably he is the most complete power athlete blast flat/inside out serves at over 100mph, hit
in sports history, capable of providing super the most amazing top-spin forehands and slice
human performance in every power movement backhands that weren’t even conceptualized by the
known to man. tennis community untill Bjorn Borg began the “top-
Dr. Judd Biasiotto: What is the BEST power- spin” era in the ‘70s—but there is such a mutual
lifting related idea you ever came up with? repect amongst the tennis champions from the past
Dr. Fred Hatfield with Markus Schick at the ‘10 and the present. I’ve never heard anyone complain
Dr. Fred Hatfield: Wow, this question covers
Arnold Classic (Gundula von Bachhaus photo) about the progression of racket technology, string
a tremendously broad spectrum! I have had so tension or type, or the fact that the top players
many crazy ideas, so many brilliant ideas, so return to consciousness, of no worth whatso- show up with 8 rackets to a match! (Show up with
many truly goofy ideas, folks. But only a few ever; and pointless discussions with myself 8 shirts, who cares!) It’s a trickle UP affect, and I
were ever actually implemented. because others would have become bored say respect exists in sports because of the repect
Strictly related to powerlifting, right? or lost. At some points in my life there was between the individuals who make up the sport.
Okay. I’d give ANYTHING to be able to show nothing worth remembering, and nothing so I prefer to compete in the UPA or the APF because
the powerlifting world all of the rules changes complex that I could not comprehend it, and you can choose to lift however you want. Walk it

I recommended which were subsequently therefore to be summarily forgotten. out or not, drugs or not, gear, lots-o-gear, or raw...
But not on THAT night! Powerlifting, in
ack up your strength with Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series. Unlike low-dosed

adopted! Any of you guys who were on the whatever! I like that! And I like to train raw, single-
committee back in the old days have a copy my mind, was BORN on that night! Then it ply, and mutiple-ply—these are in the rotation creatine supplements, Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is engineered with a
of them? Too bad. But I KNOW you remem- died on the next. You can reawaken it. With as part of the next genaration’s hybrid, conjugate 10,000 mg (that’s right – 10 grams!) super dose of creatine. That’s at least
ber them! Folks, one night in the way-back, in love. Only love. periodization system. twice as much creatine per serving than other top brands. Cell-Tech Hardcore
the mistypast, in the days that people actually JB: What was your relationship with Joe Weider Disrespect breeds disrespect, but please don’t rain Pro Series is also the only creatine supplement with a patent-protected, 75 grams
gave a damned for this sport, I was on a like, and how did he feel about powerlifting as on my parade! I love lifting as it exists! Denim is of dextrose to spike insulin and drive more creatine into muscles than low-carb
roll! I was on the phone with ten of the most a sport? like increased horse power in motorcycle technol-
ogy each year. Briefs are like better basketball creatine supplements. Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series also has 200 mg of
powerful people in the powerlifting world, FH: When I worked for Joe Weider, I learned
and I had them in the palm of my hand! I was an important lesson. Tell your boss the shoes which increase capability yet absorb impact Alpha Lipoic Acid – a key component of the core ingredients which were
eloquent! I was compelling! I gave them boun- TRUTH, no matter the consequence. BIL- and decrease wear and tear on the body. Canvas is shown to outperform creatine alone.
like a modern NFL helmet vs. the old leather ones.
teously of my love for this sport! I was also LIONS of dollars were at stake! It got me a Trust me, you can hit a hell of a lot harder with a
In fact, the Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula is so effective that in a 28-day
somewhat drunk, and therefore uninhibited. vice-presidency that was answerable ONLY to new one! (I played both rugby and football in high study, subjects taking the core ingredients in Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series with a
But I KNOW that you remember every- Joe! Even the PRESIDENT of the company school and you can hit with way more force in a hardcore training program significantly increased their raw strength on the bench
thing I said! Otherwise, you would not have, couldn’t trump my word to Joe. I have always helmet!) Westside and EFS have paved the way for press compared to those using just creatine. Subjects in the same study also
on the very next day, called an emergency worshipped truth. Always will.Truth will a whole new generation.
meeting of the entire committee to RESCIND always make you free.
significantly built more mass than subjects taking creatine alone (4.34 lbs. vs.
I had held you, Dr. Hatfield, in the same regard 0.16 lbs.). Get on Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series today!
all that we so brilliantly agreed to the night That was my relationship with Joe. I could as Louie Simmons or Dave Tate, as a purveyor of
before! Makes me think y’all were the ones regale you with stories and stories! You know strength knowledge. In fact, I’ve owned the book
who were drunk that night! that! But like photographs in your mind POWER The Scientific Approach and a Safety Squat • Test subjects gained significantly more explosive strength than with
I say this because it may well be the ONLY (because you left your camera at home), these Bar for 15 or 20 years. But after reading this inter- regular creatine.
time in my life I ever did anything of worth stories are mostly remembrances—not to be view you sound more like an old man stuck in his
for this sport! You see, folks, I have walked displayed openly to the world. ways rather than an ex-champion passing on the • Powered by 10,000 mg of creatine – at least 100% more creatine
the edge of madness. Truly! As many of you, I will tell you this, however. Joe was a torch to the next best up-and-coming champions. per serving than other top brands!
I understand madness and embrace it. It is a closet powerlifter! See, folks, back in the old Tennis greats from Rod Laver, Bjorn Borg and
part of the human experience. There is noth- days of our sport, when I got my start, pow- Johnny Mac, to Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Roger • Formulated with 75 grams of dextrose to dramatically boost insulin
ing on this earth that makes sense because erlifting was contested as “odd-lifts” during a Federer, and Rafael Nadal (to name just a few) levels so you can transport more creatine into muscles for fast results.
it is all an illusion. I offer this explanation in bodybuilding competition. Doing various feats show nothing but respect for each other, yet equip-
support of my belief: in my life, I have had of strength was a way of entertaining the ment and technique advances in the sport of tennis
and in all sports has been staggering. No different
worthless epiphanies, illegible notes written crowd during an otherwise boring display of
than powerlifting.
in the middle of the night that were, upon my guys climbing up on a table with a light bulb
With all due respect, In a placebo-controlled, 28-day study on 32 individuals divided into four groups and conducted at AVAILABLE NOW!
page 86 » Deric Stockton, Owner Core Strength RX, Elite PLer a physiology lab in Greenwich, CT, subjects taking the core formula in Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series
with a hardcore training program built significantly more mass than those taking creatine alone
(4.34 vs. 0.16 lbs.). Cell-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is patented. © 2010.


the eighth consecutive year, the Delaware Valley will be treated to the
sport of strongman at its highest level as the MHP Liberty Strongman Clas-  FOR THE 
sic (presented by the U.S. Army) returns with a world class lineup on the
July 4th weekend. Approximately $15,000 in cash and prizes will be at
stake and at least five competitors from the famed World’s Strongest Man
TV competition will take part in this year’s competition.
The 2010 lineup features Denver resident Brian Shaw. The former Divi- 
sion I basketball player (South Dakota) finished on the podium at the 2009
WSM in Malta and won the WSM Super Series overall award for 2009. Rear Admiral Hal Pittman of the U.S. Cen-
Also returning to defend his 2009 Liberty Strongman title is John Conner, tral Command and R.A.W. United Presi-
who also placed in the top three of the Olympia Strongman Challenge.
dent Spero Tshontikidis would like to invite
This year’s show will be the most grueling ever—three locations, six
events (including two bone-crushing medleys) and the East Coast July heat federation leaders to unite for the first ever,
will push these gravity fighters to the extreme. all RAW, multi-sanctioned, Armed Forces
EVENT SCHEDULE Championships on September 11-12 at
Friday, July 2, 2010: Katmandu – 50 River View Plaza Trenton, NJ 08611 MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.
(609.393.7300). Two events – Overhead Log Press for repetitions. These
incredible strength athletes will clean and press a 305-pound log overhead
for as many reps as possible—veins will be popping! Hummer Tire Dead The contest will be FREE, and is open to
Lift. You think you’ve seen deadlifting. Why use regular old gym lifting active duty personnel, reservists, guards-
plates when you can make it crazy with real Hummer tires weighing in
men, and armed forces veterans. In addi-
at over 125 pounds each. With the “Last Man Standing” format, the lifts
could reach over 1,000 pounds! tion, students attending a military school
and/or actively participating in a military
Saturday July 3rd or Sunday July 4th: Welcome America! Tens of
thousands of fans pack Benjamin Franklin Parkway in front of the world
program (ROTC, Sea Cadets, etc.) are
renown Art Museum each day to check out the festivities. Last year, the eligible to compete.
Philadelphia Inquirer said the Strongman Show “ruled” the Parkway—and
it did. This year, three full events including two grueling medleys, will test
these world class athletes—many from the “World’s Strongest Man” televi- Federation leaders/military lifters in-
sion show—to the limit on Saturday. The events are the Conan’s Wheel terested in learning more can contact
(650 pounds), Tire Flip (900 pounds)/Sled Drag Medley (1,200 pounds) Spero at rawunitedinc@gmail.com or
and the Shield Carry (400 pounds)/Car Deadlift Medley. Gerard Benderoth and the Phillies mascot 321.505.1194.
Sunday July 4th: Trenton Thunder Minor League Baseball game. Great
Eastern League action will be followed by the Atlas Stones Challenge. A John Conner and Philadelphia’s finest The complete proposal can be viewed
standing-room-only crowd of over 9,000 fans will rock Waterfront Park in
a strongman showcase that is now a legendary event around the world. at www.rawunited.org. As a result of this
publication, the deadline for federations
The confirmed competitor lineup includes:
Gerard Benderoth: 5'11", 370 pounds, New York long time American pro- to submit the proposal’s “Letter of Intent to
fessional, former New York City Police Officer and September 11, 2001, Participate” has been extended to Saturday,
first responder to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. June 12 to be a part of the sanction and
Nick Best: 6'2", 330 pounds, Las Vegas Arnold Classic competitor, com-
peted in world championships in 2007. support America’s true heroes. Entry forms
John Conner: 6'6", 360 pounds, Kansas City, MO, defending Liberty and Rules of Performance will be available
Strongman champion.
on June 14.
Karl Gillingham: 6'2", 308 pounds, Minneapolis, MN, 3x “World’s Stron-
gest Man” competitor.
Steve MacDonald: 6'2", 310 pounds, Pittsburgh, PA, former American
champion and Arnold Classic competitor.
Rob Meulenberg: 5'11", 300 pounds, from Maine, former Philadelphia
area resident, American professional.
Brian Shaw: 6'8", 390 pounds, Denver, CO, third place at the 2009 “World’s
Strongest Man” in Malta, 2009 WSM Super Series overall champion.
Josh Thigpen: 6'4", 300 pounds, Houston, TX, 2x “World’s Strongest Man”
Glenn Ross: 6'1", 400 pounds, Ireland, 3x “World’s Strongest Man” com- In addition, the winner of the June 6th Amateur Show at Summit Sports
petitor. Training Show in Villanova June 6, 2010, will be invited to compete in the
Steve Kirit: 6'2", 265 pounds Pittsburgh, PA, 3x “World’s Strongest Man” MHP Liberty Strongman Classic. Referees are former professional strong-
competitor. men Walt Gogola and Mark Keshishian.

For inquiries contact promoter Al Thompson, 267.254.4614; courtesy Steve Downs, MHP Marketing Director, 973.785.9055, sdowns@maxperformance.com

as told to Powerlifting USA by Curt Dennis Jr. of Critical Bench

Critical Bench: Hi Dave. Thanks for doing the

interview. Tell us about yourself.
Dave Hoff: I’m Dave Hoff and I’m 21 years old.
I was born, raised and live in Columbus, OH.
CB: What are your best PRs right now?
DH: I compete in two weight classes—242s
and 275s. My current my best lifts at 242
are a 1025 squat, a 785 bench press, a 790
deadlift and a 2600 lb. total. In the 275s, my
best lifts are a 1015 squat, 825 bench press,
800 deadlift, and a 2615 lb. total.
CB: How long have you been into powerlifting?
DH: I’ve been powerlifting for about seven
years now. I started as a pup.
CB: Tell us about your childhood and how you
got into powerlifting?
DH: I had a great childhood. I have very sup-
portive parents who always encouraged me to LEO “THE FREAK” INGRAM
do the best I could. I have two brothers and
720-lb. RAW SQUAT
two sisters. I got into powerlifting when I start-

585-lb. RAW BENCH
ed messing around with weights in—if you
can believe it—probably around 4th grade. I
always wanted to be the strongest kid in my
class, so I started lifting weights. Then from

there, I would say around junior high, I started
training with the football team. That’s where
I had my first max out and from then on I
was hooked on lifting. From there I lifted in a ‡
little gym called Murph’s in Grove City, Ohio,
where I met a guy named Travis Fletcher. He
had this crazy thing I had never seen before—
a bench shirt—and he was benching like 500
lb. I was amazed. I was like, “I want to do
that!” Who the heck doesn’t want to bench
500 lb.? So from there I trained with him for Dave Hoff of Westside Barbell benching big Some people spend years trying to build the bar-bending strength needed to shatter past records
two weeks, then I was brought to Westside and set new PBs. Those taking a key ingredient in Six Star Muscle Whey Protein built more strength
Barbell at the ripe old age of 16—and that’s lege to train at Westside Barbell with some DH: When I first started out I hated squats in just weeks! Here are the documented results: In one third-party, university study, subjects taking
how my powerlifting career began. of the strongest lifters on the planet for my because I knew nothing about it, but as I have a key ingredient in Six Star Muscle Whey Protein gained 160 percent more strength, pushing and
CB: Who did you look up to when you were whole career, so I’ve been at a lot of meets gone through the sport I like all three. If I had
coming up as a powerlifter? and seen a lot of strong lifters. I will just to pick one I would say it’s the squat because pulling more weight in just 10 weeks!‡ For you, 160 percent more strength could mean the difference
DH: Hands down Chuck Vogelpohl. The throw out a few because I have seen a lot of that is my biggest number. between record-setting poundages or disappointing failure. Physically and mentally prepare
first time I ever saw him compete was at the crazy stuff. The one that stands out the most CB: What are your goals and when is your next yourself by taking Six Star Muscle Whey Protein. Get yours today!
Arnold Classic. The guy is so freakin’ intense is Chuck Vogelpohl’s 1150 squat. It was the meet?
and has power and explosiveness unlike fastest 1100 plus squat I have ever seen. You DH: My first goal is to be number one.
anyone else on earth. That man is a one-of- couldn’t have dropped it any faster. Also his I would like to achieve an all time world SCIENTIFICALLY SUPERIOR TO REGULAR WHEY PROTEIN ‡‡

a-kind specimen! From the second I saw him 1140 at 242. Some others are Andy Bolton’s record. After that I would like to jump a class
walk out, I wanted to be just like him. I don’t 971 deadlift, Vlad Alhazov’s 925 deadlift and and have multiple world records at one time.
know any other 40 plus year olds that are still 1250 squat, Chuck Fought’s 900 lb. deadlift, Also, I want to be number one at Westside Key Complex Shown to Build 5x More Muscle* and 160% More
breaking all-time world records. He’s done it Frankl’s 850 bench at 198 and that crazy Barbell. I just did a meet on December 5, so I Strength Than Inferior Milk Protein Formulas!
again and again. Over the course of 20 years 2630 total at 198; DANG SHAWN LET THE think I will take a little time and let my body
he’s had the 220 world record squat and cur- FAT GUYS CATCH UP! Probably one of the heal. I’m planning on the IPA Worlds in York,
rently has the 242 world record squat and has craziest benches I’ve seen was Jason Fry’s Pennsylvania, in the summer of 2010. 52 g of High-Quality Protein and 7,024 mg of Other Anabolic
also broken the 275 world record squat, not 770 at 198 and Rob Luyando’s 948 at 275. CB: What are the challenges of coming up as a
Cofactors per Max Serving!
to mention 800+ deadlifts in all three of those CB: What would you say to a novice lifter or to
classes and a monster 2605 total. Simply one a lifter who's just starting out in powerlifting? DH: There are a lot of challenges. I person-
word can describe him and it’s a FREAK. My DH: Set goals and take small but consistent ally have faced a lot of adversity. A lot of Developed Based on Cutting-Edge Research Conducted at
whole career, that’s who I have tried to be like steps to reach your goal; don’t get caught up in negative people—we call them haters—are Multiple Leading Universities!
because in my opinion he’s one of the best a number. Just do what you can do and build always out there and have nothing good to
ever. I still look up to him to this very day. up, be smart and stay injury free. It’s hard to say about anyone or anything. Also you have
CB: What is the craziest thing you have ever make any kind of progress with an injury. to deal with numbers changing. As soon as w w w. s i x s t a r m u s c l e . c o m
seen at a powerlifting meet? CB: Do you have a favorite out of the three or you think you are there, someone comes out
DH: Fortunately for me I have had the privi- is it all three lifts? of nowhere and sets the bar higher. So, you Select

photos courtesy Dave Hoff/Critical Bench page 88 »

In one 6-week study, subjects taking the key ingredients in Six Star Muscle Whey Protein gained, on average, 340% more lean mass than those using a placebo (8.8 vs. 2.0 lbs.). ‡‡ In the same study, subjects taking the key ingredients in
Six Star Muscle Whey Protein gained, on average, more lean mass than subjects using regular whey protein (8.8 vs. 5.1 lbs.). ‡ In one 10-week study, subjects taking a key ingredient in Six Star Muscle Whey Protein increased their one-rep
max bench by 160% more than those using casein protein (105 vs. 40.7 lbs.). *In the same study, subjects taking a key ingredient in Six Star Muscle Whey Protein gained, on average 5 times more lean mass than those using casein protein
22 PL USA MAGAZINE » JUNE 2010 » POWERLIFTINGUSA.COM (11 vs. 1.81 lbs.). © 2010.


Rock haRd

as told to Powerlifting USA by Louie Simmons » 614.801.2060 » www.westside-barbell.com

Paul Childress said that a big squatter is not

always a big deadlifter, but a big deadlifter is al-
most always a big squatter. How do you build a
big deadlift if you weren’t born with one? Ernie
Frantz always said that to increase your deadlift,
you should just deadlift.
Westside has always relied on a lot of
special exercises, but we have done more dead-
lifting in the form of speed pulls in the last few
years. After the speed day for squatting, we will
do multiple sets of deadlifts off the floor with
bands over the bar. We have always done a lot
of rack pulls on max effort day, but in 2007,
we started doing rack pulls with bands—a
monster mini alternated with light Jump-Stretch
bands. They are quadrupled up to produce a
large, fast-acting accommodation of resistance.
This style of rack pulling is done for max effort The haRdcoRe foundaTion of
work, working up to a max single, but also for
up to 10 sets of 3–5 reps done with a conven-
tional stance. The multiple sets are done after
youR bodybuilding Regimen.
speed squat sets. This has added up to 15,000
pounds of volume in the precise deadlift
muscles. I just pulled a 670-pound deadlift. My
max band pull with the plates 4 or 6 inches off
the floor is 430 with light bands and 530 with Building quality muscle takes planning,
monster mini bands. serious nutrition and dedicated training.
Luke Edwards’ best is 585 pounds with
Meet the new Hyperbolic Mass Gainer

light bands and 675 pounds with monster
mini bands. Luke’s total volume can approach from GNC Pro Performance.
20,000 pounds of work. The system builds a
strong lock-out, a powerful start, and a very
strong grip. Luke has an 840 official deadlift Totally delivers muscle fuel for building
at around 260 pounds, a 920 squat, and a mass as you train with 710 calories
2226 total. The bonus is that his squat form
has changed to a more mechanically effective and 50 grams of fast-, medium-
method that pushed his 920 squat to 1025 at and slow-acting protein.
the same 242 bodyweight. His deadlift program
is to alternate the pause sets of 3–5 reps in the
power rack with ultra-wide sumo band pulls Enriched with a blend of essential fatty
off the floor. A test of progress is to pull real Luke Edwards puts in some serious training time to get his big deadlifts
acids and medium chain triglycerides
weight off the floor ultra-wide, wider than a
normal sumo stance, or pull in a rack off low machine. He will alternate glute/ham raises done immediately after the barbell work. After for energy.
pins. Luke has made 705 pounds for 3 reps with heavy weight for 4–8 reps with doing 200 the light pulls on Friday he is ready to squat.
ultra-wide and 805 pounds with the plates 2 leg curls with 10 or 20-pound ankle weights. Luke does a lot of leg raises, and he also does 8 grams of fiber and special blend of
inches off the floor and 845 pounds with the The high reps will build and thicken the liga- sit-ups with a 6-inch foam roller under his low
plates 4 inches off the floor. The multiple sets ments and tendons. back. Side bends conclude his ab work.
carbs for muscle protein synthesis.
with bands in the power rack for 3–5 reps with To withstand the high volume/high-intensity Remember Friday speed squats are done for
a conventional stance are a builder. So are the training, sled pulls play a large role in Luke’s 6–8 sets on average for doubles. Speed pulls Packed with 23 vitamins and
ultra-wide deadlifts with bands, with feet to the training. He uses heavy weight early in the are done in a rack with a conventional stance
week to build absolute strength in the legs,
minerals and only 8 grams of sugar.
plates, for not only the deadlift but also the with 250 or 350 pounds of band tension. The
squat. They do this by building all the crucial back, and hips. Monday is max effort day. The weight ranges from 315 to 405 pounds for It’s the ultimate way to get to your
muscles that increase the squat. weight is decreased during the week’s train- 6–10 sets of pause reps for sets of 3 or 5 reps. ultimate size.
The ultra-wide sumo with just bar weight ing, and the trips are increased. This will build He will alternate the rack work with ultra-wide
is a tester. The rack pulls with plates off the strength endurance. Late in the week the sled sumo pulls with his feet out to the plates. This
ground 2 ½, 4 ½, or 6 ½ inches are also a pulls are lightened again for restoration or a makes Friday’s workout a very high volume/
tester. By doing this style of training there is warmup for Friday speed development day. moderate intensity workout that can be over
little emotional stress. It is truly a training max. The sled pulls are done for 60 yards. The 20,000 pounds. On max effort day Luke will
Many times one becomes too psyched up, heaviest weights are done for 6–8 trips. The alternate good mornings with low special-bar
moderate sled pulls are done for 8–12 trips, gnc is a pRoud sponsoR of The naTional
which leads to a long recovery time emotional- squats or a max rack pull. Here are his best
sTRengTh and condiTioning associaTion (nsca)
ly, especially if you miss a lift. After deadlifting, and the lightest pulls on Thursday or Friday are pulls: 805 pounds 2 ½ inches off the floor;
Luke will do 4–6 sets on the Reverse Hyper again done for 6–8 trips. The heavy pulls are 845 pounds 4 ½ inches off the floor, and 875
scoRe youR hypeRbolic mass gaineR
page 94
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DEC 4-6 2009 » Melborne, FL
Ironman SQ BP DL TOT (40-44) (10-11)
FEMALE S. Davis 190 115 240 545 B. Levels 112 72 172 356
97 lbs. (14-15) (7 & Under)
(10-11) S. Shores 212 105 185 502 G. LeCount 25 27 65 117
A. Dougherty 115 75 160 350 T. Bartusek 142 67 185 394 123 lbs.
4th-DL-167 165 lbs. (14-15)
(20-24) J. Benedix 230 145 285 660
105 lbs. A. Sotomayor 172 102 205 479 (12-13)
(14-15) 198+ lbs. C. Melchiori 85 70 175 330
M. Douglas 122 72 192 391 (35-39) 132 lbs.
L. Crowley 80 62 147 289 F. Vipperman 147 97 205 449 (75-79)
114 lbs. (30-34) R. Crawford — 135 — —
(50-54) S.. Deutsch! — 105 182 287 (14-15)
L. Biser 135 55 215 405 4th-BP-115 B. Vipperman 175 122 205 502
L. Watson — 80 — — MALE (12-13)
(10-11) 66 lbs. B. Benedix! 265 130 325 720
B. Levels 85 60 135 280 (7 & Under) 148 lbs.
123 lbs. G. LeCount! 25 27 65 117 (20-24) Ironman Best Lifter
(18-19) 88 lbs. T. Gerhauser! — 215 — — Universal Power & Fitness owner Johnny Ianno with a Ironman Best Lifters (L-R) Kathleen RAW Best Lifter Tony Conyers nailing a
K. Audet! 165 92 240 497 (10-11) (18-19) Zied Hichri with a 585 lb. squat record 500 lb. DL Audet, Gavin LeCount & Presley Lynch 550 lb. SQ for a 1550 total in the 165s!
(14-15) B. Levels! 112 72 172 356 N. Twyman — 215 245 460
P. Lynch! 195 125 215 535 123 lbs. 4th-DL-260 (60-64) top finisher in the 198s during Session I with
132 lbs. (12-13) (16-17) L. Bucchioni — — 455 — his 1240 total. Universal Power & Fitness
(25-29) C. Melchiori 85 70 175 330 J. Douglas 207 140 302 649 (50-54) owner Zied Hichri moved big weight in the
Woodworth! 215 140 280 635 132 lbs. 165 lbs. D. Bartley 530 320 525 1350 220s, going 585, 375, and 700 to post the Michael Francis of Orlando, FL,
(30-34) (75-79) (75-79) 4th-DL-550 class’ biggest total. Armed Forces veteran (RAW, 50-54) en route to his
L. Wright 190 120 270 580 R. Crawford — 135 — — B. Tinkler — 215 330 545 G. Morning 425 — 425 — Darrell Bartley took the 242s with his 1375 1890 lb. total in the 275s
(40-44) 148 lbs. (50-54) (45-49) total, and the 275s saw great battles between
148 lbs. (20-24) T. Conyers! 550 380 620 1550 Steve Ferris 335 335 340 1010 UPF lifter Michael Francis and Florida RAW
S. Davis 190 115 240 545 T. Gerhauser! — 215 — — (35-39) (16-17) Dog James Jacobs, as well as between junior
(14-15) (18-19) E. Talmant 450 285 565 1300 C. Owen 187 127 240 554 lifters Ken Morris and Curtis Stellfox. Michael
T. Bartusek 142 67 185 394 N. Twyman — 215 245 460 T. McCoy — 320 385 705 275 lbs. finished out on top with the meet’s biggest
165 lbs. 4th-DL-260 (20-24) (65-69) total at 1895 pounds with James one lift
(20-24) (16-17) J. Ianno 340 280 500 1120 R. Cerrato 445 325 405 1175 behind at 1830. Ernie Dela Torre flew in
A. Sotomayor 172 102 205 479 J. Douglas 207 140 302 649 (18-19) (50-54) from Whittier, California to post one of the
198+ lbs. 165 lbs. Tshontikidis 300 215 435 950 M. Francis 735 385 770 1890 federation’s biggest bench’s at 530 pounds,
(35-39) (75-79) 181 lbs. (40-44) and Brian Kissel (50-54, Raw) hit lifts of 575,
F. Vipperman 147 97 205 449 B. Tinkler — 215 330 545 (60-64) J. Jacobs 700 430 700 1830 450, and 625 to take the 308s. Session II
(30-34) (35-39) J. Stevens 380 175 455 1010 (20-24) spectators witnessed junior Corey Clark (20-
S. Deutsch! — 105 182 287 T. McCoy — 320 385 705 (55-59) K. Morris 550 400 635 1585 24,198) Capture Ironman Best Lifter honors
4th-BP-115 (20-24) M. Teuchert 370 255 480 1105 C. Stellfox 530 325 550 1405 after nailing a 515 squat, 335 bench, and
Raw J. Ianno! 340 280 500 1120 (50-54) 308 lbs. 535 deadlift. Corey’s 1385 total was 6.99
97 lbs. (18-19) S. Tshontikidis 275 200 305 780 (50-54) times his bodyweight, and he looked very
(10-11) Tshontikidis 300 215 435 950 (40-44) B. Kissel 575 450 625 1650 capable for breaking 1400 the next time he Sarina Woodworth (25-29) of
A. Dougherty 115 75 160 350 181 lbs. D. Aguirre 435 305 555 1295 (40-44) steps on the platform! Masters Champion Evolved Athletics finished on top
4th-DL-167 (55-59) (30-34) E. Dela Torre — 530 — — Michael Teuchert of Evolved Athletics had Ernie Dela Torre of CA (40-44, 308 lb. class) driving up a 530 lb. BP in the 132s with her 630 total
105 lbs. M. Teuchert 370 255 480 1105 J. Najar 405 250 460 1115 !=Best Lifters. Ironman Mixed Champions: an awesome day, going 8 for 9 in the 181s to
(14-15) (50-54) (25-29) the Gym. Raw Mixed Champions: Evolved finish at 1105, and teammate Darian Barnett the 132s! Kathleen Audet of the Gym and
M. Douglas 122 72 192 391 Tshontikidis 275 200 305 780 D. Fullington 385 265 450 1100 Athletics. Venue: West Shore Jr./Sr. High nailed lifts of 475, 295, and 510 to capture Presley Lynch of Evolved Athletics registered
L. Crowley 80 62 147 289 (30-34) (20-24) School. Who do you lift for? Praise God, we RAW Best Lifter honors. Darian just turned the session’s biggest totals and won Best Lifter
114 lbs. J. Najar 405 250 460 1115 D. Brown 375 350 455 1180 had an awesome weekend of lifting at the sixteen, and continues to improve with each honors in their respective divisions; both
(50-54) (25-29) 198 lbs. 2009 R.A.W. United National Champion- contest. Ten-year-old Adrian Dougherty of girls will be representing the federation at
L. Biser 135 55 215 405 D. Fullington 385 265 450 1100 (60-64) ships! Held at West Shore Junior/Senior High Evolved Athletics and Claxton, Georgia’s the 2010 RAW Unity Meet. Many thanks to
L. Watson — 80 — — (20-24) Bob Gaynor — — 555 — School in Melbourne, Florida, the contest Ryan Dyson proved to be the crowd favorites Pete Classon, Anthony DiBiase, Jared Goode,
(10-11) D. Brown 375 350 455 1180 (50-54) drew many of the sport’s great names as we in Session III lifting. Adrian hit records lifts Wolfgang Kermer, Rick Melchiori, Steve
B. Levels 85 60 135 280 198 lbs. Pete Classon — 262 315 577 raised funds for the brave men and women of 115, 75, and 167 in the 97 pound class Shores, Bryan Stellfox, andYanni Tshontikidis
123 lbs. (50-54) (40-44) of the United States Armed Forces. Please to take home the Ironman Best Lifter award, for spotting and loading; Danny Aguirre,
(40-44) P. Classon — 262 315 577 T. O’Brien 440 325 475 1240 say a prayer for our troops and their families while Ryan went 480, 380, and 580 in the Bill Beekley, Bob Gaynor, JD Gaynor, Sam
D. Graham 135 92 205 432 (20-24) W. Kermer 365 250 455 1070 may God continuously watch over them! 25-29, 198s to secure the Raw Best Lifter Gough, Denise Graham, Caryn Tshontikidis,
(18-19) C. Clark! 515 335 535 1385 (30-34) Tony Conyers prayed over the competitors award. Sarina Woodworth, also of Evolved and Yanni Tshontikidis for judging; Denise
K. Audet 165 92 240 497 (16-17) D. Picquet 400 315 550 1265 and spectators before the meet began, and Athletics, Took Raw Best Lifter honors for the Graham, Brian Kissel, and Mike Roben for
(14-15) R. Hughes 200 165 265 630 G. Poole 430 275 450 1155 he proceeded to rock the platform with lifts women, totaling 630 on lifts of 215, 135, and announcing; Sam Gough and Sheila Owen
P. Lynch 195 125 215 535 J. Luke 200 135 255 590 (25-29) of 550, 380, and 620 at a bodyweight of 280 in the 25-29, 132s. Teammate Lyndsay for scoring; Chris Melchiori and Marie Pritzl
132 lbs. 220 lbs. R. Dyson! 480 380 580 1440 just 161.5 pounds! His 1550 pound total Wright captured Ironman Best Lifter honors for expediting; Amanda Graham, Charles
(75-79) (75-79) (20-24) was 9.59 times his bodyweight, affording with her 580 total on lifts of 190, 120, and Owen, and Genna Owen for managing the
B. Fauls — — 150 — V. Lombardo — 170 — — C. Clark 515 335 535 1385 Tony Raw Best Lifters honors for Session I. 270 in the 30-34, 132s. Finally, Brandon Dollar Store; Sir Charles Venturella for the
(70-74) (40-44) (16-17) Lake Worth, Florida’s Johnny Ianno, an up Levels (10-11, 88s, Ironman) of the Gym awesome eagle sculptures; Glenn Nichols
A. Drake — — 135 — L. Betts 375 385 465 1225 D. Barnett! 475 295 510 1280 and coming junior powerhouse, weighed in and Brett Benedix (12-13, 132s, raw) of and JNG Enterprises for the incredible contest
(65-69) 242 lbs. 220 lbs. at just 153.3 and nailed a 340 squat, 280 World’s Gym in Port Saint Lucie posted the shirts; and Derek Snyder of Lumberjack Print-
D. Souder — — 150 — (60-64) (75-79) bench, and 500 deadlift in the Ironman largest totals on the men’s side to capture ing for allowing us to utilize the American
(50-54) L. Bucchioni — — 455 — V. Lombardo — 170 — — Division. Johnny had a flawless day, going the Best Lifter sculpture in their respective flag design in the contest shirt! Finally, and
M. Quinn 115 125 210 450 (16-17) (40-44) nine for nine and totaling 7.53 times his divisions. Session IV lifting saw the meet’s most importantly, thanks to our military
(30-34) C. Owen 187 127 240 554 L. Betts 375 385 465 1225 bodyweight to take home the Ironman Best youngest (Gavin LeCount, age 5, from the heroes and their family’s for their service
L. Wright 190 120 270 580 275 lbs. (35-39) Lifter award in Session I. Danny Aguirre of Gym) and oldest competitors (Betty Fauls, and selfless sacrifice, and to our Lord and National Champions (L-R) (back row) Michael Francis & Zied Hichri of
C. Soto 125 75 205 405 (20-24) G. Prince 565 385 — — Evolved Athletics in Fort Myers, Florida took age 78, from Universal Power & Fitness) on Savior Jesus Christ for the salvation that Universal Power & Fitness with (middle row) UPF lifters Betty Fauls (75-
(25-29) K. Morris 550 400 635 1585 (30-34) the 181 pound class crown with his 1295 the platform. Gavin went 8 for 9 en route to only He offers!
79), Andrea Drake (70-74) and Diane Souder (65-69) and (front) The
Woodworth! 215 135 280 630 Raw Z. Hichri 585 375 700 1660 total, and Port Saint Lucie, Florida’s Tim his 117 pound total, while Betty celebrated » results and photos courtesy of Dr. Spero
148 lbs. 114 lbs. 242 lbs. O’Brien (representing World’s Gym) was the her 78th birthday by pulling 150 pounds in Tshontikidis Gym’s Gavin LeCount (age 5)


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National Championship belt
JAN 23-24 2010 » Oklahoma City, OK (R. Peters photo)

BENCH Master IV Open 181 lbs. D. Ridlen 506 C. Spirrison 226 198 lbs.
FEMALE J. McDermott 314 Int Pure SHW Open
132 lbs. 4th-319 J. Fincher 275 D. Ridlen 506 Pure A. Kress 451
Master I 181 lbs. 198 lbs. PS BENCH D. Gonzales 154 242 lbs.
K. Hughes 176 Master III Master I MALE PS DEADLIFT Master II
Master II C. Lynn 231 G. Martin 341 198 lbs. MALE R. Carich 440
M. Hetzel 193 198 lbs. Master Pure Open Push Pull BP DL TOT
181 lbs. Master III R. Byars 382 A. Kress — FEMALE
Submaster I J. Parsons 402 S. Kivela 325 220 lbs. 114 lbs.
D. James 215 220 lbs. 220 lbs. Master I Master I
4th-237 Master Pure Master I M. Cussins 440 A. Donahue 94 242 336
198+ lbs. R. Ortiz 440 M. Cussins 440 Master II 4th-DL-248
Master II M. Cussins 440 Master Pure J. Hou-Seye 264 Submaster I
A. McTighe 237 Novice C. Truoccolo 358 275 lbs. D. Carmickle 88 215 303
Master V A. Soto 551 242 lbs. Submaster II 165 lbs.
A. McTighe 237 4th-562 Int G. Vigil 374 Pure
Raw Pure M. Newsome 501 308 lbs. L. Anderson 127 270 396
132 lbs. A. Soto 551 Master I Master I 181 lbs. J. Burns 187 83 248 517
Master I Submaster I J. Rocker 424 C. Spirrison 446 Master III 148 lbs.
K. Hughes 176 A. Soto 551 R. Vraspier 347 Open E. Waugh 110 237 347 Master II
Open 242 lbs. Master II C. Spirrison 446 Submaster I L. Webber 154 94 193 440
H. Patel 187 Junior R. Carich 341 PS CURL D. James 215 303 517 198 lbs.
Pure S. McCarty — Master Pure MALE 4th-BP-238 High School
H. Patel 187 Master III J. Alaniz 363 181 lbs. MALE A. Riley 215 121 275 611
Submaster Pure H. Blackmon 407 R. Carich 341 Int 181 lbs. 4th-SQ-220 DL-297
H. Patel 187 Submaster II Open B. Channel 127 Master III Pure
148 lbs. R. Johnson — M. Newsome 501 Master III C. Lynn 253 308 562 A. Riley 215 121 275 611
Master I 275 lbs. 275 lbs. K. Berger 132 Master III MALE
T. Ishimatsu 94 Master II Master III Novice G. Donahue 187 358 545 132 lbs.
MALE G. Carlson 264 G. Knight 341 B. Channel 127 198 lbs. Master II
132 lbs. Master II 4th-347 242 lbs. Int C. Kennedy 341 — — 341
Master II J. McKay — Open Master I P. Cranston 363 495 859 165 lbs.
C. Kennedy — 308 lbs. D. Ridlen 506 J. Rocker 198 Master I Master III
148 lbs. Novice C. Strybel 501 Master Pure K. Shaw 391 523 914 J. Carleo 347 215 415 977
Novice J. Fincannon 506 Pure J. Alaniz 149 Master Pure Master IV Open
P. Martin 187 Open C. Strybel 501 308 lbs. K. Shaw 391 523 914 J. McDermott 55 314 143 512
Pure H. Thomason 661 Submaster III Master I 220 lbs. 4th-BP-319
P. Martin 187 J. Fincannon 506 D. Ridlen 506 C. Spirrison 226 Master IV Teen
165 lbs. Raw Submaster Pure Open J. Koch 209 308 517 C. Fowler 347 171 413 930
Police/Fire 181 lbs.
T. Scobey 270 440 710 Master II
circa 1960 2010 242 lbs. R. Sherwood 517 314 492 1323
Junior Master Pure
K. Meacharm 347 479 826 Ammerman* 517 413 490 1420
Master II Master Pure
R. Carich 341 440 782 R. Sherwood 517 314 492 1323
275 lbs. 198 lbs.
Master II Int
J. McKay — — — M. Rodriguez 545 336 523 1404
Pure Submaster II
D. McCarrell 374 512 886 J. Marshall 562 358 — 919
308 lbs. 220 lbs.
Master I High School
M. Tarbet 275 440 716 S. Miller 292 204 418 914
Open Master I
H. Thomason 661 661 1321 A. Barnes — — — —
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT Teen
FEMALE M. Morrison 473 308 569 1351
132 lbs. 242 lbs.
Master II Master I
M. Hetzel 292 193 297 782 R. Tavanello 573 369 451 1393
Master Pure Police/Fire
M. Hetzel 292 193 297 782 R. Tavanello 573 369 451 1393

Raw SO
114 lbs. B. Tanner 501 352 556 1409
Submaster Pure 275 lbs.
J. Ikard 160 72 215 446 Master II
Joe McDermott, 70 years old, celebrated his 50th anniversary of 132 lbs. J. McKay — — — —
Master I Master Pure
competition at the NASA Natural Nationals on January 23, 2010. Joe set K. Hughes 198 176 297 672 R. McKinzie 534 435 534 1503
4 American and 4 world records in the Masters IV 165 lb. class, with a Open Master Pure
4th attempt 320 lb. bench press! Joe has set over 100 American/world H. Patel 308 187 418 914 J. McKay — — — —
BP records since 1980. Joe received the prestigious Neil Miller Memorial Pure 308 lbs.
Bench Press of Excellence award at the NASA Athlete of the Year awards H. Patel 308 187 418 914 Open
Submaster Pure H. Thomason — 661 661 1321
banquet. Joe and the McDermott Team dedicated their lifting at the
Natural nationals to friend and long-time teammate, Tom Manno.
next page »


SHW Submaster I
Pure C. Smith* 699 451 584 1734
D. Gonzales 314 413 551 1277 242 lbs.
Submaster I Master I
S. Tully 539 369 528 1437 D. Connett 539 358 573 1470
Submaster II Master II
J. Freeman 551 528 501 1580 J. Moody 352 303 396 1051
Raw Master III
132 lbs. B. Helmich 451 286 506 1244
Pure SO
W. Daniel 275 143 314 732 B. Tanner 501 352 556 1409
4th-SQ-286 BP-154 275 lbs.
148 lbs. Open
Open J. Dunn 683 358 683 1723
R. Irwin 407 297 490 1195 Pure
165 lbs. J. House 573 352 528 1453
Master I D. McCarrell 413 374 512 1299
A. Carceres 512 286 446 1244 Submaster I
Master III J. House 573 352 528 1453
P. Miller 281 165 352 798 Submaster II
4th-DL-363 J. Dunn 683 358 683 1723
Open 308 lbs.
A. Carceres 512 286 446 1244 Master I
Pure C. Cookson 600 385 639 1624
A. Carceres 512 286 446 1244 Power Sports CR BP DL TOT
181 lbs. FEMALE
Master I 114 lbs.
D. Peterson 358 231 402 991 Master I
Open A. Donahue 61 94 242 396
C. Harris 462 352 517 1332 4th-DL-248
Pure 132 lbs.
D. Peterson 358 231 402 991 Master I
198 lbs. K. Hughes 83 176 297 556
Master II 148 lbs.
S. Kivela 440 325 490 1255 Master I
Master II M. Carter 72 143 286 501
D. Jones 391 297 517 1206 Master II
Master IV T. Ishimatsu 61 94 204 358
P. Jensen 204 204 352 760 165 lbs.
4th-BP-209 Master I
Master Pure L. Anderson 66 127 270 462
R. Byars 495 363 495 1354 Master V
Novice L. Anderson 66 127 270 462
J. Symonds 253 275 418 947 MALE P. Miller 88 165 352 606 Teen
Police/Fire 99 lbs. 4th-DL-363 P. Robinson 88 160 303 551
D. Jones 391 297 517 1206 Youth Master V Youth
220 lbs. S. Hou-Seye 41 63 134 238 B. Anderson 143 264 396 804 A. Rodenberg 94 154 325 573
Master II 148 lbs. Open 198 lbs.
T. Epting 385 259 418 1062 High School B. Anderson 143 264 396 804 Master IV
Master IV C. Anderson 99 154 303 556 Submaster I P. Jensen 94 204 352 650
J. Koch 182 209 308 699 Junior R. Jensen 138 270 374 782 4th-BP-209
Master Pure C. Anderson 99 154 303 556 181 lbs. Open
C. Truoccolo 517 358 468 1343 Master II High School A. Kress 160 — 451 611
Master Pure T. Hedrick 132 264 429 826 P. Robinson 88 160 303 551 220 lbs.
J. Donaldson 484 325 501 1310 Open Junior Master IV
Open R. Irwin* 127 297 490 914 P. Robinson 88 160 303 551 J. Koch 94 209 308 611
C. Smith 699 451 584 1734 165 lbs. Master III Submaster Pure
R. Ramsey 600 424 622 1646 Master I K. Berger 132 264 330 727 B. Brock 160 325 457 941
Pure B. Anderson 143 264 396 804 G. Donahue 94 187 358 639 242 lbs.
C. Smith 699 451 584 1734 Master III E. Waugh 61 110 237 407 Master II
J. Moody 149 303 396 848
Master IV
L. Wile 88 116 242 446
J. Smith 149 402 523 1073
B. Tanner 143 352 556 1051
275 lbs.
C. Strybel 176 501 517 1195
Submaster II
R. Kahle 171 402 600 1173
G. Vigil 165 374 501 1040
308 lbs.
Master I
C. Cookson 209 385 639 1233
Submaster Pure
J. Fincannon — 506 — 506
Master I
M. Mitchell 209 402 584 1195
*=Used Belt.
» courtesy of Rich Peters/NASA


MARILYN MONROE, THE RAT PACK, ROBERT DE NIRO AND... may sound) Louie Simmons of today’s Westside
Barbell Club is somehow, someway, connected


as told to Powerlifting USA by Ron Fernando » rfern2000@aol.com
to Marilyn Monroe, who was connected to a
close friend of one of the icons of the original
Westside Barbell Club. By now, I just may have
caught your attention, so read on if you dare.
And by the way, I can also prove to you that
the Original Westside Barbell Club’s squatting
techniques were taught at another gym long
before the famous Broad Street Gym in York,
PA, home of Bob Hoffman’s York Barbell Club.
What? The longstanding bitter opponent to
powerlifting (at least early on) was the actual
inspiration of the original Westside gang? A
couple of more facts: that somehow, someway,
the great De Niro was deeply connected to the
Westside Barbell Club, and was utterly beholden
JOE DI MARCO to the Club (or one of its member’s) for one of
his many Academy Award nominations and as
a final topper, one of the Club’s first members
was intimately involved in the maintenance of
JIM HAMILTON the National Security of the United States—
LOU “BUG EYES” PAUL despite being continually rousted by the local
ROY GOLDMAN BILL “PEANUTS” WEST cops for vagrancy and public inebriation. See,
this is why power history is more—a whole lot
more—than just a bunch of grainy black and
white pictures of big guys in flimsy singlets (or Original Westside Barbell Club of Culver City, CA, in front of Peanuts’ house on Neosho in
plain old swim trunks) squatting big weights the late 60s: (L-R) Bill Thurber, Bouis “Bug Eyes” Paul, Bob Tate, Bill “Peanuts” West (Weiss),
using nothing more than a thin belt and penny George Frenn, Joe Di Marco, Jim Hamilton, and Len Ingro
loafers. Power history, as I found out during my
research for this particular article, is but a small his wraith-like physique of just over 100 lb. of Dave “Moose” Ashman and Sheppard. Ike was
part of the epidermis of history itself. It is un- bodyweight that he ate the one item that was no ordinary Olympic lifter. Competing in the
questionably and inexorably linked to the heart then cheaply available in large quantities—the 132 lb. class, Ike “Betcha” Berger (named for
HUGO LABRA of history. Once again, remember the theory of good old peanut. No micellar proteins, MRP’s his affinity for gambling and the night life) won
JOHN SCOTT the “Six Degrees of Separation.” Now, I have or pro-hormones back then. Bill simply ate tons nine Senior National titles, three World titles,
ISAAC BERGER always prided myself on knowing my power his- of peanuts, drank peanut oil, and consumed and three Olympic medals—two silver and one
SANDY TATLEMAN tory, but what I am about to share with you may gobs and GOBS of peanut butter sandwiches gold in the 1956 Melbourne Games. Ike was
shock even the most jaded of experts. I know a to accomplish this purpose and in a few short phenomenally strong, having elevated a strict
lot of it shocked me. months increased his bodyweight to 165 lb. 270 lb. Military press, 242 lb. snatch and a 336
As most of you folks may probably know, Peanuts trained as a bodybuilder, but was in- lb. clean and jerk. He used power moves quite
the Original Westside Barbell Club was the creasingly becoming fascinated with the human regularly in his buildup, including lots of heavy,
brainchild of William Weiss, a former bodybuild- body’s ability to lift heavy weights. Hitting a wall deep squats and bench presses done with a
er, who changed his name to “Bill West”—ap- on his weight gain, Peanuts simply switched to Military pressing grip. And, yes, he was strong
parently anti-semitism was alive and well, even a basic, heavier series of exercises emphasizing there as well, having elevated 500 lb. in the
in the liberal enclaves of West Los Angeles—so the squat and press (bench, incline, and Mili- squat and 320 in the bench, all with no equip-
he could more easily crack the unforgiving tary), among others. He even entered and did ment. Based on his ability to regularly perform
shell of “The Business,” i.e. Hollywood, as a reasonably well in a couple of Olympic lifting clean grip high pulls with 400+ lb., it would be
comedian and actor. Young William was quite meets, elevating respectable numbers including pretty easy to assume a 500+ deadlift as well.
the jokester, and claimed he had a “Ph.D. from a 285 clean and jerk. In those days (the early to Ike had a profound affect on Peanut’s training
the streets.” He started life in cold and dreary mid fifties) it was Olympic lifting, bodybuilding and even his diet. Peanuts met Ike Berger at
The Muscle Beach Club in 1960 with the Original Westside Barbell Club founders Joe Di Marco and Bill “Peanuts” West Pennsylvania, and didn’t pick up a weight until and a little something call “odd” lifting, which the old Muscle Beach Dungeon Gym, when Ike
he was around 15. And, of course, his own were sanctioned AAU contests that sometimes was there on one of his many sabbaticals from
Introduction music: theme from Jaws. With special thanks to Joe literal army of World Record Holders and the World’s foremost authority personal epiphany was his first muscle maga- involved the bench press, sometimes involved training in dreary old York, PA. Ike was a ladies
Di Marco, co-founder of the Original Westside Barbell Club. on powerlifting, Louie Simmons—but the other Westside Barbell Club, zine, an old Strength and Health. Inspired by the barbell curl or deadlift and most always in- man, loved the sun, surf, and general party life-
No, this is neither a prelude to a chapter in Ripley’s Believe or Not, the Original Westside Barbell Club that started in a $8 a month hellhole the gorgeous gals and pristine white sands of volved the squat. The squat was Peanut’s forte, style of Southern California. He trained at York
nor the headline on your favorite Supermarket Tabloid—right under “How garage way back in 1958. This story is about the gestation of a system of Muscle Beach, Bill decided to head west to both and he was determined to be the lightest man because he had to, due to his relationship with
an Alien from Mars taught me how to Bench Press”—but it should be. strength training that lives on today, pioneered by a bunch of wild living, find his fortune and reach his peak in the barbell ever to squat 600 lb. He learned his squatting Hoffman. He trained at Muscle Beach because
And, yes, I am 100% sober as I write this piece, though learning about hard partying non-conformists who lived on and sometimes way over the world. All he wanted to do was to train, make techniques—and eventually passed them on to he loved to. He saw in Peanuts someone with
parts of it would make almost anyone, even a nondrinker like me, want to edge, and whose unique lives intertwined with people and events in his- a few bucks, and have fun on the California the rest of his crew, both at Muscle Beach and great basic potential, and invited him to train
take a little “nip” of the Old Crow—just to steady the nerves y’know. The tory that still touch us today. Every one of these guys marched to the beat beaches. Little did he know that he would affect later in his famed Neosho Street Garage Gym— with him, Ashman, and Dave Sheppard—an-
following is all 100% true. of his own drummer, society be damned. If nothing else, this article proves generations of lifters and bodybuilders the world from two of the greatest Olympic lifters of the other one of Bob Hoffman’s Golden Boys who
So, what on earth does one of cinema history’s iconic actresses, a once and for all the theory of “Six Degrees of Separation”—you know, over well into the next millennium, create whole era, Bob Hoffman’s Golden Boys, none other was himself continually falling out of favor with
symbol of tragic beauty and glamour combined with the likes of the famed the one that refers to the idea that if a person is one step away from each business ventures and spawn thousands of lines than Isaac “Ike” Berger and to a lesser extent, the grim “Father of Weightlifting” due to his
“Rat Pack,” not to mention the great Academy Award winning “Raging person they know and two steps away from each person who is known of written text about him and his legendary pals. Dave Sheppard. Ike, though representing the high living and heavy drinking ways. Sheppard
Bull” Robert De Niro have to do with the Westside Barbell Club, anyway? by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away This then was the great “Peanuts” West. York Barbell Club, preferred to live and train in could literally drink anyone—even the Russian
Well, as Lee Corso of ABC Sports would say, “Not so fast my friend.” from any other person on Earth. Huh??? Okay, take a moment to digest Bill got his famous nickname “Peanuts” be- sunny California, at the old Muscle Beach Dun- weightlifters—under the table and was no slouch
Not THE Westside Barbell Club—you know the one in Columbus with the this now. Based on this theory, one way or another (and as bizarre as it cause, frankly, he was so determined to increase geon Gym, alongside other York greats such as on the platform, having earned a silver medal

Original Westside Barbell photos courtesy of Joe DiMarco and George Frenn photos courtesy of Tony Frenn next page »

at the 1956 Games. He was a phenomenally 30–40 reps on a whim) and preferred to stick basically ordered me to stop, like I was some who was in and out of movie studios. You
strong guy, even nursing a monster hangover. to uber-heavy dumbbell inclines, and dumbbell sorta flunky. I guess he didn’t like the noise. can’t argue with the results, can you? Pretty
Strangely enough, one of Sheppard’s many seated presses, monster triceps work (as in a Of course, I didn’t stop, and when he came soon, the word got out and guys started
girlfriends was Barbara Ann Thomason, aka mind bending 405 lb. for triceps extensions back at me again he had his fists clenched trickling into the Neosho Street neighborhood
Carolyn Mitchell, a former Miss Muscle Beach to the nose) and other assorted feats, none like he was going to hit me, so, I punched him twice a week. The neighbors were a bit flus-
and aspiring Hollywood actress, one of the first which was ever duplicated by anything remotely right in the mouth and he went crying like tered at first by all of these gorillas wandering
beauty contestants to utilize weights to tone resembling a human being. In addition to the a little sissy to Vic. Vic didn’t like it or him, around (we trained outdoors a lot in the fresh
her figure. She later went on to become the gargantuan Ahrens, there was Steve Merjanian but rules were rules and I was out, temporar- air) but they soon got used to it. Our little
5th wife of Hollywood icon Mickey Rooney, of the monster incline presses, Olympic ham- ily so, but I had had it with commercial gyms garage gym quickly became the haven for
and was later killed in a grisly murder suicide by mer throwing gold medalist Harold Connolly, and wanted a place of my own. Right then world record holders, Olympic medalists and
her lover, a Yugoslavian actor/pit fighter when and early Weider bodybuilding super star Hugo and there Peanuts and I decided to start our Olympic hopefuls, and even famous pro wres-
Rooney was in the Philippines filming a movie. Labra. Most trained at both locations and later own facility. He wanted his name on it, so I tlers, bodybuilders and a whole assortment of
Remember the theory of “Six Degrees of Sepa- at a third, which was an alleyway gym in Santa suggested because we were on the Westside oddballs and plain old whack job.” [Di Marco]
ration?” Now we see that Sheppard, connected Monica after the Dungeon got too rickety and of Los Angeles, on the West Coast and all One of the “plain old whack jobs” and
to Peanuts, who we all know has always been dangerous even for these guys to be in. Despite that, we simply name it the ‘Westside Barbell “charter member” of the Original Westside
connected to Louie Simmons through his train- the “No Women Allowed” policy of the gym, Club’” [Joe Di Marco, 2010] Barbell Club was a young giant named Jim
ing was in some way also connected to Mickey the Fabulous Moolah and other early women’s So, the die indeed was well and truly cast. Hamilton, a guy few of us today ever heard
Rooney and a grisly tabloid murder suicide pro wrestling superstars (who weren’t looked Joe Di Marco and Peanuts were hell-bent of. Lifting-wise, he didn’t make a lot of waves,
which rocked Hollywood? at as women by the Dungeon/Tanny guys, on starting their own gym, a facility initially although a 500 lb. raw bench press at 275 and
So Sheppard and Berger were intimately obviously) stopped in every once in a while. No intended to be a simple place to work out, with a Military press from the stands of 385 in any
(and unknowingly) involved in the creation of one paid them too much attention, as there was no commercial interests, but a workout place era is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. What Jim
the deepest roots of the Westside Barbell Club. plenty of real eye candy just a few feet away that would eventually spawn some of the big- Hamilton was known for was his involvement
For them, training in the sun, surf, and sand in on the beach (like Sheppard’s ex-girlfriend, gest, strongest athletes of the day, and be like a in the super secret Rand Corporation—a U.S.
Southern California was like Nirvana. Ike and who unfortunately wound up on the cover of magnet for powerlifters, Olympic hopefuls, and Government funded think-tank that has, for the
Sheppard taught Peanuts the proper way of every tabloid in Hollywood after her unfortunate some of the oddest characters this side of One last 60 years, been the go-to organization for
squatting and if one needed proof, just look at demise). Flew over the Cuckoos Nest. This facility, as all decision makers, be they Wall Street finance
some old photos of the both of them. Take a Peanuts by now was working pretty regularly now know, would eventually be the birthplace gurus or the Pentagon. Trying to launch a new
look at Ike Berger’s squatting style, both in the as a stunt double in Hollywood, doubling for for a system to be spread worldwide well into satellite? Want to start a coup in Burundi!? Call
clean and snatch—upright, feet splayed out at stars like Peter Lorre. He also was, as a mem- the next millennium. The first “location” of the the Rand Corporation. Need some specialized
what looks like a 45 degree angle. Now look ber of the Screen Actors Guild, a “bit” player in Westside Barbell Club was in some little Venice consulting in sophisticated computer applica-
at some of the early shots of Sheppard squat some early TV action flicks like The Rat Patrol. garage that Joe and Peanuts rented for $8 a tions and mathematics? Call Jim Hamilton,
snatching (he was a former world record holder If you look closely, you will see Peanuts as an month and, from what I gather, this was too Westside Barbell Club member at the Rand
in this discipline) and then look at any photo Egyptian soldier getting crushed by the Red Sea much money considering the surroundings and, Corporation. Jim was one of the corporation’s
of Peanuts squatting. Same thing. Yep, the along with Yul Brynner in the The Ten Com- shall we say, the ambiance. The “ambience” youngest members, a math whiz kid, a former
patriarch of powerlifting, Peanuts West, learned mandments and one of the gladiator slaves evolved into a near okay corral-like shootout be- Ford Foundation Scholarship winner who was The famous photo of George Frenn with an 854 lb. squat and “Peanuts” West as his spotter
to squat from two of York Barbell’s finest. Bob about to be crucified by the Romans in the Kirk tween Peanuts, Joe and a couple of Zoot-suiters hired on at the age of 21, and who actually had
Hoffman would have been proud. I told you it Douglas epic Spartacus. He was, as stated, because Peanuts disrespected them—by petting his own private office in the Pentagon. While knew that the National Security of the USA front squat. My close friend Jim Hamilton,
would get a little weird here. Peanuts trained enjoying life, lifting, eating his fill and rais- one of their dogs without asking permission. under different circumstances, he may have was often dependent on this owlish-looking, a mathematician, was a very powerful bench
with a lot of other guys at both Vic Tanny’s ing hell with the Muscle Beach Gang. Despite Well, discretion got the better part of valor and launched a fantastic career in high tech, and liquored-up street bum who looked more like he presser too.” [Oliver Sacks, MD, Professor of
Gym, on 4th and Broadway in Venice, and the his affable, friendly nature, it was actually his the boys decided to relocate their “gym” (con- been the next Bill Gates (way before Bill Gates), came from a soup kitchen than the bowels of a Neurology and Psychiatry, Columbia University
old Dungeon, a hellhole like cave in the bowels temper and his newly minted friendship with sisting of a few hundred lb. of weights, a bench, sadly, his life ended at the tender age of 37. think tank and who could, by the way, lift a ton Medical Center, Columbia University, 2010]
of the earth underneath an old retirement hotel. Joe Di Marco that eventually gestated the begin- lat pull, incline and squat rack) to a friend, Bill Despite his brilliant mind and seemingly limitless of weight, even when he was totally bombed Dr. Sacks’ power career was cut short by
The city of Santa Monica had relocated the old nings of what we know today as the Westside Stewart’s, place—little more than a carriage future, Jim was a true child of the psychedelic out of his gourd. One of Jim’s best friends, and two events—one bad and one good. The bad,
outdoor Muscle Beach Weight Pen to this “new” Barbell Club. Both Joe and Peanuts trained at house. This engagement ended when Bill 60s, imbibing in a whole array of recreational another Westside member, was the Englishman, an unfortunate ocean swimming accident which
facility, after a scandal involving bodybuilders Tanny’s as well as the Dungeon, now relocated Stewart decide to quit lifting because he thought drugs. Add a boatload of liquor and dump Dr. Oliver Sacks. Dr. Sacks, thankfully, did not wrecked his back, but the good, his appoint-
and underage girls had rocked the gossip col- back from the pits of Santa Monica into an old that his life wasn’t worth living anymore— truckloads of greasy burgers, and Jim’s system suffer the same fate as Jim, but became one of ment as head of Neurosurgery at Bellevue
umns in 1959. Even though the charges were multi-car garage in a back alley. They both had because he turned 30. Remember, this was the was totally shot before the age of 30. Some say the world’s foremost experts in Neuroscience Hospital in New York basically left him with
eventually dropped, the weights were still sent altercations with other members of the gym that psychedelic 60s where turning 30 for some it was a miracle that he lasted as long as he did. and later an award winning author. In fact, one little time to train. He reduced his bodyweight
to the Dungeon, appropriately named due to its caused them to be ejected. Let’s let Joe tell it in meant enrolling in a nursing home. Peanuts He was a decent all around lifter before a mo- of his books, Awakenings, was eventually made to a more healthy level and trained sporadically,
Transylvania-like wooden staircase descending his own words: then rented a home in Culver City on Superba torcycle accident crushed one of his legs and ba- into a movie starring the great Robert De Niro, but always with his memories of the glory years
into the pit, musty odors, cobwebs and tons and “I remember the day like it was yesterday. Street and from there permanently relocated to sically left him as a bench only lifter, and he was and was nominated for an Academy Award. training at Westside intact.
tons of rusting weights. Some of the weights Peanuts was benching with 315 for reps, the now famed Neosho Street address. a big proponent of the belly toss bench as an Dr. Sacks, despite his scholarly background and The Club began to grow, little by little, but it
looked like antediluvian relics from a bygone and some crazy guy drunk on rotgut whiskey The early days of the original Westside assistant movement. He could also incline press lengthy educational pedigree, was a dyed in the was still a garage gym out on Neosho Street in
era, and the benches were nothing more than a started removing the plates while he was Club were spent in fine tuning their system of well over 400 lb., which he did on the Tuesday wool powerlifter, and a dang good one. In fact, Culver City where, twice a week, the neighbors
dubious mating of old scrap lumber and rusting pressing. Peanuts said he saw him out of the training. Joe was insistent that Peanuts cut his workout. When President John F. Kennedy he was one of the few lifters in the early 60s to were treated to a symphony of iron clang-
ten penny nails. Most of the dumbbells were corner of his eye. Well, plates flew every- training down from 5–6 days a week to two. got assassinated, Jim was under strict orders squat over 600 lb., which he did regularly. In ing and shouting as Peanuts pushed, cajoled
welded with what looked like a home solder- where, Peanuts wound up flat on his back, “Peanuts was outta his mind. Powerlifting to immediately fly back for the state funeral. fact, in a recent e-mail which I received from and threatened more and more weight from
ing kit, and from my research, you had to be and when he got up he just decked the guy one day, training for heavy one armed lifts Problem was, Jim was scared of flying and the him, he waxed philosophical about his lifting: everyone.
either very courageous or temporarily insane and kept training. Of course, fighting was a the next, like Steve Merjanian the next, it was Westside guys had to get him totally liquored “Dear Ron, thanks for your letter. During “Peanuts was himself a decent lifter, but
to do heavy dumbbell work at the Dungeon no-no and that got him the axe. Me? Same a recipe for disaster. It took me about a year, up and literally dressed him to get him on the my time at UCLA (1962–65) I trained at vari- what he excelled in above all was his ability to
because the weights could easily break their thing, sorta. Wasn’t too much later that I got but by then we had our system down—two plane. When he arrived in DC, he was poured ous places—on Muscle Beach, in Venice; in motivate and train people. It was like magic,
shoddy welds and literally rearrange your face booted out. There was this guy visiting from days a week, Tuesdays from 7 PM to around into a business suit and escorted to the funeral. the great Santa Monica gym; and as a mem- you were spotted by Peanuts with his now
(and everything else within several feet as well). Canada, a big shot bodybuilder, I think he was 11 PM, and Saturdays at noon to whenever. Jim could have easily been one of the early ber of the Westside Club, in Peanuts’ garage, famous ‘Touch’ System and you broke every
There was a legendary pair of 156 lb. bells that ‘Mr. Canada’ or something. Anyway, I was In reality we spent about 8–11 total hours lift- 600 lb. bench pressers if not for his lifestyle. which was fitted out for heavy lifting. I have max under the sun. We had bodybuilders driv-
resembled small train wheels handled by none doing ‘hopper’ deadlifts—you know, where ing, only we blocked it on the two days which He was accosted many a time by the authori- squatted with 650 lb. in 1961, a California re- ing from Santa Monica and Venice and as far
other than the mysterious Chuck Ahrens, who you bounce the bar off some reinforced wood worked fine for me because I was a machinist ties for vagrancy as a result of his “hippie-like” cord then, and once tied with Dave Ashman, away as downtown Los Angeles and Pasadena
hated bench pressing (but could press 405 for and rubber pieces for reps—when this guy trying to raise a large family and for Peanuts disheveled appearance, and none of the cops the Olympic heavyweight lifter, with a 575 who had perfectly good gyms to train in just

next page »

grip and snatch grip high pulls and trained the bench press only infre- lyn Monroe, connected to the Rat Pack’s Lawford, connected to Frenn know as the highly successful modern Westside Conjugate System of
quently, as excessive upper body bulk tended to hinder his flexibility in the and finally connected to the grandmaster of the modern Westside Barbell training, with followers and adherents in practically every country of the
hammer ring. He was, nonetheless, virtually untouchable in the squat and Club, Louie Simmons. Totally and unquestionably weird. world with a gym and a set of weights. The Westside Barbell name is alive
the deadlift, where he broke countless world and American records in the Frenn and Peanuts were now the face of the club, officially, as Joe Di and well, again.
242 lb. class and regularly beat superheavies in those two disciplines. He Marco, though still involved with the club, was getting busier and busier George Frenn caused some controversy when he was one of the
never let anything or anyone interfere with his training. One of the more raising his six kids and running his machine shop. In the late 60s, George torchbearers for the Inaugural Gay Games held in San Francisco in 1982.
famous incidents involved him squatting over 600 lb. and deadlifting close got a gig writing for Joe Weider’s then Muscle Power magazine as the Some viewed it as his “outing” himself, while others just saw it as “George
to 600 in a meet with his broken leg in a cast after a weird accident in the “Powerlifting Editor.” Weider was in the midst of his historic “muscle war” being George.”
hammer ring. Peanuts and George decided that this would be the perfect with Bob Hoffman of the York BBC and needed a vehicle to promote, Years later he would admit to Sports Illustrated that this was “the
time to work on his bench press, which he did with gusto, but it didn’t one that Hoffman wanted little to do with. This vehicle was the infant biggest mistake of my life.” Frenn agreed to participate at the request
stop him from performing the other lifts either, even with one leg in a sport of powerlifting which Weider saw as being much more broad based of organizer Tom Waddell, a friend and fellow Olympian. “I always had
floor to knee cast. than Olympic lifting, and because of its inherent roots to bodybuilding, been a loner and done whatever I wanted, so I said yes,” he told SI.
Frenn came from a fairly well to do family and had at one time some he also saw it as a way to sell even more of his Crash Weight Gain 7, “All it did was wreck my reputation,” he says. This controversy rages
illustrious houseguests “popping in” to visit him, like Rosey Grier, former Super Pro-101, Enertol and weights. Frenn, ever the iconoclast, took to even today. In 2006, George died, sadly by his own hand. Suffering
member of the LA Rams “Fearsome Foursome.” They would play piano this job like a duck to water and it wasn’t long before the Westside Barbell from depression for many years, his demons, which accounted for his
for hours and gossip. As he became more prominent in the track world— Club had an international forum. Topping this off, Weider sponsored the wild mood swings through the years and his many wild and unexplained
he traveled the world over with the USA track team—he met a lot of first international powerlifting event that basically featured the Westside outbursts finally caught up with him. Despite all of this, he was honored
famous people, including famed movie mobster Edward G. Robinson and Barbell Club versus a team of British lifters including such luminaries as by many, including Louie Simmons, who wrote a touching message in his
Peter Lawford of the famed “Rat Pack” of the 60s. An Englishman mar- Ron Collins, Precious McKenzie, Bob Memery, and Mike McHugh. Frenn online obituary guestbook.
ried to the Irish “first family” of America, the Kennedys, Peter Lawford squatted 819 at that meet, and later pushed that record up to the historic “It is with deep regret the passing of George Frenn. He was a
was a charming bon vivant who loved socializing with anyone famous, 853, in a picture which launched a thousand powerlifting careers. He teacher and motivator of mine in the 1960s and the early 70s. He
including athletes. Frenn and he both enjoyed Jazz, especially the great wrote some great articles for Weider back then like “Wrap up or Shut inspired me with his lifting, throwing, and most of all his knowledge
Errol Garner, who was a favorite of Frenn’s. Joe Di Marco related one Up”—a progressive article on the use of wrapping and early supportive he freely passed on in the old Muscle Power Builder magazine. Before
of Frenn’s casual comments to him and the guys, made in the late 60s gear, “Westside Barbell Secrets of Squatting”—in which the Westside box George Frenn there was no one like him, and after his passing there
regarding Lawford about a little something that happened a few years squatting system was finally put in print and was read the world over. I re- will never be another like him.” [Louie Simmons, 2006]
back, well before he was a member of the club. Now, this is technically member that issue well; I was a college student on vacation in Mexico with The traffic around Neosho Street today is quiet. Most of the young
hearsay, but everything—and I mean everything—that Joe has related to family and brought along a copy of that magainze on the train to while newlyweds who bought starter homes there in the early 60s are long
me in doing this research has been spot on, so I believe this as well. You away the dreary hours. Well, it simply mesmerized me, as it obviously did gone, having moved to more upscale neighborhoods in Marina del Rey
be the judge. According to George Frenn, “One fateful night in August another individual in Ohio—Louie Simmons. Louie will tell you that this and Manhattan Beach, or to the McMansions in Orange County. Some
of 1962, Peter Lawford called George Frenn and said in a state of particular article, above all, inspired him to try and box squats in his own who bought for cash or paid their small mortgages off before the prices
drunkenness: ‘They got her—she knew too damn much.’” training and, later, name his own gym in honor of the original club. In skyrocketed out of sight are still there, older, children of the 50s and 60s
The HER was none other than screen legend Marilyn Monroe. Why 1972, George Frenn made the U.S. Olympic team going to Munich, and stubbornly clinging to memories of yesteryear—The Beatles, flower power
Lawford called Frenn is still unknown, but he was in a state of panic due it was about this time that the Original Westside Club broke up and the and the psychedelic 60s. A few, when questioned, may even remember
to his unwitting involvement with the golden goddess and (of all people) guys went their own separate ways. The incident that sparked this was the the times over 40 years ago when their little neighborhood was invaded
the President of the United States. Frenn and Lawford allegedly partied breakup of Peanut’s marriage, and his subsequent descent into the hellish twice a week by a succession of giant men, inhumanly strong, who
a bit and would talk on the phone from time to time. This time, it was no depths of drug addiction. Peanuts, ever a ladies man (even when married) performed feats of unbelievable strength and marched to the beat of their
casual bit of gossip. Lawford was the last documented person to speak to had some extracurricular dalliances while out of town. One fine day, one own, peculiar drummer. No one would have believed that the men in this
Marilyn Monroe before her untimely suicide and the man who introduced of those “dalliances” wrote him a rather explicit letter which his wife garage gym could have touched the lives of millions of people, and in turn
her at Kennedy’s Democratic Convention when she sang “Happy Birth- intercepted while Peanuts was out. Upon reading it, she simply pinned it were touched by some of history’s most famous (and infamous) people.
George Frenn was a world-class iron tosser day Mister President.” According to Peter Lawford, Marilyn’s unrealistic to the door of the bedroom for Peanuts to see—with a butcher knife. Pea- Peanuts West...George Frenn...Jim Hamilton...Len Ingro...Bill Thurb-
notions about becoming First Lady caused her to embarrass herself with nuts was told by the guys in the gym to lay low, and he took them to heart er...Pat Casey...Billy “Superstar” Graham...Joe Di Marco...Bob Tate...
to be trained by Peanuts.” [Di Marco] both Kennedy brothers. Her letters and telephone calls to them had and simply disappeared for a spell. By now, the guys at the club were into Oliver Sacks, MD, the ORIGINAL WESTSIDE BARBELL CLUB. «
A perfect example of this was George Woods, the 1968 and 1972 become both tedious and horribly dangerous, both to their marriages and other things in their lives and the Westside Barbell
Olympic silver medalist in the shotput. Prior to the Olympic trials of 1968 to national security. Unlike Tiger Woods, who “limited” (if you can call it) Club of Culver City ceased to exist. George bought
in Lake Tahoe, Woods’ upper body strength (for a man 6 foot plus and his dalliances to cocktail waitresses, strippers and the like, the Kennedy’s the equipment and relocated it back to his parents Joe Di Marco
close to 290 lb.) was subpar—he could barely incline 290 and apparently were allegedly fooling around with the world’s #1 sex symbol. There was home in North Hollywood, but it was never the same
had trouble bench pressing 400. After several months of specialized train- every good reason for JFK and RFK to break off the relationship with after that. Peanuts drifted for a long time, losing a lot
ing at Westside with Peanuts, Woods not only inclined over 400, but dead Marilyn permanently. What allegedly became so troublesome was Mari- of weight, and becoming more and more embroiled
stop bench pressed 485 and push pressed from the stands over 440 lb., lyn’s supposed rage at JFK’s rejection of her and the fear that she was in the octopus-like tentacles of drugs. Sadly, he
all which made for a hall of fame career in track and field. Woods credited able to strike at both brothers. Many have posited that Marilyn Monroe died alone and on the beach in 1986, some say the
powerlifting at Westside for phenomenal success with the iron ball—he was in a position to bring down the U.S. Presidency. She was extremely victim of an overdose. He was buried in a modest
was the undisputed king of the indoor shot, setting world marks that lasted knowledgeable of John F. Kennedy’s marital infidelities and other very grave. Were it not for the diligent efforts of another Bill “Peanuts” West
for over 20 years. sensitive private matters. She had his personal notes and letters and was great California lifter, Bill Ennis, he would have re-
privy to Kennedy’s involvement with famed Mafioso Sam Giancana. On Mary West
It was still just a garage gym, but it was shortly about to be put on mained lost. Bill organized a fund raiser for Peanuts
the world map by an up and coming new member. One of the of the the night of Marilyn’s death, it is believed that Peter Lawford went to so he could have a proper headstone and organized
regulars of the club was another USA track and field great, Harold Con- Marilyn’s house. Purportedly in a state of panic, Lawford called brother-in- a memorial service for him in 2005 attended by Linda Di Marco
nolly, former gold medalist in the hammer in 1952. In early 1964, he law Bobby Kennedy and explained what had occurred. Shortly after, Law- many of California’s great powerlifters.
approached Peanuts and Joe Di Marco about a new young track and field ford phoned a whole array of close and casual friends, among which was But the torch had been passed. George Frenn
phenom, bursting with energy and raw strength, who wanted to join the George Frenn of the Original Westside Barbell Club. Unbelievable, but trained with a lot of folks after the club evaporated,
club. “We said it was okay, as long as he used our system.” [Di Marco] true. The thing to ponder is the sentence structure of Lawford’s slurring including a young man from Ohio, and taught him
Well, the young man joined, and used Peanuts’ and Joe’s newly minted words to Frenn: “They GOT Her—she knew too much.” The word “got” the system of box squats, belly toss bench press, and
system, with a few wrinkles of his own. The new member was none implies something other than the official cause of death for Monroe—an assisted deadlifts. This young man, Roger Estep,
other than the iconic George Frenn, and the Westside Barbell Club was accidental overdose of the barbiturates, Nembutol and Chloral Hydrate. It went on to break world records in the squat and total
never the same afterwards. George inspired literally thousands of young implies something so sinister as to boggle the mind, and this theory has and to train with another group of lifters—the wild
men (including myself) to take up the sport and was also famous as a been bandied about for close to 50 years—simply that Marilyn Monroe bunch of Mew Martinsville, WVA, including Luke
U.S. Olympian, and multi world record holder in track and field. George, was murdered. The word THEY is equally sinister: was it referring to the Iams, Rickey Crain, Chuck Dunbar, Paul Sutphin Isaac Berger
despite his historic achievements in powerlifting, was first and foremost a Mob, eager for payback to the Kennedy brothers for their ruthless perse- and Jack Wilson. Louie Simmons had named his
track athlete, and then a powerlifter. He was the first (and only) power- cution of them, or the CIA? club after the original in 1986, and used some of the
lifter to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated. He actually spent as much No one will know for sure, and if Frenn was alive today, he wouldn’t basic theories of box squatting plus a lot of Eastern
The Westside gang and family circa the late ‘50s
or more time on the “power” movements of the Olympic lifts like clean tell a soul. Like I said, “Six Degrees of Separation.” The legendary Mari- European methodologies to formulate what we now

Total X-Bwt Male American Lifter/ YOB/ Date/ Actual Weight/ Exact Bodyweight/ Location/ Federation Total X-Bwt Female Lifter/ Nationality/ YOB/ Date/ Actual Weight/ Exact Bodyweight/ Location/ Federation
1. 2630.0 (1192.9) *10.84X Greg Panora/80 12/6/08 (1015.0+800.0+815.0=2630.0 lb. @ 110.0 kg.) (Murfreesboro, Tennessee) (SPF) 1. 1885.0 (855.0) *9.56X Becca Swanson/73 3/3/06 (365.0+217.5+272.5=855.0 kg. @ 89.45 kg.) (Columbus, OH) (WPO)
2. 2600.0 (1179.3) *10.79X Dave “Neutron” Hoff/88 12/5/09 (1025.0+785.0+790.0=2600.0 lb. @ 241.0 lb.) (Nashville, TN) (SPF) 2. 1564.0 (709.4) *8.19X Dawn Reshel-Sharon/55-00 5/15/88 (1586.0 lb. @ 191.0 lb.) (Milwaukee, WI) (APF/WPC)
3. 2579.4 (1170.0) *10.64X Jeremiah Frey/81 1/31/09 (455.0+350.0+365.0=1170.0 kg. @ 110.0 kg.) (Dubuque, Iowa) (UPA) 3. 1462.8 (663.5) *7.41X Jessica Watkins-O’Donnell/80 7/13/07 (271.0+150.0+242.5=663.5 kg. @ 89.5 kg.) (St Louis, MO) (USAPL/IPF)
4. 2570.0 (1165.7) *10.66X Brian Carroll/81 8/24/08 (1050.0+785.0+735.0=2570.0 lb. @ 241.0 lb.) (Sharonville, Ohio) (IPA) 4. 1460.0 (662.2) 7.36X Lynne Boshoven/58 4/27/96 (620.0+330.0+510.0=1460.0 lb.) (Grand Rapids, Michigan) (NSM)
5. 2565.0 (1163.5) *10.58X James Grandick/68 8/24/08 (1015.0+805.0+745.0=2565.0 lb. @ 242.4 lb.) (Sharonville, Ohio) (IPA) 5. 1377.9 (625.0) *7.37X Deb Widdis/60 9/10/05 (262.5+142.5+220.0=625.0 kg. @ 84.8 kg.) (Dubuque, Iowa) (APF)
6. 2502.2 (1135.0) *10.93X Matt Kroczaleski/73 7/13/08 (460.0+320.0+355.0=1135.0 kg. @ 103.8 kg.) (Dubuque, Iowa) (UPA) 6. 1370.0 (621.4) *6.92X Cheryl Clodfelter/62 6/28/09 (550.0+285.0+535.0=1370.0 lb. @ 197.9 lb.) (York, PA) (IPA)
7. 2481.3 (1125.5) *10.24X Steve Goggins/63 3/6/04 (472.5+257.5+395.5=1125.5 kg. @ 109.9 kg.) (Columbus, Ohio) (WPO) 7. 1355.8 (615.0) *7.28X Krista Ford/66 6/8/08 (272.5+115.0+227.5=615.0 kg. @ 84.5 kg.) (Norfolk, Virginia) (APC/WUAP)
8. 2463.7 (1117.5) *10.27X Ed Coan/63 12/20/98 (455.0+260.0+402.5=1117.5 kg. @ 108.8 kg.) (Las Vegas, Nevada) (USPF/WPL) 8. 1350.3 (612.5) *6.81X Stacey Manly/71 12/1/07 (240.0+160.0+212.5=612.5 kg. @ 90.0 kg.) (Jacksonville, Florida) (APF)
9. 2447.1 (1110.0) *10.73X Sam Byrd/81 6/14/08 (502.5+290.0+317.5=1110.0 kg. @ 228.0 lb.) (Kennesaw, Georgia) (APF) 9. 1339.3 (607.5) 6.75X Lorraine Costanzo/54 1/31/88 (250.0+130.0+227.5=607.5 kg.) (Austin, Texas) (USPF)
10. 2441.6 (1107.5) *10.09X Justin Graalfs/79 3/24/07 (487.5+282.5+337.5=1107.5 kg. @ 242.0 lb.) (Omaha, Nebraska) (APF) 10. 1330.0 (603.3) 6.70X JoLynn Arvin/67 11/12/95 (480.0+330.0+520.0=1330.0 lb.) (Roseville, Michigan) (APF)
11. 2441.6 (1107.5) *10.14X Toby Irby/74 5/4/08 (457.5+320.0+330.0=1107.5 kg. @ 109.2 kg.) (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (APF/WPC) 11. 1315.0 (596.5) 6.63X Kym Allen 4/26/97 (425.0+390.0+500.0=1315.0 lb.) (Quebec, Canada) (APA/WPA)
12. 2430.6 (1102.5) *10.27X Dondell Blue/75 12/3/06 (427.5+347.5+327.5=1102.5 kg. @ 107.4 kg.) (Lake City, Florida) (APF) 12. 1300.7 (590.0) *7.00X Shawna Mendelson/72 12/6/03 (255.0+145.0+190.0=590.0 kg. @ 84.25 kg.) (New Smyrna Beach, FL) (APF)
13. 2408.6 (1092.5) *10.38X Clint Smith/79 12/5/09 (410.0+347.5+335.0=1092.5 @ 105.2 kg.) (Jacksonville, Florida) (APF) 13. 1300.7 (590.0) *6.74X Bonica Brown/88 4/15/07 (227.5+142.5+220.0=590.0 kg. @ 87.6 kg.) (Killeen, Texas) (USAPL)
14. 2403.0 (1090.0) *10.05X Willie Wessels/63 4/6/97 (432.5+295.0+362.5=1090.0 kg. @ 239.0 lb.) (Peoria, Illinois) (APF/WPC) 14. 1284.2 (582.5) 6.47X Shelby Corson/67 7/31/94 (245.0+135.0+202.5=582.5 kg.) (Houston, Texas) (USPF/IPF)
15. 2403.0 (1090.0) *10.47X Christian Simmons/80 6/17/06 (455.0+332.5+302.5=1090.0 kg. @ 104.15 kg.) (Ft Lauderdale, FL) (APF) 15. 1262.1 (572.5) *6.37X Sue Meany 3/9/86 (215.0+122.5+235.0=572.5 kg. @ 89.86 kg.) (Canton, Ohio) (APF/WPC)
16. 2381.0 (1080.0) *10.05X Tony Acome/72 11/10/07 (445.0+337.5+297.5=1080.0 kg. @ 237.0 lb.) (Omaha, Nebraska) (APF) 16. 1260.0 (571.5) *6.91X Anna McCloskey/92 1/20/08 (575.0+245.0+440.0=1260.0 lb. @ 182.4 lb.) (Carteret, NJ) (IPA)
17. 2381.0 (1080.0) *10.13X Larry Hook/69 3/14/09 (427.5+287.5+365.0=1080.0 kg. @ 235.0 lb.) (Oregon City, Oregon) (APF) 17. 1251.1 (567.5) *6.76X Ali Huston/85 5/14/05 (235.0+115.0+217.5=567.5 kg. @ 84.0 kg.) (Round Rock, Texas) (APF)
18. 2375.5 (1077.5) *9.89X Joseph Bayles/76 6/5/05 (410.0+320.0+347.5=1077.5 kg. @ 109.0 kg.) (Detroit, Michigan) (APF/WPC) 18. 1240.1 (562.5) *6.55X Leslie Look/70 6/2/02 (230.0+110.0+222.5=562.5 kg. @ 85.9 kg.) (Riesa, Germany) (USAPL/IPF)
Steve Wilson – not just a “big 19. 2350.0 (1065.9) *9.78X Aaron Wilson/74 8/23/09 (930.0+700.0+720.0=2350.0 lb. @ 240.2 lb.) (Sharonville, Ohio) (SPF) 19. 1240.0 (562.5) *6.36X LeighAn Jaskiewicz/79 10/25/09 (440.0+300.0+500.0=1240.0 lb. @ 195.0 lb.) (Columbus, OH) (IPA)
Deb Widdis – another Big Iron
arm farm boy” from Ohio 20. 2347.9 (1065.0) *9.70X Jason Patrick/72 8/7/04 (440.0+290.0+335.0=1065.0 kg. @ 242.0 lb.) (Dubuque, Iowa) (APF) 20. 1223.6 (555.0) 6.17X Victoria Gagne-Hembree/61 3/19/00 (210.0+140.0+205.0=555.0 kg.) (Moreno Valley, CA) (AAU)
21. 2325.9 (1055.0) *9.84X Travis Mash/73 6/5/05 (432.5+287.5+335.0=1055.0 kg. @ 236.4 lb.) (Detroit, Michigan) (APF/WPC) 21. 1218.1 (552.5) *6.18X Lazara Janet Loveall/70 1/24/09 (202.5+145.0+205.0=552.5 kg. @ 197.0 lb.) (Los Angeles, CA) (USPF) record breaker
22. 2325.0 (1054.6) *9.59X Joe Jordan/73 1/20/08 (970.0+650.0+705.0=2325.0 lb. @ 110.0 kg.) (Columbus, Ohio) (IPA) 22. 1201.5 (545.0) *6.60X Krystal Cary/84 6/28/08 (227.5+145.0+172.5=545.0 kg. @ 82.6 kg.) (Willowbrook, Illinois) (APF)
23. 2305.0 (1045.5) *9.61X Luke Edwards/81 1/20/08 (870.0+625.0+810.0=2305.0 lb. @ 108.8 kg.) (Columbus, Ohio) (IPA) 23. 1200.0 (544.3) 6.05X Maris Sternberg/48 4/18/87 (490.0+260.0+450.0=1200.0 lb.) (Naperville, Illinois) (APF/WPC)
24. 2300.0 (1043.3) 9.48X Brian Hopper/83 10/24/09 (1005.0+625.0+670.0=2300.0 lb.) (Orlando, Florida) (APF) 24. 1196.0 (542.5) *6.16X Tazzie Colomb/66 8/13/05 (205.0+152.5+185.0=542.5 kg. @ 194.0 lb.) (Biloxi, Mississippi) (APF)
25. 2298.3 (1042.5) *9.66X Justin Redding/77 11/10/07 (455.0+275.0+312.5=1042.5 kg. @ 238.0 lb.) (Omaha, Nebraska) (APF) 25. 1185.0 (537.5) *6.04X Juanita Trujillo/64 1/18/87 (227.5+110.0+200.0=537.5 kg. @ 196.25 lb.) (San Francisco, CA) (USPF/IPF)
26. 2292.8 (1040.0) *9.71X Mike Roberts/79 11/11/06 (392.5+320.0+327.5=1040.0 kg. @ 107.1 kg.) (Willowbrook, Illinois) (APF) 26. 1179.5 (535.0) *6.12X Ann Turbyne 1/27/80 (205.0+117.5+212.5=535.0 kg. @ 192.75 lb.) (Los Angeles, CA) (USPF/IPF)
27. 2285.0 (1036.5) *9.43X Chris Taylor/73 8/24/08 (855.0+750.0+680.0=2285.0 lb. @ 242.4 lb.) (Sharonville, Ohio) (IPA) 27. 1174.0 (532.5) *5.92X Elizabeth “Leigh” Arnold/86 2/15/09 (212.5+120.0+200.0=532.5 kg. @ 90.0 kg.) (Miami, FL) (USAPL/IPF)
28. 2270.8 (1030.0) *9.79X Michael Schwanke/78 6/2/07 (395.0+300.0+335.0=1030.0 kg. @ 105.2 kg.) (Jacksonville, FL) (AAPF) 28. 1170.0 (530.7) *5.97X Susan Sharpe-Patterson 8/8/03 (400.0+310.0+460.0=1170.0 lb. @ 88.88 kg.) (Camp Hill, PA) (IPA)
29. 2265.2 (1027.5) *9.50X Ron Jones/75 12/3/06 (400.0+295.0+332.5=1027.5 kg. @ 108.2 kg.) (Lake City, Florida) (APF) 29. 1168.4 (530.0) *6.15X Karyn Tarter-Marshall 5/31/86 (227.5+97.5+205.0=530.0 kg. @ 190.0 lb.) (Pelham, NY) (USPF)
30. 2259.7 (1025.0) *9.32X Jose Garcia/77 11/8/03 (422.5+250.0+352.5=1025.0 kg. @ 110.0 kg.) (Atlanta, Georgia) (WPO) 30. 1160.0 (526.2) 5.85X Lisa Nawrocki 10/22/88 (400.0+285.0+475.0=1160.0 lb.) (Lakeland, Florida) (APF)
31. 2248.7 (1020.0) *9.37X George Hechter/61 3/23/87 (392.5+252.5+375.0=1020.0 kg. @ 240.0 lb.) (Honolulu, HI) (USPF/APF/WPC) 31. 1151.9 (522.5) 5.81X Annette Bohach 9/24/83 (202.5+110.0+210.0=522.5 kg.) (West Lafayette, Indiana) (USPF)
32. 2248.7 (1020.0) *9.54X Brian Weston/68 11/8/03 (410.0+272.5+337.5=1020.0 kg. @ 106.95 kg.) (Atlanta, Georgia) (WPO) 32. 1151.9 (522.5) 5.81X Toni Scopacasa/74 2/8/98 (225.0+105.0+192.5=522.5 kg.) (Aurora, Illinois) (APF)
33. 2243.2 (1017.5) *9.65X Paul Urchick/59 5/19/01 (420.0+250.0+347.5=1017.5 kg. @ 105.4 kg.) (Lethridge, Alberta) (APF/WPC) 33. 1150.0 (521.6) *5.82X Karen Phillips/65 7/9/04 (450.0+280.0+420.0=1150.0 lb. @ 197.5 lb.) (Shamokin Dam, PA) (IPA)
34. 2243.2 (1017.5) *9.27X Joe Norman/68 6/14/08 (455.0+275.0+287.5=1017.5 kg. @ 242.0 lb.) (Kennesaw, Georgia) (APF) 34. 1146.4 (520.0) 5.78X Nikki Avey/69 4/21/96 (227.5+92.5+200.0=520.0 kg.) (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania) (ADFPA)
35. 2237.7 (1015.0) 9.23X Phil Farmer/69 7/16/95 (392.5+265.0+357.5=1015.0 kg.) (Dallas, Texas) (APF/WPC) 35. 1140.9 (517.5) 5.75X Barbara Crocker/63 2/25/90 (200.0+110.0+207.5=517.5 kg.) (Shawnee, Oklahoma) (USPF/IPF)
36. 2237.7 (1015.0) *9.24X Mike Johnston/68 11/3/05 (440.0+247.5+327.5=1015.0 kg. @ 109.8 kg.) (Helsinki, Finland) (APF/WPC) 36. 1140.9 (517.5) *5.99X Taylar Stallings/85 1/24/09 (182.5+117.5+217.5=517.5 kg. @ 190.5 lb.) (New Port Richie, FL) (RUPC2)
37. 2225.0 (1009.2) *9.18X Blaine Stussy/75 2/4/05 (815.0+700.0+710.0=2225.0 lb. @ 109.9 kg.) (Spokane, Washington) (APF) 37. 1129.9 (512.5) *5.75X Harriet Hall/50 5/27/00 (180.0+125.0+207.5=512.5 kg. @ 89.1 kg.) (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (USAPL/IPF)
38. 2225.0 (1009.2) 9.17X Matt Lewis 10/27/07 (900.0+650.0+675.0=2225.0 lb.) (Zanesville, Ohio) (IPA) 38. 1107.8 (502.5) 5.58X Disa Hatfield/74 7/20/02 (205.0+132.5+165.0=502.5 kg.) (Santa Barbara, California) (USPF)
39. 2221.2 (1007.5) 9.16X Curtis Leslie 7/3/94 (400.0+267.5+340.0=1007.5 kg.) (Elmhurst, Illinois) (APF/WPC) 39. 1105.0 (501.2) *5.65X Kristy Reske/77 3/13/04 (435.0+225.0+445.0=1105.0 lb. @ 88.75 kg.) (Redford, Michigan) (APF)
40. 2210.1 (1002.5) 9.11X Craig Stutes/73 10/14/06 (410.0+295.0+297.5=1002.5 kg.) (Hattiesburg, Mississippi) (APF) 40. 1102.3 (500.0) 5.56X Chris Sorenson 12/1/84 (192.5+105.0+202.5=500.0 kg.) (San Jose, California) (USPF)
41. 2210.1 (1002.5) *9.33X Mike Taylor/62 11/10/07 (397.5+295.0+310.0=1002.5 kg. @ 237.0 lb.) (Omaha, Nebraska) (APF) 41. 1102.3 (500.0) *5.59X Jill Arnow/59 2/17/08 (190.0+125.0+185.0=500.0 kg. @ 89.5 kg.) (Killeeen, Texas) (USAPL/IPF)
42. 2210.0 (1002.4) 9.11X Steve Wilson/54 2/23/85 (835.0+585.0+790.0=2210.0 lb.) (Sandusky, Ohio) (USPF) 42. 1096.8 (497.5) 5.53X Jackie Stone/79 7/31/09 (202.5+122.5+172.5=497.5 kg.) (Burr Ridge, Illinois) (AAPF/AWPC)
43. 2210.0 (1002.4) 9.11X Bill Nichols/58 4/18/87 (950.0+530.0+730.0=2210.0 lb.) (Naperville, Illinois) (APF/WPC) 43. 1091.3 (495.0) 5.50X Kelly Louque/83 4/16/05 (180.0+125.0+190.0=495.0 kg.) (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (USAPL)
44. 2210.0 (1002.4) *9.14X Shawn Nutter/78 1/27/07 (900.0+605.0+705.0=2210.0 lb. @ 241.8 lb.) (Columbus, Ohio) (APF) 44. 1090.0 (494.4) 5.49X Karen Faller 6/10/95 (430.0+255.0+405.0=1090.0 lb.) (Pittsfield, Massachusetts) (NSM)
45. 2210.0 (1002.4) *9.29X Vincent Cooke/71 6/29/08 (875.0+660.0+675.0=2210.0 lb. @ 237.8 lb.) (York, Pennsylvania) (IPA) 45. 1090.0 (494.4) *5.58X Theresa Fish/68 11/3/01 (430.0+285.0+375.0=1090.0 lb. @ 195.2 lb.) (Hudson, WI) (USAPL)
46. 2205.0 (1000.2) *9.30X Patrick Hakola/79 4/19/09 (800.0+665.0+740.0=2205.0 lb. @ 237.0 lb.) (Columbus, Ohio) (IPA) 46. 1085.8 (492.5) *5.54X Carloss Lott 3/86 (185.0+92.5+215.0=492.5 kg. @ 196.0 lb.) (Jackson, Mississippi) (NSM)
47. 2204.6 (1000.0) *9.09X John Kuc/47 11/9/80 (377.5+227.5+395.0=1000.0 kg. @ 110.0 kg.) (Arlington, Texas) (USPF/IPF) 47. 1085.8 (492.5) *5.54X Deborah Rose 9/2/89 (192.5+95.0+205.0=492.5 kg. @ 196.0 lb.) (Santa Barbara, California) (USPF)
48. 2204.6 (1000.0) 9.09X Willie Bell 11/22/87 (392.5+232.5+375.0=1000.0 kg.) (Dayton, Ohio) (APF/WPC) 48. 1085.8 (492.5) *5.79X Lilli Ewing 2/7/97 (187.5+105.0+200.0=492.5 kg. @ ~85.0 kg.) (Oklahoma City, OK) (NASA)
49. 2204.6 (1000.0) 9.09X Bryan Nester/61 7/7/91 (410.0+225.0+365.0=1000.0 kg.) (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (APF/WPC) 49. 1085.8 (492.5) 5.47X Shary Barbee/56 12/3/00 (180.0+120.0+192.5=492.5 kg.) (Corpus Christi, Texas) (USPF/WPL)
Greg Panora – Number One, 50. 2204.6 (1000.0) *9.26X Chris “Ox” Mason/72 6/6/04 (400.0+285.0+315.0=1000.0 kg. @ 108.0 kg.) (Baton Rouge, LA) (APF/WPC) 50. 1085.8 (492.5) *5.55X Sandra Sebastian/86 4/16/06 (187.5+112.5+192.5=492.5 kg. @ 88.7 kg.) (Miami, Florida) (USAPL) Nikki Avey – WDFPF World
with a bullet! (*) indicates exact bodyweight (instead of limit bodyweight) used to derive bodyweight coefficient. Records accurate as to my knowledge. Listing compiled by Michael Soong » 70 King James Court, Savannah, Georgia 31419 » 912.920.2051 » soongm@comcast.net Champion in 1994

George Hechter’s transformation

from SHW to 242 lber was among Harriet Hall – Master Women’s Becca Swanson is now located Janet Loveall – the strength of
Justin Graalfs – B.I.G. RULES!! the most successful in history Paul Urchick – MI strength legend Phil Farmer won it all in the USPF Superstar Lifter in Los Angeles Juanita Trujillo – USPF Champion Cuban heritage

that happen over the decades it all starts to add up when you least expect of nutritional wisdom to heart. By incorporating this combo into your daily
it. The fact that you used to recover quickly in your younger years from supplement plan it can without a doubt reduce your risks of getting breast
injuries is now a thing of the past and just getting through your weekly cancer. You can get both of these super compounds in tablet or capsule

NUTRITION TIPS, TIDBITS AND TASTERS PART IV workouts without something hurting can be a chore. In this instance many
lifters start using over the counter pain killers like Acetaminophen to help
form and taking them daily will be very little hassle compared to what it
can ward off in your future.
by Anthony Ricciuto, B.Phed. C.F.T. S.P.N. S.W.M. F.T. » aricciuto@nutritionxp3.com » www.nutritionxp3.com dull that aching elbow tendonitis or painful shoulder. If this is on a rare oc-
casion then that is one thing, but with some lifters they need to take 6–8 CONCLUSION
tablets per day just to help them get through their workout. Some lifters Once again we come to a close, but hopefully after reading my article
Here is another installment of the Did you Know series. This month I am going to talk about rely so heavily on their bottle of pain killers that training without it would each month you learn just a little bit more to help improve your total
some interesting and controversial topics. By digging through the latest research from numerous not be possible. There are many side effects of using these pain pills, but and your health. This month I tried to cover some informative topics
journals I have some very thought provoking information on a variety of topics that will improve this month I am going to talk about how it relates to asthma. I know it that relate heavily to powerlifters. For those of you who do suffer from
your health and performance for the better. So enough babbling—let’s get to the goods. sounds weird that the two can be interlinked, but it is true. Acetamino- elevated blood pressure, give my celery juice idea a try. I would love to
phen has become popular over the years for many reasons. This drug hear back from you about the results. I am confident that you will notice a
A GLASS OF CELERY JUICE A DAY TO KEEP THE CARDIOLOGIST AWAY can be found in over the counter pain killers like Tylenol and Anacin, just drastic difference long term and even in 30 days you will see a remark-
Most of you who know me understand that I am big on juicing. Even though I have never to name a couple. One of the main reasons why this drug has gained a able improvement. High blood pressure is nothing to laugh at because its
done a series on this yet, there is one planned for the near future to help you understand lot of popularity over other pain medications is the fact that it does not effects on your cardiovascular system over the years will ultimately lower
this topic in depth. One problem that affects powerlifters in high numbers is high blood increase the possibility of gastrointestinal bleeding. This is one of the your life expectancy. For those of you who like to hit the Acetaminophen
pressure. If you asked any group of lifters in the 198 class and above you would be shocked drawbacks of using Aspirin or even Ibuprofen and for this reason many a little more than you should, please take note of the effects it can have
at how many suffer from this ailment. Some are only borderline and others actually need to doctors recommend Acetaminophen over them. According to 19 different on your lungs. Like I mentioned before, all over the counter pain medica-
take daily medication to keep it under control. There are many reasons why a powerlifter studies that took place on well over 400,000 children and adults, those tions do have side effects and that is why I try to help educate you on
may suffer from this condition. We should know that the sport itself will cause an increase in children that used Acetaminophen had a 60% greater chance of suffering the finer points of reducing joint pain and muscle inflammation through
blood pressure while performing a lift. I would just love to measure a lifter’s blood pressure from asthma than those that did not use this drug. Wow—this is some natural means. I know it may take longer for the natural ways to work,
score at the bottom of a 1000 pound squat. I am sure it would be through the roof. Next bad news, especially since many doctors prescribe Acetaminophen as the but in time it will help get to the root of your problem, not just by masking
we have to face the fact that many lifters are big men who do carry too much body fat. It is main drug to help combat fevers in children. Now get this, the same stud- your pain day after day with medication that is having negative effects
not uncommon that lifters are well over 300 pounds and carry from the high 20s to high ies showed that for adults who used the drug in the past year they were on your health. For all my power vixens out there, I really hope that you
30s in percentage of body fat. Carrying too much body fat can affect blood pressure scores, 75% more likely to suffer from asthmatic conditions. This is completely start implementing Curcumin and Piperine into your nutritional plans. I
without a doubt. Next is the fact that most lifters eat a ton of sodium in their daily diets. Fast mind blowing. To make matters worse, those that used dosages that were expanded on the many benefits of Curcumin in a recent issue (November
foods and salty processed junk foods are loaded to the gills not only with saturated fats but higher and prolonged suffered the most. These studies also showed an 2009) so please go back and read it if you haven’t already. Per this latest
enough sodium to knock over a polar bear. Add to the fact that again most lifters do not increase in wheezing and other nose, and eye conditions as well. Many research, by combining these two powerful natural compounds you will be
drink enough water and are dehydrated on a daily basis only makes this problem worse. researchers believe that the increased number of asthmatic conditions making positive inroads by trying to prevent this horrible disease before
Then we have to look at the angle of pharmaceutical enhancement. For those of you who over the last couple of decades is highly due to the increased usage and it starts. I care for all of my readers and I truly wish you the best in your
have traveled to the dark side in this realm you should know that anabolic steroids and other frequency of Acetaminophen over Aspirin. So for those adults who take performance and quality of life. Until next month, train hard, eat clean,
performance enhancing drugs can have an amplifying effect on your blood pressure scores Acetaminophen frequently and suffer from Asthma this will give you some and start drinking celery juice to keep that heart in tip top shape. «
as well. One very simple way to help lower your blood pressure very cheaply and very easily food for thought.
is to drink celery juice on a daily basis. I know many of you reading this are saying, “Celery
juice; that is disgusting. You want me to drink that? No way!” Drinking this simple juice first TARGET BREAST CANCER CELLS NATURALLY
thing in the morning can help you more than you know. Many of you might be wondering Well, my power vixens, I didn’t forget you in this issue. I know you
how can drinking this green juice actually help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovas- write me often and ask for more health tips for women so I thought I
cular health. Celery juice contains a compound known as Phthalides. This compound works would throw this at you. In a recent article in the Breast Cancer Research
in more ways than one to help improve your heart health. What makes them so special is and Treatment Journal I came across an interesting study. It showed that
the fact that they can actually cause a relaxing effect on the muscles in and around the arte- taking Curcumin and Piperine together can help inhibit the nasty stem cell
rial walls. This in turn will then cause these vessels to dilate, which means there will be more growth that actually fuels breast cancer development. If you remember
space inside the arteries. This ultimately allows your blood to flow at a lower pressure rate. about 4–6 months back, I wrote a column on Turmeric because one of
This is not all that celery juice has been found to do. Celery juice can also have a very posi- my readers emailed and wanted some in depth information on this spice.
tive effect on lowering stress hormones, which in turn will have a very positive effect on your I mentioned before that it was popular in Indian cooking, but also how
cardiovascular health. For those of you who might doubt my recommendations, I suggest you the main component of it was Curcumin. Ahhh it’s all coming back to
try doing this for 30 days. Wake up first thing in the morning and have yourself a large glass you now, isn’t it? I talked about all the many different health conditions it
of celery juice upon waking. I have personally seen this work successfully on many of my lift- was good for and how you should start taking it daily to keep you healthy
ers who have suffered from higher blood pressure scores. All I saw were positive changes in and strong. I guess I was right because this new study has shown some
blood pressure readings and the results were in the pudding so to speak. I have seen systolic great promise. For those of you who do not know what Piperine is, I will
blood pressure ratings drop from 15–25 points in only 30 days by doing this religiously each help shed some light. Piperine is the alkaloid that is responsible for that
and every morning and not by changing anything else in their diet or nutrition plan. This is a pungent flavor associated with black pepper. Yep, that little bit of sting
huge drop in a very short period of time and the fact that it is very cheap and doesn’t require that you get from it when you put it on your food is caused by good old
the use of pharmaceuticals to get the job done means all of you should paying attention. So, Piperine alkaloid. No worries, I am sure one of you will request an article
if your blood pressure has been a little on the high side or if it’s something you have fought on Piperine in the future so you can be sure to know about it more in
with for years and are not currently taking any medications to fight it, then give my sugges- coming issues. Now back to the study. A study performed at the Univer-
tion a try and report back to me in a month’s time to let me know how much of a difference sity of Michigan showed that stem cells in cultures treated by Curcumin in
you have seen. even small amounts showed a reduction in specific markers for stem cells.
When they doubled the concentration, they found complete inhibition.
PAINKILLERS INCREASE ASTHMA RISK If that isn’t good news, then I don’t know what is. Piperine alone was
Pain killers and powerlifters go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. I know many also used and also showed promise even thought it wasn’t as dramatic
may not like the way this sounds, but I have to bring this out. Many powerlifters use over the as the Curcumin. Here is where the good news really kicks in. When the
counter pain killers much too often and I am actually planning a full series on this and the researchers combined the two compounds together it elicited a response
many health dangers it presents. Lifting heavy weights, especially as you get into your 30s, in stem cell reduction that was greater than either of the two compounds
40s and 50s, is not so forgiving as it was in your early 20s. I know all of you masters lifters alone. Plus, at the same time, there were no side effects on healthy cell
reading this know exactly what I mean. Doing multiple sets and training day after day without development. This is fantastic news for women who have had breast
a break was cool when you were 23 years old, but try doing that 20 years later and you will cancer in the past or for those where it runs in the family. This study
need a wheel chair just to get to work. As we age in the sport the injuries start to add up. concluded that when these two compounds were used together they could
That rotator cuff tear from back in 1994 still aches and that hamstring tear from the summer actually help prevent cancer by zoning in on stem cells, right from the
of 2002 still acts up when it rains. Then with the hundreds of little muscle tweaks and pulls start. So for all our lady lifters out there reading this please take this tidbit

Mark VanAlstyne

I’m writing this article about Anthony and Anna
McCloskey. Anthony started powerlifting back in 2001
when he was 10 years old. He competed in his first meet
in Rockville, Maryland. He competed in the 88 lb. RAW
Federation and hit a 145 squat, 70 bench press, and 200
deadlift. After this meet, we still continued raw train-
ing. Our training cycle was done Westside way. When
Anthony was 12 years old we started to train in gear. In
his first meet competing in gear he squatted 300, benched
135, and deadlifted 300 weighing in at 111 lb.
During the past eight years of training he has compet-
ed in one year of basketball, three years of wrestling, nine
years of basketball, and twelve years of football. Whether
it would be in season or off season we would compete
in powerlifting. The training would help him stay healthy
through all of his sports. Besides minor bumps or bruises,
he has never broken a bone in his body and has been
very healthy. Through his years of high school football he
never missed a game or practice. He played one year of
junior varsity and three years of varsity and played both
sides of the ball each game.
Anthony has competed in many state, national, and
world championships. We compete in all federations, in-

Frank Ginez
and a few others. He holds state, national, and world
records in all of these federations. His best lifts which
were at 16 and 17 years old are 821 squat, 501 bench,
and 675 deadlift. His numbers in the IPA were retired and
Laura Phelps he now competes in the Elite Amateur Division. This now
allows the teen world records in the IPA to be claimed by
other teens.
At the present time Anthony is a freshman at West
Chester University in West Chester, PA. He was red-
shirted his first year and will be battling for a starting
position at MLB next spring for the 2010 season. He
majors in mathematics. We started his meet training im-
mediately after his football season and are now currently
training for a February 2010 IPA meet in Whitehall, PA.
We would like to thank all federations for their kindness
when competing at their meets. Also a thank you to Mike
Lambert and Powerlifting USA for the article.
Anna started powerlifting at the age of 11 and
competed in the 148 pound weight class, raw, at the AAU
World Championships. At that meet she hit 220-100-220.
She had trained with her older brother, Anthony, and also
trained the Westside system. She began competing in gear
at the AAU Junior Olympics and hit 127.5kg-65kg-130kg.
During the past five years, Anna has competed
in fieldhockey, lacrosse, and shotput and discus. Her
training has also helped her maintain her health with the
exception of minor bumps and bruises. She also would
Keri McCaslin participate in powerlifting both on and off season. She has
been All-Catholic and All-Delco in track and field fresh-
man and sophomore year.
She has competed in many state, national, and world
championships, the same various federations her brother
did. Anna also holds state, national, and world records in
many of the federations. As a 15 year old she was ranked
in the top three on Powerlifting Watch in the 181 and
198 pound classes. Also, she’s ranked top five in the raw
181 rankings, second team All-American, and All-World
on the Powerlifting Watch. She holds the biggest deadlift
of any female in the 100% Raw federation, pulling 440
pounds. Her best lifts equipped at 15 years old were 575-
285-450. At 16, raw, 340-185-440.
At the present time, Anna is a junior honor roll stu-
dent at Cardinal O’Hara High School in Springfield, PA.
She just completed her first varsity season on the O’Hara
field hockey team. She recently competed in her first
indoor meet of the season and qualified for states.
Anna will be starting off the 2010 season at the
IPA NJ State Championships. She’s also considering the
otions of the APT Team Championships, IPA Worlds in
York, AWPC in FL, WPC Raw Worlds, and WPC World in
Finland. Anna would like to thank Tom Simon and West
Cary Barbell and Lucas Irwon and Unbreakable Gear, and
Brickhouse for all their help.
We would like to thank Mike Lambert and all the
crew from Powerlifting USA for taking the time to for our
article. Thank you.

Yes, you can... order the deluxe Powerlifting USA Achievement Certificates and Mounting Plaques, teens, to commemorate your accomplishments on the
competition platform. The certificates are printed in red and gold ink, embossed with the official gold seal of Powerlifting USA Magazine, and individually signed
by PL USA editor, Mike Lambert. Complementing the certificates are our woodgrain finish wall mounting plaques, a beautiful way to display the documentation of
NOTE: These are the Powerlifting USA TOP 20 Teen powerlifters in the United States for the year 2009. If any errors or omissions are noted, please report them to Powerlifting USA Magazine, your strength world success. The certificate and plaque together are $21.95, and certificates alone are $6.00. If you appear on the list, you are eligible. Send your
P.O. Box 467, Camarillo, CA 93011 or mike@powerliftingusa.com. We make errors in the compilation of this list, and some meet results are never received at our office for inclusion in the name and address, weight class, lift, and date it was made, along with payment to PL USA, Box 467, Camarillo, CA 93011 (CA residents add 8.25% sales tax) or
rankings. Furthermore, some of the results we do receive do not specify the lifter’s gender or bodyweight, in which case we don’t know which class to credit the efforts toward. call 1.800.448.7693 to place your order.

450 Salgado, J..3/10/09 500 Laznovsky, N..3/28/09 540 Nunez, I..3/28/09 550 Barrera, M..3/28/09 749 Dunn, J..9/12/09 677 Douglas, K..6/13/09 690 Wright, J..3/28/09 705 Tine, R..5/9/09 740 Skinner, S..10/25/09 745 Trevino, J..3/28/09 840 Gonzales, A..3/28/09
440 Torres, E..3/14/09 485 Rotar, P..3/13/09 485 Lopez, V..3/14/09 540 Jacquez, E..2/29/09 630 Hohman, J..3/28/09 650 Hare, A..1/17/09 688 Sutton, P..6/13/09 700 Ladner, M..3/14/09 722 Gibson, J..9/26/09 733 Lilliebridge, E..1/31/09 825 Barnes, L..3/28/09
440 Garza, F..3/28/09 475 Osuna, D..3/28/09 480 Escamilla, E..3/14/09 540 Ramirez, R..3/28/09 610 Willis, W..1/31/09 639 Norris, J..4/4/09 675 Richardson, J..10/4/09 685 Vickery, C..3/28/09 699 Gannon, T..3/14/09 725 Terry, B..3/28/09 810 Ogando, J..2/21/09
400 Martinez, A..2/14/09 450 Martinez, A..3/28/09 473 Laznovksy, N..9/10/09 525 Wynn, K..2/21/09 605 Hardaway, D..3/28/09 630 Long, J..2/14/09 655 Vickery, C..2/14/09 683 May, R..5/3/09 699 Ladner, M..6/14/09 715 Molina, J..2/28/09 804 Ginez, F..6/14/09
380 Nowlin, T..3/28/09 450 Rodriguez, E..3/28/09 470 Olivo, K..3/28/09 525 Alexander, G..3/7/09 605 Orosco, L..3/28/09 630 Bell, I..2/28/09 644 Lee, L..6/13/09 675 Vaugh, M..3/7/09 680 Green, F..3/28/09 711 Erikson, C..4/26/09 800 Lowry, A..3/7/09
375 Horta, J..2/28/09 440 Guajardo, A..3/28/09 465 Williams, J..3/10/09 525 Reyes, R..3/28/09 600 Ferguson, T..2/14/09 620 Mendoza, M..2/7/09 630 Hinojosa, X..3/28/09 650 Brown, E..2/21/09 665 Watson, C..1/31/09 700 Molano, C..2/21/09 785 Englerth, J..3/28/09
370 Skaggs, K..3/28/09 430 Salgado, J..2/26/09 465 Garcia, R..3/14/09 525 Sharp, T..3/28/09 600 Polk, C..3/28/09 605 Sorrows, K..3/28/09 628 Tabor, T..5/3/09 650 Torres, E..2/28/09 660 Brawley, C..1/31/09 700 Evans, S..3/12/09 755 Folweiler, M..3/28/09
370 Knight, A..3/28/09 429 Rodriguez, J..4/3/09 455 Nelson, J..3/13/09 507 Lang, J..4/4/09 600 Saylor, C..3/28/09 600 Bell, D..3/28/09 622 Bush, C..9/11/09 650 Bennett, D..3/28/09 660 Briseno, L..3/28/09 700 Thacker, J..3/28/09 750 Mena, D..2/7/09
365 Morales, A..2/21/09 425 Gonzalez, M..3/28/09 451 Winstead, J..5/2/09 501 S., Brandon..2/28/09 600 Brooks, B..3/28/09 600 Fisher, B..3/28/09 620 Alaniz, R..2/7/09 645 Bramblitt, D..3/12/09 655 Grant, S..5/3/09 700 Neal, P..3/28/09 750 Terrell, C..2/18/09
365 Rocha, M..3/28/09 425 Garay, R..3/28/09 450 Smith, C..1/10/09 501 Krosravanipour..4/3/09 585 Miller, R..2/14/09 595 Tudor, W..8/1/09 617 Parker, T..6/13/09 640 Watson, C..3/28/09 655 Pray, T..6/14/09 700 Garteh, S..3/28/09 750 Wilson, D..3/7/09
365 Alvarez, E..3/28/09 424 Gonzales, J..2/28/09 445 Sommer, S..3/28/09 500 Raville, T..2/7/09 580 Ramirez, E..3/28/09 590 Hohman, Z..1/24/09 615 Wollin, C..3/28/09 640 Dobbins, S..3/28/09 650 Castro, R..1/10/09 690 Heskew, D..3/28/09 735 Limon, A..2/21/09
360 Weeks, D..2/19/09 415 Garza, F..2/7/09 440 Askew, M..3/28/09 500 Williams, F..2/7/09 575 Poirier, M..3/28/09 590 Miller, R..2/21/09 611 Downing, J..4/18/09 640 Hall, B..3/28/09 650 Pendleton, M..3/28/09 690 Hendrix, U..3/28/09 720 Taylor, A..3/14/09
360 Jaramillo, A..3/7/09 415 Ward, P..3/28/09 440 Trautman, J..3/28/09 500 Picardo, E..2/7/09 567 Johnson, R..4/4/09 585 Alaniz, R..1/17/09 600 Lewis, D..3/7/09 635 Comeux, S..11/14/09 650 Morrison, J..3/28/09 680 Brown, B..3/28/09 710 Wilkinson, C..2/28/09
360 Martinez, M..3/28/09 413 Edwards, C..4/3/09 440 O’Brien, W..3/28/09 500 Marshall, R..2/26/09 567 Orosco, T..6/13/09 585 Allen, C..3/28/09 600 Hickey, D..3/7/09 630 Castro, R..3/7/09 645 Gamble, M..3/28/09 680 Rigsby, C..3/28/09 705 Whitaker, A..4/5/09
355 Jacinto, M..3/7/09 410 Lightfoot, C..3/7/09 435 Paredes, A..2/18/09 500 Irby, T..3/28/09 565 Cortez, J..3/28/09 580 Kendrick, C..3/14/09 600 Darpolor, J..3/14/09 630 Webber, C..3/14/09 640 Buckley, A..3/14/09 675 Dickson, R..3/14/09 700 DiBiase, A..2/28/09
355 Cadena, C..3/12/09 410 Kegler, C..3/28/09 435 Perales, M..2/19/09 500 Dominguez, M..3/28/09 555 Smith, A..3/28/09 580 Medrano, S..3/28/09 595 Ximenez, E..3/28/09 625 Carter, D..2/28/09 640 Costilla, M..3/28/09 675 Venancio, D..3/28/09 700 Curl, D..3/12/09
355 Casas, J..3/14/09 410 Khokhar, S..3/28/09 435 Miles, C..2/21/09 495 Small, J..3/14/09 550 Moreno, L..2/28/09 580 Cozby, R..3/28/09 595 Peterson, C..6/13/09 625 Meyer, Q..3/14/09 639 McCoy, M..10/10/09 670 Stufflet, J..3/14/09 685 Danford, T..3/28/09
355 McCoy, Z..3/14/09 410 Manley, M..3/28/09 435 Torres, D..3/14/09 495 Trevino, G..3/28/09 550 Garza, Z..3/14/09 575 Fisher, E..2/7/09 590 Gonzalez, G..3/28/09 622 Myer, T..2/28/09 635 Roussell, G..3/28/09 660 James, T..2/21/09 683 Lomangino, F..6/14/09
350 Leija, J..3/7/09 407 Duplichain, V..4/3/09 430 Almgren, A..2/27/09 495 Tucker, J..3/28/09 545 Zak, T..1/10/09 575 Walker, C...2/21/09 585 Rangel, W..1/31/09 622 Moreau, T..4/5/09 630 Palomin, A..2/21/09 660 Drennon, D..3/7/09 680 Duncan, C..3/7/09
350 Barajas, R..2/28/09 405 Sharp, A..2/21/09 430 Galarza, C..2/28/09 490 Dominguez, D..3/7/09 545 Caldera, V..3/28/09 575 Skyvara, C..3/7/09 585 Hernandez, X..2/21/09 622 Zachman, E..10/24/09 630 Arnold, E..2/26/09 660 King, G..3/28/09 675 Haines, R..1/31/09
250 Torres, E..2/7/09 319 Garcia, W..12/12/09 340 Nunez, I..3/28/09 360 Jacquez, E..3/14/09 507 Dunn, J..9/12/09 462 Tudor, W..8/1/09 451 Beaudry, D..1/31/09 700 Kolb, J..10/11/09 622 Dunham, D..6/13/09 525 Burns, J..2/28/09 584 Brown, T..6/7/09
215 Johnson, A..2/7/09 280 Ward, P..3/28/09 335 Ott, Z..1/15/09 336 Turner, M..3/21/09 410 Salafia, D..4/18/09 425 Spriggs, J..8/1/09 450 Richardson, J..10/4/09 500 Ladner, M..3/28/09 518 McCoy, M..10/10/09 523 Perillo, L..10/18/09 523 Ginez, F..2/28/09
215 Martinez, A..2/14/09 275 Ellis, R..3/14/09 295 Escamilla, A..3/28/09 330 Alexander, G..3/28/09 400 Belen, T..3/14/09 424 Shamblin, P..3/28/09 440 Giglio, N..4/4/09 485 Haarsma, L..4/4/09 496 Ladner, M..6/14/09 510 Ramsey, K..11/14/09 512 Lomangino, F..6/14/09
215 Sanchez, J..11/1/09 275 Osuna, D..3/28/09 293 Jaurigi, M..11/1/09 325 Sharp, T..3/14/09 375 Davenport, T..2/12/09 407 Sato III, J..11/1/09 440 Giernet, B..4/25/09 470 Conner, C..2/21/09 475 Skinner, S..10/25/09 501 Eller, B..4/11/09 501 Toiley, R..8/1/09
214 Harrison, C..4/3/09 270 Gonzalez, M..1/31/09 285 Rozner, B..3/28/09 325 Hughes, D..7/25/09 370 Smith, A..3/28/09 405 Johannes, J..5/2/09 435 Ommen, N..5/30/09 455 Holdren, M..3/24/09 473 Cedeno, L..12/09 501 Bingham, B..4/25/09 500 Barnes, L..2/14/09
210 Weeks, D..2/7/09 270 Duplichain, V..4/3/09 280 Burris, R..3/7/09 315 Nicholas, N..1/31/09 365 Presswood, K..9/19/09 402 Mathews..12/5/09 435 Lee, L..6/13/09 451 Tine, R..5/9/09 465 Turner, P..2/28/09 501 Shipley, A..11/11/09 500 Mena, D..3/28/09
210 Martinez, M..3/14/09 265 Hernandez, R..3/28/09 280 Askew, M..3/28/09 315 Picardo, E..2/28/09 360 Steelman, R..9/19/09 395 Page, C..3/28/09 429 Grevon, T..4/26/09 440 May, R..5/3/09 450 Buckley, A..3/28/09 500 Gibbs, R..4/11/09 485 Lowry, A..3/28/09
210 Sanchez, G..3/28/09 264 Edwards, C..4/3/09 275 Solis, C..3/28/09 314 Cordoba, A..12/12/09 355 Willis, W..1/31/09 390 Mendoza, M..2/7/09 424 Sutton, P..6/13/09 440 Pasholk, D..7/18/09 446 Pickens, M..11/1/09 473 Cooley, D..6/27/09 475 Duncan, C..2/28/09
205 Durham, A.J..3/14/09 264 Rotar, P..6/12/09 275 Butler, R..3/28/09 310 Cooper, T..3/14/09 355 Hohman, Z..3/28/09 390 Contreras, R..2/28/09 424 Conner, C..6/13/09 440 James, L..7/25/09 435 Smith..4/19/09 465 Turner, P..1/17/09 475 Gonzales, A..3/28/09
205 Jacinto, M..3/28/09 264 Whipple, T..10/17/09 270 Gonzalez, M..2/21/09 310 Mullins, M..3/28/09 352 Ferguson, T..2/28/09 385 Kendrick, C..3/28/09 410 Huerta, J..3/14/09 425 Vaugh, M..3/7/09 435 Sams, T..11/14/09 455 Hill, J..2/28/09 470 Ogando, I..3/28/09
205 Nowlin, T..3/28/09 264 Belli, A..12/09 270 Gray, Z..2/26/09 305 Wynn, K..2/28/09 352 Kido, N..3/21/09 385 Richardson, J..5/23/09 407 Parker, T..6/13/09 425 Smith, T..3/29/09 425 Cooley, D..3/28/09 455 Kern, K..3/28/09 468 Cable, C..5/3/09
205 Turrentine, R..5/2/09 259 Tovey, B..3/14/09 270 Jennings, A..3/28/09 305 Reyes, R..3/28/09 350 Moreno, L..3/28/09 385 Conway, B..6/13/09 407 Garbush, J..11/1/09 425 Pacheco, B..4/11/09 425 Richard, P..11/14/09 450 Modica, A..3/7/09 457 Limon A..4/5/09
200 Gardner, C..1/29/09 255 Campos, B.J..3/28/09 270 Miller, J..4/3/09 305 Dominguez, M..3/28/09 350 Stiles, T..3/28/09 380 Douglas, K..6/13/09 405 Wright, J..1/10/09 418 Grenon, T..6/7/09 420 Brown, J..2/14/09 440 Erikson, C..4/26/09 455 Godeaux, H..1/17/09 Curt Allen (above)
200 McBride, M..2/13/09 255 Snapka, J..3/28/09 270 Horton, G..11/28/09 305 Irby, T..3/28/09 350 Picardo, E..6/6/09 375 Hare, A..1/17/09 405 May, N..8/22/09 415 Carranza, S..2/14/09 413 Gibson, J..9/26/09 435 Lilliebridge, E..1/31/09 451 Stockton, B..11/13/09 and Ian Bell (below)
200 Faulk, T..3/7/09 245 Ramirez, R..3/14/09 265 Smith, C..3/28/09 305 Atkinson, J..3/28/09 345 Orosco, L..3/28/09 375 Arquisola, B..3/28/09 402 Jaimes, L..6/13/09 415 Cervantes, Z..8/8/09 407 Grant, S..5/3/09 430 Mize, S..3/28/09 450 Wilson, D..2/7/09 both ranked in the
195 Martinez, T..2/7/09 240 Garay, R..2/28/09 264 Nelson, J..4/3/09 303 Tovey, B..11/1/09 340 Cortez, M..3/28/09 375 Coryall, J..10/3/09 402 Kelley, R..11/1/09 413 Moreau, T..4/5/09 407 Pray, T..6/14/09 425 Degavage, M..3/28/09 450 Weimer, J..3/29/09
424 Triplett, J..3/28/09
top 20s for their SQ,
195 Leija, J..2/26/09 235 Laznovsky, N..2/28/09 260 Dear, J..1/17/09 300 Barrera, M..2/21/09 335 Jones, D..2/26/09 365 Caballero, K..7/5/09 400 Hickey, D...3/28/09 413 Wilson, K..5/24/09 405 Carranzo, S..1/17/09 450 Anderson, D..4/26/09
195 Casas, J..3/14/09 235 Guajardo, A..3/14/09 260 Martinez, S..2/7/09 300 Ramirez, R..2/28/09 330 Munoz, A..3/7/09 363 Norris, J..9/11/09 386 Zintsmaster, T..7/18/09 407 Piopino, K..4/5/09 405 Watson, C..1/24/09 420 Rogers, J..3/7/09 440 Avila, J..2/21/09 DL and total in the
195 Salinas, J..3/14/09 235 Martinez, A..3/28/09 259 Tovey, B ..4/11/09 300 Beckman, A..2/28/09 330 Polk, C..3/28/09 358 Miskinis, D..5/16/09 385 Pike, N..3/14/09 407 Warren, D..6/27/09 405 Klare, D..3/28/09 420 Williams, G..3/28/09 440 Ellis, B..10/3/09 181 lb. class (Jim
195 Pena, R..3/14/09 235 Bawcum, K..3/28/09 255 Murphy, D...1/17/09 300 Mata, M..3/28/09 330 Cook, S..4/25/09 358 Hoffman, L..6/13/09 385 Peterson, C..6/13/09 405 Thomas, Q..2/14/09 405 Martin, B..4/18/09 420 Hartranft, G..4/25/09 435 Berry, C..10/24/09 Yakubovsky photo)
465 Torres, E..3/28/09 501 Laznovsky, N..4/3/09 540 Smith, C..3/7/09 525 Alexander, G..2/21/09 600 Hardaway, D..3/28/09 650 Bell, I..3/28/09 683 Rice, B..11/1/09 670 Langston, L..3/28/09 672 McCoy, M..10/10/09 766 Lilliebridge, E..1/31/09 690 Englerth, J..3/28/09
460 Martinez, A..2/14/09 496 Martinez, A..4/3/09 490 Hardin, L..4/3/09 525 Ramirez, R..2/28/09 578 Dunn, J..11/19/09 633 Douglas, K..6/13/09 665 Francis, R..3/7/09 666 Marion, T..6/14/09 645 Prescott, J..3/28/09 680 Walker, K..2/28/09 675 Lowry, A..1/24/09
430 Horta, J..3/14/09 479 Rotar, P..6/12/09 485 Laznovksy, N..9/10/09 525 Herrera, A..3/12/09 575 Sneed, R..3/7/09 617 Norris, J..9/11/09 644 Jordan, D..4/4/09 650 Pasholk, D..7/18/09 630 Buckley, A..3/28/09 680 Hartranft, G..4/25/09 661 Bulmash, R..4/4/09
415 Jacinto, M..3/7/09 470 Rodriguez, E..3/28/09 480 Rodriguez, E..3/14/09 515 Leal, J..3/14/09 567 Hill, C..10/31/09 615 Katzenmeyer, B..3/28/09 640 Lee, D..3/28/09 645 Curry, T..3/7/09 615 Gamble, M..3/12/09 650 Williams, G..3/12/09 650 DiBiase, A..2/28/09
415 Salgado, J..3/10/09 460 Powdrill, K..1/30/09 470 Williams, C..2/13/09 515 Reyes, R..3/28/09 565 Cortez, J..3/28/09 610 Miller, R..3/28/09 628 Tabor, T..5/3/09 635 Lee, L..3/7/09 615 Roussell, G..3/14/09 640 Thomas, O..3/7/09 635 Danford, T..3/12/09
415 Casas, J..3/28/09 451 Rodriguez, J..4/3/09 470 Askew, M..2/14/09 515 Irby, T..3/28/09 565 Rios, S..6/6/09 605 Richardson, J..5/23/09 625 Wright, J..3/7/09 622 Meyer, Q..4/4/09 610 Lochmann, A..3/14/09 635 Molano, C..6/6/09 630 Landry, A..1/17/09
410 Barajas, R..3/28/09 450 Osuna, D..3/28/09 465 Powdrill, K..1/24/09 510 Jaquez, E..2/21/09 550 Jones, D..2/26/09 600 Mendoza, M..2/21/09 625 Richardson, J..10/4/09 620 Ladner, M..3/28/09 605 Hoang, T..2/27/09 630 Thacker, J..3/7/09 630 Tate, M..2/16/09
407 Harrison, C..4/3/09 435 Perez, R..2/28/09 465 Lopez, V..3/28/09 507 Spencer, C..6/13/09 545 Miller, R..2/14/09 590 Rogers, J..3/28/09 610 Darpolor, J..3/14/09 620 Bennett, D..3/28/09 600 Brown, J..2/14/09 630 Johnson, L..3/12/09 625 Ogando, I..3/28/09
400 Smith, B..1/31/09 435 Gonzalez, M..3/28/09 465 Trautman, J..3/28/09 505 Dominguez, M..3/28/09 545 Caldera, V..3/28/09 575 Foster, C.J..2/21/09 600 Eddleman, K..3/28/09 615 Perea, H..3/28/09 600 Palomin, A..3/28/09 628 Shipley, A..8/8/09 622 Stockton, B..11/13/09
400 Garza, F..3/28/09 430 Jimenez, J..3/28/09 460 Gray, D..3/7/09 505 Mata, M..3/28/09 540 Quatela..2/7/09 570 Guggenbuehl, D..3/14/09 600 Parker, T..6/13/09 606 Quintin, M..6/14/09 600 Brown, R..4/5/09 620 Watson, T..7/12/09 620 Mena, D..2/7/09
390 Skelton, H..3/28/09 425 Khokhar, S..3/28/09 460 King, P..2/14/09 500 Foster, C..2/18/09 540 Orosco, L..3/12/09 570 Medrano, S..3/28/09 600 Garbush, J..11/1/09 605 Moore, B..3/29/09 600 Grant, S..5/3/09 615 Lampkin, I..3/14/09 620 Barnes, L..2/21/09
385 Rocha, M..3/28/09 425 Whitehurst, M..11/14/09 455 Williams, J..1/30/09 500 Wynn, K..2/28/09 540 Vaughn, J..3/14/09 562 Baker, M..6/21/09 595 Grevon, T..4/26/09 600 Sanders, S..3/28/09 600 Rounds, C..8/2/209 610 Evans, S..3/12/09 620 Limon, A..3/14/09
395 DeLaCruz, D..3/28/09 424 Nealy, D..4/3/09 455 Garcia, R..2/7/09 500 Kelly, K..3/7/09 540 Hollars, T..3/28/09 560 Hare, A..1/17/09 590 McNeil, D..3/28/09 600 Bass, m..3/28/09 600 Zuniga, A..12/6/09 610 Heskew, D..3/28/09 617 Bowen, J..4/5/09
380 Skaggs, K..3/7/09 420 Kegler, C..3/28/09 455 Solis, C..2/21/09 500 Sharp, T..3/28/09 540 Runde, J..4/4/09 560 Clay, R..1/24/09 585 Wollin, C..3/12/09 600 Argentieri, E..5/2/09 595 Bell, B..4/5/09 610 Brown III, M..9/19/09 615 Foster, Q..2/12/09
375 Cadena, C..2/28/09 415 Guajardo, A..3/28/09 455 Alaniz, R..3/14/09 495 Thompson, R..2/28/09 535 Thomas, L..2/21/09 560 Doss, S..2/28/09 580 Mendoza, M..1/17/09 600 May, R..5/3/09 585 Costilla, M..1/31/09 606 Leonard, J..3/21/09 605 Wilkinson, C..1/31/09
375 Chapa, D..3/14/09 405 Gonzales, J..2/19/09 450 Johnson, C..1/17/09 490 Castillo, R..3/28/09 535 Fisher, J..2/21/09 560 Bell, D..3/7/09 580 Ingold, D..3/7/09 600 Grenon, T..6/7/09 585 Roberson, J..2/21/09 605 Michael, W..3/28/09 600 Wilson, D..1/31/09
370 Jaramillo, A..3/7/09 405 Salgado, J..2/26/09 450 Moreno, J..2/14/09 485 Garcia, E..2/19/09 534 Foster, A..4/4/09 560 Allen, C..3/14/09 578 Peterson, C..6/13/09 600 Haarsma, L..6/14/09 585 Skinner, S..10/25/09 600 Roussel, G..1/17/09 600 Williams, K..2/27/09
370 Norden, A..3/28/09 405 Pando, A..3/14/09 445 Lopez, R..2/21/09 485 Smith, D..2/26/09 534 Cunha, N..12/5/09 555 Hobdy, D..7/25/09 575 Womack, S..1/22/09 600 Ramundo, S..11/14/09 584 Moore, R..5/30/09 600 Lemelle, D..1/24/09 600 Duncan, C..3/7/09
365 Dodds, J..2/21/09 405 Grubbs, J..5/31/09 445 Escamilla, A..3/14/09 485 Raville, T..3/7/09 530 Ramirez, E..3/28/09 551 Rechy, S..3/21/09 575 Etienne, G..3/7/09 590 Renton, C..3/28/09 580 Martinez, V..2/28/09 600 Grantham, J..1/30/09 600 Wempa, B..3/28/09
365 Hess, M..3/13/09 400 Gonzalez, E..2/28/09 440 Perez, R..2/14/09 485 Soliz, Z..3/7/09 529 Orosco, T..6/13/09 551 Szymanski, D..3/28/09 575 Martin, J..3/28/09 585 Pacheco, B..4/11/09 580 Pendleton, M..3/28/09 600 Drennon, D..2/7/09 600 Sutton, D..4/4/09
1140 Torres, E..3/14/09 1223 Rotar, P..6/12/09 1320 Nunez, I..3/28/09 1405 Jaquez, E..2/21/09 1802 Dunn, J..9/12/09 1692 Douglas, K..6/13/09 1750 Richardson, J..10/4/09 1770 Ladner, M..3/28/09 1829 McCoy, M..10/10/09 1934 Lilliebridge, E..1/31/09 1920 Lowry, A..3/28/09
1075 Martinez, A..2/14/09 1200 Osuna, D..3/28/09 1230 Smith, C..3/28/09 1370 Alexander, G..3/28/09 1560 Hardaway, D..3/7/09 1609 Norris, J..9/11/09 1680 Wright, J..3/7/09 1730 Tine, R..5/9/09 1800 Skinner, S..10/25/09 1725 Trevino, J..3/28/09 1915 Barnes, L..3/28/09
1050 Salgado, J..3/10/09 1195 Laznovsky, N..3/28/09 1210 Escamilla, A..3/14/09 1355 Ramirez, R..2/28/09 1475 Orosco, L..3/28/09 1600 Mendoza, M..2/7/09 1675 Sutton, P..6/13/09 1725 May, R..5/3/09 1774 Ladner, M..6/14/09 1720 Evans, S..3/12/09 1905 Gonzales, A..3/28/09
1030 Garza, F..3/28/09 1150 Martinez, A..3/28/09 1190 Askew, M..3/28/09 1345 Reyes, R..3/28/09 1470 Hohman, Z..3/28/09 1590 Bell, I..3/28/09 1653 Lee, L..6/13/09 1669 Haarsma, L..4/4/09 1720 Buckley, A..3/28/09 1719 Erikson, C..4/26/09 1890 Ginez, F..6/14/09
970 Horta, J..2/28/09 1125 Rodriguez, E..3/28/09 1185 Laznovsky, N..9/10/09 1330 Wynn, K..2/28/09 1430 Miller, R..2/14/09 1585 Hare, A..1/17/09 1625 Tabor, T..5/3/09 1610 Lee, L..3/7/09 1697 Gibson, J..9/26/09 1715 Thacker, J..3/28/09 1875 Ogando, I..3/28/09
970 Jacinto, M..3/7/09 1125 Gonzalez, M..3/28/09 1150 Solis, C..3/14/09 1325 Sharp, T..3/28/09 1430 Cortez, J..3/28/09 1537 Tudor, W..8/1/09 1625 Parker, T..6/13/09 1605 Langston, L..3/28/09 1664 Grant, S..5/3/09 1705 Neal, P..3/28/09 1825 Englerth, J..3/28/09
945 Casas, J..3/14/09 1090 Guajardo, A..3/28/09 1145 Lopez, V..3/14/09 1320 Irby, T..3/28/09 1430 Polk, C..3/28/09 1510 Katzenmeyer, B..3/28/09 1570 Giglio, N..4/4/09 1605 Torres, E..3/28/09 1653 Gannon, T..3/14/09 1700 Williams, G..3/28/09 1810 Mena, D..2/7/09
945 Rocha, M..3/28/09 1086 Rodriguez, J..4/3/09 1140 Olivo, K..2/21/09 1310 Dominguez, M..3/28/09 1425 Ferguson, T..2/14/09 1505 Miller, R..3/28/09 1570 Bush, C..9/11/09 1605 Curry, T..3/28/09 1642 Cedeno, L..12/09 1695 Heskew, D..3/28/09 1785 Lomangino, F..6/14/09
935 Nowlin, T..3/28/09 1085 Ward, P..3/28/09 1129 Hardin, L..4/3/09 1310 Barrera, M..3/28/09 1421 Orosco, T..6/13/09 1500 Kendrick, C..3/14/09 1565 Jordan, D..4/4/09 1600 Vaugh, M..3/7/09 1630 Turner, P..2/28/09 1675 Turner, P..3/28/09 1755 Limon, A..2/21/09
930 Skaggs, K..3/28/09 1063 Duplichain, V..4/3/09 1125 King, P..2/14/09 1285 Mata, M..3/28/09 1415 Saylor, C..3/28/09 1485 Bell, D..3/28/09 1559 Peterson, C..6/13/09 1598 Marion, T..6/14/09 1630 Pray, T..3/7/09 1665 Molano, C..2/21/09 1755 Duncan, C..3/7/09
925 Barajas, R..3/14/09 1050 Ellis, R..3/14/09 1125 Williams, J..3/10/09 1280 Raville, T..3/28/09 1415 Ramirez, E..3/28/09 1460 Medrano, S..3/28/09 1535 Eddleman, K..3/28/09 1587 Quintin, M..6/14/09 1615 Prescott, J..3/28/09 1665 Molina, J..2/28/09 1736 Brown, T..6/7/09
920 Jaramillo, A..3/7/09 1050 Perez, R..3/28/09 1124 Nelson, J..4/3/09 1262 Lang, J..4/4/09 1410 Brooks, B..3/28/09 1460 Conway, B..6/13/09 1530 Mendoza, M..1/17/09 1585 Bennett, D..3/28/09 1610 Salazar, C..3/28/09 1665 Terry, B..3/28/09 1735 Wilson, D..1/31/09
910 Dodds, J..3/28/09 1050 Kegler, C..3/28/09 1110 Miles, C..2/21/09 1255 Ford, C..3/28/09 1405 Sneed, R..3/7/09 1455 Rogers, J..3/28/09 1530 Vickery, C..2/14/09 1585 Bramblitt, D..3/28/09 1605 Palomin, A..3/28/09 1640 Hendrix, U..3/28/09 1720 DiBiase, A..2/28/09
910 Martinez, M..3/28/09 1047 Edwards, C..4/3/09 1110 Garcia, R..3/14/09 1250 Williams, F..3/7/09 1400 Jones, D..2/26/09 1450 Allen, C..3/28/09 1530 Alaniz, R..3/28/09 1581 Meyer, Q..4/4/09 1600 Gamble, M..3/28/09 1620 Venancio, D..3/28/09 1703 Cable, C..9/12/09
905 Cadena, C..3/12/09 1030 Khokhar, S..3/28/09 1105 Williams, C..2/13/09 1250 Trevino, G..3/28/09 1400 Caldera, V..3/28/09 1445 Long, J..3/12/09 1525 Darpolor, J..3/14/09 1580 Perea, H..3/28/09 1592 Brown, R..4/5/09 1620 Rogers, J..3/28/09 1692 Folweiler, M..3/28/09
903 Harrison, C..4/3/09 1025 Garay, R..3/28/09 1100 Sommer, S..3/28/09 1245 Herrera, A..3/12/09 1400 Smith, A..3/28/09 1432 Baker, M..6/21/09 1521 Conner, C..6/13/09 1580 Thomas, Q..3/28/09 1590 Roberson, J..3/7/09 1620 Mize, S..3/28/09 1680 Wilkinson, C..1/31/09
895 Weeks, D..3/28/09 1020 Salgado, J..2/26/09 1095 Gonzalez, M..2/21/09 1245 Picardo, E..3/14/09 1395 Rios, S..6/6/09 1420 Alaniz, R..1/17/09 1520 Francis, R..3/28/09 1570 Pasholk, D..1/31/09 1580 Watson, C..1/31/09 1620 Garteh, S..3/28/09 1675 Terrell, C..2/18/09
885 Johnson, A..2/7/09 1015 Powdrill, K..1/30/09 1090 Rodriguez, E..3/14/09 1245 Castillo, J..3/28/09 1390 Moreno, L..3/28/09 1420 Doss, S..3/28/09 1515 Ximenez, E..3/28/09 1565 Myer, T..2/28/09 1580 Green, F..3/7/09 1610 Rigsby, C..2/21/09 1675 Stockton, B..11/13/09
880 Alvarez, A..2/28/09 1015 Pando, A..3/14/09 1090 Butler, R..3/14/09 1245 Dominguez, D..3/28/09 1372 Johnson, R..4/4/09 1420 Page, C..3/28/09 1505 Lee, D..3/28/09 1565 Moreau, T..4/5/09 1575 Castro, R..3/14/09 1610 Stufflet, J..3/14/09 1665 Danford, T..3/28/09
880 DeLaCruz, D..3/28/09 1015 Jimenez, J..3/28/09 1080 Alaniz, R..3/14/09 1245 Spencer, C..6/13/09 1370 Garza, Z..3/28/09 1415 Clay, R..3/14/09 1500 Hickey, D..3/7/09 1560 Watson, C..3/28/09 1570 Costilla, M..3/28/09 1610 Ramsey, K..11/14/09 1653 Scott, D..6/14/09

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260 Garcia, T..3/21/09 330 Grimwood, E..11/21/09 457 Kirkland, M..7/31/09 455 Harrington, N..5/23/09 490 Kirkland, M..6/13/09 600 Hartnett, S..3/21/09 705 Phelps, L..10/3/09 745 Phelps, L..5/23/09 550 Clodfelter, C..6/28/09 675 Garrett, M..10/3/09
260 Ramon, G..3/21/09 319 Van Dusen, M..9/7/09 413 Awalt, A..3/7/09 440 Rotsinger, J..6/13/09 407 Baker, S..3/28/09 540 Myers, C..9/26/09 644 Van De Weghe, S..6/13/09 622 Cary, K..6/13/09 529 Detman, S..3/15/09 567 O’Donnell, J..3/7/09
255 White, T..2/14/09 314 Barnes, L..3/1/09 375 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 418 Kirkland, M..4/3/09 380 Hart, C..9/26/09 505 West, R..11/21/09 600 Boshoven, L..5/09 606 Ford, K..11/19/09 518 Loveall, J..11/11/09 523 Hall, H..2/15/09
250 Mayes, S..3/21/09 300 Durham, K..3/21/09 365 Grimwood, E..12/5/09 365 Fontenot, M..2/12/09 365 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 480 Borzok, M..2/21/09 570 Fineis-Curry, B..6/27/09 600 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 473 Arnold, E..9/9/09 523 Ebanks, J..6/27/09
244 Willis, B..9/5/09 292 Anderson, C..6/27/09 330 Barnes, L..4/24/09 360 Saenz, C..1/17/09 363 Gaudreau, J..3/7/09 450 Mikolay, S..2/28/09 534 Martin, K..6/13/09 551 Krupinski, S..6/13/09 473 McKinney, T..11/14/09 515 Montgomery, J..2/21/09
242 Vongsouvanh, M..4/3/09 281 Shumaker, A..2/14/09 325 VanDusen, M..6/20/09 355 Schillinger, A..3/13/09 358 Stein, E..10/2/09 430 Johnson, H..4/4/09 523 Ribic, P..2/15/09 488 Hower, K..9/9/09 468 Arnold, L..2/15/09 515 Deaver, M..2/21/09
240 Smith, J..2/21/09 270 Gonzalez, A..3/21/09 320 Garcia, L..3/21/09 355 Boutte, C..4/25/09 352 Miller, K..9/8/09 429 Bartz, P..9/8/09 510 Henry, M..7/19/09 479 Stern, N..11/11/09 455 Jacabo, B..1/17/09 512 Cook, B..6/20/09
240 Maltos, V..3/21/09 270 Whitaker, R..3/21/09 319 Williams, M..9/8/09 350 Forgatsch, J..1/17/09 350 Fenley, L..3/21/09 424 Hitchcock, A..9/19/09 496 Blyn, L..3/7/09 460 Blankenship, R..5/23/09 446 Stone, J..7/31/09 501 Sons, K..9/9/09
240 Jaeger, M..3/21/09 264 Leverett, A..2/14/09 319 Yamashita, R..11/10/09 347 Brown, J..11/2/09 350 Montes, M..2/21/09 424 Damminga, D..11/19/09 480 Blankenship, R..10/3/09 457 James, D..2/15/09 440 Jaskiewicz, L..10/25/09 500 Gomez, D..2/7/09
240 Trevino, C..3/21/09 260 Barrios, J..2/7/09 305 Lauer, C..3/13/09 347 Clark, K..12/5/09 341 DaCosta, A..9/8/09 410 King, S..3/14/09 470 Edwards, M..10/25/09 435 Cogger, M..6/13/09 435 Barrera, M..3/21/09 500 Luna, N..3/21/09
235 Rodgers, B..1/24/09 260 Seaborn, K..2/28/09 303 Durham, K..4/3/09 330 Cazares, A..3/21/09 341 Singletary, K..11/14/09 402 Richardson, L..1/24/09 440 Freel, L..11/11/09 413 McKinney, T..3/29/09 430 Brown, V..3/21/09 485 Bobek, L..6/27/09
235 Guerra, E..12/12/09 260 Fricks, J..3/21/09 303 Anderson, D..4/25/09 330 DaCosta, A..3/27/09 340 King, K..3/21/09 400 Runco, ..6/27/09 435 Moe, A..9/9/09 410 Fine, H..1/31/09 429 Balajka, S..4/3/09 479 Ross, R..9/9/09
231 Naquin, K..4/3/09 255 Ortiz, C..2/7/09 303 Clough, J..11/14/09 319 Lopez, R..2/14/09 340 Backes, B..7/11/09 391 Walterman, E..6/20/09 418 Walford, K..2/15/09 402 Stallings, T..4/19/09 425 Perkins, S..3/21/09 475 Jones, T..10/4/09
230 Matthews, M..2/21/09 255 Mendoza, L..3/21/09 300 Gutierrez, W..2/21/09 315 Backes, B..4/18/09 340 Dugan, L..12/5/09 385 Mayer, R..7/31/09 415 Fine, H..2/13/09 402 Reed, T..11/11/09 420 Poetzel, L..3/14/09 470 Holt, H..3/21/09
225 Trevino, K..1/24/09 250 Rocha, A..2/7/09 300 Dulce, C..1/17/09 310 Murphy, S..3/21/09 335 Martinez, B..2/21/09 380 Roldan, A..2/7/09 407 Westin, C..4/26/09 400 Gamble, B..1/17/09 413 Sharpless, A..4/3/09 462 Costello, C..4/3/09
225 Rocha, D..2/7/09 250 Mathews, L..2/21/09 290 Carlson, B..3/13/09 310 Gonzalez, A..3/21/09 335 Howard, T..12/12/09 374 Hetzel, M..1/24/09 407 King, S..9/9/09 391 Lair, R..11/3/09 405 Soto, S..3/21/09 460 Seeke, C..3/14/09
225 Zapata, I..2/21/09 250 Wilson, B..2/21/09 290 Terrell, M..3/21/09 310 Sanchez, B..3/21/09 330 Patel, H..1/24/09 374 Duncan, B..4/4/09 405 O’Brien, S..3/21/09 385 Metoyer, D..4/4/09 402 Stallings, T..1/24/09 460 Reynolds, T..3/21/09
225 Summers, A..11/14/09 248 Harper, M..5/2/09 286 Bennett, D..3/27/09 308 Bennett, D..11/14/09 330 Gaona, J..3/21/09 355 Fenley, L..2/14/09 402 Smith, C..3/21/09 385 Ratliff, C..4/4/09 402 Arnow, J..2/15/09 445 Paul, B..2/20/09
215 Gregory, N..3/21/09 248 Ocampo, J..11/1/09 280 Ybarra, V..2/14/09 305 Allen, M..2/14/09 330 Rogers, M..3/21/09 355 Stringer, R..3/21/09 400 Noel, S..3/21/09 380 O’Brien, S..1/31/09 400 St. John, B..2/7/09 440 Solari, T..6/27/09
215 Bruns, C..3/21/09 245 Arriaga, A..2/13/09 280 Doran, J..3/14/09 305 Teaff, C..2/28/09 330 Bennett, M..6/13/09 352 Fishman, R..3/15/09 400 Meador, A..3/21/09 380 Glasper, D..4/4/09 400 Hernandez, G..3/21/09 435 Contreras, S..3/21/09
150 McCaslin, K..2/21/09 209 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 231 Awalt, A..3/7/09 308 Asp, M..11/11/09 330 Williams, C..5/30/09 380 Borzok, M..2/21/09 505 Phelps, L..10/3/09 500 Phelps, L..5/23/09 330 Loveall, J..7/3/09 500 Garrett, M..10/3/09
148 Summers, A..11/14/09 192 Anderson, C..6/27/09 225 Kirkland, M..7/31/09 281 Adelmann, T..9/19/09 286 Thompson, J..3/9/09 330 Richardson, L..4/4/09 374 Van De Weghe, S..6/13/09 385 Cary, K..3/21/09 330 McKinney, T..11/14/09 402 Nutter, R..7/11/09 Deb Damminga – 407 DL at 148 lb.
138 Robinson, P..10/30/09 190 Grimwood, E..11/21/09 220 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 275 Hammons, B..8/1/09 281 Patel, H..5/16/09 308 Micka, A..9/26/09 374 Martin, K..6/13/09 381 Campbell, K..4/25/09 320 Work, J..3/29/09 400 Shealey, D..6/13/09
126 Mayes, S..4/3/09 181 Yu, X..6/13/09 198 Williams, M..3/27/09 248 Kirkland, M..4/3/09 275 Burkey, J..4/18/09 300 West, R..2/21/09 369 Henry, M..3/21/09 341 Krupinski, S..6/13/09 314 Berry, M..10/30/09 380 O’Donnell, J..3/7/09
121 Chung, H..7/5/09 165 Leverett, A..2/14/09 198 Miller, H..10/29/09 245 Harrington, N..5/23/09 253 Darling, J..4/18/09 292 Hartnett, S..3/21/09 355 Fineis-Curry, B..6/27/09 319 Doan, D..5/29/09 300 Jaskiewicz, L..10/25/09 374 Ferrell, D..4/15/09
120 Tafuri, M..1/25/09 165 Anderson, D..7/5/09 192 Barnes, L..4/24/09 236 Rotsinger, J..6/13/09 250 Hammons, B..6/27/09 292 Myers, C..9/26/09 336 Blyn, L..3/7/09 314 McKinney, T..3/29/09 295 Clodfelter, C..1/18/09 370 Mathis, A..2/28/09
120 Gregory, N..2/7/09 165 Hao, Y..10/29/09 192 Yamashita, R..11/10/09 225 Forgatsch, J..1/17/09 248 Kirkland, M..6/13/09 286 Pikhunyk, U..12/6/09 330 Ribic, P..3/9/09 314 Reed, T..7/3/09 292 Oxford, H..3/7/09 341 Thoms, S..3/15/09
120 Brite, T..3/21/09 159 Loera-Lewis, P..10/29/09 192 Shuttleworth, M..112/5/09 225 Reyes, A..11/1/09 245 Estrada, O..1/24/09 285 Johnson, H..4/4/09 330 Freel, L..11/11/09 303 Meeker, C..11/1/09 275 Arnow, J..2/15/09 315 Jones, T..10/4/09
120 Bates, G..11/14/09 154 Serrano, G..2/14/09 190 Grimwood, E..12/5/09 214 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 240 Ladewski, J..8/1/09 275 Sverchek, J..2/21/09 330 Newman, C..3/9/09 281 Bowman, A..10/29/09 275 McAviney, K..8/8/09 314 Gibson, H..9/26/09
115 Barrera, J..2/7/09 145 Durham, K..3/21/09 181 Nelson, D..4/13/09 210 Faraone, J..4/18/09 240 Olszewski, E..8/1/09 270 Walterman, E..6/20/09 320 Richardson, L..7/5/09 280 Blankenship, R..5/23/09 270 Stone, J..7/31/09 310 Sons, K..2/21/09
115 Saenz, E..2/21/09 143 Van Dusen, M..4/3/09 181 Anderson, D..4/25/09 209 Lopez, R..2/14/09 231 Gaudreau, J..5/28/09 264 Mathis, M..10/29/09 308 Westin, C..11/11/09 275 Crossland, C..1/31/09 264 Arnold, L..2/15/09 303 Gomez, D..4/3/09
115 Garcia, T..3/21/09 140 Porreta, K..4/25/09 176 Najera, J..7/19/09 209 Hughes, K..5/16/09 230 Dugan, L..12/5/09 264 Nolen, B..10/30/09 305 Edwards, M..10/25/09 275 Stern, N..11/11/09 264 Kimoto, J..10/29/09 292 Huston, F..4/15/09
115 Rodgers, B..3/21/09 137 Ocampo, J..2/14/09 176 Cobb, S..8/15/09 203 Clark, K..12/5/09 225 Sauer, H..4/13/09 259 Fishman, R..6/27/09 305 Gilbert, S..4/18/09 270 Baird, K..3/21/09 259 Stallings, T..1/24/09 290 Smith..9/27/09
115 Trevino, C..3/21/09 137 Becnel, E..3/27/09 170 Garcia, L..3/21/09 198 Shuttleworth, M..8/15/09 210 Howard, T..12/12/09 250 Mikolay, S..2/28/09 303 Klocke, S..6/13/09 265 Terrien, A..5/2/09 253 Sora, M..5/29/09 286 Berry, M..6/27/09
115 Savannah, M..7/11/09 137 Jackson, R..12/6/09 159 Cutrona, T..4/4/09 198 Rich, B..11/10/09 209 Callahan, S..4/4/09 249 Watts, J..10/30/09 285 Blankenship, R..10/3/09 264 James, D..2/15/09 250 Wynn, J..8/16/09 281 Ebanks, J..6/27/09
115 Willis, B..9/5/09 135 Arriaga, A..2/13/09 159 Kingsley, J..6/20/09 192 Fontenot, M..5/2/09 209 Rich, B..7/3/09 242 Steele, L..5/30/09 275 Brasseaux, J..4/11/09 264 Ford, K..11/19/09 248 Detman, S..3/15/09 275 Kelley, J..3/15/09
110 Trevino, K..1/24/09 135 Whitaker, R..3/21/09 157 Brown, G..7/25/09 187 Lamp, L..2/14/09 200 Poplin, B..6/27/09 242 Hitchcock, A..9/19/09 275 Doddy, D..6/20/09 260 Stallings, T..3/21/09 248 Arnold, E..9/9/09 275 Brown, A..7/11/09
110 Sanchez, S..2/28/09 135 Grubb, M..5/16/09 154 Freed, N..1/24/09 187 Hedman, S..7/3/09 200 Schaeffer, C..6/27/09 235 Timbs, D..3/29/09 270 Streaker, A..6/27/09 260 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 242 Dickens, J..5/16/09 270 Hall, H..2/15/09
110 Smith, J..3/21/09 132 Robinson, P..5/23/09 154 Thibodeaux..3/27/09 187 Yamashita, J..7/5/09 198 Baker, S..3/28/09 230 King, S..12/12/09 267 Slaga, D..12/12/09 253 Neff, C..3/7/09 237 Gimmell, J..6/27/09 265 Page, B..5/23/09
110 Vasquez, J..3/21/09 132 Baker, S..6/5/09 154 Carlson, B..9/8/09 181 Snow, D..2/14/09 192 Miller, K..4/3/09 225 Bartz, P..1/17/09 264 Huxley, N..3/14/09 253 Cogger, M..6/13/09 236 Pera, M..10/29/09 265 Foster, J..11/14/09 Stella Krupinski – 341 BP at 181 lb.
290 Michaud, O..5/2/09 345 Van Dusen, M..3/13/09 385 Kirkland, M..7/31/09 407 Kirkland, M..4/3/09 435 Kirkland, M..6/13/09 518 Hartnett, S..3/21/09 540 Ribic, P..3/7/09 525 Phelps, L..5/23/09 535 Clodfelter, C..6/28/09 545 O’Donnell, J..3/7/09
282 Cabe, E..10/30/09 342 Anderson, C..10/29/09 380 Awalt, A..3/7/09 402 Rotsinger, J..6/13/09 429 Hart, C..9/26/09 500 Sverchek, J..2/21/09 510 Phelps, L..10/3/09 523 James, D..3/7/09 500 Jajskiewicz, L..10/25/09 500 Garrett, M..10/3/09
281 Garcia, T..4/3/09 330 Grimwood, E..11/21/09 352 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 380 Schillinger, A..4/3/09 413 Patel, H..10/17/09 485 Wallford, K..3/7/09 505 Boshoven, L..1/1/09 510 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 485 Work, J..3/29/09 473 Hall, H..2/15/09
281 Willis, B..9/5/09 319 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 347 Najera, J..7/19/09 380 Adelmann, T..8/19/09 396 Stein, E..10/2/09 462 Hitchcock, A..3/7/09 501 Walford, K..2/15/09 500 Stallings, T..3/21/09 485 Loveall, J..11/11/09 473 Kelley, J..3/15/09
280 Smith, J..3/21/09 314 Leverett, A..2/14/09 345 Grimwood, E..12/5/09 369 Ruff, D..10/30/09 385 Gaudreau, J..3/7/09 440 Myers, C..9/26/09 485 Freel, L..11/11/09 479 Stern, N..7/3/09 479 Stallings, T..1/24/09 462 Ross, R..9/9/09
275 Maltos, V..3/21/09 308 Gonzalez, A..4/3/09 330 Preston, A..3/21/09 365 Cazares, A..3/21/09 385 Dugan, L..12/5/09 425 Bartz, P..1/17/09 479 Blyn, L..3/7/09 468 Ford, K..11/19/09 446 Arnold, E..9/9/09 451 Ebanks, J..6/27/09
270 Rodgers, B..3/21/09 308 Anderson, D..7/5/09 330 VanDusen, M..6/20/09 363 Tobin, K..4/25/09 380 Baker, S..3/28/09 420 Borzok, M..2/21/09 462 VanDeWeghe, S..6/13/09 459 Taylor, J..8/22/09 440 Lerma, B..2/14/09 440 Sons, K..9/9/09
270 Jaeger, M..3/21/09 300 Arriaga, A..3/21/09 330 Doran, J..10/24/09 360 Fontenot, M..3/21/09 363 Carlson, R..2/14/09 418 McCubbin, J..4/25/09 460 Edwards, M..10/25/09 458 Campbell, K..4/25/09 440 Arnold, L..2/15/09 435 Costello, C..4/3/09
270 Brite, T..3/21/09 300 Roldan, T..6/6/09 325 Alfred, M..3/21/09 350 Faraone, J..4/18/09 358 Thompson, J..7/24/09 418 Wlaterman, E..6/20/09 446 Henry, M..3/21/09 451 Krupinski, S..6/13/09 424 Poetzel, L..9/9/09 429 Cook, B..6/20/09
265 Trevino, C..3/21/09 297 Baker, S..6/5/09 325 Carlson, B..4/3/09 347 Clark, K..12/5/09 355 Dahm, B..3/13/09 413 Richardson, L..1/24/09 440 Sebastian, S..11/14/09 441 Glasper, D..4/4/09 418 Brown, V..4/4/09 429 Bobek, L..6/27/09
264 Vongsouvanh, M..4/3/09 295 Durham, K..3/21/09 325 Barnes, L..4/24/09 345 Harrington, N..5/23/09 352 Brault, L..4/25/09 407 Damminga, D..3/21/09 435 Martin, K..6/13/09 441 McCloskey, A..11/7/09 413 Arnow, J..2/15/09 429 McKindra, L..10/30/09
260 Aliminosa, D..5/2/09 292 Ocampo, J..2/14/09 319 Williams, M..3/27/09 341 Kemper, T..3/14/09 350 Farias, S..2/21/09 405 Johnson, H..4/4/09 435 Blankenship, R..10/3/09 440 Baird, K..3/21/09 413 Mangaoang, F..2/15/09 429 Schaefer, L..12/5/09
259 Naquin, K..4/3/09 292 Barnes, L..3/1/09 314 Anderson, D..4/25/09 340 Backes, B..4/18/09 347 Miller, K..4/3/09 405 West, R..11/21/09 433 Holte, T..10/30/09 440 Blankenship, R..5/23/09 407 McKinney, T..11/14/09 425 Edelson, N..4/18/09
259 Summers, A..11/14/09 281 Moon, E..7/24/09 314 Cobb, S..8/15/09 336 Alfred, M..4/3/09 345 Martinez, B..3/21/09 402 Watts, J..2/21/09 413 Houston, P..2/15/09 435 Schmidt, R..10/29/09 407 Bodine, F..12/5/09 420 Montgomery, J..3/21/09
250 Trevino, K..1/24/09 275 Mendoza, L..3/21/09 314 Yamashita, R..11/10/09 336 Brown, J..11/2/09 345 Backes, B..7/11/09 402 Jacobs, T..10/30/09 407 King, S..9/9/09 435 Reed, T..11/14/09 402 Baum, M..2/15/09 418 Sullon, M..3/21/09
250 Ramon, G..3/21/09 275 Bonat, J..3/21/09 310 Ybarra, V..3/21/09 330 Forgatsch, J..1/17/09 340 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 400 Porter, H..2/7/09 407 Smith, C..10/17/09 429 Cary, K..6/13/09 402 Detman, S..3/15/09 418 Chatelain, A..7/31/09
250 Gregory, N..3/21/09 275 Brite, T..4/3/09 310 Gray, M..3/21/09 330 Saenz, C..3/21/09 336 Singletary, K..11/14/09 391 Jones, H..11/7/09 407 Slaga, D..12/12/09 429 Holte, T..6/13/09 402 Stone, J..7/31/09 418 Mangaoang, F..8/15/09
250 Spurlock, S..3/21/09 275 Jackson, R..8/15/09 303 Freed, N..1/24/09 330 Snow, D..6/27/09 335 Estrada, O..1/24/09 385 Frieling, C..12/5/09 405 Fineis-Curry, B..6/27/09 407 Styrlund, L..10/2/09 402 Okoro, L..11/1/09 413 Solari, T..6/27/09
250 Sanchez, S..3/21/09 271 Tavares, C..11/1/09 303 Clough, J..5/9/09 330 Jackson, D..11/14/09 335 Martin, T..2/14/09 375 Hinz, S..3/14/09 405 Siemssen, K..10/10/09 405 Colomb, T..1/17/09 400 Jacabo, B..3/21/09 410 Luna, N..,3/21/09
248 Carter, F..4/3/09 270 Loera-Lewis, P..8/15/09 300 Richmond, A..3/21/09 325 Lopez, R..2/14/09 335 McCleary, K..2/20/09 375 Spano..12/5/09 402 Westin, C..1/24/09 402 McKinney, T..3/29/09 385 St. John, B..1/31/09 410 Reynolds, T..3/21/09
650 Garcia, T..4/3/09 850 Grimwood, E..11/21/09 1069 Kirkland, M..7/31/09 1080 Rotsinger, J..6/13/09 1173 Kirkland, M..6/13/09 1410 Hartnett, S..3/21/09 1720 Phelps, L..10/3/09 1770 Phelps, L..5/23/09 1370 Clodfelter, C..6/28/09 1675 Garrett, M..10/3/09
639 Willis, B..9/5/09 810 Anderson, C..6/27/09 1025 Awalt, A..3/7/09 1074 Kirkland, M..4/3/09 1003 Hart, C..9/26/09 1280 Borzok, M..2/21/09 1482 VanDeWeghe, S..6/13/09 1405 Cary, K..3/21/09 1289 Loveall, J..7/3/09 1493 O’Donnell, J..3/7/09 Margaret Kirkland – 132 lb. class
633 Summers, A..11/14/09 799 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 947 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 1045 Harrington, N..5/23/09 997 Patel, H..1/24/09 1273 Myers, C..9/26/09 1365 Boshoven, L..5/09 1370 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 1240 Jaskiewicz, L..10/25/09 1267 Hall, H..2/15/09
625 Smith, J..3/21/09 788 Van Dusen, M..9/7/09 900 Grimwood, E..12/5/09 905 Forgatsch, J..1/17/09 986 Baker, S..3/28/09 1205 West, R..11/21/09 1344 Martin, K..6/13/09 1344 Krupinski, S..6/13/09 1212 McKinney, T..11/14/09 1256 Ebanks, J..6/27/09
620 Rodgers, B..3/21/09 740 Durham, K..3/21/09 848 Barnes, L..4/24/09 903 Schillinger, A..4/3/09 955 Dugan, L..12/5/09 1120 Johnson, H..4/4/09 1322 Ribic, P..2/15/09 1339 Ford, K..11/19/09 1179 Detman, S..3/15/09 1234 Sons, K..9/9/09
615 Maltos, V..3/21/09 738 Leverett, A..2/14/09 826 Yamashita, R..11/10/09 898 Fontenot, M..5/2/09 953 Gaudreau, J..3/27/09 1118 Richardson, L..1/24/09 1311 Blyn, L..3/7/09 1229 James, D..2/15/09 1173 Arnold, L..2/15/09 1196 Gomez, D..4/3/09
615 Jaeger, M..3/21/09 680 Gonzalez, A..3/21/09 821 Williams, M..3/27/09 898 Clark, K..12/5/09 931 Thompson, J..7./24/09 1118 Hitchcock, A..9/19/09 1310 Fineis-Curry, B..6/27/09 1212 Stern, N..11/11/09 1168 Arnold, E..9/9/09 1190 Ross, R..9/9/09
615 Ramon, G..3/21/09 675 Arriaga, A..3/21/09 799 Anderson, D..4/25/09 865 Brown, J..11/2/09 920 Stein, E..10/2/09 1080 Walterman, E..6/20/09 1300 Henry, M..3/21/09 1180 Blankenship, R..5/23/09 1140 Stallings, T..1/24/09 1150 Cook, B..7/11/09
615 Mayes, S..3/21/09 665 Whitaker, R..3/21/09 799 Najera, J..7/19/09 855 Cazares, A..3/21/09 903 Miller, K..4/3/09 1058 Bartz, P..9/8/09 1245 Freel, L..11/11/09 1160 Stallings, T..3/21/09 1096 Stone, J..7/31/09 1135 Jones, T..10/4/09
610 Trevino, C..3/21/09 661 Ocampo, J..11/1/09 788 Van Dusen, M..6/20/09 854 Lopez, R..2/14/09 880 Estrada, O..1/24/09 1050 Mikolay, S..2/28/09 1235 Edwards, M..10/25/09 1140 Reed, T..11/11/09 1091 Arnow, J..2/15/09 1129 Costello, C..4/3/09
600 Vongsouvanh, M..4/3/09 655 Seabourn, K..2/28/09 755 Garcia, L..3/21/09 830 Backes, B..4/18/09 870 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 1014 Damminga, D..11/19/09 1200 Blankenship, R..10/3/09 1129 McKinney, T..3/29/09 1047 Poetzel, L..9/9/09 1120 Luna, N..3/21/09
585 Trevino, K..1/24/09 655 Mendoza, L..3/21/09 749 Carlson, B..4/3/09 825 Saenz, C..3/21/09 870 Backes, B..7/11/09 980 Runco, J..6/27/09 1157 Walford, K..2/15/09 1052 Cogger, M..6/13/09 1035 Jacabo, B..3/21/09 1102 Bobek, L..6/27/09
585 Gregory, N..3/21/09 655 Roldan, T..8/1/09 745 Doran, J..3/14/09 815 DaCosta, A..3/27/09 865 Singletary, K..11/14/09 975 Watts, J..2/21/09 1063 Westin, C..1/24/09 1041 Hower, K..9/9/09 1014 Baum, M..2/15/09 1100 Montgomery, J..2/21/09
585 Michaud, O..5/2/09 650 Baker, S..6/5/09 744 Durham, K..4/3/09 815 Boutte, C..4/25/09 860 Howard, T..12/12/09 936 Marts, D..11/2/09 1063 Smith, C..10/17/09 1030 Styrlund, L..10/2/09 1003 Mangaoang, F..2/15/09 1095 Deaver, M..2/21/09
578 Naquin, K..4/3/09 630 Bonat, J..3/21/09 740 Ybarra, V..3/21/09 810 Kemper, T..2/14/09 854 DaCosta, A..9/8/09 931 Fishman, R..6/27/09 1037 Slaga, D..12/12/09 1030 Terrien, A..12/12/09 1003 Brown, V..4/4/09 1085 Reynolds, T..3/21/09
575 Brite, T..3/21/09 628 Serrano, G..2/14/09 738 Clough, J..11/14/09 804 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 826 Rich, B..7/3/09 920 Mayer, R..7/31/09 1030 Sebastian, S..5/16/09 992 Glasper, D..4/4/09 990 Lerma, B..2/14/09 1069 Solari, T..6/27/09
570 White, T..2/14/09 625 Franks, T..3/21/09 722 Lauer, C..4/3/09 793 Rich, B..11/10/09 821 Katz, J..3/21/09 920 King, S..3/28/09 1025 Houston, P..2/15/09 970 Colomb, T..1/17/09 980 Perkins, S..3/21/09 1052 Seeke, C..4/3/09
570 Aliminosa, D..5/2/09 625 Fricks, J..3/21/09 705 Bennett, D..3/27/09 782 Hedman, S..11/10/09 820 Fenley, L..3/21/09 914 Moodie, M..6/5/09 1008 King, S..9/9/09 947 Lair, R..2/15/09 975 Acosta, F..3/21/09 1052 Stone, J..4/4/09
565 Vasquez, J..3/21/09 625 Hundl, H..3/21/09 699 Thibodeaux..3/27/09 780 Murphy, S..3/21/09 815 Martinez, B..2/21/09 903 Duncan, B..4/4/09 981 Moe, A..9/9/09 964 Gamble, B..4/3/09 959 Balajka, S..4/3/09 1052 I’Anson, N..11/11/09
555 Spurlock, S..3/21/09 617 Becnel, E..3/27/09 695 Gutierrez, W..2/21/09 777 Jackson, D..11/14/09 805 Montes, M..3/21/09 898 Hetzel, M..1/24/09 970 Styrlund, L..2/15/09 947 Smith, L..12/6/09 950 Barrera, M..3/21/09 1046 Sullon, M..3/21/09
Sabra Callahan – 209 BP at 132 lb.

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NOTE: These are the Powerlifting USA TOP 20 Master powerlifters in the United States for the year 2009. If any errors or omissions are noted, please report them to Powerlifting USA Magazine, your strength world success. The certificate and plaque together are $21.95, and certificates alone are $6.00. If you appear on the list, you are eligible. Send your
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114 LB. CLASS 123 LB. CLASS 132 LB. CLASS 148 LB. CLASS 165 LB. CLASS 181 LB. CLASS 198 LB. CLASS 220 LB. CLASS 242 LB. CLASS 275 LB. CLASS SHW CLASS McDowell – 655 BP
375 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 303 Kemper, T..2/14/09 518 Kupperstein, E..5/1/09 725 Heath, D..10/31/09 635 Cayer, A..8/8/09 740 VanAlstyne, M..6/28/09 804 Stockton, D..6/21/09 837 Fletcher, H..11/7/09 931 Norman, J..5/3/09 900 Warren, B..4/4/09 970 Phillips, W..10/4/09
330 Barnes, L..4/24/09 292 Mach, J..6/20/09 450 Smith, T..1/17/09 617 Matsumoto, D..1/24/09 633 VanDeWeghe, S..3/15/09 672 Benedix, B..11/12/09 755 Ricks, D..5/3/09 771 Rebera, J..8/2/09 810 Schultz, P..4/26/09 892 Harris, A..10/1/09 920 Damminga, G..5/3/09
303 Clough, J..11/14/09 286 Hedman, S..11/11/09 413 Richey, S..7/4/09 573 Morse, C..8/1/09 610 McVaney, A..2/7/09 655 Sansbury, T..1/17/09 705 Ingravera, R..6/28/09 760 Bridges, M..5/3/09 810 Mistric, L..5/3/09 837 Bailey, C..1/24/09 909 Petrino, A..5/9/09
295 Zeolla, G..6/12/09 275 Jackson, D..5/16/09 374 Drenik, P..8/15/09 540 Myers, C..6/26/09 600 Boshoven, L..6/09 644 Garofalo, R..10/1/09 683 Terry, C..5/3/09 755 Carnaghi, T..3/15/09 793 Douglas, J..5/3/09 810 McKee, B..5/3/09 881 Hoskinson, J..1/24/09
281 Shumaker, A..2/14/09 275 Soukup, S..9/27/09 370 Aulridge, R..5/23/09 520 Bauer, F..5/09 573 Lewis, C..10/1/09 633 Kellins, H..4/25/09 677 Jones, G..5/3/09 750 Karam, D..3/14/09 788 Roberts, P..11/7/09 810 Dague, D..6/28/09 881 Whitmore, J..5/3/09
264 Leverett, A..2/14/09 270 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 365 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 512 Weinstein, L..10/1/09 562 Thompson, D..5/2/09 622 Hibbing, B..3/15/09 660 Jeurink, J..11/28/09 750 Pardue, R..12/5/09 782 Bowman, T..5/3/09 804 Favre, D..5/3/09 854 Bustillos, E..11/7/09
248 Moore, R..11/28/09 248 Snow, D..2/14/09 358 Stein, E..10/2/09 468 Sato, B..3/21/09 562 Lumpe, S..5/2/09 600 Woodley, L..3/8/09 644 Hibbing, B..1/31/09 749 Garcia, C..8/29/09 777 Dibble, J..8/2/09 804 Goldman, M..5/3/09 850 Peshek, J..7/19/09
226 Gedney, J..9/11/09 248 Lamp, L..2/14/09 303 Meskew, K..3/28/09 468 Lewis, S..5/1/09 562 Anderson, D..9/19/09 600 Baker..4/4/09 628 Steck, M..7/09 745 Schmidt, R..2/28/09 750 Bodenbender, T..2/28/09 800 Young, C..5/23/09 837 Gillingham, B..5/3/09
220 Baker, S..6/5/09 242 Moore, R..5/31/09 292 Carlsson, R..2/14/09 462 Jacobs, J..5/1/09 551 Pullum, W..11/17/09 600 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 622 Gibson, T..5/3/09 730 Sheehan, T..8/28/09 749 Fritz, A..5/3/09 800 Phillips, F..10/4/09 821 Mersberg, J..4/25/09
215 Ryman, K..11/7/09 242 Moore, K..7/24/09 281 Simons, A..2/14/09 451 Foddrill, B..5/1/09 550 Conyers, T..12/5/09 600 Fleming, M..11/7/09 622 Buffington, G..11/12/09 716 King, B..4/26/09 730 Clark, E..5/23/09 800 Sturdivant, B..12/5/09 821 Gaudreau, D..5/3/09
214 Cutrona, T..10/17/09 242 Simons, A..10/1/09 281 Marchio, J..7/25/09 451 Warner, J..11/28/09 545 Edmondson, D..4/5/09 573 Braca, J..5/2/09 622 Kanemoto, K..11/12/09 710 Howell, J..6/28/09 727 Zenzen, D..11/18/09 793 Mistric, L..11/7/09 815 Barlow, R..8/8/09 Bob Dale just missed
210 Michaud, O..5/2/09 209 Galant, A..5/1/09 280 Soukup, S..7/18/09 450 Wess, R..4/11/09 545 Dalessio, J..5/2/09 562 Stone, R..5/2/09 617 Rhoades, D..4/11/09 710 Sengos, P..10/25/09 725 Farris, M..2/21/09 760 Gonzales, D..5/3/09 804 Turley, D..8/2/09 a 725 pull, but still
210 Aliminosa, D..5/2/09 203 Hall, D..4/25/09 270 Bales, M..11/14/09 440 Whitney, D..5/2/09 534 Woodworth, M..10/31/09 560 Alkinany, M..11/14/09 617 Overbay, D..7/09 705 Caballero, N..4/25/09 723 Pamplin, G..5/3/09 760 Newman, L..7/19/09 775 Cameron, P..7/25/09 made the list with
200 Ellis, S..4/25/09 198 Aerts, B..4/26/09 264 Shivaie, H..2/21/09 424 Wider, M..8/1/09 529 Wiltshire, G..2/21/09 551 Sorrell, J..5/3/09 611 DelSignore, M..11/12/09 700 Michel, J..7/18/09 720 Pearo, R..9/20/09 755 Efferding, S..2/28/09 771 Ufford, K..2/28/09
705 in the 275 class
195 Stefan, B..7/11/09 198 Marrs, M..5/16/09 264 Callahan, S..11/11/09 407 Deskis, M..8/1/09 523 Bolen, K..5/2/09 551 Ruettiger, R..7/31/09 600 Hatfield, G..4/4/09 699 Waits, S..5/3/09 705 Wotring, H..4/4/09 750 Becker, B..1/25/09 766 Hendrix, R..5/3/09
193 Poyner, K..10/17/09 192 Michaels-W, T..2/14/09 253 Tidmarsh, P..12/5/09 385 Mears, P..5/1/09 523 Sigala, M..12/6/09 545 Scagliarini, T..5/2/09 595 Hernandez, J..3/28/09 675 Lemarie, S..1/17/09 705 Ladnier, J..5/3/09 744 Shadid, K..8/29/09 765 Aracri, P..1/17/09
181 Jackson, R..12/6/09 190 Azlin, P..5/9/09 242 Barnhill, A..1/24/09 380 Wilson..2/22/09 505 Kiser, G..3/7/09 545 Varrone, J..6/28/09 590 Polis, D..7/19/09 672 Givens, F..1/17/09 705 Moore, M..5/24/09 740 Wilson, M..7/19/09 760 Lane, T..5/9/09
160 Mondragon, V..9/27/09 185 Davis, K..9/26/09 231 Ireland, F..2/14/09 374 McLaren, R..3/21/09 503 Caceres, A..11/9/09 534 Ammerman, B..8/2/09 589 Calia, V..11/12/09 672 Ray, J..9/26/09 705 Smith, M..9/26/09 730 Hall, R..3/14/09 733 Shadid, K..11/7/09
154 Thompson, M..7/24/09 170 McKee, P..8/2/09 231 Lopez, L..2/14/09 365 Murphy, R..3/7/09 501 Sagor, G..2/28/09 529 Ascani, J..5/30/09 585 Jarrett, M..11/14/09 672 Reza, A..11/28/09 700 Perkins, K..9/19/09 705 Halter, L..1/17/09 730 Moore, B..6/7/09
154 Whiting, S..11/14/09 159 Kemmer, A..12/09 230 Helms, J..11/14/09 347 Robinson, M..10/17/09 501 Unson, D..3/7/09 529 Locke, T..9/26/09 584 Jara, U..5/14/09 661 DelSignore, M..7/3/09 694 Cavaretta, K..11/7/09 705 Francis, M..3/21/09 716 Green, S..5/3/09
220 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 214 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 380 Venturella, C..10/30/09 451 Matsumoto, D..1/24/09 458 Cunningham, J..5/2/09 580 Thurman, D..4/16/09 610 Dussault, S..4/18/09 727 Berding, J..10/17/09 672 Schmidt, T..4/4/09 733 Stewart, J..3/28/09 804 Gillespie, B..4/25/09
209 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 214 Lamb, B..5/9/09 314 Yager, B..3/21/09 413 Evangelista, A..6/13/09 452 Bingham, M..10/29/09 545 VanAlstyne, M..6/28/09 600 Daly, R..2/21/09 666 Tomaszkiewicz, S..10/17/09 660 Parrish, K..10/17/09 727 Parnell, P..2/21/09 749 Ryan, R..10/17/09
198 Miller, H..10/29/09 209 Hughes, K..5/16/09 303 Richey, S..5/30/09 410 Byrnes, C..3/7/09 430 Cayer, A..8/8/09 524 Furnas, A..5/16/09 584 Hennigar, R..4/25/09 620 Shaughnessy, J..11/22/09 622 Wakakuwa, F..10/29/09 705 Gibson, T..3/29/09 710 Lincoln Jr., R..5/23/09
192 Barnes, L..4/24/09 205 Soukup, S..11/14/09 275 Kupperstein, E..5/1/09 410 Yu, J..8/1/09 425 Maoury, D..11/7/09 523 Daniels, K..3/21/09 551 Woods, J..10/30/09 617 Yearby, A..12/12/09 617 Norman, J..5/3/09 700 Norris, R..4/11/09 702 Manno, T..1/25/09
181 Nelson, D..4/13/09 187 Lamp, L..2/14/09 264 Bloomer, S..4/26/09 410 Heath, D..10/31/09 418 King, R..10/30/09 515 Masters..2/21/09 545 Cieri, D..4/16/09 611 Millrany, K..10/31/09 606 Laija, J..12/12/09 700 Manns, R..5/30/09 700 Peshek, J..3/1/09
180 Zeolla, G..6/12/09 187 Hedman, S..7/3/09 260 Smith, T..1/17/09 369 Hadad, J..5/30/09 415 Flowers, C..11/14/09 505 Naughton, D..4/18/09 540 Ross, B..7/17/09 606 Hennigar, R..1/31/09 601 Fischer, D..10/31/09 672 Holloway, P..5/30/09 699 Sheffield, J..5/24/09
176 Cobb, S..8/15/09 181 Snow, D..2/14/09 260 Aulridge, R..5/23/09 363 Judge, T..5/2/09 413 Thompson, D..5/2/09 501 Sorrell, J..5/3/09 525 Conner, T..8/22/09 605 Stebbins, D..3/14/09 600 Bodenberger, T..2/28/09 655 McDowell, R..10/10/09 688 Mersberg, J..10/30/09
165 Leverett, A..2/14/09 181 D’Entremont, L..4/13/09 255 Portnoy, P..8/1/09 350 Bauer, F..5/09 405 Blattenberger, D..2/21/09 485 Alkinany, M..7/18/09 505 Dworek, C..3/29/09 600 Idelie, D..7/5/09 600 Doan, D..4/17/09 650 Bailey, C..1/24/09 670 Phillips, W..10/4/09
159 Hao, Y..4/25/09 181 Rivera, C..10/30/09 250 Coisson, R..4/25/09 330 Petrencak, S..4/15/09 403 Somma, J..11/14/09 475 Monk Jr., J..9/12/09 500 Smith, S..4/11/09 600 Cieri, D..10/18/09 600 Pernu..4/18/09 650 Lincoln Jr., R..10/29/09 661 Hoskinson, J..1/24/09
154 Cutrona, T..10/17/09 176 Moore, K..7/24/09 236 Hood, J..5/19/09 325 Yager, B..10/28/09 380 Conyers, T..12/5/09 462 Craig, S..11/17/09 490 Gibson, T..5/3/09 589 Brubaker, B..7/5/09 600 Moon, T..10/24/09 635 Saviano, L..3/28/09 661 Aleaga, V..8/22/09
154 Moore, R..11/28/09 170 Kemper, T..2/14/09 225 Sauer, H..4/13/09 319 McLaren, R..3/21/09 380 Hadad, J..12/12/09 446 Woods, J..2/14/09 485 Swift, D..10/28/09 578 Coleman, M..10/31/09 600 Murphy, G..11/22/09 635 Weaver, J..5/23/09 650 Lane, H..7/25/09
143 Merrigan, L..5/30/09 170 Ruff, D..4/11/09 225 Mangra, C..4/25/09 319 Foddrill, B..10/1/09 372 Miller, G..3/21/09 440 Kellins, H..4/25/09 480 Costanzo, F..3/29/09 575 Smothers, M..8/23/09 595 Macauley, E..8/22/09 628 Wells, E..5/9/09 650 Beversdorf, D..9/26/09
138 Robinson, P..10/30/09 170 Muth, L..6/13/09 225 Helms, J..10/31/09 315 Murphy, R..3/7/09 369 VanDeWeghe, S..3/15/09 440 Beck, C..8/2/09 479 Ricks, D..5/3/09 573 Nelson, J..3/7/09 589 Nichols B..2/28/09 628 Doublin, E..7/18/09 639 Hudson, J..10/31/09
137 Ocampo, J..2/14/09 170 McKee, P..8/2/09 225 Oyler, A..11/14/09 315 Heng, A..7/18/09 369 Dalessio, J..5/2/09 440 Carr, D..10/29/09 479 Ross, B..8/29/09 573 Powell, G..8/2/09 584 Murphy, J..10/31/09 617 Crossen Jr., W..3/14/09 633 Hendrix, R..5/3/09
137 Clough, J..5/9/09 165 McElroy, M..4/4/09 225 Meskew, K..11/14/09 314 Morse, C..8/1/09 363 Nebo, A..10/29/09 435 Ammerman, B.8/2/09 473 Stockton, D..6/21/09 562 Caballero, N..4/25/09 578 Schultz, P..4/26/09 615 Shor, L..6/13/09 628 Gaudreau, D..4/18/09
137 Nerio, L..10/30/09 165 Dingle-Craig, K..4/13/09 220 Drenik, P..8/15/09 314 Lyons, K..10/31/09 355 McVaney, A..7/19/09 435 Levering, B..10/30/09 473 Hammond, P..10/24/09 555 Stevens, B..5/2/09 578 Pamplin, G..5/3/09 610 Young, C..5/23/09 622 Place, J..3/14/09
137 Jackson, R..12/6/09 165 Jackson, D..5/16/09 210 Surita, D..10/31/09 308 Miller, G..7/3/09 352 Chang, E...1/31/09 429 Rieger, S..1/30/09 462 Beebe, B..3/21/09 551 Gerard, H..4/11/09 573 Walker, D..4/18/09 605 Moon, T..12/12/09 622 Petrino, A..5/9/09
135 Grubb, M..5/16/09 165 Simons, A..10/1/09 209 Aybar, V..10/17/09 303 Wiener, M..3/22/09 352 Fiore, D..4/4/09 429 Arnest, J..9/26/09 462 Buffington, G..7/3/09 551 Ferrantellli, M..4/18/09 573 Smolinksi, J..7/31/09 600 Pl, aso, M..2/14/09 605 Rogers, T..2/21/09
132 Baker, S..6/5/09 159 Rosales-Bui, L..3/21/09 205 Schapiro, S..8/15/09 303 Greenman, T..11/7/09 352 Cencich, T..4/15/09 425 Sparks, D..4/25/09 460 Wargo, C..10/11/09 551 Woodson, F..6/27/09 573 Bartolomei, T..11/18/09 600 Malone, K..3/28/09 605 Nutter..4/18/09
130 Ellis, S..4/25/09 159 Moore, R..5/31/09 205 Callahan, S..11/11/09 297 Sato, B..3/21/09 350 Rubio, J..1/31/09 424 Cencich, T..8/1/09 451 Rosenzweig, D..3/21/09 551 Baldwin, T..10/29/09 562 Murphy, D..8/2/09 600 Allman, R..4/18/09 601 Ray, J..4/18/09
400 Zeolla, G..6/12/09 369 Ruff, D..10/30/09 578 Kupperstein, E..5/1/09 523 Matsumoto, D..1/24/09 640 Kiser, G..3/7/09 716 Eiseman, T..4/25/09 756 Terry, C..5/3/09 699 Bennett, M..11/28/09 744 Ladnier, J..5/3/09 821 Holloway, P..10/31/09 837 Gillingham, B..10/1/09
352 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 363 Lamb, B..5/9/09 500 Smith, T..1/17/09 523 Weinstein, L..10/1/09 640 Cayer, A..8/8/09 688 Woodley, L..3/8/09 728 Ricks, D..5/3/09 688 Lemarie, S..10/30/09 733 Capello, J..6/13/09 782 Harris, A..5/3/09 775 Moore, B..6/7/09
325 Barnes, L..4/24/09 347 Moore, K..10/17/09 460 Wong, C..4/25/09 520 Warner, J..11/28/09 620 Conyers, T..12/5/09 644 Garofalo, R..10/1/09 716 Eiseman, T..10/30/09 685 Tucker, T..5/23/09 700 Chojnowski, T..12/6/09 766 Capello, J..4/11/09 771 Ufford, K..2/28/09
319 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 336 Kemper, T..2/14/09 445 Marchio, J..3/14/09 507 Deskis, M..8/1/09 601 Cirigliano, R..10/29/09 625 Wright, G..11/14/09 683 Ferstler, G..7/5/09 677 Baltimore, J..2/21/09 699 Douglas, J..5/3/09 765 Efferding, S..2/28/09 755 Nichols..2/7/09
314 Leverett, A..2/14/09 325 Muth, L..6/13/09 429 Drenik, P..10/2/09 505 Wilson..2/22/09 600 Croft, B..12/5/09 606 Braca, J..5/2/09 672 Woodley, L..8/22/09 672 Givens, F..1/17/09 690 Farris, M..2/21/09 760 Francis, M..3/21/09 750 Smith, E..12/6/09
314 Cobb, S..8/15/09 325 Hedman, S..11/11/09 402 Richey, S..7/4/09 501 Jacobs, J..5/1/09 584 Dalessio, J..5/2/09 606 Rodriguez..10/18/06 670 Sadiv, R..2/22/09 672 Gaynor, B..7/3/09 688 Clark, Z..3/21/09 733 Bailey, C..1/24/09 745 Damminga, G..5/3/09
303 Clough, J..5/9/09 319 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 396 Stein, E..10/2/09 496 Robinson, M..10/17/09 567 Kleyn, G..4/25/09 600 Graser, B..11/7/09 661 Woods, J..5/30/09 672 Fisher, K..11/14/09 688 Roberts, P..11/7/09 733 Hengst, D..6/20/09 725 Dillard, T..6/20/09
297 Baker, S..6/5/09 315 Soukup, S..11/14/09 374 Aybar, V..8/29/09 490 Evangelista, A..8/22/09 565 McVaney, A..2/7/09 587 Krowech, R..8/1/09 640 Gaynor, B..6/6/09 666 Edelstein, M..10/30/09 683 Norman, J..5/3/09 705 Wylie, P..1/25/09 725 Barlow, R..8/8/09
292 Ocampo, J..2/14/09 308 Snow, D..2/14/09 365 Helms, J..11/14/09 485 Kaneshiro, D..7/5/09 551 White, F..4/4/09 584 Benedix, B..11/12/09 630 Yeargin..5/2/09 665 Cash, J..11/22/09 683 Bianchi, A..10/31/09 705 Waldo, J..3/14/09 722 Villenueve, D..10/18/09
290 Michaud, O..5/2/09 303 Rosales-Bui, L..3/21/09 363 Carlsson, R..2/14/09 485 Reeder, R..7/18/09 551 Felton, D..4/25/09 575 Ruplinger, M..2/14/09 628 Schmidt, J..1/25/09 661 Ray, J..4/11/09 675 Weyrough, K..4/18/09 705 Love, T..11/7/09 705 Welch, E..7/5/09 Bill Ross – 540 BP
282 Cabe, E..10/30/09 300 Aerts, B..11/14/09 363 Meskew, K..7/5/09 480 Bauer, F..3/14/09 551 Anderson, D..6/27/09 575 Dennison..12/5/09 628 Gibson, T..10/1/09 661 Fletcher, H..11/7/09 672 Driscoll, C..11/14/09 705 Dale, B..12/12/09 700 Phillips, W..10/4/09
281 Cutrona, T..10/17/09 297 Hughes, K..3/7/09 355 Aulridge, R..2/28/09 479 Whitney, D..5/2/09 540 Phillips, J..10/3/09 573 Kellins, H..4/25/09 625 DiFruscia, E..5/3/09 655 Baxter, G..7/3/09 661 Andrews, P..1/25/09 700 Robinson, J..4/25/09 699 Hoskinson, J..1/24/09
275 Stefan, B..7/11/09 286 Mach, J..6/20/09 352 Shivaie, H..2/21/09 473 Foddrill, B..5/1/09 534 Sigala, M..12/6/09 573 Ascani, J..5/30/09 622 Calia, V..4/4/09 651 Tortorelli, A..10/31/09 661 Smiley, D..7/3/09 699 Wood, J..7/18/09 683 Turley, D..6/27/09
275 Jackson, R..8/15/09 281 Jackson, D..5/16/09 340 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 473 Stagg, M..7/11/09 530 Theodorou, N..12/6/09 570 Ligouri, L..5/2/09 620 Ingravera, R..11/22/09 650 Sanders, T..3/14/09 655 Moore, M..5/24/09 690 Young, C..5/23/09 683 Mikesell, B..8/22/09
275 Moore, R..11/28/09 275 Simons, A..10/1/09 335 Martin, T..2/14/09 473 Santee, G..12/5/09 529 Petrucelli, M..4/11/09 567 Stone, R..5/2/09 606 McAuliffe, J..7/26/09 650 Myers, T..3/29/09 650 Jacobs, J..3/21/09 684 Davis, B..10/28/09 677 Isabella, T..7/3/09
270 Ryman, K..10/17/09 265 Drach, S..11/7/09 330 Anolin, B..8/15/09 470 Wess, R..4/11/09 529 Johnson, D..4/25/09 565 Raya, M..4/4/09 605 Jarrett, M..11/14/09 650 Supilowski, M..12/26/09 650 Tronske, M..7/3/09 683 Fernandez, J..8/22/09 675 Shadid, K..4/25/09
265 Poyner, K..5/9/09 264 Moore, R..5/31/09 314 Simons, A..2/14/09 470 Heath, D..10/31/09 529 Brown, C..5/16/09 560 Hubert, S..5/30/09 600 McMillan, G..1/17/09 644 Musto, M..4/26/09 650 Padgett, R..7/19/09 683 Driskill, B..10/30/09 672 Guiney, T..3/28/09
260 Aliminosa, D..5/2/09 264 McKee, P..8/2/09 314 Bales, M..11/14/09 468 Lewis, S..5/1/09 523 Thompson, D..5/2/09 560 Fleming, M..11/7/09 600 Myers, H..3/28/09 644 Grissinger, G..11/12/09 650 Wylie, R..7/26/09 677 Baehr, A..4/26/09 672 Gaudreau, D..5/3/09
249 Gedney, J..9/11/09 259 Rivera, C..10/30/09 308 Barnhill, A..1/24/09 459 Hedrick, T..10/17/09 518 Lewis, C..10/1/09 556 Walker, B..11/28/09 600 Clark, B..6/13/09 639 King, B..4/26/09 650 Scales, L..11/14/09 675 Tillman, C..1/31/09 672 Green, S..10/3/09
242 Morris, J..3/14/09 254 Riasen, G..11/7/09 303 Soukup, S..4/18/09 446 Sato, B..3/21/09 507 Wiltshire, G..2/21/09 551 Penny, K..4/5/09 600 Rosenstern, P..10/17/09 639 Eddins, N..8/2/09 650 Bowman, T..11/18/09 675 Connett, D..8/22/09 665 Cameron, P..7/25/09
947 Hartwig-Gary, S..10/1/09 810 Kemper, T..2/14/09 1366 Kupperstein, E..5/1/09 1605 Heath, D..10/31/09 1705 Cayer, A..8/8/09 1830 VanAlstyne, M..6/28/09 1962 Ricks, D..5/3/09 1984 Fletcher, H..11/7/09 2231 Norman, J..5/3/09 2221 Bailey, C..1/24/09 2340 Phillips, W..10/4/09
865 Zeolla, G..6/12/09 804 Pantilat, I..2/14/09 1210 Smith, T..1/17/09 1581 Matsumoto, D..1/24/09 1550 Conyers, T..12/5/09 1703 Garofalo, R..10/1/09 1829 Stockton, D..6/21/09 1884 Caballero, N..4/25/09 2028 Schultz, P..4/26/09 2121 Harris, A..5/3/09 2243 Hoskinson, J..1/24/09
848 Barnes, L..4/24/09 795 Soukup, S..11/14/09 1058 Richey, S..7/4/09 1317 Morse, C..8/1/09 1530 McVaney, A..2/7/09 1653 Woodley, L..3/8/09 1807 Terry, C..5/3/09 1840 Bridges, M..5/3/09 2028 Douglas, J..5/3/09 2100 Warren, B..4/4/09 2215 Damminga, G..5/3/09
799 Shumaker, A..4/18/09 782 Hedman, S..11/11/09 1003 Drenik, P..10/2/09 1317 Weinstein, L..10/1/09 1499 Dalessio, J..5/2/09 1647 Kellins, H..4/25/09 1714 Gibson, T..5/3/09 1835 Sengos, P..10/25/09 1962 Mistric, L..5/3/09 2100 Young, C..5/23/09 2204 Gillingham, B..5/3/09
738 Leverett, A..2/14/09 738 Snow, D..2/14/09 975 Aulridge, R..5/23/09 1285 Bauer, F..5/09 1499 Thompson, D..5/2/09 1636 Benedix, B..1/24/09 1685 Ingravera, R..6/28/09 1818 Rebera, J..8/2/09 1915 Bodenbender, T..2/28/09 2070 Efferding, S..2/28/09 2170 Peshek, J..3/1/09
738 Clough, J..11/14/09 733 Moore, K..7/24/09 925 Marchio, J..7/25/09 1273 Myers, C..6/26/09 1465 Kiser, G..3/7/09 1600 Sansbury, T..1/17/09 1669 Buffington, G..11/12/09 1807 Givens, F..1/17/09 1901 Roberts, P..11/7/09 2020 Dague, D..6/28/09 2160 Petrino, A..5/9/09
672 Moore, R..11/28/09 727 Mach, J..6/20/09 920 Stein, E..10/2/09 1234 Foddrill, B..5/1/09 1455 VanDeWeghe, S..3/15/09 1537 Braca, J..5/2/09 1636 Calia, V..11/12/09 1780 Schmidt, R..2/28/09 1884 Fritz, A..5/3/09 2000 Newman, L..2/7/09 2116 Gaudreau, D..5/3/09
650 Baker, S..6/5/09 722 Jackson, D..5/16/09 870 Franciscus, A..2/28/09 1218 Jacobs, J..5/1/09 1410 Lewis, C..5/2/09 1526 Sorrell, J..5/3/09 1631 Kanemoto, K..11/12/09 1770 Pardue, R..12/5/09 1862 Nichols, B..2/28/09 1940 Favre, D..5/3/09 2080 Moore, B..6/7/09
650 Cutrona, T..10/17/09 683 Lamp, L..2/14/09 815 Helms, J..11/14/09 1212 Sato, B..3/21/09 1388 Sigala, M..12/6/09 1500 Fleming, M..11/7/09 1614 McAuliffe, J..7/26/09 1769 King, B..4/26/09 1862 Pamplin, G..5/3/09 1915 Sturdivant, B..12/5/09 2077 Turley, D..8/2/09
595 Ryman, K..11/7/09 683 Simons, A..10/1/09 810 Meskew, K..3/28/09 1212 Lewis, S..5/1/09 1377 Woodworth, M..10/31/09 1490 Alkinany, M..7/18/09 1595 Jarrett, M..11/14/09 1765 Lemarie, S..1/17/09 1857 Ladnier, J..5/3/09 1912 Gonzales, D..5/3/09 2072 Ufford, K..2/28/09
585 Michaud, O..5/2/09 650 Moore, R..5/31/09 793 Carlsson, R..2/14/09 1205 Wess, R..4/11/09 1365 Boshoven, L..5/09 1482 Stone, R..5/2/09 1565 Steck, M..7/09 1765 Carnaghi, T..10/24/09 1851 Dibble, J..8/2/09 1907 McKee, B..9/12/09 2020 Barlow, R..8/8/09
585 Poyner, K..5/9/09 606 McKee, P..8/2/09 782 Simons, A..2/14/09 1180 Wilson..2/22/09 1361 White, F..4/4/09 1482 Ammerman, B..8/2/09 1560 Yeargin..5/2/09 1760 Howell, J..6/28/09 1846 Bowman, T..5/3/09 1905 Phillips, F..10/4/09 1950 Cameron, P..7/25/09
578 Jackson, R..8/15/09 584 Aerts, ZB..4/26/09 782 Shivaie, H..2/21/09 1162 Hadad, J..5/30/09 1350 Wiltshire, G..2/21/09 1477 Hibbing, B..3/15/09 1560 Jeurink, J..11/28/09 1757 Waits, S..5/3/09 1846 Smiley, D..7/3/09 1885 Francis, M..3/21/09 1925 Aracri, P..1/17/09
570 Aliminosa, D..5/2/09 562 Marrs, M..5/16/09 771 Bales, M..11/14/09 1146 Deskis, M..8/1/09 1333 Anderson, D..9/19/09 1450 Wright, G..11/14/09 1548 Hatfield, G..4/4/09 1735 Hennigar, R..1/31/09 1845 Farris, M..2/21/09 1884 Conley, J..9/26/09 1918 Isabella, T..7/3/09
565 Ellis, S..4/25/09 540 Michaels-W, T..2/14/09 770 Soukup, S..7/18/09 1140 Whitney, D..5/2/09 1330 Phillips, J..10/3/09 1432 Ruettiger, R..7/31/09 1537 Hibbing, B..1/31/09 1730 Wood, R..10/1/09 1802 Cavaretta, K..9/12/09 1880 Becker, B..1/25/09 1895 Bustillos, E..11/7/09
550 Stefan, B..7/11/09 534 Kemmer, A..12/09 733 Callahan, S..11/11/09 1124 McLaren, R..3/21/09 1322 Edmondson, D..4/5/09 1410 Fu, A..3/28/09 1537 DelSignore, M..11/12/09 1708 Musto, M..4/26/09 1785 Tronske, M..11/12/09 1878 Goldman, M..5/3/09 1884 Hendrix, R..5/3/09
468 Nelson, K..5/16/09 530 Azlin, P..5/9/09 688 Barnhill, A..1/24/09 1115 Murphy, R..3/7/09 1317 Bolen, K..5/2/09 1394 Rodriguez..12/6/09 1526 Clark, R..3/21/09 1703 Grissinger, G..11/12/09 1765 Perkins, K..9/19/09 1845 Wilson, M..7/19/09 1873 Ross, M..10/31/09 Stockton – 804 SQ; he
462 Longhsore, K..10/17/09 530 Drach, S..11/7/09 672 Tidmarsh, P..12/5/09 1107 Robinson, M..10/17/09 1317 Cunningham, J..5/2/09 1391 Naughton, D..2/28/09 1525 Polis, D..7/19/09 1703 Reza, A..11/28/09 1763 White, E..3/14/09 1813 Shadid, K..8/29/09 1857 Edmiston, S..8/2/09 made the list for the
457 Whiting, S..11/14/09 523 Galant, A..5/1/09 650 Ireland, F..2/14/09 1107 Warner, J..11/28/09 1311 Towers, T..3/21/09 1383 Ascani, J..5/30/09 1525 White, J..11/14/09 1686 Eddins, N..8/2/09 1752 Saunders, B..1/31/09 1802 McDonough, B..5/3/09 1857 Green, S..10/3/09 SQ, BP and Total
451 Thompson, M..7/24/09 501 McCarty, G..10/24/09 633 Lopez, L..2/14/09 1080 Wider, M..8/1/09 1311 Scisney, K..12/6/09 1370 Boshoven, L..8/29/09 1504 Schmidt, J..1/25/09 1681 Maxim, J..5/9/09 1741 Keanu, A..4/25/09 1785 Hengst, D..6/20/09 1835 Lane, T..5/9/09


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oxygen, including adequate anaplerotic pro- word about EPN by sending the link to anyone EFA+, GHboost, TestoBoost, and Resolve. If
cesses to keep the Krebs Cycle well stocked, the you think might be interested. you wish, I can set up a supplement regimen
availability of various nutrients and micronutri- The bottom line is that there’s a lot you can for you that includes this group of supplements,
by Mauro Di Pasquale, MD, MRO, MFS » mauro@metabolicdiet.com » www.metabolicdiet.com ents to facilitate ATP production. do to decrease fatigue and that includes using making changes as needed.
There’s a lot more to the story and many specific supplements that will impact on all of By the way, I have a lot of elite athletes,
more variables to consider, but I’ve been long the processes involved. The supplements will including fighters (boxers, wrestlers, MMA,
More information on POWERbreathe® inhalers is available at www.powerbreathe-usa.com winded enough (bad pun). I’ll be covering all be even more effective by allowing increased etc.) on these same supplements, and in some
NEWS FLASH! of this in much more detail in the next two or
three issues of my Elite Performance Newslet-
training intensity and thus an increased training
response, and they also work well when using
cases several more, and they definitely help to
decrease fatigue, enhance their oxygen carrying
ter—if you’re interested you can download other methods that affect one or more of the capacity and utility, and their power and endur-
If you like getting the lastest the first two issues from www.ElitePerforman- processes mentioned. On the supplement end ance.
tips on lifting issues, sign ceNewsletter.com. There’s no charge for the I would suggest that you use a fairly simple Hope this helps.
newsletter. Maybe you can help me spread the combo of supplements that includes MVM, Best, Mauro «
up for Dr. Mauro’s Elite
Performance Newsletter.
Every month Dr. Mauro will
be covering topics ranging
Br J Sports Med. 2008 Oct;42(10):823-7. Epub 2008 Feb 28. O(2max)). Eighteen healthy males agreed to participate in the study
from diets, nutritional CONCURRENT INSPIRATORY MUSCLE AND CARDIOVASCULAR [training group (Tra) n=10, control group (Con) n=8]. Measurements
TRAINING DIFFERENTIALLY IMPROVES BOTH PERCEPTIONS OF of spirometry and maximal static inspiratory mouth pressure ( PI(max))
supplements and the were taken pre- and post-training in addition to: (1) an incremental test
nutritional supplement CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING ALONE to volitional exhaustion, (2) three square-wave transitions from walking
industry, to performance Edwards AM, Wells C, Butterly R. » UCOL Institute of Technology, School of Ap- to running at a moderate intensity (80% ventilatory threshold) and (3) a
plied Health Sciences, Cnr of Princess and Queen St, Palmerston North, 4412, maximal aerobic constant-load running test to volitional fatigue for the
enhancement, drug testing, New Zealand. a.m.edwards@ucol.ac.nz » Erratum in: Br J Sports Med. 2009 determination of time to exhaustion ( T(lim)). Training was performed us-
scams, and more. ing an inspiratory muscle trainer (Powerbreathe). There were no signifi-
ABSTRACT—OBJECTIVE: To examine whether inspiratory muscle
cant differences in spirometry either between the two groups or when
training (IMT) is a useful additional technique with which to augment
comparing the post- to pre-training results within each group. Mean
To sign up for the monthly cardiovascular exercise training adaptations. METHODS: 16 healthy
PI(max) increased significantly in Tra ( P<0.01) and showed a trend for
untrained males agreed to participate in the study and were randomly
newsletter email Dr. Mauro at: assigned to training (TRA; n = 8) and placebo (PLA; n = 8) groups. Pre-
improvement ( P<0.08) in Con. Post-training T(lim) was significantly
extended in both Tra [232.4 (22.8) s and 242.8 (20.1) s] ( P<0.01) and
mauro@metabolicdiet.com and post-training measurements of spirometry and maximal inspiratory
Con [224.5 (19.6) and 233.5 (12.7) s] ( P<0.05). Post-training T(lim) was
mouth pressure (MIP) were taken in addition to i) maximal aerobic
significantly extended in Tra compared to Con ( P<0.05). In conclusion,
power (VO(2max)) and ii) 5000 m run time-trial. All subjects completed
the most plausible explanation for the stability in V(.)O(2) kinetics and
the same 4 week cardiovascular training programme which consisted
DEAR MAURO: At what age do you think a supplement on its own that will do the trick. muscles, the amount of air inhaled and exhaled V(.)O(2max) following IMT is that it is due to insufficient whole-body
of three running sessions (CV1: 5 x 1000 m, CV2: 3 x 1600 m, SP1:
fella stops getting stronger? I’m 45 years old. However, a combination of supplements will per minute over both the short and long term stress to elicit either central or peripheral cardiopulmonary adaptation.
20 min run) in each of the 4 weeks. IMT was performed daily by both
Murray definitely help. That’s because there are a can be increased (ventilatory capacity and rate The extension of post-training T(lim) suggests that IMT might be useful
groups using an inspiratory muscle trainer (POWERbreathe). TRA
number of mechanisms involved in decreasing can be increased and ventilatory muscle fatigue as a stratagem for producing greater volumes of endurance work at high
completed 30 maximal inspirations while PLA inspired 30 times against
MURRAY: Although the potential for massive fatigue—both physiological and psychological. lessened). These muscles can be strengthened ventilatory loads, which in turn could improve cardiopulmonary fitness.
a negligible resistance. RESULTS: Mean MIP increased significantly in
strength gains made by way of years of intensive And this applies to all athletes, both power and in a number of ways including a device called both groups (TRA: 14.5 (SD 6.8)% change, PLA: 7.8 (7.4)% change)
PMID: 15322855 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
and heavy training may peak in your thirties, endurance, as fatigue affects us all. PowerBreathe. from pre- to post-training (p<0.01) but was not significantly related to
for most people I think that you continue to get The mental aspect of decreasing fatigue is For more info on PowerBreathe see Respir Med. 2001 Jun;95(6):526-31.
changes in running performance. Mean CV1 training-repetition runs
stronger well into your fifties, but you do have to important and some of the supplements work the product links and Medline abstracts I’ve EVALUATION OF AN INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINER IN
improved similarly in both groups, but RPE evaluations were signifi-
pace yourself more and watch out for injuries. on that end. Others work mostly on increasing included. HEALTHY HUMANS
cantly reduced in TRA (15.7 (0.7)) compared with PLA (16.6 (0.8)) at Hart N, Sylvester K, Ward S, Cramer D, Moxham J, Polkey MI. » Respiratory
I’ll be covering the aging athlete in a future oxygen delivery to the muscle mitochondria and The other processes involve oxygen con- week 4 (p<0.05). Pre- to post-training changes in VO(2max) were well- Muscle Laboratories, Royal Brompton and Kings College Hospitals, London, UK.
issue of my Elite Performance Newsletter. If thus maximizing ATP production and minimiz- centration in the inhaled air (breathing a higher matched between both TRA (+2.1 (2.3)%) and PLA (+1.3 (2.4)%) while Comment in » Respir Med. 2002 Apr;96(4):287-9; author reply 289-90 and Respir
you’re interested you can download the first two ing metabolic changes, such as lactic acidosis, oxygen mixture), diffusion capacity between the post-intervention 5000 m performance was significantly augmented in Med. 2002 Feb;96(2):129-33.
issues from www.ElitePerformanceNewsletter. that can lead to premature fatigue. oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs (alveoli) TRA compared with PLA (TRA: 4.3 (1.6)%, PLA: 2.2 (1.9)%, p<0.05). ABSTRACT—The Powerbreathe is an inspiratory muscle trainer pro-
com. There’s no charge and if you find it useful Decreasing fatigue and increasing oxy- and the lung capillaries (this involves several CONCLUSIONS: The addition of IMT to a cardiovascular training moted as improving inspiratory muscle strength (and consequently
perhaps you can send the link to anyone you gen carrying capacity involves a number of processes including the shunting of blood away programme augments 5000 m running performance but exerts no exercise performance) in athletes and patients with respiratory disease.
think might be interested—it would help me interdependent processes. As mentioned it from poorly oxygenated parts of the lungs to additional influence over VO(2max) compared with a cardiovascular- No published evidence supports its efficacy. We performed a prospec-
spread the word. involves both mind and body and the two are the more richly oxygenated parts as well as the training group. This is probably due to IMT-induced reduction in per- tive randomized controlled study in which 12 normal subjects received
Thanks, Mauro interdependent and work synergistically to presence of factors such as inflammation that ceived effort at high ventilatory rates, which is of greater consequence either Powerbreathe training or sham training for a 6-week period. The
decrease perceived exertion and increase power affect the diffusion of oxygen through the tis- to longer duration time-trial performances than incremental tests of primary outcome measure was diaphragm strength evaluated as twitch
DEAR MAURO: Can you recommend a and endurance, resulting in markedly increased sues separating the oxygen in the lung from the VO(2max). transdiaphragmatic pressure (Tw Pdi) but secondary outcome measures
supplement that helps to efficiently transfer performance. red blood cells in the capillaries), the amount of PMID: 18308881 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] were provided by full respiratory muscle assessment and cardiopul-
oxygen to the muscles during an intense On the physical end a number of processes oxygen delivered to working muscles via the cir- monary exercise testing. An advantage to training was observed when
workout? In Jui Jitsu we roll for 5 minute are involved (I’ve actually broken it down to four culation, which relates among others to cardiac Eur J Appl Physiol. 2004 Oct;93(1-2):139-44. Epub 2004 Aug 19. outcome was assessed by maximal static inspiratory mouth pressure
rounds, sometime 3 rounds back to back and main ones) and each can be improved upon to and arterial efficiency and endurance (these tire OXYGEN UPTAKE KINETICS AND MAXIMAL AEROBIC POWER ARE (mean advantage 14.5 cm H2O, 95% CI 2.2-26.9 cm H2O, P=0.025).
I am gassing out after about 7 mins...breath- increase exercise performance. The degree of as well), and oxygen carrying capacity (red blood UNAFFECTED BY INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINING IN HEALTHY However. no significant difference was observed between the groups
ing really hard. I know part of it is controlling improvement seen with improving each of these cell mass in the body), the extraction percentage SUBJECTS WHERE TIME TO EXHAUSTION IS EXTENDED in any other parameter. In particular the deltaTw Pdi was not different
the breathing, and I’m working on that, but processes will depend on the individual athlete’s between oxygen in the arterial and venous blood Edwards AM, Cooke CB. » Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Fairfax between groups (mean ‘advantage’ 0.7 cmH2O, 95% CI- 7.0+/-5.5
I want to know if there is something else I circumstances. (the oxygen saturation differential), which is de- Building, Leeds Metropolitan University, Beckett Park, LS6 3QS, Leeds, UK. cmH2O, P=0.8). The continued sale and use of the Powerbreathe
can do to help with this. I know you’re busy, For example, increasing breathing perfor- pendant on several factors including increasing a.m.edwards@leedsmet.ac.uk device is not justified by our data. A sample size calculation showed
but when you have time, let me know your mance by strengthening the intrinsic and extrin- blood flow through the muscles, more efficient ABSTRACT—The aim of this study was to determine whether 4 weeks that 234 subjects would need to be randomized to definitively refute the
thoughts. sic chest and abdominal musculature. Fatigue extraction of oxygen from the capillaries, the of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) would be accompanied by altera- hypothesis that Powerbreathe improves Tw Pdi and we argue that such a
Thanks, Rick in these muscles can impact oxygen availability diffusion of oxygen into the cellular space and tion in cardiopulmonary fitness as assessed through moderate intensity study is required.
and delivery and increase perceived exertion. more specifically the mitochondria, and finally oxygen uptake (V(.)O(2)) kinetics and maximal aerobic power (V(.) PMID: 11421512 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
RICK: Unfortunately, there isn’t just one With increased strength and endurance in these mitochondrial efficiency in utilizing the available

The irrepressible, controversial, still strong-
as-hell at 75 years of age Ernie Frantz...
You know, powerlifting should really have its own glitzy
award show like the actors do. If this event was ever
televised, I believe it would be a HUGE hit, unlike the sorry
spectacle being delivered these days on network TV. I don’t
know about you, but I rarely, if ever, watch the Academy
Awards anymore. Somehow, my fond childhood memories
of sitting in front of the then brand new Sylvania Color TV
in my parents living room watching the greats like John
Wayne, Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Bette Davis,
Humphrey Bogart and Sophia Loren battle it out in such
classics as Ben Hur, Casablanca and The Godfather does
not quite match up with trying to follow the current Hol-
lywood “crowd,” most of whom have as many mug shots
on file with the LAPD as they do publicity shots with their
agent, and the current “show,” hosted by an ever changing
array of comedic pretenders-slash-political pundits (some
fresh out of rehab) that can never match up to the legend-
ary genius of Bob Hope.
In those days, the Oscars were about 60 minutes long,
and didn’t waste a lot of time getting right down to the meat
of the issue: best actor, best actress, and, of course, best
picture. Now? Too Long. Too Boring. Too many half out-of-it
Hollywood nitwits (and their hangers on) painfully read-
ing something as simple as “and the nominees for Foreign
Documentary are...” from a Teleprompter. Some, by the

A LIFETIME IN POWERLIFTING WELL SPENT way, make it seem pretty obvious that they may have actu-
ally flunked 4th grade reading. Great role models, huh? »

as told to Powerlifting USA by Ron Fernando

» rfern2000@aol.com
And PLEASE, please don’t get me started ing themselves totally in their roles—anyone War profoundly affected Ernie and taught him are the ‘shorts’ and the ‘downs-shorts’ being
on the fake, nauseating “smiles” from the losers remember De Niro gaining and losing 100 to value life and to make something of himself. essentially half movements from the bottom
in the audience. Are they really that glad they lb. to play a young, then aging Jake La Motta Though not terribly religious, Ernie made a pact of the lift, just past the sticking point, and
lost (again)? Are they smiling and clapping for in the 1980 film (best actor – De Niro, best with himself that if he survived, he would do the ‘Downs’ are a controlled negative with an
the other guy because, after all, they are just director – Martin Scorsese) Raging Bull? How something with his life that would impact oth- ultra heavy weight. I have always thought that
thrilled to have wasted three years of their lives about the number and variety of roles the great ers. Returning to the USA, and his hometown if you can control a huge weight, that this
on a total bomb of a movie, publicity campaign, Meryl Streep played? She is known for her of Oswego, IL, Ernie made his living for years is the key to strength.” Ernie has done some
filming on location in some god-forsaken-hell- meticulous preparation, endless hours practic- first as a police officer, then as a as a carpenter marvelous competition lifts but he has also done
hole complete with the requisite 5 AM wakeup ing her craft, and pinpoint attention to detail and building contractor, and this physical labor some unreal training lifts: a 900 lb. deadlift from
calls, lousy food, and sadistic director? Do they for one purpose—to achieve the maximum laid the foundation for the great years to come a 2 inch platform, a 1000 lb. controlled nega-
all think that the winner didn’t somehow resort performance, each and every time, regard- in powerlifting. tive deadlift, a 903 squat, a raw 550 bench,
to the usual bvackstabbing, begging and bribery less of the size of role or the scope of the film. “I think that wrestling with those heavy 1500 lb. calf raises for sets of 10, heavy dips
all too typical in Hollywood? Of course they do! Sounds eerily like the likes of Ed Coan, Chuck I-beams, hour after hour, every single day not with 350 lb., and heavy cheat curls with around
Why can’t these folks act more normal...like, Vogelphol, Bob Gaynor and Bob Cortes doesn’t only got me strong, but proved to me that the 300 lb. Even today, at the age of 75, Ernie is
say, some disgruntled high school football coach it—a lifetime of meticulous, hard work with human body is capable of a huge amount of pushing 600 in both the squat and deadlift, and
on the sideline after an obviously botched call strict attention to detail for that one avowed work. Think about it, if I told my boss that he feels that 660 is within reach for both. Many
by an incompetent ref rather than trying to look purpose, the big total. Much has been written carrying the huge joists and beams tired me years ago I saw a home movie of Ernie (taken
like good sports? You know, scream a lot, sulk about Ernie throughout the years, but like fine out so much that I could only do this activity by the late Tom Eldridge) squatting 720—in
some, and generally throw a fit. Better yet, why wine, the story of Ernie Frantz needs to once once or twice a week, I would have been shorts, knee wraps and sandals! Recently he im-
can’t they act like some freeked-up powerlifter again be decanted and enjoyed. I'll start this out fired. Same in my training. I have proven proved his deadlift by employing a simple trick.
who just got jobbed out of a world record squat? by saying what I believe is the obvious: Ernie that if properly trained with good nutrition, Every time he passed the power rack, he would
I would love it, and I bet the world would too if has affected the sport of powerlifting more than one can lift day after day at a high level with do several sets of deadlifts from three differ-
once, just once, some nominee would mouth maximum intensity.” Seeing his training log ent heights with light weights. “I didn’t count
the F-word, the S-word and Son of a B word    with heavy squats done several times a week is this as a workout, but just a little something
and generally just cuss up a storm when the a testament to his unusual recuperative powers. extra.” The result? A 50 lb. jump in his deadlift
camera pans to them after they lose. Maybe the
loser can simply give the middle finger to the
“ I’ll put up hard cash and I His training hasn’t varied terribly much in all
these years, and he has shied away from what
in six months, at the age of 75! He had surgery
a while back where two titanium ball joints were
camera and then proceed to deck the winner bet that my guys will out-squat he terms as “faddish” or, dare I use this word, placed in his shoulders, so heavy benching is
out his Armani Tux. Now that’s entertainment! cultish training. out. Ernie is unabashed about the pride he holds
But for all of this Hollywood mumbo jumbo, anyone around, especially when “My system is very simple: Tuesday, for legion of his powerlifters throughout the
there is one award that these folks give out each you consider proper depth in the Thursday, and Saturday concentrating on the years; names like Ed Coan, Bill Nichols, Noel
time that actually has some real meaning, and three event lifts, and Monday, Wednesday, Levario, Jose Garcia, Jason Patrick (all 1000 lb.
one that the powerlifting world would consider ‘pocket.’ Lotta guys claim big and Friday on a variety of bodybuilding move- squatters), legendary women lifters like his wife
emulating. I am, of course, referring to their ments like lat work, curls and abs. Remember, of over 35 years Diane Frantz, Nancy Danger-
Lifetime Achievement Award, which the movie squats but let’s get real, most of for years I was both a bodybuilder and a lifter, field, Maris Sternberg, Stephanie van DeWeghe,
folks call the Academy Honorary Award, given the really big squats today are although I knew eventually I would have to Sydney Thoms, and many others through the
to the real superstars and true icons of the make the difficult decision in which direction last 30+ years. “I’ll put up hard cash and I bet
industry for a lifetime’s work, both in and out of six inches high, but since they to go—full bore. In 1974, I was able to, with that my guys will out-squat anyone around,
the film industry. Such luminaries as Bob Hope, the aid of a friendly taxi driver, win the 181 especially when you consider proper depth
Cary Grant, Robert Redford, Deborah Kerr and don’t want to get their feelings class at the IPF World Championships, and in the ‘pocket.’ Lotta guys claim big squats
others have won this after, in many cases, over race 12 miles across town later to win runner but let’s get real, most of the really big squats Ernie Frantz was both a world class bodybuilder AND powerlifter!
a half century of work and achievement. Few of
hurt, they join the federations that
up to Pat Neve (another powerlifter, from today are six inches high, but since they don’t
these awards were given to the TMZ.com gener-
ated “flavor of the month” reality show morons
allow this sort of stuff. ” Arizona) at the Mr. USA. The meet promot-
ers weren’t very happy about this, but I did
want to get their feelings hurt, they join the
federations that allow this sort of stuff.” Like I
or the one with the most hits on Twitter, Face-    it, and today it still ranks as one of my most said, shy he is NOT.
book or sleazy grocery store tabloid covers. cherished memories.” Ernie quit competitive Ernie has always been a kind hearted
Which brings me to this point. In my humble any living human being. Ernie has done it all bodybuilding about 10 years later when on a individual, and I bet most people do not know
opinion, actors and powerlifters have more in (and is still doing it all)—a world champion in whim he entered the 1984 Mr. Illinois with one this—that he has taken out, on more than one
common than meets the eye. Stop and think powerlifting, successful gym owner (his Gym has week’s notice. Starving himself, doing endless occasion, personal loans to pay for lifters’ travel
about it; there are the real actors—the De been in Aurora for over 40 years), inventor of a reps of abs and curls, and literally par-broiling expenses, as far away as Maui and Soviet Rus-
Niros, the Streeps, the Pacinos and the one number of powerlifting gear innovations in shirt his skin under sun lamps, he sliced 20 lb. from sia. “The Russia trip (back in the early 80s)
guy that I believe exemplifies acting excellence, and squat suit technology, as well as specialized his frame and left him in what he thought was was difficult, but I told everyone that it would
Clint Eastwood—and there are the legion (upon powerlifting equipment, founder of one of the a cut to the bone condition—enough to win Mr. be like camping out—a lot of ‘roughing it.’”
legion) of fakes, one-shot wonders, Internet world’s largest powerlifting federations, meet Illinois. Alas, the judges saw it differently. A dis- That meet pitted Ernie’s USA team against
superstars and complete scam artists, just like promoter on a global scale, and, the roles he appointing third place reinforced his own think- the fledging Soviet team, many of whom were
there are the real icons of powerlifting—the Ed cherishes above all, coach and trainer . ing that you cannot be a full time bodybuilding ex-weightlifters. Ernie’s team won all the weight
Coans, the Louie Simmons, the Mike Bridges— Ernie was born in the northwest side of powerlifter, you have to choose. In his eyes, this classes, except the 242s where Craig Tokarski
as well as the legion of fakes, one hit wonders, Chicago and was, by his own admission, a rest- was one of the turning points in his career, as was narrowly beaten by his Soviet counterpart.
Internet superstars and, yes, complete and utter less youth and an indifferent student. He really now he was a “full time” powerlifter, and it was He financed yet another trip to Maui, includ-
scam artists. didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life all systems go. Ernie still uses the same system ing shipping tons of heavy equipment (racks,
I think that real actors are, in their own way, when Uncle Sam made that decision for him by today that he did 30 years ago. benches, and bars) at an astronomical cost.
as talented and driven as any lifetime world class drafting him into the Army for the Korean War. “It’s a template that just requires a lot of After the meet, he donated this gear to the local
powerlifter and are as far removed from the His memories of that hellish encounter so long hard work on old fashioned exercises like high school. Finally, Ernie purchased (again out
MySpace, Twitter and Facebook crew as the ago are still extremely vivid. He was not only on basic squats, heavy lockout/rack squats or of his own funds) trophies for master lifters who
world class lifter is from the backyard “scam” the front lines, but ahead of the U.S. and South walkouts, bench presses close and regular, had traveled from foreign countries to come to
lifters. The real actors take pride in developing Korean infantry, clearing the mines the North and deadlifts sumo and regular. I have also a competition. Ernie has always had a soft spot
their craft, nurturing their roles, and immers- Koreans and Chinese had lain. The Korean developed two smaller movements which for someone down on his luck, and there were

photos courtesy Ernie Frantz and Mike Lambert next page » Ernie at the American Cup in 1982


Ernie with his wife Diane, also a great lifter Ernie remains one of the best squatters of all time

many a time when a lifter or friend found a few extra bucks in his pocket
to tide him through a rough patch thanks to Ernie. There have been
several people, who shall remain unnamed for the purposes of this article,
who have literally stolen from him, but always in the end have been
forgiven by him. “My mother, rest her soul, probably would have been
a nun if she didn’t marry and start our family, she was that godly. She
taught me well that you need to leave this earth with no ill will toward
anyone, and that to forgive is very special.” Amen to that one.
Ernie’s desire to help others began during his time in law enforcement.
He worked tirelessly with the Illinois prison system and through lifting and
gymnastics helped turn around the lives of many hard cases. He still finds
it amazing that a lot of prisons removed barbells and weight lifting from
the recreation yards, and believes that this may be one contributing factor
in the rise of prison violence. “A lot of these guys had nothing but their
lifting. Lifting gave them a sense of meaning and pride. Now what? All
they think about is how to kill each other or get high.” A lot of Ernie’s
lifters throughout the years have come from difficult backgrounds and he
cannot count the number of lifters, and now their sons and nephews, he
has trained and kept from sinking into the abyss of gang life and crime.
His current crop of youngsters make up the nucleus of his C.R.E.D.O.
organization, a foundation he started to help the young overcome child-
hood obesity through exercise, and not just powerlifting. These kids are
infinitely blessed to have an icon of the sport take such a keen interest in
their well being with no thought of personal financial gain.
“Ron, I could have made a lot of money as a personal trainer. I
had some big business types offer me upwards of $75 an hour (in the
80s) to go to Chicago and train them, but I declined because I felt it
was my life’s work to help kids and others who could never afford it.”
Ernie has always been for the “people” and his formation of the APF
and the AMPF was predicated on a “lifters first” attitude. He had one
too many run-ins with tyrannical judges looking to bomb out folks, and
decided that was that. I am sure that there are thousands of lifters who
have their lifting careers today thanks to him. By the way, I think Ernie
and Clint Eastwood, my favorite actor, would be good buddies if they ever
had a chance to meet. In fact, I can just see Clint being spotted by Ernie
in one of their Saturday all day lifting marathons. “Go ahead, make my
day—call me high.”
More importantly, Clint would have recognized in Ernie all of the same
characteristics that made him a global icon in the film industry—aggres-
siveness, attention to detail, willingness to give back to the community,
and a wide array of talents not just limited to performing. Ernie has
indeed affected this sport more than any living individual, and I for one
dread the day when we won’t have him around anymore. He represents
a living, breathing link to the history of both bodybuilding and powerlift-
ing. His achievements and contributions to the sport, his family, friends
and neighbors and the endless array of young people—some teetering on
the brink of a life of crime who were pulled back by Ernie and his power
team—all of who have come and gone into his downtown Aurora Gym
are far too many to be recounted. Let’s just say this, Ernie Frantz, bravo
to you sir. A lifetime in powerlifting well spent. «


USAPL OHIO PL/BP 132 lbs. T. Moore 550 310 600 1460 pionships had the best turnout in recent
NOV 14 2009 » Bedford Hts., OH Open Raw B. Striker — 280 475 755 years. The standing room only crowd
N. Drane 215* 140* 240* 595* N. Schneider 420 275 520 1215 witnessed some exceptional lifting. With
BENCH W. Griffith 335 148 lbs. J. Laguardia 365 245 390 1000 the help of Joe and Kathy Marksteiner and
FEMALE J. Ross 335 Open Teen their computer program, the competi-
Open B. Archinal 320 R. Patterson 260 140 300 700 C. Blackburn 355 265 405 1025 tion ran smooth and ended in record
114 lbs. J. Demassimo 275 L. Hummer — 65 175 240 220 lbs. time. Many lifters set Ohio state records.
P. Beno 100 198 lbs. 198+ lbs. Master I American records also fell. Best overall
Open Raw Master I Open S. Fressie Sr. 425 315 475 1215 male lifter in the powerlifting contest
P. Beno 100 T. Tinge 365* J. Fster 355 265 360 980 Master II went to Cardyl Trionfantie with a total
123 lbs. Master III E. Buza 225 135 265 625 R. Brown Jr. — — — — of 1805 in the 275 lb. weight class. Best
Open D. Yanoscik 305 K. Davis 130 115 230 475 Open overall female lifter went to Jannie Foster
N. Proctor 145 Open Open Raw J. Makc 505 350 550 1405 with a total of 980 in the 198+ weight
198+ lbs. T. Stroshine 570 J. Koenig 225* 130* 330* 685* B. Eucker — 450 705 1155 division. Best lifter in the mens bench
Open M. McHargh 405 MALE B. Godsen 490 330 550 1370 press competition went to Tim Stroshine
J. Koenig 130 220 lbs. 132 lbs. P. Compton 435 385 525 1345 with a bench of 560 in the 198 lb. weight
MALE Master III Master I S. Fressie Sr. 425 315 475 1215 class. The team trophy went to team Ohio.
148 lbs. H. Selner 225 J. Helms 230 220* 365* 815* S. Siwa 375 305 480 1160 Frank and I would like to thank all the
Teen Open 148 lbs. P. Bersticker 345 325 465 1135 volunteers who sacrificed their weekend.
C. Giotta 255 J. Wharton 275 Open E. Butcher 375 225 405 1005 Without them this contest could not take
165 lbs. 275 lbs. J. Long 305 250 405 960 J. Clemens — 315 500 815 place. See you next year.
Open Teen 165 lbs. Teen » courtesy Edwin King of Kings Gym
J. Clause 275 N. Bartell 250 Open C. Seitz 450 345 550 1345
Teen 275+ lbs. R. Stover 465 325 470 1260 242 lbs. USAPL MICHIGAN STATE
J. Jones 230 Master I B. Gliba — 275 435 710 Master I OCT 31 2009 » Flushing, MI
181 lbs. P. Aracri 570 181 lbs. M. Wynn 480 390 500 1370
Master I Open Master I Open BENCH 132 lbs.
J. Ross 335 A. Davis Jr. 360 T. Mazzotta 325 205 400 930 D. Smith 700 — 575 1275 FEMALE Master IV Raw
Open 198 lbs. B. Harris 480 345 475 1300 114 lbs. M. Hess 203*
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT Master I Teen Open Raw 148 lbs.
FEMALE M. Jarrett 585 405 605 1595 T. Sams 500 435 470 1405 J. Lamson 110* Teen I Raw
114 lbs. J. White 525 400 600 1525 275+ lbs. 123 lbs. J. Miller 181
Open Raw Master III Master I Teen I Raw 181 lbs.
D. Ustar 135 95 220 450 D. Yanoscik 390 305 400 1095 P. Aracri — 570 — 570 M. Thompson 99* Master V Raw
123 lbs. A. Russ 325 275 400 1000 Open MALE R. Ingram —
issaPlusaAd_ISSA_PLUAd_605 4/29/10
Open Open 2:55 PM Page 16 H. Price 420 385 555 1360 123 lbs. Teen III Raw
L. Hilliard 135 105 245 485 M. Jarrett 585 405 605 1595 *=USAPL Ohio Records. The 2009 USAPL Teen I Raw Chamberlain 308*
N. Freed 300 — — 300 M. Cantu 585 350 530 1465 Ohio Powerlifting and Bench Press Cham- H. Grace 128* Open Raw

R. Ingram — M. Coleman 578* Master III Raw Teen III Open Raw
Open Open V. Strong 220 132* 231 584L. Hoffman 567* 380* 518 1466 M. Stewart 42 325 584* 1333

In the
M. Ruelan 501* M. Coleman 578* 198+ lbs. 220 lbs. Open

198 lbs. W. Irom 429 Open Open Raw A. Stabbins 628 358 606 1592
Master V Raw 242 lbs. S. Lamb 407 214 308 931 P. Berstricker 341 330 429 1102 A. Reynolds — — — —
G. Chapman 231* Open Raw Teen II C. Kennedy 429* 325* 407 1163* Master I
Master III Raw B. Faber 362* S. Lamb 407* 214 380 931 D. Rozenberg 275 253 407 937 A. Reynolds — — — —
W. Nicoletti 347* N. Kaltsounds 336 MALE Master II SHW
Master II Raw 275 lbs. 132 lbs. B. Birchmeier 582 319 529 1410* Master I
J. Jachim 319* Master II Raw Teen III Raw R. Jones 518 358 473 1350 T. Simmons 540 — — —

Become an ISSA Certified

Emmendorfer 292 J. Campion 374 D. Neely 303* 158* 424* 887* 242 lbs. a. Foust — — — —
Master I Raw Open Raw Teen III Open Raw Master III

C. Anderson 330* J. Johnson 457 MacDonald 308 185 338 610 M. Gunjak 435 374* 623* 1333* T. Drake 418 — 551 —
Open Raw Open Master II Raw B. Feldpausch 448* 303 501 1251 Female Best Lifter Bench: Jenny Lamson.
G. Knurek 402* K. Rzeszulek 352 J. Helms 225 225 352 804 R. Huber 292 248 391 931 Female Best Lifter Full Meet: Emily Ocker-
C. Henderson 330 SHW 148 lbs. 275 lbs. man. Male Best Lifter Bench (123-198):
ISSA’s nationally accredited online fitness education programs are Open Master VII Raw Teen I Raw Master I Raw Miguel Ruelan. Male Best Lifter Bench
flexible to fit your life, no matter where you’re stationed. n If you’re T. Zintmaster 407 A. Andrews 178* J. Miller 281* 181 352* 818* R. Cairne 507* 336* 534* 1377* (220-SHW): Marvin Coleman. Male Best
into fitness, we’ll help you transition into one of the fastest growing, J. Gordan — Master I Open Raw Master II Raw Lifter Full Meet (123-198): Craig Terry.
Master II T. Allred — B. Schuller 407* 225 435* 1099* M. Marcotte 501 314 501 1317 Male Best Lifter Full Meet (220-SHW):
most rewarding professions today. n Best of all, Armed Forces Tuition
J. Jachim 374* Open P. Weinrauch 358 53 402 1014 Master III Raw Andrew Stebbins.
Assistance can cover 100% of your tuition. And if your husband or wife 220 lbs. J. Skorups 606 165 lbs. T. Strong — — — — » courtesy Miguel Ruelan
is interested in personal training, Military Spouse Financial Assistance Master I T. Allred — Open
for can cover 100% of your spouse’s fitness education. n Call an ISSA Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT V. Nedowks 633 396 600 1631
oved r y
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Tu it o T. Gamble 137 88 242* 468 S. Distel 363 231* 418* 1014*
132 lbs. Open Raw
Teen II M. Smith 448* 242 424 1113
E. Ockerman 303 115 275 694 C. Miller 383 248 424 1036
148 lbs. Open
Open Raw J. Taylor 358 275 479 1113
J. Varner 283* 142* 325 722* S. Harrington — 347 507 —
C. Proudi 225 125 275 628 198 lbs.
Call an ISSA Military Advisor toll-free at 1.866.998.2905 A. Huber
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J. Douglas 481* 330* 402* 1188*
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P. Jurado 159 137* 281* 578 Teen III Raw
ISSA • 1015 Mark Avenue • Carpinteria, CA 93013 Mention plusa0610
181 lbs. C. Sowatsky 264 176 325 766
Open Raw Open
M. Steere 286* 176* 325* 788* C. Terry 711* 374 744 1829
198 lbs. L. Hoffman 567 380 518 1466

USAPL AMERICAN OPEN D. Jeffrey 242 — 259 501 B. Parks — 94 226 319 R. Keele 418 264 462 1145 Weixeldorfer 455 275 455 1185 Natured Open was once again a huge
DEC 6 2009 » Denver, CO 181 lbs. 123 lbs. S. Harms 402 369 369 1140 Master (50+) success. Thanks to the many national
Open Teen I B. Hertzog 121 121 275 517 G. Gralm 445 305 450 1200 and state referees and to the quick and
BENCH T. Cencich — L. Smith 363 231 352 947 A. Scavuzzo 226 110 259 595 Open R. Kolbeck — — — — confident platform help, the meet went
FEMALE Open MALE 132 lbs. J. Casteel 440 380 457 1277 Open Raw smoothly and efficiently. It is only because
Colorado State M. Oliynyk 440 American Open Teen II Open Raw B. Madvig 690 490 665 1845 of the great help at the Hudson Natural
148 lbs. 275 lbs. 132 lbs. R. Robinson 215 154 264 633 C. Clark 418 308 468 1195 J. Cahill 625 420 730 1775 Open, that this meet has gone on for 21
Open (70+) Open Raw Teen I S. Bergin 402 264 446 1112 A. Holley 490 350 565 1405 years in a row. The meet was held at the
U. Pikhunyk 286 D. Smith 204 O. Valdez 187 132 275 595 J. Pogue 231 138 226 595 220 lbs. S. Reishus 385 215 425 1025 Hudson House Inn, Best Western Hotel
MALE Master III 148 lbs. Teen I Raw Master I Raw E. Lohman 400 275 500 1175 in Hudson, Wisconsin. They have been
Colorado State H. Blackmon 407 Open O. Valdez 187 132 275 595 G. Schamel 270 176 374 820 C. Jones 435 275 500 1210 the host of this event since the early
165 lbs. Open B. Sato 468 303 501 1272 Teen II Raw 242 lbs. K. Norman 330 260 425 1015 years. Niels Anderson sculptures were the
Junior Raw A. Shipley 479 165 lbs. T. Moore 264 237 303 804 Master I Raw J. Kadlec 255! 170! 360! 185! lifting awards and of course the traveling
D. Maria 286 Open Raw Open 148 lbs. M. Skelton 380 402 462 1244 S. Northuis 425 300 450 1175 Border Battle Trophy was once again on
181 lbs. C. Porter 369 M. Sigala 523 330 534 1387 Junior Master II Raw R. Beer 365 315 455 1135 the line. Minnesota was the winner of the
Master I A. Caceres 451 259 402 1112 M. Thompson 286 198 325 809 D. Wolf 363 281 501 1145 S. Barlliel 430 375 — — Border Battle trophy again this year. They
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT 181 lbs. Teen I Open Open put together a strong showing of lifters to
FEMALE Open B. Wegner 259 160 281 699 V. Gushterov 661 523 732 1916 P. Row 485 285 475 1245 overcome the great line up of Wisconsin
American Open L. Slaughter 341 424 424 1189 Teen I Raw B. Ogle 352 — — 352 J. Linn 350 250 365 965 lifters present. Both sides were comprised
105 lbs. C. Carter 402 253 429 1084 M. Bell 220 138 281 639 Open Raw 165 lbs. of novice first timers as well as World
Open Raw T. Cencich 407 — 424 831 165 lbs. A. Tischler 413 286 468 1167 M. Schuelko 470 245 460 1175 Class lifters. I was concerned that with all
R. Jackson 182 138 253 573 T. O’Keefe 275 204 319 798 Master I 275 lbs. Kaczorowski 440 280 440 1160 the divisions offered that the meet would great start to the powerlifting high school lifter. I could comment at his good lifts,
115 lbs. Open Raw M. Sigala 523 330 534 1387 Open D. Williams 725 410 665 1800 seem watered down a bit. I was wrong. year. Ryan Schoenborn and Ben Peterson but I would have to mention all three lifts
Open V. Restivo 341 242 462 1046 Master III N. Ward 771 523 705 1998 Z. Hofstetter 485 300 430 1215 The meet had some very close competi- showed us they will be ready for the as he did an outstanding job in every one
J. Najera 275 171 314 760 198 lbs. D. Bultman 303 226 336 864 UNL A. Suedel 475 305 415 1195 tion and some very outstanding lifts being Wisconsin High School season this year. of them. World champion Dan Williams
Open Raw Open Master III Open 198 lbs. done. The Raw division had it’s strong The Hudson Natural Open is lucky to also impressed the crowd by showing
M. Thompson 182 127 237 545 R. Clark 556 363 567 1486 B. Beamer 165 336 336 837 Gouchterov 600 385 727 1712 P. Nees 530 350 500 1380 following and the geared lifting stayed have 50 many master lifter compete in up in the 181 lb. class and lifting some
123 lbs. J. Gaethje 517 297 534 1349 Open » courtesy Daniel Gaudreau 220 lbs. as impressive as expected. The morning the meet. Brian Briggs had a good day pretty impressive weights. I’m not sure if
Open C. Clark 418 308 468 1195 T. Baca 308 237 435 980 Guest Lifters session had all of the women, teen and and topped out the masters raw division. he plans on staying at this weight class or
K. Bending 160 105 226 490 Open Raw Teen I Raw R. Law 535 — — — master lifters competing. Loretta Lee had a This division also saw the return of Dan not, but regardless of where he goes, he
148 lbs. N. Schneider 418 275 517 1211 J. Esch 242 187 303 732 USAPL HUDSON NATURAL T. Miller 635 380 550 1565 good day in her first powerlifting competi- Rgnonti to the platform. It was great to see will be a factor in the end results of any
Open S. Bergin 402 264 446 1112 Teen III Raw OCT 31 2009 » Hudson, WI 275 lbs. tion. She ended up setting an impressive him back. American records were also meet, at any level. Thanks to the great
D. Duffy 253 204 275 732 220 lbs. D. Parrish 402 319 451 1173 K. Brashears 570 435 600 1605 Minnesota state record in the deadlift. set in this division by Tom Haggcmniller group of lifters and to all of the people
Police/Fire Nationals Open 181 lbs. Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT T. Roots 580 385 620 1585 Sheri Zimmermann topped the open and Gary Edwards. The afternoon session that make this happen. We are already
165 lbs. I. Boling 501 374 501 1376 (70+) FEMALE SHW women’s raw division, followed closely by did not disappoint anyone looking to see planning for the 22nd annual Hudson
D. Jeffrey 242 — 259 501 T. Smallwood 501 303 573 1376 T. O’Keefe 275 204 319 798 Master Raw J. Langer 530 — — — Fawn Friday who had a great deadlift day world class lifting. It all started out with Natural Open. Maybe we can get enough
Colorado State D. Lang 473 341 523 1338 Junior W. Sivanich 165 125 235 525 *=State Records. !=American Records. herself with a 315 lb. lift. The teen divi- Wisconsin’s Phil Rotar in the 132 lb. class. Wisconsin lifters involved to bring the
105 lbs. C. Lotvedt 424 314 534 1272 N. Smith — 248 — 248 Master Best Lifter: Dan Williams. Boarder Battle: sion had a couple of lifters from Osceola, It’s always a pleasure to have him at a Border Battle Trophy home again.
Master I Raw Open Raw Master I L. Lee 165 80 295* 540 Minnesota. The 21st annual Hudson Wisconsin, and the two of themn had a meet. He’s a very polite and impressive » courtesy Shawn Cain
R. Jackson 182 138 253 573 J. Schaffer 528 429 490 1448 T. Cencich 407 — 424 831 Open Raw
114 lbs. 242 lbs. Open Raw Zimmermann 235 170 325 730
Junior Raw Open V. Restivo 341 242 462 1046 F. Friday 255 115 315 685
F. Sanders 121 — — 121 B. Ogle 352 — — 352 Teen II A. White 245 130 265 640
Master I Raw V. Gushterov 661 523 732 1916 A. Weisiger 330 204 253 787 M. Augustine 325 205 350 880
K. Nelson 138 94 198 429 Open Raw Teen II Raw B. Beschta 170 105 195 470
123 lbs. Silbernagel 528 424 573 1525 A. Bell 281 193 336 809 J. Skallet 210 130 265 605
Teen II D. Wolf 363 281 501 1145 Teen III MALE
K. Bending 160 105 226 490 C. Coleman 380 281 462 1123 T. Seaver 424 319 440 1184 Teen
132 lbs. 275 lbs. Teen III Raw Schoenborn 315 180 395 890
Master II Open E. Larson 270 231 347 848 B. Peterson 420 175 495 1090
J. Harms 116 160 187 462 D. Schneider — — — — 198 lbs. Master (40-49) Raw
Teen III N. Ward 771 523 705 1998 (70+) Raw T. Swanson 425 315 500 1240
K. Taylor 182 110 193 484 UNL P. Predecki 297 253 380 930 Master (50+) Raw
148 lbs. Open Junior Raw B. Briggs 315 250 405 970
Master I Raw Gouchterov 600 385 727 1712 C. Manuel 385 286 501 1173 D. Rgnonti 485 300 600 1385
B. Walzel 171 116 220 506 Police/Fire Nationals Daughenbaug 402 — — 402 Haggenmiller 255! 255! 450! 960!
Teen III Raw 165 lbs. Master I S. Reid 330 21.5 450 995
M. Scavuzzo 110 99 165 374 K. Scisney 484 347 479 1310 R. Clark 556 363 567 1486 G. Edwards 375 A 300! 520! 1195!
165 lbs. Colorado State Master II Raw J. Monahos 435 310 505 1250!
Master I 114 lbs. J. Brookshire 292 209 325 826 J. Woods 315 255! 350 920
K. Reilly 182 105 220 506 Teen III Master III Master (40-49)

MEET DIRECTORS: a listing here is a FREE service. To have your event NJ_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com (Springfield, OH) » www.nasa-sports.com 10 JUL » NASA Youth Nationals (PL/PS/PP) (Ravenswood, WV) » Greg & Susan
added to our listing, send details preferably at least three months prior to 12 JUN » 100% RAW NASF Carolina Open Bodybuilding & Figure Champi- 20 JUN » SLP Extreme Fitness Open BP/DL Classic (Milton, WI) » Dr. Darrell Van Hoose, greg@vhepower.com, www.vhepower.com, www.nasa-sports.com
your event by mail to PL USA Coming Events, P.O. Box 467, Camarillo, onships (Elizabeth City, NC) » Paul Bossi, pres@rawpowerlifting.com, www. Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429, 10 JUL » NASA WV Open Championships (BP/PS/PP) (Ravenswood, WV) »
CA 93011, or by email to info@powerliftingusa.com, or by phone at rawpowerlifting.com www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net Greg & Susan Van Hoose, greg@vhepower.com, www.vhepower.com, www.
1.800.448.7693. 12 JUN » 100% RAW NC American Challenge (Elizabeth City, NC) » Dan Cor- 20 JUN » USPF Bench Press & Deadlift National Championships (Warwick, RI) nasa-sports.com
ridean, NC_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com at the Shearton-Providence Airport Hotel » Ted Isabella, 401.946.5350, uspf- 10 JUL » IPA Ohio State Championships & 1st Annual State Records Meet -
4-6 JUN » AAU Equipped National Powerlifting Championships & US Open 12 JUN » 100% RAW AZ American Challenge (Prescott, AZ) » Paul Gillott, ri@cox.net, www.ripl.org, www.wvuspf.com Full Power/BP/PP (Hilliard, OH) at the Courtyard Marriott, 2450 Roberts Rd. »
RAW Powerlifting and Single Lift Championships (Pittsburgh, PA) at the Holiday AZ_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 24-26 JUN » WPF European Championships PL, BP, DL (Akureyri, Iceland) » Dan Dague, 614.554.8824, lexenxtreme@aol.com, www.lexenxtreme.com
Inn Pittsburgh Airport » Matt McCase, 304.376.7538, www.powerpromotion- 12 JUN » 1th Miller’s Ironhouse Natural Bench Press Competition (Open/ Sigfus Fossdal, www.wpfpowerlifting.com 10 JUL » ANPPC World Cup Powerlifting Championship (Tuscola, IL) » Dr.
susa.com Raw/Teen/Women/5 Master classes/Body Rep Contest; sculptured awards 26 JUN » USAPL YMCA Seattle Summer Classic (Seattle, WA) » Paula Houston, Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-
5 JUN » NASA Indiana State Push Pull (PP/Equipped & Unequipped BP/PS) plus swords and goodie bags) (Cumberland, MD) » Brian Cumberland, 206.709.0410, www.usapowerlifting.com 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
(Indianapolis, IN) » Job Hou-seye, aandz.insurance@sbcglobal.net, www. 301.777.0644, bmillersgym@yahoo.com 26 JUN » AAU Natural Power Push/Pull (Peachtree, GA) » Scott Seymour, 10 JUL » RAW United Southern States Bench (Melbourne, FL) at The Gym,
nasa-sports.com 12 JUN » APA American Big Iron Classic (Full Power/PP/BP/DL) (Raw & 770.631.0931, scott@seymourinc.net, www.aaupowerlifting.org 2300 Avocado Ave., Suite E, Melbourne, FL 32935, 6.19.10 entry deadline »
5 JUN » 100% RAW NE American Challenge (Omaha, NE) » Ed Horwitz, Equipped) (Southampton, MA) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland 26 JUN » 4th Annual Chanhassen Lifetime Fitness Bench Classic (Chanhassen, Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com
www.rawpowerlifting.com Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www. MN) » Trent Hedtke, 952.446.9587, tnjhedtke@mchsi.com 10 JUL » USAPL Dells Summer High School Classic » Brian Kenney, Box 556,
5 JUN » Bridgeport House of Pain presents: 1st Annual Powerlifting Meet (SQ/ apa-wpa.com 26 JUN » USAPL East Bay Open (Concord, CA) » Steve Denison, www. Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965, 608-448-9034
PB/DL) (New Haven, CT) at Golds Gym, 31 Bernahd Rd., $500 cash prize for 12 JUN » YMCA Powerlifting Championship (Omaha, NE) at the YMCA, 7502 powerliftingca.com 10 JUL » California State Games (sanctioned by USAPL) (San Diego, CA) » Lance
best overall lift, $250 prize for 1st lightweight, middleweight, light heavy- Maple St. » Tim Horton, 402.871.4059 26 JUN » EPF Summer Slam All Powerlifting Meet (Peabody, MA) at Gym War- Slaughter, (310) 995-0047, lanceoslaughter@yahoo.com, calstategames.org
weight, and heavyweight, $75 entry fee » Dino Carbone, 203.556.3117, Jay 12 JUN » 11th Annual Capital City Challenge Strongman Competition (Madi- riors, *prizes will be awarded--trophies, supplements, and $100 cash prize to
Picarillo, 203.650.8536, bridgeporthouseofpain@mail.com, www.bridgeport- son, WI) at Ford’s Gym » 608.249.4227, www.fordsgym.com any one raw DL 800, SQ 700, or BP over 550 » Paul Desimone, 978.766.6280,
12 JUN » IPA Lexenxtreme In-House Bench Meet (Grove City, OH) at the Lex-
houseofpain.com pauldesimone01@aol.com, www.elitepowerlifing.com
5 JUN » IPA South Philly Push/Pull (Philadelphia, PA) » Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 enxtreme Gym, 3663 Garden Ct. » Dan Dague, 614.554.8824, lexenxtreme@ 26 JUN » ADFPF Powerlifting Nationals (Columbia, MO) » Bill Duncan & Eli
Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@yahoo. aol.com, www.lexenxtreme.com Burke, mopowrlftr@yahoo.com, www.adfpf.org
5 JUN, APF MetroFlex's Show of Strength
com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com 12 JUN » IBP NC State Push Pull Championships (Shelby, NC) » Keith Payne, 26 JUN » SLP Samson's Gym Open BP/DL Championship (Hamilton, OH) »
5 JUN » USPF Push-Pull Meet (SLB Meet & SLD Meet; Open/Submaster/Master) 336.251.8704, keith@ironboypowerlifting.net, www.ironboypowerlifting.net Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217- 5-6 JUN, APF Senior Nationals
(Tombstone, AZ) at Cold Iron Gym » Danni Eldridge, www.coldirongym.com 12 JUN » WABDL GLC Direct 2010 National Push-Pull (Phoenix, AZ) at 253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 9–13 JUN, WPC European Championships
5 JUN » NASA West TX State (Equipped & Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP) (Her- Sheraton Crescent Hotel » Gus Rethwisch, 503.901.1622, www.wabdl.org 26 JUN » 11th WNPF Elite Nationals (PL/BP/DL/PC) (Ephrata, PA) » Troy Ford,
12 JUN, APF Fargo Open PL Championships
eford, TX) » www.nasa-sports.com 12 JUN » SLP Superman Classic BP/DL Championship (Metropolis, IL) » Dr. wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net
5 JUN » WABDL Great Lakes Regional BP & DL Championships (Lansing, MI) Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- 26 JUN » USAPL 8th Big K Powerlifting Championships (Cleveland, OH) » 13 JUN, Amateur Pro Raw Nationals
at Holiday Inn South » Gus Rethwisch, 503.901.1622, www.wabdl.org 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net Gary Kanaga, 440.241.7984, bigkspowermeets@gmail.com, www.bigkspower- 19 JUN, APF Open/Novice Powerlifting Meet
5 JUN » APA Longhorn Championships (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw & Equipped) 12 JUN » NASA East Texas Open, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Tyler, meets.com
27 JUN, APF/AAPF Monster Garage BP Challenge
(McAllen, TX) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot TX) » www.nasa-sports.com 26-27 JUN » IPA Strength Spectacular – World Powerlifting & BP Champion-
Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com 13 JUN » RAW United New Jersey Open (Fairlawn, NJ) at Parisi Speed School, ships (York, PA) at York Barbell Company, 3300 Board Rd. » Mark & Ellen 10 JUL, APF Gator Open (PL/BP)
5 JUN » Summer 2010 Push/Pull Meet (Elkhart, IN) » Jon Smoker, jjrcsmoker@ 5.22.10 entry deadline » Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@ Chaillet, 717.495.0024, chailfit@yahoo.com, echaillet@aol.com, www. 16-18 JUL, AWPC World Championships
hotmail.com gmail.com, www.rawunited.org ipapower.com
17 JUL, AAPF Big Sky State Games
5 JUN » SLP Missouri Open BP/DL Championship (Chesterfield, MO) » Dr. 13 JUN » Amateur Pro Raw Nationals (Toronto, Canada) » Bruce McIntyre, 26-27 JUN » AAU National Bench Press, Deadlift, Push-Pull & North
Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- brucemcintyre@sympatico.ca, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com American Powerlifting Championships (San Diego, CA) at the Rancho Buena 24 JUL, APF Mayhem in Myrtle Beach
5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 13 JUN » Immaculate Heart of Mary Festival (BP/DL/Strongman) (Youngstown, Vista Performing Arts Center, (meet capped at 1st 350 lifters) » Martin Drake, JUL, APF Push Pull Meet
5 JUN » APF Metroflex’s Show of Strength (Plano, TX) at the Plano Centre » OH) » Ron Deamicis, 330.792.6670, 330.519.3078, powerlt103@aol.com 951.928.4797, naturalpower@earthlink.net
JUL, Montreal Power War
Greg McCoy, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 18-19 JUN » USPF Multi-Nationals Powerlifting Championships (Men’s, 27 JUN » Chad Aichs Seminar (Full day seminar with Chad as he shares the
5 JUN » USAPL 2nd Annual Orange County PL Championship, Ironman & BP Women’s, Master’s, Junior Nationals) (Warwick, RI) at the Shearton-Providence secrets of big lifting and perfect technique - tickets $125, lunch provided) 7 AUG, APF Texas Challenge
Meet (Pine Bush, NY) » Frank Panaro, 845.778,1884, frankjpanaro@gmail.com, Airport Hotel » Ted Isabella, 401.946.5350, uspf-ri@cox.net, www.ripl.org, (Mentor, OH) at the Gorilla Pit » Ty Phillips, 216.310.2283, gorillapitps@gmail. 14 AUG, APF/AAPF Northwest PL Championships
www.usapowerlifting.com www.wvuspf.com com, www.gorilla-pit.com
21 AUG, APF California Summer Bash
5-6 JUN » APF Senior Nationals » Kieran Kidder/Amy Jackson, 866.389.4744, 18-20 JUN » USPF PL/BP/DL Nationals (WPF World Qualifier) (Providence, 27 JUN » APF/AAPF Monster Garage Bench Press Challenge (Waukegan, IL) » Eric
amyljackson@aol.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com RI) » Ted Isabella, www.uspf.com Stone, thestone@chicagopowerlifting.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 21 AUG, APF Ohio State Meet
5-6 JUN » SPF National PL/BP Championship (Nashville, TN) » Jesse Rodgers, 18-20 JUN » USAPL Men's Open & Teen/Junior Nationals (Palm Springs, 27 JUN » APF/AAPF Monster Garage BP Challenge (Waukegan, IL) at Monster AUG, APF/AAPF Chicago Summer Bash 7
423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com CA) » Lance Slaughter, 310-995-0047, lanceoslaughter@yahoo.com, www. Garage Gym » Eric Stone, 630.677.4358, thestone@chicagopowerlifting.com
3–5 SEP, AWPC/WPC Raw Worlds
6 JUN » SLP Black River Open BP/DL Championships (Pocahontas, AR) » Dr. usapowerlifting.com 27 JUN » WNPF New Jersey Championships & 2nd WNPF Lifetime USA (PL/
Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- 19 JUN » APA Heavy Metal Classic (PL/PP/BP/DL/Overhead Press/Strict Curl) BP/DL/PC) Championships (Atlantic City, NJ) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 11 SEP, APF/AAPF Summer Heat VI
5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net (Raw & Equipped) (Hot Springs, AR) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lake- 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net 11 SEP, APF Georgia State Meet
6 JUN » New England Raw PL/BP/DL Championships (Warwick, RI) at land Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, 27 JUN » WABDL Sonny's 6th Annual Push-Pull Championships (Honolulu,
29 SEP – 3 OCT, WPC/AWPC Asian Open Championships
N.E. Training Center » Joe Reeves, 45 Falcon Ln., Cranston, RI 02921, www.apa-wpa.com HI) at the Hawaii Convention Center » Mike Saito, 808.221.0129, Jocelyn
401.952.9166, joemusclehead845@yahoo.com, www.motonutracing.com/ 19 JUN » 4th Annual Southwest Minnesota Bench Press Championships Ronolo, 808.387.8776, www.wabdl.org SEP, APF Mississippi State PL Meet
Forms.html (Sleepy Eye, MN) at Dungeon’s Gym » Brent Mielke, zooman@sleepyeyetel. 28 JUN - 3 JUL » GPC Europea PL Championships (Limerick, Ireland) at the 9 OCT, Iron Warriors BP AAPF Raw & APF Equipped
6 JUN » USAPL New Jersey High School BP/PL Championships (NJ) » Mark net, 507.794.6197, http://thesouthwestminnesotabenchpress.blogspot.com Kilmurry Lodge » Gerry Mc Namara, 003.536.135.5735, www.irish-powerlift-
19 JUN » APF Open/Novice Powerlifting Meet (Fresno, CA) » Bob Packer,
16 OCT, APF Orlando Barbell Classic
Salandra, 5 Thompson Close, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, 908.874.5843 ing-gpc.com
9-13 JUN » WPC European Championships (Hungary) » Peter Kerecsenyi, hun- 559.760.2970 or 559.323.3892, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 9-11 JUL » AAU National BP/DL/PP Championships and North American 23 OCT, APF Wolverine Open
garianpowerlifingcongress@gmail.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 19 JUN » USPF Sooner State Summer Games (Shawnee, OK) » Rickey Dale Powerlifting (Mesquite, NV) at the Casablanca Resort Hotel Casino » Martin 1–7 NOV, WPC World Championships
11-13 JUN » APC National PL/BP Championships (raw & equipped, world Crain, 405.275.3689 or 1.800.272.0051, rcrain@allegiance.tv, www.sooner- Drake, naturalpower@earthlink.net, www.aaupowerlifting.org
10 JUL » APA New Jersey Summer Bash (PL/PP/BP/DL) (Raw & Equipped) (Edi-
4 DEC, APF/AAPF Southern States (PL/BP)
team qualifier) (Athens, GA) » L. B. Baker, 770-713-3080, *the best lifter will stategames.org
receive a plaque with the image of Dave Pasanella, the “David Scott Pasanella,” 19 JUN » Sampson’s Gym 12th Annual BP Championships (non-sanctioned) son, NJ) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 11 DEC, Israel Open Championships
award to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Dave's death, www.american- (Taft, CA) » Travis Botts, www.powerliftingCA.com 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com 13 DEC, APF Ironman Meet
powerliftingcommittee.com 19 JUN » WABDL Rocky Mountain Regional BP & DL Championships (Salt 10 JUL » NASA Mid-America Classic (Equipped & Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP)
Lake City, UT) » Ken Lyons, 801.690.4467, www.wabdl.org (Mt. Grove, MO) » www.nasa-sports.com
DEC, APF South Carolina Championships
12 JUN » APF Fargo Open Powerlifting Championships (Fargo, ND) » Anthony
Carlquist, 701.412.1046, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 19 JUN » WABDL Houston Open BP & DL Championships (Humble, TX) » 10 JUL » SPF Battle of the States PL/BP Championship (Branson, MO) » Jesse DEC, Ontario Amateur Pro Championships
12 JUN » USAPL Badger Open (Neenah, WI) » Joe Lewis, 920.205.3315, Tiny Meeker, 832.423.7662, www.wabdl.org Rodgers, 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com JAN 2011, Battle in Montreal
www.usapowerlifting.com 19 JUN » SLP Michigan Open BP/DL Championship (Ionia, MI) » Dr. Darrell 10 JUL » USAPL Brute Strength Stars and Stripes BP/PL Championships
(Norfolk, VA) at Brute Strength » Gary and Tricia Emrich, 804.240.8632 &
12 FEB 2011, APF 4th Annual Arizona Open State
12 JUN » 100% RAW VT American Challenge (Burlington, VT) » Bret Kernoff, Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429,
VT_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net fatboydd@comcast.net (Gary), 804.239.8738 & swtpea4gary@comcast.net Dates subject to change
12 JUN » 100% RAW VA American Challenge (Gordonsville, VA) » John Shif- 19-20 JUN » RAW United Mike Witmer Memorial Open (Tampa, FL) at (Tricia), www.virginiapowerlifting.blogspot.com, www.usapowerlifting.com Call 866-389-4744 for more information
flett, VA_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com Jackson Springs Recreation Center, 5.15.10 entry deadline, will be streamed 10 JUL » USPF Patriot Challenge (Parkersburg, WV) at Patriot Fitness Center » or go to our website:
12 JUN » 100% RAW NV American Challenge (Las Vegas, NV) » Dustin New- live in HD, filmed for a Reality TV Series by FOX Sports » Spero Tshontikidis, Tim Cochran, 304.615.3984, ohio.uspf@yahoo.com, www.wvuspf.com www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
som, NV_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com, www.rawunited.org 10 JUL » APF Gator Open PL & BP (Jacksonville, FL) » Jim Hoskinson,
12 JUN » 100% RAW NJ American Challenge (Pitman, NJ) » Mike Binkley, 19-20 JUN » NASA USA Nationals, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP 904.879.7457, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com

11 JUL » APA 23rd Annual Nutmeg State Open (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw & Equipped) hold, BP medly, log press) (Peabody, MA) at Gym Warriors » Paul Desimone, wcpfmain.htm
(Wallingford, CT) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot 31 JUL » NASA Tri-State Regional (Flora, IL) at The Gym, all current NASA
Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
978.766.6280, pauldesimone01@aol.com, www.elitepowerlifing.com
18 JUL » 14th WNPF Drug Free Nationals & 2nd WNPF Lifetime All-Ameri- weight classes and divisions will be offered » Smitty, 618.662.3413, lesmitty@ UPCOMING SLP COMPETITIONS
14 JUL » SPF Southeastern Regionals PL/BP Championship (Guntersville, AL) » cans (Youngstown, OH) » Ron Deamicis, 330.792.6670, powerlt103@aol.com, speedy.com, www.nasa-sports.com
Jesse Rodgers, 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com www.wnpf.net 31 JUL » USAPL NJ State BP/PL Championships (NJ) » Rob Keller, 5 JUN, SLP Missouri Open (Chesterfield, MO)
16-18 JUL » AWPC World Championships » Kieran Kidder/Amy Jackson, 20 JUL » USAPL Summer Power Fest (Spring, TX) » Tony Cardella, 954.790.2241, www.usapowerlifting.com 6 JUN, SLP Black River Open (Pocahontas, AR)
866.389.4744, amyljackson@aol.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 281.419.0286, www.usapowerlifting.com 31 JUL » USAPL Arizona State Championships (Peoria, AZ) » Rich Wenner,
17 JUL » AAPF Big Sky State Games (Billings, MT) » Jim Thompson, 23-24 JUL » EUROPA Show of Champions Sports & Supplement Expo (Hart- 480.688.7336, Mass Barbell Club, 623.825.7818, www.usapowerlifting.com 12 JUN, SLP Superman Classic BP/DL (Metropolis, IL)
406.655.1738, ironjim@bresnan.net, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com ford, CT) » www.visionstarinc.com 31 JUL-1 AUG » 100% RAW Western Canadian PL/BP National Champion- 19 JUN, SLP Michigan Open BP/DL (Ionia, MI)
17 JUL » WCPF USA Championships (Atlanta, GA) » Troy Ford, 678.817.4742, 24 JUL » USAPL Iron Works Open VI (Midland, MI) » Matt Smith, ships (Calgargy, AB, Canada) » Paul Bossi, pres@rawpowerlifting.com, www.
wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, adrian.locklear@ 989.948.3738, matt@smittysironworks.com, www.usapowerlifting.com rawpowerlifting.com
20 JUN, SLP Extreme Fitness Open BP/DL (Milton, WI)
hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm 24 JUL » NASA Georgia Tri-State (Equip & Unequip PL/BP/PS/PP (Dalton, GA) 31 JUL - 1 AUG » USAPL Rocky Mountain State Games/State Games of the 26 JUN, SLP Samson’s Gym Open BP/DL (Hamilton, OH)
17 JUL » SLP Derby City Open BP/DL Classic (Louisville, KY) » Dr. Darrell » www.nasa-sports.com West (Aurora, CO) » Dan Gaudreau, 303.475.3366, www.usapowerlifting.com
Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429, 24 JUL » APF Mayhem in Myrtle Beach (North Myrtle Beach, SC) » Will Mill- 31 JUL - 1 AUG » USAPL 27th New Jersey State BP/PL Championships (Princ- Son Light Power
www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net man, 843.886.5366, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com eton, NJ) » Robert Keller, 954.790.2249, www.usapowerlifting.com 122 W. Sale, Tuscola, IL 61953
17 JUL » SSA National Powerlifting Championships (Full Power/Ironman/Sin- 24 JUL » Nevada State BP/DL Championships (Pahrump, NV) » Gary J. Miller, JUL » APF Push Pull Meet (MI) » JJ Thomas, 734.642.7877, www.worldpower- 217-253-5429
gle Lift) (Tribes Hill, NY) at Iron Asylum Gym » Sandi McCaslin, 518.829.7990, 775.209.4916 liftingcongress.com
www.sonlightpower.com sonlightgym@verizon.net
www.ironasylumgym.com 24 JUL » USPF Buckeye Open Ohio State and Open Single Lift Championships JUL » Montreal Power War (Montreal, Canada) » Bruce McIntyre, brucem-
17 JUL » Kinross Powerlifting Club Meet (Kincheloe, MI) at Kinross Correc- (Circleville, OH) at Pickaway County Fairgrounds » Tim Cochran, 304.615.3984, cintyre@sympatico.ca, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
tional Facility » Dave Mastaw, 906.495.2282 ohio.uspf@yahoo.com, Dave Jeffrey, 304.489.2428, matofficial@yahoo.com, Jon 1 AUG » SPF Strongest in the South PL/BP Championship (Russellville, AR) » Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-
17 JUL » Show-Me State Games Powerlifting (BP/DL) (Columbia, MO) at Lange Elick, 740.412.1177, antman517@aol.com, www.wvuspf.com Jesse Rodgers, 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
Middle School » Joe Garcia, 573.687.3161 or 573.289.3921, www.smsg.org/ 24 JUL » Backyard BP/DL (Madison, WI) at Ford’s Gym » 608.249.4227, www. 6 AUG » Northern VA Raw Meet (Sterling, VA) » John James, 703.475.9885 19-20 AUG » Lexenxtreme hosts the IPA Police & Fire Can/Am Games (Hilliard,
sports.php fordsgym.com 7 AUG » APF Texas Challenge (Houston, TX) » Greg & Heather TIllinghast, OH) at the Courtyard Marriott, 2450 Roberts Rd. » Dan Dague, 614.554.8824,
17 JUL » NASA Grand Nationals, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Alvin, 24 JUL » USPF Europa Battle of Champions (Harford, CT) at the Connecticut apftexas@yahoo.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com lexenxtreme@aol.com, www.lexenxtreme.com, www.canampolicefiregames.org
TX) » www.nasa-sports.com Convention Center » Dave Follansbee, 603.703.8379, dave@usabodybuilding. 7 AUG » 100% RAW Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting Championships (MD) » Paul 20-21 AUG » SPF Powerstation Pro/Am (Cincinatti, OH) » Jesse Rodgers,
17 JUL » WABDLGreat Northern BP & DL Championships (Olympia, WA) at net, www.uspfpowerlifting.com Bossi, rawlifting@aol.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com
Red Lion Hotel » Gus Rethwisch, 503.901.1622, www.wabdl.org 24 JUL » 6th Vermont State Open Raw BP, All American Fitness Center » 1881 7 AUG » IPA New York State Powerlifting Championships (Rochester, NY) » 21 AUG » APA Florida East Coast Championships (FL) » Scott Taylor, 356
17 JUL » WABDLLouisiana State BP & DL Championships (Zachary, LA) at Zach- Williston Rd., S. Burlington, VT 05403, 802.999.7845, Rick Poston, www. Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-
ary High School Field House » Brandon Bankston, 225.362.2391, www.wabdl.org allamericanfitnessvt.com bench_a_grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
17 JUL » AAU Teenage Nationals PL/BP (Sapulpa, OK), at Sapulpa Middle 24 JUL » WABDL Nevada State BP & DL Championships (Pahrump, NV) at 7 AUG » WABDL Midwest Regional BP & DL Championships (Minneapolis, 21 AUG » WNPF Summer Classic (Cleveland, TN) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com,
School Gym » Danny Berry, 918.695.3823, www.aausports.org Pahrump Nugget » Gary Miller, 775.751.5763, www.wabdl.org MN) at Marriot Hotel » Gus Rethwisch, 503.901.1622, www.wabdl.org 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net
17 JUL » 12th WNPF USA & 3rd WNPF Lifetime USA Championships (PL/BP/ 24 JUL » IPA Connecticut State Powerlifting Championships/Europa Supershow 7 AUG » SLP Wisconsin State Fair Outlaw BP/DL Championship (West Allis, 21 AUG » WCPF Summer Classic (Cleveland, TN) » Troy Ford, 678.817.4742,
DL/PC) (Atlanta, GA) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net (Hartford, CT) » Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, WI) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, adrian.locklear@
17 JUL » WCPF American Open (Full PL & Single Lifts) (Youngstown, OH) » Ron 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm
DeAmicis, 330.792.6670, powerlt103@aol.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm 24 JUL » ADFPF “Un-Equipped” Larry Garro Memorial Bench & Deadlift & 7 AUG » APA Gulf Coast Open (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw & Equipped) (La 21 AUG » APF Ohio State Meet (Full Power/Bench Only/Deadlift Only) (Plainfield,
17 JUL » APA 7th Annual Maine Iron Bash (Raw & Equipped) (Freeport, ME) » USPC Power Curl (Towson, MD) at Dumbarton Middle School » Brian Wash- Marque, TX) » Scott Taylor, 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, OH) » John Blackstone, 740.502.4964, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, ington, 410.265.8264, brian@usbf.net 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com 21 AUG » APC Americas Cup Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships (Athens,
941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com 24 JUL » USPC Larry Garro Memorial Power Curl (Towson, MD) at Dumbarton 7 AUG » RAW United UPF Challenge II (Orlando, FL) at UPF Gym, 7.17.10 GA) » LB Baker, 779.713.3080, www.americanpowerliftingcommittee-usa.com
17 JUL » RAW United Maryland Open (Hagerstown, MD) at Anytime Fitness » Middle School » Brian Washington, 410.265.8264, brian@usbf.net entry deadline » Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com 21 AUG » 26th Annual Iowa State Fair Drug Free BP/DL Meet (Bench Divs
Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com, www.rawunited.org 24 JUL » SLP Northwest Arkansas Open BP/DL/Curl Championship (Rogers, 7-8 AUG » NASA World Cup, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Denver, - Raw, Pure, Novice, Masters 1, 2 & 3, Sub Masters, Womens, Teens, Begin-
17-18 JUL » Putting It All Together Out East: Combining Weightlifting, Power- AR) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, CO) » www.denver.com/holiday-inn-central, www.nasa-sports.com ners; DL Divs - Pure, Masters, Sub Masters, Womens, Teen) (IA) » Jeff Baird,
lifting, and GPP to Work for You (Seminar/Clinic) (Brogue, PA) at Vision Fitness 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 13-14 AUG, EUROPA Show of Champions Sports & Supplement Expo (Dallas, 515.953.6833, bairdzz@aol.com
Gym » Niko Hulslander, 717.779.5622, garageinkpowerlifting@hotmail.com, 24 JUL » USAPL Mississippi State Championships (Hattiesburg, MS) » Knute TX), www.visionstarinc.com 21 AUG » APF California Summer Bash (Van Nuys, CA) » Scot Mendelson,
www.garageinkpowerteam.com, www.visionfitnessofpa.com Douglas, 601.606.1912, ogdawg29@yahoo.com, www.usaplmississippi.com 14 AUG » APA Summer Bench Bash and BBQ (BP Only & bodyweight for reps) 818.399.0905, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
18 JUL » EPF Test Your Strength (trap bar DL, grip strength gripper machine 30 JUL » AAU Junior Olympic Games Powerlifting - 3 lift event & PP/BP (Fair Haven, VT) at Fair Haven Fitness » Jamie Matta, 802.265.3470, capejam@ 21 AUG » APC America’s Cup PL/BP Championships (Raw & Equipped)
(Chesapeake, VA) at Greenbrier Middle School » Roger Ernst, hotmail.com, www.apa-wpa.com (Athens, GA) » L.B. Baker, 770.713.3080, lbbaker@irondawg.com, www.
rlernst828@aol.com, www.aausports.org 14 AUG » USPF Sierra Nevada Cup PL/BP/DL/PP Championship (Grass Valley, americanpowerliftingcommittee.com
30-31 JUL » UPA PL/BP National Championships (Dubuque, CA) » Steve & Karen Matthews, 530.263.4969 or 530.205.9114, karen@mail- 21 AUG » IBP SC Powerlifting Championships (Easley, SC) at RIPT 24/7 Gym » Keith
IA) » Bill Carpenter, 563.599.1390, www.iowa.upapower.com 2freedom.com, www.powerliftingCA.com Payne, 336.251.8704, keith@ironboypowerlifting.net, www.ironboypowerlifting.net
31 JUL » USAPL New York State BP Championships (Utica, NY) 14 AUG » Wisconsin State Fair Park BP/DL Competition (West Allis, WI) at 21 AUG » SLP Indiana State Fair Outlaw BP/DL Championship (Beech Grove,
» Dave Kingwater, 315.723.2296, www.usapowerlifting.com the Wisconsin State Fair Park Grounds » Jeffrey Scott Stage, Eddie Santiago, IN) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953,
31 JUL » Power Works Gym Push-Pull & BBQ (all classes, 414.645.4624, edwardo.santiago@milwcnty.com 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
plus rep your bodyweight BP, Farmer’s Dumbbell Walk, and 14 AUG » ADFPF Battle on the Beach (Holland, MI) at the State Park, Single 22 AUG » SLP Illinois State Fair BP/DL Championship (Springfield, IL) » Dr.
Sled Pull) (Perham, MN) » Tom Haggenmiller, 651.366.1595 Events, Equipped/Unequipped » John Jachim, www.adfpf.org Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-
31 JUL » SPF Bristol Classic Full Powerlifting (Bristol, VA) » 14 AUG » WABDL West Coast Open BP & DL Championships (Sacramento, CA) 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
Jesse Rodgers, 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com at Mariott Hotel Rancho Cordova » Jody Woods, 916.524.0914, www.wabdl.org 28 AUG » Emerald Coast Power Expo (APA Powerlifting, NPC Bodybuilding,
31 JUL » 2nd WNPF U.S.Open & 3rd WNPF Lifetime Raw 14 AUG » RAW United Southern States Deadlift (Melbourne, FL) at The Gym, Fitness, Bikini, NAS Strongman, Arm Wrestling, USA Wrestling, Grappling) (Fort
Nationals (PL/BP/DL/PC) (Kissimmee, FL) » Troy Ford, wnpf@ 2300 Avocado Ave., Suite E, Melbourne, FL 32935, 7.24.10 entry deadline » Walton Beach, FL) » Bobby Myers, 850.974.2880, alaqua-pits@netzero.net,
aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com John Micka, 601.297.5646, jgmicka@aol.com
31 JUL » WABDL Southern Regional BP & DL Champi- 14 AUG » APF/AAPF Northwest Powerlifting Championships (Portland, OR) » 28 AUG » APA Emerald Coast Classic (Fort Walton Beach, FL) » Scott Taylor,
onships (Dallas, TX) at Crown Plaza Hotel » Alex Calvo, Chris Duffin, 503.784.6389, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@
817.403.3525, www.wabdl.org 14 AUG » 14th WNPF Raw Nationals & 11th WNPF (Equipped) Powerfest (PL/ apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
31 JUL » SLP Vince Soto Memorial Ohio State Fair BP/DL BP/DL/PC) & 3rd WNPF Lifetime Raw Nationals (Bordentown, NJ) » Troy Ford, 28 AUG » APA South Carolina Summer Bash (PP/BP/DL) (Florence, SC) »
Championship (Columbus, OH) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913,
Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429, 14 AUG » APA Arkansas Summer Bash (PL/PP/BP/DL/Overhead Press/Strict 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net Curl) (Raw & Equipped) (Hot Springs, AR) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 28 AUG » WABDL Southwest BP & DL Championships (Humble, TX) » Tiny
31 JUL » APA Wolverine State (PP/BP/DL/Strength Sports/ Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa. Meeker, 832.423.7662, www.wabdl.org
Strict Curl/Overhead Press, Raw and Equipped) (Monroe, com, www.apa-wpa.com 28 AUG » WABDL Hawaii State BP & DL Championships (Waimanalo, HI) at
MI) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, 14 AUG » APA Summer Bench Bash & BBQ (Fair Haven, VT) » Scott Kamilioki Elementary » Keith Ward, 808.375.8700, www.wabdl.org
Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 28 AUG » SLP Kentucky State Fair Outlaw BP/DL Championship (Louisville,
www.apa-wpa.com 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com KY) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953,
31 JUL » WCPF Nationals (Kissimmee, FL) » Troy Ford, 14-15 AUG » ADAU Raw Open Single Lift Nationals (Ft. Washington, PA) » 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, Tony Braca, 610.945.4037, www.pikitup.com 28-29 AUG » USAPL Bench Press Nationals (Charlottesville, VA - www.
404.519.2496, adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/ 15 AUG » SLP Missouri State Fair BP/DL Championship (Sedalia, MO) » Dr. usaplnatioanls.com/2010-benchpress-Nationals/index.html) » John Shifflett,

wisconsinpowerlifting.com, 888.502.4087, www.nasa-sports.com Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.
11 SEP » IPA Pennsylvania State Powerlifting Championships (Hanover, PA) 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net com
» Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, 2 OCT » APA Great Lake State Championships (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw and 23 OCT » APT Night of the Living Dead Deadlift Competition (Elizabethton,
bench_a_grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com Equipped) (Monroe, MI) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, TN) at Elizabethton High School Gym » Alex Campbell, abcampbell69@
11 SEP » 4th WNPF Jake the Hammer Classic (BP/DL/PC) (Atlanta or Perry, GA) Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com hotmail.com, www.nightofthelivingdeadlift.blogspot.com
» Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net 2 OCT » NASA East Texas Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Tyler, 23 OCT » IPA New England Power Challenge (Cranston, RI) » Gene Rychlak
11 SEP » SLP Tennessee State Fair Outlaw BP/DL Championship (TN) » Dr. TX) » www.nasa-sports.com Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@
Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- 2-3 OCT » 100% RAW World Powerlifting Championships (Las Vegas, NV) » yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com
5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net Paul Bossi, rawlifting@aol.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 23 OCT » APF Wolverine Open (Kalamazoo, MI) » Mike White, 269.207.8316,
11 SEP » APF/AAPF Summer Heat VI (Rock Hill, SC) » Eric Hubbs, 3 OCT » APA Green Mountain Fall Classic (Full Power, Push-Pull, BP only, strengthbeyondfitness@yahoo.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
803.366.9895, nettin_fish@msn.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com DL only) (Fair Haven, VT) at Fair Haven Fitness » Jamie Matta, 802.265.3470, 23 OCT » (TENTATIVE DATE) NASA Iowa Regional (Equipped & Unequipped
11 SEP » APA Border Brawl (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw and Equipped) (McAllen, TX) capejam@hotmail.com, www.apa-wpa.com BP/PS/PP) (Des Moines, IA) » www.nasa-sports.com
» Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 8-10 OCT » AAU World Bench Press, Deadlift, Push-Pull & International Pow- 23 OCT » NASA KY Regional Championships (Equipped & Unequipped BP/PS/
941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com erlifting Championships (Las Vegas, NV) at the Imperial Palace Hotel Casino, PP) (Morehead, KY) at the Morehead Conference Center » Greg & Susan Van
11-12 SEP » RAW United Armed Forces Open III (Melbourne, FL) at The Gym, (meet capped at 1st 500 lifters) » Martin Drake, 951.928.4797, naturalpower@ Hoose, greg@vhepower.com, www.vhepower.com, www.nasa-sports.com
2300 Avocado Ave., Suite E, Melbourne, FL 32935, 8.21.10 entry deadline » earthlink.net, www.aaupowerlifting.org 23 OCT » ANPPC National Powerlifting Championship (Tuscola, IL) » Dr.
Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com 9 OCT » NASA Mid America Regional (Equipped & Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP) Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-
12 SEP » WPF UK Open PL, BP, DL (Four Seasons, Trallwn Rd., Llansamlet, (Mt. Grove, MO) » www.nasa-sports.com 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
Swansea) » Ken Williams, 07970 625946, www.britishpowerliftingorganisa- 9 OCT » SLP Western National/Oklahoma State BP/DL/Curl Championship 23 OCT » 28th annual ADAU Raw Power "Central PA Open" PL (open and
tion.co.uk, www.wpfpowerlifting.com (Tulsa, OK) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL all age groups/divisions for men/women (Bigler, PA), the longest continually
26 JUN, 11th WNPF Elite Nationals (PL/BP/DL/PC) (Ephrata, PA) 18 SEP » (NEW DATE) NASA Tennessee Regional (Equipped & Unequipped BP/ 61953, 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net conducted drug free meet in the world) » Siegel Engraving, 304 Daisy St.,
PS/PP) (Pickwick, TN) » www.nasa-sports.com 9 OCT » RAW United Southern States Push/Pull II (Melbourne, FL) at The Gym, Clearfield, PA 16830, 814-765-3214, www.pikitup.com, al@pikitup.com
27 JUN, WNPF New Jersey Championships & 2nd WNPF Life- 18 SEP » APA Indiana Powerfest Championships (PL/PP/BP/DL/Strict Curl) (Raw 2300 Avocado Ave., Suite E, Melbourne, FL 32935, 9.18.10 entry deadline » 23-24 OCT » 19th WNPF World Championships & International BP/DL
& Equipped) (Wheatfield, IN) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com Championships (Guatemala City, Guatemala) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770
time USA (PL/BP/DL/PC) Championships (Atlantic City, NJ) Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www. 9 OCT » SPF Hawkeye Classic PL/BP Championship (Des Moines, IA) » Jesse 668-4841, www.wnpf.net
apa-wpa.com Rodgers, 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com 24 OCT » IPA Lexenxtreme Fall Classic - Full Power/BP/PP (Hilliard, OH) at the
17 JUL, 12th WNPF USA & 3rd WNPF Lifetime USA Champi- 18 SEP » 100% RAW Illinois State Powerlifting Championships & Single Lift 9 OCT » Iron Warriors Bench Press AAPF Raw & APF Equipped (Dillon, MT) » Courtyard Marriott, 2450 Roberts Rd. » Dan Dague, 614.554.8824, lexenx-
onships (PL/BP/DL/PC) (Atlanta, GA) (Bloomington, IL) » Paul Bossi, rawlifting@aol.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com Phil Turner, 406.683.4663, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com treme@aol.com, www.lexenxtreme.com
18 SEP » IBP 10th Annual BP Classic & Strict Curl (Pfafftown, NC) at West Cen- 9 OCT » APA Billy Funk Memorial (Portola, CA) » Scott Taylor, 356 Lakeland 30 OCT » APA Southern Regionals (Raw & Equipped, PL/BP/DL) (Hot Springs,
18 JUL, 14th WNPF Drug Free Nationals & 2nd WNPF Life- tral Community Center, Keith Payne, 336.251.8704, keith@ironboypowerlifting. Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, AR) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR
net, www.ironboypowerlifting.net www.apa-wpa.com 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
time All-Americans (Youngstown, OH) 18 SEP » (TENTATIVE DATE) NASA Nebraska Regional (Equipped & Un- 9-10 OCT » SPF/WBPLA World PL/BP Championship » Jesse Rodgers, 30 OCT » (TENTATIVE) USPF 13th Annual Crain PL/BP/DL Open (Shawnee,
equipped BP/PS/PP) (Omaha, NE) » www.nasa-sports.com 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com OK) » Rickey Dale Crain, 405.275.3689 or 1.800.272.0051, rcrain@alle-
Contact Info: Troy Ford, 770.668.4841 or wnpf@aol.com 18 SEP » SLP Bodyworks Gym/Spears Foundation BP/DL Championship (Dry 10 OCT » USPF New England BP/DL/PP (USPF Division II - Multi-Ply) (Man- giance.tv, www.wvuspf.com
www.wnpf.net Ridge, KY) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL chester, NH) at the Courtyard Marriott » Dave Follansbee, 603.703.8379, 30 OCT » 2nd Annual Unleash the Beast Raw Powerlifting Meet (Ft. Worth, TX)
61953, 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net dave@usabodybuilding.net, www.uspfpowerlifting.com at MetroFlex Gym, 5501 Thelin St. #125, (will be giving away swords, $50 to
19 SEP, » 4th WNPF All-Americans & 2nd WNPF Lifetime Pan-Ams (PL/BP/DL/ 15-17 OCT » IBP National Powerlifting Championships (Pfafftown, NC) at best BP/SQ/DL and $200 to overall best lifter; meet is to benefit the community
186 Happy Hollow Rd., Ruckersville, VA 22968, www.virginiapowerlifting. PC) (Port St. Lucie, FL) » wnpf@comcast.net, 812.204.2886 West Central Community Center » Keith Payne, 336.251.8704, keith@ironboy- and keept kids off drugs, gangs and streets) » Rendy & Christine DeLaCruz,
blogspot.com, valifting@aol.com 25 SEP » NASA New Mexico Regional (Equipped & Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP) powerlifting.net, www.ironboypowerlifting.net 817.891.6261 or 817.713.7118, metroflexgymftw@yahoo.com
AUG » APF/AAPF Chicago Summer Bash 7 (Chicago, IL) » Eric Stone, (Gallup, NM) » www.nasa-sports.com 16 OCT » APF Orlando Barbell Classic Powerlifting Meet (Orlando, FL) » 30 OCT » APA 2nd Annual Irontoberfest (Raw & Equipped, PL/BP/DL) (Hart-
630.677.4358, thestone@chicagopowerlifting.com, www.worldpowerlifting- 25 SEP » USPF 3rd Annual Tom Eldridge Top Gun AZ State Championship Meet Brian Schwab, 407.678.2447, www.orlandobarbell.com, www.worldpow- ford, AL) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs,
congress.com (Full meet/SLB & SLD meet/Open/Jr./Submaster/Master) (Tombstone, AZ) at erliftingcongress.com AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com
3-5 SEP » AWPC/WPC Raw Worlds (Idaho Falls, ID) » Mike & Linda Higgins, Cold Iron Gym » Danni Eldridge, www.coldirongym.com 16 OCT » APC Region 5 PL/BP Championships (East Peoria, IL) at Fitness 30 OCT » SLP Open Grand National BP/DL/Curl Championships (Baraboo,
208.528.0444, snakeriverp@yahoo.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 25 SEP » 19th WNPF Penn. States & 2nd WNPF Lifetime Penn. States (PL/BP/DL/ America » Stephen Parkhurst, 309.657.0963, parhurst111@hotmail.com, www. WI) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953,
4 SEP » USPF West Coast Muscle Beach PL/BP/DL Championship (Venice PC) (Ephrata, PA) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net americanpowerliftingcommittee.com 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
Beach, CA) » Steve Denison, 661.333.9800, pwrlftrs@msn.com, www.power- 25 SEP » SLP National Powerlifting Championship (Tuscola, IL) » Dr. Darrell 16 OCT » 100% RAW Supreme Fitness IV (Brattleboro, VT) » Bret Kernoff, 30 OCT » 6th Westminster Family Center Open Bench Press (Westminster, MD)
liftingCA.com Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429, VT_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 11 Longwell Ave. Westminster, MD » for entry form and more info contact
4 SEP » NASA 3rd Annual Texas State PL Picnic (Equipped & Unequipped BP/ www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 16 OCT » SSA Asylum Power (Full Power/Ironman/Single Lift) (Tribes Hill, NY) at Scott Bixler, 443.789.9452
PS/PP) (Gilmer, TX) » www.nasa-sports.com 25 SEP » APA Gulf of Mexico Championships (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw and Iron Asylum Gym » Sandi McCaslin, 518.829.7990, www.ironasylumgym.com 30 OCT » (TENTATIVE DATE) NASA Ohio Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/
4 SEP » SLP Florida State Open BP/DL/Curl Championship (Kissimmee, FL) » Equipped) (Corpus Christie, TX) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland 16 OCT » USAPL Deadlift and Push/Pull Na-
Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217- Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www. tionals (Denver, CO) » Dan Gaudreau, 1600 S.
253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net apa-wpa.com Abilene St., Aurora, CO 80011, 303.475.3366,
7-12 SEP » SPF/GPC Mutli-Ply World Championship (Prague) » Jesse Rodgers, 25 SEP » WCPF Penn State Championships (Ephrata, PA) » Troy Ford, www.usapowerlifting.com
423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com 678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, 16 OCT » NASA Unequipped Nationals,
11 SEP » USAPL Virginia State PL/BP (Zion Crossroads, VA) » John Shifflett, adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Oklahoma
434.985.3932, www.usapowerlifting.com 26 SEP » SLP Atlas Gym Open BP/DL Championship (Kenosha, WI) » Dr. City, OK) » www.nasa-sports.com
11 SEP » APF Georgia State Meet (Kennesaw, GA) » John Grove, iron_mov- Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- 16 OCT » SLP Indiana State Open BP/DL Cham-
er1@hotmail.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net pionship (Beech Grove, IN) » Dr. Darrell Latch,
11 SEP » WCPF South Georgia BP/DL/PC (Atlanta or Perry, GA) » Troy Ford, 26 SEP » 22nd WNPF Lifetime Drug Free Nationals (PL/BP/DL/PC) (WNPF Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL
678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, sanctioned) (Bordentown, NJ) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, 61953, 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com,
adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm www.wnpf.net sonlightgym@verizon.net
11 SEP » King of the Beach IV Bench Press & Deadlift Contest (Pensacola 29 SEP - 3 OCT » WPC/AWPC Asian Open Championships (Raw & Equipped) 17 OCT » NASA 3rd Annual Pro Power Sports
Beach, FL) at Bamboo Willie’s » Chip Holston, 850.304.9097, www.chip- (Russia) » Andrey Repnitzyn & Yuri Ustinov, www.golden-tiger.ru, www.world- Championships & Pro Powerlifting (Registered
s24hrhealth.com powerliftingcongress.com Pro Lifters Only) ($14,000 in cash) (Oklahoma
11 SEP » 2nd Annual PRPA Clash for Cash Raw Powerlifting Championships SEP » APF Mississippi State Powerlifting Meet (MS) » Garry Frank, City, OK) » www.nasa-sports.com
(Kenner, LA) at the Crowne Plaza Hotel » Jake Impastato, jraw504@gmail.com, 225.241.8154, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 22-24 OCT » MMA & Sports Extravaganza (body-
504.494.1238, www.raw504.com SEP » WNPF Can-Am Nationals (Rochester, NY) » Ron Deamicis, building, boxing, strongman and more) (Atlantic
11 SEP » USAPL Virginia State PL, BP, DL, Ironman (raw & assisted) (Zion 330.792.6670, powerlt103@aol.com, www.wnpf.net City, NJ) at the Taj Mahal » mmasportsexpo.com
Crossroads, VA) » John Shifflett, 186 Happy Hollow Rd., Ruckersville, VA 1-3 OCT » 100% RAW West Coast Single Lift Championships (Las Vegas, NV) 23 OCT » USPF 13th Annual Crain PL/BP/DL Open
22968, www.virginiapowerlifting.blogspot.com, valifting@aol.com » Paul Bossi, pres@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com (Shawnee, OK) » Rickey Dale Crain, 405.275.3689,
11 SEP » USPF American Record Breakers (New Martinsville, WV) at Work’s Fitness 2 OCT » NASA Wisconsin State (Sheboygan, WI) at Sheboygan Falls YMCA » 1.800.272.0051, rcrain@allegiance.tv, www.
World » Tim Cochran, 304.615.3984, ohio.uspf@yahoo.com, www.wvuspf.com Job Hou-Seye, P.O. Box 565, Sheboygan, WI 53082, statechairman@wisconsin- wvuspf.com
11 SEP » NASA Indiana Regional (Equipped & Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP) (Ko- powerlifting.com, 888.502.4087, www.nasa-sports.com 23 OCT » APA Barbee Classic (Corpus Christie,
komo, IN) » Job Hou-Seye, P.O. Box 565, Sheboygan, WI 53082, statechairman@ 2 OCT » SLP Tennessee State BP/DL Championship (Lexington, TN) » Dr. TX) » Scott Taylor, 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot

4 DEC » IPA 6th Annual Christmas Carnage (Boyertown, PA) » Gene Rychlak St., Aurora, CO 80011, 303.475.3366, www.usapowerlifting.com
Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@ 2010 » USAPL Police & Fire Nationals » www.usapowerlifting.com
yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com 2010 » USAPL Military Nationals » www.usapowerlifting.com
4 DEC » ADFPF “Un-Equipped” December Bench & Deadlift (Towson, MD) at 2010 » 9th Annual South Jersey Sports Extravaganza (PL, Olympic Lifting, Strong
Dumbarton Middle School » Brian Washington, 410.265.8264, brian@usbf.net Man, Arm Wrestling) (Jersey Shore, NJ) » Robert Keller, www.southjerseyexpo.com
4 DEC » USPC December Power Curl (Towson, MD) at Dumbarton Middle 22-23 JAN 2011 » Raw Unity Powerlifting presents Championships 4 (Tampa,
School » Brian Washington, 410.265.8264, brian@usbf.net FL) at Jackson Springs Recreation Center, will be streamed live in HD, filmed
4 DEC » APA Battle of the Iron Barbarians (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw and Equipped) for a Reality TV Series, Jay Adams Brawl Call Fight Zone TV Fox Sports » www.
(McAllen, TX) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot rawunitymeet.com
Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com JAN 2011 » Battle in Montreal (Montreal, Canada) » Bruce McIntyre, brucem-
4 DEC » (TENTATIVE DATE) NASA Missouri Regional, Equipped/Unequipped cintyre@sympatico.ca, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
PL/BP/PS/PP (Carthage, MO) » www.nasa-sports.com JAN 2011 » USAPL HS/Collegiate Raw (Scranton, PA) » www.purepowerlifting.
4 DEC » SLP Tennessee Christmas for Kids BP/DL/Curl Championship (Bartlett, com, www.usapowerlifting.com
TN) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 29 JAN 2011 » IPA 2nd Annual NJ State Powerlifting Championships
217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net (Newark, NJ) » Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468,
4 DEC » 2nd WNPF Winter Classic (BP/DL/PC) & 2nd WNPF Lifetime BP/DL/ 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com
PC Nationals (Merritt Island, FL) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, 12 FEB 2011 » IPA 5th Annual Barno-Newman Classic (Whitehall, PA) » Gene
www.wnpf.net Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royersford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, bench_a_
4-5 DEC » USAPL Colorado State Powerlifting Championships (Denver, CO) » grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlakpowersystems.com
Dan Gaudreau, 303.475.3366, www.usapowerlifting.com 12 FEB 2011 » APF 4th Annual Arizona Open State PL Meet (Peoria, AZ) » JR
5 DEC » WPF British BP, DL Open Record Breakers, (Four Seasons, Trallwn Rd., Bolger, azapf@cox.net, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com
Llansamlet, Swansea) » Ken Williams, 07970 625946, www.britishpowerliftin- 19 FEB 2011 » Red Brick Bench Press Championships VIII Fundraiser for
gorganisation.co.uk, www.wpfpowerlifting.com WNY Military Family Readiness Groups (Buffalo, NY) » Dennis Brochey,
5 DEC » USPF Northern Cup BP/DL/PP (USPF Division II - Multi-Ply) (Man- 716.200.3533, cdbrochey@roadrunner.com, www.niagarapowerliftingclub.com
chester, NH) at the Courtyard Marriott » Dave Follansbee, 603.703.8379, 27 FEB 2011 » USPF Northeastern Open BP/DL/PP (USPF Division II -
dave@usabodybuilding.net, www.uspfpowerlifting.com Multi-Ply) (Manchester, NH) at the Courtyard Marriott » Dave Follansbee,
BP/PS/PP (Springfield, OH) » www.nasa-sports.com vhepower.com, www.nasa-sports.com 5 DEC » 18th annual Raw ADAU "Coal Country" Classic (separate SQ/ BP/DL 603.703.8379, dave@usabodybuilding.net, www.uspfpowerlifting.com
1-7 NOV » WPC World Championships (Mikaeli, Finland) » Minna & Ano 13 NOV » SLP Kentucky State BP/DL Championship (Louisville, KY) » Dr. meets, open and all age groups/divisions for men/women) (Bigler, PA) » Siegel 26-28 MAR 2011 » USAPL High School Nationals (Corpus Christi, TX) » Hec-
Turtiainen, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- Engraving, 304 Daisy St., Clearfield, PA 16830, 814.765.3214, www.pikitup. tor Munoz, 361.813.9691, www.usapowerlifting.com
3-7 NOV » WPF World PL, BP & DL (University of Bath, Somerset, GBR) Entry 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net com, al@pikitup.com 8-10 APR 2011 » USAPL Collegiate Nationals (Scranton, PA) » www.purepow-
to BPO no later than September 23rd » Meet Director Greg Ashford, 01373- 13-14 NOV » 3rd WNPF Lifetime World Championships (PL/BP/DL/PC) (At- 11 DEC » USPF San Diego Open PL/BP/DL/PP Championship (San Diego, CA) erlifting.com, www.usapowerlifting.com
859997, www.britishpowerliftingorganisation.co.uk, www.wpfpowerlifting.com lanta, GA) » Troy Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net » Steve Denison, 661.333.9800, pwrlftrs@msn.com, www.powerliftingCA.com 20-22 MAY 2011 » USAPL Women’s Nationals (Atlanta, GA) » Greg Jones,
4-6 NOV » Natural Olympia International Multi-Sports Expo - Bodybuild- 13-14 NOV » WDFPF PL World Championships (Castleblayney Co, 11 DEC » 13th WNPF Sarge McCray (PL/BP/DL/PC) (Bordentown, NJ) » Troy 770.266.9258, www.usapowerlifting.com
ing, Martial Arts, Powerlifting, Bikini Contest, Arm Wrestle, Strongman and Monaghan, Ireland) » www.adfpf.org Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net 27 MAY 2011 » Andy Bolton Deadlift Challenge (Cleveland, OH) » Ty Phillips,
more! (Reno, NV) at the Grand Sierra Resort Casino & Convention Center » 14 NOV » WCPF World Record Breakers (Atlanta, GA) » Troy Ford, 11 DEC » USPF Region 4 Open Championships (Parkersburg, WV) at the 216.310.2283, gorillapitps@gmail.com
951.734.3900, naturalaba@aol.com, www.naturalbodybuilding.com 678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, Patriot Fitness Center » Tim Cochran, 304.615.3984, ohio.uspf@yahoo.com, 27-29 MAY 2011 » MMA & Sports Extravaganza (bodybuilding, boxing, strong-
6 NOV » 8th Annual Tom Foley DL/BP Classic (fundraiser for Thomas Foley - NYC adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm www.wvuspf.com man and more) (King of Prussia, PA) at the Valley Forge Convention Center »
Firefighter who lost his life on 9/11; all proceeds go to the Tom Foley Memorial 16-21 NOV » WABDL Goodson Honda World BP & DL Championships (Las 11 DEC » 100% Raw Christmas Classic BP, DL, SC (Stanardsville, VA) » John mmasportsexpo.com
Scholarship) (Nanuet, NY) at Premier Fitness Gym » Abby Mahoney, 845.920.0501 Vegas, NV) at the Hilton Hotel » Gus Rethwisch, 503.901.1622, www.wabdl.org Shifflett, 186 Happy Hollow Rd., Ruckersville, VA 22968, www.virginiapower- 10-12 JUN 2011 » MMA & Sports Extravaganza (bodybuilding, boxing, strong-
6 NOV » Northern VA Raw Meet (Sterling, VA) » John James, 703.475.9885 20 NOV » APA West Coast RAW Regional Powerlifting Championships (Sacra- lifting.blogspot.com, valifting@aol.com man and more) (Denver, CO) at the Crowne Plaza Denver International Airport
6 NOV » SLP Ohio State BP/DL Championship (Hamilton, OH) » Dr. Darrell mento, CA) » Scott Taylor, 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 11 DEC » NASA West Texas Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP » mmasportsexpo.com
Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com (Hereford, TX) » www.nasa-sports.com 10-12 JUN 2011 » USAPL Men's Open, Teen, Jr. Nationals » Jim Battenfield/
www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 20 NOV » SPF Record Breakers PL Championship » Jesse Rodgers, 11 DEC » SLP Arkansas Christmas for Kids BP/DL/Curl Championship (Rogers, Paul Fletcher, 505 Ridgecrest Dr., Pearl, MS 39208, 601-665-7783, www.
6 NOV » APA Gulf Coast Battle of the Bad (PL/PP/BP/DL, Raw and Equipped) 423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com AR) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, usapowerlifting.com
(Corpus Christie, TX) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot 20 NOV » NASA Colorado Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Den- 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net JUL 2011 » USAPL Raw Nationals (Scranton, PA) » Steve Mann, 127 Sumner
Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com ver, CO) » www.nasa-sports.com 11 DEC » WPC Israel Open Championship (Haifa, Israel) » Anna Marcus, annamar- Ave., Clarks Summit, PA 18411, 570.309.6316, www.purepowerlifting.com,
6-7 NOV » 19th WNPF World BP/DL/Reps/PC (Atlantic City, NJ) » Troy Ford, 20 NOV » USA Raw Bench Press Federation World Championship (Tuscola, cus@rambler.ru, www.big-champ.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com www.usapowerlifting.com
wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net IL) » Dr. Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 12 DEC » WCPF Delaware Championships (Lewes, DE) » Troy Ford, 26-28 AUG 2011 » MMA & Sports Extravaganza (bodybuilding, boxing, strong-
6-7 NOV » WCPF International Invitational Championships (Atlantic City, 217-253-5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net 678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 404.519.2496, man and more) (New York, NY) at the Hilton » mmasportsexpo.com
NJ) » Troy Ford, 678.817.4742, wcpfpowerlifting@aol.com, Adrian Locklear, 21 NOV » SLP Michigan State BP/DL Championship (Saranac, MI) » Dr. adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm 8 OCT 2011 » IPA MD State Powerlifting Championships (Westminster, MD) »
404.519.2496, adrian.locklear@hotmail.com, www.wnpf.net/wcpfmain.htm Darrell Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253- 12 DEC » APA New England Winter Bash (Raw and Equipped) (Wallingford, Scott Bixler, 443.789.9452, www.ipapower.com
6-7 NOV » (TENTATIVE DATE) NASA Masters/Sub Masters Nationals, 5429, www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net CT) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 10-11 DEC 2011 » USAPL American Open & Police/Fire Nationals (Bay St.
Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Mesa, AZ) » www.nasa-sports.com 27 NOV » NASA Oklahoma Boomer Classic (Equipped & Unequipped BP/PS/ 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com Louis, MS) » Jim Battenfield/Paul Fletcher, 505 Ridgecrest Dr., Pearl, MS 39208,
6-7 NOV » RAW United North American Open (Tampa, FL) at Jackson Springs PP) (Oklahoma City, OK) » www.nasa-sports.com 12 DEC » WNPF Delaware Championships (BP/DL/PC) (Lewes, DE) » Troy 601.665.7783, www.usapowerlifting.com
Recreation Center, will be streamed live in HD, filmed for a Reality TV Series, NOV » IPA Autumn Apocalypse » Gene Rychlak Jr., 143 Second Ave., Royers- Ford, wnpf@aol.com, 770.668.4841, www.wnpf.net 2011 » USAPL Bench Press Nationals (Orlando, FL) » Rob Keller, Box 291571,
10.9.10 entry deadline » Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@ ford, PA 19468, 610.948.7823, bench_a_grand@yahoo.com, www.rychlak- 13 DEC » APF Ironman Meet (Fresno, CA) » Bob Packer, 559.760.2970 or Davie, FL 33329, 954.790.2241, www.usapowerlifting.com
gmail.com, www.rawunitymeet.com powersystems.com 559.323.3892, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 2011 » USAPL Deadlift and Push/Pull Nationals (Charlottesville, VA) » John
6-7 NOV » 100% RAW Single Lift World Championships (Norfolk, VA) » Paul NOV » USAPL Stars & Stripes BP & DL (Scranton, PA) » www.purepowerlifting.com 18 DEC » APA Lake Hamilton Open (PL/PP/BP/DL/Overhead Press/Strict Curl) Shifflett, 186 Happy Hollow Rd., Ruckersville, VA 22968, 434.985.3932, www.
Bossi, pres@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com 2-4 DEC » Global PL Alliance for Raw Powerlifting World PL/BP Champion- (Raw & Equipped) (Hot Springs, AR) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lake- usapowerlifting.com
7 NOV » 100% RAW Old School Iron Wars Full Powerlifting (Burlington, VT) » ships (Athens, GA) » L.B. Baker, 770.713.3080, lbbaker@irondawg.com, www. land Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com,

Bret Kernoff, VT_Chair@rawpowerlifting.com, www.rawpowerlifting.com globalpowerliftingalliance.com www.apa-wpa.com
13 NOV » APA 23rd Annual Bay State Open (PP/BP/DL, Raw & Equipped) 4 DEC » NASA New Mexico Push-it Lift-it (PP/BP/PS) (Rio Rancho, NM) » Mike 18 DEC » SLP The Last One! BP/DL Championship (Tuscola, IL) » Dr. Darrell
(Northampton, MA) » Scott Taylor (APA President), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot & Teale Adelmann, mike@liftinglarge.com, www.liftinglarge.com Latch, Son Light Power, 122 West Sale St., Tuscola, IL 61953, 217-253-5429,
Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com 4 DEC » APA Winter Power Wars (Fair Haven, VT) » Scott Taylor (APA Presi- www.sonlightpower.com, sonlightgym@verizon.net
13 NOV » USPF NorCal PL/BP/DL/PP Championship (TBD) » Steve Denison, dent), 356 Lakeland Dr. Lot 3, Hot Springs, AR 71913, 941.626.4247, scott@ 18 DEC » NASA Illinois Christmas Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/ there are literally HUNDREDS of meets for the
661.333.9800, pwrlftrs@msn.com, www.powerliftingCA.com apa-wpa.com, www.apa-wpa.com PP (Flora, IL) » www.nasa-sports.com readers of Powerlifting USA to choose from
13 NOV » IBP Battle of the Bench (Shelby, NC) » Keith Payne, 336.251.8704, 4 DEC » APA Winter Power Wars (Full Power, Push-Pull, BP only, DL only) 18-19 DEC » RAW United Police, Firefighter & Military Cup (Melbourne, FL) at
keith@ironboypowerlifting.net, www.ironboypowerlifting.net (Fair Haven, VT) at Fair Haven Fitness » Jamie Matta, 802.265.3470, capejam@ The Gym, 2300 Avocado Ave., Suite E, Melbourne, FL 32935, 11.27.10 entry each month. Put a display ad in PL USA to make
13 NOV » SPF Arkansas Christmas Classic PL Championship » Jesse Rodgers, hotmail.com, www.apa-wpa.com deadline » Spero Tshontikidis, 321.505.1194, rawunitedinc@gmail.com
423.255.3672, www.southernpowerlifting.com 4 DEC » USAPL Midwest Sr. States (Fremont, NE) » Tim Anderson, DEC » APF South Carolina Championships (Columbia, SC) » Will Millman, YOUR MEET stand out. Call Mike Lambert at
13 NOV » NASA Kansas Regional, Equipped/Unequipped PL/BP/PS/PP (Salina, 402.687.4182, www.usapowerlifting.com 843.886.5366, shelter223@gmail.com, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com 1.800.448.7693 for details. We will even do the
KS) » www.nasa-sports.com 4 DEC » APF/AAPF Southern States Powerlifting & Bench Press (Jacksonville, DEC » Ontario Amateur Pro Championships (Ontario, Canada) » Bruce Mc-
13 NOV » NASA WV Regional (Equipped & Unequipped BP/PS/PP) (Ra- FL) » Wayne Pullum, 904.374.5333, pullumsplatform@aol.com, www.world- Intyre, brucemcintyre@sympatico.ca, www.worldpowerliftingcongress.com typesetting on your ad for FREE!!
venswood, WV) » Greg & Susan Van Hoose, greg@vhepower.com, www. powerliftingcongress.com 2010 » USAPL Raw Nationals (Denver, CO) » Dan Gaudreau, 1600 S. Abilene

BPO PL MEET D. Hickman 138* 308 308 S. Koenig 303 220 281 804
DEC 6 2009 » Wales, UK 181 lbs.
Open 6400 SOLD AS OF MAY 1 !!! st Master II
G. Portz — 308 — 308
BENCH Master (55+) L. Kent 473 573 1046 275 lbs.
132 lbs. H. Davidson 275 Open Open


Open 308 lbs. A. Knight 352 418 771 J. Thiele 820 551 716 2086
A. Lawson 88 Master (40+) 198 lbs. RW
148 lbs. G. Ashford 479* Master (65+) J. Hunt 495 352 484 1332
Master (45+) Open D. Clements 264* 264 264 B. Manion 435 341 512 1288
R. Montana 265* R. Stone 462 Master (60+) D. Bergman 479 132 606 1217
165 lbs. DEADLIFT R. Brown 209 402 611 Master II
Open 132 lbs. 220 lbs. READ ALL ABOUT IT AT: M. Potter 440 429 440 1310
R. Truscott
Master (50+)
374 Open
A. Lawson
220 S. Knight 418 589 1007 www.wheatmark.com Teen I
J. Lupardis 407 341 407 1156
D. Webb 286* 198 lbs. 242 lbs. UNL
198 lbs. Master (50+) Open or other leading online booksellers Open
Open M. Phillips 458* D. Foster 374 562 936 S. Hopkins 644 545 595 1784
J. Kristensen 508* Open Master (50+) RW
R. Martin 297 J. Kristensen 666 T. Rook 275 517 793 APA WINTER POWER WARS 341 lbs. McDonough 628 407 655 1690
Master (40+) Master (40+) Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT DEC 12 2009 » Fair Haven, VT R. Baker Jr. 650 440 600 1690 M. Lowrey 435 341 528 1305
R. Preston 446* R. Preston 462 220 lbs. !=World Records. Thank you very much to » courtesy USAPL
220 lbs. Teen (15-19) Master (40+) BENCH T. Jones 300 our spotters and loaders. Thank you very
Teen (15-19) K. Buechel 330 M. Haywood 55 462 143 661 Junior (20-23) DEADLIFT much to our referees who did a gerat job. APA EMERALD COAST
K. Buechel 187 220 lbs. *=British Records. Venue: Four Seasons, 275 lbs. Master (45-49) Raw Thank you also to everyone who supports POWER EXPO
242 lbs. Teen (15-19) Llansamlet, Swansea. David Berg Annual C. Fredette 530 242 lbs. our meets. (results courtesy Jamie Matta) SEP 26 2009 » Ft. Walton Bch., FL
Master (50+) J. John 600 Memorial Shield for Best Overall Bench Open M. Slaga 500 » courtesy Jamie Matta
H. Whale 462* 242 lbs. Press: Jakob Kristensen 147.57 points. 198 lbs. Junior (20-23) Raw BENCH G. Luckel 347
Teen (15-19) Open Eddy Pengelly Annual Memorial Shield M. Finn 450 275 lbs. USAPL RIVER’S EDGE MEET FEMALE Open
R. Browning 286* A. Chrzaszcz 617 for Best Overall Deadlift: Jakob Kristensen Master (50-54) C. Fredette 625! 148 lbs. S. Fountain 451
OCT 24 2009 » Granite City, IL Open Submaster 275 lbs.
J. John 275 275 lbs. 193.66 points. Head Referee: Bob
Open Open Campbell INT. Left Referee: Dean Drury Push Pull BP DL TOT
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT A. Micka 308! Open Raw
R. Twycross 429 J. Connell 617 INT. Right Referee: David Tickle INT. Ken Open FEMALE MALE J. Bailey 424
Master (45+) Master (55+) Williams, Meet Director & Platform Man- 165 lbs. 148 lbs. 148 lbs. Open
T. Brown 534 H. Davidson 440 ager. William Tinkler, Platform crew, Steve J. Smith 305 410 715 RW Open Raw J. Barnes —
275 lbs. 308 lbs. Assell, Sponsor, Mark, Music, Ben Tickle, Teen (16-17) C. Chesteen 226 116 204 545 B. Harrison 286 Masters (40-44)
Open Open Computer Scoreboard, Andy Shipman, 220 lbs. 165 lbs. A. Newsom 275 D. Sloan 523 M. Aldridge 529 402 534 1466 4th-DL-210 Junior DT
J. Connell 446 R. Stone 705 Marshall, Dean Drury, Ref, Bob Campbell, N. Bauman 300 335 635 Master III 181 lbs. 308 lbs. B. Pitts 534 314 595 1444 MALE C. Thomas — — —
Push Pull BP DL TOT Ref, Dave Tickle, Ref, Jacqui Tickle, High Open Raw C. Bridges 264 121 231 617 Teen (18-19) Raw Open Raw Masters 165 lbs. Best Lifter Push Pull: Don Anneser. Raw
132 lbs. heels and refreshments for the above. 341 lbs. MALE T. Berg 220 T. Berry 307 M. Smith 705 424 496 1625 Teen Raw DT Best Lifter Bench Press: Brian Lapila. Best
Master (45+) » courtesy David Carter S. Marino 425 675 1075 148 lbs. 198 lbs. 341 lbs. 308 lbs. W. Vranos 165 320 485 Lifter Bench Press (Assistive Gear): Tom
4th-DL-700 Open Open Raw Open Open Raw 198 lbs. O’Conner. Raw Best Lifter Deadlift: Darren
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT I. Zwick — — — — S. Coker — J. Grove 804 165 699 1669 Junior Raw DT Kimsey. Deadlift Best Lifter (Assistive
FEMALE 165 lbs. Full Power SQ BP DL TOT ! = World Records. Best Bencher: Amanda D. Anneser 390 455 845 Gear): Tom Chojnowski. A very special
Submaster (33-39) RW FEMALE Micka. Best Lifter: Carol Ann Myers. Master II Raw DT thanks to Nick Ugolic, Dave Cospito and
132 lbs. Delessandro 473 303 501 1277 132 lbs. » courtesy BM/APA D. Anneser 260 255 515 the staff of Metal Health Gym for putting
T. Howard 335 210 315 860 E. Volz 264 193 314 771 Open 242 lbs. on a very memorable and exciting meet
Open Master (45-49) Open C. Hart 380 192 429! 1003 APA NEW ENGLAND Master II Open full of great lifting. Also a special thanks to
165 lbs. L. McMasters — 303 600 903 Masters (40-44) IRON BASH T. Chojnowski — — — the referee’s who did an excellent job. Stay
D. Slaga 375! 262 400 1037 R. Koeller — 198 — 198 C. Hart 380! 192 429! 1003! DEC 6 2009 » Wallingford, CT 275 lbs. tuned for our next meet in Wallingford,
4th-BP-267 DL-407! 181 lbs. 148 lbs. Open Raw Connecticut which will be March 27.
Master (55-59) Master III Open Raw BENCH Open M. Washnock 345 560 905 » courtesy Scott Taylor/APA
165 lbs. D. Winkler 506 303 506 1316 N. Lozano 215 143 215 573 MALE R. LaBoe 450
B. Bowen 300! 135 303 735! Open Open 165 lbs. 308 lbs.
Open T. Close 451 275 473 1200 C. Myers 540! 292 440 1273! Open Raw DT Submaster Raw DT NEW! Read Kelso’s articles & books? Try...
181 lbs. RW Masters (40-44) D. Kimsey 280 B. Lapila 505
A. Terrien
Youth (11-12)
380! 250! 400! 1030! M. Williams
J. Droge




C. Myers
181 lbs.
Open Raw
540! 292! 440! 1273! Submaster Raw DT
D. Kimsey
181 lbs.
148 lbs.
97 lbs. 198 lbs. T. Baggett 380 154 358 892 Master III Raw DT Master I Raw DT — A Collection of Short Fiction —
C. Parker 125! 75 170! 370! RW MALE D. Kelly 290 J. Fernandez 410
Open Teen (13-15) Raw M. Bridges 622 429 622 1674 148 lbs. 198 lbs. 165 lbs.  It’s late November, 1963. As Feds and Mafia close in, why is
C. Parker 185 155 300 840 C. Bartley 462 281 534 1277 Open Raw Master I Raw DT Open Raw DT Jack Ruby’s driver playing “Ain’t Misbehavin” on his clarinet?
Open S. Zouglas 325 165 385 875 R. Brunson 451 225 451 1129 J. Mitchell 355 D. Kimsey 455  Could a 108 year old Japanese lady fly away with a flock of
165 lbs. Open B. Harrison 369 286 451 1107 220 lbs. 4th-470
D. Gebo 425 275 475 1175 Dieffenderfer 402 253 424 1079 Masters (45-49) Master I Raw Submaster Raw DT cranes?
181 lbs. 220 lbs. D. Palmer 374 214 407 997 T. O’Conner 500 D. Kimsey 455  Will an old writer take a $60,000 dowry to wed a cute Asian
A. Jones 580 375 540 1495 Open 198 lbs. Open Raw 4th-470 weightlifter?
Submaster (33-39) C. Mueller 539 429 606 1574 Open Raw P. Foana 300 220 lbs.
198 lbs. S. Welch 539 413 534 1486 J. Boatner 347 236 369 953 242 lbs. Master II Raw DT Paul knew Jack Ruby, among other wild characters, and has lived large
J. Matta 605 580 540 1725! C. Franklin 424 336 523 1283 Open Open Raw DT B. Willoughby435 outside the iron game. The eleven journal quality stories range from high
Open Teen I A. Bowen 804 551 606 1962 E. Kirkham 460 242 lbs. seriousness to the naughty romp, drawing on the author’s forays as a
220 lbs. E. Zachman 622 385 451 1459 J. Seath 705 429 666 1802 4th-480 Master II Open folksinger, soldier, teacher and journalist in the USA and Asia.
C.Wasneiwski 625 420 705! 1750 RW W. Tindell 584 402 556 1543 Master II Raw DT Chojnowski 700
Master (40-44) Raw M. Pratt 512 352 551 1415 M. Gregory 363 325 451 1140 W. Blanchette 275 lbs. “Kelso is a terrific yarn spinner.” – Mike Lambert, Editor, PL USA
220 lbs. J. Brown 523 325 473 1321 220 lbs. Master III Raw DT Open Raw
R. Brunk
Open Raw
525 375 500 1400 Master I
D. Trower 473 281 484 1239
Open Raw
J. Hunter 485
P. McCartin 210
330 562 1377 275 lbs.
R. LaBoe
Junior DT
242 lbs. Teen II T. Ciccone 363 314 435 1113 C. Thomas 635 From: www.wheatmark.com
J. Blajda 555 380 530 1465 McDonough 424 308 468 1200 Open Masters Push Pull BP DL TOT
Teen (18-19) 242 lbs. P. Wallis 661 303 622 1587 FEMALE or call toll free 1.888.934.0888 ext. 2
275 lbs. Open J. Ray 672 — — — 148 lbs.
S. Grant 800! 510! 650! 1960! Schamburg 633 473 606 1712 242 lbs. Open Raw DT Also see: Amazon.com & other online booksellers
Open Raw Teen I Open Raw T. Doherty 145 200 345

» $3.00 per line per insertion IRON MAN MAGAZINE – honest USABodybuilding.net www.1500LB.com
Figure 34 letters & spaces per line coverage of the Iron Game. $29.95 Discounted Brand Name Supple-
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Last One best lifters – husband/ Chrismas for Kids – Best lifters Michael Supilowski, Darryl Silver with
for the rack, adjustable grippers www.powerliftingusa.com, call
wife Rich & Christina McDowell Christina McDowell – 220 BP Leezaira Thompson & Tom Bennett (Latch photos) a 560 DL at 242
& plate loading grip machines, 800-448-7693 or send a stamped, Ivanko plates, bars, and collars. Rack Accessories & Mods
custom bars & hardware. Plain self-addressed envelope to PL USA, Weightlifters Warehouse
steel,polished, painted & stain- Box 467, Camarillo, CA 93011 1-800-621-9550 info@1500LB.com SLP THE LAST ONE competitor Janelle Allen set the raw state Second place at 220 went to Dave Leslie first-timer Tammy DeMier set the state
less steel.Much more. From the Crepinsek 831-637-0797 DEC 26 2009 » Tuscola, IL record at teenage women 13-15/132 with who finished with 420. Darryl Silver, record at 181 with 155. Tammy also set
125. Leezaira Thompson broke the record lifting in memory of his son Trent, who the record for the open 181 class as well.
same folks who have brought you BENCH D. Leslie 410 at 18-19/132 with a new personal record passed away due to leukemia this past Heidi Sommer broke the state record at
affordable accurate machined Beef Builder Handgrippers. The FEMALE DEADLIFT of 120. Another first timer, Jan Dantzler, May, finished with a great 560 at 242. open 123 with 95. But it was best lifter
steel fractional plates since 1990. Paul Kelso's Original Heavy Duty Handgrippers Teen (13-15) FEMALE won at submaster 132 with 100. Also lift- John Dougherty finished with a strong Christina McDowell who really put on
Customer oriented service, quality made by Warren Tetting. Avail- 132 lbs. Teen (13-15) ing in her first competition, was Suzette 500 pull at 50-54/198. Jerry Willoughby a show. Christina, state record holder at
workmanship, made in USA, com- POWERLIFTING BASICS able in 11 strengths. $19.99 plus J. Allen
120* 132 lbs.
J. Allen 225*
Hogan. Suzette finished the day with
a new raw state record of 115 for the
won again at 55-59/275 with 315. Our
final puller was Aaron Harper who won at
submaster 148, moved to the open class
where she finished with a new personal
petitive prices, worldwide delivery, postage. Weightlifters Warehouse.
Teen (18-19) 4th-245* 45-49/165 class. Our final bencher was police & fire/242 with 565. Thanks to my best and state record 220! Moving to the
credit cards accepted, stock orders 1.800.621.9550 132 lbs. Teen (16-17) also our best lifter among the women, sons D.C. and Joey Latch for doing a great men, another newcomer, Brandon Cox,
ship w/in 24 hrs. Order by phone, L. Thompson 115* 181 lbs. Anna Tabit. She finished with a personal job loading and spotting and to all others set the state record at submaster 181
email, snail mail. Catalog w/free Since 1996 – The Game's Funniest Book! 4th-120* K. Moreland 215 best 200, taking the title in the open who helped out in any way. Thanks also with 305. Tom Hayes won at 45-49/220
Sandow postcard $5.85 US, 9.95 GIFTOFSTRENGTH.COM Submaster Teen (18-19) 181 class. Anna also set the state record to Keith and Mollie Tolson for all they do with 370. John Alaniz won at 50-54/242
...join Lope and Lavonda in the 132 lbs. 132 lbs. at submaster 181. For the men it was for the young lifters from the Dungeon with 380. Our final raw lifter was Steve
elsewhere PDA 104 Bangor Street J. Dantzler 95 L. Thompson 315*
"ultimate blend of hilarity and common sense" Own your copy today of “The Spencer Tolson breaking the state record Gym in Danville, Illinois. See you all Webb, who set the state record at police/
Mauldin SC 29662 864-963-5640 4th-100 4th-325* at 13-15/242 with 280. Our only other again next year! fire 60-64/220 with 265. This was sixty-
www.fractionalplates.com Best of the Chest with Kathy Master (45-49) Submaster teenage lifter was Steve Willoughby, who » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch three year old Steve’s first competition.
$14.95 plus s/h, from IronMind, Box 1228, Roberts.” Kathy’s complete bench 165 lbs. 132 lbs. finished with 250 at 18-19/275. Joe Tabit, In the assisted division Josh Wibbing got
Texas “Original” 28mm Power workout is now available on S. Hogan 115* J. Dantzler 215* owner along with his wife Anna of Route a new personal record at novice 242
Bar $215.00. 27 mm Deadlift Bar Nevada City, CA 95959, 916-265-6725, DVD. Back workout DVD, “Attack Open 4th-225* 29 Fitness of Athens, Illinois, won at 40- SLP ARKANSAS with 425. Best lifter Rich McDowell hit a
181 lbs. Master (40-44) 44/242 with 375. In the 45-49 age group CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS new state record at 40-44/275 with 630.
$315.00. 30 mm Squat Bar $415.00.
Shipping Additional. Weightlifters
www.ironmind.com the Back with Kathy Roberts,” is
also available. Giftofstrength®
A. Tabit
200 148 lbs.
S. Jefferies 275*
Dave Leslie won over Michael Supilowski
410 to 355. John Dougherty took the title
DEC 12 2009 » Rogers, AR At 55-59/220 Maurice Lowry broke the
state record there with 425. Austin Webb
Warehouse. 1-800-621-9550 Services offers: Consulting; Teen (13-15) Master (45-49) at 50-54/198 with 255. Our only assisted BENCH 275 lbs. broke the state record at 275 with 420.
Personal Training: Professional 242 lbs. 165 lbs. lifter was Michigan’s own Tom Bennett. FEMALE A. Webb 420* Our final lifter was open shw winner
S. Tolson 275* S. Hogan 205 Tom finished the day with 550 for the win RAW Open Gordon Castling. Gordon finished with
Photography /Videography: Expert 4th-280* MALE at 50-54/275. This bettered the Michigan Master (50-54) SHW 500. We also had two fine deadlifters,
advice in training for all sports; Teen (18-19) Teen (13-15) and Illinois state records along with the 148 lbs. G. Castling 500 both of which set state records for their
Motivational Speaking; Coaching/ 275 lbs. 242 lbs. SLP national record for that class. Tom L. Kemp 65 Raw respective classes. Liz Kemp, deadlift-
Athletic Development/Mental S. Willoughby 250 S. Tolson 405 was also awarded the best lifter trophy Police/Fire Submaster ing for the first time, finished with 185
Master (40-44) Teen (16-17) among the men. At 55-59/275 Jerry Wil- 181 lbs. 181 lbs. at 50-54/148. Bob Dale broke his own
Development; Promoting/Advising; 242 lbs. 242 lbs. loughby won over Michael Price 270 to T. DeMier 155* B. Cox 305* state record at 40-44/275 with a new
Professional and Life Coaching J. Tabit 375 D. Walter 385 265. Jerry’s 270 was a new state record Open Master (45-49) personal best 705. Thanks to my son Joey
Services (Real-time life experience Master (45-49) Teen (18-19) as well. Aaron Harper broke the state 123 lbs. 220 lbs. Latch and Jim Winpigler for doing a great
with educational choices, career 220 lbs. 275 lbs. record at police & fire 242, finishing with H. Sommer 95* T. Hayes 370 job loading and spotting and to Carmen
D. Leslie 410 S. Willoughby 405 430. Dave Leslie also won the open 220 148 lbs. Master (50-54) Winpigler for taking some great pictures
choices, life changing); Mentoring M. Supilowski 355 Master (45-49) pounds class with his 410 final attempt. C. McDowell 220* 242 lbs. of the meet. Thanks also to Sandy Hayes
(Tennis, Weightlifting, Exercise, Master (50-54) 220 lbs. Moving to the deadlift competition 181 lbs. J. Alaniz 380 for serving as our trophy girl. See you all
Jogging, Aerobics); Physical Fitness 198 lbs. M. Supilowski 650* Janelle Allen set her second state record T. DeMier 155* Police/Fire (60-64) again next year.
Consulting; Strength Conditioning J. Dougherty 255 D. Leslie 420 of the day at 13-15/132 with a great 245 MALE 220 lbs. » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch
275 lbs. 242 lbs. pull. Newcomer Kelsey Moreland won at Novice S. Webb 265*
and Exercise Improvement. T. Bennett 550* D. Silver 560 16-17/181 with 215. Best lifter among the 242 lbs. DEADLIFT
Several workout routines are Master (55-59) Master (50-54) ladies, Leezaira Thompson, pulled a great J. Wibbing 415 FEMALE APA ROCK SOLID
featured on YouTube at www. 275 lbs. 198 lbs. PR and state record 325 for the win at 18- 4th-425 Master (50-54) DEADLIFT CHALLENGE
youtube.com/KathyRoberts1. J. Willoughby 270* J. Dougherty 475 19/132. Jan Dantzler, another new gal, Master (40-44) 148 lbs. FEB 20 2010 » Defuniak Sprgs, FL
M. Price 265 4th-500 broke the state record at submaster/132 275 lbs. L. Kemp 175*
Check out Kathy’s website Police/Fire Master (55-59) with 225. Coming all away from South R. McDowell 630* 4th-185* DEADLIFT Master (45-49)
for up and coming Drug Free 242 lbs. 275 lbs. Carolina to lift in her first competition Master (55-59) MALE FEMALE B. Myers 700!
Powerlifters and Bodybuilders, A. Harper 430* J. Willoughby 315 was Shanda Jefferies. Shanda finished the 220 lbs. Master (40-44) Raw 165 lbs.
professional tennis results and Open Police/Fire day with a great 275 state record pull at M. Lowry 415* 275 lbs. 132 lbs. Open Raw
220 lbs. 242 lbs. 40-44/148, just missing a final attempt 4th-425* B. Dale 705* Master (40-44) P. Duke 455
photos. If you’d like to link to this A. Harper 565 with 300. Suzette Hogan won her second Best Lifter Bench Women: Christina C. Hart 305! 181 lbs.
site, it must be reciprocated. Drug *=Son Light Power Illinois State Records. title of the day at 45-49/165 with 205. Mcdowell. Best Lifter Bench Men: Rich Junior (20-23) Open Raw
free websites only. If you’d like to Best Lifter Bench Women: Anna Tabit. For the men Spencer Tolson won at 13- McDowell. The Son Light Power Ar- Schroeder 230! R. Reed 355
advertise on this site, send me and Best Lifter Bench Men: Tom Bennett. Best 15/240 with 245. Dakota Walter, lifting kansas Christmas For Kids Bench Press/ Open 198 lbs.
Lifter Deadlift Women: Leezaira Thomp- in his first competition, won at 16-17/242 Deadlift Championship was held at C. Hart 305! Open Raw
email with your site location and son. Best Lifter Deadlift Men: Michael with a great 385 pull. Steve Willoughby Benton County Barbell. Thanks to owners 148 lbs. M. Gregory 455
contents and it will be reviewed. Supilowski. The Last One! Bench Press/ won his second title of the day at 18- Tom and Sandy Hayes for once again (40-44) Open 242 lbs.
Reasonable rates are offered. Deadlift Championship was held at Son 19/275 with his 405. Best lifter among hosting this event. In the raw bench C. Myers 405! Master (40-44)
Check it out yourself today. Light Power Gym. This was the eleventh the men in the deadlift competition went press competition Liz Kemp, state record MALE J. Ray 605!
annual Last One! which originated in to Michael Supilowski, who won at 45- holder at women’s 50-54/148, won there 220 lbs.
1999. In the bench press event first time 49/220 with a new state record of 650. with 65. In the police & fire division, » courtesy Bobby Myers



I went into my last meet feeling the healthiest and strongest I’ve EVER been and it reflected in
my performance. I hit my first Elite, set a UPA open national squat record of 804.5 at 198, and
got my first best lifter award. My performance reflected my preparedness in lots of ways. And of
utmost importance is how healthy I am. Can I endure the stress of my normal life stuff and throw
bone crushing workouts on top of it, and still stay anabolic, and hit PRs without any juice!? And at
41 years old!? Eight years ago I would have said hell no! My neck was #!^’ed up! I thought both
of my shoulders needed operations! My elbows were toast. And my low back and hips were always
at risk of locking up! I experienced Thoracic Outlet Syndrome so bad that it felt like someone was
pounding my thumbs with hammers with each pulse beat at night time! I had Sciatica every time I
drove and Plantar Fasciatis in both feet from old Marine Corps and motorcycle racing injuries. So
I know what it’s like to live in pain, to try to sleep in pain, and try to train injured—it ain’t no fun!
In fact, it down right sucks! And speaking of injured and in pain, how are your sore spots doing?
Shoulder getting better? Hip getting worse? Don’t know? Don’t care? Or you’d rather just have
someone else take care of it, if it flares up? This attitude is not good enough. Your ability to com-
municate with your body as to the health of your body is key. Absolving your health to someone
else is not good enough for me, and should not be good enough for you. Now I’m not saying don’t
seek professional help when necessary, but ultimately we must learn to be a proactive conductor of
our own health. And this is difficult if your language to communicate is limited to just a few levels,
ie: 1. It feels good 2. It feels Okay or 3. It hurts. You want to develop 20+ levels of sensation, so
that you’ll be able to communicate better with your body and monitor where your pain is, and
which way it’s/you’re going. For those of you who have already begun the Active Recovery Plan
in Part 1 of this series, I would hope that you are beginning to communicate with your neck, upper
back and shoulders with this new dialogue of daily use of the backnobber, foam rolling, traction,
spine based movements, relaxation, and breathing. When you get good at it, you can actually
dictate the direction which the health of your joints and surrounding tissue is going. And there
is no finish line—there is no “I’m finally healthy”—there is only another level of health yet to be
attained—healthIER. So, the days you feel good are the most important days to do your Active
Recovery Program. Because it is these days/sessions that give you the opportunity to get ahead
of the game, prepare for what’s ahead, and begin to change your recovery paradigm from one of
rehabilitation, to one of prehabilitation.
Here in part two of this series, we are going to focus on the L-spine, sacrum, SI joints, and
hips. Once again the foam rollers and the backnobber with heat and/or ice are staples in the plan.
Learning spine based movements and hip stretch/traction movements over the full and half rollers
will foster your communication process with these body parts and begin to mobilize the joints and
relax the tissue in these areas. (Check my website, www.CorestrengthRX.com, for all the roller
positions.) One of our junior/elite lifters, Jordan Ritchie, went up to Diablo Barbell, in Concord,
CA, to train with Elite lifters/coaches Charlie Telesco and Ted Oniel. He got there a bit early and
they said “Relax; make yourself at home, Jordan.” So he broke out his foam roller and started into
some spine based movements over the roller, and I guess when he hit the upside down, spread
eagle/groin stretch, inverted on the roller, all the guys present were like, “Whoa, hold on! Wait a
minute! NOT THAT COMFORTABLE!” So, some of the positions may look a little strange, but I
assure you that as you find more comfort in each position, over time your body will hurt less and
function better.
Learning to effectively utilize the backnobber to break up adhesions in your soft-tissue and con-
nective tissue is a must! With the application of some liniment, you’re ready for some self trigger
point therapy and some self active release therapy. Cross your leg and reach around to your hip,
glute and SI joint with the nobber. Run lines through your glutes/hip. This will break up adhesions
around your sacrum and hip extensors. For the hip flexors, while seated kick your leg back across
a bench like a quad stretch, and find those tight fibers and insertions around the front of your
hip and follow lines down through your upper leg, towards your knee. This will help free up your
femoral and sciatic (amongst other) nerves.
Hot baths, hot tubs, or saunas with movement, stretching, and deep breathing will also con-
tinue to be paramount in order to soften tight tissues and to increase oxygen and blood flow. Also,
try adding Epsom salts in your baths to help aid in relaxing your muscles.
Once again, morning recovery sessions should take place within ½ hour of waking up, in order

as told to Powerlifting USA by Deric Stockton, Owner of Core Strength Gym, Elite Lifter, and Trainer « Practicing spine-based movements with a foam roller helps mobilize joints and relax tissue
photos courtesy Deric Stockton

to effectively break up the “Fuzz.” All of the traction movements, foam roller movements, and the box and learning to counter this with the other side of your core, (a slight, opposing side bend,
stretching is much more profound at 6 AM than 6 PM—it’s just a connection you’ll have to if you will) to maintain a neutral spine and equal hip and leg drive, is imperative. If every time you
make for yourself: sit on a low box, and your ass shifts an inch to the right, then your squatting with right dominance.
This lateral shift might not hurt you today, but it will catch up with you in the form of strains, tears,
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and possible disc herniations in the future. Nip this in the bud and learn to move from your hips
and with a neutral spine. This will drastically reduce the amount of stress on your back muscles and
AM – 20 min. hot bath with L-spine – Liniment + 10-30 – 20 min. hot bath with Day Off – Repeat
spine and will help equalize bi-lateral impulses through your body. You might be non-symptomatic
& hip movement min. foam rolling and Epsom salts Cycle
– 10 min. foam rolling stretching – 10 min. foam rolling now, but that repetitive shift will eventually catch up with you, and after a training session, a training
cycle or meet—at some point—you’ll end up in a clinical state, hobbling for the chiro. No thanks!
PM – 10 min. ice – Sleep with hot pad or – Liniment + 10-30 min.
So, not only can you do a lot for yourself in the way of recuperative modalities and your active
– 10 min. liniment + backnob- heat patch backnobber
ber 2x recovery program, but there are aspects of your training which can greatly increase your health and
longevity. So, it’s important to continually learn to train smarter and maximize the positive stresses
In addition to your active recovery plan, incorporating movements in your training which while reducing the negative stresses of our training. If your shoulder is hurting you, then take a light
traction and create lots of circulation through your L-spine and hips is a must. Hanging leg day to foster circulation and to do extra recovery work instead of a ME session—this could get you
raises and reverse hypers—thanks Louie—have also become staples in our plan. We do them back to hitting PRs within your next few sessions.
with bands, free weights, and/or a strap, and sometimes unilaterally. At least once per week When I was younger, I remember reading articles where Arnold talked about the mind-muscle The infamous “spread eagle” style stretch
for three to five sets of 10–25 reps each. (P.S. if you don’t have a newer reverse hyper, put connection—and yeah, this is important, but let’s take it one step further to a mind-bone connec-
a 2-board under either end to change the angle and the emphasis. And hanging with some tion. To develop true structural integrity and proprioception requires allowing your deepest layers
kind of Ab-strap is a lot easier on the shoulders for the leg raises.) Immediately following the of tissue to soften, connective and fascia tissue to heal, and neurology to flow properly out of your
hypers are further traction movements in order to take advantage of the increased circula- spine to your muscles. Only then can you have the proprioceptive awareness of your posture and
tion around the L-spine and sacrum. We do the precor stretch partner and perform inversion joint positions in space and time, around which to create leverage and force. Again, it’s like Yin-
therapy on an orthopod for a couple minutes each. (This is usually the last exercise/complex Yang. So, the better you can relax, the better you will contract. Instead of always focusing on how
for a workout.) Lots of decompression, circulation, and emvibation to increase the fluidity and hard you can contract your muscles or how high you can get your heart rate, spend some time on
flow of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems through the posterior chain feels amazing. the other side of the spectrum and see how relaxed you can get your body/tight spots and how
Diederik Lagerwerff at 69 years young and John Crites at 62 years young are a couple of the low you can get your heart rate. Utilize your Active Recovery Sessions to help facilitate this new
old “dogs” in our crew. Both, amazingly, have double hip replacements. And Richard “Doc” harmony between your muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems. Your body will have more oxygen
Hencke at 62 years young (with a longer list of injuries than we have room for) still deadlifts and fluidity, less pain and injury, and more strength and power. So, sounds good—where do I sign
over 400 in competition. Learning to take care of your lower back and hips is essential. My up? Right? But the key is actually doing it—spending time with the artful side of this process, effec-
body actually craves this circulation in my workouts and in my recovery routine. tive use of the foam rollers and backnobbers is a must, and learning to effectively, breathe, relax,
My SymetriCORE™ workout plan emphasizes training structurally, neurologically, and and communicate with your body in a different way—but YOU’VE gotta do it, learn from it, and
muscularly—all while maintaining structural symmetry. We continually re-enforce the three get better at it—just like training. No one else can do it for you. Having a foam roller or backnobber
P’s: posture, position, and proprioception. What this means is when you train, you learn to sitting idle will do you no good. You’ll get only as much good out of these tools as you learn to put
do it with your spine in alignment and you have the sense to keep it there. Especially learning into them. So, seize the opportunity! Get started on an Active Recovery Routine and learn to get Stretching and deep breathing softens tight
Richard “Doc” Hencke, 62, still puts up 400+ healthier. You’ll get stronger, too! « tissues plus increases oxygen/blood-flow
to counter lateral shifts and scoliotic patterns. Knowing which way your hips tend to shift on

S.A.R. Therapy Exercise 1: cross leg and reach around to hip, glute S.A.R. Therapy Exercise 2: kick leg back across bench, find tight fibers
and SI joint with the nobber ; run lines through glutes/hip to break up and insertions around the front of hip and follow lines through upper
Diederik Lagerwerff, age 69, hasn’t let double hip replacements slow him down – he still holds his own in the weight room adhesions around your sacrum and hip extensors leg towards your knee to free up femoral and sciatic nerves

just above their heads in order to show how (you will), you are invited to email me or BOOOO YA!
cute they were! Joe—who placed 3rd in the hookup on facebook or on my forum at www. JB: Along these same lines do you have any E JACK
Canadian National Championships in weight- drsquat.com. I spend a LOT of time there regrets regarding your involvement in powerlift- N

lifting—LOVED strength. Over the years that these days. I like to think it’s to help. ing?


I hung out with him, I learned that he truly JB: What are you most proud of regarding your FH: I have NO regrets! How can I? Perhaps
LOVED strength, and it was his real passion, involvement in powerlifting? a regret from time to time calling the wrong
far beyond bodybuilding. It was who he was! FH: I’ll take a quick moment to answer that increase. As a coach I have many regrets, not

question. Folks, do you know what an “over-

The bodybuilding thing was a means to make doing what was best for my athlete at the



comer” is? I am one. That’s what my quest
money. Oh, he loved bodybuilding too, as do time. I have those kinds of regrets. All of us


I. He just loved strength more. As do I! for strength was all about. Along the way, do. But REAL and SUBSTANTIAL regrets? GEST B

Now, I will tell you this. NO MAN has I learned that real strength was not simply Naw, I always knew when I was being a screw-
ever done as much as Joe for our sport! He musculo-skeletal.There is a component to ball or a jerk. Did that lots of times. I regret Bench: 600
reached MILLIONS of kids every month to strength that goes beyond mere physicality. those times. Sorry to all. Squat: 826
tell them the benefits of lifting, of strength, Read the first three chapters of the book of But as for my involvement in powerlifting,
of power, of health and fitness!! I love this Revelation, and you will immediately under- I have none! As for my CONTINUED involve- Deadlift: 814
guy! He was way more than my boss. More stand what an overcomer is! ment in the sport, I would have many! Get
than my mentor. More than my sponsor! He An overcomer is a POWERLIFTER! Say it! rid of the gear! Come back to a civil and sane
was a fellow lifter! Say it to me! “I am an OVERCOMER, SIR!!!” single governing body! I do love you! «
JB: What was the most satisfying lift and/or
event in your lifting career?
FH: The most satisfying lift in my career was
whatever one it was that won the contest for
me. Naw...you know better! Winning was not
the point of my career, as it is with so many
lifters. Going beyond the bounds of mere con-
vention is what it was all about for me. I can’t
count the number of meets that I OPENED
with a world record! But I’ll bet that whatever
the number is, it’s a world record still! THAT
was cool for me!
But the most satisfying event of my career
was when I got Joe Bradley out of a Wiscon-
sin jail by the governor’s decree, and watched
him break world record after world record
while a guest in my home for the next ten Backed by scientific research on its key
years! He was a guy that needed someone to
help him. That, apparently, was me. Loved ingredients conducted at multiple universities,
that guy—still do. Talk to him often. He is (in ANABOLIC HALO™ delivers a multi-platform
my mind) the greatest powerlifter who ever
lived—for a LOT of reasons! formula to help lifters of any caliber. One
JB: Any comments about the current state powerful element of this formula is a combination
of steroid testing in powerlifting and in other
sports? of scientifically backed forms of creatine which
FH: Aw, ya had to go and ruin a perfectly helps increase your strength fast. From this
civil discussion! Cryin’ out loud! Folks, I am
so far removed from that world that I just
research-driven foundation, Team MuscleTech™
don’t have anything to say at this point. I researchers further developed the formula
simply don’t know. I do believe that I have
with fast-acting carbohydrates, L-leucine and
written enough on this subject. I humbly
direct PL USA readers to my latest article on L-carnitine for incredible results. The advanced
this subject at www.drsquat.com—“Kids and formula also helps to reduce post-workout
Juice.” While you’re there, read the article on
the front page, “Man Up!” catabolism. If you want to build raw power for
“If you want to get bigger and stronger,
JB: Is there any correlation or contrast between more explosive lifts, finish every workout with
your Christian beliefs and your experiences in
Team MuscleTech has the products that
powerlifting? ANABOLIC HALO™! will help you get there.”
FH: Yes, there is. – Johnnie Jackson
JB: Can you elaborate on that a little?
FH: Sure! You see, it was my quest for
strength that ultimately led me to my under- Why Every Powerlifter Needs to Be On ANABOLIC HALO:
standing of the gospel. Now, I recognize that Delivers a key compound shown in research to Contains L-carnitine to promote amplified androgen
almost NO ONE wants to hear a gospel-spew-
ing zealot proclaim how great it was to finally increase strength receptor expression
come to Christ! Manipulates insulin release to promote Helps reduce post-workout catabolism
Ugh! Nothing would bore me more! I
NEVER read that stuff! Don’t you! It’ll kill ya! nutrient absorption
But YOU ASKED! I already started answer-
ing your question, by the way. Go to www.
drsquat.com and read “MAN UP!” Fred “Dr. Squat” Hatfield, Ph.D., after doing battle with a 1000 lb. + squat at Gus Rethwisch’s
Then, if you have any further questions Hawaii Record Breakers in 1986 In a human study conducted at a renowned university research center, a precise dose of just one of the powerful compounds in ANABOLIC HALO was shown to amplify the number of testosterone (androgen) receptors versus
placebo in just 21 short days. Another third-party study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise involving 22 untrained subjects divided into three study groups showed that the subjects who were
taking a key ingredient in ANABOLIC HALO significantly increased their strength compared to subjects who used a placebo. Read the entire label before use. © 2010.


get in this battle of getting to the top before I will say this—your training partners are DH: I use a double-ply Karin’s extreme denim CB: What is your view on training in equipment think are great. I like Large Nutrition too.
someone else does, because there is always everything. If you don’t have good training bench shirt. It’s the only bench shirt I have and learning them? I have a high protein diet so I usually eat a
someone out there who is hungry and wants partners, it will reflect on your lifting. They ever used. It has lasted all seven years of my DH: I think there is a time and a place for lot of red meat and fish, and chicken when I
to be number one. are the ones that tell you when you’re doing powerlifting career and it’s still going strong! everything. I believe you should have good don’t feel like fish.
CB: Tell everyone here the difference between something wrong and that’s how you get bet- If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I never changed balance between geared lifting and raw train- CB: What changes are you going to have to
someone who wants to look “pretty” and ter. I had Bob Coe bring me up through the shirts because I always made continual prog- ing. I believe one complements the other. make to go to the next level?
someone who does what we do? The difference sport and if it weren’t for his help I wouldn’t ress, so I just went with it and I’m still getting Learning gear will help with better technique, DH: New gear every so often, eventually I
between a workout and a training session. be at the level I’m at now. Westside Barbell is PRs today. Sadly though, I can’t even get and better technique leads to strength gains would like to grow to be a full 275, I was 257
DH: I would say the pretty people try to look a Gym full of tradition and pride. The second another shirt because I think Karin stopped and minimal, if any, injuries. lifting in the 275s, so down the road I would
pretty—you know, the beach muscles. On you walk in that door you better be prepared making bench shirts. So it would be hard to CB: What do you think is the reason for all the like to be a solid 275 at that weight I think I
the other hand, someone like us trains for to go to work or get out. You are always obtain a Karin’s, but I like denim. I think if big numbers as of late like Kennelly’s 1075 will have better leverages.
strength, muscle endurance and adapting reminded of what you have to achieve. The you know how they work they are just as good and Frankl’s freakish total or Hoornstra’s raw CB: Is there anyone you would like to thank
one’s body to heavy weights. famous chalk board with the best weight class if not better than anything out there now. strength? Has strength training evolved? right now?
CB: What would you tell a powerlifter if they lifts—some of the best powerlifters in history CB: What would you suggest to someone on DH: Those three mentioned are special lifters. DH: First and foremost, Louie Simmons.
are trying to get to the next level in the sport? are on that board—Chuck Vogelpohl, Tony how to get stronger on all three lifts? They are one of a kind. They have the genetics He gave me the opportunity to be what I am
Do you believe that powerlifters have a lifestyle Bologone, Greg Panora, the list goes on. Ev- DH: Pick your exercises right, don’t go balls as well as the mental drive and will to do what- today. He’s been very generous and giving
of their own? ery one in there is strong and wants to move out every work out, be consistent, do a lot of ever they have to do. That’s what sets them and the road would have been a lot harder
DH: In my experience, going to the next level big weights around. The environment there volume work. apart from the rest. I never thought I would had he not been there. Also, Bob Coe for
is a lot of little things—things that normal is unlike any other gym. You have to come to CB: What drives you as a lifter? What is your see a 1000 lb. bench, but obviously anything is keeping me injury-free and for giving me
people don’t look at or know what to look Westside Barbell to experience it.   mindset like during training? achievable if you want it bad enough. the motivation and drive he instilled in me.
for. It’s shoring up all the loose ends that will CB: What are your workouts like? How are they DH: I just want to be the best. I want to be CB: Do you think the standards went up in the That man put a lot of time into me. Chuck
take you to the next level. Do all you can do setup? What training methodology do you follow? number one. My mindset in training is very sport? Vogelpohl too—not only for inspiration, but if
and then some more, constantly changing to DH: Get the Westside Book of Methods— focused. When I start slacking I think, “Who DH: In a way I believe they have. Judging, for it weren’t for him I would have never gotten
keep your body guessing. Everything from it’s all in there. A lot of the training comes is training harder? Me or my opposition? Does the most part, is impartial and fair. I would out of my squat funk. He got me on the right
the way you train, what you eat, the calories straight from Louie. A small percentage are he want it more than me?” rather miss than get a gift and I’m sure most track, which is a big part of how my squat
you eat, your gear and how well it fits you. things I have been taught by top lifters that CB: Was your training any different prior to lifters feel the same way. came back. He also taught me how to deadlift
Look at all the little things and break it down I incorporate into my game plan. Westside your last meet? CB: What is your nutrition like now? the way I should. Phil Harrington taught me a
and go a step at a time. Powerlifting great training methods brought me to the level I am DH: To be honest I couldn’t even tell you DH: I had to lose some weight. I was too big lot about training and going to the next level.
Travis Mash told me that powerlifting isn’t a today. I think that’s the best way to train. because no training cycle is the same. I do and didn’t feel too peppy so I dropped to 242 Also, all my training partners and teammates
sprint—it’s a marathon—so go slow and pace CB: How did you end up at Westside Barbell? something different every time. pounds. I use a lot of Get Diesel Nutrition— at Westside Barbell. They keep me motivated
yourself. You don’t get brownie points for DH: After I left Murph’s Gym I went to a gym CB: Do you think using bench shirts/gear are that guy has some good test boosters that I and on track. « Dave has a super powerful squat
getting there fast. I’ve met a lot of powerlift- called Big House Powerlifting. I was there cheating?
ers and they all have different lifestyles, but for about two weeks and Travis Fletcher told DH: No, I think that’s stupid to think. It’s
in a way yes, I will say they have lifestyles of me that Louie Simmons wanted to meet me, cheating when I enter a raw bench meet with
their own because all or most of your time is so I was like, “Heck yea!” I went and met a bench shirt on. To think using a bench shirt
devoted to the gym. and talked with Lou and worked out. I was is cheating is shallow. It’s a part of the sport
CB: How driven would people say you are nervous—sweating bullets—because he was that has evolved. To take it to the next level
about being a powerlifter? How does it affect watching me the whole time and here I am you have to be willing to do whatever it takes.
you outside of the gym? the 16 year old kid thrown to the wolves, I If you want to bench raw, more power to you,
DH: I would say if you talk to someone who learned really, REALLY quick how things but I want to bench the biggest weight I can.
knows me personally they would say I’m a were to be and are. It was “put up or get the
driven person. I have a passion for powerlift- F*&% out.” So long story short, that’s how I
ing. I love doing it and I have a lot of fun. I’ve came to Westside and I’ve pretty much been
met some great friends through powerlifting. there ever since.
I think outside the gym it carries over into CB: What bench shirt do you use and why? Do you
my lifestyle. I’m very goal oriented and I have have any tips about how to get your bench shirt
expectations for myself and I try to live my and use it to get the most of your lifting efforts?
life the way I’m supposed to live.
CB: How has powerlifting made you a stronger
person away from the sport?
DH: It’s taught me to bounce back from ad-
versity. In powerlifting you have a couple bad
meets in a row. Do you give up or go back to
the drawing board and try and fix what you’re
doing wrong? It’s the same in life. When I get
thrown a left hook that I didn’t see coming,
powerlifting has taught me to bounce back
and move forward.
CB: Do you have any training partners? How
have they helped? Tell us about Westside Barbell.
DH: Training at Westside Barbell my whole
career has allowed me to train with the best.
I’ve had the honor to train with Chuck Vogel-
pohl, John Stafford, Louie Simmons, Matt
Smith—the list goes on and on and on. Cur-
rently I train with Joe Jester, Jason Fry, Brad
Bishop, Bob Coe, Jeff “gritter” Adams, Louie
Simmons and on occasion, Mike, but
we call him BULL, John Kerr, Amy Weisberg-
Hoff showing off his denim bench shirt Serious pulling power
er and Arnold Coleman. For the most part,

SLP TENNESSEE 198 lbs. CURL 198 lbs. 220 lbs. B. Blake 365 Open 165 lbs. J. Krona Jr 385 264 418 1068
CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS R. Clark, Sr. 345 MALE T. Welton 455 D. Allen 550 Push Pull BP DL TOT R. Unson 253 209 325 787 Master V Raw Master III Raw
DEC 5 2009 » Bartlett, TN 4th-370* Master (50-54) Open 308 lbs. Junior (20-23) W. Manning — — 220 220 R. Schuller 132 132 132 396 J. Dietz 303 303 402 1007
242 lbs. 198 lbs. R. Henfling 680 A. Trapletti 425 500 925 Open Raw M. Mikhlin — 209 — 209 Open
BENCH Junior D. Sluder 430* J. Miller 125* *=Son Light Power Tennessee State Records. J. Kornwitz 290 450 740 N. Moss 127 72 248 446 Open Sonnichsen 435 264 534 1233
MALE 220 lbs. 275 lbs. 4th-135* Best Lifter Bench Raw: Chris Stinson. Best Open 165 lbs. C. Wood 451 314 451 1217 Open Raw
Submaster C. Franklin 315 R. Smith 365* DEADLIFT Overall Lifter Bench: Jason Lawson. Best 181 lbs. Master I Open Raw C. Meek 253 176 347 776
308 lbs. 242 lbs. Master (50-54) MALE Lifter Deadlift: Randy Henfling. The SLP J. Su 225 455 680 S. Bolen 303 — 319 622 M. Hysert 363 248 440 1051 242 lbs.
J. Lawson 645* M. Canfield 340 220 lbs. Novice TN Christmas for Kids BP/DL Champion- 220 lbs. Master V Raw M. Davis 363 264 402 1029 Master I PF
Master (40-44) 308 lbs. J. Coll 345 198 lbs. ship was held at Fitness Premier. Thanks Open D. Backiel 66 55 138 259 Teen II Raw J. Flatterich — 391 — 391
275 lbs. C. Larson 365* Master (60-64) R. Moore 450 to owner Ryan Sneleberger for hosting J. Hourihan 365 510 875 181 lbs. J. Kohls 193 154 369 716 Master II
B. Gardner — Submaster 220 lbs. Junior this event and to Joe Coll for all his help Best Lifter BP: Brent Blake. Best Lifter PP: Master I 181 lbs. L. Fuhrman — 374 — 374
Raw 181 lbs. W. Reeves 330* 242 lbs. organizing the event. In the raw BP division James Hourihan. Venue: Executive Court Inn N. Harmon 341 182 347 870 Master IV Raw Open
Novice T. Brigance 305* Police/Fire M. Canfield 495* first-time competitor David Allen won at at Best Western. USPF Division II sanctioned Open Raw M. Brusser 281 264 451 996 C. Burke 517 418 600 1536
220 lbs. 220 lbs. 242 lbs. 308 lbs. novice 220 with 375. For the teenage men multi-ply gear competition. Thank you to all S. Reith 231 143 341 716 Master V T. Waters 501 341 501 1343
D. Allen 365 J. Greaves 330 N. Melone 300* C. Larson 520* 18-19 classes it was Logan Kicklighter for Chris Stinson – 565 DL (D. Latch) of those who came! Check out www.USPF- Teen III Raw J. Rankin 402 176 462 1040 Open ML
4th-375 4th-350 Open 4th-540* the win at 165 with a new state record of Powerlifting.com for our contest schedule! F. Wasmund 138 143 220 501 Open Raw P. Love — 319 523 842
Teen (18-19) 308 lbs. 165 lbs. Submaster 250. Sean Mellinger finished with a new at 181 with a new state record of 305. John » courtesy Dave Follansbee 198 lbs. T. Young 429 297 501 1228 Open Raw
165 lbs. C. Stinson 480* J. Lane 325 220 lbs. state record of 275 at 181. For the junior Greaves, who came up from Georgia for his Master III A. Magidman — — 479 479 J. Randall 490 402 600 1492
L. Kicklighter 240* SHW 4th-330* J. Greaves 385 men it was Chris Franklin at 220 with 315. first competition, took the win at 220 with USAPL HOLIDAY MEET J. Arnow 402 270 380 1051 Teen I Raw H. Higgins 325 281 539 1145
4th-250* C. Poteete 515* 220 lbs. 308 lbs. Morgan Canfield won at 242 with 340. 350. Our best lifter in the raw division went Open Raw C. Peasley — 237 — 237 Teen II
E. Faulkner 425 C. Stinson 565* Craig Larson broke the state record at 308 to Chris Stinson, who set the state record
DEC 5 2009 » Fife, WA F. Bodine 325 149 407 881 Teen II Raw I. Allen 385 248 501 1134
181 lbs. 4th-520*
S. Mellinger 275* Master (40-44) 4th-440* Master (45-49) with 365. At submaster it was Tim Brigance at 308 with 480. Our final lifter in the Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT K. Waters 204 105 231 539 J. Meyer 336 198 330 864 Teen II Raw
submaster division was C.J. Poteete, who set FEMALE MALE 198 lbs. K. Farley 220 187 418 826
the state record at SHW with his personal 115 lbs. 115 lbs. Junior Raw 275 lbs.
best 520. Moving to the master’s divisions Open Teen III SO D. Mitte 325 248 451 1024 Master I Raw
Rodney Clark, Sr. broke the state record at Shuttleworth 253 193 231 677 D. Hammond — 132 — 132 Master I Raw L. Haywood — 440 — 440
40-44 4/198 with 370. David Sluder got his 123 lbs. 132 lbs. D. Schurman 407 275 523 1206 L. Cuppicia — 413 — 413
state record at 242 with a big 430. Richard Open Teen III Raw K. Moss 429 — 539 969 Open Raw
Smith set the state record at 275 with 365. K. Clark 347 204 347 897 M. Wheeler 204 121 330 655 Master IV T. Hoiby 528 347 556 1431
Joe Coll, who always works very hard to 132 lbs. 148 lbs. R. Chwalek — 270 — 270 W. Houston 551 303 578 1431
promote powerlifting in the Memphis area, Master I Master V Raw Open Raw S. Fittinger 562 308 545 1415
won at 50-54/220 with 345. Our oldest P. Tidmarsh 253 116 303 672 D. Higgins 259 187 413 859 B. Franklin 424 314 573 1310 J. Cloud 484 226 523 1233
competitor in the meet was William Reeves, Open Open Raw M. Chapman 308 220 418 947 UNL
who broke the record at 60-64/220 with a A. McWeeny — 127 — 127 J. Matts — 237 — 237 Teen II Raw Teen III Raw
strong 330. Nathan Melone broke the state 148 lbs. Teen II Raw R. Moreau 176 127 275 578 D. Cooper 484 468 534 1486
record at police & fire 242 with 300. In Junior D. Moore 259 176 319 754 220 lbs. D. Georgiu 402 253 402 1057
the open division Jimmy Lane tied the state K. Larson 193 121 248 562 S. Slavens 215 127 352 694 Master I » courtesy Steve Slavens
record at 165 with 330. Ernest Faulkner took
the win and at 220 with a new state record
of 440. Ernest finished a close second to
Chris Stinson for the best lifter award. We
had two lifters using the shirts, one of which,
bombed out of the competition. Brian
Gardner failed with his opener of 630 at
40-44/275. Our second lifter, Jason Lawson,
broke the state record at submaster 308 with
645. Jason was also awarded the trophy for
the best overall bencher. Jim Miller came
all away from Colorado to compete in the
curl event, taking the win at 50-54/198
with a new state record of 135. For the DL
competition Richard Moore, competing for
the first time, won at novice 198 with 450.
Morgan Canfield won again at junior 242,
this time setting a new state record with
495. Craig Larson broke the state record at
308 with a big 450. John Greaves, guest lift-
ing at submaster 220, won there with 385.
Chris Stinson broke the state record at 308
with a new personal best 565. Another CO
native, Tim Welton, won at 45-49/198 with
455. In the open division it was David Allen
at 220 with 550. Our biggest pull of the
day went to our best lifter, Randy Henfling,
who finished with a great 680 PR attempt.
Thanks to my son Joey Latch and others who
helped with the loading and spotting and
to William Reeves and his wife for taking
some great pictures of the meet. Thanks also
to our trophy girls Haley McCommon and
Amberlyn Lane who did a good job as well.
See you all again next year.
» courtesy Dr. Darell Latch

OCT 4 2009 » Manchester, NH
J. Coppola 200
220 lbs.

WPC ISRAELI BP Shuminov 220 Master II
CHAMPIONSHIPS 4th-231 Attar 308
DEC 12 2009 » Haifa, Israel 198 lbs. Master III Open
Junior Yearby 617
BENCH Boyko 209 Gabara 341 Chagan 457
FEMALE Oad 226 Master II Ogorodnikov 418
123 lbs. 165 lbs. Ben-Shahar — Nassar 314
Master II Master III Open Teen I
Lubimsky 176 Kashuba 231 Bar 495 Shurki 220
Open Linder 143 Yakobi 495 Teen II
Shekhter 253 Open 4th-512 Hegazi 242
4th-264 Bernadskiy 308 Artzi 462 Teen III
132 lbs. Abudamus 220 Hasson 440 Loktev 297
Master III Teen I Kahmanovich 352 4th-325
Mendelel 94 Oad 154 Master I Open 242 lbs.
148 lbs. Teen II Tomilov 462 Open
Junior Diab 231 Master II Open Kaadan 517
Azugi 143 Chagan 220 Kazakov 352 Katz 429
165 lbs. Teen III Teen I Averin 396
Open Marisat 264 Tibi 286 Liberov 385
Butovsky 138 181 lbs. Armosh 176 Hagazy 374
Blake Ellis getting fired up The gang from Musclehead Gym of Celina, OH (D. Latch photos) Kevin Hutchinson benching raw Teen II Teen III
198 lbs. Junior
Open Osman 308 Ali 253 Sef 440
SLP TENNESSEE STATE was Bruce Snipes with a new state record Beth Starker for once again hosting this trophy girl. See you all again next year! Kurkulin 187 Assia 286 Rda 374 275 lbs.
OCT 3 2009 » Lexington, TN of 370. Dave Creasy finished the day with competition. In the raw bench press event » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch MALE Master I 220 lbs. Master I
a new state record of 350 for the 275 Stephen Wellman broke his own Indiana 123 lbs. Bar 330 Junior Rozenblat 286
BENCH R. Acuff 405* class. For the assisted lifters Adam Powers state record at 13-15/198 by twenty WOLFE’S 4TH Open Eilat 237 Israel 418 Master II Open
MALE Submaster broke the state record at 13-15/165 with a pounds with a great personal best 320! CHILDREN’S CLASSIC Ivanyukov 187 Master IV Yassin 330 Piniachev 523
Teen (13-15) 198 lbs. personal best 185. Blake Ellis set the mark This kid is one of the best young lifters NOV 21 2009 » Celina, OH Moreh 154 Kfir 198 Mushailov 330 308 lbs.
165 lbs. J. Sipes 300* at 18-19/shw with 440. David Creasy anywhere, who always lifts with near per- 148 lbs. Open Junior Open Junior Open
A. Powers 185* 242 lbs. won at 40-44/275 with 500. In the open fect form! I am very proud of his accom- BENCH S. Loughridge 315 Open Tilis 391 Bogach — Matar 506
Teen (18-19) W. Armstrong 435* division best lifter Brandon Beecham plishments, as well as his attitude towards FEMALE K. Gray 255 Shumel 275 Kleiman 264 Master I Open
SHW Master (40-44) broke his own state record at 181 with the sport. Taking the win at submaster (Formula) C. Jones — Felgron 237 Teen I Gafni 286 Gov-Ari 363
B. Ellis 440* 242 lbs. 530. Weighing in at just 173, this tall and 198 was Scott Baker. who finished with A. Streacker 275 Lightweight Avraham 220 Masarwa 198 4th-308
Master (40-44) B. Snipes 370* lean lifter has lots of potential. Finishing 315. Scott, who was going head to head J. Doll 205 J. Harder 435 Teen I Teen II Best Lifter Female: Iris Shekhter. Best Lifter
275 lbs. 275 lbs. out the assisted division was 242 champ with his little buddy Stephen, wasn’t quite H. Biddle 155 D. Hawley — Asdi 176 Jabal 286 Male: Alvin Yearby.
Jeremy Buttrey, who settled with his 465 able to lock out this final attempt with
Best lifter Alvin Yearby (USA) benching in Israel (courtesy David Kharif)
D. Creasy 500 D. Creasy 350* A. Herr 120 Middleweight Garni 110 Doron 264 » courtesy WPC Israel
Open CURL opener. In the curl competition it was 320. Lifting in the 40-44/198 class,Troy A. Horn 130 M. Fourman 425
181 lbs. MALE Michael Fox, again at 16-17/181, setting Sheahan came close with a new state re- K. Pummell 135 (2nd by formula)
B. Beecham 530* Teen (16-17) his second state record of the day with cord of 400 twice, settling with his opener S. Flaute 115 H. McNelly 425
242 lbs. 181 lbs. 135. Jamie Sipes, taking the win at sub- of 365 there. Also at 40-44 was 308 N. Novitski — D. Lindeman 265
J. Buttrey 465 M. Fox 135* master 198, set the record there with 150. winner Joe Dibert. Joe finished with a new MALE M. Pummell —
Raw Submaster Michael Fox won his third title of the day state record of 540, claiming also the best Kids Heavyweight
Novice 198 lbs. at 16-17/181 with his 405 pull. Blake Ellis lifter trophy for the competition. Kyle Gray C. Wolfe 55 J. Morris 575
220 lbs. J. Sipes 150* broke his own state record at 18-19/shw won at 45-49/198 with a new personal Teens (Formula) 4th-600
C. Clayton 405* DEADLIFT with 505. Our final lifter in the deadlift best 275. Kyle recently opened his new D. Wade 400 S. Hartzell 350
SHW MALE was Ricky Fowler who won at 55-59/148 gym, The Musclehead Gym in Celina, J. Harder 275 (3rd by Formula)
G. Kelly 375* Teen (16-17) with a new state record of 405. Thanks Ohio, and we wish him well. Returning H. Williams 235 A. Smith 350
4th-385* 181 lbs. to Glen Powers and others who helped to competition after some time off, Kevin T. McNelly 180 C. Rother 335
Teen (16-17) M. Fox 405 with the loading and spotting duties and Hutchinson broke the state record at 50- D. Wolfe 125 SHW
181 lbs. Teen (18-19) to Alexis Ratana for serving as our trophy 54/275 with a solid 435. Taking the win Masters (Formula) S. Brooks 680
M. Fox 275* SHW girl. See you all again next year. at police/fire 198 was Dave Gibson, who T. Pick 555 T. Pick 555
Teen (18-19) B. Ellis 505* » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch finished with a new state record of 360. B. Steingass 315 M. Rose 425
SHW Master (55-59) This was Dave’s first competition! Jamie D. Bennett 340 S. Vickery —
B. Ellis 405* 148 lbs. SLP INDIANA STATE Wilson set the state record at police/fire A. Bellingham 330
Junior R. Fowler 405* OCT 17 2009 » Beech Grove, IN 242 with a personal best 455. Last, but Best Lifter: Shawn Brooks. There was a
198 lbs. not least, was our winner at open 220, total of thirty-four lifters that came to the
*=Son Light Power Tennessee State BENCH Master (45-49) Steve Lannon. Steve finished the day with meet from as far as Wisconsin and Illinois.
Records. Best Lifter Bench Press: Brandon MALE 198 lbs. 315. Steve, who was our lone deadlifter, The event raised almost $1,000 cash
Beecham. The Son Light Power Tennessee Master (65-69) K. Gray 270 took the win there as well with 455. In and loads of new toys to be distributed
State Bench Press Deadlift Curl Champi- 181 lbs. 4th-275 the assisted division Dorran Vogler came throughout the Celina and Grand Lake
onship was held at Harvey’s Gym. Thanks D. Vogler 265* Master (50-54) back strong from his third attempt miss area during the Holidays. All proceeds
to Harvey’s Gym for once again hosting Open 275 lbs. with 265 to get that weight for his fourth! and toys were donated to OUR Home
this annual event and a special thanks to SHW K. Hutchinson 435* This broke Dorran’s own state record by Family Resource Center in Celina. Spon-
Glen Powers for all his help in promoting J. Allen 425 Police/Fire Open five pounds! Our final bencher was open/ sors for the event were Westside Barbell,
the competition. In the raw bench press Raw 198 lbs. shw winner James “Hick” Allen. Hick, AtLarge Nutrition, House of Pain Iron-
division it was Clint Clayton leading the Teen (13-15) D. Gibson 340* who supposedly is under contract with wear, Overdrive Event Center, Celina Area
way in his first competition with the win 198 lbs. 4th-360* Slim Fast, had dieted down to 393 for this Walmart, Romer’s Catering, Muscleheads
in the novice 220 class. Clint finished S. Wellman 315* 242 lbs. competition. But that weight reduction Gym of Celina, Jim Ray, John “Dirty” Mar-
with a new Tennessee state record of 405. 4th-320* J. Wilson 455* took its toll on Little Hick, who only got tinez and Family. There were some really
Also in the novice division was Geraud Submaster Open in his opener of 425. When asked about big Attempts at this meet. Scott Vickery
Kelly, who won at shw, breaking his own 198 lbs. 220 lbs. his mediocre performance, Hick’s only attempted 805 pounds three times and
state record with 385. Michael Lee Fox set S. Baker 315 S. Lannon 315 reply was, “I’m hungry!” Thanks again to came as close as you can to making it.
the state record at 16-17/181 with a new Master (40-44) DEADLIFT my son Joey Latch for doing a great job That will be his real soon. Sixteen year old
personal best 275. Blake Ellis set the re- 198 lbs. MALE loading and spotting. But an even greater female Teen sensation Allison Streacker
cord at 18-19/SHW with 405. Ryan Acuff, T. Sheahan 365 Open thanks goes out to Mike Wolf (?), one of made a very close attempt at 300 pounds.
state recordholder at junior/181, moved 308 lbs. 220 lbs. the greatest benchers of all time, for all his Dean Bennett from Hales Corner Wis-
up to 198 to set the state record there J. Dibert 540* S. Lannon 455 help loading and spotting and encourag- consin hit a huge personal record with
with 405. In the submaster men’s division *=Son Light Power Indiana State Records. ing every lifter. Mike, who is taking a 340 pounds and Josh Morris from Illinois
it was Jamie Sipes with a new state record Best Lifter Bench: Joe Dibert. The Son break from competing, is now concen- got a personal best 600 on a 4th attempt.
of 300. William Armstrong, state record Light Power Indiana State Bench Press trating on coaching others. Thanks also Thanks to all for another successful year
holder at 242 upped that record to 435 for Deadlift Championship was held at to Heather Huser for taking some great to helping out the Charity.
the win there. For the 40-44 age group it Leo’s Black Iron Gym. Thanks to owner pictures of the meet and serving as our » courtesy Mike Wolfe

pounds 6 ½ inches off the floor. You notice the heaviest rack pull is only 100% RAW NATIONALS/ FEMALE C. Jackson 358 562 919 132 lbs.
35 pounds over his best pull of 840 pounds. His best pause 3 in the US OPEN 105 lbs. (40-44) J. Lee 175 120 225 520
ultra-wide sumo is 705 pounds for 3 reps. So, what is Luke’s secret? MAR 13 2010 » Zion Crossroads, VA (50-54) R. Thomas 424 556 980 Teen (18-19)
K. Poyner 127 253 380 (60-64) 165 lbs.
Hard work. My advice to you is to get to it—and good luck. « BENCH (14-15) 198+ lbs. E. Stine 292 435 727 D. Doddy 325 330 355 1000
FEMALE J. Hugh 242 (40-44) 275 lbs. MALE
123 lbs. 308 lbs. J. Malone 116 242 358 (25-29) Open
(35-39) (30-34) MALE M. James 385 539 925 132 lbs.
K. Self 165 G. Greene 281 105 lbs. (55-59) W. Mclormic 450 310 425 1185
132 lbs. STRICT CURL (14-15) B. Phillips 292 611 903 165 lbs.
(40-44) FEMALE R. Tomasic 110 226 336 308 lbs. T. Lee 315 225 935 2660
D. Buchannon 149 132 lbs. J. Brinn 110 220 330 (40-44) 181 lbs.
MALE (40-44) 4th-DL-231 R. Armstead 380 523 903 J. Taylor 375 340 400 1115
115 lbs. D. Buchannon 69 132 lbs. » courtesy John Shifflett 198 lbs.
(12-13) 4th-75 (16-17) T. Jakubczak 665 365 550 1580
P. Tomasic 72 MALE R. Clark 248 391 639 APF/AAPF GREAT 220 lbs.
165 lbs. 132 lbs. 165 lbs. LAKES OPEN J. Soule 810 650 650 2110
Open (16-17) (40-44) JAN 16 2010 » Zeeland, MI 242 lbs.
D. Moore 380 R. Clark 97 W. Lewis 259 314 573 Kroczaleski 750 540 800 2090
(50-54) 165 lbs. 181 lbs. BENCH 275 lbs. M. Hamilton 675 470 645 1790
W. Claypatch 242 (50-54) (40-44) Open FEMALE J. Don 560 308 lbs.
198 lbs. W. Claypatch 102 T. Roberts 308 517 826 Submaster 308 lbs. D. Soppelsa — 630 — 630
(20-24) 198 lbs. 198 lbs. 132 lbs. J. Shell — SHW
T. Drake 314 (40-44) (16-17) N. Sines 225 Master (50-54) T. Watkins 850 585 670 2105
(70-74) C. Rexrode 135 R. Poland 242 418 661 MALE 275 lbs. Junior
B. Dahlhamer 253 (55-59) (40-44) Open J. Smolinski — 181 lbs.
220 lbs. Montgomery 91 C. Rexrode 380 523 903 198 lbs. DEADLIFT A. Wilson 300 250 385 935
(60-64) (70-74) (55-59) T. Hensley 700 MALE Teen (18-19)
G. Shultz 292 B. Dahlhamer 124 N. Montgomery 220 402 622 220 lbs. Open 198 lbs.
242 lbs. 242 lbs. R. Murray 242 435 677 J. Johnston 675 220 lbs. T. Jakubczak 665 365 550 1580
(40-44) (20-24) (60-64) D. Stebbins — J. Thomas 620 220 lbs.
R. Thomas 424 C. Campbell 163 V. Morris 237 457 694 242 lbs. 275 lbs. Z. Marsh 410 305 455 1170
275 lbs. 275 lbs. 242 lbs. J. Wagoner — M. Phillips 575 Best lifter LGT: Wes Mclormic. Best lifter
(25-29) (25-29) (20-24) Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT HVY: Jesse Soule. Venue: Zeeland East
M. James 385 M. James 152 C. Campbell 402 451 853 FEMALE High School.
Push Pull BP DL TOT (35-39) Open » courtesy Andy Briggs

Luke Edwards putting his DL skills to the test at the APF Seniors

Luke pulling big at Westside Barbell (Westside Barbell photo)

ANPPC NATIONAL The ANPPC National Powerlifting Cham- Chuck Barth who won at police/fire sub-
CHAMPIONSHIP pionship was held at Son Light Power master 220 with a new national record
OCT 24 2009 » Tuscola, IL Gym. Many thanks to all the competitors, of 345. All of the bench records, with
the helpers and the spectators who came the exception of Harold Hager (wouldn’t
BENCH H. Hager 230* to support the lifters once again. In the you know it) were raw ANPPC national
FEMALE Police/Fire Subs powerlifting event Leezaira Thompson records. The best lifter award went to
Master (40-44) 220 lbs. won at teenage women 18-19/132 with Terry Cox. In the deadlift competition,
165 lbs. C. Barth 345* a new personal best total of 595. LeeLee best lifter Nico Davis matched his all-
M. Tolson 110* DEADLIFT also got a new personal best in the squat time best 330 with his win at 13-15/148.
MALE MALE (215) and the deadlift (280), which was Spencer Tolson, who finished second to
Teen (13-15) Teen (13-15) also a new ANPPC national record as Nico in the best lifter category, set a new
242 lbs. 148 lbs. well. First-time lifter Tyrone Adamore ANPPC national record at 13-15/242
S. Tolson 245* N. Davis 330 won at teenage men 16-17/220 with a with 405. Eric Ziegler, lifting in his first
Master (40-44) 242 lbs. 435 squat, 225 bench and a 520 deadlift competition, won at 16-17/181 with his
242 lbs. S. Tolson 405* for great 1180 total. In the junior men’s final pull of 300. Tyrone Adamore’s 520
T. Cox 370* Teen (16-17) division Chris Dungeon won at 165 with pull at 16-17/220 set the record there
SHW 181 lbs. a 775 total. This was by way of a 245 as well. Keith Tolson got his second
K. Tolson 370* E. Ziegler 300 squat, 205 bench and a 325 deadlift. national record of the day at 40-44/shw Nickie Stine with a record 200 BP David Horner with a 490 lb. squat (Latch photos) Team champs The Dungeon from Danville, IL Chris Flowers with a record 415 BP
Master (50-54) 220 lbs. Austin Clark, also lifting in his first full with his 245 opener. Our final puller in
275 lbs. T. Adamore 520* meet, won at 198 with 1160. Austin the deadlift was another Arkansas na- 198 lbs. J. Smalley 165* with 320. Marvin Huber broke the state
M. Price 260* Master (40-44) finished with a 435 squat, 275 bench tive, Billy Watts, who won at 65-69/181 J. Layman 305 DEADLIFT record at 55-59/148 with each of his
Master (65-69) SHW and a 450 deadlift. All of Austin’s lifts with 320. It was great having Ernie and 4th-320* FEMALE attempts, finishing with 280. In the open
198 lbs. K. Tolson 245* were far from his max. David Horner had Diane Frantz at the meet, who worked Master (55-59) Open division Clint Poore set his second state
W. Williams 205* Master (65-69) another great day of lifting beginning with all of the competitors, giving them 148 lbs. 165 lbs. record of the day with his win at 220.
Master (75-79) 181 lbs. with his 490 squat. David’s 325 bench, advice and helpful hints on their lifting. M. Huber 270* N. Stine 305* Adam Bolog took the 242’s with 335. In
165 lbs. B. Watts 320 505 deadlift and 1320 total were all new This gave the younger lifters a chance 4th-280* 4th-330* the assisted division Sam Chapala tied
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT national records as well as new prs for to meet two true legends of the sport Open MALE his own state record at special Olympic
FEMALE him. Tom Carnaghi, who struggled in and learn from the masters. It’s always 220 lbs. Novice 181 with a strong 300. Chad Breeden
Teen (18-19) the beginning with his squats, finally got an honor to have Ernie at one of my C. Poore 415* 308 lbs. finally got the state record he had been
132 lbs. in his opener of 750. Tom’s 440 bench meets, but it was an even greater honor 242 lbs. B. Gilmore 510* looking for at submaster 275, finishing
L. Thompson 215 100 280* 595 and 575 deadlift gave him a great 1765 to have Diane there as well. My only real A. Bolog 335 4th-530* with 550. Chad also won his first best
MALE total. Tom, who won at 45-49/220 and concern was that the boys from Arkansas CURL Teen (16-17) lifter award in competition. For the 40-
Teen (16-17) at open/220, also took home the best (Harold Hager, Wayne Williams and Billy MALE 165 lbs. 44/165 class Chris Flowers got his first
220 lbs. lifter award once again. John Dougherty Watts) get out of town before sundown. Master (50-54) A. DiSalvo 440* official 400 bench, following that up with
T. Adamore 435 225 520 1180 broke the national record in the squat at They had only been in town a few hours 148 lbs. J. Jacobsen 350 a successful fourth of 415! This was not
Junior 50-54/198 with a great 530. John’s 315 before getting into trouble with the local M. Evans 110* Junior only a new personal best for Chris but a
165 lbs. bench and 485 deadlift gave him a 1330 police and my concern was that if they Open 198 lbs. new state record as well! Joe McDonald,
C. Dungeon 245 205 325 775 total. One of these days, when everything got locked up in Douglas County, Illinois, 148 lbs. D. Vigiano 450 who hasn’t benched in two years, won
198 lbs. just falls into place, John will total 1500. no one would go their bail and we’d be M. Evans 110* Open at 50-54/220 with a solid 380. Not bad!
A. Clark 435 275 450 1160 It was great to have Marty Caliendo back stuck with them indefinitely. Thanks to 198 lbs. 242 lbs. Another great lifter, Tom Chapala, hit a
Submaster in competition after a few years off. my sons D.C. and Joey Latch for doing a W. Baity 660 new state record at 65-69/275 with a
165 lbs. Marty won at 55-59/165 with his 450 great job loading and spotting, to my side *=Son Light Power Kentucky State strong 380. In the open division it was
D. Horner 490 325* 505* 1320* squat, 315 bench and 425 pull for great judges Linda Middleton and the legend- Records. Best Lifter Bench Raw Men: Jason Figg with 425 at 198, Clint Poore
Master (45-49) 1190 total. Moving to the bench press ary Ernie Frantz, and all the others who Wayne Hall. Best Lifter Bench Assisted with 515 at 220 and John Phillips with
220 lbs. competition, new lifter Molly “B” Tolson helped with the spotting and judging. A Men: Chad Breeden. Best Lifter Deadlift 425 at 308. In the curl event Mark Evans
T. Carnaghi 750 440 575 1765 set the national record at 40-44/165 with special thanks to Molly “B” and Laurie Men: William Baity. Best Overall Lifter got the win at both the 50-54 and open
Master (50-54) 110. Molly’s son Spencer, set the record Horner for taking some great pictures. Deadlift Women: Nickie Stine. The Son 148 classes with 110. Both were new
198 lbs. at 13-15/242 with 245. Taking the win Laurie also served as our trophy girl. See Light Power Kentucky State Bench Press/ state records for each class. Another
J. Dougherty 530* 315 485 1330 at master men 40-44/242 was Terry Cox, you all again next year. Deadlift Championship was held at the state record was established for the open
Master (55-59) who finished with a national record 370. » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch Kentucky International Convention Cen- 198 class with Jeff Smalley’s great 165
165 lbs. Keith Tolson also finished with a national ter. This event was part of the Kentucky curl. For the deadlift event once again it
M. Caliendo 450 315 425 1190 record of 370 with his win at 40-44/shw. Muscle Car and Muscle Expo hosted by was Nickie Stine with a great personal
Open Newcomer Mike Price set the mark at SLP KENTUCKY STATE Brent Jones, which included a classic best and state record 330 pull at open
220 lbs. 50-54/275 with 260. Wayne Williams, NOV 14 2009 » Louisville, KY car show, an arm wrestling competition 165! Even tought Nickie was our only
T. Carnaghi 750 440 575 1765 who came all the way from Hot Springs, and a bikini and bodybuilding competi- woman’s competition, she was very
308 lbs. Arkansas, won at 65-69/198 with 205, BENCH C. Poore 515 tion. Also performing was The Omega deservingly awarded the best lady lifter
B. Fulk — — — — setting the national record there. Our FEMALE 308 lbs. Force Christian Power Team. In the raw of the day. Brian Gilmore continued his
*=ANPPC National Records. Best oldest competitor, Harold Hager (who no Raw J. Phillips 425 bench press event Nickie Stine broke the winning ways at novice 308, finishing
Lifter Bench Men: Terry Cox. Best Lifter one really knows how old he is), broke Open Raw Kentucky state record for the women’s with a new state record of 530. At 16-
Deadlift Men: Nico Davis. Best Lifter his own national record at 75-79/165 165 lbs. Novice open 165 class with her first official 17/165 it was Anthony DiSalvo and Justin
Powerlifting Open Men: Tom Carnaghi. with a great 230. Our final bencher was N. Stine 200* 308 lbs. 200 bench! Brian Gilmore, back from Jacobsen again. And once again Andrew
MALE B. Gilmore 245* elbow surgery, got a new personal best came out on top with a new state record
Special Olympic 4th-255* and state record at novice 308 with 255. of 440 while Justin finished with a
181 lbs. Teen (16-17) For the teenage men’s 16-17/165 class personal best 350. At junior 198 it was
S. Chapala 285 165 lbs. we had quite a battle between Andrew Dominique Vigiano with 450 for the win.
4th-300 A. DiSalvo 275 DiSalvo and Justin Jacobsen. Andrew Our best lifter in the deadlift competition
Submaster 4th-285 finished with his own personal best 285 was William Baity, who finished with
275 lbs. J. Jacobsen 250 for the win, while Justin finished with his 660 opener at 242. Thanks to Tracy
C. Breeden 550* Junior 250. At junior 220 was another close one Barnett for taking some great pictures
Master (40-44) 220 lbs. between Marc Barnett and newcomer again and to Ashley Flowers who helped
165 lbs. M. Barnett 380* Meissan McDaniel. In the end it was me at the table and served as our trophy
C. Flowers 400 220 lbs. Marc for the win with a new personal girl and to Alex Gilmore and Clayton
4th-415* M. McDaniel 360 and state record 380. Meissan finished Allen who helped with the presentations.
Master (50-54) 4th-370 with 370. Taking the win at submaster Thanks also to my sons D.C. and Joey
220 lbs. Submaster 220 with another state record was Clint Latch for doing a great job loading and
J. McDonald 380 220 lbs. Poore, who finished with 415. Our best spotting. A final thank you to The Fitness
Master (65-69) C. Poore 415* lifter in the raw bench press competition Factory and to the Kentuckiana Power
275 lbs. Master (40-44) went to Wayne Hall, who finished with a Team for supplying our equipment and
T. Chapala 380* 308 lbs. big 500 bench at 40-44/308. This also es- for all their help setting up and tearing
Open W. Hall 500* tablished a new state record for the class. down the equipment, and for helping in
198 lbs. Master (50-54) At 50-54/148 it was Mark Evans with 230 the meet in so many ways. See you all
J. Figg 425 148 lbs. for the win there while Jeff Layman won again next year.
220 lbs. M. Evans 230 at 198, breaking his own state record » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch


Back (l-r): Mike Mazanet, Gus Rethwisch, Dale Donney, Jake Eddy, Gary
Best lifters Deb Mitchell & Frank Constanzo (D.L.) Jason Leonhardt almost made 700 (D.L.) Dave Constantineau – 331 BP (G.R.) Gulseth; Front (l-r): Dave Constantineau, Jeff Hooks (Rethwisch photo) Al Andrews – 245 DL (D.L.) Best Lifters Fejj Cory & James Zwar (D.L.)

SLP OHIO STATE Master (40-44) H. Hartman 500* broke the state record at 220 with 450. the title at police/fire 65-69/198. Probably Junior J. Kolski 457 259 lbs. Master (55-59)
impressive with Wisconsin records of 584 MALE
NOV 7 2009 » Hamilton, OH 165 lbs. P. Wilder 360 At 45-49 Terry Bruce set the state record the most popular lifter of the day, though, C. Welch 551 341 528 1420 198 lbs. Men 20-25 220 lbs.
and 600.7 weighing only 218. His limit is Master (50-54)
O. Holt 450* Police/Fire (65-69) at 165 with 335. Steve Watts broke the was 145 lb. lifter Russ Dodson. Lifting in Power Sports CR BP DL TOT Men 20-25 D. Bergman 606 T. Denis
the sky. Jim Ray, an old school guy who 335 275 lbs.
BENCH 242 lbs. 198 lbs. 198 lbs. state record at 198 with 435, taking the the 70-74/148 class, each of Russ’s pulls MALE R. Mecum 429 Men 47-53 Master (70-74)
I enjoyed talking to is still putting up big R. Zimmerman 510*
FEMALE B. Rader 360* F. Costanzo 560* P. Wilder 360 win over Don Hardesty who finished with were new state records, finishing with a 148 lbs. Men 61-67 R. Hanson 556 308 lbs.
numbers, 584 Wisconsin record in 47-53/ Master (60-64)
RAW Teen (18-19) R. Hampton 425 Master (70-74) 305. First-time competitor Jim Morando great fourth attempt of 360. In the open Master II B. Hochstein 512 Open A. Andrews 200* 181 lbs.
super. David Lewis was huge with a per-
Novice 275 lbs. Master (45-49) 148 lbs. won at 220 with 275. Ross Largent, state division Rob Hampton won at 198 with D. Holland 110 209 440 760 220 lbs. M. Mazanet 600 Police/Fire Subs
fectly executed world record 755 in sub- R. Batko 470*
148 lbs. R. Moore 320* 220 lbs. R. Dodson 350* record holder at 220, captured the title at 425, while Alan Hibbard pulled an easy 275 lbs. Class 1 Men SHW 275 lbs.
master 275. He also locked out 771 but Master (70-74)
D. Pfister 115* 4th-330* M. Taylor 445* 4th-360* 242 with a new state record of 420. Mike 600 for the win at 275. Great to see Alan Police/Fire J. Oakland 556 Open B. Stanton
was turned down and he passed the drug 400* 308 lbs.
Master (45-49) Junior Master (55-59) Open Moorehead, lifting in his first competition, back in competition after bicep surgery in C. Bowen 154 413 418 985 Junior 20-25 J. Eddy 722 Open
test. Mack Gipinski set a state record 275 A. Andrews 245*
148 lbs. 198 lbs. 242 lbs. 198 lbs. won at 50-54/165 with 175. Robbin Smith July. Our best lifter in the that competi- 308 lbs. B. Ridings 666 Men 18-19 220 lbs.
in 16-17/181 in his first meet. Jeff Hooks Open
E. Morando 125* R. Rud 285* R. Adams 540* R. Hampton 425 took the 55-59/198 class with 315. For the tion went to Frank Costanzo. The team Master I Z. Oglum T. Denis
set a Wisconsin record in open 198 and 415 148 lbs.
Master (50-54) 220 lbs. Master (65-69) 275 lbs. 60-64/220 class it was Bob Bean with a award went to Fit 1, with members Robyn D. Shingleton 143 325 523 991 Dave Constantineau and Gary Gulseth DEADLIFT
didn’t even wear a bench shirt, 380.2 raw. J. Zwar 430
114 lbs. M. Flum 280 198 lbs. A. Hibbard 600 new state record of 360. Our oldest com- Palmer, Omar Holt, Deb Mitchell, Angie Master Pure were the meet directors and this meet Big 402 Robert Vick bombed on a 876 *=Son Light Power Michigan State
A. Dingus 100* 242 lbs. *=Son Light Power Ohio State Records. petitor in the bench press competition, Dingus, Robbin Smith, Don Hardesty, Josh D. Shingleton 143 325 523 991 was first class. The Crown Plaza was only opener and his partner Tommy HarrisonRecords. Best Lifter Bench: Jeff Cory. Best
181 lbs. C. Hedrick 365* Best Lifter Bench Women: Deb Mitchell. Robert Campbell, broke the state record at Lehner, Elizabeth Morando, Jim Morando » courtesy NASA two blocks off the main interstate and the Lifter Deadlift: James Zwar. The Son Light
couldn’t quite lock out his opener at 749.
Kochendorfer 95* Submaster Best Lifter Bench Raw Men: Steve Watts. 70-74/198 with 170. In the open division and Roy Leedy. Thanks to Bill Sellman and rooms were excellent, the restaurant was Power Michigan State Bench Press/Deadlift
Gary Gulseth set a Wisconsin record529
Master (55-59) 181 lbs. Best Lifter Bench Overall Men: Frank it was Joshua Sams with 300 at 181. In the my son Joey for doing a great job loading WABDL WISCONSIN excellent, the breakfast buffet was excel- Championship was held at Iron Mike’s &
in 40-46/259. He has done 611.7 as re-
148 lbs. K. Coomer 285* Costanzo. Team Champion: FIT 1. Best assisted division it was Frank Costanzo for and spotting, Zach Gorman and others for STATE BP/DL lent and the ballroom was warm-up area Mary’s Fitness Factory. Thanks to owner
cently as a year ago and gave 600 a good
D. Mitchell 155* 308 lbs. Lifter Deadlift: Frank Costanzo. The Son the win at 40-44/198 with 475. Joseph Yu helping out and to Russ Dodson’s sister in FEB 20 2009 » Madison, WI were conductive for some good lifting. In Mike Lamphere for hosting this event and
close effort at this meet. Danyk Eastnan
220 lbs. C. Allred 340* Light Power Ohio State Bench/Deadlift won at 45-49/165 with his state record law, Francis, for helping at the table and the deadlift, Robert Hanson set a Wiscon- to BryanStanton and Dan Stebbins for
set three Wisconsin record t 14-15/123
R. Palmer 135* Master (40-44) Championship was held at Samson Gym. opener of 350. Roy Leedy, nursing a sore serving as our vivacious seventy year old BENCH PRESS S. Shabazz sin state record in 47-53/259 with 556.5. supplying the bench and weights. In the
ending up at 143.2. Robert Hanson set a
MALE 181 lbs. Thanks once again to Darris and Kathie elbow, took the 50-54/220 class with trophy girl. See you all again next year. 105 lbs. Men 18-19 Joe Oakland in class 1/220 pulled a 556. Wisconsin record 3674.7 in 47-53/259 raw bench competition Vic Denis broke
Master (40-44) D. Jeffers 270 Sparks for hosting this annual event. In 400. In the 55-59 age group Darris Sparks » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch Teen 14-15 B. Giernet 529 He’s got great form. In 54-60/165 David to go along with his 556 state recordhis own state record at elite novice 148,
198 lbs. 220 lbs. the raw bench press division we had won at 181 with 415, while Roger Adams D. Eastman 132 4th 540 Anderson hauled in a Wisconsin state re- finishing with 180. Tara Kropf, state record
deadlift. Chris Eastman set a Wisconsin
F. Costanzo 475 S. Fletcher 430 several fine lady lifters. Starting with the broke the state record at 242 with 365. NASA GILMER OPEN 165 lbs. 259 lbs. cord 529. His training partner Dave Felton holder at submaster women 165, won
record 374.7 at 40-46/220. Other state
Master (45-49) 4th-450* novice division it was Danielle Pfister Sam Glover, who just keeps getting stron- JAN 9 2010 » Gilmer, TX Double Ply Men 20-23 was equally as impressive with a 5623 there with 150. Great to see Tera again,
records outside of Wisconsin were sett by
165 lbs. Master (45-49) at 148, finishing with a new Ohio state ger with age, broke the state record at 65- 40-46 D. Bergman 275 in 47-53/181. David Anderson was best Sam Condes of Indiana who slammed up who has returned after surgery of the past
J. Yu 350* 165 lbs. record of 115. Elizabeth Morando won 69/220 with 360. Richard McBee also got BENCH H. Thomason 650 J. Eastman 220 Men 40-46 master lifter by a very close margin over year. William “Cheeseburger” Darnell
407.7 in a class 1 and open Dan Swiftof
Master (50-54) T. Bruce 335* at 45-45/148 with a new state record of the state record in his class, police/fire 40- MALE PS DEADLIFT Class 1 Men G. Gulseth 529 his training partner. Jake Eddy was huge in broke the state record at submaster SHW
Illinois a world class master lifter shot
220 lbs. 198 lbs. 125. At 50-54 it was Angie Dingus with a 44/220, with 440. Another great national Raw FEMALE T. Roberts 281 47-53 size and weight and he pulled a 722 Wis- up 485 in 61-67/220 weighing only 202with 325. Rick Reynolds got a personal
R. Leedy 400 S. Watts 435* new state record of 100 for the 114 class. and world class lifter, Paul Wilder, broke 242 lbs. 123 lbs. 47-53 R. Hanson 374 consin state record in open superheavy. and locked out 502.6 world record butbest and Michigan state record 250 at
Master (55-59) D. Hardesty 305 Cindy Kochendorfer, who came down the state record at police/fire 65-69/198 Master I Open Constantineau 330 Open He has the potential for 800 if he had te 40-44/165. Ray Zimmerman, always a
it was turned down for uneven extension
181 lbs. 220 lbs. from Michigan, set the record at 181 with with 300. Our final lifter in the bench was M. Veith 363 T. Fabela 231 Open G.Gulseth 529 time and desire to go after it. Tim Strandlie and doubled dipping. Michael Happaeticonsistent master lifter, won at 50-54/275
D. Sparks 415 J. Morando 275 95. Moving to the 55-59 age group, best our only casualty, Jason Leonhardt. Jason DEADLIFT MALE Constantineau 330 275 lbs. set a Wisconsin submaster 181 state with 400. Tom Denis got a new personal
set an Illinois record 369.2 in 40-46/198
242 lbs. 242 lbs. lifter Deb Mitchell set the record at 148 bowed out with his opener of 700 at shw. MALE 242 lbs. 181 lbs. Men 33-39 record with 474.8. Jeff Kolski in 16-17/181 and Mike Borg set a Minnesota record best 335 at 55-59/220. Al Andrews broke
R. Adams 365* R. Largent 420* with 155. Our final lady lifter was Robyn The best lifter among the women was SHW Submaster I 16-17 Men D. Lewis 755 set three Wisconsin state records with 391, the state record at 70-74/308 with 200.
451.7 in 47-53/220. The judges were Bob
Master (65-69) Master (50-54) Palmer, who broke the state record at 220 Deb Mitchell. For the raw men the best Open H. Lewis 622 J. Kolski 253 308 lbs. 446 and 457; very impressive for his age Bryan Stanton set the state record at police/
Vivier, Dale Alsteen and Brian Biggs. Gus
220 lbs. 165 lbs. with 135. Danielle, Angie and Cindy were lifter was Steve Watts. Our best overall Push Pull BP DL TOT M. Gapinski 225 Law Fire Open Men and relatively little training time under his Rethwisch and Dave Constantineau sat fire submaster 275 with 400. Our final
S. Glover 345* Moorehead 175 all first-time competitors. For the raw men lifter among the men was Frank Costanzo. MALE 198 lbs. T. Harrison belt. Dennis Johnson at age 65 pulled 518 bencher in the raw division was Aaron
in on world records. Gus Rethwisch was
4th-360* Master (55-59) it was Gary Cheesman taking the win at Moving to the deadlift competition, Nick SHW Class 1 SHW in 61-67/165 and came close with 551. the M.C. and Dave Constantineau was Denis who won at open/220 with 415.
Police/Fire (40-44) 198 lbs. novice 181 with a new state record of Wise showed great form with his win at Submaster S. Condes 407 Elite Open Men Mike Mazanet set a record 600.7 at 259 Our only assisted bencher was Jeff Cory
the scorekeeper and Scott Hubert was the
220 lbs. R. Smith 315 275. Josh Lehner broke the record at 13- novice 181, finishing with a new pr and J. Fibela 369 523 892 40-46 R. Vick open. Brendan Ridings set Illinois state who broke the state record at submaster
platform manager and the Vitamin Shoppe
R. McBee 440* Master (60-64) 15/198 with 285. At 16-17 it was Daniel state record of 500. Second place went Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT M. Happach 369 Open records in the deadlift in open and junior was the main sponsor. Remember, great198 with his first official 500 bench. Jeff
Police/Fire (65-69) 220 lbs. Moorehead at 165 with 305. Daniel to Cody Moore, who finished with 430. FEMALE 47-53 J. Eddy 600 with 666 at 220. He’s a rugged puller with was also awarded the best lifter trophy
hotel with great facilities. Next year, put it
198 lbs. B. Bean 360* Adams won at 181 with 345. Taking the John Weigel broke his own state record 148 lbs. G. Koch 248 J. Ray 584 a big future in deadlifting. Bob Hochstein, on your calendar. amongst all the benchers. In the deadlift
P. Wilder 300* Master (70-74) win at 242 was Brandon Rader with 360. at submaster 220 with 585, just missing a High School Open DEADLIFT also of Illinois, at age 63 almost pulled » courtesy Gus Rethwisch competition Ray Zimmerman broke the
Open 198 lbs. All of the lifters in this age group set new new pr of 600 on his final attempt. In the T. Baker 248 143 297 688 Derengowski 523 165 lbs. a state record 563 but settled for a 512 state record at 50-54/275 with a personal
SHW R. Campbell 170* Ohio state records for their respective 40-44 age group, Omar Holt broke his MALE S. Condes 407 Men 54-50 2 weighing 187. Gregory Kleyn did a SLP MICHIGAN STATE best raw lift of 510. Robert Batko broke the
J. Leonhardt — Open classes. Rick Moore won at 18-19/275 own state record at 165 with 450. Frank SHW J. Hooks 380 D. Anderson 529 kettle bell demonstration at the end of the NOV 22 2009 » Saranac, MI state record at 60-64/181 with 470. Taking
Raw 181 lbs. with his state record final attempt of Costanzo broke the record at 198 with Submaster 220 lbs. Men 61-67 deadlifts that was very informative. He has his second win of the day at 70-74/308
Novice J. Sams 300 330. In the junior men’s division Ryan 560. Second place at 198 went to Rob J. Fibela 600 369 523 1492 40-46 men D. Johnson 418 set four world records in the last two years BENCH T. Kropf 150 was Al Andrews who finished with the state
181 lbs. DEADLIFT Rud set the record at 198 with 285. Matt Hampton, who finished with 425. Marc Raw C. Eastman 374 181 lbs. but settled for a 518 in 54-60/181. He’s a MALE Submaster record of 245. Our final puller was James
G. Cheesman 275* MALE Flum won at 220 with 280, while Cody Taylor broke the state record at 45-49/220 220 lbs. 47-53 Men 47-53 former Russian Olympic lifter. He came Submaster SHW Zwar who finished with 430 at 148. James
Teen (13-15) Novice Hedrick captured the title and state record with 445. Roger Adams got his second Junior M. Borg 451 D. Felton 562 close with a 562 world record. Moving 198 lbs. W. Darnell 325* was also awarded the best lifter trophy
198 lbs. 181 lbs. at 242 with 365. More records were set state record of the day at 55-59/242 with E. Salyer 435 270 501 1206 61-67 Men 54-60 onto the bench press, Bronson Giernet J. Cory 500* Master (40-44) for the deadlifters. Thanks to my son Joey
J. Lehner 285* N. Wise 475* in the submaster division; at 181 by Ken his great 540 pull. Harry Hartman, the Open D. Swift 485 G. Kleyn 518 from Minnesota set a world record in Raw 165 lbs. Latch and Dan Stebbins for doing a great
Teen (16-17) 4th-500* Coomer and Chris Allred, who won at “Ageless Wonder”, pulled 500 for the A. Baker 501 374 512 1387 Open Open 18-19/220 with a huge 540. He was drug Elite Novice R. Reynolds 250* job loading and spotting, to Penny Playford
165 lbs. C. Moore 430 308. Ken finished with 285 while Chris first time in a while, taking the win at 242 lbs. R. Norman 600 G. Kleyn 518 tested and passed as was Jake Eddy who 148 lbs. Master (50-54) for taking some great pictures and to Letha
Moorehead 305* Submaster finished with his personal best 340. Mov- 65-69/198 and setting the state record Junior S. Shabazz Men 33-39 also passed his drug test. Jake followed V. Denis 180* 275 lbs. Zimmerman who served as our trophy girl.
181 lbs. 220 lbs. ing to the master men it was Dan Jeffers there. Second place went to Paul Wilder C. Landmark 506 303 573 1382 Men 33-39 T. Strandlie 474 up his 722 dead with a 600.7 state record Submaster R. Zimmerman See you all again next year.
D. Adams 345* J. Weigel 585* at 40-44/181 with 270. Shane Fletcher who finished with 360. Paul also captured 275 lbs. R. Norman 600 Men 16-17 bench in super. Robert Norman was very 165 lbs. 400 » courtesy Dr. Darrell Latch

These are the same training techniques that have produced countless USAW
national state, and world records. This is a step-by-step program
to building a deadlift. It goes over both sumo and conventional
techniques and includes many photos showing how to train with
the different techniques. The book also goes over grip strength and
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“Chaz” Riddle

contact pauldesimone01@aol.com » you
can get the training manual emailed to you
George James Carol
$ directly as an e-book!

Glenn Murphy, Jr.

Shannon Poe
Howard Cohen

On November 7-8, 2009, the York Barbell Club in York, PA, was the site
of the USAW American Masters. This was the first “olympic style” lifting event
at York Barbell in more than twenty-five plus years! (Powerlifting and all its gear
and many federations has been at York Barbell.) The “home” of weightlifting at
York Barbell—and the father of weightlifting, Mr. Bob Hoffman—had a wonderful

turnout in lifters and also spectators. Lifters came from as far away as Boston,
texas and Florida. Masters age 35 and up included all weight classes for men and
women. Saturday lifting started with the women and then proceded to men 80
From three months old, Jason Milanowski has had cerebral years plus and worked its way down in age. Sunday lifters were the “younger” of
palsy sustained from an injury. It left him with an inability to use the the masters. From 77 year old Dan Takeucki to 35 year old George James, there
muscles on his left side. As the years progressed, his left arm and leg were 140 lifters! I earned the gold medal in the 56 kilo class, Masters 50-54 with
moved more and more improperly and his left elbow, wrist and fin- a 50 kilo snatch lift and a 63 kilo clean and jerk lift for a total of 113 kilos. My
gers became tightly curled. Jason is now 36 years old. For the past two coach on Team Savannah, Howard Cohen, earned the gold in the 69 kilo class,
Masters 75-80, as our Team Savannah took 1st place.
years he has been stretching, lifting, pushing and pulling weights two
My girlfriend Shannon and I toured the York Barbell Museum and noted
to three times a week with Lynne Boshoven. Because of his training,
where my nameplate will be on the USAW Masters Hall of Fame plaque upon my
Jason has developed use of his left side and increased balance and
induction banquet at the USAW National Masters banquet in New York. Almost
coordination. His self-esteem has grown tremendously.
all the lifters took a tour of the museum and had some “kodak moments”—my
The photo above shows Jason doing a flat bench press that has Christian brother George James and his girlfriend Carol took a moment with the
taken him over one and a half years to accomplish. Since the picture Mr. Bob Hoffman statue, and Chaz Riddle and I struck our poses in front of the
was taken in December 2009, his bench has advanced to 80 pounds Bob Hoffman Statue.
for 10 repetitions. What a joy it has been to watch the progress that Many lifters purchased clothing, food and souvenirs; all seemed to enjoy their
he has made accepting tiny baby-step achievements to huge overall visit to York Barbell. What an incredible weekend at an incredibly historic place!
ability with a great personal trainer! » Nancy Milanowski » Glenn Murphy, Jr.


NASA CO STATE Master I MALE 148 lbs. C. Stecker 182 105 231 517
MAR 6 2010 » Denver, CO S. Wortham 94 181 lbs. Master I 165 lbs.
MALE Master Pure P. Hankovszky 215 363 578 Master II
BENCH Open 148 lbs. J. Pisani 160 181 lbs. L. Coxsey 347 242 424 1013
FEMALE B. Betz 424 Int PS DEADLIFT Pure 181 lbs.
Raw 308 lbs. R. Middleton 270 MALE D. Petersen 275 457 732 Master I
132 lbs. Master I 181 lbs. 220 lbs. 198 lbs. D. Petersen 451 275 457 1184
Master I J. Lynn III 407 Master I Master I Pure Master Pure
K. Hughes 182 Raw G. Wortham 286 T. Turner 396 R. Byars 473 523 996 D. Petersen 451 275 457 1184
Master II 148 lbs. Master Pure 275 lbs. 220 lbs. 198 lbs.
M. Hetzel 193 Master I T. Trujillo 281 Master III Master I Int
148 lbs. Hankovszky 215 J. Pisani — J. Balestrrieri 479 J. Miller 303 429 732 J. Thacker 446 292 497 1234
High School 181 lbs. PS CURL Pure Master I
J. Balestrrieri 154 Int Push Pull BP DL TOT T. Kerbs 248 369 617 R. Byars 495 473 523 1492
Junior L. Grajeda 363 FEMALE Teen 220 lbs.
J. Balestrrieri 154 Novice 148 lbs. A. Kizirian 352 584 936 Open
Submaster I J. Smith 292 High School Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT M. Bernardy 573 424 600 1596
A. Rocha 143 Police/Fire J. Balestrrieri 154 248 402 FEMALE Teen
MALE J. Smith 292 4th-DL-253 Raw A. Kizirian 446 352 584 1382
148 lbs. 198 lbs. 148 lbs. 132 lbs. Raw
High School Master Pure Junior Master II 148 lbs.
J. Saffy 171 R. Saffy 341 J. Balestrrieri 154 248 402 M. Hetzel 297 193 319 809 Junior
Novice Submaster II 4th-DL-253 148 lbs. C. Stecker 165 105 231 501
J. Saffy 171 S. Trujillo 292 148 lbs. Master I Open
181 lbs. 220 lbs. Teen R. Teaser 176 105 215 495 B. Bateman 402 281 429 1112
Junior Master I J. Balestrrieri 154 248 402 Master Pure 4th-DL-451
D. Maria 369 M. Cussins 465 4th-DL-253 R. Teaser 176 105 215 495 148 lbs.
Master I 242 lbs. 165 lbs. Submaster I Pure
N. Arguello 424 Master I Novice A. Rocha 220 143 226 589 B. Bateman 402 281 429 1112
Open L. Fossceco 369 D. Brandenburg 132 303 435 165 lbs. 4th-DL-451
N. Arguello 424 275 lbs. Submaster I Master I 148 lbs.
220 lbs. Int D. Brandenburg 132 303 435 L. MacDonald 253 127 264 644 Submaster I
Master I A. Guerra 396 198+ lbs. 181 lbs. B. Bateman 402 281 429 1112
J. Whitbread 451 Master I Master I Submaster Pure 4th-DL-451
B. Betz 424 M. Llamas 281 R. Pacheco 193 303 495 M. Luna 127 143 231 501 165 lbs.
Master Pure PS BENCH Novice MALE High School
M. Cussins 465 FEMALE R. Pacheco 193 303 495 148 lbs. T. Cussins 99 143 198 440
J. Whitbread 451 148 lbs. MALE Teen SO

J. Wade 237 193 242 672 148 lbs. 275 lbs. J. Williams 418 204 391 1013
4th-DL-270 High School Open B. Hegeman 495 385 484 1365
181 lbs. J. Hood 105 220 314 639 C. Porter 160 385 462 1007 T. Anderson — 611 — 611
Open Master Pure Submaster II A. Rucker 336 237 446 1018
N. Painz 429 292 440 1162 J. Hood 105 248 319 672 C. Porter 160 385 462 1007 S. Shelton 292 138 242 672
198 lbs. 165 lbs. Submaster Pure J. Weers 534 242 446 1222
Master III High School C. Porter 160 385 462 1007 C. Ziemba 402 231 440 1073
B. Hertzog 138 143 286 567 T. Fossceco 110 176 358 644 » courtesy Rich Peters R. Carrillo 413 303 385 1101
220 lbs. D. McGregor 94 160 286 539 J. Brandt 396 215 424 1035
High School Junior B. Farley 402 308 501 1211
T. Cylbertson 380 248 385 1013 K. Bell 110 176 319 606 Raw
Master I Master I USAPL CAPITOL CITY C. Pelster 209 105 248 562
J. Sabar 330 259 468 1057 C. Brown 138 270 424 831 CLASH C. Longo 204 154 286 644
Master Pure Submaster I JAN 23 2010 » Lincoln, NE Carpenter II 275 182 402 859
P. Strevett 528 369 539 1437 McClure Sr. 105 154 336 595 R. Wells 187 94 237 517
Teen Teen Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT S. Peterson 193 143 237 573
C. Culbertson 413 248 385 1046 T. Cussins 66 143 198 407 (Lifters by Bodyweight) A. Kemler 209 143 330 683
308 lbs. 181 lbs. J. Kruse 237 132 264 633 L. Henson 253 172 314 739
Open Youth S. Tompkins — 105 — 105 T. Brooks 231 165 319 716
S. Brotherton 534 369 562 1464 McCormick 55 88 198 341 J. Cox 220 132 292 644 D. Ferguson 275 204 352 831
Submaster Pure 198 lbs. L. Muselman 231 165 314 710 Q. Rochford 308 193 363 864
S. Brotherton 534 369 562 1464 Master I C. Chandler 253 154 336 743 R. Rosendahl 83 66 193 341
Power Sports CR BP DL TOT R. Saffy 171 341 473 985 L. Wilder 237 154 314 705 J. Folkers — 253 — 253
FEMALE Master III Q. Evans 286 154 325 765 M. Phelan 308 231 435 974
148 lbs. J. Lynn Jr. 138 226 303 666 T. Medina 248 171 308 727 K. Wallick 198 110 275 584
Master I Master Pure K. Jackson 413 215 396 1024 DeWispelare 325 215 363 903
R. Teaser 66 105 215 385 R. Saffy 171 341 473 985 C. McCorker 413 237 396 1046 J. Kizer 473 237 573 1283
181 lbs. Pure S. Castillo 380 209 407 996 B. Nichols 336 226 479 1040
Master II R. Saffy 182 341 473 996 J. Davis 314 154 321 789 S. Rudy 138 110 237 484
K. Meyer-Lee 61 110 154 325 220 lbs. D. Gilchrist 402 264 413 1079 K. Cave 413 297 484 1195
Submaster Pure Master I A. Brown 198 116 231 545 S. O’Neill 407 220 429 1057
M. Luna 77 143 231 451 M. Cussins 176 465 358 999 Beascochea 501 374 495 1371 Z. Tierney 402 226 468 1095
MALE J. Miller 132 303 429 864 V. Harrington 325 220 402 947 E. Kenkel 325 264 352 941
114 lbs. 242 lbs. T. Wolf 209 — 253 462 R. Jensen 468 226 517 1211
Youth Master I B. O’Byrne 462 297 402 1162 Schoenhofer 479 281 506 1266
McClure, Jr. 33 72 143 248 L. Fossceco 143 369 391 903 M. Griffith 424 319 451 1195 » courtesy Bill Sindelar

5TH WESTMINSTER 275 lbs. 132 lbs. B. Bacher 435* 665* 1100* Teen (14-15) Am Master (45) Am
OCT 31 2009 » Westminster, MD
T-GRIP BARBELLS Master (41) Raw Pro
H. Vega 335*
Master (56) Raw Am
C. Loutrary 400*
Powerlifting SQ
BP DL TOT Z. Rebollido 400 205
Teen (14-15) Raw Am
400 1005
C. Blough
242 lbs.
650 450 640* 1740

Open Raw Pro 165 lbs. 198 lbs. R. Hydock 160* — 190* 350 Junior Raw Am
The T-GRIP BARBELLS are different from any other parallel grip
BENCH Submaster Raw bars and by far the most uniquely designed bars that can be B. Bowlin — Master (57) Open Teen (15) Raw Am Open Pro M. Kacergis 440 390 530 1360
FEMALE 181 lbs. used for the widest variety of training. They are the only paral- E. Daubert 475 Raw Am S. Tataglone 250* 145* 320* 715* D. Sands 700 150 455 1305 Open Pro
132 lbs. M. Hodge 250 lel grip bars that have the option of an ez-curl bar that is in- 308 lbs. R. Legg 225 148 lbs. 198 lbs. D. Barth 615 550 635 1800
M. Bulter 175 198 lbs. tegraded into the bar design. Having this option allows them - Deadlifts Master (62) Am 181 lbs. Open Elite Am Teen (16-17) Am Open Pro
165 lbs. G. Carpenter 305 to be the most versatile bars on the market today. The T-GRIP - Straight leg deadlifts B. O’Brien 460* Junior Am M. Borzok 500 — — 500 R. Telepo 300 195 365 860 A. McCloskey 850 565 640 2055
M. Hardesty 110 Submaster Barbells were designed with certain curves that contour to the - Bent over rows Master (62) Pro W. McDaniel 455 MALE Teen (19) Raw Am 308 lbs.
body of every person which will enable you to perform certain - T-GRIP rows (T-bar rows without needing to modify with an
181 lbs. 220 lbs. movements and exercises with complete comfort, balance and attachment that will slide)
B. O’Brien 450 220 lbs. Teen (14-15) Am J. Cuviello 390* 280 385 1055* Open Raw Am
D. Taymans 110 R. Pugh 500 stability. The bars are crafted with the highest quality and can - Ez-curls (inside grip) Master (43) Pro Submaster Raw Am J. Parrish 365 190 150 705 Open Raw Am Vanderhoof 525 375 615* 1515
MALE Master I Raw handle a lot of abuse and more weight than can be lifted by any - Hammer curls C. Riedy — D. Haupt 520* Junior Raw Am J. Dziedzic 430 325 445 1200 Junior Raw Am
Teens 165 lbs. human. The T-GRIP BARS are great for powerlifting, bodybuild- - Strongman curls, (can only be used with and was named from Master (51) Raw Am 242 lbs. W. Hanlon 325 240 425* 990 Master (46) Raw Am A. Cuenco 540 340 555 1435
75 lbs. D. Myers 295 ing, post rehabilitation, sport specific training, injury prevention the T-GRIP bar) J. Doherty 480 Open Pro Open Raw Am B. Young 430* 275* 470* 1175* Junior Pro
N. Gregori 65 P. Kuegler 285 and all around weight lifting, health and fitness. Parallel or neu- - T-GRIP Forearm curls (can only be done with a T-GRIP Bar) DEADLIFT A. McCloskey 640 J. Witmer 225 215 385 825 220 lbs. A. Klein 805 585 700 2090
tral grip pressing is being more recognized for injury prevention - Skull crushers, (inside grip or neutral grip)
148 lbs. 181 lbs. Push Pull BP DL TOT Master (73) Pro Teen (16-17) Am SHW
because of less stress on the shoulder rotator cuffs, elbows and - Close grip bench with 5 ft. T-GRIP
C. Raines 155 S. Greene 385 joints. - And many other exercises….. 100 lbs. F. Glass 385 95 335 815 A. Pasquino 525 245 375 1145 Teen (19) Raw Am
165 lbs. M. Moyer 310 Youth (12) Raw Am 165 lbs. Teen (18) Raw Am D. Eugene 570 340 570 1480
S. Boyer 235 198 lbs. - Front Squats PRODUCTS B. Daubert 100 225 325 Teen (18) Raw Am A. Masih 470 310 580 1360 4th-DL-605
Open Raw T. Stevenson 345 - Push Press 5 ft. single handle T-GRIP 148 lbs. Chodkowski 370* 205 500* 1075* Teen (18) Am Open Pro
148 lbs. M. Bener 320 - Clean and press 7 ft. single handle T-GRIP Teen (14-15) Am Junior Raw Am T. Ludicello 555 415 500 1470 N. Corticchia 835 665 610 2110
N. Hutson 310 220 lbs. - Military Press 7 ft. double handle T-GRIP R. Brands 185 335 520 J. Palazzolo 455* 310 495 1260* Open Raw Pro J. Martino 825 600 650 2075
- Shrugs (front and back) 7 ft. double angled handle T-GRIP
165 lbs. D. Sidelinker 405 - Up-right rows (hands slightly angled instead of straight) better
242 lbs. Open Pro N. Snyder 605* 400 595 1600* Master (40) Pro
C. McDaniel 2685 242 lbs. range, nice option *The one the only original Patent Pending T-GRIP BARBELL* Open Raw Pro S. Larrisey — — — — Open Am A. Aline 800 675 570 2045
181 lbs. R. Wilson 355 - Front raises G. Butia 505 625 1130 181 lbs. R. Baldwin 505 405 500 1410 *=IPA World Records.
S. Greene 385 H. Raines 325 - All Bench pressing 1-800-985-8922 | info@t-gripbarbell.com SHW Teen (14-15) Am Submaster Am » courtesy Gene Rychlak, Jr., Vice Pres.,
S. Bogage 315 275 lbs. - Pull overs www.T-GRIPBARBELL.com Police Raw Pro R. Hydock 300 200 300 800 R. Pugh 600 500 475 1575 International Powerlifting Committee
T. Hartle 225 S. Kizma 500
198 lbs. W. Cook 350
M. Hodge 405 Master I
T. Stevenson 345 148 lbs.
220 lbs. S. Gregori 280
S. Pensyl 450 198 lbs.
D. Sidelinker 405 T. Burgess 405
242 lbs. J. Utermahlen 500 W. Belluci 308 J. Ochs 176 V. McElroy 60 115 176 D. Beakley 364 529 893 PULL UP & BODY UP ATTACHMENT
S. Koontz 375 Master II Raw Raw Master 60-69 Open Men Bench B. Long 137 115 203 457 E. Weise 309 540 849
275 lbs. 275 lbs. 242 181 L. Miner 82 121 203 275 lbs.
R. Dorsainvil 385 B. Schnepf 385 R. Root 165 K. Leisinger 253 N. Millard 209 148 253 611 K. Rudolf 342 634 976
SHW Master III Raw Master 60-69 220 R. Asheim 99 132 231 P. Weisbroh 276 540 816
B. Wood 410 198 lbs. 220 S. Garcia 363 G. Alickson 126 115 132 374 SHW
Open C. Mulligan 295 R. Mylant 347 242 T. Fossen 165 137 165 468 D. Damminga 402 728 1130

148 lbs. 220 lbs. Master 70-79 D. Brown 468 M. Foote 126 132 192 451 Best Raw Push Pull Lifter: Dave Dammin-

S. Gregori 280 B. Blough 270 165 J. Simmons 88 121 209 ga. Best Equipped Push Pull Lifter: Mar-
D. Pezzanite — Master III Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT R. Denevan 115 176 292 shall Johnson. Dakota Barbell Powerlifting INSERTS 41” LONG
181 lbs. 198 lbs. Teen 12-13 J. Barba 115 115 Club hosted the first American Powerlift- ADJUSTS
D. Sands 500 A. Brock 230 148 G. Schuldies 137 137 ing. Twenty-one lifters entered the meet
$299 FROM 38” TO 66”
W. McDaniel 340 220 lbs. A. Montoya 203 110 220 534 » courtesy USAPL which was held at Shanley High School
242 lbs. M. Levin 350 Teen 18-19 gymnasium. Equipped and unequipped
R. Robinson — 275 lbs. 123 DAKOTA BARBELL FALL divisions were offered so new lifters could
SHW D. Joy Sr. 310 A. James 203 148 275 628 BRAWL find out what powerlifting is all about.
J. D’Angelo 430 Master 40-49 NOV 1 2009 » Fargo, ND Dakota Barbell plans to have a full pow-
“Pump up the volume! Pump up the 220 erlifting meet in the spring of 2010. Spon- CHROME PLATED Package Consist of: 1" Bar, Two Spring Clips
excitement! Pump up the iron!” was L. v.d.Vorste 440 314 507 1262 BENCH DEADLIFT sors: Prairie Oral Surgery, Natural Health CROSS BAR Two Chains with Carbine Hooks and Two
Scott Blader’s mind set at the Westminster 319 242 lbs. Raw & Chiropractic, S& S Promotion, Shanley (SHOWN PAINTED) Single Rowing Handles.

Family Center’s 5th annual Halloween Bill Collins 677 501 600 1779 T. Goerish — 181 lbs. High School. Meet Director: Anthony WRIST ROLLER ATTACHMENT
bench press competition. More than forty Master 50-59 Raw M. Graber 441 Carlquist. Head Judge: Gregg Damminga.
contestants strutted, stomped and psyched 165 242 lbs. 198 lbs. Side Judges: Jason Ehlert, Jesse Canton. ATTACHMENT 2” X 4” TUBE $79.95
their way to the stage while Bixler S. Hill 336 220 374 936 D. Coulter 408 D. Hansen 661 Spotters: Joe Icenhour, Shawn Nash, James
275 lbs. 308 lbs.
and the crowd cheered them on. John 181 H. Special Thanks: Erin Ehlert, Melvin (An-
C. Rude 364 R. Edinger 656 nouncer), Jessica Carlquist, Raquel Ruden,
Utermahlen, David Sands, Scott Kuzma K. Leisinger 220 259 363 843
Push Pull BP DL TOT
and Rusty Pugh all pressed 500 pounds. 275 Shannon Brakke. Meet Equipment: Two
Director Scott Bixler said, “This was a K. McKnight 429 374 468 1273 132 lbs. Texas power bars, two Texas deadlift bars,
smooth meet,” but plenty of volunteers Master 70-79 L. Brossert 132 259 391 Metal Militia Bench (Gregg Damminga), 1000 LB. CAPACITY
helped to make it successful and raised 165 181 lbs. Safe USA bench, Jesup Gym Bench, 2 RACK ADJUSTS FOR SQUATS
more than $1,000 for Access Carroll and J. Ochs 220 170 270 661 B. Mayo 292 347 639 Jesup Gym Barbells. FROM 14” TO 48” (outside)
the Westminster Family Cneter. Lucas Open Men 220 lbs. » courtesy Anthony Carlquist Shanley
Burnham, Niko Huslander, Jeff Van Dyke, 198 R. Hintz 325 562 887
Joe Semeister and Joe Hanson. The city of T. Craig
T-grip_barbell_ad.indd 1
573 352 556 1482 242 lbs. IPA BARNO-NEWMAN3/23/10 11:08:34 AM
Westminter, GNC and Joe’s Welding were S. Stumpf 391 2364 479 1135 E. May 265 435 700 CLASSIC
the main sponsors for the meet. J. Schefcik 352 297 435 1086 F. Tekautz 413 650 1063
FEB 13 2010 » Whitehall, PA
Can be used with 5, 6 & 7 ft bars
» courtesy Westminster City Recreation 220 275 lbs. Rack can be used for SQUAT, DIP, BENCH PRESS, INCLINE
T. Schepper 545 396 600 1543 M. Johnson 446 650 1096 BENCH 165 lbs.
USAPL DAKOTA OPEN 523 363 512 1399 R. Kloeckner — — —
I. Boling 85 lbs. Master (57) Open
Package consist of Bar with Two Spring Clamps

NOV 13-14 2009 » Rapid City, SC C. Herrmann 462 242 540 1245 Raw
Wrist Roller with Carbine Hook & Oly. Weight Peg
Youth (9) Raw Am Raw Am
C. Lotvedt 407 303 518 1229 165 lbs. J. Doherty 60 R. Legg 200
BENCH T. Brown 231 319 P. Bosko 160 364 524 123 lbs. 220 lbs. 160 Home St., Elmira, NY 14904
40-49 181 F. Dupris 573 380 529 1482 181 lbs. Teen (13) Raw Am Master (42) Raw Am Tel: 800-446-1833
C. Sayre 237 441 678
242 N. Backous 308 SHW J. Doherty 115* K. Nace —
New York Barbell of Elmira, Inc.
D. Brown 468 K. Leisinger 253 J. Leo 727 606 617 1951 198 lbs. 148 lbs. 242 lbs.
MEGA SHRUG BAR Fax: 607-733-1010
Master 50-59 Raw Master 50-59 Northern Hill Training Ctr. Special Guests L. Huckle 276 369 645 Junior Am Open Pro
080109 UNBEATABLE PRICES & QUALITY Email: info@newyorkbarbells.com
165 220 K. Hines 55 71 99 225 242 lbs. D. Pezzanite — A. McCloskey 565

USAPL NORTH D. Dula 77 77 182 336 D. Short 270 165 254 689 A. Martin 441 408 502 1350 Master (40-49) Open Open P. Voosen 369 270 407 1046
CAROLINA STATE 198 lbs. C. Connell 402 — 463 865 D. Huntsinger 518 287 474 1279 132 lbs. J. Longfellow 551 341 551 1442 M. Reep 336 360 429 1125 242 lbs.
OCT 10 2009 » NC M. Moore 165 132 285 582 198 lbs. J. McAleo 203 209 331 843 J. Taylor 354 88 236 480 198 lbs. 181 lbs. Open
MALE M. Hopkins 540 402 540 1463 P. Chunn — — — — MALE (50-55) Open P. Russell 457 363 495 1316
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT Open S. Short 502 358 457 1317 275 lbs. 242 lbs. L. Vallot 286 226 314 826 R. Steffen 363 231 407 1002 G. Hagins 462 275 506 1244
FEMALE 123 lbs. A. Davs 452 347 507 1306 K. Gibson 623 369 579 1571 Teen (13-15) Open V. Arurnoli 286 198 418 903 275+ lbs.
Open D. Rodgers 231 154 303 680 P. Capps 465 314 502 1270 D. Hindman 502 359 502 1372 E. Graham 457 308 479 1241 D. Jurgens 573 402 705 1679 198 lbs. (40-49)
114 lbs. 132 lbs. J. King 408 287 507 1202 J. Kellum 375 335 480 1150 Teen (16-17) 275 lbs. (40-49) M. Byers 330 303 407 1040
A. Padgett 209 116 298 623 D. Euland 248 248 358 854 N. Mieal 386 342 474 1202 J. McCann 435 242 402 1179 198 lbs. (50-59) M. Brown 319 270 418 1007 Open
148 lbs. J. Harper 243 215 314 772 J. Collie 413 259 441 1113 SHW C. Rice 402 275 485 1159 T. Stewart 523 341 539 1404 Open A. Johnson 573 363 639 1574
J. Emerson 165 127 276 568 148 lbs. M. Facteau 452 254 408 1113 C. Pack 375 309 430 1113 !=American Records. *=State Records. Open E. Kasabuske 551 308 639 1497 Meet Director: Lance Slaughter. Referees:
165 lbs. R. Facteau 413 320 468 1202 220 lbs. R. Genjamin 3313 292 485 1108 Venue: Patriot Fitness Center. Thanks to Dave K. Smith 330 292 457 1079 M. Chapdelaine 407 347 495 1250 Bill Ennis-IPF Cat II, Gretchen Buerki-
A. Wingo 77 88 226 391 T. Barefoot 325 237 402 964 B. Schnitzer 601 463 595 1659 Teen (14-15) and Mary Jeffrey, Courtney Stanley, Mark Raw J. Couse 396 275 407 1079 National, Steve Hegl-National, Lance
181 lbs. L. Keenon 231 292 375 8008 Z. Hamidt 540 369 507 1416 181 lbs. Richards, Rob and Robin Graham, and Dan 148 lbs. 220 lbs. Slaughter-National, Snow Baehr-State,
D. Dula 77 77 182 336 165 lbs. L. Galloway 441 430 452 1323 D. Short 270 165 254 669 Lass for judging. Thanks to the Orange Crush (16-17) (40-49) Jason Bowers-State, John Planas-State.
198 lbs. A. James 331 254 462 1047 J. Crosby 331 254 641 1025 Teen (16-17) U-14 Softball team for concessions. Thanks T. Hollis 242 193 314 749 D. Mahan 528 319 539 1387 Platform Staff: John Planas, Brent Tanaka,
M. Moore 165 132 265 562 181 lbs. E. Henderson 231 231 353 616 123 lbs. to Cody, Ricky, Franko, and Plas for spotting/ (60+) S. Graham 253 358 330 941 Jon Kim, Spencer Gill, Larry Pollack,
Teen T. Pardue 524 350 573 1477 242 lbs. D. Rodgers 231 154 303 689 loading. Thanks to our sponsors: APT, Ken G. Santee 275 215 440 930 (50-59) Bruce Mendoza, Daniel Weigel, Sean
148 lbs. S. Sinclair 5020 320 474 1295 M. McCoy 639 519 672 1830 132 lbs. Anderson Powerlifting, Powerlifting USA, R.Mattison 198 226 385 809 K. Jordan 424 286 451 1162 Waxman, Julien Pineau. Expeditor: Tom
J. Emerson 165 127 76 368 M. Coats 441 303 540 1284 W. McAteer 551 452 502 1505 J. Harper 243 215 314 772 BioMuscle, Power, Island Builders, and Jon J. Killin 330 204 446 980 M. Wolmesdorf 275 253 303 831 Miller. Score Cards: Melody Jordan.
165 lbs. B. Lane 369 281 474 1124 J. Leonard 507 331 568 1405 220 lbs. Elick for bring his Forza bench. 165 lbs. Open Compter Scoring: Hung Plam. Announcer:
A. Wingo 77 68 226 391 W. Warneck 331 209 364 904 D. Abbott 535 375 474 1383 E. Henerson 231 231 353 816 » courtesy Tim Cochran (18-19) D. Green 600 385 683 1668 Lance Slaughter.
181 lbs. D. Pride 187 331 2004 722 A. Sinclair 502 424 435 1361 Teen (18-19) G. Darneil 259 226 402 886 C. Barickman 385 270 407 1062 » courtesy USAPL
148 lbs.
R. Facleau 413 320 468 1202 USAPL SOUTHERN CA
242 lbs. NOV 7 2009 » Santa Clarita, CA
M. McCoy 639 518 672 1030
Master (40-49) BENCH 165 lbs.
181 lbs. FEMALE Open
B. Lane 369 281 474 1124 Raw M. Goodwin 341
198 lbs. 165 lbs. 181 lbs.
S. Short 502 358 457 1317 Open (40-49)
P. Capps 463 314 502 1279 M. Bohounek 94 G. Strassberg 242
J. Cottie 413 259 441 1113 198 lbs. 198 lbs.
220 lbs. T. Patterson 160 (16-17)
S. Schnitzer 601 463 595 1659 MALE S. Rheaume —
242 lbs. 123 lbs. (40-49)
W. McAtear 551 452 502 1505 (18-19) M. Sweet 286
A. Martin 441 408 502 1350 W. Garcia 314 (60+)
D. Huntsinger 518 287 474 1270 181 lbs. M. Kane —
P. Chunn — — — — (60+) 242 lbs.
Master (50-59) D. Cummerow 330 (50-59)
181 lbs. 198 lbs. A. Waldon 424
W. Warmack 331 209 364 904 Open Open
198 lbs. L. Oeri 341 A. Waldon 424
A. Dayls 452 347 507 1305 220 lbs. DEADLIFT
242 lbs. (40-49) FEMALE
D. Abbott 535 375 474 1383 H. Fritz 374 Raw
J. Sinclair 502 424 435 1361 Open 198 lbs.
Master (60-69) L. Castillo 402 Open
198 lbs. K. Ransom 259 T. Patterson 358
M. Facteau 452 254 408 1114 242 lbs. MALE
242 lbs. (50-59) Raw
J. McAfee 303 209 331 843 M. Murray 440 181 lbs.
275 lbs. A. Waldon 424 (40-49)
J. McCann 435 342 402 1179 Open G. Strassberg 347
» courtesy USAPL A. Waldon 418 (50-59)
275 lbs. R. Cavileer 462
(4-049) 198 lbs.
USPF REGION IV OPEN R. Garcia 418 (40-49)
NOV 21 2009 » Parkersburg, WV Open M. Sweet 418
R. Garcia 418 220 lbs.
BENCH R. Harbert 551* MALE Open
MALE Open Raw B. Paul 512
Master 275 lbs. Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT
165 lbs. E. Horton 418 FEMALE
S. Phillips 253 Open Submaster 105 lbs.
Submaster 275 lbs. (50-59)
220 lbs. A. Baria 727!* S. Whiting 154 99 204 457
J. Elick 600 DEADLIFT Raw
Master (50-59) FEMALE 132 lbs.
242 lbs. Master (50-59) Open
R. Dickerson 352 123 lbs. T. Martinez 116 99 198 413
Master (40-49) D. Barnette 281!* MALE
242 lbs. MALE 148 lbs.
R. Perkins 407 Master (40-49)
Submaster 242 lbs. D. Matsumoto 556 424 512 1492
242 lbs. C. Stanley 633!* Open
Powerlifting SQ BP DL TOT D. Matsumoto 556 424 512 1492
FEMALE 165 lbs.
Open Open
132 lbs. R. Spencer 551 325 600 1475
B. Williams 198 93 253 545 181 lbs.


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This is a photo of John Gamble
from Garry Benford’s 1982
YMCA Nationals at the old
Columbus YMCA. We ran it on
the cover of the February 1982
issue of Powerlifting USA, back
when the magazine was all
black and white. Even though
it was a rather “thin” medium
format negative (somewhat
underexposed) it captured a
lot of detail, just as John was
locking the weight out. When
have you ever seen veins
standing out on the traps of a
lifter this heavy!?!

Think you got what it takes to be

the next Power Photo lifter? Prove
it—send your best powerlifting
shots to Powerlifting USA, P.O.
Box 467, Camarillo, CA 93011 or



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