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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani: Pilani Campus AUGS/ AGSR Division

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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division


Date: 02.01.2020

In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
Course No : CHE F 243
Course Title : Materials Science and Engineering
Instructor-in-Charge : Krishna Etika
Tutorial Instructor(s) : Krishna Etika
Priya C. Sande
Lecture : M W F 3rd Hour (10:00 A.M.)
Tutorial : T 1st Hour (08:00 A.M.)

1. Course Description:
Introduction on materials for engineering, structures of metals, ceramics and polymers; crystalline
structure imperfections; amorphous and semi crystalline materials (includes glasses, introduction to
polymers); Correlation of structure to properties and engineering functions (mechanical, chemical,
electrical, magnetic and optical); phase diagrams; Improving properties by controlled solidification,
diffusion or heat treatment; Failure analysis and non-destructive testing; Types of materials (includes
synthesis, fabrication and processing of materials): Polymers and composites, Environmental
degradation of materials (corrosion); Evolution of materials (functional materials, Biomimetic materials,
energy saving materials etc); Criteria for material selection

2. Scope and Objective of the Course:

This course will be focused on the necessity of the chemical engineering students to know and understand
about the materials used in industrial applications and develop a background in the general area of materials.
Systematic review of the basic structures of inorganic solids (metallic, ceramics, and polymers) and
techniques to determine basic microstructures and phases will be done. Emphasis will be given on
structures-properties correlations, and applications in chemical industries. Advance materials and their
applications will be covered.

3. Text Book(s):
T1. Callister's Materials Sc & Engg, W.D. Callister & R. Balasubramaniam (Adapted), Wiley, 2nd.
ed., 2014.

4. Reference Books:
R1. Materials science and engineering by V. Raghavan, 5th edition, Prentice Hall of India, ISBN:
R2. Materials science and engineering by Smith, Hashemi, and Prakash, 4th edition (2008), Tata
McGraw Hill education pvt. Limited, ISBN 10: 0-07-066717-9 or ISBN 13: 978-0-07-066717-4.
R3. The Science and Engineering of Materials by Askeland and Fulay, 6th Ed. Cengage Learning,
Indian reprint 2012, ISBN 9788131516416.
R4. Essentials to Materials Science and Engineering by Askeland and Phule, 2nd Ed. Cengage
Engineering, Indian reprint 2013, ISBN: 9788131520703

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

5. Course Plan:
Topics details to be Covered in Reference
Module No: Topics Learning Outcome
Lecture (L) & Tutorial (T) Sessions Ch.:Sec.
At the end of the module,
the student will be able to
 Summarize the scope,
Introduction to
L1: Why Study Materials Science objectives, and structure
and Engineering? Classification of T1:1 of course
Materials  Recognize the
Importance of materials
in chemical engineering
and related applications
L2: Unit cell, Crystallographic
directions and planes. Point At the end of the module,
M2: T1:3.1-3.10 the student will be able to
Crystal Structures, Coordinates, Crystallographic
Directions, Crystallographic Planes  Distinguish between
crystalline and
Points, Directions, L3: Single Crystals, Polycrystalline
amorphous materials.
and Planes, Materials, Anisotropy, Crystal T1:3.1-3.10  Identify crystal
Crystalline and Structures, Noncrystalline Solids structures, direction and
T1. Exercise problems T1: 3

L4: FCC, BCC, HCP, Density

At the end of the module,
Computation, Closed pack crystal T1 4.1-4.9
the student will be able to
structure, Polymorphosm &
 Draw unit cells for SC,
L5: Radius ratio rules, AX-Type,
crystal structures
AMXP-Type, and AMBNXP-Type T1 4.10-
 Compute density of
Crystal Structures, Ceramic Density 4.17
metals and ceramics
Computations, Silicate Ceramics and
M3: given their unit cell
Structures of dimensions
materials (Metals,  Predict the crystal
L6: Polymer molecules, Molecular
Ceramics and structure of ceramics.
Weight, Shape, Structure, and T1 13.1-
Polymers).  Describe basic polymer
Configurations, Thermoplastic and 13.10
molecule structure
Thermosetting Polymers, T1 14.10-
Copolymers, Crystallization, Melting, 14.13  Calculate number
and glass transition in polymers. average molecular
weights and degree of
polymerization for a
T1 4, 13,
T 2 : Exercise Problems specified polymer.
14.  Describe the working

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

principle of XRD &

Microscopic techniques
L7: Polymer crystallinity, Polymer work for Materials
crystals, polymer types T1 4.20, T1 Characterization
5.11-5.13 +
L8-9. : Determination of crystal notes
structure, Bragg’s Law, diffraction
technique, Optical and electron
microscopy, grain size determination

T3. Exercise problems T1: 4, 5

L10: Vacancies and Self- At the end of the module,
Interstitials, Impurities in Solids, T1: 5.1-5.10 the student will be able to
Specification of Composition  Describe defects in crystal
M5: Imperfections
structures of metals and
in Solids,
Point Defects, L11-12: Dislocations–Linear
 Identify edge,screw and
Miscellaneous Defects, Interfacial Defects, Bulk or T1: 5.1-5.10
dislocation type of defects
Imperfections Volume Defects, Atomic Vibrations
 Name various ionic point
defects in ceramics
T4. Exercise problems T1: 5
At the end of the module,
L12: Diffusion Mechanisms, Steady- the student will be able to
State Diffusion,  Describe the atomic
mechanism of diffusion in
M6: metallic, ionic and
Diffusion T1: 6.1-6.8 polymeric materials
Steady and non- L13-14: Nonsteady-State Diffusion,  Calculate the diffusion
steady diffusion Factors That Influence Diffusion, coefficient for some
materials at a specified
Other Diffusion Paths
 Write Fick’s First and
T5. Exercise problems T1: 5 Second Law for diffusion
L15: Concept of stress and strain, At the end of the module,
elastic deformation, plastic the student will be able to
T1: 9.5-9.10
deformation, hardness, Viscoelastic
deformation, Factors influencing  State Hooke’s
M7: Mechanical
mechanical properties  Perform basic
properties and
T1:11.1- calculations on
Failure of L16-17: Ductile and Brittle fracture,
11.14 engineering stress strain
materials fracture mechanics, Impact facture diagram
testing, Fatigue and Creep Fracture.  Describe the mechanism
of fracture in engineering
T6. Exercise problems T1: 9, 11 materials and perform

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

basic calculations.
L 18: Fracture of polymers, Factors  Define creep and fatigue
that influence mechanical properties T1: 14.5- and the conditions under
of semi crystalline polymers, 14.9 which they occur.
Deformation of Elastomers  List the factors
influencing mechanical
properties of materials.
L19: Characteristics of Dislocations , At the end of the module,
Slip Systems , Slip in Single Crystals the student will be able to
T1: 10.1-
, Plastic Deformation of
Polycrystalline Materials ,  Describe edge and screw
Deformation by Twinning dislocation motion from
M 8: Dislocations
an atomic perspective
and Strengthening L20-21: Strengthening by Grain Size  Define slip system and
Mechanisms Reduction, Solid-Solution cite one example
Strengthening, Strain Hardening,  Define and explain the
Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain phenomenon of strain
growth and Precipitation Hardening hardening in terms of
dislocations and strain
field interactions.
T7. Exercise problems T1: 10,14
L22: Solubility Limit, Phases, At the end of the module,
Microstructure, Phase Equilibria, the student will be able to
One-Component (or Unary) Phase
Diagrams. Binary Isomorphous T1: 7.1-7.10  Schematically sketch
simple phase diagrams
Systems, Development of
and locate various phase
Microstructure in Isomorphous regions in the diagram.
Alloys, Binary Eutectic Systems,  Identify phases present in
a binary phase diagrams
L23-24: Development of  Locate temperatures and
compositions of all
M9: Microstructure in Eutectic Alloys,
eutectic, eutectoid,
Equilibrium Diagrams Having peritectic and congruent
Phase Diagrams Intermediate Phases or Compounds, phase transformations
T1: 7.10-
Eutectic and Peritectic Reactions,  Write reactions for all
The Gibbs Phase Rule, The Iron–Iron these transformations for
Carbide (Fe–Fe3C) Phase Diagram, either heating or cooling
Development of Microstructure in  Given the composition of
Iron–Carbon Alloys, The Influence of an iron-carbon alloy,
identify whether the
Other Alloying Elements.
alloy is hypo or hyper
eutectoid and compute
mass fraction of the
T8. Exercise problems T1: 7 phases.

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

At the end of the module,

the student will be able to
L25: Kinetics of phase
transformations, Metastable Vs T1: 8.1-8.5  Make a schematic
equilibrium states, Isothermal fraction transformation
Transformation Diagrams. Vs logarithm of time plot
M 10: for a typical solid-solid
transformation and cite
L26-28: Continuous Cooling the equation that
Transformations describes this behavior
Mechanical behavior of Fe-C alloys, T1: 8.6-8.9  Design a heat treatment
tempered Martensite. that will produce a
specified microstructure
for a given isothermal
transformation diagram.
T9. Exercise problems T1: 8

L 29: Particle Reinforced At the end of the module,

Composites: Large-particle the student will be able to
composites, concrete, Portland
cement concrete, reinforced concrete,  Name the three main
Dispersion strengthened composites. divisions of composite
materials, and cite the
L 30-31: Fiber reinforced distinguishing feature of
composites: Influence of fiber length, each.
fiber orientation and fiber  Calculate longitudinal
M11: T1:15.1- modulus and longitudinal
Composite 15.14 strength for an aligned
Materials L32: Polymer Matrix Composites, and continuous fibrous
Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic composites.
Matrix Composites,  Cite the desirable
features of metal matrix
L33: Carbon-carbon composites and ceramic matrix
Hybrid Composites and Structural composites.
composites: Laminar composites,  Name and briefly
sandwich panels, nanocomposites. describe the two sub
classifications of
T9. Exercise problems T1: 15 structural composites.
L34: Electrical conduction, ohms At the end of the module,
law, energy band structure in solids T1 17.1- the student will be able to
M12: Dielectric behavior 17.9
Electrical  Describe band structure
properties L35: Semiconductivity, Electrical of solid materials
conduction in ionic ceramics and in T1:17.10:17  Calculate electrical
polymers, .17 conductivity of metals,
seminconductors and

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

L36: Dielectric behavior of materials T1: 17:18- insulators

17.23  Define dielectric constant
T10. Exercise problems T1: 17 in terms of permittivities.
At the end of the module,
L37: Basic Concepts, Origin of
the student will be able to
magnetism in materials, Dia and T1: 18.1-
M13: Paramagnetic materials, 18.4
 Explain the nature and
Magnetic Ferromagnetic materials.
source of magnetism in
Properties of
L38-39: Antiferromagnetic materials,  Describe magnetic
hysteresis and explain
Ferrimagnetic materials, Domains T1: 18.5-
why some materials may
and hysteresis, soft and hard 18.10
become permanent
magnetic materials,
T11. Exercise problems T1: 18
At the end of the module,
the student will be able to
M14: L40-L41 : Heat capacity, thermal T1:19.1-
 Explain the nature of
Thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, 19.5 optical interactions of
Properties of thermal stresses,
 Define heat capcity and
thermal conductivity of
T12. Exercise problems T1: 19 materials
At the end of the module,
HOME the student will be able to
Automotive Valve Spring, Materials
READING: define the criteria for the
Selection for a Torsionally Stressed
Materials Selection selection of materials for
Cylindrical Shaft, Artificial Total Hip
& Design industrial applications
Replacement, Materials for Integrated CD 22, T1
Considerations, using materials
Circuit Packages, Corrosion of 16
Corrosion and performance index. Life,
Metals, Corrosion of Ceramics,
Degradation of cost and properties and
Degradation of Polymers
Materials the corrosion aspects of

6. Evaluation Scheme:

Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of component

(min) (Marks) (Close Book/ Open Book)
Mid-Semester Test 90 90 <TEST_1> CB and/or OB
Comprehensive Exam 180 105 <TEST_C> CB and/or OB
Quizzes (Best 6) 15 90 CB
Project/Assignment 15 OB
Total (Marks) 300
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

7. Chamber Consultation Hour: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5 p.m.

8. Notices: The notices will be displayed on the Chemical Engineering Group notice board and/or Nalanda
and/or emailed to your official BITS e-mail account only.

9. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be granted for genuine cases only. In the case of medical issues,
certificate from authenticated doctor of the Birla Medical Center must accompany make-up application (only
prescription or vouchers for medicines will not be sufficient). Prior permission of IC is compulsory for non-
emergency cases.
 Due to the surprise nature of the Quizzes, no make-up will be granted for these.
10. Note (if any): The material/lecture slides (if any) provided to the students registered in this course is
for academic purpose only and is considered intellectual property of BITS Pilani. These materials should
not be uploaded to any external websites/forums without the permission of the Instructor.

Krishna Etika
Course No. CHE F243

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