Separation Processes - I (CHE F244) Total Marks - 15 Due Date & Time: 01/07/2020, 5:00 PM Assignment
Separation Processes - I (CHE F244) Total Marks - 15 Due Date & Time: 01/07/2020, 5:00 PM Assignment
Separation Processes - I (CHE F244) Total Marks - 15 Due Date & Time: 01/07/2020, 5:00 PM Assignment
Total Marks – 15
Due date & Time: 01/07/2020, 5:00 PM
2. A total feed of 200 mol/h having an overall composition of 42 mol% heptane and 58 mol%
ethyl benzene is to be fractionated at 101.3 kPa pressure to give a distillate containing 97 mol
% heptane and a bottoms containing 1.1 mol %heptane. The feed enters the tower partially
vaporised so that 40 mol % is liquid and 60 mol % is vapour. Equilibrium data are given below.
Calculate the following
a) Moles/h of distillate and bottoms
b) Minimum reflux ratio Rm
c) Minimum steps and theoretical trays at total reflux
d) Theoretical number of trays required for an operating reflux ratio 2.5:1
temperature XH yH temperature xH yH
0 0
409.3 136.1 0 0 383.8 110.6 0.485 0.73
402.6 129.4 0.08 0.23 376 102.8 0.79 0.904
392.6 119.4 0.25 0.514 371.5 98.3 1 1
7. An aqueous feed solution of 1000kg/h of acetic acid-water solution contains 30 wt% acetic
acid and is to be extracted in a counter current multi-stage process with pure isopropyl ether
to reduce the acid concentration to 2 wt% acid in final raffinate. If 2500kg/h of ether solvent
is used, determine the number of theoretical stages required.
8. Oil is to be extracted from meal by means of benzene, using a continuous counter-current
extractor. The unit is to treat 2000 lb of meal (based on completely exhausted solid) per hour.
The untreated meal contains 800 lb of oil and 50 lb of benzene. The fresh wash solution
consists of 20 lb of oil dissolved in 1310 lb of benzene. The exhausted solids are to contain 120
lb of unexhausted oil. Experiments carried out under conditions identical with those of the
projected battery, show that the solution retained depends on the concentration of the
solution as given in the table below. Find:
a) The composition of the strong solution
b) The composition of the solution adhering to the extracted solids
c) The weight of solution leaving with the extracted meal
d) The weight of the strong solution
e) The number of units required
10. A plant distill a mixture containing 75 mol % methanol and 25 mol % water. The overhead product
contains 99.99 % methanol and the bottom product 0.0002 mol %. The feed is cold, and for each
mol % of feed 0.15 mol of vapour is condensed at the feed plate. The reflux ratio at the top of the
column is 1.4 and the reflux is at its bubble point. Calculate:
a) The minimum number of plates
b) The minimum reflux ratio
c) The number of plates using a total condenser and a reboiler, assuming an average
Murphree plate efficiency of 72 %
x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Y 0.417 0.579 0.669 0.729 0.780 0.825 0.871 0.915 0.959 1.0
11. Oil is to be extracted from halibut livers by means of ether in a counter-current extraction battery.
The entrainment of solution by the granulated liver mass was found by experiment to be as shown
in table below. In the extraction battery, the charger per cell is to be 100 lb, based on completely
exhausted livers. The unextracted livers contain 0.043 gal of oil per pound of exhausted material.
A 95 percent recovery of oil is desired .The final extract is to contain 0.65 gal of oil per gallon of
extract. The ether is fed to the system is oil free.(a) How many gallons of ether are needed per
charge of livers?(b) How many extractors are needed ?