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Challenges of online marketing in

Letter of Transmittal

7th April, 2019

Department of International Business

University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Research Paper “Challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh”

It is a great pleasure and privileges to submit the research paper titled “Challenges of online
marketing in Bangladesh” which was approved to work with this topic as a partial requirement
of the completion of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. It is a great pleasure
to work with this topic which gives me in-depth knowledge about the phenomenon of online
marketing in Bangladesh. Throughout this study I have tried with the best of my capacity to
accommodate as much as information and relevant issues as possible and also tried to follow
your valuable instructions.

I am grateful to department for precious guidance and kind co-operation at every step of my
endeavor on this research.

Abdul Rahim
ID: SM-030-064
Batch: IB 8th
Department of International Business
University of Dhaka

Certification Letter

This is to certify that the research paper on “Challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh” as
a part to fulfill the requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the
Department of International Business, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, has
been carried out by Abdul Rahim, ID: SM-030-064, Batch: IB 8th, under my supervision. No
part of this paper has been submitted for any degree before to any other University or Institute.

Mouri Mehtaj
Department of International Business
University of Dhaka


I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis entitled “Challenges of online marketing
in Bangladesh”. I also certify that neither any part nor the whole of this thesis has been
submitted for a degree to any other institute or University.
According to my best knowledge, I also declare that I did not violated any copyright and
preparatory rights and thus acknowledged concepts gained by studying others work with the
appropriate in-text referencing.




First of all, I am grateful to The Almighty Allah for giving me patience and courage to complete
this thesis paper.

I would like to express deepest gratitude to my honorable adviser Mouri Mehtaj, Lecturer,
Department of International Business, University of Dhaka for her full support, expert guidance
and encouragement throughout this study. Without her incredible patience and timely wisdom
and counsel, my thesis work would have been a frustrating and overwhelming pursuit.

In addition to this, I also would like to express my appreciation to the respondents who have
participated in the survey questionnaire and dedicated their valuable time by providing relevant

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY ..................................................................................................................................... 7

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 8

SCOPE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................................................. 10

RATIONALE OF THE STUDY ...................................................................................................................................... 10
LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................................................... 10
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................... 11
ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 11

LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 12

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................. 14

ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

FIGURE: LIMITED ACCESS AND USE OF COMPUTER:....................................................................................................... 15

FIGURE: HIGH INTERNET CONNECTION COST: .............................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE: SLOW INTERNET CONNECTION SPEED:............................................................................................................ 17
FIGURE: UNPREDICTABLE POWER SUPPLY:.................................................................................................................. 18
FIGURE: CREDIT CARD CONUNDRUM: ........................................................................................................................ 19
FIGURE: HIGH ILLITERACY RATE: ............................................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE: LANGUAGE BARRIER:.................................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE: SECURITY AND PRIVACY ISSUE: ..................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE: LACK OF MODERN FINANCIAL SYSTEM: ........................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE: LACK OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT AND CO-OPERATION: ..................................................................................... 24
FIGURE: LACK OF TECHNOLOGICAL AND MARKETING KNOWLEDGE:.................................................................................. 25

FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................................... 27

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 28

REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................... 29

APPENDIX: ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

Executive summery

This study is about the “Challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh”. Chapter one basically
was preparing a logical ground for proceeds through the topic. The prime objectives of the
study are to analyze the Problems and threats for operating online marketing in Bangladesh.
The study represents the dimension of the problem from different perspectives .Chapter two
was about review and critical analysis of previous articles related with this topic. Along with
the clarification of broad terms, this chapter also includes a critical analysis of different author
and organization works. It is found that as a developing nation the online marketing is
surrounded by numerous problems. Infrastructure, technology, social, cultural issues are the
prime concern for online marketing in Bangladesh. Chapter three includes the research
methodology. This study was a descriptive study where qualitative methods are used to analyze
the problems phenomenon. Only primary data was used to meet the stated objectives. A
structured questionnaire was designed and presented to the respondents. Based on convenience
sampling method, total 20 respondents were selected to ask about the matter. Chapter four
included analysis and findings of the study. According to the findings of the study, it can be
concluded that the major problem for online marketing in Bangladesh is infrastructure.
Infrastructure problem includes poor internet speed, lack of credit card use, and lack of modern
payment system, high cost of connectivity and telecommunication problem. Socio-economic
and socio culture is another two major sources of online marketing challenges. ICT knowledge,
formal education, consumers trust, Legal concept and experience formed the socio-culture and
socio-economic challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh. Inconvenience of online
payment system makes the process more difficult. Another potential source of threat comes
from cyber-attack. Chapter five dealt with recommendation and conclusion.


Digital technology has brought a new wave of communication, advertising, and relationship
building tools ranging from online advertising, video sharing tools, cell phone, and video
games to web widget and online social network. The digital shift means that marketer can no
longer expect customer to always seek them out nor can they always control conversation about
their brand. The new digital world makes it easy for customer to take marketing content that
once lived only in advertising or on a brand. Website with them wherever they go and share it
with friends.

The digital wave has created new dimensions of marketing which is referred as online
marketing, which is the process by which companies create value for customers and build
strong customer relationships electrically in order to capture from customers in return. Today's
successful companies have one thing in common that is they are strongly customer focused and
heavily committed in marketing. These companies share a passion for understanding and
satisfying customer needs in well-defined target markets. They motivate everyone in the
organization to help build long term customer relationships based on creating value.

Bangladesh is a developing county. The recent technology boom has created a digital age. The
explosive growth in computer, communications, information, and other digital technology has
created new way of delivering value to customer. Now we are connected to each other and can
share information anywhere in the world within a little time. Where it once took days or weeks
to receive information about global events, we now learn about them as they are occurring
through live satellite broadcasts and news websites. The digital age has provided marketers
with exciting new ways to learn about and track customers and to create product and services
tailored to individual customer needs. It is helping customer to communicate with customer in
large group or in one to one.

Digital marketing is bursting into the scene in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is next IT outsourcing
destination, Cause of Low labor cost. It is no far away that Bangladesh is Next Best IT
Outsourcing Place. Many brands are slowly shifting their budgets to online, mainly through
social media channels and predominantly, to Face-book. Digital marketing is a new concept in

Bangladesh; many marketers still don‘t realize its importance and application. Many business
firms in Bangladesh those are high tax payers even don‘t have a web site. The businesses that
only serve the domestic market have limited online marketing endeavor. Lack of customers’
accessibility over Internet is the major setback of growing digital marketing. Digital marketing
tends to be an entirely different challenge. Strategic online marketing is necessary to success
on web. After all we are missing some key ways which can make these marketing efforts much
more effective.

Bangladesh has undergone a long way in its development of information and technology
sector, which has paved the way of e -commerce and e -business. Digital marketing has a
significant impact on business costs and productivity. Digital marketing has a chance to be
widely adopted due to its simple applications. Thus it has a large economic impact. It gives the
opportunity for ―boundary crossing‖ as new entrants, business models, and changes in
technology erode the barriers that used to separate one industry from another. These increases
competition and innovation, which are likely to boost overall economic efficiency. Now,
Digital marketing has emerging business potentials in Bangladesh. The rapid expansion of the
use of internet, cell phone, online banking, Changing lifestyle of people, and migration of labor
in foreign country is making Digital marketing more prospectus in the country. There is also
some great restriction exist in the development of Digital marketing like security issue, low per
capita income, lower access rate to internet, lack of government support, lack of infrastructural

Starting a business in Bangladesh however is getting more competitive in this edge of business
flourishment, economic uncertainty and variety of options to the customer. By observing
electronic prospects in marketing, many multinationals like bikroy.com and local company like
Rokomary.com have started operation in Bangladesh on online. Today‘s marketing techniques
are the result of a huge technological and internal movement within this last decade. Some
multinational companies have introduced us some real exceptional marketing methods and
local companies are in competition. Now, the key to success for these businesses are choosing
the right method of marketing and providing the right message to the customer

Scope of the study

This study focuses on challenges of online marketing faced by online business community in
Bangladesh. The study covers personal experience of entrepreneurs and online business
owners. Moreover, it covers area that has just online presentation of their business. This paper
is just concerned with the problems of seller and business community not the customer’s
perspective. The study just covers the online marketing challenges in Bangladesh not all over
the world especially in Dhaka.

Rationale of the Study

The essential feature of online marketing allows the consumers to stay up-to-date with the
company information, products or services anytime from anywhere. Consumers can visit
company’s website, read information about the products or services and make purchases online
and provide feedback. For this, digital media is becoming a demanding channel to promote
products or services for any company.

There are several studies in the challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh, but the current
study is of significance because there has been relatively little research conducted in online
marketing challenges in Bangladesh.

This study evaluates the features, scope and challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh. The
study helps non-academics and investors if they are considering investing in various digital
media fields. The study also offers valuable insights for online business owners and the digital
media research community.

Limitations of the Study

In spite of providing a clear inside notion regarding the challenges of online marketing in
Bangladesh, this study suffers from several limitations.

 There are very few online marketing firms in Bangladesh and also they are not
interested to disclose information that was necessary to carry out this study.
 Lack of access to the appropriate individual in some cases of data collection through
personal interview survey.
 Sample size is too small in consideration of actual population.
 Non-probability sampling technique has been applied in sampling process as it is
difficult to define the exact population of the study by limited effort.
 The total research has been conducted in a short span of time.

Research objectives

The Major objective of this study is to find out the challenges of online marketing in
Bangladesh. Under this major objective there are some specific objectives.

 To find out technological challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh

 To find out social and cultural challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh
 To find out economic and financial challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh
 To find out infrastructure challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh
 To find out government policy challenges for online marketing in Bangladesh

Organization of the study

This study consists of into five different chapters including this introductory chapter which
consists of background, rationale, research objectives, scope of the study, and the organization
of the study. In the chapter two, literature review has been constructed by reviewing study of
different authors, scholars and organization. This chapter also includes potential research gap
and conceptual framework. In the chapter three research methodologies has been placed. This
chapter includes details research approach, sampling technique and data source, sample size,
time and other necessary information. This outlined the how sample and selected variable has
been selected and organized. The following chapter four, data, graph, analysis, interpretation,
implication, limitation and outlined future scope. In the last chapter, recommendation and
conclusion about the study has drawn.

Chapter- 2
Literature Review

Online marketing is sometimes considered to have a broader scope since it refers to digital
media such as web, e-mail and wireless media, but also includes management of digital
customer data and electronic customer relationship management systems (Chaffey,2003).
Online marketing can be viewed as a new philosophy and a modern business practice involved
with the marketing of goods, services, information and ideas via the Internet and other
electronic means. By reviewing the relevant literature it is noticed that definition of electronic
marketing vary according to each author's point of view, background and specialization
(Malhotra, 2008). While Johnston and Chaffey defines it as: Achieving marketing objectives
through applying digital technologies (Johnston and Chaffey, 2003), Strauss and Frost define
it as: “The use of electronic data and applications for planning and executing the conception,
distribution and piecing of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual
and organizational goals (Janusz, 2002) .On the other hand, the review of the relevant literature
revealed that one of the main obstacles in the literature is the unclear way of dealing with the
concept and definition of online marketing. For example, online marketing has a narrow scope
than E-commerce and E-business. (Janusz, 2002)

The World Wide Web is an important marketing medium and to gain success in this arena a
marketer should have well planned online marketing strategy (Malhotra, 2008). Consumers are
expected to become more accustomed to the online shopping environment in the near future as
most studies commonly project. The risks they currently perceive are likely to decline and this
will increase the variety of goods being purchased from the Web market. One very profitable
and useful re-search stream would be to identify which products will make a leap in terms of
the online selling potential they carry for the near future. As customers usually lack foresight
about their own needs and cannot make ac-curate long-run forecasts of their own behavior, it
is the task of researchers to find this out and open the road for marketers who want to invest in
the future B2C market on the Web (Devi and Anita, 2013).

A very common discussion in the e-marketing literature is that disintermediation will be

widespread and electronic markets will automatically reduce the need for brokers (Barnes and
Mattson, 2008). It is possible to argue that the Web market can really fulfill most of the four

specific missions of retailers: bringing the right product, at the right place, at the right price,
and at the right time with the time function remaining as an exception for physical offerings.
With this point of view, the number and functions of intermediaries may be expected to
decrease substantially in this revolutionary medium (Carley and Ken, 2013).

With the additional online promotions, more people are going to turn to internet shopping in
order to save time and money (Pelt, 2006). Internet marketing also refers to the placement of
media along different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine
marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific websites, e-mail
marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies (Joshua, 2000). The effect on the advertising industry itself
has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions
of dollars annually (Joshua, 2000).

Since marketing executives are confronted with rapidly changing markets which are beyond
their control, (Leeflang, 2013) identified 4 important challenges based on their survey on
marketing executives from Asia. These challenges are: (1) The ability to generate and leverage
deep customer insights, (2) Managing brand health and reputation in a marketing environment
where social media plays an important role, (3) Assessing the effectiveness of digital
marketing, (4) The increasing talent gap in analytical capabilities within firms (Leeflang,
2013). Implementing a proper tracking system will allow marketers and decision makers to
follow consumers during their customer journey. And companies that track and analyze data
are said to outperform competitors (Leeflang, 2013).


This study is basically qualitative in nature based on both secondary and primary data. Different
national and international published literatures, journals, brochures, articles, researches, case
studies etc. are followed for gathering data from secondary sources regarding the challenges of
online marketing. For collecting the primary data a survey is conducted. The owners of the
business organizations that are doing business in online are the respondents of this study. The
sample size for collecting primary data is 20.To facilitate the interpretation of discriminant
analysis the half of the sample represents business organizations those are practicing limited
extent of online marketing and remaining half represents those business organizations that are
practicing large extent of online marketing. For identifying the sample non-probability
judgmental sampling technique is applied. The data were collected by using a self-administered
questionnaire from each respondent. The missing values coming from non-response of the
survey were adjusted by using subjective estimates and trend analysis. The questionnaire was
contained by several questions were finalized after pre-testing. The study was carrying out
during the period from January 1, 2019 to April 7, 2019. Pie chart has been used to examine
the scenario of the challenges of online marketing in Bangladesh.

Chapter- 4

This chapter presents the findings and analysis of data derived from the survey. All the
respondents have completed the whole questionnaire. This chapter is only concerned with
presentation of gathered data in a meaningful way.

Figure: Limited access and use of computer:

Strongly Agree

25% 20% Agree


15% Disagree
Strongly Disagree


Computer technology gives marketers the opportunity to build dialog and strengthen
relationships with customers and prospects. Marketers must respond to consumers’ growing
use of the Internet and social media. By monitoring discussions on social networks and product
review sites, marketers can gain insight into consumer attitudes and take the opportunity to
respond and build dialog. To make successful online marketing customer must have access to
computer and an internet service provider (ISP) to use the internet. 20% of the respondents
strongly agree that In Bangladesh numbers of internet users are not enough to support
successful online marketing. Also 15% of the respondent agree with the comment. 30%
entrepreneurs are in neutral stage. 10% entrepreneurs answers on disagree option. 25% of the
respondents think that the country is advancing rapidly with technological advancement. The
internet users are also increasing. People are getting more involved and accessed in computer.
Figure: High internet connection cost:

Strongly Agree
15% 25% Agree


Strongly Disagree

Country like Bangladesh has higher internet related business cost- a concern because the
internet is essential for every online business. Although, Internet marketing allows a wider
reach, the start-up costs of a website can be high. This includes the cost of the required software
and hardware, and maintenance costs. 25% of the respondents strongly agree that Internet
connection cost is high relative to the purchase power of peoples low Internet Connection
Speed. Also 30% of the owners agree with the quote. 25% entrepreneurs are in neutral stage.
And 15% respondents think that if the size of the business is big, the connection cost also be
spread and minimized. 5% respondents, which are very little of total respondents, strongly
disagree in this case.

Figure: Slow internet connection speed:

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Slow internet connections can cause difficulties. If the companies build too complex or too
large websites, it takes too long for users to check them or download them and they gets bored
eventually. 30% entrepreneurs strong feel this want. They face the problem most of the time.
30% entrepreneurs also keep the similar idea. 30% of the owners are in neutral position. They
are doing their business as usual and are no so concerned about the speed of the internet. 10%
respondents, which are little of total respondents, disagree in this case.

Figure: Unpredictable power supply:

Strongly Agree
20% Agree

Strongly Disagree

In Bangladesh another challenge for e-marketer is sporadic electricity. Supplies of electricity

and access to it don‘t bring optimum position to bring a good prospect for digital marketing.
30% of the respondents think so and agree with the above quote. 25% respondents are in neutral
position. 25% owners think that the country is flourishing and is capable of providing enough
power supply than before. 20% entrepreneurs also keep the similar idea and hold the position
strongly against the comment.

Figure: Credit card conundrum:

Strongly Agree
20% Agree

20% Neutral

Strongly Disagree


Convenience and ease of transaction are two of the internet‘s greatest benefits. Credit card and
secure online payment systems make seamless and easy web based transactions in developed
countries. But 20% of the respondent feel that it is not always possible for buyer to pay
electronically for not having a credit card. Other factor is the payment: many users still don’t
trust in the electronic methods of paying and give up buying online because of this. 10%
entrepreneurs also keep the similar idea. 40% of the owners, big size, are in neutral position.
20% owners hold the opposite position and think that it helps in the transactions than it create
problems. 10% respondents, which are little of total respondents, strongly disagree in this case.

Figure: High illiteracy rate:

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

High illiteracy rate limits usage of high-tech services of all kinds. 30% of the entrepreneurs
strongly agree with this statement and think that there are a lot of customers who are not
proficient in using the internet and focusing solely on online marketing can cause business to
lose these customers. Also 10% entrepreneurs also keep the similar idea and suggest that
progressive governmental strategies are centrally needed to reduce the relatively high illiteracy
rate. 10% entrepreneurs are in neutral stage. 30% respondents disagree with this comment.
They think that the availability of the education facilities is reaching door to door. People are
no longer ignorant of facilities of the technologies than before. 10% respondents, which are
little of total respondents, strongly disagree in this case.

Figure: Language barrier:

Strongly Agree
10% 10%

30% Strongly Disagree

Most online service providers opt to provide bilingual interface for their sites to accommodate
local and foreign customer. This increase cost and adds some technical challenges. 10% of the
respondents strongly this statement and 40% are agree with the comment. They think that this
is a cultural element which is a sensitive issue. Sometimes a good things or a good expression
may be a bad things or expression in other languages. 10% entrepreneurs are in neutral stage.
They think that business owners are now so concerned about the cultural issue and they
carefully try to minimize the conflicts of language barrier. 10% respondents, which are little of
total respondents, disagree in this case. And the rest 10% respondents strongly disagree with
this comment

Figure: Security and privacy issue:

Strongly Agree
40% Neutral

Strongly Disagree


Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items over the internet because they do not trust that
their personal information remains private. Encryption is the primary method for implementing
privacy policies. 40% of the respondents, a big size, strongly agree with the comment. They
feel that most of the customer can to keep trust on the business owner because the information
provided by the customer may be misused by the owners. Also 20% entrepreneurs also keep
the similar idea. 15% respondents hold the neutral position.15% respondents disagree with this
comment and the rest 10% strongly disagree with this comment.

Figure: Lack of modern financial system:

Strongly Agree
20% Agree


30% 30% Strongly Disagree

The Bangladeshi cash based culture limits the volume of online transactions. The establishment
of payment counter, ATM booth and collection agencies is expected to lessen to severity of the
problem but also added to overhead expense incurred by online service. 20% of the respondents
strongly agree with the above quote and 30% entrepreneurs also keep the similar idea. 30%
respondents hold the neutral position. They think that the customer are satisfied at their cash
on delivery service. 10% respondents disagree the comment and the rest 10% of the
respondents strongly disagree the comment and think that this is the era of technology. The
country is developing in the technological level also. Different online payment system with
mobile banking system can reduce the problem.

Figure: Lack of government support and co-operation:

Strongly Agree
15% Agree


Strongly Disagree

Government co-operation and assistance could play most important role for online business in
Bangladesh. But 45% entrepreneurs are not satisfied with the government co-operation and
assistance. They realize government co-operation and assistance may be effective for rapid
growth of online business. 35% respondents agree with the comment. They find no clear
guideline and helpful policy for online business community. 15% respondents keep in middle
position. They might have own financing capabilities and focus on individual effort. 5%
respondents, which are very little of total respondents, disagree with the comment. No
respondents think government co-operation and policy is highly satisfactory

Figure: Lack of technological and marketing knowledge:

Strongly Agree
15% Agree


Strongly Disagree

Poor ICT, business and legal knowledge makes the business environment terrible. 35%
respondents think poor educational system makes the business environment difficult. In
every stage of online business operation needs skilled and professional manpower. 45%
entrepreneurs agree with the above quote. It shows education system should focus on ICT
and technology. 15% respondent’s education is not carrying big weight rather experience
is most important. 5% entrepreneurs answers on disagree option.

The major findings of this study are:

 Technological infrastructure is not well structured. The cost of both mobile and
broadband internet is above the average level users. Still Computer, accessories and
other necessary equipment’s cost are high to afford for beginners. Telecommunication
system is poor, costly and unreliable.
 Because of the fear of website’s security, many of the visitors do not want to use their
credit card to make a purchase if they don’t know that the site is secure.
 Online marketing requires customers to use new technologies rather than traditional
media. High illiteracy in our country is a barrier to growth of online marketing. Access
to computers and computer education is a major challenge
 Digital marketing education is still generally low in our country. There is inadequate
knowledge about the appropriate marketing techniques via internet for online marketing.
The sector generally suffers from a lack of investment and skilled human resources.

Chapter- 5

 Bring all the stakeholders including government, business, advertisement agencies, and
media and technology players under a same platform to face all the challenges together
in the way to make the dream true.
 Conducting more events in the digital media industry such as Digital Marketing Summit
so that well known digital marketing speakers can share knowledge, recent changes &
tactics, inspire creativity and facilitate application of digital marketing.
 Bringing international payment services providers such as PayPal so that online
business owners and professionals can receive and make international payments easily
and securely
 Establishing government incubated cyber security firms to protect network outages,
data compromised by hackers, online payments, computer viruses and other incidents
that affect almost all online businesses
 Encourage business owners to allocate more budget on various digital marketing
channels so that digital marketing professionals get more job opportunities and show
their creativity in the digital area
 Bringing balance between the price and speed of intenet services through providing
high speed and minimizing the connection cosst by the authority.

Globalization has brought in many changes in the business scenario with the whole world
inching towards one big market place. Communication between the buyers and sellers has
become critical as each can opt to explore a greater number of alternatives than ever before.
Online marketing through Internet, e-mails, websites, and other facilities, enables a
businessman to be linked with every corner of the world, and thus opens up greater
opportunities in the world market. There have some challenges of online marketing including
the limited use and access of computer, imbalance between internet connection cost and speed,
high illiteracy, unpredictable power supply, securitirs and privacy issues etc. Therefore, a fast
and alternative mechanism of communication, contract, and payment is an integral part of
globally competitive business organization. So it is the time to bring all stakeholders including
government, business, advertisement agencies, media and technology players under a same
platform to promote online marketing practices in Bangladesh.





And-Howto-Solve-Them.aspx marketers-201

http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_challenges_or_opportunities_exist_in_e- marketing_ at_

present_ and_in_future



Grossnickle, Joshua, and Oliver Raskin. The handbook of online marketing research:
knowing your customer using the Net. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000

Corley II, J. Ken, Zack Jourdan, and W. Rhea Ingram. "Internet marketing: a content
analysis of the research." Electronic Markets 23.3 (2013): 177-204

Barnes, N., & Mattson, E., (2008), Social media in the Inc. 500: The first longitudinal study
[Electronic version]. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing
Research. Retrieved from: http://www.umassd.edu/cmr/studiesresearch/blogstudy5.pdf
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Malhotra, Vikas (2008): “Best Place for Online marketing strategies” Article Source:

Pelt, Jackie Van (2006): “Online Marketing Heats up Holiday Retailing”, Source of the
Article: http://www.techweb.com/wire/ebiz/193104234

Digital Marketing Summit. Annual event organized by Bangladesh Brand Forum,




Janusz Wielki, 15th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference eReality: Constructing the
eEconomy, Bled, Slovenia, June 17 - 19, 2002

Devi .C.S and Anita.M ( 2013) : “E marketing challenges and opportunities”pg. 96 – 105
retrieved from www.ijsrm.in

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, Johnston, K.F. and Mayer, R., 2003. Internet Marketing:
Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Pearson Education

http://www.wisdomportal.com/Books/OnlineMarketing.html [Accessed on 10th April,


Appendix: Survey Questionnaire (organization point of view)

1. Name of your organization……………………………………………………………….

2. Address………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Type of business……………………………………………………………………….

4. Do you use online marketing system in your organization?

A) Yes

B) No

5. Why are you using online marketing?

A) Customer convenience

B) Easy to control

C) Attract more customer

D) Others

6. In your industry is online marketing popular?

A) Yes

B) No

C) No comment

7. Do you believe online marketing will be popular in Bangladesh after 5 years?

A) Yes

B) No

C) No comment

8. Are you facing the following problems in online marketing?

Problems strongly disagree strongly agree

A) Limited access and use of computer 1 2 3 4 5

B) High internet connection cost 1 2 3 4 5

C) Slow internet connection speed 1 2 3 4 5

D) Unpredictable power supply 1 2 3 4 5

E) Credit card conundrum 1 2 3 4 5

F) High illiteracy rate 1 2 3 4 5

G) Language barrier 1 2 3 4 5

H) Security and privacy issues 1 2 3 4 5

I) Lack of modern financial system 1 2 3 4 5

J) Lack of government support 1 2 3 4 5
K) Lack of technological and marketing knowledge 1 2 3 4 5

c) ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. According to your opinion, what are the solutions of those problems?


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