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Project 4: Retail Analysis With Walmart Data

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Project 4  Retail Analysis with Walmart Data


Basic Statistics tasks

 Which store has maximum sales.
 Which store has maximum standard deviation i.e., the sales vary a lot. Also, find out the
coefficient of mean to standard deviation
 Which store/s has good quarterly growth rate in Q3’2012.
 Some holidays have a negative impact on sales. Find out holidays which have higher
sales than the mean sales in non-holiday season for all stores together.
 Provide a monthly and semester view of sales in units and give insights.

Statistical Model
For Store 1 – Build  prediction models to forecast demand
 Linear Regression – Utilize variables like date and restructure dates as 1 for 5 Feb 2010
(starting from the earliest date in order). Hypothesize if CPI, unemployment, and fuel price have
any impact on sales.
 Change dates into days by creating new variable.
Select the model which gives best accuracy.

#Import Required Libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from patsy import dmatrices
import sklearn
import seaborn as sns

import os

walmartdata = pd.read_csv('Walmart_Store_sales.csv')

walmartdata_groupby = walmartdata.groupby('Store')['Weekly_Sales'].sum()

# Which store has Maximum sales and Total sales.

print("Store Number {} has maximum Sales. Sum of Total Sales

#Which store has maximum standard deviation i.e., the sales vary a lot. Also, find out the
coefficient of mean to standard deviation.

walmartdata_std = walmartdata.groupby('Store').agg({'Weekly_Sales':'std'})

print("Store Number {} has maximum Standard Deviation. STD

walmartdata_std = walmartdata.groupby('Store').agg({'Weekly_Sales':['mean','std']})


walmartdata_Q32012 = walmartdata[(pd.to_datetime(walmartdata['Date']) >= pd.to_datetime('07-

01-2012')) & (pd.to_datetime(walmartdata['Date']) <= pd.to_datetime('09-30-2012'))]

walmartdata_growth = walmartdata_Q32012.groupby(['Store'])['Weekly_Sales'].sum()

print("Store Number {} has Good Quartely Growth in Q3'2012

#To Find out holidays which have higher sales than the mean sales in non-holiday season for all
stores together

stores_holiday_sales = walmartdata[walmartdata['Holiday_Flag'] == 1]

stores_nonholiday_sales = walmartdata[walmartdata['Holiday_Flag'] == 0]

#Stores Sales in Super Bowl Day

#Super Bowl: 12-Feb-10, 11-Feb-11, 10-Feb-12, 8-Feb-13

stores_holiday_sales_superBowl =
stores_holiday_sales[(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('12-02-
2010')) |(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('11-02-2011'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('10-02-2012'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('08-02-2013'))]
#Stores Sales in Labour Day
#Labour Day: 10-Sep-10, 9-Sep-11, 7-Sep-12, 6-Sep-13

stores_holiday_sales_labourDay =
stores_holiday_sales[(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('10-09-
2010')) |(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('09-09-2011'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('07-09-2012'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('06-09-2013'))]

#Stores Sales in Thanks Giving

#Thanksgiving: 26-Nov-10, 25-Nov-11, 23-Nov-12, 29-Nov-13

stores_holiday_sales_thanksgiving =
stores_holiday_sales[(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date]) == pd.to_datetime('26-11-
2010')) |(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('25-11-2011'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('23-11-2012'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('29-11-2013'))]
#Stores Sales in Christmas
# Christmas: 31-Dec-10, 30-Dec-11, 28-Dec-12, 27-Dec-13

stores_holiday_sales_Christmas =
stores_holiday_sales[(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('31-12-
2010')) |(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('30-12-2011'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('28-12-2012'))|
(pd.to_datetime(stores_holiday_sales['Date']) == pd.to_datetime('27-12-2013'))]

stores_nonholiday_sales_mean =
stores_holiday_sales_sum =
for row in stores_holiday_sales_sum.itertuples():
for row1 in stores_nonholiday_sales_mean.itertuples():
if row.Weekly_Sales > row1.Weekly_Sales:
print("On this Date {} Holiday Sales is greater than Non Holiday Sales and the Sales :-
print("Super Bowl Day Sale",stores_holiday_sales_superBowl['Weekly_Sales'].sum())
print("Labour Day Sale",stores_holiday_sales_labourDay['Weekly_Sales'].sum())
print("Thanksgiving Day Sale",stores_holiday_sales_thanksgiving['Weekly_Sales'].sum())
print("Christmas Day Sale",stores_holiday_sales_Christmas['Weekly_Sales'].sum())

x_features_object = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store'] ==1][['Store','Date']]

date_obj = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store'] ==1][['Date']]
date_obj.index +=1
x_features_object.Date = date_obj.index
y_target = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store'] ==1]['Weekly_Sales']

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(x_features_object,y_target,random_state=1)

#Linear Regression – Utilize variables like date and restructure dates as 1 for 5 Feb #2010 (starting
from the earliest date in order).
#Hypothesize if CPI, unemployment, and #fuel price have any impact on sales.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

linreg = LinearRegression()
feature_dataset = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store'] ==1][['Store','CPI','Unemployment','Fuel_Price'

response_set_cpi = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store'] ==1]['CPI'].astype('int64')

response_set_unemployment = walmartdata[walmartdata['Store']==1]

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

x_train_cpi,x_test_cpi,y_train_cpi,y_test_cpi =
x_train_unemp,x_test_unemp,y_train_unemp,y_test_unemp =

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

logreg = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000)
y_pred = logreg.predict(x_test_cpi)

y_pred_unemp = logreg.predict(x_test_unemp)
from sklearn import metrics

print('cpi actual :', y_test_cpi.values[0:30])

print('cpi Predicted :', y_pred[0:30])
print('actual Unemployment :', y_test_unemp.values[0:30])
print('Predicted Unemployment :', y_pred_unemp[0:30])
walmartdata['Day'] = pd.to_datetime(walmartdata['Date']).dt.day_name()

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