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Knauer - Food Preservatives

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Determination of Preservatives in Foodstuffs and Cosmetics by HPLC

S. Marten, J. Harms, Knauer – ASI Advanced Scientific Instruments

The inspection of adherence to legal limits of With a Smartline HPLC system from Knauer, an
preservatives in foodstuffs and cosmetics can be uncomplicated and fast analysis of preservatives
performed by HPLC. The typical concentrations of can be carried out using a Eurospher 100 C8
preservatives found in directly consumable column. The Smartline UV Detector 2600 makes it
commercial foodstuffs lie around 0.1 % for sorbic possible to switch across wavelengths and
acid and benzoic acid, and around 0.05 % for para- simultaneously acquire spectrums throughout the
hydroxy benzoic acid (PHB) and PHB-ester. entire analysis. The Smartline system consists of
Determination of the preservatives found in such the Pump 1000, the multi-wavelength UV Detector
extracts is done through HPLC and subsequent UV 2600 with DAD technology, the Autosampler 3800,
detection at various wavelengths. Identification of the Manager 5000 with degasser and low pressure
the substances present is made through their gradient module and the Column Oven 4000.
spectrums and retention times. This is of advantage
because a variety of the sample's components also
absorb at 235 nm, such as artificial sweeteners and

Method parameters: Calibration standard: 10 mg/L

Column: Eurospher 100, 125 x 4 mm (B7Y529)
Eluent: A: Ammonium formate buffer / methanol 50 /20
B: Ammonium formate buffer / methanol 50 /70
Gradient: 0 – 15 min: 100 % A to 100 % B
15 – 20 min: 100 % B
Flow rate: 1 ml/min
Temperature: 30 °C
Injection volume: 20 µl
Detection: UV (Smartline 2600) with wavelength
0 – 3.75 min: 255 nm Wavelength comparison
3.76 – 5.70 min: 235 nm 255 nm
5.71 – 25 min: 255 nm 235 nm

Stock solutions of each of the standards (sorbic acid,

benzoic acid, PHB, PHB-met, PHB-eth, PHB-prop,
PHB-but and 2-methoxybenzoic acid (ISTD)) were
prepared in water/methanol (60/40, v/v) at a
concentration of 1 mg/ml. The chromatographic
conditions (eluent concentration, flow rate,
temperature) were optimized in such a
way that the preservatives analyzed could
be separated as fast as possible in one
run. The concentration range for the
calibration was in the area of 10 mg/L to
50 mg/L.

All of the standards gave very good linear
calibration curves with regression
coefficients (r ) of 0.9998 or better. With the use
of wavelength switching, a sufficiently sensitive
detection was possible. The following detection
limits were obtained: PHB = 0.5 mg/L, 2-methoxy benzoic acid = 2.4 mg/L, benzoic acid = 1.4 mg/L, sorbic acid =
0.25 mg/L, PHB-met = 0.52 mg/L, PHB-eth = 0.57 mg/L, PHB-prop = 0.6 mg/L, and PHB-but = 0.75 mg/L. By way
of the spectrum check feature, an additional assurance of the sample values obtained was possible. This feature
is useful for confirming the identity of each preservative peak, particularly when analyzing foodstuff and cosmetic
matrices in which additional components that coelute with the preservatives of interest are common. Such
coelution can be simply detected with the peak purity function during spectrum acquisition.

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