LPG Residential
LPG Residential
LPG Residential
-What is Propane?
- Propane is a hydrocarbon (C3H8) and is sometimes
referred to as liquefied petroleum gas, LP gas or LPG.
- Propane is produced from both natural gas processing
and crude oil refining.
- LPG is nontoxic, colorless and virtually odorless.
- Propane is a liquid stored under pressure in tanks and
- Propane is vaporized to a gas before it leaves the tank or (C3H8)
cylinder and is then dispensed through a pressure
regulator to an appliance, vehicle or piece of equipment.
-What is Butane?
- Butane is a gaseous component of natural gas,. While
petroleum products like gasoline are refined, natural gas
products are extracted.
- Butane can also be produced from crude oil, but in much
smaller quantities.
- The chemical formula for butane is C4H10, which means
the molecule consists of four carbon atoms surrounded by
ten hydrogen atoms. When Butane released into the air,
however, it reacts with an ignition source to become a Butane
highly flammable gas, and releases carbon dioxide as a (C4H10)
Vapour Pressure-bar g at 0*C = 3.8 bar Vapour Pressure-bar g at 0*C = 0.5 bar
Latent heat = 785 BTU/GAL. Latent heat = 808 BTU/GAL.
Propane -42 ̊
Butane -2 ̊
Ethyl Mercaptan
17 Technical Typical Properties
Com. Propane Com,Butane
Of Commercial LPG Grades
LPG exists as a gas at normal atmospheric pressure &
temperatures, but may be liquefied by the application of
moderate pressure. If the pressure is released the liquid will
revert back to vapour.
LPG as a liquid is colorless and as a vapour, cannot be seen.
Pure LPG has no distinctive smell so for safety reasons a
stanching agent is added during production to give a pungent,
unpleasant smell and so aid detection.
LPG is non-toxic but at very high concentrations in air, LPG vapour acts
as an anesthetic and subsequently an asphyxiate by diluting or decreasing
the available oxygen.
When LPG is mixed with air, a highly flammable mixture is produced.
The flammability range is between 2% to 11% by volume of gas to air.
Outside this range any mixture is wither to weak or rich to potentially
One volume of liquid will produce approximately 280 volume of gas
vapour. “A little goes a long way, treat LPG with respect”
Vapour Density
LPG vapour is heavier than air. Any escapes will find its way to the lowest
level where it can remain and form a flammable mixture. Therefore LPG
vessels must be sited away from drains and appliances must not be sited in
basements or cellars. Cylinders in boats and ships must be stored in purpose
built sealed gas lockers.
Liquid Density
LPG is lighter than water and therefore floats on top of it in a similar way to
oil and petrol. Therefore LPG vessels must be sited away from drains and
Vapour Pressure
The pressure LPG exerts on a vessel varies with ambient temperature.
The higher the temperature of the liquid the higher the vapour
pressure, conversely the lower the temperature the lower the pressure.
This means LPG must be protected from heat sources and protective
safety distances imposed on the siting and storage of LPG.
Commercial Propane has a vapour pressure of approximately 2bar
(30psi) at 15oC (similar to the pressure found in a lorry tyre).
Commercial Butane has a vapour pressure of approximately 2bar
(30psi at 15oC (similar to the pressure found in a car tyre).
Because of these characteristics Comercial Butane can be used indoors
and Commercial Propane must only be used outdoors.
LPG vapor pressure
Calorific Value
The Calorific Value of a fuel is described as “The amount of heat released when a
known quantity of fuel is burned”.
Commercial Propane = 95 MJ / m3
Commercial Butane = 121 MJ / m3
Natural Gas = 38 MJ / m3
Because LPG appliances release more heat than Natural Gas, it is important that any
gas appliances fueled by LPG are designed and manufactured for that purpose i.e. they
will often require special conversion by qualified persons.
Fuel / Air Mix
Commercial Propane = 23:1
Commercial Butane = 30:1
Natural Gas = 9.6:1
Therefore, it is important that appliances fueled LPG are provided with adequate
ventilation and serviced regularly to ensure that they burn efficiently
LPG Properties & Characteristics:
Clean Burning.
No soot, burners have a longer life - so maintenance is
No spillage as it vaporizes at atmospheric temperature
and pressure.
Effects of corrosion are greatly reduced.
Instantly controllable flame temperature.
Avoids scaling and decarburizing of parts.
Environmentally friendly fuel, with minimal Sulphur
content and Sulphur- free emissions.
Very high efficiency with direct firing system.
Instant heat for faster warm-up and cool-down.
Can be used for a variety of applications.
Purpose of odorants:
Odorant Characteristics:
Odorant Characteristics:
• Burns completely in the gas flame to form products that are
not corrosive, combustible.
Adding Odorant - Requirements
Propane is odorized at a refinery, processing plant or pipeline
terminal before it is shipped to the bulk plant. Both NFPA 58
and the Department of Transportation (DOT) set safety
standards regulating the addition of odorants. Both NFPA 58
and DOT require that propane be odorized before transporting
it to a bulk plant. The only exception is when the propane will
be used in a manufacturing process that requires the use of
“unstaunched” LP-gas.
Liquid propane, like water, will expand when heat is added to it.
Propane liquid, however will increase in volume nearly 17 times
greater than water over the same temperature increase. To
allow for this expansion, propane containers are typically filled
to only 80% of their capacity.
If propane liquid is released into the air, the lack of pressure
quickly vaporizes it, expanding it to 270 times its original
volume. Therefore, liquid propane leaks can be more hazardous
than vapor leaks.
270 Liter