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Practical Reserach 2 SLM PDF

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Practical Research 2



There are many things you want to know in this world. People, things, places,
events, their characteristics or qualities make you wonder continuously, frequently, or
intermittently. Marveling at them, you tend to immerse yourself in a situation where you
seem to be grappling with a problem or a puzzle. Questions after questions on the many
aspects of the object of your curiosity prod you to move, act, or do something to find
answers to, your questions or to discover truths about your inferences or speculations on
such object. Behaving like an investigator, and asking and seeking answers to some
questions about the thing you find puzzling indicate the true nature of inquiry or research.


Nature of Inquiry and Research

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research
2. the importance of quantitative research across fields
3. the nature of variables

Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
2. the value of research in the area of interest
3. the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed

Nature of Inquiry and Research
The learner is able to:
1. decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest

Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

1. formulate clearly the statement of research problem


In this quarter your learning will be maximize by taking the following lessons:
• Lesson 1- Inquiry vs Research: A Review
• Lesson 2- Quantitative Research
• Lesson 3- Variables
• Lesson 4: Quantitative Research Problem
Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Good day! Blessed be God forever and Mabuhay!

The Dominican School of Pilar opens the Academic Year 2020-2021. We all know
that the COVID 19 Pandemic is now infecting more and more Filipinos. These pandemic
results for the Filipinos to have a “New Normal” life style. We are encouraged to stay at
home and follow health protocols such as; washing of hands regularly, eating healthy foods
and following physical distancing when going out.
To follow these protocols as we open a new Academic Year, The Dominican
School of Pilar presents its first Self Learning Module and Workbook to guide your
students as they continue to journey with us this Academic Year. Please be Guided with
following legends.

Day 1
Each lesson is divided into days that can be tackled by the student. It is also a means for
the teacher to monitor your child’s progress in the module.

The exercise will be check and be recorded as part of formative assessment.

It means that certain part of the lesson will be synchronous and studied together with your
child’s classmate through online/face to face. If the schedule comes to your child and
he/she does not have any internet connectivity at said schedule. The video will be uploaded
to your teacher’s personal YouTube channel since YouTube streaming is free on Smart and
Globe users so he can go back and study what was the lesson over and over. Also
assessment/exercises outside the module will be uploaded to our Aralinks that can be
access anytime. Prior notice will be given to the student on the schedule of livestreaming.
Links for quizzes are available and will be answered through Google Forms. Additional
resources such as research papers that were written last year will uploaded as pdf files to
Google Drive that can ba downloaded for offline reading.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

LESSON 1: Inquiry vs Research: A Review

Intended Learning Outcomes
After this lesson, you should be able to:
• relate an unfamiliar term with other terms to discover the meaning of such
difficult term;
• explain the meaning of research in relation to inquiry;
• point out the similarities and differences of research and inquiry;
• distinguish lower-level questions from top-level questions to give stress to
investigative thinking;
• judge the applicability of Inquiry or research to a given situation; and
appraise the value of concepts learned about inquiry and research.

Day 1
Old and New Concept Fusion

Based on your previous knowledge and from the words that are surrounding the middle
word provide a definition for each cluster.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester


meditate ponder reflect



unplanned illogic


Write your answers for Activity 1 on the space provided below.

1. Probe:
2. Ponder
3. Random

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

On the space provided below construct a quotation using the newly learned words and post
it to your Facebook as story/my day post. Add a photo/background using emojis and
stickers. Write the quotation below.

Day 2

Concept Discovery

What else do you know about inquiry and Research? Expand what you know about
them by reading the following text.


Nature of Inquiry and Research

One goal of education is knowledge acquisition. However, education is not Just

stocking your brain with knowledge; it also encourages you to use acquired knowledge for
a deeper understanding of the world-an understanding that inspires you to create, construct,
or produce things for the betterment of your life and the rest of the world. How is this
possible? Inquiry, a term that is synonymous with the word” investigation," is the answer
to this question. When you inquire or investigate, you tend to ask questions to probe or
examine something. You do this kind of examination through your HOTS or higher-order
thinking strategies of inferential, analytical, critical, creative, and appreciative thinking to
discover more understandable or meaningful things beyond such object of your inquiry.
Thinking in this manner makes you ask open-ended questions to elicit views, opinions, and
beliefs of others in relation to your research (Small et al. 2012).

Characteristics of Research

Research is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner of thinking. Starting

from particular to more complex ideas, you execute varied thinking acts that range from
lower order to higher-order thinking strategies reflected by these research activities:
identifying the t0pic or problem, gathering data, making theories, formulating hypotheses,
analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Cognitively driven terms like empirical, logical,
cyclical, analytical, critical, methodical, and replicable are the right descriptive words to
characterize research. These powerful modifiers that your previous research subject,
Practical Research 1, explained to a certain extent, are the very same terms to characterize
any quantitative research you intend to carry out this time. The data you work on in research
do not come mainly from yourself but also from other sources of knowledge like people,
books, and artworks, among others. Hence, one cardinal principle in research is to give
acknowledgment to owners of all sources of knowledge involved in your research work.
Giving credit to people from whom you derived your data from is your way of not only
thanking the authors for their contributions to the field, but also establishing the validity
and reliability of the findings of your research that ought to serve as an instrument for world
progress (Muijs, 201; Ransome, 2013).

Methods of Research

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

To be a researcher is to be a scientist who must think logically or systematically;

your research activities must follow a certain order, like doing inductive thinking that
makes you ponder on specific ideas first, then move to more complex concepts like
conclusions or generalizations or do the opposite of inductive thinking, which is deductive
thinking, that lets you start from forming generalizations to examining details about the
subject matter. These are not the only approaches that you can adhere to in planning your
research work. Depending on your topic and purpose, you are free to choose from several
approaches, methods, and types of research you learned in your previous research subject,
Practical Research 1 (Gray, 2011; Sharp, 2012).

Inquiry vs Research

One scholarly activity that significantly involves inquiry is research. Similar to

inquiry that starts from what you are ignorant about, research makes you learn something
by means of a problem-solving technique. Both inquiry and research encourage you to
formulate questions to direct you to the exact information you want to discover about the
object of your curiosity. Your questions operate like a scrutiny of a person’s attire to hfi0d
out what are hidden between or among the compartments or folded parts of his/her clothes.
Although the core word for both inquiry and research is investigation or questioning, they
are not exactly the same in all aspects. Research includes more complex acts of
investigation than inquiry because the former follows a scientific procedure of discovering
truths or meanings about things in this world (Lapan et al., 2012; Goodwin, 2014).

Additional Resources:

Day 3

Concept Elaboration

Group Work. Form a group of three and do any of these group activities.

1. Speculative thinking. Prove how Inquisitive you are by raising Investigative

questions about these topics:

• 215tCentury Educational Strategies

• Era of Globalization, Social Networking, Climate Change
• Digital Age
• Sustainable Community
• Carcinogenic Foods
• E-mail vs. Postal Mail
• Stem-cell Therapy
• Proliferation of Dermatological Clinics, and Food Supplements

2. Classify your questions into lower-level and top-level questions. Send it to your
teacher through message via Messenger; provide documentation of your group
discussion through pictures and screenshots of your conversation in Messenger as
you brainstorming the inquisitive questions for the topic.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Day 4

Determine weather inquiry or research is applicable to the given situation. Check the
corresponding column of your answer.

Situation Inquiry Research

1. A person wants to know the occupant of one
2. A student wants to know the medicinal features of guava
3. Mr. Cruz wants to learn the technique on how the electric
fan function instantly.
4. The professor wants to learn the effect of networking on
his student’s learning abilities.
5. Aling Rosa wants to learn the reason for decrease of her
sales for the day.

Day 5
Concept Transformation

Examine the setup of your family, school or any organization you are a member of.
What are the things you want to know mor through inquiry? Present your answer on an
encoded format. Submit it via email to josedizon9@gmail.com or via Facebook messenger.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

LESSON 2: Quantitative Research

Intended Earning Outcomes

After this lesson, you should be able to:

• familiarize yourself with vocabulary terms to clarify things about quantitative

• communicate with others using the newly learned vocabulary terms;
• speculate about quantitative research;
• define quantitative research accurately;
• compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research based on some criteria
or standards;
• draw distinctions between a qualitative question ftom a quantitative question;
• ask questions any quantitative research seeks to answer; and
• analyze the power of print media or electronic devices to trigger off students’
quantitative questioning.

Day 7
Concept Linkers
Old and New Concept Fusion

To acquire substantial knowledge on some topics in this lesson, activate your

schemata about the underlined word in each sentence. Get clues from its usage in the

1. Demonstrate through a hand geture the magnitude of the screen that you think is
enough to block the window.

2. In looks, Malaysians are analogous to Filipinos, but in language, they are not.

3. Please use precise words to explain your point for the listeners’ quick understanding
of your ideas.

4. The plastic bag becomes inflated with much air blown into it while it deflates with
air released from such container.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
5. A person experiences moral instability if he/she does not pattern his/her life after
Jesus Christ: the way, the truth, and the life.

Day 8-9

Which between these two sets of statements is easier or quicker to understand?

Justify your point.

Set A Ninety-five (95%) of the examinees passed the licensure exams. Twenty pages of
the book contain grammatically incorrect sentences.

Set B A big number of examinees passed the licensure exams. Several pages of the book
contain grammatically incorrect sentences.

Concept Discovery

What do you think? Does your choice between Set A and B align itself to the content of
the following selection or run counter to the text? Read the text to find out.


Delimitation of Quantitative Research

Expressions like numerical forms, objective. thinking, statistical methods, and

measurement signal the existence of quantitative research. One word that reflects the true
nature of this type of research is numerical. This term, numerical, is a descriptive word
pertaining to or denoting a number or symbol to express how many, how much, or what
rank things are or have in this world. Expressing meaning through numerals or a set 0
symbols indicates specificity, particularity, or exactness of something.
Quantitative research makes you focus your mind on specific things by means of
statistics that involve collection and study of numerical data. Thus, to give the basic
meaning of quantitative research is to say that research is a way of making any phenomenon
or any sensory experience clearer or more meaningful by gathering and examining facts
and information about such person, thing, place, or event that appeals to your senses. You
use mathematical Operations of addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication to study
and express relationships between quantities or magnitudes shown by numbers or symbols.
involving measurements and amounts, quantitative research seeks to find answers to
questions starting with how many, how much, how long, to what extent, and the like.
Answers to these questions come in numerals, percentages, and fractions, among others
(Suter, 2012; Russell, 2013).


Because quantitative research uses numbers and figures to denote a particular thing,
this kind of research requires you to focus your full attention on the object of your study.
Doing this, you tend to exclude your own thoughts and feelings about the subject or object.
This is why quantitative research is described as objective research in contrast to qualitative
research that is subjective. Characterized by objectiveness, in which only the neat or
factual, not the emotional or cognitive existence of the object, matters greatly to the artist,
quantitative research is analogous to scientif1c or experimental thinking. In this case, you

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
just do not identify problems but theorize, hypothesize, analyze, infer, and create as well.
Quantitative research usually happens in hard sciences like physics, chemistry, biology,
and medicine; meanwhile, we see qualitative research in soft sciences such as humanities,
social sciences, education, and psychology, among others.


Quantitative research is of two kinds: experimental and non-experimental. Each of

these has sub-types. Falling under experimental are these specific types: true experimental,
quasi-experimental, single subject, and pre-experimental. Quasi-experimental comes in
several types: matched comparative group, time series, and counter balanced quasi-
experimental. Non-experimental research, on the other hand, has these sub-types: survey,
historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative research.


The importance of quantitative research lies greatly in the production of results that
should reflect precise measurement and an in-depth analysis of data. It is also useful in
obtaining an objective understanding of people, things, places, and events in this world
meaning, attaching accurate or exact meanings to objects or subjects, rather than inflated
meanings resulting from the researcher’s bias or personal attachment to things related to
the research. Requiring the use of reliable measurement instruments or statistical methods,
a quantitative study enables people to study their surroundings as objectively as they can.
This kind of research is likewise an effective method to obtain information about specified
personality traits of a group member or of the group as a whole as regards the extent of the
relationship of their characteristics and the reason behind the instability of some people’s
characteristics (Muijs, 2011 Gray, 2013).

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

Having much knowledge on the difference of quantitative and qualitative research
you are now able to compare the difference between each type of research.

Standards Quantitative Qualitative

Researchers involvement Subjective sometimes Objective least
with object or subject of the personally engaged. involvement by the
study. researcher.
Expression of data, data Verbal language. Numerals, statistics
analysis, and findings.
Research plan Takes place as the research Plans all research aspects
proceeds gradually. before collecting data.
Behavior towards research Desires to present the Control and manipulation
aspects/conditions. natural setting of research of the research condition by
features. the researcher.
Obtaining knowledge Multiple method Scientific method
Purpose Make social intention Evaluate objective,
understandable. examine cause and effect
Data analysis technique Thematical, competence- Mathematically based
based methods
Style of expression Personal lacks formality Impersonal, scientific or
Sampling technique More inclined to purposive Random sampling as the
sampling or use of hosen most preferred
samples based on some

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
Mental survey of realty Results from social Exists in the physical wold.
Cause effect relationship Explained by peoples Revealed by automatic
objective desires. description of
circumstances or

Additional Resources:

Day 10
Concept Explanation

Access the link below to answer the quiz.

Note quiz is only accessible if the when the teachers announce its opening and completion
date. All quizzes in the google classroom can be access with the provided link and without
any mobile data charge with use only of Google Chrome. Other browsers will require
internet connectivity.


Day 11

Formulate a quantitative question about each of the given topic.

1. Gender (male and female)
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________

2. Learning styles (visual, audio and kinetic, among others)

a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________

3. Philippine Transportation system

a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Day 12
Concept Transformation

Watch a news show from the television. Ponder n the headlines of the news ad try
asking quantitative questions about them. Give your teachers a copy of the questions by
providing the YouTube link of the news segment/part tat you have pondered and the copy
of your quantitative questions. Share this with your classmate and submit it through

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

LESSON 3: Variables
Intended Learning Outcomes

After this lesson, you should be able to:

• widen your vocabulary in English;

• express your perceptions using the newly learned words;
• define variables;
• characterize variables;
• compare and contrast types of variables;
• distinguish independent variables from dependent variables;
• and determine the connection between variables and research problems.

Day 13
Concept Linkers
Old and New Concept Fusion

Go to the main reading text of this lesson and look for the underlined word that has
the same meaning as the word in the following list. Write the word you found opposite the
given word.

1. Power, strength- ____________________________________________________

2. Carry – ___________________________________________________________
3. To come to the surface- _______________________________________________
4. Causing annoyance or disturbance- _____________________________________
5. Give, present- ______________________________________________________
6. Suffering from something- ____________________________________________
7. Show- ____________________________________________________________
8. Changes done to suit one’s purpose- _____________________________________
9. Very necessary- ____________________________________________________
10. Points to something, refers to- _________________________________________

Day 14-16

Ads or Poster Making

Imagine that you are owning a business. Create an advertisement or poster that
promote the product of your company using any photo editing app that you can use
(Photoshop, PowerPoint, etc.). submit your work via email to josedizon9@gmail.com or
via Facebook messenger.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Day 17
Image Intensifier

Think about this title of the reading material that you will soon read: Variables.
What comes to your mind upon hearing this word? Ask questions to express your curiosity
about this word.

Concept Discovery
Find out what the following texts have to say about” Variables.”


Variables are” changing qualities or characteristics" of persons or things like age,

gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements, confidence, and others that are involved in your
research study. Made up of the root or base word” vary," which means to undergo changes
or to differ from, variables have different or varying values in relation to time and situation.
For instance, as years go by, your age or intelligence increases. But placed in a situation
where you are afflicted with a disease or have no means of reading or no access to any
sources of knowledge, your intelligence tends to decrease (Suter, 2012).
In research, especially in a quantitative research, one important thing you have to
focus on at the start of your study is to determine the variables involved in your study.
Unless you spend some time pondering on variables in your research, your work has no
chance of attaining its goal. Your research problem or research topic to which you devote
much of your initial research time finalizing has a good standing if it has wordings on the
basic variables involved in your study.

Basic Type

Basically, variables are of two types: independent variables and dependent

variables. Independent variables are those that cause changes in the subject, while
dependent variables are those that bear or manifest the effects caused by the independent
variables. Hence, in a causal relationship, the cause comes from the independent variables
while the effects come from the dependent variables.
In an experimental research, the independent variable as the condition or treatment
applied to the experimental group is under the control, direction, or manipulation of the
researcher or experimenter. For instance, to determine the positive effects of one modern
grammar theory called SFG (Systemic Functional Grammar) on IC (Intercultural
Competence), you apply this theory in varied ways like realizing this in a collaborative,
oral, or written activity. In this case, the SFG that focuses on language use for acquiring
and expressing ideas, for developing interpersonal relationships, and for organizing ideas
strategically, serves as the independent variable and the IC, that pertains to excellent
relationships of people from various cultural groups, as the dependent variable.

Variable Relationships

In a scientific way of studying cause-effect relationships, these two. variables,

independent and dependent are part and parcel of the research because the first one is the
cause and the second is the effect that you can subject to any form of measurement.
However, as you carry out the research, it is possible that one, two, or more variables or
extra variables crop up to create an impact on the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables. Being extra variables, they form this other type of variables called
extraneous variables.
For example, in the case of SFG vs. IC (the first as the independent variable; the
second as the dependent variable), extraneous variables like age, gender, or personality
traits may suddenly surface to create effects on the relationships of the two basic variables.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
Such extraneous variables are called participant variables if they refer to the moods,
emotions, or intelligence of the subject; they are situational variables if they pertain to
nature of the place: smelly, chilly, cold, hot, spacious, and the like.

Other Types of Variables

Extraneous variables are to be controlled by you, the experimenter. But if they do

not give in to your control, they become confounding variables that can strongly influence
your study. Dealing with these types of variables gives you difficulty in determining the
real cause of changes in the dependent variables, that is, whether it is due only to the
independent variable or to the combination between the confounding and the independent
variables. The involvement of confounding variables in the research results in the
production of mixed up, confusing, or bewildering results.” Involved not within the
research situation but outside the research process, the extraneous variables exist as
“nuisance variables,” which potency need to go down to prevent it from affecting the
results negatively (Schreiber & Ashner-Self 2011; Suter, 2013;Thomas, 2012).

Other types of variables are as follows (Babbie, 2013; Russell, 2013):

1. Constant do not undergo any changes during an experiment

2. Attribute characteristics of people: intelligence, creativity, anxiety learning, and
styles, among others
3. Covariate included in the research study to create interactions with the
Independent and dependent variables.
4. Continuous quantitative in nature and is used in interval or ratio scale of
5. Dichotomous has only two possible results: one or zero Latent cannot be directly
observed like personality traits Manifest can be directly observed to give proofs to
latent variables
6. Exogenous found outside an identified model Endogenous found inside as a part
of identified model
7. Endogenous- found inside as part of identified model.

Additional Resources:

Day 18
Concept Explanation

Access the link below to answer the quiz.

Note quiz is only accessible if the when the teachers announce its opening and completion
date. All quizzes in the google classroom can be access with the provided link and without
any mobile data charge with use only of Google Chrome. Other browsers will require
internet connectivity.


Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Identify the dependent and independent variables in each research problem. Write your
answer on the next column together with your explanation.

Research Question Independent Variable Dependent variable

1. How does logical
thinking develop
logical thinking?
2. What are the effects
of Korean Novellas
to Filipinos?
3. In what way does
learning increase
4. In what extent does
texting decrease
5. What corrupt
practice triggers off
one’s resignation?

Day 19-21

On a short message to the fakebook messenger of your teacher, submit individually

a topic that you want to study for your research this year. Provide the topic title, the
quantitative questions and the purpose of your study.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

LESSON 4: Quantitative Research Problem

Intended Learning Outcomes

After this lesson, you should be able to:

1. increase the number of English words you know;
2. communicate you: world views through the newly learned welds;
3. explain the meaning of a quantitative research problem;
4. evaluate the quality of qualitative research problem and research questions;
5. use prose and non-prose means of comparing .and contrasting the approaches:
6. types of research questions; & distinguish a researchable from a non-researchable
research problem;
7. and apply the guidelines In stating a quantitative research problem and research

Day 22-23
Concept Discovery

Do the following texts contain ideas approximating your thoughts and feelings
about the term problem? Find out by reading this text intelligently.


Nature of Quantitative Research Problem

Life is not always a bed of roses. It is made up of both negative and positive aspects.
Experiencing something negative or making you fail to aver or affirm the existence of a
thing you expected to see or happen is a natural occurrence in life. The situation where you
find difficulty in knowing or finding answers or solutions to questions causing you worries
or perplexities is called a problem. By nature, you or any person on earth do not want to
stay long in a problematic kind of life. Once you encounter a problem, as an inquisitive,
speculative, and creative person, you immediately would like to f1nd ways and means to
free yourself from such conundrum in your life.
Sparked by your curiosity or interest, you get to ponder on a problem that needs
answers. You resort to thinking of what to solve, whom to ask, where to go, and how to do
all the things you want to happen to find the answer to the problem. Behaving this way,
you are then confronted with a research problem. A research problem is something difficult
or uncertain that nurtures in your mind, enough to push you to do an empirical investigation
whereby you search for answers to a problem by collecting and analyzing data or
information through which you can find the right answer or solution. '
Requiring you to adopt an empirical attitude toward your problem in a way that you
depend on your sensory experience, conduct experimentation, or perform a scientific
method in arriving at the truth about something makes your problem a researchable
problem. Therefore, it becomes a quantitative research problem, not a qualitative research
problem that people consider not researchable because it is more inclined to explaining or
describing people’s views, values, attitudes, opinions, and other subjective traits. Unlike a
quantitative research problem that is not only characterized by precision, specificity, or
stability, but also geared toward a possible result, qualitative research problem is described
as expansive, widespread, and developing, and it is focused more on processes rather than
on outcomes (Matthews & Ross, 2010; Schreiber & Ashner-Self, 2011).

Sources of Quantitative Research Problem

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
What are the things around you that could trigger your mind to mull over one
Problematic area in your life that you want to look into empirically? One of the following
could give rise to a quantitative research problem (Edmonds & Kennedy, 2013; Punch,

1. Agencies of the government or any non-government institutions.

2. Your experience or genuine interest in something
3. Previous research findings that you want to validate or consider as studies suffering
from some inconsistencies or discrepancies
4. Present political social or economic issues in society 5. Review of related literature

Research Questions vs. Quantitative Research Problem

Several reasons for you to define or finalize a research problem or a research topic.
But this does not mean that after spending time thinking about a research problem
immediately, you plunge into carrying out an investigation or collecting and analyzing
data. Thinking of a research problem or a topic to research on is a beginning act in research
Another initial research act is asking a set of specific questions or identifying subproblems
about your research problem.
These specific or sub questions, called Research Questions to specify the scope and
Method in collecting and analyzing data, give you the right direction in your research, in
addition, they are questions to give further definition or explanation of the research
problem by stressing the fact that they elicit answers to clarify or solve the research
problem, which is the main problem of the research. Here are examples of statements to
show the relationship between a quantitative research problem and research questions
(Layder 2013; Thomas 2013).

Research Problem

Interrogative statement: What percentage of private universities in Manila

consider: the use of grammar textbooks as the most effective way to help college students
attain communicative competence?
Declarative statement: The main objective of this study is to find out the percentage
of Manila private universities considering the use of grammar textbooks as the most
effective way to help college students attain communicative competence.

Research Questions

Interrogative statements:

The main objective of this study is to find out the percentage of Manila private
universities considering the use of grammar textbooks as the most effective way to help
college students attain communicative competence. Thus, he researchers will try to find the
answers to the following questions.

1. What is an English grammar textbook?

2. What is communicative competence?
3. What components of the grammar textbook work for communicative competence
4. How many Manila private universities require the use of grammar textbooks?
5. How many Manila private universities use grammar textbooks as references only?
6. To what extent do Manila private universities find grammar textbooks effective in
helping college students attain communicative competence?

Declarative statements:
Likewise, this study aims to find answers to the following specific objectives:

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
1. to define a grammar textbook;
2. to explain the meaning of communicative competence;
3. to identify the components of the grammar book that work for communicative
competence development;
4. to determine the number of Manila private universities requiring the use of
grammar textbooks;
5. to determine the number of Manila private universities using grammar textbooks as
references only; and
6. to determine the extent of Manila private universities considering grammar
textbooks as the means by which they can help the college students attain
communicative competence.

Guidelines in Formulating Quantitative Research Problem and Research Questions

1. Formulate a research problem that is researchable-meaning, open to empirical

2. See to it that you state your quantitative research problem clearly, concisely, and
possibly if under APA referencing style, it should not be more than 12 words.
3. Have your research problem focus on a general understanding of your research
4. Construct a research problem that mirrors the importance of carrying out the
research for finding answers or solutions to a problem.
5. Let your quantitative research problem state the variables and their relationships
with one another.
6. Construct an introductory statement to present your research problem, which is the
main problem of your research.
7. State your research questions or sub-problems not in the form of yes-or-no
questions, but in informative questions.

Express your research problem and research questions either in an interrogative or

declarative manner, but some research books say that the former is more effective than the
latter (Babbie, 2013; Punch, 2014; Walliman, 2014).

Additional Resources:

Day 24
Concept Explanation

Access the link below to answer the quiz.

Note quiz is only accessible if the when the teachers announce its opening and completion date. All
quizzes in the google classroom can be access with the provided link and without any mobile data
charge with use only of Google Chrome. Other browsers will require internet connectivity.


Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester

Day 25-26

Give a graphical presentation of your answer in activity 1 using a PowerPoint

presentation. Save the PowerPoint Presentation in jpeg file type and upload it to our Google
Classroom Google Drive with the file Surname, First Name.jpeg

Day 27-28

Start making your chapter I of your following the format of any of the research that
is uploaded within the Google drive of our subject. To access the downloadable sample file
please access the link below.


Traits 4 3 2 1
Focus & There is one clear, There is one clear, well- There is one topic. The topic and main
Details well- focused topic. focused topic. Main Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear ideas are clear but are somewhat clear.
and not well supported by
are well supported by detailed information.
detailed andaccurate
Organization The introduction is The introductionstates The introduction states There is no clear
inviting, states the the main topic and the main topic. A introduction, structure,
main topic, and provides an overview of conclusion is included. or conclusion.
provides the paper. A conclusion
an overview of the is included.
paper. Information is
relevant and presented
in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.
Voice The author’s purpose The author’s purpose of The author’s purpose The author’s purpose
of writing is very clear,writing is somewhat of writing is somewhat of writing is unclear.
and there is strong clear, and there is some clear, and there is
evidence of attention evidence of attention to evidence of attention to
to audience. The audience. The author’s audience. The author’s
author’s extensive knowledge and/or knowledge and/or
knowledge and/or experience with the topic experience with the
experience with the is/are evident. topic is/are limited.
topic is/are evident.

Word Choice The author uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses words The writer uses a
words and phrases. words and phrases. The that communicate limited vocabulary.
The choice and choice and placement of clearly, but the writing Jargon or clichés may
placement of words words is inaccurate at lacks variety. be present and detract
seems accurate, times and/or seems from the meaning.
natural, and not overdone.

Dominican School of Pilar
Module 1: 1st Semester
Sentence All sentences are well Most sentences are well Most sentences are Sentences sound
Structure, constructed and have constructed and have well constructed, but awkward, are
Grammar, varied structure and varied structure and they have a similar distractingly repetitive,
length. The author length. The author structure and/or length. or are difficult to
Mechanics, & makes no errors in makes a few errors in The author makes understand. The
Spelling grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, several errors in author makes
and/or spelling. and/or spelling, but they grammar, mechanics, numerous errors in
do not interfere with and/or spelling that grammar,mechanics,
understanding. interfere with and/or spelling
understanding. that interfere with


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