Massage Client Intake Form: Personal Information
Massage Client Intake Form: Personal Information
Massage Client Intake Form: Personal Information
Personal Information
Name: Date:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: Email:
DOB: Age:
Sex: Height: Weight:
Exercise Frequency: Exercise Type(s):
Do you smoke? Have you ever smoked? How Often?
How much water do you drink per day?
What medications are you currently using?
Previous complaints/surgeries/medications:
What is your major complaint?
Have you received massage therapy before?
Goals for massage therapy today? Relaxation Rehabilitation High activity level maintenance
Preferred type of touch: Light/Meditative Heavy/Invigorating Deep/Trigger Point
Do You Have Any of the Following Today? (Check All That Apply)
Sunburn Cuts, Burns, Bruises Inflammation Irritated Skin Rash
Headache Severe Pain Poison Ivy Cold or Flu
Asthma Arteriosclerosis Pregnancy Arthritis
Diabetes Varicose Veins Hernia Stomach Ulcers
Epilepsy Dizziness Cancer Pins/Pacemaker
Depression High Blood Pressure Contact Lenses Heart Disease
Hemophilia Low Blood Pressure Musculoskeletal Problems
Mark Areas of Discomfort
I understand that massage is designed for the purpose of relaxation and relief from tension, muscle spasms or
poor circulation. The massage therapist cannot diagnose medical issues/diseases/disorders or perform spine
Signature Date