Basics of Measurement – Classification of errors – Error analysis – Static and dynamic
characteristics of transducers – Performance measures of sensors – Classification of sensors –
Sensor calibration techniques – Sensor Output Signal Types.
1. What do you understand by the term ‘Steady State Error’?
2. Evaluate the purpose of measurement.
3. The unknown resistance in a Wheatstone bridge is measured utilizing three known resistances
such that R4 = R2R3/R1 If the values of R1 = 100 + 0.5% ohm,R2= 500+ 0.5% ohm, and R3
=292 + 0.5% ohm, determine the error in unknown resistance
4. List out the types of instrumental errors.
5. Differentiate primary and Derived standards
6. Identify What are the types of errors?
7. List out the sources of errors.
8. What are the two different means adopted to avoid gross error?
9. Why do you need static calibration and dynamic calibration
10. The following 10 observations were recorded when measuring a voltage:
41.7,42.0,41.8,42.9,42.1,41.9,42.0,41.9,42.5,41.8. Find (a) The mean (b) The standard
11. Differentiate between passive and active transducers. Give an example of each.
12. Compare limiting errors & component errors
13. Explain the differences between error and uncertainty. What are systematic and random
14. Definean inverse transducer. Give an example.
15. Define selectivity and specificity of sensors
16. What are the output signals of sensors?
17. What is meant by two wire and three wire sensors ?Give typical example for each type.
18. Classify sensors based on order and give example.
19. Define Minimum Detectable Signal (MDS).
1. Discuss about the types of errors in measurement system and explain how they are corrected?
2. What is meant by error analysis? Explain statistical methods of error analysis With example.
The following values were obtained from the measurement of current: 12.35A, 12.71 A,
12.48 A,
10.24 A, 12.63 A and 12.58 A. Calculate: The arithmetic mean, The average deviation,
standard deviation, Variance.
3. What are the classifications of instrument errors? Explain about the causes and remedies
for each error in detail.
4. Classify the standards and give example for each level of standard.
5. Compare and Explain Static and dynamic characteristics of transducers / measurement
6. Analyse the various Performance measures of sensors.
7. Explain classification of transducers in detail.
8. List the calibration methods. Explain about the static calibration in detail
9. Explain various output signal types of sensors
1. The following 10 observations were recorded when measuring a voltage in volts.
41.7, 42.0, 41.8, 42.0, 42.1, 41.9, 42.5, 42.0, 41.9, 41.8. Evaluate (1)Mean (2)
Standard Deviation (3) Probable error (4) Mode.
2. What are the primary and secondary signals in sensor or transducer classification?
Give examples of magnetic- electric sensors and chemical – Electrical sensors.
3. In a test, temperature is measured 100 times with variations in apparatus and procedures.
After applying the corrections, the results are:
Calculate the arithmetic mean, the average deviation, the standard deviation and the
probable error.
Tem p °C 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
Freq 1 3 12 23 37 16 4 2 2
1. Explain the construction and working principle of potentiometer. Evaluate its
application as motion sensor.
2. Explain the loading effect and the error caused in a POT
3. Discuss Linearity and sensitivity of resistive Potentiometers.
4. What is an LVDT? What are the parameters that can be measured by this? Describe with
neat diagram and output characteristics the principle of its construction and operation.
5. Discuss the principle of operation of capacitive accelerometer with relevant diagram
giving its various applications.
6. Explain the working of capacitive transducer with neat schematic.
7. With neat diagram Discuss in detail the construction working of Synchros.
8. Discuss in detail the construction working and applications of RVDT
9. Explain the construction working and applications of resolver.
10. Discuss the principle of capacitive transducer and explain how it is applied for motion
11. Define Piezoelectric Principle and Explain the working of piezoelectric transducer.
12. What is meant by LIDAR? Explain its various
functionalities and applications.
13. Explain the working of GPS as range sensors.
14. Analyse the working of Bluetooth range sensors.
1. A linear resistance potentiometer is 50 mm long and is uniformly wound with a wire
having a resistance of 10000 Ω. Under normal conditions, the slider is at the centre of
the potentiometer. Find the linear displacement when the resistance of the
potentiometer as measured by a Wheatstone bridge for the two cases are: (i) 3850 Ω
(ii)7560 Ω Are the two displacements in the same direction? If it is possible to measure
a minimum value of 10 Ω resistance with the above arrangement , find the resolution of
the potentiometer in mm.
2. A Capacitive transducer uses two quartz diaphragms of area 75- mm2 separated by a
distance of 3.5 mm. A pressure 0f 900 kN/m2 when applied to the top diaphragm
produces a deflection of 0.6 mm. The capacitance is 370 pF when no pressure is applied
to the diaphragms. Find the value of capacitance after application of pressure 900
3. A LVDT output is recorded by a self-balancing potentiometric recorder having its
natural frequency of 10 Hz and damping ratio of 0.707. The LVDT is excited by
10 V at 50 Hz power supply. Calculate the maximum frequency of the displacement
signal that can be recorded with an error of + 2%.
Strain Gauge, Load Cell, Magnetic Sensors –types, principle, requirement and advantages:
Magneto resistive – Hall Effect – Current sensor Heading Sensors – Compass, Gyroscope,
1. Define gauge factor of strain gauge.
2. What are the various characteristic features of strain gauge load cell?
3. Differentiate semiconductor strain gauges and metal wire strain gauges.
4. Define piezoresistive effect.
5. List out various types of strain gauges.
6. A resistive wire strain gauge uses a soft iron wire of small diameter. The gauge
factor is +4.2. Neglecting the piezoresisitive effects, calculate poisons ratio.
7. Sketch a magnetic field sensor using ∆Y- effect.
8. Define ∆Y- effect in magnetic sensors.
9. What is meant by Villari effect?
10. Define Magneto resistive effect.
11. Differentiate Matteucci effect, Villari effect and Wiedemann effect.
12. How does compass works and state the principle behind it?
13. State the principle of current sensor.
14. Define Hall effect and justify the applications of it.
15. What is an inclinometer? List the applications of it.
16. What is Compass? Assess the significance and applications of it.
17. Compare different types of magnetic sensors.
18. What is meant by Heading Sensors? List out the types.
19. Asses the advantages of magnetic sensors.
20. Assess the significance of Gyroscope?
1. (i) Derive the equation for gauge factor.
(ii) Discuss the operation of strain gauge and evaluate its applications as force sensor.
2. Illustrate about different types of strain gauges with neat sketch.
3. (i) Evaluate the principle of operation of load cell for the measurement of force.
5. (i) What is gyroscope? Explain the principle of operation and properties of it with
relevant diagrams.
(ii) On What factors and parameters of the sensor does the Hall voltage output depend for
a given field condition.
6. (i) What are the different types of magnetic sensors? On what principles do they work?
Outline briefly.
(ii) What is ∆Y- effect? How is it used in practice for magnetic field sensing? What
materials are specifically suitable for the purpose?
7. Describe with diagrams, the principle of operation of a coaxial type torque sensor. What
is an inactive zone in such sensor? Why is it provided?
8. Describe the basic principle of a Hall device and show how can it be used as magnetic
field sensor?
9. (i) Describe the operation of hall effect current sensor.
(ii) List out and analyze the various effects governing magnetic sensing.
10. Evaluate the need for magnetic sensors also explain the types, principle,
requirement and advantages of magnetic sensors.
11. (i) Elaborate the features and applications of compass.
(ii) Discuss the principle of working of Active semiconductor magnetic sensors.
12. (i) Explain the principle behind Electrolytic spirit level transducer.
(ii) Brief the features and applications of inclinometers.
13. (i) Discuss the principle and operation of any one form of gyroscope
(ii) Differentiate Free gyroscope and Single-axis restrained gyro.
14. Explain the working of inclinometers or tilt sensors.
1 (i) How does the gauge factor of a semiconductor strain gauge vary with doping level?
Discuss with help of diagrams.
(ii) Describe a piezoresistive type strain gauge sensor appending appropriate diagrams.
2 Develop the principle of anisotropic magnetoresistive sensors. How is it used in sensing
magnetic field? A metallic magnetoresisitor is placed in magnetic field with its length
perpendicular to the field. How does the resistance vary with this field
3 How is performance of Hall sensor evaluated? What are the primary and secondary
4 Analyse the performance measures of different heading sensors giving the merits,
demerits and applications.
1. Define Dark resistance and list out some materials used for the construction of LDR.
2. Estimate the advantages and disadvantages of Thermistor.
3. How a thermistor differs from a thermocouple as a temperature sensor?
4. What is meant by tactile sensor?
5. Define the pin outs and the merits of IC used for temperature measurement.
6. Determine the pressure sensitivity of a quartz piezoelectric transducer of thickness 2.5
mm. the voltage sensitivity of quartz is 50x 103Vm/N.
7. State advantages of fiber optic sensors and its application.
8. Discuss why the reference junction is needed in thermocouples.
9. Show how force summing devices help in pressure measurement.
10. Define Seebeck effect and Thompson effect and state the significance of them.
11. Determine the types of thermocouples and materials used for constructing
12. Differentiate the characteristics of RTD and Thermistor.
13. List out any two applications that need MEMS sensors..
14. State the properties of piezoelectric crystals.
15. What is the principle of Piezoelectric transducer?
16. Point out the important features of smart transducer.
17. Compare MEMS sensors and Nano Sensors.
18. State the advantages of MEMS.
19. Show the block diagram of architecture of smart sensor.
20. Give the standards available for Smart transducer and its interface.
1. (i) Discuss the photovoltaic mode of operation of a photo diode with its diagram
and volt- ampere characteristics.
(ii) Give the constructional and functional details of thermocouple with the
relevant physical laws and diagrams.
2. (i) Explain the working of different types of pressure diaphragms and bellows with
(ii) Discuss the principle of operation of fiber optic sensor with neat diagram.
1. Consider a fibre optic probe and design a displacement sensor for transducing
displacement in to equivalent electric signal by making necessary assumptions and plot
the characteristics curve of the designed sensor.
2. A thermistor has a resistance of 3980Ω at the ice point(0°C) and 794Ω at 50°C. The
resistance temperature relationship is given by RT=aR0exp(b/T). Calculate the range
of resistance to be measured in case the temperature varies from 40°C to 100°C.
3. Design a temperature monitoring system for pasteurization processing for milk
and Discuss the features of the system.
4. Analyse the different standards involved in Smart Transducer interface, and also
discuss about the need for standardisation.
Amplification – Filtering – Sample and Hold circuits – Data Acquisition: Single channel and
multi channel data acquisition – Data logging - applications - Automobile, Aerospace, Home
appliances, Manufacturing, Environmental monitoring.
1. What is signal conditioning and why it is required? Develop the block diagram of
a DC signal conditioning system and explain the functions of each block.
2. Draw and Explain Instrumentation amplifier with neat diagram and derive its
3. (i) Draw and explain sample and hold circuit.
(ii) What is signal Conditioning and why is it required.
4. Define Q factor and discuss the working of different filter categories.
1. Evaluate the importance, performance and applications of various sensors in
Automobile industries.
2. Present a case study on Medical diagnostic sensors giving the features and
3. (i) A simple RC low-Pass filter is to be designed that the output voltage be
attenuated by 3 db at 50 Hz. Calculate the time constant and suitable values of
R and C.
(ii) A bandpass filter consists of two RC networks connected in cascade. The Low
pass Filter consists of a resistor R1=10 kΩ and C1=100pF and the high pass
Filter consists of a resistor R2=1MΩ and C2=0.01μF.Find the lower and upper
cutoff frequencies and the pass band gain.
4. Evaluate the applications of various sensors in aerospace applications and discuss
the technique of computation of air speed on aircraft by measuring
the static pressure, total pressure and temperature.