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Ultra-Low Power Fast Multi-Channel 10-Bit ADC ASIC For Readout of Particle Physics Detectors

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

Ultra-low power fast multi-channel 10-bit ADC

ASIC for readout of particle physics detectors
Sz. Bugiel, R. Dasgupta, M. Firlej, T. Fiutowski, Member, IEEE, M. Idzik, Member, IEEE, M. Kopec, J. Moron,
K. Swientek

Abstract—The design and measurement results of an ultra- – International Linear Collider or CLIC – Compact LInear
low power multi-channel fast 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Collider), replacing the previously developed digitizer in older
(ADC) ASIC, developed for readout systems in future particle technology [3]. However, the architecture and parameters of
physics experiments, are discussed. An 8-channel prototype with
a PLL-based data serialization and a fast data transmission was the ASIC do not limit its application to this detector. In fact,
designed and fabricated in a 130 nm CMOS process. The ADC the ADC may be used in any readout ASIC requiring similar
converts analog data with sampling rates from about 10 kS/s resolution and sampling rate. For the LumiCal an important
to 40 MS/s, with power consumption proportional to sampling requirement is to have an ASIC operating in wide, power-
rate. The resulting Figure of Merit (FOM), for sampling rates 5– scalable sampling range. In the ILC detector implementation
40 MS/s, is 35–42 fJ/conv.-step, per ADC channel. Similar power
contribution is spent for fast data serialization and the largest a sampling rate of about 3 MS/s would be needed [4]. On
contribution goes to data transmission. A wide spectrum of static the other hand, for the beam-test runs, where the ILC-like
and dynamic measurements confirm very good performance trigger is usually not available, a much higher 20–25 MS/s
of this multi-channel ADC with ENOB∼9.2 bits, an excellent rate is favorable, which allows to sample the shape of the
channel uniformity, and negligible crosstalk. The ADC works front-end pulse and then to perform its deconvolution [2].
asynchronously and so it is not limited to systems with uniform
time sampling. The ADC is designed using dynamic circuitry Increasing the ADC sampling rate even further to 40 MS/s
which eliminates static power consumption (except leakage), as a one could extend its applicability to various Large Hadron
consequence it is ready for applications requiring power cycling. Collider (LHC) detector readout systems. In summary, the
ADC covering the sampling rate from single MS/s to 40 MS/s
Index Terms—Multi-channel ADC; SAR ADC; Ultra-low can be of interest for various newly developed readout systems.
power; Serialization; PLL. For the linear collider applications an important additional
requirement is to reduce as much as possible power dissipation
between beam trains, applying so called power cycling. Based
on the above considerations the main goal of this work was

W ITH the challenges for higher density and speed of

detectors in future particle physics experiments the
demand for fast ultra-low power multi-channel efficient read-
to design an ultra-low power multi-channel 10-bit ADC with
sampling rate up to 40 MS/s and comprising the power cycling.
Depending on further processing another important feature,
out systems is growing continuously. Such fast and efficient which may be requested in multi-channel ADC readout, is an
signal processing is much easier when digitized signals are efficient data serialization and a fast data transmission. These
available already in front-end Application Specific Integrated issues are also studied and discussed in this paper.
Circuit (ASIC) and digital signal processing (DSP) can be The paper is organized in two main parts. In section two
directly applied. This potential has not been used in the past the design of multi-channel ADC ASIC comprising a block
and existing experiments (except systems with binary readout) of ADC cores, a serialization circuitry, and a Scalable Low-
because of huge power needed for Analog-to-Digital Converter Voltage Signaling (SLVS) I/O interface, is presented. In the
(ADC). Recently, with the availability of new smaller size third section the results of static and dynamic measurements
CMOS technologies and fast progress in ultra-low power performed on the prototype ASICs, covering also various
ADC architectures, it has become possible to overcome this multi-channel aspects like uniformity, crosstalk, or power
bottleneck [1]. Nowadays, it is feasible to design a front-end supply dependence, are presented. A comparison to other
readout chain comprising fast medium/high resolution ADC works is also given in this section.
per channel, in which the ADC power contribution is only a
small fraction of total power.
The multi-channel 10-bit ADC discussed in this paper is II. A RCHITECTURE AND D ESIGN
being developed for the readout of luminosity detector (Lumi- The developed multi-channel 10-bit ADC ASIC comprises
Cal) in the forward region [2] of future linear collider (ILC an ultra-low power 8-channel 10-bit ADC block, a fast se-
rializer based on dedicated Phase Locked Loop (PLL), and a
Manuscript received 22 April 2016; Revised 11 July 2016
Authors are with the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer SLVS I/O interface. The present prototype contains eight ADC
Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, e-mail: channels, although the final goal is to obtain a higher ASIC
Krzysztof.Swientek@agh.edu.pl. integration, comprising multi-channel analog front-end with
This work was supported by Polish National Science Centre (NCN), grant
reference number DEC-2012/07/B/ST7/01456. The authors would also like to ADC conversion and possibly with further DSP functionalities,
thank the FCAL collaboration for encouragement and fruitful discussions. in one System-on-Chip (SoC) readout ASIC. The final number

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

Vref Control signals

Bootstrapped Dynamic
switches comparator
32C 2C C 8C 2C 16C

Vin+ Asynchronous,
2C 10-bit
Split 6b/3b DAC dynamic
Vin 2C output
SAR logic

32C 2C C 8C 2C 16C

Sampling Vref
clock Vcm

Fig. 1. Architecture of 10-bit SAR ADC.

of channels should match the sensor segmentation, which rates 0.01–40 MS/s, and in the range 10–30 MS/s it achieves
for the LumiCal, containing 64 sensor pads in a sector, will the Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) 9.2–9.35 and the Figure
most probably be 64. In this design no special attention was of Merit (FOM) 34–37 fJ/conv.-step.
given to radiation hardness aspects, although the 130 nm
CMOS process should allow significant radiation immunity. B. Serializer
The detailed radiation hardness studies will be done in the To serialize the data from continuously running multi-
future. channel ADC, a multiple of the sampling clock is needed. In
commercial multi-channel ADCs a dedicated PLL is usually
used for this purpose. In the developed ASIC the PLL was
A. 10-bit ADC Channel Core
implemented but the serializer can be also configured to work
The ADCs performing successive approximations are in different ways.
among the most popular due to their simplicity and a very 1) Serializer Architecture: The output data from multi-
small number of mostly digital components. During last channel ADC can be serialized and sent out in different ways,
decade the improvements in Successive Approximation Reg- according to the selected serializer mode.
ister (SAR) ADC architecture have brought a continuous • Single channel mode – in this mode a 10-bit data of the
increase of their speed (presently beyond 300 MS/s for a selected channel is sent to ten parallel SLVS transmitters
10-bit ADC [5]) and a huge drop in dissipated power. As with the sampling clock frequency and so the readout and
discussed before, the latter is of crucial importance for future sampling frequency are the same.
high density detector readout systems, and for this reason the • Parallel mode without PLL – in this mode the 10-bit data
SAR architecture has been chosen in this work. of each channel is serialized and sent into a single SLVS
The design and measurement results of the SAR ADC core transmitter with an external readout clock 10-times faster
used in this work have been already presented in detail and than the ADC sampling clock. The ADC sampling clock
published [6]. Here we summarize only the main features. is obtained by division of the external readout clock.
The architecture of the implemented 10-bit ADC core is • Parallel mode with PLL – in this mode the 10-bit data
shown in Fig. 1. The ADC comprises an input sampling of each channel is serialized and sent into a single SLVS
circuitry, a Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC), a compara- transmitter with an internal readout clock 10-times faster
tor, and a SAR control logic. A fully differential solution is than the ADC sampling clock. The readout clock is
used to improve the immunity to digital cross-talk and other generated by an internal PLL which multiplies by ten
disturbances. A capacitive DAC eliminates the static power the ADC sampling clock.
and achieves the lowest power consumption. For the same • Serial mode without PLL – in this mode the 10-bit data
reason all transistor-based circuitry is dynamic. In result the from eight channels is serialized and sent into a single
ADC does not consume any power (except leakage) when SLVS transmitter with the external readout clock 80-
not converting and its power dissipation is proportional to times faster than the ADC sampling clock. The ADC
the sampling frequency. An asynchronous control logic is sampling clock is obtained by division of the external
implemented to eliminate the clock tree and to increase the readout clock.
conversion speed. The asynchronous operation together with • Serial mode with PLL – in this mode the 10-bit data from
the dynamic implementation enscan notures the power cycling. eight channels is serialized and sent into a single SLVS
To optimize the ADC speed a variable internal delay during transmitter with the internal readout clock 80-times faster
each bit processing was implemented. It can be set through than the ADC sampling clock. The ADC sampling clock
internal registers. is obtained dividing by ten the external clock, while the
The ADC core occupies a 950 µm x 146 µm area. It was readout clock is generated by the internal PLL which
verified [6] that the ADC core works properly for sampling multiplies the external clock by eight.

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

In each mode the readout clock is used for synchronization Ref U

of the ADC data sent from the chip. Since the implemented PFD D
synchronous data transmission works up to about 400 MHz
the ADC operation in serial modes is limited to sampling AFMS VO

frequencies below 5 MHz. This mode would be interesting

for synchronous operation in a final ILC-like experimental
Div Clock
configuration, but since it cannot be used for higher sampling Divider
rates, it is not discussed in this paper. Also the single channel
mode is not discussed because it is not in the scope of this
work. For standard operation it is assumed that the ASIC Fig. 3. PLL block diagram.
receives only the sampling clock and for this reason the default
mode of operation is the parallel mode with PLL. Only this
readout mode will be discussed in the following part of this counter can be configured for forward or reverse counting
work. while each LFSR counter can change the primitive polynomial
The block diagram of the parallel serialization with PLL is between 1+x3 +x10 and 1+x7 +x10 . In addition, the counters
shown in Fig. 2. The data are always sent out starting from in the first four channels start from a different value than in
the next four channels.
10b 1b
Vin[0] SAR 0 serialiser 0 C. Fast Power-Efficient SLVS I/O

A fast power-efficient differential I/O interface is needed to

10b transmit the serialized high frequency ADC data. For a 1.2 V
Vin[4] SAR 4 serialiser 4
power supply of CMOS 130 nm process the successor of the
Vin[5] SAR 5 serialiser
SLVS commonly accepted LVDS interface i.e. the SLVS was chosen.



For a transmitter, a modified architecture proposed in [9],

10b 1b
7 was used. The schematic diagram of the implemented SLVS
Vin[7] SAR 7 serialiser transmitter is shown in Fig. 4. Additional source followers
ext_clk PLL readout_clk VDD
clk x10 vp Vbias2 vp Vbias2
MU M10 M7 M8

Fig. 2. Block diagram of multi-channel serialization.

selB sel
M3 M4
the most significant bit (MSB). Apart from the readout clock M5 M6

and eight SLVS data transmitters, an additional start f rame os
M1 M2 selB M11 vn
Vbias1 SLVSref
SLVS transmitter is used, which is needed to mark the begin- M12
ning of the 10-bit ADC sample.
2) PLL: The PLL used for serialization of the multi- vn
channel ADC data was designed as a general purpose ultra-low VSS
power (< 1mW at 1 GHz) circuit, which can operate in a very
wide MHz–GHz frequency range. Figure 3 shows the block Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of SLVS transmitter.
diagram of the developed PLL. It consists of a Phase and
Frequency Detector (PFD), a Charge Pump (CP) with a Low M11, M12 were added to the original scheme to allow very
Pass Filter (LPF), a single-ended Voltage-Controlled Oscillator low (≤ 400 mV) common-mode voltage. Since the transmitter
(VCO), a clock divider, and an Automatic Frequency Mode is the most power-consuming block and 10 SLVS transmitters
Setting (AFMS) block. It can operate with different division are needed to transmit 8-channel data output, the SLVS power
factors but for the multi-channel ADC only divisions by consumption may be varied by changing its bias current. In
8 (serial mode) and 10 (parallel mode) are used. For data addition the common-mode voltage is controlled by an external
serialization the readout frequency range 10–400 MHz is used reference voltage SLV Sref .
in this work. The PLL operation was positively verified before For the SLVS receiver, a self-biasing amplifier configuration
its implementation in the multi-channel ADC ASIC. The proposed in [10] was implemented, as shown in Fig. 5. In
design and measurements of the prototype PLL are discussed default operating conditions the simulated power consumption
in detail in [7]. of the transmitter and receiver is about 2.1 mW and 0.6 mW
3) Testability: To verify the serializer itself and the digital respectively. Simulations showed that for standard 100 Ω
transmission a known pattern can be sent to the serializer input termination and small capacitive load (∼2pF), the transmitter-
instead of ADC data. Two types of 10 bit-wide pattern are receiver chain can work up to about 2 GHz.
generated by a dedicated binary or pseudo-random internal
counters. The pseudo-random counters are linear feedback D. ASIC Integration, Floorplan and Layout
shift registers (LFSR) avoiding a forbidden state [8]. To avoid The layout of the prototype ASIC is optimized for multi-
generation of the same data in each channel, each binary channel architecture and consequently the vertical size of

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science


The prototype ASIC was fabricated in a 130 nm, eight-metal
CMOS technology. The results presented in this paper were
obtained doing a complete set of systematic measurements for
one prototype ASIC. In addition, a number of measurements
IN+ IN- were performed for three other ASICs, giving practically the
OUT same results. In one of these ASICs a single not functioning
channel was found. However, the statistics are too low to make
any conclusion about the yield.
The presented measurements were performed for ADC
working in the parallel serialization mode with PLL. Other
serialization modes were positively verified only qualitatively,
VSS in particular the parallel serialization mode without PLL, to
check the ADC operation down to 10 kHz sampling frequency,
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of SLVS receiver. but they are not discussed here because this work is focused
on the fast ADC operation. All the measurements performed
at a given sampling frequency were done for the same settings
ASIC is driven by the chosen ADC pitch of 146 µm. The
of internal delays in the ADC core. These delays were always
146 µm pitch matches the size of differential input and output
chosen in order to get the maximum ENOB value.
SLVS pads. For the chosen pitch the resulting area of the 8-
channel ADC block is 950 µm x 1168 µm. The total area of
the ASIC, determined by number of channels and supply pads, A. Test Setup
is 2000 µm x 2220 µm, giving 4.44 mm2 . To verify the multi-channel ADC performance a dedicated
To allow detailed power consumption studies the ASIC test setup based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
uses separate pads for various voltage domains and lines: was developed. It is a modified version of the setup previously
ADC analog (ADC ana), ADC digital (ADC dig), ADC used [3], [6] for similar measurements. For static measure-
reference voltage (ADC V ref ), ADC common-mode volt- ments a DC signal was delivered to the ADC inputs from the
age (ADC V cm), serializer and digital control (SER), PLL Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer
(P LL), and SLVS I/O (SLV S). The analog and digital power and the 10-bit digital output was read out through differential
supply buses are distributed across the channels with multiple interface of Xilinx FPGA of the Genesys evaluation board
bonding pads at both sides of the chip. All vertical buses from Digilent. For dynamic measurements the Agilent 81150A
are tapped to the horizontal (along the channels) ones, which arbitrary waveform generator was used to deliver sine signal.
distribute power supplies along each channel. To ensure a The ADC signal input range was set by ADC V ref value. To
stable power supply, a large area of decoupling capacitors facilitate current/voltage monitoring during the measurements,
(of the order of nF ) based on gate oxide were provided, all supply voltages were also delivered from the B1500A
particularly for the ADC reference voltage. Analyzer.
The layout of the ASIC is shown in Fig. 6. The eight
channels are seen on the left, while the large area on the
right side contains the digital part (serializer and control logic, B. Static Measurements
together with decoupling capacitors) and PLL. The SLVS The static measurements were performed at various sam-
transmitter pads are placed on the right edge. pling frequencies and with differential input voltage ramped
from -1 V to 1 V. To reduce the noise influence, the measure-
ments were repeated several thousand times.
1) Uniformity of Gain and Offset: To compare the perfor-
mance of all ADC channels, the transfer curves (not shown
SLVS transmitters

PLL because of full overlapping) were measured for the same signal
sent to all ADC inputs. The gains and offsets calculated for
each channel of prototype ASIC are presented in histograms
SAR ADC shown in Fig. 7. The gain and offset spreads were estimated
8 channels
& slow to be about 0.2% and 1.5 LSB respectively, confirming very
control good uniformity of ADC channels.
2) INL & DNL Measurements: The ADC static perfor-
mance is quantified with the integral (INL) and differential
(DNL) nonlinearity measurements. Both parameters are ob-
tained with the histogramming method [11]. An example of
typical INL, DNL distributions is shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 6. Layout of prototype ASIC. The maximum values of INL and DNL parameters in
function of sampling frequency are presented in Fig. 9.

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

5 5 In the sampling frequency range up to 35 MHz the minimum

4 4 measured DNL is always better than -1 LSB and so no missing
codes are seen. The maximum observed DNL are around

3 3

2 2 1 LSB. The worst values appear only for few codes, when most
1 1 significant bits are changed (typical for SAR architecture). A
0 0
typical INL/DNL behavior can be better described by Root
433.75 434.25 434.75 435.25 435.75 506 508 510 512 514 516
Mean Square (RMS) value. The DN LRM S is about 0.25 LSB,
gain (LSB/V) offset (LSB)
while the IN LRM S is about 0.32 LSB.. The measured INL
Fig. 7. Histograms of gain and offset calculated from transfer curves (8 ADC in the sampling frequency range up to 35 MHz stays always
channels). between -1–1 LSB. At 40 MHz sampling the linearity starts
to deteriorate and the worst INL, DNL values exceed the -1–
1 1 LSB range. In fact, few missing codes per channel appear
often at 40 MHz sampling frequency for the codes close to

the transition points of the most significant ADC bits, meaning

that the time available to charge the capacitive DACs becomes
too short for precise conversion.
0 128 256 384 512 640 768 896 1k
It was verified that changing the internal delay settings of
Code (LSB) the ADC a better linearity could be obtained at a cost of worse
ENOB in dynamic measurements. For the presented results
such changes were not applied to keep the same settings for
both static and dynamic measurements.

C. Dynamic Measurements
-1 For the evaluation of dynamic circuit performance, Fast
0 128 256 384 512 640 768 896 1k
Code (LSB)
Fourier Transform (FFT) spectra were calculated from the
measurements done with a near full-scale sine input sig-
Fig. 8. Example of INL and DNL measured at 25 MHz sampling frequency nal [11]. The standard ADC metrics i.e. the Signal to Non Har-
for channel 3 and calculated using the histogramming method. monic Ratio (SNHR), the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
ratio, the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) and the
ch0 ch2 ch4 ch6
ch1 ch3 ch5 ch7 Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SINAD), were calculated
from the FFT spectrum. From these metrics the ENOB was
obtained. Since the measurements at high input signal fre-
1 quencies require significantly more effort (additional filtering),
systematic measurements for all ADC channels were done at
0.5 one fifth of Nyquist frequency, which is close to the mid-

band of a typical semi-gaussian shaper with peaking time

equal to the reciprocal of the sampling frequency. The ADC
-0.5 performance at higher input frequencies is also shown but only
for exemplary channels.
-1 1) Dynamic Metrics: An example set of all dynamic met-
rics (SNHR, THD, SFDR, SINAD, ENOB) measured as a
1.5 function of sampling frequency, for input signal frequency
equal one fifth of Nyquist frequency (1/10th of sampling
1 frequency) is shown in Fig. 10. The ENOB is rather flat
and above 9.3 bits up to 30 MHz sampling frequency. For
higher frequencies it decreases and equals 9 at 40 MHz. The

0 resolution is limited by noise (SNHR and SINAD overlap).

The dynamic performance of all channels of prototype
ASIC is summarized in Fig. 11 where the ENOB (left) and
-1 SINAD (right) are shown versus sampling frequency. The main
conclusion from this plot is the same as from the example
-1.5 above – the ENOB is above 9.2 bits and rather flat up to
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sampling frequency (MHz)
30 MHz sampling, and starts to decrease slowly above this
frequency. In addition, a good uniformity between the channels
Fig. 9. Minimum and maximum INL and DNL values versus sampling is seen, only at 40 MHz sampling frequency the spread of the
frequency. results is slightly increased. To improve the static and dynamic
performance at 40 MHz additional design optimization would
be needed.

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

13 80.0 number of supply lines is limited. For this reason the ADC
resolution was studied (for exemplary ADC channel) for
12 74.0 different power supply configurations. The ENOB and SINAD
results versus sampling frequency are shown in Fig. 13. The
11 68.0

9.4 58.35
10 62.0

9.2 57.14

9 55.9
9 55.94


8.8 ADC_ana+ADC_dig 54.74
8 49.9 ADC_ana+ADC_dig+ADC_Vref
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ADC_all+SER
Sampling frequency (MHz) 8.6 53.53

8.4 52.33
Fig. 10. ADC dynamic performance of channel 6 as a function of sampling
frequency obtained with input signal frequency 1/10th of sampling frequency. 8.2 51.12

8 49.92
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
9.4 58.35 Sampling frequency (MHz)

9.2 57.14 Fig. 13. ENOB and SINAD for channel 3 measured for different configura-
tions of supply and reference voltage.
9 55.94

8.8 ch0 ch2 ch4 ch6 54.74 curve Separated is the reference corresponding to the already
ch1 ch3 ch5 ch7
8.6 53.53 presented measurements. The ADC ana + ADC dig curve
was obtained merging the analog and digital supply lines of the
8.4 52.33
ADC. For curve ADC ana + ADC dig + ADC V ref also
8.2 51.12 the reference voltage was connected together with analog and
8 49.92
digital power supply lines. To obtain the last ADC all+SER
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
curve not only the ADC power supply lines but also the digital
Sampling frequency (MHz)
ASIC supply (serializer and slow control) line was merged.
Fig. 11. ADC dynamic performance: ENOB and SINAD as a function It is seen that the configuration of power supply lines has
of sampling rate obtained with input signal frequency 1/10th of sampling almost no effect on the ENOB. Only when all supply lines
are connected together the effect of the order of 0.05 LSB is
Figure 12 presents the ENOB and SINAD behavior as a To verify the robustness of the design and to check the
function of input frequency, measured for two channels at possibility of further power saving the sensitivity of ADC
25 MHz sampling frequency. The ENOB is above 9.2 bits and resolution to absolute power supply value was studied. In
Fig. 14 the ENOB and SINAD are presented versus supply
voltage for two exemplary channels at 10 MHz and 25 MHz
9.4 58.35 sampling frequency. Increasing the power supply from nom-
inal 1.2 V to 1.5 V practically does not change the ADC
9.2 57.14

9 55.94

8.8 ch3 54.74 9.4 58.35

8.6 53.53 9.2 57.14

8.4 52.33 9 55.94


8.2 51.12 ch3 (fsmp 10MHz)


8.8 ch6 (fsmp 10MHz) 54.74

ch3 (fsmp 25MHz)
8 49.92 ch6 (fsmp 25MHz)
8.6 53.53
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Input frequency (MHz)
8.4 52.33

Fig. 12. ENOB and SINAD in function of input sine frequency at 25MHz 8.2 51.12
sampling frequency.
8 49.92
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
it is rather flat in the whole range. At Nyquist input frequency Supply (V)

it decreases to 9.1 bits.

Fig. 14. ENOB and SINAD versus supply voltage measured for channels 3
2) Power Supply Dependence: The measurements pre- and 6 at 10 MHz and 25 MHz sampling frequency. During measurements
sented in previous sections were done using separate voltage reference voltage was equal to power supply voltage and common-mode
source for each ASIC supply pad. In realistic system the voltage was kept at half power supply.

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

performance. On the other hand, lowering the power supply 8 1

too much deteriorates its metrics, as one could expect. It is 7 ADC (total) 0.875
seen that for 25 MHz sampling frequency the power supply
6 0.75

Power per channel (mW)

may be lowered to 1 V without affecting the ENOB, while
for 10 MHz sampling good resolution is kept even at 0.8 V 5 0.625

Power (mW)
power supply. In principle, lower power supply may be used 4 0.5
to minimize the power consumption, but this possibility is not 3 0.375
exploited in this work.
2 0.25
1 0.125
D. Crosstalk Measurements ADC_Vcm
0 0
To study the crosstalk effect a sine signal was sent to 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sampling frequency (MHz)
one ADC channel and all channels outputs were measured.
Example results of such measurement are shown in Fig. 15 for Fig. 16. Power consumption of multi-channel ADC.
the cases with and without the signal on channel 2. It is seen
that for nearest neighbors the crosstalk signal is attenuated
more than by 70 dB and its effect is smaller than the noise one can place both the analog front-end and the ADC in each
seen in some other channels. Practically the crosstalk effect channel of readout ASIC, without affecting dramatically the
may be neglected. overall power consumption. Such solution will greatly simplify
further digital processing of experimental data.
60 2) Multi-Channel ADC with Serialization and Data Trans-
50 mission: The power contribution of main blocks of the ASIC
40 performing ADC conversion, serialization, and data transmis-
30 with sine sion, has also been verified. It was not the main objective
of this work but it was done to observe general trends and
RMS (dB)

draw basic conclusions on various contributions to the total
power consumption. In the case when DSP is applied directly
to the ADC data these considerations are less important. But
without sine
even in such case, when the number of channels in readout
-40 ASIC will increase from 8 to 64 or more, the discussion about
-50 serialization scheme and data transmission will again become
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 15. Measurement of crosstalk between ADC channels (sine on channel 2) 100 12.5
and ”raw” noise (all other channels on Vcm ) at 25 MHz sampling frequency.
SLVS at 150uA

10 SLVS at 50uA 1.2

Power per channel (mW)

E. Power Consumption
Power (mW)

To verify the power efficiency the power consumption was

studied first for the multi-channel ADC and in the second SER
step the consumption of the complete ASIC, comprising the 1 125.0m

serialization and data transmission, was measured.

1) Multi-Channel ADC Block: The ADC power consump-
tion is studied as a function of sampling frequency. The results
100m PLL 12.5m
obtained using separate supply lines for each ADC power
component are shown in Fig. 16 both for eight ADC channels
1 10
(left axis) and per channel (right axis). It is seen that each Sampling frequency (MHz)
power component as well as the total ADC power are directly
proportional to the sampling frequency. This was expected Fig. 17. Power consumption of prototype ASIC.
since one of the design objectives was to eliminate static power
and to scale the power consumption with sampling frequency. The measured power consumption of the ADC, the se-
It is also clearly seen that the dominant power contribution rializer, and the SLVS I/O versus sampling frequency is
comes from the ADC digital part. shown in Fig. 17. The ADC power is the sum of all ADC
Looking at absolute values it is seen that a single chan- components from Fig. 16. The serializer power was divided
nel, even at highest 40 MHz frequency, consumes less than into the automatically synthesized part comprising also slow
900 µW. This is very important result since it shows that in control (SER) and the dedicated custom made PLL. The SLVS
multi-channel implementation a fast ADC may consume less power consumption is shown at typical bias current (150 µA)
than an analog front-end. If so, as a next development step, and at the lowest bias current (50 µA) assuring correct data

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

transmission. Since ten SLVS transmitters and one receiver 600

are needed for correct ASIC functionality the SLVS power

per channel is meant per one ADC channel (total power of 10
SLVS transmitters and one receiver was divided by eight).
For the serializer, the PLL contribution is negligible. The
fact that the automatically synthesized part (SER) saturates at

FOM (fJ/conv)
low frequencies is less relevant because it is due to leakage ADC+SER+SLVS(50uA)

current, mainly in the decoupling circuitry. This should be

modified in the next prototype. Important conclusion is that
the serialization power contribution is similar to the ADC
(for high sampling rates where leakage contribution is less ADC+SER

important). There is certainly significant power saving possible 40 ADC

since the serialization circuitry in the present prototype was
not optimized for power consumption, also because of many 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
serialization modes implemented. For fully power-efficient Sampling frequency (MHz)

serializer a dedicated custom design could be considered.

Fig. 18. FOM per channel calculated for multi-channel ADC, ADC with se-
The dominant power contribution in Fig. 17 comes from rialization, and ADC with serialization and SLVS interface (for two biasings).
the SLVS I/O. It can be significantly decreased lowering the
SLVS transmitter current (SLVS curve for 50 µA) but even
then it stays dominant. Lowering SLVS transmitter current probably due to the leakage current in the ADC power supply
may not be always a good solution because its effect will decoupling.
strongly depend on the transmission media and external SLVS In addition to the multi-channel ADC, the FOM was also
receiver. In the presented setup the ASIC and FPGA (receiving calculated adding to the ADC the power used for serialization
SLVS signals from ASIC) were placed on the same board what and SLVS I/O interface. These results are also presented in
was beneficial for the transmission. The main reason for high Fig. 18 to give the reader an idea about the overall ASIC
power contribution is the number of transmitters (number of efficiency. Again, it is clearly seen that the SLVS I/O inter-
ADC channels plus two). Instead of lowering the transmitter face is the dominant factor. The optimization of total power
current, a much more effective solution would be to decrease efficiency was not the objective of this work, nevertheless,
the number of transmitters increasing the transmission speed. the complete ASIC FOM (ADC+SER+SLVS) of the order of
Recently a new digital interface standard JESD204B [12] for 110–200 fJ/conv.-step is still comparable to good published
communication between data converters, FPGAs and ASICs standalone ADCs.
has been proposed. The JESD204B standard allows the maxi-
mum data rate up to 12.5 Gbps. With such interface all ADC G. Comparison with Other Multi-Channel ADCs
channels could be sent by one transmitter. But since it would To the Authors knowledge there are not custom fast ultra-
require a change of serialization scheme and I/O interface it low power multi-channel 10-bit ADCs working in detector
is not discussed in this work. readouts of particle physics experiments. There are also very
few commercial multi-channel (≥8 channels) 10-bit ADCs
with sampling rates above 10 MS/s. In Table I four existing
F. Figure of Merit
commercial 8-channel ADCs (AD9212, ADS5287, MAX1434,
To estimate the power efficiency of the multi-channel ADC HMCAD1104) and one medium power 8-channel ADC ASIC
one can calculate the most commonly used Walden FOM [13]: developed for LumiCal detector readout [3], with the same
P ower resolution and similar sampling frequencies, are compared to
F OM = SIN AD−1.76 . (1) the presented work. Since commercial chips specify only the
2 6.02 · fsample
total power consumption and not the one contributed by the
Originally the SINAD measured at Nyquist input signal fre- ADC, in addition to the ADC power consumption and FOM
quency was used in the above equation. Nevertheless, various (available only for 2 designs), the total power consumption
authors calculate the FOM for different input frequencies, in per channel and FOM per channel have been added, to give
particular for input frequencies corresponding to the applica- the reader an idea about the overall power efficiency.
tions for which the ADCs are designed. For this reason in Except the presented design all compared chips use pipeline
this work the FOM is calculated at one fifth of the Nyquist architecture, which has been the most common choice, pro-
frequency. The measured FOM per channel for the developed viding high speed and high resolution (ENOB, INL, DNL)
multi-channel ADC is shown (ADC curve) in Fig. 18. at acceptable power consumption. All these features are seen
For the sampling frequency range 5–40 MHz the FOM is in in the presented pipeline ADCs. The most recent one, the
the range 35–42 fJ/conv.-step. This is an excellent result for HMCAD1104 shows also very low power consumption. On
the design in 130 nm process, similar to the published State- the other hand the SAR architecture has been always known
of-Art single channel ADCs [6], [14] with similar resolution for its simplicity and very low power consumption. It is well
and sampling frequencies, and often using smaller CMOS seen in the presented design. Unfortunately, for the commer-
feature size. A small growth of FOM below 5 MHz is most cial chips the ADC power consumption is not available, but

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science


Parameter This work [3] AD9212 ADS5287 MAX1434 HMCAD1104

Nr channels 8 8 8 8 8 8
Serialization per channel per channel per channel per channel per channel per channel
or per chipa or per chip
Architecture 10-bit SAR 10-bit pipeline 10-bit pipeline 10-bit pipeline 10-bit pipeline 10-bit pipeline
Technology 130 nm CMOS 0.35 µm CMOS - CMOS BiCMOS -
Power supply 1.2 V 3.3 V 1.8 V 3.3 VA , 1.8 VD 1.8 V 1.8 V
fsample (MS/s) 0.01–40 0.01–25 10–65 10–65 4.8–50 20–65
Input range 2 Vpp 2 Vpp 2 Vpp 2 Vpp 1.4 Vpp 2 Vpp
Area 4.44 mm2 8.2 mm2 9x9 mm2 9x9 mm2 14x14 mm2 9x9 mm2
(package) (package) (package) (package)
INLmax < ±1 LSB ±0.68 LSB ±1 LSB ±1 LSB ±1 LSB -
DNLmax ∼ ±1 LSB ±0.62 LSB ±0.65 LSB ±0.55 LSB ±0.5 LSB -
SINAD ∼57.5 dB ∼60.3 dB ≥60 dB ≥60.4 dB ≥60 dB >60 dB
ENOB ∼9.2@≤30MS/s 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.9
ADC power 0.87mW@40MS/s ∼20mW@25MS/s - - - -
per channel 0.67mW@30MS/s
F OMADC 35-42@5–40MS/s ∼960@25MS/s
(fJ/conv.-step) for fin = 0.2N yquist
Total power 3.1–4.7mW@40MS/sb ∼35mW@25MS/s 100mW@65MS/s 74mW@65MS/s 96mW@50MS/s 30mW@65MS/s
per channel 2.7-4.2mW@30MS/sb 68mW@40MS/s 46mW@30MS/s 20mW@40MS/s
F OMASIC 113–189@40MS/sb ∼1680@25MS/s ∼1720@65MS/s ∼1190@65MS/s ∼2000@50MS/s ∼480@65MS/s
(fJ/conv.-step) 114–201@30MS/sb ∼1900@40MS/s ∼1600@30MS/s ∼520@40MS/s
Tpower on 5–25 µs (PLL) ≤10 Tclk 375 µs 40–50 µs 100 ms >12 µs
0 (ADC)
Asynchronous operation Yes No No No No No
Internal reference No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
a Serialization per chip is not discussed in this work.
b Two values are obtained for 50 µA and 150 µA SLVS bias current.

comparing the F OMADC from [3] to the presented design, • small 146 µm pitch of ADC core which simplifies the
a huge factor of about 25 is seen. This huge power saving is integration in a dense multi-channel readout system.
the main motivation for using modern SAR architectures for
conversion in high density multi-channel readouts of particle IV. C ONCLUSION
detectors. For applications with higher bandwidth of input The design and measurements of a fast ultra-low power
signal the obtained in this work F OMADC (measured at 10-bit multi-channel ADC, for applications in the readout of
0.2 Nyquist) may be underestimated. To estimate this effect particle physics detectors, are presented. The developed pro-
one can calculate F OMADC for 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 Nyquist totype of 8-channel SAR ADC is fully functional and works
input at 25 MHz sampling frequency from Fig. 12, getting over a wide sampling frequency range 0.01–40 MHz. Its ultra-
respectively 36, 38, and 41 fJ/conv.-step. Since in the presented low power consumption is reflected by an excellent FOM of
design the internal reference is not included, some additional 35–42 fJ/conv.-step/channel in the sampling frequency range
power would need to be added for fair comparison with the 5–40 MHz. The performed measurements confirm good static
commercial designs. Nevertheless, it was shown, that using (INL<1 LSB, DNL∼1 LSB) and dynamic (SINAD ∼57.5 dB)
stable external power supply the additional reference is not performance, which is reflected in a good ENOB of 9.2 bits. In
necessary. addition the developed ADC uses asynchronous logic and fully
In addition to power efficiency, the presented multi-channel dynamic circuitry what allows for direct application of power
ADC ASIC comprises important features which are not or only cycling and asynchronous sampling, if needed. All mentioned
partially implemented in other designs: features make the ADC very flexible, allowing its use also as
• scalability of power with sampling rate over 3 orders a general purpose multi-channel ADC.
of magnitude (with PLL-based serializer the frequency The developed multi-channel ADC is a key block of a
range is smaller 1–40 MHz); prototype ASIC comprising also a PLL-based serialization and
• possibility of asynchronous operation which comes from a fast SLVS I/O interface for data transmission. All presented
asynchronous SAR ADC architecture (when using the measurement results were obtained using the data serialized
PLL-based serializer this feature cannot be used); per channel (at tenfold sampling frequency) and transmitted
• various serialization modes; by SLVS drivers to the FPGA-based acquisition system. It has
• very short Tpower on which is practically zero for the been shown that in such multi-channel ADC ASIC, comprising
ADC, since it uses fully dynamic circuitry, and 5–25µs the serialization and fast data transmission, the dominant
when the PLL-based serializer is used and the PLL is power contribution comes from the power hungry transmitters.
switched off; Nevertheless, the developed prototype dissipates per channel

0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNS.2016.2602391, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science

the least power among the existing multi-channel ADCs with

the same resolution and similar sampling rates.

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0018-9499 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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