Susunan Acara Wisuda Englis
Susunan Acara Wisuda Englis
Susunan Acara Wisuda Englis
6. The second program is “SIGEH PENGUNTEN DANCE” by the students of Al- Ma’ruf Waway
Ladies and Gentlemen here it is ““SIGEH PENGUNTEN DANCE”
(That was the tribute of ““SIGEH PENGUNTEN DANCE” .)
7. The third pograms are Speeches:
A. The first Speech by the leader of the committee of “Graduation Ceremony” of Al- Ma’ruf waway
karya in academic year 2014/2015. Will be delivered by Mr. Nurcholis, S.Pd. For Mr. Nurcholis,
S.Pd., time is yours!
(That was speech from Mr. Nurkholis, S.Pd., as the leader of committee. Thanks for your speech. )
B. The second speech will be delivered by The head of institute Al-Ma’ruf. for ky. Kuslan Abdul
Ghofur time is yours.
(That was speech from ky Kuslan Abdul Ghofur as the head institute of Al-Ma’ruf, thanks for your
speech. )
C. The third speech will be from The Sub-District Chief of Waway Karya Sub-district Mr. jarot
suseno, S.H . for Mr. Jarot Suseno, S.H time is yours.
(That was the speech from Mr. Jarot Suseno, S.H Thank you for your speech.)
D. The forth speech will be delivered by The Village Chief of Sumber Jaya Mr Umar Dani for Mr.
Dani time is your
(That was the speech from Mr Umar Dani Thank you for your speech.)
E. The fifth speech will be delivered by The Education Coordinator of Waway Karya Sub-district.
Bp Jamali, S.Pd time is your
(That was the speech from Mr Bp Jamali, S.Pd Thank you for your speech.)
F. The last speech from the candidate of regent lampung Timur mrs. Hj. Chusnunia chalim MSi, for
mrs. Hj. Chusnunia chalim MSi. time is your
( That was the speech from mrs. Hj. Chusnunia chalim MSi. Thank you for your speech.)
9. The next program is singing farewell song, read the poetry and Banyuwangi Dance by the students of
SMK Al-Ma’ruf
A. The first, to singing farewell song: Lamor, Teluk Bayur, Terimakasihku, Doa Perpisahan And
Syukur. Time Is Yours
( Thank you for your performance)
B. The next, to read the poetry, Time Is Yours
(Thank you for your performance)
C. The last, to banyuwangi dance, Time Is Yours
(Thank you for your performance)
12. Prosesion closes officially the program. Sorry for our mistakes and thank you for your nice attention.
And the last I say, Wabilaihi taufik walhidayah Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr.Wb.