Activities: Kristian Sendon Cordero Camarines Sur
Activities: Kristian Sendon Cordero Camarines Sur
Activities: Kristian Sendon Cordero Camarines Sur
Sa isang lumang postcard na nakita ko sa Antigo Merkado Brief Analysis by the group
— The poem is clearly free verse since it does not follow any
rhythmic pattern. Within each vividly described lines, a
Kapag sa malayo, isa siyang magandang sikyung
deeper meaning regarding how Mayon be both dangerous
and beautiful can be found.
Handa sa pagkapkap, naghihintay sa iyong pagpasok.
The persona was describing the mayon volcano by what he
Evaluation perceived at the image of the post card, mayon volcano was
Prepare a grid on the board. Divide the class into 4 groups described as a beautiful guard that watches overs us- the
then ask each group to: persona possibly described the mayon as such because of
a) Explain a particular stanza the height and view it has of the people of albay, it's the
b) Identify the various images in the poem perfect place to watch over the residents of the area because
c) Brainstorm on how the poem Mayon can be you get a panoramic view of it. The line "handa sa pag
interpreted literally and figuratively kapkap nag hihinintay sa iyong pagpasok" to me comes
across as how the lives of the residents of the area could
d) Write a short critique of the poem focusing on how
easily be claimed by a single eruption, turning the people to
the images in the poem present the experience of
ashes, a way for them to be reclaimed by the earth (with
viewing Mount Mayon
reference to the belief that we were made from clay).
Activities What are the different scenarios in the present time that
Ask: show oppression?
o Students will be grouped into 6-8 members, they will e) Explain how allegory was demonstrated in the poem
be asked to present a 3 minutes dramatization of the by identifying the literal and symbolic meaning of the
different instances of oppression in the present time. poem.
Discuss: How do 21st century people combat oppression
in their simple ways? Search for a blog site about oppression and write your
Give a short actual historical data on what happened reaction about the blog on a ½ sheet of paper. (The
during the time of Marcos. blog site search should be given as a home work, the
reaction will be written in class)
THIRD WORLD GEOGRAPHY Why you liked this poem; how it made you feel; the
Cirilo F. Bautista message you got from it; and how it affects your
Manila appreciation of the past and present.
A country without miracles I like Third World Geography because it discerns the era
Sits heavy on the map, of Martial Law. Third World Geography become an eye
Thinking of banana trees rotting opener for me, millennials and to those who didn’t know
In the sunlight. Martial Law regime or to those who wasn’t born yet in
The man who watches over it that era. This poem shows how the society suffered from
Has commandeered all hopes, poverty in the hand of Marcos. It depicts the selfishness
Placed them in a sack, of the government; selfishness in human rights and
And tied its loose end. freedom. It also describe how abusive the government is.
He goes around carrying it
On his back. The message shows hopelessness of the Filipinos. I
When asked what is inside, imagined how the people suffered and begged to have a
He say, “Just a handful of feathers, food and to have a proper treatment for human. The
Just a handful of feathers.” government are being deaf and shows no concern to the
That’s how light the burden rants of the society and the human rights are not fair that
Of government is in peace time – time. During the said era, Filipinos are praying for miracles
Any tyrant can turn it into a metaphor. but only the wind hears the words. Even if they begged
You kneel on the parched earth for it, the government wouldn’t care and shows no
And pray for rice. Only the wind interest for the complaints. The prayer of the Filipinos
Hears your useless words. became futile. They didn’t even worry for the people in
The country without miracles the country.
Tries to get up from the page,
But the bold ink and sharp colors The Martial Law Era and today’s society is very different. I
Hold it down. think Marcos’ Martial Law is the worst administration that
we had in our country even if I was not born that time,
even if I didn’t witness the regime, I feel like I know a little
bit information by watching the documentary film and by
Students will:
reading the 2 poems which is Third World Geography and
a) Cut out news clippings of oppression happening in
Apo on the Wall. This literary pieces helps the 21st
other parts of the world, paste this on a sheet of paper
Generation to know what happened that time. I
and write your reaction about it. (The cut out of news
appreciate the situation in the past because we can’t live
clippings should be given as a home work.)
today if we didn’t looked back from the past. I understand
b) Write about the realities of struggles that happen in a
the happenings in the past are traumatic and full of chaos,
country faced with an oppressive ruler.
but I think there’s a bad situation too today such as in
c) Relate the details and images in the poem and how it
Marawi. Being millennial, I live with freedom unlike in the
can be related to actual historical events in the story.
past that they are like in a jail. I really appreciate that I live
d) Explain the dramatic situation presented in the poem.
freely today because maybe someday Martial Law will be
implemented again, not only in Mindanao but for the
whole country.