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Mechanics of human voice production and control

Zhaoyan Zhang

Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, 2614 (2016); doi: 10.1121/1.4964509
View online: https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4964509
View Table of Contents: https://asa.scitation.org/toc/jas/140/4
Published by the Acoustical Society of America


Principles of Voice Production

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104, 1148 (1998); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.424266

Cause-effect relationship between vocal fold physiology and voice production in a three-dimensional phonation
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139, 1493 (2016); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4944754

Physiologic and acoustic differences between male and female voices

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 85, 1699 (1989); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.397959

Effect of vocal fold stiffness on voice production in a three-dimensional body-cover phonation model
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142, 2311 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.5008497

Nonlinear source–filter coupling in phonation: Theory

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123, 2733 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.2832337

The physics of small-amplitude oscillation of the vocal folds

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 83, 1536 (1988); https://doi.org/10.1121/1.395910
Mechanics of human voice production and control
Zhaoyan Zhanga)
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, Los Angeles, 31-24 Rehabilitation Center,
1000 Veteran Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90095-1794, USA
(Received 6 May 2016; revised 12 September 2016; accepted 22 September 2016; published online
14 October 2016)
As the primary means of communication, voice plays an important role in daily life. Voice also
conveys personal information such as social status, personal traits, and the emotional state of the
speaker. Mechanically, voice production involves complex fluid-structure interaction within the
glottis and its control by laryngeal muscle activation. An important goal of voice research is to
establish a causal theory linking voice physiology and biomechanics to how speakers use and con-
trol voice to communicate meaning and personal information. Establishing such a causal theory has
important implications for clinical voice management, voice training, and many speech technology
applications. This paper provides a review of voice physiology and biomechanics, the physics of
vocal fold vibration and sound production, and laryngeal muscular control of the fundamental fre-
quency of voice, vocal intensity, and voice quality. Current efforts to develop mechanical and com-
putational models of voice production are also critically reviewed. Finally, issues and future
challenges in developing a causal theory of voice production and perception are discussed.
C 2016 Acoustical Society of America. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4964509]

[JFL] Pages: 2614–2635

I. INTRODUCTION (e.g., size), and paralinguistic information (e.g., the speak-

er’s social status, personal traits, and emotional state;
In the broad sense, voice refers to the sound we produce
Sundberg, 1987; Kreiman and Sidtis, 2011). For example,
to communicate meaning, ideas, opinions, etc. In the narrow
the same vowel may sound different when spoken by differ-
sense, voice, as in this review, refers to sounds produced by
ent people. Sometimes a simple “hello” is all it takes to rec-
vocal fold vibration, or voiced sounds. This is in contrast to
ognize a familiar voice on the phone. People tend to use
unvoiced sounds which are produced without vocal fold
different voices to different speakers on different occasions,
vibration, e.g., fricatives which are produced by airflow
and it is often possible to tell if someone is happy or sad
through constrictions in the vocal tract, plosives produced by
from the tone of their voice.
sudden release of a complete closure of the vocal tract, or
One of the important goals of voice research is to under-
other sound producing mechanisms such as whispering. For
stand how the vocal system produces voice of different
voiced sound production, vocal fold vibration modulates
source characteristics and how people associate percepts to
airflow through the glottis and produces sound (the voice
these characteristics. Establishing a cause-effect relationship
source), which propagates through the vocal tract and is
between voice physiology and voice acoustics and percep-
selectively amplified or attenuated at different frequencies.
tion will allow us to answer two essential questions in voice
This selective modification of the voice source spectrum pro-
science and effective clinical care (Kreiman et al., 2014):
duces perceptible contrasts, which are used to convey differ-
when the output voice changes, what physiological alteration
ent linguistic sounds and meaning. Although this selective
caused this change; if a change to voice physiology occurs,
modification is an important component of voice production,
what change in perceived voice quality can be expected?
this review focuses on the voice source and its control within
Clinically, such knowledge would lead to the development
the larynx.
of a physically based theory of voice production that is
For effective communication of meaning, the voice
capable of better predicting voice outcomes of clinical
source, as a carrier for the selective spectral modification by
management of voice disorders, thus improving both diagno-
the vocal tract, contains harmonic energy across a large
sis and treatment. More generally, an understanding of this
range of frequencies that spans at least the first few acoustic
relationship could lead to a better understanding of the
resonances of the vocal tract. In order to be heard over noise,
laryngeal adjustments that we use to change voice quality,
such harmonic energy also has to be reasonably above the
adopt different speaking or singing styles, or convey per-
noise level within this frequency range, unless a breathy
sonal information such as social status and emotion. Such
voice quality is desired. The voice source also contains
understanding may also lead to the development of improved
important information of the pitch, loudness, prosody, and
computer programs for synthesis of naturally sounding,
voice quality, which convey meaning (see Kreiman and
speaker-specific speech of varying emotional percepts.
Sidtis, 2011, Chap. 8 for a review), biological information
Understanding such cause-effect relationship between
voice physiology and production necessarily requires a multi-
Electronic mail: zyzhang@ucla.edu disciplinary effort. While voice production results from a

2614 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 0001-4966/2016/140(4)/2614/22/$30.00 C 2016 Acoustical Society of America
complex fluid-structure-acoustic interaction process, which output sounds. The vocal folds are located in the larynx and
again depends on the geometry and material properties of the form a constriction to the airway [Fig. 1(a)]. Each vocal fold
lungs, larynx, and the vocal tract, the end interest of voice is is about 11–15 mm long in adult women and 17–21 mm in
its acoustics and perception. Changes in voice physiology or men, and stretches across the larynx along the anterior-
physics that cannot be heard are not that interesting. On the posterior direction, attaching anteriorly to the thyroid carti-
other hand, the physiology and physics may impose con- lage and posteriorly to the anterolateral surface of the aryte-
straints on the co-variations among fundamental frequency noid cartilages [Fig. 1(c)]. Both the arytenoid [Fig. 1(d)] and
(F0), vocal intensity, and voice quality, and thus the way we thyroid [Fig. 1(e)] cartilages sit on top of the cricoid carti-
use and control our voice. Thus, understanding voice produc- lage and interact with it through the cricoarytenoid joint and
tion and voice control requires an integrated approach, in cricothyroid joint, respectively. The relative movement of
which physiology, vocal fold vibration, and acoustics are con- these cartilages thus provides a means to adjust the geome-
sidered as a whole instead of disconnected components. try, mechanical properties, and position of the vocal folds, as
Traditionally, the multi-disciplinary nature of voice produc- further discussed below. The three-dimensional airspace
tion has led to a clear divide between research activities in between the two opposing vocal folds is the glottis. The glot-
voice production, voice perception, and their clinical or tis can be divided into a membranous portion, which
speech applications, with few studies attempting to link them includes the anterior portion of the glottis and extends from
together. Although much advancement has been made in the anterior commissure to the vocal process of the aryte-
understanding the physics of phonation, some misconceptions noid, and a cartilaginous portion, which is the posterior
still exist in textbooks in otolaryngology and speech pathol- space between the arytenoid cartilages.
ogy. For example, the Bernoulli effect, which has been shown The vocal folds are layered structures, consisting of an
to play a minor role in phonation, is still considered an impor- inner muscular layer (the thyroarytenoid muscle) with mus-
tant factor in initiating and sustaining phonation in many text- cle fibers aligned primarily along the anterior-posterior
books and reviews. Tension and stiffness are often used direction, a soft tissue layer of the lamina propria, and an
interchangeably despite that they have different physical outmost epithelium layer [Figs. 1(a) and 1(b)]. The thyroary-
meanings. The role of the thyroarytenoid muscle in regulating tenoid (TA) muscle is sometimes divided into a medial and a
medial compression of the membranous vocal folds is often lateral bundle, with each bundle responsible for a certain
understated. On the other hand, research on voice production vocal fold posturing function. However, such functional
often focuses on the glottal flow and vocal fold vibration, but division is still a topic of debate (Zemlin, 1997). The lamina
can benefit from a broader consideration of the acoustics of propria consists of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and inter-
the produced voice and their implications for voice stitial substances. The two primary ECM proteins are the
communication. collagen and elastin fibers, which are aligned mostly along
This paper provides a review on our current understand- the length of the vocal folds in the anterior-posterior direc-
ing of the cause-effect relation between voice physiology, tion (Gray et al., 2000). Based on the density of the collagen
voice production, and voice perception, with the hope that it and elastin fibers [Fig. 1(b)], the lamina propria can be
will help better bridge research efforts in different aspects of divided into a superficial layer with limited and loose elastin
voice studies. An overview of vocal fold physiology is pre- and collagen fibers, an intermediate layer of dominantly
sented in Sec. II, with an emphasis on laryngeal regulation elastin fibers, and a deep layer of mostly dense collagen
of the geometry, mechanical properties, and position of the fibers (Hirano and Kakita, 1985; Kutty and Webb, 2009). In
vocal folds. The physical mechanisms of self-sustained vocal comparison, the lamina propria (about 1 mm thick) is much
fold vibration and sound generation are discussed in Sec. III, thinner than the TA muscle.
with a focus on the roles of various physical components and Conceptually, the vocal fold is often simplified into a
features in initiating phonation and affecting the produced two-layer body-cover structure (Hirano, 1974; Hirano and
acoustics. Some misconceptions of the voice production Kakita, 1985). The body layer includes the muscular layer
physics are also clarified. Section IV discusses the physio- and the deep layer of the lamina propria, and the cover layer
logic control of F0, vocal intensity, and voice quality. includes the intermediate and superficial lamina propria and
Section V reviews past and current efforts in developing the epithelium layer. This body-cover concept of vocal fold
mechanical and computational models of voice production. structure will be adopted in the discussions below. Another
Issues and future challenges in establishing a causal theory grouping scheme divides the vocal fold into three layers. In
of voice production and perception are discussed in Sec. VI. addition to a body and a cover layer, the intermediate and
deep layers of the lamina propria are grouped into a vocal
II. VOCAL FOLD PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOMECHANICS ligament layer (Hirano, 1975). It is hypothesized that this
layered structure plays a functional role in phonation, with
A. Vocal fold anatomy and biomechanics
different combinations of mechanical properties in different
The human vocal system includes the lungs and the layers leading to production of different voice source charac-
lower airway that function to supply air pressure and airflow teristics (Hirano, 1974). However, because of lack of data of
(a review of the mechanics of the subglottal system can be the mechanical properties in each vocal fold layer and how
found in Hixon, 1987), the vocal folds whose vibration mod- they vary at different conditions of laryngeal muscle activa-
ulates the airflow and produces voice source, and the vocal tion, a definite understanding of the functional roles of each
tract that modifies the voice source and thus creates specific vocal fold layer is still missing.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2615
FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Coronal view of the vocal folds and the airway; (b) histological structure of the vocal fold lamina propria in the coronal plane (image
provided by Dr. Jennifer Long of UCLA); (c) superior view of the vocal folds, cartilaginous framework, and laryngeal muscles; (d) medial view of the cricoar-
ytenoid joint formed between the arytenoid and cricoid cartilages; (e) posterolateral view of the cricothyroid joint formed by the thyroid and the cricoid carti-
lages. The arrows in (d) and (e) indicate direction of possible motions of the arytenoid and cricoid cartilages due to LCA and CT muscle activation,

The mechanical properties of the vocal folds have been times (as high as 80 times in Kelleher et al., 2013a) larger
quantified using various methods, including tensile tests than in the transverse plane. Stiffness anisotropy has been
(Hirano and Kakita, 1985; Zhang et al., 2006b; Kelleher shown to facilitate medial-lateral motion of the vocal folds
et al., 2013a), shear rheometry (Chan and Titze, 1999; Chan (Zhang, 2014) and complete glottal closure during phonation
and Rodriguez, 2008; Miri et al., 2012), indentation (Haji (Xuan and Zhang, 2014).
et al., 1992a,b; Tran et al., 1993; Chhetri et al., 2011), and a
surface wave method (Kazemirad et al., 2014). These studies
showed that the vocal folds exhibit a nonlinear, anisotropic,
viscoelastic behavior. A typical stress-strain curve of the
vocal folds under anterior-posterior tensile test is shown in
Fig. 2. The slope of the curve, or stiffness, quantifies the
extent to which the vocal folds resist deformation in response
to an applied force. In general, after an initial linear range, the
slope of the stress-strain curve (stiffness) increases gradually
with further increase in the strain (Fig. 2), presumably due to
the gradual engagement of the collagen fibers. Such nonlinear
mechanical behavior provides a means to regulate vocal fold
stiffness and tension through vocal fold elongation or shorten-
ing, which plays an important role in the control of the F0 or
pitch of voice production. Typically, the stress is higher dur-
ing loading than unloading, indicating a viscous behavior of
the vocal folds. Due to the presence of the AP-aligned colla-
gen, elastin, and muscle fibers, the vocal folds also exhibit
anisotropic mechanical properties, stiffer along the AP direc- FIG. 2. Typical tensile stress-strain curve of the vocal fold along the
tion than in the transverse plane. Experiments (Hirano and anterior-posterior direction during loading and unloading at 1 Hz. The slope
Kakita, 1985; Alipour and Vigmostad, 2012; Miri et al., of the tangent line (dashed lines) to the stress-strain curve quantifies the tan-
gent stiffness. The stress is typically higher during loading than unloading
2012; Kelleher et al., 2013a) showed that the Young’s modu- due to the viscous behavior of the vocal folds. The curve was obtained by
lus along the AP direction in the cover layer is more than 10 averaging data over 30 cycles after a 10-cycle preconditioning.

2616 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
Accurate measurement of vocal fold mechanical proper- vocal folds toward the glottal midline. Activation of the
ties at typical phonation conditions is challenging, due to interarytenoid (IA) muscles, which connect the posterior sur-
both the small size of the vocal folds and the relatively high faces of the two arytenoids, slides and approximates the ary-
frequency of phonation. Although tensile tests and shear rhe- tenoid cartilages [Fig. 1(c)], thus closing the cartilaginous
ometry allow direct measurement of material modules, the glottis. Because both muscles act on the posterior portion of
small sample size often leads to difficulties in mounting tis- the vocal folds, combined action of the two muscles is able
sue samples to the testing equipment, thus creating concerns to completely close the posterior portion of the glottis, but is
of accuracy. These two methods also require dissecting tis- less effective in closing the mid-membranous glottis (Fig. 3;
sue samples from the vocal folds and the laryngeal frame- Choi et al., 1993; Chhetri et al., 2012; Yin and Zhang,
work, making it impossible for in vivo measurement. The 2014). Because of this inefficiency in mid-membranous
indentation method is ideal for in vivo measurement and, approximation, LCA/IA muscle activation is unable to pro-
because of the small size of indenters used, allows character- duce medial compression between the two vocal folds in the
ization of the spatial variation of mechanical properties of membranous portion, contrary to current understandings
the vocal folds. However, it is limited for measurement of (Klatt and Klatt, 1990; Hixon et al., 2008). Complete closure
mechanical properties at conditions of small deformation. and medial compression of the mid-membranous glottis
Although large indentation depths can be used, data interpre- requires the activation of the TA muscle (Choi et al., 1993;
tation becomes difficult and thus it is not suitable for assess- Chhetri et al., 2012). The TA muscle forms the bulk of the
ment of the nonlinear mechanical properties of the vocal vocal folds and stretches from the thyroid prominence to the
folds. anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilages (Fig. 1).
There has been some recent work toward understanding Activation of the TA muscle produces a whole-body rotation
the contribution of individual ECM components to the of the vocal folds in the horizontal plane about the point of
macro-mechanical properties of the vocal folds and develop- its anterior attachment to the thyroid cartilage toward the
ing a structurally based constitutive model of the vocal folds glottal midline (Yin and Zhang, 2014). This rotational
(e.g., Chan et al., 2001; Kelleher et al., 2013b; Miri et al., motion is able to completely close the membranous glottis
2013). The contribution of interstitial fluid to the viscoelastic but often leaves a gap posteriorly (Fig. 3). Complete closure
properties of the vocal folds and vocal fold stress during of both the membranous and cartilaginous glottis thus
vocal fold vibration and collision has also been investigated requires combined activation of the LCA/IA and TA
using a biphasic model of the vocal folds in which the vocal muscles. The posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscles are
fold was modeled as a solid phase interacting with an inter- primarily responsible for opening the glottis but may also
stitial fluid phase (Zhang et al., 2008; Tao et al., 2009, Tao play a role in voice production of very high pitches, as dis-
et al., 2010; Bhattacharya and Siegmund, 2013). This struc- cussed below.
turally based approach has the potential to predict vocal fold Vocal fold tension is regulated by elongating or shorten-
mechanical properties from the distribution of collagen and ing the vocal folds. Because of the nonlinear material prop-
elastin fibers and interstitial fluids, which may provide new erties of the vocal folds, changing vocal fold length also
insights toward the differential mechanical properties leads to changes in vocal fold stiffness, which otherwise
between different vocal fold layers at different physiologic
would stay constant for linear materials. The two laryngeal
muscles involved in regulating vocal fold length are the cri-
cothyroid (CT) muscle and the TA muscle. The CT muscle
B. Vocal fold posturing
Voice communication requires fine control and adjust-
ment of pitch, loudness, and voice quality. Physiologically,
such adjustments are made through laryngeal muscle activa-
tion, which stiffens, deforms, or repositions the vocal folds,
thus controlling the geometry and mechanical properties of
the vocal folds and glottal configuration.
One important posturing is adduction/abduction of the
vocal folds, which is primarily achieved through motion of
the arytenoid cartilages. Anatomical analysis and numerical
simulations have shown that the cricoarytenoid joint allows
the arytenoid cartilages to slide along and rotate about the
long axis of the cricoid cartilage, but constrains arytenoid
rotation about the short axis of the cricoid cartilage (Selbie
et al., 1998; Hunter et al., 2004; Yin and Zhang, 2014).
Activation of the lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA) muscles,
which attach anteriorly to the cricoid cartilage and posteri- FIG. 3. Activation of the LCA/IA muscles completely closes the posterior
glottis but leaves a small gap in the membranous glottis, whereas TA activa-
orly to the arytenoid cartilages, induce mainly an inward
tion completely closes the anterior glottis but leaves a gap at the posterior
rotation motion of the arytenoid about the cricoid cartilages glottis. From unpublished stroboscopic recordings from the in vivo canine
in the coronal plane, and moves the posterior portion of the larynx experiments in Choi et al. (1993).

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2617
consists of two bundles. The vertically oriented bundle, the subglottal pressure exceeds a certain threshold pressure, the
pars recta, connects the anterior surface of the cricoid carti- vocal folds are excited into a self-sustained vibration. Vocal
lage and the lower border of the thyroid lamina. Its contrac- fold vibration in turn modulates the glottal airflow into a pul-
tion approximates the thyroid and cricoid cartilages sating jet flow, which eventually develops into turbulent
anteriorly through a rotation about the cricothyroid joint. flow into the vocal tract.
The other bundle, the pars oblique, is oriented upward and In general, three major sound production mechanisms
backward, connecting the anterior surface of the cricoid car- are involved in this process (McGowan, 1988; Hofmans,
tilage to the inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage. Its con- 1998; Zhao et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2002a), including a
traction displaces the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages monopole sound source due to volume of air displaced by
backwards (Stone and Nuttall, 1974), although the thyroid vocal fold vibration, a dipole sound source due to the fluctu-
cartilage may also move forward slightly. Contraction of ating force applied by the vocal folds to the airflow, and a
both bundles thus elongates the vocal folds and increases the quadrupole sound source due to turbulence developed imme-
stiffness and tension in both the body and cover layers of the diately downstream of the glottal exit. When the false vocal
vocal folds. In contrast, activation of the TA muscle, which folds are tightly adducted, an additional dipole source may
forms the body layer of the vocal folds, increase the stiffness arise as the glottal jet impinges onto the false vocal folds
and tension in the body layer. Activation of the TA muscle, (Zhang et al., 2002b). The monopole sound source is gener-
in addition to an initial effect of mid-membranous vocal ally small considering that the vocal folds are nearly incom-
fold approximation, also shortens the vocal folds, which pressible and thus the net volume flow displacement is
decreases both the stiffness and tension in the cover layer small. The dipole source is generally considered as the domi-
(Hirano and Kakita, 1985; Yin and Zhang, 2013). One nant sound source and is responsible for the harmonic com-
exception is when the tension in the vocal fold cover is ponent of the produced sound. The quadrupole sound source
already negative (i.e., under compression), in which case is generally much weaker than the dipole source in magni-
shortening the vocal folds further through TA activation tude, but it is responsible for broadband sound production at
decreases tension (i.e., increased compression force) but high frequencies.
may increase stiffness in the cover layer. Activation of the For the harmonic component of the voice source, an
LCA/IA muscles generally does not change the vocal fold equivalent monopole sound source can be defined at a plane
length much and thus has only a slight effect on vocal fold just downstream of the region of major sound sources, with
stiffness and tension (Chhetri et al., 2009; Yin and Zhang, the source strength equal to the instantaneous pulsating
2014). However, activation of the LCA/IA muscles (and also glottal volume flow rate. In the source-filter theory of phona-
the PCA muscles) does stabilize the arytenoid cartilage and tion (Fant, 1970), this monopole sound source is the input
prevent it from moving forward when the cricoid cartilage is signal to the vocal tract, which acts as a filter and shapes the
pulled backward due to the effect of CT muscle activation, sound source spectrum into different sounds before they are
thus facilitating extreme vocal fold elongation, particularly radiated from the mouth to the open as the voice we hear.
for high-pitch voice production. As noted above, due to the Because of radiation from the mouth, the sound source is
lack of reliable measurement methods, our understanding of proportional to the time derivative of the glottal flow. Thus,
how vocal fold stiffness and tension vary at different muscu- in the voice literature, the time derivate of the glottal flow,
lar activation conditions is limited. instead of the glottal flow, is considered as the voice source.
Activation of the CT and TA muscles also changes the The phonation cycle is often divided into an open phase,
medial surface shape of the vocal folds and the glottal chan- in which the glottis opens (the opening phase) and closes
nel geometry. Specifically, TA muscle activation causes the (the closing phase), and a closed phase, in which the glottis
inferior part of the medial surface to bulge out toward the is closed or remains a minimum opening area when the
glottal midline (Hirano and Kakita, 1985; Hirano, 1988; glottal closure is incomplete. The glottal flow increases and
Vahabzadeh-Hagh et al., 2016), thus increasing the vertical decreases in the open phase, and remains zero during the
thickness of the medial surface. In contrast, CT activation closed phase or minimum for incomplete glottal closure
reduces this vertical thickness of the medial surface. (Fig. 4). Compared to the glottal area waveform, the glottal
Although many studies have investigated the prephonatory flow waveform reaches its peak at a later time in the cycle so
glottal shape (convergent, straight, or divergent) on phona- that the glottal flow waveform is more skewed to the right.
tion (Titze, 1988a; Titze et al., 1995), a recent study showed This skewing in the glottal flow waveform to the right is due
that the glottal channel geometry remains largely straight to the acoustic mass in the glottis and the vocal tract (when
under most conditions of laryngeal muscle activation the F0 is lower than a nearby vocal tract resonance fre-
(Vahabzadeh-Hagh et al., 2016). quency), which causes a delay in the increase in the glottal
flow during the opening phase, and a faster decay in the glot-
III. PHYSICS OF VOICE PRODUCTION tal flow during the closing phase (Rothenberg, 1981; Fant,
1982). Because of this waveform skewing to the right, the
A. Sound sources of voice production
negative peak of the time derivative of the glottal flow in the
The phonation process starts from the adduction of the closing phase is often much more dominant than the positive
vocal folds, which approximates the vocal folds to reduce or peak in the opening phase. The instant of the most negative
close the glottis. Contraction of the lungs initiates airflow peak is thus considered the point of main excitation of the
and establishes pressure buildup below the glottis. When the vocal tract and the corresponding negative peak, also

2618 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
FIG. 4. (Color online) Typical glottal flow waveform and its time derivative (left) and their correspondence to the spectral slopes of the low-frequency and
high-frequency portions of the voice source spectrum (right).

referred to as the maximum flow declination rate (MFDR), is function, this gradual return functions as a lower-pass filter,
a major determinant of the peak amplitude of the produced with a cutoff frequency around 1/Ta, and reduces the excita-
voice. After the negative peak, the time derivative of the tion of harmonics above the cutoff frequency 1/Ta. Thus, in
glottal flow waveform returns to zero as phonation enters the the frequency range concerning voice perception, increasing
closed phase. Ta often leads to reduced higher-order harmonic excitation.
Much work has been done to directly link features of the In the extreme case when there is minimal vocal fold con-
glottal flow waveform to voice acoustics and potentially tact, the time derivative of the glottal flow waveform is so
voice quality (e.g., Fant, 1979, 1982; Fant et al., 1985; Gobl smooth that the voice source spectrum only has a few lower-
and Chasaide, 2010). These studies showed that the low- order harmonics. Perceptually, strong excitation of higher-
frequency spectral shape (the first few harmonics) of the order harmonics is often associated with a bright output
voice source is primarily determined by the relative duration sound quality, whereas voice source with limited excitation
of the open phase with respect to the oscillation period (To/T of higher-order harmonics is often perceived to be weak.
in Fig. 4, also referred to as the open quotient). A longer Also of perceptual importance is the turbulence noise
open phase often leads to a more dominant first harmonic produced immediately downstream of the glottis. Although
(H1) in the low-frequency portion of the resulting voice small in amplitude, the noise component plays an important
source spectrum. For a given oscillation period, shortening role in voice quality perception, particularly for female
the open phrase causes most of the glottal flow change to voice in which aspiration noise is more persistent than in
occur within a duration (To) that is increasingly shorter male voice. While the noise component of voice is often
than the period T. This leads to an energy boost in the low- modeled as white noise, its spectrum often is not flat and
frequency portion of the source spectrum that peaks around may exhibit different spectral shapes, depending on the
a frequency of 1/To. For a glottal flow waveform of a very glottal opening and flow rate as well as the vocal tract
short open phase, the second harmonic (H2) or even the shape. Interaction between the spectral shape and relative
fourth harmonic (H4) may become the most dominant har- levels of harmonic and noise energy in the voice source has
monic. Voice source with a weak H1 relative to H2 or H4 is been shown to influence the perception of voice quality
often associated with a pressed voice quality. (Kreiman and Gerratt, 2012).
The spectral slope in the high-frequency range is pri- It is worth noting that many of the source parameters are
marily related to the degree of discontinuity in the time
not independent from each other and often co-vary. How
derivative of the glottal flow waveform. Due to the wave-
they co-vary at different voicing conditions, which is essen-
form skewing discussed earlier, the most dominant source of
tial to natural speech synthesis, remains to be the focus of
discontinuity often occurs around the instant of main excita-
many studies (e.g., Sundberg and Hogset, 2001; Gobl and
tion when the time derivative of the glottal flow waveform
Chasaide, 2003; Patel et al., 2011).
returns from the negative peak to zero within a time scale of
Ta (Fig. 4). For an abrupt glottal flow cutoff (Ta ¼ 0), the
B. Mechanisms of self-sustained vocal fold vibration
time derivative of the glottal flow waveform has a strong dis-
continuity at the point of main excitation, which causes the That vocal fold vibration results from a complex
voice source spectrum to decay asymptotically at a roll-off airflow-vocal fold interaction within the glottis rather than
rate of 6 dB per octave toward high frequencies. Increasing repetitive nerve stimulation of the larynx was first recog-
Ta from zero leads to a gradual return from the negative nized by van den Berg (1958). According to his myoelastic-
peak to zero. When approximated by an exponential aerodynamic theory of voice production, phonation starts

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2619
from complete adduction of the vocal folds to close the glot- in the closing phase whereas 5 and 6 in dashed lines are in
tis, which allows a buildup of the subglottal pressure. The the opening phase. Consider for an example energy transfer
vocal folds remain closed until the subglottal pressure is suf- at the lower margin of the medial surface. Because of the
ficiently high to push them apart, allowing air to escape and vertical phase difference, the glottal channel has a different
producing a negative (with respect to atmospheric pressure) shape in the opening phase (dashed lines 5 and 6) from that
intraglottal pressure due to the Bernoulli effect. This nega- in the closing (solid lines 3 and 2) when the lower margin of
tive Bernoulli pressure and the elastic recoil pull the vocal the medial surface crosses the same locations. Particularly,
folds back and close the glottis. The cycle then repeats, when the lower margin of the medial surface leads the upper
which leads to sustained vibration of the vocal folds. margin in phase, the glottal channel during opening (e.g.,
While the myoelastic-aerodynamic theory correctly instant 6) is always more convergent [thus a smaller Asep/A
identifies the interaction between the vocal folds and airflow in Eq. (1)] or less divergent than that in the closing (e.g.,
as the underlying mechanism of self-sustained vocal fold instant 2) for the same location of the lower margin, result-
vibration, it does not explain how energy is transferred ing in an air pressure [Eq. (1)] that is higher in the opening
from airflow into the vocal folds to sustain this vibration. phase than the closing phase (Fig. 5, top row). As a result,
Traditionally, the negative intraglottal pressure is considered energy is transferred from airflow into the vocal folds over
to play an important role in closing the glottis and sustaining one cycle, as indicated by a non-zero area enclosed by the
vocal fold vibration. However, it is now understood that a aerodynamic force-vocal fold displacement curve in Fig. 5
negative intraglottal pressure is not a critical requirement for (top right). The existence of a vertical phase difference in
achieving self-sustained vocal fold vibration. Similarly, an vocal fold surface motion is generally considered as the pri-
alternatingly convergent-divergent glottal channel geometry mary mechanism of phonation onset.
during phonation has been considered a necessary condition In contrast, without a vertical phase difference, the
that leads to net energy transfer from airflow into the vocal vocal fold surface during opening (Fig. 5, bottom left;
folds. We will show below that an alternatingly convergent- dashed lines 5 and 6) and closing (solid lines 3 and 2) would
divergent glottal channel geometry does not always guaran- be identical when the lower margin crosses the same posi-
tee energy transfer or self-sustained vocal fold vibration. tions, for which Bernoulli’s equation would predict symmet-
For flow conditions typical of human phonation, the ric flow pressure between the opening and closing phases,
glottal flow can be reasonably described by Bernoulli’s and zero net energy transfer over one cycle (Fig. 5, middle
equation up to the point when airflow separates from the row). Under this condition, the pressure asymmetry between
glottal wall, often at the glottal exit at which the airway sud- the opening and closing phases has to be provided by an
denly expands. According to Bernoulli’s equation, the flow external mechanism that directly imposes a phase difference
pressure p at a location within the glottal channel with a between the intraglottal pressure and vocal fold movement.
time-varying cross-sectional area A is In the presence of such an external mechanism, the intra-
  glottal pressure is no longer the same between opening and
Asep 2 closing even when the glottal channel has the same shape as
p ¼ Psup þ ðPsub  Psup Þ 1  2 ; (1)
A the vocal fold crosses the same locations, resulting in a net
energy transfer over one cycle from airflow to the vocal
where Psub and Psup are the subglottal and supraglottal pres- folds (Fig. 5, bottom row). This energy transfer mechanism
sure, respectively, and Asep is the time-varying glottal area at is often referred to as negative damping, because the intra-
the flow separation location. For simplicity, we assume that glottal pressure depends on vocal fold velocity and appears
the flow separates at the upper margin of the medial surface. in the system equations of vocal fold motion in a form simi-
To achieve a net energy transfer from airflow to the vocal lar to a damping force, except that energy is transferred to
folds over one cycle, the air pressure on the vocal fold sur- the vocal folds instead of being dissipated. Negative damp-
face has to be at least partially in-phase with vocal fold ing is the only energy transfer mechanism in a single
velocity. Specifically, the intraglottal pressure needs to be degree-of-freedom system or when the entire medial surface
higher in the opening phase than in the closing phase of moves in phase as a whole.
vocal fold vibration so that the airflow does more work on In humans, a negative damping can be provided by an
the vocal folds in the opening phase than the work the vocal inertive vocal tract (Flanagan and Landgraf, 1968; Ishizaka
folds do back to the airflow in the closing phase. and Matsudaira, 1972; Ishizaka and Flanagan, 1972) or a
Theoretical analysis of the energy transfer between air- compliant subglottal system (Zhang et al., 2006a). Because
flow and vocal folds (Ishizaka and Matsudaira, 1972; Titze, the negative damping associated with acoustic loading is
1988a) showed that this pressure asymmetry can be achieved significant only for frequencies close to an acoustic reso-
by a vertical phase difference in vocal fold surface motion nance, phonation sustained by such negative damping alone
(also referred to as a mucosal wave), i.e., different portions always occurs at a frequency close to that acoustic reso-
of the vocal fold surface do not necessarily move inward and nance (Flanagan and Landgraf, 1968; Zhang et al., 2006a).
outward together as a whole. This mechanism is illustrated Although there is no direct evidence of phonation sustained
in Fig. 5, the upper left of which shows vocal fold surface dominantly by acoustic loading in humans, instabilities in
shape in the coronal plane for six consecutive, equally voice production (or voice breaks) have been reported
spaced instants during one vibration cycle in the presence of when the fundamental frequency of vocal fold vibration
a vertical phase difference. Instants 2 and 3 in solid lines are approaches one of the vocal tract resonances (e.g., Titze

2620 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
FIG. 5. Two energy transfer mechanisms. Top row: the presence of a vertical phase difference leads to different medial surface shapes between glottal opening
(dashed lines 5 and 6; upper left panel) and closing (solid lines 2 and 3) when the lower margin of the medial surface crosses the same locations, which leads
to higher air pressure during glottal opening than closing and net energy transfer from airflow into vocal folds at the lower margin of the medial surface.
Middle row: without a vertical phase difference, vocal fold vibration produces an alternatingly convergent-divergent but identical glottal channel geometry
between glottal opening and closing (bottom left panel), thus zero energy transfer (middle row). Bottom row: without a vertical phase difference, air pressure
asymmetry can be imposed by a negative damping mechanism.

et al., 2008). On the other hand, this entrainment of phonation McGowan, 2010). It is important to differentiate this asymmet-
frequency to the acoustic resonance limits the degree of inde- ric flow separation between glottal opening and closing due to
pendent control of the voice source and the spectral modifica- unsteady flow effects from a quasi-steady asymmetric flow sep-
tion by the vocal tract, and is less desirable for effective aration that is caused by asymmetry in the glottal channel
speech communication. Considering that humans are capable geometry between opening and closing. In the latter case,
of producing a large variety of voice types independent of because flow separation may occur at a more upstream location
vocal tract shapes, negative damping due to acoustic coupling for a divergent glottal channel than a convergent glottal chan-
to the sub- or supra-glottal acoustics is unlikely the primary nel, an asymmetric glottal channel geometry (e.g., a glottis
mechanism of energy transfer in voice production. Indeed, opening convergent and closing divergent) may lead to asym-
excised larynges are able to vibrate without a vocal tract. On metric flow separation between glottal opening and closing.
the other hand, experiments have shown that in humans the Compared to conditions of a fixed flow separation (i.e., flow
vocal folds vibrate at a frequency close to an in vacuo vocal separates at the same location during the entire cycle, as in Fig.
fold resonance (Kaneko et al., 1986; Ishizaka, 1988; Svec 5), such geometry-induced asymmetric flow separation actually
et al., 2000) instead of the acoustic resonances of the sub- and reduces pressure asymmetry between glottal opening and clos-
supra-glottal tracts, suggesting that phonation is essentially a ing [this can be shown using Eq. (1)] and thus weakens net
resonance phenomenon of the vocal folds. energy transfer. In reality, these two types of asymmetric flow
A negative damping can be also provided by glottal aero- separation mechanisms (due to unsteady effects or changes in
dynamics. For example, glottal flow acceleration and decelera- glottal channel geometry) interact and can result in very com-
tion may cause the flow to separate at different locations plex flow separation patterns (Alipour and Scherer, 2004;
between opening and closing even when the glottis has identical Sciamarella and Le Quere, 2008; Sidlof et al., 2011), which
geometry. This is particularly the case for a divergent glottal may or may not enhance energy transfer.
channel geometry, which often results in asymmetric flow sepa- From the discussion above it is clear that a negative
ration and pressure asymmetry between the glottal opening and Bernoulli pressure is not a critical requirement in either one
closing phases (Park and Mongeau, 2007; Alipour and Scherer, of the two mechanisms. Being proportional to vocal fold dis-
2004). The effect of this negative damping mechanism is placement, the negative Bernoulli pressure is not a negative
expected to be small at phonation onset at which the vocal fold damping and does not directly provide the required pressure
vibration amplitude and thus flow unsteadiness is small and the asymmetry between glottal opening and closing. On the
glottal channel is less likely to be divergent. However, its con- other hand, the existence of a vertical phase difference in
tribution to energy transfer may increase with increasing vocal vocal fold vibration is determined primarily by vocal fold
fold vibration amplitude and flow unsteadiness (Howe and properties (as discussed below), rather than whether the

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2621
intraglottal pressure is positive or negative during a certain three typical eigenmodes of the vocal fold in the coronal plane.
phase of the oscillation cycle. In Fig. 6, the thin line indicates the resting vocal fold surface
Although a vertical phase difference in vocal fold vibra- shape, whereas the solid and dashed lines indicate extreme
tion leads to a time-varying glottal channel geometry, an positions of the vocal fold when vibrating at the corresponding
alternatingly convergent-divergent glottal channel geometry eigenmode, spaced 180 apart in a vibratory cycle. The first
does not guarantee self-sustained vocal fold vibration. For eigenmode shows an up and down motion in the vertical direc-
example, although the in-phase vocal fold motion in the bot- tion, which does not modulate glottal airflow much. The sec-
tom left of Fig. 5 (the entire medial surface moves in and out ond eigenmode has a dominantly in-phase medial-lateral
together) leads to an alternatingly convergent-divergent glot- motion along the medial surface, which does modulate airflow.
tal geometry, the glottal geometry is identical between glot- The third eigenmode also exhibits dominantly medial-lateral
tal opening and closing and thus this motion is unable to motion, but the upper portion of the medial surface vibrates
produce net energy transfer into the vocal folds without a 180 out of phase with the lower portion of the medial surface.
negative damping mechanism (Fig. 5, middle row). In other Such out-of-phase motion as in the third eigenmode is essential
words, an alternatingly convergent-divergent glottal geome- to achieving vocal fold vibration with a large vertical phase dif-
try is an effect, not cause, of self-sustained vocal fold vibra- ference, e.g., when synchronized with an in-phase eigenmode
tion. Theoretically, the glottis can maintain a convergent or as in Fig. 6(b).
divergent shape during the entire oscillation cycle and yet In the absence of airflow, the vocal fold in vacuo
still self-oscillate, as observed in experiments using physical eigenmodes are generally neutral or damped, meaning that
vocal fold models which had a divergent shape during most when excited they will gradually decay in amplitude with
portions of the oscillation cycle (Zhang et al., 2006a). time. When the vocal folds are subject to airflow, however,
the vocal fold-airflow coupling modifies the eigenmodes
C. Eigenmode synchronization and nonlinear and, in some conditions, synchronizes two eigenmodes to
dynamics the same frequency (Fig. 7). Although vibration in each
eigenmode by itself does not produce net energy transfer
The above shows that net energy transfer from airflow into
(Fig. 5, middle row), when two modes are synchronized at
the vocal folds is possible in the presence of a vertical phase
the same frequency but with a phase difference in time, the
difference. But how is this vertical phase difference estab-
lished, and what determines the vertical phase difference and
the vocal fold vibration pattern? In voice production, vocal fold
vibration with a vertical phase difference results from a process
of eigenmode synchronization, in which two or more in vacuo
eigenmodes of the vocal folds are synchronized to vibrate at
the same frequency but with a phase difference (Ishizaka and
Matsudaira, 1972; Ishizaka, 1981; Horacek and Svec, 2002;
Zhang et al., 2007), in the same way as a travelling wave
formed by superposition of two standing waves. An eigenmode
or resonance is a pattern of motion of the system that is allowed
by physical laws and boundary constraints to the system. In
general, for each mode, the vibration pattern is such that all
parts of the system move either in-phase or 180 out of phase,
similar to a standing wave. Each eigenmode has an inherently
distinct eigenfrequency (or resonance frequency) at which the
eigenmode can be maximally excited. An example of eigenmo-
des that is often encountered in speech science is formants,
which are peaks in the output voice spectra due to excitation of
acoustic resonances of the vocal tract, with the formant fre-
quency dependent on vocal tract geometry. Figure 6 shows

FIG. 7. A typical eigenmode synchronization pattern. The evolution of the

first three eigenmodes is shown as a function of the subglottal pressure. As
the subglottal pressure increases, the frequencies (top) of the second and
third vocal fold eigenmodes gradually approach each other and, at a thresh-
old subglottal pressure, synchronize to the same frequency. At the same
FIG. 6. Typical vocal fold eigenmodes exhibiting (a) a dominantly superior- time, the growth rate (bottom) of the second mode becomes positive, indi-
inferior motion, (b) a medial-lateral in-phase motion, and (c) a medial- cating the coupled airflow-vocal fold system becomes linearly unstable and
lateral out-of-phase motion along the medial surface. phonation starts.

2622 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
vibration velocity associated with one eigenmode [e.g., the synchronization is not limited to two vocal fold eigenmodes,
eigenmode in Fig. 6(b)] will be at least partially in-phase either. It may also occur between a vocal fold eigenmode
with the pressure induced by the other eigenmode [e.g., the and an eigenmode of the subglottal or supraglottal system. In
eigenmode in Fig. 6(c)], and this cross-model pressure- this sense, the negative damping due to subglottal or supra-
velocity interaction will produce net energy transfer into the glottal acoustic loading can be viewed as the result of syn-
vocal folds (Ishizaka and Matsudaira, 1972; Zhang et al., chronization between one of the vocal fold modes and one of
2007). the acoustic resonances.
The minimum subglottal pressure required to synchro- Eigenmode synchronization discussed above corre-
nize two eigenmodes and initiate net energy transfer, or sponds to a 1:1 temporal synchronization of two eigenmo-
the phonation threshold pressure, is proportional to the fre- des. For a certain range of vocal fold conditions, e.g., when
quency spacing between the two eigenmodes being synchro- asymmetry (left-right or anterior-posterior) exists in the
nized and the coupling strength between the two eigenmodes vocal system or when the vocal folds are strongly coupled
(Zhang, 2010): with the sub- or supra-glottal acoustics, synchronization may
occur so that the two eigenmodes are synchronized not
x0;2 2  x0;1 2 toward the same frequency, but at a frequency ratio of 1:2,
Pth ¼ ; (2)
b 1:3, etc., leading to subharmonics or biphonation (Ishizaka
and Isshiki, 1976; Herzel, 1993; Herzel et al., 1994;
where x0,1 and x0,2 are the eigenfrequencies of the two Neubauer et al., 2001; Berry et al., 1994; Berry et al., 2006;
in vacuo eigenmodes participating in the synchronization Titze, 2008; Lucero et al., 2015). Temporal desynchroniza-
process and b is the coupling strength between the two tion of eigenmodes often leads to irregular or chaotic vocal
eigenmodes. Thus, the closer the two eigenmodes are to fold vibration (Herzel et al., 1991; Berry et al., 1994; Berry
each other in frequency or the more strongly they are cou- et al., 2006; Steinecke and Herzel, 1995). Transition
pled, the less pressure is required to synchronize them. This between different synchronization patterns, or bifurcation,
is particularly the case in an anisotropic material such as the often leads to a sudden change in the vocal fold vibration
vocal folds in which the AP stiffness is much larger than the pattern and voice quality.
stiffness in the transverse plane. Under such anisotropic stiff- These studies show that the nonlinear interaction
ness conditions, the first few in vacuo vocal fold eigenfre- between vocal fold eigenmodes is a central feature of the
quencies tend to cluster together and are much closer to each
phonation process, with different synchronization or
other compared to isotropic stiffness conditions (Titze and
desynchronization patterns producing a large variety of
Strong, 1975; Berry, 2001). Such clustering of eigenmodes
voice types. Thus, by changing the geometrical and biome-
makes it possible to initiate vocal fold vibration at very low
chanical properties of the vocal folds, either through laryn-
subglottal pressures.
geal muscle activation or mechanical modification as in
The coupling strength b between the two eigenmodes in
phonosurgery, we can select eigenmodes and eigenmode
Eq. (2) depends on the prephonatory glottal opening, with
synchronization pattern to control or modify our voice, in
the coupling strength increasing with decreasing glottal
the same way as we control speech formants by moving
opening (thus lowered phonation threshold pressure). In
articulators in the vocal tract to modify vocal tract acoustic
addition, the coupling strength also depends on the spatial
similarity between the air pressure distribution over the
The concept of eigenmode and eigenmode synchroniza-
vocal fold surface induced by one eigenmode and vocal fold
tion is also useful for phonation modeling, because eigenmo-
surface velocity of the other eigenmode (Zhang, 2010). In
des can be used as building blocks to construct more complex
other words, the coupling strength b quantifies the cross-
motion of the system. Often, only the first few eigenmodes
mode energy transfer efficiency between the eigenmodes
are required for adequate reconstruction of complex vocal
that are being synchronized. The higher the degree of cross-
fold vibrations (both regular and irregular; Herzel et al., 1994;
mode pressure-velocity similarity, the better the two eigenm-
Berry et al., 1994; Berry et al., 2006), which would signifi-
odes are coupled, and the less subglottal pressure is required
cantly reduce the degrees of freedom required in computa-
to synchronize them.
In reality, the vocal folds have an infinite number of tional models of phonation.
eigenmodes. Which eigenmodes are synchronized and even-
D. Biomechanical requirements of glottal closure
tually excited depends on the frequency spacing and relative
during phonation
coupling strength among different eigenmodes. Because
vocal fold vibration depends on the eigenmodes that are An important feature of normal phonation is the com-
eventually excited, changes in the eigenmode synchroniza- plete closure of the membranous glottis during vibration,
tion pattern often lead to changes in the F0, vocal fold vibra- which is essential to the production of high-frequency har-
tion pattern, and the resulting voice quality. Previous studies monics. Incomplete closure of the membranous glottis, as
have shown that a slight change in vocal fold properties such often observed in pathological conditions, often leads to
as stiffness or medial surface shape may cause phonation voice production of a weak and/or breathy quality.
to occur at a different eigenmode, leading to a qualitatively It is generally assumed that approximation of the vocal
different vocal fold vibration pattern and abrupt changes in folds through arytenoid adduction is sufficient to achieve
F0 (Tokuda et al., 2007; Zhang, 2009). Eigenmode glottal closure during phonation, with the duration of glottal

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2623
closure or the closed quotient increasing with increasing medial surface. The improved capability to maintain adduc-
degree of vocal fold approximation. While a certain degree tory position against the subglottal pressure and to vibrate
of vocal fold approximation is obviously required for glottal with large medial-lateral motion may contribute to the
closure, there is evidence suggesting that other factors also improved glottal closure pattern observed in the experiment
are in play. For example, excised larynx experiments of Xuan and Zhang (2014).
have shown that some larynges would vibrate with incom- Geometrically, a thin vocal fold has been shown to be
plete glottal closure despite that the arytenoids are tightly easily pushed apart by the subglottal pressure (Zhang,
sutured together (Isshiki, 1989; Zhang, 2011). Similar 2016a). Although a thin anisotropic vocal fold vibrates with
incomplete glottal closure is also observed in experiments a dominantly medial-lateral motion, this is insufficient to
using physical vocal fold models with isotropic material overcome its inability to maintain position against the sub-
properties (Thomson et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2006a). glottal pressure. As a result, the glottis never completely
In these experiments, increasing the subglottal pressure closes during vibration, which leads to a relatively smooth
increased the vocal fold vibration amplitude but often did glottal flow waveform and weak excitation of higher-order
not lead to improvement in the glottal closure pattern (Xuan harmonics in the radiated output voice spectrum (van den
and Zhang, 2014). These studies show that addition stiffness Berg, 1968; Zhang, 2016a). Increasing vertical thickness of
or geometry conditions are required to achieve complete the medial surface allows the vocal fold to better resist the
membranous glottal closure. glottis-opening effect of the subglottal pressure, thus main-
Recent studies have started to provide some insight taining the adductory position and achieving complete glot-
toward these additional biomechanical conditions. Xuan and tal closure.
Zhang (2014) showed that embedding fibers along the Once these additional stiffness and geometric conditions
anterior-posterior direction in otherwise isotropic models is (i.e., certain degree of stiffness anisotropy and not-too-small
able to improve glottal closure (Xuan and Zhang, 2014). vertical vocal fold thickness) are met, the duration of glottal
With an additional thin stiffer outmost layer simulating the closure can be regulated by varying the vertical phase differ-
epithelium, these physical models are able to vibrate with a ence in vocal fold motion along the medial surface. A non-
considerably long closed period. It is interesting that this zero vertical phase difference means that, when the lower
improvement in the glottal closure pattern occurred only
margins of the medial surfaces start to open, the glottis
when the fibers were embedded to a location close to the
would continue to remain closed until the upper margins
vocal fold surface in the cover layer. Embedding fibers in
start to open. One important parameter affecting the vertical
the body layer did not improve the closure pattern at all.
phase difference is the vertical thickness of the medial sur-
This suggests a possible functional role of collagen and elas-
face or the degree of medial bulging in the inferior portion
tin fibers in the intermediate and deep layers of the lamina
of the medial surface. Given the same condition of vocal
propria in facilitating glottal closure during vibration.
fold stiffness and vocal fold approximation, the vertical
The difference in the glottal closure pattern between iso-
phase difference during vocal fold vibration increases with
tropic and anisotropic vocal folds could be due to many rea-
increasing vertical medial surface thickness (Fig. 8). Thus,
sons. Compared to isotropic vocal folds, anisotropic vocal
folds (or fiber-embedded models) are better able to maintain the thicker the medial surface, the larger the vertical phase
their adductory position against the subglottal pressure and difference, and the longer the closed phase (Fig. 8; van den
are less likely to be pushed apart by air pressure (Zhang, Berg, 1968; Alipour and Scherer, 2000; Zhang, 2016a).
2011). In addition, embedding fibers along the AP direction Similarly, the vertical phase difference and thus the duration
may also enhance the medial-lateral motion, further facilitat- of glottal closure can be also increased by reducing the elas-
ing glottal closure. Zhang (2014) showed that the first few in tic surface wave speed in the superior-inferior direction
vacuo eigenmodes of isotropic vocal folds exhibit similar in- (Ishizaka and Flanagan, 1972; Story and Titze, 1995), which
phase, up-and-down swing-like motion, with the medial- depends primarily on the stiffness in the transverse plane
lateral and superior-inferior motions locked in a similar phase and to a lesser degree on the AP stiffness, or increasing the
relationship. Synchronization of modes of similar vibration body-cover stiffness ratio (Story and Titze, 1995; Zhang,
patterns necessarily leads to qualitatively the same vibration 2009).
patterns, in this case an up-and-down swing-like motion, with Theoretically, the duration of glottal closure can be con-
vocal fold vibration dominantly along the superior-inferior trolled by changing the ratio between the vocal fold equilib-
direction, as observed in recent physical model experiments rium position (or the mean glottal opening) and the vocal
(Thomson et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2006a). In contrast, fold vibration amplitude. Both stiffening the vocal folds and
for vocal folds with the AP stiffness much higher than the tightening vocal fold approximation are able to move the
transverse stiffness, the first few in vacuo modes exhibit vocal fold equilibrium position toward glottal midline.
qualitatively distinct vibration patterns, and the medial-lateral However, such manipulations often simultaneously reduce
motion and the superior-inferior motion are no longer locked the vibration amplitude. As a result, the overall effect on the
in a similar phase in the first few in vacuo eigenmodes. This duration of glottal closure is unclear. Zhang (2016a) showed
makes it possible to strongly excite large medial-lateral that stiffening the vocal folds or increasing vocal fold
motion without proportional excitation of the superior-inferior approximation did not have much effect on the duration of
motion. As a result, anisotropic models exhibit large medial- glottal closure except around onset when these manipula-
lateral motion with a vertical phase difference along the tions led to significant improvement in vocal fold contact.

2624 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
and convection of intraglottal vortices (Mihaescu et al.,
2010; Khosla et al., 2014; Oren et al., 2014).
Some of these flow features have been incorporated in
phonation models (e.g., Liljencrants, 1991; Pelorson et al.,
1994; Kaburagi and Tanabe, 2009; Erath et al., 2011; Howe
and McGowan, 2013). Resolving other features, particularly
the jet instability, vortices, and turbulence downstream of
the glottis, demands significantly increased computational
costs so that simulation of a few cycles of vocal fold vibra-
tion often takes days or months. On the other hand, the
acoustic and perceptual relevance of these intraglottal and
supraglottal flow structures has not been established. From
the sound production point of view, these complex flow
structures in the downstream glottal flow field are sound
sources of quadrupole type (dipole type when obstacles are
present in the pathway of airflow, e.g., tightly adducted
false vocal folds). Due to the small length scales associated
with the flow structures, these sound sources are broadband
in nature and mostly at high frequencies (generally above
2 kHz), with an amplitude much smaller than the harmonic
component of the voice source. Therefore, if the high-
frequency component of voice is of interest, these flow fea-
tures have to be accurately modeled, although the degree of
accuracy required to achieve perceptual sufficiency has yet
to be determined.
It has been postulated that the vortical structures may
directly affect the near-field glottal fluid-structure interaction
and thus vocal fold vibration and the harmonic component
of the voice source. Once separated from the vocal fold
walls, the glottal jet starts to develop jet instabilities and is
therefore susceptible to downstream disturbances, especially
when the glottis takes on a divergent shape. In this way, the
FIG. 8. (Color online) The closed quotient CQ and vertical phase difference unsteady supraglottal flow structures may interact with the
VPD as a function of the medial surface thickness, the AP stiffness (Gap), boundary layer at the glottal exit and affect the flow separa-
and the resting glottal angle (a). Reprinted with permission of ASA from tion point within the glottal channel (Hirschberg et al.,
Zhang (2016a).
1996). Similarly, it has been hypothesized that intraglottal
vortices can induce a local negative pressure on the medial
surface of the vocal folds as the intraglottal vortices are con-
E. Role of flow instabilities
vected downstream and thus may facilitate rapid glottal clo-
Although a Bernoulli-based flow description is often sure during voice production (Khosla et al., 2014; Oren
used for phonation models, the realistic glottal flow is highly et al., 2014).
three-dimensional and much more complex. The intraglottal While there is no doubt that these complex flow features
pressure distribution is shown to be affected by the three- affect vocal fold vibration, the question remains concerning
dimensionality of the glottal channel geometry (Scherer how large an influence these vortical structures have on
et al., 2001; Scherer et al., 2010; Mihaescu et al., 2010; vocal fold vibration and the produced acoustics. For the flow
Li et al., 2012). As the airflow separates from the glottal conditions typical of voice production, many of the flow fea-
wall as it exits the glottis, a jet forms downstream of the tures or instabilities have time scales much different from
flow separation point, which leads to the development of that of vocal fold vibration. For example, vortex shedding at
shear layer instabilities, vortex roll-up, and eventually vortex typical voice conditions occurs generally at frequencies
shedding from the jet and transition into turbulence. The vor- above 1000 Hz (Zhang et al., 2004; Kucinschi et al., 2006).
tical structures would in turn induce disturbances upstream, Considering that phonation is essentially a resonance phe-
which may lead to oscillating flow separation point, jet nomenon of the vocal folds (Sec. III B) and the mismatch
attachment to one side of the glottal wall instead of going between vocal fold resonance and typical frequency scales
straight, and possibly alternating jet flapping (Pelorson et al., of the vortical structures, it is questionable that compared to
1994; Shinwari et al., 2003; Triep et al., 2005; Kucinschi vocal fold inertia and elastic recoil, the pressure perturba-
et al., 2006; Erath and Plesniak, 2006; Neubauer et al., tions on vocal fold surface due to intraglottal or supraglottal
2007; Zheng et al., 2009). Recent experiments and simula- vortical structures are strong enough or last for a long
tions also showed that for a highly divergent glottis, airflow enough period to have a significant effect on voice produc-
may separate inside the glottis, which leads to the formation tion. Given a longitudinal shear modulus of the vocal fold of

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2625
about 10 kPa and a shear strain of 0.2, the elastic recoil stress appear to qualitatively compare well with experiments
of the vocal fold is approximately 2000 Pa. The pressure per- (Pelorson et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 2002a; Ruty et al., 2007;
turbations induced by intraglottal or supraglottal vortices are Kaburagi and Tanabe, 2009), more systematic investigations
expected to be much smaller than the subglottal pressure. are required to reach a definite conclusion regarding the rela-
Assuming an upper limit of about 20% of the subglottal pres- tive importance of these flow structures to phonation and
sure for the pressure perturbations (as induced by intraglottal voice perception. This may be achieved by conducting para-
vortices, Oren et al., 2014; in reality this number is expected metric studies in a large range of conditions over which the
to be much smaller at normal loudness conditions and even relative strength of these vortical structures are known to
smaller for supraglottal vortices) and a subglottal pressure of vary significantly and observing their consequences on voice
800 Pa (typical of normal speech production), the pressure production. Such an improved understanding would facili-
perturbation on vocal fold surface is about 160 Pa, which is tate the development of computationally efficient reduced-
much smaller than the elastic recoil stress. Specifically to the order models of phonation.
intraglottal vortices, while a highly divergent glottal geome-
try is required to create intraglottal vortices, the presence of IV. BIOMECHANICS OF VOICE CONTROL
intraglottal vortices induces a negative suction force applied
mainly on the superior portion of the medial surface and, if A. Fundamental frequency
the vortices are strong enough, would reduce the divergence In the discussion of F0 control, an analogy is often
of the glottal channel. In other words, while intraglottal vor- made between phonation and vibration in strings in the voice
tices are unable to create the necessary divergence condi- literature (e.g., Colton et al., 2011). The vibration frequency
tions required for their creation, their existence tends to of a string is determined by its length, tension, and mass. By
eliminate such conditions. analogy, the F0 of voice production is also determined by its
There have been some recent studies toward quantifying length, tension, and mass, with the mass interpreted as the
the degree of the influence of the vortical structures on pho- mass of the vocal folds that is set into vibration. Specifically,
nation. In an excised larynx experiment without a vocal tract, F0 increases with increasing tension, decreasing mass, and
it has been observed that the produced sound does not decreasing vocal fold length. While the string analogy is
change much when sticking a finger very close to the glottal conceptually simple and heuristically useful, some important
exit, which presumably would have significantly disturbed features of the vocal folds are missing. Other than the vague
the supraglottal flow field. A more rigorous experiment was definition of an effective mass, the string model, which
designed in Zhang and Neubauer (2010) in which they implicitly assumes cross-section dimension much smaller
placed an anterior-posteriorly aligned cylinder in the supra-
than length, completely neglects the contribution of vocal
glottal flow field and traversed it in the flow direction at
fold stiffness in F0 control. Although stiffness and tension
different left-right locations and observed the acoustics con-
are often not differentiated in the voice literature, they have
sequences. The hypothesis was that, if these supraglottal
different physical meanings and represent two different
flow structures had a significant effect on vocal fold vibra-
mechanisms that resist deformation (Fig. 2). Stiffness is a
tion and acoustics, disturbing these flow structures would
property of the vocal fold and represents the elastic restoring
lead to noticeable changes in the produced sound. However,
force in response to deformation, whereas tension or stress
their experiment found no significant changes in the sound
except when the cylinder was positioned within the glottal describes the mechanical state of the vocal folds. The string
channel. analogy also neglects the effect of vocal fold contact, which
The potential impact of intraglottal vortices on phona- introduces additional stiffening effect.
tion has also been numerically investigated (Farahani and Because phonation is essentially a resonance phenome-
Zhang, 2014; Kettlewell, 2015). Because of the difficulty in non of the vocal folds, the F0 is primarily determined by the
removing intraglottal vortices without affecting other aspects frequency of the vocal fold eigenmodes that are excited. In
of the glottal flow, the effect of the intraglottal vortices was general, vocal fold eigenfrequencies depend on both vocal
modeled as a negative pressure superimposed on the flow fold geometry, including length, depth, and thickness, and
pressure predicted by a base glottal flow model. In this way, the stiffness and stress conditions of the vocal folds. Shorter
the effect of the intraglottal vortices can be selectively acti- vocal folds tend to have high eigenfrequencies. Thus,
vated or deactivated independently of the base flow so that because of the small vocal fold size, children tend to have
its contribution to phonation can be investigated. These stud- the highest F0, followed by female and then male. Vocal
ies showed that intraglottal vortices only have small effects fold eigenfrequencies also increase with increasing stiffness
on vocal fold vibration and the glottal flow. Kettlewell or stress (tension), both of which provide a restoring force to
(2015) further showed that the vortices are either not strong resist vocal fold deformation. Thus, stiffening or tensioning
enough to induce significant pressure perturbation on vocal the vocal folds would increase the F0 of the voice. In gen-
fold surfaces or, if they are strong enough, the vortices eral, the effect of stiffness on vocal fold eigenfrequencies is
advect rapidly into the supraglottal region and the induced more dominant than tension when the vocal fold is slightly
pressure perturbations would be too brief to have any impact elongated or shortened, at which the tension is small or even
to overcome the inertia of the vocal fold tissue. negative and the string model would underestimate F0 or fail
Although phonation models using simplified flow mod- to provide a prediction. As the vocal fold gets further elon-
els neglecting flow vortical structures are widely used and gated and tension increases, the stiffness and tension become

2626 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
equally important in affecting vocal fold eigenfrequencies mass model that vocal fold contact and material nonlinearity
(Titze and Hunter, 2004; Yin and Zhang, 2013). combined can lead to an increase of about 40 Hz in F0 when
When vocal fold contact occurs during vibration, the the subglottal pressure is increased from about 200 to
vocal fold collision force appears as an additional restoring 800 Pa. In the continuum model of Zhang (2016a), which
force (Ishizaka and Flanagan, 1972). Depending on the includes the effect of vocal fold contact but not vocal fold
extent, depth of influence, and duration of vocal fold colli- material nonlinearity, increasing subglottal pressure alone
sion, this additional force can significantly increase the can increase the F0 by as large as 20 Hz/kPa.
effective stiffness of the vocal folds and thus F0. Because
the vocal fold contact pattern depends on the degree of vocal B. Vocal intensity
fold approximation, subglottal pressure, and vocal fold stiff-
Because voice is produced at the glottis, filtered by the
ness and geometry, changes in any of these parameters may
vocal tract, and radiated from the mouth, an increase in vocal
have an effect on F0 by affecting vocal fold contact (van den
intensity can be achieved by either increasing the source
Berg and Tran, 1959; Zhang, 2016a).
intensity or enhancing the radiation efficiency. The source
In humans, F0 can be increased by increasing either
intensity is controlled primarily by the subglottal pressure,
vocal fold eigenfrequencies or the extent and duration of
which increases the vibration amplitude and the negative
vocal fold contact. Control of vocal fold eigenfrequencies is
peak or MFDR of the time derivative of the glottal flow. The
largely achieved by varying the stiffness and tension along
subglottal pressure depends primarily on the alveolar pres-
the AP direction. Due to the nonlinear material properties of
the vocal folds, both the AP stiffness and tension can be con- sure in the lungs, which is controlled by the respiratory
trolled by elongating or shortening the vocal folds, through muscles and the lung volume. In general, conditions of the
activation of the CT muscle. Although elongation also laryngeal system have little effect on the establishment of
increases vocal fold length which lowers F0, the effect of the the alveolar pressure and subglottal pressure (Hixon, 1987;
increase in stiffness and tension on F0 appears to dominate Finnegan et al., 2000). However, an open glottis often results
that of increasing length. in a small glottal resistance and thus a considerable pressure
The effect of TA muscle activation on F0 control is a lit- drop in the lower airway and a reduced subglottal pressure.
tle more complex. In addition to shortening vocal fold An open glottis also leads to a large glottal flow rate and a
length, TA activation tensions and stiffens the body layer, rapid decline in the lung volume, thus reducing the duration
decreases tension in the cover layer, but may decrease or of speech between breaths and increasing the respiratory
increase the cover stiffness (Yin and Zhang, 2013). Titze effort required in order to maintain a target subglottal pres-
et al. (1988) showed that depending on the depth of the body sure (Zhang, 2016b).
layer involved in vibration, increasing TA activation can In the absence of a vocal tract, laryngeal adjustments,
either increase or decrease vocal fold eigenfrequencies. On which control vocal fold stiffness, geometry, and position,
the other hand, Yin and Zhang (2013) showed that for an do not have much effect on the source intensity, as shown in
elongated vocal fold, as is often the case in phonation, the many studies using laryngeal, physical, or computational
overall effect of TA activation is to reduce vocal fold eigen- models of phonation (Tanaka and Tanabe, 1986; Titze,
frequencies. Only for conditions of a slightly elongated or 1988b; Zhang, 2016a). In the experiment by Tanaka and
shortened vocal folds, TA activation may increase vocal fold Tanabe (1986), for a constant subglottal pressure, stimula-
eigenfrequencies. In addition to the effect on vocal fold tion of the CT and LCA muscles had almost no effects on
eigenfrequencies, TA activation increases vertical thickness vocal intensity whereas stimulation of the TA muscle
of the vocal folds and produces medial compression between slightly decreased vocal intensity. In an excised larynx
the two folds, both of which increase the extent and duration experiment, Titze (1988b) found no dependence of vocal
of vocal tract contact and would lead to an increased F0 intensity on the glottal width. Similar secondary effects of
(Hirano et al., 1969). Because of these opposite effects on laryngeal adjustments have also been observed in a recent
vocal fold eigenfrequencies and vocal fold contact, the over- computational study (Zhang, 2016a). Zhang (2016a) also
all effect of TA activation on F0 would vary depending on showed that the effect of laryngeal adjustments may be
the specific vocal fold conditions. important at subglottal pressures slightly above onset, in
Increasing subglottal pressure or activation of the LCA/ which case an increase in either AP stiffness or vocal fold
IA muscles by themselves do not have much effect on vocal approximation may lead to improved vocal fold contact and
fold eigenfrequencies (Hirano and Kakita, 1985; Chhetri glottal closure, which significantly increased the MFDR and
et al., 2009; Yin and Zhang, 2014). However, they often thus vocal intensity. However, these effects became less effi-
increase the extent and duration of vocal fold contact during cient with increasing vocal intensity.
vibration, particularly with increasing subglottal pressure, The effect of laryngeal adjustments on vocal intensity
and thus lead to increased F0 (Hirano et al., 1969; Ishizaka becomes a little more complicated in the presence of the
and Flanagan, 1972; Zhang, 2016a). Due to nonlinearity in vocal tract. Changing vocal tract shape by itself does not
vocal fold material properties, increased vibration amplitude amplify the produced sound intensity because sound propa-
at high subglottal pressures may lead to increased effective gation in the vocal tract is a passive process. However,
stiffness and tension, which may also increase F0 (van den changes in vocal tract shape may provide a better impedance
Berg and Tan, 1959; Ishizaka and Flanagan, 1972; Titze, match between the glottis and the free space outside the
1989). Ishizaka and Flanagan (1972) showed in their two- mouth and thus improve efficiency of sound radiation from

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2627
the mouth (Titze and Sundberg, 1992). This is particularly used and authors often disagree with the meanings of these
the case for harmonics close to a formant, which are often descriptions (Gerratt and Kreiman, 2001; Kreiman and
amplified more than the first harmonic and may become the Sidtis, 2011). This lack of a clear and consistent definition of
most energetic harmonic in the spectrum of the output voice. voice quality makes it difficult for studies of voice quality
Thus, vocal intensity can be increased through laryngeal and identifying its physiological correlates and controls.
adjustments that increase excitation of harmonics close to Acoustically, voice quality is associated with the spectral
the first formant of the vocal tract (Fant, 1982; Sundberg, amplitude and shape of the harmonic and noise components
1987) or by adjusting vocal tract shape to match one of the of the voice source, and their temporal variations. In the fol-
formants with one of the dominant harmonics in the source lowing we focus on physiological factors that are known to
spectrum. have an impact on the voice spectra and thus are potentially
In humans, all three strategies (respiratory, laryngeal, perceptually important.
and articulatory) are used to increase vocal intensity. When One of the first systematic investigations of the physio-
asked to produce an intensity sweep from soft to loud voice, logical controls of voice quality was conducted by Isshiki
one generally starts with a slightly breathy voice with a rela- (1989, 1998) using excised larynges, in which regions of
tively open glottis, which requires the least laryngeal effort normal, breathy, and rough voice qualities were mapped out
but is inefficient in voice production. From this starting posi- in the three-dimensional parameter space of the subglottal
tion, vocal intensity can be increased by increasing either the pressure, vocal fold stiffness, and prephonatory glottal open-
subglottal pressure, which increases vibration amplitude, or ing area (Fig. 9). He showed that for a given vocal fold stiff-
vocal fold adduction (approximation and/or thickening). For ness and prephonatory glottal opening area, increasing
a soft voice with minimal vocal fold contact and minimal subglottal pressure led to voice production of a rough qual-
higher-order harmonic excitation, increasing vocal fold ity. This effect of the subglottal pressure can be counterbal-
adduction is particularly efficient because it may signifi- anced by increasing vocal fold stiffness, which increased the
cantly improve vocal fold contact, in both spatial extent and region of normal voice in the parameter space of Fig. 9.
duration, thus significantly boosting the excitation of har- Unfortunately, the details of this study, including the defini-
monics close to the first formant. In humans, for low to tion and manipulation of vocal fold stiffness and perceptual
medium vocal intensity conditions, vocal intensity increase evaluation of different voice qualities, are not fully available.
is often accompanied by simultaneous increases in the sub- The importance of the coordination between the subglottal
glottal pressure and the glottal resistance (Isshiki, 1964; pressure and laryngeal conditions was also demonstrated in
Holmberg et al., 1988; Stathopoulos and Sapienza, 1993). van den Berg and Tan (1959), which showed that although
Because the pitch level did not change much in these experi- different vocal registers were observed, each register
ments, the increase in glottal resistance was most likely due occurred in a certain range of laryngeal conditions and sub-
to tighter vocal fold approximation through LCA/IA activa- glottal pressures. For example, for conditions of low longitu-
tion. The duration of the closed phase is often observed to dinal tension, a chest-like phonation was possible only for
increase with increasing vocal intensity (Henrich et al., small airflow rates. At large values of the subglottal pressure,
2005), indicating increased vocal fold thickening or medial “it was impossible to obtain good sound production. The
compression, which are primarily controlled by the TA mus- vocal folds were blown too wide apart…. The shape of the
cle. Thus, it seems that both the LCA/IA/TA muscles and glottis became irregularly curved and this curving was prop-
subglottal pressure increase play a role in vocal intensity agated along the glottis.” Good voice production at large
increase at low to medium intensity conditions. For high flow rates was possible only with thyroid cartilage compres-
vocal intensity conditions, when further increase in vocal sion which imitates the effect of TA muscle activation.
fold adduction becomes less effective (Hirano et al., 1969), Irregular vocal fold vibration at high subglottal pressures has
vocal intensity increase appears to rely dominantly on the
subglottal pressure increase.
On the vocal tract side, Titze (2002) showed that the
vocal intensity can be increased by matching a wide epilarynx
with lower glottal resistance or a narrow epilarynx with higher
glottal resistance. Tuning the first formant (e.g., by opening
mouth wider) to match the F0 is often used in soprano singing
to maximize vocal output (Joliveau et al., 2004). Because
radiation efficiency can be improved through adjustments in
either the vocal folds or the vocal tract, this makes it possible
to improve radiation efficiency yet still maintain desired pitch
or articulation, whichever one wishes to achieve.

C. Voice quality
FIG. 9. A three-dimensional map of normal (N), breathy (B), and rough (R)
Voice quality generally refers to aspects of the voice
phonation in the parameter space of the prephonatory glottal area (Ag0),
other than pitch and loudness. Due to the subjective nature subglottal pressure (Ps), vocal fold stiffness (k). Reprinted with permission
of voice quality perception, many different descriptions are of Springer from Isshiki (1989).

2628 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
also been observed in physical model experiments (e.g., considered as one possible origin of vocal registers and their
Xuan and Zhang, 2014). Irregular or chaotic vocal fold transitions (van den Berg, 1968). Specifically, it has been
vibration at conditions of pressure-stiffness mismatch has hypothesized that changes in F0 are often accompanied by
also been reported in the numerical simulation of Berry et al. changes in the vertical thickness of the vocal fold medial
(1994), which showed that while regular vocal fold vibration surface, which lead to changes in the spectral characteristics
was observed for typical vocal fold stiffness conditions, of the produced voice. The medial surface thickness is pri-
irregular vocal fold vibration (e.g., subharmonic or chaotic marily controlled by the CT and TA muscles, which also
vibration) was observed when the cover layer stiffness was regulate vocal fold stiffness and vocal fold approximation.
significantly reduced while maintaining the same subglottal Activation of the CT muscle reduces the medial surface
pressure. thickness, but also increases vocal fold stiffness and tension,
The experiments of van den Berg and Tan (1959) and and in some conditions increases the resting glottal opening
Isshiki (1989) also showed that weakly adducted vocal folds (van den Berg and Tan, 1959; van den Berg, 1968; Hirano
(weak LCA/IA/TA activation) often lead to vocal fold vibra- and Kakita, 1985). Because the LCA/IA/TA muscles are
tion with incomplete glottal closure during phonation. When innervated by the same nerve and often activated together,
the airflow is sufficiently high, the persistent glottal gap an increase in the medial surface thickness through TA mus-
would lead to increased turbulent noise production and thus cle activation is often accompanied by increased vocal fold
phonation of a breathy quality (Fig. 9). The incomplete glot- approximation (Hirano and Kakita, 1985) and contact. Thus,
tal closure may occur in the membranous or the cartilaginous
if one attempts to increase F0 primarily by activation of the
portion of the glottis. When the incomplete glottal closure is
LCA/IA/TA muscles, the vocal folds are likely to have a
limited to the cartilaginous glottis, the resulting voice is
large medial surface thickness and probably low AP stiff-
breathy but may still have strong harmonics at high frequen-
ness, which will lead to a chest-like voice production, with
cies. When the incomplete glottal closure occurs in the mem-
large vertical phase difference along the medial surface, long
branous glottis, the reduced or slowed vocal fold contact
closure of the glottis, small flow rate, and strong harmonic
would also reduce excitation of higher-order harmonics,
excitation. In the extreme case of strong TA activation and
resulting in a breathy and weak quality of the produced
voice. When the vocal folds are sufficiently separated, the minimum CT activation and very low subglottal pressure,
coupling between the two vocal folds may be weakened the glottis can remain closed for most of the cycle, leading
enough so that each vocal fold can vibrate at a different F0. to a vocal fry-like voice production. In contrast, if one
This would lead to biphonation or voice containing two dis- attempts to increase F0 by increasing CT activation alone,
tinct fundamental frequencies, resulting in a perception simi- the vocal folds, with a small medial surface thickness, are
lar to that of the beat frequency phenomenon. likely to produce a falsetto-like voice production, with
Compared to a breathy voice, a pressed voice is presum- incomplete glottal closure and a nearly sinusoidal flow
ably produced with tight vocal fold approximation or even waveform, very high F0, and a limited number of harmonics.
some degree of medial compression in the membranous por-
tion between the two folds. A pressed voice is often charac- V. MECHANICAL AND COMPUTER MODELS
terized by a second harmonic that is stronger than the first FOR VOICE APPLICATIONS
harmonic, or a negative H1-H2, with a long period of glottal
Voice applications generally fall into two major catego-
closure during vibration. Although a certain degree of vocal
ries. In the clinic, simulation of voice production has the
fold approximation and stiffness anisotropy is required to
potential to predict outcomes of clinical management of
achieve vocal fold contact during phonation, the duration of
voice disorders, including surgery and voice therapy. For
glottal closure has been shown to be primarily determined
such applications, accurate representation of vocal fold
by the vertical thickness of the vocal fold medial surface
(van den Berg, 1968; Zhang, 2016a). Thus, although it is geometry and material properties to the degree that matches
generally assumed that a pressed voice can be produced with actual clinical treatment is desired, and for this reason con-
tight arytenoid adduction through LCA/IA muscle activa- tinuum models of the vocal folds are preferred over lumped-
tion, activation of the LCA/IA muscles alone is unable to element models. Computational cost is not necessarily a
achieve prephonatory medial compression in the membra- concern in such applications but still has to be practical. In
nous glottis or change the vertical thickness of the medial contrast, for some other applications, particularly in speech
surface. Activation of the TA muscle appears to be essential technology applications, the primary goal is to reproduce
in producing a voice change from a breathy to a pressed speech acoustics or at least perceptually relevant features of
voice quality. A weakened TA muscle, as in aging or muscle speech acoustics. Real-time capability is desired in these
atrophy, would lead to difficulties in producing a pressed applications, whereas realistic representation of the underly-
voice or even sufficient glottal closure during phonation. On ing physics involved is often not necessary. In fact, most of
the other hand, strong TA muscle activation, as in for exam- the current speech synthesis systems consider speech purely
ple, spasmodic dysphonia, may lead to too tight a closure of as an acoustic signal and do not model the physics of speech
the glottis and a rough voice quality (Isshiki, 1989). production at all. However, models that take into consider-
In humans, vocal fold stiffness, vocal fold approxima- ation the underlying physics, at least to some degree, may
tion, and geometry are regulated by the same set of laryngeal hold the most promise in speech synthesis of natural-
muscles and thus often co-vary, which has long been sounding, speaker-specific quality.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2629
A. Mechanical vocal fold models these acoustic features. Early formant-based synthesizers
used simple sound sources, often a filtered impulse train as
Early efforts on artificial speech production, dating back
the sound source for voiced sounds and white noise for
to as early as the 18th century, focused on mechanically
unvoiced sounds. Research on the voice sources (e.g., Fant,
reproducing the speech production system. A detailed review
1979; Fant et al., 1985; Rothenberg et al., 1971; Titze and
can be found in Flanagan (1972). The focus of these early
Talkin, 1979) has led to the development of parametric voice
efforts was generally on articulation in the vocal tract rather
source models in the time domain, which are capable of pro-
than the voice source, which is understandable considering
ducing voice source waveforms of varying F0, amplitude,
that meaning is primarily conveyed through changes in artic-
open quotient, and degree of abruptness of the glottal flow
ulation and the lack of understanding of the voice production
shutoff, and thus synthesis of different voice qualities.
process. The vibrating element in these mechanical models,
While parametric voice source models provide flexibil-
either a vibrating reed or a slotted rubber sheet stretched
ity in source variations, synthetic speech generated by the
over an opening, is only a rough approximation of the human
vocal folds. formant synthesis still suffers limited naturalness. This lim-
More sophisticated mechanical models have been devel- ited naturalness may result from the primitive rules used in
oped more recently to better reproduce the three-dimensional specifying dynamic controls of the voice source models
layered structure of the vocal folds. A membrane (cover)- (Klatt, 1987). Also, the source model control parameters are
cushion (body) two-layer rubber vocal fold model was first not independent from each other and often co-vary during
developed by Smith (1956). Similar mechanical models were phonation. A challenge in formant synthesis is thus to spec-
later developed and used in voice production research (e.g., ify voice source parameter combinations and their time vari-
Isogai et al., 1988; Kakita, 1988; Titze et al., 1995; Thomson ation patterns that may occur in realistic voice production of
et al., 2005; Ruty et al., 2007; Drechsel and Thomson, 2008), different voice qualities by different speakers. It is also pos-
using silicone or rubber materials or liquid-filled membranes. sible that some perceptually important features are missing
Recent studies (Murray and Thomson, 2012; Xuan and from time-domain voice source models (Klatt, 1987).
Zhang, 2014) have also started to embed fibers into these Human perception of voice characteristics is better described
models to simulate the anisotropic material properties due to in the frequency domain as the auditory system performs an
the presence of collagen and elastin fibers in the vocal folds. approximation to Fourier analysis of the voice and sound in
A similar layered vocal fold model has been incorporated into general. While time-domain models have better correspon-
a mechanical talking robot system (Fukui et al., 2005; Fukui dence to the physical events occurring during phonation
et al., 2007; Fukui et al., 2008). The most recent version (e.g., glottal opening and closing, and the closed phase), it is
of the talking robot, Waseda Talker, includes mechanisms possible some spectral details of perceptual importance are
for the control of pitch and resting glottal opening, and is not captured in the simple time-domain voice source models.
able to produce voice of modal, creaky, or breathy quality. For example, spectral details in the low and middle frequen-
Nevertheless, although a mechanical voice production system cies have been shown to be of considerable importance to
may find application in voice prosthesis or humanoid robotic naturalness judgment, but are difficult to be represented in a
systems in the future, current mechanical models are still a time-domain source model (Klatt, 1987). A recent study
long way from reproducing or even approaching humans’ (Kreiman et al., 2015) showed that spectral-domain voice
capability and flexibility in producing and controlling voice. source models are able to create significantly better matches
to natural voices than time-domain voice source models.
B. Formant synthesis and parametric voice source Furthermore, because of the independence between the voice
models source and the sub- and supra-glottal systems in formant
synthesis, interactions and co-variations between vocal folds
Compared to mechanically reproducing the physical
and the sub- and supra-glottal systems are by design not
process involved in speech production, it is easier to repro-
accounted for. All these factors may contribute to the limited
duce speech as an acoustic signal. This is particularly the
naturalness of the formant synthesized speech.
case for speech synthesis. One approach adopted in most of
the current speech synthesis systems is to concatenate seg-
C. Physically based computer models
ments of pre-recorded natural voice into new speech phrases
or sentences. While relatively easy to implement, in order to An alternative approach to natural speech synthesis is to
achieve natural-sounding speech, this approach requires a computationally model the voice production process based
large database of words spoken in different contexts, which on physical principles. The control parameters would be
makes it difficult to apply to personalized speech synthesis geometry and material properties of the vocal system or, in a
of varying emotional percepts. more realistic way, respiratory and laryngeal muscle activa-
Another approach is to reproduce only perceptually rele- tion. This approach avoids the need to specify consistent
vant acoustic features of speech, as in formant synthesis. characteristics of either the voice source or the formants,
The target acoustic features to be reproduced generally thus allowing synthesis and modification of natural voice in
include the F0, sound amplitude, and formant frequencies a way intuitively similar to human voice production and
and bandwidths. This approach gained popularity with the control.
development of electrical synthesizers and later computer The first such computer model of voice production is
simulations which allow flexible and accurate control of the one-mass model by Flanagan and Landgraf (1968), in

2630 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang
which the vocal fold is modeled as a horizontally moving modeling this process in three dimensions is computationally
single-degree of freedom mass-spring-damper system. This very challenging and time-consuming. As a result, these
model is able to vibrate in a restricted range of conditions computational studies are often limited to one or two specific
when the natural frequency of the mass-spring system is aspects instead of the entire voice production process, and
close to one of the acoustic resonances of the subglottal or the acoustics of the produced voice, other than F0 and vocal
supraglottal tracts. Ishizaka and Flanagan (1972) extended intensity, are often not investigated. For practical applica-
this model to a two-mass model in which the upper and tions, real-time or not, reduced-order models with signifi-
lower parts of the vocal fold are modeled as two separate cantly improved computational efficiency are required.
masses connected by an additional spring along the vertical Some reduced-order continuum models, with simplifications
direction. The two-mass model is able to vibrate with a verti- in both the glottal flow and vocal fold dynamics, have been
cal phase difference between the two masses, and thus able developed and used in large-scale parametric studies of
to vibrate independently of the acoustics of the sub- and voice production (e.g., Titze and Talkin, 1979; Zhang,
supra-glottal tracts. Many variants of the two-mass model 2016a), which appear to produce qualitatively reasonable
have since been developed. Titze (1973) developed a 16- predictions. However, these simplifications have yet to be
mass model to better represent vocal fold motion along the rigorously validated by experiment.
anterior-posterior direction. To better represent the body-
cover layered structure of the vocal folds, Story and Titze VI. FUTURE CHALLENGES
(1995) extended the two-mass model to a three-mass model,
adding an additional lateral mass representing the inner mus- We currently have a general understanding of the physi-
cular layer. Empirical rules have also been developed to cal principles of voice production. Toward establishing a
relate control parameters of the three-mass model to laryn- cause-effect theory of voice production, much is to be
geal muscle activation levels (Titze and Story, 2002) so that learned about voice physiology and biomechanics. This
voice production can be simulated with laryngeal muscle includes the geometry and mechanical properties of the
activity as input. Designed originally for speech synthesis vocal folds and their variability across subject, sex, and age,
purpose, these lumped-element models of voice production and how they vary across different voicing conditions under
are generally fast in computational time and ideal for real- laryngeal muscle activation. Even less is known about
time speech synthesis. changes in vocal fold geometry and material properties in
A drawback of the lumped-element models of phonation pathologic conditions. The surface conditions of the vocal
is that the model control parameters cannot be directly mea- folds and their mechanical properties have been shown to
sured or easily related to the anatomical structure or material affect vocal fold vibration (Dollinger et al., 2014;
properties of the vocal folds. Thus, these models are not as Bhattacharya and Siegmund, 2015; Tse et al., 2015), and
useful in applications in which a realistic representation of thus need to be better quantified. While in vivo animal or
voice physiology is required, as, for example, in the clinical human larynx models (Moore and Berke, 1988; Chhetri
management of voice disorders. To better understand the et al., 2012; Berke et al., 2013) could provide such informa-
voice source and its control under different voicing condi- tion, more reliable measurement methods are required to bet-
tions, more sophisticated computational models of the vocal ter quantify the viscoelastic properties of the vocal fold,
folds based on continuum mechanics have been developed to vocal fold tension, and the geometry and movement of the
understand laryngeal muscle control of vocal fold geometry, inner vocal fold layers. While macro-mechanical properties
stiffness, and tension, and how changes in these vocal fold are of interest, development of vocal fold constitutive laws
properties affect the glottal fluid-structure interaction and the based on ECM distribution and interstitial fluids within the
produced voice. One of the first such models is the finite- vocal folds would allow us to better understand how vocal
difference model by Titze and Talkin (1979), which coupled fold mechanical properties change with prolonged vocal use,
a three-dimensional vocal fold model of linear elasticity vocal fold injury, and wound healing, which otherwise is dif-
with the one-dimensional glottal flow model of Ishizaka and ficult to quantify.
Flanagan (1972). In the past two decades more refined pho- While oversimplification of the vocal folds to mass and
nation models using a two-dimensional or three-dimensional tension is of limited practical use, the other extreme is not
Navier-Stokes description of the glottal flow have been appealing, either. With improved characterization and under-
developed (e.g., Alipour et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 2002; Tao standing of vocal fold properties, establishing a cause-effect
et al., 2007; Luo et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2009; relationship between voice physiology and production thus
Bhattacharya and Siegmund, 2013; Xue et al., 2012, 2014). requires identifying which of these physiologic features are
Continuum models of laryngeal muscle activation have also actually perceptually relevant and under what conditions,
been developed to model vocal fold posturing (Hunter et al., through systematic parametric investigations. Such investi-
2004; Gommel et al., 2007; Yin and Zhang, 2013, 2014). By gations will also facilitate the development of reduced-order
directly modeling the voice production process, continuum computational models of phonation in which perceptually
models with realistic geometry and material properties ide- relevant physiologic features are sufficiently represented and
ally hold the most promise in reproducing natural human features of minimum perceptual relevance are simplified.
voice production. However, because the phonation process is We discussed earlier that many of the complex supraglottal
highly nonlinear and involves large displacement and defor- flow phenomena have questionable perceptual relevance.
mation of the vocal folds and complex glottal flow patterns, Similar relevance questions can be asked with regard to the

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (4), October 2016 Zhaoyan Zhang 2631
geometry and mechanical properties of the vocal folds. For natural-sounding, conversational speech synthesis, in which
example, while the vocal folds exhibit complex viscoelastic the time contours of control parameters may change with
properties, what are the main material properties that are def- context, speaking style, or emotional state of the speaker.
initely required in order to reasonably predict vocal fold
vibration and voice quality? Does each of the vocal fold ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
layers, in particular, the different layers of the lamina prop-
This study was supported by research Grant Nos. R01
ria, have a functional role in determining the voice output or
DC011299 and R01 DC009229 from the National Institute
preventing vocal injury? Current vocal fold models often use
on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, the
a simplified vocal fold geometry. Could some geometric fea-
tures of a realistic vocal fold that are not included in current National Institutes of Health. The author would like to thank
models have an important role in affecting voice efficiency Dr. Liang Wu for assistance in preparing the MRI images
and voice quality? Because voice communication spans a in Fig. 1, Dr. Jennifer Long for providing the image in
large range of voice conditions (e.g., pitch, loudness, and Fig. 1(b), Dr. Gerald Berke for providing the stroboscopic
voice quality), the perceptual relevance and adequacy of spe- recording from which Fig. 3 was generated, and Dr. Jody
cific features (i.e., do changes in specific features lead to per- Kreiman, Dr. Bruce Gerratt, Dr. Ronald Scherer, and an
ceivable changes in voice?) should be investigated across a anonymous reviewer for the helpful comments on an earlier
large number of voice conditions rather than a few selected version of this paper.
conditions. While physiologic models of phonation allow
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