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Telecom Digital Links: Introduction

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Telecom Digital Links : Introduction

INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________ 4
1 ° BANDWIDTH OF A TELECOM LINK ______________________________________ 5
2 ° DIGITIZATION _________________________________________________________ 6
2.1 ) Sampling ___________________________________________________________________ 7
2.2 ) Sampling Consequences _______________________________________________________ 8
2.3 ) Sample frequency choice_______________________________________________________ 9
2.4 ) Quantification ______________________________________________________________ 10
2.5 ) CHANNEL RATE ____________________________________________________________ 12
2.6 ) CODEC's __________________________________________________________________ 12
3 ° Time Division Multiplexing _______________________________________________ 13
3.1 ) Overview __________________________________________________________________ 13
3.2 ) PCM Frame Structure and Composition PCM 32 channels _____________________________ 14
3.3 ) PCM Frame 32 channels Flow. __________________________________________________ 15
3.4 ) Frames locking _____________________________________________________________ 16
3.5) signaling___________________________________________________________________ 17
3.6 ) Secondary signal____________________________________________________________ 18
3.7 ) European and American Primary Rate Interface (PRI) ________________________________ 19
4 ° Signaling mode : overview ________________________________________________ 20
4.1 ) Channel Associated Signaling or CAS ____________________________________________ 20
4.2 ) Common Channel Signaling or D-Channel or CCS ___________________________________ 20
5° CAS Signaling __________________________________________________________ 21
5.1 ) Generalities ________________________________________________________________ 21
5.2 ) CAS T2 Signaling ____________________________________________________________ 22
5.2.1) Direct line Auto/Manual ringdown (LS BC/BL)._____________________________________________ 22
5.2.2 ) DC5d _______________________________________________________________________ 23
5.2.3 ) WCOM_____________________________________________________________________ 24
5.3 ) CAS T1 protocol / B8ZS _______________________________________________________ 24
5.3.1 ) Generalities ___________________________________________________________________ 24
6° CCS Signaling __________________________________________________________ 25
6.1) Introduction to D-Channel______________________________________________________ 25
6.2 ) NUMERIS / RNIS / EURO-ISDN __________________________________________________ 26
6.2.1 ) Layer 1 : _______________________________________________________________________ 27
6.2.2 ) Layer 2 :_______________________________________________________________________ 27
6.2.3 ) Layer 3 : _______________________________________________________________________ 28
6.2.3 ) Call progress ____________________________________________________________________ 29

6.3 ) QSIG protocol ______________________________________________________________ 31
6.3.1 ) QSIG BC : BASIC CALL____________________________________________________________ 31 ) Call Establishing procedure from a turret PISN ( Digital private network with integrated services ) see.
figure 21.__________________________________________________________________________ 31 ) Call release ___________________________________________________________________ 32
6.3.2 ) QSIG GF : GENERAL FUNCTION ____________________________________________________ 34
6.4 ) Specific manufacturer protocols ________________________________________________ 36
6.4.1 ) ETRALI protocol _________________________________________________________________ 36
GLOSSARY_______________________________________________________________ 38


The digital links are today in a very high expansion. France Telecom provides several possibilities of digital
connections like the direct line network « TRANSFIX METROPOLITAIN », the R.N.I.S ( ISDN ) called T2 .
Others carriers ( MFS, BT..) also offer these types of connection.

Digital transmissions give several advantages compare to analog.

þ immunity against interference thanks to error corrections,

þ digital compression , increasing the bandwidth,
þ reduction of lines circuit number .
All these advantages combined together make digital links very suitable for financial needs.
More and more customers are connected in digital, therefore it is now compulsory for telecom engineer to
understand the principles of the digital links.


The UIT-T (ex. CCITT ) is a comity in charge of harmonizing the different telecom processes in the world.
Regarding the bandwidth, the G132 of this comity suggests a bandwidth going from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. This
range of frequencies is sufficient to transmit an analog signal such voice.
This standard bandwidth allow to calibrate all the components : cables, line amplifiers, converters.
Telephone twisted cables allow a fading away of 2dB/Km in the defined bandwidth by the CCITT. The type of
cables are suitable for analog telecom. But, the fading away gets very important for frequencies higher than 10
Shielded cables allow frequencies much higher than 100 MHz. However, the cost per kilometer is multiplied by 4
compare to twisted cables.

Voice Spectrum
in dB
- 3dB

300 3400 Fréquencies in Hz

Twist cables Spectrum


- 3 dB/Km

300 3400
Frequencies in Hz


The digitization of an analog signal has to be done according to a specific process, following mathematics rules,
as periodicity of FOURIER spectrum, SHANNON theorem.
The first step for digitization is sampling the analog signal periodically. These samples are then converted in digital
values. The analog signal converted in digital will be defined as a digital series.
This digital series will be converted in secondary signal suitable for the bandwidth of the used cables. See. Picture

Analog Original Primer Signal


Sampling and



Sent Secondary Signal


Received Secondary
Regeneration and decoding


Primer signal regenerated

Fig. 1 : Chain of digitisation of an analogue signal and its digital transmission.

2.1 ) Sampling

The first step of the digitization is the sampling of the analog signal periodically.
This process calculates the analog signal with a sampler. It is actually a pulse coded modulation.

Amplitude Analog signal : Voice



0 Te 2Te 3Te

Amplitude Signal sampled


2.2 ) Sampling Consequences

Sampling an analog signal creates several problems related to the signal theory. The spectrum in frequency of the
signal will be copied around the sample frequency and all the harmonics.
The restitution of the original signal will be impossible if the Shannon theory is not respected (see fig 3 ). This
condition shows that the sample frequency has to be double than the maximum frequency of the original signal

SHANNON relationship : Fe = 2 Fmax Fe : Sample frequency


Size of the bandwidth

Fmax Fig. 2 : Analog signal spectrum


Fe < 2 Fmax
Fig. 3 : Sampled Analog Signal Spectrum, Sampled frequency lower than 2 Fmax , Spectrum overlapped A, B, C.



Fmax Fe = 2 Fmax

Fig. 4 : Shannon theory respected, No Spectrum overlapped A, B, C.

2.3 ) Sample frequency choice

The telephonic bandwidth is maxi at 3400Hz, so the sample frequency should be, according to Shannon
condition, 2x3400 that makes 6800 Hz (see fig 5 ).
But, practically , the sample frequency will be 8000 Hz.
In fact, there is a security margin taking in account the maximum frequency response of the restitution filters. This
margin forbids to regenerate a part of signal coming from the consequences of the sampling. ( see fig 5 )

Theoretical bandwidth of
Amplitude the restitution filter
Real bandwidth

Fmax Fe = 2 Fmax
Fig. 5 : The hatched part will regenerated by the filter when decoding.


Fmax Fe = 8000 Hz
Fig. 6 : Perfect regeneration of the analog signal.

2.4 ) Quantification

This stage of the conversion will allow the digital encoding of the samples. The quantification does a conversion of
analog levels to digital levels pre-set.
The distance between two successive levels is called the quantification step.
The values of the samples are compared to a scale of quantification then encoded to the digital weight related
(see fig 7 ).

Analog signal : Voice



Binary Decimal Sampling

0111 7
0110 6
0101 5
0100 4
0011 3
0010 2
0001 1
0000 0
4 7 3 4 6 5


Fig. 7 Encoding chain and quantification

The signal coming from the voice has mainly weak signals. Only a non-uniform ( logarithmic) quantification allows
to advantage the weak signal. In that case, a larger encoding range is reserved for them ( see fig 8 ). Two
quantification rates are used in the world :
- In Europe, it is the law A,

- In United States and Asia it is the law µ.

Binary encoding

Quantification uniform

Quantification non-uniform


000 Amplitude rate

1/4 1/2 1 U/Umax
Fig. 8 : Represent two types of quantification

The logarithmic curve will get closer by straight line segments on which a linear quantification is applied.
The quantification will be done in digital signals of 8 bits.


Sign : 0 => - Segment number

Segment amplitude
( 1 à 8)

Fig. 9 : Bits distribution after a conversion


The SHANNON condition impose a sampling frequency of 8000 Hz. It represents a flow of samples every 125 µ s.
These samples have to be transmitted in 125 µ s in order to avoid any collision with the next ones.
The digital rate is in second, then :

Bits transmitted
Rate =
Period of transmission

In digital telecom, we have 8 bits to transmit in 125 µ s.

The rate for one channel will be then 64 kbits/s

2.6 ) CODEC's

All steps of the digitization of a analog signal are integrated on a single circuit.
These are the CODEC ( encoder, decoder ) ( see fig 10 ). This circuit handles the digitization, the encoding and
the regeneration stage.

nalog signal Sampling Quantification & Encoding Digital signal

Low pass filter Digital / Analog

regenerator conversion

Fig. 10: CODEC architecture

3 ° Time Division Multiplexing

3.1 ) Overview

One of the advantage of the digital signals is an easy time multiplexing. There are several formats of multiplexing
specific to Telecom applications, per 24 or 32 channels. Each channel has a time slot TS. All the samples will be
transmitted in 125 µ s exactly on one frame.
In Europe, it is a 32 channels per frame multiplexing.
The frames will be gathered per 16, and this series is called a multi-frame.

Ch 0 : synchronisation

Ch 1

Ch 2
PCM 32

Ch 16 : Signalling

Ch 31

PCM frame structure T2 32 channels

V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V16 V29 V30 V31 V0

125 µS

3.2 ) PCM Frame Structure and Composition PCM 32 channels

PCM frame structure is composed of 32 channels for voice transmission, dialed from 1 to 15 and form 17 to 31.
These channels are called B-channel.
The others two channels are reserved for the signaling and the synchronization.
These two TS are fixed and can be used for other purposes. They are called D-channel.
In the case of the frame T1 with 24 channels, TS 23 is used for the signaling. The synchronization depends of the
secondary signal used.
All these specifications are defined by the UIT-T and referenced ( See table page 20 ).

Sample 1 Sample 2

CH 1 out of

125 µS

M frame 32 channels

Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 31 Ch 1
0 of

125/32 µS Time

125 µS 125 µS

Frame 0 Frame 1

Fig. 11 : Represent Digital Channel Multiplexing

3.3 ) PCM Frame 32 channels Flow.

In the case of a PCM frame T2, 32 channels are multiplexed. However this frame must be transmitted in 125 µ s
exactly in order to respect the periodicity at the regeneration of the samples.
This frame will then have to transmit 8x32 = 256 bits in 125 µ S.
So the flow is

256 = 2048 Kbits/S

125 µS

Although the flow of the PCM 32 channels is 2 Mbits/s, the flow for one channel is 64 Kbits/s.
In fact, the amount of bits to transmit in 125 µ S for one channel is always the same. What is changing is the
duration to transmit these bits ( see page 14 ).
The full data-flow is 2048 Kbits/S. the real data-flow of a channel B is 64 Kbits/S.

3.4 ) Frames locking

Frame locking consists of synchronizing the receptor terminal equipment, in frequency and in phase. This is a
necessary operation for de-multiplexing the channels. When receptor locked, it needs time mark periodic in order
to manage some time slip.

In the format PCM 32, the time slot 0 will be dedicated on the odd frame to send a locking byte called VER and on
the even frame to send the alarm bit A indicating the locking lost in reception.

2 M link cut


Em. 2M

Emission of bit A

Example of locking information send.

VER = X 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 in odd frames

x 1 A x x x x x in even frames

The locking information will be consider as lost after 3 VER missing messages.

The PCM 24 channels uses others possibilities of synchronization coming from the secondary signals used and
the protocol used. More details are presented in the following chapters.

3.5) signaling

In telecom field, it is necessary to transmit the signaling ; for example, in analog, a 80 volts 50 Hz is send on the
ring-down line when hook off the line. This process does not exist in digital.
We then have to be able to transmit a suitable signaling for the other side equipment. However, the signaling can
also be used to transmit auxiliary information, digital character ( digit, taxation cost, dialing number,..) from one
central to another , to command commutation operations and network management.
There is different signaling process :

• Signaling in the byte, called « Robbed bit » : the most significant bit in the sample byte of the encoded voice, is
periodically dedicated to the signaling.
• Signaling out of the byte, Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) : each channel have besides its byte one or
more specific bits for signaling.
• Common Channel Signaling (CCS) : One time slot per frame TS 16 is dedicated to signaling and associate
according to need to one channel and then another. The signaling is made with a labeled message that
indicate the associated channel.

3.6 ) Secondary signal

The digital signal outgoing from CODEC are usually in voltage level of TTL technology. The transmission of these
signals could not be done on long distance. The DC signal of the TTL would be quickly attenuate and the outgoing
signal of the channel would be distorted. We then have to convert TTL signal with a DC voltage close to zero. This
signal will be called the secondary signal.
There are several secondary signal formats allowing the transmission of digital of information.
However, bipolar signal will the most frequently used.

The most popular code and quite simple to implement is the AMI code ( Alternate Mark Inversion ). This code in
use in United States and in Japan on T1 interfaces.
This is a bipolar code NRZ ( No Return to Zero), which invert alternatively the active logic state.
When the signal is made of a series of active states, the DC voltage is null.
But when transmitting a serie of series, the receiver cannot be synchronized anymore with the transmitter.
However, if the interface is used with a CAS signaling, the last bit of each TS will be, in this particular case, set to
an active mode. This “Robbed bit” allow then a data-flow of only 56 Kbits/s per channel.
There is another code called B8ZS ( Binary 8 with zero suppress ), used with T1 interface.
The synchronization is supported by the physical structure of the signal. This code keeps a data-flow of 64 Kbits/s
per channel.

In Europe, this is the HDB3 ( High Density Bipolar Order 3 ). It is a bipolar code with return to zero, with
the same behavior than the AMI code for the active states. The difference is for the zero series. See next page

Logical States
to transmit

Output code
from CODEC.





Addition of bit signalling the
fourth zero detection.
Fig. 12 : Time description of several secondary signals
3.7 ) European and American Primary Rate Interface (PRI)

Characteristics European System American System Recommendations

T2(E1) T1 UIT-T
Frequency ( Fe ) 8 Khz 8 Khz

Quantification non uniform non uniform

Law A (= 87,6 ) µ (= 255 )

Quantum level
number ( q ) 256 256 G 711

Characteristic of
conversion 13 segments 15 segments

Bit number
per sample 8 8

Binary data-flow per 64 Kbits/S 64 Kbits/S 56 Kbits/S G 711


Time Slot number on a

frame 32 24 G703

Used channel number 30 24

Bit number/frame 32*8=256 24*8+1=193

Total binary data-flow 2,048 Mbits/S 1,544 Mbits/S

Secondary Signal HDB 3 B8ZS AMI G703

Frame locking Multi-frame ESF (24 SF ( 12

Gathered, 7 bits word in frames) frames ) G 704
TS 0 of odd frames.
Signaling :

CAS Hors octet, Gathered in TS In the byte ( Robbed bit ),

16 with 4bits per channel ( 8th bit, one frame over 6.
abcd ), divided on 16
IT 24
CCS TS 16, On D-channel. I 431

4 ° Signaling mode : overview

Besides the telecom applications, it is necessary to manage the communication between terminals. There are
several different signaling mode handling the different communication levels. It allows the administration between
the terminals and central office and sometimes the information transmission with some specific protocols.

4.1 ) Channel Associated Signaling or CAS

This interface suits very well to present line status defined between two equipments like PBX or TDM. This the
G704 recommendation.
• On T2 links, for each channel, it defines 4 bits called "abcd"
• On T1 links, there is several multi frame type : 4 frames, 12 frames or super-frame, 24 frames or extended
super-frame. The last one, 4 bits per channel, is the most common used.

4.2 ) Common Channel Signaling or D-Channel or CCS

The CCS signaling carries on the D-Channel, with some labeled messages, the information related to several
circuits or administration and supervision messages.
The CCS is normalized by the UIT-T in all the G700 recommendations is called UIT-T n°7 or SS7 (Semaphore

5° CAS Signaling

5.1 ) Generalities

The CAS signaling gives, for each channel, 4 bits called “abcd”. The bit “a” is mainly used to defined the analog
line signaling.
The TS 16 contents can be divided in two parts. The four first bits represent the channels 1 to 15 signaling ( bits
abcd ) and the four others the channels 17 to 31. These bits are divided on a multi-frame.

Frame 0 IT 0 V1 V2 V3 V4 IT 16 V29 V30 V31

TS 16 contains: multi-frame locking

Frame 1 IT 0 V1 V2 V3 V4 IT 16 V17 V29 V30 V31

IT 0 V1 V15 IT 16 V18 V31

Frame 15

Fig. 13 : Multi frame signalling scheme CAS. TS 16 has the channel signalling.

5.2 ) CAS T2 Signaling

5.2.1) Direct line Auto/Manual ringdown (LS BC/BL).

More and more , TDM are used to concentrate Direct lines (Transfix-metro in Paris). These devices often give a
T2 interface capable of performing the bit “a” which, when transmitted, means a line hooked-off on the other side.
We frequently meet two type of configuration :
• The two Pbx are interconnected via a digital interface (T1 or T2) and performed the bit “a” which is transmitted
to the network. The protocol has to be the same on both side.
• The Pbx is interconnected to the TDM via an analog interface automatic –ring down or ring down. The TDM
performs the bit “a” to activate the corespondent signaling mode :
• In BL (Manual), "a" received active Þ
send a ring down
• In BC (Automatic), "a" received active Þsend a ring down until the hook-off, detected by the “a”
transmitted active.
The critical point is to assure the coherence between the protocols, and particularly the bit “a” value (0 or 1)
ETRADEAL software is able to emulate BL (Manual) line or BC/AUTO :
• the bit "a" is active at 0,
• line setting is made line by line,
• AUTO setting allows over-dialing.

The schemes below sum-up the interface characteristics.

The Ring-down signaling is :

action Off hook
Status Free Outgoing call On line
bits abcd 1101 0101 1101

bit /a 1->2

action Off hook
Status Free Incoming call On line
bits abcd 1101 1101

bit /a 2->1*

Note :
• Like on analog Ring-down, incoming call is presented at end of the signaling
• The bit «a» which defined the outgoing/incoming call is active at 0
• The signaling does not give any information on the status “On-Hook” or “Off-Hook”
• Dialing out on direct lines is forbidden.

BC signaling is :

action Off Hook Release
Status Outgoing call On line Free
bits abcd 1101 0101 0101 1101

bit /a 1->2

action Off Hook Release
Status Incoming call On line Free
bits abcd 1101 1101 0101 1101

bit /a 2->1

Note :
• The bit « a » indicates the line “ Off-Hook “ when active at 0
• Dialing out on direct lines is forbidden.
• Incoming call is presented when bit “a” is active.

The BC signaling is identical to the AUTO-MF mode. On the ETRADEAL, a such line can be integrated to a trunk,
and the Q23 dialing will be send.
In all case, the bit detection abcd = "1111" indicated a channel out of order.

5.2.2 ) DC5d
The DC5 protocol has been defined by BT. It allows the interconnection to a Pbx using CAS to establish a dialog
BC/AUTO. The transmission of the dialing out is send either in DTMF(Q23) in each channel or in decimal on the
bit “a”.

An incoming call must have Q23 dialing in the bandwidth.

• This dialing is treated as DID by the system
• 4 digits are expected
• a "timeout" of 10 seconds is activated between each digit. After this, the incoming number is displayed without
DID. The seizure of this line is impossible during the incoming call

• To sum-up, considering particularities of the existing software:

SIM065 included SIM065 not included
bit "a" active à 0
Incoming • ring = 2 s. • Dialing forbidden by • dialing dtmf (Q23) in • dialing dtmf (Q23) in
call the turret the bandwidth the bandwidth
• Dialing forbidden by
the turret
Outgoing • detected on bit "a" • displayed when • DID (4 digits) • displayed when
call activation detected expected detected
• displayed on back to • timeout = 10s
idle of bit “a”, or on between each digit
timeout = 5s
• incoming call with
DID displayed if
• Incoming call
without DID
displayed after

5.2.3 ) WCOM
An adaptation of DC5d protocol has been written to interconnect a TADIRAN PBX (Brazil). Only the “abcd” bits
values change
ON HOOK 1101 0001
OFF HOOK 0101 1001

5.3 ) CAS T1 protocol / B8ZS

5.3.1 ) Generalities
The protocol developed use a encoding B8ZS. The frame use the format ESF ( Extended Super Frame ) which
gives 4 bits “abcd” for the signaling on each 24 channels.

In order to answer to all protocols and all inaccurate information on the T1, 12 possibilities of protocols have been

6° CCS Signaling

It is very important to understand the difference between CAS and CCS. The CAS is made to present the line
status to a central, and the processor treats them. It suits very well to transmit the line status, but inefficient to
transmit digit.
CCS creates a dialog between two processors using messages. Theoretically, these messages allow all kind of
exchange and are not limited regarding the content.

6.1) Introduction to D-Channel

The different national central office are interconnected via Transit Center. Same on the international level.

To identify the different network, UIT-T has defined an international numbering plan in the E164 recommendation.
Each country is identified by dialing code with 1,2 or 3 digits ( 33 for France, 1 for USA…). Each user has a phone
number which makes it unique in the world.

All the centers needs to transmit a signaling, as numbering, regardless communication channel. It is the SS7
(Semaphore Signaling) network. See fig 14
This network works on the principle of commutation of packets. Thanks to this D-channel, two central office can
exchange at any time some signaling messages regardless the circuit of commutation established.

Main advantages of the D-channel :

• can transmit pure signaling regardless the voice communication circuit set-up

• Suitable for transmission using 64Kbits/s,

• Can transmit signaling at high speed during a conversation without perturbing the user


Commutation A Commutation B
Center Center

Fig. 14 : Principle of a D-Channel


The digital French network NUMERIS has mainly two types of access. The S0 also called “basic access” made
with 2B+D. The T2 called “Primary access” with 30B+D
These access use CCS signaling. This allows for instance, caller ID, taxation (CDR), data… The semaphore
network allows an independent administration of the D-channel and the communication circuits.
These two interfaces are totally defined by the UIT-T recommendations G703/G704.

The functions to perform on the semaphore network are divided into different hierarchic levels comparable to OSI
layers. There is three different levels corresponding to the three lower layer of OSI (physic, data and network link,
see fig 15)

OSI reference Architecture of signalling

model system UIT-T n° 7.


presentation SSUT SSUR



network SSTM-layer 3

link SSTM-layer 2

physique SSTM-layer1

SSTM : Lower message transfert systems

SSUR : Lower RNIS user systems

Fig.15 : Architecture simplified of the signalling system by D-channel SS7

6.2.1 ) Layer 1 :

The level 1 defines physical, electrical and functional characteristics on a D-channel and the ways to access it.
(SS7, physical link called data semaphore link). In general, we use digital pipes at 64 Kbits/s, but the standard
allows lower transmission flow rates using modems on analog lines.

6.2.2 ) Layer 2 :

The layer 2 defines the functions and procedures of signaling message transfers to give a reliable communication.
At that stage, data exchange is a “semaphore frame”. The level is comparable to the data link layer of OSI model,
or in the SS7 vocabulary , it is called “ semaphore channel” or “D-channel”.

The protocol used is to the HDLC format. This format has several function modes in RNIS, it is LAP-D
The LAP-D has the following function :

• Multiplexing of several data links on the same D-channel.

• Detection of transmission errors, of formatting and data link functioning.

• Correction of transmission error by repeating bad frames ( CRC : Cyclic Redundancy Control )

• Insertion of one byte at the beginning and at the end of the frame HDLC to size it


1 octet 2 octet n octet 1/2 octet 2 octet 1 octet

Fig. 16 : HDLC frame structure

6.2.3 ) Layer 3 :

It implies a routing function for the signaling messages and an administration function of the semaphore network.
The administration function of the semaphore gives the necessary procedure to recover the semaphore network
in case of a failure.

Communication circuits


Command Signalling
unit PS

Point semaphore
Fig. 17 : Function point semaphore

User B
User A Network

Layer 3 Layer 3 Layer 3

MTP Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 2
Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1 Layer 1

Fig. 18 : Architecture in levels SS7

6.2.3 ) Call progress

On the RNIS network, the protocol inter-central ( SSUT see fig 19 ) is based on the system of UIT-T n°7 where it
uses all the message transport systems.
However, some messages transmitted when the call is established, have been enriched. These messages have
an extra field called « Access Information field (domaine d’information d’accès) ».
Message details :

• The « Initial message with facilities (message initial avec facilités) » (MIF) replaces the « Initial message with
complementary information (message initial avec information supplémentaire) »(MIS) ; it can contain the
following elements in the Access Information Field :
• Functioning mode ( voice, 3.1 Khz audio, 64 Kbits/S on 8 byte max. ),
• Original sub-address ( max 8 bytes ),
• Destination sub-address ( max 8 bytes ),
• High layers compatibility ( max 4 bytes ),
• Signaling type requested ( all signaling, signaling RNIS )
• User to user information ( max 35 bytes ),
• User to user facilities ( max 10 bytes ) ;

• The message « Accurate address with facilities (adresse complète avec facilités) » ( ASEE ) which replaces
the message « Accurate address (d’adresse complète) » (ACO), contains the same information of the nature
of the destination and also an indication on the continuity or the signaling. It means that the destination is
informed ( ring );
• The « user to user information message (message d’information d’usager à usager) » ( MUU ) allows
signaling transport user to user outside of the call command message.
• « Answer with user information (réponse avec information d’usager) »(RIU) replaces the message « release
(raccrochage) »(RAC) , also contains an access information field limited to eventual carry of user to user
information’s, this message acknowledges that the distant end went off hook..

Call release messages are much more limited compared to the call establishment ( SSUT see. fig. 20 ).

• The RAU message or Release means the distant end went on hook,
• The FIU message is a connection release message or call release message,
• The LIG message or hold release represents an acknowledgment to the FIU message.

RNIS caller
RNIS Called


Processing Processing

Call proceeding

Alert Alert

User User
Information MUU MUU Information

Connection RIU RIU

Ar. Connection



Fig. 19 : Example of signalling sequence during a RNIS call



Release RAU RAU Release



End of process End of process

Fig. 20 : Signalling sequence during a RNIS call release 30

6.3 ) QSIG protocol

QSIG protocol is the result of an agreement between the PBX manufacturers for interconnection applications. It is
defined by the norms ECMA141,142,143 of ETSI. The layers 1 and 2 keep the UIT-T recommendations
G703/G704, only the network layer is modified from RNIS.
This protocol establishes a dialog between the PBX to send DID and caller ID for instance.
There is several QSIG protocol integrating different services.
Two QSIG protocols are used in the ETRADEAL environment, the QSIG BC and QSIG GF.


This protocol allows to transmit the DID and the Caller ID. The picture 21 represents the call establishing between
PBXs. This procedure keeps a structure like RNIS. ) Call Establishing procedure from a turret PISN ( Digital private network with integrated services )
see. figure 21.
The terminal equipment generate a call by sending through the SAP a request called SETUP Request. This
allows to distinguish the caller and the called.
The message SETUP request :
1) Definition of the physical support in accordance with the network,
The definition of the physical support gives the choice of the useful services for the functioning between
the terminals. Ex : 64 Kbits/s, with or without CRC, Channel 3.1 Khz, Transport : voice or data.

2) Destination Number
The destination number has amount of digits to identify the called according to a numbering plan referred
to the norm ISO/IEC11571. The terminal must send a message SETUP-Request with the appropriate
information of the called terminal. This field included the numbering transmission mode ( block or overlap
The identification number must be completed by an extra field if the numbering is in block sending,
otherwise it appears to be a overlap sending.
3) Original number
The network exchange protocol has to transmit the original number in order to display the called number.
If this number is part of the numbering plan of the original site, an extra field is added : “ USER
PROVIDED, VERIFIED AND PASSED”. If this number is not in the numbering plan, a field is send by
default “NETWORK PROVIDED”. The format and number type is defined in the norm ISO/IEC 11571.

4) Destination Sub-address
The destination sub-address is a field indicating the “sub-address type” in accordance with the
recommendation ISO/IEC 11571.
5) Low Layer Compatibility (LLC) information
The LLC field give an extra information on the support definition. The reception of the information from
the called terminal allows the compatibility checking of the protocol between the network.
6) High Layer Compatibility (HLC) information
The HLS field is transmitted by the private network. The reception of this field by called terminal allows
the compatibility checking of the protocol between the network.
7) Originating Sub-address
The original sub-address is a field indicating the “ sub-address type” following the recommendation
ISO/IEC 11571.
The message REPORT_indication :
A message labeled ( Report-indication ) is transmitted by the called terminal in acknowledgement.
The reception of this message allows to send an acknowledgement SETUP-Confirmation. This message
can contain the same information than the SETUP. ) Call release

A call will be released by the message “RELEASE-REQUEST”. This message will be treated and
send by the SAP. The network have :
• To send by the same SAP a “RELEASE-CONFIRMATION”.
• To wait for a “RELEASE-RESPONSE”.

Origin- r1 Origin- r2 Transit r2 Destin- r3 Destin-
ating ating CC ation ation

rq 000 rq i
OS,ON,CI] 100 rq i r2-SETUP
[DN,CT,DS, 200 rq i
001 [DN,CT,DS, 300 i
i rq OS, ON,CI] rq 400 i
101 i rq
[CI] i rq
301 i rq

i rq 401 rq
r2-REPORT 302
i rq
r2-REPORT 202
i rq [RT]
[RT] rs
i 002 i rq c rs 402
r2-SETUP 303 [CN,CT,CS]
r2-SETUP 203 c rs
r1-SETUP 103
003 c rs

Fig. 21 : Call set-up procedure en Basic call

r1 r2 r2 r3
Originating Originating Transit Destination Destination

i rq 410 rq
r2-RELEASE 310 [CC]

r2-RELEASE 210 i rq r3-RELEASE

RELEASE r1-DISCONNECT 110 i rq [CC] rq i 411 c
i 010 i rq [CC] r2-RELEASE
rs c 312
rs c 211 r3-RELEASE
311 c rs
rs 011 rq i

012 c rs

Fig. 22 : Call release procedure


This protocol is a derivative of the QSIG BC. In fact all the services of the QSIG BC are supported. Some modules
added on the high communication layers allows to identify the calling name and to use some specific PBX
The following tables indicate the services available :

Function Operation Result Comment
Calling name display Call ETRADEAL or PBX the first 11 No information on the line n° used.
characters received Manage DID on 5 digits.
are displayed
Called transfer with a ETRADEAL A call OPUS B. OPUS B Function supported The transfer function is performed by the PBX. If
PBX turret transfer the call to OPUS X or the transfer is routed to ETRADEAL, an extra TS
ETRADEAL. is used on the QSIG link.
On ETRADEAL calling, the name displayed is
always the first turret called.
Forward with OPUS ETRADEAL A call OPUS B, Function supported Forward performed by the PBX.
forwarded on OPUS X or If the forward is routed to ETRADEAL, an extra TS
ETRADEAL. is used on QSIG link.
Forward with OPUS ETRADEAL A, calling OPUS B Function supported Forward performed by the PBX.
busy already on line, is forwarded to OPUS If the forward is routed to ETRADEAL, an extra TS
or ETRADEAL. is used on QSIG link.
Forward when OPUS ETRADEAL A call OPUS B which Function supported Forward performed by the PBX.
doesn’t answer doesn’t answer. Call is forwarded to If the forward is routed to ETRADEAL, an extra TS
another OPUS or ETRADEAL. is used on QSIG link.
Call OPUS to OPUS is forwarded after 15 sec
time-out if no answer.
Call ETRADEAL to OPUS is forwarded after 30
sec time-out if no answer.
Conference with - OPUS A call ETRADEAL B, and Function supported Conference PBX
OPUS OPUS C. Conference mode from
- OPUS A call ETRADEAL B, and
ETRADEAL C. Conference mode
from OPUS A.
Call interception with ETRADEAL A call OPUS B. Call Function supported Display OPUS C name.
OPUS intercepted by OPUS C. ETRADEAL cannot intercept a call.
OPUS Call back - OPUS A call ETRADEAL B already Function not ETRADEAL cannot ask for a call back.
on line, and ask for a call back. supported
- OPUS A call ETRADEAL B with no
answer, and ask for a call back.

6.4 ) Specific manufacturer protocols

Specific manufacturer protocols are used for specific applications, functions and commands of the manufacturer,
like communication between a PBX and its terminals for instance. These are not specified by the norms.

6.4.1 ) ETRALI protocol

Etrali use some 2 Mbits/s links for the turrets, gateways, and recording racks.

This link is produced with standard transmission circuits, and refer to G704/I431 for the layer 1 and to I441 for the
layer 2 (see page 20 §3.7). It gives then a signaling channel with a HDLC protocol and 30 channels at 64 Kbits/s.

The signaling channel is used to exchange messages with the logic terminals ( LCD screen, tactile screen, touch
and display terminals). For compatibility, the message is reconstituted to be send to the screen controller ( serial
link RS422, 125 Kbit/s ) and to the Open Broadcast terminals ( serial link RS232, 9600 bit/s)

We also use the TS1 of the link to transmit to Open broadcast terminals “real time” signaling used in echo
canceler proceeding

The 29 remaining TS are dedicated as followed :

• TS2 transmit/receive = left handset
• TS3 transmit/receive = right handset
• TS4 receive = MM1 (4 TS reception)
• TS5 receive = MM2 (4 TS reception)
• TS6..15 receive = 11 channels OB
• TS 17..24 receive = 7 channels OB
• TS25 transmit/receive = micro OB 1
• TS26 transmit/receive = micro OB 2
• TS27 transmit/receive = micro OB 3
• TS28 transmit/receive = line bourse 1
• TS29 transmit/receive = line bourse 2
• TS30 transmit/receive = line bourse 3
• TS 31 transmit/receive = hand free


BASIC ACCESS : is connexion to ISN with two 64 Kbit/s channels ( B channels ) and one signaling channel at 16
Kbit/s ( D-channel ) . Norm ISO of CCITT.

PRIMERY RATE INTERFACE : Thirty two channels B at 64 Kbps and one channel D of signaling à 64 Kbps.

HDLC (High Level Data Link Control) : famille de protocoles évolués orientés bit (pas de notion de caractère)
fonctionnant en mode synchrone bidirectionnel, utilisant une procédure de sécurité de type code cyclique et une
anticipation des échanges (envoi des trames sans attendre les accusés de réception) permettant d’optimiser les
lignes. Ce type de protocole normalisé par l’ISO est très utilisé, notamment dans les réseaux X25 ou le Rnis
(Réseau Numérique à Intégration de services).

LAP (Link Access Protocol) : sous-ensemble de protocoles servant à gérer une transmission. L’expression est
surtout employée pour désigner des « classes » de protocoles au sein de la procédure HDLC (High Level Data
Link Control). Les plus fréquemment employées sont les classes B (LAP-B), utilisées dans X25, et la classe D
(LAP-D), utilisée pour la signalisation dans la norme du Rnis.

OSI (Open System Interconnection) : en français Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts. Modèle de référence en
couches destiné à fournir un cadre conceptuel et normatif aux échanges entre systèmes hétérogènes. Il a été
normalisé par l’ISO : International Standard Organisation. Chaque couche assure une fonction à l’aide de
protocoles. Elle ne communique qu’avec la couche homologue d’un autre système et fournit à la couche
supérieure des « services » à travers une interface. Il peut exister à l’intérieur d’une couche plusieurs « classes »
de services slon les besoins. Le modèle comporte 7 couches allant du niveau le plus proche du niveau physique
au niveau le plus logique. Les 7 couches sont les suivantes : couche 1, Physique. Caractéristiques électriques et
mécaniques du support. Couche 2, Liaison de données. Etablit la connexion entre deux noeuds adjacents du
réseau. Couche 3, Réseau. Assure le cheminement d’une transmission à travers plusieurs noeuds du réseau.
Couche 4, Transport. Assure le contrôle de bout en bout d’une communication. Couche 5, Session. Contrôle le
déroulement de la communication dans le temps. Couche 7, Présentation. Fournit des interfaces utilisables par
les applications de l’utilisateur.

Q-SIG : norme de signalisation développée à l’Ecma et basée sur la signalisation CCITT normalisée (Q 931). Elle
vise à permettre des échanges cohérents entre les systèmes de signalisation publics et les systèmes de
signalisation privés, autant pour la voix que pour les données.

RNIS : Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services. Réseau mettant à profit les techniques de numérisation pour
transporter sur la même infrastructure plusieurs services concernant la voix, les données ou les images.
Commercialisé progressivement depuis 1988 sous de nom de Numéris, le Rnis public français devient peu à peu
disponible sur l’ensemble du territoire. Il permet de connecter aussi bien des équipements téléphoniques
(autocommutateurs, postes téléphoniques) qu’informatiques (terminaux), la télécopie ou le vidéotex.

SAP (Service Access Point) : point d’accès à un service à l’intérieur d’une couche OSI.

SDA : Sélection Directe à l’Arrivée. Système équipant certains autocommutateurs d’entreprise et permettant
d’aboutir directement sur le poste d’un abonné sans passer par le standard. En France, les quatre premiers
chiffres du numéro sont communs, les quatre derniers sont propres au poste demandé.

T : point de référence, dans la terminologie officielle du CCITT, définissant une interface entre l’extrémité d’un
réseau numérique public et le réseau abonné. Ainsi dans le Rnis, on pourra trouver une interface T0 pour l’accès
de base et une interface T2 pour l’accès primaire.

T1, T2, T3... : désignent aux Etats-Unis une norme de ligne spécialisée numérique. Ainsi, T1 désignera une ligne
à 1 544 Kbps (24 circuits de base à 64 Kbps), T2 à 6,312 Mbps (96 x 64 Kbps), T3 à 44 Mbps (670 x 64 Kbps)
selon la hiérarchie américaine et européenne étant différente.

TRANSCOM : service de réseau numérique commuté proposé par France Télécom et fournissant une liaison
point à point bidirectionnelle à 64 Kbps. Utilisant la partie numérique du Réseau téléphonique commuté (RTC 64)
il consistue la préfiguration du Rnis qui le remplace progressivement.

TRANSDYN : services de liaisons numériques point à point, ou multipoint mono ou bidirectionnel couvrant une
large gamme de débits (de 2 400 bps à 2 Mbps) utilisables suivant un schéma de commutation dynamique, sur le
mode de la réservation (au coup par coup ou régulière). Utilisent principalement l’infrastructure des satellites
Télécom 1. Surtout intéressants pour les hauts débits (supérieur à 64 Kbps) et les applications de type diffusion.

TRANSFAX : service de télécopie à débit de transfert situé à 64 Kbps au travers du réseau numérique intégré.

TRANSFIX : service de liaisons numériques permanentes proposé par France Télécom. Nom commercial des
lignes spécialisées ou lignes louées numériques, il englobe une large gamme de débits -bas débits (jusqu’à 19
200 bps), moyens débits (jusqu’à 48 000 Kbps) et hauts débits (de 64 Kbps à 2 Mbps).

TRANSGROUPE : futur service de liaisons virtuelles permanentes sur Numéris.

TRANSMIC : nom du réseau de liaisons spécialisées numériques proposées par France Télécom, liaisons
fournies sous l’appellation commerciale Transfix.

TRANSMISSION NUMERIQUE : méthode de transmission faisant appel aux principes de la modulation par
impulsions codées (MIC) et du multiplexage temporel.

TRANSPAC : société française filiale de France Télécom (via Cogecom) chargée de la commercialisation et de la
gestion du réseau public à commutation de paquets du même nom. Avec plus de 80 000 raccordements
d’abonnés à la mi-91, ce réseau est le plus important du monde utilisant cette technique (normalisée sous le nom
de X25). Outre la vocation de base de gestion de ce réseau Transpac, la société Transpac propose maintenant
des services à valeur ajoutée, notamment le service de messagerie X400. Elle réalise également des réseaux à
commutation de paquets privés en France et à l’étranger, dont le Royaume-Uni.

UIT (Union Internationale des Télécommunications) : organisme international siégeant à Genève et chargé, dans
le cadre de l’Onu, des questions de télécommunications. Il contrôle en particulier le CCITT chargé du
développement et de l’adoption des normes internationales en matière de télécommunications.


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