ECE4001-Digital Communication System: Text Book
ECE4001-Digital Communication System: Text Book
ECE4001-Digital Communication System: Text Book
Communication System
Text Book
Digital Communication by Simon Haykin
Reference Book
Communication System by Simon Haykin
Course Outline
Brief Description
Source: analog or digital
Transmitter: transducer, amplifier, modulator, oscillator, power
amp., antenna
Channel: e.g. cable, optical fibre, free space
Receiver: antenna, amplifier, demodulator, oscillator, power
amplifier, transducer
Recipient: e.g. person, (loud) speaker, computer
Types of information
Voice, data, video, music, email etc.
Full Duplex
Communication channels
Two basic groups of communication channel based on
Guided propagation –Telephone channels , coaxial cables
and Optical Fibers
Free propagation- Wireless broadcast channels , Mobile
Twisted Pair To Channel Modulator Shaping
Co-axial Cable Filters
Optical Fiber
Wireless De- Receiver
From Channel Detector
Space Modulator Filter
Digital-to-Analog Channel De-
at the
Converter Decoder Multiplexer
user end
Analog Digital
Source coding theorem
Efficient representation of data generated by a source.
Dimensionality Theorem
A real waveform can be completely specified by N independent pieces of
information where N is given by
N= 2B To