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ECE4001-Digital Communication System: Text Book

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Communication System
Text Book
Digital Communication by Simon Haykin

Reference Book
Communication System by Simon Haykin
Course Outline

 Model of digital communication system (Module 1)

 Formatting and Base band Modulation (Module 2)

 Base band Shaping Format (Module 3 &4)

 Band pass Modulation and Demod./Detect. ( Module


 Spread Spectrum Techniques (Module 7)

Communication Systems.
Digital Communication Systems.
Functionality of Blocks.
Medium Classification.
Performance Measure.
Mathematical Models of Communication Channel.

Main purpose of communication is to transfer information
from a source to a recipient via a channel or medium.

 Basic block diagram of a communication system:

Source Transmitter Channel Receiver

Brief Description
 Source: analog or digital
 Transmitter: transducer, amplifier, modulator, oscillator, power
amp., antenna
 Channel: e.g. cable, optical fibre, free space
 Receiver: antenna, amplifier, demodulator, oscillator, power
amplifier, transducer
 Recipient: e.g. person, (loud) speaker, computer
 Types of information
Voice, data, video, music, email etc.

 Types of communication systems

Public Switched Telephone Network (voice,fax,modem)
Satellite systems
Radio,TV broadcasting
Cellular phones
Computer networks (LANs, WANs, WLANs)
Transmission of Information from one point to
Mode of Communication
 Simplex
 Half Duplex

 Full Duplex

Primary Communication Resources

 Transmitted power
 Channel BW

 Classify communication channel as Band Limited and

Power limited. E.g.?

Data compression
Encoder and Decoder
 Lossless compression e.g Digital Text
 Lossy compression. E.g. reduce data size without altering the

quality of the image or audio signal.

Communication channels
Two basic groups of communication channel based on
 Guided propagation –Telephone channels , coaxial cables
and Optical Fibers
 Free propagation- Wireless broadcast channels , Mobile

radio channels and satellite channels.

Types of Communication systems

Analog Communication system

Digital Communication System

Research Area
Information transmission has driven significant
research over the last five decades in multiple
related areas such as,
a)digital modulation schemes,
b)error control techniques,
c) optimum receiver design,
d)modeling and characterization of channel and so
Elements of Communication system
Information Representation
 Communication system converts information into electrical
electromagnetic/optical signals appropriate for the transmission

 Analog systems convert analog message into signals that can

propagate through the channel.

 Digital systems convert bits(digits, symbols) into signals

 Computers naturally generate information as characters/bits

 Most information can be converted into bits
 Analog signals converted to bits by sampling and quantizing
(A/D conversion)
Why digital?
 Digital techniques need to distinguish between discrete symbols
allowing regeneration versus amplification

 Good processing techniques are available for digital signals, such

as medium.

 Data compression (or source coding)

 Error Correction (or channel coding)(A/D conversion)
 Equalization
 Security

 Easy to mix signals and data using digital techniques

Goals in Communication System Design
 To maximize transmission rate, R
 To maximize system utilization, U
 To minimize bit error rate, Pe
 To minimize required systems bandwidth, W
 To minimize system complexity, Cx
 To minimize required power, Eb/No
Basic Digital Communication Transformations
 Formatting/Source Coding
 Transforms source info into digital symbols (digitization)
 Selects compatible waveforms (matching function)
 Introduces redundancy which facilitates accurate decoding
despite errors
It is essential for reliable communication
 Modulation/Demodulation
 Modulation is the process of modifying the info signal to
facilitate transmission
 Demodulation reverses the process of modulation. It
involves the detection and retrieval of the info signal
 Types
 Coherent: Requires a reference info for detection
 Noncoherent: Does not require reference phase information
To combat noise in the communication channel, some
redundancy is introduced in the message – This is done by
channel encoder block.

The Primary purpose of the band pass modulator is to map the

digital signal to high frequency analog signal waveforms.

To increase the spectral efficiency as much as possible.

Baseband - Digital data can be transmitted directly
with out modulation of any carrier

Band pass- Binary data modulates some carrier and

modulated carrier is transmitted over the channel.
Block Diagram of digital Communication system
Analog Digital
Input Low
Signal Source Channel
Pass Sampler Quantizer Multiplexer
Analog/ Encoder Encoder

Twisted Pair To Channel Modulator Shaping
Co-axial Cable Filters

Optical Fiber
Wireless De- Receiver
From Channel Detector
Space Modulator Filter

Carrier Symbol timing

Recovery Recovery

Digital-to-Analog Channel De-
at the
Converter Decoder Multiplexer
user end

Analog Digital
Source coding theorem
Efficient representation of data generated by a source.

L – average no. bits per source symbol.

H(y)- Entropy of the source

Code words produced by encoder are in binary form.

Average code word length L of the encoder as

Efficiency of source encoder in terms of entropy

Messages are arranged in non increasing order.
Message set is partitioned in to two most equi-
probable subsets.
A ‘0’ is assigned to one subset and ‘1’ to other subset.
Same procedure is repeated for the subsets.
Procedure is continued until each subset contains
only one message.
Communication channel Classification
Physical medium between the Tx and Rx.
Wired- Telephone, Ethernet.
Wireless- Free space carrying EM Wave.
Advent of DC, how fast the signal can be transmitted
by the channel.
Bit transmission rate
Channel supporting 20 KHz of analog speech.
With the advent of PCM, supporting 64Kbps speech
ISDN -256 Kbps
DSL- 52 Mbps
Repeaters- Keep the signal strength at the Rx
sufficient for detection.
Performance Measures:
Transports a message signal from a source across a
noisy channel to a user at the other end of the channel.
Message signal is delivered to the user both efficiently
and reliably, subject to certain design constraints
 Allowable transmit power
 Channel bandwidth

Reliability is expressed in terms of BER.

Information Capacity
Maximum rate at which information can be transmitted
across the channel with out error.
Frequency band
VLF- Navigation
LF- Marine
MF- Radio
HF- Military
UHF- Cellular, GPS
SHF- Microwave
Mathematical model of Communication channel

Mathematical model which reflects the most important

characteristics of the transmission medium.
Mathematical model helps to connect the Tx and Rx
Three popular are frequently used to characterize comm.
 Additive Noise Channel

 Linear Filter Channel----wireline

 Linear Time-Variant Filter Channel---wireless

Additive Noise Channel
 The simplest mathematical model for a communication channel is the
additive noise channel, illustrated in Figure.
 In this model the transmitted signal s(t) is corrupted by an additive
random noise process n(t).
 Attenuation Factor
 The model is called AWGN channel model – additive noise, Uniform
Spectral distribution and Gaussian Distribution.
The Linear Filter Channel
In some physical channels such as wire line telephone
channels, filters are used to band limit the signals and
prevent the interference.

Such channels are generally characterized mathematically

as linear filter channels with additive noise, as illustrated
in Figure .

In this Model , characteristics of the filter represent the

channel does not change with time. Hence, if the channel
input is the signal s(t).
Linear filter channel with additive noise.

Linear time-variant filter channel with additive noise

The Linear Time-InVariant Filter
Channels such as underwater acoustic channels
and Mobile cellular channels which result in time-
variant filter channel.
Signal travel through various paths and arrives at
receivers at different time- multipath propagation.
Such linear filters are characterized by time-
variant channel impulse response h(t; d) where
h(t; d) is the response of the channel at time t, due
to an impulse applied at time t – t. d-delayed signal
 Band Limited Channels which means no signal power is allowed outside the
defined band.
 Fourier analysis – Band limited signal are not realisable , because signals imply
with infinite duration.

 Dimensionality Theorem
 A real waveform can be completely specified by N independent pieces of
information where N is given by
 N= 2B To

N-Dimension of the waveform

To- Time

A digital signal is transmit over an interval of To second, Symbol

Rate Rs
Rs=N/To, B=?
Half power Bandwidth: This is the interval between
frequencies at which Gx(f) has dropped to half-power
or 3dB below the peak value. (In Fig. a)

Null to null Bandwidth: Width of the main spectral

lobe, where most of the signal power is contained.
(In Fig. C)

Absolute Bandwidth: Interval between frequencies.

(In Fig. e)
Different Bandwidth Criteria
Channel Coding
Increases the resistance of digital communication
Inevitable presence of noise in channel causes
discrepancies (errors).
Mapping the incoming data sequence in to channel
input sequence.’
‘k’ message bits
‘n’ encoder output
Redundant bits = ?
Accurate reconstruction of the original source
sequence at the destination requires low Prob. Of
Channel capacity
Maximum rate at which information can be
transmitted over AWGN channel.
SNR >>0 dB, then the channel is Band limited
SNR <<0 dB, then the channel is power limited
For a noisy channel with capacity ‘c’ information
transmitted at a rate “R’ bits/sec
R<C, coding tech./modulation tech.
R>C, prob. Of error.
Channel capacity
Suppose that the spectrum of a channel is between 10
MHz and 12 MHz, and an intended capacity of 8 Mbps.
(1) What should be the SNR in order to obtain this
(2) What would be the capacity if the environment starts
suffering lesser noise and the SNR goes up to 27 dB.
B=2 MHz=2*10^6, C=8 Mbps=8*10^6 bps
1. C=B*log2(1+SNR) <=> 2^(C/B)-1=SNR<=> SNR=15
2. SNR(dB)=10*log10(SNR)<=>SNR=10^2.7<=>SNR=501
(approximately),C=18Mbps=18*10^6 bps
Find the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for the
following signals.

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