ASN & Shipment Fields
ASN & Shipment Fields
ASN & Shipment Fields
Arrange Transport & Custom Clearance: Based on the incoterms, transportation arrangement is
made for the shipment. Following are the list of incoterms they will be used at IMI and are
referenced on the purchase order:
Ex-Works: Vendor / Supplier makes the goods available on their premises and IMI is responsible to
bring the goods to the final delivery location.
Free on Board (FOB): Vendor / Supplier is responsible for transportation of goods to the port of
shipment and loading. IMI will be responsible for transportation and costs from arrival port to
destination (IMI warehouse).
Free Carriage (FCA): The Vendor delivers goods that are cleared for export to the buyer-designated
carrier at a named defined location. Vendor / Supplier loads the goods onto the IMI named carrier
and provides the original shipping documents.
Free Alongside Ship (FAS): Vendor / Supplier to deliver good to a named port alongside a vessel
designated by the buyer. "Alongside" means that the goods are within reach of a ship's lifting
Carriage and Freight (CFR): Vendor Supplier is responsible for all costs and freight to bring the
goods to the port of destination.
Carriage Paid To (CPT): Vendor / Supplier is responsible for all costs and freight to the designated
place of shipment in the country of export. IMI takes ownership upon handing over goods to the
first carrier at place of shipment.
Delivered at Place (DAP): Vendor / Supplier pays and arranges for carriage to the named placed,
Except for costs relating to Customs which will be managed by IMI. Once goods are delivered it is
IMI responsibility to unload the goods.
Delivered at Terminal (DAT): Vendor / Supplier pays and arranges for carriage to the terminal,
except for costs related to the import clearance which will comes under the responsibility of IMI.
Once the goods are unloaded at the terminal, Vendor / Supplier has no further involvement.
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP): Vendor / Suppliers pays and arranges carriage to the named place; all
import duties and taxes are included. Vendor is responsible for unloading.
For the custom clearance, Custom agent is informed ahead of time of the estimated date of arrival.
All relevant documentation is submitted to customs before delivery date, for necessary
arrangements. Documents include:
- Bill of Landing
- Airway Bill
- Packing List
- Certificate of Origin
- Material Safety Sheet
- Statutory Approvals etc.