Formula D Campaign Rules
Formula D Campaign Rules
Formula D Campaign Rules
Starting Ram, Weight, Armour, Engine Rating and Move Bonus are all 0.
The Start
The starting grid of the first race is determined by all the drivers rolling d20, the
pole being the highest roller down to the lowest roller starting last. Ties are
On the first turn of the race (“The Start”) every driver in turn from front to back
rolls d20 and checks the result on the following table –
Roll Result
1 Stall - miss the turn and start in First Gear next turn
2-10 First Gear selected – move one space
11-16 First Gear selected – move two spaces
17-19 First Gear selected – move three spaces
20 First Gear selected – move four spaces
Note that “Active Use” items cannot be used in the first turn of the game.
Turn Sequence
The turn order is as in the rules – first to last, ties broken by highest gear, further
ties broken by who has the inside line.
The movement rules for both corners and straights are as in the rules, apart from
the following exceptions. If a car starts its turn in a corner and finishes it in a
second corner, the move end only counts for the second corner if the car is in a
lower gear than 4th. This is also the case if a car overshoots the first corner.
(Otherwise, a car could overshoot a corner on purpose to get to enter the next
corner the next turn.)
The other exception is a change in the gear ratios. They are as follows –
If a car has a movement bonus they may apply any or all of it to a maximum
equal to the gear selected for the turn. However, if the car has a movement
penalty that penalty must be applied. The minimum movement on any turn is 1
If a car moves over an area of Difficult Terrain its controller rolls a d20. A result
of 4 or less results in 1 point of Tyre Wear Damage.
If a car moves over an area of Dangerous Terrain it takes 1 point of Tyre Wear
Damage (no roll needed).
A car may not enter a blocked square. If it is forced into a blocked square as the
only path available, the car is out of the race (causing another blocked square).
If a car finishes its move next to or directly in front of or behind an opponent it
may suffer Bodywork Wear. Its controller rolls a d20, applies the modifiers
below, and any result of 4 or lower means 1 point of Bodywork Wear damage.
If a car finishes behind an opponent with movement left over, add the number of
squares left to the result, as noted above. Otherwise, do not.
If a car takes damage as the result of a collision, place an area of Difficult Terrain
on its square. (This takes no effect on the car itself.) If there is already an area
of Difficult Terrain in the square, replace it with an area of Dangerous Terrain.
When a car is out of the race it is left in the square it occupied when it went out
of the race. That square is now blocked. The car cannot be damaged or cause
damage itself – no checks are made for collisions with other cars.
In the unlikely event that all 3 lanes of the track are blocked, it may be necessary
to move a random blocked area 1 square forward until a line is clear.
Championship Points
Championship Points are awarded as per the rulebook – 10,8,6,5,4,3,2 and 1. If
a car does not finish a race it receives no points.
Race Winnings
Every car’s owner totals up the amount of damage their car suffered in the race.
The highest totals amongst the owners is the amount of cash each player
receives, so that the most damaged car can be brought back up to the same level
as it started the race. There is no imperative to spend all or any the money, and
no imperative to bring the car up to the same levels as before the race – the
owner may wish to spend the money elsewhere.
These are the extra items an owner can buy for their car.
Those items marked “Active” can only be used during that car’s turn, only on a
straight and not on the first turn of the race. Those marked “Passive” can be
used at any turn.
To resolve a shot the target rolls a d20, adds its armour and subtracts the Guns
rating of the shooting car multiplied by 2. A result of 4 or less means the target
takes 1 point of Body Wear damage and leaves an area of Difficult or Dangerous
Terrain (as per Collision rules above), or blocks the square if it is taken out of the