Bullshit System v0.5
Bullshit System v0.5
Bullshit System v0.5
Table of Contents
Group Tasks (optional)......................................................................................................................7
Crafting (optional)..............................................................................................................................7
Random Encounters (optional)..........................................................................................................9
Traveling (optional).........................................................................................................................10
Learning (optional)..........................................................................................................................10
Survival (optional)............................................................................................................................11
Elementalism (Fantasy, optional)....................................................................................................11
List of Damage Types (Fantasy).......................................................................................................12
List of Functions...............................................................................................................................13
List of Common Advantages/ Disadvantages..................................................................................16
List of Arms and Armour (Fantasy)..................................................................................................17
List of Traits (Fantasy)......................................................................................................................19
List of Magic Schools (Fantasy, obviously)......................................................................................29
List of Magical Equipment (Fantasy, obviously)..............................................................................30
List of Available Species (Fantasy)...................................................................................................31
List of Prices and General Economy (Fantasy)................................................................................38
The Character Sheet can be divided into 5 different sections: 1. Attributes, which are the base
capabilities of the character, 2. Traits, which are the specific capabilities of the character, 3. Macros,
which are the easy access rolls of the character, 4. Inventory, which are the currently available
resources of the character, and 5. Information, which are the basic information and backstory of the
Attributes denote which activities the character is generally good at. They work as both
modifiers and resources, as their value is added to the relevant roll, and is reduced by Use and
Damage. There are 4 main, and 2 secondary Attributes, which are the following:
Physical: Denotes the character’s Strength, Constitution, Speed, and the like.
Sensual: Denotes the character’s Dexterity, Reflexes, Perception, and the like.
Mental: Denotes the character’s Knowledge, Willpower, Intelligence, and the like.
Social: Denotes the character’s Charisma, Morale, Beauty, and the like.
After every use of an Attribute, reduce it by 1 Temporarily, which will the character will regain
after a Full Rest.
A Full Rest means consuming 1 Ration of Food & Water, and sleeping for at least 6 hours, at lvl.3
Comfort (Fresh Food & Water, Resting place being separated from ground, and elements).
If Comfort Level lower, or the character gets less food, water, or sleep, then one of their
Attributes is not going to restored after every need not met fully.
If a need is not met at all, then none of the Attributes will be restored, and all Attributes will lose
1 point after every need not met. This means characters with dumpstats will be in peril if they don’t
rest properly.
If a need is met in excess, or their Comfort Level is higher, then the character gains 1 Moderate
Attribute bonus after every raised Amount or Comfort Level, that will last for the day, or until they are
Damage to an Attribute can last for either Temporarily (Until Rest, or other specified time
interval), Moderately (Until Healed -1 week naturally-, needs to be stabilized or it turns worse), or
Permanently (Until somehow restored, needs to be stabilized for a week, or it spawns a Moderate
These Wounds show up in the Modifiers sub-heading under Macros.
If any Attribute reaches -3, then the character is out of action(OOT), the specifics of which
depends on the Attribute in question, and the Wound type: Physical OOT means unconsciousness,
Sensual OOT means the character can’t move for some reason, Mental OOT results in massive
migraines and/ or loss of cognitive abilities, whilst Social OOT results in the character becoming
massively distressed, and possibly running from the scene.
OOT from Temporary Wounds will be lifted after their time is up, Moderate Wounds will knock
out the character for a Battle/ Day, and obviously will need to be patched up, whilst getting OOT’d
from Permanent Wounds result in DEATH.
Traits denote the capabilities of the character in certain scenarios. These are categorized into 3
Trait Types, which are as follows:
Proficiency Trait: Gives +/-1 to an Attribute, and adds an Effect to a certain roll, such as a/n
Dis/Advantage (+/-3 to roll).
Equipment Trait: Gives a +/-1 to an Attribute, and also gives an Equipment to the character.
Reserved to Magic, Natural Weapons, and Martial Arts Techniques (Fantasy version).
Mechanical Traits: Adds, Subtracts, or Changes a Mechanic for the character, such as how
they rest, or if they can spawn/ summon allies, etc.
At the creation of the character, the Player can choose 10 Traits, or Advancements to said traits,
if they have levels, and the GM can choose 3 further traits, usually harmful ones, to balance out the
Player’s choices.
The maximum number of traits a character can have is naturally 20, not counting advancements,
however this can be increased by various means.
Traits can be gained through Learning, which will be disclosed under Mechanics.
A List of Traits (for the Fantasy version), and Further Categorizations can be found in the Tables
There is also a List of Available Species, which contain races that can be chosen for gaining 3
additional Positive and Negative Traits, listed under their names.
Macros are the quick access rolls and conditions the character currently has.
The roll part consists of the Equipment’s/ Action’s name, (Dmg Type and Reach), the standard
d20 + Attribute + Equipment Bonus + Trait Bonus - Opposing Equipment Penalty - Opposing Trait
The Modifier Part lists the Temporary and Moderate Effects currently affecting the character,
like Wounds, Drunkenness, Curses, Blesses, etc.
The inventory lists all the Resources (-partially- consumed upon use) and Equipment (reusable)
the character currently has on person. These are put into 7 categories to help transparency:
Worn Equipment: The weapons and tools readily available to the character in a pinch.
Worn Resources: The consumables readily available to the character in a pinch.
Stashed Equipment: The weapons and tools found in the character’s bag/other inventory.
Consumables: The consumables found in the character’s bag/other inventory.
Supplies: The supplies found in the character’s bag/other inventory.
Materials: The materials found in the character’s bag/other inventory.
Monetary Items: Resources used as means of transaction, like coins, banknotes, etc.
If an item is on a cart or something, then it’s good practice to keep that as a separate inventory,
in case it’s get stolen or something.
Items in game are presented as follows (unneeded parts can be omitted for reducing clutter):
-Item Name: +/- X Action/ Damage Type, Range, Charges/ Uses X/X
Point Cost Function Name - Function Description
Trait Name - Trait Description
Equipments can be divided into two groups, namely Offensive Equipment, that grant a Bonus to
own rolls, and Defensive Equipment, which give the opponent a Penalty to their rolls.
Equipment usually needs maintenance after every week, or after extensive use (a battle, or a full
day of work).
If they are used without maintenance, they will suffer Damage, which lowers their roll bonus to
Half, and if they are used or Damaged after suffering Damage, then they become Broken, after which
they are unusable.
Resources, like supplies or consumables usually have a shelf life, or at least storing conditions.
If the shelf life is over, or the storing conditions are not met for a day, they suffer Damage, just
like Equipment, and if they are twice the age of their shelf life, or the storing conditions are not met
for another day, they are Broken/ Rotten/ Whatever. Unusable.
Every character gets a starting equipment. This can be whatever, and has a base +5 Equipment
Bonus, a free Damage Type and Function, and 5 CP worth of creation points (which is also CP).
If it’s something that needs charges, it has 3 of those, and 2 CPs can be spent to increase it by 1,
or 1 CP to increase the Equipment Bonus, while Functions cost whatever stated in the List of
Functions found in the Tables heading.
The range of any item is dependent on either the one stated in the List of Arms and Armour,
found in the Tables heading, or specified by the GM if it cannot be categorized into anything the
aforementioned source has.
A character can use any Equipment, as long as they have proficiency for it. If they lack the trait,
then it comes down to the complexity of the Equipment: Trivial equipment can be used without any
skill, Skillful Equipment can still be used, but with a -1 CP penalty, whilst Professional Equipment
cannot be used without the necessary Trait.
Information is mainly flavour text for the character, so it can feel alive, or at least well made.
These can be categorized into Basic Information, and Backstory, which are also broken down further,
as follows:
Basic Information
Name: The name of the character. Duh.
Race: What species it’s from? There are a List of Available Species in the Tables
Heading (for Fantasy), but it can be something else as well.
Movement Type: Land, Air, or Water. More details under Movement Types found
under the Mechanics heading.
Gender: What gender they are? Biological obviously.
Looks: How do they look like?
Home: What country, or other civilization? What does it looks like? Whats the biome?
Social Background: Parents, Neighbors, Bosses and Underlings.
Source of Traits: Where did they get their knowledge?
Motivations: Why are they who they are?
Ambitions: What do they want to achieve in their life?
Short-term Goals: What is the next step?
Friends: Who are they in good relations with?
Enemies: Who want them in peril?
After all this, an actual backstory whilst pointless, could still be fun to make, so go ahead and
write a novel. The GM will have everything they need in the bullet points before.
Here are the basic mechanics of the game, with some advanced, optional ones. These define
how the game should be played, and provide additional complexity if needed.
Rolls define the success of a certain Action. Since almost every roll reduces a certain Attribute, it
is paramount that only Actions in which failure is SIGNIFICANT should need a roll.
For example if a lock needs to be picked, but there is ample time to fiddle around, then a roll is
unnecessary, however if the Action needs to be done quickly, and/ or there is a consequence grave
enough, like a trap that will harm the character if set off, then it’s worth a roll.
One can also go for Proficiency Skip, meaning if they have +10 or more bonus for a roll for
whatever reason, then they can opt to autosucceed the roll, with only 1 Critical Point.
A roll itself is simple: Take the result of the roll of a 20 sided dice (d20), then add the value of an
associated Attribute, then add any Equipment Bonus, and lastly add any Advantages from Traits, or
other sources. If there is an active opponent, then their Equipment Penalty and Disadvantages need
to be subtracted from the result.
After that the GM, in the name of the recipient, will roll the same. If the roll is not against an NPC
or other Player, but rather THE WHOLE UNIVERSE (a.k.a. you tried to roll against a lock to pick it), then
it’s USUALLY a straight d20 roll without any bonuses or penalties, as any disadvantage the character
would have in doing the task would rather show in their roll, instead of the GM’s.
The goal is to get as many Critical Points as possible, which are awarded for differences is the
results of the rolls, with one side being greater than the other awarding 1 CP, rolling twice than the
other granting 2 CP, thrice giving 3 CP, etc.
Example: Player rolls a 21, whilst the Enemy rolls a 7. This means the Player now has 3 CPs.
If somehow the result of a roll is less than 1, then the difference will be awarded as extra CPs for
the victor, and their roll be considered a 1 otherwise.
These CPs can then be spent on Functions, to initiate different effects, like Wounds in combat, or
just generally succeeding in the task.
Here is a short list of very basic Functions that can be bought at most tasks, with a longer List of
Functions being available the Tables heading:
1 CP - Temporary Wound (lasts until next turn’s end)
2 CP - Moderate Wound (lasts until Healed, needs to be stabilized or turns Permanent)
3 CP - Permanent Wound (lasts until it’s somehow removed, needs 1 week
stabilization, lest it spawns a Moderate Wound)
Normal Tasks:
1 CP - Complete the Task
1 CP - Task grants 1 Temporary Attribute upon completion (until Full Rest/ Damage)
2 CP - Task needs only 50% time (cumulative, not additive)
2 CP - Task needs only 50% resources (cumulative, not additive)
3 CP - Next task on the line also Succeeds (in multi-part Tasks, does not get stored)
During combat, and in a few continuous tasks, characters can store their CP for 1 round/ scene,
after which they need to be used. This is called Status Quo (SQ).
Or any confrontation between two characters, be it an argument, seduction, or a contest. It
needs at least two characters with opposing goals, and the means to achieve them.
With PvE (Players vs. NPC trash), the players always get the initiative, and can declare their
Actions before the enemy does.
This does not mean the enemy cannot ambush them, just that their attack is going to be a roll
out of combat, and only the Player’s defensive equipment will count towards the result, not their
Attributes, Traits, or Offensive Equipment.
After the Player’s turn, it goes for their allies, then for each enemy entity in a non-specific order.
Rinse and repeat until every entity did an action.
An Action is something the character does that needs a roll. Characters can do unlimited (within
reason, GMs discretion) non-roll worthy tasks, but only 1 roll worthy one, unless it’s a Defensive Roll.
Defensive Rolls are Actions that are roll-worthy, but are the direct consequence of the
character’s Action.
For example if a character wants an Advantage for their attack roll by jumping down a high place
and using momentum, then first they need to nail the jump with a Sensual roll, then if that succeeds,
they gain the advantage for their attack, whilst failure will result in probably Wounds (GMs discretion,
dependent on failed CR).
Combat is usually team based, rather than individualistic, meaning that multiple NPCs of the
same kind will most often be grouped together, and be considered a single entity.
In this case, their Attributes will be pooled together, and they can attack as many opponent
entities as they have members, dividing the result of their roll as they (the GM, since NPCs) see fit.
If one their Attributes go down as much as one member’s total, then they lose a member, and all
the other Attributes they provided for the group.
This is always a non-lethal, but life threatening knock-out, and as such these members will need
medical attention after, or during battle to stabilize them.
Weapons have Reach, which determine the distance at which they are effective at. If they try to
fight something that is out of Reach, then their weapon bonus doesn’t count, whilst if the target is
further in than their Reach, then they get difference times Disadvantages.
A weapon’s Reach can be put into two categories:
Melee: Weapons with their business end being manipulated by the user.
Close - For small weapons that work within the extent of someones arm-length.
Standard - For the most common weapons that double someone’s arm-length.
Long - For pole weapons that can reach easily over somebody, and still be effective.
Very Long - For very big formation weapons that can reach through multiple people.
If a Ranged combatant fails an attack against a Melee combatant, then the latter whilst can’t use
their own Functions (their weapons being out of reach), they can buy Functions from the Ranged
combatant’s weapon instead, with the clause that it can only be directed towards somebody else than
the Ranged combatant. This is called Friendly Fire (FF).
Magical weapons (in Fantasy Setting) run this risk regardless of engagement range.
Getting 1 Distance further/closer is always an available Function that costs 1 CP.
Combat doesn’t have set time intervals. A turn takes as much as it needs to.
There are 3 different Movement Types, which indicate what kind of environment the character is
comfortable/ capable traversing in. These are as follows:
A lvl.4 Movement Level means the creature is incapable of doing such a task. This only matters
because some Functions raising the Movement level a Move is at.
Combat: Players can pool their results into a single number, and buy Functions from
everyone’s disposal. This is quite OP, since every Player gets to roll a d20, while enemies only get
1 per entity, so enemy groups need to be bigger, stronger or there needs to be more of them to
Non Combat: Player characters that have proficiency in the same field can decide to help
each other. In this case they provide Trait Level times Advantages to their comrade. If somebody
doesn’t have proficiency, but wants to help in, then they only provide a single +1 bonus.
Groups can be categorized using Size. Being a Group Category larger than the opponent results
in all rolls gaining 1 CP more:
Solo - A single person.
Group - Up to a dozen folks.
Company - Up to a hundred blokes.
Regiment - Up to a thousand folks.
Army - Multiple thousands of people.
Crafting (optional)
Characters can decide that instead of buying their gear, they make it themselves instead. Sadly,
even if they decide to buy them instead, the same rules still applies, it’s just that they don’t need to
roll for it.
Crafting requires different amount of time and resources to make an Item, which resources and
time is specified by the GM, and whilst it CAN be attempted without any proficiency, but it will be at a
-1 CP penalty.
Items can also have Negative Functions/ Traits, if a proper explanation is given, which grants
their CP cost to the pool.
On a failed designing or creation roll, the GM can chose to outright make it a failed attempt for 3
CP, resulting in the loss of the resources and time spent into the making. Yes, this includes the
designing phase too.
Any item made to have multiple Damage Types will behave as such:
Offensive items will use the most effective Damage Type in any situation.
Defensive items will distribute the Penalty X Number of Dmg Types amount of points
between the DMG Types, according to what is described in the List of Arms and Armour, or what
the GM decides.
Item Quality is measured by the amount of CP that went into the making. The list is as such:
Shite= Max 3 CP
Poor= Max 6 CP
Average= Max 10 CP
Good= Max 20 CP
Excellent= Max 30 CP
Masterful= +31 CP
Any Item can be Reforged/ Enchanted, however only once per Quality Level, meaning that if it
doesn’t result in a Quality increase, then it stays as is. There are exceptions.
Maximum Item Quality is dependent on the material and construction method used to make the
item. These are as follows:
Material Quality
Shite 2 CP
Poor 4 CP
Average 6 CP
Good 8 CP
Excellent 10 CP
Masterful 12 CP
Construction Method
Stupid 1x
Simple 2x
Repeating/ Monotone 3x
Complex 4x
Intricate 5x
Revolutionary 6x
Alchemical substances are like other items, however they are always consumables, and have a
limitation on their use, namely that characters can only take Physical+1 charges from them daily.
Random Encounters (optional)
Random encounters can be initiated by both the Players and the GM, by spending a Bullshit
point, and it allows both parties to roll an unmodified d20 to get results from the following table:
Positive CP rolls:
1 CP - Small band of weak prey.
1 CP - Shit loot.
2 CP - Singular strong prey.
2 CP - Shit vendor.
2 CP - Poor loot.
2 CP - Basic Mentor.
3 CP - Big band of weak prey.
3 CP - Poor Vendor.
3 CP - Average loot.
3 CP - Advanced Mentor.
4 CP - Small band of strong prey.
4 CP - Average Vendor.
4 CP - Good loot.
4 CP - Master Mentor.
5 CP - Big band of strong prey.
5 CP - Good Vendor.
5 CP - Excellent Loot.
5 CP - Help!
6 CP - BOSS RAID!!! (you ambush them or something)
6 CP - Excellent Vendor.
6 CP - Legendary Loot.
6 CP - Powerful Contact.
Negative CP Rolls:
1 CP - Small Band of weak enemy.
1 CP - A few weak traps.
1 CP - A simple obstacle.
2 CP - Strong singular enemy.
2 CP - Singular strong trap.
2 CP - A problematic obstacle.
3 CP - Big Band of weak enemy.
3 CP - Lots of weak traps.
3 CP - Somebody got mugged.
4 CP - Small band of strong enemy.
4 CP - A few strong traps.
4 CP - Somebody went lunatic (temporary Trait loss).
5 CP - Big band of strong enemy.
5 CP - Lots of Strong traps.
5 CP - Damaged/ Broken Item.
6 CP - BOSS!!!
6 CP - ...and it’s also an ambush!
6 CP - ...during particularly bad weather (that helps the enemy and penalizes you a lot)
Loot table (value in bracket shows how many times you can pick something from the list):
Shit Loot (1) - 1 CP Item, 5d10 VAL money, 60 VAL in supplies.
Poor loot (1) - 3 CP Item, 15d10 VAL money, 180 VAL in supplies.
Average loot (2) - 5 CP Item, 50d10 VAL money, 600 VAL in supplies.
Good loot (2) - 8 CP Item, 50d40 VAL money, 2400 VAL in supplies.
Excellent loot (3) - 12 CP Item, 100d100 VAL money, 12000 VAL in supplies.
Legendary loot (4) - 20 CP Item, 100d500 VAL money, 60000 VAL in supplies.
In case of items the player decides what they get from the loot, by building it like it was from
crafting. If the player can’t decide they can spend an extra Bullshit point for the GM’s insight ;).
Traveling (optional)
Getting from one place to the other. Only used when a trek is at least 2 hours long, and can be
rolled again if it’s more than a day’s worth. A simple Physical+Modifiers roll done by everybody
partaking, with the following effects:
Players win:
1 CP - 20% less traveling time (cumulative)
2 CP - The team doesn’t lose Physical from the travel
3 CP - 50% less traveling time (cumulative)
4 CP - The team gainst 1 temporary Attribute boost
5 CP - Instant teleporter
GM wins:
1 CP - Physical is Damaged Temporarily by 1
1 CP - 50% more traveling time (cumulative)
2 CP - Simple Obstacle (need to roll something)
2 CP - Bad weather (-3 for something until stops)
3 CP - 100% more traveling time (cumulative)
3 CP - Physical is Damaged Moderately by 1
4 CP - Problematic Obstacle (-9 to roll)
4 CP - Very bad weather (-6 for something until stops)
5 CP - The whole lot gets lost
5 CP - Extreme Weather (-9 for something until stops)
6 CP - Physical is Damaged Permanently by 1
Learning (optional)
Since there isn’t an exp. System in the game, learning is done in downtime, via Mentors,
Learning Instruments, and the like.
The roll itself is d20 + Mental + Trait Bonus + Learning Instruments, however unlike other rolls,
these can’t be done in groups (not by helping each other at least), but instead a Mentor will roll
alongside the Pupil, and put together their results against a flat d20.
It takes 7 days for each roll.
Their goal is to get enough CP to unlock the next advancement of a Trait, which are categorized
as below:
Common Basic Knowledge 5 CP, Advanced 20 CP, Master 100 CP
Complex Basic Knowledge 10 CP, Advanced 40 CP, Master 200 CP
Rare Basic Knowledge 20 CP, Advanced 80 CP, Master 400 CP
For 1 CP they can advance the Trait, reduce learning time by 1 day, or gain an Advantage for the
next session (can’t be stored).
If a Player is learning from another player, then the Mentor can’t do anything else during that
time (except maybe the subject), but they can learn from the Pupil as well.
Slave and Pet training is the same, however the categorization is Docile/ Aggressive/ Problematic
for the ranks, and Taking Command/ Help/ Fight for the levels.
Survival (optional)
As in resting or living outside of civilized space. This involves building shelter/ camp, finding
resources in the wild, and securing living space.
These are done usually with Sensual rolls, but the odd mental can get in, depending on how the
party intends to satisfy the needs.
The party needs to provide some defense against the elements, which is directly tied to the
Comfort Level of their Sleep. This can be done by lighting a fire to provide warmth, make a rainproof
shelter, make a soft bed, etc.
Finding resources in the wild is either to provide materials for the camp, or to get Food & Water
for the Full Rest. This part can be skipped by the characters bringing these materials with them, but
that is a lot of logistics. Otherwise if they fail to get materials, they straight up fail to provide for their
needs, resulting in massive Attribute losses mentioned in the Attributes section under the Characters
Securing living space is important, so the perils of the wilds won’t affect the group. These perils
are dependent on area, and failing to provide ample protection results in getting Disadvantages in the
Sensual roll against whatever thing wants to deal with the group. Having the stats of various creatures
handy for such situations is good practice.
The soulshard used for the elemental denotes how long it will stay in this plane. Using another
soul will indeed extend this time, however it needs to be initiated in the last 10% of it (so it’s not
spammed). The quality of souls are categorized as such:
Shite - Soulsards of small animals, like cats and beavers. Lasts 1 Hour.
Poor - Soulsards of big animals, like horses or cows. Lasts 4 Hours.
Average - Soulsards of intelligent beings, like humans, or dwarwes. Lasts 1 Day.
Good - Soulsards of magically inclined animals, like treants, or dragons. Lasts 1 Week.
Excellent - Soulsards of magically inclined intelligent beings, like elves, or deep merrows.
Lasts 3 months.
Legendary - Soulsards of exceptionally magical beasts and individuals, like anything with a
reputation. Lasts for 4 Years.
The Mana used for the elemental denotes how easily it can be formed. 1 VAL is needed just
to make it, but any additional VALs grant 1 Advantage in making the ritual.
However if that is not enough, mages can spend 1 Mental Attribute Temporarily (until Full
Rest) to gain 1 CP per spent Attribute. Keep in mind however that controlling an elemental takes
1 Mental Attribute until it’s dispelled, and it’s automatically taken upon successful ritual, so one
can go OOT pretty fast if they don’t pay attention.
Otherwise elementals are built like if they were been Crafted, with the only difference being
that both rolls are mental, and that if the roll fails, the 3 CP option for the GM is to summon one
in their face. This is done by having elemental character sheets ready whenever such a thing is
attempted, and summoning in the baddest, most cruel thing you have, regardless of the party’s
Here are some lists and tables for the game.
Support Functions
0 CP Temporary Heal
1 CP Moderate Heal
1 CP Temporary Buff
1 CP Temporary Debuff
1 CP AutoSucceed lvl.2 movement
1 CP Cannot do lvl.3 movement
1 CP Put a statpoint to another stat (1 turn/ scene)
1 CP Gain protection (+5 against damage type)
1 CP Gain exposure (-5 against damage type)
2 CP Store Critical Points Indefinitely
2 CP Permanent Heal
2 CP Moderate Buff
2 CP Remove Moderate Status
2 CP Moderate Debuff
2 CP AutoSucceed lvl.3 movement
2 CP Cannot do lvl.2 movement
2 CP Increase Level cap
2 CP Decrease level cap
2 CP Change movement type
2 CP Gain another breathing type
2 CP Put a wound to another stat (1 turn/ scene)
2 CP Gain resistance (damage is 1p less)
2 CP Gain vulnerability (damage is 1p worse)
2 CP Gain immunity to a Status
3 CP Permanent Buff
3 CP Can do lvl.4 movement
3 CP Needs to roll for lvl.1 movement
3 CP increase trait cap
3 CP decrease trait cap
3 CP gain another movement type
3 CP Can breath everywhere
3 CP change stat values (1 turn/ scene)
3 CP Gain immunity (ignore damage type)
3 CP Gain susceptibility (damage is always permanent)
3 CP Grow a size category
3 CP Shrink a size category
4 CP Autosucceed movement
4 CP Cannot move (1 turn)
4 CP Shift stat values (1 turn/ scene)
4 CP Gain Affinity (get healed from damage type)
4 CP Gain Peril (damage will instakill character)
5 CP Permanently remove traits
5 CP permanently gain traits
5 CP Revive from death after 1 turn, lose a trait permanently
5 CP Kill target
Combat Functions
0 CP Temporary Damage
1 CP Moderate damage
1 CP Disadvantage (Roll to remove)
1 CP Damage 2 stats at once
1 CP Push Back 1 Range
1 CP Pull in 1 Range
1 CP Deny Movement (Roll to remove)
1 CP Deny Attacking (can still defend)
1 CP Drop Weapon (picks it up next turn, if can)
1 CP Halve Enemy Armor (1 turn)
1 CP Halve enemy Weapon (1 turn)
1 CP Get 1 range closer
1 CP Get 1 range further
1 CP Use Weapon 1 Distance further (1 turn)
1 CP Use Weapon 1 Distance closer (1 turn)
2 CP Deny enemy group bonus (organization levelx3)
2 CP Deny enemy cohesion bonus(from teamwork and tactics)
2 CP Deny enemy numerical bonus (outnumber=3, twice as many=6, thrice or more
2 CP Ticking damage (goes Temporary-->Moderate-->Repeat)
2 CP Attack a second time (once per turn)
2 CP Shift damage to another target (only if original is dead, new target rolls against original
roll, but will only get the shifted damage if loses, not what the defensive roll dictates)
2 CP Attack back at assailant (second roll is against original assailant roll)
2 CP Permanent Damage
2 CP Advantage (1 turn/ scene)
2 CP Damage enemy stat and increase own (1 turn)
2 CP Deny disengagement (target cannot leave combat for 1 turn)
2 CP Deny Turn (only armor counts in defensive rolls)
2 CP Deny enemy Weapon (Roll to remove)
2 CP Deny enemy Shield (Roll to remove)
2 CP Ignore enemy Armor (1 turn)
2 CP Ignore enemy Weapon (1 turn)
3 CP Attack behind ally (enemy can’t attack user, but the ally in front of him)
3 CP Attack behind enemy (ignores blocks/ leader dies last rule)
3 CP Attack two targets at once (once per turn, both roll defensive, individual rolls apply)
3 CP Moderately Damage enemy stat and increase own (only heals)
3 CP Take away Weapon (throws it somewhere currently unreachable)
3 CP Take away Shield (throws it somewhere currently unreachable)
3 CP Destroy enemy Armor (halves bonus/ breaks if already damaged)
3 CP Destroy Enemy Shield (halves bonus/ breaks if already damaged)
3 CP Destroy enemy Weapon (halves bonus/ breaks if already damaged)
3 CP Make Target Change Sides Temporarily (1 turn/ scene)
4 CP Ticking severe damage (goes Moderate-->Permanent-->Repeat)
4 CP Permanently Damage enemy stat and increase own (only heals)
4 CP Pilfer Weapon (if can’t use, penalties apply)
4 CP Pilfer Shield (if can’t use, penalties apply)
5 CP Permanently take traits
5 CP Make Target Change Sides for a Moderate Time (1 day)
7 CP Make Target Change Sides Permanently
Dependable Functions
X CP Reload weapon -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing with a 1:1 ratio-
1 CP Takes Minutes -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing-
2 CP Takes Hours -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing-
3 CP Takes Days -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing-
4 CP Takes Weeks -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing-
5 CP Takes Months -can be used to gain extra points whilst designing-
Group acts towards the same goal/ enemy - 1 Advantage
Teammates’ actions compliment each other - 2 Advantages
Group acts with no hesitation and maximum accuracy - 3 Advantages
From Short Distance - 1 Advantage
In a straight line - 2 Advantages
With lot of momentum - 3 Advantages
Attackers are unnoticed - 1 Advantage
Defenders can’t run - 2 Advantages
Defenders can’t attack back easily - 3 Advantages
Attacking from the Flanks - 1 Advantage
Attacking from the Back - 2 Advantages
Enveloping target - 3 Advantages
High Ground
Slight elevation difference - 1 Advantage
Significant elevation difference - 2 Advantages
Steep slope - 3 Advantages
Covers half the character - 1 Advantage
Covers all of the character - 2 Advantages
Arrow slit - 3 Advantages
Hard Terrain
Terrain is slow to move in - 1 Disadvantage
Obstacles - 2 Disadvantages
Can get injures if too hasty - 3 Disadvantages
Blocked Sense
Partially - 1 Disadvantage
Mostly - 2 Disadvantages
Fully - 3 Disadvantages
Cover Categories
Handheld= Can use other items
Portable= Can be moved around
Stationary= Can have multiple occupants
Trait Classifications:
Joint Trait: Can only be advanced alongside of a sister-trait.
Natural Trait: Cannot be learned, as it’s part of the character’s body. Can be advanced.
Trigger: Activation/ Otherwise: The trait only gives it’s effect if the character actives it, or
gets triggered via the disclosed stimuli.
Miscellaneous Trait: Does not provide Attribute or Advantage, but changes or introduces a
Weapon Traits:
Natural Weapon Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll Bonus/ -1p for
weapon functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses which to take.
Natural Weapon Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Natural Weapon Knowledge. Effect: +1
Attribute, +3 Roll Bonus.
Natural Armor Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus/ -1 Armor
Penalty/ Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses which to take.
Natural Armor Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Natural Armor Knowledge. Effect: +1
Physical, +3 Roll Bonus.
Unarmed Combat Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, Grappling: 2p Deny
Enemy Movement/ Choke-hold: 2p Ticking Blunt Damage/ Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses
which to take.
Unarmed Combat Expertise: Narrow, Trivial. Joint: Unarmed Combat Knowledge. Effect: +1
Physical, +3 Roll Bonus.
Weapon Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Attribute, no use penalty/ -1p for weapon
functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses which to take.
Weapon Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Weapon Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll
Weapon Type Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Weapon Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, no
use penalty on other weapons in category/ -1p for weapon functions/ Grants a free Re-roll,
player chooses which to take.
Weapon Type Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Weapon Type Knowledge. Effect: +1
Attribute, +3 Roll Bonus.
Dual Wielding Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Two Weapon Knowledge traits. Effect: +1
Sensual, Offhand: No use penalty/ Can use half weapon bonus as defensive penalty in melee/
Offhand uses full weapon bonus as defensive penalty.
Dual Wielding Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Dual Wielding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Twohanding Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Any Two Handed Weapon Knowledge traits.
Effect: +1 Physical, Disrupt: 2p Deny enemy cohesion bonus/ Leverage: Double Reach Advantage
Bonus/ Roll with Double Physical.
Twohanding Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Twohanding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3
Roll Bonus.
Shield Fighting Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Any Handheld Cover Expertise. Effect: +1
Physical, Add Blunt Resistance to Contest rolls/ 1p Shield Bash: Move enemy 1 range further/
Daze: When Shield Bash is triggered, also Deny enemy Attack.
Shield Fighting Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Shield Fighting Knowledge. Effect: +1
Physical, +3 Roll Bonus.
Mounted Combat Expertise: Broad, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus on Mount.
Armed Combat Knowledge: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Any 2 Weapon Type Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Sensual, no use penalty for all weapons/ -1p for weapon functions/ Grants a free Re-roll,
player chooses which to take.
Armed Combat Expertise: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Armed Combat Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Offensive Traits:
Damage Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Attribute, +1p for Damage Type/ Grants a
free Re-roll, Player chooses which to take/ Negates Resistance by 2 advancement levels.
Damage Expertise: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll Bonus.
Offense Knowledge: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Combat trait. Effect: +1 Attribute, 2p
Deny enemy Disengagement/ +1p for own roll result/Reckless attack: Both the character and the
target roll against a d20, and apply results.
Offense Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Offense Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll
Assailing Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Offense Expertise. Effect: +1 Sensual,
Assail: Attack Leaders/ Guarded Targets with successful Sensual contest/ Roll with Double
Sensual/ Autosucceed in Assail, unless the enemy has Master Guarding Knowledge.
Assailing Expertise: Universal, Professional, Joint: Assailing Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Flurry: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Melee Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus to
Melee attacks.
Marksmanship: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Ranged Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll
Bonus to Ranged Attacks.
Armor Traits:
Armor Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Physical, no use penalty/ -1 Armor Penalty/
Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses which to take.
Armor Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Armor Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll
Armor Type Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Armor Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, no use
penalty on other armor in category/ -1 armor penalty within Type/ Grants a free Re-roll, player
chooses which to take.
Armor Type Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Armor Type Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3
Roll Bonus.
Armored Combat Knowledge: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Any 2 Armor Type Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Physical, no use penalty for all armor/ -1 armor penalty for all armor/ Grants a free Re-roll,
player chooses which to take.
Armored Combat Expertise: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Armored Combat Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus.
Cover Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Attribute, no use penalty/ +1 Advantage
against ranged/ Grants a free Re-roll, player chooses which to take.
Cover Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Cover Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll
Cover Type Knowledge: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Cover Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, no use
penalty on other cover in category/ +1 ranged advantage within Type/ Grants a free Re-roll,
player chooses which to take.
Cover Type Expertise: Broad, Skillful, Joint: Cover Type Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3
Roll Bonus.
Covered Combat Knowledge: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Any 2 Cover Type Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Sensual, no use penalty for all cover/ +1 Ranged Advantage for all cover/ Grants a free Re-roll,
player chooses which to take.
Covered Combat Expertise: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Armored Combat Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Hit and Run: Broad, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, -3 Roll Penalty for Enemy when on Mount.
Defensive Traits:
Damage Resistance: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: +1 Attribute, -1p from Damage
Type/ Halve Damage Type Critical Points/ Immune to Damage Type.
Damage Affinity: Narrow, Professional, Natural, Joint: Master Damage Resistance. Effect: +1
Attribute, Instead of being damaged, heal 1p from Damage Type Effects/ Heal the Critical Points
value from the contest/ Heal twice the Critical Points value from the contest.
Defense Knowledge: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Combat trait. Effect: +1 Attribute, 2p
Counter Deny enemy Disengagement/ +1p for own roll result/ Full-on Defense: Roll against a d20
during defense, and subtract gains from the enemy’s.
Defense Expertise: Universal, Trivial. Joint: Defense Knowledge. Effect: +1 Attribute, +3 Roll
Guarding Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Defense Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical,
Guard: Defend an Ally for a turn with successful Physical contest/ Guard a group of allies/
Autosucceed in Guard, unless the enemy has Master Assailing Knowledge.
Guarding Expertise: Universal, Professional. Joint: Guarding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Dodging: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Melee Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus
against Melee Attacks.
Anticipation: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Ranged Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll
Bonus against Ranged Attacks.
Combat Traits:
Rage: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Physical Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Physical, +5 Physical for 1 Turn/ Scene, 5 Turn/ Scene Cooldown.
Rage Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Rage. Effect: +1 Physical, -1 Turn Cooldown.
Zoning In: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Sensual Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Sensual, +5 Sensual for 1 Turn/ Scene, 5 Turn/ Scene Cooldown.
Zoning Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Zoning In. Effect: +1 Sensual, -1 Turn Cooldown.
Quicken Mind: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Mental Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, +5 Mental for 1 Turn/ Scene, 5 Turn/ Scene Cooldown.
Quicken Mind Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Quicken Mind. Effect: +1 Mental, -1 Turn
Inspiration: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Social Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Social, +5 Social for 1 Turn/ Scene, 5 Turn/ Scene Cooldown.
Inspiration Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Inspiration. Effect: +1 Social, -1 Turn
Focus: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Attribute Knowledge. Effect:
+3 for Specified Task for 1 Turn/ Scene, 5 Turn/ Scene Cooldown.
Focus Expertise: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Focus. Effect: -1 Turn Cooldown.
Tenacity: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Physical, +1 Max Wounds.
Second Wind: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Physical, +1 Turn on Max Wounds.
Stamina: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +1 to Numerical Value in relevant Stamina System.
Unstoppable: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Physical, +1p for Enemy to Deny Enemy
Iron Grip: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, +1p for Enemy to Drop Weapon.
Pain Tolerance: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, +1p for Enemy to Stun -with things
like Agony-.
Resolve: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, +1p for Enemy to Push 1 Range further
-with things like Fear-.
Keen Eye: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Any Ranged Weapon Traits. Effect: +1 Sensual, +1p
for Enemy to cause Friendly Fire in Ranged Combat/ Only half of the Critical Points can be used
for Friendly Fire/ Enemy Cannot cause Friendly Fire.
Circumstantial Traits:
Charging Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, 1p Get 1 range Closer/ Charge cost
0p/ Charging to Ranged from Melee costs the same as inter-distance Charge.
Withdrawing Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, 1p Get 1 range Further/
Withdraw cost 0p/ Withdrawing to Ranged from Melee costs the same as inter-distance
Charging Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Charging Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll
Bonus to Melee when charging.
Ambushing: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Ambushing.
High Ground: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus to Ranged when on higher
Passing Hard Terrain: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Movement Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, 1 less
Disadvantage from hard terrain.
Coordination: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, 1 less Disadvantage from Blocked Sense.
Running Over: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, -3 Roll Penalty to Enemy Ranged when charging them.
Readiness: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, 1 less Advantage for Enemy Ambush.
Repelling: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, -3 Roll Penalty to Enemy Melee when Going Uphill.
Utilizing hard Terrain: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Movement Knowledge. Effect: +1 Physical, -3 Roll
Penalty to Enemy in Hard terrain.
Discord: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, -3 Roll Penalty for Enemy from Blocked Sense.
Physical Traits:
Profession: Dockworker: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Bouncer: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Construction Worker: Narrow ,Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for
Largeness: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for Melee, (+3 Roll
Bonus for the Enemy in Ranged)-->separate trait, but goes in tow.
Body Part Strength: Broad,Trivial. Effect: +1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for straining Specified
Body Area Strength: Broad,Professional, Joint: Any Body Part Strength. Effect: +1 Physical,
+3 Roll Bonus for straining Specified Body Area.
Body Motion Strength: Broad,Professional, Joint: Any Body Part Strength. Effect: +1
Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for doing Specified Body Motion (kicking, climbing, holding breath etc.).
Overall Strength: Universal,Professional, Joint: Any 2 Body Area/ Motion Strength. Effect:
+1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for straining Overall Body.
Sensual Traits:
Profession: Shepherd: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Roper: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Pickpocket: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Smallness: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Ranged, (+3 Roll
Bonus for the Enemy in Melee)-->separate trait, but goes in tow.
Lockpicking Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Pick Simple Locks/
Complex Locks/ Magical Locks.
Lockpicking Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Lockpicking Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Disarming Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Disarm Simple Traps/
Complex Traps/ Magical Traps.
Disarming Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Disarming Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Hiding Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, Hide in Good Cover/ Bad Cover/ Plain
Hiding Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Hiding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Searching: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus to Searching.
Sneaking: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus to Sneaking.
Sharp Sense: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus when using Specified Sensual
6th Sense: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Can Roll w/ Sensual to see if in Danger/
GM asks you to roll w/ Sensual to see if in Danger/ GM tells you are in danger, and can spend 1
Bullshit point to tell the danger.
Acrobatic Feats: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus when using Specified
Acrobatic Feat (balancing, jumping, avoiding traps).
Butchering Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, Gain obvious bodyparts/ Gain
underappreciated bodyparts/ Gain obscure bodyparts.
Butchering Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Butchering Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3
Roll Bonus.
Weapon Smithing Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Weapons up to
10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Weapon Smithing Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Weapon Smithing Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Armor Smithing Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Armor up to 10
points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Armor Smithing Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Armor Smithing Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Shield Making Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Shields up to 10
points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Shield Making Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Shield Making Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus.
Trapping Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Traps up to 10 points/ 20
points/ 30 points.
Trapping Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Trapping Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3
Roll Bonus.
Tailoring Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Clothes up to 10 points/
20 points/ 30 points.
Tailoring Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Tailoring Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3
Roll Bonus.
Cooking Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Sensual, Craft Food up to 10 points/ 20
points/ 30 points.
Cooking Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Cooking Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3
Roll Bonus.
Improvising Knowledge: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Any 2 Crafting Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, Craft Improvised Equipment up to 5 points/ 10 points/ 15 points.
Improvising Expertise: Universal, Skillful, Joint: Improvising Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Crafting Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Any 2 Crafting Knowledge. Effect: +1
Sensual, +5 Maximum Crafting Points.
Crafting Expertise: Universal, Professional, Joint: Crafting Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3
Roll Bonus.
Traversing Traits:
Movement: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Sensual, -1 Movement Level.
Riding Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, Ride Docile Mounts/ Resisting
Mounts/ Dangerous Mounts.
Riding Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Riding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus
for Traveling with Mount.
Burdening Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, Burden Docile Mounts/ Resisting
Mounts/ Dangerous Mounts.
Burdening Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Riding Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll
Bonus for Traveling with Beast of Burden.
Driving Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, Drive Simple Vehicle/ Advanced
Vehicle/ Complex Vehicle.
Driving Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Driving Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll
Bonus for Traveling with Vehicle.
Traveling: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Movement OR Relevant Mount/Vehicle Knowledge. Effect:
+1 Sensual, +3 to Traveling with Specified Movement Type.
Pathfinding: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 to Traveling on Specified Terrain.
Hunting: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 to Finding Prey.
Foraging: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 to Finding Plants.
Camping: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 to Finding Prey.
Survival: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Pathfinding. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 to Rolls in Specified
Mental Traits:
Profession: Scribe: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Bookkeeper: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Lawyer: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Inventor: Universal, Professional, Joint: Any Crafting Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
Implementing Traits into Crafts cost 1p less/ Crafts have an additional Damage Type/ Crafts have
an additional free Function (it’s point cost still counts towards quality level and such).
Martial Check: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus to Reveal Enemy
Physical/ Sensual Traits.
Check Intent: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus to Reveal Enemy
Mental/ Social Traits.
(De)Coding: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Puzzle Solving: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Ask the GM using 1 Bullshit Point
for a Small Hint/ Major Hint/ To get on with it already!
Herbalism: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Find with 1 Bullshit Point a Common
Plant/ Rare Plant/ Magical Plant.
Bestiary: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Find with 1 Bullshit Point a Common
Animal/ Rare Animal/ Magical Animal.
Anatomy: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Find on an Intelligent foe with 1 Bullshit
Point a Weak Spot/ Vulnerability/ a Way to Hurt.
Monster Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Find with 1 Bullshit Point a
Weak Spot/ Vulnerability/ Way to Defeat.
Teaching Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Mental, No Penalty for Teaching/ +1p to
Learning Points/ Rolling interval is every 5 days.
Teaching Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Teaching Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll
Learning Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus/ +1p to Learning
Points/ Rolling interval is every 5 days.
Learning Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Learning Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll
Magic Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Allows to use Magic/ -1p for
Functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, Player chooses which to take.
Magic Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Magic Branch Knowledge: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
Allows to use all Magic in Branch/ -1p for Functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, Player chooses which to
Magic Branch Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magic Branch Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Magic Category Knowledge: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magic Branch Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, Allows to use all Magic in Category/ -1p for Functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, Player chooses
which to take.
Magic Category Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magic Category Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Casting Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Any 2 Magic Type Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, Allows to use all Magic in Category/ -1p for Functions/ Grants a free Re-roll, Player
chooses which to take.
Casting Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Casting Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Magic Negation: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, -3 Roll
Penalty for Enemy Magic.
Magic Type Negation: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magic Type Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
-3 Roll Penalty for Enemy Magic Type.
Casting Negation: Broad, Professional, Joint: Casting Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, -3 Roll
Penalty for Enemy Casting.
Careful Casting: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +1p for
Enemy to cause Friendly Fire with Magic/ Only half of the Critical Points can be used for Friendly
Fire/ Enemy cannot cause Friendly Fire.
Quick Casting: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, -1 Time
Interval (Ex.: Days-->Hours).
Concentration: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, -1p for
Reloading Magic.
Mana Charging: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +1 Charge for
Magical Instruments.
Overloading: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Mana Charging. Effect: +1 Mental, Can use Magic
Charges to increase Roll Bonus by 3 for 1 charge/ 5 for 1 charge/ 7 for 1 charge.
Thaumaturgy Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Any 2 Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, Craft magical equipment up to 10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Thaumaturgy Expertise: Universal, Professional, Joint: Thaumaturgy Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Magical Engineering Knowledge: Broad, Professional, Joint: Thaumaturgy Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, Craft Magical Engines up to 10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Magical Engineering Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magical Engineering Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Alchemy Knowledge: Universal, Professional, Joint: Any 2 Magic Knowledge. Effect: +1
Mental, Craft magical consumables up to 10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Alchemy Expertise: Universal, Professional, Joint: Alchemy Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3
Roll Bonus.
Ritualism Knowledge: Broad, Professional, Joint: Alchemy Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
Craft Magical Engines up to 10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Magical Engineering Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Magical Engineering Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Engineering Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Craft Buildings up to 10
points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Engineering Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Engineering Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Siege Engineering Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Craft Siege Engines
up to 10 points/ 20 points/ 30 points.
Siege Engineering Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Siege Engineering Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus.
Medical Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Mental, Heal Temporary Damage/ Stabilize
Moderate Damage/ Stabilize Permanent Damage.
Medical Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Medical Knowledge. Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll
Operator Traits:
Tactics: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Ask the GM using 1 Bullshit Point for Small
Hints/ Major Hints/ to solve your Problem.
Strategy: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Ask the GM using 1 Bullshit Point for
Small Hints/ Major Hints/ to solve your Problem.
Siege Engine Use Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Use Basic Siege
Engines/ Advanced Siege Engines/ Magical Siege Engines.
Siege Engine Use Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Siege Engine Use Knowledge.
Effect: +1 Mental, +3 Roll Bonus on Siege Engines.
Social Traits:
Profession: Waiter: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Performer: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Profession: Peddler: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Work.
Artistic Knowledge: Broad, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Craft Art Pieces up to 10 points/
20 points/ 30 points.
Artistic Expertise: Broad, Professional, Joint: Artistic Knowledge.
Language Skill: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Barely understands a Language/
Understands a Language/ Knows the nuances of a Language.
Cultural Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Barely knows a Culture/ Knows
a Culture/ Knows the nuances of a Culture.
”Assets”: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Using Assets. (voice,
touch, tits, fur, whatever that is exceptional)
Seduction: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Beauty: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Seduction.
Allure: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Seduction AND Beauty. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus
on Mass Seduction.
Charm: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Appeal: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Charm.
Charisma: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Charm AND Appeal. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus
on Mass Charm.
Deception: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Slyness: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Deception.
Politics: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Deception AND Slyness. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus
on Mass Deception.
Persuasion: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Demeanor: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Persuasion.
Rhetoric: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Persuasion AND Conversation. Effect: +1 Social, +3
Roll Bonus on Mass Persuasion.
Intimidation: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Scariness: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Intimidation.
Menace: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Intimidation AND Scariness. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll
Bonus on Mass Intimidation.
Animal Handling Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Can tame Docile
Animals/ Resisting Animals/ Dangerous animals.
Animal handling Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Animal Handling Knowledge. Effect: +1
Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Slave Handling Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Can tame Docile Slaves/
Resisting Slaves/ Dangerous Slaves.
Slave handling Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Slave Handling Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social,
+3 Roll Bonus.
Motivation Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, Can Heal Temporary Social
Wounds/ Stabilize Moderate Social Wounds/ Stabilize Permanent Social Wounds.
Motivation Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Motivation Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3
Roll Bonus.
Therapy: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Motivation Knowledge AND Expertise. Effect: +1
Social, Can turn Permanent Social Wounds into Moderate Wounds/ Can Heal Moderate Social
Wounds/ Can Heal Permanent Social Wounds.
Haggling Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, 10% discount for 1p/ 20% discount
for 1p/ 30% discount for 1p.
Haggling Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Haggling Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll
Bribery Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, Can make Mooks look the other way/
Can make Official Figures keep their eyes shut/ Can make Important Persons ignore them.
Bribery Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Bribery Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Crowdhunting Knowledge: Narrow, Skillful. Effect: +1 Social, Can find Mooks/ Can find
Obscure Figures/ Can find Covert Figures.
Bribery Expertise: Narrow, Skillful, Joint: Bribery Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus.
Mingling Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, Mingle in a Crowd/ a Group/ Alone.
Mingling Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Mingling Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll
Mimicking Knowledge: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, Mimic a Mook/ Important Person/
Mimicking Expertise: Narrow, Trivial, Joint: Mimicking Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll
Group Traits:
Cohesion: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Teamwork.
Pack Tactics: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Numerical Superiority.
Leadership: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Allies in Group.
Control Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Social, Can Have up to 3 Followers/ 10
Followers/ 20 Followers.
Control Expertise: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Control Knowledge. Effect: +1 Social, Social
Penalty for Followers is divided by 2/3/4.
Disruption: Universal, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, -3 Roll Penalty on Enemy
Teamwork.Dispersation: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, -3 Roll Penalty on Enemy Numerical
Upstaging: Broad, Trivial. Effect: +1 Social, -3 Roll Penalty on Enemy Leadership.
Miscellaneous Traits:
Feeding Change: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Take in Nutrition in a different
Manner/ Amount/ Time Interval.
Sleeping Change: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Rest in a different Manner/
Amount/ Time Interval.
Mortality Change: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Have Dying Conditions in a
different Manner/ Amount/ Time Interval.
Morality Change: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Have Interactions in a different
Manner/ Amount/ Time Interval.
Speed Change: Universal, Professional. Effect: Roll twice/ turn, or once/ 2 turns.
Cruelty: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Gain an advantage for the fight after every kill.
Onslaught: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Attack the closest character after every kill.
Berserker: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: Upon activation of a Trigger, lose ability over
Relentlessness: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Cannot be routed/ Can’t withdraw.
Extra/ Useless Bodypart: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain/ Lose a Bodypart.
Attached: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: X equipment is attached to body.
Provider/ Syphon: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Provide/ Take more of a
Sustenance (food, water, sleep).
Sturdy/ Fleeting: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain Half/ Twice the penalty from
Hunger/ Thirst/ Fatigue.
Storage: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Store 60 rations of Food/ Water.
Needy: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Needs Increased Comfort level.
Excellent/ Useless at X: Narrow, Professional. Effect: AutoSucceed/Fail Specified Roll.
X Need: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain Disadvantage from not indulging in need
within a Week.
X Demand: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Lose an Attribute from not indulging in
need within a Day.
X Compulsion: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Will indulge in need regardless of
context or consequence.
Better/ Worse Timing: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: +/-1 Time level for Needs.
Spawner: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Spawn a character with 3 Traits using 1 Egg
and receiving 1 Moderate Attribute Wound (usually physical).
Spawning Expertise: Joint: Narrow, Professional, Joint: Spawner. Effect: +1 Spawn Trait.
Egg Layer: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Use 12 Food rations to produce 1 Egg once
a day.
List of Magic Schools (Fantasy, obviously)
Telemancy: Manipulation of Matter.
Aeromancy: Manipulation of Gases.
Cealomancy: Manipulation of Air.
Sonomancy: Manipulation of Sound.
Liqomancy: Manipulation of Liquids.
Aquamancy: Manipulation of Water, and other Liquids.
Mollimancy: Manipulation of Melts, Quicksilver, and the like.
Tactomancy: Manipulation of Solid Objects.
Geomancy: Manipulation of Rocks and Minerals.
Metamancy: Manipulation of Metals.
Berserker: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Social, Upon activation of a Trigger, lose ability over
Useless Hands: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, Cannot equip/ interact with
items with hands.
Useless at Resisting Mind Control: Narrow, Professional. Effect: -1 Mental, AutoFail Resisting
Mind Control.
-2x Sickle Arms: +5 Cutting, Close
2p Bleed - Ticking damage (Cutting)
Natural - Part of the character’s body.
Brittle - Gets damaged upon failed roll. Destroy Enemy weapon instantly
destroys it, instead of just halving it’s bonus.
Regrowing - If weapon gets damaged or destroyed, it regrows within a week if
sufficient materials are consumed.
Looks like a normal human female at first glance, with very long, brown or orange hair and
somewhat tall and athletic physique, however close up the differences are apparent: The eyes are full
black, there are sharp fangs within the mouth, two antennae protrude from the top of the head, and
most obviously the hands end in 30cm long inwards curving blades, the legs are covered in chitinous
plates from down the knee, and a small secondary abdomen above the buttocks.
Just like any other spawn of the broodmothers, the mantis brood is prone to mind control, and
usually communicate via pheromones, though they possess the ability to produce sounds with their
throat and mouth. Their personality is almost non-existent within the range of a broodmother,
however outside of their pheromone range they tend to be protective either to their species, or those
they recognize as such. They are also extremely calm during normal circumstances, but become
howling engines of destruction the moment their adrenaline gland activates.
Abdomen: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, character is considered 1 size bigger
than it’s actually is.
Needy: Narrow, Professional. Effect: -1 Physical, Needs Increased Comfort level.
Slow moving: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, +1 Land Movement Level.
-Worker Brood: Land, 1 Physical, 1 Sensual, -1 Mental, 0 Social.
Small - +1 Sensual, +3 in ranged, +3 to enemy in melee.
Prone to Mind Control --1 Mental, autofails resist mind control.
Heavy Lifter - +1 Physical, +3 to bearing loads.
The front part looks quite like human female, the whole frontal area being of soft skin and hair at
the expected areas, the antennae just slightly visible following the contours of the hair, however at
the back one can see chitinous plates running alongside the spine, which breaks into a huge abdomen
at the back, easily the same size as the creature carrying it, with translucent skin on the underside
showing the internals to anybody who dares to check. Two additional arms can be seen reaching back
to the abdomen to support it.
Unlike most spawn of the broodmothers, these are autonomous, at least on the operational
level, and thus have personalities of their own, which tends to be leaning on bossy and/ or arrogant,
as they are used to give orders to the lesser spawns, however they possess the same intellectual
capabilities of the other intelligent species.
Abdomen: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, character is considered 1 size bigger
than it’s actually is.
Slow moving: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, +1 Land Movement Level.
High Metabolism: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Take in Nutrition twice the Amount.
Silence the World: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Attribute Knowledge.
Effect: -3 for anything else during Focus’ activation.
Perverted: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain Disadvantage from not indulging in Carnal
Pleasure within a Week.
Prude: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Lose an Attribute/ scene or turn if unclothed.
Elf(Land, Ranger)
Lifesight: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Can see lifeforms within LoS -non-living things
mask it-.
Sharp Eyes: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus when using Eyes.
Marksmanship: Universal, Trivial, Joint: Any 2 Ranged Knowledge. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll
Bonus to Ranged Attacks.
Silence the World: Universal, Professional, Trigger: Activation, Joint: Any 2 Attribute Knowledge.
Effect: -3 for anything else during Focus’ activation.
Narcotic: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain Disadvantage from not indulging in Drugs
within a Week.
Non-confrontational: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Lose an Attribute/ scene or turn in combat.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Alcoholist: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Lose an Attribute from not Getting Drunk within
a Day.
Prideful of Beard: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain a Permanent Social Wound upon
getting beard damaged.
Flammable: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, Fire Wounds are always
Aggressive: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Will indulge in conflict whenever challenged.
High Metabolism: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Take in Nutrition twice the Amount.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Fifthly: Universal, Skillful, Natural. Effect: -1 Social, -3 Roll Penalty on Social Rolls.
Craven: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Will always run away if feels in Danger.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Hyperactive: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to Rest twice a day.
Fast Metabolism: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: -1 Physical, -1 to Numerical Value in relevant Stamina
-Fire Puff: +5 Fire, Close, Charges: 3/3
2p Burn - Ticking damage (Fire)
Natural - Part of the character’s body.
Large: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Ranged.
Cold Blooded: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: -1 Physical, -3 to Rolls/ Coldness.
Low Initiative: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, Cannot Ambush.
-Thick Scales: -10 Piercing, -10 Cutting
Natural - Part of the character’s body.
Molting - Every month the armor regrows, repairing damage in the process.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Cold Blooded: Narrow, Trivial. Effect: -1 Physical, -3 to Rolls/ Coldness.
Vulnerable to Ice: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, Ice Wounds are always
-Venom Squirt: +7 Toxic, Short, Charges: 3/3
2p Envenom - Ticking damage (Toxic)
Natural - Part of the character’s body.
Deep Merrow(Aquatic, Psyonic)
Mindrape: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: +1 Mental, Starting Weapon.
Basic Cognimancy Knowledge: Narrow, Professional. Effect: +1 Mental, Allows to use
Nightmare Fuel: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: +1 Mental, Terrify - 2p Deny enemy Turn.
Empathetic Invader: Narrow, Professional. Effect: Receives mental damage for the same damage
dealt to mind controlled target.
Nightmare Fuel: Universal, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Social, Can’t talk with creatures in LoS.
Waterborne: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, Cannot move on land.
-Mindrape: +5 Mental, Medium, Line of Sight
1p Confuse - General Disadvantage for target (sensual roll to remove)
2p Brainsear - Permanent Mental Damage
3p Compel - Make Target Change Sides Temporarily
Mental - Specifically attacks Mental Attribute.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Lazy: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Will try to rest regardless of context or consequence.
Kleptomaniac: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Gain Disadvantage for not Stealing within a
Gremlin(Land, FAST)
Swift Foot: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: +1 Sensual, Dash - 0p Get 1 range closer.
FAST: Universal,Professional, Natural. Effect: Character rolls twice per turn/ scene.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Ranged.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
On Crack: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to eat, drink, and rest twice a day.
Burnout: Universal, Professional, Natural. Effect: Lose Temporarily an Attribute every time after
rolling with it.
Harpy(Air, Charmer)
Pretty Feathers: Narrow, Skillful, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus on Charm.
Nice Voice: Narrow, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Social, +3 Roll Bonus for Using Voice.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: +1 Sensual, +3 Roll Bonus for Ranged.
Small: Broad, Trivial, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, +3 Roll Bonus for the Enemy in Melee.
Hollow Bones: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, Blunt Wounds are always
No Discretion: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Sensual, Can’t do Stealth.
Corrupt: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: -1 Physical, Radiant Wounds are always
Mana Hungry: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to consume 1 VAL S. Necromantic
Mana alongside of normal Sustenance.
Withering: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Host slowly dies within a week.
-Possess: +10 NaN, Close, Charges: 3/3
7p Possess - Take Control of Subject (Doesn’t inherit Traits)
Mental - Specifically attacks Mental Attribute.
Curse of Thirst: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to drink 1 BUKI of blood a day, or
suffer sustenance penalty.
Curse of The Hours: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to drink 1 BUKI of blood a day,
or age 1 year a day.
Curse of Frenzy: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Needs to drink 1 BUKI of blood a day, or
needs to roll Mental against losing control over the character.
-Vampire’s Kiss: +5 Piercing, Close
1p Take a Sip - Drink 1 MAG of Blood from target plus cause Temporary Physical
2p Life Leech - Cause 1 Temporary Physical Wound and gain 1 Temporary
Physical Buff.
3p Vampirism - Moderately Damage enemy stat and increase own (only heals)
Natural - Part of the character’s body.
Carnal Appetite: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Lose an Attribute from notHaving
Intercourse within a Day.
Carnal Syphon: Narrow, Professional, Natural. Effect: Bed Partner loses Nutrition upon
Needy: Narrow, Professional. Effect: -1 Physical, Needs Increased Comfort level.
-Aesthetic Shapeshifting: +5 Seduction, LoS
2p Stunning Beauty - Deny enemy Turn.
3p Allure - Make Target Change Sides Temporarily (1 turn/ scene)
Natural Ability - Character can do it freely .
List of Prices and General Economy (Fantasy)
Currency and Measurements
Currency is in copper, silver, and gold, but sorcium is used in bulk magical trading too
Exchange rate is 20 copper= 1 silver, 12 silver= 1 gold, 12 gold= 1 sorcium.
Weights are 2 gram = 1 VAL, 12 VAL= 1 LUGZ, 20 VAL= 1 GRAD, 12 GRAD= 1 VIGD, 240
VIGD= 1 PAK, 12 PAK= 1 KARG.
Lengths are 0.6525 cm = 1 RIN, 12 RIN= 1 FIG, 20 FIG= 1 BLO, 12 BLO= 1 HUS, 240 HUS= 1
Areas are 120x120 RIN = 1 SHIL, 240 SHIL= 1 PLO, 120 PLO= 1 PECS, 60 PECS= 1 HO
Volumes are 1x1x1 FIG = 1 MAG, 12 MAG= 1 BUKI, 20 BUKI= 1 KEG, 12 KEG= 1 KAP.
Shitt x0.5
Poor x0.75
Average x1
Good x1.5
Excellent x2
Masterful x3
Too Much x0.5
Great Quantities x0.75
Enough x1
Under Produced x1.5
Greatly Under Produced x2
Unique x3
Unsought x0.5
Slight x0.75
Enough x1
Big x1.5
Sought after x2
Unique/ Commission x3
1 MAG Oil 86 VAL
1 PAK Fuel 96 VAL
1 VIGD Tallow/ Wax 128 VAL
1 BLO Textile 120 VAL
1 Undisclosed Pelt 144 VAL
1 BLO Leather 180 VAL
1 MAG Paint 240 VAL
1 MAG/VIGD Alchemist Supplies 640 VAL
Mana to fill 1 VAL sorcium 800 VAL
1 VIGD Tool Metal 120 VAL
1 VIGD Magical Metal 2 880 VAL
1 VIGD Copper 240 VAL
1 VIGD Silver 4 800 VAL
1 VIGD Gold 57 600 VAL
1 VIGD Sorcium 691 200 VAL
1 BLO3 Building Wood 640 VAL
1 BLO3 Building Stone 2 560 VAL
1 Undisclosed Weapon (reusable) Points x Mat.cost + wages
1 Undisclosed Tool (reusable) Same/2
1 Undisclosed Supply (limited use) Same x charges/4
1 Pack of Cleaning Implements 80 VAL
1 Days Worth of Cleaning Agents 8 VAL
1 Pack of Writing Implements 160 VAL
12 Pages of Writing Surface 16 VAL
1 Waterskin, or similar Container 80 VAL
1 Bag 120 VAL
1 Chest 320 VAL
1 Barrel 400 VAL
1 Vehicle 2 400 VAL
1 BLO Twine 2 VAL
1 BLO Rope 16 VAL
1 Pack of Rollers, Pulleys and Ratchets 240 VAL
1 Pack of Straps, Belts, Sheaths, and Bandoliers 320 VAL
1 Saddle and other Trappings 400 VAL
1 Old Animal Points x 50 VAL
1 Young Animal Points x 100 VAL
1 Adult Animal Points x 200 VAL
1 Old Slave Traits x T.Rarity x 50 VAL
1 Young Slave Traits x T.Rarity x 100 VAL
1 Adult Slave Traits x T.Rarity x 200 VAL
1 Ransom Thrice the above
1 PECS Land 16 000 VAL
1 Room 8 000 VAL
1 House 16 000 VAL
1 Tower 48 000 VAL
10 HUS Wall 128 000 VAL