Renal Aspects of Metabolic Acid - Base Disorders in Neonates
Renal Aspects of Metabolic Acid - Base Disorders in Neonates
Renal Aspects of Metabolic Acid - Base Disorders in Neonates
Acid–base homeostasis is one of the most tightly regulated systems in the body. Maintaining the acid–base balance is particularly
challenging for preterm infants and growing neonates. The kidney, which represents the crucial ultimate line of defense against
disturbances of acid–base balance, undergoes a complex maturation process during the transition from a fetal to an extra-uterine
environment. This review article summarizes the physiology of acid–base regulation by the immature human kidney and
discusses disorders of acid–base balance, such as metabolic acidosis, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and respiratory
alkalosis. In conditions of metabolic acidosis, the serum anion gap and the urinary anion gap can be useful tools to define the
nature of the acidosis. Metabolic acidosis can reflect a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, or be the consequence of selective
disorders of proximal or distal tubular function. Most tubulopathies associated with metabolic acidosis observed in neonates are
primary, hereditary, isolated tubulopathies. Proximal renal tubular acidosis is characterized by bicarbonate wasting, while the
distal types of renal tubular acidosis are secondary to distal acidification defects. All tubulopathies are associated with hypoka-
lemia, with the exception of type 4 hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis. The transporter defects in the various acid–base
tubulopathies are now well defined. Treatment of the acidosis varies according to the site and mechanism of the defect. Chronic
renal tubular acidosis or alkalosis severely impair growth and calcium metabolism. Early rational therapeutic intervention can
prevent some of the consequences of the disorders and improves the prognosis.
Keywords Acidemia . Alkalemia . Anion gap . Physiological approach . Tubular function . Immaturity . Bicarbonate . Growth
Acid–base regulation in the newborn infant furosemide increases urinary excretion of titratable acids
by direct stimulation of the collecting tubule; and (c) K+-
A tight control of pH is relatively efficient since birth. sparing diuretics decrease the excretion of H+ into distal
The compensatory mechanisms undergo, however, a mat- tubular fluid [10]. Finally, a recent study on very low
uration process during the transition from the fetal to the birth weight (VLBW) infants receiving early parenteral
extra-uterine environment. This maturation may be limit- nutrition according to new recent guidelines demonstrated
ed in newborns by low gestational age, diseases, drugs, that these babies were exposed to substantial acid–base
and therapeutic interventions. In the preterm infant, in disequilibrium during the first week of life, with a risk
particular, multiple factors may limit the ability to main- of developing significant metabolic acidosis secondary
tain acid–base homeostasis, such as decreased sensitivity to amino acid and lipid intake [11].
to PCO2, severe lung disease, immature glomerular filtra-
tion, and tubular function. The renal acidification capacity
can be decreased by several factors during postnatal life,
Metabolic acidosis
as summarized in Table 1 [4].
The renal bicarbonate threshold is low in newborn in-
Definition: BE ≤ 5 mmol/L, PCO2 = 35–45 mmHg, and pH <
fants, thus maintaining the plasma bicarbonate concentra-
tion within the range of 20–22 mmol/L in the term infant
and in the range of 18–20 mmol/L in preterm infants.
Bicarbonate plasma concentrations as low as 14 mmol/L The serum anion gap
can be observed in extremely preterm infants [5]. Adult
values are achieved during the first year of life. This Calculation of the serum anion gap should be used to precisely
Bphysiological acidosis^ observed in neonates is neither characterize metabolic acidosis:
due to impaired function of carbonic anhydrase enzymes,
as their activity is comparable to that of healthy adults Serum anion gap
from the 26th week of gestation, nor to a limited renal ¼ Naþ −½Cl− þ HCO3 − ðnormal value : 10–12 mEq=LÞ
capacity to excrete hydrogen ions. The state of relative
expansion of the extracellular fluid volume, as well as In metabolic acidosis with normal serum anion gap,
the disparate maturity of nephrons in preterm neonates, hyperchloremia compensates for the loss of bicarbonate by
is responsible for their difficulty to maintain higher levels the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, fistula or external drains,
of plasma bicarbonate. short bowel syndrome) or by the kidneys (deficient urinary
In preterm infants, the urinary excretion of titratable acids acidification by the renal tubules). Hyperchloremic metabolic
and ammonium is lower than in term ones. It increases as a acidosis with normal serum anion gap can also be induced by
function of gestational age, with a rapid maturation process, infusion of large volumes of normal saline and, as recently
that occurs within three postnatal weeks, whatever the gesta- described in VLBW infants, after inadvertently administering
tional age at birth [6]. Human studies indeed show that the excessive chloride by parenteral nutrition [12, 13].
renal mechanisms for preserving bicarbonate are normally Increased serum anion gap metabolic acidosis points to a
effective enough in preterm infants to compensate for the acid rise in the serum of an unmeasured anion, either endogenous
load delivered by milk intake [7]. (lactate, ketone bodies, organic acid) or exogenous. The
Several drugs administered in neonatal intensive care most frequent case during the neonatal period is that of
units can also affect acid–base balance: (a) both dopamine lactic acidosis due to perinatal hypoxia–ischemia, hemody-
[8] and carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide) [9] namic disturbances during adaptation, septic shock, severe
lower the renal bicarbonate threshold by decreasing the respiratory distress syndrome, hypovolemia, or severe ane-
apical sodium ion (Na + –H + ) exchanger activity; (b) mia. Metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap is usually
present in acute and chronic renal failure, due to accumula- The presence of a positive value of urine anion gap indicates a
tion of fixed acids in the blood. defect in the production and urinary excretion of NH4+ by the
As noted above, preterm infants frequently develop a tran- kidney. Such is, for instance, the case in distal renal tubular
sient normal anion gap metabolic acidosis in early postnatal acidosis (Fig. 1).
life, due to a combination of increased urinary bicarbonate
loss and reduced ability to excrete ammonium [9]. A tubular
immaturity has been considered as responsible for the Blate Respiratory acidosis
metabolic acidosis of prematurity^ in preterm infants receiv-
ing an excessive acid load from high protein formula. Definition: PCO2 > 45 mmHg and pH < 7.35. BE depends on
Finally, severe lactic acidosis has been described in new- the effectiveness of renal compensation.
born infants due to acute thiamine deficiency following Primary respiratory acidosis is a common problem in new-
prolonged total parenteral nutrition [14]. born infants and failure to achieve adequate gas exchange oc-
Prolonged positive anion gap metabolic acidosis in neo- curs in several neonatal morbidities: respiratory distress syn-
nates suggests the diagnosis of an inborn error of metabolism. drome, meconium aspiration syndrome, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, pneumonia, leaky lung syndromes, pulmonary hem-
The urinary anion gap orrhage, atelectasis, congenital diaphragmatic hernia,
tracheomalacia, and apnea of prematurity.
In normal plasma anion gap metabolic acidosis, the assess-
ment of the urinary excretion of ammonium can be used as
an index of the distal acidification and thus points to the renal Metabolic alkalosis
origin of the acidosis. The measurement of ammonium in the
urine is not easily available in all medical centers. Information Definition: BE > 5 mmol/l and pH > 7.45. PCO2 depends on
on urinary ammonium excretion can be obtained by measur- the effectiveness of respiratory compensation.
ing the urinary anion gap: This disorder often results from excessive renal hydrogen
Urinary anion gap ¼ ðNaþ þ Kþ −Cl− Þ: ion loss due to prolonged diuretic use (furosemide), where it is
usually associated with hypokalemia. Other causes of meta-
This concept assumes that during metabolic acidosis, the bolic alkalosis with hypokalemia and hypochloremia are
major cations in the urine are Na+, K+, and NH4+ and that the losses of gastric fluid from vomiting or diarrhea. In the ab-
major anion is Cl−. Consequently, a negative urine anion gap sence of these two etiologies, further investigation is needed.
indicates that adequate amounts of NH4+ are being excreted. Bartter syndrome should be suspected when severe metabolic
alkalosis, dehydration, preterm birth, and polyhydramnios are reabsorption of the filtered bicarbonate load in the proximal
associated (see section below). and distal tubule and (2) net acid excretion in the distal nephron.
Various tubular transporters and exchangers are involved in
the regulation of acid–base balance. Mutations of these trans-
Respiratory alkalosis porters affect the acid–base homeostasis. The defects ob-
served in various acid–base tubulopathies are described in
Definition: PCO2 < 35 mmHg and pH > 7.45. BE depends on Table 2 [4, 17–19].
the effectiveness of renal compensation. Hyperventilation is Generally, tubular transport disorders can be classified as
the mechanism responsible for the lowered arterial pCO2 in all acquired or hereditary. Children with hereditary tubulopathies
cases of respiratory alkalosis. It can be iatrogenic in mechan- can present with early onset of the disease during the first
ically ventilated infants or due to severe encephalopathy (neu- months of life or somewhat later. In this review, we will dis-
rological injuries, infectious diseases, anoxic encephalopa- cuss proximal renal tubule acidosis (pRTA), distal renal tubule
thy). The presence of respiratory alkalosis is very common acidosis (dRTA) with hypo- or hyperkalemia, combined prox-
in disorders of urea cycle due to hyperammonemia. imal and distal RTA (RTA type 3), and briefly mention the
Bartter syndrome.
Table 2 Inherited renal tubular acidosis (RTA). Defective genes, involved cotransporters and exchangers, cell type involvement, and localization
Disorder Mode of inheritance Gene Defective protein Cell type involvement, localization
pRTA proximal renal tubular acidosis, dRTA distal renal tubular acidosis, p/dRTA mixed proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis, AR autosomal
recessive, AD autosomal dominant, PT proximal tubule, AE1 anion exchanger 1, ENaC epithelial Na+ channel, CAII carbonic-anhydrase II
*Membrane transport proteins which require FOXI1 interactions for proper expression are defective
administration in order to reach and sustain constant normal or acidosis. Urinary pH remains always higher than 6.2, even
near-normal levels of plasma bicarbonate. This is in contrast in the presence of severe metabolic acidosis (Table 3).
with dRTA (see below) where the retained hydrogen ions can Severe hypokalemia is present, due to urinary potassium
be buffered adequately by alkali supplementation. loss, and the clinical manifestations are polyuria, dehydration,
and nephrocalcinosis. The mutation is transmitted as a domi-
nant or recessive trait, with or without early-onset sensorineu-
Distal RTA ral deafness.
Distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) (RTA type 1) is the In hyperkalemic distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) (RTA
Bclassical^ form of RTA, the first form that was described. type 4), the hyperkalemia due to aldosterone deficiency
The implicated defect is failure of hydrogen ion secretion by (hypoaldosteronism) or resistance (pseudohypoaldosteronism
the intercalated cells of the cortical collecting duct (Table 2) secondary to defective activity of the epithelial Na+ channel,
that leads to a normal serum anion gap hyperchloremic ENaC) results in a reduced ammoniagenesis, thus a diminished
Table 3 Clinical and laboratory findings of various types of renal tubular acidosis (RTA)
Primary defect Impaired capacity of PT Failure of H+ ion Impaired urinary ammoniagenesis Impaired capacity of PT to reabsorb HCO3−
to reabsorb HCO3− secretion in the and net acid excretion in the CD and impaired urinary acidification (CD)
Associated Fanconi syndrome Deafness Failure to thrive Failure to thrive
clinical Osteopetrosis
features Cerebral calcifications
Bone Frequent Rare Absent Frequent
Serum anion Normal Normal Normal Normal
gap Hyperchloremic Hyperchloremic Hyperchloremic acidosis Hyperchloremic acidosis
acidosis acidosis
Urinary anion Negative Positive Positive Positive
Serum K+ Low Low High Normal or low
Urinary pH < 6.2 (during acidemia) > 6.2 > 6.2 > 6.2
pRTA proximal renal tubular acidosis, dRTA distal renal tubular acidosis, p/dRTA mixed proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis, PT proximal tubule,
CD collecting duct
Pediatr Nephrol
net acid excretion. ENaC plays a crucial role in controlling reduces calcium excretion. The treatment of dRTA type 4
Na+ and fluid reabsorption in several organs, and among those depends on underlying diseases and generally requires alkali
the principal cells of the collecting duct (Table 2). dRTA type 4 supplementation as well.
thus induces a metabolic, hyperchloremic normal serum anion
gap acidosis, with associated severe hyperkalemia (as op- Bartter syndrome
posed to hypokalemia in RTA type 1 and 2), hyponatremia,
salt wasting, and hypotension. This syndrome is composed of several inherited salt-losing
tubulopathies, due to numerous gene defects affecting electro-
– Congenital pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 lyte transport in the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop or
distal convoluted tubule. Sodium wasting is always present,
In congenital pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (autosomal with metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis, hyperreninemic
dominant, recessive trait, or spontaneous mutation) the above hyperaldosteronism, hyperplasia of the juxtaglomerular appa-
symptoms and biological disturbances may appear early in the ratus, and normal blood pressure. Among the different sub-
newborn infant. They are systematically associated with ele- types of Bartter syndrome that will not be further discussed in
vated plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration and this review, the antenatal form (also called hyperprostaglandin
excretion. In the autosomal dominant form as in spontaneous E syndrome) is particularly severe. In this condition
mutation, the lack of response to mineralocorticoid affects polyhydramnios is the first symptom, present in 90% of cases,
only the kidneys, while the recessive form leads to severe leading to preterm birth. Significant sodium and water losses
Na+ transport defects in several aldosterone target tissues (kid- and metabolic hypokalemic alkalosis are present in associa-
neys, lungs, colon, salivary, and sweat glands). tion with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis.
Treatment of all forms of Bartter syndrome relies on the
– Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism systematic correction of sodium and water losses and hypo-
kalemia. Infants with antenatal Bartter syndrome often require
Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism may also occur due to rapid and very large fluid and sodium supplementations.
urinary tract infection in infants with or without urinary tract Amiloride and spironolactone can be added for the treatment
malformations, and after renal vein thrombosis; it usually re- of hypokalemia as they will also improve the metabolic alka-
solves after recovery from the underlying disease [23]. losis [25]. Potassium-sparing diuretics should however be ad-
ministered with caution because they carry the risk of induc-
Combined proximal and distal RTA ing hypovolemia. Finally, in these infants, the early introduc-
tion of indomethacin or COX2 inhibitor treatment to achieve
This pattern has been described in very rare cases of congen- adequate weight gain during the early postnatal period can be
ital deficit of carbonic anhydrase. It associates impaired renal considered [26].
bicarbonate reabsorption with the inability to acidify the urine
(decreased NH4+ excretion). Urinary pH remains always
higher than 6.2 and serum potassium is low, as in RTA type Long-term consequences of metabolic
1 (Table 3). acid–base disorders of renal origin
This variant of RTA has an autosomal recessive transmis-
sion and the mutated gene (CAII) is expressed in the kidney, Chronic acidosis
bone, and brain (Table 2). The acidosis of mixed type is thus
associated with additional clinical signs: osteopetrosis, cere- Chronic acidosis of renal origin can have substantial adverse
bral calcifications, and mental retardation. Other clinical fea- effects, including altered protein synthesis, increased muscle
tures include bone fractures (due to increased bone fragility) wasting, development or exacerbation of bone disease, and
and growth failure. Excessive facial bone growth leads to chronic hypokalemia. The associated clinical complications
facial dysmorphism, conductive hearing loss and blindness (anorexia, vomiting, growth retardation) may be absent during
due to nerve compression [24]. neonatal life and during the early stage of the disease, but they
should be anticipated as soon as the diagnosis is made. The
Treatment or RTA nutritional issue is a major challenge in infants suffering from
chronic metabolic acidosis. Actually, current nutritional guide-
For dRTA type 1, treatment by alkali is advised and the lines in children with chronic kidney disease, including pRTA
amount of bases is modulated according to a patient’s weight or dRTA, recommend measurement and monitoring of the se-
and needs. Bases are given in the form of sodium and potas- rum bicarbonate level and advocate measures to keep the bi-
sium salts. The correction of the hypercalciuria is also man- carbonate level above 22 mmol/l for the neonate and young
datory and potassium citrate is the preferred treatment as it infant below 2 years of age, in order to improve bone histology
Pediatr Nephrol
and linear growth [16]. Further investigations are clearly war- c Low glomerular filtration rate
ranted with regard to the long-term effects of alkali therapy and d Low excretion of ammonium salts
the optimal type of alkali supplement in the different diseases. e All of the above
Chronic alkalosis 2. Metabolic acidosis with high serum anion gap can be
observed in:
Clinical effects of long-term chronic alkalosis are not very
well known. a Severe dehydration
In animal models, chronic hypochloremic metabolic alka- b Drug-induced hypokalemia
losis has been proven responsible for failure to thrive and c Established chronic renal failure
severe catabolism, by retarding cell growth and RNA synthe- d dRTA (type 4)
sis [27]. In preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, e Excessive chloride intake following resuscitation or
chronic hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis due to prolonged parenteral nutrition
administration of furosemide is an important contributing fac-
tor of the poor outcome, as it affects head and body growth 3. Which of the following statements about pRTA is false?
[28]. Finally, as described by Rodriguez-Soriano et al. [29],
chronic metabolic alkalosis induced by low-chloride milk for- a The serum anion gap is normal
mula in newborn infants was associated with a significant b Severe hypokalemia is present
elevation in the serum concentrations of calcium and phos- c Urinary pH remains always higher than 6.2
phate and in the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium, d Can be associated with a number of various diseases
with a major risk of nephrocalcinosis. e It is caused by an impairment of HCO3− reabsorption
with intact distal acidification
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