Brown2006. AGA
Brown2006. AGA
Brown2006. AGA
infant can easily be overventilated, n arterial or capillary blood gas is a clinical assessment tool for
underventilated, or metabolically determining an infant’s pulmonary and metabolic status. The pulmo-
unstable, which can affect their long- nary component of the blood gas yields information on ventilation and
term outcome. Therefore, nurses need to
oxygenation. The metabolic component reflects potential for changes in
enzyme function and nerve and muscle activity. Blood gases are the basis for
have a basic understanding of acid-
diagnosis and management of infants with cardiorespiratory disease, metabolic
base physiology and accurate
disorders, and overall management in premature infants. By integrating acid-
interpretation skills to be a competent base physiology, blood gas interpretation skills, and clinical history, the
and skilled neonatal intensive care unit neonatal intensive care unit staff can accurately assess an infant’s current
nurse. This article presents a brief condition and help take the appropriate steps to correct the imbalance and,
review of blood gas interpretation. therefore, improve outcomes.
n 2006 Elsevier Inc. Acid-base balance refers to the complex mechanisms through which the body
All rights reserved. strives to achieve and maintain a homogenous internal environment. This
environment is reflected in a serum pH of 7.35 to 7.45. An acid is a substance
Keywords: Blood gasses, Infant,
that can donate hydrogen ions (H+) to alkaline solutions to neutralize the effect
Metabolic status of bases. A base is an alkaline substance that can combine with acids to accept
hydrogen ions neutralizing the effect of the base.1 The body has many ways to
achieve this environment, mainly through the use of buffer systems. The goal of
the buffer systems is to regulate the H+ concentration in the body and, therefore,
regulate the pH. This concentration must be kept as steady as possible because
only slight changes in H+ from the normal value can cause significant alterations
in all physiological processes. Delivery of oxygen to the cell, the cellular use of
oxygen, and the hormonal regulation of metabolism are all affected by the pH of
the body. There are three main body systems that help to regulate pH: the
chemical buffer systems, the respiratory center, and renal control.
Buffer Systems
bind with the excess hydrogen, and the blood becomes carbonic acid. The kidneys are the slowest physiologic
acidic. By use of the carbonic anhydrase equation below, regulators. They take hours to commence their work and
one can see how this process moves in both directions. may take up to several days to take effect, but they do have
H2 O þ CO2 H2 CO3 Hþ þ HCO
the most sustained response.
X X 3
water carbon carbonic hydrogen bicarbonate The kidneys provide the most important route for the
dioxide acid ion excretion and buffering of metabolic acids and are also
The protein buffer system is the most powerful and responsible for maintaining the plasma levels of HCO3, the
plentiful buffering system using proteins of cells and most important buffer of H+. The kidneys control pH balance
plasma. The cell membrane is composed almost entirely of by excreting either acidic urine or basic urine. The overall
proteins and lipids.2 As the extracellular pH changes, the mechanism by which the kidneys control the excretion of H+
body adapts by diffusing hydrogen and bicarbonate in and and the retention of bicarbonate occurs by four main
out of the cell membranes by way of these proteins. This is mechanisms: excretion of H+, reabsorption of bicarbonate,
a slow process, up to several hours and intracellular production of bicarbonate, and formation of ammonia.2
electrolytes such as sodium and potassium may be
displaced as the hydrogen or bicarbonate enter the cell.
Clinically, this may account for a degree of hypernatremia
Permissive Hypercapnia
or hyperkalemia.
Hemoglobin is part of the protein buffering system.
When the body is acidotic, hemoglobin will act as a buffer.
A lthough a normal level of Pco2 is 35–45 millimeters
of mercury, in many situations, levels outside this are
considered bacceptable.Q Mechanical ventilation and the
Therefore, the oxygen carrying capacity may be reduced.2
resulting baro-/volutrauma on the lungs can highly
In addition, one of the implications of this buffering
contribute to the development of bronchopulmonary
system is the displacement of intracellular electrolytes
dysplasia. The major determinant of lung injury is tidal
such as sodium and potassium when H+ enters the cell.
volume or the volume of air instilled into the lungs by a
The main components in the phosphate buffer system
ventilator. This parameter is also the primary one that
are monohydrogen phosphate (HPO4) and dihydrogen
affects Pco2 levels. The higher the tidal volume is, the
phosphate (H2PO4). When a strong acid is added to these
more the lungs are stretched and the more baro-/
two phosphates, only a weak acid is formed, and when a
volutrauma occurs. Permissive hypercapnia is a strategy
strong base is added also, only a weak base is formed.
that attempts to minimize this by allowing relatively high
Phosphate acts predominantly as an intracellular and
levels of Pco2, provided the pH does not fall below a
urinary buffer. Because phosphate is eliminated in the
minimal value (typically 7.20). This is accomplished by
urine, this system is particularly important in buffering
providing a low inspiratory volume and pressure and
fluids in the kidney tubules.3
decreasing the extent of lung tissue stretch. The current
Respiratory regulation is primarily responsible for the
trend is to wean the ventilator settings to achieve a Pco2
elimination of volatile acids (carbon dioxide). The res-
of 50–60 millimeters of mercury. Even higher Pco2 levels
piratory center (lungs) controls the pH by varying the
are tolerated in nonventilated, older infants with broncho-
amount of CO2, which is excreted by exhalation.2 This is
pulmonary dysplasia (Pco2 65–70 millimeters of mercu-
referred to in the blood gas as the Pco2. The chemo-
ry). The concept that higher Pco2 levels are bsafeQ and
receptors in the brain will sense within minutes that the
bwell toleratedQ is based on limited data and needs to be
Pco2 is increasing and then will send messages to the
studied further,5 although strong trends indicate the
respiratory center to accelerate the rate and depth of
possibility of important benefits without increased adverse
breathing. This way, the lungs can respond to a change in
affects.6 The specific ideal, safe range for Pco2 levels in
H+ concentration within minutes.
the neonatal population is still under debate.
The metabolic reaction between bicarbonate (HCO3)
and H+ produces carbonic acid, which will then dissociate
into water and CO2 (as described earlier; see carbonic Oxygenation
anhydrase equation above). To prevent CO2 from accumu-
lating and carbonic acid from forming again, leading to
acidosis, the lungs will excrete the CO2. The carbonic
anhydrase equation is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic
A cid base balance also effects tissue oxygenation. The
Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve is a measure
of the affinity that hemoglobin has for oxygen. Oxygen is
anhydrase. This reaction moves to the right when Pco2 levels carried in the blood by being dissolved in the plasma and
are high and moves to the left when Pco2 levels are low.4 attached to hemoglobin in the red blood cells. The
The renal system (kidneys) controls the pH by varying concentration of oxygen in the arterial plasma is expressed
the rate of excretion of HCO3, the base that neutralizes as Pao2, whereas the concentration of oxygen on hemo-
Understanding Blood Gas Interpretation 59
of carbonic acid falls producing an excess amount of HCO3 Table 2. Classification of Blood Gases
in relation to the acid content. This condition reflects a high
pH, low Pco2, and a normal HCO3.9 The cause of Bass
Disturbance pH Pco2 HCO3 excess/deficit
respiratory alkalosis is an increase in alveolar ventilation
(may be associated with central nervous system disorders Respiratory
and birth asphyxia). The treatment consists of determining acidosis
the cause and then decreasing minute ventilation. Uncompensated b7.35 z Normal Normal
Metabolic alkalosis occurs whenever acid is excessive- Compensated Normal z z Excess N +2
ly lost or alkali is excessively retained. The acid-base ratio Respiratory
of the body is altered. This condition reflects a high pH, alkalosis
normal Pco2, and a high HCO3.9 The cause of metabolic Uncompensated N7.35 A Normal Normal
Compensated Normal A A Deficit N 2
alkalosis may be excessive administration of sodium
bicarbonate; loss of acid-containing gastric secretions
through vomiting, gastric suction, or gastric fistula; Uncompensated b7.35 Normal A Deficit N 2
diuretic therapy resulting in loss of H+ into the urine, Compensated Normal A A Deficit N 2
hyperadrenoccorticism, or potassium loss; movement of Metabolic
H+ intracellularly with potassium deficiency, which may alkalosis
also result from diuretic therapy; and rarely, H+ loss into Uncompensated N7.45 Normal z Excess N +2
the stool. Metabolic alkalosis is often associated with Compensated Normal z z Excess N +2
chronic respiratory disease. The treatment of metabolic
alkalosis consists of determining and treating the cause.
Examples may include increasing the blood volume or a base deficit below 2 reflects a metabolic acidosis. A
replacing potassium or chloride losses. Table 2 summa- bicarbonate level higher than 26 milliequivalents per liter
rizes the blood gas alterations seen in various states. and/or a base excess of more than 2 reflects a metabolic
alkalosis. Significant changes in bicarbonate levels are due
to a metabolic process. The base excess/deficit value
Interpretation of Blood Gases represents the number of milliequivalents per liter above or
below the normal value. This value calculates the quantity
W hen interpreting arterial blood gases, a system-
atic approach should be used. The following case
study will help illustrate this six-step process to interpret
of acid or alkali required to return the plasma to a normal
pH under standard conditions.
blood gases.
Step Four: Compensated, Uncompensated, or Partially
Step One: Evaluate pH Compensated
The first step is to evaluate the pH and determine the The fourth step in evaluating blood gases is to
direction of the acid-base imbalance. A normal pH falls determine the primary and compensating disorder. Many
between 7.35–7.45. A pH higher than 7.45 equals alkalosis times, two acid-base imbalances occur together. One is the
and a pH less than 7.35 equals acidosis. A normal pH does primary imbalance, and the other is the body attempting to
not necessarily indicate the absence of an acid base return the pH to normal. The pH is what determines the
disturbance. If there is more than one acid-base imbalance process in control. The body will not compensate to a pH
in process, the pH identifies the process in control. above or below 7.4. It is important to remember that three
stages of compensation can exist. First, look at the pH and
Step Two: Evaluate the Respiratory Component assess whether it is normal, high, or low. With complete
compensation, the pH is normal, although the original
The second step is to evaluate the ventilation. A Pco2
cause of the acid-base problem may be present. Both the
greater than 45 millimeters of mercury is related to
Pco2 and HCO3 are abnormal. When compensation is
ventilatory failure and respiratory acidosis. A Pco2 less
complete, to identify the primary disorder, consider a pH
than 35 millimeters of mercury is related to alveolar
between 7.35 and 7.40 indicative of primary acidosis and a
hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis.
pH between 7.41 and 7.45 indicative of primary alkalosis.
During partial compensation, the pH is trying to approach
Step Three: Evaluate the Metabolic Component
normal, but is still abnormal, and the Pco2 and HCO3 are
The third step is to evaluate the metabolic process. A both abnormal. Noncompensation reflects an abnormal pH
bicarbonate level below 22 milliequivalents per liter and/or and an alteration of only Pco2 or HCO3.
Understanding Blood Gas Interpretation 61
The fifth step is to evaluate the oxygenation. This can Source Arterial Capillary
only be accurately determined through an arterial blood pH 7.35 -7.45 7.35 - 7.45
gas sample. Assess whether the patient is hypoxemic Po2 50 - 80 mm Hg 40 - 50 mm Hg
and whether the hypoxemia is mild, moderate, or severe. Pco2 35 - 45 mm Hg 35 - 45 mm Hg
Mild hypoxemia may be considered with a Pao 2 HCO3 22 - 26 mEq/L 22 - 26 mEq/L
40 - 50 millimeters of mercury; moderate hypoxemia, HCO3 (preterm) 20 - 24 mEq/L 20 - 24 mEq/L
30- 40 millimeters of mercury; and severe hypoxemia, Bass excess/deficit 2 + 2 2 + 2
below 30 millimeters of mercury. Anion gap 8 - 12 mEq/L 8 - 12 mEq/L
Step Three
Step Four
Step Six