Ragas and Talas Used in The Songs
Ragas and Talas Used in The Songs
Ragas and Talas Used in The Songs
There are many classically trained singers now a day who can
even handle the most prominent Carnatic ragas like
Sankarabharanam, Bhairavi, Todi, and Kalyani is a welcome change
that has occurred in the field of ritual music. The basic structure of the
music in Kerala is really unique and it has even contributed few ragas
which are only seen in the ritual music of the state. More over
nowadays few institutions are coming up with the intension of offering
courses exclusively for temple music. The Kshetra Kala Peetam of
Vaikam and the Vadya Kala Peetam and Krishnattam Kalari of
Guruvayur are instances. The Vaikkam Kshethra Kala Peetam has
even prescribed a syllabus of ragas that has to be sung for Kottipadi
Seva in temples.
Usually all the temples of central and northern Kerala follow this
pattern. During morning there is a waking up ceremony called
Palliunarthal of the presiding deity of the temple. The tunes sung for
this ritual is called as Palli Chinthukal. These songs are sung in the
raga Puranir set to Chempata tala.
Desakshi is the raga used for singing Tyanis for Usha Pooja. In
Carnatic music also there is a raga called Desakshi. This Desakshi
takes the same Arohana and Avarohana of Bilahari, a popular Carnatic
raga and the Janya of Sankarabharanam. The Sancharas of the raga
Desakshi are confined mostly to the Uttarangam of Madhya Sthayi and
Purvangam of Tarasthayi. There is a Tyani starting with the lyrics
“Mathikala mudi tannil” commonly sung in almost all the temples of
Kerala. This Tyani is in praise of Lord Ganapathy. This same Tyani is
sung for other occasions also as this is an invocation of Lord
Ganapathy. The sancharas of raga Desakshi as sung in the temples of
Kerala as well as the Tyani which is in Triputa tala is given below:
“Kshirambudhi kudi kondavare jaya
Kizhmel ulakam alannavare jaya
Kanakunna characharamokkave
Thanakunna param porule jaya
Raghava rupamiyennavare jaya
Rakshasa vamshavaruppavare jaya
Rama mukunda manoharare ja maya
Rama mangalamezhum narasimha jaya”
The raga used for Pantheeradi Pooja is Nalatha which is also a very
rare one. In Carnatic music also there is no raga called Nalatha. The
tala prescribed is Roopakam.
Raga Bowli is the raga for the Tyani sung for Atthazha Pooja.
Raga Bowli is a Carnatic raga and Janya of 15th Melakartha
Mayamalavagoula. Sancharas to which the Tyani is sung and the song
is given below.The tala is Chempa.
Sa, rig a pa, pa,/ dadapagari ga pa ga ri sa/sa ri sa ga rig a pa,
Ga,ri sa- ga,ri sa/ ni da,ni da, pa,/da da ri ri sa ni sa
Sa rig a pa,pa,/da da pa ga ri ga pa da/sa sa ri sa sa ri sa
Ni da, ni da, pa,/da da ri ri sa ni sa/ga,risa/nida,nida,pa,
Padasa sarisa sarisa/nidanida,pa,/dadapa/garigapagarisa
Sa ri sa ri ga ri ga pa,-ga,risa,ga,risa-nida ni da, pa,-
Da da ri ri sa ni sa
Apart from these above said ragas, some present day singers
also render Tyanis in Carnatic ragas in which they are proficient. Some
popular Sopana musicians welcome this idea very much. Krishnan
Kutty marar of Irinjalakuda is one such person. He opined that singing
Tyanis in popular Carnatic raga could only make the atmosphere more
divine. He says that Sopana Sangitham is Lakshya based. So it is not
necessary to display one’s musical talent. Devotional singing is
important in Sopana Sangitha. Sopana sangitha is described as Bhava
Sangitha based on emotion, Samaya Sangitha based on time,Hridaya
sangitha based on mind. Usually the singers will not do any Druta
Alapana. They stick mainly to medium tempo. Even some Gamakas
are also applied while singing Tyanis. Andolika Gamakam is used
widely in Sopana Sangitham. Importance is given to Jaru Prayogas
mostly Ettrajaru- Jaru in ascending manner and also Irrakkajaru, the
one in descending manner.
In earlier days there was a practice called Natyam Paduka soon
after the Srikovil is opened after the Pooja. For instance, if the Tyani is
sung the ragas Desakshi and Nalatta then the Natyam should be sung
in the raga Srikandi. This practice is not followed now a day. General
sequence of procedure conducted during the closed Srikovil is given
Padam Ragam Talam
Trapalayapitu Dvijavanti Chempata
Anrshamsa nanu Sankarabharanam Chempa
Paripandu payadara Bhairavi Chempata
Bodhamayavyaya Bouli Chempata
Mahita shirodhritha Kamboji, ragamalika Chempata
Jagadanandana Pantuvarali Chempata
Atilobhanamayi Navarasam Chempata
Hanta suta kim Bilahari Chempata
Balasoma- Bhasamana Ahiri Panchari
Padambujena Kedaragoula Chempa
Ehi kumara muda Sankarabharanam Chempata
Nanda-nandaneha Saveri Panchari
Tvatsute namuna Todi Chempa
Mahita vamse vihita Mukhari Adantha
Padam Ragam Talam
Ahinicha kuhachana Bhairavi Chempata
Bakanamaka danuja Sankarabharanam Chempata
Ghana kamanarocise Mukhari Chempa
Avalokayato Varali Chempata
Ambarachumbaka Varali Chempata
Bhoganamni Kamboji Panchari
Virachitashamale Anandabhairavi Chempata
Chelajalamakhila Kalyani, Yadukulakamboji Panchari
Agamanam Kalyani, Yadukulakamboji Panchari
Tata he srinu Bhairavi Adantha
Avani suravali Ghantaram Chempa
Pashupaloka Madhyamavathy Panchari
Padam Ragam Talam
Madhurataramuralika Sankarabharanam Chempa
Svagathamudayathu Nilambari Chempata
Bhuvanakamanakruta Dvijavanti Chempa
Tvamashoka nishamaya Mayamalavagoula Chempata
Kvanu bhavanima Anandabhairavi Panchari
Abhirika niyata Sourashtram Chempa
Panikamalatala Navarasam Panchari
Shrutiyugasukha Kedaragoulam Chempata
Vamalocana Bhairavi, Kalyani Panchari
Tada kacid Mukhari Adantha
Visrjannatanu Kamboji Chempata
Natavallavajanapada Puranir Chempata
Padam Ragam Talam
Naradeva vritha Pantuvarali Chempata
Sucaritam Vicaritam Kedaragoulam Chempa
Nanuvide daya Anandabhairavi Panchari
Muranarakamathana Paati Chempa
Saravisaravarakrti Devagandaram, Maddhyamavati Chempata
Agadhara haladhara Sankarabharanam Chempata
Sakhiyo vilokayati Mukhari Chempa
Apagamitabhurimada Natta Chempa
Janani vibho janaka Nattakkkurunji Chempata
Padam Ragam Talam
Dharaniramaniyamani Mukhari Chempata
Sahitam sahasa Sankarabharanam Chempata
Nadeyamapi cha Sarangam Chempa
Tyaja sumukha Kamboji Chempata
Gurugrhnnijagrhan Pantuvarali Chempa
Padam Ragam Talam
Jayajaya ramaramana Nattakurinji Chempa
Svakulam murahara Saveri, Kalyani Chempata
Nanu sakhe manuja Todi Chempa
Vidhanayeha Kedaragoulam Adantha
Priya sakha mukha Bhairavi Chempata
Iha viveka virahitasya Kamboji Panchari
Samavadharitham Bilahari Panchari
Ragas used in Kalamezhuthu Paattu
Randam talam
Randam talam consists of one Laghu and Guru, thus total
Matras 3 ie.12 aksharakalas, is used in the first outer Pradakshinam,
Sreebhuta bali, Utsava Bali, Kalasam etc.
Moonnaam talam
This talam consists of Plutam, Guru and Guru, total Matras
being 7, 28 aksharakalas.. The deities prescribed are Brahma, Vishnu,
Saraswathi, Garuda, Anantha, Chandra, Indra, Soma and Eeshana. It
is played for the first inner Pradakshinam and Digbalis of north-west
corner. Moonnaam talam is similar to the Tisra Jathi Triputa of Carnatic
Nalaam talam
Nalaam talam has 8 Matras, 32 aksharakalas and its constituent
Angas are Plutam, Laghu, Guru and Guru. This is played at the end of
fifth Pradakshinam and in front of the big Balipeeta.
Anchaam talam
This consists of Plutam, Laghu, Laghu, Guru and Guru, so total
Matras 9 ie.36 aksharakalas . Among these the first Anga Laghu is
silent. The deity to which Anchaam talam is played is Lord Ganesha. It
is also used in the fourth inner Pradakshinam.
Sambhu talam
Sambhu talam of 3 Matras,12 aksharakalas, is used in the third
Purapradakshinam. It consists of the Angas Drutam, Drutam and Guru.
Mangala talam
This prominent talam consists of Guru, Laghu and Laghu
comprising 4 Matras,16 aksharakalas. It is played for Digbali at the
north-east corner. The playing will be done in Drutha Laya for this.
Madhya Laya Prayogas set in 8 Matras are performed for Bali on the
Big Bali Peeta. It is also played for Bali offered to Kshethra Palakas in
Vilamba Laya set in 16 Matras.
Sakatu talam
Sakatu talam consists of Laghu, Laghu and Guru of 4 Matras,16
aksharakalas . It is used in the outer Pradakshinam. It is also used in
the Sreebhutabali, Seeveli and Ashtabandha Kalasam.
Mutakku talam
The Angas of Mutakku talam are Guru, Laghu and Guru, Matras
will be five. So aksharakalas will be Twenty. Deities for this tala are
Vishnu, Brahma, Dikpalaas namely Agni, Nriti and Vayu and Maatris. It
is played for the inner Pradakshinam and Digbali at the south-east
corner. This tala is similar to that of Chaturasra Ata tala of Carnatic
Takatu talam
Takatu talam is 9 Matras,36 aksharakalas. Its constituent Angas
are Plutam, Laghu, Laghu, Guru and Guru. In this talam also first
Laghu is silent. Deities for this talam are Vishnu, Siva, Veerabhadra
and Digpalas Varuna and Kubera. This is used in the fourth inner
Pradakshinam and for Seeveli, Kalasam and Utsava Bali.
Kaarika talam
Kaarika talam consists of the Angas Laghu, Laghu, Laghu and
guru of 5 Matras ie 20 aksharakalas. This is played during Digbalis at
four main quarters.
Kundanaachi 1
This is a tala of 12 Matras ie 48 aksharakalas. Its scheme is
described in the Sloka as;
Sadruta laghudvayi sadruta laghutrayi
Sadruta laghudvayi sadrutam plutam
That is LLD, LLLD, LLD, PD.
But Ramapanivada in his Tala Prasthara gives a slight change in
the arrangement of these Angas. According to him the arrangement
will be D, LLD, LLLD, LLD, P. He also mentions the term Ghantaravam
Kundanachi. But actually there is no difference when both are played. It
may be assumed that the original name of the tala was Ghantarava
and Kundanachi was a later development.
This has 20 Matras,80 aksharakalas and its scheme of
arrangement is LLLLLDD, LLLDD, LGG, LL, LLL. This arrangement is
also given by Nambiar in his work. The last three Laghus are silent.
Another opinion is that this tala has 15 Matras.
Lakshmi talam3
Lakshmi talam has 20 Matras ie 80 aksharakalas. The
arrangement is LLGDD, LG, LLDD, LD, LDDD, LL,LLL, the last 3
Laghus being silent. But some manuscripts based on tala say that this
tala is identical with Kundanaachi talam. There is also another opinion
that this tala is of 28 and half Matras. Then the arrangement of Angas
will be in this manner. LLLLLV, LLLLLV, LLV, LLV, LLLLLV, GG,L,P.
Talas like Kali Matra, Pathaala Matra and Sastha matra are
those which are used only in the area of northern Malabar.
Some of the Kerala talas are same as that of the talas used in
Carnatic music but varies in Angas and expression. Kerala talas are
also constituted by Shadangas, Anudruta, Druta, Laghu, Guru, Pluta
and Kakapada. The duration of these Angas are same as that of
Carnatic music. A Matra has 4 aksharkalas. Anudruta is called Virama
and has a value of one fourth of a Matra ie 1 aksharakala; Laghu has 1
Matra;(4 ak) Guru is of 2 Matras(8 ak); Pluta has 3 Matras(12 ak) and
Kakapada consists of 4 Matras(16 ak). The value of Laghu is fixed in
the Kerala system and do not have Jaati bhedas as like Tisra,
Chaturasra, Khanda, Misra and Sankirna as in Carnatic music. In
Kerala system importance is mainly given to Gatis which is called
Kooru. Three such Koorus which is commonly used in the percussion
ensembles of Kerala are Panchari Kooru-Tisragati, Atanta kooru-misra
gati and chempa kooru- khanda gati.