CBSE Syllabus 2020-21 STD: II Subject: Hindi Books: No. of Periods Per Week: 3
CBSE Syllabus 2020-21 STD: II Subject: Hindi Books: No. of Periods Per Week: 3
CBSE Syllabus 2020-21 STD: II Subject: Hindi Books: No. of Periods Per Week: 3
1. Being aware that the pace of teaching in a virtual schooling is slower than classroom
teaching the syllabus of Term I has been reduced by about 30%.
2. This has been done to ensure that the Term I syllabus is completed comfortably without
rushing and that justice is done in teaching of each and every lesson
3. The lessons highlighted in yellow for Term I are important and must be taught on priority
4. The number of teaching periods have not been mentioned for the Term I lessons as it may
vary slightly from school to school under the given circumstances
1. vyaakrNa− vacana 2
3. paz− saoht
Axar saulaoKmaalaa¹pRº ˺ 21-23 3
phoilayaaй baaolaao¹baaolaao naama @yaaÆ
4. IA: Speaking (Recitation) 2 2