LiBr NaBr LiI NaI KBR KI Rusk
LiBr NaBr LiI NaI KBR KI Rusk
LiBr NaBr LiI NaI KBR KI Rusk
The pure rotational spectra of the alkali bromides and the alkali iodides were investigated in the 1.5 to
5.0 mm range of the microwave region. The experiment was performed by passing a beam of molecules in the
vapor state from an oven, capable of producing temperatures up to 1000'C, into an oversized section of
wave guide so that the direction of incident microwave radiation was at right angles to the flow direction
of the molecular beam. In this way linewidths less than 100 kc/sec at 100 000 Mc/sec were easily achieved.
The line frequencies were measured with a precision better than one part in 10'. The apparatus was de-
veloped as a series of modifications on an earlier experiment performed at this laboratory. Dunham's theory
for diatomic molecules was applied in interpretation of the data. In most cases, the values for B„o.„andp,
were known although less accurately, but D, and P, were found for the first time. From the latter two, ac-
curate determinations were made for the first time of cu, and co,x.. From these values, information has been
obtained about the potential functions, which suitably describe these diatomic alkali halides. In addition,
centrifugal distortion constants, isotope mass ratios, moments of inertia, and internuclear distances have
been accurately evaluated for each molecule.
B.= B.—~.(e+-')+V. (s+ l)'+ (4)
D. = D.+P.(a+ 0)+
FrG. 2. The upper ov o I
figure is a sectional dia-
gram of the oven. The
lower 6gure represents ~= vibrational quantum number, and rotational J=
the top section. Heating quantum number. These constants are further dehned
coils are inserted in the
round holes. The re- Removable P)ug or interrelated by the following equations":
movable plug allows
filling of the oven. B.= 0/ (Sx'I.), (6a)
Ig=pfg (6b)
oooooooooo )
D, = (4B,0)/pp, s, (6c)
5&e &e &e
—D 8&e~e (6d)
chose to employ the more versatile video-sweep 8, 248,'
spectrometer with an incompletely collimated molecular
beam. In this way we could obtain much new informa- Q )~5~8 g 68 e
tion in a reasonable time. Later, more precise measure- (6e)
CO@ (dg
ments can be made on selected molecules for which the
information gained would seem to merit the extra
Equation (6e) is valid only if the Morse potential" is
effort. . is useful for comparison with Dunham's
assumed, and
THEORY potential. Here, p, is the reduced mass, r, is the inter-
Ro/ational and Vibrational' Coestaets. Like Honig
nuclear distance, and I,
is the moment of inertia.
The V's in the Dunharn potential function are related
et al. , ' we have applied the theory of Dunham" to
approximately to these spectral constants by
obtain various molecular constants from the measured
rotational frequencies. For clarity, it is necessary to Vlo=&e) V pi —B„Vip=—o.,
reproduce here certain expressions from this theory. V20= e~ e7 Vo2= —D.,
Dunham assumed a potential function represented by
the power series, Ypp= JJ.) Yn= Pe. —
Usually these approximations are adequate, but in some
+B J(J+1)(1 2 +3 4 + ) (1
where $= (r r, )/r„J —
is the rotational quantum
Ypi = B.(1+B.'Ppi/~'), (8)
number, and the a's and 8,
are constants. He
employed the tA'entzel-Kramers-Brillouin method to
obtain a solution of the wave equation for the vibrating ppy —(Ylp Ys]/4Y01)+(16+1Y20/3Y01)
rotor. The energy eigenvalues which he found are —8~~ —«2+4~~', (9)
expressed by in which
—(Y11Y10/6Y01 ) 1
T„,g= Q Y;,, (v+ ')'J'(J+1)',
, -
G1 ~
negligible) and the natural width caused by the finite parisons with the best previously known data. Also
time of interaction between the molecule and the given for each molecule is a listing of all measured line
radiation field. The latter can be estimated with the frequencies and all calculated ones. The latter were
uncertainty principle as 2 vent h. For a typical molecule based on a least-square solution of each set of measure-
in these experiments this type of broadening is of the ments. Reagent-grade salts were used in every instance.
order of 5 to 10 kc/sec. I.ithinm Bromide. Lithium bromide is the lightest
Artatysis oj Data. The data were treated by the molecule of the group. Since the frequency range of all
following, least-square method. After the line fre- observations is set by necessity, the lowest levels J
quencies have been corrected for the F03 term, the observed are for the lightest molecule. As was noted
remaining set of equations is in the theoretical discussion, low values show the J
greatest nuclear quadrupole effects. Bromine 79 of
f (Isla'02I11 I21I12) (16) Li'Brrs has a quadrupole coupling constant egt7 of
where i equals the number of equations or measurements +37.20&0.45 Mc/sec in. the ground vibrational state. '
made on a molecule. If F=P,
f,s, the i equations can Although the nuclear spin of Li' is ~, the coupling with
be reduced to the five normal equations, J is so small that it has not been observed. Bromine 81
has a coupling constant of +30.71&0.40 Mc/sec.
(itF/itV;, s) =0, (17) Since both bromine isotopes have a nuclear spin of —, ',
which minimizes the sum of the errors squared. When the energy-level structures are similar, though they
solved, these five equations will give the least-square differ somewhat in the magnitude of their splittings.
solutions to the five I"
s. Since, in the process of solving The nuclear quadrupole interaction splits each level J
for some of the constants, differences of very large into (2I+1) levels, or four levels for a sPin of ss. These
numbers are taken which give very small answers, it is levels are designated with the F quantum number which
desirable to keep ten significant figures through the varies in integral steps from (J+ss) to — ss). If pure J
calculations. By use of the Crout method, '7 which takes rotational transitions are assumed, the selection rules
advantage of the characteristics of the typical desk allow for the transitions QJ=+1 and AF=O, &1. Of
calculator, these calculations can be made quickly. the four strong lines corresponding to AF=+1, only
The accuracy quoted on these mean values is based a doublet was observed, because each of the lines is a
on a calculation of the "standard error of the mean. " degenerate pair.
With ten to twenty measurements on a molecule, over As shown in Table I, three transitions were studied
90% of the measured frequencies would fall within 2n
of the least-square value, where a is the standard error TABLE I. Lithium bromide (Li'Br").
of the line frequency, which is found by use of"
Present results Previous results
n'= $dd)/(i —rtt), (18) F01'= 16 650.318~0.06 16 650.570+0.05 Mc/sec
where i is the number of equations, nz is the number of 8,'= = 16 650.179~0.10 16 651.186&0.05 Mc/sec
Bp = = 16 565.9369+0.006 Mc/sec
unknowns, and Pdd] is the sum of the squares of the Dp = = 64.705&0.12 kc/sec
deviations of the measured line frequencies from the e, = —P11= 169.09+0.08 Mc/sec
656&40s kc/sec
calculated ones. The standard error of a particular I' D, '= —Yp2 = 64.71+0.25 kc/sec
can be found from" eqQ/h= +37 20&0 45b Mc/sec
'= La„jn'/6, Derived constants Previous constants
where cr
is the standard error of Ltt I', „j
is the 4X4
= F10 —563.5&2.2
= —I'20 = 3.88W0.02'
480" '
cm '
cm '
determinant obtained when perpendicular lines are
drawn through the coefficient a „corresponding to the
I", and where 6 is the 5)&5 determinant of all the
I, =
Measured lines
2. 1704+0.0001
amu A
Calculated lines
Millimeter wave spectra have been obtained for al v=2-3i
F = 5/2
7/2- 99 388.21+0.10
99 390.39a0.20
99 388.19 Mc/sec
99 390.49 Mc/sec
the common isotopes of ten alkali metal bromides and ,Ii = 1/2 —3/2
iodides. The important points about each molecule
'F=9/2-11/2 132 510.64+0.10 132 510.65 Mc/sec
are summarized in succeeding paragraphs, and tables F = 7/2
are given for each molecule showing all measured, J=3—4'
derived, and extrapolated constants, as well as com- F = 5/2 132 511.83&0.20 132 511.73 Mc/sec
"K. S. Kunz, Xznnerica/ Analysis (McGraw. -Hill Book Com- 1=5-6 not resolved 198 735.33+0.20 198 735.34 Mc/sec
pany, Inc. , New York, 1957), pp. 226 — 229.
's J. Topping, I&'rrors of Observation and their Treatment (Institute ts Extrapolated from other constants, o Theoretical values,
of Physics, London, 1955), pp. 99 112.— b Honig eI, al. , see referent:e 5,
TABLE II. Lithium bromide (Li'Br"). by more than twice the sum of the estimated error
from the value obtained by Honig et ul. The reason for
Present results Previous results this deviation is not known.
Yp1 = 16 616.780+0.07 16 617.002&0.05 Mc/sec LAhilm IOChde. In lithium iodide the I"' nucleus gave
8,'= = 16 616.622~0. 13 16 617.617+0.05b Mc/sec rise to an observable hyperfine structure of its millimeter
Bp = = 16 532.653~0.02 Mc/sec
Dp = = 64.8&1.7 kc/sec wave rotational spectra, but again effects of the lithium
cv, = —YII = 168.58&0.08 Mc/sec nuclear interaction were not detectable. The value of
653 &40b kc/sec
eQq for I"' in LiI is
—198.15 Mc/sec. ' Because the
D, '= —Ypg = 64.8+1.7
30.71+0.40b Mc/sec nuclear spin of iodine is ~, each J
level is split into six
Previous constants
components. With the selection rules for Ii, this gives
o), =
Derived constants
cm '
a possibility for 15 lines, although at the levels J
YIp= 561~15' studied only the AF =+1 lines are of significant
cv, x, = —Y2p = 3.86&0.1' cm '
I, = 30.4232+0.0011 amu A' strength.
&e 2.17042~0.00004 A Table III' gives the observed and theoretical
Transitions spectrum for 1=6 —
7, ELF=+1. These and the
v=0 Measured lines Calculated lines J=5~6 lines were measured. As an example of the
F=11/2-13/2 165 294. 10+0.20 same Mc/sec weaker transitions not measured, the strongest DF = 0
4 5 F=9/2-11/2
line in the J=6 — + 7 spectrum should be down by a
J =5-6 198 335.75+0.20 same Mc/sec
factor of 7 from the weakest ELF=+1 line, and the
' Theoretical strongest AF= — 1 line down by a factor of 300. The
a Extrapolated from other constants. estimates.
b Honig et at. , see reference 5. spectrum for AI'=1 was completely resolved, except
for the narrow separation of 0.25 Mc/sec, which was
barely visible.
in the 79 isotope; two more were studied in the 81 As for LiBr, only Bp and Dp were measured directly.
isotope (see Table II). Contrary to expectation, the The equilibrium constants 8, and D, were evaluated
quadrupole structure of the J=5 ~
6 transition was from them (see Table III) with the aid of the data by
not resolved but appeared as a broad line of medium
strength. This may be due to the presence of water TABLE III. Lithium iodide (Li7I"').
vapor in the beam which broadened the lines sufFiciently
to prevent resolution of the structure. The J=4~5 Present results Previous results
transitions were especially hard to observe because
Y„=13 286.262a0. 07 13 286.386~0.08 Mc/sec
both the resolvable hyperfine splitting and the decrease 8,'= = 13 286. 15~0.10 13 286.785&0.08 Mc/sec
in intensity with the cube of frequency make the lines Bp = = 13 225.066+0.011 Mc/sec
weak in comparison with the = 5 — J
+ 6 transition. Both Dp = = 43.41~0.13
o., = —YII =
122.62&0.10 Mc/sec
transitions were observed with fifth harmonic power 455+ 50b kc/sec
from the harmonic generator. D = —Yp2 = 43.41 ~0.25 kc/sec
eQII/h = —198.15+030b Mc/sec
No excited vibrational states were observed for
LiBr although the Boltzmann distribution indicates Derived constants Previous constants
that the population of v=1 states in LiBr should be o), = —490&14'
Y10 450d cm I
down only 56%%uo from the ground state at the tempera- ~,x, = —Y2p — 3.1&0.1' 1.5d cm '
ture required for vaporization. Possibly the effective
I, = 38.0494~0.0013 38.04799b amu A~
~e 2.39191+0.00004 2.3919&0.0001b A
temperature in the observed molecular beam was
Transitions Measured lines Calculated lines
considerably lower than the source temperature. This v=0 (Mc/sec) (Mc/sec)
effect was noticed mainly in the lithium salts. It may
be caused by collisions of the salt molecules with cooler
J= 5—6 F =13/2-15/2 158 664.68~0.20 158 664.66
F= 15/2-17/2 158 664. 12 158 664.06
water vapor molecules which evaporated from the salt F= 11/2-13/2 158 663.12 158 663. 15
and formed a cloud in the cell. There was evidence that x=5/2-7/2 158 662.00 158 661.91
P =9/2-11/ 2 158 661.28 158 661.31
the sample used contained water of crystallization. I' =7/2-9/2 158 660.44 158 660.57
Because no excited vibrational states were measured,
only 8 p and Dp could be obtained. The value of 8, was
J = 6—7 F = 15/2-17/2
Ii = 17//2-19/2
185 092.51&0.20 185 092.42
185 091.98 185 091.95
extrapolated from the values of Y~~ and Y2~, as measured P= 13/2-15/2 185 091.31 185 091.38
by Honig et al. , ' although there is some doubt about I' = 11/2-13/2, 7/2-9/2 185 090.17 185 090.21
their accuracy. The value of Dp was assumed to be F=9/2-11/2 185 089.47 185 089.50
approximately equal to that of D, . This assumption is
based on the fact that, in all the other molecules a Extrapolated from other constants. ' Theoretical estimates.
b Honig et al. , see reference 5. d Levi, see reference 19.
studied, the value of P, was never more than 1/500 as
large as that of D, . This assumption was also used in "H. Levi, dissertation, Berlin, 1934 (unpublished, quoted in
the derivation of ~, and co,x, . Our value of 8, deviates reference 5, p. 634).
An evaluation of five s was made (see Tables IV
and V). All of them, even the vibration —rotation
~ ~
~ ~
TAHI, E V. Sodium bromide (Na 33r ). molecule studied which has a significant amount of
quadrupole coupling at the J
values observed. It has
Present results Previous results the largest quadrupole coupling of any of the alkali
Fol =4509 1958~0 0055 4509.34+0.10' Mc/sec halides, with an I"'
eQq of —
259.87 Mc/sec. ' The
8, = = 4509.2009&0.012
Ae= F ll — 27.9688+0.0066
4509.35&0.10' Mc/sec
28.06+0.10' Mc/sec
J= 13 — + 14 transition, which is the lowest frequency
TABLE VIII. Potassium bromide (K3 Br '). Derived constants Previous constants
F gp —186.53&0.04 200'' ~ cm ~
—F2p = 0.574+0.006 0.5 cm ~
Present results Previous results 277.006%0.010 277.00945' amu A'
Fpi= 2415.075 &0.001' Mc/sec 3.04781&0.00005 3.0478+0.0001' A
= 2415.073&0.002 2415.089+0.007' Mc/sec Measured lines Calculated lines
11.987 +0.001' Mc/sec Transitions (Mc/sec) (Mc/sec)
Pe F2g= 22+1' kc/sec
D =—F'p2 = 1.31.593~0.00012 kc/sec J =26-27 98 271.00&0.10 98 271.06
p =—F = —0.00006~0.00021
g2 kc/sec J== 29-30
28-29 105 540.31 105 540.30
JI, = F03 = —170b 10 ' cps J =39-40 109 174.23 109 174.12
J 145 478.34 145 478.38
Derived constants Previous constants J =49-50 181 707.95 181 707.96
= 218.271~0.010
F']p cm
—F20 — 0.752~0.005 cm ' J ==28-29
26-27 97 838.77&0.10 97 838.84
209.323&0.007 amu A' J= 29-30 105 076.04 105 076.06
2.82075+0.00005 A J=39-40 108 693.88 108 693.87
J =49-50 144 838.07 144 838.02
Measured lines Calculated lines J 180 907.50 180 907.50
Transitions (Mc/sec) (Mc/sec)
J== 20-21 J == 26-27 97 407.94&0.10 97 407.87
J= 31-32
101 132.87&0.10 101 132.84 J=29-30
28-29 104 613.14 104 613.16
J= 39-40
105 943.73 105 943.68 J=49-50 108 214.97 108 215.01
154 009.07
192 389.96
154 009.08
192 389.97
J 180 109.35 180 109.63
areSe = —
FIo= 138 511~0 035 147 ' cm '
cm '
= 149.503&0.007
Yyo 171 cm '
Y2p = 0.335 +0.006 0
230 COeSe— — = 0.3602 +0.0008
Y2p 0.30 cm '
I, = 513.590~0.018 513.5883~ amu A' I, = 467.506m 0.016 467.5039. amu A'
3.17684+0.00005 3.1769+0.0001' A 're= 3.07221+0.00005 3.0720a0.0001' A
Measured lines Calculated lines Measured lines Calculated lines
Transitions (Mc/sec) (Mc/sec) Transitions (Mc/sec) (Mc/sec)
J=79-80 156 773.00+0.10 156 773,07 J==71-72
53-54 116 424. 56~0.10 116 424. 57
J =98-99 193 708.04 193 708.05 J= 155 068.30 155 068.31
J =99-100 195 647.00 195 647.05 J 72-73 157 211.47 157 211.38
J =79-80 156 248.91&0.10 156 248.83
J=90-91 195 705.22 195 705.28
J =98-99 193 059.15 193 059.08 J == 53-54 116 023.35+0.10 116 023.45
J=99-100 194 991.56 194 991.52 J=91-92
72-73 156 669.12 156 669.11
= 79-80 155 725.77+0.10 1.55 725.71
J 197 155.57 197 155.53
194 337.34 194 337.38 J == 72-73 156 127.90+0.10 156 127.80
J = 79-80 155 203.66&0.10 155 203.73
J 83-84 179 507.76 179 507.80
= 73-74 157 707.97+0.10 157.707.80
Honig et al. , see reference 5. c Barrow and Caunt, see reference 25. J 178 885.78 178 885.81
Theoretical estimate.
J=72-73 155 048.02 155 048.00
The values obtained for I'o~ and for 8, in the present
& Honig et al. , see reference 5. e Barrow and Caunt, see reference 25.
study are outside the limit of the estimated error of b Theoretical estimate.
the data from Honig et al. ' This might be expected,
since an error in F02 of that data would also cause an
error in the value of Vo~. These spectra were erst
observed at a temperature of about 630'C. A summary
TABLE XVI. Cesium bromide (Cs'~Br+).
RbI Present method 0.9770162 93 LiBr 1.02 1.42 —2.45 —2.71 —1.71
Rbcl MBER' 0.9770163 45 LiI 1.14 1.35 —2.56 —2.70 —1.75
RbF MBERa 0.9770148 52 NaBr 1.64 1.48 —3.16 —3.05 —3.09
RbI Microwave absorption 0.9770177 45 NaI 1.74 1.42 —3.23 —3.02 —3.32
RbBr Microwave absorption 0.9770146 55 KBl 1.63 1.48 —3.35 —3.24 —3.35
RbBr Mass spectroscopy' 0.9770191 22 KI 1.64 1.43 —3.41 —3.25 —3.50
RbBr 1.73 1.53 —3.49 3 33 —3.53
—3.49 —3.34 —3.55
(M/Ms-1-1) (g&'-&/&s&")
) calculate these constants from the more directly
(M/M, +1)—go&/&s&'& l derived ones with the Dunham expressions,
for the constants ap and ay of the most significant terms KI 8.027 7.40
Rb85Br79 5.576 5.09
in the Dunham potential should be more reliable than Rb"I 3.2816 3.07
those obtained earlier with less complete data. We CsBr" 3.7205 3.38
CsI 2.0464 1.92
"E. S. Rittner, J. Chem. Phys. 19, 1030 (1951).
pletely ionic model is not valid for the lithium halides, is applicable. Table XXI compares the — I' ll and n,
i.e., their bonds have significant covalent character. values. The comparisons indicate that this compact
As earlier indicated, the Dunham — Yil reduces to the expression for the potential holds to a good approxi-
o, , value when the Morse" potential,
mation for all the molecules but that it does not provide
V(r) = VD/1 —e (" ")]' (28) an exact description for any of them.
of the eigenvalues of the nonrelativistic Schrodinger equation for lV electrons about a nucleus of charge Z,
has been widely used in the past for the extrapolation and interpolation of atomic energies. The presence of
many small effects not explicitly taken into account by the perturbation expansion analysis reduce such
calculations to a process of empirical curve fitting of limited range and reliability. These small effects include
re]ativistic effects, the mass polarization, and the Lamb terms; to a good approximation, these effect can
also be expanded in a descending power series, but with a leading term containing Z . On the basis of three
plausible assumptions, theoretical approximations make it possible, in a semiempirical fashion, to remove a
major portion of these small effects from the experimental data. In this way accurate values for e2(~& and
good estimates for e3(~) have been obtained for 3 ~&E ~& 10. These coefficients have been used to disclose
inaccuracies and to fill gaps in the existing atomic energy data and to estimate electron affinities.
experimental data, and to obtain estimates of the
electron afFinities. The higher-order perturbation energy where e;&~& is the ith-order electronic energy perturba-
* This research was supported in part by the Robert A. Welch 4 Unless otherwise
indicated, the data throughout are in atomic
Foundation of Houston, Texas. units of energy, 2hcE~=pe'A ', where E~ is the Rydberg wave
t Present address: National Bureau of Standards, Washington number of the atom or ion in question and p is the appropriate
25, D. C. reduced electronic mass.
' C. L. Pekeris, Phys. Rev. 112, 1649 (1958); 115, 1216 (1959). ' See for example, H. A. Bethe and E. E. Salpeter, Handbuch
' A. W. Weiss, Phys. Rev. 122, 1826 (1961). der Physik, edited by S. Flugge (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1957),
' B. Edlen, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 98 (1960). Vol. 35, Part 1, p. 214 and p. 237 ff.