Slag Sand
Slag Sand
Slag Sand
Guided by
Asst. professor
USN: 4MC12CV020
This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “REPLACEMENT OF SAND BY IRON
SLAG” carried out by Mr. MANJUNATHA C.P bearing the USN: 4MC12CV020, a
bonafied student of MALNAD COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING in partial fulfillment for
the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Department of Civil Engineering during the year
This is to Certify that I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in preparing the
seminar report and wherever I have used materials(data, theoretical analysis, figures and text)
from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the seminar
report and giving their details in the references.
(USN: 4MC12CV020)
1. Slag defined
2. Formation of slag
3. Summary of manufacturing processes and applications for
iron and steel slag
Chemical composition of Iron slag & steel slag
Utilization of metallurgical slags in construction industry
Status on use of slag in different countries
Research and development
Objective of the research work
Uses of various slags
Materials &design
Result & conclusion
Application of iron slag
Large scale construction projects require huge amount of money which contributes to
about 70 percent cost in developing countries like India. The present need is to replace the
scarce and costly conventional building materials by innovative, cost effective and
environment friendly alternate building materials. For many years by-products such as fly
ash, silica fume and slag were considered as waste materials which have been used in the
construction for partially or fully replacing fine and coarse aggregates.
Following a normal growth in population, the type and amount of waste materials have
increased rapidly. Many of the non-decaying waste materials will remain in the
environment for thousands of years. The non-decaying waste material causes a waste
disposal predicament, there by contributing to the environmental problems.
The Concrete Industry is very large consumer of natural resources like sand, gravel,
crushed rock, etc as building material. Environmental restrictions of sand extraction
From river beds have resulted in search for alternative sources of fine aggregate,
particularly near the larger metropolitan areas.
The history of the use of iron slag dates back a long way. European Slag Association has
reported about the earliest reports on the use of slag, where in it is mentioned that Aristotle
used slag as a medicament as early as 350 B.C. All through history use of slag has ranged
from the novel to the usual including: cast cannon balls in Germany , wharf buildings in
England , slag cement in Germany , slag wool in Wales armored concrete in Germany slag
bricks made from granulated slag and lime in Japan according to Iron and Steel In the past,
the application of steel slag was not noticeable because enormous volumes of blast furnace
slag were available. Through awareness of environmental considerations and more recently
the concept of sustainable development, extensive research and development has transformed
slag into modern industrial product which is effective and beneficial.
The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) defines blast furnace slag as
“the non-metallic product consisting essentially of calcium silicates and other bases that is
developed in a molten condition at the same time with iron in a blast furnace.” Slag was
considered to be essential in the production of iron, but once it served its purpose in refining
the metal, it was strictly a nuisance with little or no use. The usefulness of slags was realized
with the first ore smelting process. The use of slags became a common practice in
Europe at the turn of the 19th century, where the incentive to make all possible use of
industrial by-products was strong and storage space for by-products was lacking. Shortly
after, many markets for slags opened in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere in the
1.Slag defined:
Slag is a by-product generated during manufacturing of pig iron . It is produced by action
of various fluxes upon gangue materials within the iron ore during the process of pig iron
making in blast furnace and steel manufacturing in steel melting shop. Primarily, the slag
consists of calcium, magnesium, manganese and aluminium silicates in various
combinations. The cooling process of slag is responsible mainly for generating different types
of slags required for various end-use consumers. Although, the chemical composition of
slag may remain unchanged, physical properties vary widely with the changing process of
The blast furnace is charged with iron ore, fluxing agents (usually limestone and dolomite)
and coke as fuel and the reducing agent in the production of iron. The iron ore is a mixture of
iron oxides, silica, and alumina. From this and the added fluxing agents, alkaline earth
carbonates, molten slag, and iron are formed. Oxygen in the preheated air blown into the
furnace combines with the carbon of the coke to produce the needed heat and carbon
monoxide. At the same time, the iron ore is reduced to iron, mainly through the dioxide. The
oxides of calcium and magnesium combine with silica and alumina to form slag. The reaction
of the carbon monoxide with the iron oxide yields carbon dioxide (CO2) and metallic iron.
The fluxing agents dissociate into calcium and magnesium oxides and carbon dioxide. The
oxides of calcium and magnesium combine with silica and alumina to form slag.
Depending on the cooling method, three types of BF slag are produced: air-cooled,
expanded, and granulated. Allowing the molten slag to cool slowly in air in an open pit
produces the air-cooled slag. Air-cooled blast furnace slag is defined in ASTM standard C-
125 (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999) as “the material resulting from
solidification of molten blast furnace slag under atmospheric conditions. Subsequent cooling
may be accelerated by application of water to the solidified surface.” The solidified slag has a
vesicular structure with closed pores. The rough vesicular texture of slag gives it a greater
surface area than smoother aggregates of equal volume and provides an excellent bond with
Portland cement, as well as high stability in asphalt mixtures. Expanded slag is formed
through controlled rapid cooling of molten slag in water or in water with combination of
steam and compressed air. Steam and other gases enhance the porosity and vesicular nature
of the slag, resulting in a lightweight aggregate suitable for use in concrete. Quenching the
molten slag into glass granules by using high-pressure water jets produces granulated slag.
Quenching prevents the crystallization of minerals constituting the slag composition, thus
resulting in a granular, glassy aggregate. This slag is crushed, pulverized, and screened for
use in various applications, particularly in cement production, because of its pozzolanic
(hydraulic cementations) characteristics. Slags are also co products of steelmaking processes.
Production of steel calls for the removal of excess silicon by mineralization and of carbon by
oxidation from pig or crude iron. Steel slag is a hard, dense material somewhat similar to air-
cooled iron slag. It contains important amounts of free iron, giving it its high density and
hardness, which make it particularly suitable as a road construction aggregate. Slag is
transported to processing plants, where it undergoes crushing, grinding, and screening
operations to meet various use specifications. Processed slag is either shipped to its buyer for
immediate use or, in slack seasons, stored.
Blast furnace
Steel Scrap-Oxygen-Limestone
Molten Iron from Blast Furnace
BOS Furnace
Blast Furnace Rock slag or air Crushing and screening Base, Sub-base, Concrete
Iron Slag cooled slag slag, slowly air cooled. aggregate, Filter aggregate,
Also available as Construction fill and
uncrushed slag, spalls selected fill, Scour
or skulls. Protection, Rockwool
Basic Oxygen Basic Oxygen Steel Crushing and screening Sealing aggregate (skid
Steel Slag BOS Slag slag which has been air resistant), Asphalt aggregate
slag cooled and watered Base, subbase, Construction fill
Subsoil drains, Grit blasting
In current years, growing thoughtfulness of environmental issues in our society has had
an impact in improved utilization of slag. United with member companies identifying new
opportunities for slag products are further urbanized .The typical chemistry of BFS & BOS
Slags after exact conditioning and weathering are shown in table .
Slag is by-product formed in smelting, and other metallurgical and combustion processes
from impurities in the metals or ores being treated. During smelting or refining slag floats on
the surface of the molten metal, protecting it from oxidation or reduction by the atmosphere
and keeping it clean. In iron and steel production slag phases are generated, formed mainly
from the addition of mixture of oxides and fluxes and are also composed of reaction products
like those resulting from the oxidation of charge materials and the dissolution of refractories.
Primary purpose is to refine the liquid metal by removing impurities.
The main slags are classified in various types: ferrous slag, iron slag generated in blast
furnace process, steel slags, non-ferrous slag generated by production non-ferrous metals (Cu,
Zn, Pb, Ni) boiler slag obtained by coal combustion plants and incineration slags generated
by combustion of solid waste.
Ferrous Slag: It refers to the non-metallic molten material created during the production of
hot metal and steel. After this material has slowly cooled in the air, it takes the form of
artificial crystalline rock. The manner of its formation thus corresponds to that of natural
volcanic rocks such as basalts. Slag can be used in a wide range of applications and is
fundamentally different from ash, the residual material from combustion processes.
Steel Slag: It is a hard, dense material somewhat similar to air-cooled iron slag. During the
production of steel in BOF and EAF scrap metal, or metalized ore, or both, the carbon and
silicon are removed as carbon dioxide, and the remaining oxidized elements are combined
with added lime to form steel slag. The composition and properties of steel-making slags
depend on the kind of steel-making process and/or on the type of steel. Steel slags are mostly
formed in the process of re melting steel scrap in an EAF. This is the so-called black slag.
Non-Ferrous Slag: They are produced during the recovery by smelting and processing of
nonferrous metal from natural ores. Also it often contains residual metal, which, in most
cases inhibits their use without further processing. Non-ferrous slags are very often used as
fine aggregate in the design of bituminous mixes in road construction.
Early use of blast furnace slag in the United States was prompted by the desire to make use
of material that was considered an expensive waste product. Its use in earnest started in the
early 1900s in the construction field, principally for railroad ballast, Portland-cement-
concrete aggregate, and aggregates for bituminous and other types of road construction. The
National Slag Association carried out a survey of slag shipments in the United States for the
first time in 1938. In 1939, the first year for which comprehensive figures of marketed slag
are available, 8.3 million metric tons of blast furnace slag valued at $6.4 million was used.
The slag output from blast furnaces in 1947, the first year in which the U.S. Bureau of Mine
collected production statistics, reached almost 30 million tons. Most slag was used in
highway construction and railroad ballast.
In year 2000, 8.9 million tons of blast furnace slag valued at $58.3 million and 5.1 million
tons of steel slag valued at $20.1 million were used. Major uses were in road construction,
asphaltic concrete aggregate, Portland cement manufacture, and various concrete products. In
the early years of slag use, prospective consumers thought that slag was subject to
disintegration and corrosion and was brittle. Slag cements also were questioned, and slag
wool was believed to have high sulphur content. Only after years of research and promotion
were these objections overcome.
In 2000, the ferrous slag industry enjoyed the benefits of many individual and collective
efforts expended in the development of slag markets. A broader market existed for slag, from
mineral wool to roofing granules to agriculture. Virtually all of the slag produced by the iron
and steel industry throughout the world was used in such applications as asphaltic concrete
aggregate, cement extenders, fill, railroad ballast, road bases, and roofing granules.
Slag production in Europe, including Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom increased by
approximately 5%. Approximately 26.2 million tons of blast furnace slag was produced. It
was estimated that 31% of this was granulated slag. Basic oxygen steel slag production was
estimated at 10.1 million tons.
In India, the Tata Group, one of the largest industrial forces in India, operated an
integrated steel plant at Jamshedpur, Bihar in India. More than 0.72 million tons of slag per
year was granulated. A 1.73-million-ton-per-year cement plant was built in order to utilize
this granulated blast furnace slag. The unit of the plant which was to produce 1 million tons
of clinker per year and 0.3 million tons per year of Portland cement unit was installed at
Sonadih, Madhya Pradesh, and a grinding plant able to produce 1.43 million tons per year of
Portland cement was installed at Jojobera, Bihar.
Materials &design
The properties of material used for making concrete mix are determined in laboratory as per
relevant codes of practice. Different materials used in present study were cement, coarse
aggregates, fine aggregates, in addition to iron slag. The aim of studying of various properties
of material is used to check the appearance with codal requirements and to enable an engineer
to design a concrete mix for a particular strength. The description of various materials which
were used in this study is given below:
Aggregates constitute the bulk of a concrete mixture and give dimensional stability to
To increase the density of resulting mix, the aggregates are frequently used in two or
more sizes.
The most important function of the fine aggregate is to assist in producing workability
and uniformity in mixture. The fine aggregate assist the cement paste to hold the
coarse aggregate particles in suspension.
This action promotes plasticity in the mixture and prevents the possible segregation
of paste and coarse aggregate, particularly when it is necessary to transport the
concrete some distance from the mixing plant to placement.
The aggregates provide about 75% of the body of the concrete and hence its influence
is extremely important.
They should therefore meet certain requirements if the concrete is to be workable,
strong, durable and economical.
The aggregates must be proper shape, clean, hard, strong and well graded.
1.Coarse aggregate:
The aggregate which is retained over IS Sieve 4.75 mm is termed as coarse aggregate.
The coarse aggregates may be of following types:-
i) Crushed graves or stone obtained by crushing of gravel or hard stone.
ii) Uncrushed gravel or stone resulting from the natural disintegration of rocks.
iii) Partially crushed gravel obtained as product of blending of above two types.
Test tittles Experimental As per IS 383-1970
Specific gravity 2.71 2.3-2.9
Fineness modulus 2.83 2.1-3.2
Bulk density(kg/mm3) 1503 1280-1920
i) Natural sand, i.e. fine aggregate resulting from natural disintegration of rocks.
ii) Crushed stone sand, i.e. fine aggregate produced by crushing hard stone.
iii) Crushed gravel sand, i.e. fine aggregate produced by crushing natural gravel.
Dense state
Water absorption
Moisture content
3.Water :
Generally, water that is suitable for drinking is satisfactory for use in concrete. Water
from lakes and streams that contain marine life also usually is suitable.
When water is obtained from sources mentioned above, no sampling is necessary.
When it is suspected that water may contain sewage, mine water, or wastes from
industrial plants or canneries, it should not be used in concrete unless tests indicate
that it is satisfactory.
Water from such sources should be avoided since the quality of the water could
change due to low water or by intermittent tap water is used for casting.
The potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing of
Accordingly potable water was used for making concrete available in Material
Testing laboratory.
This was free from any detrimental contaminants and was good potable quality.
4.Iron Slag
Types of blast furnace slag:
Physical properties :
Chemical properties :
When ground to the proper fineness, the chemical composition and glassy (non
crystalline) nature of vitrified slags are such that when combined with water, these
vitrified slags react to form cementitious hydration products.
The magnitude of these cementitious reactions depends on the chemical composition,
glass content, and fineness of the slag.
The chemical reaction between GGBFS and water is slow, but it is greatly enhanced
by the presence of calcium hydroxide, alkalies and gypsum (CaSO4).
Mechanical properties :
Of all the slag types generated, air-cooled blast furnace is the type that is most
commonly used as an aggregate material.
Processed ACBFS exhibits favourable mechanical properties for aggregate use
including good abrasion resistance, good soundness characteristics, and high bearing
strength. Table provides a listing of typical mechanical properties of ACBFS
properties Values
Los Angeles Abrasion (ASTM C131) 35-45%
Although all materials that go into concrete mix are essential, cement is very often the
most important because it is usually the delicate link in the chain.
The function of cement is first of all to bind the sand and stone together and second to
fill up the voids in between sand and stone particles to form a compact mass.
It constitutes only about 20 percent of the total volume of concrete mix; it is the
active portion of binding medium and is the only scientifically controlled ingredient
of concrete.
Any variation in its quantity affects the compressive strength of the concrete mix.
Portland cement referred as (Ordinary Portland Cement) is the most important type of
cement and is a fine powder produced by grinding Portland cement clinker.
The OPC is classified into three grades, namely 33 Grade, 43 Grade, 53 Grade
depending upon the strength of 28 days.
It has been possible to upgrade the qualities of cement by using high quality
limestone, modern equipments, maintaining better particle size distribution, finer
grinding and better packing.
Generally use of high grade cement offers many advantages for making stronger
Although they are little costlier than low grade cement, they offer 10-20% saving in
cement consumption and also they offer many hidden benefits.
One of the most important benefits is the faster rate of development of strength.
Prem Ranjan Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar T.B., P.G. Student, Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, IES Institute of Technology and
Management, Raatibad, Bhopal, india(Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2015)