Kalyani Steels Limited M. N. Dastur & Company (P) LTD
Kalyani Steels Limited M. N. Dastur & Company (P) LTD
Kalyani Steels Limited M. N. Dastur & Company (P) LTD
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
i. Finished products
Bar & Wire Rods .. 0.83
Rounds & RCS .. 0.31
Total .. 1.14
Total .. 0.22
11. The raw materials required for operation of the plant would
be iron ore, coking coal, PCI coal and anthracite coal as
principal raw materials. In addition, the additives like
limestone, dolomite and quartzite would also be required. It
is estimated that annually around 4.87 MT of solid raw
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
13. Total power requirement for the project after Phase-II, would
be about 128 MW. This would be met through in-plant
generation of about 8.68 MW (5.4 MW from CDQ and
3.28 MW from TRT) and drawal of power from KPTCL grid of
about 120 MW. KPTCL substation is available within 8 km
from the site with 220 kV HT line brought within the area to
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
No. Production Unit Production capacity
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
17. The plant would run for three shifts in a day, each shift of
8 hrs duration, throughout the year, except temporary
shutdown for capital repair or annual maintenance as and
when required. The proposed steel plant would be designed
with four level automation systems to enable the plant and
machineries achieve higher productivity with improved
quality in a planned and coordinated manner.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
23. Dust emissions would take place from the combustion flues
of various furnaces and kilns. The dust laden waste flue
gases of sintering machine would be cleaned by ESP. Lime
dusts and dolo dusts of the respective kiln combustion flues
would be arrested in fabric filters. SO 2 emissions due to
combustion of COG would be minimised by desulphurisation
of COG.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
26. The continuous noise generated within the working area can
be minimized by selecting low noise prone rotary equipment,
providing sound proof control rooms, housing noisy
equipment separately and considering vibration dampening
while designing the plant.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
Physical Environment
31. The study area falling under Survey of India (SOI) Toposheet
Nos. 57A/3 and 53A/7 depicts rolling plain type of
topography with small hill ranges made up of granites and
few chains of Dharwar schists & gneisses. The Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) generated from SRTM data
(90 m spatial resolution) of 10 km radius area from the
proposed plant site indicates the area is moderately
undulating with shallow troughs and mounds of granites
hills at scattered places. The study area comes under
Tungabhadra sub-basin which is part of Krishna basin. The
main streams draining the area are Maskinala, Ilkal-nadi
and Hirenala, which are ephemeral in nature.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
35. The soil in the study area is slightly blackish in colour and
clayey in texture. The soil is also slightly basic in nature &
rich in calcium. The fertility of soil is moderately low due to
low moisture content and average concentrations of nitrogen,
potassium & organic carbon. Iron content varies from
980 mg/kg to 1280 mg/kg. The concentrations of other
heavy metals are well below the acceptable range.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
Water Environment
39. Total hardness (TH) and total dissolved solids (TDS) content
in ground water were found to be in the range
210 - 1506 mg/l and 689 - 2936 mg/l respectively at the
selected locations as against the allowable standards of
300 mg/l for TH and 500 mg/l for TDS. Chromium, lead,
arsenic and other heavy metals are found to be below
detection limit (bdl).
Air Environment
40. The climate of Koppal district is marked by hot summer with
moderate humidity. The average daytime temperature during
summer (March-May) is around 30°C with relative humidity
of about 50% . The relative humidity rises to a level of 80%
during rainy season (June-August). During winter
(December-February), the average temperature is around
23°C with humidity level of about 65% . The annual average
rainfall is around 530 mm.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
41. Based on IMD’s wind data recorded at the Koppal Station the
annual and seasonal windrose diagram are prepared, which
shows that the wind blows predominantly from SW and NE
during Monsoon & Post monsoon/Winter respectively;
otherwise, it is more or less distributed.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
Biological Enviornment
46. The study area mainly consists of single cropped agricultural
lands, few scattered scrub forest lands, fallow waste lands,
bare hills and an unclassed forest (Tawargera) as classified
by Koppal forest Division, Govt. of Karnataka. There are
no eco-sensitive zones like National Parks, Wild Life
Sanctuaries, Elephant/Tiger Reserve, Migratory routes,
Reserve Forest, Protected Forest with in the study area.
47. Trees in the study area are tropical dry deciduous in nature,
scattered along the road sides and boundary of agricultural
lands. Dominant tree species of the study area are
Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amaltas (Albizzia lebbek),
Krishna siris (Albizzia amara), Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo),
Ballarijali(Prosopis juliflora), etc. The scrub forests are
scattered through out the study area comprising of thorny
Acacia and fleshy Euphorbia. The major species of
medicinally important shrubs and herbs are Akanda
(Colotrophis gigantean), Jangli arand (Jatropha glandulifera),
Wild karanda (Carissa diffusa), Nisinda (Vitex negundo),
Barmutha grass (Cyanodon doctylon), Datura (Datura
stramonium), Bhringaraj (Ecipta alba), Tulsi (Ocimum
sanctum), etc.
48. The major agricultural crops of the study area are Rice
(Oryza sativa), Jowar (Sorghum vulgare) and Maize (Zea
mays), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Sunflower (Helianthus
Annuus) and Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea). The important
fruit plants are Musa paradisica (Banana), Mangifera indica
(Mango), Carica papapya (Papita), Psidium guava (Guava),
Annona squamosa (Sitaphal) and Syziguim cumini (Jamun).
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
49. No such major wild animals found in the study area except
occasionally visiting animals like Monkey (Macaca mulata)
and Langur (Presbytis entellus). The entire study area is
devoid of Schedule- I & II category faunal species as per
Wildlife Protection Act (1972) and its subsequent
amendment. None of the flora-fauna can be assigned rare,
endangered, threatened or vulnerable category as per IUCN,
Red data book.
Human environment
51. The Project Influence Area (PIA) is mainly rural in nature and
it encompasses 19 major villages and one urban
agglomeration within 10 km radius from the existing Plant
site. The total population of the PIA is around 87,716 as
recorded in 2011 Census. The decadal population growth
rate is 21.14% while literacy rate shows an impressive rise of
24 % since 2001.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
52. The per capita annual income of the State as per Planning
Commission data of 2011 is Rs 69,051. Major sources of
livelihood in the project influence area are agriculture, work
in factories, petty business and services, with noteworthy
increase in the population of cultivators and agricultural
labourers. However, the proportion of non workers continues
to be about fifty percent in both 2001 and 2011 indicating
almost half of the population as dependent population
comprising senior citizens, children and ‘specially-abled’
55. There are various banks in the PIA, State Bank of India,
Pragati Gramin Bank, Syndicate Bank are to name a few.
People borrow money from local money lenders as well as
from Thrift and Credit (T&C) Societies run by women.
Anganwadis and primary schools (both government and
private) are present in most of the villages. For secondary
and higher secondary schooling and varied degree courses,
students travel to Koppal, Ginegera, Hospet, Mundrabad.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
56. The study area is dry and rain fed and the area is rural and
agrarian in nature, the weather being hot & semi-arid. The
proposed expansion area is a bare land with small hillocks,
scrubs and boulders. Hampi is the nearest archaeological
place and heritage site and is located 31 Km (E) from the
project area.
E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits
v) Air pollution Adverse due - VOC emission of coke oven - To keep ambient air
from to emission batteries woul d be arrested less polluted and
pr oduction of heat, by moder n techn ological maintain rural
pr ocesses dusts, SO2, features stan dards of ambient
NOx, CO - Covered conveying systems air quality
an d VOC for dry raw materials - Prevent en demic
- Adoption of Coke dry diseases of the
quenching (CDQ) community
- Coke oven gas
desulph urization
- Water sprinkling and dry
fogging for suppression of
fugitive dusts
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits
vi) Wor kzon e Adverse due - Selection of low noise pr on e Operation and
noise to noise rotary equipment, vibration maintenance personnel
from dampening an d dynamically would not get noise
rotary/vibra balan ced of rotating parts exposure more than 85
tor - Housing of noise prone dB (A) for a continuous
machines/ equipment in a separate period of 8 hrs.
equipment , enclosure
steam - Operation from the n oise
ejection etc shield cabins/pul pits
- Administrative control
ix) Safety Adverse due - Extensive safety measur es for - Avoidan ce of accidents
to safety the plant operati on and causing minor to fatal
lapses maintenance, electrical injury of the plant
inst allation s, fire safety person nel
measures including - Avoidan ce of dangerous
fire/smoke detection alarms, event s like gas leak,
portable CO detectors and fire, injuries etc
personnel safety appliances
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
61. The operation of the plant would have to comply with the
environmental regulations, public liability, Government
Notifications etc as applicable from time to time for
industrial operation.
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka
Summary (Cont’d)
I. Physico-chemical
Soil cover -1 0
Land use (Solid waste storage) -2 0
TB water resource -2 -1
TB water quality (outlet) -1 0
Ground water resource 0 +1
Ground water quality 0 0
Ambient air quality -3 0
Workzone air quality -3 0
Workzone noise -2 0
Ambient noise 0 0
II. Biological
III. Human
Infrastructure +1 +3
Temporary Employment +1 +3
Economic upliftment of locals +2 +3
Social upliftment and +1 +2
Health -2 0
Safety -2 0
IV. Aesthetics
Climate 0 0
Landscape -1 0
Green coverage 0 +1 Due to greenbelt
development to the
extent of 33% of
area to be acquired
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