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Kalyani Steels Limited M. N. Dastur & Company (P) LTD

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of

M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka


In accordance with the approved Terms of Reference (ToR) of

Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC),
Government of India for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of
the proposed 1.4 million tons per annum (MTPA) integrated iron
and steel plant to be set up by Kalyani Steels Ltd (KSL) in Koppal
district of Karnataka, this Summary presents a brief outline of the
EIA findings and the proposed mitigation measures.

Glimpse of the Project

Total capacity .. 1.4 MTPA crude steel

Product mix .. 1.3 MTPA - Rolled long products

0.1 MTPA - Cast ingots

Process route .. 1) Production of hot metal through

blast furnace followed by basic
oxygen furnace (BOF) for conversion
of hot metal to liquid steel in
Phase-I (BF-BOF route)

2) Production of hot metal through

blast furnace & hot direct reduced
iron (HDRI) through direct reduction
plant (DR plant) followed by basic
oxygen furnace (BOF) & electric arc
furnace (EAF) for conversion of both
hot metal and HDRI to liquid steel in
with IF for SS)

Site .. Located in Koppal district of Karnataka,

about 11 km west of Koppal district town
and 17 km south east of Hospet city of

Iron Ore Source .. Through e-auction

Water Source .. Tungabhadra reservoir

Electric Power .. Karnataka Power Transmission

Corporation Limited (KPTCL)

Estimated Investment.. Rs 5,531 crore (after Phase-II)

Completion Period .. Phase-I : By 31 st March 2018

Phase-II : By 28 January 2021

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)


1. The state of Karnataka has always been at the forefront of

Industrial growth in India. It owns a vast repository of
minerals like iron ore, manganese ore, dolomite, chromite,
bauxite, quartz, silica and even precious minerals like gold,
diamond etc and foliage cover.

2. On the other hand, the state is characterized by favourable

climate, enterprising citizens and strong communication
channels provided by broad gauge railways, national & state
highways, airports, and sea ports. These factors in
combination make the state a model for both national and
international investment opportunities.

3. Karnataka has a strong, vibrant and expanding industrial

base. The industries are of diversified nature. Core
industries like that of iron & steel, paper, power, cement,
chemicals & fertilizers and textiles co- exist with industries
dealing with products such as electronic goods, watches,
aircrafts, etc.

4. In view of this scenario, KSL is planning to set up

independently, a 1.4 MTPA integrated steel plant for
production of carbon and alloy steel along with stainless
steel in the existing complex at Koppal and the area under
acquisition adjacent to the existing plant. KSL, in strategic
alliance with Mukand Limited is operating Hospet Steels
Limited, an integrated steel plant in Koppal district of
Karnataka, with a capacity of 0.7 MTPA of hot metal and
0.3 MTPA of rolled products. This expansion plan is mostly
encouraged by the upward demand of forged products in the
Defence as well as domestic sector of the country.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

5. KSL has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU No. 1792/B-1/95)) with the Tungabhadra Board, State
Government of Karnataka on July 24, 1996. As per MoU, the
Board has accorded approval for permitting KSL the required
water from the River Tungabhadra flowing at a distance of
about 5.2 km south of the plant site. KSL has obtained
Consent for water withdrawal of 4.8 MGD (21,816 KLD) from
Tungabhadra Reservoir.

6. The proposed project would be set up in the existing plant

premises of Hospet Steels Limited in the adjoining area to be
acquired. The land to be acquired for the proposed expansion
project does not have any human habitation. Hence, there
would be no issues related to land acquisition.

7. KSL has applied to the MoEFCC for preliminary

environmental appraisal (PEA) of the project and firming up
of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of EIA. The EIA Expert
Committee of MoEFCC has evaluated the PEA Application
and has firmed up the ToR for EIA of the proposed project
seeking EC.


8. The site is located in Koppal district of Karnataka. The site

lies between latitudes 15°19'25” - 15°20'41” N and longitudes
76°14'48” - 76°15'43” E and 498 m above mean sea level
(MSL). It is located about 11 km west of Koppal Town and
17 km south east of Hospet city of Karnataka State. The total
land area requirement is 548.90 acres.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

9. The annual production plan for the proposed project is

envisaged as follows:
A. Intermediate products
Hot metal .. 1.64
DRI .. 0.40
Pig Iron .. 0.38
Crude steel .. 1.4 ± 5%

B. Saleable steel* .. 1.36 + 5%

i. Finished products
Bar & Wire Rods .. 0.83
Rounds & RCS .. 0.31

Total .. 1.14

ii. Semi-finished products

Cast billets/blooms/Rounds .. 0.12
Cast Ingots .. 0.10

Total .. 0.22

* The above stated product-mix is tentative and may vary marginally

depending on the market demand

10. The process route options considered would be i) Production

of hot metal through blast furnace followed by basic oxygen
furnace (BOF) for conversion of hot metal to liquid steel in
Phase-I (BF-BOF route), ii) Production of hot metal through
blast furnace & hot direct reduced iron (HDRI) through direct
reduction plant (DR plant) followed by basic oxygen furnace
(BOF) & electric arc furnace (EAF) for conversion of both hot
metal and HDRI to liquid steel in Phase-II (BF+DR-BOF+ EAF
+ EAF with IF for SS).

11. The raw materials required for operation of the plant would
be iron ore, coking coal, PCI coal and anthracite coal as
principal raw materials. In addition, the additives like
limestone, dolomite and quartzite would also be required. It
is estimated that annually around 4.87 MT of solid raw

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

materials would be consumed; the relative share of iron ore

is near about 62% , coal about 21% and balances 17%
accounts for additives like limestone, quartzite, etc. Thus,
the raw materials consumption rate would be about 3.48 t/t
of crude steel.

12. Total water requirement would be about 4.76 MGD, which

would be drawn from Tungabhadra Reservoir, at a distance
of 5.2 km in south western direction of the plant site. Raw
water storage reservoir of capacity about 1.0 million cu m
has been considered. KSL already has a water withdrawal
permission of 4.8 MGD (909 cu m/hr), of which about
235 cu m/hr water is required for the existing plant. Balance
674 cu m/hr of make-up water would be made available for
the proposed expansion from the existing system. However,
an additional amount of about 230 cu m/hr water is needed
to meet the water requirement for the proposed expansion.
Withdrawal of this additional quantity of water need to be
arranged by KSL and necessary permission from the
concerned authority is to be obtained from TB authority.

13. Total power requirement for the project after Phase-II, would
be about 128 MW. This would be met through in-plant
generation of about 8.68 MW (5.4 MW from CDQ and
3.28 MW from TRT) and drawal of power from KPTCL grid of
about 120 MW. KPTCL substation is available within 8 km
from the site with 220 kV HT line brought within the area to

14. NH 63 and NH 23 are adjacent to the Plant in North direction

while NH 13 is at distance of 6 km in eastern direction of the
Plant. The railway line is 0.5 km from the Plant in the
northern direction and the nearest railway station is
Ginigera. Captive railway siding is available for trucks,

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

trailers coming to the plant in loaded/unloaded condition.

The site is about 10 km by rail from Koppal. The nearest
airport is at Hubli which is about 140 km from the plant site.
Few ports namely Mormugao Port, Krishnapatnam Port and
Mangalore Port are located near the plant site at distance
varying from 400 to 700 km.

15. The main production facilities as planned would be as


No. Production Unit Production capacity

1 Coke Ovens and B y-products 0.6 MTPA Gross C oke

Recovery Plant (COB P)

2 Sinter Plant 1.79 MTPA Product Sinter

Pellet Plant 1.2 MTPA

3 Blast Furnace 1.64 MTPA Hot Metal

DR Plant 0.4 MTPA

4 Lime/Dolo Calcining Plant 0.12 MTPA Lime

5 Steel Melt Shop 1.46 MTPA Liquid Steel

1.4 MTPA Crude Steel

6 Rolling Mill Ingot Casting

0.49 MTPA
Bars, flats & Wire Rods

0.32 MTPA Rounds & RCS

0.3 MTPA
Bars, flats & Wire Rods

16. The total thermal energy requirement (excluding electrical)

for various process operations as stated earlier has been
estimated at 21.46 GJ/tcs. This thermal energy would be
derived from coking coal, PCI coal and anthracite. The
by-product fuel gases would also add up for in-plant thermal
energy requirement. In addition, there would be requirement
of some amount of Liquid Propane.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

17. The plant would run for three shifts in a day, each shift of
8 hrs duration, throughout the year, except temporary
shutdown for capital repair or annual maintenance as and
when required. The proposed steel plant would be designed
with four level automation systems to enable the plant and
machineries achieve higher productivity with improved
quality in a planned and coordinated manner.

18. It is estimated that around 1,060 personnel would be

required to administer, run and maintain the plant facilities.
In addition 500 personnel may be required for carrying out
various contract jobs to operate and maintain the plant

19. The plant is likely to be completed within a period of

60 months. Resourceful contractors would be deployed for
main packages. The construction labour force during peak
period would be around 3,000 in a day; local labourers, after
necessary training, if required would be deployed for
construction work.


20. Considering handling and processing of bulk quantities of

solid raw materials and by-products generated, necessary
pollution control measures in respect of air and water
environment have been taken into account in planning the

21. For handling of solid raw materials, including sizing of the

same, the fugitive dust emissions would be arrested by water
sprinkling, water fogging and dust extraction (DE) systems
based on fabric filters. The material would be transported in
covered conveyors. Stock house of sinter plant, blast

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

furnace stock house & cast house and secondary fumes of

BOF shop fumes containing dusts only would be arrested by
electro-static precipitators (ESPs) of adequate capacities.

22. The emissions of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) from the

coke oven batteries would be arrested by the adoption of
state-of-the art technologies such a high pressure liquor
aspiration (HPLA), on-main charging of coal, water sealing of
AP Caps, pusher side emission extractor, hydraulic doors,
door frame cleaner etc to abate the VOC emissions within
permissible values. Land based fume extraction system
would be provided to control the particulate emissions from
the battery doors during coke pushing.

23. Dust emissions would take place from the combustion flues
of various furnaces and kilns. The dust laden waste flue
gases of sintering machine would be cleaned by ESP. Lime
dusts and dolo dusts of the respective kiln combustion flues
would be arrested in fabric filters. SO 2 emissions due to
combustion of COG would be minimised by desulphurisation
of COG.

24. Application of coke dry quenching (CDQ) would reduce make

up water consumption, arrest emission of particulates during
quenching and also generate power from the energy

25. NOx emissions from the combustion processes would be

controlled by adopting micro-processor based combustion
control, use of low NOx combustion technology with
induction of minimum amount of secondary air to reduce the
NOx emission load and recycling of waste flue gas in the
combustion zone. In order to ensure complete combustion of
CO in presence of excess air, all combustion processes
involving by-product fuel gases would be provided with
micro-processor based combustion control devices.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

26. The continuous noise generated within the working area can
be minimized by selecting low noise prone rotary equipment,
providing sound proof control rooms, housing noisy
equipment separately and considering vibration dampening
while designing the plant.

27. In the case of water pollution abatement and conservation of

water, each production shop would be provided with
wastewater treatment plant. The treated water would get
recycled to the system or to be stored in the Guard Pond for
in-plant use.

28. The treatment involves principally physical separation

devices, such as oil separators, clarifiers and settling
chambers. The phenolic effluent from the by-product
recovery plant of coke oven batteries would be treated in a
Biological Oxidation & Dephenolisation (BOD) plant which
comprises activated sludge process followed by cyanide

29. As an additional safeguard, the treated coke oven effluent

mixed with treated plant sewage and other left out treated
effluents would be finally treated in common effluent
treatment plant (CETP) for secondary treatment. The treated
water of CETP would be reused within the plant. However,
provision for discharge of treated wastewater has been kept
for emergency purpose.


30. The proposed project would be set up within the existing

premises of Hospet Steels Limited and the area (to be
acquired) adjacent to the existing plant, in Koppal district of
Karnataka. The present environmental setting has been

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

ascertained for an aerial coverage of around 10 km from the

project site by several field studies as required by the ToR of

Physical Environment

31. The study area falling under Survey of India (SOI) Toposheet
Nos. 57A/3 and 53A/7 depicts rolling plain type of
topography with small hill ranges made up of granites and
few chains of Dharwar schists & gneisses. The Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) generated from SRTM data
(90 m spatial resolution) of 10 km radius area from the
proposed plant site indicates the area is moderately
undulating with shallow troughs and mounds of granites
hills at scattered places. The study area comes under
Tungabhadra sub-basin which is part of Krishna basin. The
main streams draining the area are Maskinala, Ilkal-nadi
and Hirenala, which are ephemeral in nature.

32. Geologically, the study area is a part of the Dharwar Craton

of the Indian Peninsular Shield which is divided into two
blocks - the major part of the area falling in the Western
block and a small part in the Eastern block - separated by a
major shear zone known as Chitradurga shear zone.
Regionally the stratigraphy of Western block have
Precambrian rocks ranging in age from Archaean (3.4 Ga)
while the oldest Precambrian rocks of the Eastern block are
having an age of 2.6-2.8 Ga.

33. The earthquake zoning map of India divides India into

4 seismic zones (Zone II, III, IV and V)) of which Zone V
infers to the highest level of seismicity, whereas Zone II
connotes to the lowest level of seismicity. Koppal district
falls in Zone II of the Seismic Zoning map of India.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

34. The entire study area is mainly underlain by gneisses,

granites and in part by schists which, being hard rocks, do
not possess any primary porosity. However weathering,
fracturing, joints and structural features like folds and faults
associated with them have imparted a secondary porosity
and permeability, which has improved water yielding
capacity of the wells. The wells taping schistose formation
are poor in yield compared to granite and gneissic
formations. The main source of recharge is precipitation. In
general ground water is available in the weathered zone
under phreatic condition and under confined to semi-
confined conditions in the jointed and fractured rock
formations at depth.

35. The soil in the study area is slightly blackish in colour and
clayey in texture. The soil is also slightly basic in nature &
rich in calcium. The fertility of soil is moderately low due to
low moisture content and average concentrations of nitrogen,
potassium & organic carbon. Iron content varies from
980 mg/kg to 1280 mg/kg. The concentrations of other
heavy metals are well below the acceptable range.

36. As per recent satellite imageries, for the core zone,

nearly 66% is covered by barren land, 18% by the steel plant,
11% by greenery and balance 5% is occupied by waste dump
and water reservoir. For buffer zone, a total of
10 classes were mapped. The most dominant land category is
single crop agricultural land which covers around 67.0% of
the whole study area followed by rocky area consisting of
10.0%, reservoir and other water bodies 10.0% , Vegetation
covers about 3.0% , human settlement comprises 2.0% and
Vacant land 3.0% of the total buffer zone of the study area.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

Water Environment

37. The Tungabhadra River is formed by the confluence of the

Tunga River and Bhadra River, which flow down the eastern
slope of the Western Ghats in the State of Karnataka. River
Tunga contributes to the maximum part of flow in
Tungabhadra. This river is rain-fed. Its catchment receives
60% of annual rainfall between June to September and 24%
in October & November.

38. The total hardness (TH) of Tungabhadra canal water as

reported to be in the ranges from 38 - 114.7 mg/l at several
locations of the stream The average DO level for all surface
streams where monitoring was done ranges between
5.3 - 5.9 mg/l whereas average BOD level ranges between
4.7 - 8.7 mg/l. Total coliform count ranges from
560-920 MPN/100 ml across various surface water sampling

39. Total hardness (TH) and total dissolved solids (TDS) content
in ground water were found to be in the range
210 - 1506 mg/l and 689 - 2936 mg/l respectively at the
selected locations as against the allowable standards of
300 mg/l for TH and 500 mg/l for TDS. Chromium, lead,
arsenic and other heavy metals are found to be below
detection limit (bdl).

Air Environment
40. The climate of Koppal district is marked by hot summer with
moderate humidity. The average daytime temperature during
summer (March-May) is around 30°C with relative humidity
of about 50% . The relative humidity rises to a level of 80%
during rainy season (June-August). During winter
(December-February), the average temperature is around
23°C with humidity level of about 65% . The annual average
rainfall is around 530 mm.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

41. Based on IMD’s wind data recorded at the Koppal Station the
annual and seasonal windrose diagram are prepared, which
shows that the wind blows predominantly from SW and NE
during Monsoon & Post monsoon/Winter respectively;
otherwise, it is more or less distributed.

42. Meteorological parameters of the study area was recorded by

temporary continuous weather monitoring station was
installed at the guest house at KSL plant site. The maximum
& average dry bulb temperature was recorded between
30.7 -33°C and 23-24°C. The relative humidity ranges from
65-73 per cent, whereas average wind speed lies between
3.1-3.5 m/s. The predominant wind direction is NE and total
rainfall 96 mm.

43. Mixing height, as recorded during November’14-January ’15,

shows an average of 174 m as night time mixing height and
1,353 m as day time mixing height. The higher mixing height
during daytime is attributed to mechanical mixing of the
pollutants due to wind action, leading to greater dispersion
of pollutants.

44. The prevailing ambient air quality of the study area as

recorded at 8 different locations, depending on the windrose,
is generally clean. The respirable suspended particulate
matters (PM 10 & PM 2. 5), SO2 and NOx are lower than the
permissible values as stipulated by National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) for rural areas.

45. To assess the chemical characteristics of PM 10 , the dust

samples were analysed for silica, heavy metals, benzene
soluble fraction and presence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
It is observed from the analysis results that the dust mainly
contains of iron and not any harmful constituent.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

Biological Enviornment
46. The study area mainly consists of single cropped agricultural
lands, few scattered scrub forest lands, fallow waste lands,
bare hills and an unclassed forest (Tawargera) as classified
by Koppal forest Division, Govt. of Karnataka. There are
no eco-sensitive zones like National Parks, Wild Life
Sanctuaries, Elephant/Tiger Reserve, Migratory routes,
Reserve Forest, Protected Forest with in the study area.

47. Trees in the study area are tropical dry deciduous in nature,
scattered along the road sides and boundary of agricultural
lands. Dominant tree species of the study area are
Neem (Azadirachta indica), Amaltas (Albizzia lebbek),
Krishna siris (Albizzia amara), Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo),
Ballarijali(Prosopis juliflora), etc. The scrub forests are
scattered through out the study area comprising of thorny
Acacia and fleshy Euphorbia. The major species of
medicinally important shrubs and herbs are Akanda
(Colotrophis gigantean), Jangli arand (Jatropha glandulifera),
Wild karanda (Carissa diffusa), Nisinda (Vitex negundo),
Barmutha grass (Cyanodon doctylon), Datura (Datura
stramonium), Bhringaraj (Ecipta alba), Tulsi (Ocimum
sanctum), etc.

48. The major agricultural crops of the study area are Rice
(Oryza sativa), Jowar (Sorghum vulgare) and Maize (Zea
mays), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Sunflower (Helianthus
Annuus) and Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea). The important
fruit plants are Musa paradisica (Banana), Mangifera indica
(Mango), Carica papapya (Papita), Psidium guava (Guava),
Annona squamosa (Sitaphal) and Syziguim cumini (Jamun).

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

49. No such major wild animals found in the study area except
occasionally visiting animals like Monkey (Macaca mulata)
and Langur (Presbytis entellus). The entire study area is
devoid of Schedule- I & II category faunal species as per
Wildlife Protection Act (1972) and its subsequent
amendment. None of the flora-fauna can be assigned rare,
endangered, threatened or vulnerable category as per IUCN,
Red data book.

50. A total of twenty (20) identified species of aquatic

macrophytes of which Bush morning (Ipomoea carnea),
Purple nutsedge (Cyprus sp.), Narrow leaf cattail (Typha
angustifolia) and Pond weed (Potamogeton crispus) are
dominant and most widely distributed in the shallow lakes
and reservoirs of the study area. A total of twenty (20)
Phytoplankton & Zooplankton species were identified in the
aquatic habitats, with Phytoplanktons are dominated by
Navicula sp., Nostoc.sp., Ulothrix sp. followed by Volvox sp.,
Oscillatoria sp., and Closteridum sp. and Zooplanktons are
dominated by Copepoda and Rotifers followed by Cladocera.
The aquatic habitats have moderate level of planktonic mass
and organic nutrients. The natural macro fauna, fish species
are moderately produce in the main water body Tungabhadra

Human environment

51. The Project Influence Area (PIA) is mainly rural in nature and
it encompasses 19 major villages and one urban
agglomeration within 10 km radius from the existing Plant
site. The total population of the PIA is around 87,716 as
recorded in 2011 Census. The decadal population growth
rate is 21.14% while literacy rate shows an impressive rise of
24 % since 2001.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

52. The per capita annual income of the State as per Planning
Commission data of 2011 is Rs 69,051. Major sources of
livelihood in the project influence area are agriculture, work
in factories, petty business and services, with noteworthy
increase in the population of cultivators and agricultural
labourers. However, the proportion of non workers continues
to be about fifty percent in both 2001 and 2011 indicating
almost half of the population as dependent population
comprising senior citizens, children and ‘specially-abled’

53. There has been significant immigration from various states of

the country owing to high generation of employment and
growth of petty business & services in parallel to rapid
growth of industries. Emigration pattern is more limited to
local boundaries like that of Koppal and Huligi, the youth
population is also confined within the district boundaries.

54. Government primary health centres or dispensaries are

located in mostly all villages in the study area. For advanced
and critical health care, people visit Hospet, Ginigera,
Munirabad and Koppal wherein both government and private
services are available. In each village the concerned
panchayat is accountable to provide clean supply of drinking
water and majority have access to it. Few factories and
banks have installed water filters in villages like Kanakapur
and Agalkera.

55. There are various banks in the PIA, State Bank of India,
Pragati Gramin Bank, Syndicate Bank are to name a few.
People borrow money from local money lenders as well as
from Thrift and Credit (T&C) Societies run by women.
Anganwadis and primary schools (both government and
private) are present in most of the villages. For secondary
and higher secondary schooling and varied degree courses,
students travel to Koppal, Ginegera, Hospet, Mundrabad.

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

56. The study area is dry and rain fed and the area is rural and
agrarian in nature, the weather being hot & semi-arid. The
proposed expansion area is a bare land with small hillocks,
scrubs and boulders. Hampi is the nearest archaeological
place and heritage site and is located 31 Km (E) from the
project area.


57. Initial scoping of environmental impacts of the project has
been evaluated by the MoEFCC. Accordingly, the Terms of
Reference (ToR) of EIA has been firmed up. In addition,
other relevant impacts such as selection of process
technology, site acquisition, social issues etc have also been
covered in the EIA.

58. EIA findings and the mitigation measures to minimize the

negative impacts on environment are summarized below:

E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits

i) Establishment Industrial - Water conservation - Inf rastruct ure

of Project Development - Pollution control measures impr ovement;
- Solid w astes man agement - Employment
- Greenbelt development gen eration;
- Social upliftment etc - Revenue ear ning by the
Government in the form
of taxes & duties;
- a capital asset of the
- wide scope for
economic development
of the near by areas

ii) Constr uction Temporary - Mechanised constr uction to - Prevention of surface

adverse reduce the construction stream pollution
impact due period - Reasonably clean
to emission - Dust abatement by water workzone environment
of dusts, sprinkling
discharge of - Stoppage of noise prone work
constr uction during night time
wastewater - Safety practices an d use of
an d safety of Safety appliances
constr uction - Proper man agement of liquid
workers & solid disch arge

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Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits

iii) Water Adverse, if - Water conservation by closed River water withdrawal

withdrawal adequate loop recycling of wastewater would be minimum
from conservation after treatment without affecting other
Tungabh adra measures - Use of treat ed wastewat er in downstream users.
river are n ot various non-production uses
adopted - Rain water harvesting in
pon ds

iv) Discharge of Adverse, if - Wastewater Treatment for - Reuse of treated

Plant untreated respective production shops wastewater collect ed in
Wastew ater wastewater - Recycling of treated the Pon d
is wastew ater within the - As there w ould be
discharged respective plant to conserve minimum plant
to the water discharge int o the
nearby - Providing C ETP f or f inal surface stream, the
stream treatment of treated coke quality of surface
oven effluent, treated plant stream would n ot be
sanitary wastewater and greatly affected.
other bleeds of treat ed
- The finally treated effluent
from CETP woul d either get
reused in the cooling circuit
or stored in Guar d Pond for
other uses such as
green belt/landscape
- A part of the treated water
from CETP would be further
treated in ultrafiltration (U F)
plant to further use for
secondary purposes in plant

v) Air pollution Adverse due - VOC emission of coke oven - To keep ambient air
from to emission batteries woul d be arrested less polluted and
pr oduction of heat, by moder n techn ological maintain rural
pr ocesses dusts, SO2, features stan dards of ambient
NOx, CO - Covered conveying systems air quality
an d VOC for dry raw materials - Prevent en demic
- Adoption of Coke dry diseases of the
quenching (CDQ) community
- Coke oven gas
desulph urization
- Water sprinkling and dry
fogging for suppression of
fugitive dusts

- ES P based wor kzon e f ugitive

dust extraction devices
- Tall stacks for better
dispersion of airborn e
poll utants

- 18 -
Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

E nviron-
Sl. mental
No. Activity impacts Mitigation measures Benefits

vi) Wor kzon e Adverse due - Selection of low noise pr on e Operation and
noise to noise rotary equipment, vibration maintenance personnel
from dampening an d dynamically would not get noise
rotary/vibra balan ced of rotating parts exposure more than 85
tor - Housing of noise prone dB (A) for a continuous
machines/ equipment in a separate period of 8 hrs.
equipment , enclosure
steam - Operation from the n oise
ejection etc shield cabins/pul pits
- Administrative control

vii) Solid wastes Adverse, if - Maximum practicable - To block minimum lan d

gen eration the solid processing of solid wastes area for solid wastes
wastes either by reuse within the dumping
gen erated plant or by selling or by - Maximum reuse of solid
are other gainf ul use wastes for commercial/
stockpiled in - To avoid contamination of usef ul pur pose to
open area ground water due to prevent ground water
for years leaching, the storage yar d contamination
together woul d require concrete liner

viii) Health Adverse on - On-line monitoring of - Check on the

the occupa- emissions an d wastewater occupational
tional health release and corrective action s ailments/h azards
of the if pollution level exceeds the - Prevention on the loss
workin g design target of production mandays
person nel & - Occupation al health care of
community the plant personnel as per
people international pr actice

ix) Safety Adverse due - Extensive safety measur es for - Avoidan ce of accidents
to safety the plant operati on and causing minor to fatal
lapses maintenance, electrical injury of the plant
inst allation s, fire safety person nel
measures including - Avoidan ce of dangerous
fire/smoke detection alarms, event s like gas leak,
portable CO detectors and fire, injuries etc
personnel safety appliances

x) Peripherial Beneficial - As a part of Cor porate Social - Accept ance of the

Socio-economy Responsi bility (CSR), social pr oject by the local
uplif tment programmes in population through
consultation with local account able &
people for development of transpar ent measures
education, infrastruct ure, - Sust ain ability of the
health & drinking wat er pr oject by believing in
supply an d physical the principle that social
environment respon sibility becomes
an integral part of the
- Social upliftment and
opportunity for the
local people

- 19 -
Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

59. For implementation of the proposed environmental mitigation

measures, the estimated capital expenditure (CAPEX) would
be around Rs 300 crores. Of the total estimated CAPEX.
Rs 232 crores would be spent towards various forms of
pollution mitigation measures and balance Rs 68 crores have
been provided for greenbelt development, eco-restoration,
on-line monitoring & environmental laboratory and energy


60. In order to have effective management of the overall

environmental performance of the plant including social
commitments, it is essential to have a comprehensive
environmental management plan (EMP). This plan includes a
proper organization structure, responsibilities, planning,
budgeting, training etc.

61. The operation of the plant would have to comply with the
environmental regulations, public liability, Government
Notifications etc as applicable from time to time for
industrial operation.

62. Without proper organizational set up, EMP cannot be

enforced. It is, thus, proposed to build a suitable
organizational structure having three functional wings,
namely, (i) Environment, (ii) Health and (iii) Safety, for
implementation of the mitigation measures and continuous
improvement on overall performance of the plant. The
organisation would be manned by experienced professionals
in the areas of environment, health and safety (EHS).

63. The functions of EHS cover monitoring, regulatory

compliance, remedial measures planning, budgeting,
implementation and occupational health care and safety.
The organization is required to adopt comprehensive

- 20 -
Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

environmental management, social responsibility

management system and occupational health care systems of
the plant as required by ISO-14001-2004, SA-8000-2008 and
OSHAS-18001-2007 respectively, in addition to quality
management system of ISO-9002.

64. Imparting Training, implementation of programme on

eco-restoration, Green House Gas (GHG) emission reduction
and Research and Development (R&D) for resource
conservation and wastes reduction would be an integral part
of the environmental management.

65. KSL would undertake various initiatives under Corporate

Social Responsibility for this project site for uplifting the
socio-economic status of the local people by providing health
and education facilities, skill development, business
entrepreneurship development etc. The total budget allocated
towards peripheral social development and CSR activities is
estimated at Rs 100 crores for the proposed expansion


66. It is presumed that the proposed project would be designed,

engineered and installed with the standard code of practices
of engineering, best practicable safety measures and
environmental safeguards.

67. In spite of adaptation of best engineering of the plant and

facilities, accidental events cannot be ruled out due to some
design deficiency or improper operation and maintenance or
malfunctioning of the various control systems installed. This
may affect life, property and environment.

- 21 -
Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

68. Hazard potentials at this pre-engineering stage of the project

have been identified. Some of the potential hazards may arise
due to failure of effluent treatment plants, fuel gases storage
and handling systems, pollution control systems, electric
short circuits, unsafe storage and handling of oily wastes etc.

69. After design freeze or prior to commissioning, it is proposed to

have HAZOP study with consequences, particularly for
handling of fuel gases and combustible products, to take
further safeguards in the plant engineering and operation

70. Safety during construction and operation would be of utmost

importance. The plant would have its own on-site & off-site
management plan to deal with various emergencies. Also,
various aspects of Disaster Management Plan (DMP) have
been discussed and it is suggested to get a DMP report
prepared that would help the plant personnel tackle
disastrous events.


71. In consideration of the predicted environmental impacts,

mitigation measures, environmental risks and the
implementation of the proposed EMP of the project under
consideration to be sited at Koppal, a matrix of net
environmental impacts is presented at the end. It may be
seen from the EIA matrix of the project that if the proposed
mitigation schemes with effective environmental management
on a continual basis are implemented, the prevailing
environment would not become alarmingly adverse; rather it
would usher in economic development of Koppal region.

- 22 -
Envir on mental I mpact Assessment of
M. N. DASTUR & COMPANY (P) LTD the proposed Expansion of Integrated
Iron & Steel Plant to 1.4 MTPA Capacity
in Koppal District, Karnataka

Summary (Cont’d)

Table - Environmental Impact Statement

at Operational Stage

Imp act on baseline

Project Project with
without mitigation
mitigation measures
Environmental Attributes measures and EMP Remarks

I. Physico-chemical

Soil cover -1 0
Land use (Solid waste storage) -2 0
TB water resource -2 -1
TB water quality (outlet) -1 0
Ground water resource 0 +1
Ground water quality 0 0
Ambient air quality -3 0
Workzone air quality -3 0
Workzone noise -2 0
Ambient noise 0 0

II. Biological

Terrestrial ecology -1 +1 Due to greenbelt

development to the
extent of 33% of
area to be acquired
Aquatic ecology -2 0

III. Human

Infrastructure +1 +3
Temporary Employment +1 +3
Economic upliftment of locals +2 +3
Social upliftment and +1 +2
Health -2 0
Safety -2 0

IV. Aesthetics

Climate 0 0
Landscape -1 0
Green coverage 0 +1 Due to greenbelt
development to the
extent of 33% of
area to be acquired

Legend: ‘1’ = Marginal; ‘2’ = Moderate; ‘3’ = Significant; ‘4’ = Irreversible

(+ve) = Beneficial; (-ve) = Adverse

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