DPR Swastic Repaired)
DPR Swastic Repaired)
DPR Swastic Repaired)
November, 2009
Executive Summary i
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Study Background_____________________________________________________________________1
1.2 Group Background____________________________________________________________________1
1.3 Promoters___________________________________________________________________________2 Pankaj Tekriwal_______________________________________________________________________2 Ashok Kumar Maskara_________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Rohit Maskara________________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 Mott MacDonald in India________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.5 Scope of Work________________________________________________________________________5 Market analysis and marketing concept____________________________________________________5 Technical Assessment_________________________________________________________________5 Organization and Overhead Costs________________________________________________________5 Human Resources_____________________________________________________________________5 Implementation scheduling______________________________________________________________6 Financial Analysis and investments_______________________________________________________6
1.6 Approach____________________________________________________________________________6
1.7 Caveats_____________________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Market Assessment 11
2.1 Introduction_________________________________________________________________________11
2.2 Steel Value Chain____________________________________________________________________11
2.3 Industry Structure____________________________________________________________________12
2.3.1 Based on Manufacturing Process________________________________________________________14 Integrated (Primary Route) Producers____________________________________________________14 Secondary Producers_________________________________________________________________14
2.3.2 Based on Finished Products____________________________________________________________15
2.3.3 Indian Scenario______________________________________________________________________15 Consumption of Total Finished Steel_____________________________________________________15 Per Capita Consumption of Finished Steel_________________________________________________16 Crude Steel Production________________________________________________________________17 Process Route Production_____________________________________________________________17
2.4 Structural Steel_______________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.4.1 Product Description___________________________________________________________________17
2.4.2 Product Application___________________________________________________________________18
2.4.3 Existing Demand Supply Scenario_______________________________________________________20 Demand____________________________________________________________________________20 Supply_____________________________________________________________________________21 Demand Supply Gap Scenario__________________________________________________________22 Prices_____________________________________________________________________________22
2.4.4 Projected Demand Supply Scenario______________________________________________________24 Demand____________________________________________________________________________24 Supply_____________________________________________________________________________24 Demand Supply Gap__________________________________________________________________25 Future Pricing_______________________________________________________________________26
2.5 Conclusions_________________________________________________________________________26
3. Marketing Plan 28
3.1 Competition Analysis__________________________________________________________________28
3.2 SOPPL SCOT Analysis________________________________________________________________28
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate Strengths___________________________________________________________________________28 Concerns___________________________________________________________________________28 Opportunities________________________________________________________________________29 Threats____________________________________________________________________________29
3.3 Marketing Plan______________________________________________________________________29 Product Mix_________________________________________________________________________29 Pricing_____________________________________________________________________________29 Target Market_______________________________________________________________________29
4. Technical Assessment 30
4.1 Project Configuration__________________________________________________________________30
4.2 Manufacturing Process________________________________________________________________30
4.2.1 Steel Melting Shop___________________________________________________________________30 Manufacturing Process________________________________________________________________30 Process Description__________________________________________________________________31 Technology/ Plant and Machinery Suppliers________________________________________________34
4.2.2 Rolling Mill___________________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Process Flow________________________________________________________________________38 Assessment_________________________________________________________________________39
4.2.3 Captive Power Plant___________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Manufacturing Process_________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Process Description___________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Opportunity__________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Technology/ Plant and Machinery Supplier__________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2.4 Laboratory and Research Development___________________________________________________39
4.3 Location Analysis____________________________________________________________________40
4.4 Environment Management Plan and Statutory Clearances____________________________________41
4.4.1 Sources of Environmental Pollution______________________________________________________41 Thermal Pollution____________________________________________________________________41 Noise Pollution______________________________________________________________________41 Water Pollution______________________________________________________________________41 Air Pollution_________________________________________________________________________41 Solid Waste_________________________________________________________________________41
4.4.2 Statutory Clearances__________________________________________________________________42
4.5 Raw Material________________________________________________________________________42 Iron Ore____________________________________________________________________________42 DRI or Sponge Iron____________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined. Coal_______________________________________________________________________________44 Scrap_______________________________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.6 Utilities_____________________________________________________________________________49 Power_____________________________________________________________________________49 Water______________________________________________________________________________49
4.7 Manpower Details____________________________________________________________________49
4.8 Project Cost_________________________________________________________________________50 Land and Land Development___________________________________________________________50 Building and Civil Works_______________________________________________________________51 Plant and Machinery Cost______________________________________________________________52
Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
5. Financial Assessment 56
5.1 Introduction_________________________________________________________________________56
5.2 Capacity Utilisation___________________________________________________________________56
5.3 Revenue Stream_____________________________________________________________________57
5.4 Cost Stream________________________________________________________________________59
5.4.1 Variable Cost________________________________________________________________________59 Raw Material________________________________________________________________________59 Utilities_____________________________________________________________________________59 Spares and Consumables______________________________________________________________60 Material Handling and Transportation_____________________________________________________60 Repairs and Maintenance______________________________________________________________60
5.4.2 Fixed Costs_________________________________________________________________________61 Manpower Cost______________________________________________________________________61 Administration Expenses and Misc. Expenses______________________________________________61 Selling and Distribution Expenses________________________________________________________61 Miscellaneous Expenses_______________________________________________________________61
5.5 Operating Profits_____________________________________________________________________62
5.6 Working Capital______________________________________________________________________62
5.7 Means of Finance____________________________________________________________________63
5.8 Project Evaluation____________________________________________________________________64
5.9 Project Risk Assessment_______________________________________________________________65 5% increase in Raw Material Prices______________________________________________________65 5% decrease in Selling Prices___________________________________________________________65 10% increase in Project Cost___________________________________________________________66 10% decrease in Capacity Utilisation_____________________________________________________66
5.10 Conclusions_________________________________________________________________________67
Appendices 68
Appendix A. Financial Model – Base Case___________________________________________________________69
Table 1.1: Annual Licensed Capacities_____________________________________________________________1
Table 2.1: Industry Structure____________________________________________________________________14
Table 2.2: Consumption of Total Finished Steel in India_______________________________________________16
Table 2.3: Domestic Crude Steel Production________________________________________________________17
Table 2.4: Process Route Production_____________________________________________________________17
Table 2.5: Projected Demand Supply Gap__________________________________________________________26
Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Figure 2.1: Steel Value Chain____________________________________________________________________12
Figure 2.2: Industry Structure____________________________________________________________________13
Figure 2.3: Productwise Consumption_____________________________________________________________15
Figure 2.4: Per Capita Consumption of Steel in India__________________________________________________16
Figure 2.5: Demand of Structural Steel Products_____________________________________________________20
Figure 2.6: Supply of Structural Steel_______________________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.7: Domestic Structural Steel Prices (Rs./Ton)_________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4.1: Project Configuration__________________________________________________________________30
Figure 4.2: Steel Melting Shop - Process Flow Diagram_________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4.3: Rolling Mill - Process Flow Diagram______________________________________________________39
Figure 4.4: Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Based Power Plant - Process Diagram______Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4.5: Coal Based Power Plant - Process Diagram________________________Error! Bookmark not defined.
Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Executive Summary
Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd. (SOPPL) registered
under Companies Act, 1956, is a private limited
company incorporated on 13th October 2009. SOPPL is
incorporated for setting up a sponge iron plant.
Project Configuration
1 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
1. Introduction
40 West
Source: SOPPL and METFIN Assessment 30 North
Project FinancialsThe summary of the
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr Project
3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Cost is
2 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Source: SOPPL
3 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Audyogik Kendra Vikash Nigam (MPAKVN) for land which has been
allotted at Hargarh Industrial Area,
Tahsil: Sihora, District: Jabalpur, in
The Proposed site is the state of Madhya Pradesh.
near to the iron ore
mines area. The area of Jabalpur/Sihora has a
large number of Iron Ore Mines.
SOPPL has carried out internal
geological survey. However, based on the results from the limited
survey carried out by SOPPL, the Consultants estimate that an average
60 – 62 % Fe Iron ore will be available from the area. Further, there
may be adequate reserves to meet the requirement of SOPPL for
1.3 Promoters
SOPPL is promoted by
Mr. Pankaj Tekriwal, SOPPL is promoted by Mr.
Pankaj Tekriwal, Mr. Vivek
Mr. Vivek Agarwal and
Agarwal and Mr. Ramesh
Mr. Ramesh Chandra
Chandra Verma. The
Verma. subsequent sections provide a
brief account of the promoters. Mr. Pankaj Tekriwal
4 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
effective and will be good for the national interest. Because energy
is National Wealth which should be preserved and cautiously used.
He is helping many technocrats to put their thoughts in reality and
developing new technology which can be adopted in India.
A hard-working and painstaking and very friendly with his labourers
and staff Mr Tekriwal is very passionate with his work and
dedicated to long hours of working. Mr. Vivek Agarwal
During 1965-76, he worked with M/s Heatly & Gresham (India) Ltd.,
looking after marketing of heavy civil engineering machines, oil burning
equipments etc. In 1976, he joined M/s Incorporated Engineers Pvt.
Ltd., Calcutta, looking after oil handling turnkey projects. During 1981-
85, he worked as Works Manager in M/s Ether (India) Ltd. From 1985-
89, he worked with M/s Macloid Steel (Pvt.) Ltd. and looking after
marketing of steel shots and grits.
5 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
MetFin Corporate
MetFin provides business Advisors Pvt. Ltd. is a
planning and advisory corporate advisory firm
services for a wide incorporated in Kolkata
spectrum of clients in and having corporate
industry, infrastructure and Office in Mumbai. It
provides comprehensive
social development.
range of corporate
advisory Services including Corporate & Financial Management,
structuring / restructuring, Technical management, Investment Banking
6 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we
behave in the world.
7 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Financial Human Resources
Estimated human resources requirements, broken down into labour
and staff and into major categories of skills.
Estimated annual human resources costs, classified as above,
including overheads on wages and salaries Implementation scheduling
Proposed approximate implementation time schedule
Estimated implementation costs Financial Analysis and investments
Total investment costs
Rough estimate of working capital requirements
Estimated fixed assets
Project Financing
Proposed capital structure and proposed financing
Cost of finance
Production cost (significantly large cost items to be classified by
materials, personnel and overhead costs, as well as by fixed and
variable costs)
Financial evaluation based on the above-mentioned estimated
1.6 Approach
8 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Chairman- Mr R. S. Rathod
Mr. Rathod is an eminent personality in Finance world. He is retired IRS
Officer and Ex-Chairman of CBDT with wide range of experience in
formation of various fiscal and monetary policies. He has also served as
special Secretary to Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. He has also
been Ex-Chairman of Bank of Rajasthan. He is known for his expertise
in taxation and Banking
9 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Director- Mr. D. Kantha
Mr. D. Kantha, a Chartered Engineer turned a management consultant,
established his core competence in cross-cultural attributes, keeping
his main focus in Technology, products, projects, HRD, services,
Manufacturing, Corporate, Policy and Strategy, while elevating himself
in various levels of operation both in general and corporate
management .He has worked with MNC like Martin Burn, Guest keen
Williams, Bird- Heilgers group and Andrew Yule group
10 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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11 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Tax Advisors
S. Jaykishen, Kolkata
Corporate Matters
Merchant Bankers
Technical Consultants
12 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
2. Market Assessment
Research House
1.8 Introduction
Steel has played a significant role being the driver of many developing
economies. The industry is currently seen as the sunrise industry for
developing nations. The leading steel producers like United States,
Russia and Japan face stiff competition from fast developing nations
like China and India. Liberalisation in 1991, played a decisive role in
assisting the Indian companies move up the value chain with better
quality and increased domestic production of value added products.
The major raw material for manufacturing steel is iron ore. Iron ore can
be converted to steel using the following methods -
Classical / Primary route of blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace
Modern / Secondary route of electric arc / induction furnace
Mix of Primary and Secondary route
Iron ore / Pellet & Coal Iron Ore / Pellet & Coal
14 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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India is the fifth largest producer of steel in the world. Indian steel
production stood at about of 54.52 million Tons during 2008-09, of
which domestic consumption was to the tune of about 52.16 million
Tons. The steel industry can broadly be divided into two major
categories - based on the type of finished products or on the basis of
15 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The manufacturers whose value chain extends from iron ore to finished
steel at a single location are known as Integrated Producers like, Steel
Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Tata Steel Limited (Tata Steel or TSL)
and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL). These players mostly adopt
the primary route for manufacturing steel. Secondary Producers
The manufacturers whose value chain extends from iron ore to finished
steel at various locations are known as Secondary Producers. This
segment is a distinctly heterogeneous one, not only in its composition
but also spread, capacity level, capacity utilization and production/
items of production. It is comprised mainly of Mini Blast Furnace units,
Sponge Iron producers, Induction Furnace (IF) and Electric Arc Furnace
(EAF) units, Re-rolling (RR) units, Hot Rolled (HR) units, Cold Rolled
(CR) units, Galvanised/Colour coated units, Tin Plate units and Wire-
Drawing units The input in the secondary route is either steel scrap or
molten iron, which is a recent development. The players like Essar
16 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Steel, Ispat Industries produce steel by using scrap steel. This method
utilises electric arc furnace or induction furnace to produce steel.
Products Players
Iron Ore NMDC, Kudremukh Iron Ore Company, Sesa Goa, SAIL, Tata Steel
Pig Iron RINL, Sesa, Usha Ispat, Malvika Steel, Kalinga Steel, Kirloskar, SAIL
Sponge Iron Essar, Ispat, Vikram Ispat, Topsworth Group
Hot Rolled Coils/Sheets / Plates SAIL, Tata, Essar, Ispat, JSW
Cold Rolled Coils/ Sheets SAIL, Tata, Ispat, Essar, JSW, Lollyds, Bhushan, Uttam
Galvanized Sheets SAIL, Tata, Ispat, Essar, JSW, Bhushan, Uttam, Lloyds
Bars / Rods / Wire Rods SAIL, Tata, RINL , Mukand, Usha Martin,
Alloy Steel Products Mukund, MUSCO, Kalyani, Usha Martin, Facor, Sunflag, Viraj
Source: Research Reports
A.2. Based on Finished Products
Flat Products
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18 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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60 14.0%
50 12.0%
10 2.0%
0 0.0%
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Source: JPC
The Consultants note that the per capita consumption of steel in India
has grown over the years; still it is lower than the developed nation’s
average of about 150 Kg. Crude Steel Production
Table 2 .6 below shows the process route production during the years
2005 to 2009. The production has been contributed largely by strong
trends in growth of the electric route, particularly the Induction Furnace
19 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Steel made from steel scrap is called electric steel. The single largest element
of cost in electric steel making is steel scrap. Rapid increase in steel production
through this route is causing a shortage of good quality scarp (scrap with
minimum contamination). At the same time, steel scrap of high purity is
becoming scarce and it is becoming difficult for IF/EAF operators to procure the
right quality input.
Fortunately, the technology of sponge iron has provided electric steel makers
with an alternative raw material to scrap. This product, known as DRI or sponge
iron, is better in quality than scrap and is also cheaper than scrap.
DRI or sponge iron as it is often referred to, is the substitute for melting scrap
(scrap steel) in the steel making process. DRI is the process of converting iron
ores, to metallic iron without the smelting process. The process of sponge iron
making aims to remove oxygen from iron ore. When that occurs, the departing
oxygen causes micro pores in the ore body making it porous. The final product,
20 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Sponge iron is a high ferrous content charge material for iron and steel making.
Sponge iron is produced in lump or pellet form, sized typically at 4 by 20mm.
Sponge iron also comes in compacted and briquette form known as Hot
Briquetted Iron (HBI), which is made by hot compacting sponge iron at
temperatures over 650 degree centigrade into a pillow shaped briquette
measuring 110 X50X30 millimetres.
A.3.1.2. Properties and Applications
Sponge Iron is a substitute of steel scrap for steel making through secondary
route i.e. EAF/IF route. The rapid growth of electric steel making has created
the need to develop alternative source(s) of iron bearing materials (feed
material). The high price of steel scrap, coupled with difficult foreign exchange
resources made sponge iron the most viable alternative for domestic steel
manufacturers adopting EAF/IF route. Further, merits of using sponge iron vis-
a-vis scrap with respect to residual elements in shredded scrap show that the
former is superior as a charge material. The following table shows the
comparison between scrap and sponge iron properties.
21 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Ability to use low grade fuels and fuels that are unacceptable
for conventional iron making.
Environmental friendly.
A.4. Existing Demand Supply Scenario Demand
The rise of the ‘middle 8
class’ in the last decade 6
has also boosted the 4
70 economy 2
30 East West North
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
22 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Source: CMIE
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate Supply
23 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The figure 2.6 indicates the trend in supply of sponge iron in domestic
market during 2003-08. From the figure 2.6, it can be noted that
majority of the production of sponge iron is consumed within the
domestic market.
The domestic demand for sponge iron stood at about 19.72 million MT
during 2007-08. This demand was met through with an installed
capacity of 26.39 million MT indicating utilisation over 75%. At present
the demand-supply scenario is balanced. However, the consultant
believe that new capacities would be needed in future as the industry
can achieve the maximum output of 21.77 million MT with a capacity
utilisation of 82.5%. The factors that restrict capacity utilisation include:
Many players are small (100 MTPD Kilns) and find it difficult to
manage operation and marketing the product.
24 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
per MT during March 2006. From the figure 2.7 it can be
50 that spongie iron prices have shot upEast
noted in the range of
4070 West
60 per MT, increasing from Rs.17,650 per MT during
30 East
5060 2007. The spurt in the sponge iron North
prices is due to rise East
20 West
1050iron ore, power & fuel prices and increase in wage cost
30 North West
by rising steel demand. Figure 2.7 indicates trend of
domestic1st sponge
Qtr 2nd iron
Qtr prices
3rd Qtr and melting scrap prices.
4th Qtr North
60 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
20 East
0 West
20 0
10 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
26 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
From the above, the annual demand growth for sponge iron for the
period 2008-12 is estimated to be 12%. Supply
In the medium term the outlook for the sponge iron industry looks very
good with rising demand. The manufacturers in the sponge iron industry
are looking to augment capacity. However, these capacities are
expected to go on stream only by 2011. The figure gives the capacity
addition during 2008-12.
27 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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28 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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3. Marketing Plan
1.12 Conclusions
The Consultant anticipates
that the prices of Sponge The Consultants conclude the
Iron to move up by 7% per following from the discussions in
annum during next two the chapter –
At present the
demand-supply scenario of
sponge iron is balanced. The consultants note that the demand for
sponge iron will surpass supply by 2008-09. Hence, new sponge
iron plants are required to meet the domestic demand in near
29 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The Consultants have analysed and found that there is no sponge iron
plant situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh presently. Concerns
Economies of scale of major players in domestic market affecting
the overall pricing of the market Opportunities
Favourable future demand-supply scenario.
Technology available locally.
The M.P. has adequate reserves of iron ore and coal.
Availability of skilled manpower.
30 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The Consultants have analysed and found that the market is within the
radius of 300-500km. The nearby markets are Indore in Madhya
Pradesh, Kanpur and Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and
31 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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4. Technical Assessment
many steel plants are coming in this area. Basically, the steel plants are
coming in secondary routes.
40 To Market West
30 North
70 0
60 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Source: SOPPL and METFIN Assessment
40 West
30 North
The Project Configuration
offers the following advantages –
A project with
10 better flexibility in operations.
An ideal capacity
1st leading
Qtr 2nd to
Qtrbetter absorption
3rd Qtr 4th Qtr of fixed and semi-fixed
Near to raw material availability offering better bargaining power.
Adequate flexibility for setting up value added product lines in future.
32 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Iron Ore and non-coking coal are the prime raw materials for the
production of sponge iron through.
The process of sponge iron making aims to remove oxygen from Iron
Ore. When that occurs, the departing oxygen causes micro pores in the
ore body making it porous.
The final product, when observed under a microscope, resembles a
honeycomb structure looking spongy in texture, hence the name
sponge iron.
Sponge iron is distinct due to its high metallic iron content and
consistent chemical and physical characteristics. This provides
secondary steel makers flexibility in preparing their furnace charge to
produce finer quality steels than what is possible using steel scrap only.
Some of the features of the sponge iron produced are:
1. High iron content and high degree of metallization.
2. Uniform and consistent quality.
3. Lower sulphur and phosphorus content.
4. Negligible tramp element.
5. Minimum dust generation during material handling.
6. Good flow ability in bins, pipes and conveyors for continuous
and trouble free charging.
7. Superior technical support to induction furnace operators.
8. The quality of sponge iron is primarily ascertained by the
percentage of metallization (removal of oxygen) , which is the
ratio of metallic iron to the total iron present in the product.
33 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Constituent Percentage
Fe, Total 60-65
Fe, Metallic 76-80
Metallisation 88(+/-2)
Sulphur 0.03 max
Phosphorus 0.05 max
Carbon 0.10 max
Gangue content 6-8
Size lump +4mm
Fines -4mm
Bulk density 1.6-2.0 MT/m³
Inherent density 3.5 MT/m³ (approx.)
The Day Bin building for DRI Kiln have separate bins for storage of
about one day’s requirement of coal (3-18 mm) injection coal (0-3 mm)
and dolomite (2-6 mm). Weigh feeders are provided to draw various
materials in the required proportion from the bins and deliver to the
conveyors for feeding into the kiln.
Rotary kiln of a certain dia and length are provided for reduction of iron
ore into sponge iron using non-coking coal as reductant. Other main
components of kiln are:
1. Feed end and discharge end housing of welding steel construction with
refractory lining including feed chute
2. Pneumatic cylinder actuated labyrinth air seal complete with auto
lubricating system at feed end and discharge end.
3. On board equipments like fans, manifolds, valves, piping, actuators, air
inlet parts, slip ring housing etc.
34 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The kiln will be lined with high alumina castable refractories throughout
its length with dams at feed end and discharge end.
The kiln feed from the charging end consist of screened Iron Ore, coal,
and dolomite. Air is supplied to the kiln through air ports provided on
kiln periphery along the kiln length. This ensures a controlled
combustion resulting in a very even temperature profile. A part of
required coal will be thrown from discharge end pneumatically into the
kiln. Necessary rotary feeder, compressor, piping, and valves will be
provided for the injection system.
In the kiln, the iron ore is dried and heated to the reduction temperature
of about 1000 D.C. The iron oxide of the ore is reduced to metallic iron
by carbon monoxide generated in the kiln from coal. The heat required
for the reduction process is also supplied by the combustion of coal.
Thermocouple installed along the length of the kiln shell determines the
thermal profile of the kiln. The temperature inside the kiln is controlled
by regulating the amount of combustion air admitted into the kiln
through ports with the help of fans mounted on the kiln shell and by
controlled coal injection. The reduced material from the kiln is cooled
indirectly in a rotary cooler by water spray. At the discharge end, the
cooler will act as a screening section, which separates all the accretions
larger than 50 mm from the reduced material.
These lumps are discharged separately via lump gate. Rest of the
material is discharged on a conveyor via double flap valve.
The cooled product is conveyed to the product processing building by a
system of belt conveyors. The products from the cooler discharge
contain sponge iron ores, char and spent dolomite. In the product
processing building, the product will be first screened in a double deck
screen having 3mm and 20mm screens.
The screened product i.e. +3mm to +20mm and -3mm fraction is
subjected to magnetic separation. The magnetic fraction of 3 to 20mm
is stored in separate product storage bins. Char generated in the plant
is stored separately for use as fuel in the power plant.
35 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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36 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The reduced and cooled product is screened and the oversized are
subjected to magnetic separation to obtain clean, and sized sponge iron
while the non-magnetic oversized portion as well as the undersized are
re-circulated through the charge. In a country like India, which does not
possess adequate natural gas and abundant non-coking coal bed, the
rotary kiln process is the obvious choice for producing sponge iron from
their own grade iron ores.
2 Process Selected
In this process a refractory lined rotary kiln is used for reduction of iron
ore in solid state. The kiln is mounted with a slope of 2.5%downwards
37 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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from the feed end to the discharged end. A central burner located at the
discharge end is used for initial heating of the kiln.
Sized iron ore is continuously fed into the kiln along with coal, which
has dual role of fuel as well as reductant. Small quantities of lime
stone/dolomite are added to scavenge the sulphur from the coal.
A number of air tubes are provided along the length of the kiln. The
desired temperature profile is maintained by controlling the volume of
combustion air through these tubes. Air is introduced through these
tubes axially in the free space over charge.
The rotary kiln is broadly divided into two zones namely, the pre-heating
zone and the reduction zone. The pre-heating zone extends over 40 to
50 percent of the length of the kiln. In this zone, the moisture in the
charge is driven off, and the volatile matter in the coal, liberating over a
temperature range of 600 to 800 degree centigrade, is burnt with the
combustion air supplied through the air tubes in the free space above
the charge. Heat from the combustion raises the temperature of the
lining and the bed surface.
As the kiln rotates, the lining transfers the heat to the charge. Charge
material, pre heated to about 1000 degree centigrade enters the
reduction zone. Temperature of the order of 1050 to 1100 degree
centigrade is maintained in the reduction zone, which is the appropriate
temperature for solid state reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron.
The reduced product is discharged into a rotary cooler along with coal
ash, culminated limestone and residual char, where they are cooled to
below 100 degree centigrade indirectly by spraying water on the outer
surface of rotary cooler.
38 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The sponge iron plant was found to be in working condition. The consultants
believe that the sponge iron plant will be in a position to produce as per the
designed capacity, depending on availability of input materials. Currently, GHIL
40 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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During site visit, the Consultant noted the refractory lining of sponge iron kiln is
in good position. The sponge iron plant is however being run based on
availability of iron ore. Hence, there are stoppages. The Consultants believe
41 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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that the sponge iron plant will be in position to achieve a capacity utilization of
82.5% of the rated annual capacity, based on availability of raw material. This
means that the sponge iron plant can achieve an annual production of about
86,625 MT.
42 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
Ash from CPP will be the major solid waste generated in the Project.
The Project plans to have a pneumatic handling system for ash. Ash
43 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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from CPP will be transported to silo. Ash from silo will be transported in
trucks to point of use. Ash will find application in construction site.
However, the Company may have to look for sustainable disposal
mechanism, which may include promoting manufacturing bricks.
44 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
the Project will be in a position to source Iron Ore required for the
proposed plant from same sources.
Physical Requirements:
Strength and granulometry are the two important physical
requirements. The pellet should be hard, and possess high
strength. The optimum tumbler strength of the ore should be 80%
minimum. Depending on the reductibility, closely calibrated ores in
the size range of 5 to18 mm generally used.
Metallurgical requirements:
It should be highly reducible, thermally stable and have a low
tendency for sticking and disintegration during heating and
Chemical requirements:
Apart from the removal of oxygen, no other major chemical change
takes place in direct reduction. The gangue material in sponge iron,
originating from iron ore, namely, silica and alumina and the
sulphur and phosphorus contents adversely affect the economics in
subsequent steel making operation. Therefore, the ore should be
high in iron content and low in gangue.
45 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Moisture 2% (Maximum)
Size 5-18mm Coal
SOPPL will get coal from the nearby site which is within the diameter of
150kms. Hence, the Project will be in a position to source coal required
for the proposed plant from same sources.
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Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
1) Non-coking character:
Non-coking coal is required in sponge iron production, since the
coking reaction leads to formation of rings inside the kiln.
Practically permissible caking index is 3 maximum for rotary kiln
4) Good reactivity:
An important step in solid state reduction is the boudward reaction,
whereby carbon dioxide generated from burning of coal reacts with
coal to regenerate carbon monoxide, the coal, therefore, should
possess sufficient “reactivity” so that the bounded reaction
proceeds at sufficient rate. Bituminous and sub-bituminous coal
exhibits very good reactivity suitable for production of sponge iron.
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6) Volatile matter:
Coals with optimum volatile content are required for coal based
rotary kiln process. Coal with very low volatile matter result in very
low reactivity of char, and thus give rise to poor metalized product.
Very high volatile coals, though they yield highly reactive char, are
also not preferred. Generally for rotary kiln process volatile matter
should be in the range of 28 to 32 percent.
900-950⁰ C
2) Gas temperature (Inlet)
180-200⁰ C
3) Gas Temperature (Outlet)
710 mm WG
4) Gas Pressure (Inlet)
35 g/Nm³
5) Inlet Dust Burden
+/- 50
6) Outlet Emissions Required mg/Nm³
Forced draft cooler is a tubular convective type heat exchanger used for cooling
of hot gases
In sponge iron plant the kiln outlet gases are at 950 to 1000 degree
centigrade. These flue gases cannot be let out to atmosphere as it is and
48 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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System description
The air to gas flue gas cooler is a tubular heat exchanger where, the hot
kiln exhaust are made to pass over the tubes and cold atmospheric air is
made to pass through the tubes.
This system says considerable energy due to lower pressure drop. Also the
cleaning of the FD cooler is easy as the dusty air is made to pass over the
tubes. Since there are practically no moving parts in the system and the
design is a modular construction, it is easy to install, economical and easy
to maintain. This system is design for 24X7 operations.
System advantages
No water required. Hence saving in cost.
Less power consumption due to low pressure drops of system.
Low in operating cost due to use of ambient air.
Easier to install, clean and maintenance due to modular system.
Less space required due to modular construction.
Design basis
FD cooler is for the cooling of flue gases.
Flue gas would pass outside the tubes and cooling air inside the tubes.
Easier maintenance on the heating surface.
Lesser choking of the tubes.
Low pressure drop in the flue gas side thereby saving the power
consumption of ID fan.
Modular construction saves precious time in erection.
Online cleaning of system with compressed air blast.
Over temperature protection.
Warm cooling air can be used by proper tapping to the advantages of the
plant to reduce fuel consumption.
Individual FD cooler for individual kiln.
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Under the influence of electrical field the charged dust particles migrate to
the collecting electrodes where the charge is lost. As soon as a sufficiently
thick layer of dust has been formed a vibration of the collecting electrodes
are induced by the use of rapping mechanism, there by dislodging the
accumulated dust layer. The dust then drops in to the collecting hopper
below the Electro Static Precipitator and has to be discharged through
Rotary air lock below each hopper.
50 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
1.21 Utilities Power
The Project is a water intensive project. Water will be required for the
following applications –
51 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The Consultants believe that the plant will be operational three shifts a
day for 300 days in a year. The total manpower required for
successfully running the plant has been provided in the Table 4 .9
The annual manpower cost for the Project has been estimated at Rs.
102.73 million.
52 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
Swastik Ores & Power Pvt. Ltd. MetFin Corporate
The Consultants note that the proposed Project will be coming up at the
existing facility of SOPPL at Hargarh Industrial Area, District Jabalpur,
Madhya Pradesh. SOPPL has 2.00 hectares of land at the site, which is
sufficient for implementation of the Project. Hence, the total cost of
Land & Land development has
been estimated to be Rs.75
The total cost of buildings lakhs. and civil work is estimated Building and Civil Works
at Rs. 940.00 Lakhs only.
The total cost of buildings and
civil work is estimated at
Rs.940 lakhs details of which are indicated in the Table 4 .11 below.
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54 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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Inland transportation cost
Erection & Commissioning Cost
UOM Quantity Rate (in Rs./ Value (Rs.
Unit) Lakhs)
Base Plant and Machinery Cost 1214.00
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Description UOM
(in Rs. Lakhs)
Furniture and Fixtures Lumpsum 5.00
Computers and Software Lumpsum 2.00
Transports and Vehicles Lumpsum 7.00
Fire and Safety Equipments Lumpsum 0.50
Other Miscellaneous Fixed Assets Lumpsum 0.50
Total 15.00
Source: METFIN Estimates Preliminary and Pre-operative Expenses
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1.25 Conclusions
The Project is technically viable
Project configuration offers cost advantage and flexibility
The location selected offers logistic and cost advantages
The Project will be in a position to source input materials
The Project is energy intensive and have already identified the
source for meeting its energy needs
Project Cost is estimated at Rs.3314.00 Lakhs.
The implementation strategy adopted by the Company will have a
bearing on the Project Cost and implementation period
57 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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5. Financial Assessment
1.26 Introduction
Plant and machinery used in the projects usually have life span of 20 to
25 years depending upon the maintenance and nature of the industry.
The project horizon considered is 10 years, as the payback period of
industrial projects is about 10 years.
SOPPL is planning to set up in 2nd phase one more kiln with Captive
Power plant, thus a total of 48000 MT and reaching a maximum
capacity utilisation of 95% in 2013-2014. The Consultants envisage a
three shift of operation and progressive increase capacity utilization as
indicated in the Table 5 .15 below. The peak capacity utilization has
been considered 95% to allow for better volume margins.
58 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The plant will become operational from the first quarter of 2010-
2011, assuming around 7 months for the completion of the project
The plant will be operational for 300 days a year taking into account the
machine downtime, repairs and maintenance works.
The product produced by the plant, Sponge Iron produced will be sold
in the market at prevailing rates and the selling prices considered by the
Consultants is as follows-
The selling price of billets is taken as Rs 13500 per ton, based on
the prevailing market rates for the past six months
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The utilities required for the manufacturing of sponge iron are power,
fuel/ furnace oil and water. Power is the main utility which is required to
run the plant. The consumption norms are as follows-
The consumption norms of power, water and fuel oil have been
considered as per the industry norms and the inputs provided by
60 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The Selling and Distribution expenses considered are in line with the
industry norms. Miscellaneous Expenses
The operating margin for the business will be about 49.78%, which is in
line with industry norms. The details of Operating Profit margin are
indicated in the given in the Table 5 .17 below.
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62 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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It is noted that margin money for first full year operation (2010-11) is
estimated at about Rs.231 Lakhs. The estimated margin money also
includes the margin for LC of Iron ore and Coal.
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IRR and NPV have been considered as the two evaluation parameters.
Table 5 .20 indicates the details of the key financial indicators. From
the, it can be noted that the IRR of the Project is which is much higher
than the post tax cost of capital (10.09%) indicating the Project to be
financially viable.
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The detailed financial for base case have been provided as Appendix A.
As discussed previously, the raw material price i.e. price of DRI and
scrap for billets manufacturing and coal for power plant are dependant
on the international crude and coal prices. Traditionally the
manufacturers of billets are able to pass on any increase in the raw
material prices to the end user. However still, the Consultants have
carried out sensitivity by considering an increase in 5% in the raw
material prices. The Table 5 .21 below indicates the financial viability of
the Project with a 5% increase in raw material prices.
The detailed financial for 5% Increase in Raw Material Prices has been
provided as Appendix B. 5% decrease in Selling Prices
65 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The detailed financial for 10% increase in Project Cost has been
provided as Appendix D. 10% decrease in Capacity Utilisation
Rs million Payback
Description IRR (%) DSCR
Capital Cost NPV (Months)
66 Swastik Ores and Power Pvt. Ltd., Sponge Iron Project No.10152, Nov,2009
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The detailed financial for 10% increase in Project Cost has been
provided as Appendix E
1.35 Conclusions
The Project is financially viable
The Project will have an operating profit margin of about
The Project is suggested to be funded by a capital structure of 2:1
The Project remains viable under adverse conditions.
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Appendix A. Financial Model – Base Case___________________________________________________________69
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