Fizzy Explosion Bags
Fizzy Explosion Bags
Fizzy Explosion Bags
4. Wrap the the baking soda up in the tissue by folding the tissue around it.
5. You will have to work fast now - partially zip the bag closed but leave enough space to add
the baking soda packet. Put the tissue with the baking soda into the bag and quickly zip the bag
completely closed.
6. Put the bag in the sink or down on the ground (outside) and step back. The bag will start to
expand, and expand, and if all goes well...POP!
Cool huh? Nothing like a little chemistry to to add fun to a boring afternoon. What happens
inside the bag is actually pretty interesting - the baking soda and the vinegar eventually mix (the
tissue buys you some time to zip the bag shut) When they do mix, you create an ACID-BASE
reaction and the two chemicals work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide - the stuff we
breathe out) well it turns out gasses need a lot of room and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the
bag, and keeps filling the bag until the bag can no longer hold it any more and, POP! Be sure to
clean up well and recycle those plastic bags...have fun!
Lava lamp
The bottle is a little over half full off vegetable oil
Fill the rest of the way with water. Leave about an inch at the top.
Now add 10 drops of food coloring.
Break your Alka Seltzer into 4 pieces.
and drop them in one piece at a time. Wait until the first piece stops bubbling before you
drop in the next. If too many go in, you solution gets all cloudy
To begin, the oil stays above the water because the oil is lighter than the water or, more
specifically, less dense than water. The oil and water do not mix because of something called
"intermolecular polarity." That term is fun to bring up in dinner conversation. Molecular polarity
basically means that water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. They get along
fine, and can loosely bond together (drops.) This is similar to magnets that are attracted to each
other. Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules, they get along fine as well. But the
structures of the two molecules do not allow them to bond together. Of course, there’s a lot
more fancy scientific language to describe density and molecular polarity, but maybe now you’ll
at least look at that vinegrette salad dessing in a whole new way.
When you added the tablet piece, it sank to the bottom and started dissolving and creating a
gas. As the gas bubbles rose, they took some of the colored water with them. When the blob of
water reached the top, the gas escaped and down went the water. Cool, huh? By the way, you
can store your "Blobs In A Bottle" with the cap on, and then anytime you want to bring it back to
life, just add another tablet piece.
Walking Water
For this experiment all you need is paper towel, a couple of glasses and some water . We prefer
to color the water to make it easier to see what is happening.
Fill one of the glasses with the water and raise it up higher than the other glass. Place a strip of
paper towel from the top glass, ensuring it touches the bottom, down to the lower glass.
Now watch what happens as the paper towel absorbs and siphons the water through the paper
into the lower glass.
It will take a little while …but eventually the entire glass of water will empty into the bottom
bend water
A dry plastic comb
An indoor faucet
A head full of clean dry hair.
1. Turn on the faucet and slowly turn down the water until you have a VERY thin stream of
water flowing.
2. Take the plastic comb and brush it through your hair ten times.
3. Now slowly bring the comb close the flowing water, (without actually touching the water) If all
goes well, the stream of water should bend towards the comb! Magic you ask? Not really.
SCIENCE: When you brushed that comb through your hair, tiny parts of the atoms in your hair,
called ELECTRONS, collected on the comb. These electrons have a NEGATIVE charge.
Remember that, its important. Now that the comb has a negative charge, it is attracted to things
that have a POSITIVE charge. It is similar to the way some magnets are attracted to certain
When you bring the negatively charged comb near the faucet it is attracted to the POSITIVE
force of the water. The attraction is strong enough to actually pull the water towards the comb
as it is flowing! If you want to try another experiment with your comb, tear up pieces of tissue
until they are as a small as you can get them...I mean really small! Then charge your comb
again by brushing it through your hair, and bring it close to the tiny pieces of tissue. If the pieces
are small enough they will jump off the table to the comb the same way that the water was
pulled to the comb. It is all thanks to the wonders of static electricity.
Make a paperclip float!
clean dry paper clips
tissue paper
a bowl of water
pencil with eraser
Fill the bowl with water Try to make the paper clip float...not much luck, huh? Tear a piece of
tissue paper about half the size of a dollar bill GENTLY drop the tissue flat onto the surface of
the water GENTLY place a dry paper clip flat onto the tissue (try not to touch the water or the
tissue) Use the eraser end of the pencil to carefully poke the tissue (not the paper clip) until the
tissue sinks. With some luck, the tissue will sink and leave the paper clip floating!
How is this possible? With a little thing we scientists call SURFACE TENSION. Basically it
means that there is a sort of skin on the surface of water where the water molecules hold on
tight together. If the conditions are right, they can hold tight enough to support your paper clip.
The paperclip is not truly floating, it is being held up by the surface tension. Many insects, such
as water striders, use this "skin" to walk across the surface of a stream.
blow up a balloon
A packet of yeast (available in the grocery store)
A small, clean, clear, plastic soda bottle (16 oz. or smaller)
1 teaspoon of sugar
Some warm water
A small balloon
1. Fill the bottle up with about one inch of warm water
( When yeast is cold or dry the micro organisms are resting.)
2. Add all of the yeast packet and gently swirl the bottle a few seconds.
(As the yeast dissolves, it becomes active - it comes to life! Don't bother looking for movement,
yeast is a microscopic fungus organism.)
3. Add the sugar and swirl it around some more.
Like people, yeast needs energy (food) to be active, so we will give it sugar. Now the yeast is
4. Blow up the balloon a few times to stretch it out then place the neck of the balloon
over the neck of the bottle.
5. Let the bottle sit in a warm place for about 20 minutes
If all goes well the balloon will begin to inflate!
As the yeast eats the sugar, it releases a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas fills the bottle and
then fills the balloon as more gas is created. We all know that there are "holes" in bread, but
how are they made? The answer sounds a little like the plot of a horror movie. Most breads are
made using YEAST. Believe it or not, yeast is actually living microorganisms! When bread is
made, the yeast becomes spread out in flour. Each bit of yeast makes tiny gas bubbles and that
puts millions of bubbles (holes) in our bread before it gets baked. Naturalist's note - The yeast
used in this experiment are the related species and strains of Saccharomyces cervisiae. (I'm
sure you were wondering about that.) Anyway, when the bread gets baked in the oven, the
yeast dies and leaves all those bubbles (holes) in the bread. Yum.
a balloon rocket
1 balloon (round ones will work, but the longer "airship" balloons work best)
1 long piece of kite string (about 10-15 feet long)
1 plastic straw
Tie one end of the string to a chair, door knob, or other support. Put the other end of the string
through the straw. Pull the string tight and tie it to another support in the room. Blow up the
balloon (but don't tie it.) Pinch the end of the balloon and tape the balloon to the straw as shown
above. You're ready for launch. Let go and watch the rocket fly!
So how does it work? It's all about the air...and thrust. As the air rushes out of the balloon, it
creates a forward motion called THRUST. Thrust is a pushing force created by energy. In the
balloon experiment, our thrust comes from the energy of the balloon forcing the air out. Different
sizes and shapes of balloon will create more or less thrust. In a real rocket, thrust is created by
the force of burning rocket fuel as it blasts from the rockets engine - as the engines blast down,
the rocket goes up!
floating ketchup
* A 1 liter plastic bottle
* Ketchup pack from a fast food restaurant
* Salt (using Kosher salt helps keep the water from becoming foggy)
Remove any labels from the bottle and fill it all the way to the top with water.
Add a ketchup pack to the bottle.
If the ketchup floats, you're all set - go to step 4. If the ketchup sinks in the bottle, go to step 5.
For the floating ketchup pack simply screw the cap on the bottle and squeeze the sides of the
bottle hard. If the ketchup sinks when you squeeze it, and floats when you release it,
congratulations, you're ready to show it off. If it does not sink when you squeeze it, try a
different kind of ketchup pack or try a mustard or soy sauce pack.
If the ketchup pack sinks, add about 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of salt to the bottle. Cap it and
shake it up until the salt dissolves. (Kosher salt will keep the water from getting too cloudy,
although it will usually clear up over time if using regular table salt.)
Continue adding salt, a few tablespoons at a time until the ketchup is just barely floating to the
top of the bottle.
Once it is consistently floating, make sure the bottle is filled to the top with water, and then cap it
Now squeeze the bottle. The magic ketchup should sink when you squeeze the bottle and float
up when you release it. With some practice you can get it to stop in the middle of the bottle.
This experiment is all about buoyancy and density. Buoyancy describes whether objects float or
sink. This usually describes how things float in liquids, but it can also describe how things float
or sink in and various gasses.
Density deals with the amount of mass an object has. Adding salt to the water adjusted the
water's density to get the ketchup to float. Sound complicated? It is, but here's the basics on the
ketchup demo...there is a little bubble inside of the ketchup packet. As we know bubbles float,
and the bubble in the ketchup sometimes keeps the heavy packet from sinking. When you
squeeze the bottle hard enough, you put pressure on the packet. That causes the bubble to get
smaller and the entire packet to become MORE DENSE than the water around it and the packet
sinks. When you release the pressure, the bubble expands, making the packet less dense (and
more buoyant) and, alas, it floats back up. This demonstration is sometimes known as a
Make your own rock candy
A wooden skewer (you can also use a clean wooden chopstick)
A clothespin
1 cup of water
2-3 cups of sugar
A tall narrow glass or jar
Clip the wooden skewer into the clothespin so that it hangs down inside the glass and is about 1
inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the glass. (as shown) Remove the skewer and clothespin and
put them aside for now. Get a helpful adult! Pour the water into a pan and bring it to boil. Pour
about 1/4 cup of sugar into the boiling water, stirring until it dissolves. Keep adding more and
more sugar, each time stirring it until it dissolves, until no more will dissolve. This will take time
and patience and it will take longer for the sugar to dissolve each time. Be sure you don't give
up too soon. Once no more sugar will dissolve, remove it from heat and allow it to cool for at
least 20 minutes. NOTE: While it is cooling, some people like to dip half of the skewer in the
sugar solution and then roll it in some sugar to help jump start the crystal growth. If you do this,
be sure to let the skewer cool completely so that sugar crystals do not fall off when you place it
back in the glass. Have your friendly ADULT carefully pour the sugar solution into the jar almost
to the top. Then submerge the skewer back into the glass making sure that it is hanging straight
down the middle without touching the sides. Allow the jar to fully cool and put it someplace
where it will not be disturbed. Now just wait. The sugar crystals will grow over the next 3-7 days.
Want colored rock candy? Add food coloring to your sugar water and make sure sure that it is
pretty dark in color for the best result.
When you mixed the water and sugar you made a SUPER SATURATED SOLUTION. This
means that the water could only hold the sugar if both were very hot. As the water cools the
sugar "comes out" of the solution back into sugar crystals on your skewer. The skewer (and
sometimes the glass itself) act as a "seed" that the sugar crystals start to grow on. With some
luck and patience you will have a tasty scientific treat! Enjoy!
A hoop glider
A regular plastic drinking straw
3 X 5 inch index card or stiff paper
1. Cut the index card or stiff paper into 3 separate pieces that measure 1 inch (2.5 cm) by 5
inches (13 cm.)
2. Take 2 of the pieces of paper and tape them together into a hoop as shown. Be sure to
overlap the pieces about half an inch (1 cm) so that they keep a nice round shape once taped.
3. Use the last strip of paper to make a smaller hoop, overlapping the edges a bit like before.
4. Tape the paper loops to the ends of the straw as shown below. (notice that the straw is lined
up on the inside of the loops)
. That's it! Now hold the straw in the middle with the hoops on top and throw it in the air similar
to how you might throw a dart angled slightly up. With some practice you can get it to go farther
than many paper airplanes
Can we really call that a plane? It may look weird, but you will discover it flies surprisingly well.
The two sizes of hoops help to keep the straw balanced as it flies. The big hoop creates "drag"
(or air resistance) which helps keep the straw level while the smaller hoop in at the front keeps
your super hooper from turning off course. Some have asked why the plane does not turn over
since the hoops are heavier than the straw. Since objects of different weight generally fall at the
same speed, the hoop will keep its "upright" position.
chicken sounds
A plastic drinking cup
* Yarn or cotton string (nylon string will not work well)
* 1 paper clip
* Paper towel
* A nail
* Scissors
* Water
Cut a piece of yarn about 20 inches (40 cm) long. Ask an adult to use the nail to carefully punch
a hold in the center of the bottom of the cup. Tie one end of the yarn to the middle of the paper
clip. Push the other end of the yarn through the hole in the cup and pull it through as shown in
the picture. Get a piece of paper towel about the size of a dollar bill, then fold it once and get it
damp in the water. Now it's time to make some noise! Hold the cup firmly in one hand, and wrap
the damp paper towel around the string near the cup. While you squeeze the string, pull down in
short jerks so that the paper towel tightly slides along the string. If all goes well - you hear a
This is an example of how a sounding board works. The vibrations from the string would be
almost silent without the cup, but when you add the cup, it spreads the vibrations and amplifies
them (makes them louder.) Pianos and music boxes use wood to act as a sounding board to
make the instrument louder
make your own slime
Elmer's glue (most kinds of white craft glue will work)
2 disposable cups
Food coloring (you pick the color)
Borax Powder (available at most large grocery stores near the laundry detergent)
A plastic spoon (for stirring)
A tablespoon (for measuring)
Fill one small cup with water and add a spoonful of the Borax powder and stir it up. Then set it
Fill the other small cup with about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the glue.
Add three tablespoons (20 ml) of water to the glue and stir.
Add a few drops of the food coloring and stir it up until mixed.
Now the fun part...Add one tablespoons of the Borax solution you made earlier and stir well.
Watch the slime form!
After the slime forms let it sit for about 30 seconds and then pull it off the spoon and play with it!
Tip: Keep your slime in a tightly closed plastic bag when you are not playing with it, and keep it
away from carpet and your little sister's hair.
Now for the SCIENCE part.... This POLYMER is unique because it has qualities of both a solid
and a liquid. It can take the shape of its containers like a liquid does, yet you can hold it in your
hand and pick it up like a solid. As you might know, solid molecules are tight together, liquid
molecules spread out and break apart (drops) POLYMER molecules CHAIN themselves
together (they can stretch and bend like chains) and that makes them special. Jell-O, rubber
bands, plastic soda bottles, sneaker soles, even gum are all forms of polymers. The polymer
you made should be kept in a sealed plastic bag when you aren't playing with it. Also, be sure to
keep it away from young kids or pets who might think it's food. Have fun
Plastic milk
One cup of milk
4 teaspoons of white vinegar
A bowl
A strainer
Adult help
Ask your friendly adult to heat up the milk until it is hot, but not boiling Now ask the adult to
carefully pour the milk into the bowl Add the vinegar to the milk and stir it up with a spoon for
about a minute Now the fun part, pour the milk through the strainer into the sink - careful it may
be hot! Left behind in the strainer is a mass of lumpy blobs. When it is cool enough, you can
rinse the blobs off in water while you press them together . Now just mold it into a shape and it
will harden in a few days. - Cool
Plastic? In milk? Well, sort of. You made a substance called CASEIN. It's from the latin word
meaning "cheese." CasEin occurs when the protien in the milk meets the acid in the vinegar.
The casein in milk does not mix with the acid and so it forms blobs. True plastics, called
poymers, are a little different.
cloud in a jar
Glass jar with lid (or use a small bowl/plate to act as a lid)
Hot water
Dark colored paper
Aerosol (i.e. hairspray or air refreshener) or Matches
Flashlight (optional)
This activity requires adult supervision due to the use of hot water, glass, and the aerosol or
First, make sure the glass jar is clean. Fill the bottom of the glass jar with hot water (approx. 1"
deep). You may want to swirl the hot water on the sides of the jar to warm up the glass,
otherwise, condensation will immediately occur. Take the lid of the glass jar and turn it upside
down so that it acts as a small bowl. Put ice in the lid and place the lid on top of the jar. Notice
that while you may have some condensation on the glass, there is no cloud floating inside the
jar. Next, take a can of air refreshener or hair spray, lift the lid of ice, spritz a small amount of
aerosol into the jar and quickly place the lid of ice on top of the jar. (Instead of an aerosol, an
adult can light a match, blow it out, then throw the smoking match inside the jar and replace the
lid of ice.) Now hold up the dark colored paper to the glass and look for wisps of cloud to start
swirling inside. You may also want to shine a flashlight inside the jar to see the cloud better. Lift
the lid and let the cloud out so that you can touch it.
Just like a baker uses a recipe to bake a cake, the atmosphere must have three ingredients to
make a cloud: 1) moisture, 2) lifting/cooling, 3) Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN). The moisture
was provided by the hot water in the bottom of the jar. Some of that hot water evaporated into
water vapor so that the air inside the jar would be moist and warm. As the warm, moist air rises
in the jar, it gets cooled by the ice on top. When water vapor cools, it wants to turn back into
liquid, but it needs to condense onto a surface. The aerosol (or smoke from the match) provides
a surface for the water vapor to condense into tiny cloud droplets. It's called Cloud
Condensation Nuclei because it's a very small particle that can float in the air to help water
vapor condense into clouds. The cloud swirls inside the jar due to the circulation of warm air
rising and cold air sinking.
Air pressure with eggs
A boiled egg
A glass bottle or jar with a neck a little smaller than an egg
2 matches
Place the cooled boiled egg on top of the glass bottle, making sure there is no way the egg fits
Ask an adult to light two matches and drop them inside the glass jar, quickly place the egg back
on top.
Watch as the egg drops inside the jar.
The matches heat up the air inside the glass jar. The air then expands and some escapes out of
the jar. Once the matches go out, the air starts to cool, making the pressure drop. The air
outside the jar now has a higher pressure than the inside, and forces its way inside the jar,
forcing the egg downwards as it does so.
air pressure vs. gravity
You will need:
a glass or jar
index card or cardstock, large enough to cover the top of the glass or jar
sink or bowl to catch the water
Fill the jar or glass to the brim with water. You don't want there to be any space for air.
Place the card over the top of the jar. Be sure the top is completely covered
Standing over the sink or bowl, hold the card against the jar as you turn it upside down.
Take you hand away from the card.
The water stays in the jar because the air pressure against the card is stronger than gravity
pulling the card down. If you gently pull on the card, breaking the seal or if you wait long enough
for the water to soak into the card, the water will come pouring out of the jar
#17 make it rain
You need 2 liter soda bottles (or another type of plastic bottle). Cut the bottle in half. Put about
and inch of warm water in the bottom of the bottle. It helps to color it blue (for the ocean).
Invert the top half into the bottom half (with the cap on). Fill the top with ice. After a few minutes
clouds will form and droplets of "rain" will form on the inverted top. It's raining!
Hover Craft
You'll need
a balloon,
a pop top bottle top,
an old/unused cd,
and adhesive of your choice.
You just glue the top over the hole in the cd.
Blow up your balloon
and with the pop top closed, and while holding your balloon closed, stretch the balloon over the
pop top.
When you're ready, open the pop top and see what happens