CM - Session 4
CM - Session 4
CM - Session 4
Introductions, Managing - Systems & Model & Recap
Good News & your Routines Rehearse learning/
First 5 Classroom Looking ahead
- Instructional
Environment at Session 5
Routines &
- Physical
● Log in from your computer, not your phone if
● Have your learning/ growth journal
Session ●
Enable your microphone and video
Mute yourself when you are not speaking
● Use chat box for questions or connections
● Actively participate during the session & in the
classroom Weebly.
● If it would not be appropriate face- to- face don’t
do it virtually.
Use resources
● Required readings
● Use the time to prepare for reading
Stay Current
● Assignments
Session Topics
* You want to have a specific location for where you will keep and
track your notes for this course (spiral/ composition book).
Urban Teachers Goal/ JH SOE Mission
A.1: Environment- Foster the physical and cultural environment to support the
development of the whole child.
- A.1.6: Demonstrate through words and actions that everyone is a valued member
of the learning community
A.2: Classroom Management- Actively manage on-task behaviors and ensure that
instructional time is used effectively and efficiently
- A.2.1: Use strong teacher presence to engage students
- A.2.2: Provide explicit directions for students about expectations for on-task
B.1: Collect Data- Routinely gather formative assessment data that is aligned to the
expectations of the standards.
Strand A: Teacher Practice Rubric (TPR)
Classroom Management Assignments
Rehearsal Pairs/ Groups/ Ongoing
The purpose of this assignment is for the participant to demonstrate consistent engagement in rehearsal exercises
which should allow a space of error- permissive comfort as well as accountability.
Planning Explicit and Precise Directions + Teacher Presence & Voice Video
Due Session 3: Math - July 6, 2020 / ELA- July 8, 2020
The purpose of this assignment is for the participant to demonstrate effective planning for explicit and precise
directions while also evidencing their teacher presence and voice.
Instructional routines and materials are needed to help with the structure of your
Instructional Time. Instructional Time is broken up into 4- categories:
1. Allocated Time: The total time for instruction and student learning
2. Instructional Time: The time the teacher is actively teaching
3. Engaged Time: The time students are involved in a task
4. Academic Learning Time: The time teachers use to prove that students
learned the content or mastered the skill
Explaining Expectations/ Routines
Physical Classroom Environment
When the physical space is aligned to the instructional goals and routines,
students feel welcomed and supported in the classroom.
UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Considerations
In your break out rooms you will read over your number/ topic- we will
come back whole group to teach/ discuss with your peers important take-aways- How
does UDL connect to these 5 Tips?
Classroom Environment Checklist Examples
➔ Routines developed with limited distractions
➔ Flexible seating/ grouping
➔ Behaviors/ Norms are posted
➔ Lightning is Sufficient
➔ Learning Objective posted
➔ Walls that Teach (data, strategy posters, student
work, etc)
➔ Classroom Library
Student Centered Spaces
You want to create student- centered spaces in your classroom that:
During the Asynchronous portion of the session, you and your group will need to complete an independent task and
then come together to record. The person with the closest birthday to June 22nd will be the lead for the week. The
lead will email the group to arrange the recording, record the rehearsal while in Zoom, and upload and share the
recording to Torsh. The recording will be shared with each of your group members and ME via Torsh. The lead will
change each week in order of the next birthday.
Purpose of Task: Work on becoming a No- Nonsense Nurturer/ An Effective Educator that not only TEACHES but
Putting It All Together/ Foster the physical and cultural environment to support
the development of the whole child
- CAST (2016)
- Ladson- Billings (1995)
Be creative in thinking about the artifacts. Slide Deck: Slides to demonstrate the Key
Assignment Components- Include an explanation of each component, including how it was or will be
used and why it is important
*Cite Research when necessary
*Reflection is embedded in slide deck
* On your solo teach days in the fall you will already have things created (in your toolbox).
* If you are not going to make them/ artifacts (home made) find things that you plan to use.
Key Assignment Reflection
Guiding questions for you
1. The specific strategies from this course that you enacted in class
2. The outcome of those enactments (how did it go?)
3. Your Take-Aways (Glows, Grows, Wow Moments, Next Steps)
Key Assignment Upload
➔ Embed evidence of your Artifacts (photos, scripts,
screenshots, scans, etc.) in your slide deck/
➔ Embed your Reflection at the end of your slide deck/
Powerpoint (through text paste on the final slides)
➔ Convert your final presentation into a .pdf file
➔ Upload the final presentation to TK20 as a .pdf file
Session Take- Away
As Always...
Love you
Be Safe
Enjoy the rest of your day
See you next class