How We PLC Draft
How We PLC Draft
How We PLC Draft
How We PLC
DESE describes professional learning communities (PLCs) as working groups of teachers who see
student learning, not teaching, as their mission. The policies, instruction, curriculum, programs,
professional development, and other functions of the school all support student learning. In
maintaining this constant focus on learning, four questions become paramount for PLCs
Student Goal: Achieve significant gains in student growth through demonstrable data.
PLC Goal: Achieve average % on rubric for implementation of PLC data processes.
1. Weekly Data Meetings: Data meetings focus on comparing student work to an exemplar task
that is standard aligned. In comparing this work, teachers identify a gap in knowledge and
plan for a re-teach within one week of instruction. Teachers track their data work in each PLCs
lead/lag tracker.
2. Setting Content Rigor: In content rigor meetings, PLCs dig into priority standards that align
to unit and interim assessments. Teachers identify the priority standard for the upcoming
week, write exemplar academic tasks, and exemplar answers. Teachers collaborate on and
evaluate academic tasks on a weekly basis to ensure their rigor and integrate them into
upcoming plans.
3. Stand and Deliver: In stand and deliver meetings, teachers bring prepared lesson plans to
PLC ready to deliver them as if in class - especially focusing the delivery of a priority standard
and the related academic task. Teachers receive feedback and revise their delivery before the
upcoming week.
PLC Leads ❏ Own PLC data meeting process and templates by ensure that your PLC follows
all timestamps in meeting scripts below
❏ Remind teachers to bring high, medium, low examples to data meeting every
❏ Lead analysis of student achievement in their departments on a weekly basis.
❏ Lead teachers in setting appropriate rigor of academic tasks.
❏ Lead teachers in implementing curriculum
❏ Lead teachers in the practice of delivering effective instruction.
Beginning of the Year PLC Work
In order to successfully engage in the work above there are some essential work that must be
completed as a PLC in each content area. This work should be done in the first weeks or month of
1. Interim or Pre-assessment Analysis: P LCs must give and analyze their first interim analysis
or assessment in each content area to establish the priority growth standards for the school
2. Quarter or Semesters at a Glance: PLCs must look at the curriculum scope, sequence, and
unit assessments to determine a progression of instruction that will support interim growth.
This should be planned out in a quarter or unit at a glance that covers all standard or
objectives to be covered on a weekly basis.
❏ Follow the Script: Until you are comfortable with the process, follow the script. These
process come from research proven processes in Paul Bambrick Santoyo’s book Get Better
Faster. They are proven to support student growth.
❏ Everybody Owns It: In order for these process to work, everybody must seek to own them.
Our PLCs are large and have many different contents each. In order for everyone to receive
feedback on student work and grow, we must all be able to facilitate these processes.
❏ Rinse. Wash. Repeat. Do your best to implement these process on a weekly basis. Partner in
groups of two to three so that feedback cycles are short and every teacher can participate in all
the drivers in one week. These processes are new, but with practice and reflection we can
implement them with high effectiveness.
Materials to Bring:
Binders - Computers
Student Work
Meeting Teacher Exemplar
Prep Lead/Lag Tracker
Content Standards
Teacher Prep-Work:
- Grade student work and select a representative high, medium, and low.
- Know class average for your assessment of focus
“OK, in your pair, take two minutes to share the gap in understanding that students
“My student need to know….” (Each person shares)
Name It ❏
(5 Min.) ❏
How: “Great, now in your pair, list out the action steps students must be able to do
to cover this gap.”
“To show this they need to be able to do…” (Each person shares)
Option 1: Guide Student Conversation
Discourse · Know the endgame:
o What strategy/skill/thinking do you want students to understand via the
· Start from student work (Show-Call)
o Post/display/chart an exemplar student response OR an incorrect student
o OR post both J
· Call on students—ID the student thinking:
o Exemplar: what did this student do?
● Push for clearer answers when they haven’t precisely IDed the successful
o Incorrect response: do you agree/disagree with this answer? What is the error?
· Stamp the understanding:
o What are the key things to remember when solving problems like these?
o Name the strategy/conceptual understanding
o Have students put it in their own words
**Resources developed based on learning at RELAY Graduate School of Education
Guadalupe Centers High School
How We PLC - Setting Content Rigor (40 Minutes)
Planning & Materials
Materials to Bring:
Content Standards
Semester at A Glance Documents
Meeting Lesson Plans for Next Week
Prep Exemplar Task/Student Work (If available)
Teacher Prep-Work:
Identify a priority standard that you will focus on in the meeting, and bring tasks
(formative & summative) that students have worked on in the past to demonstrate
this standard.
What: (2 Minutes)
“Now that we have done this work, turn to your partner what gaps in assessing
student “KNOWs” and “DOs” does the task have? List them to your partner and
explain your reasoning.”
“The gaps I observe in this task are…”
Name It ❏
(5 Min)
How: (3 Minutes)
“Explain the actionable changes you need to make to the task so students can
demonstrate what they need to be able to do”
“The changes I am going to make are…”
Materials to Bring:
Written lesson plans for the next week.
Exemplar from “Set the Rigor Template”
Meeting Standard break down from “Set the Rigor Template”
Teacher Prep-Work:
Write lesson plan for practice before arriving
“As you watch this person deliver a portion of their lesson, remember that our goal
is the appropriate rigor. Share your standard you are teaching with your partner
along with the key “KNOWs” and “DOs” you expect to see in students.”
“My student need to know….” (Each person shares)
Name It ❏
(5 Min) ❏
“To show this they need to be able to do…” (Each person shares)