119 To Be Recognized: Labeling Program Expanded
119 To Be Recognized: Labeling Program Expanded
119 To Be Recognized: Labeling Program Expanded
June 2013
Volume 28
Number 3
119 To Be Recognized Program
The Building Energy Quotient, (bEQ),
a building energy labeling program that
allows the industry to zero-in on oppor-
Ayub Burgett Carter Cohen Crawley Dean tunities to lower building operating cost
and make informed decisions to increase
value, has been expanded to include an “As
Designed” label.
ASHRAE is the developer of bEQ.
The program now two labels in one: an
“As Designed” label that rates the building’s
potential energy use under standardized
Hosni Hwang Leppard Menzies Rooley Sanchez conditions—independent of the building’s
occupancy and use—and an “In Opera-
Late Presidential Member tion” label that rates the building’s actual
measured energy use as influenced by the
Regional Meetings
Bookstore Has Papers Sought “With membership increasing and
Abramson B. Anderson J. Anderson Arnold Austin Bailey Bartel Bowman Brundage Cabot
Callaway Carter Case Cawley Conover Crowther Culp Curlin Dettmers Escamilla
Fallin Fenton Gilbertson Gowri Groff Hanegan Hyman Jayaraman Kuempel Levin
Tran Veeck Villanueva Wentz Weston B. Williams Woods Wright Yuill Zarour
Bennett Bishop Brink Caffrey Clements Jones McFall Newman V. Williams Woods
Member ASHRAE, is retired and lives in
Cookeville, Tenn.
• David P. Yuill, P.E., graduate research
assistant, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
• Jack Zarour, senior mechanical engineer,
Murphy Cai Cremaschi Ghajar Bryant O’Neal Davis Gibbs
Genentech, a Member of the Roche Group,
South San Francisco, Calif. Shanshan Cai, Lorenzo Cremaschi,
Ph.D., Afshin Ghajar, Ph.D., P.E., and Kasey
Distinguished 50-Year Members Worthington receive the Poster Presentation
The Distinguished 50-Year Member Award Award for “Measurements of Pipe Insulation
is given to persons who have been a member Thermal Conductivity at Below Ambient
of the Society for 50 years and have per- Temperature Part 1: Experimental Method-
formed outstanding service to the Society. ology and Dry Tests.” The award is given to Idem Nalla Memarzadeh Fullerton Donovan
The following 13 members will receive this peer-reviewed technical papers with the best
award: visual and technical information presented
• Arthur Bennett, P.E., Fellow/Life Member at Society meetings. Cai is a Ph.D. student,
ASHRAE, is retired and lives in Athens, Ga. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
• Walter Bishop, P.E., Fellow/Life Member Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
ASHRAE is retired and lives in Sunnyside, Okla.; Cremaschi is an associate profes-
N.Y. sor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Weiss VanGeem Siddiqui Schiavon Lima
• Laurence Brink, Life Member, is being Okla.; Ghajar is regents professor, John
recognized posthumously Brammer Endowed professor and director Nalla is current product engineers, Cummins Standards Achievement Award
• Floyd (Les) Brown, P.E., Fellow/Life of graduate studies, School of Mechanical Filtration, Soughton, Wis. The Standards Achievement Award rec-
Member ASHRAE is retired and lives in and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State • Farhad Memarzadeh, Ph.D., P.E., re- ognizes significant and exceptional service in
Charleston, Ill. University, Stillwater, Okla.; Worthington is ceives an award for “Literature Review of the area of standards leadership and technical
• Ronald Caffrey, Life Member, partner, project engineer, AAON Inc., Jenks, Okla. the Effect of Temperature and Humidity on contribution. The recipient is Martha Van-
BSC Partners Consultants, Saint Petersburg, John Bryant, Ph.D., P.E.; Dennis O’Neal, Viruses.” Memarzadeh is director, Division Geem, P.E, self-employed principal engineer,
Fla. Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASHRAE; and Michael of Technical Resources, National Institutes Mount Prospect, Ill.
• Waller Clements, P.E., Life Member, Davis, Ph.D.; are the recipients of the Crosby of Health, Bethesda, Md.
owner, Clements Consulting, Evansville, Field Award. Their paper, “Modeling the Student Activities Achievement
Ind. Performance of ECM and SCR Parallel Fan- Lincoln Bouillon Award The Student Activities Achievement
• Thomas A. Gilbertson, P.E., Fellow/Life Powered Terminal Units in Single-Duct VAV The Lincoln Bouillon Award recognizes a Award recognizes a Chapter Student
Member ASHRAE, president, Thomas A. Systems,” was judged to be the best paper member who performs the most outstanding Activities chair for service related to the
Gilbertson & Associates, Moraga, Calif. presented before the Society in 2012. They work in increasing the membership of the goals and growth of student activities. The
• Donald Glaser, P.E., Fellow/Life Mem- also receive two Technical Paper Awards, Society during the course of the year. The re- recipient is Ather Siddiqui, chief execu-
ber ASHRAE is retired and lives in Fort which recognize the authors of the best cipient is George Waters Sr., branch manager, tive, Environmental Engineering Centre,
Myers, Fla. papers presented at Society meetings: one sales engineer, R.L. Stone Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Islamabad.
• Robert Jones, P.E., Fellow/Life Member for the aforementioned paper and one for
ASHRAE is retired and lives in Winchester, “Modeling the Performance of ECM and Dan Mills/Chapter Program Awards Ralph G. Nevins Award
Va. SCR Series Fan-Powered Terminal Units in The Dan Mills Technical Award recog- Stefano Schiavon, Ph.D., P.E., assistant
• James McFall, P.E., Fellow/Life Member Single-Duct VAV Systems.” Bryant is as- nizes a Chapter Technology Transfer Com- professor of architecture, Center for the Built
ASHRAE senior consultant, MKK Consult- sociate professor, Mechanical Engineering mittee (CTTC) chair who excels in meeting Environment, Department of Architecture,
ing Engineers, Greenwood Village, Colo. Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar, CTTC goals. The recipient is Mike Fullerton, University of California Berkeley, is the
• James Newman, Life Member, ASHRAE- Doha, Qatar; O’Neal is dean, School of P.E., ASHRAE-Certified Healthcare Facility recipient of the Ralph G. Nevins Physiology
Certified Operations and Performance Man- Engineering and Computer Science, Baylor, Design Professional, is project manager/ and Human Environment Award, which is
agement Professional and Building Energy University, Waco, Texas; Davis is director principal, TME Inc., Little Rock, Ark. Ful- given to a researcher under the age of 40 for
Assessment Professional, owner, managing of laboratories, New York University Abu lerton is also receiving the Chapter Program significant accomplishments in the study of
partner, Newman Consulting Group, Bloom- Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Star Award, which recognizes excellence in bioenvironmental engineering and its effect
field Hills, Mich. Daniel Gibbs is the recipient of the chapter program endeavors. on human comfort and health.
• Verle Williams, P.E., Fellow/Life Member Willis H. Carrier Award, which is given
ASHRAE, ASHRAE-Certified Commis- to an ASHRAE member 32 years of age or William J. Collins Jr. RP Award Environmental Health Award
sioning Process Management Professional, younger for presenting an outstanding paper The William J. Collins Jr. RP Award is Lawrence J. (Larry) Schoen, P.E., Fellow
president, Utility Services Unlimited, San at a Society meeting, for his paper “Measure- given to the chapter research promotion chair ASHRAE, of the National Capitol Chapter
Diego, Calif. ments of Flat Oval Diverging Flow Fittings who excels in all activities supporting the is the recipient of the Environmental Health
• James Woods, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow/Life Loss Coefficients.” Gibbs is a mechanical research promotion campaign. The recipient Award, which recognizes excellence in
Member ASHRAE, independent consultant, engineer, Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and is Christopher (Mike) Donovan, ASHRAE- volunteer service focused on environmen-
Charlottesville, Va. Cannon, Nashville, Tenn. Certified High-Performance Building Profes- tal health issues. Schoen is president and
The following papers were selected to sional, Houston. principal engineer, Schoen Engineering,
Paper Awards receive Technical Paper Awards, which Columbia, Md.
The Journal Paper Award honors the recognize the authors of the best papers Lou Flagg Historical Award
best paper or article published in ASHRAE presented at Society meetings. Alexander Weiss, P.E., is the recipient of Homer Addams Award
Journal. John Murphy receives the award • Stephen Idem, Ph.D., and Ananth Nalla the Society’s Lou Flagg Historical Award, Ricardo Da Silva Lima, Ph.D., is the re-
for his article, his article, “Total Energy and receive an award for “Laboratory Test- which recognizes an individual for preparing cipient of the Homer Addams Award, which
Wheel Control in a Dedicated Outdoor Air ing of Saddle-Tap Tees to Determine Loss the most outstanding historical presentation honors a graduate student who has been
(OA) System,” Murphy is an applications Coefficient.” Idem is a professor, Tennessee related to HVAC&R. Weiss is a professional engaged in an ASHRAE research project.
engineer, Trane Co., La Crosse, Wis. Technological University, Cookeville, Tenn. engineer, Brooklyn, N.Y. Lima lives in Versoix, Switzerland.
4 ASHRAE Insights June 2013
Students Put
Theory Into
Practical Use
Holding the new Cyprus Section banner is Section president Polyvios Eleftheriou (left) and Bassam Elassaad, Sub
Region B chair. Members of the new section flank them.
Yea! for YEA Weekend in Vancouver
The final reports for the following re- densers in Cooling Tower Applications,” have been recently adopted by the heat investigator was Dr. Lorenzo Cremaschi
search projects are available for free for presents a new experimental methodology pump industry because of their compact- with Oklahoma State University.
ASHRAE members. Visit www.ashrae.org/ and validation of waterside thermal perfor- ness and efficiency for heating and cooling
research and log in to gain access. The mance of BPHE’s under fouling operating in residential and commercial applications. 1416
ASHRAE Transactions papers are avail- conditions. This final report presents ex- If used in outdoor refrigerant to-air direct As contemporary building designs
able for $5 for ASHRAE members at www. perimentally validated fouling resistance expansion coils, they are subjected to sig- often include large windows or glass
ashrae.org/bookstore. correlations and pressure drop correlations nificant frost growth and frequent defrost curtain walls, modeling convective heat
were provided for possible inclusion in cycles, which ultimately limit their heating transfer at the interior surfaces of these
1487 the ASHRAE Handbook and possibly performance during winter. 1589-URP, “Ef- windows becomes crucial in calculating
In 2007 the EPA noted 1.5% of the the AHRI Guideline E. Technical papers fects of Fin Design on Frost and Defrost loads. 1416-RP, “Development of Internal
USA’s nation’s energy load was from data on this project published in ASHRAE Thermal Performances of Microchannel Surface Convection Correlations for En-
centers and that energy use this could Transactions (Vol. 118 (1), CH-12-033) Heat Exchangers,” experimentally inves- ergy and Load Calculation Methods,” has
double by 2011. CFD can be a tool to and ASHRAE HVAC&R Research Journal tigated the effects of surface temperature, investigated interior convective heat trans-
optimize data center design, layout and (Vol. 17(2), April 2011) are available now. fin geometry, fin surface coatings and air fer at perimeter curtain walls and window
energy efficiency. Modeling the rack is 1345-RP, “Waterside Fouling Performance psychrometric conditions on the thermal surfaces with over 200 experiments. The
one of the critical pieces in this design but of Brazed-Plate Type Condensers in Cool- and hydraulic performance of the micro- results will allow designers to better predict
real data sets against which to compare ing Tower Applications,” was sponsored channel heat exchangers under frosting interior convection and calculate loads for
models are rare due to the mission critical by TC 8.5, Liquid-to-Refrigerant Heat conditions. The final report includes data these architectural designs. The final report
nature of these facilities. To fill this need, Exchangers. The principal investigator was and correlations that predict frost thickness, details an algorithm to estimate load based
1487-RP, “The Development of Simplified Dr. Lorenzo Cremaschi with the Oklahoma air-side face-velocity reduction, and heat on geometrical conditions, mechanical
Rack Boundary Conditions for Numerical State University. transfer coefficients for louvered folded fins equipment present, operating mode, and
Data Center Models,” has developed steps operating under quasi-steady state frosting thermal conditions in the space for imple-
to guide the CFD user in developing their 1431 conditions in microchannel-type evapora- mentation into the ASHRAE Load Toolkit.
own rack models for any CFD platform Many cleanrooms and bio-safety facili- tors. A technical papers on this project Furthermore, correlations are formatted
using input of heat dissipation rate and fan ties utilize airlocks at each entrance and exit published in ASHRAE Transactions (Vol. for inclusion into ASHRAE Handbooks
volumetric flow rate. The tool in the final for personnel, material, equipment, and 118 (1), CH-12-034) is available now. 1589- chapters for use by practitioners. A techni-
report will allow designers to more quickly, product traffic to minimize the flow of URP, “Effects of Fin Design on Frost and cal paper was published in the ASHRAE
confidently, and accurately model data contaminated air between clean spaces and Defrost Thermal Performances of Micro- HVAC&R Research Journal (Vol. 16(5),
centers. A technical paper on this project less-clean or unclassified corridors. Despite channel Heat Exchangers,” was sponsored September 2010) and is available now.
published in ASHRAE Transactions (Vol. these airlocks being commonly employed, by TC 8.4, Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer 1416-RP, “Development of Internal Surface
118 (2), SA-12-009) is available now. critical in nature, and energy and space Equipment. The principal investigator was Convection Correlations for Energy and
1487-RP, “The Development of Simplified use intensive, they’ve not been thoroughly Dr. Lorenzo Cremaschi with the Oklahoma Load Calculation Methods,” was sponsored
Rack Boundary Conditions for Numerical studied. A recently completed ASHRAE State University. by TC 4.7, Energy Calculations. The prin-
Data Center Models,” was sponsored by TC project has researched the effectiveness cipal investigator was Dr. Atila Novoselac
4.10, Indoor Environmental Modeling. The of numerous parameters (air lock type, 1356 with the University of Texas-Austin.
principal investigator was Dr. John Zhai number of doors, pressure differential, sup- Mechanical pipe insulation systems
with the University of Colorado. ply air flow rate, time-delay in opening of are often installed around cold cylindri- 1476
airlock doors, walk-in vs. walk-out, door-in cal surfaces, such as chilled water pipes, The use of water as a refrigerant
1344 vs. door-out) to optimize cleanroom decon- in HVAC&R applications that work at (R718) in refrigeration applications could
Pressure differential (PD) of 0.05 tamination results, energy and space use. below ambient temperatures. It is crucial have distinct advantages over traditional
in. (12.5 Pa.), as a single criterion for The method presented in the final report can the insulation system work properly to pre- refrigerants. However, difficulties arise
cleanrooms, has been used for many lead to development of a future ASHRAE vent freezing, condensation, mold growth, during manufacturing low-cost but high-
years since adopted into Federal Stan- standard for airlocks. A technical paper has even corrosion. ASTM C335 presents a performance compressor impellers to
dard 209 and the ASHRAE Handbook. been submitted for future publication in methodology for measuring thermal con- compress this natural refrigerant that still
This criterion is believed over-simplified ASHRAE Transactions. 1431-RP, “Analysis ductivity of pipe insulation systems but it need to be addressed. 1476-URP, “Woven
and no longer precise for more complex of Transient Characteristics, Effectiveness, is based on a heated pipe approach with Compressor Enabling Economic and Scal-
conditions and applications. 1344-RP, and Optimization of Cleanroom Airlocks,” outward heat flow and does not consider able R718 Chillers – Phase 1: Proof of
“Cleanroom Pressurization Strategy Up- was sponsored by TC 9.11, Clean Spaces. water vapor movement or condensation Concept,” set out to demonstrate a novel
date – Quantification and Validation of The principal investigator was Mr. Wei Sun at below ambient applications. 1356-RP, manufacturing method to manufacture
Minimum Pressure Differentials for Basic with Engsysco. “Methodology to Measure Actual Thermal composite impellers for compressing
Configuration and Applications,” presents Performance of Pipe and Duct Insulation at water-vapor refrigerant at a low cost. The
a list of minimum PD requirements across 1477 Below-Ambient Temperature,” developed final report demonstrates the feasibility of
cleanroom envelopes grouped by cleanli- Hourly weather data files available a method and experimental apparatus to this manufacturing process and presents
ness class difference. Furthermore, since from ASHRAE have been limited in the measure the thermal conductivity of me- performance data that can be interpreted
some auxiliary devices could contribute number of locations available outside chanical pipe insulation systems operating as a starting point upon which considerable
a possible reduction on room cleanliness the US and Canada. These weather files below ambient temperature. A technical improvements are possible. A technical pa-
requirement, ACH or PD value, a table of are required input for building energy paper on this project was published in per has been submitted for future publica-
auxiliary device benefits is presented as simulation programs commonly used in ASHRAE Transactions (Vol. 118 (1), CH- tion in ASHRAE Transactions. 1476-URP,
well. These tables are intended to replace design. However, development requires 12-034) and is available now. “Woven Compressor Enabling Economic
the existing “single” pressure differential hourly measurements over a 15-30 year 1356-RP, “Methodology to Measure and Scalable R718 Chillers – Phase 1:
criterion. Technical papers on this project historical period and formatting for use in Actual Thermal Performance of Pipe and Proof of Concept,” was sponsored by TC
were published in ASHRAE Transactions energy simulation programs. With much Duct Insulation at Below-Ambient Tem- 8.2, Centrifugal Machines. The principal
(Vol. 119 (1), DA-13-011, DA-13-12) are of the raw weather data now being much perature,” was sponsored by TC 1.8, Me- investigator was Dr. Norbert Mueller with
available now. easier to track and access, 1477-URP,” chanical Systems Insulation. The principal Michigan State University.
1344-RP, “Cleanroom Pressurization Development of Typical Year Weather Files
Strategy Update – Quantification and Vali- from ISH Database of Historical Weather
dation of Minimum Pressure Differentials Data for 2005 International Locations,” NEBB Continues
for Basic Configuration and Applications,” developed over 3,000 new international
was sponsored by TC 9.11, Clean Spaces. weather files included in the ASHRAE Tradition of Donating
The principal investigator was Wei Sun
with Engsysco.
IWEC 2.0 DVD. The final report details
the development of this data. Technical pa-
To ASHRAE Research
pers on this project published in ASHRAE MONTREAL—NEBB donated $10,000
1345 Transactions (Vol. 116 (1), OR-10-045 and to ASHRAE Research at its 2013 NEBB
Brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs) Vol. 115 (2), LO-09-062) are available Annual Conference in Montreal. NEBB’s
were recently introduced for use in cool- now. 1477-URP,” Development of Typical donation continues the long tradition of
ing tower applications because they can Year Weather Files from ISH Database of NEBB support for ASHRAE research.
provide higher heat transfer rate per Historical Weather Data for 2005 Interna- The donation will help fund research
unit volume and are more compact than tional Locations,” was sponsored by TC projects, RP-1245, “Determine the Ef- Stan Fleischer, NEBB president (left),
presents a check to Tim Wentz,
conventional tube-and-shell exchangers. 4.2, Climatic Information. The principal fects of Duct Fittings on Air Velocity
ASHRAE vice president, at the opening
However, users of this type of equipment investigator was Mr. Joe Huang with White Measurements” and RP-1748, “Measuring session of the conference on May 2.
have typically applied the same fouling Box Technologies. Air-Tightness of Mid- and High-Rise Non-
factors recommended for tube-type heat Residential Buildings.” ASHRAE Golden to ASHRAE Research. These investors con-
exchangers. 1345-RP, “Waterside Fouling 1589 and Platinum Circle Levels are made up of tributed more than 10% of the total amount
Performance of Brazed-Plate Type Con- Microchannel-type heat exchangers investors who contributed $10,000 or more of funds collected for research.
8 ASHRAE Insights June 2013