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Disturbing Implications of A Cosmological Constant: A, B A A

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SU-ITP 00-25


Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant

arXiv:hep-th/0208013v3 14 Nov 2002

L. Dysona,b , M. Klebana, L. Susskinda

Department of Physics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4060
Center for Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139

In this paper we consider the implications of a cosmological constant for the
evolution of the universe, under a set of assumptions motivated by the holographic
and horizon complementarity principles. We discuss the “causal patch” description
of spacetime required by this framework, and present some simple examples of cos-
mologies described this way. We argue that these assumptions inevitably lead to very
deep paradoxes, which seem to require major revisions of our usual assumptions.
1 Recurrent Cosmology
As emphasized by Penrose many years ago, cosmology can only make sense if the world
started in a state of exceptionally low entropy. The low entropy starting point is the
ultimate reason that the universe has an arrow of time, without which the second law
would not make sense. However, there is no universally accepted explanation of how the
universe got into such a special state. In this paper we would like to sharpen the question
by making two assumptions which we feel are well motivated from observation and recent
theory. Far from providing a solution to the problem, we will be led to a disturbing crisis.
Present cosmological evidence points to an inflationary beginning and an accelerated
de Sitter end. Most cosmologists accept these assumptions, but there are still major
unresolved debates concerning them. For example, there is no consensus about initial
conditions. Neither string theory nor quantum gravity provide a consistent starting point
for a discussion of the initial singularity or why the entropy of the initial state is so low.
High scale inflation postulates an initial de Sitter starting point with Hubble constant
roughly 10−5 times the Planck mass. This implies an initial holographic entropy of about
1010 , which is extremely small by comparison with today’s visible entropy. Some unknown
agent initially started the inflaton high up on its potential, and the rest is history.
Another problem involves so-called transplanckian modes. The quantum fluctuations
which seed the density perturbations at the end of inflation appear to have originated from
modes of exponentially short wave length. This of course conflicts with everything we
have learned about quantum gravity from string theory. The same problem occurs when
studying black holes. In the naive free field theory of Hawking radiation, late photons
appear to come from exponentially small wavelength transplanckian modes [1]. We now
know that this is an artifact of trying to describe the complex interacting degrees of freedom
of the horizon by quantum field theory defined on both the interior and exterior of the
black hole. A consistent approach based on black hole complementarity [2] describes the
black hole in terms of strongly interacting degrees of freedom of Planckian or string scale,
and restricts attention to the portion of the space–time outside the horizon.
The late time features of a universe with a cosmological constant are also not well
understood. The conventional view is that the universe will end in a de Sitter phase with
all matter being infinitely diluted by exponential expansion. All comoving points of space
fall out of causal contact with one another. The existence of a future event horizon implies
that the objects that string theory normally calculates, such as S–Matrix elements, have no

meaning [3]. In addition, there are questions of stability of de Sitter space which have been
repeatedly raised in the past [4]. The apparent instabilities are due to infrared quantum
fluctuations which seem to be out of control. Thus the final state is also problematic.
In our opinion both the transplanckian and the late time problems have a common
origin. They occur because we try to build a quantum mechanics of the entire global
spacetime–including regions which have no operational meaning to a given observer, be-
cause they are out of causal contact with that observer. The remedy suggested by the
black hole analogue is obvious; restrict all attention to a single causal patch [28, 8, 9].
As in the case of black holes, the quantum description of such a region should satisfy the
usual principles of quantum mechanics [2]. In other words, the theory describes a closed
isolated box bounded by the observer’s horizon, and makes reference to no other region.
Furthermore, as in the case of black holes, the mathematical description of this box should
satisfy the conventional principles of linear unitary quantum evolution.
Perhaps the most important conceptual lesson that we have learned from string theory
is that quantum gravity is a special case of quantum mechanics. Thus far every nonper-
turbative well-defined formulation of string theory involves a hamiltonian, and a space of
states for it to act on. This includes matrix theory and all the versions of AdS/CFT. The
question of this paper is whether the usual rules apply to cosmology, and can they explain,
or at least allow, the usual low entropy starting point. In the following we will assume the
usual connections between quantum statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.1
These assumptions–together with the existence of a final cosmological constant–imply
that the universe is eternal but finite. Strictly speaking, by finite we mean that the
entropy of the observable universe is bounded, but we can loosely interpret this as saying
the system is finite in extent. On the average it is in a steady state of thermal equilibrium.
This is a very weak assumption, because almost any large but finite system, left to itself
for a long enough time, will equilibrate (unless it is integrable) [22]. However, intermittent
fluctuations occur which temporarily disturb the equilibrium. It is during the return to
equilibrium that interesting events and objects form2 .
The essential point can be illustrated with an analogy. Instead of the universe, let’s
consider a sealed box full of gas molecules. Start with a particular low entropy initial
After completion of this work, we received [23], which considered a similar scenario.
After completion of this work, we became aware of [31], in which the authors consider a related
scenario where the inflaton can repeatedly tunnel to a false vacuum, which can result in an infinite cycle
of new inflationary periods.

condition with all the molecules in a very small volume in one corner of the box. The
molecules are so dense that they form a fluid. When released the molecules flow out from
the corner and eventually fill the box uniformly with gas. For some time the system is far
from equilibrium. During this time, the second law insures that the entropy is increasing
and interesting things can happen. For example, complex “dissipative structures” such
as eddy flows, vortices, or even life can form. Eventually the system reaches equilibrium,
and all structures disappear. The system dies an entropy death. This is the classical
hydrodynamic description of the evolution of a “universe”. But this description is only
correct for time intervals which are not too long.
Let S be the final thermodynamic entropy of the gas. Then on time scales of order

Tr ∼ exp S (1.1)

the system will undergo Poincare recurrences 3 [8, 9]. Such a recurrence can bring all the
particles back into the corner of the room. On such long time scales the second law of
thermodynamics does not prevent rare events, which effectively reverse the direction of
entropy change. Obviously, the recurrence allows the entire process of cosmology to begin
again, although with a slightly different initial condition. What is more, the sequence of
recurrences will stretch into the infinite past and future. The question then is whether the
origin of the universe can be a naturally occurring fluctuation, or must it be due to an
external agent which starts the system out in a specific low entropy state? We will discuss
this in greater detail in Section 6.

2 The AdS Black Hole as a Cosmology

It has been widely suggested that the study of cosmology has close similarity with the
study of the interior of black holes. In this paper we will outline a framework for cosmology
which is partly inspired by the analysis of AdS/Schwarzschild black holes [18]. This system,
although unrealistic as a cosmology, is extremely well understood through the AdS/CFT
The relevant static metric, suitably normalized, is
! !−1
2 2 bD 2 2 bD
ds = r + 1 − dt − r + 1 − dr 2 − r 2 dΩ2 , (2.1)
r D−3 r D−3

See the appendix for a discussion on the quantum Poincare recurrence theorem.

where dΩ2 represents the metric of a unit D − 2 sphere and bD depends on the D-
dimensional Newton constant and the volume of the D − 2 sphere. The horizon is located
at r+ , the largest solution to the equation
r2 + 1 − D−3
= 0. (2.2)
The boundary is at r = ∞. In general this geometry will be accompanied by a compact
factor such as a 5-sphere for the case of AdS5 . We will refer to the boundary as the “ob-
server.” Observations by the observer are known to be completely described by a unitary
holographic quantum mechanics with no loss of information. Furthermore the black hole
from the observer’s viewpoint is just the thermal state of the holographic dual.

Figure 1: An eternal AdS Schwarzshild black hole, or de Sitter space. The horizontal
boundaries are space-like singularities in the case of the AdS black hole, and the infinitely
inflated past and future in the case of de Sitter.

Now consider the classical global geometry represented by a Penrose diagram as shown
in figure (1). It is evident from the diagram that the classical geometry can be interpreted
as a cosmology. To the observer at the boundary, the entire universe can be described by
the triangle in figure(2) which we can call the causal patch. It describes the exterior of
the black hole, defined by r > r+ . This region is described by a thermal density matrix in
the exact holographic quantum theory. From the bulk viewpoint the Bekenstein entropy
is the entropy of the causal patch.
On the other hand, the global geometry is more or less similar to closed FRW cosmolo-
gies. It starts with a big bang singularity and ends with a final crunch. An observer at
the spatial center of the diagram will experience the crunch in a finite time. One peculiar
feature is that the rapid time dependence near the early singularity is far from adiabatic.

Figure 2: The causal patch for an observer at the boundary of an AdS Schwarzschild black
hole, or in de Sitter space.

Under these kind of circumstances there should be large amounts of entropy production.
On the other hand the geometry is obviously time symmetric. This is very unnatural and
presumably means that the universe starts in very special, extremely fine tuned state. A
rough analogy would be a history in which all the particles in a box start in one corner
and after a given long time return to the corner. Such trajectories will exist but they are
extremely unstable. Moving one particle a little bit will change the outcome to a more
thermodynamically sensible final state.
A more reasonable cosmology can result if we started with a far from equilibrium
configuration. For example, an initially empty AdS space of zero entropy could be excited
by an infalling shell of energy originating at the boundary. From the dual conformal field
theory point of view, this corresponds to varying the hamiltonian in a time dependent
way. For example, by varying the gauge theory coupling a coherent pulse of dilaton wave
can be injected into the bulk. The ability to modify the action in this way and still have a
solution to the supergravity equations of motion is of course connected with the existence
of an ultraviolet boundary.
The dilaton pulse will create some thermal energy. If it has enough energy, an AdS
black hole will form. The observer in the bulk will start life in empty AdS with zero entropy.
He will then see some sudden time dependence as the dilaton wave passes. Afterwards
the bulk will become excited with heat and particles and possibly dissipative structures.
Eventually the bulk observer will be destroyed at the singularity. This cosmology is shown

in figure (3).

Figure 3: An AdS black hole created by an infalling shell of energy originating at the

From the CFT side, the black hole formation is just the classical gravitational descrip-
tion of the approach to thermal equilibrium.
As in the case of the box of molecules, this description does not make sense for time
intervals of order exp S. Poincare recurrences will lead to intermittent rare fluctuations in
which the energy of the black hole reassembles itself into an energy shell, which goes out
and then reflects back. In other words, the formation of the black hole will endlessly repeat
itself at intervals of order Tr ∼ exp S. Each recurrence will be different in its microscopic
details from the previous.
One important fact is that these recurrences cannot be described by classical general
relativity. It is as though classical relativity–with its thermodynamic-like laws of black
hole mechanics–is a coarse grained version of a more detailed theory. This raises the
obvious question of whether the initial conditions of the universe could have originated
from a Poincare recurrence; that is, a large thermal fluctuation to a very low entropy
In the recurrent view of cosmology the second law of thermodynamics and the arrow
of time would have an unusual significance. In fact they are not laws at all. What is true
is that interesting events, such as life, can only occur during the brief out-of-equilibrium

periods while the system is returning to equilibrium. In other words, the second law and
the existence of a time arrow are anthropic. They are part of the environmental conditions
needed for life.

3 Thinking Inside The Box

For reasons that have been explained in many places, if we want to apply the ordinary
principles of unitary quantum mechanics to a system with horizons, we need to restrict
attention to the region on the observer’s side of the horizon. For example, the triangle of
figure (2) is the the region appropriate to an observer on the left-hand boundary of the
space. We call such a region the observer ′ s causal patch.
The space that we will consider next is de Sitter space. The causal structure of de
Sitter space is described by the same Penrose diagram as shown in figures (1) and (2),
but with different interpretations. The horizontal boundaries which previously described
singularities now represent the infinitely inflated past and future (IIP and IIF). The vertical
edges are no longer true boundaries, as they were in AdS, but represent observers at
opposite poles of a global spatial sphere. The triangle of figure (2) is now the causal patch
of one observer. One point in common with the AdS black hole is that the causal patch is
described thermodynamically. The entropy usually ascribed to de Sitter space is that of
the causal patch. As in the black hole case, it is the logarithm of the number of effective
quantum states of the thermal ensemble. More exactly it is Trρ log ρ, where ρ is the density
matrix describing the causal patch.
The causal patch can be described by a static metric
h i
ds2 = R2 (1 − r 2 )dt2 − (1 − r 2 )−1 dr 2 − r 2 dΩ2 , (3.1)

where R is the inverse Hubble scale. The radial coordinate runs from r = 0 at the location
of the observer to r = 1 at the horizon. The horizon is the boundary of a kind of box or
cavity with the observer at the center. Because the boundary of the box is a horizon, the
box has a finite temperature and entropy:
T =
S = . (3.2)
We are interested not only in the classical description of “dead” de Sitter space, but
also the non-equilibrium fluctuations that can lead to an interesting universe. In order

to illustrate the main ideas, we will study a simplified model in which the universe will
be taken to be (2 + 1) dimensional, so that Ω in (3.1) is replaced by a single angle θ.
Furthermore, we will restrict discussion to configurations with rotational symmetry and
no angular motion.
Our first task is to generalize the metric in (3.1) to non-static configurations. In
particular, we want to introduce coordinates which cover only the region in full causal
contact with the observer at r = 0. By this we mean the region which can both receive
signals from, and transmit signals to, the observer. To accomplish this, it is convenient to
first change the radial coordinate in (3.1) so that the metric has the form

ds2 = ev (dt2 − dρ2 ) − Z 2 dθ2 . (3.3)

The transformation for pure de Sitter space is given by:

r = tanh
ev =
cosh2 ρ
Z = R tanh . (3.4)
The entire causal patch is covered by the region ρ ≥ 0, −∞ < t < +∞.
Now let us introduce a gauge fixing procedure which leads to coordinates of this type,
for arbitrary geometries of the form we are considering. In (2 + 1) dimensions we can
choose three gauge fixing conditions. We choose these to be

gtt = −grr
gtr = 0
grθ = 0. (3.5)

In addition, given the conditions of rotational symmetry and no angular velocity, the
component gtθ vanishes. Thus the metric has the form (3.3). However we have not used
all the gauge fixing freedom at our disposal. Let us define coordinates t(±) = t ± ρ.
Conformal transformations of the form X ± = X ± (t± ) preserve the form of the metric.
This means we can still choose two functions, each of one variable. Thus we make the
additional gauge choices

ev |ρ=0 = 1

Z|ρ=0 = 0. (3.6)

This completely fixes the gauge, and results in coordinates which exactly cover the causal
patch of the observer at ρ = 0 4 .
We could also choose to fix the guage by requiring regularity in the coordinates at the
horizon, rather than at the origin. Once the observer’s location in the infinite past and
future are chosen, the causal patch horizon is determined, and therefore such a gauge choice
is manifestly independent of the observers trajectory. Furthermore, it is the appropriate
choice if one wishes to define a fluctuating energy. As we will see, fixing the gauge at the
origin makes the energy independent of the de Sitter radius.
In general, ev and Z will be time dependent. An important point is that at the location
of the observer, the coordinate t is precisely the proper time of a clock carried by the
observer. We will call this gauge the observocentric-gauge, or O-gauge. The coordinates
t, ρ can easily be constructed for some special cases of interest. In particular, consider a
closed FRW metric
h i
ds2 = dT 2 − a(T )2 dθ2 + sin2 (θ)dφ2 , (3.7)
which begins in the remote past as a de Sitter space with radius R′ and ends in the remote
future as a de Sitter space with radius R. An inflationary universe with a final nonzero
cosmological constant is an example. The scale factor a is a function only of FRW time T .
To construct the O-gauge coordinates ρ and t at an arbitrary spacetime point p, consider
past and future light rays originating at p and propagating to the observer. These intersect
the observer’s trajectory at past and future FRW times T± . The O-gauge coordinates of
the point p are then

2t = T+ + T−
2ρ = T+ − T− . (3.8)
It is also easy to find the values of ev and Z. Define the function τ (x) = dT /a(T ), its
inverse τ −1 , and t± = t ± ρ. Then
a2 τ −1 2
[τ (t+ ) + τ (t− )]
ev =
a(t+ )a(t− )

We have made the assumption that the proper time along the observer’s trajectory goes to infinity
in the remote past and the remote future; i.e., the trajectory does not encounter a singularity in finite
proper time.

!! !
2 −1 τ (t+ ) + τ (t− ) 2 τ (t+ ) − τ (t− )
Z = a τ sin . (3.9)
2 2

One can easily represent spatially flat inflationary universes in a similar manner; in
general, the O-gauge coordinates are constructed so as to exactly cover the observer’s
causal patch. The time variable at ρ = 0 (the observer) is always proper time. The con-
struction can be generalized to include non-rotationally invariant geometries, in arbitrary
dimension. Although we will not discuss this in detail here, one would construct the causal
patch coordinates simply by considering the intersection of the future and past lightcones
of two points τ± along the trajectory. These will intersect along a d − 2 sphere of constant
t and ρ, as given by 3.8.

Figure 4: The causal patch for two types of global time transitions from one de Sitter
space to another.

There are two cases that can be distinguished by the “height” of the Penrose diagram.
If the height is less than twice the width, as in the two spacetimes of figure (4), then
the surfaces t = ±∞ intersect within the diagram at a Rindler type horizon, just as they
would in de Sitter space. If, however, the diagram is taller than twice its width, as in
figure (5), the two surfaces terminate at the antipodal point before intersecting. In this

Figure 5: A transition from a de Sitter space with a small radius of curvature to a matter
dominated phase, followed by a transition to a large de Sitter. In this example, the horizon
is pushed all the way around to the south pole of the sphere, and vanishes for intermediate

case the spatial slices t = const form closed spatial spheres. In either case, the surfaces
t = ±∞ are the past and future horizons of the observer.
It is also convenient to stretch the horizon in a way familiar from black hole physics.
One way to do this is to define a time-like surface as follows: begin either at the intersection
of the past and future horizons, or at the point where the spatial surfaces meet the antipode.
From that point work back (toward ρ = 0) along the surfaces of constant t a fixed proper
distance of order the Planck or string scale. The resulting position is the stretched horizon.
For the case in which the geometry begins and ends in de Sitter phases, the stretched
horizons at early and late times are the same as we would expect for the corresponding
eternal de Sitter spaces. This implies that the horizon entropy within the causal patch
in the far future and past is bounded in the ordinary way. In particular, no matter how
many e-foldings of inflation occur before the spacetime exits to its final configuration, the
entropy in the final patch must still be bounded by the area of the horizon, as determined
by the cosmological constant. This bound can easily be shown to be equivalent to the

covariant entropy bound as proposed in [30].

4 Some Examples
Here are some examples of thinking inside the box. Let’s begin with a minimally coupled
scalar field coupled to gravity. The action is given by

I= dρdθdt −g (R + g µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ − V (φ)) . (4.1)

In the O–gauge the action is

I= dρdθdt Ż v̇ − Z ′ v ′ + Z(φ̇2 − (φ′ )2 ) − ev ZV (φ) . (4.2)

It is straightforward to construct a Hamiltonian from this action. Its value is given by

H= dρdθ Ż v̇ + Z ′ v ′ + Z(φ̇2 + (φ′ )2 ) + ev ZV (φ) . (4.3)

Classically the value of H is constrained by the Einstein equations. The time–time com-
ponent is given by

Ż v̇ + Z ′ v ′ + Z(φ̇2 + (φ′ )2 ) + ev ZV (φ) − 2Z ′′ = 0. (4.4)

By integrating this equation over all space we find

H − 2∂ρ Z|ρ=∞
ρ=0 = 0. (4.5)

The boundary contribution at ρ = ∞ vanishes in general, and for geometries which are
smooth at the origin, ∂ρ Z = 15 . Thus the constraint requires H = 2. As mentioned
above, this is completely independent of the de Sitter curvature, and of any non-singular
matter content in the spacetime (had we chosen to fix the guage at the horizon, the energy
would depend on the far past and future values of the de Sitter curvature). Therefore,
complicated dynamical processes such as the evolution from a small de Sitter space to a
large one, with some periods of matter or radiation domination in between, can all occur
at constant energy6 . We will illustrate this point with some specific examples below.

This “boundary term at the origin” is special to 2+1 dimensions, and vanishes in higher d.
This definition of the energy is identical to the one proposed in [29], with the spatial slicing being
surfaces of constant t, and the causal horizon taken to be the boundary.

Solutions can easily be generated from FRW solutions transformed into the O–gauge.
As an example, we take the potential V to be a constant plus a small step-like function:

V (φ) = V − c tanh Lφ, (4.6)

with c << V . There are solutions which in FRW coordinates roll from negative to positive
φ, going over the step at some fairly localized time. This time can be either during the
contracting or the expanding phase of the FRW description. Roughly speaking there is a
small decrease of the cosmological constant at this time. The change is small so the back
reaction on the geometry is also small.
In O–coordinates, the behavior depends on whether the transition occurs during FRW
contraction or expansion. In the former case, a domain wall or wave of decreased cos-
mological constant originates at the horizon (ρ = ∞) and propagates inward toward the
observer. Energy is released, and since the final entropy of the horizon increases, we may
describe the domain wall as producing entropy which falls to the horizon.
In the latter case that the transition occurs during expansion, the O–description is
quite different. In this case the domain wall originates at the observer and falls toward
the horizon. Again the final effect is to increase the horizon entropy.
The back reaction on the geometry is small, but it results in making the Penrose
diagram slightly taller. The effect is to push the horizon point slightly toward the antipodal
point as in figure (4). To understand this effect, first consider the causal patch in pure de
Sitter space. The patch is perfectly static and consists of a hemisphere (southern). The
observer is at the south pole. The horizon is at the equator, and stretching it displaces it
slightly south.
In the time dependent solution the stretched horizon begins in the past at its static
location but then temporarily moves away from the observer toward the north pole. Even-
tually it returns to very near the equator.
One can also study the more extreme case in which there is a very large change in
the cosmological constant, as in a realistic inflationary theory. Typically, in this case, the
horizon intersection moves far toward the north pole. In some cases it may even reach the
pole, so that the causal patch may temporarily become a closed sphere, with the horizon
disappearing for a time. We illustrate an example of this in figure (5).
As another example of thinking in the box, consider a mass distribution in de Sitter
space. For simplicity, we will work with a spherically symmetric matter distribution local-
ized along a thin ring. The solution outside of the ring will have a deficit in the range of

the angular variable. The solution can be written
h i
ds2 = R2 (1 − r 2 )dt2 − (1 − r 2 )−1 dr 2 − α2 r 2 dθ2 (r < r0 ) . (4.7)

where r0 is the position of the ring, θ ≃ θ + 2π and 0 < α ≤ 1 determines the deficit angle.
Note that the area of the horizon is 2πα ≤ 2π. We interpret this as meaning that some of
the degrees of freedom making up the horizon are “used up” in forming the ring. If the
size of the ring is much smaller than the de Sitter radius, we can think of it as an object
which could exist in the corresponding theory without a cosmological constant. In that
case it is natural to identify the deficit angle with the mass. Evidently then, the mass is
proportional to the amount of entropy used up in making the object. More precisely, the
number of degrees of freedom borrowed from the stretched horizon is the product of the
mass and the de Sitter space radius.
Inside the ring, the solution is pure de Sitter space with no deficit angle. The metric is
h i
ds2 = R2 (1 − r ′2 )dt′2 − (1 − r ′2 )−1 dr ′2 − r ′2 dθ2 (r ′ < r0′ ) . (4.8)

The condition that the metric be continuous across r = r0 requires r ′ = βr + r0 (α − β)

and t ′ = β −1 t, with β 2 = (1 − α2 r02 )(1 − r02 )−1 and r0′ = αr0 .

Figure 6: Cigar diagram for a ring mass in de Sitter space. The left-hand boundary is the
horizon. The dotted line indicates the shape for the case of a point mass at the origin.

One can compute the stress-energy required for this solution to exist. The contribution
from the ring is
√ q  q q 
gTtt = 1− r02 α 1− r02 − 1− α2 r02 δ(r − r0 ), (4.9)


gTθθ = αr02 1 − α (1 − r02 )(1 − α2 r02 )−1 δ(r − r0 ). (4.10)

This corresponds to a positive energy density in the ring (for α > 0), with some tension
to hold it static. This solution is unstable to non-spherically symmetric perturbations, but
this is not important for our purposes.
By making the appropriate coordinate transformations (3.4), we can easily express the
above solution in O-gauge (3.3). The energy of the configuration then is given by (4.5),
H = 2. This solution makes manifest that the energy is independent of the matter content
of the space. The time-time component of Einstein’s equations always contains second
derivative terms, and we define energy by the boundary terms corresponding to these. In
2 + 1 dimensions there are two possible contributions: at the origin and at the horizon.
As we have already discussed, the contribution at the horizon generally vanishes. Very
close to the origin the metric looks flat, and Z ∼ ρ as long as the mass distribution is not
localized there. Since ∂ρ Z = 1, the energy is independent of the matter content of the
As the simple examples above show, a fluctuation which removes some degrees of
freedom from the horizon (thereby decreasing its entropy), and deposits them in some
configuration in the bulk of the space–perhaps by increasing the vacuum energy, or in the
form of matter or radiation–is an energy conserving process. The observable history of the
universe is one such fluctuation, occurring at fixed energy in some background de Sitter

5 Complementarity and its Implications

At this point we will add one more assumption, which is motivated by the success of string
theory in describing black holes using the standard principles of quantum mechanics. The
additional ingredient is the analog of black hole complementarity. In more general contexts
it can be called Horizon Complementarity. We assume that the physics within the causal
patch is exactly described by a dual quantum system that includes a Hamiltonian H and
a space of quantum states. Furthermore the state of the world within the causal patch is
density matrix exp (−βH) with the appropriate temperature. The assumption is motivated
by what we now know about other quantum gravity systems such as the AdS black hole 7 .
The conjectured quantum dual that we are discussing in this paper should not be confused with the
attempts to define a dS/CFT correspondence. The quantum dual in this paper is not identified with the

We know a few things about the dual quantum system. From the fact that the entropy
is finite, it follows that the energy levels are discrete and that the number of levels below
any given energy is finite. That is all we really need, but there is also reason to believe
that there may be an upper bound on the energy levels [28]. One way to argue this point is
to observe that in other holographic dual theories, the UV sector of the theory is identified
with the timelike boundary of the space. In the de Sitter case, the closest analog of a
timelike boundary is the line r = 0, suggesting that the high-energy degrees of freedom
are sparse or non-existent above a certain level. By contrast, the low energy degrees of
freedom are associated with the horizon of the causal patch. Since the area of the horizon
at r = 1 is larger than at any other radius, we expect the system to be very rich in low
energy degrees of freedom. If this is correct, the quantum dual could be a system with a
finite dimensional Hilbert space as advocated by Banks [6] and Fischler [7].
The implications of Horizon Complementarity are profound, and may lead to new
cosmological questions and puzzles. As we shall see, it implies that the universe has
neither a beginning nor and end. Instead, it intermittently recycles itself, but in a way
that is very different from so called cyclic universes.
For our present purposes, Horizon Complementarity will be taken to mean that physics
in the causal patch can be described in terms of a closed or isolated system described by
conventional quantum mechanics. Furthermore we assume that the maximum entropy
that the system can ever have is given by the entropy of a de Sitter space, whose size
is determined by the cosmological constant. By the cosmological constant, we mean the
true minimum value of the vacuum energy, not the value during early inflation. For
illustrative purposes we can take the cosmological constant to be the current value of the
dark energy that appears to be accelerating the expansion of the universe today. Horizon
Complementarity then says the universe is described by any observer as a closed and finite
The implication of such a description, as we have suggested in Section (1), is that
Poincare recurrences are inevitable. Starting in a high entropy, “dead” configuration, if
we wait long enough, a fluctuation will eventually occur in which the inflaton will wander
up to the top of its potential, thus starting a cycle of inflation, re–heating, conventional
cosmology and heat death. The frequency of such events is very low. The typical time for

space–like boundary of de Sitter space.

a fluctuation to occur is of order

Tr ∼ exp (S − S ′ ) (5.1)

where S is the equilibrium entropy and S ′ is the entropy of the fluctuation. The fluctuations
we have in mind correspond to early inflationary eras during which the entropy is probably
of order 1010 , while the equilibrium entropy is of order 10120 . Thus

Tr ∼ exp 10120 . (5.2)

This seems like an absurdly big time between interesting events, which by comparison last
for a very short time. Nevertheless dismissing such long times as “unphysical” may be a
symptom of extreme temporal provincialism.
Given our assumptions, the conclusion that such Poincare recurrences of the universe
occur is unavoidable. The potential difficulty is not the long time between them, but rather
that there may be far more probable ways of creating livable (“anthropically acceptable”)
environments than those that begin high up on the inflationary potential (to height V ).
In the next section, we will discuss the probability that a recurrence will lead to a
world which is consistent with our own universe. First, however, there is an alternative
that we should explore. It is suggested by the discussion of the AdS/Schwarzschild black
hole in section (2) where the eternal black hole was replaced by a black hole formed from
a shell of energy that originated at the boundary. From the dual point of view the system
corresponds to a time dependent deformation of the boundary conformal field theory which
heats the system. The question is whether a similar story makes sense for de Sitter space?
We think the answer in no. The reason is that the causal patch does not have the analog
of an ultraviolet boundary. Because AdS has such a boundary it is possible to modify the
boundary conditions without changing the fact that the bulk theory still satisfies the bulk
field equations. Without such a boundary there is no way to do the same for de Sitter
space. Thus, if there is a theory of de Sitter space and its fluctuations we do not expect
to be able to intervene from the outside and create a particular initial condition. In our
view, the only possible origin of an out-of-equilibrium initial state is a large fluctuation.
We will conclude this section with a few remarks about the proposed dS/CFT duality
that has been the subject of several recent papers. The idea is to use the space-like
boundary of de Sitter space in place of the time-like boundary of AdS in order to formulate
a holographic theory. In particular deformations of the boundary conditions at past infinity
could allow us to introduce initial conditions such as an inflationary era. While this is an

attractive idea, it does not seem consistent with the thermal properties of de Sitter space.
To understand why, we can try to interpret the idea in the box. For a perturbation on
the past boundary to influence the causal patch, the signal must pass through the past
horizon of the observer. However the past horizon is just the infinite past t = −∞. In
other words, it simply corresponds to a perturbation of the box at infinitely negative time.
Obviously, any such perturbation of a finite entropy thermal cavity will re-thermalize after
a finite time. In fact, at any finite time, an infinite number of Poincare recurrences have
already occurred.

6 The Misanthropic Universe?

Certainly, given enough time and a suitable inflaton, recurrences will eventually bring
the box to a configuration that could serve as an initial starting point for a standard
inflationary theory. The entropy of such configurations is very low. In a typical high-scale
inflationary theory, the entropy of the initial de Sitter-like space can be as low as 1010 .
The entropy of the final de Sitter space (assuming the observed value for the dark energy)
is of order 10120 .
Inflationary starting points are very rare in time. That in itself is not a problem. Most
of the rest of time during which nothing interesting is happening can, from an anthropic
point of view, be thrown away. We can also throw away large fluctuations which lead
to un–livable conditions. The danger is that there are too many possibilities which are
anthropically acceptable, but not like our universe.
Let us consider the entropy in observable matter in today’s universe. It is of order 10100 .
This means that the number of microstates that are macroscopically indistinguishable from
our world is exp (10100 ). But only exp (1010 ) of these states could have evolved from the low
entropy initial state characterizing the usual inflationary starting point. The overwhelming
majority of states which would have evolved into a world very similar to ours did not start
in the usual low entropy ensemble.
To understand where they came from, imagine running these states backward in time
until they thermalize in the eventual heat bath with entropy 10120 . Among the vast number
∼ exp (10120 ) of possible initial starting points, a tiny fraction ∼ exp (10100 ) will evolve
into a world like ours. However, all but ∼ exp (1010 ) of the corresponding trajectories
(in phase space) are extremely unstable to tiny perturbations. Changing the state of
just a few particles at the beginning of the trajectory will lead to completely different

states. Nevertheless, there are so many more of these configurations among the exp (10120 )
possible starting points that in a theory that relies on statistical likelyhood to fix the initial
conditions, they completely dominate.
What is worse is that there are even more states which are macroscopically different
than our world but still would allow life as we know it. As an example, consider a state
in which we leave everything undisturbed, except that we replace a small fraction of the
matter in the universe by an increase in the amount of thermal microwave photons. In
particular, we could do this by increasing the temperature of the CMB from 2.7 degrees
to 10 degrees. Everything else, including the abundances of the elements, is left the
same. Naively one might think that this is impossible; no consistent evolution could get
to this point since the extra thermal energy in the early universe would have destroyed
the fragile nuclei. But on second thought, there must be a possible starting point which
would eventually lead to this “impossible” state. To see this, all we have to do is run the
configuration backward in time. Either classically or quantum mechanically, the reverse
evolution will eventually lead back to a state which looks entirely thermal, but which, if
run forward, will lead us back to where we began. In a theory dependent on Poincare
recurrences, there would be many more “events,” in which the universe evolves into this
modified state. Thus it would be vastly more likely to find a world at 10 degrees with
the usual abundances than in one at 2.7 degrees. All of these worlds would be peculiar.
The helium abundance would be incomprehensible from the usual arguments. In all of
these worlds statistically miraculous (but not impossible) events would be necessary to
assemble and preserve the fragile nuclei that would ordinarily be destroyed by the higher
temperatures. However, although each of the corresponding histories is extremely unlikely,
there are so many more of them than those that evolve without “miracles,” that they would
vastly dominate the livable universes that would be created by Poincare recurrences. We
are forced to conclude that in a recurrent world like de Sitter space our universe would be
extraordinarily unlikely.
What then are the alternatives? We may reject the interpretation of de Sitter space
based on complementarity. For example, an evolution of the causal patch based on stan-
dard Hamiltonian quantum mechanics may be wrong. What would replace it is a complete
Another possibility is an unknown agent intervened in the evolution, and for reasons
of its own restarted the universe in the state of low entropy characterizing inflation. How-
ever, even this does not rid the theory of the pesky recurrences. Only the first occurrence

Dead de Sitter



Anthropically acceptable

Figure 7: A schematic representation of the phase space of a universe with a cosmological

constant. The vast majority of the space consists of states which are macroscopically
“dead de Sitter;” that is, nearly empty de Sitter containing only some thermal radiation.
A tiny subset of the states are anthropically acceptable, meaning that they contain complex
structures such as stars and galaxies, and a very small subset of those are macroscopically
indistinguishable from our universe (labelled MIFOU in the figure). Inflationary initial
conditions occupy an even smaller fraction of the space. Trajectories which pass through
the inflationary patch will almost always lead immediately to the MIFOU region, “mixing”
into it in a “porous,” phase-space-area-preserving manner. The vast majority of the points
in the MIFOU region did not come from inflation, but rather from unstable trajectories
originating in the dead region. Finally, any trajectory in the dead region will remain
there almost all of the time, but will occasionally enter the athropically acceptable region,
and very much more rarely the MIFOU region, and almost never the inflationary region.
Therefore, livable universes are almost always created by fluctuations into the “miraculous”
states discussed above. 20
would evolve in a way that would be consistent with usual expectations. Subsequently
the recurrences would be extremely unlikely to be consistent, in this sense. Thus the
anthropically acceptable part of spacetime would be dominated by peculiar, incomprehen-
sible conditions. This could be avoided if the system is not ergodic, so that trajectories
which pass through inflation remain in a bounded part of the phase space, and rarely or
never enter the “inconsistent” regions. This seems very unlikely, and even if true, it only
involves a tiny subset of all the possible trajectories, leaving us with the still difficult task
of explaining why we exist in such an unusual part of phase space. It is also possible that
we are missing some important feature that picks out, or weights disproportionally, the
recurrences which go through a conventional evolution, beginning with an inflationary era.
However, we have no idea what this feature would be.
We wish to emphasize that the above conclusions appear to be the inevitable conse-
quence of the following assumptions:

• There is a fundamental cosmological constant.

• We can apply the ideas of holography and complementarity to de Sitter space.

• The time evolution operator is unitary, so that phase space area is conserved.

Perhaps the only reasonable conclusion is that we do not live in a world with a true
cosmological constant.

It is a pleasure to thank A. Albrecht, T. Banks, P. Batra, R. Bousso, S. Hellerman,
A. Linde, J. Lindesay, N. Kaloper and S. Shenker for valuable discussions. This work was
supported in part by NSF grant PHY-9870115 and by the Stanford Institure for Theoretical
Physics. M.K. is the Mellam Family Foundation Graduate Fellow.

7 Appendix: Poincare Recurrences

The classical Poincare Recurrence theorem states that the trajectory of a phase space
point, (p, q), in an isolated, finite system is quasi-periodic. If one waits a sufficiently long
time, the phase space point will, to the desired level of accuracy, continuously recur. The
quantum Poincare Recurrence theorem is similar and can be stated as follows: given a
system in which all energy eigenvalues are discrete, a state will return arbitrarily close to

its initial value in a finite amount of time. It follows immediately that expectation values
of observables will also return arbitrarily close to their original values.
The classical and quantum recurrence theorems are closely related. Classically, the
phase space point, (p, q) undergoes recurrences while quantum mechanically, the expec-
tation values < p > and < q > recur. Additionally, in the limit of a continuous energy
spectrum, the quantum theorem breaks down. This breakdown corresponds to a classically
unbounded system and hence the breakdown of the classical theorem as well.

7.1 Quantum Recurrence Theorem

The quantum theorem is easy to prove [24, 25, 26] and we outline the proof below.
Let Ψ(t) be a wave function whose evolution is controlled by the Schrodinger equation.
For a system with discrete energy eigenvalues, Ψ(t) can be written in terms of the energy
eigenstates, un , as

Ψ(t) = an exp(−iEn t)un . (7.3)

We want to show that there exists a time T such that

" ∞
kΨ(T ) − Ψ(0)k = 2 |an | (1 − cos En T ) <ǫ (7.4)

for some ǫ > 0. Since

|an |2 = 1 ,

there exists an integer N such that

∞ ∞
2 |an |2 (1 − cos En T ) ≤ 2 |an |2 < ǫ2 .
n=N +1 n=N +1

We therefore only need to consider the finite sum

2 |an |2 (1 − cos En T ) .

But this is an almost periodic function. The Bohl-Wennberg theorem [27] states that there
exists a relatively dense set of values, T = T (δ, Mn ), such that, for integers Mn and an
arbitrarily small δ,

|En T − Mn 2π| < δ, (7.8)
with n = 0, 1, 2 . . . N. In other words, there is a T = T (δ, Mn ) such that

2πM0 + δ0 2πM1 + δ1 2πMN + δN

T = = = ... = , (7.9)
E0 E1 EN
with | δn | < δ. This in turn implies

|an |2 δ 2 < ǫ2 .
2 |an | (1 − cos En T ) < (7.10)
n=0 n=0

So the wave function of a system with discrete energy eigenvalues will continuously
return arbitrarily close to its initial value. The above argument, which simply states that a
uniformly convergent Fourier series is an almost periodic function, can easily be generalized
to show that expectation values of observables, < A >, also undergo recurrences.

7.2 Correlation Functions

Since the time one must wait to experience a Poincare recurrence can be astronomical,
the effects on measurements can be small. These effects, however, are important when
attempting to distinguish large but finite systems from infinite ones. We will consider one
such effect below.
Switching to the Heisenberg picture, consider the following correlation function

F (t) = < A(0)A(t) > . (7.11)

We know that this correlation function will undergo Poincare recurrences in a finite system.
Let us approximate the effects on the properly normalized long time average of F (t)F ∗ (t)

1 T |F (t)|2
L = lim dt . (7.12)
T →∞ 2T −T |F (0)|2
Assuming that we begin in a state with a density matrix given by

ρ = exp(−βH) (7.13)
we can insert a complete set of energy eigenstates to obtain

e−β(En +Ep ) |Amn |2 |Apq |2 δ(En −Em −Ep +Eq )

L= β(En +Ep ) |A 2 2
. (7.14)
mnpq e mn | |Apq |

We can convert this into an integral by inserting the density of states Ω(E) = exp(S)
where S is the entropy of our system. Since δ(Ei ) → δ(E)/Ω(E), we find

dE1 dE2 dE3 |A(E1 , E2 )|2 |A(E3 , E ′ )|2 eS1 +S2 +S3 −β(E1 +E3 )
L= R , (7.15)
dE1 dE2 dE3 dE4 |A(E1 , E2 )|2 |A(E3 , E4 )|2 eS1 +S2 +S3 +S4 −β(E1 +E3 )
where E ′ = E1 + E2 − E3 . The method of steepest descent can be used to show

L ∼ exp(−S). (7.16)
Although L may be incredibly small for sufficiently large systems, it will not vanish since
the entropy of a finite system is finite. It will vanish, however, for systems that are infinite.
This is one example of a result which differs for finite and infinite systems.

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