Consonantist Psychosomatics
Consonantist Psychosomatics
Consonantist Psychosomatics
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Contribution of doctor Stefan Odobleja to the concept of
Translation: Dana BREHAR ± CIOFLEC, MD, PhD
Technical editore: engineer Cornelia CIUCIU
Cover I. engineer Cornelia CIUCIU; Psychosomatic interactions. Source: adaptated
Correspondence to:
1. FOREWORD...............................................................................................................5
5. CONSONANTIST PSYCHOSOMATICS...............................................................31
7. HISTORY PSYCHOSOMATICS.............................................................................45
8. REFERENCES...........................................................................................................47
My interest for Stefan Odobleja and his work has started since I was at highschool,
when I was a colleague of the future engineer Radu Caltea, whose father was a
dermatologist and lived next door to dr.Stefan Odobleja with whom he had long
discussions on the works of the scientist. In 1968, in my colleague¶V KRXVH, I saw the
two volumes of ,,PsyFKRORJLHFRQVRQDQWLVWH´originally printed in French in Lugoj, by
personal contribution and distributed by ,,Libraire MaORLQH´in Paris between 1938-1939
which had been received by the father of my colleague, dr. Constantin Caltea from his
neighbour, dr. Stefan Odobleja, in 72, Decebal Street, today renamed as Stefan Odobleja
It was a chance for me when I went to the same highschool with the great scientist
LH Ä7UDLDQ´ 1DWLRQDO &ROOHJH LQ Drobeta Turnu Severin, but this happened after 50
years, and then I followed the same faculty, the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bucharest, the Army Medical Institute. Thus, I followed a military career, as Stefan
Odobleja did, except that his career as a military physician also included a period during
the second World War, both on the Eastern and on the Western front, after Romania
changed sides, and my career as an army physician only occurred in times of peace.
In 1981, while I was attending a course, I found that in the museum dedicated to
great personalities of Romanian military medicine, there was a well desearved place for
the one who had the first generalised cybernetic vision and elaborated the first
cybernetic psychology and to this place I brought my contribution with photos of
moments from his life and activity.
During the period 1999-2006 I led a research at the Customs Police where I was
working at that time as a military physician, inspired by Stefan Odobleja¶V ZRUN and
under the guidance of the late Prof. Mircea Ancusa.
A human being, throughout his evolution, was and still is undergoing a continuous
process of adaptation to environmental (geographical, climate-related, social) changes
which may act as trigger agents, process which has been defined by Hans Selye as the,,
general adaptation syndrome´and by Stefan Odobleja in ,,PsyFKRORJLHFRQVRQDQWLVWH´,
the terms consonance-dissonance signifying health balance.
My reasons for choosing to entitle my PhD thesis ,,Occupational Stress Factors
and the Possible Occurence of Psychosomatic and Behavioural Pathology in
Customs Police Staff Members´ may be grouped in four categories linked to
profession, military activity, transition from centralised economy to democracy and free
market economy, as well as the psychsomatic category as preferential approach for
patients from the perspective of indepth studies in this field.
A. The first is the main occupation, namely family medicine, preceded by my
activity as general practitioner in various army structures. The family physician (FP)
grants patients access to healthcare, as the first specialist coming into contact with the
patient and thus ensuring a great part of the current healthcare services. Unlike
specialists in various fields, the FP analyses the patient as a whole thus having the
possibility to discover connections between phenomena, such as those between
psychological and somatic factors in psychosomatic diseases. Moreover, the FP ensures
healthcare continuity and has the possibility to know positive and negative aspects
confronting the healthy or diseased individual within his family and society, throughout
a long period, sometimes from birth until death. To sum uSWKH)3LVÄWKHSK\VLFLDQRI
In this context, he can widely and truly promote the principles of psychosomatic
PHGLFLQHDVÄthere is no other veritable general medicine thDQSV\FKRVRPDWLFPHGLFLQH´
DQG Äpsychosomatic medicine as a whole is the most elaborate form of general
B. The second motivation is based on the activity within the army which started
during my student years at the Medical Military Institute of the University of Medicine
and Pharmacy Bucharest (1970-1976) where I met the rigour of a military institution of
higher education and went through the specific adaptation phases of life in the army.
After graduation, I was enrolled in an elite department of the National Defense
1983). Together with daily healthcare, promoting and maintaining the health status of
the assisted troops was of utmost importance; for this, the risk factors of diseases,
primarily the psychological structure of the military staff had to be known because the
main task was guarding the frontiers for which soldiers were given arms with war
ammunition. Thus, if physical and mental health status were unknown, the premises for
unwanted events could be created (desertion, or other deviations, minor or severe
injuries during manipulation of arms, homicides, suicides, etc.). Based upon the periodic
morbidity study I was able to assess that there was a correlation between risk factors and
the recorded morbidity.
For several years (1983-1989), I was active as teritorial military staff (CMJ), where
the main activity was the selection and occupational counselling of young recruits upon
enrolment and of young people selected for teaching institutions of the army.
Among the specific techniques and methods used for selection, psychological tests
had an important role in the detection of personality disorders, premorbid personalities,
or for deciding the required abilities for repartition in military units. Of course, these
tests preceded a complex medical evaluation and those with various problems detected
during testing were subjected to a well conducted interview in the psychiatric office. The
tests applied included personality tests, mental level and stability, integration and
dynamics assessment.
Another important period I went through in military institutions was that during
which I coordinated medical services in a large frontier unit (1989-2000). Together with
specific emergency and curative healthcare in special circumstances (missions, firing
exercises) and health management attributions, my main preoccupation was public
health with focus on Frontier Police troops. Among the main objectives we list the
- health promotion by sanogenic measures in all units and subunits;
- healthcare by prevention of diseases;
- morbidity control by fighting diseases and their consequences.
We may state that the activity of a military physician belongs to social medicine
which is a medical branch and a section of public health, focusing on the health status of
the assisted troops, in correlation with influencing risk factors. To sum up, it sets the
health diagnosis and etiologic factors.
During that period, I had the possibility to monitor in instruction centres the way
recruits adapted to the rigours of army life.
I spent the last two years of daily military life (2000-2001) in the medical practice
of the District Police Inspectorate (DPI) having thus the possibility to obtain a global
image on the influences of occupational stress factors on the health of the employees of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). This conclusion was revealed by the studies
conducted by epidemiologic methods on the distribution of diseases or of risk factors.
C. The third motivation relates to the fact I was a contemporary of changes
produced in the Romanian society after the events in 1989, the transition period and its
implications for the troops of the Frontier Police, a true psychology of change. It was
and still is a unique historic experience to shift from a centralised economy to
democracy and free market, with a radical change required, after 50 years, in material
and spiritual culture, the latter having deep scientific, artistic, literary, educational, moral
and social conscience roots. While the changes 50 years ago (1948-1958) brought
individuals with a mediocre or submediocre instruction level to military structures, at
present, most members of military staff have higher education, even if sometimes at a
superficial level, with a different perception of stress factors (SF)/stress agents (SA)
resulting from these transformations. This is why, after 1990, psychologists were
employed in Frontier Police Units, with whom I initiated various studies using
psychological tests applied individually or on target groups in order to detect SF/SA
influencing the health status of the staff.
I have noticed that psychological factors have an important role in determining
certain adaptation disorders, being able to declare that a veritable psychology of health
was revealed. This statement can be enforced by the definition given by Iamandescu I.B.
WR 3V\FKRVRFLDO 0HGLFLQH ZKLFK Ädeals with the daily behaviour reported to the
individual interaction with the socio-familial-occupational environment, additionally
researching psicho-VRFLDO H[SODQDWLRQV RI KHDOWK ULVN IDFWRUV´. The adaptation of
individuals to the new society is influenced by multiple factors, the most important
being personality structure, temper, mentalities, and last but not least the level of
intelligence which, regardless of the educational background of each soldier (medium or
higher education) interferes in the different perception of SF/SA. Persons with a lower
level of intelligence are incapable of coping with mechanisms aiming at limiting the
negative effects of stress agents upon the organism, also having a higher psychological
vulnerability. There were situations when young recruits or experienced staff members,
due to misadaptation to socio-economic changes and, implicitely, due to changes in the
position of each individual, chose to take the extreme solution, i.e. suicide.
D. A fourth motivation, equally important for choosing my PhD topic, was the wish
to continue the study on the influences of SF/SA on the general health in order for these
to become a preferential field in my professional activity, together with new scientific
discoveries increasingly proving that, in medicine, the psychosomatic concept supports
the diagnosis and treatment of diseased persons. On the same route, I guided my son,
Grigore-Alexandru Popescu, a young surgeon, who supported me in composing and
finalising the present work.
In the general practice where I carry out my activity as a family physician, the
holistic approach of the patient increases the diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency and at
the Kinetotherapy Department of the Drobeta Turnu-Severin University Centre of the
University of Craiova where I taught, I found that physical-kinetic techniques are
effective methods for stress aleviation in a psycho-somatic context. The physician, the
psychologist, the kinetic therapist on one side (the healthcare team) and the patient on
the other, collaborate to build a partnership which will contribute to the advance of
millenium III psychosomatics.
The Author
Stefan Odobleja was born on the 3rd of October 1902 in Izvorul Anestilor, village
Valea Hotului, in Mehedinti county, Romania, which today bears the name of Stefan
He went to primary school in his home village, then followed highschool at the
7UDLDQ´National College in Drobeta Turnu-Severin.
In 1922 he became a student of the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest, being
awarded a scholarship by the Medical Military Institute. In 1928 he presented his
Doctorate thesis entitled ,,Automoble accidents´, elaborated at the Forensic Institute,
and he was awarded the title of Doctor in medicine and surgery after presenting his work
to a board presided by Prof. Dr. Mina Minovici.
As a military physician, he worked in a series of garrisons in the counties(Braila,
Tr.Severin, Lugoj, Dorohoi, Turda, Targoviste, Cernavoda). During that period he began
to collaborate with the Military Sanitary Journal, where two of his studies were
published, namely ÄProcedeu practic pentru a împiedica aburirea oglinzilor
ODULQJRVFRSLFH´ (Practical procedure preventing steamy laryngoscopic mirrors), in
no.11-12, 1928 and Ä$SOLFDĠLLOH JUDYLWDĠLHL vQ WHUDSHXWLFă´ (Applications of gravity in
therapy), in no. 4, 1929. The second study was a continuation of his research which was
the subject of his thesis publicly presented in Bucharest in the summer of 1928, entitled:
Ä$WLWXGLQHD FRUSXOXL úL VHFUHĠLD VXGRUDOă´ (Body posture and perspiration). Also, in
1929, he published the study Ä0HWRGă GHWUDQVRQDQWDWRUDFLFD´ (Thoracic transonance
method) where he formulated the so called law of reversibility (Buletinul medico-
terapeutic ± Medical-therapeutic bulletin, the 1st of May 1929).
In 1935, in Lugoj, after editing his paper Ä/D SKRQRVFRSLH nouvelle methode
G¶H[SORUDWLRQ FOLQLTXH´ (Phonoscopy, a novel method of clinical investigation), which
places phonoscopy among the most effective diagnostic methods, he also gives it for
publication to Gaston Doin Editors in Paris. Later, he develops some of his ideas in this
paper in a study published in 5HYLVWDVDQLWDUDPLOLWDUă(Military Sanitary Journal) no.2 in
1936, under the title Ä)RQRVFRSLD VL VHPLRORJLD DFXVWLFD´ (Phonoscopy and acoustic
semiology). Phonoscopy received the Ä0HGLFJHQHUDOGRFWRU3DSLX$OH[DQGUX´ (General
physician Dr Papiu Alexandru) prize.
In 1937 he attends the IX-th International Congress of Military Medicine and
Pharmacy in Bucharest where he presented the paperÄ'HPRQVWUDWLRQGHSKRQRVFRSLH´
(Demonstration of phonoscopy), received with great interest by doctor W.S.Bairbridge,
the chief of the American delegation. On this occasion, he distributed to participants an
announcement in French of his forthcoming work: ÄPsyFKRORJLH FRQVRQDQWLVWH´
(Consonantist psychology).
+HUHE\ ZH¶OO RIIHU D VKRUW H[SODQDWLQ RI the term of phonoscopy introduced by
Stefan Odobleja which must be regarded as a precursor of echography also refered to as
ultrasonography and diagnostic sonography. He estimated that this term was best suited
to acoustic phenomena used at the time in medicine. Stefan Odobleja defines
phonoscopy as a novel diagnostic method, an acoustic semiology which must be
completed and improved with technological progress, by introducing precision
instruments awaiting to be invented, thus intuitively describing our contemporary
The Academy member systematically studies and experiments the way sound
changes its characteristics while crossing the human body, thus enabling the
identification of the shape and consistency of various organs and of some processes.
These experiments were not conducted using high frequencies (ultrasounds) but with
perception of the modified sound (echo) was done with the ear placed on the opposite
side. He explains that betwen 40,000-100,000 vibrations/second, the human ear does not
perceieYHVRXQGVZKLFKDUHGHILQHGDVÄultrasonic´Ultrasonic investigation was already
used in engineering and for military applications, long time before their application in
medicine in the form of echography.
Regarding the continuation of research in the reference field, we must state that
ultrasonic energy was first used for medical purposes linked to the relation with
patients, by dr. George Ludwig in 1940 at the Naval Medical Research Institute,
Bethesda, Maryland. The first purely imagistic application is then achieved by the
physician Karl Theodore Dussik (1942-1947) of the Vienna University, as a method he
GHVLJQDWHG DV ÄK\SHUSKRQRJUDSK\´ Stefan Odobleja already formulated these ideas in
Between 1937-1938 the scientist is preoccupied to contribute to the improvement of
the structure and activity of the Romanian military institutions of which he belonged. In
this direction he publishes a seULHV RI VWXGLHV LQ WKH MRXUQDO ÄSpirit militar modern´
(Modern military spirit), such as ÄTHRULD úL SUDFWLFD´ (Theory and practice), in no.
1/1938 of the above mentioned journal, approaching the problematic of defining the two
notions and their objective interdependence.
In another article published in no. 5-6/1939 of the same journal, under the title
Ä&DQWLWDWH úL FDOLWDWH´ (Quantity and quality) he analysed the relation between the two
notions and their role in the selection of military staff. He continued his studies on
military psychology until the beginning of the war, an example being Ä6LPHWULD úL
dualismul ra]ERLXOXL´ (Symmetry and dualism of war).
His main work, Ä3V\FKRORJLH FRQVRQDQWLVWH´ (Consonantist psychology) was
published in two volumes, in Paris, Libraire Maloins, 1938-1939, totalising 880 pages.
After the war, intending to dedicate himself to research activities, he retires from
the army in 1946 and starts elaborating an extensive work, Ä/RJLFDUH]onantHL´ (Logic
of resonance), which he will not finalise.
In 1975, at the third International Congress of Cybernetics, organised in Bucharest,
he presented the paper Ä&LEHUQHWLFD úL 3VLKRORJLD FRQVRQDQWLVWă´ (Cybernetics and
consonantist psychology), published in the volume of the Congress (Springer Verlag,
1976); in parallel, he was preparing a book on this topic, which was published after his
death (Editura Scrisul romanesc, Craiova,1978). As disease prevented him from
attending the fourth International Congress of Cybernetics in Amsterdam (21-25 August
1978), he sends a new communication entitled Ä'LYHUVLWDWH úL XQLWDWH LQ FLEHUQHWLFD´
(Diversity and unity in cybernetics), which was presented by eng. Stelian Bajureanu and
which brought its author international acknowledgement as precursor of cybernetics.
B.H.Rudall of the University of Wales, while presenting the session said: ÄThe paper of
dr.Odobleja was very well received...Great interest and appreciation were expressed
towards Consonantist psychology´
The Romanian Academy acknowledged the merrits of the scientist ùWHIDQ2GREOHMD
and in 1990 he was awarded the title of post mortem member of the Romanian
to systematic organisation and applications, from empirical events to laws and
A first methodological dimensioQ RI 2GREOHMD¶V ZRUN FRQVLVWV RI this very
historical approach, focused on a critical comparison between the status of psychology
with its evolution target. Unrefined and hard to digest, difficult and impure, amorphic
and diffuse, scattered and diluted, inconsequent and contradictory, psychology is not a
good psychology because, as the author explains, instead of operating with fundamental,
general, normal, precise, essential aspects, the accidental, subtle, particular, implicit,
pathological, misterious ones are preferred. Such a psychology cannot be regarded as
scientific, it is literature, alchemy, magic. For it to matter as a science, psychology must
adopt a different strategy to approach its objective i.e based upon merging classifications
and synthesis, avoiding vague, imprecise, indefinite aspects, avoiding pedantery,
bombastics, verbiage, thinking clearly and vehiculating ideas not just words. It should be
a psychology which closely communicates with the other sciences, starting with
mechanics and physics, going through the group of biological sciences and reaching
morals and logics, simultaneously striving to reach an indepth knowledge of these
Operating in this spirit which reminds us of the rigour of the cartesian
methodology, Odobleja critically apraises various conceptions on the psychic, from
empirical and sensorial to mystic and spiritual ones, not excluding, of course, freudists,
vitalists, biologists and revealing the error in their representation of the psychic.
Odobleja deals with the diversity of the psychological world in the spirit of unitary
and unification principles. Psychic phenomena are not isolated in the Universe, they are
phenomena. They are preceded and accompanied by physical, mechanical, chemical,
biological, neurological material processes and end up with reactions and response
behaviours to external stimuli. This is why, in order to work in a productive manner in
the field of psychology, the researcher needs multiple knowledge form the area of
sciences dealing with non-psychological phenomena. This explains why, before entering
psychological grounds, Odobleja focuses on the physical, the natural, justifiably
cause. He also offers a very suggestive picture of correspondences between defining
notions of physical and psychological concepts. The psychic, LQWKHDXWKRU¶VYLHZLVD
division of the physical, one of its varieties, or, in our words, a shape of existence and
movement of the objective world, with recurrent effects over the generating term ± the
physical ± which is in its turn changed and reshaped into an effect. Alternatively,
according to a definition more pregnantly revealing the concept of Odobleja, the
psychcological is a circle of energies, a reversibility, a bidirectional energetic
transformant, an association of convex and concave lenses, focusing or dispersing the
energy or the physical, in other words fulfilling reception and reaction functions.
According to Odobleja, psychological phenomena are never exclusively interior,
direct, immediate. They are triggered by external causes and manifest by physiological,
physical and chemical effects. Even such a complex phenomenon as the conscience,
with its duplicating and reflexion capacities, has a correspondent in the physical world,
in the self-induction process.
From a dynamic point of view, the psychic appears to Odobleja as a complex of
processes, states and functions. What would these be? Could these be the three large
categories of processes ± cognitive, affective, volitional ± already inferred by Aristotle
and explicitely stated by Christian Wolf and Immanuel Kant? Odobleja rejects this point
of view, showing that the division of the psychic into three slices represents a
stereotypical imitation of the teological trinity, an illogical, sterile and stupid
trichotomy. It is not the primitive ramification of the psychic into three components
which is logical, real, truthful but the existence of a primary dichotomy, practiced onto
the directions of ÄFHQWULSHWDOSV\FKLF´DQGÄFHQWULIXJDOSV\FKLF´± knowledge and will,
respectively ± followed by a secondary dichotomy consisting of the duplication of the
centripetal segment into intelligence and affectivity. The latter, acts as a unity of two
opposite poles ± pleasure and pain ± and knowledge, as a mediating structure in
between. This is a truth frequently revealed by modern psychological analysis, namely
that affective processes are not reduced to feeling but also inherently contain authentic
moments of knowledge. Moreover, Odobleja suggests a complex vision ± functionalistic
and dialectical ± on the relations between the two psychological cathegories and
between these and the remaining system in which they are integrated. Such as a dynamo,
affectivity is distributed around the internal nature of the organism and it is coupled to it,
whereas the cognitive ± a dynamo in its turn ± is distributed by double contact, between
affectivity and the external world, mediating their reciprocal reports. Stefan Odobleja
had an exceptional intuition on the psychological truth that introducing knowledge in a
relation with affectivity is not acquired according to the continuous series principle but
according to the contradiction principle of collaboration from opposite positions,
translated into antagonistic pairs: exogenous ± endogenous, exteroceptive ±
interoceptive, objective ± subjective, indifferent ± appreciative, epicritic ± protopathic,
etc. While cognition is specialised on the direction of catching the exterior world,
affectivity collaborates as a profound, internal dimension of conscience, as a reporting
manner, as an attitude.
Focused on thie manner of conceptual organisation, many pages in the work of
Odobleja are dedicated to an analytical discussion of cognitive processes with their
various subspecies and components, affective and volitional processes, attention,
aptitudes, etc. The justified criticism of the anthropomorphic conception which tends to
personify psychological processes using tautologic statements such DV Äwe memorize
substituting the person as a true subject by abstract fictions is worth mentioning.
Regardless of the category they belong to, concrete psychological phenomena are
subsumed in common existing and functioning principles: antagonism and
complementarity, correspondence and reversibility. We find that the consequence with
which the author seeks to identify, in various forms of psychological life, the
organisation and functioning based upon binarity, parity, symmetry, bivalence,
alternation is of high methodologic value.
In this direction, the author's considerations regarding the senses qualify in our
opinion as prolegomene to a modern study on the psychology of sensitivity. These are
regarded as photographic, cinematographic devices of the psychFRORJLFDOÄPDFKLQH´Rr
ÄIDFWRU\´± in the author's words ± indicating potential differences between the physical
exterior and psychological interior, a sort of bridge parapet always separating into two
branches (two categories of sensations) the flow of excitations, installations for
collecting and releasing physical energy to the nervous centres, bipolar detectors. The
author brings numerous examples of grouping sensorial functions according to the
model of opposite pairs. They collect, select, transform, amplify or reduce ± depending
on the circumstance ± the energy of external excitations, and sensations which, as the
author justifiably observes, constitute a fundament of the entire psychological life,
appear as interposed in between excitations and reactions, similarly to the manner in
which, according to an appropriate comparison with the physical domain, sensation is
the incidence beam which foregoes the reflected beam (reaction). As reaction signifies
reversal, sensation is connected to the wider law of reversibility.
Dichotomic division ± i.e. the correct one, opposed to the politomic one, which is
enumerative and confusing ± belongs, according to the author, to all psychological
pain, calm ± nervosity, certainty ± skepticism, euforia ± melancholy, joy ± sadness,
optimism ± pessimism, those of attention: distraction ± concentration, and those of
thinking: analysis ± synthesis, and those of memory: to memorize ± to forget, are
Due to psycho-physiological, psycho-pathological and psychosociological
researches, the function of memory ± ÄFRUQHUVWRQHRIFRQVFLHQFH´DVGHVFULEHGE\RQH
author ± in the overall psychological architecture is well known today. Stefan Odobleja
anticipated the conception regarding this UROHFRQVLGHULQJPHPRU\DVDÄpsychological
unraveling ensures the reversibility of conscience states, the continuous oscillation
between internal reduction of experience (during the phase of recording and fixation)
and its external amplification or dilatation during the phase of reproduction. The author
rejects the idea of a reduction or amplification centre. The two operations ± opposed but
complimentary ± occur by resonance. Here, the idea of self-movement, of functional
autonomy is involved, increasingly revealed, presently, by the research on the functional
principle of mental action.
I also find that Odobleja's point of view on affectivity is ingenious and advanced,
this being concieved as an effect of the refraction of external exciting factors through the
concave lens of subjectivity; as a result, the equal and continuous course of external
energies is suddenly deviated and fractured on various directions, thus generating the
extreme ends of displeasure and pain, and between these ± pleasure, as an optimal point,
as an average.
Also, one cannot ignore Odobleja's proposed definitions for numerous other
psychological concepts, among which we mention perception ± an intersensorial
consonance, abstraction ± a negative attention, generalisation ± a mental contagion,
imagination ± a system of multiple evoking, a chain of consonances, thinking ± an
internal behaviour, the ideea ± a virtual action.
How does Odobleja see the trigger mechanism of psychological phenomena? These
are definitely not linked by wires or strings, as thought by associationists, but by
resonance. Due to similarities between them, psychological phenomena consonate,
mutually and selectively evoke each other, by remote action, as do radiophonic
processes. The idea of consonance, antagonism, binarity based functioning was deduced
by Odobleja even before the publication of consonantist psychology, in the work
dedicated to the phonoscopic method.
The consonance ± dissonance pair, both being components of resonance, is
involved in all psychological categories, in abstraction and imagination, in perception
and generalisation, in expectation and anticipation. Due to this fact, in psychology, as in
physics and chemistry ± Odobleja explains ± nothing is created, nothing is lost, all is
transformed, all is reversible.
Stefan Odobleja gradually reaches the structure of a psychology he himself defines,
in his later works, as being binary, circular, analogic, similar. Consonance being defined
as harmony, the consonantist psychology becomes, according to the author, a logic of
harmony, or in other words, a science of organisation and self-regulation.
Starting from this rationale, Odobleja draws, in the second part of the paper, a wide
applicative picture, obtained by derivation and proliferation from psychological
consonance. This picture is not limited to psychological findings but expands towards
biology and sociology, political economics and morals, therapeutics and pedagogy.
A generalised psychological vision is thus obtained, a sort of panpsychologism, a
reshaping of all sciences using the psychological phenomenon as a template. All special
fields are governed by the same general laws ± balance, compensation, inverted reaction,
alternance, reversibility ± with their unification function.
These laws are found in psychophysiology, science based upon the reciprocal action
betwen organic and psychic (psychosomatopsychic effect a.n.), terms which successively
function as cause and effect to one another; in psychopathology and psychiatry, where
nervous diseases, various syndromes are binarily H[SODLQHGE\H[DFHUEDWLRQWRÄK\SHU´
RUÄK\SR´DQGZKHUHHDFKFRQVRQDQWLVWODZFDQILnd an equivalent in a therapeutic rule;
in interpsychology (a branch of the field today designated as social psychology), where
interpsychological action appears as a reversible physical resonance, and imitation ± one
of the most expressive interpsychological phenomena ± as a complex reversibility, with
multiple, staged consonances; in biology, where life appears as a vicious circle of
reciprocal actions and reactions;
Stefan Odobleja detects and expresses ± obviously, in a natural language ± the
principle of command and control, inherent to all systems, equally living or lifeless, a
central principle of modern cybernetics.
It is undoubtedly Odobleja's merrit to have discovered these general principles in
the field of psychism, by researching humans, trying to decipher the way the senses, the
intellect and its inner feelings work, in other words walking on the territory of the most
complex types of structures and interactions, taken further as organisation and
functioning models for the other categories of phenomena. He radically changed the
view on psychological phenomena ± going futher than both associationism and
behaviourism ± he revolutioned psychological science in theory, conception and method,
providing it with novel attributes and drawing on this basis, even though not fully aware
at that time, the framework for the future field of cybernetics.
Justifiably showing that to measure a psychological phenomenon means to compare
it to a constant value, to establish a vicinity and a consonance with a standard, Odobleja
examins a series of indicators which, in fact, are non-psychological: anatomic symptoms,
physiological signs, reactions to exciting factors. His medical background makes him
more interested in the physical and physiological mechanisms and less in the manner the
psychic fact is constructed, the way it becomes as such.
Thanks to Odobleja, psychology reveals for the first time its virtues as a pivot
science, a relay science, as expressed by cybernetics specialists, an interdisciplinary
node, as later emphasized by Jean Piaget.
It has ben defined by balance; life is an unstable balance; a balance between
interior and exterior; a balance effect of an interior against the external disbalancing
It can especially be defined by reversibility; life is a vicious circle of reciprocal
actions and reactions. A complex reversibility of physico-chemical phenomena. A
perpetuum mobile achieved by nature in the detriment of chemical elements and
physical energies. A complex of multiple stratified and interwoven cathalitic
phenomena. A reversible couple of actions and reactions. A complex phenomenon in
which each partial phenomenon is, successively, cause and effect ± consequently, a
phenomenon producing the ilusion of finalism. A rotation produced by multiple force
assimilation................disassimilation attraction.................repulsion
reception....................reaction growth.....................division
synthesis....................analysis pleasure................. pain
Life was defined by oscillation (rhythm, SHULRGLFLW\ ´OLIH LV DQ XQGXODWLQJ
evolution of matter´V. Conta).
It has been defined by transformation : thus, life would be a transformant for
The action of SF/SA is harmful when the subject in question responds at emotional
level by anxiety and at initially cognitive level by adaptative response, and if new
emotional reactions occur psychic stress may be reached.
A.Wells underlines the fact that there is no theory or cognitive model of anxious
disturbances, the author choosing the conception of A.T. Beck where the term of
cognition refers to an entire series of mechanisms upon which judgement processes rely,
and to a certain point to the content of their product known as thoughts.
The basis of the cognitive theory of emotional disturbances is represented by the
assumption according to which disfunctions in this area occur and develop due to
interpretations people give to etreme events. At the same time, behaviour responses
resulting after such interpretations play, in their turn, a role in maintaining emotional
disturbances .
Thus, thoughts may become veritable SF/SA, they may induce various types of
stress (distress and eustress) a.n.
A.Ellis considers that irrational beliefs represent the source of emotional and
behavioural disturbances, these beliefs generating absolute requirements and requests,
the latter being the basis for irrational cognition which is the source of emotional
B. Arnold thinks that the intuitive assesemnt of a situation initiates a tendency to
action which is experienced as an emotion and is expressed by various organic changes.
R.S. Lazarus et al were the first to show the importance of cognitive processes in
the genesis of SP and described a general frame for the interaction between SA and the
individual, capable to suggest that both the evaluation and reevaluation processes of the
harmfulness of SF/SA, as well as the adaptative alternatives, have a major affective
Describing the dynamics of emotion, B. Arnold identifies a succession of
operations which might not reach the equivalent amplitute of a SP. These operations are
usually run at the level of the subject's conscience and have the following sequence:
perception of SF/SA, memory of similar experiences, reassessment of the situation,
actual action.
The occurence of a SF/SA triggers a brain activation which causes a state of
emotional tension, generating anxiety when the action persists without an adequate
response, the stress threshold being thus reached. In this moment, the subject perceives
the danger and is either task-oriented, seeking to solve the situation, or self-oriented,
tending to maintain the initial psychological balance. Thus, in a first stage, an adaptative
mobilization is recorded by improved performance, and during the second stage
deteriorated responses occur due to decreased performances and the rigidity of
adaptative acts characterised by the incapacity to capitalise previous experience, by the
occurence of instability, suspicion, hostility. All these lead to a state of internal conflict
described as exhaustion threshold characterised by fatigue, ineffectiveness,
hopelessness, sense of guilt, in one word depression .
SF/SA have a global action before the response is elaborated (primary character)
and another one during and after the response is triggered (secondary character), both
actions being based upon the principle of reverse connexion, described as influencing
the system's state of reception to a new action or to the persistent action of a SA .
4.2. Law of reversibility (retroaction, reverse connexion) governs the entire work
of St. Odobleja Ä&RQVRQDQWLVW3V\FKRORJ\´ and his entire thinking, he being the one to
detect the general character of feedback and to try to highlight it in the most variate
processes and phenomena. In this work composed before 1938, probably between 1934-
1937, we surprisingly identify in the chapters on static psychic (senses, reaction organs,
memory), dynamic psychic, fundamental phenomena (excitations, sensations,
reactions), affective phenomena, resemblances with the general adaptation syndrome
(GAS) described by H. Selye, promoting original ideas, definitions, concepts, laws.
Thus, according to the conception of St.Odobleja, the excitations we may
assimilate to SF/SA produce, through our senses, sensations which in their turn produce
various reactions from the human organism such as adaptative and non-adaptative ones
alarm resistance ( h i )
excitation sensation impulse reaction
fixation reproduction
Diagram adapted after: Dr. St. Odobleja, Psychologie Consonantiste, first volume, Libraire
Maloine, Paris, 1938, p. 137.
Fig.1 - ÄVHQVDWLRQLVWKHLQWHUQDOSDUWRIH[FLWDWLRQVLPLlarly to the impuls being the interior (psychic)
From dichotomous divisions which are in fact the basis for the author's conception,
we may observe that the origin of excitants and reactions lies within the physique:
Transformable physique, pre-psychic, excitants;
Transformed physique, post-psychic, reactions and acts
external excitants' refraction through the concave lens of the organism's subjectivity,
process during which the even and continuous course of external energies is suddenly
deviated in different directions, thus generating the external poles of inconvenience and
pain with pleasure situated betwen them ( fig.3).
We may state without being mistaken that in his work, St. Odobleja originally
describes the psycho-physiological mechanisms triggered in the organism by various
external or internal stimuli, as well as the importance of the psychic in the adaptation or
inadaptation processes of the organism to these stimuli.
Presently, the multiple reactions of the psycho-somatic system triggered by internal
or external stimuli with different sources have been elucidated. The psycho-
physiological unity of the human organism obliges us to regard stress rather as
somatopsychic or psychosomatic, and we must avoid refering to somatic and/or psychic
The information comming from inside or outside the organism influences the
synthesis of pituitary neurohormones which will in their turn influence the secretion of
peripheral hormones which will then act upon various tissues. Upon the assessment of
the stressful character all the elements of the nervous system intervene (v. fig.4).
peripheral) nervous correlations between various organs are neglected: nothing is
mentioned on direct relations and interactions from one organ to another. Only top to
bottom actions are admitted as well as those exerted by means of the vago-sympathetic
each nervous fillet is successively inhibitor and exciter. From this stand point, each
nervous fillet is an indifferent conductor, also each nervous cell (or ganglion) react
either by excitation or by depression ± case by case, depending on the excitant, on its
dose, on the physiological sWDWHHWF´.
Of those above presented, the idea that St. Odobleja had an integrative vision on
the activity of the two vegetative systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic,
In his conception, the brain is an energy resonator, and sensorial organs are
collectors, selectors, transformers, amplifiers and reductors, resonators-receptors,
resonators-amplifiers, captating excitations (SF/SA) and transforming them into psychic
energy which would be of unknown origin, probably transmitted by some endocrine
secretions (neurotransmitters, neuromodulators) producing the condensation of
peripheral excitations with central decondensation or detension or vice-versa, process
which according to the consonance/disonance theory would lead to disbalances which
endanger the psychic, endocrine and, finally, the general homeostasis.
Regardless of the number and variety of stressors, the human organism only has
one type of physiological defense mechanism and this mainly depends on the integrity
of the corticosuprarenal gland whose hyperactivity is responsible of adaptation
disturbances, the human organism being the victim of its own biological defense
The psycho-somatic unity is also found in the middle Ages in philosophers (XVII-
th ± XVIII-th centuries) such as Descartes, Hobbes, Berkley, and Leibnitz.
The first to talk about psychosomatics in modern times is Heinroth (1818) who was
In 1890, Sommer introduces the term of psychogenesis which will be adopted and
supported by the great creators of psychogenesis theories (P.Janet Freud).
In 1899, Pavlov describes the influence of emotions on physiological processes,
conditional reflexes.
In 1912, Adler argued in favor of holism, analyzing the individual rather from the
perspective of the entire psychological existence.
In 1922, Deutsch presents the organ neurosis.
Psychosomatics was introduced as a medical term in the period between 1936-1938
when the first psychosomatics societies emerge and the first specific journals are
It is worth mentioning that during the same period, i.e. in the year 1938, the first
volume of the French version of consonantist psychology was published in Lugoj and
published, both volumes being distributed to great universities in the world.
We further mention the personalities who contributed to the field of modern
psychosomatics: 1943 - Helen Fl. Dunbar with specific personality profiles for each
psychosomatic disorder; 1946 - Hans Selye with the general adaptation syndrome; 1950
- Alexander with conflict specificity; 1957 - Hinkle, Wolff with the determinant role of
environmental factors and others such as von Uexkull, Schafer, Sifneos, Batson,
Basedovsky, etc.
The encyclopedic dictionary describes SWHIDQ 2GREOHMD DV ÄDXWKRU RI WKe first
variant of the generalized cybernetic concept, trying to explain natural phenomena, and
especially those of biology and psychology, by inverse connection (law of
reversibility)...notices and highlights the phenomenon of adaptation of living organisms
may be considered a proof of his connection to psychosomatics.
As a synthesis, we may state that this concept has passed through several distinct
stages in time.
The first Hippocratic stage describes the relation between mind (psyche) and body
The second stage begins in 1890 with Sommer, who introduces the term of
psychogenesis in this relation.
The third stage starts with the modern era when the existential ecological
environment is integrated into the psyche-soma unit, i.e. the bio-psycho-social model of
Engel - 1974. But in order to establish the starting point of this stage we must go back to
of reversibility (feedback) brings an essential contribution to the psycho-somatic unit by
establishing a mutual psycho-somatic relationship. By multi- and interdisciplinary
arguments, he expands the psycho-somatic approach of the human being in the universe.
He, thus, creates a novel model, connecting the bio-psycho-social model to the universe
by the nine universal laws (equivalence, equilibrium, compensation, reaction,
oscillation, inertia, transformation, consonance, reversibility) which he harmonized into
a consonance/resonance based upon the law of reversibility and psychological energetic
processes for all human life phenomena. He performs an in-depth analysis of the
connection between mind, body and universe, rendering a cosmic side to the model. The
psychosomatic approach from a consonantist psychology perspective is demonstrated by
Stefan Odobleja by defining psychological and physical components.
Thus, the physical component is described as the nature, the outside world. ,, The
physical component is the source of psyche and its ultimate expression, cause and, often
effect, the fabric of which psyche is made. It is one of the first opposing categories of
psyche. From a logical point of view, the physical component is one of the halves of the
universe, the other one being the psyche; quantitatively, it is by far the largest part of the
The physical component is the exterior, the periphery, the larger sphere; psyche is
the inside, the centre, the smaller but the most important portion of each EHLQJ¶V
By describing the physical divisions the author analyzes the physical as the exterior,
i.e. the universe but also the human being, with mutual influences between them.
,, Psychologically, the physical component is classified as:
- transformable, pre-psyche, excitants;
- transformed, post-psyche, reactions and acts...
Biologically, the classification includes:
- the inert nature: the lifeless objects, the physical component per se;
- the living nature: the beings, the biRORJLFDO´
Further, Odobleja states that the physical component is studied by natural sciences:
- for lifeless nature (cosmological sciences) he describes static sciences
(chemistry, geography, mineralogy, astronomy, etc.) and dynamic
sciences (physics, mechanics, sky mechanics, etc. ± quantum mechanics
might be added here)
- for living nature (biological sciences) he similarly describes static
sciences (anatomy, histology) and dynamic sciences (physiology,
Also, the author considers that any psychology must include an introductory study
on physics for the following reasons:
1.,, The physical always precedes and determines the psyche, thus constituting its
- static causes: - anatomic-histological substrate (the brain)
- chemical composition of the substrate
- dynamic causes: - physical excitants
- physiological excitants
2. The physical follows the psyche: it represents its effect; we are thus obliged to
study it:
- as a material, static effect: - anatomical, structural
- chemical, constitutional
- as an energetic, dynamic effect: - psychically determined physical phenomena
- determined physiological phenomena
3. The physical resembles the psyche which confounds with it in several aspects:
statically, the psyche may be attributed to a biological structure and to a chemical
constitution; dynamically, psychological phenomena are reducible, as a whole, to
physical phenomena.
Odobleja describes the psyche as being the soul, the spirit, the inner universe, as a
biological function located in the brain. ,, As any other function, the psyche serves life;
it is correlated to each of the other functions of the organism (psycho-physiological
correlations). It is strictly dependent to a system of organs. Psychological phenomena
are very strictly dependent on circulation and on the physiological status of the organism
at a certain moment. Psychological activity is influenced by physical, chemical and
ELRWLFDJHQWV´. To conclude, Odobleja is the first physician to state that the true elements
of psychological phenomena are invisible ± as are the elements or material substrate of
physical energies ± and analogical, if not identical with the latter. The psychological
process is no longer such a rudimentary phenomenon as the presumed mechanical
vicinity and removal of neuronal fibers ± but an extremely fine, HQHUJHWLFSURFHVV´. This
invisible, energetic, vibration element, intuitively described by Odobleja, is described as
repercussions (interactions) between centre and the periphery, between physical and
physiological, between moral and body, between brain and the other viscera, between
general and local, between the whole and its parts; the science of psycho-physical
reactions. Each organ has relations with all the other organs, including the brain. The
brain is, undoubtedly, a privileged organ but it does not hold the monopole on inter-
He also describes the influences of psyche upon the psychological component,
which are: ,, reversible (functional ± in fact, psychosomatic disorders) or irreversible
(organic ± in fact, psychosomatic diseases); normal (physiological) or abnormal
(pathological); and the influences of the physiological components upon the psyche
(somatic-psychic action) which also classifies them into reversible and irreversible;
Odobleja also mentions that between the physical component and the psyche,
between body and soul, there is a mutual influence: each is in its turn cause and effect
and he introduces the more accurate notion of reciprocal influence between each body
part and each part of the psyche.
We may state that the work of the scientist has opened a new perspective for the
development of the psychosomatic concept.
In the bibliography studied by Odobleja for his work, which includes 700 papers,
we find names of authors cited during the history of psychosomatics such as: Janet P
(1891), Adler (1924), Pieron (1927), Pavlov (1932), Marinescu (1910), Descartes,
manuscripts, titles of works on the psychosomatic concept and the atomic universe were
found, such as: ,,Psychosomatic medicine ± insights in medical enigmas´ %RQQHWRQ
Andre, Paris, Libraire Maloine, (1964) and 0DQDQGWKHDWRPLFXQLYHUVH´, Coudures E,
1951. This demonstrates that he continued to be concerned and studied the way the
physical and psychological components influence one another. Odobleja considers that
,,the true elements of psychological phenomena are invisible ± as are the elements or the
material substrate of physical energies ± DQGDQDORJLFDOLIQRWLGHQWLFDOZLWKWKHODWWHU´
Nowadays, a lot is said on the psychology of order ± quantum psychology (POQP),
which is an interdisciplinary synergistic science, built on information from philosophy,
psychology, informatics, medicine, physics, biology, cybernetics. POQP seeks the
systemic-holistic knowledge of the human psyche universe by means of original
measurement instruments and methodologies, based on the generalized quantum theory,
in order to optimize human condition from the perspective of the existential purpose and
of psycho-somatic and psychological health. Other fields are also mentioned such as
quantum medicine, quantum neuroscience and, if all these were to be based on quantum
psychology, we might state another syntagm i.e. quantum psychosomatics.
Among the few who mention Stefan Odobleja and his contribution in this area of
quantum enigmas, Prof. Ion Manzat, president of the Romanian Association of
Transpersonal Psychology, defines psychological resonance (intuitively described by
Stefan Odobleja) as a transpersonal energy vibration explained by expanded psycho-
The main merit of Odobleja is that of intuitively describing the fundamental
structure connecting humans to nature (that invisible, energetic, vibration element which
and is a true resource for ideas in the third millennium.
The value of his work on the psychosomatic concept passed unnoticed during his
time. Hopefully, from now on, by our actions, we shall restore the well deserved place in
the history of national and international medicine and continue to study his published
work and manuscripts kept by the State Archives.
Between 25-28 June 2014 Sibiu hosted the annual meeting of the European
Association of Psychosomatic Medicine ,,Care and Cure ± an integrated approach to
Continuous Medical Education.
Analytical study investigating the relations and inter-relations between
psychosomatics and consonantist psychosomatics. Academy Member Stefan Odobleja,
army physician, internationally acknowledged as the parent of generalized cybernetics
and creator of psycho-cybernetics, deserves a special place in the history of both
cybernetics and psychosomatics. The work Psychologie consonantiste (880 pp),
published in French in Lugoj, in two volumes, during 1938-1939, was distributed by
Librairie Maloine in Paris. In 1978 at the International Congress of Cybernetics and
Systems in Amsterdam, 30 years of cyberneWLFV ZHUH FHOHEUDWHG DQG WKH ÄNorbert
:LHQHU´PHGDOZDVLQDXJXUDWHGUpon this occasion Stefan Odobleja's world priority on
the idea of generalized cybernetics was acknowledged, 10 years prior to N.Wiener,
whose cybernetics is in fact a technical application of general cybernetics.
,,THE PSYCHOLOGICAL (the soul, the spirit, the interior universe)...
...any physiology is ultimately reduced to physical and chemical. Do the psychological
belong to the physical or chemical? And, if the former is true, does it belong to the
mechanical ± as taught by all psychology manuals ± or is it energetic, of a more subtle
and superior nature than a vulgar act of fibre contact?...
The true elements of psychological phenomena are invisible ± as are the elements
or material substrate of physical energies ± and analogue, if not identical, with the latter.
The psychological process is no longer such a vulgar phenomenon as the supposed
mechanical approaching and coming apart movements of neuronal fibres ± but an
extremely fine tuned process, an energetic process.
Psychology really is the physiology of nervous centres, but it is only the most
refined, intimate, subtle part of this physiology: the rest is neurology. Psychology is a
physiology without anatomy, as its true anatomy, the veritable psychological anatomy
i.e. energetic microscopy has not yet been inaugurated. Until new developments, we can
only mentally represent it, by imitating chemists and physicists who do the same for
valences, atoms, quanta, ions and their electrons. Maybe man will never be able to see
and directly observe by his senses ± including devices which enhance them ± the true
material-anatomic VXEVWUDWH RI KLV SV\FKRORJ\´ (Odobleja St. -premier volume 1938-,
Psychologie consonantiste, premier et deuxieme volume, Libraire Maloine, Paris, p.p.
The physical body is the source of the psychological and its ultimate expression,
cause and, often, effect, the material the psychological is made of. It is one of the first
categories, opposed to the psychological. From a logical perspective, the physical body
is one of the two halves of the Universe, the other being the psychological:
Psychologically, we must make the distinction between:
- the transformable physical, the pre-psychological, the excitants;
- the transformed physical, the post-psychological, the reactions and acts.
- for inanimate nature: cosmological sciences
static: chemistry, geography, mineralogy, astronomy, etc.
dynamic: physics, mechanics, sky mechanics, etc.
- for living nature: biological sciences:
static: anatomy, histology
(Odobleja St. -premier volume 1938-, Psychologie consonantiste, premier et
deuxieme volume, Libraire Maloine, Paris, p.p.47-48).
,,PSYCHOLOGY (general notions)
Psychology is the science of the soul, of the conscience, of conscience phenomena;
the science of non-mediated facts, of interior experience, of psychological facts or
phenomena, a science derived from introspection (genetic, empirical, sensualist, and
subjective definition). It is the science of sciences, the key and fundament of all the
other sciences and of philosophy (a noologic definition by its effects). It is the
physiology of the brain; central and fine tuned physiology of the relation apparatus
(objective, biological, anatomic-physiological definition). It is the science of reciprocal
actions exerted by stimulation, adaptation, or adjustment and response between an
organism and the environment (H. Spencer and behavior psychology). It is brain
physics: the science of internally perceived physical phenomena (propagations,
balances and unbalances, consonances and dissonances, actions and reactions, loads
and unloads, etc. physical concept, supported in the present paper)...
According to the old, limited and restricted concept, psychophysics is the science of
reports between sensations and their exciting triggers. More widely defined,
psychophysics is a synthesis between psychological and physical, the definition of the
psychological with the aid of the physical, the physicist concept on the physical, the
knowledge of the psychological unknown through the known physical, the unification of
psychological sciences and physical or natural sciences, the equivalence of physical and
psychological sciences with the consequent application of methods and devices from
physics in the field of the psychological, and the use of experimental method. Our
psychology is ultimately psychophysics in a wider sense: it is psychological
SK\VLFV´(Odobleja St. -premier volume 1938-, Psychologie consonantiste, premier et
deuxieme volume, Libraire Maloine, Paris, p.p.39, 46).
Neurology is sometimes understood as a subordinate of psychology; it would be the
study of anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc. of the nervous system (including the study
of the brain and of psychology). It may also be understood as a subordinate of
physiology: in this case neurology would be the study of transmissions, the science of
connections between soul and body, between centre and periphery, between
psychological and physical...
The influences of the psychological upon the physiological (psycho-somatic effects)
Reversible (functional) ± psychosomatic dysfunctions n.a. ± or irreversible
(organic) ± psychosomatic diseases n.a. - Normal (physiological) or abnormal
(pathological). Durable (evolutive, permanent, anatomic, organized: physiognomy,
voice, conformation, gaining or losing weight etc.) or short lasting (transitory,
functional: mimic, gestures, expressions, attitudes, manners, hand writing etc.). Intense
or weak; Mediated or immediate; Direct or indirect; Local or diffuse; Excitant
(dynamogenic, stimulating, sthenic) or depressing (calming, asthenic, inhibitory); Motor
or secretor; Induced by sensations or by representations ± cognitive or affective.
The influences of the physiological upon the psychological (somatic-psychological
effects n.a.) are reversible or irreversible; normal or pathologic; durable or transient;
strong or weak; local or diffuse, excitant or depressing etc. There are effects on
receptivity and effects on reaction; effects on the intelligence and effects on affectivity.
...Does the physical determine the psychological or is it the other way around? In
reality, between centre and periphery there is reciprocity of action, there are reciprocal
interactions, balancing oscillations in alternative current. Between physical and
psychological, between body and soul there is a reciprocal influence: each is, in its turn,
cause and effect.
Is this influence vague or precise? We must replace the vague notion of reciprocal
influence of physical and moral, by the more precise notion of reciprocal influences
volume 1938-, Psychologie consonantiste, premier et deuxieme volume, Libraire
Maloine, Paris, p.p. 407, 426,427).
Definition: Psycho-physiology is the study of reciprocal repercussions
(interactions) between centre and periphery, between physical and psychological,
between moral and body, between brain and the other viscera, between general and
local, between the whole and its components. It is the study of psycho-somatic reflexes;
the science of psycho-somatic interactions (fig7).
There are inter-organic actions achieved by nervous centres (brain, heart, lungs,
stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and sexual organs). There are also direct inter-
organic actions. Each organ has relations with every other organ, including the brain.
The brain is, undoubtedly, a privileged organ, but it does not hold exclusivity on inter-
organic coPPXQLFDWLRQ´. (2GREOHMD ùW-premier volume 1938-, Psychologie
consonantiste, premier et deuxieme volume, Libraire Maloine, Paris, p.535).
psychology), uses nine universal laws i.e. those of equivalence, equilibrium,
compensation, reaction, oscillation, reversibility, inertia, consonance, transformation, all
based upon the resonance phenomenon. He was the first attempting to apply the
feedback law (law of reversibility) in nature and society, in as many scientific fields as
possible: philosophy, biology, psychology, sociology, political economics, mathematics
and even medicine (psycho-neurology, psychophysiology, psychopathology, inter-
psychology), enabling an easier understanding of the interrelations between biological,
psychological and social factors, of the psycho-somatic connections in the practice of
psychosomatic medicine.
The syntagm of consonantist psychosomatics facilitates a better understanding of
the psychosomatic circuit, psycho-physiologically and clinically expressed in the work
of Stefan Odobleja.
¾ 1969, Scheneider ± Medical Psychology
¾ 1973, Sifneos, Nemiah ± alexithymia
¾ 1974, Bateson ± general systems theory
¾ 1979, Von Eieff ± neurogenic hypertension
¾ 1981, 1985, Locke, Besedovsky ± SP involvement in the
functioning of the immune system (psychoneuroimmunology)
Adapted from: Dr. Diaconescu L., quoted by I.B.Iamandescu (1999): Elements of General and Applied
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16.POPESCU N., POPESCU G.A. (2013), Vision of Stefan Odobleja on psycho-
physiological mechanisms induced by stress factors/stress agents, Medicine in
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17.WELLS A. (1999): Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders, John and Sones
Chichester, New-York, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto, 3rd Edition.