8921a Manual
8921a Manual
8921a Manual
User’s Guide
Firmware Version A.15.00 and above
k2’ LO HI
7 8 9 ENTER
4 5 6
k3 %
1 2 3
PUSH TO 0 +_ kHz
ppm % Hz
Rev. F
Diese Information steht im Zusammenhang mit den Anforderungen der
Maschinenlärminformationsverordnung vom 18 Januar 1991.
• Schalldruckpegel Lp < 70 dB(A).
• Am Arbeitsplatz.
• Normaler Betrieb.
• Nach ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779:1991 (Typprüfung).
! Indicates instrument damage can occur if indicated operating limits are exceeded.
Refer to the instructions in this guide.
Indicates hazardous voltages.
Indicates earth (ground) terminal
A CAUTION note denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operation procedure,
practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result
in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product. Do not proceed beyond
an CAUTION note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
LIMITATION OF The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inad-
WARRANTY equate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing, unautho-
rized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications
for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.
ASSISTANCE Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are
available for Hewlett-Packard products. For any assistance, contact your nearest
Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office.
This product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive
73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and carries the CD-marking accordingly.
European Contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH
Department ZQ/Standards Europe, Herrenberger Strasse 130, D-71034 Böblinger, Germany (FAX+49-7031-14-3143)
Repair assistance is available for the HP 8924C CDMA Mobile Test Set from the factory
by phone and e-mail. Internal Hewlett-Packard users can contact the factory through
HPDesk or cc:Mail© (Lotus Corporation). Parts information is also available from
When calling or writing for repair assistance, please have the following information
Error Messages
This section discusses error and operating messages.
1 Get Started
3 Operating Overview
Displaying Measurements 57
Printing A Screen 66
Averaging Measurements 69
Field Descriptions 87
5 AF Analyzer Screen
Block Diagram 96
7 Configure Screen
11 Help Screen
13 Message Screen
14 Oscilloscope Screen
17 RF Analyzer Screen
18 RF Generator Screen
19 RX Test Screen
20 Service Screen
22 Tests Screen
23 TX Test Screen
Modifications 532
Accessories 535
Get Started
CAUTION: Overpower Damage — Refer to the Test Set’s front panel for maximum input power level.
Exceeding this level can cause permanent instrument damage.
List of Screens
The following table lists all the screens that could be provided by the Test Set.
Table 2
Instrument Configuration
Analog Measurement Screens
Encoder Help
Oscilloscope Message
RF Analyzer Service
Accessing Screens
Test Set’s screens can be accessed through
• Front-panel keys
• The front-panel Cursor Control knob (using the To Screen menu, see item 5 in fig-
ure 3 on page 43)
• HP-IB, using the DISPlay subsystem.
Access to
3 1
2 4 5
Unit-of-Measure Field
Unit-of-measure can be changed to display measurements in different values or
magnitudes. See item 1 in figure 3 to see an example of a units-of-measure field.
To change a unit-of-measure
1. Position the cursor at the unit field on the display.
2. Press a key labeled with a different unit-of-measure (such as W).
If the new units are valid, the measurement value is displayed in the unit.
One-of-Many Field
One-of-many fields display a list of choices when selected. See item 3 in figure 3
to see an example of a one-of many field.
Numeric-Entry Field
Numeric-entry fields contain values for settings like External Load Resistance and
RF Generator Frequency.See item 4 in figure 3 to see an example of a numeric-
entry field.
To change a value
1. Position the cursor at the field.
2. Key in the desired number using the DATA keys.
3. Press ENTER to select the choice.
1. Position the cursor at the field.
2. Push the Cursor Control knob to highlight the desired choice.
3. Turn the knob to increment or decrement the value.
4. Push the Cursor Control knob or the ENTER key to select the choice.
The CONFIGURE and I/O CONFIGURE screens contain a number of settings used to
alter instrument operation and hardware communication settings. The HP-IB address,
screen intensity, serial communication parameters, and several other settings, are changed
in these screens.
Most CONFIGURE and I/O CONFIGURE screen entries are saved when the instrument
is turned off.
This setting affects the RF Generator’s and the Tracking Generator’s amplitudes.
Operating Overview
The information in this section discusses some frequently used operating features
of the Test Set.
From reading chapter 1, "Get Started" you should understand:
• What “fields” and “screens” are.
• How to use the Cursor Control knob to select different fields and screens.
Priority fields give the RX TEST and TX TEST screens priority control of their
settings. No matter what these fields were set to in other screens, if the RX TEST
or TX TEST screen is accessed, the field changes to whatever it was last set to in
these screens. The RF Generator’s Amplitude field is an example of this field
type. These fields and their preset values are listed in table 3.
Using your Test Set, duplicate the steps in figure 7 to demonstrate how the
Priority fields operate.
Displaying Measurements
Displaying RF Measurements
Transmitter Frequency
TX Frequency is displayed when Tune Mode is set to Auto. (Refer to item (1)
in figure 8 on page 57.)
Transmitter Power
TX Power is only measured and displayed here when the Input Port is set to
RF In (Refer to item (2) in figure 8 on page 57 ). If Ant (antenna) is selected, the
measurement is replaced by four dashes (- - - -).
You can measure low power levels on the ANT IN port using the Spectrum
Refer to the TX Power field description, on page 505 and the TX Pwr Zero field
description, on page 506 for more information on measuring transmitter power.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN (antenna) port can cause instrument damage
(although internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2
Watts). If the overpower circuit is triggered, remove the signal from the ANT IN port and turn
the Test Set off and on to reset it.
Displaying AF Measurements
FM Deviation, AM Depth, AC Level
The AF Anl In setting determines the AF Analyzer’s input and the measurement
displayed in the top-right corner of the measurement area (see table 4). These
measurements are available in the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, RF
GENERATOR, RF ANALYZER, and AF ANALYZER screens. (Refer to item
(3) in figure 8 on page 57.)
AF Power
AF Power is measured in the RX TEST screen by specifying the external load
resistance, Ext Load R, and changing the unit of measure for the AC Level
measurement to W (Watts), mW, or dBm. (The milliwatt (mW) unit is selected by
pressing SHIFT, ENTER) Refer to item (5) figure 8 on page 57.
All measurements allow you to change the associated unit-of- measure. For
instance; the TX Power measurement is usually displayed in Watts, but can be
changed to display in mW, dBm, V, mV, or dBµV.
Select mW by pressing SHIFT, ENTER.
For example; to display transmitter power in units of dBm instead of Watts:
1. Move the cursor in front of the unit-of-measure for the TX Power measurement (W).
2. Press the dBm key. The measurement value is changed immediately to display in dBm.
The METER function displays an equivalent analog display. (This is the SINAD
measurement’s default state when the instrument is turned on or preset). As the
measurement is displayed graphically on the meter, the value is also displayed in
small digits below the meter.
You can specify the high and low end points and display interval, or you can use
the default meter settings.
This function is only available for measurements displayed using the large digits,
such as the measurements displayed in the RX TEST and TX TEST screens.
To Enter Numbers
1. Position the cursor in front of the numeric entry field to be changed.
2. Use one of the following methods:
a. enter the number and unit-of-measure directly using the keypad,
b. press the Cursor Control knob or ENTER to highlight the field, and use the
c. use the down-arrow or the up-arrow keys to increment or decrement the present
Decimal Values
Decimal values are used for most numeric entry fields, such as the RF Gen Freq
setting. The acceptable entries for decimal values are 0 through 9, ., +/-, and EEX.
The +/- key is used for entering negative numbers. For example; when entering
the RF Generator Amplitude you can enter this sequence to set the value to
−47 dBm: +/- 4 7 dBm.
The EEX key can be used when entering exponential notation. For example; to
enter 1.25 × 103 kHz you could use the sequence: 1 . 2 5 EEX 3 kHz.
Hexadecimal Values
Hexadecimal (Hex) values are used for entering some signaling parameters in the
ENCODER, such as AMPS Filler data field, and for specifying remote
communications parameters, such as the RADIO INTERFACE Output Data
field. The acceptable entries for decimal values are 0 through 9 and A through F.
No unit-of-measure is associated with these values.
Hexadecimal values are either entered from the keypad (A through F are shifted
functions), or by using the Choices menu displayed when certain fields are
selected (such as the AMPS Filler field).
Printing A Screen
3. Select the type of printer you are using in the Model field. If your printer is not listed,
configure your printer to emulate one that is listed.
4. Enter a Print Title using the knob, if desired. This text will appear at the top of
your printout.
5. Display the screen you want to print and press and release the SHIFT key, then the
TESTS key to access the PRINT funciton.
To interrupt printing, select the Abort Print field on the PRINT CONFIGURE
Limits are helpful when you can’t watch the Test Set’s display while you are
making an adjustment on the equipment you are testing or repairing. They are also
a convenient way of alerting you to long-term measurement drift without having
to observe the screen.
1. The fundamental unit for the LIMITs does not have to be the same as the measure-
ment’s units. For instance; when measuring AC Level in Volts, you can set HI and LO
LIMITs in units of dBm.
Averaging Measurements
The AVG (average) function allows you to display the average value of a number
of measurements. You enter the number of measurement samples used to
calculate and display the measurement average. This dampens the effects of
rapidly changing measurements, providing a more usable measurement display.
Register Names
You can use any number, letter, or combination of numbers and letters as a name
for storing instrument settings. For instance; if you want to save a setup for testing
a “Vulcan7” radio, you can save the setting as “VULCAN7”.
Two register names are reserved for special purposes: POWERON and BASE.
POWERON Settings
When the Test Set is turned on, it uses a set of instrument setup parameters
specified at the time of manufacture. You can have the instrument power up in a
different state by making the desired changes to the original settings, and then
saving them using the name POWERON.
The next time the instrument is turned on, the instrument returns to the state
present when you saved the POWERON setting. For instance; if the
OSCILLOSCOPE screen was displayed when POWERON was saved, it is the
screen that is displayed when you turn the instrument on.
BASE Settings
The BASE register contains any field settings the user has saved that are different
from the instrument preset state. It establishes a reference point for all future
saves. If a base is not saved, the preset state is used as the reference.
When you save an instrument setup, the new setup is compared to the base
settings, and any differences are stored under the register name you supply.
Because only differences are stored, a much larger number of instrument setups
can be saved than if the contents of every field was saved.
When you recall an instrument setting, every field is reset to the base settings. The
saved settings are then used to re-establish the desired instrument setup.
CAUTION: Since each save/recall register only contains the differences between the setup being saved and
the present base register settings, changing the base settings causes all other saved setups to be
erased from memory (including the POWERON setting if one has been saved).
Unless you consistently change the same fields to the same value each time you use the
instrument, you should avoid creating your own BASE settings.
Memory Considerations
When the Save/Recall field of the I/O CONFIGURE screen is set to
Internal, programs are saved to the same non-volatile RAM used to create
RAM Disk(s) and run IBASIC programs. By saving a large number of instrument
setups, you reduce the amount of RAM available to run programs. If you get a
“memory overflow” message while trying to load a program, you must clear one
or more save/recall registers to free RAM space.
To Set an RF Offset
1. Access the CONFIGURE screen.
2. Position the cursor in front of the RF Offset field, and press the Cursor Control knob,
or press ENTER to turn the offset On or Off.
3. Select the (Gen)-(Anl) field and enter the frequency offset value.
Equivalent Equivalent
Function ESC Function ESC
Character Character
K2 2 PREV d
K4 4 LOCAL f
Equivalent Equivalent
Function ESC Function ESC
Character Character
Which Input Port to Use. The TX Power measurement is used to calculate absolute
Adjacent Channel Power. Since TX Power can only be measured using the RF IN/OUT
port, you must use this port to measure ACP Level. ACP Ratio can be measured using
either the RF IN/OUT or the ANT IN port.
Measuring ACP on AM Transmitters. When measuring AM signals, the reference level
must be measured on an unmodulated carrier; so the Carrier Ref field must be set to
Unmod. After the reference is measured, the power in the adjacent channels must be mea-
sured with modulation. This requires the modulating signal to be turned off and on repeat-
edly as measurements are being calculated and displayed. Since the Test Set automatically
turns AFGen1 on and off when the Carrier Ref field is set to Unmod, you must use
AFGen1 and the AUDIO OUT port as the modulation source for making AM ACP mea-
Field Descriptions
ACP Meas
This field selects the format for displaying upper and lower adjacent channel
power levels.
• Ratio displays the power levels relative to the power around the center frequency
(Tune Freq). Levels can be displayed in dB or as a percentage (%).
• Level displays the absolute power levels in mW, W, dBm, V, mV, and dBmV.
Operating Considerations
TX Power and ACP Level can only be measured through the RF IN/OUT port.
Four dashes are displayed for these measurements when the Input Port is set to
Ant (ANT IN).
ACP Ratio can be measured on either the ANT IN port or RF IN/OUT port.
For more information, refer to "How the Test Set Measures Adjacent Channel
Power (ACP)" on page 86.
AFGen1 Freq
This field sets the frequency for the first audio frequency sinewave generator.
AFGen1 To
This field sets two values:
• The upper field determines whether the AFGen1 signal modulates the RF Generator or
is output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the depth of modulation for FM and AM in kilohertz and amplitude
(including Off) for audio out. The AUDIO OUT level is always in volts rms.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Carrier Ref
Use the carrier reference field to indicate whether the carrier (Tune Freq) being
measured should be unmodulated or modulated when making the ACP reference
measurement. (For more information, refer to "How the Test Set Measures
Adjacent Channel Power (ACP)" on page 86.)
Operating Considerations
• FM transmitters can be measured with the carrier modulated or unmodulated.
• For AM transmitters, the carrier must be measured while unmodulated. AFGen1 and
the AUDIO OUT port must be used as the modulation source whenever Unmod is
Channel BW
Use the channel bandwidth field to specify the bandwidth of the carrier and
adjacent channels to be measured. (See figure 11 .)
Ch Offset
Use the channel offset field to enter the frequency difference between the Tune
Freq setting and the center of the adjacent channels you want to measure. This is
an absolute value; only positive values can be entered. See figure 11 .
Ext TX key
This field controls a switch at the MIC/ACC connector. Use it to “key” an
external transmitter.
See Also
"MIC/ACC" on page 514
Input Atten
Input Attenuation sets the amount of input attenuation for the RF IN/OUT and
ANT IN connectors. This function controls two settings:
• The upper field determines if you want the instrument to set the attenuation automati-
cally (Auto), or if you want to set the value manually (Hold).
• The lower field displays the present attenuation value, and is used to set the desired at-
tenuation level when the upper area is set to Hold.
Operating Considerations
Input Attenuator autoranging can interfere with oscilloscope or signaling decoder
operation under certain conditions. See "Input Atten," in chapter 17, on page 421
for additional information.
Input Port
This field selects the RF IN/OUT or ANT IN port for making RF measurements.
The RF IN/OUT port must be used for making TX Power or ACP Level
measurements on this screen.
Operating Considerations
Power levels for each port are printed on the Test Set’s front panel. If the RF
power at the RF IN/OUT port exceeds allowable limits, a loud warning signal
sounds and a message appears at the top of the screen. If this occurs, disconnect
the RF power, press the MEAS RESET key, and allow the Test Set to cool off for
approximately two minutes before making any other measurements on this port.
The ANT IN (antenna input) connector provides a highly-sensitive input for very
low level signals (such as “off the air” measurements). You cannot measure TX
(RF) Power or ACP Level on this screen using the ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage
(although internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or
2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press the MEAS
RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
See Also
ACP Meas field description, on page 87
Res BW
The resolution bandwidth field selects the IF filter used when measuring the
power of the carrier and the adjacent channels.
Operating Considerations
Using a narrower bandwidth filter (300 Hz) slows the measurement, but rejects
carrier leakage and out of channel spurs. Using a wider bandwidth filter
(1 kHz) speeds measurements, but may allow unwanted spurs and carrier leakage
to be integrated into the measurement when measuring at the edges of the selected
channel bandwidth.
Tune Freq
This field sets the center frequency for the RF signal to be analyzed.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
Tune Mode
This field selects Automatic or Manual tuning of the RF Analyzer.
Auto tuning causes the RF Analyzer to find the signal with the greatest amplitude
>-36 dBm, and to set the Tune Frequency for that signal.
Manual tuning requires the operator to set the Tune Frequency for the RF signal
to be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
Changing the Tune Mode also changes the RF frequency display. Automatic
tuning enables the TX Frequency measurement. Manual tuning enables the
TX Freq Error measurement.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
TX Power
Transmitter Power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX Power on this screen.
When the Input Port is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
TX Pwr Zero
The transmitter power zero function establishes a 0.0000 W reference for
measuring RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
CAUTION: RF power must not be applied while zeroing. Set the RF Generator screen’s Amplitude
field to off to prevent internal cross-coupling into the power detector while zeroing.
Operating Considerations
When power is applied to the RF IN/OUT connector, the temperature of the
internal circuitry increases. This can cause changes in the TX Power measurement
when low power levels are measured immediately following high power
When alternately making high and low power measurements, always zero the
power meter immediately before making the low power measurements; this
provides the best measurement accuracy.
AF Analyzer Screen
Block Diagram
!& !NT )N
&- $EMOD
&ROM !5$)/ )N (I
4O (I K(Z
!5$)/ )N ,O &LOAT
!# ,EVEL
0+ (OLD
0+ (OLD
0+ (D
$# #URRENT 0+
-X (D
0K $ET 4O
The Settling, Gain Cntl, and Ext Load R fields are not shown.
2VariableFrequency Notch if purchased.
Field Descriptions
AC Level
This measurement displays either rms potential (voltage) or audio power (Watts
or dBm).
Operating Considerations
When the unit-of-measure is changed to measure AF power, the external load
resistance must be specified. Refer to the
Ext Load R field description, on page 102.
The input for the ac level measurement on this screen is always the AUDIO IN
See Also
"Entering and Changing Numbers" on page 63
AF Anl In
The audio frequency analyzer input selects the input for the analyzer. When
selected, this field displays a list of choices.
Signals can be analyzed from three different types of inputs:
• The output of the AM, FM, or SSB demodulators.
AUDIO OUT connectors.
• The signal present at the AM or FM modulators for the RF Generator.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AF Cnt Gate
Audio frequency counter gate specifies how long the AF counter samples the
signal before displaying the frequency. Specifying a shorter gate time may enable
you to see frequency fluctuations that might not be seen using a longer gate time.
AF Freq
This is the default measurement for this measurement field. Selecting this field
displays the following measurement choices:
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AFGen1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier. AFGen1
is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set
the AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AM Depth
This field displays the percent depth of modulation of the AM signal. The field is
only visible when the AF ANL In field is set to AM MOD or AM DEMOD
Audio In Lo
This field sets the AUDIO IN LO connector’s state.
• Gnd causes the center pin of the connector to be connected directly to chassis ground.
• Float isolates the center pin of the connector from ground, providing a floating input
to the AF Analyzer.
• 600 To Hi establishes a 600-ohm impedance between the center pins of the AUDIO
IN LO and AUDIO IN HI connectors. Also, the Ext Load R field is removed, since
the load is now fixed to 600 ohms.
The Current field is found by selecting the SINAD field on the Test Set display
of the AF ANALYZER screen. This field only displays the DC current measured
at the DC input port on the back of the Test Set. Any offset can be removed by
selecting Zero from the DC Current field.
DC Current
DC current measurement zero removes any measurement offset present before
making a dc-current measurement. The measurement is zeroed by selecting Zero,
and pressing the ENTER key or the Cursor Control knob.
NOTE: The current source must be disconnected before zeroing for accurate operation.
See Also
"SINAD, Distortion, SNR, AF Frequency, DC Level, DC Current" on page 60
Chapter 24, "Connector, Key, and Knob Descriptions"
DC Level
This field displays the DC voltage entering at the DC input port on the back of the
Test Set.
De-Emp Gain
De-emphasis gain displays and selects the desired AF analyzer de-emphasis
amplifier gain.
See Also
Gain Cntl field description, on page 103
This setting selects or bypasses the 750 ms de-emphasis networks in the audio
analyzer and speaker circuitry.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
This field displays the percent of distortion. The Distortion measurement is only
for a 1 kHz signaling tone.
This setting selects the type of detector used when measuring and displaying AF
signal levels.
Detector Types
• RMS displays the RMS value of signals.
• displays the RMS value of a signal multiplied by 2 .
• Pk+ displays the positive peak value.
• Pk− displays the negative peak value.
• Pk±/2 adds the positive and negative peak values, and divides the sum by 2.
• Pk±Max compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value
(polarity is not indicated).
• Pk+ Hold displays and holds the positive peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different detector, or re-select the same
• Pk− Hold displays and holds the negative peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different detector, or re-select the same
• Pk±/2 Hold divides the sum of the positive and negative peak values by 2, and
displays the value until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET
key, select a different detector, or re-select the same detector.
• Pk±Mx Hold compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value
until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different
detector, or re-select the same detector.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Ext Load R
External Load Resistance is used to calculate and display AF power. Power is
calculated using the voltage measured at the AUDIO IN connections and the
resistance value you enter into this field.
Operating Considerations
This field is not displayed when the Audio In Lo field is set to 600 To Hi; the
load resistance is internally fixed to 600 ohms.
See Also
AC Level field description, on page 97
Audio In Lo field description, on page 99
FM Deviation
This is the default measurement for this field. The FM Deviation field displays the
frequency deviation between the FM signal and the carrier. The FM Deviation
measurement field is only displayed when the AF Anl In field is set to FM
Demod or FM Mod.
See Also
AF Anl In field description, on page 97
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
Gain Cntl
AF Analyzer Gain Control specifies whether the AF Analyzer’s gain settings are
controlled automatically by AF autoranging (Auto), or by manual control (Hold).
The following settings are affected by AF autoranging:
• Input Gain
• De-Emp Gain
• Notch Gain
Operating Considerations
The normal mode of operation for the Gain Cntl field is Auto, allowing the
instrument to adjust the AF gain settings for optimum measurement accuracy.
This field can be set to Hold to disable the autoranging routines to increase
measurement speed. However, this requires you to select the desired gain settings
manually for each measurement.
Input Gain
This field displays and selects the gain of the AF Analyzer’s input amplifier.
Refer to the Gain Cntl field information.
Notch Freq
This field sets the center frequency for the variable frequency notch filter.1 It is
typically used for distortion and SINAD measurements at frequencies below or
above the standard 1 kHz notch filter.
This field is not displayed if your Test Set does not have this feature.
Operating Considerations
When the Notch Coupl field on the CONFIGURE screen is set to AFGen1, this
filter and the AFGen1 Freq field match their settings. A warning message is then
displayed if you attempt to set the AFGen1 Freq value outside the 300 Hz to 10
kHz range of this filter. When the Notch Coupl field is set to None, this filter
and AFGen1 Freq operate independently.
Notch Gain
This field displays and selects the gain of the AF Analyzer’s notch filter amplifier.
This amplifier is only used for making SINAD and distortion measurements.
(Refer to the Gain Cntl field information.)
Pk Det To
Peak Detector To selects the signal source for the peak detectors. This allows you
to bypass certain sections of the AF analyzer’s circuitry when making ac-level
See Also
Figure 12, "AF ANALYZER Functional Block Diagram," on page 96.
Scope To
Oscilloscope To selects the signal source for the Oscilloscope. This allows you to
bypass certain sections of the AF analyzer’s circuitry when viewing and
measuring a signal. It also allows you to select measurement paths that include
additional gain stages, improving the oscilloscope’s resolution when measuring
low-level signals.
See Also
Figure 12, "AF ANALYZER Functional Block Diagram," on page 96
This field selects the settling time for making AF measurements. Lower frequency
signals require additional settling time (Slow). Higher frequency measurements
require less settling time (Fast).
Operating Considerations
Use Slow for ≤200 Hz signals. Use Fast for >200 Hz signals.
If the signal being measured is a composite of different frequencies above and
below 200 Hz, select the appropriate filtering to analyze the desired signal
This measurement field is used to select and display any one of the following
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AFGen1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier. (AFGen1
is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.)
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set the
AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
The SNR field is found by selecting the SINAD field on the Test Set display of the
AF ANALYZER screen.This field displays the signal to noise ratio of the input
audio signal.
Speaker ALC
Speaker Automatic Level Control enables/disables the ALC function for the
instrument’s internal speaker. When On is selected, the speaker volume is
independent of the signal level being measured. When Off is selected, the speaker
volume is dependent on the signal level being measured.
Speaker Vol
Speaker Volume enables/disables the instrument’s internal speaker. When Pot is
selected, the VOLUME control knob operates normally. When Off is selected,
the speaker is disconnected.
See Also
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
TX Power
Transmitter Power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX Power on this screen.
When the Input Port is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage
(although internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of
1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of the
screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press the MEAS RESET key or
turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
See Also
Input Port field description, on page 422
TX Power field description, on page 426
TX Pwr Zero field description, on page 427
Once the link is established the operator can exercise the call processing functions
of the mobile station, such as
• the decoding of orders from the base station, such as orders to retune the transceiver to
a new channel, to alert the mobile station user to an incoming call, to adjust the
transceiver output power level, or to release the mobile station upon completion of a
• the encoding of signaling information for transmission to the base station, such as
dialed digits for call origination, disconnect signal at the completion of a call, or mobile
identification number.
In addition, when the link is established the Test Set performs the following
functions automatically:
• measures some of the basic RF characteristics of the mobile station’s transmitted
carrier, such as; transmitter power, frequency accuracy, and modulation deviation
• decodes and displays various reverse control channel and reverse voice channel
signaling messages
When sending forward control channel and forward voice channel messages, you
can set the bit pattern to an industry standard or to a pattern of your choice. The
ability to set the bit patterns gives the operator the opportunity to interject errors
into the signaling message, and test the mobile station’s ability to find these
Operational Overview
The Test Set simulates a cellular base station by using its hardware and firmware
resources to initiate and maintain a link with a mobile station. Unlike a real base
station, the Test Set has only one transceiver (its signal generator and RF/AF
analyzer) and can support only one mobile station at a time. This means that the
Test Set’s transceiver can be configured as either a control channel or a voice
channel, but not both simultaneously.
To establish a link with a mobile station the Test Set’s transceiver is configured as
a control channel. Once a link has been established and the user wishes to test the
mobile station on a voice channel, the Test Set sends the appropriate information
to the mobile station on the control channel and then automatically re-configures
its transceiver to the voice channel assigned to the mobile station. Once the voice
channel link is terminated, the Test Set automatically re-configures its transceiver
back to being a control channel.
Handoffs are accomplished in a similar manner. When a handoff is initiated while
on a voice channel, the Test Set sends the necessary information to the mobile
station on the current voice channel. At the proper time, the Test Set automatically
re-configures its transceiver to the new voice channel.
Figure 13, "Call Processing State Diagram," on page 112 illustrates the primary call
processing functions available in the Call Processing Subsystem. Each box
represents a call processing state and includes the measurement information
available while in that state. Each box also includes the name of the annunciator
on the call processing screen that will be lit while in that call processing state.
Events which trigger transitions between the various states are shown on the
diagram. Events which are initiated from the Test Set are shown in solid lines and
events which are initiated from the mobile station are shown in dashed lines.
State: Active
Annunciator: Active
Meas: None SEND key pressed
while Roaming
Page or in Service mode
State: Page
Annunciator: Page
RECCW B State: Originate
Annunciator: None
State: Access RECCW D
Annunciator: Access Phone Number
ESN (hexadecimal)
Meas: None SCM
Called number
NOTE: The ANALOG MEAS screen is used to make analog RF and audio measurements on the
mobile station while a link is active.
Speaker Out
Microphone In
Mobile Station
Antenna Manufacturer’s
Special Fixture
NOTE: Do not connect the antenna of the mobile station to the ANT IN port on the front panel of the
Test Set; this will cause the overpower protection circuitry to trip when the mobile station is
transmitting. Refer to "ANT IN" on page 508 for further information.
The CALL CONTROL screen is the primary Call Processing Subsystem screen. It
contains the most often used call processing configuration and command fields.
Figure 15 on page 118 shows the CALL CONTROL screen for AMPS, TACS, and
The top right-hand portion of the CALL CONTROL screen is used to display the
following information:
• decoded data messages received from the mobile station on the reverse control channel
or the reverse voice channel
• modulation quality measurements made on the mobile station’s RF carrier while on a
voice channel
• raw data message bits, displayed in hexadecimal format, received from the mobile
station on the reverse control channel or reverse voice channel when a decoding error
The type of information to be displayed is selected using the Display field. Refer
to the Display field description, on page 121 for further information.
[] Access
When lit, the Access annunciator indicates the Test Set is signaling the mobile
station with command information on the forward voice channel. This is a
transitory state.
The Test Set’s speaker is turned off when in the access state. This is done to
eliminate any possible audio feedback which may occur if the mobile station’s
microphone is open.
This field is used to turn on the forward control channel of the Test Set or to force
a return to the active state from any other state (register, page, access, connect). If
the forward control channel of the Test Set is already active, selecting this field
will deactivate and then reactivate the control channel.
[] Active
When lit, the Active annunciator indicates the control channel of the Test Set is
turned on.
If this annunciator is lit, the base station is transmitting system parameter
overhead messages on the assigned control channel. If the annunciator is not lit,
the base station is not active.
NOTE: The Test Set may still be outputting a modulated RF carrier but the Test Set’s firmware is not
active and no communication can occur between a mobile station and the Test Set.
AF Freq
The AF Freq field is displayed only when the Display field is set to Meas.
This field displays the audio frequency of the demodulated FM signal being
transmitted by the mobile station. Four dashes (----) indicate that no audio
frequency is present to measure. A numeric value would only be displayed when
the Test Set’s Connected annunciator is lit (connected state).
This field is used to set the output power of the Test Set’s transmitter (that is, the
output power of the Test Set’s RF Generator).
Called Number:
This field displays the called phone number, in decimal form, received from the
mobile station on the reverse control channel when the mobile station originates a
call. The Called Number: field is displayed only when the Display field is set
to Data and a reverse control channel message has been decoded when the mobile
originates a call.
Chan: is divided into two fields:
• The left-hand field displays the voice channel number assignment being used by the
Test Set and the mobile station. A numeric value would only be displayed when the Test
Set’s Connected annunciator is lit (connected state). A “-” is displayed if a mobile
station is not actively connected on a voice channel.
• The right-hand field (highlighted field) is used to enter the voice channel number which
will be assigned to the mobile station by the Test Set as either an initial voice channel
assignment or as a handoff voice channel assignment.
Cntl Channel
This field is used to set the control channel number used by the Test Set.
The Cntl Channel field is an immediate action field. That is, whenever the
Cntl Channel field is changed, the change is reflected immediately in the
physical configuration of the Test Set (the control channel is immediately de-
activated, reconfigured, and then re-activated to reflect the change) and causes an
immediate change to the current state of the Call Processing Subsystem (the state
is set to Active).
[] Connect
When lit, the Connect annunciator indicates that the mobile station is connected
to the Test Set on a voice channel.
NOTE: When the CALL CONTROL screen is displayed and the Call Processing Subsystem is in
the connected state (Connect annunciator is lit), the Test Set constantly monitors the
mobile station’s transmitted carrier power. If the power falls below 0.0005 Watts the Test
Set will terminate the call and return to the active state (Active annunciator is lit). The
mobile station’s transmitted carrier power is monitored on all Call Processing Subsystem
screens except the ANALOG MEAS screen.
If the Test Set is in the connected state (Connect annunciator is lit) and a
change is made to the Cntl Channel field the connected state will be lost.
This field is used to select the type of mobile station information to be displayed
in the upper right-hand portion of the CALL CONTROL screen:
• Select Data to display information received from the mobile station on the reverse
control channel or reverse voice channel. If the data message(s) received from the
mobile station can be correctly decoded, the decoded message contents are displayed.
If the data messages cannot be correctly decoded, the raw data message bits are
displayed in hexadecimal format. Figure 16 on page 122 shows the layout of the CALL
CONTROL screen when a decoding error has occurred.
The decoded order confirmation message, origination message, and order message are
available from the reverse control channel. The following pieces of information are dis-
played when these messages are properly decoded: phone number, ESN (dec), ESN (hex),
the decoded Station Class Mark (SCM), and the called number. The decoded SCM con-
sists of: the mobile station power class (Class I, II, or III), the transmission type (continu-
ous/discontinuous), and the transmission bandwidth (20 MHz or 25 MHz).
• The decoded Order Confirmation Message is available from the reverse voice chan-
• Select Meas to display modulation quality measurements made on the mobile station’s
RF carrier while on a voice channel.
For system types AMPS, TACS, and JTACS four characteristics of the RF carrier are
measured: TX Freq Error, TX Power, FM Deviation, and AF Frequency. When set to the
Meas display, the AF Analyzer’s settings are 300 Hz HPF, 15 kHz LPF, De-Emphasis
Off, PK+ detector. The Meas information is available only when the Test Set’s Connect
annunciator is lit (connect state). Refer to the individual field descriptions for further
information. Figure 17 on page 122 shows the layout of the CALL CONTROL screen
when Meas is selected.
Figure 17 AMPS, TACS, and JTACS CALL CONTROL Screen with Meas Selected
ESN (dec):
This field displays the electronic serial number (ESN), in decimal form, received
from the mobile station on the reverse control channel in response to a forward
control channel message. The ESN (dec): field is displayed only when the
Display field is set to Data and a reverse control channel message containing
this information has been decoded.
ESN (hex):
This field displays the electronic serial number (ESN), in hexadecimal form,
received from the mobile station on the reverse control channel in response to a
forward control channel message. The ESN (hex): field is displayed only when
the Display field is set to Data and a reverse control channel message
containing this information has been decoded.
FM Deviation
This field displays the measured FM deviation of the RF carrier being transmitted
by the mobile station on the reverse voice channel. Four dashes (----) indicate no
carrier is present to measure. A numeric value would only be displayed when the
Test Set’s Connected annunciator is lit (connected state). The FM Deviation
field is only displayed when the Display field is set to Meas.
NOTE: When the CALL CONTROL screen is displayed, the Test Set’s instrumentation is configured
for optimal performance of the signaling decoder. It is recommended that FM deviation
measurements be made using either the ANALOG MEAS screen. Using the CALL
CONTROL screen to make FM deviation measurements may result in slightly degraded
This field is used to initiate a handoff from the current voice channel assignments
to a new set of voice channel assignments. The voice channel number to hand the
mobile station off to, the initial power level to use on the new voice channel, and
the SAT tone frequency to transpond on the new voice channel are specified using
the Chan:, Pwr Lvl:, and SAT: fields in the Voice Channel Assignment
section of the CALL CONTROL screen.
This field is used to enter the identification number of the mobile station. The
MS Id has two fields. The upper field is a one-of-many selection field and is used
to select the format for entering the identification number. The lower field is a
numeric entry field and is used to enter the identification number in the format
selected using the upper field. The contents of the lower field are automatically
updated upon successful completion of a mobile station registration.
There are two formats which can be used to enter the identification number. The
identification number can be entered as either the 10-digit phone number in
decimal (for example, 5095551212) or as the mobile identification number (MIN)
in hexadecimal (for example, AAABBBBBB). The first 3 characters (AAA) in the
field represent MIN2 and the last 6 characters (BBBBBB) represent MIN1.
To enter the identification number, select upper field and select the desired format
(Phone Num or MIN2 MIN1). Then select the lower field and enter the
information in the selected format. If the desired format is already selected then
simply select the lower field and enter the information in the selected format. The
formats are coupled, that is, if the Phone Num format is selected and the 10-digit
phone number is entered, the MIN2 MIN1 information is automatically updated,
and vice versa.
This field is used to send an order on the forward voice channel to the Mobile
Station. A mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the
Test Set (that is, the Connect annunciator must be lit) before you can send an
order to a mobile station.
The Order field is a one-of-many selection field. To send an order to the mobile
station, select the Order field. A list of choices is displayed. Select the desired
order from the Choices: menu. The following orders are available:
Pwr Lvl:
Pwr Lvl: is divided into two fields:
• The left-hand field displays the mobile station’s output power level assigned to the
voice channel being used by the Test Set and the mobile station. A numeric value is
displayed only when a mobile station is actively connected on a voice channel (that is,
the Connect annunciator must be lit). A “-” is displayed if a mobile station is not
actively connected on a voice channel.
• The right-hand field (highlighted field) is used to enter the Voice Mobile Attenuation
Code (VMAC). The VMAC determines the mobile station’s power level to be used on
the voice channel (See Chan: field description, on page 120 for more information
about the voice channel).
This field is used to initiate a page to the mobile station that is connected to the
Test Set. The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, Active annunciator
must be lit) and the MS Id information must be entered before you can attempt to
page the mobile station.
[] Page
When lit, the Page annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected to the
Test Set is currently being paged on the forward control channel.
Phone Num:
This field displays the decoded MIN number received from the mobile station on
the reverse control channel in response to a forward control channel message. The
Phone Num: field is displayed only when the Display field is set to Data and a
reverse control channel message containing this information has been decoded.
CAUTION: Do not confuse the Phone Num: field, which is displayed in the upper right-hand portion of
the CALL CONTROL screen, with the Phone Num selection of the MS Id field.
NOTE: An all zero MIN number (000000000), which does not represent a valid phone number, will
convert to the following phone number: 111111?111.
This field is used to initiate a registration of the mobile station that is connected to
the Test Set. The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, the Active
annunciator must be lit) before you can attempt to register the mobile station.
[] Register
When lit, the Register annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected
to the Test Set is being commanded to register with the Test Set.
This field is used to terminate an active voice channel connection with the mobile
station. When the Release field is selected, a mobile station control message
with a release order is sent to the mobile station on the forward voice channel. A
mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that
is, the Connect annunciator must be lit) before you can attempt to send a release
order to the mobile station.
SAT: is divided into two fields:
he left-hand field displays the SAT frequency assigned to the voice channel being used by
the Test Set and the mobile station. A numeric value would only be displayed when the
Test Set’s Connected annunciator is lit (connected state). A “-” is displayed if a mobile
station is not actively connected on a voice channel.
The right-hand field (highlighted field) is used to set the SAT Color Code (SCC) to be
used on the designated voice channel (Chan: field description, on page 120 for more
information about the voice channel).
This field displays the decoded station class mark information received from the
mobile station on the reverse control channel in response to a forward control
channel message. The SCM: field is displayed only when the Display field is set
to Data and a reverse control channel message has been decoded.
This field is used to set the system identification number (SID) of the Test Set.
The SID field is an immediate action field. If the field is selected and changed, the
signaling message(s) being sent on the forward control channel are immediately
changed. No change occurs to the current state (that is, active, register, page,
access, connect) of the Call Processing Subsystem.
System Type
This field is used to select the type of cellular system (AMPS, TACS, JTACS)
which will be simulated.
The System Type field is an immediate action field. That is, whenever the
System Type field is changed, the change is reflected immediately in the
physical configuration of the Test Set. The control channel is immediately de-
activated, reconfigured, and then re-activated to reflect the change. This change
causes the Test Set to enter the active state).
NOTE: If the Test Set is in the connected state (Connect annunciator is lit) and a change is made to
the System Type field, the connected state will be lost.
TX Freq Error
This field displays the frequency error (frequency error = assigned carrier
frequency - measured carrier frequency) of the RF carrier being transmitted by the
mobile station. Four dashes (----) indicate that no RF carrier is present to measure.
A numeric value would only be displayed in the connected state (that is, the
Connect annunciator is lit). The TX Freq Error field is displayed only when
the Display field is set to Meas.
TX Power
The TX Power field is displayed only when the Display field is set to Meas.
This field displays the measured RF power of the RF carrier being transmitted by
the mobile station. A non-zero value would only be displayed when the Test Set’s
Connect annunciator is lit).
When the CALL CONTROL screen is displayed and the Test Set is in the
connected state (Connect annunciator is lit), the mobile station’s transmitted
carrier power is constantly monitored. If the power falls below 0.0005 Watts, the
error message RF Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will
be displayed, and the Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state
(Active annunciator is lit).
• In order to ensure that the Test Set makes the correct decisions regarding the presence
of the mobile stations’s RF carrier, the Test Set’s RF power meter should be zeroed
before using the Call Processing Subsystem. Failure to zero the power meter can result
in erroneous RF power measurements. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for information on manually zeroing the RF Power meter.
a. Set the Amplitude field to off (use the ON/OFF key). This prevent cross-cou-
pling into the power detector while zeroing the power meter.
b. Select CALL CNTL from the To Screen menu.
c. Select CALL CNFG from the To Screen menu.
d. Disconnect any cables from the RF IN/OUT port on the front panel of the Test Set.
e. Select the TX Pwr Zero field.
f. Select the RF Gen from the To Screen menu.
g. Set the Amplitude field to On.
There are two reasons for zeroing the RF power meter:
• When any Call Processing Subsystem screen is displayed (except the ANALOG
MEAS screen) and the Call Processing Subsystem is in the connected state (Con-
nect annunciator is lit), the Test Set constantly monitors the mobile station’s trans-
mitted carrier power. If the power falls below 0.0005 Watts, the error message RF
Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will be displayed
and the Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state. Zeroing the
power meter cancels any inherent dc offsets that may be present within the power
meter under zero-power conditions. This ensures that the Test Set makes the correct
decisions regarding the presence of the mobile stations’s RF carrier.
• Zeroing the power meter establishes a 0.0000 W reference for measuring the mobile
station’s RF power at the RF IN/OUT port. This ensures the most accurate RF pow-
er measurements of the mobile station’s RF carrier at different power levels.
2. Couple the variable-frequency notch filter to AFGen1.
This step is only required if audio testing is to be done on the mobile station. This step
couples the variable-frequency notch filter to the output frequency of AFGen1 (audio
frequency generator1). The notch filter is used when making SINAD measurements.
AFGen1 is used to generate the audio tone for the SINAD measurement. Coupling the
notch filter to the audio source ensures the most accurate measurement.
a. Press and release the blue SHIFT key and then the DUPLEX key to display the
b. Position the cursor on the Notch Coupl field and select AFGen1.
If the System Type field was modified in step2. a. the control channel will become
active since modifying this field automatically activates the control channel. Refer to the
System Type field description, on page 128.
b. Cntl Channel - Set the control channel number to be used by the Test Set.
NOTE: If the Cntl Channel field was modified in step 2.b. the control channel will become active
since modifying this field automatically activates the control channel. Refer to the Cntl
Channel field description, on page 120.
c. Amplitude - Set the output power of the Test Set’s transmitter (that is, the output
power of the Test Set’s RF Generator).
d. SID - Enter the system identification number of the Test Set as a decimal number.
e. Chan: (right-hand field) - Enter the voice channel number which will be assigned
to the mobile station by the Test Set as either an initial voice channel assignment or
as a handoff voice channel assignment.
f Pwr Lvl: (right-hand field) - Enter the Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC).
The VMAC determines the mobile station power level to be used on the voice chan-
nel (See Chan: field description, on page 120 for more information about voice
g. SAT: (right-hand field) - Enter the SAT frequency to be used on the voice channel
(See Chan: field description, on page 120 for more information about the voice
3. Select CALL CNFG from the To Screen menu. The CALL CONFIGURATION
screen will be displayed.
4. Verify that the Test Set’s configuration information is appropriate for the mobile station
to be tested. Check the following fields:
a. CMAX - Set the number of access channels in the system. This will determine how
many channels must be scanned by the mobile station when trying to access the Test
Set. The value of this field will affect the time required for the mobile station to con-
nect with the Test Set.
Paging a Mobile Station that has Registered with the Test Set
1. Ensure that the Test Set is in the active state. See "Turn On The Test Set’s Control
Channel" on page 132 for information on how to activate the Test Set.
2. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
3. Turn on the mobile station.
4. If the CALL CONTROL screen is not displayed, select CALL CNTL from the To
Screen menu. The CALL CONTROL screen will be displayed.
5. Position the cursor on the Display field and select Data.
6. Ensure that the mobile station has registered with the Test Set. See "Register a Mobile
Station" on page 132 for information on how to register the mobile station.
7. Select the Page field. The Page annunciator will light while the Test Set pages the
mobile on the forward control channel. If the mobile station responds properly on the
reverse control channel, the message RECC Return will flash momentarily in the up-
per right-hand corner of the CALL CONTROL screen. The Access annunciator will
then light while the Test Set sends the mobile station an alert order on the assigned
voice channel. The mobile station should ring.
8. Press the SEND key on the mobile station. The Connect annunciator will light if the
mobile station properly signals the Test Set when the SEND key is pressed. The mobile
station is now connected to the Test Set on the assigned voice channel. The voice chan-
nel assignment section will be updated: that is, any “-” in the left-hand fields will be
replaced with appropriate information.
Paging a Mobile Station That Has Not Registered with the Test Set
1. Ensure that the Test Set is in the active state. See "Turn On The Test Set’s Control
Channel" on page 132 for information on how to activate the Test Set.
2. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
3. Turn on the mobile station.
4. If the CALL CONTROL screen is not displayed, select CALL CNTL under the To
Screen menu. The CALL CONTROL screen will be displayed.
5. Position the cursor on the Display field and select Data.
6. Select the lower MS Id field. Enter the mobile station identification number, either the
phone number or the MIN number depending upon what the upper MS Id field is set to.
7. Select the Page field. The Page annunciator will light while the Test Set pages the
mobile on the forward control channel. If the mobile station responds properly on the
reverse control channel, the message RECC Return will flash momentarily in the up-
per right-hand corner of the CALL CONTROL screen. The Access annunciator will
then light while the Test Set sends the mobile station an alert order on the assigned
voice channel. The mobile station should ring.
8. Press the SEND key on the mobile station. The Connect annunciator will light if the
mobile station properly signals the Test Set when the SEND key is pressed. The mobile
station is now connected to the Test Set on the assigned voice channel. The Voice
Channel Assignment fields will be updated: that is, any “-” in the left-hand fields
will be replaced with appropriate information.
This screen displays the decoded reverse control channel and reverse voice
channel signaling messages received by the Test Set from the mobile station. Six
different decoded messages can be viewed on this screen. The message to be
viewed is selected using the Display Word field.
When the CALL DATA screen is displayed and the Call Processing Subsystem is
in the connected state, the Test Set constantly monitors the mobile station’s
transmitted carrier power. If the power falls below 0.0005Watts, the error
message RF Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will be
displayed and the Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state.
NOTE: In order to ensure that the Test Set makes the correct decisions regarding the presence of the
mobile stations’s RF carrier, the Test Set’s RF power meter should be zeroed before using the
Call Processing Subsystem. Failure to zero the power meter can result in erroneous RF power
measurements. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call Processing" on page 130 for
information on zeroing the RF Power meter manually.
[] Access
When lit, the Access annunciator indicates the Test Set is signaling the mobile
station with command information on the forward voice channel. This is a
transitory state.
The Test Set’s speaker is turned off when in the access state. This is done to
eliminate any possible audio feedback which may occur if the mobile station’s
microphone is open.
This field is used to turn on the forward control channel of the Test Set or to force
a return to the active state from any other state (register, page, access, connect). If
the forward control channel of the Test Set is already active, selecting this field
will deactivate and then reactivate the control channel.
[] Active
When lit, the Active annunciator indicates that the control channel of the Test
Set is turned on. If this annunciator is lit, the base station is transmitting system
parameter overhead messages on the assigned control channel. If the annunciator
is not lit the base station is not active.
NOTE: The Test Set may still be outputting a modulated RF carrier but the Test Set’s firmware is not
active and no communication can occur between a mobile station and the Test Set.
[] Connect
When lit, the Connect annunciator indicates the mobile station is connected to
the Test Set on a voice channel.
Display Word
This field is used to select the desired reverse control channel or reverse voice
channel message to be viewed.
This field is used to send an order on the forward voice channel to the mobile
station. The orders available are:
• Change Power to Power Level 0 - 7
The Order field is a one-of-many selection field. To send an order to the mobile
station select the Order field. A list of choices is displayed. Select the desired
order from the Choices: menu. Once the selection is made, a mobile station
control message is sent to the mobile station. The Access annunciator will light
momentarily while the Test Set is sending the mobile station control message.
NOTE: A mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that
is, the Connect annunciator must be lit) before you can attempt to send an order to a
mobile station.
This field is used to initiate a page to the mobile station connected to the Test Set.
The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, the Active annunciator must be
lit) and the MS Id information field on the CALL CONTROL screen must be
correct before you can attempt to page a mobile station.
[] Page
When lit, the Page annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected to the
Test Set is currently being paged on the forward control channel.
This field is used to initiate a registration of the mobile station connected to the
Test Set. The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, the Active annunciator
lit) before you can attempt to register a mobile station.
[] Register
When lit, the Register annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected
to the Test Set is being commanded to register with the base station.
This field is used to terminate an active voice channel connection to the mobile
station. When the Release field is selected, a mobile station control message
with a release order is sent to the mobile station on the forward voice channel. A
mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that
is, the Connect annunciator must be lit) before you can attempt to send a release
order to the mobile station.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile
This field displays the message type received from the mobile station.
• Set to ‘1’ to identify the message as an origination or an order.
• Set to ‘0’ to identify the message as an order response or page response.
This field displays whether the serial number word is received from the mobile
• Set to ‘1’ if the serial number word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the serial number word is not sent.
This field displays the extended address word received from the mobile.
• Set to ‘1’ if the extended address word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the extended address word is not sent.
This field is reserved for future use.
This field displays the mobile station’s received station class mark.
This field displays the first part of the mobile identification number received from
the mobile station.
This field displays the parity of the transmitted data.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile.
This field displays the local control field. This field is specific to each system. The
ORDER field must be set to local control for this field to be interpreted by the Test
This field displays the received order qualifier. The field qualifies the order
confirmation to a specific action.
This field displays the Order field and identifies the order type received by the
Test Set.
This field displays the last-try code field.
Reserved for future use.
This field displays the second part of the mobile identification number received by
the Test Set.
This field displays the parity of the received data.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile.
This field displays the serial number of the mobile station.
This field displays the parity of the received data.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile.
This field displays the parity of the received data.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile.
This field displays the parity of the received data.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the number of additional words coming from the mobile.
This field displays the message type received from the mobile station.
• Set to ‘1’ to identify the message as an origination or an order.
• Set to ‘0’ to identify the message as an order response or page response.
This field displays the local control field. This field is specific to each system. The
ORDER field must be set to local control for this field to be interpreted by the Test
This field displays the received order qualifier. The field qualifies the order
confirmation to a specific action.
This field displays the Order field and identifies the order type received by the
Test Set.
Reserved for future use.
This field displays the parity of the received data.
To View the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from a Mobile Station Registration
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, ensure that the Test Set is properly configured. See "Configure the
Test Set" on page 131 for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. If the CALL DATA screen is not displayed, select CALL DATA from the To Screen
menu. The CALL DATA screen will be displayed.
6. Select the Active field. The Active annunciator will light when the control channel
is turned on.
7. Select the Register field. The Register annunciator will light while the registra-
tion is in process. If the mobile station responds properly on the reverse control channel,
the message RECC Return will flash momentarily in the upper right-hand corner of
the CALL CONTROL screen. The Active annunciator will light when the registra-
tion has successfully completed.
8. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words which can be dis-
played will appear in a Choices: menu. Select the desired word from the list of
choices. The decoded contents for each of the fields in the selected word will be dis-
played in the lower portion of the display.
9. If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel message stream,
all the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
10. See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 7. and Step 8. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is, the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be registered. If the
registration is successful, the contents of each display word contained in the
reverse control channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is
The registration does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA screen.
When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display words will be the
decoded data from the last successful call processing function (registration, origination,
page, release, order).
To View the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from a Mobile Station Page
There are two methods that can be used to view the decoded RVCC words from a
mobile station page:
• View the decoded RVCC words from a page for a mobile station that has registered
with the Test Set
• View the decoded RVCC words from a page for a mobile station that has not registered
with the Test Set
Viewing the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from a Page to a Mobile Station that
has Registered with the Test Set
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, ensure that the Test Set is properly configured. See "Configure the
Test Set" on page 131 for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. If the CALL DATA screen is not displayed, select CALL DATA under the To Screen
menu. The CALL DATA screen will be displayed.
6. Select the Active field. The Active annunciator will light when the control channel
is turned on.
7. Ensure that the mobile station has registered with the Test Set. See "Register a Mobile
Station" on page 132 for information on how to register the mobile station.
8. Select the Page field. The Page annunciator will light while the Test Set pages the
mobile on the forward control channel. If the mobile station responds properly on the
reverse control channel, the message RECC Return will flash momentarily in the up-
per right-hand corner of the CALL CONTROL screen. The Access annunciator will
then light while the Test Set sends the mobile station an alert order on the assigned
voice channel. The mobile station should ring.
9. Press the SEND key on the mobile station. The Connect annunciator will light if the
mobile station properly signals the Test Set when the SEND key is pressed. The mobile
station is now connected to the Test Set on the assigned voice channel.
10. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words appears in a Choic-
es: menu. Select the desired word from the list of choices. The decoded contents for
each of the fields in the selected word will be displayed in the lower portion of the dis-
NOTE: If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel’s message stream, all
the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 8. and Step 10. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is, the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be paged. If the page is
successful, the contents of each display word contained in the reverse control
channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is complete.
The page does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA
screen. When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display
words will be the decoded data from the last successful call processing function
(registration, origination, page, release, order).
Viewing the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from a Page to a Mobile Station That
Has Not Registered with the Test Set
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, configure the Test Set See "Configure the Test Set" on page 131
for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. If the CALL CONTROL screen is not displayed, select CALL CNTL under the To
Screen menu. The CALL CONTROL screen will be displayed.
6. Select the lower MS Id field. Enter the mobile station identification number, either the
phone number or the MIN number depending upon what the upper MS Id field is set to.
7. Select CALL DATA from the To Screen menu. The CALL DATA screen will be
8. Select the Active field. The Active annunciator will light when the control channel
is turned on.
9. Select the Page field. The Page annunciator will light while the Test Set pages the
mobile on the forward control channel. If the mobile station responds properly on the
reverse control channel, the message RECC Return will flash momentarily in the up-
per right-hand corner of the CALL CONTROL screen. The Access annunciator will
then light while the Test Set sends the mobile station an alert order on the assigned
voice channel. The mobile station should ring.
10. Press the SEND key on the mobile station. The Connect annunciator will light if the
mobile station properly signals the Test Set when the SEND key is pressed. The mobile
station is now connected to the Test Set on the assigned voice channel.
11. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words which can be dis-
played will appear in a Choices: menu. Select the desired word from the list of
choices. The decoded contents for each of the fields in the selected word will be dis-
played in the lower portion of the display.
NOTE: If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel’s message stream, all
the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 9. and step 11. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is - the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be paged. If the page is
successful, the contents of each display word contained in the reverse control
channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is complete.
The page does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA
screen. When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display
words will be the decoded data from the last successful call processing function
(registration, origination, page, release, order).
To View the Decoded Reverse Channel Words From a Mobile Station Handoff
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, configure the Test Set. See "Configure the Test Set" on page 131
for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. Ensure that the Test Set is in the Connect state. See "Page a Mobile Station" on
page 133 for information on how to bring a mobile station up on a voice channel.
6. If the CALL CONTROL screen is not displayed, Select CALL CNTL from the To
Screen menu. The CALL CONTROL screen will be displayed.
7. Select the Chan: field and enter a new, valid voice channel number from the choices
8. Select the Pwr Lvl: field and enter a new, valid mobile station power level.
9. Select the SAT: field and enter a new, valid SAT frequency.
10. Select CALL DATA from the To Screen menu. The CALL DATA screen will be
11. Select the Handoff field. The Access annunciator will light while the Test Set sig-
nals the mobile station with the handoff information. If the mobile responds properly,
it will stop transmitting on the current voice channel, switch to the new voice channel
assignment, and transpond the new SAT frequency assignment. When the Test Set de-
tects this has happened, the Connect annunciator lights indicating the handoff was
12. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words which can be dis-
played will appear in a Choices: menu. Select the desired word from the list of
choices. The decoded contents for each of the fields in the selected word will be dis-
played in the lower portion of the display.
13. If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel’s message
stream, all the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a
description of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 11. and step 12. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is - the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be handed off. If the
handoff is successful, the contents of each display word contained in the reverse
control channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is complete.
The handoff does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA
screen. When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display
words will contain the decoded data from the last successful call processing
function (registration, origination, page, release, order).
To View the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from a Mobile Station Release
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, configure the Test Set. See "Configure the Test Set" on page 131
for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. Ensure that the Test Set is in the Connect state. See "Page a Mobile Station" on
page 133 for information on how to bring a mobile station up on a voice channel.
6. Select CALL DATA under the To Screen menu. The CALL DATA screen will be
7. Select the Release field. The Test Set will signal the mobile station with a release or-
der. The mobile station will respond to the release order and cease transmission. The
Test Set will terminate transmission on the forward voice channel and the Connect
annunciator will turn off. The Test Set will then reconfigure itself for transmission on
the forward control channel, begin to transmit system parameter overhead messages
and the Active annunciator will light.
8. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words which can be dis-
played will appear in a Choices: menu. Select the desired word from the list of choices.
The decoded contents for each of the fields in the selected word will be displayed in the
lower portion of the display.
9. If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel’s message
stream, all the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
10. See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 7. and step 8. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is, the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be released. If the release is
successful, the contents of each display word contained in the reverse control
channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is complete.
The release does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA
screen. When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display
words will contain the decoded data from the last successful call processing
function (registration, origination, page, release, order).
To View the Decoded Reverse Channel Words from an Order to Change the Transmit Power
Level of a Mobile Station
1. If not already done, condition the Test Set. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call
Processing" on page 130 for further information.
2. If not already done, configure the Test Set. See "Configure the Test Set" on page 131
for further information.
3. Connect the mobile station to the Test Set as shown in Figure 14, "Connecting a Mo-
bile Station to the Test Set," on page 115.
4. Turn on the mobile station.
5. Ensure that the Test Set is in the Connect state. See "Page a Mobile Station" on
page 133 for information on how to bring a mobile station up on a voice channel.
6. If the CALL DATA screen is not displayed, select CALL DATA under the To Screen
menu. The CALL DATA screen will be displayed.
7. Select the Order field and select it. A Choices: menu is displayed showing the var-
ious power levels which the mobile station can be set to. Select the desired power level.
The Access annunciator will light while the Test Set signals the mobile station with
an order to set its power level. If the mobile responds properly, the message REVC Re-
turn will flash momentarily in the upper right-hand corner of the CALL CONTROL
screen. The Connect annunciator will light when signaling is complete.
8. Select the Display Word field. A list of reverse channel words which can be dis-
played will be presented. Position the cursor on the desired word and select it. The de-
coded contents for each of the fields in the selected word will be displayed in the lower
portion of the display.
9. If a word is chosen which was not part of the decoded reverse channel’s message
stream, all the fields will be blank when it is displayed.
10. See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 7. and Step 8. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is, the desired
word can be selected first, then the mobile station can be sent an order to change
transmit power level. If the order is successful, the contents of each display word
contained in the reverse control channel’s message stream will be updated when
the decoding is complete.
The ordered to change transmit power does not have to happen while you are
viewing the CALL CONTROL screen. When the CALL DATA screen is viewed,
the contents of the display words will be the decoded data from the last successful
call processing function (registration, origination, page, release, order).
See "CALL DATA Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 144 for a descrip-
tion of each of the available reverse channel words.
Step 7. and Step 8. in the above procedure can be reversed, that is, the desired
word can be selected first, then a mobile station origination can performed. If the
origination is successful, the contents of each display word contained in the
reverse control channel’s message stream will be updated when the decoding is
The origination does not have to happen while you are viewing the CALL DATA
screen.When the CALL DATA screen is viewed, the contents of the display
words will contain the decoded data from the last successful call processing
function (registration, origination, page, release, order).
The CALL BIT screen is designed to give an advanced user the capability to
modify the contents of the forward control channel and forward voice channel
signaling messages that are used in all processing messaging protocol. A
messaging protocol is defined as the sequence of messages sent from the Test Set
to the mobile station to perform a desired action, such as registering a mobile
station. Modifying the contents of one or more messages may be required for
testing the robustness of a mobile station’s call processing algorithms or for new
product development.
Using the CALL BIT screen requires expert knowledge of the call processing
messaging protocols used in the system selected in the System Type field on the
The CALL BIT screen should not be used to change any parameter that can be set
on any other Call Processing Subsystem screen. The contents of the applicable
fields on the CALL CONTROL screen and the CALL CONFIGURE screen are
not updated to reflect any changes made while using the CALL BIT screen. There
is no coupling between the CALL BIT screen and the Test Set.
For example: changing the value of the SAT color code field (SCC) in the forward
control channel mobile station control message (MS IntVCh) does not change the
setting of the SAT: field on the CALL CONTROL screen.
When using the CALL BIT screen the user is responsible for setting the contents
of all messages used in a messaging protocol. When using the CALL BIT screen,
the Call Processing Subsystem sends the correct messages at the correct times as
defined in the applicable industry standard. Message content is the responsibility
of the user.
When the CALL BIT screen is displayed and the Call Processing Subsystem is in
the connected state, the Test Set constantly monitors the station’s transmitted
carrier power. If the Power falls below 0.0005 Watts, the error message RF
Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will be displayed and the
Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state.
NOTE: In order to ensure that the Test Set makes the correct decisions regarding the presence of the
mobile stations’s RF carrier, the Test Set’s RF power meter should be zeroed before using the
Call Processing Subsystem. Failure to zero the power meter can result in erroneous RF power
measurements. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call Processing" on page 130 for
information on manually zeroing the RF Power meter.
The field descriptions for each of the messages are given in the "CALL BIT
Screen Message Field Descriptions" on page 167.
Message Contents that can be Modified Using the CALL BIT screen
The contents of eleven different messages can be modified from this screen. The
message to be modified is selected using the Set Message field. The eleven
messages whose contents can be modified are:
• Forward Control Channel Messages for Paging, Origination, Order Confirmation, and
• SPC WORD1 - System Parameter Overhead Message Word 1
• SPC WORD2 - System Parameter Overhead Message Word 2
• ACCESS - Access Type Parameters Global Action Message
• REG INC - Registration Increment Global Action Message
• REG ID - Registration ID Message
• C-FILMESS - Control-Filler Message
• MS WORD1 - FCC mobile station control message Word 1- Abbreviated Address
• MS IntVCh - FCC mobile station control message Word 2- Extended Address-
Word - Voice Channel Assignment
• MSMessOrd - FCC mobile station control message Word 2- Extended Address
Word - Order
• FVC V Mes - FVC Mobile Station Control Voice Channel Assignment Message
• FVC O Mes - FVC Mobile Station Control Order Message
[] Access
When lit, the Access annunciator indicates that the Test Set is signaling the
mobile station with command information on the forward voice channel. This is a
transitory state.
The Test Set’s speaker is turned off when in the access state. This is done to
eliminate any possible audio feedback which may occur if the mobile station’s
microphone is open.
This field is used to turn on the forward control channel of the Test Set or to force
a return to the active state from any other state (register, page, access, connect). If
the forward control channel of the Test Set is already active, selecting this field
will deactivate and then reactivate the control channel.
[] Active
When lit, the Active annunciator indicates that the control channel of the Test
Set is turned on. If this annunciator is lit the base station is transmitting system
parameter overhead messages on the assigned control channel. If the annunciator
is not lit the base station is not active (note that the Test Set may still be outputting
a modulated RF carrier but the Test Set’s firmware is not active and no
communication can occur between a mobile station and the Test Set).
[] Connect
When lit, the Connect annunciator indicates that the mobile station is connected
to the Test Set on a voice channel.
Data Spec
This field is used to determine how the contents of the signaling messages are
• Std -Use the signaling formats defined in the applicable industry standard to build the
forward control channel and forward voice channel signaling messages. Use the
contents of the applicable fields on the CALL CONTROL screen and the CALL
CONFIGURE screen to obtain information necessary to build the messages. Whenever
a signaling message is used, update the contents of all fields in that message on the
CALL BIT screen.
• Bits -Use the bit patterns as set on the CALL BIT screen to build all forward control
channel and forward voice channel signaling messages. For any call processing
function (that is, setting the message stream on the active control channel, registering
the mobile station, paging the mobile station, handing off the mobile station or releasing
the mobile station) the user is responsible for setting the contents of all signaling
messages used in that function. The Call Processing Subsystem uses the messaging
protocol as defined in the applicable industry standard.
NOTE: The contents of the applicable fields on the CALL CONTROL screen and the CALL
CONFIGURE screen are not updated to reflect any changes made while in the Bits mode.
There is no coupling between the Bits mode and the Test Set. For example: if a mobile station
was actively connected to the Test Set on a voice channel and the user changed the CHAN field
on the forward voice channel mobile station control message (FVC V Mes) and sent that
message to the mobile station, the mobile station would change its voice channel assignment.
However, the Test Set will stay on the voice channel assignment specified in the Chan: field
on the CALL CONTROL screen. This situation will result in a dropped call. The Bits mode
should not be used to change any parameter that can be set on any other Call Processing
Subsystem screen.
This field is used to initiate a handoff from the current voice channel assignments
to a new set of voice channel assignments. The voice channel number to hand the
mobile station off to, the initial power level to use on the new voice channel, and
the SAT tone frequency to transpond on the new voice channel are specified using
the Chan:, Pwr Lvl:, and SAT: fields in the Voice Channel Assignment
section of the CALL CONTROL screen.
This field is used to send an order type mobile station control message on the
forward voice channel to the mobile station. The orders available are:
• Change Power to Power Level 0 - 7
• Maintenance (put the mobile station in maintenance mode)
• Alert (alert the mobile station)
The Order field is a one-of-many selection field. To send an order to the mobile
station select the Order field. A list of choices is displayed. Select the desired
order from the Choices: menu. Once the selection is made, a Mobile Station
Control Message is sent to the mobile station. The Access annunciator will light
momentarily while the Test Set is sending the mobile station control message.
NOTE: A mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that
is, the Connect annunciator lit) before you can attempt to send an order to a mobile
This field is used to initiate a page to the mobile station connected to the Test Set.
The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, Active annunciator must be lit)
and the MS Id information field on the CALL CONTROL screen must be correct
before you can attempt to page a mobile station.
[] Page
When lit, the Page annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected to the
Test Set is currently being paged on the forward control channel.
This field is used to initiate a registration of the mobile station connected to the
Test Set. The Test Set must be in the active state (that is, the Active annunciator
must be lit) before you can attempt to register a mobile station.
[] Register
When lit, the Register annunciator indicates that the mobile station connected
to the Test Set is being commanded to register with the base station.
This field is used to terminate an active voice channel connection to the mobile
station. When the Release field is selected, a mobile station control message
with a release order is sent to the mobile station on the forward voice channel. A
mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that
is, the Connect annunciator must be lit) before you can attempt to send a release
order to the mobile station.
Set Message
This field is used to select the desired forward control channel or forward voice
channel message to be modified.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
This field sets the digital color code.
First part of the system identification field. The field contains the decimal
equivalent of the 14 most significant bits of the system identification number.
Reserved for future use.
This field displays the number of additional words coming.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates that this is the first word of the system overhead parameter message.
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
This field displays whether the serial number word is sent to the mobile station.
• Set to ‘1’ if the serial number word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the serial number word is not sent.
This field displays the extended address word sent to the mobile.
• Set to ‘1’ if the extended address word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the extended address word is not sent.
Registration field for home stations.
Registration field for roaming stations.
Discontinuous transmission field.
N is the number of paging channels in the system.
Read-control-filler field.
Combined paging/access field.
CMAX is the number of access channels in the system.
End indication field.
• Set to 1 to indicate the last word of the overhead message train.
• Set to 0 if not the last word.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates that this is the first word of the system overhead parameter message.
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
Global Action Field.
Busy-Idle status field.
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
End indication field.
• Set to 1 to indicate the last word of the overhead message train.
• Set to 0 if not the last word.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates this is the first word of the system parameter overhead parameter
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
Global Action Field.
Registration increment field.
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
End indication field.
• Set to 1 to indicate the last word of the overhead message train.
• Set to 0 if not the last word.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates this is the first word of the system parameter overhead parameter
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
Registration ID field.
End indication field.
• Set to 1 to indicate the last word of the overhead message train.
• Set to 0 if not the last word.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates this is the first word of the system parameter overhead parameter
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
Control filler message field 1. All bits must be set as indicated.
Control mobile attenuation field. Indicates the mobile station power level
associated with reverse control channel.
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
Control filler message field 2. All bits must be set as indicated.
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
Control filler message field 3. All bits must be set as indicated.
Wait-for-overhead-message field.
Control filler message field 4. All bits must be set as indicated.
This field displays the overhead message type.
• A ‘100’ indicates a global action message.
• A ‘110’ indicates this is the first word of the system parameter overhead parameter
• A ‘111’ indicates this is the second word of the system parameter overhead message.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
Digital color code field.
First part of the mobile identification number field.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
SAT color code field.
Second part of the mobile identification number field.
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
This field is specific to each system. The ORDER field must be set to local control
for this field to be interpreted.
The order qualifier field qualifies the order confirmation to a specific action.
This field identifies the order type.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
SAT color code field.
Second part of the mobile identification number field.
This field displays the voice mobile attenuation code. It shows the mobile
station’s power level associated with the designated voice channel.
Channel number field. Indicates the designated voice channel.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
SAT color code for new channel.
Present SAT color code. Indicates the SAT color code associated with the present
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
Local control field. This field is specific to each system. The ORDER field must
be set to local control for this field to be interpreted.
Order qualifier field. Qualifies the order to a specific action.
Order field. Identifies the order type.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
This field identifies the received message as an order confirmation, an order, or a
called address message.
SAT color code for new channel.
Present SAT color code. Indicates the SAT color code associated with the present
Reserved for future use, all bits must be set as indicated.
This field displays the voice mobile attenuation code. It shows the mobile station
power level associated with the designated voice channel.
Channel number field. Indicates the designated voice channel.
Parity field. The contents of the Parity field cannot be set by the user. The Test Set
calculates the parity bits.
NOTE: No error checking is done on the bit patterns. The bit patterns are used but are not checked
against any industry standard. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the bit patterns
set in the CALL BIT screen are correct when the Data Spec field is set to Bits.
Unexpected operation of the mobile station can occur if the contents of the signaling messages
are incorrect.
NOTE: If a message field is modified while the Data Spec field is set to Std the modified contents
will be overwritten with the bit patterns generated using the signaling formats defined in the
applicable industry standard immediately after Done is selected from the Choices: menu.
Typical Example
The following example illustrates the use of the CALL BIT screen. In this
example an AMPS mobile station is brought up on a voice channel and then
handed off to a new voice channel assignment. The contents of the FVC V Msg
message, which was set when the first handoff occurred, is then modified from the
CALL BIT screen. The mobile station is then handed off again by sending the
modified message to the mobile station from the CALL BIT screen.
1. Ensure that the Test Set is in the connected state. See "Page a Mobile Station" on
page 133 for information on how to bring a mobile station up on a voice channel.
2. If the CALL CONTROL screen is not displayed, select CALL CNTL under the To
Screen menu. The CALL CONTROL screen will be displayed.
3. Position the cursor on the Display field and select Data.
4. Select the Chan: field and enter a new, valid voice channel number.
5. Select the Pwr Lvl: field enter a new, valid mobile station power level.
6. Select the SAT: field and enter a new, valid SAT frequency.
7. Select the Handoff field. The Access annunciator will light while the Test Set sig-
nals the mobile station with the handoff information. If the mobile responds properly,
it will stop transmitting on the current voice channel, switch to the new voice channel
assignment, and transpond the new SAT frequency assignment. When the Test Set de-
tects that this has happened the Connect annunciator is lit indicating that the handoff
was successful. The left-hand fields in the Voice Channel Assignment section
will be updated with the new voice channel assignment information.
8. Select CALL BIT from the To Screen menu. The CALL BIT screen will be dis-
9. Position the cursor on the Data Spec field and select Bits.
10. Select the Set Message field and select FVC V Msg.
11. Select the VMAC field in the FVC V Msg and set it to 101 (this corresponds to a mobile
station power level of 5 - reference EIA/TIA-553 Mobile Station - Land Station Com-
patibility Specification, September 1989, page 2-2, Table 2.1.2-1).
12. Select the Handoff field. The Access annunciator will light while the Test Set sig-
nals the mobile station with the handoff information. If the mobile responds properly,
it will stop transmitting on the current voice channel, and start transmitting on the same
channel with a power level of 5 (note that the channel assignment and SAT assignment
were not modified in this example, the mobile station simply switched to the same
channel with the same SAT assignment). When the Test Set detects that this has hap-
pened, the Connect annunciator is lit indicating that the handoff was successful. The
mobile station power level after the handoff should be power level 5.
13. Position the cursor on the Data Spec field and select Std.
This screen is used to make RF and audio measurements on the mobile station
connected to the Test Set while on an active voice channel.
The Test Set does not monitor the mobile station’s transmitted carrier power while
the ANALOG MEAS screen is displayed. If the power falls below 0.0005 Watts
no error message is displayed nor will the Test Set terminate the call while on the
AF Anl In
This field selects the input for the Audio Frequency analyzer. Refer to the AF Anl
In field description, on page 97 for further information.
AF Freq
This field is a one-of-many field used to select the type of measurement to be
made by the Audio Frequency Analyzer on the audio signal being measured.
Refer to the SINAD field description, on page 106 for descriptions of the
measurements available.
AFGen1 Freq
This field sets the output frequency of Audio Frequency Generator 1. Refer to the
AFGen1 Freq field description, on page 432 for further information.
AFGen1 To
This field has two fields:
• the upper field sets the destination port for Audio Frequency Generator 1
• FM -RF Generator FM modulator
• AM -RF Generator AM modulator
• Audio Out -AUDIO OUT connector on front panel of Test Set
• the lower field sets the:
• FM modulation deviation if the upper field set to FM
• AM modulation depth if the upper field set to AM
• amplitude of audio signal (volts RMS) at the AUDIO OUT connector if upper field
is set to Audio Out
For testing mobile stations, the upper field is normally set to FM, and the lower
field set to the desired FM deviation in kHz. Refer to the AFGen1 Freq field
description, on page 432 for further information.
This field sets the output power of the Test Sets’s transmitter (that is, the output
power of the Test Set’s RF Generator). Refer to the Amplitude field description,
on page 433 for further information.
This field is used to select or bypass the 750 µs de-emphasis filter network used to
condition the audio signal before being analyzed by the Audio Frequency
Analyzer. Refer to the De-Emphasis field description, on page 100 for further
This field is used to select the type of detector used to measure the amplitude of
the audio signal being measured. Refer to the Detector field description, on page
101 for descriptions of the detectors available.
Filter 1
This field selects one of several standard or optional audio frequency filters which
can be used to condition the audio signal before being analyzed by the Audio
Frequency Analyzer. Refer to the Filter 1 and Filter 2 field description, on
page 102 for further information.
Filter 2
This field selects one of several standard or optional audio frequency filters which
can be used to condition the audio signal before being analyzed by the Audio
Frequency Analyzer. Refer to the Filter 1 and Filter 2 field description, on
page 102 for further information.
FM Deviation
This field displays the measured FM deviation of the carrier being transmitted by
the mobile station. Four dashes (----) indicate that no carrier is present to measure.
TX Freq Error
This field displays the frequency error (error = assigned carrier frequency -
measured carrier frequency) of the carrier being transmitted by the mobile station.
Four dashes (----) indicates that there is no carrier frequency present to measure.
TX Power
This field displays the measured RF power of the carrier being transmitted by the
mobile station. Four dashes (----) indicates that there is no carrier present to
Ensure that the Test Set is in the connected state. See "Page a Mobile Station" on page
133 for information on how to bring a mobile station up on a voice channel.
5. If the ANALOG MEAS screen is not displayed, select the ANLG MEAS field from the
To Screen menu. The ANALOG MEAS screen will be displayed.
NOTE: It is recommended that the mobile station’s microphone be muted, if possible, when making
measurements on the mobile stations RF carrier. If the microphone is not muted it is possible
for extraneous noise to be picked up by the microphone and adversely affect the
6. The following example illustrates how to make a FM Hum and Noise measurement:
a. Select the Amplitude field and set it to −47 dBm.
b. Select the AFGen1 Freq field and set it to 1 kHz.
c. Select the upper AFGen1 To field and set it to Audio Out.
d. Select the AF Anl In field and select FM Demod.
e. Select the Filter 1 field and select C MESSAGE.
f. Select the Filter 2 field and select >99kHz LP.
g. Position the cursor on the De-Emphasis field and select 750 us.
h. Select the Detector field and select PK+.
i. Select the measurement field and select AF Freq.
j. Select the lower AFGen1 To field and adjust the signal level until the FM Devi-
ation field on the upper portion of the CRT reads 8 kHz.
k. Select the Detector field and select RMS.
l. Select the FM Deviation field.
m. Press the blue SHIFT key, the INCR -10 key, then the ENTER key. This sets a zero
reference point.
n. Select the lower AFGen1 To field and press the ON/OFF key. This turns off the
modulating signal to the mobile station transmitter.
o. The FM Hum and Noise figure is displayed in the FM Deviation field.
This screen is used to set some of the less commonly used Test Set configuration
When the CALL CONFIGURE screen is displayed and the Call Processing
Subsystem is in the connect state, the Test Set constantly monitors the mobile
station’s transmitted carrier power. If the power falls below 0.0005Watts, the
error message RF Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will
be displayed and the Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state.
NOTE: In order to ensure that the Test Set makes the correct decisions regarding the presence of the
mobile stations’s RF carrier, the Test Set’s RF power meter should be zeroed before using the
Call Processing Subsystem. Failure to zero the power meter can result in erroneous RF power
measurements. See "Conditioning the Test Set for Call Processing" on page 130 for
information on zeroing the RF Power meter manually.
The CMAX field sets the number of access channels in the system. This will
determine how many channels must be scanned by the mobile station when trying
to access the Test Set. The value of this field will affect the time required for the
mobile station to connect with the Test Set.
This field is used to select the type of detector used to measure the amplitude of
the audio signal being measured. Refer to the Detector field description, on page
101 for descriptions of the detectors available.
TX Pwr Zero
The TX Pwr Zero function establishes a 0.0000 W reference for measuring RF
power at the RF IN/OUT port. See "TX Pwr Zero" on page 427 for further
CAUTION: RF power must not be applied while zeroing. Set the RF GENERATOR screen’s Amplitude
field to off to prevent internal cross-coupling into the power detector while zeroing.
Configure Screen
The CONFIGURE screen defines a number of general operating functions, such as date
and time, screen intensity, and beeper volume. It is also used to define some RF signal
parameters, such as RF Generator/Analyzer offset, channel standards and characteristics,
and signal loss/gain compensation.
Field Descriptions
Antenna In
This field is used to indicate losses or gains between the ANT IN port and the
Enter a positive value to indicate a gain (such as an amplifier). The Spectrum
Analyzer’s marker level (Lvl) measurement is automatically reduced by that
amount. The Spectrum Analyzer’s Ref Level is automatically decreased by the
same amount, so the trace position does not appear to change.
Enter a negative value to indicate a loss (such as cable loss). The Spectrum
Analyzer Marker’s Level (Lvl) measurement is automatically increased by that
amount. The Spectrum Analyzer’s Ref Level is automatically increased by the
same amount, so the trace position does not appear to change.
This field is only used when the RF Level Offset field is set to On.
See Also
RF Level Offset field description, on page 211
The Base Frequency field sets the RF Generator reference for channel 0 (zero)
when the RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF, and the RF Display field is
set to Chan.
Channel frequencies are calculated using the following formula:
Channel N = Base Frequency + (N)(Channel Spacing)
The Base Frequency is calculated using the following formula:
Base Frequency = Channel 1 Frequency - Channel Spacing
Operating Considerations
The value of this field is only used if the RF Display field is set to Chan, and the
RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF.
See Also
Chan Space (User Defined) field description, on page 204
(Gen)-(Anl) field description, on page 206
RF Chan Std field description, on page 209
RF Display field description, on page 210
This field changes the audio beeper volume by selecting the desired level from a
list of choices. The beeper always beeps when the instrument is turned on,
regardless of this setting.
Operating Considerations
The beeper alerts you any time a message is displayed. Since a message may be
removed from the screen before you notice it, it is better to leave the beeper on to
alert you to errors during operation.
The beeper’s volume setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Chan Space
(User Defined)
This field specifies the RF channel spacing when the RF Display field is set to
Chan, and the RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF.
For example, entering 25 kHz causes a 25 kHz spacing between each channel. If
the receive frequency for channel 1 is 150.500 MHz, channel 2’s receive
frequency would be 150.525 MHz.
Operating Considerations
The value of this field is only used if the RF Display field is set to Chan, and the
RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF.
See Also
(Gen)-(Anl) field description, on page 206
RF Chan Std field description, on page 209
Base Freq (User Defined) field description, on page 203
This field specifies the current date for the internal clock. The date can be read by
a controller using HP-IB and printed on test results.
The format is MMDDYY (Month Day Year), using two digits for each term.
When entering months January through September (01-09), the leading zero is not
displayed when entered. Example; May 5, 1993 is entered as 050593, but is
displayed as 50593.
The internal clock still functions when the instrument is turned off.
Duplex Out
This field is used to indicate losses or gains between the DUPLEX OUT port and
the device-under-test.
• Enter a positive value to indicate a gain (such as an amplifier gain). The RF Generator’s
level is automatically set that amount below what is indicated in the RF Generator’s
Amplitude field. (Example; if this value is 10 dB, and the Amplitude field shows
0 dBm, the actual level out this port is −10 dBm.) The value at the output of the external
amplifier should then be at the level indicated in the Amplitude field.
• Enter a negative value to indicate a loss (such as cable loss). The RF Generator’s level
is automatically set that amount above what is indicated in the RF Generator’s Ampli-
tude field to compensate. The value at the opposite end of the cable (loss) should then
be at the level indicated in the Amplitude field; unless the resulting RF Generator
setting exceeds the maximum output level, then an error occurs: Input value out
of range. In that case, reduce the Amplitude setting, or decrease the Duplex
Out value.
This field is only used when the RF Level Offset field is set to On.
This field displays the current firmware revision for your Test Set. The revision
number is automatically changed when updated firmware is installed.
This field is used with the RF Offset field to specify the amount of frequency
offset between the RF Generator and RF Analyzer.
This field is not displayed when the RF Display field is set to Chan (the offset is
automatically set when using channel tuning).
See Also
"Setting an RF Generator/Analyzer Offset" on page 79
(User Defined)
This field defines the receiver-transmitter frequency offset when using User
Defined channel operation.
Use a positive value when the radio’s receive frequency is higher than the transmit
frequency (such as 45 MHz)
Use a negative value when the radio’s receive frequency is lower than the transmit
frequency (such as −45 MHz).
Operating Considerations
The value of this field is only used if the RF Display field is set to Chan, and the
RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF.
See Also
Chan Space (User Defined) field description, on page 204
RF Chan Std field description, on page 209
RF Display field description, on page 210
This field adjusts the screen intensity from a setting of 1 (very dim) to 8 (bright).
If the setting is set too low, the screen can no longer be read. If you can’t read the
screen, and you don’t know where the cursor is (or even what screen is displayed),
press [PRESET], and re-access the CONFIGURE screen. The cursor
automatically goes to this field at that point. Press [8], [ENTER] to set the
maximum intensity, and re-adjust if desired.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Low Battery
This setting is used during battery (dc) operation to alert you when no front-panel
controls are used within the specified amount of time. The setting is changed by
selecting this field, then choosing the setting from a list of choices.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Notch Coupl
This field selects if the Notch Freq setting of the AF ANALYZER screen is
coupled to the AF Gen1 Freq setting. When set to None, the notch filter and AF
Generator 1 do not interact. When set to AFGen1 (coupled), the settings track each
other unless the AF Generator’s frequency is set outside the 300 Hz to 10 kHz
limits of the notch filter1
Range Hold
These fields enable/disable several autoranging and autotuning routines.
Auto All enables these routines, providing automatic adjustment when making
AF or RF measurements.
Hold All disables these routines, requiring you to manually set the affected
The following fields are affected by the Range Hold field:
• RX/TX Cntl in the CONFIGURE screen.
• Tune Mode in the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, and RF ANALYZER screens.
• Input Atten in the RF ANALYZER and SPECTRUM ANALYZER screens.
• Gain Cntl in the AF ANALYZER screen. This field controls three AF gain setting
Input Gain
De-Emp Gain
Notch Gain
Operating Considerations
The Hold All setting is primarily used when the instrument is operated by
remote control, such as in an automated test system.
Unless you have very specific reasons for disabling the automatic functions, you
should set this field to Auto All when operating the instrument manually.
See Also
Programmer’s Guide
RF Chan Std
Use the RF channel standard field to select the channel standard for the radio-
under-test. The RF Generator’s and the RF Analyzer’s frequencies are
automatically set to correspond to the channel number entered in the RF Channel
field. RF Channel replaces the Amplitude and Tune Freq fields on several
screens when channel tuning is used.
Each standard has a prefix code that indicates what type of radio to test; mobile
station (MS) or land station (LS). For example, if you are testing an AMPS
mobile, select MS AMPS.
For the NAMPS standards, a third letter is added indicating which frequency band
is used: upper, middle, or lower. For example, when testing a mobile station using
the lower band, choose MSL NAMPS. Testing a land station using the upper band
you would select LSU NAMPS.
The USER-DEF selection is used to define your own channel assignments. When
selected, you enter the Base Freq, Chan Space, and (Gen)-(Anl) settings.
See Also
Base Freq (User Defined) field description, on page 203
Chan Space (User Defined) field description, on page 204
(Gen)-(Anl) field description, on page 206
RF Display
This field selects the format for entering the RF Generator’s and RF Analyzer’s
• When Freq is selected, you enter the RF Generator’s and the RF Analyzer’s
frequencies directly using the keypad or knob.
• When Chan is selected, the RF Gen Freq and Tune Freq fields on all screens are
replaced by the RF Channel field, and only the channel number is entered and
Channel tuning eliminates the need to enter transmit and receive frequencies
directly into the Test Set. Once your radio’s RF channel standard is selected, you
only have to enter the channel number to automatically set the RF Generator and
RF Analyzer to the correct frequencies.
Operating Considerations
When channel tuning is used, the RF Analyzer is set to manual tuning. The Tune
Mode field on the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, and RF ANALYZER screens is no
longer displayed. As a result, the TX Freq Error measurement is displayed
(since the TX Frequency measurement is only displayed when the Tune Mode
field is set to Auto).
See Also
RF Chan Std field description, on page 209
RF Gen Volts
This field specifies whether you want RF voltages expressed as the voltage across
a 50 ohm load, or the open circuit voltage (emf).
Operating Considerations
This setting affects the RF Generator’s and the Tracking Generator’s amplitudes.
RF In/Out
This field is used to indicate losses or gains between the RF IN/OUT port and the
• Enter a positive value to indicate a gain (such as an amplifier gain). When the
RF IN/OUT port is used as an output, the RF Generator’s (or Tracking Generator’s) lev-
el is automatically set the specified amount below what is indicated in the RF Genera-
tor’s Amplitude field. Example; if this value is 10 dB, and the Amplitude field
shows 0 dBm, the actual level out of this port is −10 dBm.
When this port is used as an input, the TX Power measurement and Spectrum Ana-
lyzer’s Marker Level (Lvl) are automatically reduced by that amount.
• Enter a negative value to indicate a loss (such as cable loss). The RF Generator’s (or
Tracking Generator’s) level out this port is automatically set that amount above what is
indicated in the RF Generator’s Amplitude field.
When used as an input, the TX Power and the Spectrum Analyzer’s marker level
(Lvl) measurements are increased by that amount.
This field is only used when the RF Level Offset field is set to On.
See Also
RF Level Offset field description, on page 211
RF Level Offset
This field enables/disables the RF level offsets entered in the RF In/Out,
Duplex Out, and Antenna In fields below it.
• When set to On, the RF Generator’s amplitude and RF Analyzer’s power measurement
are offset by the values entered in these fields.
• When set to Off, the values in these fields are ignored.
See Also
Antenna In field description, on page 202
Duplex Out field description, on page 205
RF Chan Std field description, on page 209
RF Offset
This field is displayed when the RF Display field has Freq selected.
This field enables/disables the RF Generator−RF Analyzer frequency offset
specified in the (Gen)-(Anl) field below it.
Operating Considerations
When an RF offset is used, changing the RF Generator’s frequency or RF
Analyzer’s tune frequency automatically alters the other setting. On screens
where both fields are not shown (such as the RX TEST and TX TEST screens),
you will not see the corresponding field change.
See Also
"Setting an RF Generator/Analyzer Offset" on page 79
RX/TX Cntl
This function controls automatic screen changes between the RX TEST and TX
TEST screens during radio testing. It is divided into two fields:
The Auto/Manual field enables/disables automatic switching between the RX
TEST and TX TEST screens under certain testing conditions.
• Auto allows automatic screen changes between the RX TEST and TX TEST screens
while testing radios.
• Manual requires you to select the RX TEST or TX TEST screen when performing ra-
dio tests.
The Carrier/PTT field specifies the condition that will cause automatic screen
• Carrier causes the instrument to automatically switch from the RX TEST screen to
the TX TEST screen when an RF carrier is detected. The screen returns to RX TEST
when the carrier is no longer detected.
• PTT (Push-To-Talk) causes the instrument to automatically switch from the TX TEST
screen to the RX TEST screen when a microphone connected to the MIC/ACC connec-
tor is keyed. The screen changes back to TX TEST when the microphone is no longer
Operating Considerations
CAUTION: The Test Set can be damaged by connecting a reverse-power signal to the DUPLEX OUT port
of >200 mW.
If Auto and Carrier are used together, the screen may continuously change
between RX TEST and TX TEST. This only occurs if the RF IN/OUT port is used
with the RF Generator Amplitude set ≥ 35 dBm (a much higher level than is
typically used for receiver tests). To prevent this problem, set the Amplitude
≤35 dBm or Off, or use the DUPLEX OUT port for the RF Generator’s output.
Serial No.
This field displays the serial number of the Test Set.
This field sets the time-of-day for the instrument’s 24 hour clock.
(Example, 4:53 PM is entered 16:53)
Operating Considerations
The internal clock still functions when the instrument is turned off.
Total RAM
This field displays the total amount of RAM available for IBASIC programs and
save/recall registers.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in this screen.
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal.
This field selects the type of data to decode: Reverse Control Channel (Cntl), or
Reverse Voice Channel (Voice).
Data (hex)
This display field lists the decoded data serially as it is received. This field is
labeled RECC Data (hex) for the NAMPS/NTACS mode, but performs the
identical function.
Gate Time
This field specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been
triggered. The longer the gate time, the greater the number of bits analyzed.
Operating Considerations
If the gate time is too long, the decoder’s data buffer becomes full. A message is
displayed instructing you to decrease the gate time.
This function is not used with the NAMPS/NTACS RVC decoder.
See Also
Arm Meas field description, on page 218
Num of Bits field description, on page 220
Input Level
This field specifies the expected data signal level (after de- emphasis if used). The
higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger level is
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for valid signals. This you to set the input level well
below the expected level.
Also, when using de-emphasis, the Input Level setting may need to be reduced
significantly to properly decode the incoming signal. De-Emphasis is enabled/
disabled using the De-Emphasis field on the AF ANALYZER screen.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 221
This field selects the type of decoded data to display: DSAT or DST codes,
Message data, or DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) tone data.
Num of Bits
This field lists the total number of bits displayed. This number is dependent on
Data Rate of the signal being decoded, the Gate Time of the decoder, and the
size of the decoder’s data buffer.
Operating Considerations
The buffer has a maximum capacity of:
• 1584 bits for decoding Reverse Voice Channel (RVC) data streams.
• 1583 bits for decoding Reverse Control Channel (RECC) data streams.
See Also
Gate Time field description, on page 219
This setting is used to match the polarity of the encoded signal being analyzed.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) is displayed
when a positive peak in the received signal is detected. A negative peak displays a
logical low (0).
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) is
displayed when a negative peak in the received signal is detected. A positive peak
displays a logical low (0).
This field specifies how long you want the analyzer to decode incoming signals:
• Single tells the analyzer to display the information received during one Gate Time
(or after one measurement for NAMPS-NTACS RVC data).
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
Trig Level
The trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement that has been “armed.” The level is adjusted by changing the Input
Level field’s setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for valid signals. This may require you to set the input
level well below the expected level.
Operating Considerations
This function is not available for decoding NAMPS-NTACS RVC information.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal
when Single is selected.
Code (oct)
This field displays all of the code word combinations from the received data
The top entry in this column is always 1 of the 83 standard (primary) industry
codes or NPC (No Primary Code). All other possible code combinations are listed
in numerical order after this entry.
If a Turn-Off Code (TOC) is measured for a full sampling period, TOC is
displayed with no other codes listed.
Data (bin)
This measurement field displays a 23-bit segment of the data stream being
After 23 bits have been received, the decoder shifts the bit sequence 23 times until
all possible bit patterns have been analyzed. Any possible code words are
displayed in the Codes (oct) column. Even if no code words are found, this
field will still display the bit sequence that was received.
Operating Considerations
This field is blank if the only signal received during the decoder’s latest sampling
period is a turn-off-code.
The final bit pattern displayed will not necessarily match any of the displayed
codes, since the bits are shifted 23 times during decoding.
Data Rate
This measurement field displays the data rate in bits-per-second for the data
stream being received.
Operating Considerations
For accurate measurements, the Data Rate for the CDCSS encoder should be set
to the expected data rate for the signal being analyzed by the CDCSS decoder.
Input Level
This field specifies the signal level that you input (after de-emphasis if used). The
higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger level is
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to detect all valid zero-crossings of the incoming signal.
When using de-emphasis, the Input Level setting may need to be reduced
significantly to properly decode the incoming signal. De-emphasis is enabled/
disabled using the De-Emphasis field on the AF ANALYZER screen.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 229
This field is used to match the polarity of the encoded signal being analyzed.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) is displayed
when a positive peak in the received signal is detected. A negative peak displays a
logical low (0).
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical low (0) is
displayed when a positive peak in the received signal is detected. A negative peak
displays a logical high (1).
Operating Considerations
Inverting amplifiers used in transmitters, receivers, and repeaters can cause an
inversion of the modulating digital data. If the decoded signal does not display the
expected results, change this field’s setting to see if the signal may be getting
inverted before being decoded.
This field specifies how you want the analyzer to be armed:
• Single is used to analyze and display the decoded information once each time
Arm Meas is selected.
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making a single measurement.
Trig Level
The trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement that has been “armed”. The level is adjusted by changing the
Input Level field’s setting.
AF Analyzer Settings
For proper CDCSS decoder operation, make the following AF ANALYZER
screen settings:
• Filter 1 to <20Hz HPF (Required)
• Filter 2 to 3kHz LPF (Recommended)
• Settling to Slow (Recommended)
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
This is typically set to FM Demod for off-the air decoding of pager transmitters.
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal.
Data Display
This field displays up to three different decoded parameters after a message has
been analyzed:
Function - number representing one of the four types of signals that can be
Data Rate
This display field lists the data rate of the received signal in bits-per-second (bps).
Operating Considerations
This measurement relies on the digital paging encoder screen’s data rate setting.
Set the encoder’s Data Rate field to the expected incoming data rate for
accurate measurements.
See Also
Data Rate field description, on page 320
Display Page
This field is used to select a specific page of decoded data. More than one page of
decoded data may be available when a batch of messages is received during the
specified gate time. The Number of Pages field indicates how many pages were
Gate Time
This field specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been
triggered. Up to 65 seconds of gate time can be specified. The minimum gate time
should be set long enough to allow the preamble and all necessary data bits to be
If too much data is decoded during the gate time, the decoder buffer will overflow
(an error message is displayed when this happens). Decrease the gate time if this
error is displayed.
Input Level
Enter the expected data signal level in this field. The higher the level of signal
expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger level is set.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for valid signals (typically about 3 kHz).
De-emphasis should not be used with this signaling format. Access the AF
ANALYZER screen and set the De-Emphasis field setting to Off.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 234
Number of Pages
See the Display Page field description, on page 232
This setting is used to match the polarity of the encoded signal being analyzed.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) is displayed
when a positive peak in the received signal is detected. A negative peak displays a
logical low (0).
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) is
displayed when a negative peak in the received signal is detected. A positive peak
displays a logical low (0).
This field specifies how long you want the analyzer to decode incoming signals:
• Single tells the analyzer to display the information received during one gate time.
Measurements are displayed until Arm Meas is selected again.
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display new measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected. Previous measurement results are over-writ-
ten by subsequent measurements.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
Trig Level
The trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement that has been “armed.” The level is adjusted by changing the Input
Level field setting.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in this screen.
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal
when making single measurements.
Gate Time
This field specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been
Hi Tone
This for the high frequency tone in each tone pair. The measurement type is
selected by selecting the Freq field to display a list of measurement choices.
Operating Considerations
Frequency error is calculated by comparing the DTMF Encoder’s frequency
settings for each tone pair with the decoded frequencies.
See Also
"Using the DTMF Decoder" on page 240
Input Level
This field specifies the signal level that you input (after de-emphasis if used). The
higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger level is
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for fluctuating signal levels.
De-emphasis Effects
De-emphasis is a single-pole, low-pass filter with a 212.2 Hz corner frequency. It
is enabled/disabled using the De-Emphasis field on the AF ANALYZER screen.
(Refer to Figure 12, "AF ANALYZER Functional Block Diagram," on page 96.)
The Input Level is the expected level at the output of the de-emphasis network.
Assuming a mean DTMF frequency of approximately 1 kHz, decoding with de-
emphasis on (set to 750 µs) requires the input level to be set to 212/1000 = 0.212
times the peak deviation, or about 1/5 the incoming level of the tone.
Peak deviation 3 kHz, De-emphasis off. Set the input level to 3 kHz.
Example 2
Peak deviation 3 kHz, De-emphasis 750 ms. Set the input level to 3×0.212 =
636 Hz
Lo Tone
This measurement field lists the frequency or frequency error for the low
frequency tone in each tone pair. The measurement type is selected by selecting
the Freq field to display a list of measurement choices.
Operating Considerations
Frequency error is calculated by comparing the DTMF Encoder’s frequency
settings for each tone pair with the decoded frequencies.
See Also
"Using the DTMF Decoder" on page 240
Off Time
This measurement column lists the length of time each tone pair was “off” prior to
the next tone being received.
On Time
This measurement column lists the length of time each tone pair was “on.”
This field specifies how you want the analyzer to be armed:
• Single is used to analyze and display the decoded information once each time
Arm Meas is selected.
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
The symbol column corresponds to the DTMF Encoder’s symbols assigned for
each tone pair. As each tone pair is analyzed, the corresponding symbol is listed in
this column.
Operating Considerations
The symbol assigned is based on the closest symbol frequencies to that tone pair.
Measurement Limits
Lo Tone: 680 - 960 Hz
Hi Tone: 1190 - 1660 Hz
Actual limits are typically slightly wider than this. However, the crossover point
between Hi and Lo tone decoding is approximately 1.1 kHz. If incoming tones
approach this point, unreliable measurements may be displayed (frequency
measurement errors and spurious off times).
EDACS Decoder
This screen decodes the digital signaling data from an Ericsson GE EDACS®
(Enhanced Digital Access Communications System) transmitter. This function is
provided to test mobile radios, but it is not designed to test EDACS base stations.
Before transmitter measurements can be made, the EDACS Encoder must be set
up to provide the necessary system information. (Refer to "Using the EDACS
Encoder" on page 334 for information on setting up the EDACS Encoder.)
Four types of calls can be decoded: group, individual, emergency, and voice
AF Anl In
This field selects the source of the signal to be decoded. FM Demod is normally
used, since the data being decoded is usually the demodulated signaling data from
an EDACS transceiver.
Arm Meas
Select this field to prepare the decoder to be triggered by transmitted signaling
data. When selected, the Status: field indicates Armed.
This area displays the decoded call request signaling data from your transmitter.
The type of data displayed depends on the Radio/Repeater setting and the type
of message decoded.
Input Level
This field is used to set the trigger level for the decoder. The displayed Trig
Level changes as the Input Level is adjusted. This field is normally set to
1 kHz for EDACS decoding (assuming the AF Anl In field is set to FM Demod).
Operating Considerations
The units displayed (kHz, %, V) depends on the AF Anl In setting.
This field is used to match the polarity of the data to be decoded. This field is
usually set to Norm.
See Also
Polarity field description, on page 331
This field specifies whether the decoder will trigger on the received sync word of
a mobile signal (Radio), or on the sync word from a repeater (Repeater). It also
specifies how the received data will be interpreted.
The repeater function is not fully implemented at this time to provide base station
RX Test
When Send is selected, the Control Channel Site ID message is output at the RX
Frequency specified in the Control Channel settings on the EDACS Encoder
This field specifies how you want to arm the decoder.
• Single requires you to manually arm the decoder (using the Arm Meas field) before
each measurement is made.
• Cont automatically arms the decoder to make a measurement, and re-arms the decoder
after a measurement is made.
Operating Considerations
To dis-arm the decoder in single mode, select the Stop Meas field. The Stop
Meas function is disabled when Cont is selected.
The encoder’s Data Rate field must be set to the data rate expected from the
radio or the repeater being decoded. This is best done by selecting the
corresponding standard on the encoder’s screen.
See Also
Standard field description, on page 332
Stop Meas
This field is used to dis-arm the decoder when making single measurements. It is
not used when making continuous (Cont) measurements.
NOTE: Each EDACS radio is pre-programmed to access a specific control channel and one or more
working channels. Other mobile and system identification information is also programmed
into the radio. You cannot test an EDACS mobile without first entering these values into the
EDACS Encoder screen.
CAUTION: Before testing your transmitter, read the MAX PWR limit printed under the Test Set’s RF IN/
OUT port. Exceeding this limit could damage your Test Set.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in this screen.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal
when making single measurements.
This measurement displays the decoded signal’s frequency.
Gate Time
This field specifies the minimum time the decoder analyzes a signal after it has
been triggered.
Input Level
This field specifies the signal level that you input (after de-emphasis if it is turned
on). The higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger
level is set.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for fluctuating signal levels.
If de-emphasis is used (by setting the AF Analyzer’s De-Emphasis field to
750 µs), the Input Level should be set to about 1/5 of the measured signal’s
level. For example, a 1 kHz, 1 Vpeak sinewave into the AF Analyzer’s input
requires an Input Level of approximately 0.212 V to trigger correctly.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 254
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
This field specifies how you want the analyzer to be armed:
• Single is used to analyze and display the decoded information once each time
Arm Meas is selected.
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Trig Level
The trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement that has been “armed”. The level is adjusted by changing the
Input Level field setting.
Decoding Considerations
Frequency measurements are affected by the Filter1, Filter2, Settling,
and De-Emphasis settings in the AF ANALYZER screen.
Four dashes (- - - -) are displayed if the incoming signal is out of range, or if the
Gate Time is too long for the frequency being measured.
LTR Decoder
This decoder mode displays trunked signaling data for mobile radios and repeaters
using the EF Johnson LTR® (Logic Trunked Radio) format.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed
(almost always FM Demod for LTR decoding).
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal
when set to make a single measurement.
This field displays decoded LTR data. The LTR display setting determines
what type of data is decoded.
Data Rate
This display field lists the data rate of the received signal.
Operating Considerations
This measurement relies on the LTR Encoder screen’s data rate setting. Set the
encoder’s Data Rate field to the expected incoming data rate for accurate
measurements (typically 297.6 bps).
Gate Time
This field specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been
Input Level
Enter the expected data signal level in this field (typically 1 kHz for LTR data).
The higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the Trigger
Level is set.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting (kHz when the input
is FM Demod).
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for valid signals.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 254
LTR Display
• Radio - displays the mobile’s transmitted trunking data. An example display might
look like this:
Area : 0
Goto : 2
Home : 2
ID : 128
Free : 31
• Repeater - lists the 20 possible repeater numbers in an LTR system. The data from
the monitored repeater is displayed. If multiple radios try to access the repeater during
decoding, the data sent to those radios by that repeater is also displayed.
The data is displayed as a series of digits next to the number of the repeater that sent it.
For example, a decoded message with a Goto number of 02 may look like this:
02: 0 02 02 128 06
Repeater Area Goto Home ID Free
This setting is used to match the polarity of the encoded signal being analyzed.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) is displayed
when a positive peak in the received signal is detected. A negative peak displays a
logical low (0).
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) is
displayed when a negative peak in the received signal is detected. A positive peak
displays a logical low (0).
This field specifies how long you want the analyzer to decode incoming signals:
• Single tells the analyzer to display valid LTR information received during one gate
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
Trig Level
The trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement that has been “armed.” The level is adjusted by changing the
Input Level field setting.
After establishing a trunked transmit channel, keep the transmitter keyed and
perform the following steps.
1. Access the DECODER screen, and select LTR for the Mode.
2. Set the LTR display field to Radio.
3. Set the Single/Cont field to Single.
4. Set the AF Anl In field to FM Demod.
5. Set the Input Level to 1 kHz.
6. Select Arm Meas to prepare the decoder for triggering. The transmitted data should be
displayed after being computed.
Decoder Triggering
For MPT 1327 signaling detection, the decoder should be configured for
repetitive retriggering using the HP-IB command:
TRIGger:MODE:RETRigger REPetitive
When the decoder is armed it is triggered whenever it receives the
synchronization sequence appropriate to the test mode (selected on the MPT 1327
Encoder screen). Refer to table 6.
Off -
Control SYNC
Traffic SYNT
1200Hz 1111
1800Hz 0000
Dotting 1010
The SYNC and SYNT patterns are those defined for the MPT 1327 Encoder. (The
defaults are C4D716 and 3B2816 respectively.)
When a synchronization sequence is recognized, the message is placed (timeslot
aligned) into the receive buffer. The receive buffer is organized as 16 × 128 bit
Decoder repetitive retriggering is used to minimize the decoder down-time
between messages. It is therefore important to extract the messages from the
decoder buffer as soon as possible after their arrival. This avoids the messages
being overwritten by further signaling.
•In the slot timing mode it is not possible to determine whether the message was
returned in the “correct” timeslot. (For example, if it is a response that should re-
turn in the timeslot immediately following the requesting forward message.) It is
possible to check that the timing offset from the forward channel slot boundaries
is within specification.
•This mode is selected with the following HP-IB with the command:
• works in the Control and Traffic test modes, it is disabled in all other modes.
•In Control mode the timing counter is reset at the end of each message transmitted
from the control channel message buffer. It is not affected by the on-going trans-
mission of the control channel filler pattern.
•In the Traffic mode the timing counter is reset at the end of each message trans-
mitted from the traffic channel message buffer. There is no background filler pat-
•In the response timing mode both next slot and slot offset timing can be checked.
The received message must however, be solicited by a forward message so that
the timer is reset and the measurement is meaningful.
•This mode is selected via the HP-IB with the command:
NMT Decoder
The NMT Encoder and Decoder work together to test Nordic Mobile Telephone
equipment used in a number of countries using different NMT standards. As each
standard is selected, the Test Set configures the encoder and decoder to create and
measure the corresponding RF carrier and digital data structure.
The following terms are used throughout the NMT sections of the manual:
Frames - Groups of digital information that comprise an NMT signal. (This manual as-
sumes you understand the frame structure for the signals you need to create or analyze;
any frame information provided is for reference purposes.)
BS - Base Station: The unit that provides the radio interface between one or more Mo-
bile Stations and the Mobile Telephone Exchange.
MTX - Mobile Telephone Exchange: The unit that provides the interface between one or
more Base Stations and the telephone network.
Standard - The set of frequency and data format standards used by different countries.
The NMT Decoder screen is used to load and run NMT test programs you create.
The programs are used to transmit NMT-encoded signals to a device, and to
evaluate received NMT signals.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the input for the analyzer. When selected,
this field displays a list of choices:
• The output of the AM, FM, or SSB demodulators.
DIO OUT connectors.
• The signal present at the AM or FM modulators for the RF Generator.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
Exit Status
This field indicates which EXIT n command caused the program to stop running.
See Also
EXIT n command in the "Program Command Syntax" on page 277 .
Frame Log
The Frame Log area lists the recorded frame information generated by the encoder
and received by the decoder. Field descriptions for this area are listed together.
The Direction column tells if a frame was transmitted by the encoder (T), or
received by the decoder (R).
Frame Digits
This column lists the information part of the recorded frames, displayed as
hexadecimal digits.
This column lists the reference numbers assigned to the recorded frames in the
order they were transmitted and received.
The times in this column indicate when each frame was transmitted or received
after Run Test was selected. The times are listed in bit intervals that are
dependent on the data rate set in the NMT Encoder.
For example, at a data rate of 1200 bps, one bit interval is equivalent to 0.833 ms
This column lists the NMT standards frame type for each frame.
Operating Considerations
The received frame type is determined using the decoder’s Standard field
setting, and the encoder’s DUT field setting. If these settings do not agree with the
actual DUT and its standard, the received (R) frame types may not be correctly
The transmitted frame type is determined by the Send f commands used in the
NMT test program being executed.
Input Level
This field specifies the signal level that you input. The higher the level of signal
expected by the analyzer, the higher the trigger level is set.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for fluctuating signal levels.
De-emphasis can greatly affect the input level required for proper decoding.
When decoding NMT data streams, you should turn de-emphasis off (controlled
by the De-Emphasis field on the AF ANALYZER screen.)
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 234
Load Test
This double field is used to select and load NMT tests from a variety of mass
storage devices. After the appropriate Mass Storage device is selected using the
field on the right, the desired NMT test is selected using the field on the left.
Operating Considerations
Directly entering a command into the NMT Test Entry field automatically
removes from memory any NMT test previously loaded using the Load Test
Run Test
Selecting this function executes (runs) the NMT test specified in the Load Test
field or entered directly into the NMT Test Entry field.
This field specifies how you want the test to be run:
• Single executes the NMT program and displays the decoded information once each
time Run Test is selected.
• Cont continually re-runs the program, and displays the decoded information, until
Single is selected.
Stop Test
Selecting this field interrupts the NMT test while running. If Cont is selected, the
program automatically re-runs from the beginning.
This field specifies the NMT standard for the signal being decoded.
Operating Considerations
This setting alters the decoder’s function by specifying the expected frame
structure and channel range for the incoming signal.
Trying to run a test with the wrong standard selected will result in incorrect
decoded data, or will display an operating error message.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 221
"Standard Equivalents" on page 269
Trig Level
Trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a
measurement. This level is adjusted by changing the Input Level field setting.
Testing A BS or MTX
These fields are typically used to test a BS or MTX:
• Mgmt/Maint
• Meas Ch #
• Phi Signal
• Meas Field Strength
• Password
• BS Identity
• Alarm Level High and Low
• SIS Response
Operating Steps
Manual NMT radio tests generally follow four basic steps:
1. Write your test program to send encoded information and evaluate received frames.
2. Enter the necessary information into the various encoder and decoder fields.
3. Make the required Test Set AF Analyzer, RF Analyzer, and RF Generator settings.
4. Load and run your program from the decoder.
Changing Standards: Each NMT standard affects several operating parameters for the
encoder and decoder screens; however, there are no visual changes to the contents of
either screen when standards are changed. You must be aware of these changes when
manually testing radios using these screens.
Refer to the Standard and Calling Channel Number field descriptions for expla-
nations on the effects of these fields
Standard Equivalents
Only two standards are referred to in this section: STD450 and STD900. All other
national standards are based on these two. If a field description says “only used
with the STD900 standard”, the field can also be used with other national
standards listed under the STD900 equivalents below.
The following list identifies which national standards are based on STD450 and
STD450 Equivalents
• Austria
• Benelux
• Bulgaria
• Cro-Slav (Croatia-Slovenia)
• Hungary
• Malaysia
• Saudi 1
• Saudi 2
• Spain
• Thailand
• Turkey
STD900 Equivalents
• France (Uses the STD900 protocol at STD450 frequencies)
RF Generator Settings
AFGen1 To: Audio Out and Off
AFGen2 To: FM and 3.5 kHz
RF Analyzer Settings
Tune Mode: Manual
Input Atten: Hold and 0 dB
Squelch: Fixed
AF Analyzer Settings
AF Anl In: FM Demod
Filter 1: 300Hz HPF
Filter 2: 15kHz LPF
De-Emphasis: Off
Programming Overview
Special program commands are used by the Test Set to test NMT radios. These
commands are used to send frames, perform simple branching and looping
operations, change RF channels, and test received frame types.
The NMT Decoder has its own RAM to run programs. All NMT program
commands must be entered into the decoder’s RAM before they can be executed.
This can be done directly by entering commands one at a time into the NMT Test
Entry field, or by loading a test program that has been created and saved on mass
NOTE: NMT Format: When storing NMT tests you have created, you must save them as ASCII files
using the BASIC command SAVE (and use the GET command to retrieve them). Non-ASCII
files cannot be retrieved using the NMT Decoder screen’s Load Test field, and therefore
cannot be run.
Program Example
This example program can be entered line-by-line into the NMT Test Entry
field, and then run by selecting Run Test:
set 1 5
10 send 1a
send 2a
repeat 1 10
exit 0
NOTE: Entering commands directly into the NMT Test Entry field causes any existing
programs you have loaded to be removed from the decoder’s memory.
Also, programs entered into the NMT Test Entry field cannot be saved on
mass storage.
Program Structure
The following rules must be followed when writing NMT programs to be stored
on mass media:
• All statements in the program must appear as BASIC comments, beginning with an ex-
clamation point (!) following the line number. REM statements cannot be substituted
for the (!) symbol.
• All statements desired as comments in the NMT program are indicated by a double ex-
clamation point (!!) as the first entry following the line number.
• The first line of all NMT programs must have !!NMT following the line number.
• When storing NMT programs, file names must begin with the letter n (either lower or
upper case). The n is removed before the filename is shown in the menu for the Load
Test field. (For example, a file saved as nNMT1 appears as NMT1.) Program Exam-
The following example can be saved on mass storage, and then retrieved and run
using the decoder’s Load Test field:
10 !!NMT
30 !SET 1 5
40 !10 SEND 1A
50 !SEND 2A
60 !REPEAT 1 10
70 !EXIT 0
80 !END
Downloading Programs
Once programs are entered into the Test Set’s IBASIC Controller’s RAM and
saved on mass storage, they can be retrieved and run from the NMT Decoder.
NOTE: Although your NMT program is now in the Test Set’s IBASIC program RAM, it cannot be
run from the TESTS (IBASIC Controller) screen, since IBASIC does not recognize the NMT
commands. You must copy the program to mass storage before it can be run in the decoder.
Begin description of NMT test. This must always be the first command entered to
describe a new NMT test program. It will initialize all internal memory associated
with the NMT test and prepare the Test Set to accept the rest of the test program.
It has no parameters.
End of the NMT test. This must always be the last command entered to describe
an NMT test. It causes the program to be checked for valid label references and
terminates the test entry process.
Stop the test and report exit status n.
Valid entries for the parameter n are integers from 0 to 10 and the following
words (these may be in upper or lower case): PASSED, FAILED, ACCEPTED,
All NMT test programs must contain an EXIT n, EXITX n, or GOTO l statement
immediately before the END statement.
Stop the test and report exit status n. Exchange the settings in the main and
alternate traffic channel number fields and the power field.
Valid entries for the parameter n are integers from 0 to 10 and the following
words (these may be in upper or lower case): PASSED, FAILED, ACCEPTED,
All NMT test programs must contain an EXIT n, EXITX n, or GOTO l statement
immediately before the END statement.
Unconditionally jump to the label reference l.
Valid entries for the parameter l are integers from 0 to 255. The label reference
must exist within the program or an error will occur after the END statement is
All NMT test programs must contain an EXIT n, EXITX n, or GOTO l statement
immediately before the END statement.
Set the RF Analyzer to the correct frequency for NMT channel c.
Valid entries for the parameter c are as follows: CC, TC1, TCM, TC2, TCA and AC. TC1
and TCM are synonyms as are TC2 and TCA.
The frequency setting is determined by the channel number in the appropriate encoder
field, the selected DUT, and the selected standard.
The parameter CC refers to the calling channel; TC1 and TCM refer to the main traffic
channel; TC2 and TCA refer to the alternate traffic channel; AC refers to the access
Set the RF Generator to the correct frequency for NMT channel c.
Valid entries for the parameter c are as follows: CC, TC1, TCM, TC2, TCA and AC. TC1
and TCM are synonyms as are TC2 and TCA.
The frequency setting is determined by the channel number in the appropriate encoder
field, the selected DUT, and the selected standard.
The parameter CC refers to the calling channel; TC1 and TCM refer to the main traffic
channel; TC2 and TCA refer to the alternate traffic channel; AC refers to the access
Send the designated frame f.
Valid entries for the parameter f are as follows: 1A, 1A’ or 1AP, 1A’’ or 1APP, 1AS, 1A’S
or 1APS, 1A’’S or 1APPS, 1B, 1BS, 1BTA1, 1BTA2, 2A, 2A’ or 2AP, 2A’’ or 2APP, 2B,
2B’ or 2BP, 2B’’ or 2BPP, 2C, 2C’ or 2CP, 2C’’or 2CPP, 2D, 2D’ or 2DP, 2D’’ or 2DPP, 2E,
2F, 3A, 3A1, 3A2, 3B, 3BTA2, 3BTC2, 3C, 3D, 3DTA2, 4, 4TA2, 4B, 4BTA2, 5B, 6, 7,
10A, 10AAC, 10B, 10C, 10D, 11, 11A, 11B, 12, 13B, 15, 16, 21B, 21C, 22, 26, 27, 28
and 30.
Some of these frame types are only valid for certain NMT Standards. This will be checked
when the program is run.
SEND f n
Send the designated frame f with the signal n. Valid entries for the parameter f with
parameters n are as follows:
Table 7 Valid Channel Assignments
f n
IF f l
If the received frame register contains the frame f, go to label l.
Valid entries for the parameter f include all the valid entries for f in the two SEND
statements; however, the special suffixes discussed in "Special Frame Suffixes" on
page 271 are ignored by this instruction.
Valid entries for l are integers from 0 to 255. The specified label l must appear
somewhere before the END statement of the program.
Clear the received frame register. This statement should appear before an IF f l
statement in the test program.
SET n m
Set the counter n to the value m.
Valid entries for the parameter n are integers 1 and 2. Valid entries for m are
integers from 0 to 255.
Decrement the counter n by one and go to the label l if the counter value is still
greater than 0.
Valid entries for n are 1 and 2. Valid entries for l are integers from 0 to 255. The
specified counter n must have been set with a SET n m statement previously in the
test program. The label l must appear somewhere in the test program before the
END statement.
Wait n bits with no data being sent.
Valid entries for the parameter n are integers from 0 to 4095. The actual wait time
depends on the data rate setting, in bits-per-second, on the NMT ENCODER.
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the source of the signal to be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in this screen.
Arm Meas
Arm measurement prepares the decoder to be triggered by an incoming signal
when Single is selected.
This measurement column lists the tone frequency for each symbol received in the
tone sequence.
Freq Error
This measurement column lists the frequency difference between the tone
frequency specified for each symbol in the Tone Sequence Encoder screen and the
frequency measured for each symbol in the Tone Sequence Decoder screen.
Operating Considerations
The decoder and encoder Standard fields are interactive. The standard you
choose in either field is automatically selected for the other.
Gate Time
This field specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been
Input Level
This field specifies a tone’s “on” signal level that you input (after de-emphasis if
used). The higher the level of signal expected by the analyzer, the higher the
trigger level is set.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure is determined by the AF Anl In setting.
The input level should be set high enough to prevent false triggering, but low
enough to allow triggering for every desired tone received.
If de-emphasis is used (by setting the AF Analyzer’s De-Emphasis field to
750 µs), the Input Level should be set to about 1/5 of the measured signal’s
level. For example, a 1 kHz, 1 Vpeak sinewave into the AF Analyzer input
requires an Input Level of approximately 0.212 V to trigger correctly.
See Also
Trig Level field description, on page 283
Off Time
This measurement column lists the length of time each tone was “off” prior to the
next tone being received.
On Time
This measurement column lists the length of time each tone was “on.”
This field specifies how you want the analyzer to be armed:
• Single is used to analyze and display the decoded information once each time
Arm Meas is selected.
• Cont is used to automatically re-arm the analyzer and display the measurements on a
continual basis until Single is selected.
Stop Meas
Selecting this field stops the analyzer when making single measurements.
The symbol column corresponds to the Tone Sequence Encoder’s symbols
assigned for each tone. As each tone is analyzed, the symbol that represents each
tone is listed in this column.
Operating Considerations
The symbol assigned to a received tone is based on the closest symbol frequency
to that tone. If the frequency of the received tone is exactly half-way between two
symbol frequencies, the symbol associated with the higher of the two frequencies
is displayed.
Trig Level
Trigger level indicates the minimum signal level required to begin a measurement
that has been “armed.” The level is adjusted by changing the Input Level field
Block Diagram
2& ).!RT
!.4 ).
2& )&
2& )&
34!'%3 34!'%3
2& ).
&- $ENOD
!- $EMOD
(Z (0& K(Z ,0&
Field Descriptions
AC Level
This is the default measurement for this field. The type of measurement shown is
dependent on the AF Anl In settings.
See Also
AF Anl In field description, on page 288
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AF Anl In
Audio frequency analyzer input selects the input for the analyzer. When selected,
this field displays a list of choices.
Signals can be analyzed from three different types of inputs:
• the output of the AM, FM, or SSB demodulators
DIO OUT connectors
• the signal present at the AM or FM modulators for the RF Generator
Operating Considerations
Changing this field causes the upper AF measurement to change.
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
FM Deviation field description, on page 294
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AF Freq
This is the default measurement for this field. Selecting this field displays the
following measurement choices:
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
Current - DC only
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AF Generator 1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier.
(AFGen1 is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.)
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set the
AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AFGen1 Freq
This field sets the frequency for the first audio frequency sinewave generator.
AFGen1 To
This field is used to set two values for the first audio frequency generator:
• The upper field determines whether the AF signal modulates the RF Generator, or is
output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off). The AUDIO OUT level is always
in volts RMS.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
This field adjusts the amplitude of the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
If a microphone is connected, and the amplitude is set to Off, keying the
microphone causes the amplitude to turn on to its previous level until the
microphone is no longer keyed.
See Also
Atten Hold field description, on page 291
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"MIC/ACC" on page 514
Atten Hold
Attenuator hold prevents the fixed RF output attenuators from switching in and
out, eliminating the loss of the output signal as the level is changed. This function
is helpful when making squelch measurements.
Operating Considerations
When this function is set to On, the RF output level is restricted to a range of
15 dB around the present Amplitude setting. Attempting to set an amplitude
outside the allowed range results in an error message and beep (if the beeper is
on). RF output level accuracy is greatly degraded outside the allowed range.
Audio Out
This field selects ac or dc coupling to the AUDIO OUT connector.
This setting selects or bypasses the 750 ms de-emphasis networks in the audio
analyzer and internal speaker circuitry.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
This setting selects the type of detector used when measuring and displaying AF
signal levels.
Detector Types
• RMS displays the RMS value of signals.
• displays the RMS value of a signal multiplied by the square-root-of-2.
• Pk+ displays the positive peak value.
• Pk− displays the negative peak value.
• Pk±/2 adds the positive and negative peak values, and divides the sum by 2.
• Pk±Max compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value (po-
larity is not indicated).
• Pk+ Hold displays and holds the positive peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different detector, or re-select the same
• Pk− Hold displays and holds the negative peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different detector, or re-select the same
• Pk±/2 Hold divides the sum of the positive and negative peak values by 2, and dis-
plays the value until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET key,
select a different detector, or re-select the same detector.
• Pk±Mx Hold compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value
until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different
detector, or re-select the same detector.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Ext TX Key
This field controls a switch at the MIC/ACC connector. Its intended use is to
“key” an external transmitter.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
FM Coupling
This field selects ac or dc coupling between the RF Generator’s frequency
modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT connector. This field also
alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external modulation
FM Deviation
This is the default measurement for this field. The type of measurement listed here
is dependent on the AF Anl In settings.
See Also
AF Anl In field description, on page 288
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
IF Filter
This field selects the desired IF filter bandwidth for modulated signals being
Input Port
This field selects the RF IN/OUT or ANT IN connector for making RF
measurements. The RF IN/OUT port must be used for making TX Power
measurements on this screen.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
If the RF power at the RF IN/OUT port exceeds allowable limits, a loud warning
signal sounds and a message appears at the top of the screen. If this occurs,
disconnect the RF power, press the MEAS RESET key, and allow the Test Set to
cool off for approximately 2 minutes before making any other measurements on
this port.
The ANT IN (antenna input) connector provides a highly-sensitive input for very
low-level signals (such as “off-the-air” measurements). You cannot measure TX
(RF) Power on this screen using the ANT IN port. However, low-level RF power
at the ANT IN port can be measured using the Spectrum Analyzer.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press the MEAS
RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
Output Port
This field selects the RF Generator’s output port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
CAUTION: Applying reverse RF power to the DUPLEX OUT connector can damage the
instrument. (A message is displayed when an overpower conditions occurs.)
Whenever possible, use the RF IN/OUT connector when testing transceivers to
prevent damage from accidental transmitter keying.
If a reverse-power condition triggers the internal protection circuit, remove the
reverse-power signal and press the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off
and on to reset it.
RF Gen Freq
This field sets the RF Generator’s frequency.
Tune Freq
RF analyzer tune frequency sets the center frequency for the RF signal to be
Operating Considerations
If the Tune Mode field is set to Auto, the frequency is set by the instrument.
If the Tune Mode is set to Manual, the operator must enter the desired frequency.
See Also
Tune Mode field description, on page 297
Tune Mode
This field selects automatic or manual tuning of the RF Analyzer.
Auto tuning causes the RF Analyzer to find the signal with the greatest amplitude
above −36 dBm, and set the tune frequency for that signal.
Manual tuning requires the operator to set the tune frequency for the RF signal to
be analyzed.
Operating Considerations
Changing the Tune Mode also changes the RF frequency display. Automatic
tuning enables the TX Frequency measurement. Manual tuning enables the
TX Freq Error measurement.
After autotuning to the desired signal, select Manual tuning to prevent the
Tune Freq from changing when the signal is no longer applied.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
TX Power
Transmitter power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX Power on this screen.
When the Input Port is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press the MEAS
RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
See Also
Input Port field description, on page 295 (Operating Considerations)
TX Power field description, on page 426
TX Pwr Zero field description, on page 427.
The AMPS/TACS and NAMPS/NTACS Encoder modes use the same Forward
Control Channel (FOCC) settings and output format. However, the Forward
Voice Channel (FVC) information is different.
Fields available only in the Forward Control Channel menu have (FOCC) printed
in the field title.
Fields available only in the Forward Voice Channel menu have (FVC) printed in
the field title.
1 f
AFGen2 To
This field determines whether the data stream modulates the RF Generator, or is
output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the AF Generator to the
AUDIO OUT connector when AFGen2 To is set to Audio Out.
Busy/Idle (FOCC)
This field selects the busy/idle status information to be included in the signaling
• Idle sets the busy/idle bits of the forward control channel information to indicate an
idle state.
• Busy sets the busy/idle bits of the forward control channel information to indicate a
busy state.
• WS Delay, word sync delay, prevents a busy/idle change until the word sync
information has been received and a defined number of delay bits has been counted.
The delay bit value is set in the B/I Delay field.
• 1stBitDly, first bit delay causes the busy/idle bit to be set after a bit has been
received and a defined number of delay bits has been counted. The delay bit value is set
in the B/I Delay field.
This field defines the number of times the message data is output when Send is
selected. This function only works when the Send Mode field is set to Burst.
This field selects the forward control channel (FOCC) or forward voice control
(FVC) menus.
Data Level
This setting determines the signal level change that occurs when a logical high (1)
or low (0) is output. The unit-of-measure used depends on the AFGen2 To setting.
The direction of the output level change depends on the Polarity setting.
Data Rate
This setting determines the rate that the FOCC and FVC information are output.
Operating Considerations
This field specifies the data rate for the signal being decoded, and must be set
before using the AMPS-TACS/NAMPS-NTACS Decoder.
This field is available only in NAMP-NTAC mode.
This field is used to specify the 24-bit digital supervisory audio tone (DSAT)
sequence. The seven standard sequences are: 2556CB, 255B2B, 256A9B,
25AD4D, 26AB2B, 26B2AD, and 2969AB. (These codes are the inverse of the
seven DST codes.)
DSAT is output continuously when Send DSAT is selected, and is only stopped
when Stop DSAT is selected. If message or DST information is sent using Send,
the DSAT signal is temporarily interrupted until that information has been sent.
(The Status: field in the upper-right corner of the screen indicates what type of
data is being sent.)
Filler (FOCC)
4 4
4 4 0ARITY
7/2$ "
7/2$ !
Each Filler field contains 7 hexadecimal characters representing the 2 type bits
and 26 information bits of the control filler/message word. The dotting, word
sync, and parity bits are generated automatically.
Operating Considerations
The control filler is sent continuously when Send Filler is selected, or after a
control message has been sent using Send. The control message is stopped
whenever Stop Filler, Filler, Channel, Data Rate, Polarity, or
AFGen2 To is selected.
Both filler fields must be full (seven digits) for the forward control channel
information to be structured correctly. Do not leave any blank spaces.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
Message (FOCC)
4 4
4 4 0ARITY
7/2$ "
7/2$ !
Operating Considerations
Like the filler information, the message information can only be input in full
(seven digit) lines. Also, message streams A and B must have the same number of
lines in them.
Message (FVC)
& 6 #
4 4 0ARTTY
2%0%!4 2%0%!4
$/44).' 73 /& $/44).' 73 /&
7/2$ 7/2$
Operating Considerations
The entire field must contain data, no blank spaces are allowed. SAT is turned off
while the FVC message stream is being sent.
Message (FVC)
-ESSAGE $3!4
Operating Considerations
The entire field must contain data, no blank spaces are allowed. DSAT is turned
off while the FVC Message Stream is being sent.
Message/DST (FVC)
This field is available only in NAMP-NTAC mode.
This field determines what type of data is sent when Send is selected:
1. Selecting Message causes the contents of the Message field to be output.
2. Selecting DST causes the digital signaling tone sequence to be output. The sequence
sent is the inverse of the sequence entered in the DSAT field, and is automatically de-
termined by the Encoder.
The DST values are: DAA934, DAA4D4, DA9564, DA52B2, D954D4, D94D52, and
This setting determines the relationship between the signaling logic levels and the
effect on the modulated signal.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) causes the
output level of the AF Generator to be more positive. The peak level is listed in
the Data Level field. A logical low (0) causes the level to become negative by
the same amount.
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) causes
the output level of the AF Generator to be more negative. The peak level is listed
in the Data Level field. A logical low (0) causes the level to become positive by
the same amount.
Operating Considerations
SAT is turned off while the FVC message stream is being sent.
Selecting this field causes the FVC or FOCC message to be output.
Operating Considerations
When sending an FOCC message stream, the contents of the Filler are
continuously output after the message data has been sent. Stop Filler is used
to stop the output.
Send Mode
This field selects the mode used when Send is selected to output the message.
• Single outputs the entire message once.
• Burst outputs the Message the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the message to be output continuously until Stop is selected.
• Step is not used in the AMPS-TACS mode.
This field selects the signaling standard used for your radio. The standard values
used for each signaling format are automatically filled-in when the standard is
Selecting this field stops the message being output.
Encoder/Decoder Interaction
The AMPS-TACS/NAMPS-NTACS Encoder acts like a base station transmitter,
creating Forward Control and Voice channel information (FOCC/FVC). The
AMPS-NAMPS-TACS/NTACS Decoder acts like a base station receiver,
analyzing Reverse Control and Voice channel signals (RECC/RVC).
The decoder uses the encoder’s Data Rate setting to specify how fast the
incoming message is being sent. Therefore, when using the decoder, you must
first specify the data rate in the encoder.
CDCSS Encoder
The Continuous Digital Controlled Squelch System (CDCSS) Encoder generates
signals to test radios that use a digitally-encoded signal to turn squelch on and off.
The encoder can be used to modulate the RF Generator, or it can be output
through the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector.
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the CDCSS Encoder modulates the RF Generator,
or is output through AUDIO OUT.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
Audio Out
Audio out coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the encoder to the AUDIO OUT
connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
Operating Considerations
The CDCSS encoder creates data streams using squarewaves. For optimum
waveform quality, set this field to DC when using the AUDIO OUT connector.
This is especially beneficial at low data rates.
This field defines the number of data streams output each time Send is selected.
This function works only when the Send Mode field is set to Burst.
This field defines the 3-digit octal code used to identify the radio being accessed.
Data Rate
This field specifies how fast the data stream is output in bits-per-second.
This setting is also used to determine the Turn Off Code frequency
(TOC frequency Hz = Data Rate in bps). Example: 1000 bps = 1 kHz
Operating Considerations
This field is also used by the CDCSS Signaling Decoder screen to approximate
the data rate for the signal being decoded.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
Operating Considerations
This field should be set to DC whenever the AFGen2 To field is set to FM; this
provides better modulation response at low data rates.
This setting determines the relationship between the data stream’s logic levels and
the effect on the modulated signal.
This function is helpful to restore the proper data polarity when the transmitter,
repeater, or receiver used in your communications system has an odd number of
inversions; causing the received data to be inverted when decoded. (This is
common when a signal is translated to a lower frequency using an LO whose
frequency is higher than the signal’s frequency; or when inverting amplifiers are
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) causes the
output level of the AF Generator to be more positive. A logical low (0) causes the
level to become negative by the same amount.
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) causes
the output level of the AF Generator to be more negative. A logical low (0) causes
the level to become positive by the same amount.
Selecting this field causes the data stream to be output.
Send Mode
This field selects the output format used when Send is selected to output a
• Single outputs the entire sequence once.
• Burst outputs the sequence the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the sequence to be output continuously until Stop is selected.
This field selects the digitally-coded squelch standard for your radio.
Selecting this field stops the data stream being output when the Send Mode is set
to Cont or Burst. After this field is selected, the current repetition of the data
stream is finished, and the turn-off code is output.
TOC Time
Turn-off code time defines the length of time the turn-off code is output.
Operating Considerations
This code is always the last information output before the encoder’s Status
indicator changes from Sending to Idle whether several bursts or only one data
stream is sent. If no TOC is desired, set this field to 0.0000.
The CDCSS encoder creates a 23-bit digital data stream and Turn Off Code
(TOC). The data stream consists of three parts:
• A 3-digit (9 bit) octal code you supply that corresponds to your radios digital squelch
code number.
• A fixed octal 4 (coded 100).
• A mathematically-derived 11-bit error detection code.
The data stream is output serially, beginning with the error detection code.
AFGen2 To
This field, audio frequency generator 2 to, contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the Digital Paging Encoder’s signal modulates the
RF Generator, or is output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the encoder to the AUDIO
OUT connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
Operating Considerations
This field should be set to DC for best results when using the AUDIO OUT
connector and low data rates.
This field defines the number of digital data streams output each time Send is
selected. This function works only when the Send Mode field is set to Burst.
Data Rate
This field specifies how fast the data stream is output in bits-per-second. Common
data rates; POCSAG 512, 1200: GSC (GOLAY) 300, 600.
Error Bit
This field enables you to cause an error for a specific bit in the encoded message
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
Operating Considerations
This field should be set to DC whenever the AFGen2 To field is set to FM; this
provides better modulation response at low data rates.
This setting specifies which of the four types of messages to send. The pager’s
response is determined by the Pager Type field setting and the pager’s
For example, when testing a POCSAG pager set for tone-only operation,
functions 00 through 11 typically correspond to the pager beeping one to four
times. If the pager is set for Alpha-Numeric operation, the functions correspond to
a combination of the number of beeps and the type of message displayed by the
Mssg Length
The Message Length field specifies the number of characters output from the
Pager Numeric/Alpha-Numeric field.
This field is only displayed when the Pager Type is set to Numeric or
Pager Code
This field is used to identify the individual code number (address) of the pager
you are testing.
Pager Type
This field specifies the way your pager responds to a received signal:
Tone-Only (beeps), Numeric (displays numbers), or Alpha-Numeric (displays
numbers and other characters).
This setting determines the relationship between the data stream’s logic levels and
the effect on the modulated signal.
Normal Operation. When this field is set to Norm, a logical high (1) causes the
output level of the AF Generator to be more positive (causing a positive frequency
deviation when FM is used). A logical low (0) causes the level to become negative
by the same amount (resulting in negative FM deviation).
Inverted Operation. When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) causes
the output level of the AF Generator to be more negative (causing a negative FM
deviation). A logical low (0) causes the level to become positive by the same
amount (resulting in positive FM deviation).
Selecting this field causes the entire data stream to be output (including the
preamble, address, and message).
Send Mode
This field selects the output format used when Send is selected to output a
• Single outputs the entire sequence once.
• Burst outputs the sequence the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the sequence to be output continuously until Stop is selected.
This field selects the digital paging standard for the pager being tested, POCSAG
or GSC (Golay Sequential Code).
Selecting this field stops the data stream being output.
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the DTMF sequence modulates the RF Generator,
or is output through the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
The output level is the peak value for each tone pair, regardless of the Twist and
Pre-Emp settings.
See Also
Twist field description, on page 327
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the DTMF Sequence Generator
to the AUDIO OUT connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio
This field defines the number of sequences output each time Send is selected.
This function only works when the Send Mode field is set to Burst.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
On Time
This field sets the length of time each DTMF tone is on during the sequence.
Off Time
This field sets the length of time each DTMF tones is off during the sequence.
This field determines whether the encoder’s signal passes through or bypasses
the 750 ms pre-emphasis network. Pre-emphasis may be required when testing
some FM receivers.
See Also
Twist field description, on page 327
Selecting this field causes the DTMF sequence to be output.
Send Mode
This field selects the format used when Send is selected to output a sequence.
• Single outputs the entire sequence once.
• Burst outputs the sequence the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the sequence to be output continuously until Stop is selected.
• Step allows you to output the tones in a sequence one at a time by pressing Send for
each tone.
This field selects the DTMF standard used for your radio.
Selecting this field stops the sequence being output.
Twist is the ratio of amplitudes (in dB) between the high frequency and low
frequency tone in each DTMF pair. A positive value indicates a higher amplitude
for the high frequency tones. A negative value indicates a higher amplitude for the
low frequency tones.
The amplitude of the combined tones is set in the AFGen2 To field.
The level of each low tone and high tone individually generate 1.5 kHz deviation.
The tones are summed to produce 3 kHz deviation.
Example 2: 3 kHz deviation, Twist 2.5 dB, Pre-emphasis off.
The high tone has 2.5 dB (a factor of 1.334) more deviation than the low tone. The
two tones are summed to produce 3 kHz peak deviation. Therefore, the low tone’s
deviation is 1286 Hz and the high tone’s deviation is 1714 Hz.
Example 3: 3 kHz deviation, Twist 0 dB, Pre-emphasis on.
There is a 6 dB per octave difference between the high and low tones. For
example, if sending a 1, which has a low tone of 697 Hz and a high tone of
1209 Hz, the high tone has a deviation of 1209/697 = 1.735 times the low tone’s
deviation. The high tone’s deviation is then 20 × log(1209/967) = 4.78 dB higher
than the low tone. Since their sum must equal 3 kHz, the low tone’s deviation is
1097 Hz, and the high tone’s deviation is 1903 Hz.
Example 4: 3 kHz deviation, Twist 2.5 dB, Pre-emphasis on.
If sending a 1 (697 Hz low tone and 1209 Hz high tone), the high tone’s deviation
is 1.334 (see example 2) × 1.735 (see example 3) approximately 2.314 times the
low tone’s deviation. Since the peak deviation of their sum is 3 kHz, the low
tone’s deviation is 905.5 Hz and the high tone’s deviation is 2094.5 Hz.
EDACS Encoder
This encoder simulates an Ericsson/GE EDACS® (Enhanced Digital Access
Communications System) repeater site to test trunked mobile radios using that
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control is used to specify where the encoder’s data
is sent:
• FM is used to frequency modulate the RF Generator. This is the normally-used setting.
(Refer to the FM Coupling field description.)
• AM is used to amplitude modulate the RF Generator (not generally used for EDACS sig-
• Audio Out routes the data to the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector. The signal
could then be used as an external modulation source. (Refer to the Audio Out field
Operating Considerations
The encoder’s digital signal level is adjusted using the Signaling Dev and
Sub-Audible Dev fields. Changing the AFGen2 To setting automatically alters
the unit-of-measure for both of these fields (kHz, %, or mV).
Audio Out
The audio output coupling field selects ac or dc coupling of the encoder to the
AUDIO OUT connector. Because the EDACS Encoder sends low-speed data, this
field should be set to DC when the AUDIO OUT port is used. The AFGen2 To
field must be set to Audio Out to use this function.
Data Rate
This field sets the data rate (in bits-per-second) for the high-speed signaling. The
value can be changed using the keypad, or by selecting a value from the
Standard field. However, the 9600 bps rate is the EDACS default, and should
not be changed under most circumstances. (4800 is used for narrowband 900 MHz
systems in the U.S.)
FM Coupling
This field is used to select ac or dc coupling of the encoder to the RF Generator
when the AFGen2 To field is set to FM. Because the EDACS Encoder sends low-
speed data, this field should be set to DC.
Group ID
This field is used to specify the group identification number for the trunked radio
group your radio is set up to access.
This field is used to get the mobile up on a working channel after it has accessed
the control channel.
When Send is selected, the control channel message is output at the receive
frequency specified in the Control Channel settings. The Status: field
changes from Idle to Control, and the RF Analyzer is tuned to the control
channel’s transmit frequency.
Operating Considerations
The control channel message must be transmitting before a handshake can be
initiated. The Status: field indicates Control when the control channel is
transmitting, and changes to Working when the working channel is being sent.
Logical ID
This field is used to specify the identification number of the calling radio. It
should be set to the Logical ID of the radio being tested when performing
transmitter tests. Generally, when performing receiver tests, it must be set to a
Logical ID different from that of the radio being tested.
This setting determines how the encoder’s digital data modulates the RF
Generator. This field is usually set to Norm. Invert is used for narrowband
systems. This field is automatically set to the correct polarity by the Standard
When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) causes the output level of the
encoder to be negative. A logical low (0) causes the level to become positive.
When using FM, the RF Generator would then produce a negative frequency
deviation for a positive-going digital transition - the opposite of the normal mode
of operation.
This field is automatically set to the correct polarity by the Standard field.
RX Test
When Start is selected, the encoder sends a digital message over the control
channel to tell the mobile to go to the specified working channel (called a channel
assignment). Immediately after the message is sent, the RF Generator’s and RF
Analyzer’s frequencies are automatically changed to match the same working
channel settings.
See Also
Handshake field description, on page 330
Signaling Dev
This field is used to specify the high-speed data level. The unit-of-measure used
depends on the AFGen2 To setting.
• When AFGen2 To is set to FM, the displayed units are kHz or Hz. This is the normal-
ly-used setting for testing EDACS radios.
• When AFGen2 To is set to AM, the displayed unit is %.
• When AFGen2 To is set to Audio Out, the displayed units are µV, mV, or V.
See Also
AFGen2 To field description, on page 329
Site ID
This field is used to specify the identification number of the repeater site being
simulated by the encoder.
This field specifies the signaling standard used by the radio: 4800 bps
(narrowband) or 9600 bps (wideband). In addition to telling the encoder and
decoder which system is being used, this field presets the values of certain fields
as shown in the following table.
9600 4800
This field indicates what the encoder is doing.
Working is displayed when a handshake has been performed and working channel data
is being sent.
Sub-Audible Dev
This field is used to specify the low-speed data level. The unit-of-measure used
depends on the AFGen2 To setting.
• When AFGen2 To is set to FM, the displayed units are kHz or Hz. This is the normal-
ly-used setting for testing EDACS radios.
• When AFGen2 To is set to AM, the displayed unit is %.
• When AFGen2 To is set to Audio Out, the displayed units are µV, mV, or V.
See Also
AFGen2 To field description, on page 329
This field is used to stop the control channel or working channel data from being
output. The carrier continues to be output, but without the digital modulation.
NOTE: Each EDACS radio is pre-programmed to access a specific control channel and one or more
working channels. Other identification information is also
pre-programmed into the mobile (such as the Logical ID and Group ID numbers). You cannot
test an EDACS mobile without entering these values into the Encoder.
AFGen2 Freq
This field sets the tone frequency for the Function Generator.
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the Function Generator’s signal modulates the RF
Generator, or is output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
Operating Considerations
When the Waveform field is set to Sine and the signal is output to the AUDIO
OUT connector, the amplitude can be set in units of rms or peak voltage. This is
done in the Sine Units field that appears when Audio Out is selected. In all
other cases, the amplitude is always set in peak voltage.
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the Function Generator to the
AUDIO OUT connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
Sine Units
This field specifies whether the signal’s output is in units of rms or peak. This
field is only present when the AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
This field selects the desired waveform for AF Generator 2. The available
waveforms are as follows:
Sine wave
Square wave
Triangle wave
Ramp (positive-going and negative-going)
Universal Noise
Gaussian Noise
LTR Encoder
This Encoder mode is used to test trunked mobile radios that use the EF Johnson
LTR® (Logic Trunked Radio) format. Two different trunking messages can be
used (Message1 and Message 2) to allow you to change radio operation while the
encoder is running.
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the LTR Encoder’s signal modulates the RF Gen-
erator, or is output through AUDIO OUT (normally set to FM for LTR signaling).
• The lower field sets the amplitude, including Off (typically set to 1 kHz for LTR sig-
Area 1, Area 2
Enter the trunked system Area Number (0 or 1) programmed into your radio.
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the LTR Encoder to the
AUDIO OUT connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
This field defines the number of times Message 1 or Message 2 is output each
time Send is selected. This function works only when the Send Mode field is set
to Burst.
Data Rate
Enter the LTR signaling data rate used for your radio. The standard and default
value is 297.6 bits-per-second.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from the LTR Encoder’s
modulation source. This field should be set to DC when testing trunked radios.
This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF Generator’s frequency
modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT connector.
Free 1, Free 2
Enter the repeater number to transmit to when the radio is keyed. When channel
switching is performed, you would specify any of the other repeaters in the
Goto 1, Goto 2
Enter the repeater number to receive when the message is sent.
Home 1, Home2
Enter the home repeater number programmed into your radio.
ID 1, ID 2
Enter the transmit or receive ID number programmed into your radio.
LTR message
This field selects which message (Message1 or Message2) is output when Send is
selected. The underlined message is output.
This setting determines the relationship between the LTR Encoder’s data stream
logic levels and the effect on the modulated signal.
When this field is set to Invert, a logical high (1) causes the output level of the
AF Generator to be more negative. A logical low (0) causes the level to become
positive by the same amount.
Selecting this field causes the LTR Encoder to start modulating the RF Generator.
Send Mode
This field selects the output format used when Send is selected to output a
sequence. Cont is typically used for LTR radio testing.
• Single outputs Message 1 or Message 2 once.
• Burst outputs the message the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the message to be repeated continuously until Stop is selected.
• Step is not used with this encoder mode.
This field selects the trunked radio standard for your radio.
Selecting this field stops the message being output when the Send Mode is set to
Cont or Burst. After this field is selected, the current repetition of the message is
Figure 70 How Message 1 and Message 2 Fields are Used to Create Trunking Data
Once a transmit channel is established, turn the Test Set’s VOLUME up and
speak into your radio’s microphone. You should hear your voice out of the Test
Set’s speaker. Access the DUPLEX TEST screen to display the transmitter’s
power and frequency error.
Address Qualifier
The Address Qualifier field allows you to enter the address qualifier. The
address qualifier is a bit mask. It indicates the number of bits in the identity field
which have to be compared by a radio unit (RU) when it is deciding whether the
ALH or MOVE message is addressed to that RU.
The address qualifier is a two-digit decimal integer without leading zeros. It has
the range 0 through 20 and its default value is 0.
• A value of 0 corresponds to no bits being compared (all RUs receive the ALH or MOVE
• A value of 20 corresponds to all bits being compared (the ALH or MOVE being
addressed to one specific RU).
• For a value of M between 0 and 20, sub-divide the RU population into 2M subsets.
Aloha Number
The Aloha Number field allows you to enter the aloha number. The aloha
number defines the number of timeslots in the random access frames on the
forward control channel. The value entered in this field is translated to a frame
length according to table 8.
The aloha number is a two-digit decimal integer without leading zeros. It has a
range 0 through 15, and its default value is 5.
Table 8 Aloha number encoding for 4-bit aloha numbers
Control Channel
The Control Channel field allows you to enter the Control Channel number.
Radio units (RU) are programmed to look for control channel signaling on a
restricted set of radio channels, known as the hunt group. It is essential that the
channel number on which the Test Set transmits the control channel signaling
matches one of the channels in the RU’s hunt group. If there is not a match, no
communication will be possible.
The control channel is a four-digit decimal integer without leading zeros. It has
the range 0 through 1023, and its default value is 1.
Test Mode
The Test Mode field is used to select how the encoder is used for tests:
Selection Description
Off In this mode the signaling hardware is disabled and does not transmit
Control In this mode the signaling hardware is enabled and is retransmitting a
basic control channel structure as defined by the content of the filler
buffer. (Refer to "Forward Control Channel Message and Filler
Buffers" on page 354 for an explanation of the filler buffer). One or
more timeslots in the filler pattern can be overlaid by messages from
the control message buffer under control of the Send field.
Traffic In this mode the signaling hardware is enabled. The filler pattern is
not transmitted. Single or multi-timeslot messages can be transmitted
from the traffic message buffer under the control of the Send field.
1200Hz In this mode the signaling hardware is enabled and transmits a contin-
uous 1200 Hz tone (equivalent to an FFSK transmission of continu-
ous ones).
1800Hz In this mode the signaling hardware is enabled and transmits a contin-
uous 1800 Hz tone (equivalent to an FFSK transmission of continu-
ous zeros).
Dotting In this mode the signaling hardware is enabled and transmits alternat-
ing 1200 Hz and 1800 Hz tones (equivalent to an FFSK transmission
of alternating ones and zeros).
Traffic Channel
The Traffic Channel field allows you to enter the traffic channel number. The
traffic channel is a four-digit decimal integer without leading zeros. It has the
range 0 through 1023, and its default value is 1.
Undisplayed Controls
Some MPT 1327 controls are not displayed on the encoder screen; they are only
accessed using IBASIC commands over HP-IB. These controls include the delay
parameter, the SYNC and SYNT synchronization codewords, and the message
and filler buffers.
The controls listed in the remainder of this section are not displayed on the MPT
1327 Encoder screen.
The control channel filler buffer comprises 32 individual timeslots. It is accessed only
through the HP-IB with the following command:
ENCoder:MPT1327:FILLer:DATA n,string
• n is the location selector and has the range 1 through 32.
• string is a string containing a signaling language command defining the content of one
timeslot. Some signaling language commands also define data codewords and therefore
translate to data for two or three timeslots. The signaling language commands take the
form of an assembly language.
NOTE: In MPT 1327 an address codeword can be followed by up to four data codewords. A data
codeword occupies half of one timeslot. The signaling language definition restricts the
firmware to accept only two or four data codewords. An odd number of data codewords must
be added to occupy a whole number of timeslots. For messages with an odd number of data
codewords the padding word must be generated by IBASIC.
PFIX = 0 80FFFC02E001
IDENT = 8191
&),,%2 "5&&%2
1: 4567F697AAAAC4D780FFFC02E001D919
3)'.!,).' (!2$7!2%
If the signaling command has the data codeword extension, DCW2 or DCW4,
subsequent timeslot locations are overwritten with the data codewords. If this
results in a write to a timeslot greater than 32, the write will wrap back to timeslot
A new filler pattern typically comprises several commands to be written. Since
each is written individually, the following update command is also needed to
transfer data into the working filler buffer:
To complete the command set for managing the filler buffer, the individual
timeslot locations of the filler buffer are cleared by the following command:
ENCoder:MPT1327:FILLer:CLEAR n
Where n selects the timeslot to be cleared and has the range 1 through 32.
The whole buffer is cleared by the command:
When the Test Mode field is in Control mode, the signaling firmware/
hardware will cycle through the defined part of the filler buffer, transmitting each
128-bit timeslot in turn. This is shown in figure 73 on page 357. Figure 73 also
shows the control message buffer for comparison with figure 74 on page 359.
TIMESLOT 1 7721B4C0 . . D9
2 5439AB12 . . 01 666430CB . . AD
3 098BB27A . . 01
4 201759BC . . A8
5 7492AB40 . . 00 449DDE30 . . 02
6 91032000 . . 1B
7 67230CB2 . . 04
8 0980700D . . FF
The IBASIC test program occasionally alters the content of the forward control
channel temporarily (for example to send an ACKI in response to an RQS). The
message buffer enables IBASIC to do this without having to reload the filler
The control channel message buffer (like the filler buffer), comprises 32 locations,
corresponding to the 32 timeslot capacity of the filler buffer. These are accessed
through HP-IB with the following command:
ENCoder:MPT1327:MESSage:CONTrol:DATA n,string
• n is the location selector and has the range 1 through 32.
• string is a string containing a signaling command. The signaling command is assembled
as for the filler buffer and written into the selected location. If the signaling command
has one of the data codeword extensions (DCW2 or DCW4), subsequent timeslot loca-
tions are overwritten with the data codewords.
The control channel message buffer is activated by the following HP-IB
If the encoder is configured for single operation, the message buffer contents will
be sent once.
If the encoder is configured for burst or continuous operation, the control channel
message buffer can be de-activated by the following HP-IB command:
The ENC:STOP/ENC:SEND command sequence is also an UPDATE command.
New timeslot contents written using ENC:MPT1327:MESS:CONT:DATA are
buffered until the STOP/SEND sequence causes the control message buffer to be
NOTE: The encoder’s sending status can be monitored to establish when a message has been sent by
looking at the bit-8 “Encoder sending Aux Information” in the Hardware Status Register #1.
For further information on the Hardware Status Register refer to the Programmer’s Guide.
When the Test Mode field is in Control mode and the control message buffer is
activated by ENC:SEND, the signaling firmware/hardware cycles through the
defined part of the filler buffer. It transmits each 128-bit filler buffer timeslot in
turn. This happens except where there is a message defined in the corresponding
timeslot of the control message buffer. In this case the contents of the control
message buffer are transmitted as shown in figure 74 on page 359.
TIMESLOT 1 7721B4C0 . . D9
2 5439AB12 . . 01 666430CB . . AD
3 098BB27A . . 01
4 201759BC . . A8
5 7492AB40 . . 00 449DDE30 . . 02
6 91032000 . . 1B
7 67230CB2 . . 04
8 0980700D . . FF
Figure 74 shows that messages defined in contiguous timeslots, following the last
timeslot defined in the filler message, are transmitted between each repeat of the
filler pattern.
This can be used, for example, to insert a registration frame (ALHR) between the
normal filler frames.
The individual timeslot locations of the message buffer can be cleared by the
following command:
ENCoder:MPT1327:MESSage:CONTrol:CLEAR n
where n is the timeslot to be cleared and has the range 1 through 32.
In addition the whole message buffer can be cleared by the following command:
When Test Mode is set to Traffic, the control channel filler and message
buffers are disabled, and a traffic channel message buffer is enabled. A message is
sent from the traffic channel message buffer on demand by use of ENC:SEND.
Only messages in message buffer timeslot 1 and any contiguous timeslots are
sent. Refer to figure 75 .
201759BC . . A8
666430CB . . AD
!!!! #$
Table 10 describes the signaling encoder as it is changed between the various test modes.
Particular reference is made to how the control and traffic channel message structures are
started and stopped.
Off — A B C D E
A. Start the control channel with a 6-bit LET, PREAMBLE, and SYNC. For the first ad-
dress codeword (before the repeating SYS, CCS, PREAMBLE, PARITY, CODE-
WORD, PARITY structure), the codeword comes from the second half of the filler (or
message) buffer timeslot 1.
B. Start the traffic channel with a LET, PREAMBLE, and SYNT. Again the first codeword
is taken from the timeslot 1 entry.
C. Turn on 1200 Hz sine wave starting at 0° phase.
D. Turn on 1800 Hz sine wave starting at 0° phase.
E. Turn on “dotting” with a 1 symbol. The starting phase may be 0° or 180°.
F. Continue to generate the control channel until the end of the filler buffer (and message
buffer if messages are present) then produce a hang-over bit and stop. The hang-over
bit repeats the last bit of the transmission.
G. Continue to generate the traffic channel until the message is completed then produce a
hang-over bit and stop. The hang-over bit is followed by one “off” bit before the next
sequence begins.
H. Stop control channel generation after the next bit.
I. Stop traffic channel generation after the next bit.
J. Turn off 1200 Hz sine wave on completion of the next symbol.
K. Turn off 1800 Hz sine wave on completion of the next symbol.
L. Turn off “dotting” on completion of the next 1010 symbol. Dotting is sent as the se-
quence 1010 rather than 10. This makes the trace on the internal scope stable when trig-
gered by the encoder since every second 1 starts on the opposite phase.
M. Make a phase continuous transition to 1200 Hz on completion of the next symbol.
N. Make a phase continuous transition to 1800 Hz on completion of the next symbol.
O. Make a phase continuous transition to “dotting” (starting with a 1 symbol) on comple-
tion of the next 1010 sequence.
System Identity
The System Identity uses two areas to enter the system identity number as
either a decimal or hexadecimal value. When a value is entered in either field, the
corresponding value is automatically entered in the other field.
The first field is a four-digit hexadecimal integer with leading zeros (H indicates
the hexadecimal number base). It has the range 0 through 7FFF16 and its default is
The second field is a five-digit decimal integer with leading zeros. It has the range
0 through 32767 and its default is 00000.
It is essential that the 15-bit system identity transmitted by the Test Set matches
the system identity programmed into the radio unit. If there is not a match, the RU
will not recognize the forward control channel and no communication will be
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
This setting affects the RF generator and analyzer frequencies used when the
TCHAN AC and RCHAN AC commands are used.
See Also
Calling Channel Number field description, on page 371
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Add Info
The additional information field contains various types of information, depending
on the frame type. Several frame types contain additional information digits in the
form H1 to H10, as outlined in the NMT system standards.
The following table shows the relationship between the Add Info, %, and Bate
Save fields, and how they are used in frame data. (The H1 to H10 designations
correspond to the frame digit assignments shown in the
NMT DOC. 900-1, Jan. 1985 standards.)
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
AFGen2 To
Audio frequency generator 2 to contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the NMT Encoder modulates the RF Generator, or
is output through AUDIO OUT.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Area #
The area number field identifies which MTX is used to call an MS. This
identification prevents MS to BS calling problems caused by co-channel
Valid Entry Range: 1 through 4
NMT Frames Affected: 1b, 1bS, 1bTA1, 1bTA2, 2a, 2a’, 2a’’, 2e, 3bTA2, 3b, 3bTC2, 4,
4TA2, 4b, 4bTA2, 10a, 10aAC, 10b, 10c, 10d, 11a, 11b, 12, 30.
Operating Considerations
This information is used to encode the information in the last three digits of the
Add Info field, rather than taking the information directly from that field.
Audio Out
Audio out coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the encoder to the AUDIO OUT
connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to Audio Out.
BS Identity
The base station identity field provides the 3-digit hex code that identifies which
BS an MTX is communicating with.
Valid Entry Range: 000 through FFF (hex)
NMT Frames Affected: 20, 21b, 21c, 22.
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Batt Save
The the length of the battery saving period in 5 second increments. For example, a
setting of 5 produces a 25-second period.
Valid Entry Range: 0 through 7
NMT Frames Affected: 1aS, 1a’S, 1a’’S, 1bS
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Operating Considerations
This setting affects the RF frequencies the RF generator and analyzer tune to
when the TCHAN CC and RCHAN CC commands are used.
Each NMT standard has its own range of available channels. Table 12 lists the
valid channel assignments for Calling, Traffic, and Access channels.
Table 12 Valid Channel Assignments
Data Rate
This field specifies the rate that the frames are output in bits-per-second. This
field also sets the data rate expected by the NMT Decoder.
Valid Entry Range: 9.2 through 2400
The device-under-test field defines the device you are testing.
Valid Entries: MS, BS, MTX
NMT Frames Affected: None
Operating Considerations
This field affects the RF generator and analyzer frequencies used for the NMT
TCHAN and RCHAN program commands.
This field also affects how frames are interpreted by the decoder when
determining the type of frame being received.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
Meas Ch #
The measurement channel number field specifies the channel whose signal
strength is measured.
Valid Entry Range: 1 through 2023
NMT Frames Affected: 21b, 21c, 26.
See Also
Calling Channel Number field description, on page 371
The management/maintenance field is used to send system status information.
Valid Entry Range: 000000 through FFFFFF (hex)
NMT Frames Affected: 22, 27, 28.
The mobile subscriber number field specifies the unique seven-digit code that
identifies an MS.
Valid Entry Range: 0000000 through FFFFFFF (hex)
NMT Frames Affected: 2a, 2a’, 2a’’, 2b, 2b’, 2b’’, 2c, 2c’, 2c’’, 2d, 2d’, 2d’’, 2e, 2f, 3a1,
3a2, 3b, 3bTA2, 3bTC2, 3c, 3d, 3dTA2, 5a, 5b, 10a, 10aAC, 10b, 10c, 10d, 11, 11a,
11b, 12, 13a, 13b, 14a, 14b.
Phi Signal
This field specifies the F (Phi) signal frequency.
Valid Entry Range: 0 through F (hex)
NMT Frames Affected: 20, 21b, 21c, 25, 26.
This field specifies the 3-digit code added to the end of the MSN to prevent
unauthorized use of a subscriber number.
Valid Entry Range: 000 through FFF (hex)
NMT Frames Affected: 10b, 10c, 11a, 12.
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
Pre-emphasis, when used, attenuates the lower frequency tone (1200 Hz at
1200 bps) to 2/3 of the field level setting.
SIS Challenge
The subscriber identity security challenge field is used to confirm a subscriber’s
MS identity.
Valid Entry Range: 0000000 through FFFFFFF (hex)
NMT Frame Affected: 7
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
SIS Response
The subscriber identity security response field is used to respond to the SIS
challenge to confirm a subscriber’s MS identity.
Valid Entry Range: 0000 through FFFF (hex)
NMT Frame Affected: 16
Operating Considerations
This field is only used with the STD900 standard.
This NMT system standard for equipment you are testing. When a standard is
chosen, the Test Set automatically alters several corresponding parameters.
Operating Considerations
Each standard affects the following conditions:
• The types of frames that can be sent.
• The range of valid channel numbers.
• The encoding of the frame data.
• The frequencies tuned to for the various channel settings when CHAN programming
commands are executed in an NMT program.
• The interpretation of received frames.
See Also
Calling Channel Number field description, on page 371
The tariff class information field is used to specify MS billing information to the
Valid Entry Range: 0 through 99
NMT Frames Affected: 5b, 13b.
Operating Considerations
This setting affects the RF generator and analyzer frequencies used when the
programming commands are used.
See Also
Calling Channel Number field description, on page 371
Operating Considerations
This setting affects the RF generator and analyzer frequencies used when the
programming commands is used.
See Also
Calling Channel Number field description, on page 371
AFGen2 To
This audio frequency generator control contains two fields:
• The upper field determines whether the tone sequence modulates the RF Generator or
is output through the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off).
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling of the Tone Sequence Generator
to the AUDIO OUT connector when the upper AFGen2 To field is set to
Audio Out.
This field defines the number of sequences output each time Send is selected.
This function works only when the Send Mode field is set to Burst.
FM Coupling
This field alters the FM modulator to allow DCFM from internal and external
modulation sources. This field also selects ac or dc coupling between the RF
Generator’s frequency modulator and the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT
This field determines whether the encoder signal passes through or bypasses
750 ms pre-emphasis.
Selecting this field causes the tone sequence to be output.
Send Mode
This field selects the output format used when Send is selected to output a
• Single outputs the entire sequence once.
• Burst outputs the sequence the number of times specified in the Bursts field.
• Cont causes the sequence to be output continuously until Stop is selected.
• Step allows you to output the sequence one tone at a time by pressing Send for each
This field selects the Tone Sequence standard for your radio.
Selecting this field stops the sequence being output.
Symbol Definition
This table specifies three types of information:
• Sym, symbol numbers, indicate the hexadecimal number that represents each tone
when creating a tone sequence. These numbers cannot be changed.
• Freq Hz lists the tone frequency associated with each symbol number. The frequency
values are preset for the Standard you are using. You can change the values using
the DATA keys.
• lists the relative amplitude for each tone. Amplitude is based on a percentage of the
level shown in the AFGen2 To field.
Symbol Sequence
This area performs two functions:
• The Symbol Sequence field at the top of the screen is used to enter and edit the tone
sequence. The sequence uses the symbol numbers (Sym) listed in the Symbol Def-
inition table. A total of 16 symbols can be entered.
• Below the Symbol Sequence is the sequence on/off times table. This table contains
three entries:
On Time specifies the length of time a tone is output during the sequence.
Off Time specifies the length of time a tone is off before the next tone in the
sequence is output.
Operating Considerations
The symbol numbers can be entered directly, using the DATA keys, or by using
the Choices menu that appears when this field is selected. The Choices menu is
also used to edit an existing sequence.
The on and off times are changed using the DATA keys.
Help Screen
Field Descriptions
The HELP screen is used to access tutorial information for a wide variety of
instrument functions.
After this screen is accessed, push the cursor-control knob to display the help
Index. The knob is then used to select the desired topic.
Once you have accessed the desired information, you can return to the Help Index
by pushing the cursor-control knob.
To exit the HELP screen and return to the previous screen, press the PREV key.
Field Descriptions
The I/O CONFIGURE screen’s fields are used to specify HP-IB and serial
communications settings. .
This screen is accessed by selecting the More field (directly below the To
Screen menu), and selecting IO CONFIG.
Data Length
This field specifies the number of bits used for each word of serial data when
using the rear-panel serial port.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
HP-IB Address
This field is used to display and change the HP-IB address of the Test Set.
Operating Considerations
The address can be set from 0 to 30 by using the DATA keys, or by pushing and
then turning the cursor-control knob.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
This field enables/disables screen and error message echoing from IBASIC.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Inst Echo
This field enables/disables character and screen echoing when using an external
ASCII RS-232 terminal or computer to enter or edit IBASIC programs.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
This field sets the HP-IB operating mode. Talk&Lstn is used for “normal” HP-
IB operation. Control is used to control external instruments using the Test Set.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
This field specifies the serial communication parity setting when using the rear-
panel serial port.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
Rcv Pace
The receive pace field is used when receiving serial data.
• Xon/Xoff lets the Test Set “talk” to the transmitting device to alter the rate of the data
being sent.
• None disables the Xon/Xoff function.
This setting is retained when the instrument is turned off.
This field specifies which memory device the Test Set accesses when the save and
recall functions are used.
• Internal is a section of internal RAM. RAM is also used for running IBASIC
programs, which may require you to delete the Save/Recall registers if the program is
very large.
• Card is the front-panel MEMORY CARD slot. A Save/Recall Device is not
Present message is displayed if you try to save or recall an instrument setup when
a write-able memory card is not installed in the Test Set.
• RAM refers to RAM disks that you can create on internal RAM. Refer to the
Programmer’s Guide for information on creating RAM Disks. This is part of the same
memory used when “internal” is specified, and may have to be erased when loading
very large IBASIC programs. A Save/Recall Device is not initialized
message is displayed if you try to save or recall an instrument setup when a RAM disk
has not been created.
• Disk is used with external disk drives. The Mode field must be set to Control to
access the drive. Also, the HP-IB address of the drive must be entered in the
External Disk Specification field of the TESTS (External Devices) screen.
Serial Baud
This field selects the baud rate for serial communications when using the rear-
panel serial port. Selecting this field displays a list of baud rate choices.
This setting is maintained after the instrument is turned off.
Serial In
This field selects the destination of characters received by the Test Set on the
serial port.
• Inst configures the serial port to connect to an external ASCII terminal or computer
to enter IBASIC programs, or to control the Test Set using an external keyboard.
• IBASIC is used to allow the IBASIC controller to read the serial port while a program
is running.
Operating Considerations
If a serial printer is connected, the PRINT command causes the printer to take
control of the serial port until printing is done.
This setting is maintained after the instrument is turned off.
See Also
Programmer’s Guide
Stop Length
This field specifies the number of stop bits used for serial communications when
using the rear-panel serial port. Selecting this field displays a list of stop bit
This setting is maintained after the instrument is turned off.
Xmt Pace
The transmit pace field is used when transmitting serial data.
• Xon/Xoff lets the receiving device “talk” to the Test Set to alter the rate of the data
being sent.
• None disables the Xon/Xoff function.
This setting is maintained after the instrument is turned off.
Message Screen
Field Descriptions
The MESSAGE screen lists any error or operation messages that have occurred
since the instrument was turned on.
The type of error and the time it occurred are listed. If one error occurs more than
once before a different error is encountered, the number of times it occurred, and
when it occurred, are displayed.
All messages are shown until the entire display is filled. If enough errors occur,
the MESSAGE screen will scroll the first messages past the top of the screen.
These messages cannot be retrieved.
Oscilloscope Screen
Field Descriptions
The OSCILLOSCOPE screen’s controls are arranged by menu. The menus are
accessed using the Controls field. The field descriptions are grouped by menu
Assigning global USER keys to the most-used functions on the menus allows you
to access the functions without having to change menus during operation.
This field selects the horizontal sweep time per division.
Operating Considerations
The time-per-division is selected from a list of choices.
Vert Offset
Vertical offset moves the displayed signal above or below the oscilloscope’s fixed
Operating Considerations
A centerline is displayed for the signal when an offset is used.
When the vertical offset is ≠0.00, the marker level is referenced to the center line
generated by the vertical offset feature, not the center line of the screen.
Vertical sensitivity sets the vertical amplitude per division.
Operating Considerations
The value for this field is selected from a list of choices.
Depending on the AF Analyzer’s AF Anl In setting, the units for this field may
be in Volts, kHz, or Percent (AM). For example; if the AF Anl In field is set to
FM Demod, the amplitude is displayed in kHz/div.
Marker To:
Peak+ causes the marker to move to the maximum value of the average level
measured on the display.
Peak− causes the marker to move to the minimum value of the average level
measured on the display.
Because these functions look at the average value for each displayed pixel, the
marker may not appear directly on the displayed peak of a noisy signal.
This field indicates the number of scale divisions from the left side of the screen to
the marker.
Use the DATA keys or cursor-control knob to move the marker to any point on
the displayed signal.
Marker Measurements
Marker: Lvl
This measurement field displays the signal level of the current marker position.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure for this field is dependent on the source of the signal being
measured. For instance; when measuring a signal from the AUDIO IN connector,
the amplitude is measured in Volts. When looking at a signal from the FM
demodulator, the amplitude is given in units of kHz.
When the Vert Offset field is ≠0.00, the displayed marker level is referenced to
the center line generated by the vertical offset feature, not the center line of the
The REF SET function can be used with this measurement to display levels
relative to a specific value.(See "Setting A Measurement Reference" on page 70.)
Marker: Time
This measurement displays the time elapsed from the trigger point to the current
marker position.
The REF SET function can be used with this measurement to display time relative
to a specific position.(See "Setting A Measurement Reference" on page 70.)
This field selects the trigger source.
• Internal uses the signal being displayed for triggering.
• External uses the rear-panel EXT SCOPE TRIGGER INPUT for triggering. This is
a TTL level trigger (approximately 2.5 V).
• ENCODER1 uses the signaling encoder for triggering. The encoder must be sending its
signal to trigger the oscilloscope.
This field specifies how the trigger level is set.
• Auto automatically triggers if a triggering signal is not detected within approximately
50 ms of the last trigger.
• Norm requires a specific triggering signal before triggering.
Operating Considerations
Automatic triggering should be used for signals >20 Hz. Normal triggering should
be used for signals ≤20 Hz.
Also, when measuring ≤1 Hz signals, you should set the Scope To field in the AF
ANALYZER screen to Input to provide dc coupling to the oscilloscope’s input.
This field specifies whether the oscilloscope is continuously triggered (Cont), or
if it is only triggered each time Reset is selected (Single).
Level (div)
This control is divided into two fields:
The upper field (0.00) sets the internal trigger level as a function of vertical
divisions. The trigger level is indicated by small pointers that appear on each side
of the screen (only used for internal triggering).
The lower field (Pos/Neg) specifies whether triggering happens when the
waveform being measured is positive-going (Pos), or negative-going (Neg).
This field specifies the number of horizontal divisions displayed previous to the
trigger point. It allows you to see what the signal looked like before the trigger
When pre-triggering is used, the trigger point is indicated by small pointers that
appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
See the Cont/Single field description, on page 397
This screen configures the Test Set to print screen images with your printer.
Images are printed using either the front-panel PRINT function (see “Printing a
Screen” in volume 1) or the Print All USER key available on some TESTS
environment screens.
Refer to your HP 11807 software manual for information on how to use your
printer to print automated test results.
Field Descriptions
Abort Print
Select this field to interrupt the print in progress.
FF at End
This field can only be controlled programmatically. It is used to specify if you
want a form feed at the end of printing.
FF at Start
This field can only be controlled programmatically. It is used to specify if you
want a form feed at the start of printing.
This field is used to specify how many lines are printed per page.
This field is used to specify the type of printer used. If your printer is not listed in
the Choices menu when you select this field, configure your printer to emulate
one of those that is listed.
Printer Address
This field is used to specify the address of an HP-IB printer. This field is only
displayed if the Printer Port field is set to HP-IB.
Printer Port
This field is used to select the port your printer is connected to.
Print Title
This field is used to enter up to 50 characters to be displayed at the top of the print.
The RADIO INTERFACE screen controls the digital functions of the rear-panel
RADIO INTERFACE parallel connector. A functional description of the radio
interface, followed by field descriptions and operating instructions is included in
this chapter.For more information see chapter 24, "Connector, Key, and Knob
Descriptions" and the Programmer’s Guide.
Data I/O
The rear-panel connector labeled OPTION INTERFACE is present on Test Sets
with a Radio Interface board. This connector has 16 pins that are used for parallel
data transfer between an external device and the Test Set’s internal CPU.
The Radio Interface board includes 32 voltage comparators used for data input/
output. Sixteen of the comparators have their outputs connected to the Radio
Interface’s 16 parallel data pins, and 16 comparators have their inputs connected
to the Radio Interface’s 16 parallel data pins.
Data transfer is asynchronous, meaning that each block of data is transferred after
a key is pressed on the Test Set’s front panel, or an HP-IB command is sent. Data
transfer is also “half-duplex”, meaning that data input and output cannot occur
The parallel output data lines are implemented using 16 LM339M open-collector
voltage comparators with pull-up resistors provided on the Radio Interface board.
The Radio Interface provides two methods for determining the logic level for data
1. Use the default (internal) power supply and internal pull-up resistors.
2. Use an external supply voltage connected to the internal pull-up resistors on the Radio
Interface board.
These methods are described in "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on page
The parallel input data lines are implemented using another 16, LM339M, open-
collector voltage comparators. An external supply voltage can be used to provide
the reference voltage to the comparators if the default supply is not compatible
with the external device-under-test.
This procedure is also described in "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on
page 409.
Audio Source
The Test Set has two audio sources, AFGen 1 and AFGen 2. Either or both of
these sources can be routed to the OPTION INTERFACE connector. See "Audio
Out" on page 520.
Audio Analyzer
The Test Set’s audio analyzer can be accessed through the OPTION INTERFACE
See "Audio Input" on page 520.
Interrupt Capability
Two pins on the Radio Interface are designated as Interrupt lines 1 and 2. If
Interrupt 1 or 2 is armed, by selecting Arm on the RADIO INTERFACE screen,
and the corresponding pin is grounded, the word Tripped is displayed on the
RADIO INTERFACE screen, and a status register bit is set.
Refer to "Interrupt Input 1" on page 521 and "Interrupt Input 2" on page 521.
Field Descriptions
Input Data
This field trips the Test Set to latch the data on the parallel data pins that have
been designated as inputs.
Interrupt 1
This field arms or disarms the Interrupt 1 pin. When it is armed, and the pin is
pulled low by an external device, Tripped is displayed below the field until the
interrupt is re-armed.
Operating Considerations
The field can be queried directly in an IBASIC or HP-IB program, or it can be
monitored with the HP-IB status reporting system. This is done by reading bit 5 of
the status byte and then reading bit 13 of the Hardware 1 status register. The
Interrupt 1 pin can also be set as the HP-IB SRQ mask.
Once the interrupt has been tripped it must be re-armed. To do this, remove the
low on the Interrupt 1 pin and then set the Interrupt 1 field to Disable and
then set it to Arm .
Interrupts can be disabled and any external signals will have no effect on the
Both Interrupt 1 and Interrupt 2 are independent, and they can be used
See also
Programmer’ Guide
Interrupt 2
Same as Interrupt 1 but, it applies to the Interrupt 2 pin on the RADIO
INTERFACE connector and bit 14 of the Hardware 1 status register.
I/O Config
This field designates which of the 16 parallel data pins will be used as inputs. Pins
designated as inputs are pulled high internally. They can be left high for a logic 1
or pulled low for a logic 0.
Operating Considerations
A hexadecimal number that can range from 0000 to FFFF is entered in this field.
Hex 0000 designates no pins as inputs, while hex FFFF designates all 16 pins as
To determine the number, convert the input pin’s binary weight to hexadecimal,
then add. Pin 19, D0, is the least significant bit. For example, if D0 through D7 are
to be inputs and D8 through D15 are outputs the number to enter would be 00FF.
Output Data
This field sets the data to be output on the parallel data lines.
Operating Considerations
The data is entered as a hexadecimal number that can range from 0000 to FFFF.
To determine the number, convert the binary weight of the pins that you want to
set high to hexadecimal, then add. Pin 19, D0, is the least significant bit. For
example 0008 would set pin 22, D3, high and the rest of the pins low.
The field will show the entered value but the pins don’t change until the Send
Data field is selected.
Parallel Data In
This field displays the value on the parallel data pins when the Parallel Data
In field is selected. The data appears in bitwise fashion with the 16 bits organized
from MSB to LSB.
Send Data
When selected, this field clocks the data in the Output Data field to the parallel
data pins. It also outputs a pulse on the Strobe pin.
Strobe Pol
The strobe polarity field sets the polarity of the pulse on the Strobe pin. This pulse
occurs when the Send Data field is selected.
CAUTION: Do not connect a voltage source in excess of −0.3 V (for example, −0.4 V) to any Parallel Data
pin. Also, do not connect a voltage source that exceeds 5.7 V, unless the logic voltage has been
set to a level other than the default. If the logic voltage has been set to some value other than the
default of 5.1 V, the maximum voltage that can be applied is the logic voltage plus 0.6 V. Refer
to "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on page 409.
Pin 9 Logic
5.1 V
- Input
LM 339M Parallel
31.6 k Data Out
Default Logic LM 339M Data Output Data +
Figure 89
For data input, use the following formula to determine the logic threshold voltage:
(Logic Voltage − 0.7) × 0.34 = Vthreshold
For example, the default Logic Voltage of 5.1 V would give:
4.4 × 0.34 = 1.5 V
A 12.5 V supply connected to the Logic Voltage pin 9 would give:
11.8 × 0.34 = 4 V
For data output, calculate the logic high level using this formula:
Logic Voltage − 0.7 through a 3.16 k ohm pull-up resistor.
A logic low on the data output will be near 0 V, depending on the amount of
current the comparator is sinking. For example, if the output current is 4 mA, the
output voltage will be about 250 mV.
Inputting Data
Data can only be input through parallel data bus lines that are configured as
inputs. Data bus lines are configured as inputs by setting the output comparators
to their logic-high states (positive output level). This is best accomplished by
entering a hex value in the I/O Config field that will set the corresponding
bit(s) to a 1. For example, if you want to use lines 0-7 for input and lines 8-15 for
output, enter 00FF (which would be 0000000011111111 in binary) in the I/O
Config field.
To read data to the Test Set’s internal CPU, select the Read Data field on the
RADIO INTERFACE screen. A 16-bit binary value will be displayed under the
Parallel Data In field near the top of the screen.
Important: When data is read, the Parallel Data In field will display the
value for all 16 parallel data bus lines, not just the lines designated as inputs.
See the I/O Config field description, on page 408.
The need for configuring pins as inputs is a result of the “half-duplex” hardware
architecture of the bus. The 16 I/O pins on the parallel data bus are connected to
both the input data comparators and the output data comparators. Because the
output comparators are open-collector, a logic low makes it impossible to input a
logic high, since the output transistor is essentially clamped to ground.
NOTE: A logic “OR” function is implemented in the Radio Interface design between
I/O Config field and the Send Data the . Entering a hex value in the
I/O Config field writes that value to the output data lines, just as selecting Send Data
writes the value entered in the Output Data field to the output data lines. The effect of this
operation is that it will not be possible to use the Output Data field to set a parallel data
bus line low if that line has been designated as an input by the value entered in the I/O
Config field.
The fastest rate at which input data can change is about 50 kHz. The practical
limits on data transfer, however, are based on the speed of the IBASIC or external
controller program since all data transfer is asynchronous.
Outputting Data
Outputting data is accomplished by entering the appropriate hex value in the
Output Data field, and then selecting the Send Data field.
The output data value can be incremented or decremented by turning the cursor
control knob with the Output Data field highlighted.
The output data lines are implemented by open-collector output voltage
comparators. Sending a logic 0 causes active pull-down through a transistor in the
voltage comparator. Sending a logic 1 causes passive pull-up through a pull-up
Variations in the Logic Voltage can be used to provide logic levels compatible
with the radio-under-test. See "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on page
The data transfer rate for data output is primarily determined by the speed of the
IBASIC or external program, not the ability of the Test Set’s internal CPU to
access and output the data on the parallel lines, or the output loading capacitance.
(If loading capacitance is below 158 pF, the Test Set’s CPU can send data at about
200 Kb/s. The time for a program line to execute is typically greater than this).
The Parallel Strobe Out, pin 13, can be used to signal when output data has been
clocked onto the parallel data bus. The front-panel RADIO INTERFACE screen
allows the choice of strobe polarity through the Strobe Pol field. As with the
parallel data outputs, the Parallel Strobe Out logic threshold is determined by the
Logic Voltage. Although the edges of Parallel Strobe Out and data output occur at
approximately the same time, an external device should latch on the Strobe Pol
trailing edge, or better yet, the Strobe Pol level. This will allow sufficient time for
output data to settle. Refer to figure 90 on page 413
Logic Voltage
Strobe POL
Parallel Data
Strobe +
LM 339M Pin 13
Logic Voltage
Data Output
(1 of 16) Output Data + 1
LM 339M Pins 9 - 34
Fixed Ref-
erence -
External device should latch data on
Strobe POL Level to allow Output Data
time to settle.
Figure 90
The I/O Config field will also output data to the output data line comparators.
The I/O Config field, however, is primarily intended to configure parallel data
lines as inputs or outputs. See the Input Data field description, on page 406.
Using Interrupts
There are two interrupt lines that, when armed, allow monitoring of interrupt
conditions. An interrupt is tripped when a logic low, determined by the same
Logic Voltage as described in "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on page
409, is detected. When tripped, the field directly below Arm/Disable will change
from Armed to Tripped. To re-arm the next interrupt you must first disable the
interrupt, then select Arm.
Besides displaying the word Tripped, an interrupt condition will set a bit in one
of the Test Set’s status registers. This makes it possible to generate SRQ interrupts
or query a condition register to find out if an interrupt has occurred. Refer to
"Using The Radio Interface (Remote Operation)" on page 415.
CAUTION: Do not connect a voltage source in excess of −0.3 V (for example, −0.4 V) to any Parallel Data
pin. Also, do not connect a voltage source that exceeds 5.7 V, unless the logic voltage has been
set to a level other than the default. If the logic voltage has been set to some value other than the
default of 5.1 V, the maximum voltage that can be applied is the logic voltage plus 0.6 V. Refer
to "Setting the Radio Interface’s Logic Level" on page 409.
RF Analyzer Screen
Block Diagram
!# ,EVEL
48 0OWER
3) .!$ 3.2
3) .!$
!& &REQ
$# ,EVEL
48 0WR :ERO -)3!##
%84 +EY
2& )N !NT
2& ).
DB 2&
2& )& )&
DB 34!'%3
(IGH 0OWER 34!'%3
!.4 ) . /0%.
Field Descriptions
AC Level
This is the default measurement for this field. The type of measurement listed here
is dependent on the AF Anl In settings.
See Also
AC Level field description, on page 442
AF Anl In field description, on page 97
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AM Depth
This field displays the percent depth of modulation of the AM signal. The field is
only visible when the AF ANL In field on the AF ANL screen is set to AM MOD or
Ext TX key
This field controls a switch at the MIC/ACC connector. Its intended use is to
“key” an external transmitter.
See Also
"MIC/ACC" on page 514
This field displays the percent of distortion for a 1 kHz signal tone.
FM Deviation
This measurement field displays the frequency deviation between the FM signal
and the carrier. The FM Deviation measurement field is only displayed when the
AF Anl In field is set to FM Demod or FM Mod.
See Also
AF Anl In field description, on page 97
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
IF Filter
This field selects the desired IF Filter bandwidth for modulated signals being
Input Atten
Input attenuation sets the amount of input attenuation for the RF IN/OUT and
ANT IN connectors. This function controls two settings:
• The upper field determines if you want the instrument to set the attenuation automati-
cally (Auto), or if you want to set the value manually (Hold).
• The lower field displays the present attenuation value, and it is used to set the desired
attenuation level when the upper area is set to Hold.
NOTE: Oscilloscope and Decoder Interference. After a signal is input, the RF autoranging function
(Auto) takes a small amount of time to determine the required input attenuator setting. If your
transmitter begins sending encoded information the instant it transmits, the initial encoded
information may not be decoded during the autoranging process. The same situation can arise
when trying to display the first part of the demodulated signal on the Oscilloscope.
When decoding a signaling sequence using the decoder, or when trying to
capture the initial modulation waveform of a signal on the Oscilloscope, set the
upper field to Hold and set the lower field to an appropriate level for the signal
being decoded (start with 40 dB).
Input Port
This field selects the RF IN/OUT or ANT IN port for making RF measurements.
The RF IN/OUT port must be used for making TX Power measurements on this
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
If the RF power at the RF IN/OUT port exceeds allowable limits, a loud warning
signal sounds and a message appears at the top of the screen. If this occurs,
disconnect the RF power, press [MEAS RESET], and allow the Test Set to cool
off for approximately 2 minutes before making any other measurements on this
The ANT IN (antenna input) connector provides a highly-sensitive input for very
low-level signals (such as “off the air” measurements). You cannot measure TX
(RF) Power on this screen using the antenna port. However, low-level RF power
at the antenna port can be measured using the Spectrum Analyzer.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the over-power circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top
of the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
[MEAS RESET] or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
RF Cnt Gate
RF counter gate specifies how long the RF counter samples the signal before
displaying the frequency. Specifying a shorter gate time may enable you to see
frequency fluctuations that might not be seen using a longer gate time.
RF Analyzer sensitivity adds about 6 dB of sensitivity for the ANT IN port when
High is selected.
Operating Considerations
Selecting High sensitivity may cause Spectrum Analyzer1 measurements to be
uncalibrated when the ANT IN port is used (a message appears when this occurs).
High-level AM measurements may be distorted when high sensitivity is used with
the ANT IN port.
This setting determines the squelch operation when demodulating FM, AM or
SSB signals. Three settings are available:
• Pot uses the front-panel SQUELCH knob for squelch level adjustment.
• Open disables squelch operation.
• Fixed sets the squelch to a fixed level, disabling the front-panel SQUELCH knob
Operating Considerations
Most measurement processes on this screen are not displayed if the incoming
signal falls below the squelch level (with the exception of TX Power). The
measurements are replaced by four dashes (- - - -) to indicate they have been
The decoder and Oscilloscope measurements are also disabled when the signal
has been squelched.
Spectrum Analyzer measurements are not affected by the squelch setting
(although squelch still affects whether the demodulated signal can be heard while
viewing the RF signal).
Trying to read a squelched measurement using HP-IB will cause your program to
halt until the squelch is either turned down, a measurement is made, or until a
program time-out aborts the measurement process.
This is the default measurement for this field. Selecting this field displays the
following measurement choices:
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
Tune Freq
RF Analyzer tune frequency sets the center frequency for the RF signal to be
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
Tune Mode
This field selects automatic or manual tuning of the RF Analyzer.
Auto causes the RF Analyzer to find the signal with the greatest amplitude
>-36 dBm, and set the tune frequency for that signal.
Manual requires the operator to set the tune frequency for the RF signal to be
Operating Considerations
Changing the Tune Mode also changes the RF frequency display. Automatic
tuning enables the TX Frequency measurement. Manual tuning enables the TX
Freq Error measurement.
After autotuning to the desired signal, select Manual to prevent the Tune Freq
from changing when the signal is no longer applied.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
TX Power
Transmitter power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX power on this screen.
When the Input Port is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
[MEAS RESET] or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
See Also
Input Port field description, on page 422 (Operating Considerations)
TX Power field description (this page)
TX Pwr Zero field description, on page 427.
TX Pwr Zero
The transmitter power zero function establishes a 0.0000 W reference for
measuring RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
RF power must not be applied while zeroing. Set the RF GENERATOR screen Ampli-
tude field to off to prevent internal cross-coupling into the power detector while zeroing.
Operating Considerations
When power is applied to the RF IN/OUT connector, the temperature of the
internal circuitry increases. This can cause changes in the TX Power
measurement when low power levels are measured immediately following high
power measurements.
When alternately making high and low power measurements, always zero the
power meter immediately before making the low power measurements to provide
the best measurement accuracy.
RF Generator Screen
Block Diagram
2& /UT
/N /FF
-OD )N 4O
!# $#
$# &- :ERO
!# $#
$# !UDIO /UT
Field Descriptions
AC Level
This measurement displays either rms potential (voltage) or audio power (Watts
or dBm).
Operating Considerations
When the unit-of-measure is changed to measure AF power, the external load
resistance must be specified. (Refer to theExt Load R field description, on page
The input for the ac level measurement on this screen is always the AUDIO IN
See Also
"Entering and Changing Numbers" on page 63
AFGen1 Freq
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the frequency for the first audio
frequency sinewave generator.
AFGen2 Freq
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the frequency for the second audio
frequency sinewave generator. It can also be used to set the Function Generator’s
frequency when the signaling encoder is used.
This field is also used to control the send/stop functions for some encoder modes.
For example, when sending a tone sequence, this field is used to send and stop the
sequence. The field’s name changes to AFGen2 when this type of operation is
This field is removed from this screen when NMT encoding or decoding is used.
(NMT programs can only be run from the NMT Decoder screen.)
See Also
Chapter 10, "Signaling Encoder (AF Generator 2)"
AFGen1 To
This Audio Frequency Generator control is used to set two values:
• The upper field determines whether the AF signal modulates the RF Generator, or is
output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off). The level at the AUDIO OUT
connector is always in volts rms across a low-impedance output.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
AFGen2 To
This Audio Frequency Generator control is used to set two values:
• The upper field determines whether the AF signal modulates the RF Generator, or is
output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off). The level at the AUDIO OUT con-
nector is always in volts rms for standard sinewave operation across a low-impedance
If the signaling option is installed, the sinewave can be set in units of rms or peak.
This is done in the Sine Units field for the Function Generator. When non-
sinewave waveforms are used, or if the upper field is set to AM or FM, the level is
always expressed as a peak value.
See Also
"Function Generator Encoder" on page 339.
RF Generator amplitude adjusts the amplitude of the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
If a microphone is connected, and the amplitude is off, keying the microphone
causes the Amplitude to turn on to its previous level until the microphone is no
longer keyed.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Atten Hold
Attenuator hold prevents the fixed RF output attenuators from switching in and
out, eliminating the loss of the output signal as the level is changed. This function
is helpful when making squelch measurements.
Operating Considerations
When this function is set to On, the RF output level is restricted to a range above
and below the present Amplitude setting. Attempting to set an amplitude outside
the allowed range results in an error message and beep (if the beeper is on). RF
output level accuracy is greatly degraded outside the allowed range.
Audio Out
Audio output coupling selects ac or dc coupling to the AUDIO OUT connector.
FM Coupling
These fields provide two functions:
• The upper field specifies ac or dc coupling between the MODULATION INPUT con-
nector and the RF Generator’s FM modulator. This field also alters the FM modulator
to allow DCFM from internal and external modulation sources.
• Selecting the lower field causes the instrument to offset any dc bias that may exist when
dc coupling is selected.
Mic Pre-Emp
Microphone pre-emphasis determines whether the modulating signal from the
MIC/ACC connector goes through or bypasses the 750 ms pre-emphasis network.
Two fields are used:
• The upper field is used to specify whether you want the instrument to automatically turn
pre-emphasis on during FM operation and off for other modulations (Auto), or to leave
the pre-emphasis switching to the user’s operation (Hold).
• The lower field tells you whether pre-emphasis is on or off (when Auto operation is
selected), or allows you to manually turn pre-emphasis on or off (if Hold is selected).
Mod In To
This modulation input field defines how an external modulation source is used
with the RF Generator. Two fields are used:
• The upper field determines whether the rear-panel MODULATION INPUT signal is set
for AM or FM modulation of the RF GENERATOR.
• The lower field sets the modulation sensitivity. For instance, if FM (/Vpk) is selected
for the upper field, and you set the lower field to 1.0000 kHz, the RF Generator will
deviate 1 kHz for every 1 Volt peak at the MODULATION INPUT connector.
In addition, the peak deviation produced by MIC signals will be approximately
1 kHz.
Output Port
Output port selects the desired RF Generator output port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
CAUTION: Applying reverse RF power to the DUPLEX OUT connector can damage the instrument.
(A message is displayed when an overpower conditions occurs.) Whenever possible when
testing transceivers, use the RF IN/OUT connector to prevent damage from accidental
transmitter keying.
If a reverse power condition triggers the internal protection circuit, remove the reverse
power signal and press the MEAS RESET key, or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
RF Gen Freq
This field sets the RF generator’s frequency.
This is the default measurement for this field. Selecting this field displays the
following measurement choices:
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AFGen1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier. (AFGen1
is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.)
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set the
AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
TX Freq Error
TX Frequency
This measurement displays transmitter frequency error or absolute transmitter
See Also
Tune Mode field description, on page 297
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
TX Power
Transmitter power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX power on this screen.
When the Input Port 1is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on reset it.
See Also
TX Power field description, on page 426
TX Pwr Zero field description, on page 427
1. The Input Port field is accessed on the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, and
RF ANALYZER screens.
RX Test Screen
Block Diagram
2& /UT
/N /FF
!& 'EN 4O
!& 'EN &REQ
&- !-
!& &REQ
%XT ,OAD 2
$# ,EVEL
!5$)/ ). ,/
Field Descriptions
NOTE: Since most of the measurements displayed are dependent on different field settings, the
settings and values shown in the diagrams use the Test Set’s preset conditions.
AC Level
This measurement displays either rms potential (voltage) or audio power (Watts
or dBm).
Operating Considerations
When the unit-of-measure is changed to measure AF power, the external load
resistance must be specified. (Refer to theExt Load R field description, on page
The input for the ac level measurement on this screen is always the AUDIO IN
See Also
"Entering and Changing Numbers" on page 63
AFGen1 Freq
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the frequency for the first audio
frequency sinewave generator.
AFGen2 Freq
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the frequency for the second audio
frequency sinewave generator. It can also be used to set the Function Generator’s
frequency when the signaling encoder is used.
This field is also used to control the send/stop functions for some encoder modes.
For example, when sending a tone sequence, this field is used to send and stop the
sequence. The field name changes to AFGen2 when this type of operation is used.
This field is removed from this screen when NMT encoding or decoding is used.
(NMT programs can only be run from the NMT Decoder screen.)
See Also
Chapter 10, "Signaling Encoder (AF Generator 2)".
AFGen1 To
This Audio Frequency Generator control is used to set two values:
• The upper field determines whether the AF signal modulates the RF Generator or is out-
put through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off). The AUDIO OUT level is set either
in volts rms (across a low-impedance output) or dBm, mW, or W across a 600-ohm load
(mW is selected by pressing [SHIFT], [ENTER]).
Operating Considerations
The upper field is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST
screen overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
AFGen2 To
This Audio Frequency Generator control is used to set two values:
• The upper field determines whether the AF signal modulates the RF Generator, or is
output through the AUDIO OUT connector.
• The lower field sets the amplitude (including Off). The AUDIO OUT level is always
in volts rms for standard sinewave operation across a low-impedance output.
If the signaling option is installed, the sinewave can be set in units of rms or peak.
This is done in the Sine Units field for the Function Generator. When non-
sinewave waveforms are used, or if the upper field is set to AM or FM, the level is
always expressed as a peak value.
See Also
"Function Generator Encoder" on page 339
The amplitude field adjusts the amplitude of the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
If a microphone is connected, and the amplitude is off, keying the microphone
causes the amplitude to turn on to its previous level until the microphone is no
longer keyed.
See Also
Atten Hold field description, on page 444
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"MIC/ACC" on page 514
Atten Hold
Attenuator hold prevents the fixed RF output attenuators from switching in and
out, eliminating the brief loss of the output signal as the level is changed. This
function is helpful when making squelch measurements.
Operating Considerations
When this function is set to On, the RF output level is restricted to a range of
15 dB around the present Amplitude setting. Attempting to set an amplitude
outside the allowed range results in an error message and beep (if the beeper is
on). RF output level accuracy is uncalibrated outside the allowed range.
Ext Load R
External load resistance is used to calculate and display AF power dissipated in an
external load resistance. Power is calculated using the voltage measured at the
AUDIO IN connections and the resistance value you enter into this field.
See Also
AC Level field description, on page 442
See Also
Chapter 5, "AF Analyzer Screen"
Output Port
Output port selects the desired RF Generator output port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
CAUTION: Applying reverse RF power to the DUPLEX OUT connector can damage the instrument. (A
message is displayed when an over-power conditions occurs.) Whenever possible when
testing transceivers, use the RF IN/OUT connector to prevent damage from accidental
transmitter keying.
CAUTION: If a reverse power condition triggers the internal protection circuit, remove the reverse power
signal and press the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
RF Gen Freq
RF Generator frequency sets the generator’s frequency.
This measurement field is used to select and display any one of the following
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AFGen1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier. (AFGen1
is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.)
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set the
AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
Service Screen
NOTE: This screen is used for component-level troubleshooting by the manufacturer. This method of
troubleshooting is not currently supported outside of the factory.
This screen allows you to monitor individual circuit node measurements and
change various MUX and DAC latch settings for isolating faulty modules. To
access the SERVICE screen, you must first access the CONFIGURE screen, then
select Service from the To Screen menu in the bottom-right corner.
Field Descriptions
Counter Connection
This field selects the desired circuit node to connect to the frequency counter.
This measurement field displays the frequency measurement for the circuit node
shown in the Counter Connection field.
Gate Time
This field is used to adjust the frequency counter’s gate time. A shorter gate time
may enable you to see frequency fluctuations that might not be seen using a longer
gate time.
This field is used to alter the circuit latches that control a variety of operations.
The value of the selected latch is displayed and changed in the Value field.
RAM Initialize
Selecting this field clears all SAVE registers and test programs that may be in
RAM and resets all latches to their factory power-up configuration.
Operating Considerations
If you have saved one or more instrument setups using the SAVE function, using
this function will permanently remove them.
This field displays and changes the value for the latch shown in the Latch field.
This measurement field displays the voltage measurement for the circuit node
shown in the Voltmeter Connection field.
Voltmeter Connection
This field selects the desired circuit node for voltage measurements. The reading
is displayed in the Voltage measurement field.
The SPECTRUM ANALYZER screen’s controls are arranged in four menus. The
menus are accessed using the Controls field. The field descriptions are grouped
by menu names. Assigning global USER keys to the most-used functions on the
menus allows you to access the functions without having to change menus.
Field Descriptions
Center Freq
This field sets the tune frequency for the center of the screen.
Operating Considerations
This field also changes the frequency of the Tracking Generator’s and the RF
Analyzer’s center frequency.
Ref Level
Reference level sets the amplitude reference level for the top line of the display.
All signals displayed are referenced to this line.
Operating Considerations
The unit-of-measure for the reference can be changed as needed. For instance, 0
dBm, 0.224 V, 107.0 dB mV, and 0.00100 W can all be used to represent the same
RF In/Ant
This field selects the input port for the analyzer.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
Using the ANT IN port with the field set to High can result in uncalibrated
operation (a message appears on the screen when this happens). The purpose for
the high sensitivity setting is to allow you to look and listen to very low level
signals when absolute accuracy is not essential.
See Also
Sensitivity field description, on page 463
Sets the span of frequencies to be displayed on the screen.
Operating Considerations
When the Tracking Generator is used, the span also defines the frequency sweep
Spans >1.5 MHz disable the AF Analyzer when the analyzer’s AF Anl In field is
set to FM Demod, AM Demod, or SSB Demod. This disables all the AF
Analyzer’s measurement and output functions. When the AF Analyzer’s AF Anl
In field is set to any of the other available inputs, such as Audio In or Ext Mod,
the speaker and AUDIO MONITOR OUTPUT are not affected when the
Spectrum Analyzer’s span is changed.
This field sets the amplitude of the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST screen overrides the
Amplitude setting on this screen.
If a microphone is connected, and the amplitude is off, keying the microphone
causes the amplitude to turn on to its previous level until the microphone is no
longer keyed.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
Output Port
This field selects the output port for the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
CAUTION: Applying reverse RF power to the DUPLEX OUT connector can damage the instrument. (A
message is displayed when an overpower conditions occurs.) Whenever possible when testing
transceivers, use the RF IN/OUT connector to prevent damage from accidental transmitter
If a reverse power condition triggers the internal protection circuit, remove the
reverse power signal and press the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off
and on to reset it.
RF Gen Freq
This field sets the RF Generator’s frequency.
Figure 100 Using the Spectrum Analyzer with the Tracking Generator
The Tracking Generator performs a frequency sweep operation. The start and stop
frequencies are determined by the Main Menu Span setting. This allows you to
characterize devices (such as filter networks) over a wide span of frequencies.
An RF offset can be set between the Tracking Generator and the center frequency
of the Spectrum Analyzer. This allows you to look at a signal that is related to a
source whose frequency is outside of the displayed span.
This field sets the amplitude of the Tracking Generator.
Operating Considerations
This field operates independently of the RF Generator’s amplitude settings in
other screens.
If a microphone is connected, and the amplitude is off, keying the microphone
causes the amplitude to turn on to its previous level until the microphone is no
longer keyed.
Offset Freq
Frequency offset (RF Generator) sets the difference between the instantaneous
frequencies of the Tracking Generator and the center frequency of the Spectrum
Operating Considerations
The offset can be a positive or negative value. When set to zero, the Tracking
Generator produces a sweeping signal that matches the Spectrum Analyzer’s tune
This control performs two functions:
• The upper field specifies the output port of the Tracking Generator.
• The lower field specifies whether the Tracking Generator sweeps from low-to-high fre-
quencies (Norm), or from high-to-low frequencies (Invert). (The Spectrum Analyzer
always sweeps from low to high frequencies.) The swept frequency range is determined
by the Span setting in the Spectrum Analyzer’s Main Menu.
Operating Considerations
When using the Tracking Generator, if the output port is set RF Out, or the main
menu Input Port is set to RF In, internal instrument coupling can occur. For
the best isolation between the Tracking Generator and the Spectrum Analyzer, use
Dupl for the output, and Ant for the input.
Marker To:
• Peak moves the marker to the highest peak and enters the location in the Position
• Next Peak moves the marker to the next peak to the right and enters the location in
the Position field.
• Center Freq changes the center frequency value to match the current position of the
• Ref Level changes the reference level setting to match the current position of the
This field sets the marker position, referenced to the left side of the screen.
Marker Measurements
Marker: Freq
Marker frequency displays the frequency at the marker’s present position.
Marker: Lvl
Marker level displays the amplitude at the marker’s present position.
Operating Considerations
The marker’s level can be displayed in various units of measure.
See Also
"To Change the Measurement’s Unit-of-Measure" on page 61
Input Atten
Input attenuation sets the amount of input attenuation for the RF IN/OUT and
ANT IN ports. This field performs two functions:
• The upper field determines if the instrument sets the attenuation (Auto), or if you want
to set the value (Hold).
• The lower field displays the present attenuation value and is used to set the desired at-
tenuation level when the upper area is set to Hold.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Setting the upper field to Hold prevents the RF autoranging process from
interrupting Spectrum Analyzer operation when a signal is first measured. This
can be helpful when you need to see the signal the instant the source is input, but
requires you to set the needed amount of input attenuation.
This area performs three display operations:
• Save B saves the currently-displayed trace for the A-B operation.
• A only provides a continuously-updated display (the “normal” mode of operation).
• A-B displays the difference between the trace saved using Save B and the currently
displayed trace. The comparison can yield either losses or gains in amplitude.
Operating Considerations
The A-B function works correctly only if the center frequency and span settings
are the same for both signals.
The reference level (Ref Level) can be changed to move the trace below the top
line of the display if the A-B function results in a gain.
The the HOLD key can be used to “freeze” the display at any time. This allows
you to view a trace before performing the Save B or A-B functions.
No Pk/Avg
This field performs two functions:
Pk Hold (peak hold) prevents the Spectrum Analyzer from erasing the previous
trace each time it sweeps. This causes the traces to ‘build-up’ on the screen until
Off, No Pk/Avg or the MEAS RESET key is selected. This allows the capture of
transient signals that are not displayed long enough to view during normal
Avg 1 through (video averaging) enables the Spectrum Analyzer to display a
trace representing the average of several measurements. The number of samples
used for measurement averaging range from 1 to 100 (see below). No Pk/Avg
and Off function identically. Off is provided to maintain backwards
compatibility with earlier firmware and software.
• No Pk/Avg means that peak hold and video averaging are off.
• Pk Hold means that peak hold is on.
• Avg [n] enables video averaging over [n] measurements,
where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100
• Off means that peak hold and video averaging are off.
Operating Considerations
After capturing the desired signal, you can use the HOLD function (press and
release the SHIFT key, then the PREV key) to prevent additional signals from
building-up on the display.
This area performs two functions:
• The upper field selects Normal or High sensitivity for the RF input. The High setting
adds about 6 dB of sensitivity to the ANT IN port for looking at very low level signals.
However, this setting can cause measurements to be uncalibrated (indicated by a mes-
sage on the screen). High sensitivity can also cause high-level AM signals to be dis-
• The lower field selects the vertical resolution of the display. You can choose from
1 dB, 2 dB, or 10 dB per graticule.
Automatic Calibration
During operation, the Spectrum Analyzer pauses for approximately 2 seconds
every 5 minutes to recalibrate itself. This does not affect the accuracy of displayed
measurements, but does cause a brief interruption of the displayed information
during the process.
Resolution BW
Span Sweep Rate
Tests Screen
This field is used to restart a paused test.
This field displays a description of the file chosen in the Select Procedure
Filename: field.
This field displays the library information of the file chosen in the Select
Procedure Filename: field.
This field displays program information for the file chosen in the Select
Procedure Filename: field.
Run Test
Selecting this field loads and runs the test chosen in the Select Procedure
Filename: field.
Delete Ch
This field allows you to delete a channel from the frequency table at the bottom of
the screen.
Insert Ch
This field allows you to enter a new channel in frequency table at the bottom of
the screen.
Operating Considerations
You are required to specify if the test channel is a prime test channel. Prime test
channels are the radio channels primarily used by the radio operator; they are the
channels you are the most concerned about testing.
Use the RX Chan Info or TX Chan Info fields if the channel requires a tone
code or frequency for testing radios that have CTCSS (Continuous Tone-
Controlled Squelch System) squelch.
For example, if your radio uses a CTCSS tone of 91.5 Hz, you could enter the tone
frequency in both RX and TX channel information fields as CT FR91.5 or you
could enter the tone code itself as CT ZZ. The specific entries are described in
your HP 11807B software manual.
When testing cellular radios, the Channel Information is the channel number you
are testing (don’t confuse this with the Chan# field used to list channels on this
screen). When the cellular radio channel number is entered, the HP 11807B
software automatically sets the channel frequencies when testing. You do not
need to enter the RX and TX frequencies because they correspond directly to the
channel numbers.
NOTE: Enter −1 in the RX and TX test frequency fields to have all subsequent channels ignored when
testing is started.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Print All
This field allows you to print the Test Set’s screen image.
Test Parameters are used to define operating and testing characteristics to match
those of the radio being tested (audio-load impedance, audio power, power-supply
voltage, and so forth).
By selecting the Parm#, Value, or Units fields and using the data and units
keys, you can modify or enter parameters.
NOTE: The tests you select determine the parameters that are required. Your radio test documentation
provides details if you are using HP 11807 software.
Print All
This field allows you to print the Test Set’s screen image.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
The order of tests is set up by selecting one or more tests from the complete list of
available tests (such as selecting a subset of an entire HP 11807B package). The
TESTS (Order of Tests) menu lets you select the radio tests you want to perform
and the order in which the tests are done.
Tests can be selected in any order; but to reduce testing time, you should
strategically organize the test sequence. Tests requiring operator intervention
(changing volume, channels, and so forth) should be grouped together.If you are
using HP 11807 software, see its documentation to see which parameters go with
each test.
All Chans?
This field allows you to choose if a new test is to be run on all channels (Yes) or
only on prime channels (No). Prime channels are specified on the
TESTS (Channel Information) screen. The underlined entry is the active choice.
Delet Stp
This field allows you to delete a step from the test list at the bottom of the screen.
Insrt Stp
This field allows you to enter a step in the test list at the bottom of the screen.
Operating Considerations
When inserting a new test, you must select the Step# where you want to insert a
new test. When inserted, the new test forces the current test (at that step #) down
one step, and a duplicate of the current test is inserted. This duplicate is
overwritten when the new test is selected.
See Also
Programmer’s Guide
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Print All
This field allows you to print the Test Set’s screen image.
The Step# field lists the order of selected tests for the current procedure.
Operating Considerations
Use the knob, up-arrow, or down-arrow key to select the step where you want to
delete, replace, or insert a test.
Test Name
This field displays the names of the tests available from the software package or
program currently selected. As you turn the knob, the Test Name for the
corresponding step appears above the test’s Description.
Pass/Fail limits are the radio manufacturer’s upper and lower limits used by the
Tests Subsystem. For a radio to pass a test, the measured value must fall within
the test’s limits. Tests results can be compared to only the lower limit, only the
upper limit, both the upper and lower limits, or no limits (None). (Pass/Fail limits
are sometimes referred to as specifications.)
NOTE: The tests you select determine the specifications that are required. The HP 11807
documentation provides details if you are using HP 11807 software.
This field is used to select whether the test will verify only upper, only lower,
both, or none of the specified limits.
Operating Considerations
Selecting both upper and lower limits increases test time, but may be required for
some tests.
Lower Limit
This field is used to set the lower limit to be compared with the measured results.
If the measured result is below this limit, the test will fail.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Print All
This field allows you to print the Test Set’s screen image.
The Spec# field lists the order of selected pass/fail limits for the current
The Units column indicates the unit-of-measure used for the limits (%, dBm,
kHz, and so forth).
Upper Limit
This field is used to set the upper limit to be compared with the measured results.
If the measured result is above this limit, the test will fail.
Code Location
This field is used to select where the program (code file) for the test procedure is
stored. Code files are the main program files of the software, containing all of the
test subroutines. If an HP 11807 memory card is catalogued, the code file is
preceded by a lower-case c.
Operating Considerations
When you save a procedure file, you can use any name with up to 9 characters.
You can also delete previously-saved files to be able to resave a file using the
same file name.
The media must be initialized before a file can be saved. Refer to the
Programmer’s Guide.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Pass Word
The Pass Word field allows you to access a secured test procedure file. Test
procedures are secured using the SECURE_IT program in ROM. On the HP
8921Athis program is directly accessed from the ROM list of choices.
See Also
"Securing a Test Procedure" on page 493
Procedure Library
This field is used to select whether the new test procedure will use the current
test’s library or no library. All HP 11807 Test Procedures must be saved with a
test library. Other IBASIC programs may not require an associated library file.
Library files contain all of the channel, parameter, and test name information used
with the code file. If an HP 11807 memory card is catalogued, the library file is
preceded by a lower-case l.
Operating Considerations
Procedure files contain a subset of the library file. This is where you save all of
your own frequency, parameter, test sequence, specification, and system
configuration information. A procedure file is not a directly-executable file for HP
11807 tests; it requires the code and library files to be present before running.
To save a file to an external disk drive, you must enter the drive’s HP-IB address
into the External Disk Specification field on the TESTS (External
Devices) screen.
The TESTS (Execution Conditions) screen determines how tests are run.
This field is used to restart a paused test.
If Unit-Under-Test Fails
This field selects what happens if the measured results do not meet criteria for
passing the current test. The underlined entry is the active choice.
• Continue continues with testing even though a test in the test sequence fails to meet
its test specification limits. When this occurs, an error is listed on the test-results print-
out, is displayed on the CRT, or both.
• Stop stops the test when a failure occurs and requires operator intervention before test-
ing proceeds.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Output Heading
This field allow you to enter a heading for the test results printout (or CRT
Output Results To
This field selects where test results are output. The underlined entry is the active
• CRT displays test results on the Test Set’s CRT.
• Printer displays test results on the Test Set’s CRT and outputs them to a printer.
(The printer information must first be entered on the TESTS (Printer Setup) screen.)
Run Test
Selecting this field loads and runs the test chosen in the Select Procedure
Filename: field on the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
The Tests Subsystem can only access external devices if they have been
configured. Most external devices use the HP-IB port for control. A serial printer
can be connected to the serial port for printing test results.
NOTE: HP-IB Mode. The Mode field on the I/O CONFIGURE screen must be set to Control to
access connected HP-IB instruments.
This field is used to enter the instrument’s remote address. For HP-IB instruments,
enter the full 3-digit address (such as 704).
Calling Name
The Calling Name field is used to enter the instrument’s function (in upper-case
letters). For example, PRINTER, POWER SUPPLY, DATA COLLECTION (disk
drive), and so forth.
Delet Ins
This field allows you to delete an instrument from the list at the bottom of the
Use the knob, up-arrow, or down-arrow key to select the step where you want to
delete an instrument.
Operating Considerations
The HP-IB path entered in the External Disk Specification field is used
by the Select Procedure Location: field on the TESTS (Main Menu)
screen when Disk is selected.
Insrt Ins
This field allows you to enter an instrument in the list at the bottom of the screen.
Use the knob, up-arrow, or down-arrow key to select the step where you want to
insert an instrument.
See Also
Programmer’s Guide
The Inst# field lists the number of external devices that are configured for the
tests in the current procedure.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
This field is used to enter the instrument’s model number. There is no specific
syntax for entering model numbers into this field.
This field is used to enter the instrument’s option number or numbers if any.
Operating Considerations
This field may be left blank, or otherwise may include other calling name options,
for example:
Printer options – LN=#,START,END
Where # is the number of lines on each page.
Where START causes a form feed at the start of each printout.
Where END causes a form feed at the end of each printout.
Data collection options – NN
Where NN is the number of records (file size) for the mass-storage location where
data will be collected on disk or memory card. The default record size is 80.
Print All
This field allows you to print the Test Set’s screen image.
The TESTS (Printer Setup) screen determines how tests are run.
This field is used to restart a paused test.
FF at End:
This field can only be controlled programmatically. It is used to specify if you
want a form feed at the end of printing. The underlined entry is the active choice.
FF at Start:
This field can only be controlled programmatically. It is used to specify if you
want a form feed at the start of printing. The underlined entry is the active choice.
This field is used to specify how many lines are printed per page.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
This field is used to specify the type of printer used. If your printer is not listed in
the Choices menu when you select this field, configure your printer to emulate
one of those that is listed.
Output Heading:
This field allows you to enter a heading for the test results printout (or CRT
Printer Address:
This field is used to specify the address of an HP-IB printer. This field is only
displayed if the Printer Port: field is set to HP-IB.
Printer Port:
This field is used to select the port your printer is connected to.
Run Test
Selecting this field loads and runs the test chosen in the Select Procedure
Filename: field on the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
The IBASIC controller is used to run IBASIC programs. This screen is also used
as a stand-alone IBASIC computer. See the Instrument BASIC documentation for
information about writing your own tests for the Test Set.
If you need to perform a simple IBASIC operation, such as a SAVE or GET
function, you can enter commands one at a time. To do this, access the
TESTS (IBASIC Controller) screen and use the knob to enter commands.
Refer to the Programmer’s Guide for information about using the TESTS
(IBASIC Controller) screen to write and store your own tests.
Clr Scr
This field is used to clear the IBASIC controller screen.
This field is used to restart a paused test.
Main Menu
Selecting this field returns you to the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
Selecting this field runs the IBASIC program.
Sngl Step
This field (single step) allows you to step through an IBASIC program
ROM Programs
The Signal Strength Meter is accessed by loading and running the LVL_MTR ROM
1. Select the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
2. Move the cursor to the Select Procedure Location: field and choose ROM.
3. Move the cursor to the Select Procedure Filename: field and select
4. Press the k3 key and enter the tune frequency (in MHz), then press the ENTER key. Do
not press a units (MHz, kHz, Hz) key. MHz is the default unit and cannot be changed.
The ANT IN port is always the signal source.
The password option for securing a test procedure is accessed by loading and
running the SECURE_IT ROM program. This program is accessed by directly
selecting it from the Choices menu.
1. Select the TESTS (Main Menu) screen.
2. Select the Select Procedure Location: field and choose ROM.
3. Select the Select Procedure Filename: field.
• Select SECURE_IT from the list of programs. Press Run Test to run the proce-
dure; follow the directions to secure the desired information.
• Select IB_UTIL from the list of programs. Press Run Test to display a list of pro-
cedures; select SECURE_IT and follow directions to secure the desired informa-
Clearing RAM
RAM can be cleared using the RAM_MNG program in the Test Set’s ROM. This
program clears all RAM, including any SAVE/RECALL registers saved to
Internal (see the Save/Recall field description, on page 387 in the I/O
CONFIGURE screen description).
This program is accessed by running the IB_UTIL program.
TX Test Screen
Block Diagram
2& )N !NT K(Z
!.4 ).
2& )&
2& )&
34!'%3 34!'%3
2& ).
&- $EMOD
!- $EMOD
(Z (0& (Z ,0&
33" $EMOD
!- -OD
!& !NL )N
&- $EMOD
!# ,EVEL
3).!$ 3.2
!& &REQ
$# ,EVEL
&- &REQ
!5$)/ /54
%XT 48 +EY
/. /FF
Field Descriptions
AF Anl In
Audio Frequency Analyzer input selects the input for the analyzer. When selected,
this field displays a list of choices.
Signals can be analyzed from three different types of inputs:
• The output of the AM, FM, or SSB demodulators.
AUDIO OUT connectors.
Operating Considerations
Changing this field alters the upper AF measurement to the appropriate
measurement type.
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AF Freq
This is the default measurement for this measurement field. Selecting this field
displays the following measurement choices:
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
AF Frequency
DC Level
Current - DC only
Operating Considerations
SNR Operation
• Selecting SNR turns off the other audio measurement.
• The RF Generator and AFGen1 must be set up to provide the radio’s carrier. (AFGen1
is automatically turned on and off repeatedly during this measurement.)
• AFGen2 must be turned off.
• The radio’s receiver’s audio output must be connected to the AUDIO IN port (set the
AF Anl In field to Audio In).
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
AFGen1 Freq
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the frequency for the first audio
frequency sinewave generator.
AFGen1 Lvl
This Audio Frequency Generator control sets the level out the AUDIO OUT
connector in volts rms (across a low-impedance output), or in mW, W, or dBm
across a 600-ohm load (mW is selected by pressing [SHIFT], [ENTER]).
Operating Considerations
In the TX TEST screen, the signal is always output through the AUDIO OUT
The Current field is found by selecting the SINAD field on the Test Set display
of the TX TEST screen. This field only displays the DC current measured at the
DC input port on the back of the Test Set. Any offset can be removed by selecting
Zero from the DC Current field.
DC Level
This field displays the DC voltage entering at the DC input port on the back of the
Test Set.
This setting selects or bypasses the 750 ms de-emphasis networks in the audio
analyzer and speaker circuitry.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
This setting selects the type of detector used when measuring and displaying AF
signal levels.
Detector Types
• RMS displays the RMS value of signals.
• RMS*SQRT2 displays the RMS value of a signal multiplied by 2 .
• Pk+ displays the positive peak value.
• Pk− displays the negative peak value.
• Pk±/2 adds the positive and negative peak values and divides the sum by 2.
• Pk±Max compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value
(polarity is not indicated).
• Pk+ Hold displays and holds the positive peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, or select a different detector, or reselect the same
• Pk− Hold displays and holds the negative peak value until the measurement is reset.
To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different detector, or reselect the same
• Pk±/2 Hold divides the sum of the positive and negative peak values by 2, and
displays the value until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET
key, select a different detector, or reselect the same detector.
• Pk±Mx Hold compares the positive and negative peaks and displays the greater value
until the measurement is reset. To reset, press the MEAS RESET key, select a different
detector, or reselect the same detector.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
See Also
"Interaction Between Screens" on page 54
This field displays the percent of distortion. The Distortion measurement is only
for a 1 kHz signaling tone.
Ext TX Key
This field controls a switch at the MIC/ACC connector. Its intended use is to
“key” an external transmitter.
See Also
Figure 117 on page 516
See Also
Chapter 5, "AF Analyzer Screen"
FM Deviation
This is the default measurement for this field. The type of measurement listed here
is dependent on the AF Anl In settings.
See Also
AF Anl In field description, on page 498
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
IF Filter
This field selects the desired IF filter’s bandwidth for modulated signals being
Input Port
This field selects the RF IN/OUT or ANT IN port for making RF measurements.
The RF IN/OUT port must be used for making TX Power measurements on this
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
If the RF power at the RF IN/OUT port exceeds allowable limits, a loud warning
signal sounds and a message appears at the top of the screen. If this occurs,
disconnect the RF power, press the MEAS RESET key, and allow the Test Set to
cool off for approximately 2 minutes before making any other measurements on
this port.
The ANT IN (antenna input) connector provides a highly-sensitive input for very
low-level signals (such as “off the air” measurements). You cannot measure TX
(RF) Power on this screen using the antenna port. However, low-level RF power
at the antenna port can be measured using theSpectrum Analyzer.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage.
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
RF Channel
The RF Channel field is displayed only when the RF Display field is set to
Chan on the CONFIGURE screen.
This field displays the current channel number. Channel tuning eliminates the
need to transmit and receive frequencies directly into the Test Set. Once the
radio’s RF channel standard is selected, you only have to enter the channel
number to automatically set the RF Generator and RF Analyzer to the correct
Operating Considerations
To utilize the correct transmit and receive frequencies select the appropriate
channel standard from the RF Chan Std field on the CONFIGURE screen.
This field is only visible when SINAD is selected from the AF Freq field on the
display area of the TX TEST screen. This field displays the measured SINAD of
the input signal.
Tune Freq
RF Analyzer tune frequency sets the center frequency for the RF signal to be
Operating Considerations
If the Tune Mode is set to Auto, the frequency is set by the Test Set by finding
the strongest RF signal above −36 dBm within the full bandwidth of the RF
If the Tune Mode is set to Manual, the operator must enter the desired frequency.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
Tune Mode
This field selects automatic or manual tuning of the RF Analyzer.
Auto causes the RF Analyzer to find the signal with the greatest amplitude
>-36 dBm, and set the tune frequency for that signal.
Manual requires the operator to set the tune frequency for the RF signal to be
Operating Considerations
Changing the Tune Mode also changes the RF frequency display. Automatic
tuning enables the TX Frequency measurement. Manual tuning enables the TX
Freq Error measurement.
After autotuning to the desired signal, select Manual to prevent the Tune Freq
from changing when the signal is no longer applied.
TX Freq Error,
TX Frequency
This measurement area is used to display transmitter frequency error or
transmitter frequency.
See Also
Tune Mode field description (this page)
TX Power
Transmitter power measures RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
Operating Considerations
Maximum signal levels at each port are printed on the front panel.
Only the RF IN/OUT port can be used for measuring TX Power on this screen.
When the Input Port is set to Ant, four dashes (- - - -) appear in place of digits
for this measurement.
Use the Spectrum Analyzer to measure low-level RF power (≤200 mW) at the
ANT IN port.
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage (although
internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press
the MEAS RESET key or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
See Also
Input Port field description, on page 503 (Operating Considerations)
TX Power field description (this page)
TX Power field description, on page 426
TX Pwr Zero field description, on page 427
TX Pwr Zero
The transmitter power zero function establishes a 0.0000 W reference for
measuring RF power at the RF IN/OUT port.
CAUTION: RF power must not be applied while zeroing. Set the RF GENERATOR screen Amplitude
field to off to prevent internal cross-coupling into the power detector while zeroing
Operating Considerations
When power is applied to the RF IN/OUT connector, the temperature of the
internal circuitry increases. This can cause changes in the TX Power
measurement when low power levels are measured immediately following high
power measurements.
When alternately making high and low power measurements, always zero the
power meter immediately before making the low-power measurements; this
provides the best measurement accuracy.
Connector Descriptions
The antenna input is used for analyzing low-power RF signals (≤200 mWatts),
and is typically used for off-the-air measurements. This port can be selected in the
CAUTION: Connecting a signal of >200 mW to the ANT IN port can cause instrument damage
(although internal protection circuits can typically withstand a short-duration signal
of 1 or 2 Watts).
If the overpower circuit is triggered (signified by a warning message at the top of
the screen), remove the signal from the ANT IN port, and press [MEAS RESET]
or turn the Test Set off and on to reset it.
Operating Considerations
Input impedance = 50Ω
TX Power cannot be measured using this port; use the RF IN/OUT port. However,
low power levels can be measured using this port with the Spectrum Analyzer.
Additional sensitivity for this port is available using the Sensitivity field in
Two connectors are used to input audio signals to the AF Analyzer:
• HI is the main audio signal input connection.
• LO is used for the audio signal reference. Three choices are available using the AF AN-
ALYZER screen’s Audio In Lo field:
• Gnd connects the center pin through approximately 100Ω to chassis ground.
• Float is a floating input.
• 600 To Hi provides a 600Ω internal load to match an audio source with an output
impedance of 600Ω.
The measured level is the potential between the HI and LO center pins. The shells
of both connectors are at chassis ground.
Operating Considerations
Input impedance is switchable between 1 MΩ in parallel with 95pF, or 600Ω
This port is selected as the AF Analyzer’s input using the AF Anl In field in the
TX TEST screen, DUPLEX TEST screen, AF ANALYZER screen, and various
encoder modes. This port is always the AF Analyzer’s input when the RX TEST
screen is displayed.
Signals input to the AF Analyzer are routed through different filters, amplifiers,
and detectors that affect the displayed measurement.
CAUTION: The maximum level between the HI and LO center pins is 42 V peak (approximately
30 Vrms). Exceeding this value can cause permanent instrument damage.
See Also
Chapter 5, "AF Analyzer Screen"
Operating Considerations
The Scope To field in the AF ANALYZER screen determines the source of this
The level is not affected by the front-panel VOLUME knob.
Output impedance <1 kΩ
See Also
Chapter 5, "AF Analyzer Screen"
This port is used to output signals from AF Generators 1 and 2, including the
encoder functions.
Operating Considerations
The output level is set by the AF Generators and is not affected by the front-panel
VOLUME control.
Output impedance <1Ω
Maximum output current = 20 mA peak
Maximum reverse voltage = 12 V peak
AC/DC coupling is selected using the Audio Out field. This field is available in
the DUPLEX TEST screen, RF GENERATOR screen, and various encoder
Chassis Ground
The rear-panel chassis ground terminal provides a general chassis connection, as
well as providing a safety ground when dc power is used.
WARNING: To prevent a potential shock hazard, always connect the chassis ground terminal to earth ground
when operating this instrument from a dc power source.
Operating Considerations
A multi-sync monitor must be used to match the video sync rate of 19.2 kHz.
Examples of this type of monitor include - Mitsubishi Diamond Scan, NEC 3D,
Leading Edge CMC-141M, and Sony CPD-1302.
These connectors are used in series with a DC supply and load to provide a 0 to 10
amp DC current meter.
Operating Considerations
The dc current meter is designed to measure positive current (the connector’s
polarity is marked on the rear panel). Negative current of ≤10 amps will not
damage the instrument, but will cause inaccurate positive current measurements
(due to magnetic memory within the current-sensing element).
To recalibrate the current meter after negative current has been applied:
1. Connect a 10 amp positive current.
2. Disconnect the current.
3. Access the AF ANALYZER screen.
4. Select the DC Current Zero field to zero the meter.
See Also
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57
This female connector is used with a dc supply to provide power to the
instrument. The male counterpart to this connector is included in the Connector
Kit accessory. (See "Accessories" on page 535.)
The following HP parts can also be ordered to assemble the male counterpart to
this connector:
Connector housing: 1251-4782 (1 required)
Connector contacts: 1252-0385 (2 required)
WARNING: To prevent a potential shock hazard, always connect the chassis ground terminal to earth ground
when operating this instrument from a DC power source.
This connection is an output for the RF Generator and Tracking Generator.
Operating Considerations
Output impedance = 50Ω
The RF Generator’s output is selected in the Output Port field. This field is
ANALYZER screens.
CAUTION: Connecting an RF source of >200 mW to this connector can permanently damage the
Operating Considerations
Input threshold approximately 2.5 V
Maximum Input level approximately 20 V peak
Input impedance is:
100 kΩ for signals ≤5.6 V peak
5 kΩ for signals >5.6 V peak
When measured with no load on the input, a 5 Volt level is present on the
connector due to the internal pull-up resistor design.
See Also
Chapter 14, "Oscilloscope Screen"
This port furnishes an alternate audio monitor output from the speaker circuit. It
allows you to listen to signals in a noisy environment (such as a cell site). The
front-panel VOLUME knob controls the level.
Operating Considerations
Output impedance approximately 1 kΩ
This connector allows communication between the Test Set and other instruments
or computers using the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB).
See Also
Chapter 12, "I/O Configure Screen"
HP 8920 Programmer’s Guide
See Also
HP 8920 Programmer’s Guide
This 8-pin DIN connector (see figure 117 on page 516 ) is used for several
• Mic In is used to modulate the RF Generator when the KEY IN line is grounded. This
signal is summed with the external MODULATION INPUT signal. The Mod In To
field of the RF GENERATOR screen sets the type of modulation (AM or FM) and sen-
sitivity (%AM/Vpk or kHz/Vpk) for this connection.
• Key In provides control of the RF Generator’s output state (on or off) and automatic
switching between the TX TEST and RX TEST screens (if the CONFIGURE screen’s
RX/TX Cntl functions are set to Auto and PTT). Screen switching occurs when this
line is grounded.
• Key Out 1 and Key Out 2 provide a switch path to control external equipment (such as
keying a transmitter). Key Out 1 and Key Out 2 are connected when the Ext TX key
field is set to On.
CAUTION: Do not exceed 50 Vdc (open circuit) or 250 mA dc (closed circuit) between Key Out 1 and Key
Out 2. Damage to internal components may result.
See Also
Chapter 18, "RF Generator Screen"
Chapter 7, "Configure Screen"
Chapter 17, "RF Analyzer Screen"
This connector provides an external modulation connection to the RF Generator.
Operating Considerations
Input impedance = 600Ω
Maximum input level = 12 V peak
Full scale input = 1 V peak
The Mod In To field of the RF GENERATOR screen sets the type of modulation
(AM or FM) and sensitivity (%AM/Vpk or kHz/Vpk) for this connection.
This signal is summed with the microphone MIC IN signal from the MIC/ACC
The FM Coupling field in the RF GENERATOR, DUPLEX TEST, and various
encoder modes selects ac or dc coupling of this signal for FM operation.
Parallel Port
This port is used with printers requiring a parallel interface when printing screen
images or test results. Set the Printer Port: field (on the PRINT
CONFIGURE screen or TESTS (Printer Setup) screen) to Parallel to print to
this port. Use address 15 when sending data to this port from IBASIC programs.
Pin numbers are embossed on the connector. Pin assignments are as follows:
1. nStrobe
2. Data 1 (Least Significant Bit)
3. Data 2
4. Data 3
5. Data 4
6. Data 5
7. Data 6
8. Data 7
9. Data 8 (Most Significant Bit)
10. nAck
11. Busy
12. PError
13. Select
14. nAutoFd
15. nFault
16. nInit
17. nSelectIn
18. Signal Ground (nStrobe)
19. Signal Ground (Data 1 and Data 2)
20. Signal Ground (Data 3 and Data 4)
21. Signal Ground (Data 5 and Data 6)
22. Signal Ground (Data 7 and Data 8)
23. Signal Ground (Busy and nFault)
24. Signal Ground (PError, Select, and nAck)
25. Signal Ground (nAutoFd, nSelectIn, and nInit)
This connector is optional on all Test Sets.
This connector provides parallel communications between the Test Set and
external radio equipment. The connector provides a 16-line parallel digital
interface that you can configure as inputs, outputs, or a combination of inputs and
outputs. You can set the logic thresholds and output levels so that the interface
will match the levels and thresholds of the device it is connector to. Audio and
transmitter control lines are also provided.
Parallel communication parameters are entered in the RADIO INTERFACE
screen. This screen is only available if the Radio Interface option is installed.
The audio signal from this connector is input by setting the AF Anl In field to
Radio Int. (The AF Anl In field is available in the TX TEST, DUPLEX
TEST, and AF ANALYZER screens, as well as various DECODER screens.)
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the diodes, the input voltage must not exceed logic voltage +0.6 V or be
less than −0.6 V.
Rise times are affected by capacitive loading. This is because the control and data
lines have 3.16 kΩ pull-up resistors.
Fall times are affected by open collector current sink limitations.
19 1
37 20
The pin numbers for the radio interface connector are listed on the connector and in figure
118 on page 519. Pin assignments are as follows:
1. GND
2. No Connection
3. Audio Out
• This is an output for the audio sources, AF Gen1 and AF Gen2. It it also connected
in parallel to the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector.
• Set the AFGen1 To field, the AFGen2 To field, or both to Audio Out to
select this pin and the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector as the audio source out-
put. These fields are found on the RX TEST and DUPLEX TEST screens as well as
on the signalling encoder screen.
• All settings for the audio source affect the signal at this pin.
• Output specifications are the same as the front-panel AUDIO OUT connector.
4. Key Out 2
• This pin is a key relay contact.
• Key Out 1 and Key Out 2 are connected in parallel with the Key Out 1 and Key Out
2 pins of the front-panel MIC/ACC connector. They go to internal relay contacts
and can be used to key a transmitter. The relay contacts are closed, which connects
the two pins when the Ext TX Key field is set to On. This field can be found on
the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, or RF ANALYZER screen. (See "MIC/ACC" on
page 514.)
• Capacitance is 0.1 µF per pin (300 pF per pin after approximately 6 µs).
Contact Rating is 0.5 A, 50 V.
5. Audio Input
• Set the AF Anl In field to Radio Int to select this pin as the audio analyzer’s
input. This field is found on the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, or AF ANALYZER
screen, as well as various signalling decoder screens.
• Input impedance is 100 kΩ.
6. Key Out 1
• See pin 4. Also see "MIC/ACC" on page 514.
7. −12.6 V
• Pins 7 and 8 can supply power to a low current device. The voltage is always present
when the Test Set is powered on and cannot be varied or turned on or off.
• Output current is limited by an internal 100Ω, 2 W resistor.
8. +12.6 V
• See pin 7.
See Also
Chapter 16, "Radio Interface Screen".
This Type-N connection is used to output signals from the RF Generator and to
input RF signals.
CAUTION: Overpower Damage — Refer to the Test Set’s front panel for maximum input power
level. Exceeding this level can cause permanent instrument damage.
If the RF power at the RF IN/OUT port exceeds allowable limits, a loud warning
signal sounds and a message appears at the top of the screen. If this occurs,
disconnect the RF power, press [MEAS RESET], and allow the Test Set to cool
off for approximately 2 minutes before making any other measurements on this
Operating Considerations
This port must be used when measuring TX (RF) Power.
Signals ≤200 mWatts can be input to the ANT IN connector for all RF
measurements except TX Power.
This port can be selected in the TX TEST, DUPLEX TEST, RF ANALYZER, or
See Also
"Displaying Measurements" on page 57.
This 6-pin, RJ-11, dual serial port is used to input and output serial data for
entering programs, printing tests results and screen images, and sending test
results to a connected controller, disk drive, or terminal.
Operating Considerations
The serial communications settings are defined on the I/O CONFIGURE screen.
NOTE: Using Port B. The second serial port (B) is only used with IBASIC programs to communicate
with base stations or other equipment when the primary serial port is used for printing or data
collection. Port B cannot be used for printing screens, and its communication settings can only
be changed using IBASIC commands (listed in the Programmer’s Guide). Unless you are
writing IBASIC programs that require serial printing and other serial data transfer at the same
time, we recommend that you only use the primary port (A).
The IBASIC Controller sends and receives data to the serial ports using address 9
for the primary port, and 10 for Port B. For example, to enter data from the
primary serial port into a program variable named SDATA, you could use the
following command:
To send data from your program out of the primary serial port, you could use the
following command:
Use an RJ-11, 25-pin, RS-232 adapter (HP P/N 98642-66508) and RJ-11 cable
(HP P/N 98642-66505) to connect the Test Set to a serial printer, terminal, or
NOTE: RJ-11 Connectors. RJ-11 cables and adapters can be wired several ways. If you buy a cable
or adapter other than the HP parts listed, verify the connections for the pins indicated in the
following table before connecting cables to the instruments.
The following table lists connections for the primary serial port (address 9). When
using both ports at the same time, you need to locate or fabricate an adapter to
provide the necessary connections.
Operating Considerations
Input frequency = 1, 2, 5, or 10 MHz
Input level >0.15 V rms
Input impedance approximately 50Ω.
When a valid signal is applied to the 10 MHz REF INPUT, the Test Set
automatically switches from internal to external reference.
This signal is used as a reference for, and directly affects, these functions:
RF Generator Frequency (including the Tracking Generator)
RF Frequency Counter
AF Frequency Counter
RF Analyzer Tune Frequency
Spectrum Analyzer Center Frequency
AF Generators 1 and 2, and the decoder’s frequency counter, are not affected
using an external reference; they use their own reference.
NOTE: The reference output frequency is always 10 MHz, independent of the selected input reference
Electrostatic discharges to the 10 MHz REF INPUT port of 0.5 kV or above may
cause degradation of performance requiring operator intervention.
Operating Considerations
Waveform = sinewave
Output frequency = 10 MHz
Output level >0.5 V rms
Output impedance approximately 50Ω.
NOTE: The reference output frequency is always 10 MHz, independent of the selected input reference
Key Descriptions
The DATA keys have four main uses:
• The [0] to [9], [ . ], [+/-], and A to F keys are for entering and changing values.
• [ENTER] is used to select a field or screen, and to enter numbers when the unit-of-mea-
sure is not specified. This function is identical to pressing the cursor-control knob.
• [ON/OFF] is used to enable and disable measurements, and to turn numeric fields (such
as Amplitude) on and off.
• YES and NO are used to confirm selected operations before they are executed.
• EEX ([SHIFT], [+/-]) is used for entering numbers using scientific notation.
• The remaining keys in this area are for entering and changing the unit-of-measure for
measurements or field entries.
See Also
"Entering and Changing Numbers" on page 63.
• Up-arrow and down-arrow keys increment or decrement field values. These keys are
also used to select alternate field entries without displaying the Choices menu used
by some fields. They are also used to move the cursor in string entry fields (such as the
Print Title field on the PRINT CONFIGURE screen).
• LO LIMIT ([SHIFT], down-arrow key) and HI LIMIT ([SHIFT], up-arrow key) and set
measurement end points. Exceeding the end points causes screen prompts to blink until
they are reset.
REF SET ([SHIFT], [INCR ³10]) is used to enter or remove a measurement reference for
relative AF and RF measurements.
METER ([SHIFT], [INCR SET]) enables or disables the analog bar-graph meter function
for measurements using large digits (such as the RX TEST and TX TEST screen measure-
See Also
"Operating Overview" on page 53 .
See Also
"Saving and Recalling Instrument Setups" on page 71.
See Also
"Printing A Screen" on page 66.
These keys are used to instantly access fields without using the cursor-control
knob or changing screens.
See Also
"Using USER Keys" on page 75.
Knob Descriptions
• CURSOR CONTROL has three functions:
1. Moving the cursor.
2. Selecting fields, screens, and settings from a list of choices.
3. Changing numeric field values.
• VOLUME controls the speaker volume for monitoring the AF Analyzer’s selected in-
put. The volume is also affected by the Speaker Vol and Speaker ALC fields in
the AF ANALYZER screen.
• SQUELCH adjusts the squelch level when demodulating AM, FM, or SSB signals. The
squelch level is affected by the Squelch field in the RF ANALYZER screen.
See Also
Chapter 17, "RF Analyzer Screen"
Chapter 5, "AF Analyzer Screen"
This section includes information regarding:
• Hardware Upgrades/Modifications
• Firmware Upgrades
• Accessories
• Manuals (English and non-English)
• Radio Test Software
• Power Cables
• Sales and Service Support
Some options may not be available depending on which model number you have. One or
more options may already be installed in your instrument. For more specifiic information,
see table 14 on the following page.
Description HP 8921A
Option 500: TDMA Cell Site Test System, order HP 83204A Option 001 Option 500
Option 502: CDPD MDBS Cell Site Test System, order HP 83204A Option 502
Option 002
Option 503: TDMA/CDPD MDBS Cell Site Test System, order HP Option 503
83204A Option 003
Option 600: CDMA Cell Site Test System, order HP 83205A Option 001 Option 600
Description HP 8921A
Option 602: CDPD MDBS Cell Site Test System, order Option 002 Option 602
OPtion 603: CDMA/CDPD MDBS Cell Site Test System, order HP Option 603
83205 Option 003
a.Replaces C-Message weighting filer, should be ordered for TACS base station test.
b. Cannot be installed in HP 8921A with Option 042.
c. Cannot be ordered with Option 020.
Firmware Upgrades
Table 15 Firmware Upgrades
Description HP 8921A
Table 16 Accessories
Description HP 8921A
Microphone 08920-61059
Description HP 8921A
External Monitor
The CRT’s Video Output drives a multisync monitor at 19.2 kHz (analog).
Examples of this type of monitor include the Electrohome ECM 1410-DMS
14-inch color monitor and the EVM 1242-P4VID 12-inch monochrome monitor.
Power Cables
HP Part #
Plug Type Descriptions Cable Descriptions
(cable &plug)
90°/Straight 8120-2956 79 inches, gray 79 inches, gray 79
90°/90° 8120-2957 inches, gray
Straight/Straight 8120-3997
Customer Training
Hewlett-Packard offers customers a variety of training materials and classes that
explain the theory and applications of many HP products. Contact your HP
regional sales office to arrange training for you or your group.
Table 19 Regional Sales Offices
The format of the displayed message determines which manual contains information
about the error message. There are four basic error message formats:
The following paragraphs give a brief description of each message format and direct you
to the manual to look in for information about error messages displayed in that format.
or contact,
Negative numbered error messages take the form: ERROR −XX <error message>
For example:
Error -128 Numeric data not allowed
Error -141 Invalid character data
HP-IB error messages take the form: HP-IB Error: -XX or HP-IB Error
For example:
HP-IB Error: -410 Query INTERRUPTED.
HP-IB Error: Input value out of range.
Text only error messages can also be displayed while running the Test Set’s built-in
diagnostic or calibration utility programs. Refer to the Assembly Level Repair manual for
information on text only error messages displayed while running the Test Set’s built-in
diagnostic or calibration utility programs.
Text only error messages take the form: This is an error message.
For example:
• Input value out of range.
Messages that are about error conditions may tell you what to do to correct the error (turn
something off, reduce a field’s value, press a certain key, and so forth). Messages and
prompts are sometimes accompanied by a beep or warble.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to recover from this condition. You must switch the
Test Set off and back on. When you rerun the test where the Error Message occurred, it
may not occur again. If it does reappear, it would be helpful to Hewlett-Packard to record
exactly what the configuration of the instrument was when the error appeared and contact
The Test Set did not detect any hardware or firmware failures during its initial self-
diagnostics. This message should always be displayed immediately after instrument turn
A number was entered that was too large or small for the selected field, for example,
trying to set AFG1 Freq to 125 kHz.
Invalid keystroke.
You used a key that has no function relating to the selected field, for example, pressing the
[ON/OFF] key while the Filter 1 field is selected.
You selected a function that requires optional hardware that is not present for example,
selecting TDMA TEST from the To Screen menu when you do not have an HP 83201A
or HP 83201B Cellular Adapter connected to the Test Set.
The Test Set temporarily interrupts audio measurements when squelch is first broken to
prevent internal switching transients from influencing measurements (except when using
squelch is repetitively broken in a period of a few seconds, the duration of measurement
interruption becomes too great, and the Test Set stops interrupting the signal. Following
measurements may be influenced by transient signals.
Pressing [MEAS RESET] clears the data buffer used to generate interrupts, resetting the
normal squelch operation to eliminate transients.
This error usually occurs after changing the Test Set’s firmware ROM’s. It is not a
problem in that instance, but should not re-appear during subsequent operation of the Test
Too many decoder samples were sent to the decoder’s buffer during a measurement gate
time causing a data overflow. Reducing the gate time decreases the amount of data sent
during each measurement.
An instrument failure was detected when the Test Set was turned on. (For example, having
a stuck front-panel key during turn on.) The numbered error message corresponds to a
binary-weighted group of errors listed in the *TST Common Command description in the
Programmer’s Guide.
The RF signal level is either too great or too small for the current input port, attenuator
setting, or both. This error often occurs when trying to make a low-level measurement
using the RF IN/OUT port with the Spectrum Analyzer. Make the indicated changes until
this message is no longer displayed.
This message appears when the RF Generator’s Amplitude field is set too high when
using the RF IN/OUT port or when adjusting the amplitude with the Atten Hold field
set to On.
The RF IN/OUT port has a lower maximum output level than the DUPLEX OUT port.
Use the DUPLEX OUT port, or reduce the RF Generator’s level.
If Atten Hold is On, you may be adjusting the amplitude outside of the allowed range.
Change the amplitude
The SERVICE screen was accessed and one or more internal latch settings were changed.
Turn the instrument off and back on to reset the latches. (This condition can occur during
periodic calibration.)
parity, 225, 306, 308, 309 C view of, decoding error message, 122
serial data word, 385 cables Call Data screen
specifying patter to display, 221 power, 539 Access annunciator, 141
sync word, 225 calibration Active, 141
triggering, 221 spectrum analyzer, 464 Active annunciator, 141
type, 306, 308 Call Bit screen Connect annunciator, 141
word sync, 306, 308 Access annunciator, 163 Display Word, 142
block diagram Active, 163 Order, 142, 165
AF Analyzer, 97 Active annunciator, 164 Page, 142, 166
Duplex Test screen, 287 Connect annunciator, 164 Page annunciator, 142, 166
RF Analyzer, 419 Data Spec, 164 Register, 143, 166
RF Generator, 431 Set Message, 166 Register annunciator, 143, 166
RX Test, 441 view of, 161 Release, 143, 166
TX Test, 497 Call Configure screen view of, 139
brightness CMAX, 199 call origination, 137
setting, 50, 207 Detector, 199 call processing
BS TX Pwr Zero, 199 AUDIO IN connector, 116
definition, 262 view of, 198 connecting mobile station, 114
BS Identity Call Control screen description, 109
Signaling Encoder screen, NMT mode, Access annunciator, 119 general procedure, 117
370 Active, 119 operational overview, 111
buffer overflow error, 233 Active annunciator, 119 screen, description of, 113
Bursts AF Freq, 119 state diagram, 112
Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- Amplitude, 119 Called Number
TACS mode, 303 Called Number, 120 Call Control screen, 120
Signaling Encoder screen, CDCSS Chan, 120 Calling Channel Number
mode, 315 Cntl Channel, 120 Signaling Encoder screen, NMT mode,
Signaling Encoder screen, Digi Page Connect annunciator, 120 371
mode, 320 Display, 121 Calling Name
Signaling Encoder screen, DTMF ESN (dec), 123 Tests (External Devices) screen, 485
mode, 325 ESN (hex), 123 CALLP
Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, FM Deviation, 123 RECCW A, 140
343 Handoff, 123, 142, 165 RECCW B, 140
Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- MS Id, 124 RECCW C, 140
NTAC mode, 303 Order, 125 RECCW D, 140
Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq Page, 125 RECCW E, 140
mode, 379 Page annunciator, 126 RVCOrdCon, 140
busy state, 303 Phone Num, 126 CANCEL key, 529
Busy/Idle Pwr Lvl, 125 card
Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- Register, 126 procedure location, 470, 480
TACS mode, 303 Register annunciator, 126 Carrier
Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- Release, 126 Configure screen, 213
NTAC mode, 303 SAT, 127 carrier
SCM, 127 effect on RX/TX screen, 213
SID, 127 Carrier Ref
System Type, 128 Adjacent Channel Power screen, 88
TX Freq Error, 128 CC, calling channel, 271
TX Power, 128 CCIR1
RF In/Out, 211 Cont/Single 321, 325, 329, 330, 340, 343, 370,
RF Level Offset, 211 Oscilloscope screen, 397 372, 378, 379, 434
RF Offset, 212 Continue dc, 292, 294, 302, 306, 315, 316, 320,
RFGen Volts, 50 Tests (Execution Conditions) screen, 321, 325, 329, 330, 340, 343, 370,
RX/TX Cntl, 213 482 372, 378, 379, 398, 434
Serial No., 214 Tests (IBASIC Controller) screen, 491 notch frequency, 207
Time, 50, 214 Tests (Main Menu) screen, 468 CRT VIDEO OUTPUT connector
Total RAM, 214 Tests (Printer Setup) screen, 487 description, 511
User Def Base Freq, 203 continuous digital controlled squelch sys- Current
view of, 202 tem AF Analyzer screen, 99, 106
connect decoder, 226 Duplex Test screen, 289
DUT to test set, 40 encoder, 314 RF Analyzer screen, 424
mobile station to test set for call pro- control RF Generator screen, 436
cessing, 114 characters, 81 RX Test screen, 446
radio to test set, 40 filler, 306 TX TEST screen, 500
Connect annunciator filler message, 177 TX Test screen, 98, 499
Call Bit screen, 164 message, 306 current
Call Control screen, 120 remote, 80 measurement, dc, 98, 106, 289, 424,
Call Data screen, 141 status, 333 436, 446, 499
connectors Control Channel cursor control, 530
10 MHz REF INPUT, 525 Signaling Encoder screen, MPT 1327 CW RF OUT connector
10 MHz REF OUTPUT, 525 mode, 352 description, 512
114.3 MHz IF OUT, 512 control channel
ANT IN, 508 decoder, AMPS-TACS/NAMPS-
AUDIO IN, 509 NTACS, 217
AUDIO MONITOR OUTPUT, 510 number, call processing, 120
AUDIO OUT, 510 turning on, 132
cellular adapters, 512 Control Channel, Number
Control I/O, 512 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS
CRT VIDEO OUTPUT, 511 mode, 329
CW RF OUT, 512 Control Channel, RX Frequency
DC CURRENT MEASUREMENT, Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS-
511 mode, 329
DC INPUT, 512 Control Channel, TX Frequency
DET OUT, 512 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS-
digital testing, 512 mode, 329
DUPLEX OUT, 513 Control I/O connector
EXT SCOPE TRIGGER, 513 description, 512
HEADPHONE, 513 Controls
HP-IB, 514 Oscilloscope screen, 392
IQ RF IN, 512 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 451
MIC/ACC, 514 counter
ParallelPort, 517 RF, 423
parts kit, 512 Counter Connection
RADIO INTERFACE, 519 Service screen, 448
RF IN/OUT, 522 coupling
SERIAL PORT, 523 ac, 292, 294, 302, 306, 315, 316, 320,
filter, description, 237 AF Analyzer functional block, 97 Call Control screen, 121
gain, 100 Duplex Test functional block, 287 Display Page
input level, 219, 228, 237, 248, 282 RF Analyzer functional block, 419 Signaling Decoder screen, Digi Page
off for digital paging, 233 RF Generator functional block, 431 mode, 232
off for NMT decoder, 265 RX Test functional block, 441 Display Word
selecting, 100, 292, 500 TX Test functional block, 497 Call Data screen, 142
default settings Digital Paging decoder mode Distn
base, 74 AF Anl In, 231 AF Analyzer screen, 106
changing, 73, 74 Arm Meas, 231 Duplex Test screen, 289
power-on, 73 Data Display, 232 RF Analyzer screen, 424
delay Data Rate, 232 RF Generator screen, 436
busy/idle, 303 Display Page, 232 RX Test screen, 446
first bit, 303 Gate Time, 233 TX Test screen, 98, 499
word sync, 303 Input Level, 233 Distortion
Delet Ins Number of Pages, 233 Audio Frequency Analyzer screen, 100
Tests (External Devices) screen, 485 Polarity, 234 RF Analyzer screen, 420
Delet Stp Single/Cont, 234 TX TEST screen, 502
Tests (Order of Tests) screen, 475 Stop Meas, 234 distortion, 60
delete Trig Level, 234 measurement, 98, 106, 289, 424, 436,
global user key assignment, 78 view of, 231 446, 499
local user key assignment, 77 Digital Paging encoder mode measurement, amplifier, 104
RAM contents, 493 AFGen2 To, 320 measurement, variable notch filter, 104
register contents, 72, 493 Audio Out, 320 dotting bits, 306, 308
Delete Ch Bursts, 320 down arrow key, 527
Tests (Channel Information) screen, Data Rate, 320 downloading programs, 276
472 Error Bit, 320 DSAT, 220, 225
depth FM Coupling, 321 Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP-
AM, 59 Function, 321 NTAC mode, 304
Description Mssg Length, 321 DST, 220, 225
Tests (Main Menu) screen, 468 Pager Alpha-Numeric Message, 322 DTMF, 220, 225
DET OUT connector Pager Code, 322 DTMF decoder mode
description, 512 Pager Numeric Message, 322 AF Anl In, 235
Detector Pager Type, 322 Arm Meas, 235
AF Analyzer screen, 101 Polarity, 322 Gate Time, 236
Analog Meas screen, 194 Send, 323 Hi Tone, 236
Call Configuration screen, 199 Send Mode, 323 Input Level, 237
Duplex Test screen, 293 Standard, 323 Lo Tone, 238
TX Test screen, 501 Stop, 323 Off Time, 238
detector view of, 319 On Time, 238
peak, 101, 104, 293, 501 digital signaling tone, 220, 225 Single/Cont, 238
rms, 101, 293, 501 digital supervisory audio tone, 220, 225 Stop Meas, 239
selecting, 101, 293, 501 digital test connections, 512 Sym, 239
deviation disarm view of, 235
FM, 59, 102, 294, 420, 502 measurment, 243 DTMF sequence
device-under-test radio interface interrupt, 407 outputting, 326
connecting, 40 disk DTMF Sequence encoder mode
for NMT encoder, 372 procedure location, 470, 480 AFGen2 To, 325
diagram Display Audio Out, 325
First Frame data rate, 304 Signaling Decoder screen, Tone Seq
Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode, filler data, AMPS-TACS/NAMPS- mode, 282
262 NTACS, 301 Freq (marker)
first word of called address, 149 menu, 303 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 460
floating input outputting, 311 Freq Channel Information
at AUDIO IN LO, 99 FOCC message Tests (Main Menu) screen, 469
FM data format, AMPS-TACS/NAMPS- Freq Error
accuracy degradation, 123 NTACS, 301 Signaling Decoder screen, Tone Seq
deviation, 59 form feed, 400 mode, 282
deviation measurement, 102, 294, 420, forward control channel, 313 Frequency
502 AMPS-TACS/NAMPS-NTACS, 301 Service screen, 448
deviation, modulation quality, 121 filler data format, AMPS-TACS/ Signaling Decoder screen, Func Gen
input, 435 NAMPS-NTACS, 301 mode, 248
RF generator, 88, 290, 302, 315, 320, message data format, AMPS-TACS/ frequency
325, 329, 340, 343, 368, 378, 432, NAMPS-NTACS, 301 AFGen1, 88, 290, 432, 442, 500
433, 443 modifying messages, 161 AFGen2, 340, 432, 442
FM Coupling turning on, 119, 141, 163 carrier, ACP measurement, 88
Duplex Test screen, 294 forward voice channel, 313 center, for notch filter, 104
RF Generator screen, 434 AMPS-TACS, 301 center, for spectrum analyzer, 453
Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- message data format, AMPS-TACS, center, RF signal, 92, 297, 425, 504
TACS mode, 306 301 decoded signal, 248
Signaling Encoder screen, CDCSS message data format, NAMPS- effects of RF offset, 212
mode, 316 NTACS, 301 for DTMF sequence, 326
Signaling Encoder screen, Digi Page modifying messages, 161 for tonesequence, 380
mode, 321 NAMPS-NTACS, 301 measurement, 93, 107, 298, 425, 437,
Signaling Encoder screen, DTMF four dashes 505
mode, 325 meaning of, ACP level measurement, offset RF generator/analyzer, 206
Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS 87 range, for DTMF decoder, 240
mode, 330 meaning of, AF frequency, 119 RF generator, 445
Signaling Encoder screen, Func Gen meaning of, FM deviation, 123 RF generator, reference, 203
mode, 340 meaning of, squelch, 423 setting, 210, 296, 435
Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, meaning of, TX frequency error, 128 span, 454
343 meaning of, TX power measurement, spectrum analyzer, 460
Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- 58, 87, 93, 108, 298, 426, 437, 505 symbol, 282
NTAC mode, 306 Frame Digits transmitter, 58
Signaling Encoder screen, NMT mode, Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode, tuning, 92, 297, 425, 504
372 264 frequency error
Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq frames measurement, 93, 107, 298, 425, 437,
mode, 379 definition for NMT, 262 505
FM Deviation NMT information, 264 modulation quality, 121
AF Analyzer screen, 102 suffixes, 271 symbol, 282
Analog Meas screen, 194 Free 1 transmitter, 58
Call Control screen, 123 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, frequency offset, 79
Duplex Test screen, 294 344 tracking generator, 458
RF Analyzer screen, 420 Free 2 frequency pair
TX Test screen, 502 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, DTMF, high tone, 236
FOCC 344 DTMF, low, 225, 238
AMPS-TACS/NAMPS-NTACS, 301 Freq Function
H HP-IB control, 80 I
Handoff HP-IB operation I/O Config
Call Control screen, 123, 142, 165 squelch effects, 424 Radio Interface screen, 408
handoff hum and noise I/O Configure screen
mobile station to new voice channel, measuring, 197 Data Length, 385
135 HP-IB Address, 385
Handshake IBASIC Echo, 385
Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS Inst Echo, 385
mode, 330 Mode, 386
hardware Parity, 386
modifications, 532 Rcv Pace, 386
heading Save/Recall, 387
for printout, 401, 488 Serial Baud, 387
HEADPHONE connector Serial In, 388
description, 513 Stop Length, 388
HELP key, 528 view of, 384
Help screen Xmt Pace, 388
view of, 382 IB_UTIL, 493
hexadecimal format, 64 IBASIC controller
hexadecimal numbers configuring, 388
for tone sequence, 380 IBASIC Echo
HI indicator, 67 I/O Configure screen, 385
HI LIMIT key, 527 IBASIC error messages, 385
Signaling Decoder screen, DTMF Tests (Main Menu) screen, 469
mode, 236 IBASIC programs
high limit running, 80
removing, 68 ID 1
setting, 67 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode,
Hold All 344
Range Hold, 208 ID 2
HOLD key, 528 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode,
Home 1 344
Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, identification
344 base station, 370
Home 2 mobile station, 124
Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, mobile station subscriber, 373
344 mobile telephone exchange, 369
horizontal sweep octal code for radio, 315
oscilloscope, 393 subscriber identity security challenge,
HP-IB 374
address, external devices, 485 subscriber identity security response,
address, printer, 401, 489 374
address, test set, 385, 528 idle
HP-IB Address state, 303
I/O Configure screen, 385 status, 333
HP-IB connector IF Filter
description, 514 Duplex Test screen, 295
digital paging, 321 to view, from mobile station handoff, decoding LTR data, 255
error, 549 156 mobile station
error, buffer overflow, 233 to view, from mobile station origina- connecting to test set, 336
extended address word, order, 180 tion, 160 contol channel, 337
extended address word, voice channel to view, from mobile station page, 154 receiver test procedure, 336
assignment, 182 to view, from mobile station registra- receiver testing, 335
FCC mobile station control, word 1, tion, 153 transmitter testing, 335
179 to view, from mobile station release, mobile subscriber number, 373
FCC mobile station control, word 2, or- 158 Mod In To
der, 180 to view, from order to change TX pow- RF Generator screen, 435
FCC mobile station control, word 2, er of mobile, 159 Mode
voice channel assignment, 182 types of, 549 I/O Configure screen, 386
FOCC, AMPS-TACS/NAMPS- Message 1 Signaling Decoder screen, AMPS-
NTACS, 301 LTR encoder, 342 TACS, 217
FVC mobile station control, order, 183 Message 2 Signaling Decoder screen, CDCSS,
FVC mobile station control, voice LTR encoder, 342 226
channel assignment, 185 Message screen Signaling Decoder screen, Digi Page,
FVC O Mes, 183 view of, 390 231
FVC V Mes, 185 Message/DST Signaling Decoder screen, DTMF, 235
FVC, AMPS-TACS, 301 Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- Signaling Decoder screen, EDACS,
FVC, NAMPS-NTACS, 301 NTAC mode, 310 241
IBASIC error, 385 METER, 527 Signaling Decoder screen, Func Gen,
MS IntVCh, 182 meter 247
MS WORD1, 179 analog, 62 Signaling Decoder screen, LTR, 251
MSMessOrd, 180 changing display, 62 Signaling Decoder screen, MPT 1327,
operation, 558 changing settings, 62 257
output, FOCC, 311 dc current, 511 Signaling Decoder screen, NAMPS-
output, FVC, 311 signal strength, 492 NTACS, 217
query, 260 Mgmt/Maint Signaling Decoder screen, NMT, 262
RECCW A, 144 Signaling Encoder screen, NMT mode, Signaling Decoder screen, Tone Seq,
RECCW B, 146 373 281
RECCW C, 148 Mic Pre-Emp Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS-
RECCW D, 149 RF Generator screen, 434 TACS mode, 301
RECCW E, 150 MIC/ACC connector Signaling Encoder screen, CDCSS, 314
REG ID, 175 description, 514 Signaling Encoder screen, Digi Page,
REG INC, 173 for keying external transmitter, 90, 294, 319
registration identification message, 175 420, 502 Signaling Encoder screen, DTMF, 324
registration increment global action, dB, 61 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS,
173 pre-emphasis 328
reverse control channel, 144 750, 326, 379 Signaling Encoder screen, Func Gen,
reverse voice channel, 144 microphone, 291, 433 339
RVCOrdCon, 151 keying, 444, 455, 457 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR, 342
SPC Word 1, 167 pre-emphasis, 434 Signaling Encoder screen, MPT 1327,
SPC Word 2, 169 push-to-talk, 213 350
system parameter overhead, word 1, use of, 515 Signaling Encoder screen, NAMPS-
167 MIN NTACS mode, 301
system parameter overhead, word 2, MS id, 124 Signaling Encoder screen, NMT, 366
169 mobile radio Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq,
view of, 301 AFGen2 To, 368 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 463
narrowband Alarm Level High, 369 Nordic mobile telephone
decoder, signaling standard, 243 Alarm Level Low, 369 decoder, 262
encoder, signaling standard, 332 Area #, 369 encoder, 366
for 900 MHz system, 330 Audio Out, 370 Normalize
narrow-band advanced mobile phone ser- basic operation, 268 Spectrum Analyzer screen, 462
vice Batt Save, 370 Notch Coupl
decoder, 217 BS Identity, 370 Configure screen, 207
narrowband advanced mobile phone ser- Calling Channel Number, 371 used with variable notch, 104
vice Data Rate, 371 notch filter
encoder, 301 DUT, 372 gain, 104
narrow-band total access communication FM Coupling, 372 variable, 104
system Meas Ch #, 372 Notch Freq
decoder, 217 Meas Field Strength, 373 AF Analyzer screen, 104
narrowband total access communication Mgmt/Maint, 373 Notch Gain
system MSN, 373 AF Analyzer screen, 104
encoder, 301 Password, 374 NPC
NATEL Phi Signal, 373 defined, 227
radio standard, 379 Pre-Emp, 374 Num
negative edge SIS Challenge, 374 Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode,
triggering, 397 SIS Response, 374 264
newlink ampolarity, 310 Standard, 375 Num of Bits
NMT TCI, 375 Signaling Decoder screen, AMPS-
radio standard, 266, 375 Traffic Area, Alt, 375 TACS mode, 220
NMT decoder mode Traffic Area, Main, 376 Signaling Decoder screen, NAMPS-
AF Anl In, 263 Traffic Channel (Alt), Number, 376 NTACS mode, 220
basic operation, 268 Traffic Channel (Alt), Power, 376 Number of Pages
D (direction), 264 Traffic Channel (Main), Number, 377 Signaling Decoder screen, Digi Page
Exit Status, 263 Traffic Channel (Main), Power, 377 mode, 233
First Frame, 262 view of, 366 numbers
Frame Digits, 264 NMT tests changing, 63
Input Level, 265 base station, 267 decimal format, 63
Load Test, 265 creating, 272 entering, 63
Num, 264 manual, 269 hexadecimal format, 64
Run Test, 266 mobile station, 267 scientific notation, 526
Single/Cont, 266 mobile telephone exchange, 267 numeric entries, 63
Standard, 266 programming, 272
Stop Test, 266 programming commands, 277
Time, 264 programming example, 274, 275
Trig Level, 266 programming file format, 272
Type, 264 required settings, 270
view of, 262 saving, 273
NMT ENCODER stopping, 266
Calling Channel Power, 371 terms and abbreviations, 262
NMT encoder mode using external computer, 275
Access Channel Number, 367 using RAM, 273
Access Channel Power, 367 NO key, 526
Add Info, 367 No Pk/Avg
PREV key, 528 292, 293, 424, 432, 433, 436, 443, R
print 444, 446, 455, 498, 499, 500, 501 radio
screens, 66, 528 Proc Save/Delete Procedure connecting, 40
Print All Tests (Main Menu) screen, 470 LTR trunking data, 253
Tests (Channel Information) screen, Procedure Library test software, 538
472, 473 Tests (Save/Delete Procedure) screen, Radio Frequency Analyzer screen
Tests (External Devices) screen, 486 480 AC Level, 419
Tests (Order of Tests) screen, 475 Program RADIO INTERFACE connector
Tests (Pass/Fail Limits) screen, 477 Tests (Main Menu) screen, 470 description, 519
Print Configure screen Programmer’s Guide, 80 Radio Interface screen
Abort Print, 400 programming I/O Config, 408
FF at End, 400 downloading, 276 Input Data, 406
FF at Start, 400 NMT tests, 272 Interrupt 1, 407
Lines/Page, 401 programming example Output Data, 408
Model, 66, 401 NMT test, external controller, 275 Parallel Data In, 408
Print Data Destination, 401 NMT test, internal controller, 274 Send data, 408
Print Title, 66, 401 programs Strobe Pol, 408
Printer Address, 66, 401 language, 466 view of, 406
Printer Port, 66, 401 running from memory card, 80 Radio Repeater
settings, 66 PTT Signaling Decoder screen, EDACS
view of, 400 Configure screen, 213 mode, 243
Print Data Destination push to talk, 213 radio standard
Print Configure screen, 401 Pwr Lvl AMPS, 217, 301
PRINT key, 528 Call Control screen, 125 AMPS-TACS, 312
Print Printer Setup Bell, 326
Tests (Main Menu) screen, 469 CCIR1, 379
Print Title CCIR2, 379
Print Configure screen, 66, 401 CCITT, 379
printer CDCSS, 317
connecting, 401, 489 DTMF, 326
model, 401, 488 EDACS, 4800, 243, 332
Printer Address EDACS, 9600, 243, 332
Print Configure screen, 66, 401 EEA, 379
Tests (Printer Setup) screen, 489 EIA, 379
Printer Port European, 379
Print Configure screen, 66, 401 GSC, 323
Tests (Printer Setup) screen, 489 JTACS, 217, 301, 312
printing LTR, 345
aborting, 400 NAMPS, 217, 301
form feed, 400, 487 NAMPS-NTACS, 312
lines per page, 401, 488 NATEL, 379
printer address, 401, 489 NMT, 266, 375
printer model, 401, 488 NMT, STD450, 269, 375
screens, 399 NMT, STD900, 269, 375
selecting printer port, 401 NTACS, 217, 301
title, 401, 488 POCSAG, 323
priority fields, 56, 88, 97, 98, 106, 218, TACS, 217, 301
235, 247, 281, 288, 289, 290, 291, tone sequence, 379
Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq base, 74 Signaling Decoder screen, AMPS-TACS
mode, 379 beeper volume, 51 mode
Sensitivity changing, field, 43 AF Anl In, 218
RF Analyzer screen, 423 date, 50 Arm Meas, 218
Spectrum Analyzer screen, 463 default, 73, 74 Channel, 218
sensitivity meter, 62 Data (hex), 219
adverse effects on measurements, 423, power-on, 73 Gate Time, 219
463 recalling, 71 Input Level, 219
ANT IN, 423, 463 RF voltage, 50 Num of Bits, 220
modulation input, 435 saving, 71 Polarity, 220
RF, measuring, 196 time, 50 Single/Cont, 221
Seq Num Settling Stop Meas, 221
tone sequence, 380 AF Analyzer screen, 105 Trig Level, 221
Seqn Order Of Tests settling time Trigger Pattern(bin), 221
Tests (Main Menu) screen, 470 AF measurements, 105 Signaling Decoder screen, CDCSS mode
sequence setups AF Anl In, 226
CDCSS, 314 recalling, 71 Arm Meas, 227
DTMF, 324 saving, 71 Code (oct), 227
tone, 378 SHIFT key, 529 Data (bin), 227
Serial Baud shock hazard, avoiding, 511 Data Rate, 227
I/O Configure screen, 387 SID Polarity, 228
serial data word Call Control screen, 127 Stop Meas, 229
bits, 385 signal level Trig Level, 229
Serial In data, 303 Signaling Decoder screen, CSCSS mode
I/O Configure screen, 388 signal strength Input Level, 228
Serial No. Phi signal, 373 Single/Cont, 229
Configure screen, 214 signal strength meter, 492 Signaling Decoder screen, Digi Page
serial number signal type mode
electronic, decimal, 123 pager, 232 AF Anl In, 231
electronic, hexadecimal, 123 signal/noise ratio Arm Meas, 231
serial number word, 148 measurement, 60 Data Display, 232
serial port operation, 98, 106, 289, 424, 436, 446, Data Rate, 232
configuring, 81 499 Display Page, 232
SERIAL PORT connector signaling decoder Gate Time, 233
description, 523 selecting, 216 Input Level, 233
Service screen Signaling Decoder screen Number of Pages, 233
Counter Connection, 448 Mode, AMPS-TACS, 217 Polarity, 234
Frequency, 448 Mode, CDCSS, 226 Single/Cont, 234
Gate Time, 448 Mode, Digi Page, 231 Stop Meas, 234
Latch, 448 Mode, DTMF, 235 Trig Level, 234
RAM Initialize, 449 Mode, EDACS, 241 Signaling Decoder screen, DTMF mode
Value, 449 Mode, Func Gen, 247 AF Anl In, 235
view of, 448 Mode, LTR, 251 Arm Meas, 235
Voltage, 449 Mode, MPT 1327, 257 Gate Time, 236
Voltmeter Connection, 449 Mode, NAMPS-NTACS, 217 Hi Tone, 236
Set Message Mode, NMT, 262 Input Level, 237
Call Bit screen, 166 Mode, Tone Seq, 281 Lo Tone, 238
settings Off Time, 238
Input Atten, 461 Signaling Encoder screen, DTMF TACS mode, 312
Lvl (marker), 460 mode, 326 Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP-
Main menu, 453 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS NTAC mode, 312
Marker menu, 459 mode, 332 Stop Length
Marker To, 459 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, I/O Configure screen, 388
No Pk/Avg, 463 345 Stop Meas
Normalize, 462 Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- Signaling Decoder screen, AMPS-
Offset Freq (Tracking Gen), 458 NTAC mode, 312 TACS mode, 221
Output Port (RF Gen), 456 Signaling Encoder screen, NMT mode, Signaling Decoder screen, CDCSS
Pk Hold, 463 375 mode, 229
Port/Sweep (Tracking Gen), 458 Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq Signaling Decoder screen, Digi Page
Position, 459 mode, 379 mode, 234
Ref Level, 453 station class mark, 127 Signaling Decoder screen, DTMF
RF Gen Freq, 456 Status mode, 239
RF In/Ant, 454 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS Signaling Decoder screen, EDACS
Sensitivity, 463 mode, 333 mode, 243
Span, 454 status Signaling Decoder screen, Func Gen
view of, 452 control, 333 mode, 249
spurs idle, 333 Signaling Decoder screen, LTR mode,
ACP measurement, 92 indicators, 317 254
square wave working, 333 Signaling Decoder screen, NAMPS-
function generator, 341 STD450 NMT radio standard, 269, 375 NTACS mode, 221
Squelch STD900 NMT radio standard, 269, 375 Signaling Decoder screen, Tone Seq
RF Analyzer screen, 423 Step# mode, 283
squelch Tests (Order of Tests) screen, 475 Stop Test
CDCSS, 314 Stop Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode,
digital decoding, 226 Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- 266
effects on decoder, 423 TACS mode, 312 Strobe Pol
effects on HP-IB operation, 424 Signaling Encoder screen, CDCSS Radio Interface screen, 408
effects on oscilloscope, 423 mode, 317 Sub-Audible Dev
effects on remote operation, 424 Signaling Encoder screen, Digi Page Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS
effects on spectrum analyzer, 423 mode, 323 mode, 333
fixed level, 423 Signaling Encoder screen, DTMF subscriber identity security challenge,
manual control, 423 mode, 326 374
off, 423 Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS subscriber identity security response, 374
using attenuator hold, 291, 434, 444 mode, 333 subscriber number, 373
squelch control, 530 Signaling Encoder screen, LTR mode, support, 546
Standard 345 Support Contacts
Signaling Decoder screen, EDACS Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- electronic mail, 9
mode, 243 NTAC mode, 312 HP Desk, 9
Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode, Signaling Encoder screen, Tone Seq telephone, 9
266 mode, 379 sweep
Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- stop bit, 388 frequency range, tracking generator,
TACS mode, 312 Stop DSAT 454
Signaling Encoder screen, CDCSS Signaling Encoder screen, NAMP- oscilloscope, 393
mode, 317 NTAC mode, 312 rate, spectrum analyzer, 464
Signaling Encoder screen, Digi Page Stop Filler time per division, 393
mode, 323 Signaling Encoder screen, AMPS- tracking generator, 458
Current, 500 U V
DC Level, 500 undisplayed controls V
Distortion, 502 Signaling Encoder screen, MPT 1327 displaying results in, 61
SINAD, 504 mode, 353 V (volts)
TX Test Screen unit-of-measure displaying results in, 61
view of, 497 changing, 61, 64 Value
TX Test screen converting, 61, 64 Service screen, 449
AF Anl In, 498 keys, 526 variable frequency notch filter, 104
AF Freq, 98, 499 Units version number
AFGen1 Freq, 500 Tests (Pass/Fail Limits) screen, 477 firmware, 205
AFGen1 Lvl, 500 units Vert Offset
Current, 98, 499 peak, 340 Oscilloscope screen, 393
DC Level, 98, 499 rms, 340 Vert/div
De-emphasis, 500 universal noise Oscilloscope screen, 393
Detector, 501 function generator, 341 vertical offset
Distn, 98, 499 up arrow key, 527 oscilloscope, 393, 395
Ext TX key, 502 upgrades vertical sensitivity
Filter 1 and Filter 2, 502 firmware, 534 oscilloscope, 393
FM Deviation, 502 hardware, 532 video averaging
functional block diagram, 497 Upper Limit spectrum analyzer, 463
IF Filter, 502 Tests (Pass/Fail Limits) screen, 477 VMAC
Input Port, 503 User Def Base Freq power level, 125
priority settings, 54 Configure screen, 203 voice channel assignment, 120
SINAD, 98, 499 user keys voice channel decoder
SNR, 98, 499 assigning global, 78 AMPS-TACS, 217
Tune Freq, 504 assigning, local, 77 NAMPS-NTACS, 217
Tune Mode, 504 clearing, global assignment, 78 voice guard, 241
TX Freq Error, 505 clearing, local assignment, 77 Voltage
TX Frequency, 505 deleting, global assignment, 78 Service screen, 449
TX Power, 505 deleting, local assignment, 77 voltage
TX Pwr Meas (HP 8920B), 505 example, 77 measurement, 97, 431, 442
TX Pwr Zero, 506 explanation, 75 RF, across 50 ohm load, 210
Type global, assignment, 78 RF, emf (open circuit), 210
Signaling Decoder screen, NMT mode, global, defined, 75 setting, 50
264 local, assignment, 77 Voltmeter Connection
type bits, 306, 308 local, defined, 75 Service screen, 449
preassigned, 76 volume
releasing, global assignment, 78 beeper, 51, 204
releasing, local assignment, 77 control, 530
setting, global, 78 internal speaker, 107
setting, local, 77
W mode, 333 X
W (watts) Xmt Pace
displaying results in, 61 I/O Configure screen, 388
Waveform Xon/Xoff, 386, 388
Signaling Encoder screen, Func Gen
mode, 341
dc, 341
Gaussian noise, 341
selecting, 341
sine, 341
square, 341
triangle, 341
universal noise, 341
decoder, signaling standard, 243
encoder, signaling standard, 332
abbreviated address, 144
extended address, 146
first word of called address, 149
reverse voice channel order confirma-
tion message, 151
second word of called address, 150
serial number, 148
to view, from mobile station handoff,
to view, from mobile station origina-
tion, 160
to view, from mobile station page, 154
to view, from mobile station registra-
tion, 153
to view, from mobile station release,
to view, from order to change TX pow-
er of mobile, 159
word sync bits, 306, 308
word sync delay, 303
status, 333
Working Channel, Number
Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS
mode, 333
Working Channel, RX Frequency
Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS-
mode, 333
Working Channel, TX Frequency
Signaling Encoder screen, EDACS-
YES key, 526 zero crossing
detecting, 228
zero reference
tranmitter power, 94, 427, 506
DCFM, 434
measurement offset, 99
power meter, 94, 130, 427, 506
radio standard, 379
radio standard, 379