Harshil Inspection House
Harshil Inspection House
Harshil Inspection House
NAME OF WORK: Construction of Inspection house at Harshil in district Uttarkashi under BADP 2010-11.
Item : Cement/Steel/Lime
Source Rishikesh
Distance 245 Km. Pucca motor road + 1/2 km by mule.
Distance from the No. of Km. Total Approved For Pucca Add extra Total (e+f)
approved Quarry Cartage Rates of (bxd) (Rs.) for Kutcha
Distance Cartage Kms
(km.) (Rs.)
Distance from the No. of Km. Total Approved For Pucca Add extra Total (e+f)
approved Quarry Cartage Rates of (bxd) (Rs.) for Kutcha
Distance Cartage Kms
(km.) (Rs.)
Item : Stone
Source local
Distance 1 Km by mule
Cartage (1x10+1x4.50)x20 290.00 Per Cum
Item : Bricks / sal wood
Source Rishikesh
Distance 245 Km. Pucca motor road + 0.50 km by mule.
Distance from the No. of Km. Total Approved For Pucca Add extra Total (e+f)
approved Quarry Cartage Rates of (bxd) (Rs.) for Kutcha
Distance Cartage Kms
(km.) (Rs.)
NAME OF WORK: Construction of Inspection house at Harshil in district Uttarkashi under BADP 2010-11.
Block :- Bhatwari Distt: Uttarkashi
Name of Description of Approved Add 5% for Rate i/c 5% Cost of Total of 5+6 Contractor's Unit Total of Col. Wastage Total of Col Rate rounded
Quarry material rate at uttarkashi Cartage Profit @ 10% No. (7+8) on Col. No. 10+11 to whole Rs.
quarry (Rs.) district on on sl no-(3+6) (3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Local Coarse sand 500.00 25.00 525.00 376.00 901.00 87.60 per cum 988.60 10.00 998.60 998.60
Local Fine/Local sand 450.00 22.50 472.50 376.00 848.50 82.60 per cum 931.10 9.00 940.10 940.10
Stone ballast / - - - - - - -
Stone grit
Local Stone ballast 20 600.00 30.00 630.00 376.00 1,006.00 97.60 per cum 1,103.60 12.00 1,115.60 1,115.60
Local Stone ballast 40 450.00 22.50 472.50 376.00 848.50 82.60 per cum 931.10 4.50 935.60 935.60
Rishikesh Cement 265.00 - 265.00 57.40 322.40 32.24 per bag 354.64 - 354.64 354.60
Rishikesh M.S.Steel 3,600.00 - 3,600.00 114.80 3,714.80 371.48 per qtl 4,086.28 - 4,086.28 4,086.30
Rishikesh Structural Steel 3,850.00 - 3,850.00 57.40 3,907.40 390.74 per qtl 4,298.14 - 4,298.14 4,298.10
Rishikesh White lime 700.00 - 700.00 114.80 814.80 81.48 per qtl 896.28 - 896.28 896.30
Gangori Chir wood 22,000.00 - 22,000.00 108.00 22,108.00 2,210.80 Per Cum 24,318.80 - 24,318.80 24,318.80
Gangori Deodar wood 52,000.00 - 52,000.00 105.00 52,105.00 5,210.50 Per Cum 57,315.50 - 57,315.50 57,315.50
Rishikesh Sal wood 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 1,833.00 41,833.00 4,183.30 Per Cum 46,016.30 - 46,016.30 46,016.30
Local Stone - - - 290.00 290.00 29.00 per cum 319.00 - 319.00 319.00
Rishikesh CGI sheet 6,400.00 - 6,400.00 114.80 6,514.80 651.48 per qtl 7,166.28 - 7,166.28 7,166.30
Uttarkashi Paint 215.00 - 215.00 5.00 220.00 22.00 per litre 242.00 - 242.00 242.00
Uttarkashi Primer 110.00 - 110.00 5.00 115.00 11.50 per litre 126.50 - 126.50 126.50
Rishikesh Bricks 3.10 - 3.10 4.60 7.70 0.77 Per No 8.47 - 8.47 8.50
1- The shortest route has been adopted in R.M.R.
2- The Quarry rates and cartage rates are as per rates approved by the compotent authority.
3- The Minimum rates as compared to other R.M.R. has been adopted.
4- For Chir wood sawing chareges is 10% of cost - not wastage.
Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer
Pron. Div. P.W.D. Pron. Div. P.W.D.
Bhatwari Bhatwari
Analysis of Rates
NAME OF WORK: Construction of Inspection house at Harshil in district Uttarkashi under BADP 2010-11.
S.I. Description Unit Qty Rate Cost
1 Excavation in foundation in all type of soil i/c lift
upto 1.5 m & lead upto 30 meter & i/c filling,
watering, ramming of excavated earth into the
trenches or in it to the space between the building
& site of foundation trenches or into the plinth &
removal & disposal of surplus earth as directed by
tje engineer charge up to a distance of 30 meter
from the foundation trenches.
A Materials
40 mm. Stone ballast cum. 0.90 935.60 842.04
Coarse sand cum. 0.45 998.60 449.37
cement Bags 4.41 354.60 1563.79
Total 2855.20
Add 2.5% wastage on cement and coarse sand 50.33
Total 2905.52
B Labour ( 100 cuft.)
Mistry Per day No. 1/10 386.10 38.61
mason Per day No. 1/4 371.80 92.95
Beldar Per day No. 4 200.20 800.80
coolie Per day No. 8 200.20 1601.60
bhisti Per day No. 2 200.20 400.40
Black smith Per day No. 1/10 357.50 35.75
T&P & sundries LS Job. 2 30.00 60.00
Add 10% for CP 303.01
Total 3333.12
Rate Per cum. 1177.78
Total ( Material + Labour ) 4083.31
Add water charges @ 1.50% 61.25
G total 4144.56
Say 4145.00 per cum
Analysis of rates
Mistry Per day No. 1/10 386.10 38.61
mason Per day No. 1/4 371.80 92.95
Beldar Per day No. 4 200.20 800.80
coolie Per day No. 8 200.20 1601.60
bhisti Per day No. 2 200.20 400.40
Black smith Per day No. 1/10 357.50 35.75
T&P & sundries LS Job. 2 35.00 70.00
Extra labour Black smith for binding and fixing
reinforcement Per day No. 2 357.50 715.00
cost of binding wire LS Job. 28 35.00 980.00
Cost of centering, etc with extra labour LS Job. 28 35.00 980.00
Add 10% for CP 571.51
Total 6286.62
Rate Per cum. 2221.42
Total ( Material + Labour ) 6759.57
Add water charges @ 1.50% 101.39
G total 6860.97
Say 6861.00 per cum
4 Same as above but for slabs & sunshades. 6861.00 per cum
add cost of centering & shuttering i/c 10%
contractor profit L.S. 0.4 35.315 35.00 494.41
Total 7355.41
Say 7355.00 per cum
A Material
Steel Qtl 0.508 4086.30 2075.84
Add 2.5% wastage 51.90
Total 2127.74
B Labour
Analysis of rates
Add 10% C.P. 68.58
Total 754.38
Total of A+B 2127.74 + 754.38 2882.12
Rate per Qtl 2882.12 / 0.508 5673.46 Per Qtl
Say 5673.00 Per Qtl
A Material
Cement Bags 1.27 354.60 450.34
F/sand cum. 0.27 940.10 253.83
Bricks No 460 8.50 3910.00
Total 4614.17
B Labour
Mistri Per day No. 1/6 386.10 64.35
Mason Per day No. 2 371.80 743.60
Beldar Per day No. 2 200.20 400.40
Coolie Per day No. 2 200.20 400.40
Bhisti Per day No. 1/2 200.20 100.10
T&P Sundries Per day L.S. 0.75 30.00 22.50
Total 1731.35
Add 1.5% Water Allowance 25.97
Total 1757.32
add 10% C.P. 175.73
Total 1933.05
Labour Rate per Cum 1,933.05 / 2.83 683.06
(Material+Labour) 4614.17 + 683.06 5297.23 Per Cum
G. Total 5297.23 Per Cum
Say 5297.00 Per Cum
Analysis of rates
F/sand cum. 0.27 935.60 252.61
Bricks No 460 8.50 3910.00
Total 4612.95
B Labour
Mistri Per day No. 1/6 386.10 64.35
Mason Per day No. 3 371.80 2416.70
Beldar Per day No. 2 200.20 400.40
Coolie Per day No. 3 200.20 600.60
Bhisti Per day No. 1/2 200.20 100.10
T&P Sundries Per day L.S. 0.75 30.00 22.50
Scaffolding Per day L.S. 1.5 30.00 45.00
Total 3585.30
add 10% C.P. 358.53
Total 3943.83
Labour Rate per Cum 3,943.83 / 2.83 1393.58
(Material+Labour) 4612.95 + 1393.58 6006.53 Per Cum
Add 1.5% Water Allowance 90.10 Per Cum
G. Total 6096.63 Per Cum
Say 6097.00 Per Cum
A Material
Cement Bags 0.09 354.60 32.98
L/Sand cum. 0.02 940.10 18.80
Total 51.78
B Labour for 100 Sqft
Mistri Per Day No 4/3 386.10 514.80
Beldar Per Day No 1/2 200.20 100.10
Coolie Per Day No 4/3 200.20 266.93
Bhisti Per Day No 1/2 200.20 100.10
T&P sundries L.S. 1.00 30.00 15.00
total 996.93
Labour Rate per Sqm 996.93 / 100 x 10.764 107.31
Total of A+B Total 159.09
Add 1.5% W.A. 2.39
G.T. 161.48 Per Sqm
Say 161.00 Per Sqm
Analysis of rates
Rate per Sqm 1355.54 / 9.29 145.91
Add 1.5% W.A. 2.19
G.Total 148.10
Say 148.00 Per Sqm
A Material
Cement Bags 0.24 354.60 85.81
C/Sand cum. 0.018 998.60 17.97
Total 103.79
B Labour for 100 Sqft
Mason Per Day No 1 1/4 371.80 464.75
Coolie Per Day No 1 1/4 200.20 250.25
Bhisti Per Day No 19/40 200.20 95.10
T&P , sundries L.S. 1.00 30.00 30.00
Total 840.10
Labour Rate per Sqm 840.10 / 100 x 10.764 90.43
Total of Labour + Material 194.22
Add 1.5% W.A. 2.91
G.Total 197.13
Say 197.00 Per Sqm
A Materials
40 mm. Stone ballast cum. 0.90 935.60 842.04
Coarse sand cum. 0.5 998.60 499.30
cement Bags 3.46 354.60 1226.92
Total 2568.26
B Labour ( 100 cuft.)
Mistry Per day No. 1/8 357.50 44.69
Analysis of rates
mason Per day No. 1/3 357.50 119.17
Beldar Per day No. 4 386.10 1544.40
coolie Per day No. 6 386.10 2316.60
bhisti Per day No. 1 386.10 386.10
Black smith Per day No. 1/8 357.50 44.69
T&P & sundries LS Job. 2 35.00 70.00
Add 10% for CP 452.56
Total 4978.21
Rate Per cum. 1759.08
Total ( Material + Labour ) 4327.34
Add water charges @ 1.50% 64.91
G total 4392.25
Say 4392.00 per cum
Analysis of rates
Total 158.10
B Labour for 100 sqft
Mistri Per Day No 1/8 386.10 48.26
Mason Per Day No 1 1/4 371.80 464.75
Beldar Per Day No 1/2 200.20 100.10
Coolie Per Day No 1/2 200.20 100.10
Bhisti Per Day No 1/3 200.20 66.73
t&p sundries L.S. 1.25 30.00 37.50
Total 817.45
Labour Rate per Sqm 817.45 / 100 x 10.764 87.99
Total of A+B 246.09
Add 10% C.P. 24.61
Total 270.69
Add 1.5% Water Allowance 4.06
G.Total 274.75 Per Sqm
Say 275.00 Per Sqm
Analysis of rates
T&P & sundries L.S. (0.30+0.15) 30.00 13.50
Total 334.18
Total A+B 680.55
Hence rate per Sqm 680.55 / 100 x 10.764 73.25
Say 73.00 Per Sqm
Analysis of rates
Say 1474.00 per sqm
A Material
Rate per sqm Sqm 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Add rebet L.S. 1.00 35.00 35.00
Add 10% C.P. 120.00
add cartage L.S. 50.00
Total 1,405.00
B Labour for 100 sqft
Mistri Per Day No 1/24 386.10 16.09
Coolie Per Day No 1/24 200.20 8.34
T&P sundries L.S. 0.25 30.00 7.50
Total 31.93
Add 10% C.P. 3.19
Total 35.12
Rate per Sqm 35.12 / 100 x 10.764 3.78
Total 1408.78 Per Sqm
Say 1,409.00 Per Sqm
Analysis of rates
Hence Rate per Sqm 4,694.55 / 24.75 x 10.764 2,041.70 Per Sqm
Say 2,042.00 Per Sqm
Analysis of rates
Total 728.50 Per cum
A Material
55x400 mm flat back basin No 1 980.00 980.00
Pedestal for wash basin No 1 1000.00 1000.00
15 mm crome polish piller cock No 1 600.00 600.00
PVC connection No 1 22.00 22.00
32 mm dia PVC waste pipe No 1 56.00 56.00
32 mm dia union No 1 138.00 138.00
R.S. or C.I. brackets No 1 100.00 100.00
Red lead, white lead etc L.S. 2 x 15 30.00
Cement, Sand etc L.S. 1 x 15 15.00
Cartege of material L.S. 2 x 25 30.00
Painting on brackets & fittings L.S. 2 x 15 30.00
Total 3001.00
B Labour
Fitter Per day No. 0.33 357.50 117.98
Mason Per day No. 0.33 371.80 122.69
Beldar Per day No. 0.67 200.20 134.13
total 374.80
add 10% C.P. 37.48
total 412.28
total of A+B 3001.00 + 412.28 3413.28 Per No
add 1% Water allowance 34.13
G. Total 3447.42 Per No
Say 3447.00 Per No
Analysis of rates
Total 358.358
Total of A + B 5654.86
add 1% water allowance 56.55
Total 5711.41
add 10% C.P. 571.14
G.Total 6282.55
hence rate per mtr 6282.55 / 17.35 362.11
Say 362.00 Per Rmt
A Material
Cost of Nahani trap 110 x 75 mm dia No 138.00 1.00 138.00
Cement, Sand, grit L.S. 2.50 15.00 37.50
Cartage of material L.S. 0.50 5 2.50
Total 178.00
B Labour
Mason Per day No 0.50 371.80 185.90
Beldar Per day No 0.50 200.20 100.10
Total 286.00
Total of A+B 464.00
Add 10% C.P. 46.4
G.Total 510.40 Per No
Say 510.00 Per No
45x45 cm size cover rate as per market Each 700.00 1.00 700.00
Cartage of material L.S. 2 35.00 70.00
Total 770.00
Add 1% water charges 7.70
Total 777.70
add 10% C.P. 77.77
G. Total 855.47 Per No
Say 855.00 Per No
A Material :-
For 10.00 m length
GI pipe 15 mm dia mtr 10.00 98.00 980
Cartage of pipe for 10.00 m App. Kg 12.10 0.70 8.47
Add 15% for fitting & wastage on white lead, hump L.S. 35.00 0.88 30.80
oil etc.
Analysis of rates
Total 382.24
total of A+B 1408.51
Add 1% Water Charges 14.09
Add 10% C.P. 142.26
G.T. 1564.85
Hence Rate per Mtr 1564.85 / 10 156.49 Per Mtr
Say 156.00 Per Mtr
42 S/f of bib cock (1.27cm) 1/2"dia i/c s/o all m/l, t&p
etc required proper completion of the work. Jaquar
make or as per EIC..
Cost of Brass bib cock (400gm) No 1 760.00 760.00
Add cartage of material L.S. 5.00
Add labour & white lead L.S. 0.70 15.00 10.50
Total 775.50
Add 10% C.P. 77.55
G. Total 853.05
Say 853.00 Per No
47 S/F of 4" dia C.I.waste pipe i/c s/o all m/l, t&p etc
required for proper completion of the work.
A Material
4" dia CI waste pipe Rmt 17.35 250.00 4337.50
Add 5% wastage 216.88
Analysis of rates
Scaffolding L.S. 3.00 35.00 105.00
Cartage L.S. 75.00
Total 4734.38
B Labour
Fitter Per day No 0.42 357.50 150.15
Beldar Per day No 0.21 200.20 42.04
Helper Per day No 0.83 200.20 166.17
Total 358.36
Add 10% C.P. 35.84
Total 394.19
Total of A+B 4734.38 + 394.19 5128.57
Hence rate per Rmt 5128.57 / 17.35 295.59
Add 1.5% w.A. 4.43
G.Total 300.03
Say 300.00 Per Rmt.
Analysis of rates
Total 1840.41
Total of a + b 2,360.41
Hence Rate per Rmt 2,360.41 / 56 x 3.28 138.25
Say 138.00 Per Rmt
Analysis of rates
Coolie Per day No 1.00 200.20 200.20
Add t&p, sundries L.S. 0.6 x 30.00 18.00
Total 1162.00
Extar labour L.S. 4.9 x 30.00 147.00
Total 1309.00
Add 10% C.P. 130.90
Total 1439.90
Total of A+B 2238.02 + 1439.90 3677.92
Rate per Qtl 3677.92 / 0.508 7240.00 Per Qtl
Say 7240.00 Per Qtl
Analysis of rates
57 P/F at all height false ceiling i/c p/f of frame
work made of special section power pressed
from MS sheet & galvanised in accordance
with zincoating of grade 350 as epr IS 277 &
consisting of angle cleats of size 25mm wide x
1.6 mm thick with flanges of 22 mm & 37 mm
at 1200 mm centre to centre one glange fixed
to the celing with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x
40 mm long with 6 mm dia bolts to the angle
fastner of 25x25x0.55 mm of required length &
other end of angle hanger being fixed with nut
& bolts to GI channel 45x15x0.19 mm running
to the rate of 1200 mm c/c to which the ceiling
section 0.5 mm thick button wedge of 80 mm
with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having
clips of 10.5 mm at 450 mm c/cshall be fixed in
a direction perpendicular to GI channel with
connecting clops made out of 2.64 mm
diax230 mm long GI wire at every junction i/c
fixing the gypsum board with ceiling section &
perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high
having flanges of 20 mm & 30 mm long the
perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with
the helpof rawl plug at 450 mm c/c with 25
mm long drive all screws @ 230 mm interval
i/c jointing tapes, finishers & two coats of
primer suitable for boards as per manufactures
specification & also i/c made cost of making
opening for light fittings, grills, diffusers,
cutouts made with frame of perimeter
channels suitably fixed all complete as per
dawing & specification & direction of the EIC
but excluding cost of painting with 12.5 mm
thick tapered edge gypsum board confirming
to IS 2095-part 1.
Analysis of rates
NAME OF WORK: Construction of Inspection house at Harshil in district Uttarkashi under BADP
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Excavation in foundation in
all type of soil i/c lift upto 1.5
m & lead upto 30 meter &
i/c filling, watering, ramming
of excavated earth into the
trenches or in it to the space
between the building & site
of foundation trenches or
into the plinth & removal &
disposal of surplus earth as
directed by tje engineer
charge up to a distance of 30
meter from the foundation
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 Reinforced cement concrete
in proportion of 1:1.5:3 (M-
20) in cement, coarse sand
and 20mm gauge stone
ballast as per specification
and drawing excluding cost
of supply of reinforcement &
its bending but including its
fixing & binding the same
with 24 BWG binding wire &
including necessary
centering & shuttering etc
and also s/o all material,
labour, T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the
work. binding wire to be
supplied by the contractor
free of cost. for raft & lintels
of door & windows (SI.NO
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 Same as item no 3 but in the
heavy beams & column
having span above 6.00
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 M.S./Tor steel or iron work
in plain work such as in
reinforcement cement
concrete brought to required
shape as necessary including
binding for proper shape
including cost of supply of all
materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper
completion of the work.
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.345 0.075 0.00
0.23 0.2 0.00
0.23 0.37 0.00
deduct column -1 16 0.23 0.23 1.25 -1.06
Total 30.90
Say 31.00 Cum
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 16 mm thick cement plaster
with proportion to 1:6
cement sand mortar i/c s/o
all material, labour, t&p etc
required for proper
completion of the work.
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
window w-1 -2 6 1.8 1.20 -25.92
v -2 4 0.9 0.45 -3.24
glass & door of verandah -2 1 3.65 2.10 -15.33
dressing room window -1 1 1.62 1.20 -1.94
door d-1 -3 1 1.00 2.10 -6.30
d-2 -3 1 0.75 2.10 -4.73
Total 407.60
Say 408.00 Sqm
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
s/w 1 2 3.65 0.15 1.10
door d-1 -4 2 1.00 0.15 -1.20
d-2 -2 2 0.75 0.15 -0.45
dressing opening -2 2 1.5 0.15 -0.90
main door -1 2 1.2 0.15 -0.36
Total 44.12
Say 44.00 Sqm
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
verandah l/w 2 4 1.20 9.60
2 2 3.65 14.60
Total 347.80
Say 348.00 Rmt
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
26 S/F of CP teak wood
chaukhat & other framed i/c
all material labour, t&p etc
required for proper
completion of the work.
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
30 S/F of Galavanized mosquito
proof wire mesh over
window with wooden
beading i/c s/o all m/l t&p
etc required for proper
completion of the work.
4 1 4
Total 4 No
4 1 4
Total 4 No
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
37 P/F of PVC Soil or Vent pipe
110 mm dia of approved
quality i/c s/o all complete.
1 1 30.00 30.00
Total 30.00 Rmt
2 4 8
Total 8 No
4 1 4
Total 4 No
1 1 50.00 50.00
Total 50.00 Rmt
4 4 16
Total 16 no
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
43 Same as above but wall
mixture of Jaquar make i/c
all necessary fittings or as
per EIC..
4 1 4
Total 4 no
4 1 4
Total 4 no
3 4 12
Total 12 no
1 1 13.07 13.07
Total 13.07
say 13.00 Rmt
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
51 P/F at all height false ceiling
i/c p/f of frame work made
of special section power
pressed from MS sheet &
galvanised in accordance
with zincoating of grade 350
as epr IS 277 & consisting of
angle cleats of size 25mm
wide x 1.6 mm thick with
flanges of 22 mm & 37 mm
at 1200 mm centre to centre
one glange fixed to the
celing with dash fastener
12.5 mm dia x 40 mm long
with 6 mm dia bolts to the
angle fastner of 25x25x0.55
mm of required length &
other end of angle hanger
being fixed with nut & bolts
to GI channel 45x15x0.19
mm running to the rate of
1200 mm c/c to which the
ceiling section 0.5 mm thick
button wedge of 80 mm with
tapered flanges of 26 mm
each having clips of 10.5 mm
at 450 mm c/cshall be fixed
in a direction perpendicular
to GI channel with
connecting clops made out
of 2.64 mm diax230 mm long
GI wire at every junction i/c
fixing the gypsum board with
ceiling section & perimeter
channels 0.5 mm thick 27
mm high having flanges of 20
mm & 30 mm long the
livining room 2 1 3.65 3.65 26.645
bed room 2 1 3.65 3.5 25.550
toilet 2 1 2.96 1.8 10.656
dressing room 2 1 2.40 1.8 8.640
lobby 1 1 7.61 3.65 27.777
Total 99.268
Say 99.27 Sqm
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
53 Dismentling stone work in
cement mortar including
stacking of material as
directed by engineer in
charge with in a distance of
60 meter.
54 Dismentling cement
concrete floor including
stacking of dismanteled
material as directed by
engineer in charge with in a
distance of 60 meter.
Detail of mts
S.No Particulars of Items Nos Nos Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
main door 2 1 1.00 2.10 4.20
front window 1 1 3.50 1.20 4.20
d-1 2 2 1.00 2.10 8.40
d-2 2 2 0.75 2.10 6.30
w-1 2 1 1.80 1.20 4.32
w-2 2 1 0.90 1.20 2.16
Total 29.58
Say 30.00 Sqm
Detail of mts
NAME OF WORK: Construction of Inspection house at Harshil in district Uttarkashi under BADP
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bill of qty
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 M.S./Tor steel or iron work in plain work such
as in reinforcement cement concrete brought
to required shape as necessary including
binding for proper shape including cost of
supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc.
required for proper completion of the work.
Bill of qty
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
20 Two Coat of oil bond Distemper surface i/c s/o
all material, labour, t&p etc required for
proper completion of the work.
Bill of qty
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
30 S/F of indian type W/C sheet of parryware
make with low level cystern i/c all necessary
fittings required for proper completion of the
work or as per EIC..
Bill of qty
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
43 P/F at all height false ceiling i/c p/f of frame
work made of special section power pressed
from MS sheet & galvanised in accordance
with zincoating of grade 350 as epr IS 277 &
consisting of angle cleats of size 25mm wide x
1.6 mm thick with flanges of 22 mm & 37 mm
at 1200 mm centre to centre one glange fixed
to the celing with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x
40 mm long with 6 mm dia bolts to the angle
fastner of 25x25x0.55 mm of required length &
other end of angle hanger being fixed with nut
& bolts to GI channel 45x15x0.19 mm running
to the rate of 1200 mm c/c to which the ceiling
section 0.5 mm thick button wedge of 80 mm
with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having
clips of 10.5 mm at 450 mm c/cshall be fixed in
a direction perpendicular to GI channel with
connecting clops made out of 2.64 mm
diax230 mm long GI wire at every junction i/c
fixing the gypsum board with ceiling section &
perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high
having flanges of 20 mm & 30 mm long the
perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with
the helpof rawl plug at 450 mm c/c with 25
mm long drive all screws @ 230 mm interval
i/c jointing tapes, finishers & two coats of
primer suitable for boards as per manufactures
specification & also i/c made cost of making
opening for light fittings, grills, diffusers,
cutouts made with frame of perimeter
channels suitably fixed all complete as per
dawing & specification & direction of the EIC
but excluding cost of painting with 12.5 mm
thick tapered edge gypsum board confirming
to IS 2095-part 1.
99.27 Cum 1185.00 117634.95
44 M.S. or iron work in heavy size such as truss or
roof work i/c s/o all material, labour, t&p etc
required for proper completion of the work.
Bill of qty
Sr No Particulars of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 3139079.55
Say 3139080.00
Bill of qty
2 Cement, concrete with 40mm gauge locally 8.00 Cum 4145.00 Rs Four thousand
available approved stone ballast, coarse one hundred forty
sand and cement in proportion of 6:3:1 in five only
foundation including cost of materials,
labour, T&P etc. required for proper
completion of the work. (SL.NO.177)
4 Same as above but for slabs & sunshades. 16.00 Cum 7355.00 Rs Seven
thousand three
hundred fifty five
Page 48 of 54
5 Same as item no 3 but in the heavy beams & 7.30 Cum 9085.00 Rs Nine thousand
column having span above 6.00 meter. eight hundred
eighty five only.
6 Same as above but for slabs & sunshades. 4.60 Cum 7429.00 Rs Seven
For Ist floor thousand four
hundred twenty
nine only
7 Same as item no 3 but in the heavy beams & 11.80 Cum 9176.00 Rs Nine thousand
column having span above 6.00 meter. For one hundred
first floor seventy six only.
6 M.S./Tor steel or iron work in plain work 73.80 Qtl 5673.00 Rs Five thousand
such as in reinforcement cement concrete six hundred
brought to required shape as necessary seventy three
including binding for proper shape including only
cost of supply of all materials, labour, T&P
etc. required for proper completion of the
7 P.C.C. 1:2:4 including cost of supply of all 4.00 Cum 5124.00 Rs Five thousand
materials, labour, T&P etc. required for one hundred
proper completion of the work.(sl.no.178) twenty four only
8 Class M-100 brick work for one brick thick 31.00 Cum 5297.00 Rs Five Thousand
wall in 1:6 cement sand mortar in two hundred
foundation & plinth i/c s/o all material, ninty seven only.
labour t&p etc required for proper
completion of the work.
9 Same as above item but in super structure. 49.00 Cum 6097.00 Rs Six thousand
ninty seven only.
10 Same as above item but for first floor. 37.00 Cum 6158.00 Rs Six thousand
one hundred fifty
eight only.
11 16 mm thick cement plaster with proportion 251.00 Sqm 161.00 Rs One hundred
to 1:6 cement sand mortar i/c s/o all sixty one only.
material, labour, t&p etc required for
proper completion of the work.
12 12 mm thick plaster in 1:6 cement, sand 1,087.00 Sqm 148.00 Rs one hundred
mortar i/c s/o all m/l, t&p etc required for forty eight only.
proper completion of the work.
13 Same as above item but extra over rough 408.00 Sqm 52.00 Rs Fifty two only.
face of inner wall.
Page 49 of 54
14 Add extra labour & material for making 5,061.00 Rmt 21.00 Rs Twenty one
grooves line in plaster on outer face of wall only.
& joint between RCC roof & walls i/c all
labour, material, t&p etc required for
proper completion of the work.
15 20 mm thick cement plaster with proportion 44.00 Sqm 197.00 Rs One hundred
to 1:2 cement sand mortar i/c s/o all ninty seven only.
material, labour, t&p etc required for
proper completion of the work.
17 2.5 cm thick 1:2:4 cement concrete floor 78.00 Sqm 534.00 Rs Five hundred
with 8 cm thick 1:4:8 base concrete with thirty four only.
c/sand & 20 mm gauge s/ballast i/c s/o all
m/l , t&p etc required for proper completion
of the work.
18 Same as above but 4cm thick without base 78.00 Sqm 275.00 Rs Two hundred
concrete. seventy five only.
19 P/F of 25 mm wide & 3 mm thick glass strip 348.00 Rmt 35.00 Rs Thirty five only.
i/c s/o all m/l, t&p etc required for proper
completion of the work.
20 Two Coat of oil bond Distemper surface i/c 1,087.00 Sqm 73.00 Rs Seventy three
s/o all material, labour, t&p etc required for only.
proper completion of the work.
21 Finishing of walls with water proof cement 251.00 Sqm 48.00 Rs Forty eight
paint with two coats to given shades i/c s/o only.
all m/l, t&p etc all complete.
22 Painting on new iron works with two coats 117.00 Sqm 129.00 Rs One hundred
of approved paint including cost of supply of twenty nine only.
all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for
proper completion of the work as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
23 Supply & fixing of glazed tiles of approved 93.00 Sqm 1474.00 Rs One thousand
make in flooring & dado in 1:3 cement, four hundred
c/sand mortar i/c s/o all m/l, t&p etc all seventy four only.
24 S/F of CP teak wood chaukhat & other 1.24 Cum 57965.00 Rs Fifty seven
framed i/c all material labour, t&p etc thousand nine
required for proper completion of the work. hundred sixty five
Page 50 of 54
25 S/F of 4 cm thick C.P. teak wood fully glazed 62.40 Sqm 2042.00 Rs Two thousand
door & window shutter i/c s/f of wooden forty two only.
cleats & stoppers & fixing of adjustment
hinges, bolts, handles etc all complete.
26 Supply & fixing of heavy quality brass fitting 62.00 Sqm 162.00 Rs One hundred
for door & window with necessary ms sixty two only.
hinges, steel screw, nut, bolts & other
material as per requirement or as per EIC.
27 S/F of Galavanized mosquito proof wire 36.80 Sqm 185.00 Rs One hundred
mesh over window with wooden beading i/c eighty five only.
s/o all m/l t&p etc required for proper
completion of the work.
28 Supply & fixing of security grill over window 36.80 Sqm 697.00 Rs Six hundred
as per drawing or as per instruction of ninty seven only.
engineer in charge i/c welding & supply of
all materails, labours, t&p etc required for
proper completion of the work.
30 S/F of indian type W/C sheet of parryware 4.00 No 2662.00 Rs Two thousand
make with low level cystern i/c all necessary six hundred sixty
fittings required for proper completion of two only.
the work or as per EIC..
31 P/F of PVC Soil or Vent pipe 110 mm dia of 30.00 Rmt 362.00 Rs Three hundred
approved quality i/c s/o all complete. sixty two only.
32 Same as above but 75 mm dia 4.50 Rmt 59.00 Rs Fifty nine only.
33 P/F of Nahani trap 110 mm dia inlet 75 mm 8.00 No 510.00 Rs Five hundred
dia outlet i/c cost of cutting hole & making ten only.
good the wall i/c s/o all m/l , t&p etc all
Page 51 of 54
35 P/f of 15 mm dia 'B' class (jindal STC 50.00 Rmt 156.00 Rs One hundred
marked) GI pipe complete with GI special fifty six only.
such as bends, Tee, socket, cross, clamps etc
cutting & making good the wall etc i/c s/o all
m/l, t&p etc required for proper completion
of the work or as per EIC..
36 S/f of bib cock (1.27cm) 1/2"dia i/c s/o all 16.00 No 853.00 Rs. Eight hundred
m/l, t&p etc required proper completion of fifty three only.
the work. Jaquar make or as per EIC..
37 Same as above but wall mixture of Jaquar 4.00 No 3009.00 Rs. Three
make i/c all necessary fittings or as per EIC.. thousand nine
38 S/F of Towel rod of Stainless steel with 4.00 No 1232.00 Rs. One thousand
Jaquar make i/c all necessary fittings or as one hundred
per EIC.. thirty two only.
39 S/F of Soap dish of Jaquar make i/c all 4.00 No 933.00 Rs. Nine hundred
necessary fittings or as per EIC.. thirty three only.
40 S/F of angle cock of Jaquar make i/c all 12.00 No 704.00 Rs. Seven
necessary fittings or as per EIC.. hundred four
41 S/F of 22 BWG CGI sheet for roofing i/c all 145.00 Sqm 1170.00 Rs. One thousand
necessary fittings required i/c s/o all one hundred
material, labour, t&p etc all complete. seventy only.
42 S/f of 22 BWG G.I. sheet in ridge, valley, 13.00 Rmt 138.00 Rs. One hundred
flashing & gutters etc for CGI roofing fixed thirty eight only.
with J-bolt i/c all complete.
Page 52 of 54
43 P/F at all height false ceiling i/c p/f of frame 99.27 Cum 1185.00 Rs. Sixty nine
work made of special section power pressed thousand eight
from MS sheet & galvanised in accordance hundred thirty
with zincoating of grade 350 as epr IS 277 & three only.
consisting of angle cleats of size 25mm wide
x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 22 mm & 37
mm at 1200 mm centre to centre one
glange fixed to the celing with dash fastener
12.5 mm dia x 40 mm long with 6 mm dia
bolts to the angle fastner of 25x25x0.55 mm
of required length & other end of angle
hanger being fixed with nut & bolts to GI
channel 45x15x0.19 mm running to the rate
of 1200 mm c/c to which the ceiling section
0.5 mm thick button wedge of 80 mm with
tapered flanges of 26 mm each having clips
of 10.5 mm at 450 mm c/cshall be fixed in a
direction perpendicular to GI channel with
connecting clops made out of 2.64 mm
diax230 mm long GI wire at every junction
i/c fixing the gypsum board with ceiling
section & perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick
27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm & 30
mm long the perimeter of ceiling fixed to
wall/partition with the helpof rawl plug at
450 mm c/c with 25 mm long drive all
screws @ 230 mm interval i/c jointing tapes,
finishers & two coats of primer suitable for
boards as per manufactures specification &
also i/c made cost of making opening for
light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made
with frame of perimeter channels suitably
fixed all complete as per dawing &
specification & direction of the EIC but
excluding cost of painting with 12.5 mm
thick tapered edge gypsum board
confirming to IS 2095-part 1.
44 M.S. or iron work in heavy size such as truss 23.00 Qtl 7240.00 Rs. Seven
or roof work i/c s/o all material, labour, t&p thousand two
etc required for proper completion of the hundred forty
work. only.
45 Dismentling stone work in cement mortar 120.00 Cum 233.00 Rs. Two hundred
including stacking of material as directed by thirty three only.
engineer in charge with in a distance of 60
46 Dismentling cement concrete floor including 138.00 Sqm 36.00 Rs. Thirty six only.
stacking of dismanteled material as directed
by engineer in charge with in a distance of
60 meter.
47 Dismantling corrugated iron roof, walls or 159.00 Sqm 34.00 Rs. Thirty four
partition, including purlin, battens & vertical only.
support & including stacking of material as
directed by the engineer in charge with in a
distance of 60 meters.
Page 53 of 54
48 Dismentling doors & windows including 30.00 Sqm 51.00 Rs. Fifty one only.
chaukhat with hold fast & including stacking
of materials as directed by the engineer in
charge with in a distance of 60 meter.
I/we hereby agree to execute the above work..............……………….....................% above/below/at par the
rates filled as above.
I/We tender my/our rates as above after taking fully into consideration the specification, special condition
of the department for the above work and rate quoted above are inclusive of all leads, lifts, royalty,
municipal octroi and toll charges and other incident expenses.
I/we given below my/our permanent address. Any change in the address shall be intimated by me/us from
time to time in writing to the engineer in charge. We shall make necessary arrangements at all times to
receive any notes, orders and communication that will be issued and sent to me/us at this address. If any
letter communication is received back to sender undelivered, it will be deemed to have been delivered to
me/us and the department will be free to take action in view of the same without entitling me/us for any
claim what so ever on this account.
(Name and full address)
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