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A Review Article of Oral Health and Diabetes Mellitus: Ankita Agarwal

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 165

ISSN 2250-3153

A Review Article of Oral Health and Diabetes Mellitus

Ankita Agarwal

Modern dental college and Research center,indore, M.P, India.

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.06.2020.p10221

Abstract- It's a fact that about 5% of the world’s population is and it will offer examples where appropriate and applicable from
affected by diabetes. The term "diabetes mellitus "is a group of a variety of countries.
certain disorders, such as fat and protein metabolism, high glucose
levels, and abnormalities of carbohydrate that characterize these
disorders. The number of infected patients is predicted and II. METHODS
expected to rise by 50% by the year 2030. The review article Systematic literature about oral health and diabetes mellitus
discusses the associations between diabetes and periodontal was conducted using some of the databases such as Pubmed,
disease and the oral health manifestation of diabetes. There is a Cochrane, Medline. On the same breath, several keywords were
lack of oral health awareness among health professionals and even used, such as diabetic patients, oral health, diabetes mellitus,
patients infected with diabetes. There is strong evidence people with diabetes, dental care, oral hygiene, awareness, dental
supporting the relationship between diabetes and oral health. care, knowledge, dental visit, practice, perception, and attitude.
Diabetes mellitus is associated with several disorders and oral For each database, there was an inclusion of individual strategies
diseases. Periodontitis is a risk factor in subject with diabetes for considering the specific indexing terms for each database. Some
poor metabolic control. Thus, the authors reviewed the literature combinations of search terms used include Medical Subject
to identify why diabetes causes oral conditions. Heading, which is abbreviated as MeSH, and Boolean operators.
Additionally, they have identified the glycemic control as a The research was carried out in the most recent to ensure the most
result of the modification of the literature concerning current literature is included in this review.
periodontitis. Statistics have shown that periodontitis is a diabetes
complication, although several disorders associated with diabetes.
Periodontitis is at the risk of developing other periodontal diabetes III. PERIODONTAL DISEASE
complications and also poor glycemic control. On the same breath,
patients with poorly controlled diabetes and longstanding are at The majority of any population around the globe are
the risk of developing oral candidiasis. Evidence supports that the suffering from periodontal diseases. This type of infection is
first clinical manifestation of diabetes is the periodontal changes. commonly referred to as gum disease. According to Borgnakke
Thus, the disease is a significant healthcare problem. Patients with (2019), it manifests itself in the body through bleeding and
diabetes mellitus can be supported, and their general health to be swelling of the soft tissues around the teeth. This kind of disease
positively affected by oral health care providers. affects a large population around the world, which constitutes a
range of 50 to 90 percent of the adult population (Sughra & Imran,
Index Terms- Diabetes mellitus, Periodontitis, Oral care, Dental 2018). The remedy to such a disease is to maintain a home oral
caries, Candidiasis, Periodontal disease, Inflammation. hygiene and regular brushing of teeth. It also recommends using
interdental brushes or dental floss for interdental cleaning.
Periodontitis is a disease that is characterized by periodontium
I. INTRODUCTION chronic breakdown, irreversible, and inflammation-based. And, it
also consists of soft and hard tissues surrounding the teeth. Mostly,
I n modern times, there is a lack of inclusion of the soft and hard
tissues of the oral health and diseases in the most curricular for
medical professionals. There has been a mounting
the dentate adults are approaching 30 years, and the older tend to
suffer from this form of periodontal disease.
interrelationship according to the scientific evidence in the most
recent couple of decades. The interrelationships are made possible
by the novel technology. This aids the contemporary scientific
methods and the specialists who are in a position to interrupt the Caries is another dental disease that was the most prevalent
abundance of data, which is unfathomable. Thus, the paper aims condition, and it was evaluated for the entire Global Burden of
to discuss and summarize the interrelationship between these two Disease. The study with the global prevalence shows that if caries
associations of diabetes and oral health. The main is to introduce fails to be treated, it leads to death of the inner soft tissue of the
oral health to the medical health care professionals in managing tooth known as "pulp," which consists of the nerves, connective
and preventing diabetes, which contributes to the wellbeing and tissues, and the blood vessels (Tjäderhane & Paju, 2019). This will
improving the quality of life of patients infected with diabetes. The cause toxins to the tooth, and they will exude from the root tip of
links between diabetes and oral health are universal. Thus the the tooth, which will end up causing infection and jawbone
review will represent the recent findings from different countries, inflammation.

This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.

http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.06.2020.p10221 www.ijsrp.org
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2020 166
ISSN 2250-3153

salivary flow rate. This is the alteration of wound healing among

the patients who have diabetes due to the host defense changes and
V. ORAL MUCOSAL DISEASES collagen metabolism. The decreased solubility of the existing
The development of certain oral soft tissues is associated collagen and the excessive production of collagenase alters that
with diabetes. Although some of these developments are rarely healing process since there is a shift in the collagen turnover.
reported among different diabetic population. There are also
reports of oral fungal infections as well as traumatic ulcers,
recurrent aphthous stomatitis, irrigation fibromyalgia, and greater VIII. CONCLUSION
prevalence of fissured tongue. The diabetic care between the From the article review, it can be conclusively argued that
healthcare providers and physicians is coordinated by these diabetes has adverse effects on oral health. Thus, it has been
associations. evident that patients who have diabetes have some oral
complications, and therefore they require dental care as part of
their primary health care. To combat some of these complications,
VI. SALIVARY DYSFUNCTION prevent morbidity and mortality, and reduce the inflammatory
Diabetes is classified by the American Diabetes burden system, it is a matter of existential importance to provide
Association in two significant forms: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. proper care to the patients who have diabetes to improve their
Unlike type 1, type two combines with insulin secretory defect and wellbeing and the quality of their lives too.
insulin resistance, and it is the most common form of diabetes. On
the other hand, type 1 diabetes is caused due to the autoimmune
destruction of the humoral mediators and pancreatic cells (Kisely, REFERENCES
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surfaces. Zygomycosis, candidiasis, and aspergillosis are common
opportunistic fungal infections in diabetes though candidiasis is
the most common one. According to recent studies, diabetic
patients have been showing increased oral candida carriage AUTHORS
compared to those who are non-diabetic (Borgnakke, 2019). This First Author – Ankita Agarwal, Modern dental college and
could have been attributed to decreased neutrophils, candidacidal Research center,indore, M.P, India., contact no:9993910752
activity, increased salivary glucose levels, and reduced level of E-mail:ankirocks96@gmail.com

This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.

http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.06.2020.p10221 www.ijsrp.org

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