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Model Curriculum: Squash and Juice Processing Technician

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Model Curriculum

Squash and Juice Processing

REF ID: FIC/Q0101, V1.0

Squash and Juice Processing Technician

Squash and Juice Processing Technician

1. Curriculum 01
2. Trainer Prerequisites 07
3. Annexure: Assessment Criteria 08

Squash and Juice Processing Technician

Squash and Juice
Processing Technician

This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Squash and Juice Processing
Technician”, in the “Food Processing” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key
competencies amongst the learner

Program Name Squash and Juice Processing Technician

Qualification Pack
Name & Reference ID. FIC/Q0101, v1.0

Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date 04/09/2018

Pre-requisites to Preferably Class 8 and 2-3 years’ experience in squash and juice
Training processing unit
Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
 prepare and maintain work area and process machineries for
squash and juice processing,
 prepare for production of squash and juice,
 produce squash and juice,
 document and maintain record related to production of squash and
 follow and maintain food safety and hygiene in the work

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 1

This course encompasses 5 out of 5 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Squash and Juice
Processing Technician” Qualification Pack issued by “Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative”.

Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
1. Introduction to the  Introduce each other and build
training program rapport with fellow participants and
and overview of the trainer.
Food Processing  List the various subsectors of food
Industry processing industry
 Define fruits and vegetables
Theory Duration Processing
(hh:mm)  State the need for fruits and
02:00 vegetables processing
 Define squash and juice processing
Practical Duration  Identify nature and availability of job
(hh:mm) opportunities
00:00  List various subsectors of beverage
Corresponding NOS
 List the various fruit drinks
 Define fruit juice and its types
Bridge Module
 List the various fruits used for
making squash and juice

2. Organizational  State the roles and responsibilities Protective Gloves,

standards and of a squash and juice processing Head Caps, Aprons,
norms technician Safety Goggles, Safety
 State how to conduct yourself at the Boots, Mouth Masks,
Theory Duration workplace Sanitizer, Safety
(hh:mm)  State the personal hygiene and Manual
08:00 sanitation guidelines
 State the food safety and hygiene
Practical Duration standards to follow in an
(hh:mm) organization

Corresponding NOS
3. Prepare and  Identify different equipment used in Thermometer (Digital),
Maintain Work Area squash and juice processing Beakers, Measuring
and Process  State the materials and equipment Cylinder, Measuring
Machineries for used in cleaning and maintenance of Flask, Weighing
Squash and Juice the work area and machineries Balance (Digital), Brix
processing Meter/ Refractometer,
 State the cleaning processes used
Fruit Tray, Cutting
to clean the work area
Theory Duration Knives, Mixer/Electric
(hh:mm)  Demonstrate the use of different Mixer, Fruit Slicing
08:00 tools and machineries used for Machine, Pulper,
squash and juice Peeler, Steam
Practical Duration  Demonstrate the appropriate method Jacketed Kettle, Slicer,
(hh:mm) for cleaning and maintaining a work Pasteurizer, Sterilizer,
15:00 area to ensure the work area is safe Clarifier, Protective
and hygienic for food processing

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 2

Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
 Identify the set of machines and Gloves, Head Caps,
Corresponding NOS tools required for production Aprons, Safety
Code  Perform cleanliness of the process Goggles, Safety Boots,
FIC/N0101 machineries required for production Mouth Masks,
using recommended sanitizers Sanitizer, Safety
4. Food Microbiology  State the types of food microbes Samples of Fresh and
 State the causes of food spoilage Spoiled Food
Theory Duration
 State the process of food spoilage
and the criteria to check food
Practical Duration  State the need for food preservation
(hh:mm)  State the different types of food
08:00 preservation processes
 Explain the method of assessing the
Corresponding NOS quality of produce based on physical
Code parameters
5. Prepare for  Use basic mathematics for various Thermometer (Digital),
production of calculations in day-to-day processes Beakers, Measuring
Squash and Juice  Plan the production schedule as per Cylinder, Measuring
organizational standards and Flask, Weighing
Theory Duration instructions Balance (Digital), Brix
(hh:mm) Meter/ Refractometer,
 Organize the raw materials,
10:00 Fruit Tray, Cutting
packaging materials, manpower,
Knives, Mixer/Electric
equipment and machineries for the
Practical Duration Mixer, Fruit Slicing
scheduled production
(hh:mm) Machine, Pulper,
20:00  Identify the raw materials required for Peeler, Steam
production as per production Jacketed Kettle, Slicer,
Corresponding NOS schedule and formation Pasteurizer, Sterilizer,
Code  State the methods for storing raw Clarifier, Protective
FIC/N0102 materials for later use Gloves, Head Caps,
 Plan the production sequence to Aprons, Safety
maximize capacity, utilization of Goggles, Safety Boots,
resources, manpower and machinery Mouth Masks,
 Calculate batch size and prioritize Sanitizer, Safety
urgent orders based on the Manual
production schedule and machine
• Inspect the conformance of raw
material quality to company
• Organize quality raw material as per
production process and company
• Check the raw material quality and
• Prepare the raw material for

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 3

Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
• List the effect of manhandling of
fruits on juice
6. Produce Squash and  Explain the processing of Squash Thermometer (Digital),
Juice and Juice Beakers, Measuring
 Demonstrate the pre-extraction Cylinder, Measuring
Theory Duration processes of fruits Flask, Weighing
(hh:mm) Balance (Digital), Brix
 State the procedures used to extract
19:00 Meter/ Refractometer,
the fruit and vegetable juice/pulp
Fruit Tray, Cutting
Practical Duration  Describe enzyme activity in fruit Knives, Mixer/Electric
(hh:mm) processing Mixer, Fruit Slicing
40:00  State the procedure for preparing Machine, Pulper,
juice and squash Peeler, Steam
Corresponding NOS  Describe pasteurization process for Jacketed Kettle, Slicer,
Code fruit juice Pasteurizer, Sterilizer,
FIC/N0103  Describe sterilization process for fruit Clarifier, Protective
juice Gloves, Head Caps,
 State the methods of sterilizing fruit Aprons, Safety
juice Goggles, Safety Boots,
 Demonstrate the method of clarifying Mouth Masks,
fruit juice Sanitizer, Safety
 List the quality parameters of squash
and juice
 Explain aseptic packaging in fruit
processing industry
 Demonstrate the process of
packaging squash and juice
 State the methods for storing raw
materials for later use
 Explain the process of storing
packaged fruit pulp
 State the process of maintaining
storage conditions as per
organizational standards
 State kinds of waste produced and
its disposal
 Demonstrate the process of cleaning
the work area and machines after
7. Complete  State the need for documenting and Food Safety Manual,
documentation and maintaining records of raw materials, Log Books.
record keeping processes and finished products
 State the method of documenting
Theory Duration and recording the details of raw
(hh:mm) material to final finished product

Practical Duration

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 4

Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

Corresponding NOS
8. Food Safety,  State the importance of safety, Protective Gloves,
Hygiene and hygiene and sanitation in the baking Head Caps, Aprons,
Sanitation industry Safety Goggles, Safety
 Apply the industry standards to Boots, Mouth Covers,
Theory Duration maintain a safe and hygiene Sanitizer, Safety
(hh:mm) workplace Manual, Log Books
15:00  Apply HACCP principles to eliminate etc..
food safety hazards in the process
Practical Duration and products
(hh:mm)  Apply safety practices in the work
30:00 area

Corresponding NOS
9. Professional and  Undertake a self -assessment test to
Core Skills identify personal strengths and
Theory Duration  Plan and schedule the work order
(hh:mm) and manage time effectively to
04:00 complete the tasks assigned
 Plan to prevent potential problems
Practical Duration from occurring
(hh:mm)  Analyze issues and problems using
06:00 acquired knowledge and realize the
importance of decision making
Corresponding NOS  Identify potential problems and make
Code sound and timely decision
Bridge Module  Develop your reading skills
 State the importance of listening
10. IT Orientation  Identify parts of the computer Computer/Laptop
 Use the computer keyboard
Theory Duration effectively to type
(hh:mm)  Use ERP effectively to record day-to-
06:00 day activities
 Use the word processor effectively
Practical Duration  Use the spreadsheet application
(hh:mm) effectively
15:00  Use the computer to document day-
to-day activities
Corresponding NOS
Total Duration Unique Equipment Required: Thermometer (Digital), Beakers,
240:00 Measuring Cylinder, Measuring Flask, Weighing Balance (Digital),
Brix Meter/ Refractometer, Fruit Tray, Cutting Knives,
Mixer/Electric Mixer, Fruit Slicing Machine, Pulper, Peeler, Steam

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 5

Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
Theory Duration Jacketed Kettle, Slicer, Pasteurizer, Sterilizer, Clarifier, Protective
90:00 Gloves, Head Caps, Aprons, Safety Goggles, Safety Boots, Mouth
Masks, Sanitizer, Safety Manual, Computer/Laptop
Practical Duration

Grand Total Course Duration: 240Hours, 0 Minutes

Recommend OJT Hours: 80Hours, 0 Minutes

(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by SSC: Food Industry Capacity and Skill

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 6

Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: “Squash and Juice Processing
Technician” mapped to Qualification Pack: “FIC/Q0101, v1.0”

Area Details
1 Description To deliver accredited training service, mapping to the curriculum detailed
above, in accordance with the Qualification Pack “FIC/Q0101”, Version 1.0
2 Personal An aptitude for conducting training, and pre/ post work to ensure
Attributes competent, employable candidates at the end of the training, and pre/post
work to ensure competent, employable candidates at the end of the
training. Strong communication skills, ability to work as part of a team; a
passion for quality and for developing others; well-organized and focused,
eager to learn and keep oneself updated with the latest in the mentioned
3 Minimum  B.Sc. (home Science) /B. Tech./BE in Food Technology or Food
Educational Engineering with 2 years of hands on experience in Squash and Juice
Qualifications Processing Unit or Fruits/Vegetables Processing unit

4a Domain Certified for Job Role: “Squash and Juice Processing Technician” mapped
Certification to QP: “FIC/Q0101, v1.0”. Minimum accepted score is 80%
4b Platform Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”,
Certification mapped to the Qualification Pack: “MEP/Q0102”. Minimum accepted
score is 80 % as per FICSI guidelines.
5 Experience  B.Sc. (home Science) /B. Tech./B.E. in Food Technology or Food
Engineering with 2 years of hands on experience in Squash and Juice
Processing Unit or Fruits/Vegetables Processing unit

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 7

Annexure: Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria
Job Role Squash and Juice Processing Technician
Qualification Pack FIC/Q0101, v1.0
Sector Skill Council Food Processing

Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay
down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, as well as the selected elective NOS/set of NOS.
4. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, as well as the selected optional NOS/set of NOS.
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at
each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
6. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaulations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training center based on this criteria
7. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% of aggregate marks to
successfully clear the assessment.
8. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 8

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
PC.1 Prepare, clean and maintain the
cleanliness of the work area using
25 10 15
approved sanitizers and keep it free
from dust, waste, flies and pests
PC2. Ensure that the work area is safe and
10 3 7
hygienic for food
1. FIC/N0101:
PC3. Dispose waste materials as per defined
Prepare and 15 5 10
SOPs and industry requirements
Work Area PC4. Check the working and performance of
and Process all machineries and tools used for the 100
Machineries pickle making process such as washer, 15 5 10
for Squash peeler, vegetable cutter/slicer, blender,
and Juice packaging machines etc.
Processing PC5. Clean the machineries and tools used
with approved sanitizers following 15 5 10
PC6. Place the necessary tools required for
5 2 3
PC7. Attend the minor repairs/ faults of all
15 5 10
machines, if required
Total 100 35 65
PC1. Read and understand the production
10 4 6
order from supervisor
PC2. Check the availability of raw materials,
packaging materials , equipment 5 2 3
availability and manpower
PC3. Support in planning production
 Grouping products from types of
fruits (pulpy fruits, citrus fruits
 Selecting raw materials that do
not impact the quality of the
2. FIC/N0102: other
Prepare for  Avoiding CIP after each product
Production of 100 15 5 10
 Using the same equipment and
Squash and
machinery for various products
 Planning maximum capacity
utilization of machineries
 Considering the process time for
each product
 Planning efficient utilization of
 Prioritizing urgent orders
PC4. Calculate the batch size based on the
production order and machine 5 2 3
PC5. Calculate the raw material requirement
5 2 3
(considering the process loss) to

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 9

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
produce the required quantity of
PC6. Calculate the raw materials, packaging
materials and manpower requirement 5 2 3
for completing the order.
PC7. Ensure the working and performance
of each equipment required for the 7 2 5
PC8. Calculate the process time for effective
7 2 5
utilization of machineries
PC9. Plan batch size considering full
3 1 2
capacity utilization of machineries
PC10. Plan to utilize machineries for multiple
products without affecting the quality of
3 1 2
the finished products, and to optimize
production and save energy
PC11.Allot responsibilities and help to
5 1.5 3.5
assistants and workers
PC12.Refer the process chart for products
3 1 2
PC13.Weigh the raw materials required for
3 1 2
the batch
PC14.Check the conformance of raw material
quality to organization standards,
through physical analysis and by
10 4 6
referring the quality analysis report
from the supplier/ internal lab analysis
PC15. Sharpen cutter blades and change the
2 0.5 1.5
cutter/slicer blades
PC16. Fix, change, clean filters and sieves of
5 2 3
processing machineries
PC17.Ensure working and performance of
5 1 4
required machines and tools.
PC18.Keep the tools assessable to repair in
2 0.5 1.5
case of faults/ breakdown
Total 100 35 65
PC1. Receive fruits from the
supplier/vendor, check weight and
check quality through physical 2 1 1
3. FIC/N0103: parameters such as appearance,
Produce color, texture, maturity
Squash and PC2. Open valves or start pump to fill water
Juice in the washing tank and control water
level, dump fruits in the washing tank 1 0.5 0.5
for washing or wash and rinse

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 10

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
PC3. Switch on agitator of revolving blades
to immerse fruits in water to remove 1 0.5 0.5
dirt, soil and other impurities
PC4. Start the ladder conveyor to lift the
vegetables from the washing tank and 1 0.5 0.5
to transfer to the conveyor
PC5. Open valves of the high pressure
spraying system for fresh water and
1 0.5 0.5
adjust pressure to spray water on
vegetables for rinsing
PC6. Start and adjust speed of
sorting/inspecting line conveyor to
transfer fruits to inspection station,
2 0.5 1.5
inspect visually and remove damaged,
blemished and rotten fruit; dispose
waste following sop
PC7. Cut fruits manually or load the fruits in
the chopper/cutter/slicer/grating or
grinding machine, adjust controls to
2 0.5 1.5
cut/grate fruits to required size, start
machine and then collect sliced/grated
fruits from the discharge chute
PC8. Start the conveyor and control speed
to transfer fruits to juice extractors (in
case of citrus fruits), crusher and fruit
1 0.5 0.5
mills (for fruits such as apples, pear,
etc.), or stem and seed remover
(grapes and berries)
PC9. Set controls such as speed/rotation of
stem and seed remover machine,
start machine and feed fruits such as
2 0.5 1.5
grapes and berries though conveyor
to remove stem and seed; dispose
waste following sop
PC10.Set controls such as speed/rotation,
feed rate, etc. Of citrus fruit extractor
or rotary press machine to extract
juice from citrus juice ( citrus fruit
extractor), start machine and open
valves to allow citrus fruits to pass 3 1 2
though machine to extract juice;
simultaneously remove peel and
seeds, collect juice flowing though the
discharge outlet in collection tank;
dispose waste following SOP
PC11. Set controls such as speed/rotation
of fruit mills (fruit grinding mill/grater
mill/ hammer mill) depending on the 3 1 2
type of fruit, start machine and open
valves to allow fruits such as apple,

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 11

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
pear, etc. To pass through machine
for grinding fruit into fine grating
PC12. Measure enzymes required for batch
following formulation chart, pump cut/
grated fruit into reservoir tank and add
measured quantity of enzymes (for
1 0.5 0.5
selected fruits like apple), set timer for
fruit-enzyme contact time following sop
and allow to stand for specified time for
enzyme activity
PC13. Adjust controls such as speed/rotation
of pressing machines (hydraulic press/
cloth press/ continuous belt press /
screw press, etc.), start machine and
open valves to allow (enzyme treated)
3 1 2
fruits such as apple, pear, etc. To pass
through machine for extraction of juice
and removal of peel, stem and seeds,
collect juice in collection tank; dispose
waste following SOP
PC14.Open valve of start pump to transfer
fruit juice to filter for removing small
suspended particles (in case of apple, 2 0.5 1.5
pear, etc.), collect filtered juice in
collection tank
PC15. Change sieves or clean sieves of
juice extraction machines to avoid
1 0.5 0.5
clogging; change or sharpen blades of
fruit mills for better grinding
PC16. Check the quality of extracted juice
through physical parameters such as
appearance, color, consistency, flavor, 2 1 1
taste, etc., sample and transfer to
quality lab for analysis
PC17.Set controls such as temperature,
steam pressure, etc. Of vacuum
concentrate machine; start pump to
2 0.5 1.5
allow fruit juice to pass thorough
machine to concentrate fruit juice and
recover aroma (aroma stripping
PC18.Set process parameters such as
pressure, temperature, flow rate, time, 4 1.5 2.5
etc. Of pasteurizer
PC19.Open valves to allow steam to pass
through pasteurizer, observe
temperature and pressure gauge and 4 1.5 2.5
adjust controls to achieve required
pressure and temperature
PC20.Open valves to allow juice to pass to
3 1 2
the pasteurizer, monitor and maintain

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 12

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
process parameters throughout the
pasteurization process (pasteurize
cloudy juice immediately after pressing
PC21. Open valves or start pump to circulate
water through heat exchangers to cool
pasteurized juice, open valves to allow
4 1.5 2.5
pasteurized juice to pass through heat
exchangers to cool to required
temperature, collect in collection tank
PC22.Measure enzymes required for
clarification of juice following
formulation chart, add to the
pasteurized juice in the collection 4 1.5 2.5
tank (for obtaining clear juice), start
stirrer and control speed for uniform
mixing of enzymes
PC23.Open valves or start pump to allow
enzyme treated juice to pass through
4 1.5 2.5
ultrafiltration unit to remove smallest
particles and obtain clear juice
PC24.Check quality of juice through physical
parameters such as color,
appearance, flavor, taste, etc., sample
4 1.5 2.5
and transfer to lab for quality analysis
and to ensure conformance to
PC25. Pump processed juice to the holding
/reservoir tanks and store maintaining
storage parameters until packaging 3 1 2
or further processing (to prepare
PC26. Open valve to admit measured
quantity of water into steam jacketed
3 1 2
kettle/tank, observe gauge or
designated mark for filled quantity
PC27.Measure sugar (add acids if specified
in the formulation) and add it to water
in the kettle/tank to prepare sugar 3 1 2
syrup, turn on mixer/agitator and
control speed to mix ingredients
PC28. Turn valves to admit steam into
kettle/tank, set required pressure,
temperature and time to heat the
solution following sop, observe 3 1 2
pressure and temperature gauge,
adjust valves to maintain set
PC29. Check sugar syrup using
3 1 2
refractometer instrument to conform its

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 13

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
specifications to standards, open
valves or start pump to allow sugar
syrup to pass through filter to remove
undesirable particles and sediments,
collect filtered sugar syrup in storage
or holding tanks
PC30. Start pump to transfer measured
quantity of (single or multiple fruit)
juice concentrate or clarified juice
(depending on type of product
produced) , water, sugar syrup into
blending tank; check pumped quantity
through the level indicator and glass
windows of the tank, add measured 5 2 3
quantity of acids, preservatives, color,
flavor, etc. Following sop, set controls
of stirrer/agitator (mixing speed,
mixing time, etc.) And start mixer,
observe mixing process, collect
sample and check physical
parameters to ensure uniform mixing
PC31. Adjust controls to set temperature,
pressure, etc. Of pasteurizer/heat
exchanger; turn valves to admit
steam, start pump to transfer blended
product into pasteurizer/heat
exchanger, check dials and adjust
gauges to control process 5 1 4
parameters, open valves to allow
water to pass thorough heat
exchanger to cool product, open
valves to collect finished product in
storage tank, to hold until packaging

PC32.Check the quality of finished product

through physical parameters
(appearance, color, consistency,
flavor, taste etc.), sample and transfer 3 1 2
to quality lab for analysis and to
ensure conformance to quality
PC33.Start pump to transfer finished product
into the filling tank of packaging 1 0.5 0.5
PC34.Load packing materials (tetra packs,
glass bottles, plastic containers, etc.)
In packaging machine, sealing
3 1 2
materials (caps, lids, crowns, etc.) In
sealing machine, labels in labelling
machine; set machine for filling

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 14

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
volume, set date coding machine for
date code details (batch number, date
of manufacture, date of expiry, etc.)
PC35.Start automatic packaging machine to
form packaging materials, wash
bottle/plastic containers, fill measured
quantity of finished products, 2 0.5 1.5
close/seal and label, check the weight
of packed product periodically to
ensure its conformance to standards
PC36.Set controls of straw attaching
machine and start machine to attach
1 0.5 0.5
straw in the packaging material (like
tetra pack) of packed product
PC37. Place packed and labelled products in
cartons and transfer to storage area
2 0.5 1.5
and store maintaining storage
conditions following SOP
PC38.Report discrepancies/concerns to
department supervisor for immediate 1 0.5 0.5
PC39. Clean the work area, machineries,
equipment and tools using approved 2 0.5 1.5
cleaning agents and sanitizers
PC40. Attend minor repairs/faults of all
2 0.5 1.5
machines (if any)
PC41. Ensure periodic
yearly/annual) maintenance of all
1 0.5 0.5
machines and equipment following
the SOP or following suppliers
Total 100 35 65
PC1. Document and maintain records of
details of raw materials and packaging
10 6 4
materials as per organizational
4. FIC/N0104: standards
Complete PC2. Document and maintain record on
Documentatio observations (if any) related to raw 5 3 2
n and Record materials and packaging materials
Keeping PC3. Load the raw material details in ERP 100
5 3 2
Related to for future reference
Production of PC4. Verify the documents and track from
Squash and finished products to raw materials, in
Juice 5 3 2
case of quality concerns and during
quality management system audits
PC5. Document and maintain records of
10 6 4
production plan with details

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 15

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
PC6. Document and maintain records of
process details for entire production in
15 9 6
process chart or production log for all
products produced
PC7.Document and maintain records of
batch size, production yield, wastage of
10 6 4
raw materials, energy utilization and
final product produced
PC8. Document and maintain record of
5 3 2
observations or deviations
PC9. Load the production plan and process
5 3 2
details in ERP for future reference
PC10. Verify documents and track from
finished product to ingredients, in
5 3 2
case of quality concerns and for
quality management system audit
PC11.Document and maintain records of
3 2 1
finished products
PC12. Document and maintain records of the
finished product details as per 7 4 3
organizational standards
PC13. Document and maintain record on
observations or deviations related 5 3 2
to finished products
PC14. Load the finished product details in
5 3 2
ERP for future reference
PC15. Verify the documents and track from
finished product to ingredients, in case
5 3 2
of quality concerns and for quality
management system audits
Total 100 60 40
5. FIC/N9001: PC1. Comply with food safety and hygiene
Food Safety, procedures followed in the 5 2 3
Hygiene and organization
Sanitation for PC2. Ensure personal hygiene by use of
Processing gloves, masks ,hair net, ear plugs, 6 1 5
Food boots etc.
Products PC3. Ensure hygienic production of food by
inspecting raw materials, ingredients,
finished products etc. for compliance 5 2 3
to physical, chemical and
microbiological procedures
PC4. Pack products in appropriate
packaging material, label and store
10 4 6
them in designated area free from
pests, flies etc.
PC5. Clean, maintain and monitor food
processing equipments periodically, 5 2 3
using it only for the specified purpose

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 16

Total Marks Allocation
Assessable Out
Assessment Criteria Mark Skills
Outcome Of Theory
(600) Practical
PC6. Use safety equipment such as fire
extinguisher, eye wash unit, first aid kit 10 4 6
when required
PC7. Follow housekeeping practices by
having designated area for 5 2 3
PC8. Follow industry standards like GMP,
10 4 6
HACCP and product recall
PC9. Attend training on hazard
management to understand type of
5 1 4
physical, chemical and microbiological
PC10.Identify, document and report
problems such as rodents and pests to 5 1 4
PC11.Conduct workplace checklist audit
before and after work to ensure safety 5 1 4
and hygiene
PC12.Document and maintain raw material,
process, packaging material to
4 1 3
maintain the effectiveness of quality
PC13.Determine the quality of food using
criteria such as odor, color, taste and
5 2 3
best before date and take immediate
measures to prevent spoilage
PC14.Store raw materials, finished products
and allergens separately to prevent 5 2 3
cross contamination
PC15.Label raw materials and finished
products and store them in different
5 2 3
storage areas according to safe food
PC16.Follow stock rotation based on
10 4 6
Total 100 35 65
Grand Total 500 500 200 300
Percentage Weightage 100 40% 60%
Minimum Pass% to qualify (aggregate): 70%

Squash and Juice Processing Technician 17

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